Is porn making my social anxiety/confidence/depression/anxiety/OCD/bipolar worse?

social anxiety

Is porn making my social anxiety/confidence/depression/anxiety/OCD/bipolar worse? Scroll down for a sample of the many stories we have heard.



A Period of Abstinence from Masturbation and Pornography Leads to Lower Fatigue and Various Other Benefits: A Quantitative Study (2022)

[Three weeks of abstinence from porn and masturbation] reduced mental and physiological fatigue. Furthermore, medium effects were discovered in measures of increased wakefulness, activity, inspiration, self-control, and reduced shyness.


Said a recovering porn user:

I knew I was more than I appeared to be. More knowledgeable, funnier, more socially intelligent. I had all of these skills, but I couldn’t use them. It was like driving a Ferrari and being stuck in 1st gear.

Is too much porn the cause? It may well be. Since we wrote our first article raising the possibility of a link between social anxiety and heavy Internet porn use, recovering porn users continue to report a reduction in social anxiety as one of the most common improvements when they stop using Internet porn. See for example: I’m still myself but I’m free of the shackles we call social phobia.

We are not saying that Internet porn is the primary cause of social anxiety or depression in young men. No one knows what percentage of those with SAD have porn use as a contributing factor because no researchers have studied what happens to social anxiety when guys quit porn for a few months. Streaming Internet porn is a fairly new phenomenon, no porn-virgin control groups are possible, and few studies have even asked about social anxiety and porn use. Here are a couple that address shyness and social development in connection with porn use:

In his 5 minute TED Talk, “The Demise of Guys” famous psychologist Phillip Zimbardo noted that “arousal addiction” (porn, video games) is a major factor in social anxiety. Also see Zimbardo’s book: Man, Interrupted: Why Young Men are Struggling

Listen to podcast on the connection between social anxiety and porn

Here are the comments of some guys:

First guy: About a month ago I decided to give up PMO. I ended up going 14 days total without masturbation. During this time my mood was never better. I’ve been going to a therapist to resolve my emotional issues but I was at the point where I cancelled appointments because I felt great and just wanted to continue feeling great. The next day I got a huge craving/thought about a porn actress that I liked and ended up binging. I never realised how addicted I was to porn until that day. It was a rush of “oh my god I need this right now” but the release I felt was incredibly empty.

I binged the next day and the emotional hell that I’ve experienced for years came back. I was incredibly surprised to realize that a lot of my emotional issues were related to stopping PMO so I tried another week. I gave a weak excuse and binged. This time old feelings of suicidal and despair came back. It was a nightmarish 3 days but I started my recovery again. It’s been 9 days since PMO and I’m back to my balanced self. I don’t have the social anxiety, or fear that something bad will happen to me, that I used to. My depression is gone and I’m not worried about anything. Things that would make me angry are now a thing of the past. I was at a local music show recently and someone shoved me while passing through. I ended up shoving them back and not worrying at all about the consequences. This confidence that I have feels great and can only get better with time. My goal is a full 8 weeks.

Second guy: I look at the girls and wow they are marvelous creatures. Their long hair, their magnificent laughter and their awesome curves. I`m not flatlining anymore so to speak. It’s like girls have a device for picking up on excess sexual energy, and yeah I`m on their radar! It’s funny how isolating this addiction can be. A few weeks of abstaining can show you have easy it is to make contact with everyone. Just smile and say, “hi.”

Third guy: That’s a familiar feeling. You just suddenly realize that you’re not suffering of social anxiety anymore.

Fourth guy: I quit at the beginning of 2012. Before that I was constantly trying to cure my anxiety. I spent 2 years in therapy and was constantly trying to restructure my thoughts, but there were times, especially around girls i didn’t know, where I would get these panic attacks. It wasn’t even my thought process; it was just an automatic. Since quitting, that has completely gone away. I have no more social anxiety. I’m not depressed anymore because of that, and many people, including my family, have commented on how I am not so shut in and irritable all the time. This lack of panic attacks could not be a placebo. There are times when I think I’m gonna have one and I just don’t. It’s not a confidence thing, it’s a change in brain chemistry.

It took time. I was still getting some panic attacks around day 64. There were also times during my reboot where i felt like I got worse socially. I felt a lot more confident, but was all of a sudden was socially clueless.What happened with me was I felt things would all come to me way to naturally, when instead, i now realize I still have to try and put forth an effort. I was sitting there and just thought that I would magically start being fun and social. I realize now this was wrong.

I can also say for sure that it was when i started watching a lot of porn around age 15 that things really started to take a turn for the worse. I was a promising athlete who could have been a really great player, but i basically lost my drive to improve and stopped practicing everyday. After quitting, I regained that drive and passion to play. I hate the fact that its too late to make a college career out of it.

Fifth guy: Change ‘porn’ or ‘fapping’ to some other addiction, and it might be easier to see why there is so much fervor for some people. If you’re not addicted, you are like a casual drinker who sees if he can go a month without drinking. At the end of the month, you say ‘hmmm, that wasn’t so bad, but I think I’ll go out with my buddies and have a drink’. You can do so, because you’re probably not an alcoholic.

But many of the people on here have addictions to masturbation and/or porn. For them, they see some of the same type of life/health benefits that an alcoholic would see after a few months of being sober. The first few weeks are hard … VERY hard. And the benefits are pretty obvious.

But for many of us, that’s because we weren’t fully functioning in society. People’s descriptions of superpowers are really just normal powers. Imagine if someone came up to you and said “dude, I’ve developed the superpower of being able to make it through the day without pissing myself”. You’d probably think they were crazy until they said “oh yeah, I am an alcoholic”. Many of the superpowers described by nofappers would sound equally laughable to someone who is not stricken by some of the social anxieties and other issues brought on by Internet/porn addiction (for example, many nofappers are incredulous that without porn they’ll actually talk to women, and that women will talk back … to them, the lack of social anxiety, the ability to get an erection at 20-something, and willingness of women to recognize them are considered super powers).

The thing about porn is that it has crept up on society as a major problem. It is easy to hide, the side effects are less obvious than drinking/drugs, and it is typically done outside of the view of others. It’s often easy to spot a hardcore alcoholic, but can you spot a hardcore porn addict? The internet has made instant gratification so incredibly easy, and the rush so strong, that it is no wonder that 20,000+ people are trying to rid themselves of it.

Sixth guy: I asked my therapist about this and he asked another therapist expert in addictions. He told me that it is true porn causes a reaction in the brain that causes you to not be social. I’m very socially awkward and I have social anxiety. I can’t hold a conversation if my life depended on it. I think I can reclaim my life by stopping porn. I’ve been watching this vile shit since i was 8, now 21. So thank you 4 making this presentation and giving this info.

Seventh guy: NoFap cured my social anxiety. Hands down. 125 days in, I went from a pussy at work, afraid of my boss, just taking orders. Now, I’m more of a leader, I am confident in myself and more focused, no social anxiety at all. Now it seems like my boss is afraid of me.. haha, no, but seriously i think NoFap could help your anxiety immensely. I would give it a try.

If you were very social before you began using Internet porn, the chances are good that your social anxiety will reverse itself fairly quickly. You should see improvements within two weeks of stopping intense stimulation via porn/masturbation/fantasy/climax.

If you were socially anxious before you stumbled upon the nakedness of the Internet, you are still likely to notice improvements when you give your brain a rest from extreme stimulation. However, you’ll have to make a concerted effort to get connected with others. There are many ideas here. and in this article: 44 Experts Reveal How to Overcome Social Anxiety (hint: you don’t have to face your fears).

Many people suffer from social anxiety, so there’s lots of support available. Browse the Web for good forums. And start connecting with real people in small ways. Walk through a public area and try making eye contact with a few people. Then try smiling at a few. Then try nodding or speaking a greeting. Be patient and give yourself credit for your progress, however slow.

Reversing addiction-related brain changes likely play a role in reported benefits. Addictions cause a decline in dopamine (D2) receptors, which is a major aspect of desensitization. Recent Internet addiction brain studies all show the same brain changes as found in substance addicts, including reduced dopamine D2 receptors and dopamine transporters.   Dopamine balance is critical for peak social functioning. Indeed, research shows that social anxiety correlates with low dopamine (D2) receptors. The drug-like withdrawal symptoms that recovering users often suffer when they stop are more evidence of an addiction process at work.

Incidentally, porn use has to alter more than just the fundamental addiction pathways (in some brains). It’s striking how frequently porn addicts report chronic sexual dysfunction, which reverses itself as they recover. This doesn’t happen with other addictions. These broader effects may help explain loss of mojo. Could porn addiction, because it hijacks sexuality, have the power to interfere with the brain circuits that govern normal male mating/courting behavior?

Primates, D2 receptors and dominant males:

  • First question: What’s one primary biological difference between dominant and submissive primates? Dominant primates have higher levels of dopamine D2 receptors. They were not born with higher levels of D2 receptors, rather “becoming” a dominant male caused the increase.
  • Inducing addiction in these same primates resulted in the same low levels of D2 receptors in all the males.
  • Second question: During rebooting, are reported increases in confidence, sociability, and motivation related to regaining dopamine D2 receptor or dopamine levels?

Finally, low dopamine signalling has long suspected to be involved in depression. Recently, research confirmed that low dopamine is the main player in depression and low motivation. From the researchers;

“the VTA dopamine circuitry we studied is very similar in both rodents and humans. And we have shown that the neurons in this circuit specifically cause, correct and encode diverse symptoms of depression. This is a significant advance in our understanding of the biological underpinnings of depression and related behaviors,”

The good news is that many former users bloom socially when they allow their dopamine signalling to return to baseline (by skipping intense stimulation for a time). Fears and awkwardness decrease, mood improves, sexual responsiveness increases, colors seem brighter, and life’s subtler pleasures are more fulfilling. Social skills often bubble up naturally—much to the surprise of the recovering users. On the other hand, when they relapse, the familiar symptoms arise again. Eventually, they find a balance that works for them, often without Internet porn (because it’s just too stimulating at a brain-chemical level).

Here are comments from recovering users:


Day 60: My experiences so far- Totally worth it!

I am 26 and have been addicted to PMO since the age of 14. I started with “normal” porn but eventually escalated to extreme genres and fetishes. For years I wondered why I was so anxious and awkward around people. Why had I never had a girlfriend? Other people seemed to naturally connect and have affection for each other, but I always felt like I had to fake it, as if I wasn’t human. I also lacked motivation. I was content wasting hours mindlessly browsing the internet while many of my friends moved forward with their lives. I never knew what “normal” felt like. I assumed there was something wrong with me compared to other people.

Anyway, 60 days in and I already feel like a new person. I have experienced so many benefits that I cannot even list them all here, but below is an overview of experiences from my first 7 weeks. The first benefits showed up 3-4 weeks in:

  • More confidence and emotional stability. A newfound sense of virility.
  • Less desire to waste excessive time browsing the internet and playing video games
  • Stronger and healthier attraction to women (not just looking at body parts)
  • Stronger, richer voice. Became more articulate.
  • Less social awkwardness. More desire to be around people.
  • Fog seemed to lift off of my life. Day-to-day life began seeming more interesting.
  • Stronger desire to exercise. Better able to maintain an exercise routine. Feeling stronger, increased endurance.
  • Less attraction and addiction to sugary junk food.
  • More energy in general for day-to-day life. Stronger desire to make the most of free time and spend time outdoors.
  • Huge increase in motivation. Procrastinating day-to-day chores far less. Becoming more neat and organized.
  • Mind feels sharper and clearer. Better able to stay focused on tasks.

I am so mad at psychologists and psychiatrists

these people have so much college education apparently  yet they couldn’t tell me that my anxiety was caused by porn addiction?  i cant tell you how many different doctors i went to and they all tried to make me go to counseling, give me pills, but guess what? I have finally been able to connect with people and realized that when i went 40 days of no pmo, no mo, i have less anxiety then i could ever remember. wtf is wrong with doctors today?

Age 16 – Nofap changed my life… Priceless benefits

Age 20 – I thought I would be socially awkward forever

NoFap and Asperger.


Hey Fellas,

I haven’t touched porn in years and my longest streak with no masturbation is 440 days. I talk about my experience with porn and masturbation, and how it affects social anxiety in this video.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any questions.

Since [I quit fapping], I have met a girl, been going out more, and have made new friends.  This is huge for me considering that all my life I have had social anxiety and have always been introverted. For the first time in my life, I am becoming much more social and it feels incredible. Words cannot explain how happy I am.

Age 18 – For the first time in my life, I am becoming much more social and it feels incredible. Words cannot explain how happy I am.

OCD 80% improved after only 30 days – Age 45 – More energy, Anxiety pretty much gone, More confidence, Less OCD symptoms, Brain fog gone, More loving feelings towards others

Unexpected personal achievement: communal showers. Something I didn’t expect happened today and I’m pretty sure that its thanks to NoFap. It’s probably gonna sound silly to you, but for me it’s huge ! Since I finished high school, I never had the courage to use communal showers at the gym/pool/etc. It had nothing to do with my weight or the size of my junk, I have a somewhat normal body (at least for now) and slightly above average dick. Its just that whenever I would get close to them, it felt like every cell in my body was screaming at me that I didn’t belong in there with all the other real men. So I would always use stalls or skip showering if there wasn’t any.

But earlier today after I finished my workout, I walked next to the stalls and continued to the open area. It wasn’t really a conscious thing, I sure wasn’t planning on doing it when I got to the gym, it simply felt natural. Even tho I knew there were guys already showering there, I wasn’t afraid or uncomfortable in any way. It was quite packed and I had to use a shower head right between 2 dudes much more buffed than me, but I didn’t care. I just showered like everyone else without any anxiety. I even made small talk with the other guys which is also remarkable, I’m usually really bad at it when fully dressed so doing it naked surrounded by people is incredible.

I’m only on day 5, but I already feel much more confident and socially comfortable than a week ago, or any point in the last 6 years for that matter. My cock also seems to enjoy this break, as I noticed that the skin looks more hydrated and the head has a healthier color. I’m usually a grower, but today it was more of a shower, and while visually my balls are the same, they somehow feel fuller. I must admit that I had some doubts when I started this thing, but they’re all gone now ! I can’t believe this is all happening for real, and I have this amazing and supportive community to thank for !!!

Today I withdrew from 20 mg of Adderall (I have ADHD and take it as prescribed). Typically, on days I miss my meds, I experience intense withdrawal symptoms – lethargy, depression, etc. Today  however, I haven’t experienced any withdrawals. I’m assuming it’s due to the whole “increased dopamine receptor sensitivity” thing, but I’m still amazed by this. Interesting observation

I think it’s because of PMO. When I was a little kid I didn’t have any social problems, now I have social anxiety/awkwardness and fear of eye contact. Since I’m doing NoFap I can make eye contact more easily and my anxiety/awkwardness got better, It’s still there, but it’s better now. Link

I don’t care what the rest of reddit says; porn use definitely causes (or at least exacerbates) depression and anxiety.

The difference is night and day for me, even when just in “moderation”.

I have much more energy. I’m starting to get the sense of drive back for things. I feel much more comfortable with who I am, as I have nothing to feel shameful for.

Even though I feel all of this, the occasional urge comes to me. It’s scary how powerful porn is on the brain.

Seriously, screw porn.

NoFap and my Borderline Personality Disorder

I have bpd and I have been fapping since my teenage years (now I am 35) . Now I have learned that Porn and masturbation addictions were the easy escape for me. Being bpd is like being a man walking without an emotional skin. Even the slightest triggers are able to burn you and makes your feelings hit the roof. I used to watch porn and masturbate for more than a decade of my life which I won’t get back. It gave me instant gratification, it gave me a rush of dopamine when I was emotionally down or under stress, but it toke a lot from me… it toke the joy of life the joy if interacting with people. I turned into an introvert whose life is mostly indoors and without social life. I waited for the time to pass and to get home coz I didn’t want to interact with people, I have satisfaction to myself. But now i know it was a false satisfaction. It’s not compared by any means to real human interactions and to real human feelings.. it was fake. A fake world that I kept myself in away from real joy of life and from experiencing being Human. It gave me more social anxiety. It gave me depression, I was constantly seeking more dopamine through porn coz my brain got desensitised to it. My brain didn’t enjoy natural dopamine release because it was in a total mess .

Now I have taken the decision to stop fapping. I can see progress. I can feel being human again like I used to feel long ago. It is not an easy journeyI know. But it really worth the fight for it. The fight to reclaim yourself and your human being… Every time I face the crises mode I visit this subreddit, and you guys gives me the push I needed by reading your stories and your real life experiences. I thank you for sharing and here I am sharing my story with you.

15 days in and the most noticeable/beneficial effect is definitely my ability to maintain eye contact.

Getting better at creating and maintaining eye contact was a huge issue for me for a long time, and I was actively working on it. When I would make eye contact, sometimes the urge to break it was so powerful, it seemed impossible to maintain it through an entire conversation. Now I’m two weeks into NoFap, and eye contact is SIGNIFICANTLY easier. I feel no shame staring at someone in the eyes throughout a whole conversation, and I feel that I am having better conversations and making better connections because of it.

I used to have to really actively make myself look people in the eye, but over the last week or so, I have noticed myself automatically making and holding eye contact without much effort.

Has anybody else noticed/enjoyed this effect? I’m pretty sure it’s a real benefit of NoFap and not a placebo but who knows.

Nofap is gold

I now see decrease in my social anxiety. I suffered from anxiety for more than 4 years and now at last it’s going extinct. For all of you think nofap is fake, you are a total idiot.

I tried all method to stop social anxiety. Medication, meditation, improving social skills etc but none of them worked.

I tried personal coaching for 2 years and yet didn’t see much improvement. I don’t know how it gets better with nofap but I can assure you it certainly does get extremely better. Just give nofap a go and see how your results skyrocket.

This is it guys. Just do nofap and you will see life again.

I’ve become sarcastic and i have a newfound ego

From day 1-30 i didn’t really notice a drastic change. i had all the normal things like facial hair growth, muscle mass, deeper voice. yada yada. Which is amazing.

Now I’ve just reached day 40 and something has changed, like i honestly DON’T GIVE A SHIT about what anyone thinks or what i do. My mind is not overthinking anything which is very scary for me since i’m a quiet person and don’t really have much to say. but i love it so far.

My Sarcasm is far unmatched in with my friends and people i know. Not in a bad way, but the wit i have and how fast without hesitation i’m actually funny

Ex: Went to a Halloween party this weekend, not usually the mingling type kinda just sit back and watch everyone. BUT i ended up at a table with 3 women and a few guys, talking and keeping up conversations like i actually fit in. Amazing.

Also at the party this question came up from a card game and i grabbed it, Said, does porn turn you on and when was the last time you watched it? so naturally laughed and looked at everyone said with a straight face and said 40 days and nights. The look on their faces were priceless and they didn’t believe me lol.

NoFap kills Social Anxiety COMPLETELY

The main problem in my life always was social anxiety, the absence of any social skills and ability to talk. Even when I was 4-5 years old, I remember how I was not able to say hello to my kindergarten crush, and when she hugged me, I was paralyzed and nervous af. Middle school bullying strengthened my anxiety, and every time when I met new people, I have these anxious thoughts about rejection and how they will make fun of me because I’m too shy and too awkward. Now I am 17. During my life, I had only 2-3 friends at one time, and most of the time was sitting at home being afraid of any social interactions. Maybe it sounds familiar to some of you.

One year ago my parents and I decided that I will study abroad this year, what actually happened, and now I’m writing it in a school library in a whole different country. I arrive at school in October, in a whole another country, full of teenagers from different countries. That time was one of the worst periods of my life. There is no bullying here, but I started feeling lonely here. If in my country I have a couple of friends and my best friend was from my class, here I had nobody. I was really depressed for a long period of time while everyone had fun. At one point, I’ve decided that social anxiety is the thing that I need to overcome somehow. After watching videos and reading articles, I remembered about NoFap. To be honest, I do not remember how I found NoFap, it was a long time ago, and I was not taking it seriously. And also, I didn’t know that NoFap helps you with social confidence. It just appeared in my mind, probably after another session of masturbation. I noticed that I feel tired after jerking off, which affects my studies. I made deeper research into NoFap, and when I was reading one article about the benefits of NoFap, I saw these familiar words. Social Anxiety. Nofap helps with social anxiety. I was shocked. No fuckng way it can help me. A started deeper research about NoFap affection of it on Social Anxiety and found out that it is not a magical cure for it and sometimes it does not help. NoFap gives you confidence but if you had severe social anxiety it will not save you from it.

Anyways on the first day of 2021, I started my journey and my first big streak was 7 days. For 4 months my biggest streaks were 7-9 days but at one point I motivated myself enough to go through urges and to not listen to my brain for a little amount of time and now I am here (my day counter). And if you are wondering does it help me with my social anxiety. No, it doesn’t help at all. IT FUCKING DESTROYS IT. Yesterday I was dancing with a speaker in my hand in front of my crush and she was laughing. After this, I asked her to help me with math and it ended up with a very deep 2-hour dialogue. It was a hot girl and I have a crush on her. I was not nervous at all. I was feeling like real alpha. So if you wondering if nofap can cure your social anxiety and awkwardness, just stfu and start.

Nofap eliminated my social anxiety

I’m only on day 22 and I don’t feel shy anymore, I can talk to random people and actually have fun without feeling nervous, I smile at them and they smile back. even though it was one of the hardest things I ever done starting nofap was probably the best decision I’ve ever made. “On the other side of suffering there is greatness” – David Goggins Stay strong guys we will make it!


I also thought i had social anxiety, but after a year of nofap and relapsing at times, i realized that i never had social anxiety.

Massive life success 7 weeks in WOW. Experienced shared

OCD symptoms: A major life shift i noticed is I have got rid of my perfectionist illusion, I don’t make plans anymore, I’m not too bothered of my house being super clean  to the dot, I am a lot more organized and mature that I feel my anxiety has reduced from getting things right. The concept of perfection is impossible has hit me at last.

I have BPD, and on nofap I am less sensitive to rejection.

Like it says, I have BPD, and because of that I am very sensitive to even imagined rejection. I get this real bad feeling when I feel rejected, and It’s significantly easier to deal with on 33 day’s of nofap. My depression isn’t as bad as usual ether. I’m always looking for a chance to get hard, or have sex now throw. It’s just a constant buz of gett laid now.

I love nofap!!! I can actually talk to people!!!

It’s only been 21 days, and I already notice a difference. I couldn’t talk to my parents without getting super defensive and hostile. Now I am much more chill

NoFap conpletely obliterates my anxiety. It’s gone. Completely gone.

It’s such a big contrast I sometimes worry about me being so relaxed all the time like wtf am I suddenly a stone cold psychopath or something? I literally don’t care what anybody thinks of me anymore.

Fucking amazing.

Social Anxiety Barely Noticable

I started a new job today and it was fantastic. Usually my social anxiety would have me all stressed out for the first month of started at a new place. Today I barely noticed my social anixety at all and was able to meet new people and be comfortable being myself. Of course I have been doing alot of work on myself other than nofap but I belive no fap is starting to make a difference in my life for the better. I am excited to see what happens going forward. For anyone with social anxiety I recommend the book No More Mr. Nice Guy by Dr Robert A. Glover. This book is amazing for anyone looking to become more of a man and become comfortable with who they are as a person

What has changed after 5 months of NoPMO

  1. I work out at the gym for 40 min + 10 min of sauna every day; super close to a six-pack. My testosterone has probably gone through the roof.
  2. I go to sleep at 9 pm and wake up at 5-6 am.
  3. I stick to a clean diet and take care of my health.
  4. I have an abundance of energy.
  5. I read a book every week.
  6. I excel at work.
  7. I socialize a lot.
  8. My shyness and social anxiety are gone.
  9. I am doing my best to control my finances and stay frugal.
  10. I am planning to launch a startup.

Nofap helped me me talk to people now..

I’m on day 37 of not jerking off and I used to be scared talking to people because, i got a bad lisp and people would make fun of me online. Well, I started to talk to random people online and I don’t care if people make fun of me and I met a new friend!! If I was still jerking off, I would be still depressed and scared to talk to people! Thank God for NoFap! I recommend people to join us!!

Porn and mental health

So what I noticed about my relapse yesterday is that all of my mental problems (which were absolutely minimal on nofap/ no-porn) are back full force after a heavy relapse yesterday. Interesting observation. Will go on another streak starting today! I may fall down, but I’ll never stop getting up.

Mental health has increased, but ironically, it has caused my porn habit to come back?

So, recently, I started working full-time at a job that I love, and it has been one of the greatest things to ever happen to me in my entire life. I push myself to work a lot of hours, and have certain goals to make a certain amount of money each week. I have almost no more anxiety and depression, but I’m a lot more stressed, if that makes sense.

I tend to get horny when I’m stressed out. Stress doesn’t actually turn me on at all, it’s just that it causes my libido to increase, in a very similar way that most people experience a drop in libido when they experience stress. So, high stress + low anxiety + low depression = MEGA libido increase.

Another thing that I have started doing is meditation. Again, it has been wonderful, but it has caused me to have more sexual and romantic thoughts about women. I think what’s going on is that it has caused a lot of my sexual inhibitions to be removed.

Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m happier than I’ve been than at almost any other point in my life – but this has caused my libido to come back in full force. I’ve gotten off to porn probably six or seven times in the past 24 hours.

I’m not sure what I’m hoping to gain by sharing this post. Maybe just to share my story? Or to see if anyone has experienced the same or similar? I appreciate any feedback. Thank you! 🙂

long term nofap hard mode effects

Social anxiety is gone completely and my introversion is gone. I am now very social and women seem to love me. They seem drawn to me and stay around finding it hard to stop talking with me even when they may be late to things. My voice is deeper and i get random erections constantly. I also get these at awkward times. Porn disgusts me now and i prefer real women to porn. It disgusts me because of what it does to the people involved in the industry. Thanks nofap for the support

Noticing major decrease in social anxiety

It’s really amazing to actually be aware of the difference after such a short amount of time..I don’t feel the need to look away from people and can look them in the eyes and have conversations…I am just in awe that constant fapping can cause these issues. This realization is a testament to keep going. Note: I am on a day between 12-18 if you don’t count edging, but I started to be strict with it so I reset my counter 6 days ago to go full nofap. edit: also am beginning the interview process for a new job I am after, something I just haven’t done but should have been doing…it seems like my energy and confidence are slowly coming back.

Benefits you feel 4 weeks in….!

Benefits I’ve Experienced:

1. Lots of Energy

2. Urges are way less than the first two-three weeks

3. Discipline to a whole new level

4. Low Social Anxiety

5. Overall you just feel great and feel mentally clearer and more focused

I’ve noticed I’ve became far more charismatic as well during my recovery. Last time when I went to school, one of the girls were looking at me and was commenting on how intelligent I was based on my test scores and how I looked like one of those college professors that looked way too young to be in college. When I heard that, I pulled out a funny impersonation of a college professor and it went something like this:

Me: Alright class. Today we’re going to be learning about the basics of Neurons, Dopamine, and Stimulus.

Random Girl: I don’t even know what any of this stuff means nervous laugh

Me: If you hush up, I can tell you.

Random Guy: Hey teacher. Why do we got to learn all this stuff?

Me: Because this is college and in college, we always teach you useless things that you will never use in day to day life.

Everyone started laughing when I said that and I felt so happy and at ease with everyone. This is by far one of my favorite benefits of NoFap. permalink

That’s something I’ve noticed as well, I’m much more calm and confident in my conversations and I don’t think like “oh man I must find something to talk about” like now conversations just come out so naturally and I’m loving it, whenever I’m almost relapsing I just remember the benefits and I think how priceless they are and how it’s way better than PMO. permalink

Porn turns me into a social retard and I hate it.

I’ve noticed that if I abstain for even a couple days I’m far more outgoing and conversational. But if I start my day PMOing, I totally shutdown. Can’t read social cues. Hate talking to people. Makes my day 100% worse.

Still struggling, though. I wish I could just throw my phone in the trash, but I’m too reliant on it.

FunkeyMonkey405 [link no longer available]

I’m the same way. I feel like this is a side effect of porn that isn’t talked about enough


Pretty much, and PIED


Same here


Always happen to me as well. Porn can be debilitating in many ways


This happens to me as well exactly as you described. its hateful 🙁


Absolutely agree with you. I feel like every aspect of my life suffers from pmo but especially socially. I think the shame of being addicted to porn makes me feel lesser than others and i tend to exclude myself from the social atmosphere.


So true


I feel the same bro, not this extreme but I can relate. I think this comes from the “secret” and guilt from watching porn and thats a big reason I want to quit


I know exactly what you mean and I have no idea why this is. Is there anyone who could explain why this happens?

Day 160 now i have a courage to approach girls

So today i was in the mall i saw a very beautiful girl and i decided to approached her i introduced myself and ask for her name (Diana) and her number unfortunately she told me she had a boyfriend but it didn’t hurt this is the first time I’m able to approach girls without getting nervous
Nofap has worked amazingly for me day160 i have more friends I’m more social more focused i have noticed people respect me more specifically female colleagues
Only negative thing about nofap for me is the wet dreams some time I’m having 2-3 in a week which is crazy

Nofap killed my depression, IN A WEEK!

I suffer from depression for many years, i was using weed cigarettes and alcohol, and i quit them all in order to improve my mood. And i was still depressed a f . I stopped fapping a week ago and my life has INSTANTLY improved. Just like that, without staying home all day watching tv and beating my meat. I went to school, got social again, and had a blast of a week! Totally willing to keep on going! Happy i found nofap!

Aspergers – Socializing better than ever, fetishes are fading

Social Anxiety Cured?

Anyone here got cured or at least have their social anxiety reduced from doing NoFap?


Big yes on this.


After 60 days I feel like all my anxiety is practically gone.

I have always had anxiety, even tried psychologists and medication and nothing seemed to help until I started nofap. Quite astounding that college educated doctors couldn’t figure out it was the porn binging.

It will get rid of your anxiety. Keep going and be patient


Yes and its one of the big reasons I do nofap


After 70days for me

The WORST thing you can do to your anxiety is fapping!

So in the last 2 Years I had a severe social anxiety disorder, when I talk to someone my face goes red, I lose my words and I get really nervous. 25 days ago, I gave NoFap a try and I stayed roughly for 3 weeks without Fapping or Edging, and during these 3 weeks I noticed that my social anxiety was fading out, but I wasn’t sure why.

Yesterday at 5:50PM.. I relapsed, but I didn’t notice anything different until today, when I went to my maths class that I used to be super confident and chill during it (at least in the past 2 weeks), instead of being chill, all my anxiety returned, I was super anxious!!

I immediately knew it was my relapse, fapping is the reason why all my anxiety got back and I’m 100% sure about it!!

So if you want to get rid of SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder), DON’T EVER NEVER think of about fapping.

I was told i’m the most social-able person in our class…

When I was at uni and going at it multiple times a day, i couldn’t even hold together a conversation. I had two close mates and  i just couldn’t function in social gatherings at all.

I’ve recently graduated and started my ‘graduate scheme’ which is essentially my first career in my entire life and i’m loving it.  Today someone told me that they saw me as the “most social-able person in our class”. It was the first time they had spoken to  e unfortunately, but for him to say that made my day, and he didn’t even know it. I went from the social outcast, from the  person who couldn’t together a conversation, to the person that someone perceived me as the most social individual in our  graduate scheme. I honestly think that’s truly astonishing…

Nofap 35 days report – did i gain super powers?

I’m in nofap for more than 35 days (No sex, \, no porn) more than 35 days and Today I had sex with some hooker in Colombia (I’m a tourist here).

I don’t consider it to relapse because I had a normal sex.

Anyway, the benefits are:

Confidence – Increased confidence in social settings and in outdoor settings (like sitting on a place and eat without worries). I used to have OCD and worry all the time what people think on me. this is almost gone.

Energy- It comes and goes in some days but some days I have too much energy and even get euphoria a bit. also I become coky.

OCD – Almost gone. I used to think too much on this and now this gone.

Pornography seems to be a clear cause of some form of anxiety that I have

I started 2 years ago and ever since I’ve had issues speaking with people (especially females). I’ve always been careless and ratchet but ever since I started I experienced an overwhelming change. I’m also unable to get any of my work done and half of my free time goes toward fapping.

Age 20 – My anxiety and depression is so much better, Much more confident, I see things much clearer. I’ve improved ties with a number of people.

Any social anxiety success stories?


I have.

I used to be the kind of guy who stares at his shoes and speaks in muttered breaths, unable to hold eye contact, etc. These days I can spark up a conversation and take small talk in stride, even draw out a smile and a chuckle every once in a while with a pretty girl.

Only caveat is that this is after many months of practice, going through a series of deliberate choices every day until it became mostly second nature. Even then, if I don’t consciously gear up for it—I’ll slip and fall apart, particularly when I’m already stressed out.

Here’s what I did: – Practice objectivity. Sometimes the social anxiety comes from attaching a lot of expectations that once you take a step back are absurdly unrealistic. Saying hi to that pretty girl won’t get you laid on the spot; even if you were Henry Cavill. – Practice confidence. Make deliberate steps to have a more commanding posture, gait, voice, sense of dress, surroundings, shit you own, and mindset. Picture who you wanna be, then stand walk talk and think, etc like that future you. Eventually your brain struggles to tell the difference. For me it’s just becoming second nature, but soon it’ll be my default.


I’m not cured but I’m continuing to improve. It helps to get out of your comfort zone and talk to supportive people.


Absolutely, yes. It was one of the many contributing factors to my severe social anxiety (which still lingers to a much smaller extent), and although nofap/pornfree isn’t some fix-all prescription, I absolutely notice positive benefits from nofap/noporn specifically in terms of social anxiety.

My brain must be strangely wired (and probably damaged from years of frequent porn use) as I still feel a bit “off” even fapping frequently without porn. I know this sub is very binary and preaches absolutism in terms of being pornfree, but I find that being very disciplined and getting in 1 wank (to my thoughts, or very vanilla porn/erotic nudes) every 7-10 days has little if any effect on my social anxiety and overall mental well-being. Once I get back to fapping daily my brain numbs out and the anxiety creeps back in quickly. I totally understand this addiction being either “on” the wagon or “off”, but that’s just my experience and it’s probably not the most ideal for anyone with a really deep seated addiction.

I’d also add that it especially alleviates social anxiety around women (as a guy here obviously). I really believe there’s some bro science in that when you aren’t tricking your brain into some sort of artificial pair bonding (amongst the many other psychological effects of porn), it ends up subconsciously allowing, or even forcing you into being more positive, calm, warm, assertive, and social around women. YMMV on all of this and my case might just be an anomaly, though I would probably disagree having read other people’s stories on here.


I’m on day 55 on my journey and im heading to complete 90 days hardmode to give my brain the chance to fully rewire , by far i can tell it really helps alot , i would say my anxiety around people decreased by 60% and i feel way more comfortable around people i don’t know , moreover my brain fog gone away and my mind is more clear than when i used to pmo , so for sure no fap is very useful to your mental health


I have significantly decreased my porn use. Im truly trying to stop, it proves difficult but possible. I have general anxiety with other forms of mental health problems. I live an absolutely normal wonderful life. When i was watching porn 1-2-3-4 times a day i was an absolute walking thought monster. I watched some weird shit and it bothered the fuck out of me! Sexuality issues, just overall incredible difficult facade to keep up. I have a good job i save my money i pursue goals and work on my positivity and mental health every day. At least i think so right now. The pit feels dark but you just start doing things differently and things absolutely change.


Yep. I am a lot more socially skilled, but also I see now I’ve let people get close to me that lots of people I admire get socially anxious for certain events too, this has helped me to relax and accept the anxiety at times as natural so I am less hard on myself. I have been seeing a counsellor though to help this and go to 12 step recovery group too. The group is great as we’re encouraged to make calls and talk about what is going on for us which helps me cope.

If you are a hard porn user aka look it a lot, I’d be very surprised if this didn’t change for the better if you could let porn go.

My Social Anxiety Has Been Exorcised!

Today I went to the same barbershop that I’ve been going to for more than a year while I PMO’d. Every time it would be an awkward mumble of how I want my hair and then he’ll cut my hair in complete silence because I just kept giving awkward answers that doesn’t lead the conversation anywhere, so it would just die and become quite until we were done.

Not today!

Today I walked in there and immediately started joking with the guy, discussing the different lengths that he should cut my hair to, the style, showing him photos etc. As we were chatting away it hit me like a brick wall – wtf was this?!

I wasn’t stressing, wasn’t feeling awkward and the conversation just kept flowing effortlessly. I am so damn happy right now, I feel like a ton of healing has already happened and I didn’t even know it! I love this sub, thanks for all the support gents!

Video – NoFap Benefits: The Benefits of Quitting Porn and Masturbation for 1 Year! (reduced depression and anxiety among other benefits)

Age 24 – Anxiety so bad I was sent to a school counsellor. Pretty much gone.

Nofap helped me shrug off much of the anxiety I experienced, so bad was it that a lecturer referred me to the school counsellor. But now the only indication I get [that] I’m staring at girls is that I find them staring back; previously I would never look at girls, or anyone, I would just wait to get home then fap it out (would you believe I’ve never had a girlfriend or had sex?). Now, I see a cute/hot girl/woman walking in the opposite direction to me and without even thinking about it maintain eye-contact all the way until she’s right next to me, It startled me the first few times this occurred and I would have to stop where I’m standing for a minute and think about what just happened. I feels pretty good now but I know pre-nofap me would dwell and obsess over something like this for days, not at all healthy. … Then, I unconsciously began to have what seemed like staring contests with every girl in sight, not checking out their bits and objectifying them but eye-to-eye. …

You know when you accidentally look at a really tough guy, I don’t mean a gym fool but guys who seem like they’ve gone through tough experiences, and you immediately falter and look away and pretend like it didn’t happen? Not that I intentionally seek out such people and try to stare at them, but after cold showers combined with nofap I will not falter and even get respect like a slight nod.

I’ve been fapping since I was about 13, I’m 20 now. But I was diagnosed with OCD when I was 16, and now it’s gone. Completely gone. The biggest thing now is I’m no longer “inside my head” worrying all day and night. It’s almost like I’m seeing the world for the first time. I was never good with girls, now all of a sudden I am. I was never confident, now I am. But the little things are even crazier. Now I get pleasure from looking at a sunset, or seeing beautiful piece of art. I have emotions now while before I was always numb. I would compare it to when I first got contacts for my eyes. When I put the contacts in for the first time I was blown away at the difference, because everything was so clear compared to what I had lived my whole life doing. It’s the same concept, but it’s like contacts for my emotions permalink

I’ve just discovered this..

Hey there, 17 year-old guy from Germany here. So I’ve basically been clinically depressed for about 2 years now. It was treated with different types of therapies and later medication. None of which seemed to help or just helped for a short amount of time. I decided to go to another therapist since my first one didn’t help me at all. Yesterday I had my first session with him and I told him my story and how I feel. I was surprised when he asked me if I masturbate frequently. I did in fact never tell anyone that I do that shit at least 2 times a day since I was 12. He was well aware about porn-addiction and the depression it can cause. I’m “clean” for about 24 hours now and it’s not easy… I’ll definitely stick around just to stay motivated. 2 Months until school starts again. My first goal is to not masturbate until that and see how I feel. From what I’ve read so far I’m pretty positive.

Closing in on 90 days! It works guys!

Man these last 83 days have been a journey that I’m glad I started. In under 3 months my self-confidence self-esteem have grown exponentially. I’m way way more extroverted and did things I’d never do before I did nofap. I got my first ever girlfriend and honestly life could not be going smoother. For the last year and a half I struggled getting streaks over 20 days, but something finally clicked. The way I see it, you’ll never quit unless you are fully 100% committed. Even 99.99% isn’t good enough. Don’t give in to the urges, you’ll come out stronger and happier on the other side.

I have been suffering with moderate to serious depression since 7th grade. I would actually hear a voice in my head that told me I was dog shit, and I would get really down on myself for making mistakes. My depression has gotten really bad at times and mild thoughts of suicide crossed my mind once or twice.

I have been trying to remember back to the summer between 6th and 7th grade, to try and remember an event that led to my depression (my depression started around this time). It got to the point where I had no energy, even when I got a full night’s rest. I would often get teased; being called names like “emo kid” or “that sad kid.” I think I can finally say that porn has been the poison.

I remember the first device that I heavily watched porn on was my psp; which I just found out released March, 2005. This was exactly 7 years ago and about the time that I was entering 7th grade. I have fapped quite heavily since then, and recently have discovered that my taste in porn was beginning to change for the worse (I won’t go into detail).

I haven’t fapped for all of 5 days now (I know it’s not a lot), and I already feel happier, more energetic, and just all around better. This also explains why all my family vacations(not being able to fap), have been my happiest memories over the years.

I really see myself making it to day 90, because I haven’t felt this naturally pure in a while. I feel like my old goofy self again, and that is the most priceless blessing I could ever wish for. I finally feel as though I can progress with my life instead of being the kid ridiculed for being such a debby downer all the time. I feel so excited/relieved to finally have realized my problem, and to set out on the quest to be the best me possible. I’m still young (19), and have a lot to live for. I can’t wait to have sex with a real girl for the first time, which I can sense will be soon.

90 days without P, M or O.

So one of the biggest things that changed for me was my confidence. I’m far more confident with how I carry myself around not just women, but all people. I feel like, since I’ve broken my fapping addiction, I have the willpower to do just about anything I put my mind to.

The world Should Know

I don’t think society Knows what internet porn really does to a man!! all they really associate porn with is ED. Porn Turns a man into a scared Boy!! your socially awkward, Depressed , No motivation , Can’t focus , Very insecure , lose muscle tone , makes your voice weaker , Have absolutely Know control over your life. Men are going to the doctors Getting prescribed all kinda meds, when really it all comes down to porn and what it does to your brain and body 🙁 Ive been off porn one week and feel better than I felt in 20 years !!

WTF it’s really working!!!!

I started to travel non-stop and I’ve been jerking off so much just to get it out of my system, I suffer from sever social anxiety and I would normally avoid any kind of social interaction especially with girls. I started my nofap journey 6 days ago and I am already seeing MAJOR progress! Girls are noticing me everywhere, I start conversations now and It’s just the beginning.

I would normally get depressed after going home alone leaving the club (I am heavy into partying) but I no longer give a fuck! Haha.

Hello r/pornfree! 45 day report (a little long winded) and first post here!

I still have a long way to go, but freeing yourselves from the chains of porn and instant gratification makes life worthing living again. I smile more, talk more, follow my interests, and take better care of myself. Music means something to me again, I like to dance more, and I just feel much better about everything. For once in my life, I have hope. A hope to make myself who I want to be and to help others become better too once I can provide the example.

As a man with genetic depression, being porn free has done more for me than any drugs I have ever had to take. It is as if this makes me more alert, attentive, and happier than Wellbutrin, Zoloft or the other drugs I was cycled through.

My advice – Don’t give up your journey to be porn free, and try to find something that means a lot to you – be it focusing on areas in your life you want to fix, helping others and friends with things they need help in, or just finding new things that excite you.

90 Day Reflections and Observations

Well, here I am at 90 days for the first time ever. My previous record was 45 days. I have to say, to anyone just starting the challenge, or in the first week, or first month, or thinking of quitting, IT GETS EASIER.

Honestly, after a month (given, I have had decent streaks before) I had no urge whatsoever to fap. Sure, I felt and still feel a sexual energy but I know that its proper application is towards women.

Speaking of which, a lot of guys notice improvements in communication with women after a couple of weeks. While I didn’t notice any substantial improvements for a while, it really became obvious from days 60-90 (stick with it!) I found conversation more smooth, it was easier to maintain eye contact, and I picked up on more flirtatious signals.

Speaking of benefits, here’s what I’ve noticed so far: I’m happier. Much, much happier. I typically suffer from SAD and was diagnosed with minor clinical depression a few years back, but this autumn/winter (yes, it’s started already) I’m feeling great. I have more energy — I can’t attribute that fully to NoFap as I’ve also started eating healthier, taking vitamin supplements, and working out, but I’m sure NoFap is a major contributor to that one.

I didn’t manage to land a girlfriend yet, but there is one young lady I’ve had my eye on for a while, and I managed to effectively communicate my feelings for her without the awkward nervousness that’s plagued me in the past. She sort of implied that she was more not ready for a relationship than not interested in me, and I think it’s just a matter of time. I’m much, much more social now, especially with women, and find it much easier to start/carry conversations. As for the brain reprogramming bit, I think it’s working…

[Success] 90 Days of Hardmode

Half way to 90 Days, cool.

Just as the title says. It is so much easier, and I feel so happy. Things are working out so much better and I have become so outgoing. I’ve made more connections with people in general, and feel like I have a direction. Pretty crazy how nofap has given me the push I needed to make the changes I was looking for.

NoFap is the best cure to suicidal thoughts.

at least to me..

One awesome benefit of NoFap

I have found out that I hardly ever look down anymore. When I fapped, I usually looked down at the ground when i walked down the street. But when i am doing NoFap I am always looking up ahead of me. It feels great. No more relapses, No more PMO. Time to free my mind.

