Age 38 – I had no idea my PIED was related to my porn use

1.Did you have PIED?
Yes, I did.

How bad was it when you started?
I don’t remember when it started and how bad was. It was weird and I never thought it was connected to PM but I had problems getting erect as well to finish intercourse with my wife. When I started my recovery and learned more about it only then I knew that it was connected.

Have your recovered completely from it?
Yes I have.

How is your erection quality, sensitivity and stimulus response to your SO?
Really good, it’s hard to describe but it’s amazing. The thing is it’s now only about stopping PMO, but connecting with your SO, getting vulnerable and intimate, and I don’t mean sex, but finding intimacy on another level with your SO. Having this kind of connection makes our sex so amazing, and well the stimulus-response as well.

2. Did you have PE and have you recovered from it?
Not sure what PE stands for can you elaborate.

3.How is your refractory period? before and after recovery? Can you go more than once in a single day? And how often can you in a week? Do you feel exhaustion after a few times in a week? Or you seem to be back functioning back at optimal levels?
Everything is good I don’t really pay attention and I can go once then once a day and my recovery is good. Listen you concentrating on sex too much, recovery is not just about getting your libido back and see how many times you can go a day or a week. I don’t even think about it, for me, it was to change myself so I can be a better man. I am in control of my emotions and feelings, well still learning but getting better, also be in control of my mind, be healthy. Everything else like an intimate relationship with my wife is a bonus. Don’t get me wrong, it is very important to me, but if I only was trying to do it just for sex and how many I can go a day, it’s a wrong reason to stop, it could be one of the reasons, but there is so much to recovery.

4. How was you libido when you started nofap and how is it now? Back to healthy optimal levels? How long did it take for all of this restore, assuming you had them and recovered?
It was low, I didn’t care about sex and only wanted to PMO. I am not sure how long exactly it took to restore, but I got it back. The thing is everyone is different and you can’t compare to me or anyone else. However, I did start to see differences within a couple of months.

5. How is your mood? Irritability?
Anxiety, anhedonia?
Much, much better than it was.

Background: 330 Days – It seems like it was just yesterday my wife told me that she was done with me and my BS and that our marriage was over.

LINK – Over 3 years free of PM

By Wade W. Wilson