I couldn’t be happier with my girlfriend and my PMO free life – I barely even think about porn


Like the title says I just finished my journey of 90 days. I came into contact with masturbation and porn at a very young age, in primary school to be exact. When I was in second grade (I was like 7 or 8) I masturbated for the first time. And I was around 9-10 years old when I first came in contact with porn.

Me and some friends looked at some videos for 3 or 4 times until they got caught by (let’s call him Finn) Finn’s mum. However, I wasn’t with them that time – thank god!

Anyways, they snitched on me and Finn’s Mum told my parents that I was also involved… My parents didn’t really punish me, they just talked to me about it for some time.

I didn’t watch porn until I was 14 (8th grade), however I continued masturbating a few times a week. That was until same friend showed some videos around on his phone (you have to imagine seeing around ten 14 years olds cowering around one crappy smartphone) and I started watching porn at home regularly. While I watched it a few times a week at first, I ended up watching porn multiple times a day, every day.

I stumbled across r/noFap and r/pornfree around 4 months ago. At that time I was at a point where watching porn wasn’t even fun anymore. I can proudly say that I was never into any disgusting or illegal yet the porn I watched didn’t turn me on anymore.

I decided to quit masturbation and lasted for a whole three days until I relapsed. I continued lurking in this sub, reading about all the super powers and success stories and decided fuck it – go hard or go home.

I started my journey on the 19th of February and finished it yesterday. So much happened in those three months, it’s hard to even put it in words.

First thing to change was my mood – I went from being grumpy a lot to being happier and not losing my temper so often. Secondly I had rock hard erections again for the first time in ages!

I don’t want to talk about “superpowers” too much, because I realized that you become in fact just your normal self again – even though those so-called superpowers kept me motivated in the beginning. Besides my rising motivation and self esteem, I noticed some other changes like brain fog being gone, increased focus and willpower as well as me having a lot more energy in general.

To be honest I don’t think my life has changed that rapidly for the better ever before. I implemented a few routines in my every day life, achieved a goal in my business I was aiming for a long time and finally got into contact with the other gender. Before I started nofap I had almost no real sexual experience at all ( I once fingered a girl through her pants but that doesn’t really count imo), however in my three months of nofap I met with a few different girls and realized that PMO is so much less fun than experiencing it in person.

The by far greatest thing is that I finally found love. I met the most beautiful girl a few weeks ago over Tinder, we met and had an instant connection. Things were going pretty fast, we became a couple when we met the second time and she told me she loves me at our third date.

When I was constantly fapping to porn I was always frustrated for still being a virgin at 19 years old (I had my first kiss at age 18 btw) but when I had sex with my girlfriend for the first time I realized it was worth the wait – even though I only lasted for a couple of seconds.

I couldn’t be happier with my girlfriend and my PMO free life – I barely even think about porn and masturbating and I can’t even remember any scenes from videos I used to watch. However, I decided to quit nofap (definitely not going back to porn or binge masturbation tho). I don’t ever wanna go back to watching porn but I am going to masturbate before seeing my girlfriend, basically because I didn’t even last 10 seconds the few times we had sex (if you have any other tips how to last longer in bed please let me know:D).

To come to an end, I have to say that nofap changed my life. Maybe not in a way other people here may have experienced (there’s a lot of bs in this subreddit too) but I figured a lot of things out about myself and life in general.

I was close to relapsing a LOT of times during these 90 days but I’m incredibly proud that I didn’t give into the urges and stayed strong. To everyone thinking about quitting porn or PMO: just do it! Even if you can’t reach 90 days, a week of beeing porn and PMO free is a great achievement if you fap multiple times a day! (Don’t spend your new found free time on this subreddit only, like I did in the first few weeks tho!)

Thanks to everyone in r/nofap and r/pornfree for keeping me motivated and showing me that there’s better stuff out there than pixels on a screen and fucking my own hand! Also sorry for any spelling or layout errors as I’m typing this on my phone.

To everyone reading this: STAY STRONG!

LINK – I did it!!! – 90 days

by LurdVuldi