90 Days Complete. What now?

I’m still single and haven’t met any girls really so it’s still frustrating from time to time. Outside of that I have had positive results. I feel stronger mentally, I have no desire to watch porn, and I’m much more confident when talking to people. I’ve actually started to embrace more of who I am instead of running from it. I had a pretty rough childhood and finally talked to my mother about some repressed memories that had been returning to me. Before that I used to think I was a bit of a waste of space but now I feel fortunate to even be a functioning human being. I wouldn’t say I’m a ton happier but I feel a lot better than before. It’s definitely inspired me to completely cut back on other vices.

Crippling anxiety has all but vanished

I am currently on day 29, this being the longest I’ve gone without porn/fapping since discovering it fourteen years ago at the age of 10 (it was a 1-8x a day habit during these years). After a bunch of <2 week resets I am finally moving forward.

For all of my life (as far as I can remember), I have had crippling social anxiety combined with zero confidence and zero sense of self worth. The anxiety I’ve always had has been terrible.. I have never been able to look people in the eye, have always felt intimidated by everyone, always felt disgusted and hateful towards myself and have NEVER been able to have a random discussion with a stranger.

Roughly two weeks ago… all this dissipated… and it’s been staying gone. I’ve been afraid to post about it because I was expecting it to come back full force after showing me greener pastures.. but it’s staying gone.

These last two weeks have been unlike any I have ever experienced. I find myself craving the company of other people (something I’ve never felt before), and when I am in public I have been able to open up on random strangers without any issues. I’ve been having great small short conversations everywhere I go and the best part is… zero anxiety. I have no problems with eye contact anymore, I don’t stutter, I speak my mind and don’t care about what others think. In fact… I can even watch other people do awkward things (which would in turn make me feel super awkward about myself) with no issue… it’s un fucking believable.

I’ve been walking around with a smile on my face and a positive mood all day every day and I’ll tell you.. people are noticing. I’m getting approached by girls all the time looking to start a conversation just for the sake of talking with me… this is unheard of for me.

Looking back my old mannerisms seem laughable.. who was that person? I don’t know but I do know this- I am never going back.

GUY 2)

Great stuff, I’m really happy for you. I have suffered from mild social anxiety in the past and although I made some improvements even before stopping to fap, now basically 2 months off( with a couple of resets), the anxiety has really almost gone away. I don’t have a clue about the reasons why nofap helps with social anxiety, but I believe that not having to experience this disgusting feeling after you have just had an orgasm to some nasty porn material really helps to correct your self-image.

NoFap is one of the best things I’ve ever found.

I’ve been having problems with ED over the past year or so and after my girlfriend linked me here and I watched the TED Talks on it I have to say that I’m already feeling a million times better. My problem was really hurting our relationship and after moving in together part of me was terrified it would be the reason we wouldn’t work out but now I have more confidence and have barely had any issues since quitting!

Day thirteen. I feel very focused and can concentrate better than usual. I keep eye contact when talking to people. My voice is deeper and sounds less “bothered” or “troubled” and more clear. I feel more confident socialising and more relaxed and happy doing it. It’s pretty funny that I’ve never in my grown-up life been at this state. It’s definitely not worth leaving this [mindset] for masturbation to porn.

OCD sufferer clean for a month

Hey, I’m an obsessive-compulsive disorder sufferer, mostly relationship centered. It’s hard to cope with it without porn, but with porn it’s even harder. I’ve had some failed attempts to stop watching porn but I succeed finally and I’m clean for about month. I’m with my girlfriend for 3 years and I’ve never felt bigger sexual arousal between us than now since I’m not watching porn. My OCD symptoms are much better without porn as well. Porn is evil and I don’t wanna go back to it.

Sorry for my English, I’m not native, just Netflix learning now :D. Have a good day.

Got my 90 days easily yesterday. List of benefits and my plan for future.

  1. Less social anxiety (look girls in the eye, etc.) (I think everybody can relate to this)
  2. More power, especially more will power. and the more you get of it the more it will grow. it’s true it’s like a muscle you can train
  3. Girls look different. no objectification anymore. you look for more natural girls. her face, her smile, her eyes. even when you look at her legs you think like: “these legs are really beautiful”. they hit you, you get aroused by just looking at them, but in a positive way. in way it should and meant to be.
  4. Stabilized self esteem, self confidence, better thinking, no train of thoughts (foggy style)
  5. You can actually FEEL the rewiring in your brain. When I get aroused I have a strong feeling of dopamine and things jumping around in my brain
  6. Better concentration. my rule was “don’t start what you can’t finish” but I couldn’t stick to that alltime. so I got some projects lying around over time (private and business things) I can start with again and finish them finally because I got the will power now

A lot can happen in 2 months.

Age 16. Coming into this challenge, I was a total skeptic. Not only that, but I was a lonely skeptic. As I reached 30 days, I experienced all the usual stuff: increased confidence, incredible conversational skills, and the ability to find pleasure in the simple things in life. Never really had a problem with any of those things before, but there was definitely a noticeable difference.

During the past month or so, an amazing female entered my life. Had I been my post NoFap self, I really doubt I would have even had the courage/motivation to pursue her. Instead, I manned up, began to talk to her quite a bit, and started hanging out with her. We’ve had some really great times in the past month or so, and yesterday, I finally decided it was time to put my claim on her and make her my girlfriend.

It’s hard to put in to words how big of an accomplishment this is for me. I’ve never actually really cared about a girl I’ve been with until now. Still haven’t found out if my delayed ejaculation is cured yet as I’m taking this relationship slower than my last relationships. Sex in the first week or so is usually a recipe for disaster in a relationship. Hopefully, this relationship will be much more successful than anything I’ve had previous. If I keep seeing these benefits, I may never fap again!

Why NoFap is the greatest change to my life thus far.

Social interaction. I was completely afraid of it and incapable of it 50 days ago. In the past week or so, I have interacted incredibly smoothly and effortlessly with people with whom I would have been unable to interact with in the past. I used to be unable to look people in the eyes. I used to purposefully hide from people I knew in public so as to avoid awkward conversation. I used to not be able to be invested in the conversation. Women, even those I knew personally, would intimidate me. I would fantasize throughout the day about being able to interact like a normal human… All of this is now changing before my eyes in a most drastic way. I can interact with confidence; be myself. I can hold an unbreakable gaze into other people’s eyes. I am actually part of the conversation, as opposed to being aloof thinking about leaving it.

I am ecstatic I am about this continuing improvement. Social interaction has been the single most problematic area of my entire life thus far, and I am finally making visible improvements. Thank you so much, NoFap. I can’t tell you how much this means to me. It’s honestly like some sort of miracle.

This weekend I had the confidence to be my true self with girls I met. My true self has a fucked up sense of humor, so at a party which I attended I ended up telling a girl I roofied her and she would be “passing out within an hour or so.” Normally I’d be afraid to make such jokes. But fuck it, this humour is the real me and I’m really working on not caring what people think. Anyway, she thought I was hilarious and I ended up talking to her for a while and getting her number. We’re meeting up for lunch tomorrow. I’m finally gaining the ability to be my true self, and I know it will improve my social life greatly.

End of Day 60: A reflection.

Before I started NoFap, I was a video game addict with no confidence and more than one bad habit. I rubbed one out daily and sometimes even more frequently than that. Now, after sixty days of complete abstinence, I’ve overcome my addictions. I haven’t played video games in over a month; that’s a massive achievement for me! I used to come home every day and sit on my ass for five plus hours at a time.

  • I now have a girlfriend, and she is the most amazing girl I have ever dated. She’s beautiful, interesting and smarter than me. It’s a fantastic story, if you’re interested.
  • School is a pleasant challenge for me now, as opposed to the nightmarish madness I used to think of it as.
  • I don’t take shit from anyone anymore. Self confidence = ON

TL;DR: Quitting fapping + quitting video games = Girlfriend + “Holy shit, there’s an easy mode?!”

Stopped watching porn and stopped masturbating, 100%. The most noticeable outcome was after about 1-1.5 weeks that I was more sociable with females than I had ever been in my life. I began taking immediate action and every opportunity that presented itself to interact and have sex with said females.

While that might not seem like much to some people, I have always been highly reclusive and relatively uninterested in pursuing anything socially, let alone with the opposite sex.

About 5 weeks in I stopped drinking alcohol/using drugs completely, while I don’t know if I can attribute that entirely to the no fap, it definitely played a big part. As time went on things just started to snowball and just about every aspect of my life has changed and here I am ~6 months later wondering how the fuck I arrived here.

Then I pop onto QGL tonight and it seems like the movement has found its way here. LINK TO THREAD

I haven’t fapped for 26 days and stopped looking at porn a week ago and it changed my life OP. less anxiety, more energy, easier to talk to womenz, etc. LINK

I am social now!

A am so much more social now. Hanging out with friends almost every day, playing music, talking about fun stuff, learning about new people. People are asking me to hang out, before it was the other way around. I have to turn people down now because there’s too much going on. It’s a little overwhelming, but nice too. I feel popular. I feel positive exchanges flying around all over. What a nice thing.

Clarity of mind? Oh yeah!

Dear brothers, may be I am unable to list you a lot of benefits of No Fap but I certainly do see a significant reduction in anxiety that was killing me…I have a lot more clearer mind than before…this is definitely not a pseudoscience bros…stay strong and continue to be a winner!

90 days of NoFap and the tenets of self-control

This is when I noticed something pretty remarkable… my social anxiety didn’t really exist anymore. Or rather, it was still there, but manageable to a degree that it was almost negligible. I started to notice how other people reacted to me, and I reacted to their reactions. In short, I felt like I was dominating most of the conversations I was in, even though I barely talked.

What I mean by that is, you don’t have to be loud and alpha in order to dominate people’s attention. There are so many subtle ways you affect people’s behavior than that, the key component I’ve discovered in myself is to simply be receptive. If you build a large inner confidence, people simply pick up on it, respect it, and are largely affected by it. People will change their mannerisms and the way they talk to you and what they talk about largely on how they perceive how you respond to them.

This might be common knowledge to most people, but this was a very enlightening experience to me, as it allowed me to actually make meaningful connections with people, for once in my life, my social interactions were actually intellectually stimulating to me, I didn’t feel like I was boxed in a corner every time I was in a social setting. Even more than all that, you really start to get a good feel for how insecure and anxious other people are once you notice these behaviors, and your own insecurities don’t seem to matter as much once your innate empathy kicks in.

I quit masturbating on Feb 1st 2012, my goal was to go 1 month, I have now almost gone 3 months.

Before I had anxiety, depression, always lazy, it was a struggle to get out and face the day. Avoided a lot of social situations unless I was drunk. Then I found this thread.…&highlight=fap

I have tons of energy, when I look in the mirror i feel like my skin has a glow to it. I joined a gym and started lifting weights, my lifts have been progressing like crazy. I run at least 1 mile a day right when I wake up. Social situations are a breeze. When walking around in public I feel so powerful, I feel like I can talk to anyone and do anything at anytime. I have noticed girls checking me out.

And my sexual performance is crazy now.

I was a pretty big porn/jerk off fanatic for years before this, probably 8-9 years of daily porn viewing and masturbating at least once per day. It was hard to kick the habit, but i suggest it to anyone.

I am far from some right wing conservative religious freak. But porn and masterbation in this day and age is very very bad for you.

cliffs: I viewed porn/ fap’d daily (just like every other dude on here) for 8-9 years.

I quit cold turkey

Been 3 months.

Feel like I can take over the world.

Finally solved my anxiety problem.


90 Days (First Reddit Post, Be Gentle)

So 90 days ago today on the 7th of June I stopped PMOing, and I’m fantastically happy with the outcome. I’m healthier, more responsible, more present, and most of all happier. Here’s roughly how my experience went: The first few weeks were incredible, all of the hype I’ve read here has been up to snuff, it was truly awesome, I was having more intense dreams, I had energy to do everything, and nothing could hold me back. Then I flatlined, and it hit me like a truck. It was about a month of blah, mostly having difficulty falling asleep, because I had no idea what to do with myself before bed. After that, I’ve been on a steady incline in quality of life about for the last month and a half, and it really has been an incredible journey.

As for anyone who’s naysaying the effects of nofap, I’ve got to tell you that you’ve got to try it to believe it. Yes, everyone is going to have a different experience, but good things do happen. I’m sitting down and doing things I need to do so they’re out of the way, my girlfriend will every once in a while tell me that “somehow [I’m] more attractive,” and most of all I’m happy (which is incredible coming from six years of on and off depression).

I can honestly say that nofap has been one of the best things to ever happen to me.

I totally notice I’m way more extroverted the longer I get away from PMO.

90 days bro, do you even lift?

I just want to say that it is absolutely worth it. I’ve had ups and downs, but overall it has improved my sexual, and relational life significantly. For the first time in my 21 years I am in a relationship, and I believe that fapping and porn has kept me from healthy relationships. I am much more confident and comfortable with myself.

No longer self conscious about penis size

My wiener size is pretty average/not big and I’ve always been shy in the gym showers etc. When I was much younger it bothered me to the point of not wanting to go to school on gym days.

Now I do sports with friends and shower afterwards, and totally accept it. My thought pattern has gone from “they are gonna laugh at my small dick” to “penis size is not a hindrance to a good life” or “fuck it, I’m taking this for all my small dicked brothers”. A long step away from victimhood!

Not watching creepy sex empty of love with huge dicked freaks, I believe is beneficial to acceptance of our bodies. And it’s not like no one here are self conscious about their dick size, so this could be a reason for you to get with NOFAP.

Stopped fapping, I no more feel horny. Good or bad?

I started fapping early, maybe when I was around 13. At that time, it was something new and fascinating. During college, it was something to take away the boredom of my life. The more I studied, the more I fapped, and then I studied more. A vicious circle.

Coming back to this day, when I joined noFap, I thought that it would be too difficult to control my emotions and my libido since I’ve been fapping for so long. But I was wrong. Ever since I stopped fapping, there’s been some changes in me, but those are totally unpredictable from what I read here. I’ve started going out often and socializing more (this one’s predictable) but now throughout the day I don’t have any horny thoughts. Also, today I noticed, that instead of looking at girls’ tits and asses, I now look at their face. This isn’t something I did when I was fapping, I was more horny then and looked at a girl’s assets no matter what.

PS: Just so people don’t say that I’m dissing this community, I’ve like to add that I’ve become a lot more chatty and have grown an extrovert gene. I go out a lot more now and I enjoy meeting new people. I’ve joined a gym and plan to try new activities just so that I can, again, meet new people. These are the positive changes that I feel I’ve had, but not feeling horny is kinda new and strange to me.

My Story ,32yr old had enough of PMO ruling my life

I am Married 8 years, am 32 years old been fapping to visual sexual stimuli (sexy women) since i first discovered porn at age approx 9 (I think….I remember doing it well before i was producing the stuff needed to make babies !!) and have been PMO ‘ing ever since and got hell of a lot worse when high speed Internet came along , Ive struggled in my life at various intensities and times of depression, in-confidence (not sure if a word), lethargy, procrastination and really bad social anxiety (this is prob the most painful one)I’ll leave things there as a background … this time round i am 31 days into my recovery i binged on day 25 and had 2 relatively short relapses yesterday and today. I’ll have to say once i don’t have crippling withdrawal (usually lasts first 10 days into my past recoveries) I am WAY Happier, WAY more confident and hugely less socially anxious in ways that are phenomenal …..

All i know is the results are incredible once i go for a length of time keeping my hand off my Dick and not looking at porn or a porn substitute (sexy stuff on TV also drives me nuts which i hope will change once rebooted properly) …the most impressive is the feeling of being happy for no reason (never had this in the past) and a LACK of social anxiety and brain Fog (always had social anxiety even with my own family !!! wtf … and i never knew any different because its how i have always felt……

I’m happy to say that I’ve been PMO-free for 16 days now and haven’t felt this alive in ages! Suddenly the world has its colour back. I can laugh again (All of last year I had only a handful of genuine laughs). The social anxiety has almost completely gone, and I feel I can follow conversations better. Sounds strange but I had lost the ability to really understand what the hell people were going on about for so long. Most importantly my libido is back. In these past 2 weeks I’ve been talking with a lot of girls and I seem to have manufactured a couple “opportunities.”

NoFap did not give ME these “powers”; NoFap simply allowed me to get them back. An analogy is a dark cave. Spread around are my confidence, energy, motivation,  mental health. It’s pitch black and if I’m walking around I may bump into these things from time to time, which explains why I was a functioning porn/masturbation addict  but NoFap gave me a flashlight. Now I have complete access to them at will. NoFap is a tool. You have the hammer but those nails aren’t going to put themselves in.

All of my anxiety is gone. Brainfog is gone. Motivation is sky-high and still rising. Confidence is all the way up. My energy is back to  when I was like a little kid. Depression is no more.

Best of all, I actually CRAVE and DESIRE women and am driven crazy by every little thing about them. I can talk a girl up for hours and I can pick up on signals I never could have before, the smallest things.

Needless to say I am a point in my life I never thought I would be at in my teen years. I actually enjoy things now; I used to hate movies for some reason, just couldn’t sit  through them I found most of them so boring. Now I can enjoy the little things in life and enjoy them all with people I like being around. I am steadily moving up in my  career and honestly, everything is just great. 200+ Days [Long Time Lurker, My Experience, Thoughts, Misconceptions]

I started cutting down my porn consumption and masturbation five months ago. I slipped and moved on, slipped again, felt frustrated and binged, and so on. But I made progress. My brain was experiencing new things. After going for about two weeks without porn or masturbation I felt great changes. I felt comfortable socially. I spoke firmly, confidently and calmly. I laughed and smiled with my whole face. I grew charming and could flirt. The feeling of lacking sex appeal was gone, and I even noticed better response and reactions from the people around me. I had better connections with my friends, family, co-workers and, of course, girls. I finally know how it feels to have a balanced brain.

It’s Day 28 and I’m feeling more confident than I’ve ever been.

Okay guys, I’ve been a longtime lurker, but I just had to share my progress. Anyways when I first started, I just did it because I thought I had self control… Boy was I wrong. But after analyzing throughout my whole high school life, I’ve always fapped. Maybe that’s why I’ve always was never confident and when I looked at some random hottie I would just feel this guilt but I never understood it…until just last week. I’ve started to realize all these random girls just looked at me and I actually made eye contact without shame! And just this past Friday this girl was flirting with me and she just caught me off guard and grabbed my hand, but I didn’t make a move…stupid me. But I will def go after her thanks to this community for opening my eyes and realize that NO FAP IS THE WAY TO GO!!

Before quitting porn, I just wanted to be home alone. Last night I experimented with going out alone—and had an absolute blast meeting new people and having conversations and kidding around. It appeared that it was much easier for me to just lose myself in the conversation and have fun, and not be so “in my head” like before. I am very used to isolation, but now my body and mind are saying more and more “Get out, get out! Be around people, talk to people. We’re social creatures; you need social contact. Go out and have fun! Be social.”

My brain and thought processes have, over the past year, gone through lots of different stages as I have shifted away from porn and masturbation as my primary source of pleasure. I experience much more pleasant and lucid social experiences and clarity of thought. The growth chart is not linear. It consists of peaks and valleys, but if you zoom out, it does go up. As I sit here, six days without masturbating and after a phenomenal day with a friend, I’m inspired to write this post, to both reaffirm to myself that this is soooo worthwhile, and also to give others a boost.

So, after starting and relapsing on and off for months.. I had a few small streaks where the benefits weren’t as immense, and my relapses didn’t leave me feeling completely terrible anymore.. So I thought it might be placebo effect.. Today, I had a new realization.. This isn’t placebo at all..

So, as the title says.. Initially when I started I felt superhuman.. Then I relapsed.. And then began a long chain of starting and relapsing on and off, on and off. Eventually when I would get 4-5 days in, I didn’t notice superhuman benefits anymore, and I would end up relapsing.. and I no longer had the crippling social anxiety the day after a relapse.. So I began to think this stuff was placebo, and that masturbation/porn wasn’t so bad as I thought.. and that the reason I got such a huge benefit at first was because I simply believed in it..

I WAS WRONG. This is NOT placebo. I’m on day 5 now, and I noticed that my alpha characteristics are popping out like CRAZY lately. My posture is awesome, my eye contact is great, I’m talking more, more chicks are checking me out, etc. This shit is NOT placebo. It definitely makes you more dominant/masculine. I guess I just wasn’t paying enough attention to my personality/actions the last couple of times that I go on board with nofap again.

DO THIS, and STICK TO IT. If you keep starting and relapsing, your brain kinda adjusts to that pattern, and so you’ll stop noticing really big benefits in the first week or so like most people did when they first started. Stop relapsing, go out there, grow dopamine receptors, be fucking awesome.


I noticed that after some small streaks or a relapse my addicted brain would start to tell me how this whole recovery business was stupid and I should just go back to PMO. I do my very best not to listen to my brain right now.

Months back when first starting this recovery I began to notice the drastic changes in my behavior with socializing, eye contact, posture, speaking to girls (not trying to flirt since I am in a committed relationship, but just being able to talk), etc. I had more confidence and felt better about myself. I didn’t carry around as much guilt or shame and knew I was doing something good for my body and my health.

After a recent relapse I went through the typical depression and self-hatred, then pulled myself out of it. I remember going out for some errands and to my surprise I still kept up the eye contact, said hello to strangers, engaged in conversations and was an overall friendly and social person. When I got home, my addicted brain told me that clearly even using PMO I could still have all these benefits, but I didn’t listen to that crap. I realized that even after a relapse, the benefits of this recovery do not simply wash away. I have learned the person I want to be and can be. It’s getting easier to move forward even after the occasional slip. Recovery isn’t linear for me, it’s a spiral that slowly moves upward.

I told my mother about YBOP and my porn addiction a few weeks ago after a bad relapse. I needed to hear my own voice say the things that my mind had felt and known for a long time. At first, her reaction was “are you kidding?, pornography is perfectly fine!”. I told her I would not talk to her about it until she saw the TedX video. After she saw it…she understood. She was able to put the pieces together, to understand just how much of a drastic change this was in my life. And then she told me that I was awesome for doing something like this…and that I was on the right path.
Then we proceed to talk about it some more for about an hour. I told her about ED, HOCD, how I escalated to the most extreme types of porn…what it was doing to my mental health…etc. I told her of the amazing benefits of nofap / noporn. How I had cured my social anxiety, how I did not have panic attacks anymore, how I felt more confident, and had plenty of energy / willpower to really go out there and take life by the horns.
It was a pretty awesome experience, I think. She still doesn’t understand the struggle, that this is an addiction. But the fact that she is supportive is all that matters to me.

Social Anxiety

I used to have social anxiety, and I would get so nervous when I interact with people. I’m not the kind of person who starts conversations, and when I do, I feel very nervous when talking with someone. This nerves get worse when I am talking in a group during discussions.

However, my social anxiety is somewhat “cured”, but I’m not sure if it is due to NoFap, or I have good moods on most days now that I don’t PMO. I feel like I am more in sync with other people, and when I start conversations, it would come naturally. No more anxiousness or nervousness like 1 month ago.

Also, I notice people smiling at me more, and I am sure it is because I’m in a good mood and I am smiling more at other people. I really do not want to go back to porn, because for some reason, watching porn ruins my mood as I have a constant feeling of guilt coming from somewhere.

Coming out of an addiction is a journey, and even if I hit 90 days of NoFap, I am still continuing on because undoing the damage done by my addiction is an ongoing process, and I must never let my guard down because temptations are just round the corner, and a relapse is inevitable should I let my guard down.

I am at an age where I need to start investing in myself, and find out my identity through personal growth, and I believe NoFap is a great place to start.

Currently 67 days away from porn—my best ever. Decided to masturbate only once every week. I am getting more confident around women, which is a huge plus!! In the past month, I’ve kissed 4 women. Never done that before. So yeah, things are good.

For those with social anxiety

Giving up porn can really help. I went shopping today and felt incredibly calm compared to how I usually feel and I’ve only been porn free a little over three weeks. Of course, this could largely be a one-off and I’ve got an awful lot of work to do but it seems this reduced level should be far more manageable compared to how I felt in the past.

28 days later – feeling so confident

Hi, I started no fap 28 days ago, on day 21 I got my first wet dream in my life. Now on day 28 my attitude is not giving a fuck, thank to that I can talk to girls, chat with them, smile whenever I want ( my anxiety almost gone). I had a few depression days, and still want to fap, but fuck it, I’m gonna go for 90 days- this worth it…


I didn’t leave my home for years… now I go out EVER?YDAY… cured my anxiety ? no, but I m out anyway

I’m a social dynamo.

At least I think I am. I’ve been a lurker who’s silently undertaken the NoFap challenge, and while I haven’t set up a counter I just hit 21 days.

The change in my social life is noticeable, not just in my personal life but also my professional life. The change isn’t just of the sexual variety. Co-workers of both sexes respond to me warmly and in a positive manner, whereas before NoFap I felt like I was swimming against the current, so to speak.

My personal life has blossomed, as well. I was basically a guy who was living alone recovering from a bad relationship who didn’t leave the house except to go to work. Since NoFap I’ve reconnected with old friends and gone out more and there’s no social anxiety. Everything feels relaxed and everything flows. I basically hold court. It’s awesome.

I just wanted to share a little piece of my personal journey for those guys out there who may be in my position to give encouragement. I used to be so depressed, down and out that I felt so alone, but I’m certain my trial with NoFap so far has convinced me there has to be a million guys out there like me. We’re all in this together, brothers. 🙂

I actually wanted to talk about the micro processes that go on, as I’ve been observing them closely over the past 8 weeks. By understanding the micro processes, it becomes possible to see clearly why quitting PMO so frequently leads to better results with women.The biggest difference that quitting PMO makes is that it gives you incentive to be brave. If you are whacking it every day to porn, and a real woman barely registers with you, why on earth would you even make the effort to go and talk to her? What do you have to gain? Nothing. What do you have to lose? The possibility of rejection, of humiliation, maybe even hostility and anger from her.

But imagine that you saw a woman that you liked, and I offered you $1,000,000 to go and talk to her – say anything, it doesn’t matter what. If you really believed I would pay up, you would find the courage to talk to her, even if you thought she might laugh at you. What’s changed? She’s going to respond exactly the same way she would have done without my $1m offer – it’s just that now you have an incentive.

Being horny and knowing that women are the only source of release gives you that incentive. It’s not pretty. It’s not easy. But it’s real life, real life that we’ve all been dodging for years by whacking it instead of getting frustrated. Welcome back to real life.In some sense, giving up PMO creates a stick that beats you up the hill of learning how to meet women and getting out there and doing it. It’s painful at first, that’s for sure, but the pleasure that comes after vastly outweighs the pain. It’s another challenge beyond giving up PMO, but I guess that’s just part of the price we have to pay for having made a wrong turn.

The right road comes around sooner than you expect.It also has an effect on women. Women respond to a strong sexual spirit [“mojo”]. My sexual spirit never even got up off the floor when I was whacking it every day. Now it’s all I can do to keep up with it.

36 days in – Enjoying things again

I have been struggling with anhedonia (Can’t feel joy for anything) for the last two years. I have almost tried everything, for example: omega 3, choline, magnesium, exercise. Nothing have worked against the anhedonia.

I’m just 36 days in but I’m seeing a lot of progress already. Yesterday I watched a clip of my favorite comedian and for the first time in two years+ I laughed so hard from watching him on youtube, before nofap I did not find his jokes funny (over the two years of anhedonia). For me, this is a hugh progress and I’m optimistic about seeing more benefits.

The first 20-25 days were really hard and I experienced a lot of flatline symptoms, like depression, very low motivation etc. With the benefits I have experienced, I’m going to go through the flatline phases.

If anyone experience anhedonia, I can really recommend to try NoFap for atleast 90 days and see if you see any progress.

A trip to the local takeaway reminded me why I need to stick with nofap

Went for some Singapore noodles earlier on at a takeaway place near me. Got chatting to the girl behind the counter and made her laugh with ease. Small talked with ease. Currently 7 days into nofap. If I had of went to the same place last week on the back of jerking it to porn, I would have ordered my food, sat down stared at my phone and not said a word to her because of awkwardness and lack of enthusiasm.

I need to stick with this. Not having desire to talk to people is completely fucking abnormal. Having a conversation without much anxiety is much more rewarding than jerking it to porn and spending the rest of your day/week as a withering anti-social mess.

I was diagnosed with bipolar circa 10 years ago. The diagnosis actually was really strange as the doctor couldn’t agree on what my real problem was so he suggested several problems giving bipolar the biggest chance.

At that time I was a chronic masturbator and a heavy porn addict and did other light drugs as well. I almost lost it when decided to leave my life behind and do some charity work and travel a lot. In this process, I quit everything and my problems were gone.

Then things hit the fan again and I started to masturbate and watch porn again. At that time I wasn’t aware that PMO was the main issue because you know what they say… I had to have this miserable cycle 3 times in my life (and find NoFap – of course) to finally realize what was the problem that caused my anxiety and depression. So, in my case porn was the major contributor and if I would go to the doctor today he would not find anything wrong with me.

This is my story and might be yours as well. I couldn’t go longer for 7 days nearly for 6 months, but manned up and had some success with it. I might be wrong, but maybe porn causing your Bipo so I would definitely try harder with it. I know it is very hard when you are such in this stage, but just try to go somewhere else and change your life a bit. Trust me, it makes wonders. permalink

Hey guys I am a 21 year old male, and I feel like I’ve gone from a person with extreme social anxiety to someone who is feels relatively normal, and no longer listen to my self defeating thoughts. I went from someone who used to get nervous walking to classes, and feeling like people where looking at me while I was driving, and would get nervous when professors would call role, to someone who has an active social life and even got a really hot girlfriend. I did 2 things that really helped me make changes in my life. They are really simple tips but by no means easy.

Like most males who have social anxiety and didn’t really have the confidence to approach girls and go on dates and such, I turned to porn. I used to watch it almost everyday and would masturbate almost everyday. I felt this kept me in a cycle of being a loner. I quit porn and masturbation cold turkey. I started feeling normal with more confidence and more drive to do things. (learning the guitar, working out, studying for classes, in the process of starting a business) You just feel like more of a man. I look people in the eyes, keep my head up and have better posture. I even feels it helps me be better in social situations. I feel like going out and being social after a while of abstaining.

Here is some info on how porn affects your brain and could make social anxiety worse:…racting-women/

The second thing that really helped me was reading “Stop Saying Your Fine” by Mel Robbins. The book talks about how peoples emotions and thoughts are screwing them. It basically says take a goal you want to accomplish; decide what steps you have to take in order to accomplish that goal, and do it no matter how you feel. I decided to have a better social life, so I joined university clubs when I didn’t feel like it. I joined some academic clubs for my major when I didn’t feel like it. I would start conversations with people in my classes when I didn’t feel like it. I would go to parties that I knew about when I didn’t feel like it. I would go to bars and clubs with people when they invited me when I didn’t feel like it. I would ask girls on dates when I was really nervous about it.

With all these things I had to face my social anxiety face to face and it was really hard. I would get really nervous sometimes and it would show, but eventually I got a really great group of friends. I finally am always doing something with people from Thursday to Sunday. Know a lot of the parties going on at university and have even thrown some parties at my apartment which have been pretty awesome. I even got a really hot girlfriend.

The greatest advice of the book is that voice you here in your head when you start getting anxious telling you your looking stupid, and that everyone nobody really likes you, that isn’t god talking! I look at that as the enemy. Anytime I get into trying to mind read what people are thinking or guessing that people think negatively about me I tell my brain to stfu, and focus on other things.

Here’s a video of Mel Robbins giving a speech:

From Reddit – Day 58 – I feel like I’m done with porn

So much has changed and now it already feels like porn isn’t even an issue for me anymore. I have been a 23yo dude who never had a girlfriend and had a porn addiction for like 8 years. A few weeks after starting the challenge I finally started to hit on girls and found my girlfriend short after. It felt incredibly difficult and complicated to find a girlfriend for years and now that I have one it feels so normal. It feels like I never had a problem with porn and have never been socially awkward towards women… But I definitely was for at least 14 years. I can’t believe how fast my main problem in life just disappeared like it has never been there…

There are still other things in my life I need to change. Now I can focus on other things and move on. I really gotta thank the guy who showed me this subreddit. Anyway even though I feel like I already finished the challenge, it’s still running and I will keep reporting.

I’m finding I experience depression and feelings of worthlessness FAR less often. I find I’m able to get up more easily in the morning and find the motivation to do the fricken dishes more often before going to bed.

Changing my life, completely.

It’s a big title but that’s how I feel and it is strong.I’m a different version of me, a better one. Or better said. I’ve been a better me underneath this whole time.

This is changing my life. I can see clearly, I can think clearly, I act differently. I’m confident and I’m balanced. Even my sleeping and thus my energy and charisma are improving.

But what really makes it all feel so incredible is the way people started perceiving me. Just the reaction and interaction with me has changed completely.

“Have you lost weight, looking fine man.” “Where did you buy this jacket. Looks like it was made for you.” “You changed your hair, it looks very nice. Can I touch?” “So you’re a happy ray today, what’s up?” “That was a great presentation. Wanna get lunch?”

A couple of months ago I couldn’t even dream about those reactions. Last summer my coworkers asked me if I’m taking drugs. They were genuinely concerned! WTF?

I made a girl week in the knees. This is big for me. We talked for 20 minutes and she was so into me I felt like I’m beaming some male magic and trapping her. And she is mighty hot. She’s sky high over my level of confidence but it all came super natural. Well it didn’t work out because I only recently broke up with my girlfriend and this girl felt it’s “too complicated for her” and I guess she’s right but we had a tremendously amazing week.

Even my family play ball differently. My mother who usually doesn’t hear a word I say was listening to me and agreeing. My sisters thought I’ve drugged her into submission. “We’re so happy you’re visiting.” Jesus, last year they always forgot I was coming.

What I’ve changed: It all started with No Fap. Mainly no masturbation and overexciting the brain with erotic imagery. Been trying for 3 months now. It’s a full month without fallbacks. I’ve cleaned up my diet. “Quality over Quantity. Preparation and planing”. The start was hard but it’s doable.

So much confidence!

I’m 24 days in, and feel so good! I used to get pretty anxious just talking with people, but lately I’ve been so relaxed and confident. I’ve been taking every chance to get out and socialize. I just spent a weekend in Seattle with two Germans, a Frenchman, and an Indian, just touring around and drinking beer. I feel like I could have a good conversation with anyone at this point. The social anxiety distortion caused by PMO is real! Leave your computers, tablets, and smartphones at home; get out into the world, meet new people, and go play outside!

Whats wrong with masturbating without porn?

For me it’s all about keeping my dopamine levels more stable. that means no porn AND no masturbation. everytime i masturbate and orgasm, that releases a huge amount of dopamine and it increases my cravings for all other activities that give me a dopamine fix. things like weed and sugar. everytime I’ve had a streak, then masturbated without porn i have felt irritable the next day and have noticed a loss in my energy and motivation.

the increased energy and drive i have to accomplish, and my more stable and optimistic mood are what i like best about the nofap challenge. when i don’t pmo, i feed into other addictions less, i feel more on track with what i actually want to be doing with my life, and i just feel fantastic in general. far better than when I’m stoned all the time or fapping.

i’ve also noticed a decrease in my social anxiety. new people i meet tell me they like my confidence and they think I’m a good speaker, compliments i would’ve never expected to hear just a few months ago.

From – No-Fap has changed my life so much that it is too much to handle. (Serious)

Serious thread. This seems like bullshit but I’m not lying. Was beta, depressed, had anxiety before. Almost three weeks in, no fap no porn. So much change that I can not adjust.

I don’t know if my body smells like straight testosterone, but something is going on. My mind is blown at the increased attention I am getting from women. Girls that I have known, and complete strangers. I understand girls that I know showing more interest, considering that I am much more social and flirtatious, but complete strangers are hitting on me hard as fuk.

Girls literally fighting over me. Not combat, but “drama” type.

Get way too much attention at bars and clubs. I feel overwhelmed but it does not show, they just keep coming. Girls keep giving me their numbers and actually asking me to fuk them, I don;t even know what to do. Get eye fuked all day. I have so many options that it’s overwhelming.

I have almost no anxiety so I flirt with every girl no matter what. It takes a lot more alcohol to have any effect on me. Had to but new polo’s because of the gains. (Strength, and size increase from my new appetite)

Other things I noticed:

  • Way more animated, facial expression and body language.
  • A lot wittier, quicker to respond, socialize a lot better.
  • More energy, better mood, better vision.

These are all positives, but it came all at once and just piled on and completely took me out of my element. I’m going to keep it up and try to adjust, but it all feels weird.

Edit: Yes this is all true. The “problem” is that all these changes occurred at the same time and I got myself in deep with a lot of girls, with little experience behind me. I feel fine, really good actually, but there I feel a lot of pressure. It’s just a strange feeling.

I’m not saying girls are just walking up to me, giving me their number, or raping me. But I am getting texts from female co-workers asking me to fuk them. srs. At bars girls introduce themselves, ask my friends to introduce me. Customers at work leave me their numbers, flirt in a very straight forward manner. It is a noticeable change from before. Placebo or not, it works.

Anybody interested in reading my 45 day update?

The past two weeks have been interesting. It’s great! Nofap is hands down the greatest motivation and social anxiety reducer out there. To give you an example, I caught the eye of a friendly girl in Dunkin’ Donuts the other day and I feel compelled to talk to her or ask for her number. I could care less about embarrassing myself. Confidence is king!

Less Social Anxiety

I never really knew or accepted that I was very self conscious. I hated answering the phone or going shopping.

I did those things anyway but I always just wanted to get it over with.

Day 32 and I just called a bunch of people I didn’t know without any hesitation. I talked smoothly and confidently and I didn’t find myself searching for the right words they just came.

My voice is so much deeper as well!

A guy with severe SOCIAL ANXIETY holds a PRESENTATION. Reaction? -“Were you nervous at all??!”

After my presentation people came to me and asked me: “How do you do this??”. “How do you manage to keep calm like this??” I’m SHOCKED. People are asking ME??! O_O I guess that’s Nofap =D

LINK –So today is day 90.

My life has quite literally changed since day 1. To start, I had a girlfriend, my first ever. It was the time of my life, and this couldn’t have happened without nofap. However, she dumped me (because of nothing I did, she just wasn’t ready for a relationship), and then I went on to get a date for prom (again, another first) within literally 2 weeks of her dumping me, and again, I have to relate this to nofap.

Things that I’ve noticed have changed:

  • I am a LOT more social,
  • Can talk to women A LOT LOT LOT easier,
  • Tons of confidence,
  • I feel like I can control my body,
  • I feel like I can also talk to anybody easier in general,
  • Look women in the eyes,
  • Less objectification of women,
  • I have realized how fucked up fapping was,
  • I feel clean,
  • I feel alpha

LINK – NoFap has cured the brain, but what can I do about the body?

To cut a long story short, like many of you, I had begun masturbating in my early teens. Twelve years old, to be precise. My reason for doing so? Quite trite, actually: “It felt good.” So, to my juvenile and naive mind, fapping seemed like the ultimate solution. Then, of course, came Internet Porn, and for the next six or seven years I was nothing but a pathetic looser who couldn’t find the courage to ask any girl out, yet, at the same time, constantly consoling himself, “Who needs those f*gly bitches when I’ve got the prettiest babes of the world at my disposal?” Only I didn’t. Nor does anyone else who thinks that porn stars, no matter how ‘hawt’ they may appear (even then it’s dubious, what with the rise of popularity of fake boobs, lips, faces, and… well, pretty much everything else), are better than real women.

Anyway. Something like three or four months ago came the ‘Moment of Clarity’ — as some refer to it — and I’ve realized just how pathetic my entire existence was. I made the decision to quit fapping once and for all because I felt like it had become an addiction rather than a need, but still continued to view Internet Porn, because hey, there’s nothing wrong with looking at some T&A, am I right? Wrong. It wasn’t until, again, like many of you, I discovered ‘Your Brain on Porn’ when I realized what was the source of all of my problems.

Now let’s fastforward to the present day, because I feel like you can pretty much guess how things went on from there, shall we? So, like I’ve said, I’ve been clean of both fapping and Internet Porn for a good month or so, started feeling some of the popular benefits of NoFap (e.g., a humongous increase of self-confidence, a noticeable improvement of social skills, and last but not least, I’ve started acting a lot more natural and suave even around women), and am actively seeking a real-life sexual partner. Serious, long-time relationships are, sadly, out of the question right now because of my overloaded schedule, but after I’d learned that asking a girl out or even getting her to have sex with you isn’t as complicated as one would think, that has definitely become a goal I’m aiming for. 😉

LINK – Never really posted or anything, just saying thanks.

Saw this Subreddit, didn’t fap for a month. Gained 30 lbs of weight(no longer underweight) gained an amazing group of friends. Met the girl of my dreams(our relationship now means I don’t have to fap) and I have learned how to love myself for who I am. I didn’t realize I was so cold towards life and how something so simple as not fapping led to all that. So….Thanks.

What are the most pronounced physical effects you have noticed when you stick with nofap?


I put the following physical effects down to nofap because I’ve changed nothing else in the last month (e.g. diet, exercise etc):

  • voice has deepened
  • skin is clearer and spots have cleared up
  • I feel physically stronger + more flexible
  • more energy, on balance

And, of course, there are the psychological effects. For me, these have been greater confidence / self-esteem, determination, awareness of other people (& their positive response to me), sense of calm + much less OCD-style thinking. For short intense moments I have felt the exact opposite of these effects, when I have the urge to scuttle back to fap and the porn! But a new habit is definitely forming, and I’m enjoying the results.


Before i started NoFap, i fapped daily. Since then, i have been relapsing but I haven’t given up. Before when i fapped daily i didn’t notice it but now, when i don’t fap, i think clearly. I relapsed last week and it felt like there was a cloud just lingering over my thoughts, i had head aches, i felt lazy and not motivated. When i abstain, i notice around day 7 of nofap, that cloud just disappears and i think clearer and have more focus and energy.


If we’re being strictly physical, I notice lots of energy and a mildly deeper voice, although that may product of a rise in confidence.

I am not really going out and socializing as much as I wish I could, but every time I do, I’ve noticed it’s been easier to meet at least one or two girls and have nice pleasant interactions, even on some occasions getting phone numbers. But this may have to do with the fact that I’ve got a great new wardrobe, which in turn translates to confidence.

30 Days Report – Life goes on.

I have officially reached 1 month! (I have no badge) I must say this is truly the ‘remedy’ I’ve been looking for my Social Anxiety , low self esteem and endless ‘what ifs’ in my head. That’s right, nofap helped me become a normal person again,

I used to be so so awkward that people will just avoid me like a plague. I don’t think so much prior into putting in action and i become more bold and relaxed. ‘NOT THINKING TOO MUCH’ to me is the one thing that nofap has successfully instill in me. It was once seriously a liability to everything I do.

I’m sure some of you guys understand the feeling of thinking too much and eventually screwing things up , it’s horrible. ONWARD TO 90 DAYS!

LINK – Success after long reboot

When I visited yourbrainonporn it was after reading a related article on psychology today website. The whole puzzle of having erection mostly for porn and expectations of porn kind of seduction from my wife fell into very understandable jigsaw puzzle.

My first question was how long does reboot take. I went on for two months. The process even has had a dramatic benefit to my personality. I am less shy, I am more confident and active. However it eventually took me 3 months instead of usual 2 months and I am happy to say my married sex life has turned over its head to become just fantastic.

LINK – The cowardly lion that found his courage(115 Days)

Porn use got worse and worse throughout my life and would binge and then I would wonder why I couldn’t get a girlfriend or why I was so shy or why I thought the world was against me and why no one liked me. I have seriously considered suicide throughout my life because of these issues but I was able to cope with it until I found YBOP site after googling some stuff about being gay (I knew I wasn’t but damn HOCD) and erection problems(on multiple occasions with girls which furthered HOCD). I came to the conclusion it was porn and I was on a new mission to get rid of porn. 115 days later I have finally broke free of the chains of porn although I won’t lie, thinking about looking up porn is a constant problem, but I just know that If I don’t I’ll be able to have sex with my beautiful girlfriend the next day

Within the span of the 115 days I have:

  • Found a job at the local Ice rink
  • Got a beautiful girlfriend who is down and was very understanding of the process I went through
  • Found more meaning in life

To all those still struggling, just stick with it. Time heals this wound and never ever cave in. Life is a challenge and as a man your mission is to make it your bitch.

LINK – I can definitely tell my voice is deeper.

My interactions with females is completely transformed. It seems there is some unconscious recognition that you have more power or something, its hard to explain. Females are complementing me on my looks and body. My awareness around social situations is much better, I can read peoples body language better.

People cannot intimidate me as before. I feel that their anger just bounces off me, and I am still in a serene state.

As I do a lot of meditation, my meditation has gone off the chart.

I definitely believe that saving my sexual energy from not ejaculating, has given my some type of power that is unconsciously sensed by others. It has definitely made me a more powerful person.

You will only understand when you experience it yourself. So far the advantages of nofap/noejac far outweighs the quick thrill of orgasm. I can feel my power building more and more.

TL;DR – No fap is worth every effort you put into it

LINK – I can definitely tell my voice is deeper.

Seconded. I feel like I went from a SAP to Sean Connery in 30 days. Where women used to avoid me, I now catch them checking me out. I walk around like I could care less and they love it. Your comment about about power is totally spot on – authority figures, especially in the workplace, have gone from terrifying overlords to insignificant pests.

I realize how ridiculously egotistical that sounded. Ha ha.

But it’s true. This makes a boy turn into a man.

Looking people in the eye.

