Make it impossible to watch porn

quit porn

I made it to 90 days, for the first time in my entire life since I started watching porn, it wasn’t easy, it was almost impossible, I was a slave to it, (I haven’t made it yet I’m still an addict and I will keep fighting this addiction forever, you don’t cure addiction after 90 days or 30 days).

Let’s address the problem

We are addicts, addiction is more powerful than us, we can’t challenge it, it will ruin your life and after a session of porn you will be cursing it, you’ll make promises to never watch it again, and boom after 4 days you will start craving it and you will say: just one more time and I’ll start again, you’ll watch porn for 4 hours, and then the same cycle keeps repeating itself.

What worked for me

(You don’t have to do exactly what I did, you can change it and make this plan work for you)
I understood my problem, I can’t stop, I always say this is my last time, then I end up relapsing, addiction is way more powerful than me (that’s why everyone on this forum knows that porn is bad and keeps cursing it yet most of the guys here don’t make it past 2 weeks), so what I did was, finding a way to make it impossible for me to watch porn, even if I want to.

We all watch porn alone, we be hiding in our rooms or the bathroom, so the plan that I did was the following:

I did this every single day for 50 days:

  • when I’m going to bed to sleep, I put the phone in another room, to keep it far away from me, when I need to set an alarm, I put it in the room but I make it hard to reach, either I put it under my bed, or I put it between my clothes, that way I make it hard for me to grab it in 1 second when I’m trying to sleep.
  • when I wake up, I turn off the alarm, and I don’t use my phone, I don’t scroll social media (I stopped using Social media).  I don’t open Youtube, I don’t open anything unless there is a call that I have to make or an email that I have to check.
  • I go make my breakfast and eat it, and then I immediately go to a public library, (If you work online you can work there, if you are a student you can study there, if you don’t have a job you can just sit there and read a book or learn something on your computer or whatever), I would go to the public library, I avoid sitting in the corners, I sit in an open place in the middle ( so that I can’t hide what I’m watching), and I’ll spend half of my day or more there, anything from 5 to 8 hours a day either working, or studying, or just spending my time doing anything on my laptop, of course I go outside to eat lunch.
  • Now I get that this can’t work for everyone, some of you have office jobs, some of you have different things, but my advice will be, if you can minimize the time you spend alone, do it, you can spend it in a public park, go to a gym, or anything that can work.

My final advice would be, make it impossible for you to watch porn, don’t take it to an extreme insane level, don’t do stupid stuff, but make it hard for you.

And finally, you don’t have to do what I did, that is what I did and what worked for me, I’m not even encouraging anyone to do the same as I did, but if you want to, go for it.

By: ThePerspicacious

Source: 90 days PMO free – How to stop watching porn