The first time I posted here was 6 months ago. I had gotten to 21 days and wanted to start posting to help me a long the way. After a struggle with a few relapses, I am happy to say I made it past 100 days!
This is all about progression, it has taken me about a year to get to this point, trust the process.
In terms of benefits, its been amazing.
I’ve focused my energy on fitness, I have been doing intense body weight and cardio and the results have been incredible. I’m talking being able to run 10 kilometers (6.2 miles) everyday for 5 days straight then doing 30km (18.6 miles) on the 6th for weeks on end. On those same days I’ve been able to do 400+ press-ups, 50 pull ups, 18 mins of abs and more. There is no way I would of ever had the energy or motivation for all this without keeping my energy.
My skin has cleared up very well and trust me that’s something I never expected, I’ve tried everything in the past, different products and diets that never worked.
I’ve been working on music a lot too, keeping really productive during this quarantine.
Thanks to everyone keeping me motivated in this sub. We can all do this.
LINK – 100+ Days, its been amazing.
By eiffe1