Most countries are getting around the “masturbation is NEVER a problem” medical nonsense by studying “Internet addiction” (instead of breaking it down into porn, gaming, whatever). Very clever. Shuts up the narrow-minded “experts” who are delusional about the porn’s effects.
The study below found that OCD is a typical *result* of this addiction. In other words, you aren’t crazy when you develop HOCD. And this has nothing to do with who you *really* are. Your addiction just kicked your ass. You will heal, but it will take time.
Eighteen percent of a study participants were considered to be pathological Internet users, whose excessive use of the Internet was causing academic, social, and interpersonal problems.8 Excessive Internet use may create a heightened level of psychological arousal, resulting in little sleep, failure to eat for long periods, and limited physical activity, possibly leading to the user experiencing physical and mental health problems such as depression, OCD, low family relationships and anxiety.4
…Obsessive-compulsive symptoms are the most related symptoms in both genders in Internet addicts.