It’s one of the most common effects of nofap. For me, it started after 7 days and has and has only grown stronger. I can now stare people dead in the eye at will. Unbreaking gaze. I want to hear theories on why. It’s really strange.

School started on around day 20, and, although I hadn’t seen many changes until that day, I saw huge changes in myself on the first day. While I never considered myself shy or socially awkward, I was just about as socially dominant as it gets. I was striking up conversations with everyone and making a lot of new friends with people that I’d known for ages but just never really became friends with. I felt pretty good, and you could definitely tell that my confidence was going through the roof. As time went on, I made more and more friends, and I became very widely respected.

I am a different man than when I started this experiment.

Someone from nofap first suggested that I look into curtailing my porn use and at first, I laughed it off. Then after viewing yourbainonporn and reading more nofap stories, I decided to give it a shot. It took me no less than a week to really realize I had an issue with porn. It was a concept that was probably in the back of my mind prior to, but I didn’t really address it otherwise. EVERYone looked, right?

I was going to wait until I got laid, but that’s just one piece of the puzzle here. Within the past few months I have been more motivated than ever to get some and to be with women. I’m more aware of ‘the look’. If you have yet to pick up on that subtle shift of eye motion, it’s pretty intense and a bit unnerving (in a good way though). I am fully aware that I don’t know quite how to handle the attention yet.

I joined OKcupid about a week ago and while I do have some personal doubts, my response rate has been quite good. I came close to getting a date, but she flaked out on me. I’m already messaging a new, prettier woman. What’s odd and I didn’t think this would happen, I am beside myself with all of the options out there. I don’t have to be the perfect mate to get a girl. I just have to make an effort.

I should also state that I used to have social anxiety disorder. It essentially made speaking torturous. I’ve been through a lot of therapy and I’m back on meds after being off of them for a considerable length of time. Still, I have never felt so motivated to want to be with a woman and I attribute that largely to being pornfree. I know I have short-comings, but I have a lot to offer as well.

TL;DR this has been one of the better ‘experiments’ that I have decided to do. I’m more motivated and closer than ever to getting a girl.

LINK – Any Correlation between Lack of Fap and how you interact with real-life women?

I’ve been fap-free for about 3 weeks now and I’ve noticed that I’ve been acting more flirty and sexually aggressive around women. I wonder why this is the case.. Anyone else notice a similar change?

LINK –  On my last streak, day 11, I noticed I wasn’t beating around the bush any more when I had to tell somebody I did not want to do something, eg “I don’t want to go to the movies tonight”. Conversation with women was flowing easily. I could hold eye contact as well, but I also did that back when I still fapped. Good luck on your journey! 3 Weeks are very far away for me!

LINK – Yep! I find it easier to maintain eye contact, talk to more women since I find it easier to approach people I don’t know and feels like I could tell which direction conversation was heading before it did. Feels good man.

30 Days -.Wish i knew about it earlier..

I have today completed 30 days of nofap and its one of the best decision i have made in my life..I am more confident,can make eye contact easily with people when talking and walk more confidently..

I also discovered that i have internet addiction which fueled my porn addiction. I am now reducing my internet time by installing chrome nanny for websites..

I just went today and joined a local gym and have also started holosync meditation. Have joined /r/seduction and learning all about approaching girls and stuff..

Before nofap i always felt that there were 2 of me.The outer one was depressed, moody and the not confident one..The other one (present self) is the exactly the opposite..Though i have a long way to go,i am glad i started this journey and wish i had done it way earlier (like in my teen yrs)..

Nothing To Do With My Superpowers

Nofap is going great for me. I feel great most of the time. I am more confident and I am getting a lot of aspects of my life under control after chaos of a year ago where I was depressed and having anxiety attacks. I’ve come really far.

My main super power is self esteem. Just knowing that I no longer fap and just about every guy ever still does makes me feel that it was all worth it. Of course I have many more reasons for doing it but still. I also am a lot better about not being awkward around girls. I put myself out there to be friendly whenever I can. I met some really attractive and awesome girls at a concert the other day and it felt awesome.

But with all of this I don’t really have a way to use these powers. I’m in high school in a high level program that only 24 kids are enrolled in. I have just about every class with these 24. I already have met all the girls, and one of them used to be my crush and was turning into it again. But that is out of the question for multiple reasons. And I am stuck in this class where I was only interested in one girl and barely see any others during the day. I’m really motivated to meet new people (anyone in fact). I just like meeting people and I like it even more that I am more confident. But there is no way for me to do that.

It amazes me how I still see improvements even though I essentially started this back in January. I’m still coming out of my shell and my personality is starting to really comeback. I feel like I am someone who has taken a longer time to recover because I’ve picked up some habits long the way that are probably a result of my porn use, but not directly from my porn use.

I Was at a family reunion for the past 5 days. Usually I am very antisocial and awkward at these things, but this time I was very lively and social. I had fun the whole time. In the past I might have been able to put up a facade for a day or so but I felt it took to much effort. Also, usually I have to be drunk to loosen up like I did, but I didn’t drink. Alcohol was available but I just passed on it.I used to use alcohol to relax and loosen up, but now that I don’t need booze anymore, I’ve become a very light drinker. Feeling very confident recently.

Been taking more social risks like I mentioned in my last post. It feels so much better than worrying about always saying the perfect thing. It’s also really paying off.

(Day 63) the reboot process is going pretty good. I feel much much better; anxiety and depression are on low, and I’m starting to get very good moods.

Just letting you all know there is hope. I had sex with an absolutely gorgeous woman last night. This wasn’t an easy lay either. A lot of my friends that get alot more action than I do have tried with this girl and all failed but I put in the work and was blown away. If you feel like fapping go out and be social. Go meet people. Make moves and dont look back. I’m telling you, just a week ago I felt like depressed and sad and today I have my confidence back. Got laid last night for the first time in years.

I went out alone for the first time EVER.

I have lost touch with all of my friends from high school. so my weekends for the past 6 years have consisted of eating dinner with my mom and or sister, watching some basketball game maybe, and some video games/poker and usually I would fap to porn of course.

This is my first time doing no PMO in my life and my first weekend of no PMO. needless to say… In the past if i ever contemplated going out alone to a bar or a club I would laugh to myself and be like “lol no fucking way too awkward, ill look like a loser with no friends.”

This time I had the same thought but instead I said F**K IT and went out anyways. I figured… I have nothing to do, not going to fap, so I might as well do something productive with my life… So yea I went out, ate dinner at a bar alone, then bar hopped and had some drinks. I talked to random hot girls asking them for directions and shit (obv could care less about directions I just wanted to talk to them).

Never mustered up the courage to ask a girl out but I did talk to quite a few. Something I have never done in the past. Even tried some lines I saw in a pick up video for example: do you have a name for your vagina, what would you do if some guy you liked had a small penis? I also told a couple girls straight up that I was out alone and I said its better than being home jerking off right? Probably not the best things to talk about but i just didn’t give a F**K.

I was a new man tonight. proud of myself.  I will definitely do this more often instead of fapping. Hopefully I will gain enough confidence to ask some girls out. I kept finding myself running out of things to talk about but that’s a story for another time I guess. Anyway that is all.

Later he posted:

I am going to go out again tonight. I promise I will act normal this time around. wish me luck!

Age 28 – PMO addict of 13 years. Nofap all but cured my depression and I’m generally a happy person now.

Why did I/am I continuing to do this? Number one* reason was to help with my depression, as I am a manic depressive who doesn’t take meds. And let me tell you, it worked. Now whenever I feel depressed I think about WHY I am and for some reason I start to laugh and feel better. Basically, I no longer even go more than a day (at worst) feeling sad and/or depressed. So why stop this journey? It would make NO SENSE AT ALL to go back. My medication has become cold showers followed by hitting the gym, at least 5x a week.

Other benefits:

  • Much more calm and generally a happier person
  • Feelings of emotions are much more intense and pleasurable
  • Beginning to love and respect myself more and more with each passing day
  • It takes a lot to anger and/or upset me now. Basically if it’s something not in my control, I don’t give a fuck.
  • Mind no longer goes to those place when I see a woman I find attractive. I now appreciate her for more than just her body.
  • No more brain fog. Much easier to concentrate.

LINK – Today I deleted gigabytes of porn from my harddrive. My entire collection. Amassed over months and months of late-night fapping…gone in an instant.

And I didn’t even care.

I saw the thumbnails as the progress bar made it’s way to completion. How I was ever compelled to masturbate to images of women I don’t know is beyond me. I paraphrase Dr. Manhattan, a character with whom I greatly identify:

“I would only agree that porn is as satisfactory to the libido as a photograph of oxygen is to a drowning man.”

Today, at work, a gorgeous brunette walked directly in front of me as I made my rounds. She went over and looked at an item in an aisle, pretending not to notice me in that incredibly noticeable way. She was about 5’4″, 110 lbs. Fit and curvy – my favorite combination.

I didn’t get nervous, like I used to. Didn’t feel immediately out of my league. I felt complimented and graced by her flattery. It’s such a wonderful thing to notice someone you find attractive finding you the same. Once I improve my station in life, I’ll have the means to pursue dalliances like this further.

Last night was my forty-fifth. I feel better and better each day. I’ll never return to my former habits; the fable about the two wolves is all too true.

LINK – Day 14 and for the first time in my life I asked a girl out!

Thanks man. But you see I was not progressing with this girl at all. I used to blame her for it. But let me describe how no faps changed me. I started being more social at college. I accepted an invite to go out with them, and that’s when I bumped into her. She saw me with girls and I guess I was a lot more confident. This progressed to me being even more confident when texting her. I guess I just realised that I have to make the move, if I want to go out with her. NoFaps basically helped me stop thinking what others will think and follow my instincts.

LINK – It’s amazing when it hits you.

Wow. It’s incredible what this has started doing for me. Earlier today, I started crying. I felt so shitty. I kept thinking about how I haven’t had a girlfriend in 3 years, I barely graduated college on time, all of my friends are actually just drinking buddies, and I masturbate because I’m too much of a wuss to get a real girl. Essentially every negative aspect of my life got magnified and I got emotional. Sounds like the exact opposite of NoFap’s supposed results.

But later, about an hour ago, it hit me how amazing this is. In the last 14 days, I have: looked at porn 0 times, touched myself only once, hit on 3 women, developed a crush on 1 woman, begun planning what I will do with my post-grad self, begun reading a book I’ve wanted to start for months, and been more social with my friends and random bar patrons. I feel (almost) satisfied and have a positive outlook. Instead of living in a haze of shame, confusion, and doubt, I am looking forward with optimism.

This is not meant to imply anything about anyone’s current situation. Anyone around or past my time length who doesn’t feel this way, I mean no discouragement. Only encouragement. And I should add that I do not think NoFap is the only thing you have to do to improve your life. But, at this point, I can only think NoFap has seriously altered the course and status of my life and will continue to do so. So everyone be positive, be diligent, and stay together here. We can grow. We can triumph. We can change.

Edit: Got a date with the girl. 🙂

LINK – Confidence

I’m seeing a lot of awesome posts about people with renewed or improved confidence, but I’m also aware that a lot of people might be wondering if this is some kind of placebo effect/misconception. I can tell you, it isn’t.

A couple of months ago, I was a sociable guy, and I enjoyed meeting new people, but I really didn’t have the balls to engage in conversation with new women. Either they had to come to me, or I had to spend a long while slowly sparking up nervous conversations with them (and when I did, I constantly judged myself on what I said, and how they would react). After 85 days, this has changed dramatically.

I can’t quite explain why – maybe it’s the fact I no longer objectify women, or see them as alien to me. Maybe it’s the fact I no longer carry the weight of shame about my porn activities. It might even be some chemical re-balance, who knows? But it’s definitely there.

Consistently for the last month or so, whenever I’ve gone out, I’ve always engaged in conversation with new women, some of them a good few years older than myself (which would have scared the shit out of me before all this), and they’ve all responded positively. I’ve gotten numbers, had drinks bought for me, danced with them – I tried to avoid letting things get too intimate afterwards, because I’m trying to hit 120-150 days before I start attempting anything physical, but the opportunities were there. I just carry myself with a lot more confidence, and the couple of women who weren’t interested didn’t distress me at all – I just carried on to the next conversation.

TL;DR: the renewed confidence isn’t imaginary, it’s a genuine, tangible change

I’m really starting to feel like my old self again.

Prior to being addicted to porn I would approach an attractive woman at the drop of a hat, full of confidence and conversation. I lost that ability somewhere along the line. I was consciously and subconsciously terrified that if things progressed to the point of sex that I would fail horribly. That fear completely crippled me having the confidence to approach women.

There is a lady that I’ve seen in the building where I work for months and I’ve never said a peep to her. The last time I saw her I promised myself that I would speak to her and at least get to know her name. I saw her this morning walking from the parking lot and I felt the Beast within roaring. I spoke to her found out her name and told her mine. I was charged all morning. I ran into her again at lunch time and told her I’d like to take her to lunch and gave her my number.

It felt really good I was practically giddy over it.

I can touch women

I can also touch them with ease, without a trace of awkwardness. I don’t know how but I can just stroke a ladies back, or touch her shoulder. Even simple things like giving her a kiss to say hello. I could not do this before, and it feels so good, so natural, makes me feels so in control, so much like a man.

Made it 30 days!

Mental State: I feel happier. I like people more, and I feel like they like me more. I’m in control of my former addiction. I’m in a graduate program right now, and my goal at the begging of the year was, “Get ripped. Get good grades. Have sex. Nothing else.” I’m closer to that goal.

Confidence: I’m looking people in the eyes when I talk to them now. I’m enjoying life. I’m talking to strangers at the grocery store- some attractive women, some not, but I feel like I’m a lot more awesome now, and I feel like my outlook is infectious. I have less trouble approaching women. I’ve been on dates with 3 different girls sense I started, and the most recent one, I really like! Also, I don’t get nervous when I talk to large groups of people. No more butterflies in the stomach.

I’m right next to you. I’ve never been a “Physical” guy (I’m a master of the side-hug) as I was afraid my mind would sexualize something that was in fact innocent. I know I’m only 17 days in, but I’ve found that I am much more comfortable around women and find myself less and less attracted to anyone besides my wife.

I know it sounds ridiculous & I’m sure it’s not the same for everyone, but it feels like a switch has been flipped in my brain & things are much more simple & lovely now. Stay strong & thanks for putting words to this unintended side-effect of a life without PMO!

77 Days & Almost Cured! Encouragement from Someone Who Had Severe ED, Low Confidence and Slight Depression

In the last 77 days I have not MO’d or edged. I did view a picture of P online, once or twice but immediately closed the browser. I even stopped using Facebook as much as I have in the past. Guys, forget about creeping FB, it serves no purpose. About a month and a half in, more women became attractive. I used to be extremely picky. My confidence has increased and women seem to notice me more.

Today I reached day 77. The last 19 days, my libido has been high, and it seems to be growing still. My confidence is at an all-time high. Even though this feels like hell, to be turned on throughout the day while trying to distract your mind from sex, I have never felt better! I don’t know if I am 100% cured, but I feel as though I am nearly there. Real sex with real girls, this is going to be a damn good summer 😀 and this journey was absolutely 100% worth it! I wish I started it earlier.

I now make direct eye contact with every attractive woman I find, and there are plenty. I make eye contact and smile in a subtle way that lets them know I find them attractive. I am making love to them with my eyes. And what is their reaction? They smile! They blush! They look at the ground/away while smirking. I am intimidating them (in a good way).

I always thought this was very creepy and I’ve always avoided doing it. At least that’s what we’ve been taught to believe. Discredit everything you’ve heard or seen in the media. Real women are beautiful and they are here to attract us. They want to be desired and they love being looked at. The best part about this NoFap journey is that it slowly removes the obscured vision that these porn glasses have placed on us all. The reality of it is that beautiful women are everywhere, and they are way better than a useless screen.

I just wanted to share this success story with you.

For 5 days now I am in the best mood since god knows when. I can get up very early in the morning without problems, am highly motivated through the day and for the best effect, everything seems more fun, even making breakfast, exercising, almost everything.

Guys, hang in there, it’s well worth it!

At least 6 months ago (I stopped counting after 90 days), I stopped watching porn and stopped masturbating, 100%. The most noticeable outcome was after about 1-1.5 weeks. I was more sociable with females than I had ever been in my life. I began taking immediate action, and every opportunity that presented itself, to interact and have sex with said females. While that might not seem like much to some people, I have always been highly reclusive and relatively uninterested in pursuing anything socially, let alone with the opposite sex.

About 5 weeks in I stopped drinking alcohol/using drugs completely. While I don’t know if I can attribute that entirely to the reboot, it definitely played a big part. As time went on things just started to snowball and just about every aspect of my life has changed. Here I am ~6 months later wondering how the fuck I arrived here. I haven’t had a regular GF for years, so if the end goal is to have more success with females and more sex, it definitely did its job. It’s been a bit uncomfortable at times though, because it has changed who I am in many aspects. Nothing directly attributed to it besides the vast array of withdrawal symptoms during the first month or two. Life just became more complicated when I moved out of my comfort zone. I could have lived in that cocoon for the rest of my life no problem… it would have been easy. I’m still new to all of this and not sure where it’s exactly going, only time will tell.

This is the last piece to the puzzle

I have been suffering from depression since my freshmen year of high school. On top of that, I have had insomnia problems, high social anxiety, and apathy.

But around 35 days something was starting to change:

1) Sleeping problems have gone away

I actually kind of have the opposite problem now, I can sleep basically anywhere. I used to be able to be woken by the slightest crack of light from under the door or the drip of a faucet, but now I can sleep through Rush’s Clockwork Angels at almost full volume in the car if I wanted to.

2) Feelings are Returning

Now this is an important one, as guys, I know that we can overlook this one a lot for reasons of trying to look “macho”, but emotions part of the main reason we have words and logic. If we had no emotion than where is the logic and reasoning to not kill someone else besides your own self demise? If we don’t have the empathy towards human beings it becomes very hard to care about anyone but yourself.

See, with depression, I have had this thing that goes on with days for me that works like this:

  • Good day = Bad day next
  • Great day = Horrible day next

And not always vice-versa.

Now this past week, something amazing happened:

  • Monday = One of the best days of my life!
  • Tuesday = One of the best days of my life!
  • Wednesday = One of the best days of my life!

I even tried to tell myself, “The next day is going to be horrible”, but it didn’t happen until thursday but it wasn’t nearly as bad as it used to be. The consecutive great days never happened before. There was really no reason that I felt good those days. I just felt like it, and it make me want to do stuff more.

4) The one you’ve all been waiting for: Girls!

I started noticing it about a month ago. Girls give me looks, girls touch me, girls want to talk to me, girls talk about me, girls are giving me IOI’s wherever I go. Some of the IOI’s could be just me being overconfident, but I welcome that! Overconfidence will just get me more self-esteem and thus more women and people general to be interested in me.

LINK – It is actually working 🙂 for those who still have doubts, I also did. But I tried it myself and now from day 35 I started to feel benefits 🙂 my social anxiety is removing slowly, I have HUGE energy jump 🙂 but first 35 days I didn’t feel anything just laziness… You need to endure that period… Be patient it WILL WORK!!!! (I’m 22 years old, don’t have drugs or alcohol addictions, don’t use any medications). But I started to restrict Internet usage when I stared this. So here u go my last three days were amazing, with lot’s of new emotions and experiences, besides I became horny as hell 😀

My 90 Day Report (non-addict)

To start i’m 22 years old, and not really a porn or fap addict. Now I never really felt like I had a serious problem, it wasn’t taking over my life, but I realized several months ago I wanted to change after being very depessed the past year.

So this is how I feel today.

To start, I’ve almost completely lost the urge to masturbate to porn. When I get horny, I just want sex.  Another thing is that I’ve become more confident with myself. I not only feel my confident but I look it and show that to others which is great. I still have a tough time approaching girls, but I’ve gotten better. I’ve have more interaction with girls the past 90 days that I pretty much have my whole life. I had the confidence to talk two really cute girls and hooked up with them (no sex though, yet!). This was one of the best parts about it. It was a slow and subtle change and I didn’t really until I finished nofap.

I’m just here to say that it is completely worth it for anybody. I feel more confident, hornier, and a better overall person.

I’m also more focused and much wittier, I seem to know what to say a lot more often than I used to. I’ve become more charming, which I think is due to the fact that no fap has made me value other people’s company, in general. I believe that this is because in sexual pursuit we often try to make friends with people who may link us to possible mates.

I’ve also become a lot more emotionally resilient, which I believe is counter-intuitive, because being sexually frustrated should make one very unstable and that has happened at times, but then it passes very suddenly, when before it used to linger for an indefinite period.

I’ve become more in touch with my emotions as well and more willing to make myself vulnerable, which has translated into people making strong connections with me that I often am unaware of. I believe that this develops, because the sexual frustration makes one seek a palliative in connection with individuals, which is, by the way, a HUGE turn on for girls.

Bottom-line is no fap has made me more of a real person, a person that values other people, and in turn ends up valuing himself. It gives you more confidence, because you have no choice but to be confident if you’re not fapping, otherwise you will never get laid, it’s a highly evolutionary response. All of these things aren’t even necessarily dependent on a testosterone boost, they’re more dependent on the very idea of needing to find out how to control one’s sexual life naturally.

It was never the Asperger’s that was holding me back! It was PMO! (Freaking pornography did this to me!)

In middle school, I really didn’t talk to anybody. I had very few friends, and I never went on any dates. I had gotten to the point where I thought I was just incapable of talking to anyone outside my own family. I kept to myself.

Another thing that was going on during middle and high school was I was fapping a lot. Almost every day, and I managed to get porn in whenever I could. This even further took away my drive to talk to other people. In fact, I didn’t even LIKE talking to other people! It was no fun, and not fulfilling, because I didn’t need other people to be satisfied. All I needed was porn. …

Does NoFap give you superpowers? Is every possible benefit people report just a placebo effect? My opinion…

Hi guys&gals!

I’d just like to put my opinion on the subject out in the open. It might seem as a rant, but that’s not really the case. It’s just that lately we’ve got a massive overflow of posts in which people are wondering why they don’t get superpowers “like other fapstronauts” after XX days of NoFap and asking if it’s all a placebo effect.

First I’d like to talk a bit about why NoFap became so mainstream. The thing is, that a few years ago (around 2008/2009), people started surfacing on the Internet who were freaked out that they had erectile dysfunction, but at the same time they could get a solid erection to varying degrees of extreme porn with the help of some good old death-grip. The weird thing was, that in some cases, thousands of people responded to these forum posts, saying they have the same exact symptoms.

Now, taking those symptoms into account, people figured they’ve desensitized themselves to real women by escalating to evermore extreme genres of porn and masturbating in way that no women’s vagina could match the stimulation. They hoped/guessed that if they’ll stop watching porn and masturbating for significant amount of time, this desensitization might be reversed.

These people, who back then didn’t have YBOP, NoFap and dozens of other forums on the subject thought they were alone. The only weird-ass freaks on the planet who can’t get it up to a real women, but finds disgusting genres of porn a turn on. A lot of them were virgins. Some of them were failing for years with real women which devastated their confidence. They figured that they will never be able to have normal fulfilling relationship with a women, and considering they are freaks of nature, they secluded themselves from society and became hermits. It’s really interesting to me, how many heavy PMO addicts work from home and are computer specialists… Sometimes I wonder what was first – chicken or the egg (porn addiction or the seclusion from society)?

Anyway, the no PMO thing helped reverse the porn-induced ED of these guys, and besides normal libido they’ve started reporting other positive changes too.-Depression and social anxiety going away, increased confidence, the feeling of fulfilment and being on top of the world…

I’m one of those guys. I’ve had several failures with women, starting in the middle of puberty. This has become the single most devastating thing to my psyche. In this modern world, where there’s hardly a commercial, a movie, a TV show, or a conversation without sexual innuendos…-I was constantly reminded of my weirdness. Every Time I saw a sexual scene in the movie i thought to myself “Wow, how easy it is for that guy, is that how’s it supposed to be? I could never get erect so easily, even with such a beautiful women”. When I saw a picture of a beautiful naked women in the middle of a casual magazine I thought to myself “People find this so hot, but I can’t get aroused if a pretty women’s not doing some extreme things in a pornographic movie. I must be so weird”. Similarly with normal everyday sexual jokes or conversations with friends or strangers.

The point is I was reminded constantly that I’m a failure as a man on a very fundamental level, and I seemed to be the only one.

A year before I started NoFap, I’ve even gone to see psychiatrists and psychologists who diagnosed me with severe social anxiety disorder and depression, and wanted to put me on antidepressants which I never agreed to.

When via YBOP (which is just what Gary Wilson found out from those guys on various forums), I found out that the central problem of my life that was on my mind 24/7 can be reversed, the heaviest rock was lifted from my heart. When I went on my first NoFap streak (cca 80 days) I’ve started noticing similar super powers as reported among others. Is that realy so weird? The central thing destroying my confidence and making me feel alone on the planet of 7 billion, was being reversed and it turned out to be very common.

Today, on my 109th day of NoFap, I feel happy, confident, social, smart, capable of meeting any challenge, etc., etc.,…

TL;DR – The bottom line is, I’m not at all surprised by the changes people report. Severe porn-induced ED can be a devastating thing to ones psyche in the modern world. I’m also not surprised that others, whose life wasn’t so heavily marked by PMO and/or abstain from PMO just as a challenge, don’t see this benefits. You need to understand what kind of a demographics reported those results in the first place. Sure, some can experience similar effects as a placebo effect, but in a case like mine, you can’t really call a removal of the problem placebo effect – it’s quite simply the cure.

GUY 2)

I totally agree with you. I see posts from people who to me sound like they weren’t addicted or facing harsh problems like ED and depression suggesting Nofap is all placebo. They probably weren’t porn-crippled addicts to start with! As someone who had severe depression and bad ED, I can firmly state that this has been a completely life-changing experience, and I’m only on day 21. I feel like the real me for the first time in 2 years, it’s miraculous. Also, I think I am finally seeing green shoots that the ED is getting better – had some slight morning wood and as far as everything else, mood and confidence, they are sky high!

GUY 3)

Well said. I’m sure it’s no coincidence that I’m a software specialist, and work from home a lot.

Just want to add that NoFap works wonders even if you don’t have erectile problems. I suffered from a slight desensitization, but not much (maybe because my tastes in porn were very vanilla).

The correlation with social anxiety is undeniable (although porn isn’t the only culprit, of course).

Porn use is fucking harmful. I wish that more people were aware of this

GUY 4)

I suffered from anxiety (not social) and quitting PMO completely cured it – now this wasn’t placebo since I had no idea that would happen and had zero expectations of what might happen and hadn’t read anything on YBOP.

I started NoFap without even knowing what NoFap was or what would happen.

But if someone else has anxiety and it isn’t caused by PMO then NoFap may not help them at all, that is bound to happen because anxiety is related to so many different types of disorders

Just at the bar, ordering a drink, 2 randoms beside me. I glanced over to check them out a little… normally I would have just went back to waiting for my drink. But tadaa instead a “Hi wats up” came out of me like nothing followed by some convo and jokes. I know I would have normally been hesitant. This stuff’s reall fo sho.

Thank guy, you have no idea how this change my life.

First, I’ve learned about NoFap about a year ago and finally understand the impact of the reboot. I have hit my best run of NoFap today and a lot of great things happened to me. I’ve stopped being so alone and started talking to girls (I’m a man). I had never did something like a date or anything like that before. I kissed a girl for the first time of my life on day 19 and still can’t believe it. I know it’s not a big deal for a lots of you but I’m so happy right now and I want to thanks to everyone who gave me supports through my challenge.

90 Days! And now the real challenge begins…(+some thoughts)

Think about for a second just how many people these days are playing video games and constantly jerking off instead of talking to women. All of these people who in previous generations would have had no problems, no social anxiety, nothing. They’d just do it. But instead, escapism has come to the point where no one has to care about it anymore. And a crazy ridiculous number of people seem to have this problem, too. I used to be this kind of person. But I realize now that talking to women isn’t rocket science. It’s meant to be spontaneous, awkward, whatever. There’s meant to be failure at times. That’s life. Just do it.

I have experienced some awesome benefits:

First off, I finally have energy again! I haven’t felt this good since high school. It’s not like I’m Hulk or anything, but I finally have extra energy to DO stuff. I spent most of my early 20’s in a state of low energy and mild depression. I attribute like 80% of it to the fact that I was PMOing twice a day. Now that I’ve stopped, I’ve been exercising, being more social, and generally enjoying life.

Secondly, I’m really digging on all the women. There are women everywhere! Many are gorgeous. When I was PMOing constantly, I’d criticize women in my head. Like, how they weren’t attractive. Now my body just tells me who I find attractive, and some of it surprises me! Again, I’m not magically a massive player. But the part of me that is good with women is easier to access. And I have a LOT more courage. I think it comes down to fear vs desire — which is stronger? The fear hasn’t changed much yet. But the desire is finally tipping the balance… towards taking action. And that’s an awesome feeling.

Thirdly, and most importantly, I finally have gotten my life together. My job is challenging and rewarding, and I was able to meet my challenges. Fueled by my energy, things just seem much more… possible. I’m thinking bigger and bigger!

A girl just asked me out.

I work in an office building that has various businesses on my floor. Just now, a girl that I’ve only spoken with in passing walked in, asked if I wanted to grab lunch sometime, smiled when I said yes, and walked right out.

I don’t know what it was, but I honestly don’t think anything like this would have happened before nofap. Maybe it was my confidence shining through or the fact that when I have engaged her in casual conversation I’ve been able to make strong eye contact and speak easily. Whatever it was, it sure made me feel good.

Age 29 – I’ve quit it all. Severe Depression 80% gone.

A lot of people do this for girls, I did it because my anxiety was immense and my depression made me extremely isolated. I’m 21 and been using porn for about 7-8 years. I don’t know what day you’re on but after you hit a serious flatline (mine was day 43), everything opens up to be honest. Zero anxiety, Zero Depression. Yes, you have down days but they pass after a day or two. permalink

Decreased anxiety without masturbation!!!

Hello world! I’m Khurana, from India, 19 yrs old. I have social anxiety from past 2 years. Also I masturbate quite often from past 5 yrs. now I have stopped masturbation and porn for 2 weeks, and I noticed a decrease in my anxiety? So is the anxiety linked with masturbation.. is it bcoz that I masturbate a lot so I had social anxiety???

“Son, this is the happiest I have seen you in two years” – My father

I started nofap two years ago and have been taking it seriously since. Coincidence? I think not. Nofap works.

Talking to girls is a lot easier and i feel more attractive and powerful. One other thing that i have noticed is that I can easier look people in the eye, and as a consequence I am no longer constantly thinking about what they are thinking about me. Apart from all this I am still the same me. I have already had sex in my reboot and that is the reason I’m doing this: to have more sex with real women 🙂

Nofap – the cure to Social Anxiety?

I’m on holidays right now and I haven’t flirted with any girls for a while but the NoFap has definitely increased my confidence and motivation. I have mild social anxiety and the NoFap really is helping.

The connection between social anxiety and fapping

I took the decision to put an end to my PMO addiction for a number of reasons, but curing my social anxiety wasn’t one of them. To be honest, I didn’t even know there was a connection between fapping and my social anxiety. I just considered myself an introverted person and I was fine with that. However lurking on this board, I noticed many posts about the confidence boost nofappers got after a few days of abstinence.

This weekend I went snowboarding. While in the aerial tramway, I noticed a pretty girl. While snowboarding down the slope, I saw her stop and I just stopped near her and said Hi! Asked her name, and had a nice 5 minute conversation. I never, ever, EVER did something like this before. Talking to a random girl has been impossible for me until now. The funny thing was that I wasn’t feeling anxious at all, the conversation even had a few silent moments and I didn’t feel the urge to come up with something clever to say. I felt no pressure whatsoever, no awkwardness. I still can’t believe what just happened. It really did feel like a superpower. Such an awesome superpower to have, now I am afraid that I may lose it 🙂

Please assure me that as long as I don’t fall back to my PMO addiction I get to keep this superpower.

GUY 2)

One thing that I know for sure, is that every time I go for PMO the 2 and 3 days after doing it I just can’t talk to anyone. I don’t know what happens, its like a curse. I always feel so anxious and awkward, i don’t say anything interesting, I act like shit actually. So as you can see in my case anxiety is very linked to PMO, also social anxiety ! But yes with time and abstinence socialization tends to Just keep the improve. So go on with that motivation !!! You’re doing good. Fight strong my friend.

GUY 3)

I thought my confidence levels increasing was a coincidence until I read your post but it seems other people are experiencing it too. It’s awesome! And after only 2/3 days!

GUY 4)

Dude keep at it and dont break down.. every time i feel the need i come here and re-assure myself that im not the only one. its hard to stick to it since we all got used to PMO for years.. do you really want to fall back in the same position you were in? PMO lowers your testosterone which what helped you with that conversation , if you stay strong for 2 more days (7 days total) your testosterone levels will boost up like crazy and that will increase that “superpower” to a whole new level..

GUY 5)

Just over 2 weeks in, can’t say I’ve noticed a huge difference in social anxiety, although when I first started; after a couple of days I was definitely more talkative with people, seems to have gone back to before now, but as I’ve heard there are a lot of ups and downs to this process I’m hoping that after a while it’ll come back!

GUY 6)

Yes it actually gets better.Much better.I feel like if I had “normal anxiety” that I believe most of you are describing here, not the one I have (read much much worse),I would be banging some girl right now.But since I do not have the normal anxiety, I need to really ease into being normal again.Hopefully in a few months I can report the same thing you did now.

GUY 7)

When I was in high school, I was the President of many organizations, a leader, loved to be in management role, etc… but after many years of jerking off well into college, I became very socially anxious, introverted, and depressed. Now I’m 23 years old, unemployed, no girlfriend, sucks.

I might take your advice and stop PMO-ing… hopefully I can get my confidence back!

GUY 8)

I’m like on day 60 something and im feelin fuckin golden. Been talking to chicks, and just ppl in general without any pressure, and just been having fun and cracking jokes. Don’t take life too serious – it’s just a ride. (the best fucking ride of all time!) 🙂

I never realised the reason I was so shy and quiet was because of PM. I never thought I was good enough for anyone. I thought I was too ugly, or too boring. I felt as if I’d never be loved. So I said “Screw it. My days of PMO are over.” And quit.

I’ve nearly relapsed a few times, but I also know what’s going wrong and fixed it. One week ago today, I was fortunate enough to get my second ever girlfriend. This time however, we just click. It’s really good and, as a virgin, this is really exciting. I’ve become a totally different person. I’m louder, more energetic, more clear. I’m not socially awkward. I can confirm that rebooting is probably one of the best decisions of my entire life.

90 days completed!

So what has changed? I have more free time. I feel like there are nearly no mood changes anymore. Anxiety during social interactions has gotten better, although it wasn’t really a problem even before starting nofap. Sadly, still no girlfriend, but that’s probably due to the fact, that I don’t really like going to the disco or clubs.

56 Days In, 36 years old, First Wet Dream Of My Life!

I’d say this is quite a reboot. I’ve finally allowed my body to settle in to what it would do naturally. To expel when it needs to expel, not forced. More like Old Faithful… just following nature’s rhythm.

On another note, as other men have reported on here, I have felt an amazing change in my overall mood over the last 56 days. A renewed sense of confidence. A sense of vital integrity. A sense of virtue. Like I can look people in the eye now (without images of porn swimming through my head). Interestingly, even though at times I have these really intense feelings of arousal, ironically I also feel much less focused on sex, but more focused on taking care of my mind and heart, and on meeting the right woman.

This has truly been life-changing!

LINK- Only 11 days

I’ve always noticed that when I stop masturbating to porn, my quality of life increases. Because this ALWAYS happens when I stop, these are the things that changed in my life (not a placebo effect).

1)My sleep sessions are back to normal. Before, I would often fap and then go to sleep at 4 in the morning, wake up around 1 or 2 pm tired and given up for the day. Now I wake up around 9 energized (better than before but still not at the level I want).

2) My emotions are so much more in control. Before I would get angry very quickly with my family members or get frustrated by little things. Now I feel my hormones are starting to calm down. I give less of a fuck about negative things and am way more positive.

3) I can confirm my hormones are started to level out because I have had terrible acne for the last 5 years, and within 10 days, it has almost completely stopped!!! UNBELIEVABLE since I’ve been to dermatologists countless times and been prescribed 4 different antibiotics. My skin is clearer than ever.

4) My confidence and ability to social with people are back to the level it was before I went into the “teen years.” I’m currently 19 but when I was younger before the fap addiction, I used to be top of my class and used to make friends easily. I was able to make people laugh quite a lot as well. Whenever I would fap, the very next day, I would HATE to go out and socialize and would often “Flop” on my friends. I preferred not interacting with people. My depression (fluctuates daily) which I noticed was getting worse and worse over the years is finally starting to disappear (in 10 days ! I cant believe it).

5) For the first time in years, I went to the mall and was hit on by a girl from high school who I haven’t seen in a year. She flirted quite a bit but I was not interested in her to be quite honest.

6) My testosterone levels are increasing and my voice is started to become a slight bit more deeper. I just don’t understand how all this is happening within 10 days. I have always looked young for my age but now I think it was all this excessive fapping that was messing around my testosterone levels.

7) My food addiction ( legitimate problem for me) is starting to disappear. I no longer constantly crave eating bad food and over eat. I often go to the gym to balance out my terrible eating before but it was still destroying my body. In the past 10 days I have lost 10 POUNDS! I’ve been juicing fruits and vegetables and my body is changing FAST!

8) Because I take more initiative and am less lazy, I managed to get my FIRST job on day 8! I’ve been looking for work for 2 years and perhaps it may be just a coincidence, but I think its mostly my confidence and initiative that changed with no fap that helped me get the job.

I know its only been 10 days so it might be hard for some of you to believe me, but believe me or not, I don’t care! This has really changed my life and what excites me is what level I will be in 30 days, and then 90 days, and then 1 year. Who knows! I am NEVER going back to porn.

So, 4 weeks of nofap, breaking a 3 month long 3 day spell?

I’ve finally broken out of the 3 day circle I was in! Now I have enough experience now to simply confirm that fapping makes your skills with women worse, and, naturally, not fapping makes them better if you’re fapping in the first place. It clogs your mind in many unnecessary ways. But I had a 46 days streak, where everything was great, but then I fell into a pattern for a few months, and without me noticing it really, my skills with girls gradually declined.

Now I’ve talked to several girls in the last weeks, and suddenly there has been a spark between us, more or less intense. This is the stuff I am nofapping for man! Also, I’ve gotten a lot more creatively active, and I’m making music again. I even think my voice might be better than before! 😀 Say what you want to, but for me, this shit works. I’ve experienced it, felt a huge difference between the nofapping and fapping way of life. Stay strong, for victory is in sight!

Overdue 60-Day Report

The most noticeable change I have noticed during my current noFap streak is that I don’t put myself down anymore! I have way more confidence now than I did before Nofap.I noticed that ever since I started NoFap, I constantly check myself out in the mirror, and I’m amazed at how good looking I am. I always say to myself “Damn! I’m sexier than fuck! I can’t believe I’m even single! How can girls even resist me?!” I know its kinda weird but that’s what I noticed, during my nofap streak, I just have this confidence, I like what I see in the mirror, I’m comfortable in my own skin,

I can say that small things about myself don’t bother me like they used too (body image, too scrawny, too this, too that BS)

Before Nofap I groomed and practiced good hygiene but now I take care of my appearance like FUUUCK! I buy aftershave now, I get professional haircuts so I can look good, I groom my facial hair to make it look like I want it to, I dress so fresh so clean, I wear fitted hats now because now I’m feeling myself, SO MUCH CONFIDENCE!

Now, after 90 days without porn/masturbation, I ain’t going to say I’m anxiety free. But it did diminish like 80% from what it use to be. At this pace I will be anxiety free pretty soon. So, let me make a little list to make this easier on the eye.

  • Much less anxiety
  • Boner anytime
  • Confidence
  • Desire to meet people and to go out (I wasn’t as SAP as some of you, but if you are extremely SAP and three months doesn’t cut it, hang in there)
  • 100% increase in sensibility
  • Women detection radar (every girl within a thirty yard radius will be noticed immediately)
  • 100% increase in focus (no more ADHD like symptoms, now I can finish things I start)

Day 49-Life just keeps getting better

Hey guys, everything is going well. I feel great. relaxed, confident, a supreme knowing that everything will work out…even better than my expectations. My skin looks amazing, i am visibly glowing, i naturally stand taller, my voice sounds amazing, i feel like a genius, my talking skills have improved by a long shot, people are a million times nicer to me, i handle my emotions a kajillion times better.

there is really no words to describe how i feel. AND I AM ONLY ON DAY 49!!!!! It gets better than this?!!??!?!?!

I wouldn’t change this experience for anything

women are crushing on me hard. they are just in awe of my existence lol. every time i am around women, they get nervous, they squirm, they glance, they look away, they let their guard down, they relax, they give me the deer-in-the-headlights look, or the classic doggy-bowl look. i promise you, i am not that good looking (maybe i am?). however, i feel like i am the hottest guy around. bask in my ambiance world lol. the catch 22 of this: even though i am gaining so much confidence, I FEEL SO HUMBLE. i feel incredibly meek.

guess that’s what happens when you are holding a month and half of sperm in ya testes lol.

the best part is i don’t want any of them. my first reboot goal=get women. 2nd reboot goal=find better quality women.

they all are amazing women, don’t get me wrong.

before, i would take anything that was handed to me. now, i am a lot more picky. i want a queen. i want a beautiful, self-confident, strong but humble woman.

Wasted my 20s and 30s fapping

I have since, over the past several years, been able to muster the energy for several rounds of NoFap (without calling it that, of course). Unfortunately, my success has been limited. I once abstained from porn for a month, while continuing to masturbate as a stress-release. That was years ago now, but it stands out in my mind as a bright spot. That was the point where I understood, finally, that there was a very strong connection between my depression and my PMO behaviors. I knew this because after a few weeks without porn, I really started to FEEL a change in my life. But it got too difficult for me, and I relapsed, and went back into the darkness for several more years. My struggle has been on and off since then. I can just about get through a week now, without any PMO at all. But I keep relapsing.

90 Day Report – Depression, and Nofap to a new life.

I’m 16. I’ve had a good life. But the last year has been the hardest ever. 2 severely depressed friends (who I tried my very best to help to get help), and me being depressed as well, along with anxiety attacks frequently. I started nofap depressed. This was 90 days ago.

I never like fapping or porn. I just hated it. The so called “benefits” never outweighed how I would feel afterward. So nofap was my savior. A way out of this depression. Or so I thought.

Nofap has helped me to face problems in my life. Whether they be social or emotional. I no longer have fapping for emotional release, forcing me to face my problems. Depression is an illness right, but I think my depression stems from anxiety and nofap has helped me to cut down on that in general.

I feel like a better person. I can talk to people now. I would use fapping as a crutch to explain why I was so awkward. Without it, I learned how to deal with being awkward. I’ve been more interested in my passions (music, running).

But nofap alone is not the answer. I’m still depressed. But I feel immensely better. Nofap is helping me to make other areas of my life better. I’ve been trying to fix bad relationships with friends and family, and been trying to work harder in school to avoid stress (I’m in very high level classes at school).

Don’t get me wrong. This no substitute for professional help. But it can’t hurt. If anything it will add a goal to your life.

Tl;Dr : My journey through the mystical lands of Nofap is helping me to find my way out of the fogs of Depression


Depression has eased up here too! 17 here, and I’ve been attempting to get to 90 the past 3 months and my furthest streak was 37 days that ended a couple day ago. Even though I’ve had relapses here and there, I can surely say this has been the best life changing experience ever, I’m finally getting motivated to do the things I love and interested in. Nofap certainly isn’t a cure-all, but it moves you in the right direction for sure.


I was diagnosed with Major Depression by a psychiatrist (it runs in my family, my father and his mother also struggled with it) and you’re right, nofap alone won’t cure it, but it for dang sure helps. Curing depression is multi-modal – no magic bullet. It takes exercise, meditation, healthy relationships with family and friends, proper nutrition, and for all the young men (and older men!) of course I would recommend nofap.

I’m so happy that you have found the ideas behind nofap at such a young age, there is hope for the younger generation! Just the other day I read a story from a 20-year-old nofapper who said that in junior high he would go to the bathroom and look at porn vids on his iphone. I’m 34 and I know if such technology had been around when I was in junior high I’d be in much worse shape than I am now.


Hy, I just want to say something about me. I’m 17 years old and I’ve been fapping to porn I guess for like 3-4 years or less don’t know there was a time when I fapped like 2-3 times a day and I had no idea that was affecting me. I had no idea what was self esteem, confidence in a man.

I was starting high school I had really high emotions when I was trying to talk to a girl, I wasn’t making eye contact with the girl I was always looking on the walls, at her tits and she noticed that but she didn’t say nothing and also I was really agitated that you could see that. I had a bad acnee and because of that I didn’t really liked talking with anybody becuase the way I was looking.

Only a year ago or something like that I saw this video on reddit Your Brain on Porn and that’s when I realized that masturbation was the cause for me. All the symptoms was there, no self esteem, no confidence, agitated, too afraid to say anything, always cared about what ppl think of me. I found out about this subreddit, /nofap.

