Today is my 75 day and I relapsed. I didn’t use porn but I feel sorry now and I will try another streak up to 90 days. But I want to share with u want are the benefits so far from quitting porn.
First of all let me introduce myself:
I’m a 22 year old male, training 5-6 times a week (fitness and boxing) , meditating from a year and a half, social active , eating healthy with good sleeping habits. Before i started the NoFap streak I used to masturbate once in a while, sometimes with porn, sometimes not, but now I decided to give up porn completely.
Why? Because it ruins your relationship with woman.
To be honest with you I didn’t experience much of a difference in terms of energy, health and confidence. Maybe that is the reason why I relapsed. But, there is one MAJOR benefit from quitting porn and that is how I perceive woman now. It’s a whole new different experience.
When i look at woman now i see the beautiful nature she is. I notice every single detail like her lips, smile, eyes, hair , how she walks and speaks , everything. I stopped objectifying them , which was a issue before and prevented be to have real connection with women.
Now after I quit porn, and barely masturbate I can say that i am more comfortable around women , more motivated to do things and overall more confident , but i think
I own my confidence not only on NoFap but on other things also. I’m not drowning in pussy , but when i speak to a woman its natural , it gives me joy and women can sense that. They like it.
Also the erections are harder and the libido is way stronger now.
PMO is bad guys, that’s why u should quit it. Don’t give up, if u fail your streak, try again , but remember : NoFap is only one part of the whole puzzle. It’s the first step of rewiring yourself and start facing your inner problems, instead of avoiding them. So keep going, it’s a lifetime journey. I think it’s alright to masturbate once in a while like 1-2 times a month , but don’t use porn, and do it only if u already feel good , not TO feel good , cuz it’s slowly becomes a habit and that’s the reason u are watching porn in the first place. You got addicted.
Now it’s the time to give it up!
LINK – A 75 day NoFap honest report
by infarsa