One man suggested:
During the day video flashbacks of porn movies you have viewed in the past might come to your mind, trying to get you to view porn and masturbate. Try this technique if you want to blow them to smithereens and to start associating them with the pain and negative feelings you feel after masturbation.
If a movie scene pops up in your head, in your imagination put it on the screen in an imaginary theatre and let it play and place yourself in the audience alone. Throughout this don’t concentrate on the scene at all, as soon as it’s on the screen fast forward it and picture what happens to you after watching it, masturbation, loneliness, grief, inertia, dullness etc etc etc.
After this rewind it back to the start before you put yourself in the theatre and imagine a whole bunch of TNT in it and blow the whole theatre up. This will help you to associate the flashbacks with the negative feelings you feel after masturbation, strengthen your choice muscles, teach you that you control the flashbacks and not the flashbacks you, and hopefully get rid of them once and for all since your blowing them to smithereens.