I was really trying but I couldn’t get more then 2-3 days was impossbile and then I saw a post on reddit from /gonewild and that broke me again I was watching it every single day at pics with girls and the urge was even bigger to fap right away. After that i saw pics with male+female there having sex and then I thought about me what the fuck I’m doing what is my sexual life and from there all began for me. I still watch gonewild but I don’t want to masturbate really I can control it.

I haven’t masturbate in 12 days and I feel so good about myself, a few days ago I was with my brother at the mall checking things out about clothes and what I wanted get for myself and I see the this blond girl coming towards me and I was telling to myself I have to talk to this girl my heart was beating so fast and after she passed me I ran after her and talked with her about 10 minutes after that I invited her to a drink and she accepted, we changed numers and now shes texting me every day and she wants to go out more often. I still can’t belive this but I really think It’s my time now to lose my virginity.

I really wish you good luck with your journey and never lose faith even if you broke from time to time.

LINK – I’m 8 days in and two things have happened that I am convinced are not in my head. My voice has stopped cracking so much and has become slightly deeper and more authoritative. I feel my words have impact now. I mean, it’s subtle, it’s not like I could get a job on the radio now, but I believe it to be true.

Age 18 – Social Anxiety/Panic Attacks pretty much gone. More confident, Grades improved

LINK – Day 12 now, getting close to my previous best of 14 and feeling great. I’m seeing girls in a different light now, that’s for sure. I’m thinking of them as beautiful or pretty, not hot. They’re not seeming to intimidate me as much either. I think this is down to eye contact.

Prior to nofap, I was terrible at eye contact due to my own insecurities I guess. I would always look down or even at peoples mouths when they spoke. Now I’m holding massive eye contact, like all the time, and I’m seeing the beauty in women much more clearly. I’m better maintaining genuine conversations.

Last night, I went by myself to a party where I literally knew just one person and everyone else knew each other – something I wouldn’t usually consider doing. I spoke and flirted with so many girls, got a phone number too. Things are working out!

finally started to get superpowers through.

Just spent the last week staying in a backpackers hostel,sharing 12 bed room, meeting, talking to new people everyday. such a good place to boost confidence, destroy social anxiety and become more socially outgoing.

Before this, i have been doing no fap since around september, but never really noticed any of these supwer powers, because i live in an isolated village in the middle of knowhere.

thanks for no-fap for pushing me out of the countryside and in to the city, i wouldnt have had the balls and dopamine ( motivation) otherwise

44 days: Confidence restored.

I did something recently I’ve never done before: speed dating. I’ve heard the horror stories but thought I would give it a try. I gotta tell you, I think I did pretty well. Looking back, the thing that made the biggest impression on me is how much more confident I am than before. When I used to meet women, socially or at bars/clubs/etc, I was the shrinking violet–shy, eyes cast down, hands folded, poor posture. I look back now and I realize, the reason why women were not so interested in me before is because I was sending out all the wrong signals. Now, partly because of nofap, and partly because of learning about seduction game (basically how to act confident while on your way to becoming actually confident, i.e. fake it til you make it), I realize that your only limit is yourself.

Compared to the other guys there, I was slightly overweight (just a beer belly), obvious I didn’t go to gym often (no bulging biceps). But I made up for it by being well dressed and wielding a very sharp personality, making witty jokes with each girl I met.

Nofap is not magic, but I feel like things really changed for me over the past 44 days. Like anything in life, you get out of it what you put into it. If you just nofap and nothing else, don’t expect supermodels to immediately reward your choice. But if you work hard at improving yourself, continuously, every day, you’ll begin to uncover the talents you had all long. As I found out at the speed dating event, and when I go to bars/restaurants/etc nowadays, I am starting to notice among men the same poor posture and shy personality I used to have. I wish I could take them aside and share some wisdom on nofap, etc. I think spreading the word about nofap, in a discrete way, will really improve the lives of a lot of men.

Day 8: I can talk to women better

The last couple of days I’ve noticed that I’m able to talk to women I’m interested in. I’m not as shy as I was, I’m not as afraid to be myself, I’m actually funny around them (I’m typically funny but not around women I’m interested in). So I guess this is a good motivator for the rest of /r/nofap to keep with it. There really are good reasons to stop! 🙂

I know being able to talk to women easier is a really nice thing but the biggest motivator to me is my mind. When I’m looking at porn and fapping any women I see in real life are automatically turned into sex things in my mind and all I can think about is sex with them. That’s not a good way to live. I’ve been noticing the further and further I get away from fapping and porn the cleaner and cleaner my mind gets. It feels amazing. Truly.

IdiotInAJeep 39 days

I’ve gone cold turkey on fapping and porn for a while now and my outlook on life has changed completely. For the first time in my life I feel confident talking to people and I’m able to hold a decent conversation without getting anxious and freaking out. I’m by no means cured but cold turkey can work for anyone, just find something else to do with your time that’s constructive and do it.

My depression held me back for many years, but now I think it&#039;s gone and replaced with energy and motivation

Day 80+ and noticing some amazing neurological changes

I wanted to share my experiences in the last few days, because for me personally its been nothing short of stunning. To start off I’ve had massive social anxiety since I can remember. I always fought it, but it was me always basically faking it.

What I am noticing now is a massive change in my ability to interact with people. Most noticeably eye contact… I’d read this on yourbrainonporn, but its like night and day. Starting a few days ago I just started making eye contact with almost everyone and it felt natural. I wanted to, rather than what I’ve done my entire adult life which was either force it, or start it and look away assuming I was doing something embarrassing or wrong. Now I suddenly just don’t give a shit.

Its not perfect though, I can still feel the blocks in my head hit after a second or so, but more often than not I just naturally say “no I won’t stop” and go on until its natural conclusion. This is with guys and girls just normal human interaction

Beyond that when I was riding my bike yesterday, I was passing people and saying hello. I still couldn’t naturally/easily smile as well but I feel like I almost wanted to. I was smiling at things I haven’t been able to smile at forever, like a guy playing with his dog, or a little happy baby in her carriage. It was just a feeling of… almost euphoria.

And beyond that I was looking at girls passing by me without fear… making eye contact and holding it almost long enough. Even flirted with a girl at the cash register and got her to give me an interested smile.

Its nothing short of un-fucking-believable.

I’m mean I am still not there yet… I have morning wood every couple of days or so (still a huge improvement) and its not as good as I remember, but that just means I need more time.

So for everyone else doubting themselves… the rewiring is not linear, it can happen in stages, it can take longer than 90 days, you can’t tell. But its real I encourage everyone to stick with it.

Also if anyone else has similar drastic changes they want to talk about, please reply. I’d like to hear them to see how much further this will go.

Ideally even though I’ll probably always be an introvert, I can see myself now being more comfortable in a big group. The only thing I still need to figure out how to fix is my inability to come up with small talk… I just don’t think of that sort of thing.

From above thread –

Yes I experienced the eyes thing although much earlier. Before nofap, I had read about people not being able to look people in the eyes because of some sort f secret shame and thought this was BS, and hadn’t even noticed I didn’t do it.

But a few weeks in, I suddenly realised I was looking everyone in the eyes. Beautiful moment.

And shortly after – spontaneous conversation. When preivoously i would have not bothered. Body language is a wonderful thing, and i believe if you expresses confidence naturally, people are much more likely to react positively to you, and you end up talking.

My advice? Talk to everyone you encounter who you don’t already know. Not just people you want something out of, or people you want to “target” eg women.

Just say a few things more than you would normally in interactions. E.g. In queues, when ordering something in a coffee shop. Explicitly say hi to people you see (when previously you did not think that to be necessary). Something will eventually develop. If it doesn’t, what does it matter- you are doing it all the time.

Same thread –

Hey! Congrats on making it this far. I can definitely relate to feeling more confident and that recovery happens in stages. 90 days is just a guide, it will take me longer to get back to normal – whatever that might be.

After like 2 months I noticed that waking up was no longer a problem. Before I would need to press snooze or force myself to get out of bed, now I almost preempt the alarm. No coffee, no sugar anymore. 5k at 6 am and a cold shower work much better 🙂 also it used to take me like half an hour to fall asleep but now I do it almost instantly.

Same thread –

Yes I totally feel more comfortable watching people at the eyes. It’s strange how my mind is just better. I am on day 11 right now , but I went like 2 months without fapping at the beggining of 2012 and I just felt my mind completely clear, my mindset was something beautiful.

Same thread –

Yeah for me the eye contact becomes more direct around a week or two of nofap, in correlation with my hormones and desire. I also did some specific eye contact “challenges” years ago which have helped make it much more natural feeling for me. As a fellow introvert, I can tell you that small talk is basically thinking out loud. Its shallow, unimportant dribble that people like to distract themselves with. A lot of it is observational: “hot out today”, “I like your purple shirt”, some of it is ‘lets share our mundane existance with each other’ material : “had pizza last night, was awesome!” If you want small talk ideas, just visit Twitter! Congrats on your successes and thanks for sharing with us.

Over halfway there, thoughts so far.

Well as the badge says, I am 53 days into the journey and so far it has been a great experience.The first two weeks are the hardest, but once you get passed that it goes away. After the first two weeks I fell into a depression for about a week and realized I needed a life style change and that I needed to get off the computer. So I did.

It has been great, I have never been so social before and although I have my good times and bad times I have changed so much since when I first started.

As far as the side effects of nofap, I will tell you that the high you feel after the first week will subside and you may have a brief period of depression/rage but it passes and levels out and you start to feel better.

I feel emotions! I am very happy about this to be honest. Before I used to browse 4chan and to say the least it fucked me up mentally. I become desensitized and things that should have made me sad made me laugh and things that should have been fun, I shrugged off.

day 40 has been a battle (first post)

Fapping became a crutch for me that wrecked my ability to be social and made even working with other people very stressful due to my inability to feel comfortable around others. In particular, I lost the ability to look people in the eye and be confident in myself. Overall, people can tell I’m a good person, but I made people feel a bit uncomfortable and it was really getting me down. So, I’m making a stand and taking back my life. I’m so grateful that I understand the source of my issues. I had gone to see a therapist a couple years back and thought I was just hardwired to be anti-social. The therapist did not give me any insights and eventually I quit going. I know so many people are into porn and seem to lead normal lives that I just never related my issues to it. Now I know that porn has been messing my brain up. I stumbled onto the videos of yourbrainonporn and the light went off.

So the hard part is executing on my reboot plan. I’ve been doing quite well on my plan. I survived a stretch of insomnia, some headaches, low libido currently, and being irritable. I’ve been noticing many positive changes. My voice is much louder and clearer. This is quite remarkable to me. My ability to stand face to face with people and look them in the eye is becoming easier and easier. In general, my fear of social encounters is going down. I still think about avoiding situations, but slowly but surely, I feel way more capable of interacting with others.

Today, day 40 I had a lot of time to myself. I found myself browsing TV for movies with hot chicks. Then I started a google search for girls with nice abs. That’s when I finally decided I needed to get out of the house. I went to play some pool at a local bar in their saturday tournament. I will survive today and keep on going with my nofap lifestlyle. I know the rewards in the future will make the sacrifices seem trivial.

LINK – ThisOneHasReadIt

It’s okay to be an introvert, and it might even be a good thing. Introversion does not equal socially inept or anti-social. Those come from the PMO addiction.

I just hit 3-weeks, which is the longest I’ve gone since high school, and I have noticed similar changes. I’m still introverted. I like to take time alone and just think -about anything (and everything). However, when it comes to social interaction such as when I’m at work or just out running errands, it doesn’t seem like such a chore. I even surprise myself by making small talk with strangers, which use to seem so tedious.

I read somewhere that introverts are still social, it’s just that social activity (outside of small groups) drains our emotional batteries, whereas for extroverts social interaction charges their batteries. So after a party or social gathering we just need some “us” time to recharge.

That is enough rambling for me. Congratulations and Good Luck. Remember to be proud to be an introvert AND enjoy interacting with others

I quit nofap and everytime I do I always come back

Years ago when I started fapping I was a hypochondriac mess. I googled every symptom and everything I saw on my body. Whenever I was on a good streak I didn’t even worry about my health. For the past few weeks I didn’t worry but yesterday when I quit I immediately when back into the routine of overanalyzing every spot on my body despite logic telling me I was fine. So I remember why I started in the first place. It wasn’t to get girls, confidence, or anything like that. It was just to make myself happy and worry free. Hypochondria sucks and I am ready to be done with it for good. So I think it’s safe to say now that I remember the reason I started this challenge in the first place thatI won’t be fapping again.

Age 23 – Transformed from weird loner into charming guy

Dear Social Anxiety and Depression, Farewell.

Longest time ever without PMO since discovering porn 9 years ago (im 23 now). Anxiety and depression, nowhere to be found. I’m living my best life.


LINK – 57 Days, benefits

So now after I’ve wrote this post I should put a disclaimer in front of it. No fapping wasn’t the sole reason of benefits. I’ve been meditating daily for quite some time now, maybe 5-6 weeks. I also started doing yoga several times per week. Further I eat consciously now. I get plenty of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and fibers from my food. I do not overeat, I stopped eating junk food, like sandwiches, cookies, dumpling, I am not eating candy and chocolates anymore. Although I consume shitloads of dried fruits, which are really similar to candies. From those you can easily get lethargic if you overeat, but I’ve managed to get a pretty good feel of when and how much I can eat them to stay clearheaded and energetic.

Few weeks ago I’ve started studying objectivism philosophy and now I’m a in process of forming my code of principles, which will help me guide my choices for the optimum living. I’m very excited about it and expect good things out of my life.

Also something else worth mentioning. Compared to a lot of people in my age group (I’m 23) I’m in a shitty situation. I dropped out of college, I have no money for rent and have no job at the moment. No qualifications or clear talents. Despite that I feel ok about my life. Abstinence from porn and masturbation helped me immensely to feel that way.


  • I don’t get ashamed or flustered if I fuck up publicly. Tested multiple times in front of groups as big as 45 people. Some examples of fucking up: messing up a toast at wedding, getting food all over my clothes, being unable to perform something which requires below basic level of coordination. Haha It was actually all funny to me, even now I remember those things as positives.
  • I’m so much more comfortable in social ‘mini confrontations’ if someone says a joke at my expensive, I have a much higher chance of responding in a cool manner and If nothing comes to mind I’m not affected emotionally or affected much less. I now tend to hold less grudges and let things go sooo much easier.
  • Initiating pleasant conversations with strangers is easier and more natural. As for approaching girls specifically, instead of having a blank in my head, I get creative ideas about what to say, I don’t capitalize on it often though. Also I feel that I’m more comfortable with being rejected and being direct.I don’t approach left and right, but I have more positive outlook and higher self esteem, because my standard of what’s possible expanded.
  • I am able to notice and analyze my emotions. It benefits me at least in 2 ways: I do not immediately respond with an nonconstructive response, when having an emotional, tough conversation with people who are important to me. Second benefit is that, even if I still experience, depression, sadness, shame, guilt, it has a more observational element to them and instead of tearing me from the inside, it nudges me in a semi friendly manner. That manner is “here is WHAT you are feeling, here’s WHY you are feeling it and here’s what you have to DO to make it go away”. It’s a call to action.
  • Loneliness, nostalgia, sadness decreased dramatically in my life, despite changes happening for the dominant part inside me, not in external world
  • I started to hate indecisiveness, pussy footing and pussy manners. Yes fuck you “Am I the only one which thinks that…” GUY and “LIKE LIKE LIKE” GUY and “Is it me or….” GUY. Yes it has a positive too. My procrastination rate decreased, I make decisions faster and I stick with them at higher success rate than before. When it comes to habit-decisions I get daily feelgoods, just from knowing that I stuck with my decision. I love myself for that and I respect myself.
  • When I look in the mirror I often think that I’m good looking. Compared to before, I would usually think that I look like a loser. Now I actually feel somewhat good looking despite looking the same way lol. Except maybe losing some fat from exercises, but you have lift my shirt to see that, face is the same, I think.
  • Oh yeah and my voice is deeper. I started feeling it about 8-9 days ago. It hasn’t gone away yet

Confidence is growing.

Honestly, I never felt this confident and it’s scaring as fuck. Because i never was able to man up like that. Nofap gave me the power to talk,smile and to walk with confidence. I even had the guts to tell a girls that i loved her until Saturday and i ruined away a 3 years friendship and yes right now I’m trying my best to repair everything, but I’m looking forward for life. I’m wasting less time on touching my weewee and I’m using it to be a better person! We’re on a mission guys! NOFAP. We learn from experience.

Same thread

I’m on the same boat as you guys. I can talk more easily with other people without quickly looking away. Eye contact don’t bother me as much and I’m not as nervous as before. I hope the trend continues and we get even more confident!

Same thread

It’s really amazing, isn’t it?

I’m only on Day THREE and I just looked in the mirror and was confident in my body. I weighed myself and I haven’t lost any weight or gained any muscle. I’m the exact same guy I was three days ago physically, but mentally it’s a whole different ball game

Confidence = Win

I find that with my extra confidence I’ve become better friends with the people around me, which in turn distracts me from the temptations of my computer in my room. I practicably found myself at day 10. Go forth, find friends and do crazy stuff. Get lost in what really matters in this world.

GUY 2)

Agreed, it’s helping me like crazy. Social anxiety (to the same extent as before) is a thing of the past! Maybe it’s because I coupled this challenge with going off cannabis too, I don’t know but it’s working.

GUY 3)

I feel the same. One of the best decisions I’ve ever made

90 Days! Should I go for 180?

Overall, I really have enjoyed the energy, and the self confidence I’ve gained through nofap. It really does work wonders, you just have to be willing to be mentally strong and resist the temptations.

I hear a lot of how people start nofap for the reason of gaining confidence. Here are my own observations…

I have noticed that gaining confidence also affects how I view myself. Better self-esteem makes me re-evaluate myself and how others treat me during conversations and other interactions. I have been sticking up for myself a lot more and noticing that some of my friends weren’t as much as my friends as a thought (not talking about you John :P). I have to say its very nice to be more in tune and I am making better life decisions. I making better decisions because I have better self respect. This is wonderful.

just two days from reaching 200 days, a reset!

Since I was a busy high schooler (and lazy lurker) I hadn’t found the time to post a long and detailed analysis of my ongoing experimentation with porn/masturbation abstinence but now I think I better post something now before I forget it.

I guess because of these reasons doing nofap wasn’t a huge challenge for me, unlike my friend who could only do it for a week (I referred /r/nofap to friends, teehee).

The first 2 weeks of nofap were around the greatest-feeling weeks of my whole life! I actually had motivation to do what I always wanted to do: write songs, play songs, write poems, publish poems. I felt like a freakin Pulitzer prize winning author for half a month. I couldn’t sleep because I had 100000x more energy than usual. Testosterone overdose, anyone? I was EXTREMELY motivated by my crush.

After 2 weeks life pretty much went down to normal with some exceptions: * Being a successful fapstronaut gave me a mental edge over others. When facing a more alpha male I can say in my mind “well hotshot I bet you sit at home in the dark and masturbate in a corner every other day. Guess who doesn’t do that? ME” * I obviously had more time on my hands which I spent some on video games, some on writing/playing music, whereas before I just played video games. * nofap acted as a confidence-booster as I worked to improve my inner game and self-image with some tips from /r/seduction.

I watched a ludicrous amount of much porn today. I forgot how cripplingly addictive that shit can be. I hope to stop PMO in time for college even though I really don’t want to now. This isn’t the end though, I learned a TON about being a cooler, more attractive person in half a year. I accomplished so much with confidence and motivation that seem to have popped out of nowhere when I started on my nofap journey.

LINK – I tried starting this about 4 months ago. I was a chronic fapper masturbating 2-3 times a day. When I first started I only went 3 days and relapsed. I then went a whole week and really started to feel the benefits, but when i started to get a lot of sexual energy I just relapsed, and so I was stuck in this cycle of relapsing after 1-2 weeks for like 4 months.

Then I finally told myself that I had to stop for good, but this time the motivation was different. It wasn’t only for myself, it wasnt just so I could get my libido back and be able to talk to girls and be less socially awkward. It was for the people around me. It was for my friends and family. It was also for the women around me. I began to think about all the girls who had some interest in me, but I couldn’t be sexual enough to keep their interest. Girls like sex too, but they don’t like a guy who can’t be sexual and who isn’t confident in himself.

So this time I went almost 4 weeks and felt like I really reaped the benefits. On the forth week when my sex drive was really high I was really confident. Before I would break eye contact in fear of socially awkward moments or just coming off as creepy, but this time I wasn’t socially awkward and didn’t feel creepy when I held eye contact without saying anything. I was more patient and emotionally stable, I didn’t get depressed or angry nearly as much as I used to and was actually in a good mood 90% of the time.The woman around me could feel the confidence, happy feelings and sexuality radiating from me. I communicated these feelings through eye contact and eye fucked every girl I talked to. I felt like a much more attractive person. I made clever remarks and I was much more genuinely interested in getting to know people. I was funny and at times didn’t give a Fuck about what I said, because I was confident in all my actions and if I was wrong in doing something or saying something weird I learned from it, where as before when I said something weird in a social setting I would get depressed and then wouldn’t talk as much as a result.

The key to not relapsing is translating the energy from not fapping to just being busy and getting out and doing stuff. I started dating for the first time in my life, worked out, hung out with friends, went to parties, went clubbing, went on trips. I jumped at every opportunity to socialize, and I loved it because I was a social person. I stopped being such a space cadet and stayed present to the moment. I paid attention to detail and what was going on around me. I was able to react better in certain situations, where as before I would freak out.

I embodied the idea of becoming a man. I became a man in my own way, I didn’t try to be someone else, I just didn’t give a Fuck about what people thought. I thought of the idea that a true man goes after what he wants and shouldn’t be ashamed of doing so and so I became this person who was confident, energetic and wasn’t ashamed of his desires. I did and said everything as if I was right until proven wrong.

Sorry this is kind of all over the place and really long, but I just had to get it out and I want to thank the nofap community for helping me realize that there were other people out there like me going through what I went through.

Just got denied today. First time I asked out girl in six years and I am so damn proud

Asked girl is she wants to see dark knight at work. I said passivley if you ever want to see the movie I can drive you. Next time I will be more direct when I ask a girl out. I wasn’t scared at all when I asked her out or agitated or embarrased when she didn’t answer and said okay. It wasn’t that big of a deal, and I realized that we are all human other people are dating and I don’t appear as some desperate loser if I ask someone out. She didn’t seem bothered, but more flattered than anything. Now I can close my book on her and say onto the next one, not wondering all of the what ifs. 15 days I am finally interested in real women and want to join the dating world for the first time as a 20 year old man.

I’m on day 100somethin. The mood swings (anxiety) used to last me 2-3 days at a time. It went down to one day. Then 1/2 a day. Now it’s like an hour or two and it goes away. They are much more spaced out.

Public Speaking Breakthrough

I like many fapstronauts and non fapstronauts alike have a big time fear of public speaking. Today I spoke in front of a medium sized audience ( 30-40 people ) with absolute unadulterated confidence and I am buzzing with pride. The setting was a panel with each person speaking on a separate function and my function, while not the most inherently interesting, drew by far the most interest from the audience. I answered questions thoroughly and enthusiastically and even got a few laughs. This is undoubtedly credited to my NoFap journey (30 days strong).

126 days of being myself

Things have been going good, I am not depressed anymore which of I am very happy and proud. Depression was one the hardest things in my life and it’s very sad to think that it was caused by masturbation. Since my depression’s gone I am acquiring more self-esteem every day, I feel my feet standing stable on the ground.

Since depression is gone I have no serious problems in my life anymore, but damn, that fucking hornyness. It comes in waves. Sometimes I have no hornyness at all and I think I am asexual, but then it comes like a tsunami blowing all my clear thoughts away and keeping me thinking about women. Then all this hornyness leads to dreams which are really bad: I keep dreaming about porn and sometimes my dreams feel like reality. When I wake up I am in bad mood for the rest of the day, I blame myself I relapsed, even if I know it was just a dream.

That said, my dreams are the only thing that are unstable in my life. My mood is fully in control, my urges are fully in control. I would like to thank that one fapstronaut that recommended a good method for fighting the urges. What was the name of it? The Buddhist method? I don’t know anymore, but simply explained when you get the urge for something, no matter what – is it porn, masturbation or junk food or a piece of chocolate, think about the opposite of it. So for instance when you think about porn direct your thoughts toward being with a girl, cuddling, love…

Age 17 – Nofap cured my depression and social anxiety. Other benefits

Nearly 6 months and my superpower is I’m not on heavy anti-depressants in the worst month of winter.

Here we are. 90 Days.

Before I started NoFap I was on a year long dry-spell. Since I’d broken up with my girlfriend I had only had one sexual encounter, where I got, yes you named it: ED. ED at the age of 19?! That’s unnatural. At the time I obviously blamed it on her in my mind, which wasn’t true at all, she is beautiful and sexy, and I see that now. Either way, I have had more sexual encounters in the last 3 months than in the year before it. ED is not a problem anymore.

I guess what I’m saying is that NoFap doesn’t change you as a person. But it enhances you. You become a more confident, charismatic, energetic form of yourself. It is something I would recommend to everyone and I thank the community here greatly.

I started viewing porn mags from the age of 14, when I came upon a stash. It was a every-night thing for a while, until the age of 18, when I left for uni.

I got into a relationship eight years ago, and that rocked for first 5 years — problems started after that. We were long-distance, because of her job, and the isolation and lack of closeness drove me back into PMO big time. I also discovered that interactive video chat was a massive high. So it went for a year or so.

After that, when we were back in the same place again, I realised that I had deeply screwed up my brain. I had lost all confidence and my personal attraction had diminished drastically. I could feel that because I was a really confident and social person before, and that all had started disappearing. It also, needless to say, affected our relationship (though she had started complaining about lowering of intimacy even before the problem started). I didn’t get aroused anymore by anything at all as well. Which sucked big time.

Then one day, I discovered YBP and this forum —  Over last few months, I have completely changed my life around — I exercise very regularly, I am focussing on a number of creative endeavours, and I have been traveling frequently. Yet, the damn thing keeps coming back once in a while. I also think that the desensitization of the brain has not only to do with just porn, but technology overuse in general — it distances us from nature and removes us from our creative selves (unless we are using it as a tool to creative endeavors).

Does anyone else sort of feel like a kid again since starting no fap?

When I’m on a no-fap streak (this is my second time, my last streak was about 60 days), I become happier and more content. I get the sense that I feel innocent in my mind, and this is reflected in my behaviour.

Girls and women seem more attracted to me than before. Basically, when I’m no-fapping I go from “creep” to “cute.” Seriously, I can’t count the number of times I’ve been called “cute” by members of the opposite sex in the last few months. And for the most part, only this compliment.

It feels like I’m giving off the sort of vibes I did before I became sexually active (with myself). It’s as though women can somehow distinguish between the innocent youth, the perverted youth, and the sexually accomplished man. It may be all in my head, but clearly my thoughts are reflected in my behaviour.

Brain works much more and much better on nofap: share your experiences please! 🙂

Bam – I’m like a super Asian genius now. I exaggerate, but ya, I can think clearly; my ADD is muuuuch more in control; I’m so much more curious about the cause and effect of things – it’s like dopamine is released when I use my brain to attain whatever I’m after. Yum!

I fucking did it, i overcame the social anxiety

30 mins back I was having the worst urge in this 9 day streak so far, they were pushing me towards a relapse and I felt like I was going to give in any second. But then something clicked in my head and it told me to fight it, fight it like a warrior. I was putting of shopping for food for awhile now because I experience a lot of social anxiety now and then but today I used the urge to empower me, and I kept telling myself i was a loser and a wuss for not going, I kept telling myself why wouldn’t I do something so natural and yet something everyone does in their lifes. So I jumped on my bike and I conquered my anxiety like a badass, I went shopping for food and came home with a bag of food. This seems so stupid and not a big deal for you all but for me it was and I’m happy i did it.

social anxiety Almost gone

I dunno what is the secret!! But Without fapping .. Confidence boost and no social anxiety anymore.. If you have S.A just do it really helps

Nofap cured my OCD? Hey guys I just want to make an observation. I am not saying that this is 100% but I never realized it until today. I have dealt with compulsive behavior or OCD all my life spurring from some dramatic events. However, now that I’m on nofap it just kinda disappeared like it’s nothing. Kinda crazy. I used to lock the  doors 5 times because I was afraid of an intruder (and would dwell on it) but now idk I feel at peace.

PMO and Speech Impediment

So this one I’m just throwing out there as a curiosity.

One of the various benefits of no PMO that has come along with my confidence is ability to speak clearly. I always had what I can only describe as a speech impediment… basically I would be so nervous that I would constantly have to trip over my words when thinking of things to say. This would often lead to me saying the start of something, and then repeating myself about half a second later or so when I was sure of what I wanted to say. It was like having my brain constantly filter everything coming out in case I might say the wrong thing in a social situation. It was worse obviously when talking to strangers, but it was even there talking to family members.

Anyways now while its not gone its like 100 times better. I rarely catch myself doing it, and when I do I notice it, and when I correct myself I do it with confidence. I find myself using better vocabularly, where as before I would avoid using words that were difficult to pronounce, as I could never do it. It literally would be hard for me to make my tongue make the right sounds. Like today, I used the word Superfluous naturally in a conversation… I could feel my brain as I was saying it, say ” NO you can’t do that you’ll fuck it up” ,but then the word just came out.

Anyone else get this or something similar? Does it continue to improve? I mean I would say its 85% gone but I’d like more like 99% 😀

GUY 2:

Sorta the same here. I used to stutter sometimes, especially when I was talking while my mind was elsewhere. Nothing serious or frequent, but enough to be bothersome. When I’m holding a good nofap streak though, it disappears.

GUY 3:

Yes I also noticed a change in my conversations. My voice is bit firmer now. Also able to speak better.. I don’t mean there is a drastic change. I would say there is a 10% improvment in the way I speak.

GUY 4:

I’ve actually noticed improvements in my communication during my longer nofap reboots, including

-better diction -less stumbling over words -crisper, more expressive conversational vocabulary -and of course, more ease in starting casual, fun conversations.

It’s great to hear of your benefits! Keep going and keep us posted on further improvements!

GUY 5:

definitely has improved especially when I focus on speaking loudly

GUY 6:

first of all congrats on 89 days! I too have noticed this change in my conversation, although the effect is not as significant, there is still some stuttering left.

GUY 7:

I stutter sometimes, Nofap can definitely help with that. It makes me more confident, I stutter much less after a week of nofap.

GUY 8:

Holy crap I’m experiencing the same thing. It’s like I wrote this original post. I’ve noticed how my speech gets a lot better when on noFap for 7+ days. Thanks for posting this and giving me more motivation to finally make 30+ days noFap (I’ve been relapsing to MO around days 7-20 for like 10 times now).

21 days in – One of the best things about NoFap is…

Since starting NoFap I have felt both more attractive, and more attracted to the opposite sex. I feel better at communicating with people of either gender, with stronger eye contact and more confidence in myself. I even ended up hooking up with a girl I had known for a long time which has already resulting in some Fun Times (TM). It feels almost like a missing piece of the puzzle has been found, and I am not so ‘different’ from other men as I once thought myself to be

Holy crap, does this work!

I just wanted to tell you guys how happy I am I started NoFap. I’m ony on day 5, but I feel like a totally different person. I’ve never felt so manly and social. Was out partying last night and talked to so many people, I couldn’t believe it. I was talking with people in the queue, joking around with the bouncers, talking to many many lovely ladies! The party ended at 3, (which is a bit early for me personally), but I hung out with two lovely ladies ’til the early hours. of course the alcohol helped, but I think NoFap has a lot to do with the way I was behaving.

I feel more confident and manly when I walk the streets or go to the supermarket. Normally at the supermarket I would often get very nervous at the check out, especially when a beautiful lady was working it. Now everything goes so smoothly and they seem to smile at me more.

It’s a real eye opener to experience that it is truely all about confidence. I had to fight some cravings in the past 4 days, but I already can’t imagine how bad I would feel after relapsing.

I’m not trying to sound cocky, I just wanted to share this awesome feeling with the fellow fapstronauts. Also I have a feeling that when I share this kind of stuff, the urge to relapse will be reduced.

I’m very curious what the future holds for me!

Is NoFap doing this to me?

Why the hell am I no longer anxious? I have been on NoFap for a week now. The second day I noticed changes. Instead of being anxious, I look people in the eye and smile at them. This used to be hard for me, it isn’t any longer. I am much more focused as well. When there is a task at hand, I no longer overthink it. Also, I am more comfortable with my sexuality, in that, I am not shy to let me intentions known to the opposite sex. My dreams are so vivid, and I sleep like a baby. When I wake up, I can recall most of my dreams.

My sleep patterns are better, I am more comfortable with strangers, with myself, and life has truly become more interesting. Is this what I have been missing? My god, NoFap as ridiculous as the name is, is the drug that isn’t. Thanks guys.

Real-life Superpowers

Hey guys, I’m on day 21, and before this, the longest i went was 8 days. I’ve been PMO for 8 years now, almost half my life, but the benefits I felt were crazy, and crazy good.

  1. Incredible self confidence. I wake up in the morning with meaning, and drive guys. I feel like going to school and learning, and meeting and talking to people. I can’t explain it. It’s like u want to do it all on your own. Same thing with girls. I just chat em up. I used to be really shy. Ridiculously shy. Watching all that porn didn’t help at all either. I had a warped, twisted image of women that caused me to adopt a pussy mentality. I couldn’t even force myself to look at them. Today I have little fear, but i look right at em in the eye and smile and ask ‘yo, how’s it going?’ and voila, instant conversation. No need for fancy pick up lines.
  2. Focus level: 9000. Im not kidding. Your head defogs so much and your memory improves tremendously. I’m able to recall whatever the hell I’ve studied for the past few days with ease ( when u have enough rest/sleep of course). Really good and handy power to have when u need to force yourself to do that extra rep as well.
  3. No more ‘social anxiety’. I stopped giving a fuck about what others think about me and minded my own business. I used to spend hours and days caring about how i looked and ppl judging me. I just automatically stopped caring. U feel so much calmer, clearer, and u grow to love and treasure yourself and people that u truly care about (like your parents) so much more.

Time heals all wounds guys. Really. I never believed i could have overcome this horror of the 21st century until I pushed myself to resist the temptation.

I get tastes of clarity, lack of social anxiety, better thinking habits, better response from women. I feel like I become the person that I am/want to be when I touch this feeling. That’s what I want to keep continuing. This depression cloud took years to descend on me. It gradually took over my thinking and feeling without me realizing what was happening. To see this effect start to reverse itself has to be one of the most amazing things I’ve ever experienced. To see the shame go down and the confidence rise is mesmerizing. I like watching the garbage drop off me, and the dead weight lift.

Quitting porn lowered my social anxiety. Quitting MO has made me a driven man. I have a ridiculous drive for women now, I want to make out with them, fucking hug them, protect them. I did not have ANY of that when I was PMOing everyday, I didn’t even fucking look a chick in the eyes… oh, and yeah, eye contact has incresed massively. I sound like a man, I don’t sound like a little bitch anymore whenever I speak. Reply #27

100, here I come!

I started nearly 100 days ago. In that time, I’ve gained focus, determination, social ability, and self respect. I was a shell of a man before because I gave in to the simplest of pleasures.

I didn’t want to fight for anything. I didn’t want to work hard for anything. Now I realize that anything worthwhile in this life will take some hard work. A big reward means a lot of work. Give this thing up guys. It has never given you anything worthwhile.

Gotta run. You see, I’ve got a very attractive young lady waiting on me to take her out. She’s the latest benefit of walking down a better path. Seize the day, men!

Did I become an extrovert?

There was an ice cream social for a fraternity I was planning to join and the moment I got there until I left, I went around asking for people’s names, what they’re studying and how they’re involved.

I don’t know what happened but I felt absolutely no fear when I was there, I approached groups of people talking and I introduced myself and asked for all of their names, I was able to maintain eye contact and keep conversation flowing the whole time. There was never a moment of awkward silence in the two hours that I was there.

Just to compare, a year ago, I couldn’t even maintain eye contact with the person I was talking to, I would start to blush and scratch my nose and look to the side and wish that they would stop talking. No…a year ago, I wouldn’t have went, I would’ve made an excuse to myself like “I need to study” or something stupid.

“Big things have small beginnings” like this weird guy said.

It’s crazy how NoFap changed my view about porn, I now find it repulsive in most cases and it wasn’t very difficult to free my HDD of it. After years of fapping I now have a very different look on girls, I’m used to be “this shy and nice guy” and I won’t say that about one month of NoFap turned me into a “Alpha Male” but, hey, I’m already less afraid about the idea of speaking to this cute girl at my university

Challanged passed, 60 days without porn, and fapping, what I got? Nothing really just:

  1. First healthy relathionship, fell in love
  2. Bosted confidance
  3. General energetic feeling
  4. Back on life track, I know what I want and what I am going to do

Its not worth it, just a waste of time, leave it guys, fapping to porn while wasting every oportunity life offers is way more satisfying – but I won’t return to porn, at least for now


LINK – FireOnCampus

Well the day has finally come, and I have not. (At least for 90 days) It has been a difficult journey, but I learned many things along the way.

Like many of you have discovered, not fapping has its benefits. After a few weeks I noticed that I had more energy and I had a distinct desire to be pro-active. I got back to working out and I’ve been doing this one routine and have been tracking my progress for the last month. I actually lost 10 pounds as well and I look more fit.

As for the ladies, well my girlfriend has noticed I am more confident and energetic around her which is a plus. I have had a few releases throughout my noFap journey when I’m with her, but I thought that those were acceptable. Overall, quitting masturbating didn’t necessarily improve my life dramatically and transform me into some super-being. However, it definitely gave me more energy and noticeable boost in confidence.

Actually able to hold a conversation now

On day 11 now, which is my second longest streak of all time (the longest being 12 days, which I’m 100% going to break) An old friend of mine came to my work saying that I never “hit her up” (which I never did cuz I thought she didn’t like me in seriousness) She asked me how I was doing and I gave her a whole ass response about how I’ve started reading books, working out, and of course how I’ve broken some bad habits like PMO. I was actually confident talking to her unlike how I was in the past, and we talked for a good amount of time, when before I usually couldn’t keep a conversation going for more than a minute. It’s incredible, I can’t believe how much this short time has changed me. I feel like I’m already becoming an alpha and I fucking love it. If you’re thinking about giving up I cannot stress to you enough how much you should absolutely stick with this path, it’s the best one for you. I promise

Hey guys and gals,

I feel the need to write my story and rant a little because I Oed today with a sexdream while sleeping.

I am a 25 year old virgin with social anxiety. I fapped since I was about 12 years old. Fapping was a daily routine till I was about 23. At this stage I told myself to not fap every day because it became very exhausting and I am tired the next day. So I only fapped on the weekends about 2-5 times. Since I am about 20 I am into drugs. The first few years I only smoked weed daily and use shrooms about once every few months. I discovered more and more drugs I like. I took drugs for the sole purpose of making fapping more amazing. Which worked pretty well … My taste of pornos got weirder and weirder. My collection got bigger and bigger.

Don’t read the next passage if you don’t want bad ideas or relapse easy.

Then I discovered amphetamines. If you know what amphetamines do they are vasoconstrictor and contract your blood vessels. You also get extremely horny and they have a freaking huge impact on your dopamine balance. Well I discoverd I could fap for 10 hours straight and cumming 5 times without problems. The orgasms are freaking amazing and I get horny when I think of it. You cum for hours and you cum so extremly hard. I did this about 10 times once every weekend in a row.


I noticed this had a huge impact on me. I got quieter and quieter and just didn’t talk with anyone at work and didn’t do something on the weekends. Well besides fapping. I discovered this subreddit and the TED talk on the first of July this year.

Since then I tried noFap and had streaks of 16, 22, 4 and 6 days.

Every relapse I feel pretty down. At least I don’t relapsed with porn so it feels not as bad as my first relapse.

So what has noFap given me till now:

  • less social anxiety. I have made new friends which I do stuff and go to other countries or on holiday. Never did something like that in the past 10 years because of anxiety and disinterest.
  • I found myself talking more and more to girls at work. Just training the basics of conversation. I know this sounds stupid but I never did something like this my entire life.
  • You penis gets bigger. This is no joke. I almost gained an inch till now.
  • I can look people longer into their eyes. Pretty amazing if you do this with girls and they are the ones who break eyecontact.
  • It seems like girls notice when you don’t fap. Almost every girl I pass in the street looks into my eyes. Girls at work check me out. Even if they have boyfriends.
  • I have more confidence to say what I want to say. It seems like other people enjoy this and I am more funny than I thought. I just never spoke up because I was afraid what the other people think about me.
  • The ability to not give a fuck about what other people thinks about me gets better and better by the day.
  • I am more motivated to do stuff. Two week ago I went hiking the first time in my life.
  • If you relapse you don’t lose all of your progress!!! The second time I relapsed I had only 1 or 2 days of bad feelings but after that it was like before the relapse.

So thank you all for this amazing sub and help me kill my SA without medication.

Day 22…well, this is a turn up for the books!

So, are the side effects true? God. Yes. My confidence has sky rocketed. I know longer imagine myself as a troll stooped over a desk, but as a functioning, respectable adult. And it HAS rubbed off (no pun intended) into my social life. I now have one or two people in my life who seem actively interested in me, and I put it down to being more outwardly confident and happy with myself. I will GLADLY sacrifice a few minutes of tube sites a night for feeling this great.So my message to anyone who is thinking of starting: don’t think twice. Do it. You will be amazed at the results, even in such a short space of time.

It won’t get you laid. It won’t get you a girlfriend. YOU will. Because you feel that. Damn. Good.

I was away in vacation around Europe for two months this summer, (LINK) I couldn’t fap because I was rather close to my parents most of the time (I’m 18 by the way). Anyway I didn’t have access to porn or sexy material BUT we stayed mostly at nudist campsites, and in Spain that’s quite…paradistic. Not a word, is now. Anyway this is a chart I made for the amount of days without fapping and how I felt about it:

day 1 = normal day 5 = wow I look so fucking good day 10 = is it me or women look at me all the time? day 20 = holy shit I can talk to any girl day 30 = holy shit I can talk to any person or group day 40 = holy shit I am the most fuckable person on the planet

Please note, this happened to me in intense social places. Won’t be like this in front of the PC sadly.

90 Day report.

After about a week I felt bulletproof. It was difficult to concentrate at times but when I focused I got so much more done. I became more assertive & organized & generally felt a sense of unforgiving pride in myself. People noticed too, it was surprising to find myself quick witted in social situations & generally sharper. I spoke louder & more frequently in public. It is like being almost always “on form”, I went through a phase of hypersensitivity & can still work myself up into a frenzy. Almost all attractive girls were (& still are) intoxicating.

All of those years, I’ve thought that porn or PMO particularly is kind of a getaway for my stress/depression. Now through a month of NoFap, I can say for sure that it’s the opposite. Stay strong guys! (LINK)

As of December 31st I was a 20 year old virgin with no self confidence, no job, and no female interest whatsoever.

I discovered NoFap through my best friend, and we both agreed that it was probably a good idea to atleast give it a try since the testimonials were so encouraging. For the few days it wasn’t too bad, i noticed all the usual things; increased energy, concentration and just a larger zest for life. However, as we know, the honey period doesn’t last for long. About a week in it became more and more difficult and I began obsessing, once again, about masturbation. I started rationalising that it was “normal” and it was “healthy” and that I didn’t need to stop wanking. Consequently, i cracked, and felt immediate shame and resentment that I couldn’t do something so simple – seemingly.

After this I really started taking nofap seriously as i realised i was back to square, it also highlighted how much I had been objectifying women. I got through each day by telling myself that I didn’t need it and my mind was playing tricks on me. After about a month i noticed huge improvements in my general intelligence, demeanour (much more..alpha), confidence and respect for women. I started going out more, excercising, and had a huge enthusiasm for life. All of my friends and family noticed a difference but i obviously didn’t tell my mother it was due to not abusing myself 5 times a day..

After 2 months, ZERO social anxiety. Also higher energy, No brain fog, Socialize with women without objectifying them

Some Reflections I’ve had tonight.

I’m going to try and make this short and sweet!

The last few days of my life have been eye opening. Whether it is obvious to you or not, fapping can indirectly affect the people around you. In the last week I have had both confidence and happiness. The happiness has helped my whole family to be more happy and friendly towards each other. I was constantly crabby living on a porn infused high which affected the people I loved. My confidence has also been great, the last time I was at twenty-five days I made a speech at my sisters wedding. Now most of you can relate to me. I hate speeches! I took a class on it and had a hard time speaking in front of 20 people. But during this speech and my nofap all time record, I proceeded to both charm and humor the crowd of one hundred plus people.

The moral of the story is, whether your problem is big (like mine) or small, to work at it not only for yourself but for the people around you. I have seen many posts on here saying that nofap didn’t work or didn’t give you the results you wanted. But I think getting rid of this disgusting part of your life is freeing and contributes to you people in individual ways. Some resolutions are more obvious than others, but keep at it and you will see differences for the better.

120 Days and still going!

So today is day 120 for me, and what a 120 days it has been, doing nofap was one of the greatest decisions I ever made, I am no longer the person that I was when I was using PMO, let me repeat that, I am a very different person today than I was 120 days ago, nofap works, it changes you, rather it brings you closer to your true self.

