I’ve met a wonderful girl and I luckily found out that I had PIED.
I consumed porn for at least 10 years and could masturbate for 20mins without problem.
I’ve met the girl about a month ago and we tried to get intimate multiply times, but I couldn’t bring it up. I started to question myself and my sex life and if it ever will be possible for me to get a boner again. I started to get depressive and started to look for answers.
I visited the doctor, message was simple: all good! Then started to Google for the problem and I’ve saw a site about PIED. I’ve looked a little bit closer into it and all made sense in that moment.
I immediately stopped to fap and watch porn. I was afraid of losing this girl. After 3 weeks I started to fap, without porn imagination or a girl in my mind. Gently without a death grip or pressure. It took me 30 minutes and I was happy and not exhausted but I got a boner. A week later I’ve slept at her place and we got intimate again. I also couldn’t bring it up again, I was angry in that moment and she directly noticed it.
However later the day, we spoke about the topic and I also confessed my problem with porns. She was calm and said it is okay. She just asked me if I’m still watching and I told her no. Her smile was a pleasure!
After that everything went up. I had two O that night. The only thing I needed was a little bit help from her and speaking everything of my mind.
Edit: both times I came within seconds. However, don’t lose your mind this will also improve in future. The first time were like 20 seconds. The second time already about a minute. Use your tongue.
In short following things helped me during my PIED:
-This wonderful girl
-Speaking about my problems
-No Porn anymore!
-less fapping
-Reddit and all the tips and information you’ve shared!
One small notice: I’m still not cured to 100% but it’s more than before and I’m more than happy. Feel free to ask question. I will delete my account in 24 hours.
Thank you all for this great help!
LINK – Thank you for everything, I’m deleting my account
by wtschaf