Age 26 – I needed a blocker

porn recovery

Today I am 30 days P free. It is a great accomplishment, and I intend to go as long as possible without viewing it.

Here is what helped:

1. A covenant eyes subscription – Not necessary since there are lots of free P blockers out there, but I have been using this one for a while now. This is all managed by my older brother who lives in the same house as me. He has agreed to be my accountability partner.

2. Restrictions for iPhone – I have restrictions set on my phone which blocks me from downloading apps or accessing specific sites without permission. Again, this is managed by my older brother.

3. Family app on my PC – Another restriction intentionally set on my PC to block me from downloading apps or accessing specific sites without permission. You guessed it, this is managed by my older brother.

With addiction, I cannot leave the door slightly open. In my experience, this always leads me to relapse. I will eventually open the door to see what is inside, even though I know it is not anything good. I gave myself no choice, and that is the only reason I have gotten this far.

The positive side is this, I do not want to watch P. Not even a little bit. When I turned about 23, I hated P anyway. I only watched it out of habit. I am 26 now.

I am grateful to my brother for his support, and I am grateful to this forum for that as well. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask them.


By: Daggertail19

Source: 30 Days P Free