Let me just say I did not turn into a casanova, but who the hell cares?! I feel so comfortable with my self, sometimes I get this sense that I’m a badass for no reason! I feel very attracted to hot girls, way more than before, but now I know they’re just females, they’re not angels or beings from another dimension, they’re just human females.

Most of my social anxiety is gone, I don’t care as much what people think of me, or if a girl likes me or not, I can hold eye contact with anyone, nobody is better than me, they might be richer or better looking or smarter, but nobody is better than me, I am me, the me that I’m supposed to be, this how I should’ve felt at 16 or 17 if it hadn’t been for PMO.

I am living life way more now, I rarely sit at home, I can talk to anyone, I surprise my self everyday. I still don’t have a GF, yet I don’t dwell on it, I know my time will come when I will meet that perfect girl and I will be ready for her. I feel so much better, when I wake up in the morning, when I talk to someone, when I go to bed, I just feel so much better in every aspect of my life.

Nofap works, it really does, stick with it guys and you will be rewarded, don’t stop at 90 or 120, keep going as far as you can take it, trust me on this, you won’t regret it.


NO TURNING BACK! IS THE THEME OF THE DAY. thanks HadEnough and rcfergie5.

It is a good motto to live by.  The benefits of not using PMO greatly surpass the short term dopamine fix that PMO induces in the brain.  I feel like my brain is healing.  When I started this re-boot, I listed the following symptoms that I felt like weight on my shoulders:

1) lack of motivation

2) irritability

3) brain fog

4) inability to concentrate

5) mood swings

6) social anxiety

Today, I am proud to state here that I no longer suffer from any of these symptoms.  My moods are much more “steady”.  People are starting to notice.  The anxiety is GONE…my concentration is crystal clear, my motivation for life is very high.   I also eat better and even enjoy getting out of the house, away from the computer.  Fishing, hiking, and just walking with the dog has really helped me get deep into this re-boot without a relapse.  These are hobbies I REALLY ENJOY but neglected for at least the past decade since I first got high-speed Internet.  I have become a leader among my long-time buddies.  Fun male bonding with them on the fishing trips “off shore” in the diesel powered skiff.  The skiff was the best purchase I have ever made.


30 days! Definitely worth it.

I never had trouble with ED but social anxiety and concentration problems are pretty much my trademark characteristics, and for years I thought it’s just part of my character. I quit 30 days ago, just to give it a try and 2 weeks in I was thinking “I feel the same” but I started this year of college with a new found confidence and motivation.

I didn’t feel the change that was happening but now that I look back and try to compare my “old self” and now, I definitely see a huge improvement. Eye contact was something I always struggled with. I always tried to keep eye contact, but it took effort. It wasn’t something that I do naturally. Online I can make jokes and have fun, but when I’m around people it’s like my mind blanks out. But this mind-block is gone now, I feel comfortable laughing out loud and smiling a lot more where usually I would just smile awkwardly and hold in my laugh.

I also just had my first crush in years. The last time I even had a crush on a girl and felt like I want to be in a relationship, not just sex and stuff was years ago. Seriously. Now I’m not saying I have any kind of chance, but it’s still good. I almost forgot what it feels like to just want to be around a girl and the feeling I get if I make her laugh or if she’s happy to see me.

Now I can’t give nofap the credit entirely, I’m in a new country, with different culture in a one of the best universities around and all this plays a role. I don’t wanna give you the same idea I got when I first got here. “I stopped fapping and now girls are attracted to me all the time!! also I have girl radar and awkward boners all the time!!” Because that’s not my experience. Also girls are not jumping on the chance to be around me. But I feel a lot more confident, a lot more motivated, more focused and maybe a bit more interesting and can hold more interesting conversations. And hopefully on the right track to a better me.

Day 91 – No shit, I’m a whole other person now. Also, AMA!

Here’s my story:

I was a self-absorbed whiny bitch just one year ago. I was worried/sad 90% of my time. Had some serious rumination and overthinking issues. Social anxiety. Constantly feeling fearful/doubtful about the future. Needy and validation-seeking. Often thinking about how unfair life was with me. Angry and remorseful. Resentful towards women.

Since I devoted myself to nofap and other life-enhancing stuff, I am now at last a proper MAN, not the cry baby I used to be. I feel I’m in 100% charge of my own life. Happy 90% of the time, confident about the future. I now enjoy social interactions and learned how to deal with friends and women. Did a ton of new friends, ditched toxic relationships. I feel an overall sense of well-being like I never felt before.

As you said, there were many other actions that led me to the awesome improvements I’m experiencing. But if you ask me what’s the #1 reason for my mental well-being, I’d say nofapping without a shadow of a doubt.

So yeah brothers, keep on fighting, and be strong. This is completely worth it. If you get into other good habits (experiencing life, social interactions, eating healthy, doing some sport) you will feel like a completely different, improved person just like we did.

First day of College! Thank you NoFap.

Well, in my case a lot of my Social Anxiety stems from eye contact, and just from me being a total creep without realizing it… NoFap had taught me to appreciate a women for her hair, eyes, color of clothes.. etc. Instead of her butt, legs, etc. I feel like women respect me more and actually would like to talk with me, I’m still trying to get that part down. But overall I feel really good.

So this isn’t how everyone benefits from nofap but its working for me.. I am starting to gain my social skills back just by not being creepy. I don’t need to be out in public and stare at all these women sexually. I know that if I show her enough respect instead of thinking of how bad I want to get in her pants, I will most likely score a number. And when the time is right, I can confidently and safely become aroused by her. Not out in public!

Tl;dr be respectful to women, don’t internally gap every time you see a beautiful women, respect her and get her number in a non creepy way. If she’s into you, there will be plenty of fantasizing to come, but at the right times.

Day 10, and my most noticeable changes are to my social anxiety.

Day 10, the single longest stretch ive gone without fapping since I was 12 years old. I can’t say that the past few days have been particularly difficult for me since I was more or less flatlined the entire time, and also being incredibly busy starting my second semester of college. I wasnt left with much time or desire to fap. So I know Ive had it easy compared to some of you guys, and I respect you immensely for being able to power through your first week of what must have been pure torture.

Regardless of the flatlining ive been experiencing, I have noticed quite a few changes over the past few days.

The crippling social anxiety that ive been experiencing for the past 5 years has basically eradicated itself from my day to day life. During my first semester of college last spring, my usual routine was to walk into class, sit at my desk and fidget and shake from the amount of adrenaline coursing through my veins caused by the anxiety that I was experiencing.

Any time that the teacher would announce group work I would immediately be overwhelmed by an incredible wave of anxiety flowing through my body. My face would go red, my pulse would quicken, my breathing would become irregular. And then once I finally got into the group I would be even worse — barely capable of expressing a single coherent thought the entire time because of being so nervous. It was a very uncomfortable experience and one that I am thankful to be finally getting rid of.

These past few days at school have been amazing, and I dont believe it would have been possible without nofap.

Now I walk into class with my head held high and a slight smirk on my face just because im excited to see what new things I get to experience today. My shoulders are relaxed and my face is friendly, instead of contorted in fear.

When my instructor announces group work (which they seem to be addicted to), I still feel that initial rush of anxiety hit me. But I know that is still just the initial reaction and my brain will take some time to adapt to my new behaviors and confidence. Regardless, whatever little anxiety I feel doesn’t linger for a very long. As soon as I get into my group I am completely focused, confident, and relaxed. I communicate clearly with my partner, and in my mind I image us as friendly allies fighting towards the same goal of completing our project together.

The only unfortunate thing about my new found social confidence is that most of the time me and my partner will spend our time talking and getting to know each other rather than actually working on our project, and we can waste a little bit of time that way. I feel like people are a lot more comfortable around me. I actually look forward to all group work now.

I have started talking a lot more to people, and expressing my thoughts with incredible clarity and precision. And for anyone who has ever had chronic social anxiety, you know just how foreign that behavior can be.

I feel like an entirely new man. I am confident, clear-headed, and overflowing with energy. And I have to attribute these new developments to not fapping since I have made absolutely no other changes in the past week except for that.

FULL POST- 24 Days: I never thought it would be this good!! (Read This For Motivation/Inspiration)

General life improvement Too fucking long to list, but here are some: Productivity is greater than it has ever been in my entire life, this is an absolute fact. Family and friends are noticing changes. Charisma higher than ever. Motivation is long lasting. No mood swings. Determined like never before. Exited to shape my life in to what I want it to be.

I could go on all day with these…

Now what you have all been waiting for

Social life/ GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS!!! Of all the benefits of NoFap, this is perhaps the greatest EVER! Alright lets fucking do this!

1) I have always been told I am a very good looking guy by family, friends, girls (not GF’s), etc. Problem was, looking at porn it showed me fake women–who on recollection are not attractive to me at all, REAL girls are sooooo much hotter!–and my confidence was at an all time low for most of my life. NOW!! I am more confidenct than EVER! Confident in my appearance, charisma and personality.

2) I don’t stumble like a blubbering moron like I did when I PMO’ed: Uhh, uhhhmmm….mmmm..well…ah… whats…uh..your name….(pulls out phone and stares at a black screen, avoiding eye contact) Now I fucking look hot girls right in the eyes and give them a confident, outgoing and seduction-like smile.

3) Girls are noticing me. A LOT MORE! The hot fit girls at the gym who I though were way out of my league (BTW fuck leagues there made up bullshit) are now giving me smiles, stares and flirt with me.

4) Before PMO I would never have ever guessed that they were flirting. Now I notice the blushing, tingling of hair, seductive pose, the eye fucking, all of it!!

5) I cannot believe I watched the women in porn, in hindsight they look fake and scary. I do not understand how I found WAY TO MUCH make up, over-tanned skin, and fake colored hair, fake physique attractive. Real girls are the real deal, they are the ones I am attracted to.

6) Social anxiety is pretty much gone. I walk into a room like a fucking boss with a smile on my face and project confidence like crazy. Not afraid of group work at university, not afraid of job interviews. Other men look intimidated by me, probably cause they PMO. MY ACNE IS GONE! I could not believe it! My facial appearance got better!

7) I hear this too much, “Oh god its like your a different person. I never though you were so good at etc, etc, etc”


Communication and super powers

Before no fap when people would talk to me I would look in their eyes and see right past them. The words would come out of their mouth and I would tune them out. After no fap I actually enjoy talking to people for the first time in my life. After having even a small conversation I feel so much better about myself. It feels like a super power but you never know. No fap has helped me communicate with people way better than before.

This might sound repetitive, because it works. I am not going back to fapping ever. (43 days)

Anxiety has always been a problem for me. It’s a whole different world now. My ADHD is under control. For the first time in a decade I feel normal and ALIVE. I can hold conversation like a normal  person. I feel awesome being normal… mature adult .. Some one responsible for his life, taking action, doing something, trying out things. Will be starting out Salsa, and bachata lessons on 31st of this  onth. Will see how that goes.

If I come across porn now, I say and feel: ” It’s nothing special ” with exaggerated sounds, and acting … not normal ….. I just want to interact with people, chill out with my books, and  have a good sleep like a normal guy.

Greetings, nofappers!-57 Days

Earlier tonight I was over at a friend’s apartment. I’m there with my roommates and several people I don’t know, but I’m at least acquainted with most of the people there on some level so I’m feeling pretty comfortable. Anyway, I’m standing in a circle with probably 6 other people, all acquaintances, and we’re just bullshitting and discussing random topics. As this is going on, I turn to say bye to someone as they leave and this black girl comes up to me and goes “Excuse me, what’s your name?” I told her, and then she introduced herself and a few of her friends. The next thing she said took me completely off guard: “I just want to say that you have the most beautiful skin! Your cheeks just have this natural rosy glow.”

I would say I was taken aback, but that would be an understatement. As someone who has suffered from low self-confidence and mild social anxiety, this compliment was one of the biggest confidence boosts of my entire life.

I’ve never been complimented on my skin before. There’s nothing spectacular about it – in fact, I have relatively dry skin. I’ve never been approached that way before either. What happened tonight literally has no precedence whatsoever in my life. All I can attribute this to is nofap.

Nofap has seriously been one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. I feel more healthy than ever. I need less sleep, and the sleep I do get is deeper and more fulfilling. My dreams are more intense. My appetite is bigger, but I crave healthier foods. My voice feels more powerful. My muscle tone is better, even though I rarely lift. My sparse facial hair is coming in thicker and darker. I no longer feel controlled by my mood, but instead feel the need to proactively regulate my mental state and emotions. Most importantly, my confidence is (now) at an all-time high.

Guys, these are all very real benefits. Nofap + cold showers is the only major change I’ve made recently in my life. I know some people want to question the validity of some of the claims made by fapstronauts, and I think that’s a good thing; there’s nothing wrong with a little healthy skepticism. However, this is your life we’re talking about guys. If you’re on the fence about trying this nofap thing, just do it. What have you got to lose? Why cheat yourself out of a better life?

To all you fapstronauts fighting the good fight, I wish you the best of luck and resolve in order to defeat your inner demons. You CAN do this. And I promise it gets easier. The more success you have socially and personally, the more you realize how you never want to go back to the way things were. When you get that compliment, or that smile from the girl you pass on the sidewalk, it’s magical: You grow too big to fit back into that computer chair.

I’m the MAN and I’ve always been.. The difference is that I actually believe it now =)

A whole new world is currently being discovered as I continue on my journey to success and growth. Girls come easier, now that I’ve finally discovered how much fulfilling life can be, once you’ve accepted who you are as an individual.

I am beginning to forget my life without NoFap. (130 days later)

Before I found this sub and yourbrainonporn, I was missing out on so many parts of life that I cant believe I am still here today. I started porn around age 11 long before my first real sexual encounter. This led to many problems for me like Porn induced ED/delayed ejaculation, random depression with high levels of social anxiety, and desensitization to many things that I loved growing up. I kept going downhill for years as my porn addiction got worse. I lost all real connections to my family and friends because over time I was replacing any interest in them with porn. I hated life, hated living, hated everything about myself until one day I was lucky enough to stumble upon this sub and everything changed after that.

After I began my reboot with NoFap, I discovered who I really am for the first time in my life. I thought that I was an introvert that had no real interest in pursuing women or bettering himself. I thought that I would spend the rest of my life without any direction or any real connections to those around me. I thought that I was actually worthless enough that it wouldn’t matter to a single person if I was gone. But I was wrong about all of these things and after I realized that, I decided to go all out on this reboot. I combined NoFap with exercise, diet, cold showers, going back to college, and meditation. I didn’t even entertain a single thought about sex or porn.

Now I have changed so much that I can’t even remember what I was like before. My depression is gone and I love doing things again like off-roading and basketball; activities that I loved growing up but my interest faded into my addiction with time. My anxiety is gone as well, and I can even get up in front of a group without any issues at all. Everything about sex changed for the better. I can last 30 minutes and the sensation is amazing. NoFap is incredible for self improvement and many people are missing out on it. Keep in mind that NoFap is also just the first step.

Personal Issues with Pornography Addiction/Chronic Masturbation

Stated simply, a “tolerance break” from pornography, coupled with abstinence or restrained masturbation can help your brain reset expectations for sexual gratification and relationships, as well as boosting confidence, energy and sexual performance.

I’m personally a “graduate” of the method, having successfully done a 56-day stint completely abstaining from porn and masturbation last year. My original goal was 60 days, but I ended up “breaking” on the 56 day by having sex with a beautiful woman who’s now a great friend of mine. Prior to this, I had not had sex in nearly two years, and masturbated to “fucked up/extreme” porn multiple times a day. I’m not currently in a relationship, but my sexual needs are being fulfilled. More importantly for me was the increased energy and self confidence that arose as a result. I went from a minimum-wage part time job to a full-time position that actually puts my credentials and knowledge to work. This required a massive leap in every aspect of my life (motivation, character, self-respect, public speaking, etc.) and I fully believe that my no-porn journey helped me build the confidence I needed to succeed. After all, if you can make your body and mind bend to your will, there is very little you cannot accomplish.

9 weeks – Depression is hugely improved, Porn was sapping me of my willpower

Being more social?

I’m on day four of nofap, my longest streak being 34 days, and I have noticed I’ve been more social. Not only at work, but even out in public. I greeted a few people outside, engaged co-workers which led to more exciting conversations, and had more energy.

Day 31 – quick review post

After day 7 I started getting morning wood pretty regularly, which was very new to me. I remember getting morning wood as a teenager, but I don’t think I’ve gotten it since I was about 17 years old. The past couple of weeks it’s decreased in frequency to maybe 1 out of every 3 nights.

I’m making much better eye contact and my social anxiety has decreased quite a bit. I’m a lot calmer too. I’ve been running the past couple of weeks so that’s also going well, but I have not observed any effects from nofap on any kind of athletic performance. I’m not surprised by this because I don’t expect any benefits in this area, and I’m also not doing much. I plan to ramp my activity up slowly and get back into working out in a sustainable way, 4-6 times a week.

I’m getting a lot more work done, which is the biggest thing for me. I still waste a lot of time browsing reddit and reading news and checking my RSS feeds, etc. I hope to tackle those issues soon, but one thing at a time.

For the first 3 weeks I was pretty depressed. I had trouble motivating myself to get out of bed, and was feeling tired and had no motivation to get any work done when I was up and about. But starting day 25 I’ve started to feel better, and have started getting more work done.

96 day and I am only just beginning.

Whilst a lot of people will discount and discredit what we do here, I can say that every positive benefit I have felt in the last 3 months have been directly related to my no longer fapping.

My conviction never wavered. Not once, but 9 months ago I was mired in depression. I was supposed to attend university full time, but if I could find the effort, hell if I could find the motivation I could barely make it in one day every three weeks. My relationships with women…. Well, I had little not nothing in terms relationships for the past six years. It had taken its toll as you all could imagine.

Now…well now. Despite failing university and all the associated dreams and ambitions being washed away, I have never felt better. I have my first real relationship with a woman. I start working soon, and despite my academic failing I have a fairly solid plan to get on track with my future.

I have never felt better.

My Experience with NoFap so far (it needs to be noted that I have tried and failed the 90 day challenge about 30 times but this time round I have smashed my record with over 2 weeks);

  • I no longer find it hard to wake up in the mornings
  • Once upon a time I used to think if only I would nofap everyday I would be happy, well thats been happening now and I am. I am sure once I hit 90 days this feeling will pass, but for the interim it feels great!
  • Increased confidence, dealing with people and knowing that I am in complete control of my body is re-assuring. I am no longer filled with doubt, because I know that at certain times of the day I no longer give way to the animal within me and PMO
  • Goal setting, slowly improving other areas of my life. NoFap is one milestone, and then completing it successfully allows me to move on to other areas of my life with improvement

Day 50: New semester in college, the changes are very noticable

I just started a new semester at my University (Biology undergrad). I’ve been really excited for this! I started NoFap about halfway through the summer, while I was out of town for four weeks. I got little attention from girls and I just feel deeper and deeper in until I finally decided to quit this past summer.  Here are some of the things that I’ve observed.

  • I’m more confident around girls. I am much more sure of myself when talking about the and feel much more comfortable.
  • I both give and recieve eye contact more frequently, and notice people shooting me smiles, especially from girls.
  • A sophomore I briefly met last week bumped into me again today, was thrilled to see me, and gave me her number. That never happened before.
  • I walk with better posture, and am always full of energy. People are noticing.
  • I feel ready and motivated to start using the school’s rec center gym regularly.

I’m really happy with how this is turning out! This is my first time seeing a lot of new people since the last semester ended, and it’s crazy seeing all the changes at once after 50 days of transforming my habits. I’m really glad I finally decided to take No Fap seriously.

Age 20 – I was a shy introvert. Now: Confident! Can talk forever. Meeting girls & socialising is easy

What is your most compelling piece of evidence for nofap?

For me it’s the immense improvement in my social anxiety. I’m a software engineer, in my head a lot. I used to be very extroverted when I was very young, but over the years all this time in front of computers and eventually making a living out of it really changed that. It’s come to the point that I was afraid to say anything to anyone around me, I was worried about how every little exchange was going to end up, like I was waging something really important each time. When I would pass people by I would often feel small and, in some undefinable way, lesser. This despite the fact that I’m a pretty big guy musculature-wise, having been working out and regularly lifting weights for over a decade.

Sometimes it would make me unduly aggressive, more often I would just be resigned to feeling that way and being miserable. I would always feel like I’m socially undesirable, though I’ve learned from various past experiences that often it was me who people were convinced was not interested in them.

I’d be lying if I said things have been the exact opposite of that lately, but they are much better in a number of key ways. I used to think there was something I needed to be doing that I didn’t or couldn’t do. Now there is this energy in me… if I’m alone it either translates to the desire to do something fun or productive, or just a general frustrated horniness.

When I’m around people it feels like it reaches out to them, makes me want to look at them or talk to them even if it doesn’t seem like they’d be particularly reciprocal. I started realizing just how much of these numerous small bad experiences I’ve had with random strangers are just people reacting to a situation in exactly the same way I would.

When I would go sit somewhere like a cafe, I would feel nervous about people looking at me as I come in, as if they’re judging me. Now I just see that they’re curious, or are themselves feeling insecure, or if they do appear to be judgmental they seem to be compensating for something.

These are all things I’ve always suspected in a multitude of small ways, but it’s like how U.G. Krishnamurti put it once, I have only seen the sugar, and now I’m tasting it. The whole thing feels like it’s opened my eyes.

First kiss. Thank you r/NoFap

I am only two weeks in and I am already a new man. I can’t even believe how it has changed me. I am really aware of my surroundings and I am enjoying life. I am a sophomore in college and 20 years old and I never have had a girlfriend. I never have had my first kiss. I seriously was a pathetic individual.

Now ladies are constantly visiting my dorm room. And yes yesterday I had my first kiss and made out with a girl for the first time. The funny part is that I was so terrible at it and I realized I am in need practice… luckily she’s down to teach me. I believe that PMO has kept me from experiencing this in the past. I am very thankful for nofap. DO NOT GIVE UP FAPSTRONAUTS

Day 92 / Schizophrenia vs Nofap.

(Day 92) It will be short. I am schizophrenic and because of the loads of meds that I take, I feel that somehow I am not able to experiment the full benefis of nofap and no  PMOing. Anyways, I am at my 92 days, and something amazing started to happen… CONVERSATIONAL SKILLS really improved. I don’t f*** believe!! People laugh of my  silly jokes, I lead a conversation most of The times I choose the topic. I don’t feel anymore the feeling of having to ”fitting in” conversations. I have never felt this before  mainly because of my long-term schizophrenia. Thats why I am IMPRESSED.

link – Superpowers manifest!

I’m on day 25 of my 1st reboot attempt. The flatline is pretty rough. Lately, zero motivation to be social. Really have been feeling lonely and invisible to women. A lot of guys write about how they start their reboot and “suddenly”, girls are throwing themselves at them. I’ve been very suspicious of this kind of tale and quick to mentally call ‘BS’.Well…..

Today I was studying at Starbucks. Guess who was there. Yup, the cute barista from Thursday. We kept looking at each other – dang it was so damn fun!

I would watch her out of the corner of my eye and every now and then I’d catch her looking at me. ROAR!!!! Sometimes I’d look away as though my eyes just happened to land there; other times I’d lock eyes with her and we’d both smile BIG.

And yes, I talked with her. Twice. The first time was when I got my drink. I talked to her again for a few minutes before leaving. I’m pretty sure her co-workers were giving her shit over the headset since she was supposed to be working because we suddenly had to cut our conversation short. I can say 100% this is the first time I’ve ever gotten a girl in trouble because I was flirting with her. DEFINITELY a first for me – the me who used to PMO would never have been capable of this. I’m not jumping in to anything, but I am looking forward to the next time I see her. She’s in grad school too, so I think we’ll have some stuff in common to talk about.

Although I’ve been somewhathighly skeptical about these alleged latent superpowers that rebooting can awaken, today I became aware of those superpowers. Needless to say, I am very thankful my reboot has forced me out of my self-medicated, self-lobotomized state and given me motivation to be social while bringing me up to an emotional level where it’s possible to appreciate and enjoy something as simple as smiling at and being smiled at by a girl.


And there’s no way in hell I’m going back.

Benefit of No-Fap: approaching girls becomes much easier.

Short story: Fapper for about 7 years. Always got anxious and nervous around girls. I could not believe the the benefits other users were claiming about NoFap. Decided to give NoFap as an experiment. Also read Seddit during this. About 1 week in, I could approach girls and talk to them quite easily. Mind you, I’m not very attractive and a timid guy. Could make them laugh and have them be comfortable around me. Didn’t ask for numbers though…just made small talk and building my “seducer” skills. Relapsed yesterday, and today, saw two girls I wanted to approach, but couldn’t find the words or openings to use. No-fap-me could have just walked up there and be a boss. This shit works. Better posture, more energy, more confidence, and more inner peace. Though…not without some anxiety issues, head-aches and serious self-battles. No more fapping from now on! I’m gonna a badass.

Ok! 90 days

No porn watched. Had 3-4 ejaculations last month. No masturbation, they were from wet dreams and one from just fantasizing. Yes, I got very hard and horny, and being able to achieve orgasm by no touch almost made me cry in happiness! My biggest win so far is that I don’t really have any urge to watch porn.

I have more time to decide where my life is headed, and the energy goes to dating girls (more girls during 90 days than whole my life!). I find real girls more attractive (instead getting turned on by 2D images). I know now that my erection will depend on social issues, nervousness etc. and for that I try to work, eat, exercise and sleep correctly. 90 days was worth it, and I will continue this. Gained more insight that this is totally fixable, and I feel at least half way through.

Anyone with depression to comment on this?

Has nofap helped you with your depression? Either alleviate it or (i couldnt know) lift it altogether? In general, did u notice if nofap affected your depression in any way, but especially a positive one?


I have suffered terrible depression since I was about 14. I’m 25 now. I would spend hours in bed, unmotivated and suicidal. I attempted many times, but, obviously, failed. I failed in classes, too. I dropped out of high school and coasted through community college when my parents threatened to kick me out. I spent many months in psychiatric wards. Worst of all was that medication had never helped me, except for once. It showed me what happiness was like; I felt great. That period of time gave me motivation to continue to seek that happiness and better myself. But eventually it leveled off and I couldn’t feel anything. So, I stopped the medication and went back to the old habits.

Now, after almost two weeks of nofap, I’m getting that happiness back. The only commonalities between the two times is my lack of PMO: the medication had killed my libido and interest in PMO. It’s strange to think that masturbating for hours a day, looking at everything short of scat and guro/snuff would be the cause of my depression, but that seems to be the case. Now, realize that I am likely a rare case. Depression is a serious problem, and its cause is not always readily apparent. Nofap is probably not going to be the one issue you need to deal with. But know that nofap can help you- there is hope. Porn really only helps those making money off it, and there is no harm in cutting it out of your life. I hope your nofap attempt helps you as much as mine has.


Yes, a thousand times, yes. At my lowest point I was in a terrible place and my body refused to get out of bed for weeks on end. Enter nofap and a tiny bit of meds and it was a strong climb up. 6 months later I rarely see any of the really down days. I’m working my way through that ‘flat no feeling’ layer which started a few years ago, and hopefully will break through to those good feelings again in a few more months.

Be patient, be kind with yourself. Eat clean, exercise and be around people with positive attitudes.


Recovery overall has helped with my depression. And PMO addiction is just one aspect of my recovery. But giving up this addiction is not enough for me. I have to change my whole lifestyle. I need to socialize, eat well, exercise my brain and take care of myself. I need to have self-love, acceptance and let go of my worries. I need to do a lot of things other than quit PMO. But I do them because I now know what it’s like to have long stretches where I am not depressed but truly happy and able to take pains and suffering in stride as just the balance of life.


No fap was a massive help; cleared my head and gave me more focus and drive.

Jogging over three miles, three times a week helped me. Doing an evening class helped me socialize. Joining toastmasters helped me with public speaking Weight lifting helped, but made me angrier. Eating better and losing weight helped, but wasn’t a massive difference. Dressing better was good. Stopping listening to angry/depressing music was a godsend. Mindful meditation was a massive help. Most self-help books didn’t help, although I liked books on raising self esteem… Which I think was damaged by fapping.

However nofap was the first step, and even now, whenever I fap the negative feelings come back. I literally walk about thinking, “I used to feel like this all the time”.

Changenotchanges91 days

Absolutely, and I have had it as bad as you. The brain is a funny thing and needs to work out the kinks. What works for me is to KEEP GOING. I also kept a dream journal for 90 days, so you can see your issues.

Look, when you’re not getting enough serotonin or norepinephrine you WILL feel like shit…and it goes on and on sometimes. This is why I realized I HAD to start focusing on progress progress and more progress.

Plus, anything dealing with sobriety for stuff that alters brain chemicals is going to be a tool. Tools as you walk the road of healing.

It’s REALLY frustrating to not have the right chemical balance. Terrible. But never quit, make progress your best friend, and you will make ground.

I know it’s not easy when you can’t seem to get relief. The nofap change probably improved my brain chemistry by 50% or more. But for me it has been slow. I feel I need to get more ground on food issues and also get even better boundaries with negative people.

How NoFap changed my life : If you still have doubts, read this.

Who am I? Until a month ago, I was the typical average Joe in regards of Porn and Fap: Addicted to internet porn, I was consuming it at least once a day and, of course, fapping every day. Average good looking guy, single, 30 years old, good job. When I was motivated, I could have a great deal of success with women. The key words here are: “when I was motivated”.

Frankly, I had no idea of the effects of mass porn on me. Then I found nofap on reddit. Read it all. Read it again. And start a nofap / noporn month. After 30 days, the consequences are so great that I have to share them with you.

After 5 or 6 days, I realized that the pressure I felt was not something bad: It was energy. It was motivation – not only sexual, put pure genuine everyday’s life motivation. I flet that every beautiful girl I saw was in my range. My eye contacts with girls was sharp. Smiling to them became normal. The day after in the subway, I smiled at a beautiful tall darkhair girl. She came to see me, asking me where I studied. She appartently saw me at University few years ago.  Guess what: Phone number.

It now has been 30 days with no fap / porn and I’ve never felt more confident in my life. And the results are there. All this is not theoretical. I met more girls in the last month that in the last year and you know why ? Because it’s the only option. Because I now know I have nothing to loose.

Bottom line: Guys: Stop wasting your sexual energy on porn and fap. You just can’t imagine what’s hidding behind it. Most girls will confirm the following principle: they prefer confidence and humor than appearence. You think you’re not sexy enough to experience what I just did ? You – are – wrong. Try it. It is in you. Now I know it.

So instead of spending nights on youporn, you go outside and experience things about yourself you didn’t think possible. From a guy who is so thankful of the nofap reddit page that he had to share the good news.


I think I kind of know how you feel. The first two weeks were great, I felt a lot more energetic, my OCD and social anxiety were getting a lot better, then it plateaued. Things didn’t go back to the way they were, they just stopped getting better. I don’t care though, after years of fighting anxiety any way I could think of this is the only thing that’s making an actual difference. My voice is louder, I can talk to people even if I get nervous instead of becoming completely paralyzed.

It’s also helped me reevaluate where I am in life, which hasn’t been easy. For the last decade I’ve been in a relationship with someone who… it’s like we’ve always been best friends, but the sex has always been very complicated for her let’s just say. It made me realize how much I was dependent on porn and masturbation to make things work, which made me very angry and depressed when I realized it.

Since I started nofap we’ve had sex once. It made me realize just how little of a sex life outside porn I ever really had. So now I’m doing hard mode. It’s going well so far and I hope it’ll hold. She knows I’m doing this, and the longer we’re going without having sex and me not masturbating it’s becoming clearer and clearer how much our sex life never really worked.


This is a good help, thank you man. Benefits are that I’m literally on a journey of overall personal development and I aspire for so much more now than just an ordinary life, I originally just intended to do NoFap and some exercise self help stuff, but it’s transformed above and beyond. My confidence and social skills have gotten a lot better, my anxiety is little to none. Seriously NoFap does work.

Hi bros. It’s been almost 3 months (with 3 relapses) nofapping now.  LINK TO FULL POSTmy experience with fapping and anxiety

I’m convinced that fapping and anxiety are closely linked. Why? 20 years of fapping proved me that fapping fucks with your brain so you become a zombie addict all your life.So here’s the story: since I kicked fapping from my life, I have this overwhelming feeling of well being, general confidence and happiness.

I’ve been eating healthy, doing sport and improving my pro skills. It is fair to think that those are the main reasons why I feel this way. Well, I’m 100% positive that they play a minor role in this story.

To prove that, I have to go back 6 years in my life. I was in my mid-20’s. I had the hottest girl on earth, was successful at work and was very fit. Me self confidence was peaking at the highest level of my life. Of course I didn’t know anything about nofap.

Back then, I was addicted to PMO. And although I felt great at times, it was more like a roller coaster than an stable feeling. Right now, I’m in peace with life. I feel balance. Back then, I was either extremely happy or extremely sad. And that’s because fapping was messing with my mind to make sure I will be feeding the addiction for years to come.

A couple of years after the high period, you would find me alone and miserable. No girlfriend, some problems going on and highly addicted to PMO. My life would consist of a void work-eat-fap-sleep cycle that threw me deep into the pit of human misery.

In this period, I was a really troubled guy. Somehow PMO managed to take over my nofap time to change my perception of life. I used to see all my wrongs as a person and not a single right. Depressed and miserable, my addiction lead me to fall into the darker deeps of extreme sexual behaviour (not gonna give details but let’s say it was stuff waaay out of the normal spectrum).

During that time, I had this overwhelming feeling of anxiety. Always worried about the future. I used to over-think problems and ruminate for hours. Social Anxiety. Erectile disfunction. Unable to share intimacy with anybody. I felt powerless, miserable and sad … probably the saddest guy on earth. A victim of an unfair world.

Fortunately, living for a couple of years in that terrible state gave me the strength to find a solution to fix myself. That solution came in the form of zillions of self help material. Self-esteem, social skills, mental tricks to overcome anxiety… That material was useful but there was something still missing. Something that was preventing me from seeing the light at the end of the tunnel. That was fapping.

Yes my dear bros. Fapping was this fucking huge obstacle in the middle of my road to happiness. Since I stopped it, all the sadness, anxiety, doubts and fears about myself and the future are FUCKING GONE.

As I said at the beginning, I didn’t want to jump into conclusions too fast. I didn’t want to be that guy that nofapped for 2 days and posts “OMG I can fly now!”. I think that 3 months are enough time to claim that nofapping cured my social anxiety, my chronic low self esteem and my worries and fears about the future. Bear in mind that I’ve been addicted for 20 years.

It is fapping, I’m sure. During my binges I would go to work thinking that nobody liked me, fearful to express my opinions, and procrastinating like a bitch. Now I’m friends with almost everybody, stand my personal and pro boundaries openly and perform like a star.

Somehow when you are so addicted (I was for 20 years), your brain triggers your anxiety levels so your whole life gravitates around coming home at night and choking the duck’s neck for hours. Fapping makes you feel stressed so you stop feeling that pain when you fap.

These are my greatest two revelations learned from nofap so far:

1) Fapping gives you extra stress and anxiety so you need to relieve it (stress-fap cycle).

2) Fapping eats a fucking huuuuge amount of time in your life. Seriously dude. In money terms, I’d say that fapping was a 60% tax on my salary. The number of things that I can do now with my free time is amazing.

Sorry for the wall of text and thank you for making a better self out of me. You guys fucking rock.

TL;DL: Fapping gives you a hell of anxiety when you are addicted to it. It also eats a lot of time. Stop your addiction now!

GUY 2:

Great stuff here. I’m only a little ways in and can start to feel exactly what you’ve described.

GUY 3:

I will also explain my situation with anxiety and fapping once I hit 90 days.

I’m doing this because I had my suspicions that over masturbation was having something to do with the way my brain was functioning (not functioning).

I’m almost sure masturbation leads to anxiety/chronic anxiety on people who are predisposed to it. Like an addict, you are altering your brain chemistry with over masturbation after all.

GUY 4:

My anxiety levels have dropped like absolutely no other, almost straight away.

GUY 5:

You really don’t realize how real and detrimental this is until you escape from it.

GUY 6:

Man this is exactly my story! I’m in my early 30’s, been addicted for 20 years, and always felt like an inferior scared little bitch. I’ve tried for years to overcome my anxiety, hit the gym like a mad man, got big, read tons of self help books, but still I had no power. I knew the theory behind being confident, but could never carry it out because I was fapping for hours every night before bed. Never knew this was the root cause. I’m not as far along as you, but damn I’m already feeling some of the benefits. Can’t wait till I kick this thing for good!

GUY 7:

I feel this anti-anxiety effect to, in the moment. I’m a bit scared that it may go away if I’m getting accustomed to it, because it really feels great in the moment. Did it stay with you continuously, or did it come and go (depending on horniness)?

When fapping I had big mood swings, sometime I was feeling quite good, sometimes I was feeling depressed and anxious. Did this happen to you too and did it decrease with nofap?

GUY 8:

The anxiety couldn’t be more true, thats one of the worst things I hated about PMO. I would feel anxious for no reason even if I didn’t feel like fapping. Starting to feel much better.

GUY 9:

Thank you so much for posting this. The correlation between PMO fapping and anxiety is obvious once you hit a solid nofap streak.

What’s changed? Well, a lot. Before, I was living worst life I can image. Not having showers, because I was spending all day playing computer games, and skipping meals as well or eating only junk food. I didn’t want to even have a sunlight in my room, so I could masturbate whenever I wanted. Although i had some friends, I wasn’t participating in parties etc. Just spending my entire day in my room doing unproductive things. After few weeks things changed, I started caring about dressing well, having good hygiene, cleaning my room. This proved to me no-fap is working, so I was more motivated to stay away from PMO. Improved confidence? Fuck yeah, it has improved a lot. Started going to gym and changed eating habits. Quit playing video games, so I can do productive things while using computer. I feel more emotionally stable, not having mood swings like before. I can concentrate a lot easier now and my memory has improved.

However, it is not like I woke up some day and just started doing these things. I still sometimes procrastinate in front of computer, have bad days and don’t want to do anything. But the difference is that now I can force myself to do anything, because that energy is in me. I have still a lot of work to get done. It’s just a beginning to a better life.

I have been doing no pmo for the last month and my life has improved so much. My anxiety has been cured, I am so much more social, I have been flirting with girls. and my life has been all round great. link

Pmo and depression / sa

I’ve had suicidal depression and terrible social anxiety where I couldn’t even go out of the house. After two years of nofap I can 100% say that pmo is the no. 1 reason for this in my case at least. It’s been a hell of a ride so far. All these years where I wondered wtf is wrong with me, taking pills that don’t help. Good that I know it now and I’m not planning to ever go back.

41 Days in and i’m slowly starting to get a grip on life and myself

I feel so much more contempt with life, I am nowhere near depressed and filled with self-pity as I was last month. I am able to talk to girls the same way I talk to other guys and my ability to be social and face my fears has been significally increased.

I think that nofap has enabled me to life my life to the fullest again, I believe there is still a long road of nofap ahead of me but I am doing awesome and all these improvements let me wake up in the morning filled with joy and energy to face a new day.

Some of my archievements so far:

  • Build up the courage to ask a girl out and went on a date twice (first date in 5 years).
  • Have had girls greet me on the street because I am able to keep eye contact and smiling without anxiety building up.
  • For some reason I am much more alert in class and can follow all the material
  • I don’t feel the need to get high, pop pills or get drunk because I am not as depressed anymore
  • I am much more comfortable with defeat and failures
  • I have a lot of confidence, just yesterday I was able to sit down next to a girl in the bus I knew from my old school and was able to talk to her for almost 30 mins before I had to get off. My confidence at times really makes me want to say (wow) out loud.

90 Day Report

I didn’t turn into Superman, but I definitely felt like him on some really euphoric days, you feel an incredible surge of energy and confidence like you’ve just levelled up.

Some benefits I have noticed:

  • More confident, social, and extraverted. More than I would have been during PMO. Higher self-esteem. Met more friends. Holding conversations better.
  • Better focus/concentration/memory. Also more productive. Remember when you were a kid and things just clicked much easier? That’s coming back, at least for me.
  • Higher baseline emotional state. I’m much happier, and those things that make me unhappy I can tell are only temporary and don’t bring me down too much. No more anxiety or depression.
  • More energy. I’m not tired before the end of the day. I’m not caffeine dependant any more. I’m more eager to exercise and eat right.
  • Much more attracted to a wider variety of women

90 days and what do O have to say?

That I have come to the conclusion that I used masturbation as a tool to cope with depression. That I am now much happier than I was 3 months ago. Beyond that, I do not have anything to say that hasn’t been said before. I would just like to thank all you guys and gals for being such a great community

I actually started getting really depressed recently, i didn’t link it to fapping at the time but now i realize that they were directly linked – Link 


The funny thing is that even though I haven’t made a straight month or even 90 days or year without the old behaviour, the benefits I’ve felt have been possibly the most transformative change that I’ve made in my life.

  • focus – after about 2 days after each relapse, my focus becomes clearer and it’s so much easier not to wander off into a daydream. In conversation I can concentrate on what people are saying and now I can actually read more than a sentence without getting distracted. This helps with my work, study, relationships, socializing and anything with a purpose.
  • Confidence – this is truly the most important benefit for me as my interactions with women had been poor. I can now make witty conversation with random women in the street. Let’s put this into perspective. At November 2011, it would take me a very long time to ask a good looking girl for directions in the “mall” as a way to desensitize myself to approaching women. Now, it’s a laughable interaction that wouldn’t change my heartbeat one bit. Even 10 days into the first attempt I was starting conversations with women (not to pick-up, but just for fun). I remember so vividly how proud of myself I was. This is one of my favourite changes.
  • Inferiority – no guy likes to feel inferior to other guys and I noticed this benefit more by my feelings of inferiority returning after a relapse. This doesn’t need much explanation and it’s also harder to explain. After a lapse, I feel more needy, emotional, sensitive etc. and after a week of abstinence start to feel the reverse….like a man. The term may be subjective and the effects less quantifiable but you notice it in a change of the automatic ways that the mind perceives things. For example, when you’re sitting opposite a cute girl on the train and an alpha male type of guy comes on a sits next to you. Inferiority feelings are dramatically less and I’d feel less fearful.
  • Increased desire to socialize – probably because I’m not getting my oxytocin from ejaculating to porn, I start to desire to socialize and guess what…when you want to talk to people, they actually like it (yeh, go figure). The number of times I get a phone call or txt could definitely correlate with my fapping if I recorded it. Whenever I had a binge, I’d not care about anyone in the world for a few days. What’s funny is that during PMO and after relapse, I felt incredibly lonely yet at the same time I didn’t want to know or care about anyone. I would sit at work or family dinners and just see people as so irrelevant yet cry in my room for feeling so lonely. During abstinence the reverse happens; even though I want to connect more, I don’t feel as lonely. This is VERY strange, so beautiful and very noticeable from the inside out.

Ever since I took a tech abstinence for the last 51 days (including no PMO) my anxiety, and OCD, and ADD like symptoms have vanished. Each week passing there have been ups and downs(depression and boredom) but overall it just gets BETTER

I’m getting the grasp of becoming a man spending less time behind the screen, hitting the gym, talking to everyone I see. I can do this and I EXUDE masculine energy.

90 days, I ain’t stepping off this train any time soon!

My life has changed from procrastination to a good structure of willpower, it’s far from perfect but at least I have beaten social anxiety and confidence problems.

I can’t remember who recommended me here, but please keep it up because masturbation to porn is still seen as not a problem for many people.

All I can say is avoiding to PMO (MO by itself too) have led to a plethra of benefits that werent earned  through task specific practice. Memory (always had a good one) but Abstaining put it through the roof: could enter a room of 15 people and learn+ recall specifically all their phone numbers in under 5 min. GPA 4.  Social anxiety and bs negative thinking —-> out with the trash.

Sensitivity and motivation rises like the sun without falling like the moon. Erection with girls….-Massive (can even self-induce while thinking about girls in winter clothing). Motivation for working out, going out, ability to take care of dorm cleaning, laughter, smiling, positivity a result of training other than abstinence, no. Ability to sleep like a baby and wake alert without caffeine stimulation ( though I do indulge in coffee due to the beneficial acquired taste).

Its hard to ignore the correlation between all these harmonious benefits and the strict PMO abstinence. Reply #23

My 100 Day Report

In terms of relationships, and being able to communicate with people, I am so much more confident, it’s ridiculous.

My problems now aren’tto do with approaching people, or getting really intimate with them. Myonly problem is getting them into bed. That’s because I’m a virgin. It’s not that I’m consciously afraid of getting into bed with someone, it’s just when we’re in the moment, I freak out. Or I forget what’s going on, and snap out of the state I’m in.

In terms of brain fog, anxiety and depression; I can’t really remember the person who I used to be.

My personality due to this has been.. amazing. i love my confidence, the way i act, everything about my self really. My favorite aspect is I don’t really care what anybody thinks of me. I have a great job, I lost my virginity about 200 days in.

3 days – Seems you are ok, but don’t really feel like being around groups of people.

7 days – Seems you are able to walk around in public, with less or no anxiety.

11 days – Can be around people, comfortable no anxiet. I noticed I walked up to a woman and made a joke, near the fruit isle in the store. So I felt a little more confident.

14 days – Can be around people, without any anxiety, comfortable in your skin. Aware, and happy.

