I don’t get P cravings anymore. And that’s a great success. But at the same time, the battle does NOT end there. Starting to deal with P addiction is just a small branch of the whole tree, DEALING WITH MENTAL HEALTH.
If you dove into P addiction at a young age, I suggest you research the effect of addiction on the teenage brain. I also did cocaine, so I DEFINITELY screwed up my dopamine receptors big time. But look into it, it will shine a light on a whole new set of behaviors that could go by unchecked. This could make you just shift your addictive focus away from P and unto someone else, probably something readily available, like a substance or a loved one. Any addiction wrecks havoc on your brain and requires some sort of recovery planned tailored to you, your brain, your needs, etc. ( not a doctor).
I’m available if anyone needs any help, answer questions, or provide support. I’ve posted my story a few times before. Nofap was the first ray of hope in my recovery process, and the “your brain on porn” TedTalk.
LINK – Day 827 of lifelong awakening.
by DonGiovanni