I am now 180 days in. Holy damn. Feels like a lifetime ago that I’ve last masturbated.. 6 months.. Honestly they’re not that long (in the grand scheme of things, taking into consideration I’ve been doing PMO for 8 years from 13 to 21 years) but alas, still a good accomplishment.
How has my life changed you ask? Well for starters, I don’t hate myself nearly as much anymore.. or hate life and all of humanity. Still have some periods where I do but they’re mostly temporary.. I do not get angry very easily, which used to happen very very often. I used to be angry at a lot of things. Angry at my roommate for sitting in the living room..angry at my friends.. angry at my family for giving me advice.. angry at the milk for being expired.. angry at myself for being angry.. just drenched deep in a whole lot of anger and hate..
but now 180 days later.. I am able to cope with life in a whole lot less angry and hateful way.. in a more loving way.
Thank God .. I am more stable now, I am able to hold frame very easy (i.e. not let random things or people affect me too much). And I cannot and will not claim that I know everything.. or know a lot.. but I think I’m getting better at knowing and understanding myself. ElhamdAllah :).
Thanks for reading and if you would like..
Please share your story as well.
LINK – What 6 months of NOFAP has done to me