21 days – ??

28 days – ??

I want to get to the point, where I can go up to women and conversate freely with them. I have done this before, at around the 14 day mark, but I was still pretty nervous.

I was around the 7 day mark, and I went in a bar. but I had a lot of anxiety due to the fact that I went alone and I was shakey. I realized that one time I went in a bar, I believe around 17 days or so and I had absolutely no anxiety what-so-ever. In fact, I felt pretty alpha.

So these different levels of anxiety and alpha-ness usually don’t come in until around 2-3 weeks in. Does anyone concur? Thanks for reading. I am doing this because I am trying to get over S.A. again.. and I believe that the times I fapped and not being social put me a little bit back in the hole.

I’ve been feeling pretty comfortable in public lately. I just notice when I fap, I don’t feel like being around people.

Walking with confidence

Im now starting week two with a load of confidence rather than a fap. There have been several instances this weekend where I’ve surprised myself with confident responses in social situations. The fog is being lifted!

My life is changed and i LOVE IT.

Instead of fapping and spending all my free time on Netflix and PlayStation I started working out 2-3 hours every day and eat healthy. I even plan to start a fitness channel  on YouTube and post a 30 day transformation video there!

I also suffered from depression, social anxiety & panic attacks, self harm, Suicidal thoughts and other things before. I couldn’t even go to a store because i was so scared  of people. I couldn’t talk to people, girls, even boys, not even digitally ( call, voice chat).

I completely stopped self harming, am more positive about life and my future, and feel relatively confident. I joined multiple voice chats with 5 complete strangers, and  while I was still very awkward, I DID IT!! I even smiled at a girl in the gym. i probably looked like a retard but i don’t even care. I feel confident and generally better than ever, and all this on day 10. I can’t wait to see day 100.

My experience as a depressed introvert

Yesterday I went to a party on which I knew only 1 person. Some random situations that happened put into text:

  • Able to add a comment in the middle of a conversation with like 10 strangers directly looking at me and looking them in the eyes as I was telling my story. I could feel they were enjoying the way I talked and they didn’t take the eyes off me (I noticed 1 girl even kept staring at me like deamdreaming after I finished talking). Usually I would be silent and try to talk to the person just besides me if anything, “to not be found as the weirdo I am”.
  • Able to have a conversation with a girl like I was talking to one of my mates. Usually I would feel pressured to have sex or to be liked by every woman I meet in my life. They are just persons with whom I can connect based on interests and chemistry, just like I do with other men.
  • No more thoughts of “Am I ruining the party for everyone? I think they dont like me. I’m sure they all think I am weird. I should leave” when there is a silence in the conversation or when people stop laughing for some minutes or something like this.
  • Way less selfconcious about my looks. I take care of myself and try to improve myself every day but I care way less about that small stupid belly fat that is so hard to get rid of. Usually the thought of someone thinking I am not fit would stay in my head for hours, increasing my anxiety.
  • I thought a couple of girls were really good looking and interesting. I discovered later the boyfriends were there. My good mood did not change. Usually I would immediately start comparing myself to their boyfriends, usually to my detriment, leading to more depressive thoughts. Or I would think I was better than them and then the feeling would be anger (“why is she with him and not with me?”)

These are just some situations from yesterday’s night worth mentioning for someone struggling with anxiety, depression, etc. But my biggest one and the one I like the most is being able to share the happiness of the people around me, old friends and new connections. I have not found love yet but I am happy when I meet happy couples, I am not rich but I am happy when I meet people with money, I don’t have many friends but I am happy for those who have lots, this could go on forever.

NoFap is real, you will be a healthier person mentally and physically. And humans are naturally inclined to like the healthiest even if they don’t understand why they like you within the first 5 minutes of knowing each other. Keep at it and you will find friends, love and all the good things that come from honest cooperation with your fellow humans.

Starting Nofap as of now, realised most of the problems in my life are to do with the effects of PMO

Alright, so I’m 17 and after very bad anxiety 3 years ago my self confidence was ruined which had quite a big knock on effects on other areas of my life. After discovering this sub-reddit and watching the TED talk it suddenly made sense. It was around that time I had access to porn.

Right now I feel like the awesome person I use to be trying to break out of an unbreakable shy and awkward outer shell. I will report back in a few days if I feel any change

85 day update and advice

So, after 85 days of not fapping after being a multiple fap per day addict for many years… I can say partaking in nofap has been the best decision I have made in my life

Improvement: Social anxiety improved DRASTICALLY–includes confidence, eye contact, comfort interacting, smoothness, etc

-More energy in general

-Clearer, sharper mind, more concentration

-More vibrant looking face

-Depression alleviated

-Desire to interact with women

-Boners are back!!

I decided to do nofap because of depression, brain fog, social anxiety, low energy, and porn induced ED. I went into it with high expectations, and those expectations were surpassed. I am continuing to make hugely profound progress in all these areas, especially social anxiety.

Today, at the age of 22, was the first time in my life I texted a girl and asked her to hang out with me one on one. Girls have always shown interest in me in the past, but I have always been to socially inept to hang out or go on dates. I just never felt comfortable enough to do it. I thought I never would. Today I hit up this cute girl who has been interested in me and we went hot tubbing.

60 Days, having an great time, thanks guys.

There’s no reason to let up. After a period of incredible energy and confidence in the first month and shortly after, much of those superpowers faded, though the sense of contentment and calm I had stayed, as did the skills I had learned over time in dealing with all of the emotional changes.

My hypothesis is that as you follow the road to recovery, your emotions will hit incredible highs and incredible lows while your body tries to find a steady state. I suspect it will take between 3 and 5 months to find that steady state, and I’m willing to give this experiment 6 months in the hopes of improvement. That being said, I have already seen improvements.

My social skills have returned, I have more friends, and I’m considerably more persuasive and calm in social situations. My expectations of what will happen in any given scenario are more in line with reality, and my daydreaming, which was rampant before, has reduced.

There are a considerable number of posts regarding quitting, the ineffectiveness of the program, or posts full of grief and shame. I suspect these (the ones not made by trolls) are a result of a low dip in emotions. There’s no need to get mad at these community members, they’re no more in control than you were. They are conducting their own experiment, no need for us to feel compelled to either insult, or follow, their example.

It really works.

I stopped fapping just over one month ago and my life has drastically transformed. I tried quitting for years but never stuck to it so one day I decided I might as well legitimately try and see what happens.

For the past year or so I was suffering from what I thought was social anxiety but I’ve now realized that it was actually the fapping. It consumes your mind and even if you don’t think it affects your daily life, it really does. This leads me to my current situation. When I started school this year I was crushing really hard on this girl but a month went by and I never talked to her.

When i quit fapping, four days later I talked to her for the first time because I was no longer scared. Now over one month later we’re together and things are amazing. I am no longer scared of everything and am rapidly gaining friends. If you’re on the fence about quitting I suggest you do and trust me if you stick to it, you will gain willpower. The hardest part is the first few weeks but honestly think about it, things can only get better.

I feel like a beast thanks to nofap! (Story) Not sure if I should post to /r/Prorevenge

I have just finished one month of nofap. The support that is on this site is amazing. I feel really great now. Here are some outcomes that I feel came from nofap.

• Girls are getting more attracted to me • I have put on more muscle • I have strengthened bonds with my friends • My voice has gotten a lot deeper 🙂

Anyways here is the story:

During school before I started nofap, I was that semi-rich-kid that always got picked on for being so. I was used to it but there were these three guys that always would try to hurt me in any ways possible that I absolutely hated. They would put mud on my shoes, Try to humiliate me by spreading rumors, etc. I got sick of it so I started nofap because I thought it was a good thing to do for myself but I didnt know how right I was. (You guys read the stuff above) Anyways just this afternoon I ran into those three shitbags at the beach. They started doing their usual shit.. Alright then. But during this moment. I realized how much I changed. I didnt feel like the small kid that got bullied anymore. I felt like a fucking beast. They took swings at me, I took swings at them. It was one on three. Anyways their trip to the beach ended with serious injuries and my trip ended with a less injuries, confidence boost, and a realization of knowing how well I could fight.

Edit: Im fourteen right now. And my friend actually caught everything on tape. But sorry for the weird writing, Im really excited! Thanks.

I’m kicking Social Anxiety’s ass

This time last year I had huge struggles holding a conversation with anyone; especially strangers, this time last year I was set on being a construction worker or laborer for the rest of my life because I just couldn’t handle the social anxiety. I went to my university therapist and broke down in her office crying because of my social anxiety. I was an absolute mess! After about 9 months of nofap, a bunch of streaks including a 250 day streak; I can say that I am finally winning the fight against my social anxiety. My anxiety is not 100 percent gone yet, but its getting there. I now have the courage to go back to school in the fall. I just started a job at a gym as a marketer/sales associate, which is nothing but talking to people, and presenting what our gym does to people all day.

Last year I would not of been physically capable of doing this job I’m doing. Its still not easy but I can do it adequately. Which I am so proud of. The main reason I wanted this job so bad is because I know doing this job for a while will completely get rid of the last little bit of anxiety I have left.

Day 40, Nofap has made me a changed man

Little background info, I’m 20 years old and a junior in college. For the longest time I struggled with social anxiety. I was always super awkward around people (girls especially). But the past week my confidence has skyrocketed so I decided to go talk to some girls on campus I found attractive. In a couple days I managed to get 7 different girls numbers. I even invited a girl over my apartment and at first we just talked for a couple hours and then we went on to make out for awhile; she actually initiated it believe it or not. But when we were talking words were coming to me so fast like never before. I was 0% awkward and i had a wonderful time. For the first time in my life I feel like I’m actually living me life instead of watching it pass by. I hope this post motivates someone else like many of your posts have motivated me. Thank you to this whole community, I never could have gotten this far without you guys.

Everybody heard this NoFap benefit , but I still want to remention it . .

It makes it so easy to connect , communicate and spend a good time with girls without being nervous , learning to really ENJOY the conversation , not trying to HOLD it , it flows so easy and it feels sooo good , even first date goes so easily . . . NoFap is the best thing I found so far , thank you guys and I’m glad that more and more of young guys like me are opening their eyes and turning it off porn , good luck everybody and stay strong ! ! ! :)))

Does anyone else feels more… manly?

I’ve been around NoFap for like a month. I deleted all the pr0n and i keep a journal where i gather some notes.

One of the things that i’v noticed, and i want to ask you Fapstronauts about it… is that i feel more of a Man, and by “Man” i mean more rough, more ready to battle, i sometimes feel like my gonads have come out of his hiding place and step right into the shit when they have to. Now i’m more willing to confront anyone or anything, whereas my former self (that PMO addict) just chickened out every time.

Do you feel the same, fellow Fapstronauts?

GUY 2)

Hell yeah I have! My man levels have been shooting through the roofs lately. I know exactly how you feel. Before, my nads would simply shrink away from any social confrontations if I could help it. Now they’re out and about having a good time being social dinosaurs. It’s great you feel this way though. Kudos!

looking back on social anxiety

My journey to day 50 has been pretty much as good for me as a lot of the posts I’ve read here show it has been for others, and I’ve read a lot of posts here over those 50 days! I began nofap after watching the TEDx video. I’ve had great days (weeks even) where I’v felt like I could take on the whole world, I’ve had a week where I felt flat and empty, I’ve had a week of an anxious waiting feeling that wasn’t particularly nice. On the whole though it has been amazingly positive in all aspects of my life both at work, in studying and in personal interactions.

One thing is, though, that all the good changes happen so gradually (after the rush of changes in the first week or two) that it’s hard to see that I am still constantly changing. But today I had a memory that made me aware just how big the change is.

Reading another post I suddenly remembered that some weekends I used to force myself to leave the house just so that I could be someplace with people, even though I wouldn’t have to talk to them any more than to buy something at a shop or sit near people in a library. This I always saw as a big achievement because of the level of fear I had to combat. I pretty much know where the fear comes from but don’t feel ready to share that yet, besides it’s from long ago and is it really useful to try and understand everything in life, isn’t it better to sometimes just let go and move forward if you can?

Looking back now I can’t believe how separated from society I had become, how much social anxiety totally controlled and defined who I was. Although I still don’t get out much on the weekends that extreme level of social anxiety has totally gone (although writing about it now is bringing the feeling back a little strangely).

For me social anxiety is mainly present in unstructured or unorganised situations. I have no problem at work or in a club situation for example, when I have something to do whilst I am interacting, but take me out of that context and I am jelly 🙂 but that is changing now, slowly,


Same here. Exactly the same here. I’ve seen the social anxiety disappear almost completely. The last stronghold is that totally unstructured social gathering. Once we get past that, we’ll be all good


I pretty much know where the fear comes from but don’t feel ready to share that yet, besides it’s from long agoI too have some flashbacks about the roots of my anxiety and it is all coming together like pieces of puzzle now… Fuck I have/had a lot of shit going on in my life


That’s great bro! And I had noticed the same thing. Also I like what you say about unstructured situations this is totally me…

I think no fap help me a lot with SA, my anxiety is decreasing in some situations even if it’s not perfect yet.

For example, this week had been tough and i’m facing fatigue and some strange anxiety. Certainly related to the flatine. But even in this difficult moment, I can see the great progress i have made.

Yesterday night I was in a club and I’m normally not so cool in this situation. Plus, the flatline symptoms were here and I felt a bit week. But even with this mood, I wasn’t anxious being here and It was more or less kind of a nice party.

So my point is for people who face SA, if you see some spike of anxiety during the PMO. Don’t be afraid I think it’s normal, and it shouldn’t hide the progress that are made on some others areas of your life!

ps : sry for my english

Wallace44 (account no longer available]

NoFap has all but removed my depression/social anxiety, I’ll be uploading a 6 month video review very soon.


I am also at the phase where I can get out and do stuff without getting myself in trouble (panic attack), I feel OK about walking past people (looking them in the eye briefly), I am still a bit too nervous to talk – I would love to be able to say “hey how are you” or even just smile.

NoFap brings all the girls to the yard!

Aw yeah! I’ve never been uncomfortable around women but never have I been this confident!

I was at a venue and working the merch table for the musicians when a girl walked up to the bar which was located next to me. She was really cute so I looked at her and she caught my gaze. Usually, this is where I go a bit shy and look away… instead I looked her right in the eye and smiled and she smiled back. Long story short, I got a girl’s number without moving more than 3 feet in any direction.

I’ve been reading about some of you guys saying you’re more confident and that women find you more attractive after starting nofap… to be honest, I thought it was total BS! I’m sorry I ever doubted you, nofap has got to be one of my better decisions!


I fucking Killed it tonight with confidence! I went to a bar with some friends and was being personable to everyone, laughing and having a good time not shy at all. I spit some game at 1 girl but I forgot to get her number, but I was able to find her facebook and add her so things may or may not work out. It makes no difference to me, as I have multiple prospects and am hitting on every girl I get a chance with.

Also, I just didn’t give a fuck. In a really awesome way. I was a leader. Alpha. I could take it or leave it. I used to tell jokes (comedy) and I’ve not had the self-confidence to do it again in years. But I felt it tonight. Who knows, I might go do some stand-up. My life is changing. Thanks nofap. By the way, after 7 months of joining, this is my longest streak.

Will embarking on a NoFap voyage help my anxiety/brain fog? Can anyone else relate?

I am the biggest anxiety freak you will ever meet. I mean seriously, I’ve been vomiting before going to dentist from anxiety, before my first day in school etc (I have bad memories of people puking from my childhood and it probably fucked with my brain somehow,I’ve crawled through that after a few years tho,and I’m glad).

This was not all fixed by nofap, in fact nothing from it was, BUT now on nofap I feel like: wth I went 5 months without porn and masturbation, thing that seems impossible to 99% of the earth population and you think I am not able to do THIS? I just stopped givin a F. I did some things that were unimaginable for me a few months ago: I found a JOB (you may laugh now, but for me it seemed impossible due to the anxiety, like the second hardest thing after gettign a girlfriend, so.. 50% done I guess), I randomly talked to girls in school/bus/gym or whatever,another impossible thing from my pre-nofap days, etc.You know when you are with friends and you ahve to do something every one of you is scared of ? And you play rock paper scissors to decide who wil ldo it? Well guess what – I just go in before even thinking about bitching out and do it. I don’t know what brain fog is tho,because maybe I haven’t come out of it my whole life

TLDR; yes

day 40 has been a battle (first post)

Fapping became a crutch for me that wrecked my ability to be social and made even working with other people very stressful due to my inability to feel comfortable around others. In particular, I lost the ability to look people in the eye and be confident in myself. Overall, people can tell I’m a good person, but I made people feel a bit uncomfortable and it was really getting me down. So, I’m making a stand and taking back my life. I’m so grateful that I understand the source of my issues. I had gone to see a therapist a couple years back and thought I was just hardwired to be anti-social. The therapist did not give me any insights and eventually I quit going. I know so many people are into porn and seem to lead normal lives that I just never related my issues to it. Now I know that porn has been messing my brain up. I stumbled onto the videos of yourbrainonporn and the light went off.

So the hard part is executing on my reboot plan. I’ve been doing quite well on my plan. I survived a stretch of insomnia, some headaches, low libido currently, and being irritable. I’ve been noticing many positive changes. My voice is much louder and clearer. This is quite remarkable to me. My ability to stand face to face with people and look them in the eye is becoming easier and easier. In general, my fear of social encounters is going down. I still think about avoiding situations, but slowly but surely, I feel way more capable of interacting with others.

Today, day 40 I had a lot of time to myself. I found myself browsing TV for movies with hot chicks. Then I started a google search for girls with nice abs. That’s when I finally decided I needed to get out of the house. I went to play some pool at a local bar in their saturday tournament. I will survive today and keep on going with my nofap lifestlyle. I know the rewards in the future will make the sacrifices seem trivial.

Nofap probably cured my depression

As of today it has been 25 days since I have either watched porn or masturbated. For the past 6-10 months I have had mild depression with a morbid feel to everything in life. Now I feel like I’m in heaven everything feels so much better. I honestly feel like running through a hill full of flowers and laying in the middle. Everything has a heavenly feel to it now in life. I guess this is my desensitization to normal everyday pleasures being eradicated. I love this.

A few observations from a runner

I wanted to limit myself to only once a week so I could boost my testosterone levels for races on Saturdays. I’d run a race, go home and fap, and hold off till after next race. And man, did it work. I went from running a 17:12 5k to a 16:03 5k this season. I’ve been more motivated to train throughout the week, I have more confidence when racing, and I don’t get as stressed for races.

Outside of running, I have become much more sociable as a person. I never say no to going out with friends, can keep conversations rolling, and I’ve been told that I’ve become really funny now. Also, I can look a girl in the eye without objectifying her, and never look away. Damn, that sense of power alone makes nofap worth it.

I’m not sure if it’s the nofap that got me here, but I can say that during my experience with the challenge(s), my life has become so much better. Depressing thoughts and a lack of self esteem that plagued me last year are gone.

There are no superpowers.

 by ambushxx40 days

I was always a depressed person. I have been depressed since i was child. I’ve also had social anxiety as long as i can remember. And i am pretty sure i have ADD. I have been under-performing every way in life since i could remember. I’ve always had below average score. Didn’t complete college. Never held a job for more than 6 months. Never had a girlfriend; Or even talked more than 5 minutes with a girl. I have some friends. But, i don’t feel close enough to anyone to open up and talk candidly about my life. My relationship with friends have always been about cracking jokes and drinking. I don’t connect at an emotional level with anyone. And of course, i have been fapping quite religiously for a long time; the past 2 years with internet porn.

I never imagined porn or fapping to the root of my problems. They have been there even before i started fapping. So, i never expected any superpowers or to be delivered from my problems completely if i stopped fapping. Nonetheless, i wanted to stop because it was looking more and more like an addiction and i was escalating in term of the porn content i was using.

I stumbled on YBOP and i stopped the next day. Its been 40 days now.

My progress through this 40 days have been atypical compared to what i read about the experiences of others. For one thing, i never found it difficult to control myself. I didn’t feel the overwhelming need to fap or watch porn. I do occasionally get a flashback from a porn scene i liked and that gave me a slight erection. I would describe my state since day 2 as a semi-flatline. I don’t have the complete loss of sexual desire as some people described. It is slightly less than my previous resting state. I am still getting aroused when i see attractive girls. I am not sexually active, and i don’t expect to be anytime soon. So, that is more of a positive for me.

The big difference that i did see was in how i was seeing things. I seems like i am able to see things more distinctly, without the mindfog ( i have also been meditating for the time period. so that could also have had an effect). I have been hearing the motivational mantras like, “think positive” and “take it as a challenge”, for ages. But now these things have started to mean something. These attitudes have somewhere inside me struck a chord for the first time; its like I FEEL what it means. I realize that i don’t need to look for the approval of others to find self-respect. Earlier i used to beat myself down every time there was some drama in my life. When i was criticized by anyone, i would mop about it for days. Now, i try to take it as a challenge.

Short version: Nofap helped me get over negative thoughts easily and it allows me to think more clearly.

I feel like a teenager again.

I’ve posted here before, and thought I would update my story as I am now well on my way to the one year point. For those struggling I can only say life will only get better and better if you can stick with it.

I’m a 30 year old man that now feels like a horny teenager again. I had forgotten what this feels like and how wonderful it is. I also have more self confidence then I can ever remember having. I have fun staring people down these days where as before I would look away with the briefest of eye contact. I’ve hit on a number of girls in public with success, including my current girlfriend who I got by just grabbing her hand and dancing with her at a club. If you told the me from 5 years ago that I would try that with a girl like this, he would have laughed in your face.

Day 90

While these last few days have been a struggle due to living back at home for a bit, I have finally reached 90 days. Really glad I did this.

-Clearer thoughts

-Dramatically reduced fantasizing / sexual related thoughts in daily living

-BIG gains at the gym. I feel like nofap definitely has to do with this

-More confidence in general. I haven’t made too many female connections due to my situation over the last three months but I have felt less hesitant

-Feeling like I am conquering something which has conquered me for years has been a very liberating feeling. I really want to continue this as I strive to change my lifestyle permanently. I have struggled with edging the last few days due to being way less busy, but this is something I am trying to work on


Lol.. This is amazing. My voice is so deep now when I talk. I am so confident. I talk from my stomach often. I don’t have to say much! but people hear me when i talk! Other day I went to a bar to repay a bill.. All was silent around 10 other men’s as i walk in form construction. Nobody said a word and then I Left. Women always noticing me. And I don’t even care anymore! haha. This NoFap thing is the best!!!!!!!

I have Zero Desire for masturbate now! Even when I got drunk. It’s kind of repulsive now to do that. I much rather direct my energy into other things! Than pleasure.

Porn + Depression

So, I’m 18, been in this shit since I was 11, got addicted when I was 12, and the longest I’ve gone since then was 99 days when I was 16. Before that, it was everyday, sometimes multiple times. Besides all that though I’ve dealt with severe depression since around the same time (lots of issues, absent father, moving, etc.) I just recently moved about 7 or 8 months ago though, and I’ve been in severe depression since then, and porn has been my escape for so long, but deep in my mind I know its a prison. I’m extremely outgoing, everybody loves me, but I couldn’t bring myself to believe it because I hated myself. So last week I decided enough was enough. I wasnt going to be depressed and ashamed of myself, especially when its in my power to change it. So now I am 8 days in and I can honestly say I have not felt this good or this confident since those 99 days. I suffered from severe mood swings for 6 straight months everyday until 3 days ago. They’ve completely stopped. I don’t go from happy to depressed in a matter of seconds. I’m sure this is insanely long, but I’m just so excited for the future and I want to help anyone else who needs encouraging that it is completely worth it. Thanks for anyone who read this 🙂

60 days baby!

Today I passed day 60. I have now been free from porn for two whole months! I never imagined I would actually make it this far! As far as effects… I am much more confident and comfortable in my own skin than I used to be. Ny new foumd confidence has been very visible to others who have commented on it. Totaly worth it. I still have days of temptation but these next 30 days are going to be much easier than the first 30.

Thanks everyone on this sub! You are my inspiration to keep going!

The NoFap Bartender

I’ve been doing NoFap since May this year, I’m currently a few weeks in a good streak. Anyways, I’ve had the confidence lately to go completely out of my comfort zone and bar-tend at  my mom’s Restaurant. I’ve done 3 shifts and have made almost $200 just in tips. It’s not so much about the money, more about the socializing and learning. NoFap for life bros, never  gooing back. The me 6 months ago would never do this. I feel great, anxiety low and confidence high, well higher haha.

I don’t get NoFap.

GUY 1)

because it motivates you to do more productive shit with your life instead of staying home and fapping and being a hermit. before no fap I would NEVER go out, I would just stay in and fap and play poker or something. once I started no fap, I got random urges to go out to bars and socialize, got my first gf… less social anxiety… more confidence to hold a convo with strangers… etc

GUY 2)

To be honest I can fap easily with or without porn but when I don’t fap at all I gain so much confidence, like becoming a whole another person. You should try it

From insecure to confident. NoFap is the solution

2 weeks ago I was invited to this gathering which had a lot of people I don’t know. I wanted to leave a last impression and not fuck up like I do everytime. I realized that I always screw up because of my complete lack of confidence and decided to change that. I worked on my posture, eye contact, and conversation skills. But most importantly, I STOPPED fapping. I went to that gathering after a little less than a week of NoFap, and I was amazed. It was a different experience. I was really confident that I think I almost became too cocky. Here I was, sitting with a bunch of people I hardly know, cracking jokes here and there, making sure everyone’s having a good time. I felt like a true playmaker.

Usually in gatherings like these, I leave with the most boring pitiful impressions ever. However, this time was weird. A lot of people added me on facebook and started wanting to get to know me. It felt like finally I had enough courage to face my weakness. I realized that confidence was my weakness, and I raped it.

NoFap has certainly helped me overcome my confidence issues so far. When I relapsed afterwards I felt like all my ego has been destroyed. It could see myself turning into this weak slavish gollum, but instead of being obsessed with a ring, I felt obsessed with useless porn and masturbating. I will not allow myself to fall back into that pit again. I have seen how its results can dramatically change a person’s life. So for anyone who feels like they could use a little more confidence, please don’t relapse!

TLDR; Confidence issues? NoFap!

After just 6 days of NoFap.

Just a list of some things I’ve noticed after 6 days. I thought sharing might be constructive.

-most obvious is that I’m not consistently irritable and horny.

-interaction with females has changed. For the better? Consensus- yet to be seen, but I’d say YES.

-I don’t have as much of (If at all) an issue with maintaining eye contact with people of both genders while interacting. This is kind of an odd one, but honestly it’s a huge deal.

-since I am no longer concerned with ‘getting off’, I have been very productive; had a couple good workouts; spent 3 of these past 6 days at the library studying even though I am on winter break from school. I feel that it was very important to get away from the house to be productive, seeing as home is a place where I’m overly comfortable and could risk relapse.. At least I think it’s a good strategy for the early days.

-what all of these things really translate to Is confidence. Confidence is the biggest thing I think all of us achieve from it.

Day 90 Report: Challenge Completed

The first two weeks was the most difficult ones. Then it gradually got better, and I got the confidence and assertiveness I’ve always wanted. The reasons I started NoFap are explained here, so is a description of how my first month was like. It was in that period I made out with a woman for the first time in more than three years (at around day 5 or 6). She virtually said to me “You have such a positive aura! I think… I think I’m falling in love with you!” Whether it was just dumb luck, or my increased testosterone levels, is open to interpretation. Regardless of the causes, it was a most powerful experience, and only the fact that she got blind drunk and collapsed in the bar stopped us from having sex that night. My professional life improved as well. By an odd coincidence I suddenly got a new job, a job I’ve wanted for years.

Nofap really turned my life around. I was a awkward guy who was still a virgin before I came here. I was noticing after a week of no porn I was performing eye contact on each girl I walked pass by, I didn’t want to but something was forcing me to watch. Another week passed by and I had a urge to talk to random girls. I felt I wasn’t ready though, so I did some research on how to talk to girls on /seduction and simplepickup on youtube, it gave me such great insight on how these conversation goes and what girls want to hear.

I was at the library walking around cause I knew there were always girls my age walking around, so I found 1 that looked at me and I smiled, she smiled back and I walked towards her immediately, reached my hand out, she shakes my hand I tell her what’s your name and we began talking about random stuff for like an hour. She gave me her phone number and had to go. The moment she left I was like “did I really talked to a girl, an hour long without feeling awkward..” I was so proud of myself and was surprised nofap was working. At night I called her up and asked her if she wants to have lunch tomorrow, she said: yes, I’d loved to.

Have i found what’s been wrong with me or is it just placebo or me being extatic?

For clarity my regular faps have been 1 times a day/second day, give or take a few. Ever since i hit puberty, i’ve always felt kinda shitty. Im 23 now and the shittiness from puberty have always been there. I have tried working out, anti depressants and therapy and alot of other stuff, but only a few things have helped and none of it has stayed and i relapsed into that bad circular way of thinking that i’ve always had. I am not good enough -> i will never find anyone to be with -> i suck -> i hate myself and etc.. But I’ve always gone to school, work and made sure i ate properly and generally been good to myself but i’ve never felt good ABOUT myself.

This is clearly seen in the way i act/talk/behave even though i try not to show it.

And this has made it hard for me to pay attention and focus or receive joy in my daily activities. It’s so frustrating and it’s come to the point that im having myself checked for ADD (therapy suggested it) in a few days.Im almost on day 7(last time i fapped was new years day). I’ve gone a few days without before but i’ve never really payed attention as to if it has helped my so called “condition”.

I mean it does makes sense doesn’t it? If i empty my ballsack regularly will i get a prolonged exposure of fapper’s remorse? And it is one of the few variables i have never tried changing.

I have absolutely no desire for fapping at all if the major improvement on my mood is the result of this. Im still gonna get tested for ADD just to be sure though.

I dont know if this is a succes thread or what it is. But i just wanted to write this down somewhere for people to see.


I felt the exact same way when I started NoFap; I’m 23 m worked hard all through school, have 2 jobs, read, workout, and everything but since I’ve been about 14 I’ve felt like shit about myself for about since that time. The happiest memories I have are of myself in childhood. Since starting nofap I’ve noticed 3 main things that have improved; my mood, my level of energy, and my focus/clarity. I’m not a scientist, and this may all be a placebo effect, but I cant help but notice the correlation between my mood and my tendency to maturbate. Anywho, just sayin that you’re basically my double and yes, this is totally a success thread, as well as a support and information thread as far as I’ve seen.

Getting more confident

Have been on nofap for 4 days now (badge slightly out due to time zone I suspect) While I am not going to lie and say my life has changed or my body is unrecognizable and whatnot, I have noticed an improvement in confidence. I go to Uni, and today I managed to speak to three of the girls in my seminar class. I mean, I speak to girls all the time, but not with this much confidence. I feel it was my confidence was rubbing off on them too, because I made them laugh too!

Superpowers are Kicking In

I’m just past my 3rd week into nofap and have noticed some superpowers kicking in. I was able to engage in a random conversation with a group of 3 women recently without any anxiety. I didn’t even think about whether or not I should go and talk to them. I just did it without thinking.

Starting convos with women I don’t know has been difficult for me in the past before starting noFap. Apparently, not anymore!

I was able to start the conversation when I saw one of the girls had a water bottle that had the logo of a gym I workout at. It was an instant conversation starter.

The conversation went like this:

  1. I asked each girl their names.
  2. Mentioned the water bottle.
  3. Listened to them talk about the gym they workout at.
  4. Smiled at each one and nodded my head.
  5. Spent about 5-10 seconds looking each one of them in the eye as I talked about my experiences.
  6. Listened to them more.

Two out of the three women seemed interested in me, except for the girl with the water bottle. It didn’t bother me since 2 out of 3 ain’t bad at all! Stay strong fellas!

Can any introverts shed light on benefits from NoFap? At what point did you see changes in your social behavior?

Well I consider no fap leads to other activities that (at least in my case) involve more “being in the present”, interacting with the outer world AND ultimately feeling compelled to take charge in your environment.My longest streaks haven been 28 and 29 days respectively since I started last September, usually I would PMO or MO every 7-10 days, and in between I would occasionally edge with porn. (It always leads to relapse sooner or later). So, some social behavior facts in my case:

-My gait is faster and more confident, feeling of nervousness in public places are diminished or nonexistant.

-I feel closer to both men and women. Light social interaction with classmates doesn’t make me nervous anymore: now, the things I deemed impossible before nofap are those that make me nervous, e.g. talking to a super hot foreign student at my uni, I feel a little bit jerky at the beginning, but everything’s smooth and easy afterwards. So i’ve kind of “upgraded” my social skills.

-Interaction with friends are fuller: now, I don’t feel like a burden anymore: do you know those times when you’re in a super good mood and everything flows, when you are able to live your day/night/whatever at its fullness ? Creating fun for you and the people who are with you out of nowhere ? Nofap makes this easier… wait, I’ve even considered this could be the NORMAL and natural thing.

-Regarding women: I’ve been noticing them more and they seem to be attracted to me. Flirting is much more healthy now, like, more physical clue- based and less about me saying weird things in order to get their attention. Talking to them is easier, more authentic and quite rewarding.

  • Enjoying the company of my family a lot more: Appreciating their efforts. Complimenting them. Saying thanks a lot more.In the dining table, Having conversations with my brother about a lot of things while our parents enjoy our wittiness.

-Assertiveness and taking charge: I feel more like a man, socially. I do care about things and take care of people more. I raise my hand, ask questions, fix things, reprimand people if I have to. I give directions, comfort others, I make sure everyone’s at ease. I am tougher and more warm, people notice it and I love it.

These could be described as my peak benefits: bear in mind that everything has its shades. Some days are awesome, others not so much. There is temptation and tough days too. If you are like me, you’ll start flatlining around day 10 and will feel new and with lots of energy at day 20-22.

Now, I know you are starting your current streak and that you probably are new or relatively new to no fap, are you? You are trading your dear porn, your habit of masturbation for this new thing and you want to have your benefits right now,(instant gratification) and you want to hear about them. Obvious, that’s why you ask. And you say you are tempted to go for 2 weeks and “see what happens”.

I’ll tell you waht happens: I’ve been where you are, like 6 months ago. I went from skeptic to believer-wannabe, to experiencing the benefits for myself. Then I totally believed, and I relaxed and relapsed quite a few times. Nowadays not only I do see the convenience of doing nofap, but I’m also convinced it is a universal truth that masturbation and especially PMO leads only to awful things, to being a lesser human. My badge says 17 days and in two and a half months’ time you’ll see 100, that, I know.

30 Days in, Feel Fantastic

Howdy Folks. Just made it to 30 days! I started this at beginning of December, had a couple of MO relapses, but have been off of P since late November. I recommend to everybody who hasn’t done this yet: open an account at OpenDNS and block adult sites. It’s so much easier to not be tempted whenever those sites are blocked.

I have noticed that I am in an overall better mood. Little things don’t piss me off as much, and I’ve been better at taking things in stride. I had an amazing burst of creativity at the end of December and recorded several new songs (I’m a musician.) I’m more focused at work. I’ve never been horribly socially anxious, but I seem to be giving less fucks about what people think. That might just be other changes taking place. Lastly, there is more interest in trying to get out to meet women and try to make things happen. And, the challenge is actually starting to seem appealing rather than some insurmountable task.

Out of all of those, though, I’d say the two most positive changes I’ve noticed so far is the flight and x-ray vision. (-_-)————–[]—– 😉

Looking forward to taking on the next 30 days! Stay strong, brethren and sistren.

OMG This is amazing. I’m back!

I’ve had depression and severe social anxiety for 8 years. I started rebooting about 5 weeks ago. In the last few days my social anxiety has completely gone. I have been feeling euphoric. I am actually enjoying everyday things in life again. I am looking forward to things for the first time in as long as I can remember. I still have ED but I don’t even care. I feel INCREDIBLE

I’ve seen a lot of people knocking the effects of the reboot recently. The noticeable, tangeable improvements i’ve seen are:

  • Increased confidence
  • An actual desire to go after girls
  • Increased NEED to socialise
  • Faster recovery from the gym.
  • Increased stamina, and i can do more sets than i could while PMO’ing. To put it into perspective i used to do 12-15 sets and now i do 21 atleast going 4 times a week on average.
  • Increased short term memory(yet to test this but i have exams next week so will make a note of whether i see any improvements from before)
  • Even if im low on sleep i don’t have that sense of tiredness anymore i can just get up and go about my day. If i am running low on sleep for more than a week though it begins to have an effect. whereas before i had this permanent feeling of being tired.

The thing that has hit me the hardest though is, when i’m with a girl i want to be intimate with them. Before i think, when i used to go out it was pretty much ego based. I wanted to get girls because it was “cool”. But now, i don’t care if nobody knows. I just want to be intimate. Take note theirs a different between wanting and being needy.

^ this has pretty much improved my game more than any PUA routine/technique ever could, it drives you to take action which is one of the most important aspects of life i feel.

I went through an intense period of lazyness though and had a massive flatline from around the 9th day all the way up to day 37. Even after that my libido was still pretty week till 50ish days in.

Girls will notice you and talk to you.

I have always been known as a “nerd” or “geek” since grade 4 and my looks aren’t the greatest. My friends consider me socially awkward and they have a point, its true. When I started Nofap, I noticed two things: people would behave differently around you and girls seem to notice you and they have attempted to talk to me. I found this amazing. I soon relapsed and went on a fapping streak. This sort of behavior of peers stopped.

I’ve noticed almost every time I start a Nofapping streak, girls will notice your body’s desire to find a mate, whether it be pheremones or whatever, its noticeable. My confidence levels have boosted, and I pay more attention to my appearance. I can actually talk to girls now.

Bros, any stories of success with women?

I used to never strike up conversations with strangers, let alone attractive girls. But this has been turned upside-down with no PMO.

Recently I was waiting for the bus and I see an attractive girl who happens to be reading a book by the same author I’m reading. I point this out and start chatting with her and a few mins later the bus arrives. We get on the bus and I sit down right next to her feeling natural and confident and we keep chatting for the 15 min bus ride. We both got off at the last stop. I’m heading home and she’s heading to the ocean which is just a couple blocks from my place. So I ask “d’you want a reading partner?” and she’s totally into it so we find this beautiful spot overlooking the ocean and read together while talking and joking around. Then we walk along the beach and through the neighboring park just chatting and telling each other about our lives.

I probably could have taken things further, but I was going through a bit of a flatline at the time so we just traded numbers. She’s out of town right now but we’ve been texting and it looks like we’ll be meeting up for coffee/tea when she’s back.

The amazing thing is just how natural the whole experience was. There wasn’t any point where I felt timid or where I had to force myself to initiate. And if I could get to this point, then there’s  hope for any guy…

Nofap cures my depression

I’m stillaeffected by a breakup from a few months back, however I’ve noticed a huge difference in my mood when fapping versus when on a streak. When I’ve recently fapped then the waves of depression hit me, I keep thinking about my ex and getting flashbacks to what went wrong in my previous relationship and feel withdrawn. I’ve relapsed a few times and gone from happy to hopeless and suicidal that same day. On the other hand when I’m on a streak the cloud dissipates and I feel optimistic and hardly effected by it at all, just feel energetic and ready to go out and meet some new people. Nofap works as a mood booster.

60 days a report

So today is the day I hit 60 days and the amount of progress I’ve seen is astounding like my confidence has skyrocketed I don’t worry so much what people think of me my depression is clearing up/manageable and anxiety is lowered as well I feel like I’m
Becoming how I was when I was a kid like this ambition and drive and motivation is rising this wonderful feeling has finally got me to chase a dream

In this time I had taken up learning Swedish and now plan on moving to Sweden at some point in the future I can honestly say that this journey is one I will do for the rest of my life the improvements are just so drastic the only thing now is for the libido to come back and I will be happy as can be see you all in another 30 days for a more extensive report

Life Changing

I’ve been doing NoFap since December 16 and I feel better than I’ve felt in any time during my adult life. I typically suffer from anxiety and depression that can be caused by minimal amounts of stress. Right now I feel like I can’t be toppled off the mountain. Last week I had sex with my wife 5 times and was able to climax with a condom on each time. When we used to have sex, once every 5 or so months (no lie) we would call it “try” to have sex. I would blame my inability to perform on stress or depression or my medication. I feel so great now. This is something any man can do. There is no trick to it, just discipline. Being in a relationship helps. I would hate to do this as a single

Decided to experiment with /pornfree, and I’ve had some unexpected (good) results.

It appears my initial intention to lurk has been ruined, as I’d like to share my personal experiment with quitting porn.

It may be a little TL;DR, but here are some of the things I have experienced in the short time I have been participating.

I have also noticed some immediate benefits outside of sex. For a long time I have been dealing with several issues, including a severe lack of energy, lack of attention span, and what is sometimes referred to as brain fog. I have been medicated for this for a while and the medication has really helped me to be on a normalish level. After quitting porn it was same as usually for about a week, then after that I started feeling a euphoric amount of energy. It felt like I was suddenly in over drive. Since then my energy levels have been much higher, my focus is a little bit better, and more distinctively my mood is a lot better. I have also noticed a difference in how complete strangers react to me. I have always been used to some attention as I am a rather tall and athletic college student, but this past week I have noticeably been getting a lot more random people giving me the look. One day it was enough that one of my female friends commented on it. I have nothing else to attribute this to other than what quitting porn has changed in my mind, because I have literally changed nothing else in my life as of yet.

Sorry for the huge post, I just felt like sharing my experience so far. TL;DR I didn’t feel many side effects, my sex life is a better, and it’s helped with some medicated issues. At this point I have no desire to go back to porn.

Day 19..Suicidal Thoughts..!!!…(Feeling to live more) 🙂

19 days just 19 days ago i was floating into a sludge called PMO made my life a miserable with low self confidence, social anxiety and yes worst ..suicidal thoughts that used to sprout in my mind now and then, those thoughts were actually making me uneasy with my self and with my family..believe me or not always used to think i am a big loser while comparing to others and have a good job (fyi I have Masters of Law (llm)..still this PMO had made me feel like a fucking waste…but just after these 19 days I thank his majesty GOOGLE for stumbling me upon this wonderful site with wonderful people around who wants to change and love there life…today i wrote this para because first time in my whole life I AM FEELING TO LIVE MORE 🙂

Obligatory 90 day check-in, completed on first try!

As far as the “super powers” go, I definiely have a lot of confidence and motivation to get girls and I can’t say for sure that it was entirely from this challenge, but one thing I recently realized was that the thing that gives us our super powers is that we actually have goals to satisfy now. When we fap, it satisfies our desire to have sex, leaving us with an empty feeling, similar to the feeling when you finish a book. There’s no more anticipation, you have nothing to look forward to, and you don’t know what to do next. Resisting the urge to fap gives us goals, needs, and desires that motivates and drives us do things we normally wouldn’t because we have no other ways to satisfy the urge other than to get girls! If you’re really into this super powers thing and getting more confidence, I’d highly suggest watching this video on how posture can improve your confidence, I thought it brought my nofap super powers to a whole new level!

40 Days – Depression GONE, Social Anxiety GONE, Motivation BACK

I actually used to be on the NoFap train before I knew about NoFap. I went on for about a 300 day streak, 300 days of the most productive and motivating days of my life. Then I slowly slipped into PMO multiple times per day which slowly got worse as did my social anxiety, motivation. I have been pretty depressed over the past year which has been tough for me because everyone knows me previously as a super motivated and awesome guy. I consider myself to be quite attractive, I hear about a lot of people with crushes on me through the grape vine of my friends. However on the flip side a lot of girls I know say that they are very attracted to me but can’t see themselves dating me because of my lack of outgoingness. Last year I had the chance to date one of the hottest girls in the school – but PMO had already turned me into an unmotivated wimp with a ton of social anxiety and no confidence. This led to a more vicious PMO cycle. Despite all the things I have going for me in my life, a perfect grade point average, numerous scholarships, athletic success and a loving family that is putting me through university debt free – I just had no motivation to do anything in life and I got depressed over girls and feeling sorry for myself. It’s truly amazing the power of the mind – it really is. I have made many conscious efforts to get over this depression over this period. However – all have been depressingly unsuccessful. That is until I rekindled NoFap through this sub. Only 40 days in and I can’t even count the number of times that I have heard girls tell me how different I have been acting. I have been getting so many more looks around campus than I could have imagined. I’m getting motivated in life again. Things that would have sent me into depression don’t even phase me anymore. I could care less what other people think about me and I finally feel confident in myself. I am so much more social that it isn’t even a comparison.

To those that think that depression is their fault – it’s not – but it is under your control. Take hold of this beautiful thing called life and get on for the ride because it’s unparalleled by anything that fapping can offer

22 Days…Before and after

This shit actually worked

Me before 22 days:

Felt extremely shy to talk to random strangers leave alone starting a conversation,especially with bone hardening hot women.SA no SA I dunno

Used to convince myself saying Oh no Im not shy:Ive just got a big ego or im better than them etc etc

After twenty2 days: I start a conversation with anybody and everybody irrespective of how explodingly hot they look.

Result—-They become so docile and shy to talk to me literally to the point they bend their heads down and wont look me in the eye but I have gotten a few smiles and advances so im guessing its not outa reluctance but instead they are sorta surprised by the confidence. For instance the other day I started a random convo with this married but really hot lady in the parking lot moments later her husband just passed by,I didnt even say Hi to him and kept talking to this women for a good 10 mins.

