I’ve had a porn addiction for 7 years and I haven’t watched porn for around 3 months. I really like my sister’s friend (we will call her Abby) but she never seemed like she was into me. It was around 3 months back I was talking with my sister’s friend and I realized that my thoughts were clouded with porn. Not only that but that I subconsciously only saw women as sexual objects.
So I decided to stop watching porn because I realized that it wasn’t healthy for me.
Ever since than I hadn’t noticed a difference, except since yesterday. I’ve noticed that I’m more social, I care about life way more and I see how it’s the little things that count . It just blows my mind, I was at Abby’s school Christmas concert yesterday and none of my friends could make it so I was the only guy there out of my friend group. I was taking with Abby and her friends and making jokes that where actually funny! My jokes are almost always trash. I also got to hold a baby and it was amazing.
After we went to her friends house and played this game where you need to figure out the other people’s pattern. And Abby’s friend was like, “you and Abby should be partners.” I looked over at her and was like that’s a sweet idea. When we where playing the game we were having a blast. And when I drove her home we where talking most of the time.
Guys if you don’t see any changes yet just wait. I had only noticed how much better my life has gotten yesterday and I’m crazy exited. What hurts me the most right now is that I almost relapsed yesterday but then I got invited to the Christmas concert so I decided not to watch porn. When ever I feel the urge to fap I just think about how much that would hurt Abby and how bad it looks.
I hope you all stay strong, the struggle is real, but there is a way out!
LINK – I just realized how not watching porn has improved my life