Female – Quit porn, libido coming back


There’s not a lot of posts on here for women, but this sub has definitely been helping me this past few months and just wanted to give an update on my situation. I’ve stopped engaging in pornography for 3 months after noticing that it was becoming impossible to orgasm with my partner. I just started noticing now, after avoiding porn, that I want nothing to do with it.

I tried to see how strong this was for me, and after watching a video I felt disgusted with it and it was so noticeably fake. Instead I’ve found actual intimacy with my partner so much more rewarding and fun as it used to be.

Everyone keep your head up, it certainly does it get better! I just kept actively thinking that I was going to get better, and if I relapsed it would be starting all over again, not just a little mistake.

[My sexual responsiveness is] definitely getting better.

[another poster] F 22 here too. Basically the same situation as you in regards to being able to orgasm. It feels like I’ve lost my libido though. It’s like my body has forgot how to get aroused. Did you have that at any point??

[Reply] Yes! All the time, it was super depressing. I’m starting to get back my libido and actually want to engage in physical activity. I wish you all the best.

LINK – F[22] I’ve been clean for around 3 months

By ltsarah55