Nutshell ,before nofap I used to run away scared from chicks…But now they are shying away from me,Guess too much horniness converted to confidence is the best experience till now

67 Day Update

So here I am 67 days in this is my 2nd attempt I honestly never thought I’d make it this far. For those of you just starting the first 10 days is the hardest about day 30 is when I really hit my stride I hardly ever think about porn anymore. I also am a lot happier and more excited in general about life my depression is almost non existent. So far I haven’t experienced the “Super Powers” but I have noticed a difference in social interactions especially with women. I’m more willing flirt with random girls. NoFap brings your interactions with women back to the way the should be. It’s so much more fun and enjoyable talking to girls since no fap. As a 22 year old male in a wheelchair who’s never had a GF or even kissed a girl This is a huge deal. r/NoFap and r/seduction have helped my skills with the ladies hugely. Still no GF but for the first time in a long time I feel I’m making progress. So thank you NoFap for all your support! For those of you thinking 90 days sounds hard just keep pushing though the urges it is so worth it! Keep it up guys! 🙂 Day 90 here I come!

My life didn’t prepare me for that

I don’t know why, but I’m the center of every company now. I barely was talking with anyone before NoFap but now I have two or three people trying to talk with me at the same time! It’s nuts! I’m not ready for this shit but I’m enjoying the fuck out of it. Keep up the fight brothers! It’s so much worth it.

I thought all my issues were due to repressed emotions and traumas. After a couple months of no pmoing i realize its from weak dopamine receptors. No depression, no anxiety, and more eager to go out and enjoy life.

60 Days of Nofap

Hey everyone, Im just dropping by real quick to update my nofap experience these past 60 days. Confidence. I feel like I am beginning to understand a part of myself that has been repressed. I feel that people are enjoying my company more. The weird thing is I don’t know what changed about me or what I am doing differently but the feeling I feel when i communicate with people is more connected. Also I sometimes feel magnetic, where I feel people are attracted to me for no apparent reason, maybe this was always there but I never noticed before noFap.

I used to suffer from social anxiety and still do to some point, but i feel like it has DRAMATICALLY decreased. Thoughts of what to do in social situations are lowered, I act more on feelings of the moment, and I am able to concentrate or understand the intentions/message of the other person. Overall, I am satisfied of my results so far, I do have down days where I feel depressed, but i read a post on YBOP that said “everytime you feel down, your brain is making you a better person”. So stick with it people, its a subtle benefit here and there, but the longer you stick with it, the better you will be, I believe. Thanks for reading, will post back on day 90!

90+ days

The biggest positive? Definitely socially. I crave social interaction now. Whether it’s the cute girl at the bar (got her #). The clerk behind the counter. The librarian. The middle aged woman with two well behaved kids in the waiting room (she took my # after learning I was a web designer). It’s a nice change, there is no nervousness or hesitation. I love talking to people now.

I do not believe there are super powers. I do believe little minute key changes add up and can make a huge difference in your interactions with others. Your head is held higher, you’re body language states you are open and approachable, you’re making eye contact, you’re noticing others and in return they start noticing you. It’s as simple as that.


Im a former geeky/socially awkward 19 year old form england and have been attempting this for around a year now. I’m now on my longest streak of 10 days and holy shit does this fucking work.

I’ve started having a spring to my step when I walk, no longer look down when passing people and don’t get that nervous feeling in my stomach when physically walking/standing next to hot girls.

Here are a few things that have happened to me at days 8 -10.

At the supermarket I got served by a hot girl around my age, when she was done she called me ‘sweetheart’ and said ‘have a nice day’ , which nobody ever really says here in the UK. Also this teenage girl kept walking up and down the aisle where i was and looking at me.

Then when I was walking through town on a crowded saturday, i kept looking straight ahead and walking slowly and it was like people magically moved out the way for me. This one woman walked infront of me then kept turning round and smiling while looking at me.

Then today a few hours ago I walked past these two girls, probably like 14 years old. They were walking past then one of them was like taking the piss out of me and said “I’m sexy and I fucking know it, something something swagger” and I was just like ‘is this real life?’ then bertstared them both.

I literally fucking swear that this is some sort of voodoo black magic shit and girls can sense you don’t touch yourself somehow.

On a side note, I had my first ever lucid dream last night and it was fucking insanely awesome. It looked like everything was the same as normal but in like super HD quality.

I’m 26. I was diagnosed with depression when I was 19. I’ve also had severe social anxiety that was getting worse and worse. I’ve been having therapy for my depression and anxiety since I was about 21, but I didn’t make the connection between my mental health problems and PMO until late November last year. I never had mood swings like this until I quit PMO – I was just depressed. Also my social anxiety has now gone away.

One Very Noticeable Benefit

Conversing with people seems so natural. Before nofap I would be very short with people and not give a friendly vibe. Now my speech flows which makes conversations more enjoyable. This is similar to the confidence boost you feel.

Getting a little cocky? Or is this just increased confidence? Hearing my friends say, “I think he’s going through a phase”

First of all, sorry this is really lengthy, but I would highly appreciate any experiences, etc.

Wondering if anyone feeling this huge sense of confidence? I’ve never been an alpha male. I was always just one of those kids who studied a lot… still a social butterfly but school was a huge priority. Always worried about what people thought. Didn’t really focus on my personal life because I thought getting into a top school and top graduate program were my high priorities. I had a gf for less than 6 months, but it absolutely wasn’t serious.

Now that I’m out of grad school. I’ve kind of really re-evaluated my life. I met up with a friend of mine from college, and I couldn’t shake off the fact that he always thought he was better than me.

I’m planning on doing med school, and I didn’t so hot on the MCAT so I’m trying again. But, he told me, “dude, just give up… just go to a DO school, etc”. He goes to a DO school, which is perfectly respectable.

My gut was just like, “who the fuck does he think he is?”. If I want to go to an MD school, I will make it. No one is stopping me. I just realized that he always thought he was better than me, and since he is in town this week… I figured I would hang out with him. Now, I don’t even want to talk to him.

Also, people have noticed my confidence level and general not give a fuckness. I care very deeply for my friends, but I feel that sometimes I coming off to strong. My friend was like, “yeah, derpymoose has changed; his ego is off the roof!”. He was kidding, but there is some truth in sarcasm.

Also, I have a strange obsession with house and electronic music now. I love working out (maybe too much). My other good friend told me he liked this change in me. He liked that I didn’t give a damn and was just enjoying life. He said my confidence and happiness made him happy.

Am I over-analyzing shit right now? What do you guys think?

tl;dr: met up with college friend… had a general gut feeling that he always thought he was better than me; didn’t feel like hanging out with him; feeling good about myself but am I not controlling my ego now?

90 days, again

My social network got better, people are constantly contacting me and I think I made great improvements in my social skills, I actually think I am becoming more extraverted.

I got a girlfriend, so no more ‘hard mode’ as some of you are describing it, for me. I think it’s good, but it’s nothing special. I like her, but still, there are a lot improvements to do in myself.

I try to become a leader in everything I do, I think I am made to be a leader and a teacher to others, and it has proven its self many times. I like to show people how things are done right and teach them about things they don’t know.

30 Day Report – Noticeable Pros and Cons

Hey guys. Yesterday I hit my 30th day of my first ever nofap. I brief background of why i started and all that good stuff can be found at: but if i had to summarize it, I’m doing this because for the last 2-3 years Ive suffered from low energy, low motivation, depression, social anxiety, DE, having trouble speaking to girls… pretty much the works. Im not much of a quantity writer, so im gunna keep it short, simple, and sweet.

PROS – More confidence/ less anxiety – in general I have found it easier to talk to random strangers on the street and cashier etc. Back when I was PMOing, going out into public meant the exciting mystery how my brain would react to strangers. Some days i would have extreme anxiety just talking to the person making my chipotle burrito and some days I would be calm and cool. The point is that i had no idea what to expect. It was kind of like a rollercoaster of hell. But over the last 30 days, my confidence has been much more consistent. The fear of talking to ppl i dont know has been slowly vanishing.

Anxiety 100% -> 20%, no joke!

So, I wouldn’t say I’m a really nervous guy, but I definitely had my fair share of the social anxiety in the past. Now, I find everywhere I go I’m more confident, automatic-dgaf and shark mode, for realz. lulz.

It’s wicked to be able to just comfortably float everywhere, feeling strong and grounded. It’s been 9 days, temptation has been tough, but it easily fades when I look at all the negative things that come with this 5 minutes of fake pleasure.

I find I’m also finding ridiculous pleasure in small activities, I remember the magic of being alive and a child. Before everything felt numb and lifeless.

Stay on, fapstronaughts. This shit works, for real.

I’m also SO MUCH MORE HAPPIER, over little to nothing. Like almost all day. I just have a smile on my face and everythings funny.

I guess this is “normal”, lol

God damn I’m never fapping again!!!

P.S. As far as women go, A LOT of cute girls go out of there way to flirt with me now, and it’s like I’m not super smooth and still rough around the edges [read: awkward] but they’re still super forgiving and STILL attracted to me after, I still don’t believe it. One girl even followed me into my house being all playful and shit, it was wild.

Bossrun’s 100 Day report

Without a doubt this is the most comfortable I’ve ever been in my own skin.

TLDR- This shit is for real.

33 days, and feeling incredible.

My confidence has increased by amazing amounts, and, so far, my life and academics have improved. I’m feeling proud of myself, and my outlook on life has changed. 🙂

I was sceptical at first…

But after a month of nofap, it’s clear how much more confident I am! not just in social situations, but around girls. I used to have problems even keeping eye contact with girls, but Last night I held a 1 to 1 conversation with a girl for an hour (that never happens to me, ever).

So to everyone out there just getting started, It’s truly worth the sacrifice for a better quality of life.

The one superpower I really notice.

GaryTheSnaill17 days


Honestly there’s nothing that increased that much than eye-contact. When I’m walking, just like across the street, I do not look down anymore. I refuse to actually. Instead I look people in the eye and what do I see? They look me in the eye for 0,5 seconds and then look at the ground.

This makes me feel like a complete boss and you know what? I’ve decided never to look down to the ground again when walking across the street. Look everybody in the eye and see them look down at the ground when they walk by.


Confidence boost +alot

Day 26; BOOYA

Some background; I was a chronic fapper, 3-4 times a day every kind of depraved stuff you can think of. Noticed I have horrible social anxiety and generally scared shitless about talking to people, not knowing what to say. Culminated in no confidence in myself, lonely as fark, depressed, dark feelings all the time.

Tried to fix it with meditation and therapy, but all in all nothing worked.. started to get OCD and slight paranoia too which sucks.

Fast forward to now, I quit fapping 26 days ago; this is the longest i’ve ever been without fapping in my life since age 12 (i’m 21 now) and I feel like the man. My fear about everything is much reduced (not gone unforunately), I am a lot more positive about everything and am finding things a lot more fun now whereas before I’d think; “Whats the point?”. Socially i’m no longer scared shitless and can look people in the eye and even have witty conversation (i’m still sufferring from anxiety though but i’d say it definitely helps).

so yeah. GO NO-FAP! I never thought PMO could have such a huge effect on my life, but there you go. it’s almost as if my brain can breathe now and is being allowed to heal (strange sounding :P)

NoFap is the best thing EVER, I am so confident!

I HAVE SO MUCH ENERGY! I’m having more fun with people and out doors and I am much more talkative, I don’t know how it works, but each and every one of you reading this in the NoFap community, I love you, and if you’re a lurker, do not resist, do it, you will not regret it for a second!

I think my social skills improved by like 1000%

I’m not exaggerating, i was as shy around women and I was starting to believe that was never gonna change. Today was the first time I go out at night after the no pmo project i started Im 100+ days right now i’m not counting exactly no reason to I guess. I was making ppl laugh with my jokes I was witty I was fluent in my talking, sure my nervousness is not completely gone thats not possible but I hold a conversation with an unknown female for about 40 minutes thats a first for me. A girl I barely know grabbed me by the hand and introduced me in
their group of friends ( 3 females), I had nerves at first but it was completely gone after like 1-2 minutes. That is a huge improvement for me, first of all that has NEVER happened before. I need to tell you that im 100% this is cause of no pmo. After I left the group of females, another really beautiful woman looked at me and smiled at me while I was passing through. Shit that gave me a lot of confidence today and now that I think about it I should have made a move at her cause she was HOT. Only the thought that I’m capable of it makes me stronger, next time I need to be ruthless. This works guys this is not a scam or idiocy you need to convince yourself and commit 100% so you can be stronger, happier, I have a long way to go but I’m slowly getting to who I want to be.


I have just hit my longest landmark for nofap. Not very long I know and there is a much longer journey ahead, but with that and many changes to my life over the last several months and this as the next step I feel like my confidence is just through the roof. I feel, in an odd sort of way, complete. Like what I present to people day to day is really me and I’m not hiding anything, and I’m not ashamed of myself. Even a few weeks ago I was scared of even saying hello to people. Today I spent the whole day talking with people, and enjoying it; even so far as talking to and asking a girl to prom with ease whilst before I would have been left running for cover. I certainly feel that this has been a huge mental boost, and just kinda felt like sharing. Shoot it down if this is the wrong place for it.

Looking at Porn takes away my drive to go out and be sociable

Im 8 days right now. For the first time in a long time, Im texting a girl I dont know well, unafraid of rejection. All the time I looked at porn, I would never have done this, because why go out on a limb when I can sit in my room and get my satisfaction that way? (the pretend way)

your thoughts? anyone feel the same?

4 Months… 3 new developments

Tommorrow I will hit four months. Here are new changes I’ve seen in myself recently.

  1. It’s like I have new senses. Instead of seeing a sexual reduction of the world, it’s like I”m seeing the real one for the first time. My interaction with women has changed the most. I see new levels to their personalities.
  2. I can talk to anyone. Seriously, I can’t believe I used to live a life of some social anxiety. I can, and do, start conversations with anyone.

I have arrived at the conclusion that fapping is the *main* instigator for my major depressive episodes (somewhat long post)

I suffer from chronic depression as well as crippling social anxiety and hypochondria. For the past 2 months my depressive episodes have been increasing in frequency and severity, to the point where I just couldn’t take it any more and began self-medicating with excessive amount of fapping (6+ times a day), binge drinking and smoking (went from a 10-a-day habit to 2 packs per day).

Almost luckily, I fell and broke 2 bones in my spine and was involuntarily made a fapstronaut.

I’m on 10 days now (had a relapse just after I got out of hospital after 11 days, but not a major one, haven’t fapped since), so in 21 days I’ve fapped once. Basically, what I’ve noticed is that as my dependence on fapping as a means of self-medicating for depression got worse, my episodes followed suit. This led to me having no energy to go to class, thus my grades dropped immensely, this exacerbated my social anxiety problems (imagine cringing at every moment of your existence, with this innate voice constantly telling you you’re a cunt for everything that you’ve done). My self-worth dropped to zero and I shunned my friends.

Gradually, after I was rendered unable to fap, my energy levels went through the roof, I was able to sleep again, I was able to study, able to get out of bed in the morning and go to class, recover in terms of grades and rebuild some bridges I burnt with friends. I feel so much better now, with my depression returning to levels manageable enough to deal with comfortably without medication and my anxiety issues are almost completely gone.

I conclude that my major depressive episodes were brought on by a chain reaction started by using fapping as an outlet. My life fell apart and now that I have stopped fapping my circumstances and self-worth have improved exponentially each day I don’t give in.

TL;DR: Have depression/anxiety issues? DON’T FAP! Seriously, fapping is friggin’ dangerous!

Interesting development – kind of astounded

So I have recently been really getting serious with my reboot (finally), but I have also made several posts on here about my incredible sensitivity to caffeine since my problems started, even believing that overdosing on pre workout energy drinks caused me a caffeine allergy and is what started my issues in the first place.  This has taken place over the last six years….Last week, Marnia posted an incredibly interesting article in the pornography addiction section (can’t find link, sorry).  What it said, basically, was that rats that were sexually overstimulated and sexually exhausted exhibited symptoms of being incredibly over-sensitive to drugs they were given – having huge reactions.  Just recently I have noticed a lot of improvements in my anxiety symptoms and haven’t had any caffeine in 2 months – I also have been mostly PMO free.  So this morning I thought what the hell?  I had a Monster Energy Drink, which for me is a huge amount of caffeine and as little as two months ago would have caused me a panic attack and massive insomnia.  I am fine!  Even went so far as to have more later and I feel fine.  I mean I literally am speechless, I would get panic attacks even from decaf coffee a little bit ago – I am guessing that means some kind of progress – currently I have no libido but my social skills are really picking up – have literally gone from social introvert to being able to talk to anyone for at least a little while.

My Dad Hates This

Funny. My ADD and severe anxiety instantly went away after I quit porn. And I wasn’t a huge addict. Maybe once every day for 15 minutes or so before bed.

How PMO destroys your desire to socialize

The other week I relapsed, I binged for a few hours and then shamefully gave up and failed. And then next day again, and again. A few hours of binging, it cannot be that bad, can it? Well, it’s summer break and instead of having life I haven’t socialized for 2 weeks! 2 fucking weeks I haven’t talked to any of my friends. How miserable. Fortunately I still do what I love to do, lifting weights, reading lots of books, watching movies but the desire to socialize IS GONE. DAMN. I just want to show you how bad it can get easily and I guess I just need to vent or something. This damned porn is ruining my life once again, I need to get myself together.

No PMO is a lifesaver for depression/anxiety

I’m convinced that excess PMO is indeed related to unnecessary anxiety and depression symptoms in people today. I honestly feel the happiness of my childhood self coming back and allowing more true enjoyment of things like sunshine and laughter and people in general. Remember that joy you felt during your culture’s holiday seasons? Well, no PMO allows you to feel that more throughout the year and actually feel the true sense of that around those times again too. It’s very zen and builds greater appreciation for even the simpler things.

Probably some of the worst symptoms I’ve had from PMO were anxiety, depression, and feeling chronic fatigue – ALWAYS tired… The fatigue and depression alone were so bad I honestly didn’t care too much to live back in the mid 2000s. I mean, I wasn’t suicidal, but I honestly didn’t mind the idea of maybe just dying early one day. Being that low is pretty dangerous, even if your not actively suicidal – your will to survive won’t protect you as much. This had to stop, I had a small part of me that held on… in times of incredible darkness and loss of self. In times of depersonalization so bad I didn’t even recognize the sound of my own voice anymore. Perhaps PMO wasn’t directly responsible, but it held me back healing tremendously. Held back my energy from being who I truly was. To live requires energy – more time awake and revitalized, less time sleeping your life away.

Alas… I eventually found my solutions and that was purpose and understanding of true self. The days I expanded my mind with philosophy and took a serious reassessment of life were the same days I started truly living. Being a truth seeker, living under the code of true empirical ethics started shaping shit up and resolving the painful depressions of doubt. I learned a massive deal of truth in almost everything from who I was to where I was. From there, it’s been pretty solid the past 5 years now. Anxiety is kind of there sometimes, but often almost not at all really. Depression is practically gone now, there’s just the normal moments of real sadness that come and go and make you appreciate life. Depression isn’t sadness, depression is a massive void in knowing who you truly are and how you truly should be living and developing. Once you lose touch with you’re purpose, goals, and dreams… your mentally dying… You cannot ever let those fall away from you in life.

If your facing depression now, I can assure you – it’s damn true there is a cure and a relief. You are not stuck. Your gradual experiences can gradually change you back. Literally change the physical and chemical structure of your brain responsible for the thoughtless depression. no PMO is a fantastic contribution to this, but you also must learn much much more about who you truly are and what goals and dreams you truly have to achieve. You have to be like flowing fresh spring water engaging your true mentally stimulating (not porn) constructive interests (art, music, building, whichever it may be), not stagnant toxic water sitting around. Simply we are composed of mostly water and THUS, the fresh water gives life ~ the stagnant water gives death. Cleanse your water with consistent exercise, purposeful mental stimulation, and no PMO holding back your energy to do so.

Comfortable talking to others. Comfortable eye contact. I feel more engaged in conversations.

I have felt an increased comfortability in talking to others. Usually, I feel a little uneasy and anxious when speaking with strangers or elders, but now I’m very comfy in my own skin. I can keep a good eye contact and feel more engaged in conversations. I’m noticing that my life is seeking to brighten up and feeling better at whole with my situation of where I am in my life.

My goals: I need to stay on track with hard mode, not looking at any gw pictures. They aren’t worth it. What is 5 seconds of looking at a picture really going to do for me? Nothing. It won’t do anything. I’d rather use of my energy on proactive things than to deplete it by wasting away time staring and bodies. It won’t do anything for me.

50+ Day Report – Feelings of Social Reawakening

So I finally made it through 50 days of NoFap/Porn. I have to say, overall the length of time has been easy to achieve, and while my mood had some extreme highs and lows it hasn’t been that bad.

That was up until about day 40, all of a sudden I just felt like shit…the feeling lasted for about 10 days, I just wanted to be alone and do nothing, at work I tried my hardest to stay away from my coworkers, you know me as a fun talkative guy, and at home I did nothing but lay in bed while occasionally going out with friends where I still had nothing to say. This led to a lot of “Are you okay?” coming from people, which made me even angrier.

Now throughout this period of time I never really attributed the way I was feeling to the lack of pmo that I was experiencing, but on the final night of feeling like this I had a very vivid dream..I was laying in my bed with my laptop, as I usually would when I pmo’d, and was looking through porn…suddenly I became conscious of my actions in this dream and shut my laptop and threw it on the floor. When I woke up in the morning I wasn’t sure if it was real or not.

So I went about my daily business, and I felt my mood slowly on the upswing throughout the day. Suddenly, I felt my entire body start tingling and my mind felt extremely focused..suddenly I started perceiving social interactions differently, I began to pick up on all the little intricacies of interacting with people almost unconsciously; body language, voice inflections, social order in a group, everything all of a sudden just started being processed in my mind, and this has occurred in interactions with men and women.

Now obviously this change is more prominent in my interactions with women, and it feels like any subtle movement, whether it be a shift in their seat, or touching their neck has significance..and has led to feeling a lot of sexual tension in my interactions with women my age or even the middle aged wives I interact with on a daily basis at work.

Now the question I ask myself….were these things occurring before I quit pmo 50 days ago and I was just missing them, or did the change to NoFap change the way women view me? Either way, I’m really digging life right now.

So for those of you who want to give in to relieve anxiety or boredom or whatever other way you attempt to validate your pmo or even just mo I’m going to advise you to just say no. The way I feel about myself and about my interaction with others has changed significantly in the past 50 days. I have an extreme amount of sexual energy that I feel an I can tell women are interested in me, but the pathetic feeling I felt that I NEEDED to get laid ALL the time is gone. I no longer feel a need to validate myself to others, or even to myself through sexual relations, I could take it or leave it.

To finish off my story, I used to believe that there was some kind of “seduction switch” that I had that I could turn on and off when I was feeling confident in myself, and it worked well..when I was confident- which wasn’t very often. Well now, that switch is broken, its stuck on and I have to actually be careful in how I interact with women as my confidence has led to some awkward situations with husbands after spending 15 minutes flirting with their wives…

So here’s to another 50 days…actually you know what? Fuck 50 days, here’s to never masturbating again. Cheers fellas

41 days report – A lot has changed!

This is my fourth streak, biggest one so far. Just to tell that I think my energy surge is gone, I feel normal. Stopped fapping for 41 days and these are the changes:

I feel more comfident about myself – girls are constantly hitting on me (average looking). Got one of the prettiest girl from high school times. Started working out at least 3 to 5 times a week, when I couldn’t even subscribe at the gym before. Founded and succesfully growing a social movement, acting as a leader. Already spoke to 4k people in protest. Before I couldn’t even talk to girls, not even to my whole friendship circle. College going pretty average, didn’t changed very much.

My conclusion is that NoFap has set free the fuel needed to the changes I already wanted in my life. Right now I just feel normal, but a better normal. I’m constantly happy and depression/sadness isn’t something that pulls me down like it did before, now I understand that it is a cycle and I will get sad, so I basically enjoy sadness then it is gone. I’m very curious about what will come next, will I get more energy from myself or is this a dead-end? I want to grow stronger!

TL;DR: Found out that NoFap gave me energy to do all the stuff I couldn’t do before and gave me a better inner state of peace.

How my noFap journey has changed me so far

I’m posting just before I go to bed and I’m tired so I’m going to lazily list some points instead of coherently structuring a piece of writing.

  • Increased confidence when talking to anyone (especially girls) e.g. better and meaningful conversations, stronger eye contact
  • No longer see girls as complete sexual objects and so don’t feel guilty or ashamed
  • More energetic and motivated to learn new skills (I’ve started to learn guitar and going to start working out soon with a friend!)
  • Generally feeling happier in life
  •  Feeling like a boss when I’m walking around with a good posture, straight back, chin up. Literally feeling unstoppable that I have a secret to success that not many people have discovered. That is the secret of being a Fapstronaut with a loaded weapon.

An epiphany from doing Nofap: the Truth About Confidence

Confidence is not logical. It is not a math equation. It is not something you can break down line by line to achieve. It has little to do with your credit score, how many girls you fuck, the car you drive, or what random fucking people think of you. Confidence comes from within.

I have never felt true confidence before nofap. NEVER. The ONLY time I ever did was when I was drunk, and it still didn’t always happen. It never made any sense to me. I was above average looking, had a decent job, a sense of humor, an education, etc. Why wasn’t I confident? When I broke it down in my head, I knew I had all the necessary components to be a confident person. The problem? I just never felt it.

23 days into the Nofap Challenge, and I finally see the truth. People can feel the confidence coming off of me, and they can hear it in my voice. Nothing has “changed” in my life. I don’t have a better job. My credit score has not changed. I didn’t wake up with five beautiful women in my bed. I just FEEL it. It comes from within me, and I feel like nobody can take it away. No matter what happens, I still feel it (note: It was rocky around day 13 if you read my past entries, but I feel like I am “leveling out” now). I feel like a human being, truly, for the first time.

This is my take on confidence. I am not a psychologist. This is simply how I see it…and I can say that with confidence.

Brief 30 days report (No PMO… a little P)

Hi, fellow fapstronauts! 30 days for the third time, a few observations:

  • MUCH more confident: I speak up, speak all the time which is a welcomed change.
  • Good eye contact, never shy from anyone.
  • Deeper voice
  • Clearer mind, think fast, express complex ideas in a clear and elocuent way.
  • Better memory too, I am remembering conversations, melodies, book/movie excerpt, etc.
  • Food tastes better, music sounds sweeter, I can’t help dancing to my mp3 while walking on the street like I give not even one fuck

90 Day Report – Finally Growing Up

It’s been almost a year since I started NoFap. It has been very hard, and at first I couldn’t even imagine making it to a week, but here I am! Here are a few things I’d like to share. I hope I can give something back to this amazing community in this way. I divided it into two parts: ‘benefits’ and ‘helpful.’

Growing Up; I feel like I’m finally growing up; I used to hide from the world, just like a small child hiding behind her mothers skirts. Now I don’t hide anymore, not behind PMO or anything else. I don’t hide from myself, my desires or other people.

I am at the same time more relaxed and have tons more energy. I think this is natural, since I’m now a car driving along the highway on a full tank of gas, instead of sputtering on the last few drops. I understand myself better now, social anxiety is gone, because I feel whole and I don’t need anyone’s approval anymore. I don’t feel afraid or apprehensive anymore to go out there and do things; I formed a band, I asked a girl out, I felt emotions, I created stuff. My life stopped disintegrating, and now I am finally starting to build my future. I am finally back at the wheel, after nine years of absence.

All I can say is WOW!(College Student)

So today was my second day of class at my university and once class ended I went walking around campus just for the hell of it. Well, I honestly surprised myself. I made eye contact with damn near everyone passing by me (male or female), I struck up a conversation with a guy I heard listening to some music I liked, got two girls numbers AND even went to lunch with one of them! I may or may not have success with any of the girls after getting there #’s but hey at least trying feels better than doing nothing about it. Just a little info…I’m on my 123rd day of no fap and almost a month with no porn. I can honestly say that I wouldn’t have my current mindset if it wasn’t for No Fap!

NoFap changed my entire mindset…

Ever since starting nofap, I began to appreciate women more and not just look at them only to have sex or fantasize about having sex with them. I no longer have urges to watch porn or even touch myself. I have had more confidence than ever in terms of meeting people and being social. Eye contact with girls is a breeze and talking to them no longer makes me nervous. In the future I hope to eliminate masturbation completely and use that energy for more productive activities. Thanks everyone!

63 Days

Just want to say that it feels DAMN good to be off the fap! I honestly feel like I kicked a horrible drug habit and finally have control over my life. I’m much more confident and alert each and every day whether it be at class, work, or hanging out with friends.

Oh, and women. look. AMAZING. It literally feels like I’m going to an entirely different university that has 10/10 women EVERYWHERE.

I am not addicted to porn, but masturbation was my struggle. Since giving up, I have noticed that my depression is almost completely gone, and my confidence has shot through the roof! I’ve felt more comfortable in my own skin, and have noticed that I have more energy. permalink

How nofap is making me an extrovert

My theory goes like this: ever since I started nofap I had increased my sensitivity to emotions. More importantly I’m expressing and sharing emotions with my parents and friends. I think same thing happens when I am around people that I like (friends of friends or just strangers). I attune to how I feel and because my emotions are stronger now I am able to express them without fear of judgement.

Example: I keep longer eye contact and smile at women because I like them. Before I would quickly look away think “shit, did she see me notice her?” Now my thoughts go, “I want her to see and know that I noticed her because I find her attractive”.

Another example is being out on a town. In a bar or walking around town, seeing women, I would say “hello” or complement them.

In both examples, my emotions fill up and reach a tipping point when I just have to express them. I don’t seek approval or hope that I can pick them up. I just want them to know how I feel. I do it for myself, because it feels liberating to express myself and not keep my feelings inside.

tl;dr extrovert = nofap because of: increased emotional state + drive to express my emotions

That’s how life is supposed to be?

I started fapping regulary when i was 14 years old and since this very point my life started to go downwards. Of course i didn’t notice it. (Frog in hot water, you know) I always felt like life is not enjoyable at all and that my childhood (namely before i got my own Computer at age 14) was more enjoyable. And actually it was. Nobody ever told us, that fapping every day will cause mild depression in your every day life due to Dopamin changes.

Now i stopped. On my first streak I got on 11 days and now I’m on my 8th day. I feel so much more alive, everything is so .. well I don’t know exactly. It feels like i finally came to the point where my life is worth living again. Everything is easy and worth doing it! When i fapped i could barely motivate myself and every day activities where enormously exhausting.

Not superpowers, but social skills improved greatly.

I’m not one of those guys who is going to say I now have superpowers, but I am definitely noticing a change in my social skill set. Talking to people, especially women is much easier. Not slaying bitches but having easy, conversations where my hands aren’t shaking anymore. Also, so many more girls looks absolutely beautiful. This is worth it alone. I noticed 3 or 4 of my friends who are just stunningly beautiful which I had never noticed before. Was going to do a reset at 2 weeks on purpose with no porn, but fuck that I am enjoying this.

10 days and social anxiety plummets

Going 10 days without fapping has with out a doubt decreased social anxiety. It has been hard, so all words of encouragement are appreciated. Also one question, does edging take away these great side effects of not fapping.

It works!

I’m about 90 days in and while this probably hasn’t beem as hard for me as for others (I’m not a very horny person), my confidence has grown immensely.

Just last week I was in SF to visit a friend and with 5 minutes of getting on BART I gave this cute girl my number and she texted back. We have a date lined up next week. I am certain none of this would have happened if I still had PMO to fall back on.

Of course this isn’t the only benefit- just one of the more pronounced. Keep going soldiers!

Feeling alpha as hell (30 Days)

16 y/o Male realizing a month ago how PMO was taking over my life.

-Rocking the beard.

-Been lifting heavier than ever.

-Rocking the abs.

-Been going out for a run atleast 4 days a week. (4 Kilometres each)

-Haven’t been slacking at Business School.

-Began to get more in balance with my self (Spirutaly and mentally)

-Began doing tricks in soccer again.

-Began Meditation.

-Huge improvement in my sleep (Takes me 5 min to fall asleep > From 30 minutes (PLUS))

-Began drawing.

-Began cold showers (Not a single hot one, for around 2 months now)

-Less anxiety in general.

-A heavily improved desire “Willing-to-do-things”.

-Way more happiness when achieving something (Or just simple things as when my mom said we were going to have nachos for dinner tonight, cheesy example, but its the truth)

-Less suppression, MORE expression.

3 weeks and feeling awesome! Benefits all over the place!

The first week was pretty hard, but I managed to stay true to the cause by browsing Nofap instead of going PMO. Reading all the motivational words and inspiring posts here has been a great help during the three weeks. I felt some pretty strong urges but managed to fight them off without fapping.

Week number 2 approached and went by rather fast compared to the first week. All my extra confidence I gained in the first week really helped me out a lot, and I started using my extra energy for more usefull things instead of PMO.

Week 3 just passed and I have to say it was great. At day 20 I had my first wet dream (like ever) and I was truly exstatic. Not only did it mean to me that Nofap was having actual effects (like scientifically provable effects not just the changes related to my mind set changing), it also meant a lot more to me. It always bothered me that I never had an actual ‘legit’ wet dream, even though not all people have it. I suspected my PMO had something to do with me not getting one, but I never really took action to it. After the wet dream I felt great and energized and I totally destroyed people in my fencing practice (which was 2 hours long btw) and I literally got to the point where I was shouting “Next!” while my previous opponent was still packing up his stuff. I just couldn’t get tired that day and I ended up doing some situps and pushups at 11 P.M. before going to bed because I still had to much energy.

I noticed an overall increase in confidence and my social skills have improved tremendously (even getting to the point where I actually talked to a cute girl, still awaiting her response to me asking her out btw fingers crossed on that one) and I feel much more comfortable talking to people in general, wether they’re friends or just strangers.

As said before I have more energy and even though college means long and busy days for me, I can keep up with it, while I used to be nearly dead after 5 days of easy peasy high school.

Less Shy, LONELY, More Calm & i Realize What I want

I was trying the NoFap thing since june and I managed to go on a 38 day streak until i ended it 2 weeks ago. I felt some benefits, but still felt imprisoned by brain fog. When I relapsed, I finally realized that I was looking at softcore stuff almost everyday. I was still screwing my head over, just not fapping, which some might say, is worse. I started PornFree 13 days ago, then 2 days ago, I

  • Last night, I had no social anxiety and I felt comfortable in the club (usually I look around always feeling awkward
  • I talked more calmly and didn’t feel the need to rush all the words out

One thing I realized, also. LONLINESS:

When I did the nofap thing for 38 days, I didn’t feel much benefit since I was getting my dopamine high for hours everyday. I felt like I had more energy though and I also felt lonely. I just wanted some sexual fling. When I went to the club last night, I looked around. I saw girls that were either very “out there” or did drugs. I realized that I didn’t want this. I want a real relationship. It’s part of the reason why I’m 19 and still a virgin. I now value the company of a girl much more than just a sexual experience.

Tested: masturbation does have negative effect on you

About a month ago I started 90 day challenge, and it lasted 3 weeks till I crashed. During those three weeks I spotted these changes in my life: 1. I was more social 2. I was funnier 3. I was more focused during lectures 4. I was more active / energetic 5. I didn’t look at girls in pornographic way (if that’s even a thing) 6. Most important: I was happy about myself, that I am able to do it. 7. Small confidence boost

After these three weeks, I crashed… In the shower. I hoped that I will not go back to pornographic materials, but I did, and after a couple more weeks, I did it every evening with porn. Changes that I discovered during this time: 1. I am not that fun anymore (more annoying I guess…) 2. It is extremely hard to keep focused during lectures (this is very big minus) 3. All of the time I think about sex (if I hadn’t done it for a couple of days) 4. I look at the girls in a bad way… 5. My confidence is gone, like it never existed 6. Life looks much worse in general (there are a lot of things, which are personal).

So I am writing this post to point out, that masturbation HAS a huge effect to person in negative way (especially when it comes to being more energetic, active).

I understand that I should do it again. I am afraid that I am going to start to lie to myself: everybody does it, it is healthy, etc. Wish me luck. It’s time for a change in my life, again. 🙂

NoFap has inspired me to try new things and step outside of my social boundaries.

I’m a 16 year old male, and I first discovered porn at the age of 7 or 8. I’ve been addicted ever since, wasting away hours fixated at a computer screen. For the longest time, I was convinced that porn didn’t make me any more disrespectful towards women. That I didn’t object them as a result of porn. And I was completely wrong. During my current streak, I was actually able to push myself to start talking to a girl that I was interested in. I was able to converse with her, and pursue her without constantly just thinking about, well, fucking her.

I had the confidence to ask her to homecoming. She said no, and yes, that was a terrible day for me. But it was also great because for once, I tried. I didn’t admire her from afar for months, thinking of what could possibly become of us. I sat with her, and actually talked with her. I’ve dealt with severe social anxiety for several years now, so this is a really big milestone for me.

This past week, I’ve also taken up cooking and baking. It’s a great distraction, it’s fun, and I get a reward when I’m finished! I’ve been making brownies and biscuits and gravy and all kinds of shit. I’m also a musician and an audio engineer. Today, I made lots of progress on a song. I use the computer mainly for recording and Reddit. And I use Reddit mainly for NoFap. I’ve been able to restrain myself from clicking on links from NSFW subs. I know all too well that clicking one link is the start to a slippery slope.

90 day report 🙂

Social anxiety was my main reason for trying NoFap, and that is greatly reduced, I still need to work on it some more but there are things I can do now that would have been impossible before. Like when I’m at a social event I will look for people to talk to and then happily walk up to them and say hi – I don’t even stress about it. Maybe some of you won’t understand what a big deal that is! But believe me for me it is literally life changing. Maybe it’s placebo effect, but it doesn’t matter!

Internet porn has had me trapped for about the last ten years, and oldschool porn for years before that. Looking back now it’s like I’ve been in a dream all that time. I can’t believe I didn’t see how shallow it was, how it was just an addiction with no substance, literally just empty pixels on a screen, it’s like I was fapping to a pile of breadcrumbs.

Now I’m free. I’m not always happy, I’m not a superhero, but I do feel like I make better decisions, I feel like I’ve grown a pair, I feel slightly more likeable. I’m a little more resilient, I don’t give up as easily.

21M – tipping point passed for social anxiety

I’ve never talked to so many random people before. I met some guy on the street in the Army going across the US carrying a horse piñata, jokingly told some guy texting at the top of a staircase “that’s a bad place to stand”, and talked to a couple of attractive girls in 2 of my classes. I went to office hours for another class and the prof told me she appreciated my vocal participation in class since everyone else is usually asleep at 9am.


Just wanted to encourage you guys to keep pushing by telling you about the benefits I have noticed on my streak so far.

  1. The most noticeable difference is the emotional resilience i have been feeling. I have suffered with depression for 10 years now and although I wouldn’t say I’m totally cured, I’d say I’m at least 75 percent of the way there. So that’s good.
  2. The second one I’ve noticed is me being a lot less in my head in smaller social interactions. Again I wouldn’t say that I’m totally out of my head, like for instance when I’m talking to a group of girls at a club I’ll still feel nervous and in my head, but when I’m hanging outwith friends I am totally present in the conversation and outside of my head. This is a benefit which a lot of people take for granted.
  3. My skin is glowing.
  4. I have considerably less brain fog compared to 21 days ago. Again, I wouldn’t say that it’s totally gone but I definitely feel a change.

I think the main thing that both you and I have to realise is that NoFap’s benefits take quite a long time to come to fruition. This fact should be a big motivator to you and I because we need to start as soon possible and not waste days. 3 Week Report

I had my doubts about those ‘super powers’ but … wow!

I’ve been reducing my PMO since August last 2012 but I never completed the whole reboot. I reduced it to 1-2 times a week and I was fine with that.

Recently I got into a lot of stress and I resorted to my old behaviour of PMO every day for two weeks. I felt so depressed, anxious and bad about myself after those two weeks that I decided to cut all PMO of. I deleted my porn (I still have a backup, I should probably delete that…), blocked porn and kept my hand out of my pants.

I had the first success this past Saturday (6 days since the last PMO). A friend of my invited me to a party where I knew no-one, all the people were older and most a lot smarter/more educated than I am. I held my cool, had some awesome conversations and connected pretty well with those people! I’ve never been a awkward social penguin but damm, I never expected myself to be one of the people that could do something like that.

With 90 percent of my social anxiety gone I could pick up on the social cues of other people so much better. At one point I was in a conversation with a guy and I realized that he was actually trying to impress me.

I felt like shit yesterday but I still went out with my friends because I really enjoyed their company at that moment (something I always did but for some reason it sapped energy).

We had a blast and I approached some girls, I didn’t really know what to say after opening but damm, I did it! At the end of the evening I approached another two girls and I had an awesome conversation, my friends were beyond drunk at that moment but I felt totally cool, relaxed and without any anxiety I could pick up on every social cue. I got the Facebook name of one of the girls.

Without my drunk friends in the background this could have been very successful.

Another benefit I noticed that alcohol just isn’t interesting anymore beyond a certain point.

So far I really like the improvements I’m seeing and I’m really motivated to continue with the reboot this time!

I joined nofap sarcastically, what happened to me!?

I’m an 17 year old boy from Norway, had a girlfriend since 9’th grade and currently and upper secondary student.

I’ts a funny thing how it all started, a friend told me about Reddit, and later on about Nofap. this is 6 days ago. i laughed when he told me about different stories when it comes to this sub reddit. He told me all about how people see themselves in many different ways and not even jerking off made them connect more to girls (and boys for that matter) i told him that i would try it just to prove this wrong, frankly to prove him wrong. i wanted to make him understand that it has absolutely no affect.

as said above, i have had a girl for a long time and didn’t even feel the slightest need of doing this according to my own needs. i don’t meet my girl every day and i do feel i have sort of an obsession with fapping when it comes to being alone, every time i were alone, even after being with my girlfriend and having sex earlier, i could feel the blood flushing through my veins as i started thinking of this damned computer screen filled with naked ladies. lol.

4 days in and i felt the strangest feelings, i wanted to lie to myself because of what my friend told me would happen, and it did. i felt so much more humbled, felt like i have for years walking around with my thoughts like a puzzle in my head trying to collect the whole picture of things, until everything became so much clearer, i felt more energetic and i also started laughing even more. i could talk to girls in a way i have never done before, i have always looked(thought of/at) girls as something that will later on lead to a relationship which it always has, but suddenly they became my friends and thats what i wanted. i also walked around with this tingling feeling down ”stairs” which made me sometimes laugh to myself and felt more joy.

34 days in. Difficulty level: EXTREME

Benefits are many, great and small. My most cherished benefit is the clarity, sharpness, and quickness of mind. I’m now fast enough to perceive when girls are checking me out, fast and witty enough to keep up good conversations with them, and I exude confidence that seems to attract others to me.

A few weeks into my first streak, I “grew some balls” and asked for a raise at work and made a very strong case why I deserve one. Even though corporate rules prevent me from getting one at this time, my superiors took notice of me. Now I’m perceiving a significant increase in the amount of respect I’m getting from my superiors and coworkers and I am being given more freedom and power to get the job done in a way that I think is right. This is unprecedented for me and I would never have done this without nofap. (a side note – when I took the job, I fapped the night before salary negotiations and simply rolled over and accepted their initial offer instead of negotiating because fapping sapped away the power to fight for my own interests)

Taking care of business is now easy. Things like bills, driver license renewals, loan payments, managing 401k, all that boring shit now gets done ahead of time. No more late payments, missed deadlines, etc. I am on top of all my shit nowadays

Day 104 Report: Its not as easy as it looks

But, i have to say, I am so much better socially. Im not saying that before i was completely socially awkward, I was considered funny, but I would have a hard time making conversations if its just me and another person. But thats not the case anymore, i feel more open with people and I can joke with people more.

Actually, I want to post some findings, so the last two days i was looking at P and i found myself after that not being “mentally clear” this means that i was kind of passive on making conversations. Before, it was as if connecting with people and talking to them was my dopamine rush, but now its as if i dont care about that anymore because i can get my dopamine rush from watching P.

So fight the urge. It takes 21 days to kill an addiction, but less than a minute to start it again. I haven’t fapped in 104 days counting and those benefits are keeping me going, but I will be my complete (ideal/best) version of myself once break this P addiction.

Btw, Look at my 60 day report for more info, it was pretty good. I’ll keep posting periodically.

Wow. It works!

So, I’ve made to 39 days, and I have no desire to relapse. Before I started this, I was depressed and sad all the time. I had no motivation to do anything. When I discovered NoFap, I thought “Why the hell not give it a try. It can’t get any shittier.” And let me tell you, I’ve changed. I don’t know how, but all of the sudden everything is just so much better. I had no idea how to talk to girls, I couldn’t focus on schoolwork, and the most important part, I felt like shit.

Now everything just “flows”. Talking to girls is now no problem, school is going great, and this depressing feeling I’ve had for years seems to fade. Life is good, man! I’d like to thank a lot of people here for sharing their stories with us. It was amazing motivation to keep going. Have a nice day everyone!

i was honestly depressed and now i’m not

before even reading this: install k9 filter on your computer and have an email address that you don’t have access to be the email on the k9 account (i used an online password generator for both the filter and then for the email address) do this now if you have not. i was in a continuous cycle of relapsing until i read a success story that began with the exact same instruction.

