This shit really does wonders for you. Life is overall better for me but I know I still have a LONG LONG way to go because I’ve been PMOing since 10 years old (22 now).
Some benefits and things I have experienced:
More confidence
No brain fog anymore
I’m calmer, less angry, I don’t react to bullshit anymore
I go outside more, I never really wanna stay inside
I have realizations about the things I need to work on. (For example, I am absolutely terrible at card games and uno, so I’m trying to become better strategically)
Videogames have become boring to me
Women and Men compliment me more
Better respected amongst others
Sleep schedule is way better, PMOing to sleep doesn’t cross my mind anymore.
Skin is clearer and looks much healthier
Constantly motivated to learn new things
Better body and muscle definition since I started working out
Overall Self-acceptance, strengths and weaknesses, a desire to improve and be smarter
I feel like I can make better choices
Honestly, the “superpowers” I see people talking about in this sub is really you embracing who you are as a person and people can read that and they gravitate towards you. It honestly all starts with you.
LINK – Reached Day 90 for the first time! Thoughts and Benefits I experienced
By aqvila