I’ve been struggling with this basically for the last 9 or so months. I had some serious low points, I cried, and I doubted if my life would ever turn around. It’s hard for me to even put all of this into words honestly. I have my life back. Like all of us on this forum, I was just so susceptible to porn that it took control of my mind. Eventually it took control of my dick. I would watch it when I’d feel low and i’d feel even worse afterwards. Without it my life has literally changed. I’m sorry that I can’t go into more detail but it’s really impossible.

I feel alive. My dick is fine. Conquering my own self is the biggest obstacle I have overcome and I’ve struggled with it my entire life. I completed a serious, grueling physical competition that forced me to have the most intense mental battles with myself and doing that made me feel invincible. Abstaining from porn (an actual addiction for me) has taken me even higher. Things are finally coming together. Girls are more attracted to me and I am more attracted to them. It’s not about a timeline or 30 days or 90, it’s about defeating your addiction and taking your life back.

Honestly man, I’m kind of tearing up writing this. I didn’t know if I could get to this point, but here I am. I am willing to help as many of you as I can. I’ve been there and nobody knows what it’s like besides us. We can do it. I’m finally out of this depression and I want all of you to join me. It’s the most incredible thing in the world.

Discovering porn induced ED

The other factor that makes me believe I won’t go back to porn, is that in the three weeks since I’ve stopped masturbating, I’ve developed the ability to connect with females in a way I couldn’t before. In the last three weeks my confidence with women has increased significantly. Not as a result of a long term process, but instantly, like a switch being flicked ever since the day I stopped watching porn.

I’ve developed a great rapport with one really attractive girl at work. She’s got a boyfriend, yet I can tell she likes me. I’ve also had a whole bunch of great interactions with other women at work and in my social life. Many of these conversations have been with women I don’t fancy, but I’ve been able to build a great rapport with them. Before when I was watching porn, I found it really difficult to build friendships and relationships. Now I’m finding this skill is easy. On top of that when I was using porn, a lot of females I knew were indifferent to me, some saw me as pathetic, others even hated me. I think this is because I had no mojo due to the fact that I was wasting my seed on girls on the computer screen.

Absolutely the best benefit of NoFap for me..!

When I’m in a stressfull situation or in a place crowded by many people I feel tense or full of anxiety to speak or act out, however, when I’m on a decent streak full of focus and dedication it’s completely different. The feeling of anxiety or stress is literally chucked down instantly when it comes up!! I don’t know how this is possible, but I’m certain that it has to do with all the energy I have because of NoFap. I can feel the anxiety coming up, but the confidence and/ or energy just devours the tense feeling. I experienced it a lot. I’m so calm and collected in a group or social setting right now.. Confident of myself and my talents. I’m also very observing and look people straight up in the eyes! This energy really makes me feel so fantastic!

WTF girls

I am so fucking speechless right now…I’ve been on no fap about 30 days now and I’m currently on a 17 day streak. Anyway I’ve read who knows how many posts on guys having all these girls notice them and all this super powers bull shit. Anyway I thought ya maybe that happens to them but not me, maybe it’s just cause these guys are attractive to start with but Im no model. Anyway tonight I hung out with a friend of mine who had the cutest girl I’d talked to in a while. I was so confident and had a no care attitude. Cause I really didn’t care what any of them thought of me I was just being myself and not being the “nice guy” I used to be.

So after I left my friend Jesus texted me and said his friend that I was really cute and attractive. I got her number from him and we talked until almost three in the morning on the phone and we have a date set for this Sunday! I’m like what the hell right now this can’t be happening. I guess Nofap really does make you a magnet not just to women but it makes you more attractive as a person to friends, family and women!

I’m a BEAST!

Things that I’ve noticed are much noticeably lower anxiety, I just feel more comfortable talking to people. I find myself walking up to strangers and neighbors that I have never spoken to and just having nice long casual conversations with them and it’s awesome. In addition to this lower anxiety it feels like conversation just flows, I’m more confident in myself, and it seems that girls really notice this. Also, I find that working out hard really helps to keep my stress levels in check and this accompanied by working out has made a big difference in how I feel and look along with very noticeable strength and health changes. The combination of these things has just given me an energy that I never had before.

It’s confirmed! PMO is a trigger for my anxiety problem!

I went several days (I actually lost count on the days) without PMO exposure.

I was happy, energetic, great gym gains, achieving lots of things, graduted at university, started studying for my driver lisence.

Then I tried PMO again. What a stupid move! I was not even horny!

Then it all came back! I couldn’t sleep. My body is tired. Mood is bad. Anxiety is through the roof.

That’s it. I’ll do a full reboot now. 30 days without orgasms. I’ll also do meditation daily.

I plan on never PMOing again. It’s real sex or celibacy. It’s not worth it the insomnia getting triggered for 10 seconds of pleasure.

i keep talking to people and shit yo

I used to never be able to talk to people. Now I go up to complete strangers and converse with them without a problem. Confidence is going harder than my dick.


A link between sexual craving and anxiety?

so after ~20 years of being a moderate porn user [37M] I took up the nofap challenge (hard mode and I’m single) about 75 days ago. It’s been a really enlightening experience and I’ve managed to not relapse, but sometimes the cravings to want to orgasm are so intense.

Anyway, my anxiety is way down in general – I was suffering badly from anxiety and depression a few months ago. I can’t pin all my progress on nofap because I’ve also had time to get over heartbreak and I recently started a new job, but I’m sure nofap has helped enormously with my new emotional stability.

I’ve started to notice though; the anxiety that has been part of my life for years now seems v linked with sexual desire.. so the days when I’m most craving for PMO, usually because I’m tired or it’s the w/e and I’ve time on my hands… are the days when my anxiety starts creeping back.

Has anyone else noticed this sexual urge/anxiety cross-over? Sometimes the feeling of anxiety and the feeling of wanting sex are really quite similar, or at least mixed up.

30 Days

I’m 18 years old and porn was ruining my life. Prior to Nofap i was PMOing at least once a day. I started watching porn at about 14, and back then it was fun. I was content with normal porn, and it felt good to explore my sexuality. But around 15 i started to become depressed, so naturally i used PMO as a crutch. I couldn’t stop. I began to fap more and more to worse and worse things. I started by watching softcore stuff, and by the time i stopped i was hiding in my bathroom watching shemale hentai. I had to make a change. I came across Nofap, and decided to take the plunge.

Its been 30 days now, and the results are in.

After about a week, i started to notice some changes. As for “superpowers”, i haven’t gained boundless amounts of confidence and energy, but there have been substantial changes. I didn’t gain confidence exactly, but i noticed that i would just start up conversations with girls for the hell of it. I stopped thinking about the conversation beforehand and worrying myself out of it. I just did it without a second thought, and it felt GOOD. My social anxiety started to go away. My energy levels haven’t gone up at all, but what i have noticed is that i have much more motivation now. I’m not as lazy. When something important is due, i get it done, when i wouldn’t have before. I’ve started to play both the guitar and the piano, too. I have hobbies now!

My brain fog has seriously decreased as well. Things seem clearer to me now. At school, i feel more involved than before. It’s so much easier to talk to people now. I’m also starting to figure myself out, and my goals in life. I feel like a better me.

i believe [stuttring] is linked with the brainfog that PMO has been clouding your ability to recall words, Mine has cleared up exponentially, my fog
was so bad that i was beginning to think I had a neurological issue even with memory recall. I coupled my Nofap journey with meditation, the app that  is changing my life for the better is called headspace, when your ready to make that commitment i highly suggest doing both at the same time like a buddy system to help rewire the brain. There is now scientific studies regarding meditation that shows the benefits of meditation if you need proof, just do a google search of ‘meditation brain scan’ pictures, practicing mindfulness is a skill that has to be learned. I’m day 38 nofap & 29 days in headspace, Stuttering is gone, confidence is high, train of thought & focus is higher than ever, urges are there but I’m able to now separate myself from the urge and to says myself out loud nope, not today with a smile on my face.. Life is good.. no …life is GREAT! Permalink

Superpowers are definitely real. Hardmode is the way forward

I’ve done more than a month of NoFap but the issue was that for the first month I’d pretty much peek everyday and edge once every few days. I felt better than before when I PMO’d 5-6 times a day but never had the superpower stuff.

In the last week I haven’t peeked or edged. I decided to increase the amount of time my meditation sessions last too, instead of 10 minute sessions I’ll meditate in one spot anywhere from 20 upwards to 30 minutes.

The difference is clear, NoFap hardmode + meditation has given me superpowers. I am much calmer and much more believing in myself.

The biggest change though is 0 social anxiety. Seriously

Before I’d get nervous when walking to class or to meet people, I’d breathe calmly but those nerves would always be there in my chest, even if subtely. Now on hardmode if I take deep breathes I have no nerves whatsoever, not even a subtle hint of that anxious feeling in my chest

A few acquaintances I know are also coming up to me and telling me that they respect me, that I seem more of a man, it’s strange, but hardmode (no edging/peeking) is the way to go.

Severe stuttering problem since I was a kid – GONE!!!!! I cannot believe it!!

I’d had a stuttering problem since I was a kid. Pretty severe too. I’m in my mid 20s and it didn’t get better. Sometimes it would take me forever to get out a sentence, especially certain words and combinations of letters. And anxiety would make it way worse. When meeting new people I would take 5 seconds to say “nice to meet you”, then I’d feel embarrassed and that would make me feel even more anxious and I’d stutter more. Just horrible. As a teenager I tried speech therapy to no avail. I tried it again once as an adult, again nothing. Well you know where this story is going…

I am almost at one week and… Over the last 3 days the stutter has almost completely disappeared!!!!! It is easily 95% gone and I’m sure the remainig 5% will be gone soon too. I cannot believe this, I am almost in tears of joy. At work people are baffled and they keep telling me I sound fluent and seem more confident, that my voice and speech have improved a lot. I thank them and just tell them I’ve been working on my confidence haha (I wonder how they would react if I told them the truth).

All of a sudden people take me seriously, I have more presence, my life has completely changed in just one week. Anxiety and depression are gone. I can walk up and talk to strangers, including girls and not take forever to say my name and have them look at me like I am mentally challenged. This was unthinkable before. My professional life has improved substantially. My social life too. Just to try out my new fluenet speech and confidnece, I talked to three random girls today, one on the train, one while I was waiting for the green light at a sidewalk and one in the elevator. Just short casual conversations, I wasn’t hitting on them (not too much anyway) and they went great. I am actually excited to meet people and I am definitely going to start going out more. I’ve ramped up my work outs and I have seen increased levels of muscle gain, I think I may be experiencing a testosterone boost due to nofap.

This is truly an amazing thing and I had NO IDEA it existed up until a week ago. I used to think fapping was just necessary for biological reasons as a substitute for sex and that men just could not not do it and if they did they would go insane. I used to think my libido would go crazy if I went more than a few days and I would not be able to think about anything but sex. Nothing could be further from the truth, in fact the opposite is true. And it has not been very difficult thus far despite this being my first attempt (I’d been fapping every other day since I was 9) and I realize it will get more difficult, but I am ready for whatever challenges lie ahead. I will not give this up! Thank you guys for the inspiration.

Seriously guys… this is awesome. I got my charm back

Today I went to the dentist because one of my teeth is totally fucked. But thats not really the point. In the dentist I behaved so unusually confident and stuff it was crazy. Well I say unusually confident, but the truth is, when I was a kid I used to be very open and outspoken. I think things took a downward turn once I started wanking at about 13Yrs old.

BUT ANYWAY, I swear I got my childish charm back. In the dentist I was asking questions that came into my mind, completely without the hesitation that I would normally experience. In fact normally the questions that would come to mind would never get manifested into real sound. I even made the dentist laugh when I said to him “It must be bloody weird being a dentist, you know just having your fingers in peoples mouths all the time, touching peoples’ tongues and stuff.” I know that it seems like such a small insignificant thing, but the truth is that there’s a whole lot of happiness going on inside me these days, and it’s causing to forget about over-thinking and I give so much less of a shit if I make an ass of myself now.

The secretary caught on to that on my way out. I swear she was diggin’ me. While she was writing up my reciept I asked her “Have you got really nice teeth?” You know.. because she’s the secretary of the goddamn dentist. She was like “Well I used to have a few caveties blah blah.. but now I got bridges” or whatever and I was like “yeah I bet you got the whole package since you work for that guy” (dentist) and she jsut started laughing and shit. I dont even know why Im telling you this. Maybe I jsut need to emphasise that, were I still an insecure, socially-refraining wanker (literary pun intended) I probably wouldn’t have even asked her the question of her teeth. I’d probably be like “Oh thats a personal question.. keep your mouth shut and dont insult anybody and gtfo of here liek a good boy”.

I dunno… If you didnt read all that, the short and sweet is that I’m feeling like I dont give a shit and I’m smiling all the while. Instead of people thinking im a cocky asshole, as I originially feared before nofap, they’re seeming to notice my general easy-goingness and being comfortable with it. I credit 90% of this to nofap, 10% of it to my healthy philosophical lifestyle.

Hope everybody’s doing awesome. Peace!

My Anxiety and NOFAP

I’ve completed 5 days and today is day 6 in progress for me. I’ve been trying to nofap for awhile now usually I’d cave an fap every 6 days or so. I realize that my anxiety is directly fap related. Usually when I fap I want to stay in my house 24/7 no exceptions, but the longer I don’t fap my anxiety diminishes. WHen I pmo I hate being in social settings, I hate hanging out with more than one person , even going to the mall by myself scares the hell out of me! But the more I abstain the more I yearn to be social and explore life, today I went outside for a walk and felt 80% less anxious and felt more calm, it felt like a nice day. Life doesn’t have to be anxiety filled! I can’t wait till my anxiety is 100% gone and I thrive in social settings as I use to.

Thank you Nofap

I just want to say thank you guys and girls for all the advice, support, and tips. I can’t believe how erasing one seemingly normal thing from your life can change it forever. Before nofap i was a shy guy, nervous and afraid about everything. I was a shadow. Now my life has meaning, a purpose. I’m not afraid anymore. I’ve realized the importance of relationships and that attitude is everything. Thank you nofap for waking me up out of my fapping daze (LOL PUN)

Stay strong faptains

“Superpowers” kicking in? My 10-day report

I know it hasn’t been a long period of time yet for me to write a major “report”, but I want to record how good I’ve been feeling lately in case I get the temptation to relapse. Here’s what’s been going well:

Less awkwardness. Being familiar with NoFap, when I was fapping in the past few months, I would go out, see attractive girls working behind counters and such and feel awkward. My instinct was literally “man, I gotta stop fapping.” The two are that intertwined in my opinion. Now I feel much better, making more eye contact, etc.

More energy/desire. I felt motivated today, felt like I had plenty of energy and then some, and in fact just finished work and feel great. Even though I didn’t have a lot of sleep last night. This coincides with much increased sexual desire; I came across some women on Twitter I wouldn’t normally find very “hot” and was seriously getting hard really quickly. The thought struck me: this is how it’s supposed to work. (At least I hope.)

Here’s how your preferences change:

YesFap, looking at a supermodel …. and …. NoFap, looking at a woman on the street

More confidence. It goes along with less awkwardness, but let me contrast two different situations: some months ago, I would go to the bank (where there’s a cute teller) and feel totally awkward, unable to look at her, etc. It was so bad it was palpable. Now I talked to her, felt my voice resonating, automatically making eye contact, and noticed she laughed hard at my jokes–and yes, I’m cracking jokes automatically too. Also noticing more eye contact from women as I walk around the supermarket.

Sexual desire is way up, and so is the desire for fapping, but seriously, I’m getting all of these benefits just from not doing anything. Simply not masturbating to hot women online is creating these changes. It’s amazing.

Stay strong, brothers and sisters.

Speaking in front of people

Hey guys, this is my first try and I am at day 6 now. Today I had a presentation at university. I am german, but I had to present in English. I am quite good at speaking in front of people, but I never had control over my body language, i.e. I would cross my legs all the time, did not know what to do with my hands. Today I stood there like a boss and felt as comfortable as I have never felt before. I did not stutter and had no problem to keep eyecontact with my audience. I had the control over my body.

Me and my group had a rehearsal the day before and they were so surprised about how well I did today. Made my day.

Just got my first quiz after nofap back and it was a 1,0 (that´s 100% in Germany). Today was a good day.

Just broke my Nofap Record! And life is incredible.

I’m glad I’ve met Nofap. I’ve had speech problems since a little boy, even before Nofap. I was able to express everything on text or chat, but I couldn’t speak in person the way i wanted to.

At age 13 I fapped all the way to age 20. Then I quit and my speech improved 80%. I can speak fluently to people, friends and family, and they all noticed. Its incredible!!

I talk to girls easier, and I’m also taking a girl out. She said it was like taking someone else out, because before I wouldn’t talk much, and I would only listen.

Thank you so much for Nofap. I also feel as if everything is connecting together in my life, and its much easier to think. Thats why I’m going to go study triple integrals, and continue creating my website. I’ve always wanted to become a lot better with speaking, and one day I plan on becoming a spokes person for something really important. And once again I want to thank you all, I’m writing this with high amounts of energy.

Life is a Miracle.

Now i can piss in public restrooms!

I couldn’t do this for my entire life. Who knew it depends on confidence. Now I piss like king, but first I piss mentally on others opinion.

Good job nofap, unzip

What abstaining from PMO has done for me already


Here’s what I can say nofap has done for me thus far:

OK, my badge says 15 days. It would be closer to 30, but I had a minor relapse.


My mood has drastically improved. Stress/anxiety were things I was dealing with. Nothing super severe, but enough to prevent me from doing things I should have been doing, and it was impeding my social life.

I’m less prone to anger, and I feel like an optimist instead of a pessimist (I tend to call myself a “realist”, but usually that’s just pessimism in disguise).

Confidence/Self Consciousness:

I had a few bad experiences growing up (young teen years) that really took a toll on how I viewed myself, from a physical perspective. I was called ugly and laughed at by about 100 – 200 of my peers during lunch at my high school in 9th grade. There were a couple of experiences like that, and for a long time I struggled with feeling ugly.

I’ve grown up to be a pretty handsome young man, and yet I still would struggle with thoughts and feelings that others viewed me as ugly. This wasn’t SUPER extreme, but it was a lingering annoyance.

Since starting nofap, I feel very confident in both my physical appearance and my character as a man. I don’t feel like I have everything together yet, but it doesn’t bother me and I no longer feel self conscious hardly at all. I’m not concerned about the thoughts of others on my appearance or demeanor– at least not much.

This is probably something that will fluctuate slightly over time, but for the most part, I think I’ve crossed a bridge, and there will be some kind of permanent change.


Instead of constantly feeling like I have very low energy, or feeling like “I’m just not in the MOOD to go out and do this or that”, I find myself looking to stay busy. I’ve been going out and doing a LOT more, most of which happens to be social stuff because I’ve been having so much damn fun when I go out.

I also find myself feeling more inclined to leave my comfort zone and to go places and do things I might have passed on the previous few months. This isn’t to say I went from never going out, to going out constantly and feeling like a different person. I’ve always been pretty outgoing (when I’m “in the mood”) and I go out with friends and stuff pretty frequently, but I was just hitting the hometown “comfort bar” where I knew everyone, and that’s not exciting or rewarding and I wasn’t happy doing it. Everyone was an acquaintance, but I never even felt like getting to know them, and even talking to all of them started feeling like a chore unless everyone was drunk.

Better W/People & Women:

This has been pretty drastic for me, and will probably sound like the “Super Powers” everyone seems to be looking for…

The past few years have been a complete drought for me as far as women go. I broke up with my “first love” about 4 years ago, and I’ve been single since. I’ve had multiple women who were interested, but I could never muster the needed desire to actually do something and hang out with them, make a move, etc. It was fear, but what I’ve learned is that fear is almost completely irrelevant when you feel GREAT and you have the desire to meet women.

When you feel empty and sated from jerking off, you don’t have much desire to make connections with women, you almost want them to go away because of how YOU feel inside.

This has done a 180′ in my life. I actually REALLY crave the presence of women, and I also crave situations in which I can meet new women. I feel attractive, from the inside.

An example of how cool this has been, I went from only having like one or two casual make out sessions with people I wasn’t interested in over the past 3 years or so, to kissing probably a 12 – 14 girls the past few weeks. 90% of that being in 2 nights 🙂

Just the other night I went to a really fun, new joint in my city and I danced with probably every girl there. Alcohol definitely helps give me some social lubricant, but I wasn’t trashed. And they all loved it. I was having so much fun. I also kissed at least 6 or 7 of them. The ones that initially said no, changed their minds within a couple minutes. I do this thing were I pretend like I’m coming on really hard and that I can’t imagine them not wanting to kiss me, and that I have to have them; but I make it fun and in a weird way, sincere. I would normally say this doesn’t work, and maybe it won’t always work but I do this naturally, and oh boy did it work.

I used to be over analytical in situations like this, waiting for “the perfect chance”, making sure she wasn’t with a guy already,etc. Not so much lately. I’ve just been having fun. There was even this one cutie who was dancing with another guy and I just cut in and took her. I wasn’t trying to be an ass, I was just having so much fun that I didn’t care. She wouldn’t let me kiss her, but I promised her that before she left I would. Found her with the same guy right before I left (she was leaving too) and finally made it happen, twice. And got her number. He was cool about it and just watched. I think they had just met.

That’s just one example.

All in all, I don’t worry in the slightest about rejection, because I TRULY do not see it as rejection, and that night has changed me forever. It’s hard to explain, but it’s a mentality shift. You start to feel wanted instead of dejected.

It’s a beautiful thing.


Nofap has most definitely been one of the single best decisions I’ve EVER made it. It was “the missing piece” for me in many ways, and regardless of the ups and downs, I’m sticking with it. I don’t even see the point in jerking off anymore. It seems so ridiculous and dumb now. Crazy.

With everything I’ve stated above, I want to make sure I’m not leaving anyone with false expectations. None of this stuff just happened magically, I had to make it all happen. It was just FAR easier with nofap, like WAYY easier. It made everything feel natural, and it made me feel better, so taking things to the “next level” just seemed logical and not very scary (sometimes a little scary, but not much).

Further more, I don’t always feel on top of the world. Sometimes I’m still tired and apathetic. Sometimes I still feel “ugly” or unattractive. Sometimes women completely blow me off (and no, it doesn’t bother me in the slightest) or do bitchy things.

Spoke in class today, first time in my 4 years of college

We were in class today, talking about maps and populations and such, and for the first time I spoke up and talked and had a good discussion with my professor in front of the class in a lecture hall. I answered all the questions and and was able to carry myself throughout the class. I was never one to speak or answer questions, even though I always knew the answer. I have been starting to feel more confident and less foggy in my day to day life, and today just showed that stopping the madness is helping me both socially and academically. So, yeah.

Not sure if it’s pornfree or nofap but I am feeling a deep need to interact with other humans

I have never in years or maybe in a decade never felt like this. Not that I don’t have friends or am the quite guy in the office. I do have my old friends whom I talk on the phone. I do interact well in office and Crack jokes. But I never felt like sharing or discussing about my life as much as I am feeling now. Not just serious life topics but I also want to chill out with others once in a while for fun even more. I guess I ll start going out more often. Take some time out once a week and socialize I guess.

FYI I am consciously trying to kick out my pmo habit for the last 6 months and have seen real positive impact on my life. Just wanted to share. Did anyone else experience this need?

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I was the same. Massive social anxiety. And anxiety about life and future plans, I’d get really sad a lot when I thought about it and depressed. Now a year and 1 day in, I found it was P induced.

NoFap made me realize how many things I gave up in my life…

[25M] here. I’ve stumbled upon NoFap about a year ago and lurking here ever since, but I unfortunately I lacked the willpower to really commit to it and start, although my PMO addiction was quite obvious. Now I’m immensely grateful that I started it.

It all started with porn-induced ED around the age of 18-19, but I thought it’s just some standard anxiety with girls, since I really lacked real-life sexual experience. Eventually (it took me months and 2 visits to the local urologist) I have managed to control my mind and be able to perform in bed, although I never thought it’s something that’s connected to porn at that time.

My relationships and my success with women was really taking a blow as time passed and although I noticed it, I wasn’t really interested in a change. I had PMO to satisfy my needs and subconsciously I was OK with it, taking the focus away from real-life stuff. Less exercise, less socializing, no girls, no sex, etc, we all know the drill…

Part of this was to take control of my life, and most importantly to quit my addiction to PMO, which I found nearly unbearable both physically and mentally in the past years.

I started NoFap a month ago, and while relapsing 2 times (urges are a bitch!) I have to say the improvement is there. My relapses made me feel so bad, I started taking cold-showers everyday to work on my willpower and I discovered that it gives more than just that, it’s a great boost to self-confidence as well. After the first time you set your alarm for 5 minutes and endure the pain of freezing water, you will feel you’re a man. I feel I’m changing mentally, and now I see, I was living like an ostrich with a head in the sand.

I built up enough courage and confidence not just to ask out girls again, but also to approach them no matter how impossible it seems to be, and I have learned pretty fast how to succeed and advance in dating. Of course NoFap can not teach you that, but it can give you something else: one long and perilous journey to a better life. It gives you self-discipline, and that’s all you need if you want to improve your mental health.

All the things you thought you’re not able to accomplish suddenly vanish and you realize what you thought to be a problem is really an opportunity. Working out, dating, socializing, quitting addictions (tobacco, drugs, alcohol, etc) are not intangible problems anymore, rather then missed opportunities to live a better, healthier life.

But everything starts with a positive mindset and great mental health. NoFap will not make you a superman, you can still get rejected (but man, it feels so different now, even rejection got better and MUCH easier to overcome), you will still have bad days sometimes, and of course you will face lots of obstacles in your life, but that mental baggage you’re carrying with fapping is gone. You feel like you’re going super saiyan mode, even if you don’t know how to properly hit an opponent.

It’s a start. And we all know, most aspects of your life and how others and you see yourself are nothing more than mental projections. The feedback I’ve been getting from my close environment (friends, family, girls) is all positive. THEY can see the change I could barely feel at first. And it’s one of the best feelings to hear these remarks, because I know, I’m the one who’s making this happen. I control my mind, I control my life. And it’s just the beginning, the improvement is increasing.

7 days report and boy I’m feeling great!

Longest streak i’ve had that I know of, feeling happy, light in my head, social, I have more energy, getting random erections (but ah well what gives), social anxiety is GONE. noFap is amazing I choose this life over a fap anyday!

My friend, I’ve had social anxiety my whole life. This is my first streak of 27 days and let me tell you. I was/am as awkward and shy as they get. I’ve never had a girlfriend or kissed a girl. But let me tell you something, I am starting to feel more like an alpha male. In addition to lifting weights, doing cardio and improving my posture my stuttering in social situations has vanished. My mind is more clearer. Girls now look at me for a second longer than they should. I have a long way to go but it’s up to me to push myself outside of my comfort zone and face my fears. NoFap is just a catalyst for change. It isn’t the solution itself.

I now WANT to go up to girls and start a conversation, although I haven’t done it yet. The urge to talk to them is there and this is a huge change from what I was experiencing 27 days ago. So stay strong, and remember NoFap will only give you the drive you need. The rest is up to you. Stay strong bro –  social anxiety

14 Days- New-Found Confidence

Well, I’ve finally made it to 14 days. This is the longest I have ever made it in NoFap. I’m 22 and I’ve been masturbating since I was 14, nearly every day, sometimes twice a day. The type of porn I watched slowly escalated and eventually began to make me question my sexuality. It blows my mind because I’ve liked girls since the 3rd grade but after awhile I became desensitized to girls from watching so many different types of porn.

I also have developed pretty severe social anxiety, and being a business student, it is necessary that im able to communicate efficiently. As most of you know, social anxiety has to to with a low self-confidence, making you think that everyone is judging you and constantly replaying situations in your head (may also be a case of ocd).

14 days in and although there is still some social anxiety, my ability to think more clearly has grown substantially. I’ve always been a bright kid and have been told that by many professionals but my social anxiety has brought me down to a lower-level.

In January, I will be starting my professional career as a public accountant. I started NoFap after reading all these success stories on how NoFap changed peoples’ lives. I need to be able to think clearly and live up to my potential, not only in a professional environment but in my social life in general. Ive been told throughout the past 4 years at college that I’ve changed and I haven’t been able to pinpoint why. I never used to think that PMO was an issue in my life because my friends would talk about porn and different pornstars, so it was a part of my daily life.

After 14 days, I can now look back and say how wrong I was. PMO was changing my brain in negative ways and in turn, made me question who I really was. I plan to continue NoFap for the rest of my life. Because ive learned that the brain is plastic, it emphasizes how important it is that you live healthfully. I used to play sports every single day, but eventually got injuries and got addicted to PMO and video games.

I’m never going back to that life. It’s time to be me again.

Losing hope again

I haven’t PMO’d since the end of may. My reboot hasn’t been clean, though. Sporadically for the entire time I’ve still looked at porn at MO’d separately, but never together. My social anxiety has mostly completely disappeared and all that, and when looking at porn in the past month I got completely hard erections. I’ve had a wet dream recently as well, and had a bunch a few months ago.

How NoFap has changed my view on things

Overall, I’ve done fairly well for myself, but porn has inhibited my ability to be fully self confident in the work I was doing. Today, I was talking to old family friends at my mom’s surprise birthday party, and I could immediately see the improved engagement in socialization and the pleasure felt by physically interacting with other human beings. Often times today we lose sight of the value in conversation and interpersonal communication. Go out, start a conversation, and change a life. Maybe that life could be yours. I’m at over 60 days now, and that’s when they say the waters start to clear. Today I have found bliss. I know you all will be there soon.

I was once confident.What happened?(the story of my demise and PROOF that porn ruins you)

DISCLAIMER:At times it may seem like I was an asshole but I’m not proud of it(I’m actually ashamed of my actions) and I’m telling you all this just to prove a point.

So I’m a socially anxious loser who can’t talk to girls but surprisingly or not I wasn’t always like this.Far from it actually.Let me tell you about my history with girls and porn.

I am now 21.I first started fapping when I was 11 after going to a friend from school’s house and he first showed me porn.I was mesmerized instantly.Until then I have never seen what real sex looks like.After seeing that, only after a few days I made a copy of his porn,went home and started fapping.Slowly that year I started to build my porn collection.At the time it wasn’t a big collection,I only had a few movies because back then I didn’t have internet.It was only years later when I finally got high speed internet.

By the time when I was 13 I started liking this girl from school but I couldn’t do anything with her because she had a boyfriend.But immediately after I found out 1 month later that she left her boyfriend I started exchanging notes with her during class(yeah,I know…stupid kid shit lol) I talked to her for a few days and she became my first girlfriend.Just like primates who get a huge dopamine rush after becoming the alpha male so did I and my confidence was through the roof.But what I didn’t realize back then is that porn already fried my brain and I was already addicted to novelty.I was so used to switching to different girls during a masturbation session.

Only 2 weeks had passed and I met her BEST FRIEND and I noticed she was much more beautiful than my girlfriend.I suddenly wanted to be with her instead of my girlfriend and that’s exactly what I did. It so happens that another friend of mine liked her as well and we would both have to compete for her.We both went together and asked her which one of us she chooses and long story short,even though I was already with her best friend she still betrayed her and chose ME.Dopamine rush once again and I was feeling like king of the world.You can imagine that those 2 girls never talked again since then because of me.Now when I think about it I feel so bad and can’t believe what an asshole I was.

I had a nice relationship with my second girlfriend.We would sit all night together talking and I was really enjoying being with her.We really had a connection but after a month I got bored and I felt the need for novelty once again.(which btw in case you didn’t realize,it was an early symptom of my porn addiction)

Girls were flocking around me believe it or not and I felt like I had so many options.Like the asshole that I am,I wasn’t even man enough to break up with her in person.So there were these 2 girls who both liked me and were always chasing after me.I took advantage of them and sent them to my girlfriend’s door to tell her I’m breaking up with her.I later found out she cried for like a week.

After that I had many girlfriends and I always found a reason to break up with them in a matter of weeks.When I was 15 I was with a girl older than me.I think she was 18.Yeah I was that confident ! I ended up losing my virginity with her and because she was willing to have sex with me,that relationship lasted longer than usual but eventually I broke up with her as well because I got bored. I remember my proudest moment.A girl broke up with me for the first time and all I wanted to do is make her jealous after that.I was in a club/bar with 2 girls and she suddenly walks in.These 2 girls actually proposed that they both make out with me at the same time to make her jealous.Man that was the best day of my life.Everyone was looking at me like I was a pimp.

I’m not telling all this to brag or anything like that.I just want to give you an idea of how confident I used to be and how much porn ruined my life.

So over time I started watching more and more porn to the point where I was masturbating at least once a day and very often twice a day.I didn’t even notice when my social anxiety symptoms started to kick in because the transition was very slow but by the time I was 18 I was already shy around girls and felt like I couldn’t relate to them.My last girlfriend was at 17.Since then it became more and more worse to the point where I’m uncomfortable around anyone regardless if they’re male or female.

How the hell did this happen ? Well I think we all know the answer to that.So next time when someone tells you that PMO addiction isn’t a real thing and the symptoms aren’t real either please share my story with them.For you younger guys who are thinking of quitting porn and aren’t as bad as me yet please quit while you still can before it’s too late.

25 days! babe magnet superpowers?

Made the really pretty cashier girl giggle, she couldn’t stop smiling wide the entire time I was there, with lingering eye-contact as I left. She looked grumpy for the customer ahead of me. This never happens to me. Usually my attempts to start conversations lead to a fake smile and I’m second guessing myself on what opening line I should use, how do I continue the conversation… but this time, I didn’t care anymore, I feel like “so what” I’m just gonna say whatever comes out and I don’t care if she responds positively or negatively because I’m having a great nofap 25th day and noone can take that away from me!

I think nofap is enabling me to be congruent again, confidence, smiling naturally for no reason, charm, and authentic self. I feel the magnetism now!

Anxiety and porn.. (if you have anxiety disorder)

Go together like horse and carriage.. I did 3 weeks.. Then I did one.. And now 5 days.. I can re confirm that anxiety follows porn use.. The funny thing is that it is not that strong after first relapse. . But the more you do, the stronger the anxiety on the following day gets. Which of course leads you easily in to wanting to have another hit..

Another interesting observation about my relapses has been that when I was off porn for 3 weeks. My emotions were very stale. I was bored. Depressed. But after doing porn, my emotions have been all over the place. Happy.. Sad.. Anxious..

When I quit porn. My emotions become more stable and non existent.

I wonder if that is due to the low dopamine levels.

I got a dopamine high…

… from meeting new people. I never, ever expected that would happen to me but it did.

I went out to a singles dinner in my area as I have occasionally in the past. It’s usually pretty awkward as it tends to be a gathering place for the desperate and socially broken. I myself have a social problem where I disappear inside myself and can be engaged in other people’s conversations without saying a word.

This time I met another awesome guy that I clicked with immediately and we became one another’s confidence. The girls were just as awkward and uncomfortable to talk to as is average for one of these evenings, but I had a ball because I wasn’t alone thanks to this complete stranger.

After two or three tables, we were moved to the attractive newbie table. Three gorgeous ladies who were there for the first time all at one table. They had suffered through the social desperates and looked willing to run away by the time we arrived.

I have never in my life had as much fun with such beautiful strangers as I did that night. It was all so natural. We fed off one another’s confidence and ended up getting strange looks from everyone else as we howled with laughter. When the time came for us to move on, they even begged the hostess not to move us.

I never dreamed that I would have a night like this. I’m a 28 year old socially reclusive masturbator of 15 years who has only had two very short term relationships (both by online dating) and I was handling my ultimate fear (attractive single women) with no problems at all. I couldn’t sleep from the rush!

I owe that random guy a hell of a lot. We both decided that we are now mates and will be seeing a lot more of each other in future as we seek to end our mutual singleness. Best of all we got the numbers of all three girls (who are best friends, we discovered) and we all agreed that we must go out together again sometime.

But more than that, I owe you guys and this NoFap journey. Without this I wouldn’t have had the confidence to strike up the conversation with my new mate in the first place.

Keep strong, my brothers. There is real power of change in this journey. My life is already better than it has ever been and I can only see better days to come.

TL;DR – I’m a socially reclusive 28 year old masturbator who just had an awesome night out with male and female random strangers that gave me such a rush that I couldn’t sleep. Fuck yeah!

EDIT: For those interested in what the difference was and where I’m going to take this, read my comment here.

I have a silver tongue.

Talking to women becomes so so easy. It’s been a long time since I did a nofap streak and I forgot about this perk. I swear to god the words just come. All of a sudden I’m entertaining, topical, witty. The words fall out and fit perfectly into the puzzle of conversation. I’ve had more girls this last week tell me how “funny” I am. I’m never like this when I’m deep into PMO. If these superpowers are just a placebo, then I’ll take it.

I can tell you this though: There’s no way in hell, no matter how good I feel, or what I’m on, that I can converse like this when I’m not abstaining. Believe me I’ve tried. Practicing PMO while struggling through social settings, forgetting all about NoFap. Only recently I’ve looked back in hindsight and remembered what it was like on my streaks. I thought I’d share, because it was posts like this that helped me get back into this shit. Envying guys on here that talk about the changes they’re seeing became such motivation.

NoPorn confidence explained

Part 1 –

  • We look at the porn star in the videos and avidly bestow an incredibly low level of respect on them, if any. In fact many of us get of, knowingly or unknowingly, on how much disrespect is shown to these stars.
  • Meanwhile we watch the videos and feel more and more like we could never get a ‘hot girl like that’ in real life.
  • This paradox leaves us subconsciously putting our self-respect lower than the respect we give to those stars.

Part 2

  • The men we watch in these videos have been selected because of their stamina, looks and most importantly (to the industry) their penis size.
  • Most of us have ordinary penises, probably between 4″-6″ maybe more maybe less, perfectly normal and sufficient, but certainly not as huge or persistent as those in the industry.
  • By watching porn we have temporarily debilitated our penises.
  • Naturally we start to compare ourselves, feel insecure and shy away from sexual intercourse.

Conclusion – How could we possibly remain happy and confident members of society whilst watching porn?

Solution – Stop watching porn and all this thinking goes away! You will feel confident again, you will be able to talk to women, you will be able to perform.

holy shit im talking to girls!!

I used to be the kind of guy who was shy as fuck and really socially awkward but today i was on the bus and a smoking hot chick sat down next to me and we actually held some small talk and eye contact. while it doesn’t sound like much, this is coming from a guy who couldn’t look at any girl without going beet red. this is goddamn amazing, and to think that there’s been such improvement after just 11 days- unthinkable. i’m smiling at girls as i walk past and they smile back. and in general, my confidence levels are through the roof. i feel in the zone and my study habits have also rocketed. it’s like my whole life has changed.

Wow.. completely blown out of the water

No question about it, it’s like walking in fog. I have had crippling anxiety for years and only realized that when I didn’t masturbate it was totally different. And I never masturbate without porn. So the two of them have become inextricably intertwined. How messed up that is.

This is war for us. I really believe that we fight slavery. Our minds are bound to this. We can win! Good luck!

If you are shy, if you fear social circles and hanging out with people…NoFap is for you!

I have been the biggest human hermit in History. 39/M, no friends…no girlfriend…virgin. PMOing for 25+ years….

Now, at 75 days of NoFap..I asked a girl if she had plans last night…She said she did…I got rejected in front of some friend…I took it okay.

Today I got rejected again, But later I went to a birthday party and met some people.

Wow, what a change in my personality! This is amazing. I no longer fear rejection, I no longer fear what other people think. My brother asked me today what happened to me!!!!! I told him that I wanted to be more social…He said it was awesome and that he is happy for me!!!

These are not superpowers…I am just starting to be my true self! I am coming out of the shell…I am hungry for life! NoFap is amazing. Don’t cheat, Don’t edge, Don’t view Porn…and you will start seeing changes you will not believe. My social anxiety is disappearing!! Wow.

EDIT: I used to never go to parties, I used to never even talk to girls…My weekends were at my house, locked up watching tv, playing videogames and PMOing….This was my life for the last 25 years…No joke.

The amazing benefit of no fap gain and more

No fap is amazing. In 2 months my voice have changed so much. It’s now deeper. When I play bf4 and talk in the microphone people told me that i have a deep voice. Also when talking to girls I am so relaxed and smile all the time. They sense it and they are always placing their body and hair around me and wtf. I am always High and happy.


THE STORY OF SOCIAL ANXIETY: I started this no fap journey not knowing where it would take me. As a kid, into my teens i was a very outgoing and athletic kid. I grew up in a christian family which kind of hindered me from developing a relationship with girls and didn’t really grow up knowing much about sex. Growing up, all that sexual build up and me not knowing much about sex, i was forced to seek it somewhere very quiet and hidden away from others. I then turned to porn. I was so fascinated by it, i didn’t know what to do. As you read other people’s journals, i began with small things like bikini pics to regular sex, to threesomes but not to far. This continued from about the age of 13 or 14 to 18. I don’t know if this happened to everyone but during my senior year of high school after winter break (which i still remember to this day) i started developing some social anxiety especially with girls. It was so weird because from 9-11 grade i was okay and this came out of left field. I was still a virgin and am today but i just felt i never had a problem with interaction until my 12th grade year.

From there i started skipping and turned to smoking some weed with people because i tried my best to just stay away from class. As sometime when on, i started to notice my problems escalated to the point were i couldn’t even talk to close family like my cousins, brother, and even dad and mom. I always had to put a fake guard up and not been able to be myself around the people i loved. I would skip out of social events and try my best to just stay in my house and fap when the night comes. I started to develop anxiety attacks and never been able to have a conversation with people. I then discovered no fap at the age of 19 around june of 2013. I thought of it as a joke because i read people success stories and some of them seem to tell my story exactly how it is. But i said hmmmm let me just try it. I would go for some short streaks like 10 days, 15 days…. but i just couldn’t handle the cravings i would get.

Finally in january 7th of this year, i had to do it once and for all to see if it would actually help improve my moods and anxiety and to be the kid i was before. During this new streak i had a some ups and downs like the usual but nothing compares the mood drop i usually get in the beginning of a streak and around the 15th day. Things surprisingly started to pick up around day 25-30. But today since day 38, i’ve had the most energy i’ve had maybe since i was in 9th grade where i started to fap. I realized that throughout 9th and 11th i still did have some anxiety but it really hit me as a senior. Im picking up on getting fit and stronger and im trying to develop reading like i use to. Before i could stay and the house all day and shy myself away from every but today, i can’t be in the house for more than 2 hours or else i’ll explode.

This is the first time i really shared my story to anyone and it feels good to have a community of people like you behind you. TO ANYBODY READING THAT HAS SOCIAL ANXIETY, JUMP ON THE BOAT AND STOP WATCHING PORN+MASTURBATING. I know im only 40 days in and there are plenty left, but i would have never thought quitting porn would have an effect on me and the knew confidence i have today. I probably have some mistakes in my writing forgive me, but i just wanted this story to be and inspiration to help others that suffer like i use to and which im still working on.


30 days Bro!! OMG

I have experienced so many benefits while on noFap which include going out with friends more often, talking to people more often, not having a fear of what anyone is thinking of me anymore. I also gained alot of confidence to talk to girls and i used to feel very sad and lonely but now I don’t i am high on life. I honestly feel like i am 13 again, I am 21 now, but i feel like there is nothing that i cannot do.

I have been talking to my parents for the first time in forever, they always thought that i was quiet but now that i don’t fap its like i have time to talk to people and not feel embarrassed anymore. I used to fap like 2-3 times a day for 8 years and i believe that was the reason that used to feel so sad sometimes and had trouble talking to girls.

i went to a club one night and had one of the best nights of my life. i just was feeling a little down before but I had a cold shower and i feel great now. i don’t feel weird looking people in the eye’s anymore, and overall i feel really good. THANKS

Another NoFap Benefit: “What’s up?” became a nice question.

I did a lot more stuff over the past 3 weeks, therefore I can talk about a lot more stuff. Paired with the decreased social anxiety, I feel like an interesting person again, and happily respond to the question: “What’s up?”

Yea there definitely real. You have to go a bit far into Nofap to experience them, but my most notable super powers were:

  1. Improved posture/back straight
  2. Girls stare but its the good kind of stare lol
  3. Clear mind.. seriously this is one of the best for me, when i PMO my thoughts are all over the place and porns always in the back of my mind. With the clear mind tho everything becomes more enjoyable such as listening to music, reading, writing, exercising.
  4. Social anxieties Gone. When pmoing I start to hate myself and try to stay isolated. Even going in stores becomes an issue for me, but not anymore! I love going out now, and I try to make sure I look my best each time,

I used to think I was an introvert.

Then I realized that I was actually a depressed extrovert. The more I go without PMO, the more I realize that I don’t like being alone. I’m spending more time with real people and I am HAPPIER. Nothing against introverts, if you’re happier alone, more power to you. I’m just saying, the rewiring of my brain isn’t just helping me kick an addiction, it’s helping me discover my true self.

Fight on my fellow fapstronauts.

How NoFap Has Affected My Anxiety/Panic/Depression

As a sufferer of major anxiety and panic attacks, after 6 days of NoFap, I’ve noticed marked improvements in my constant anxiety and panic attacks. I have had absolutely no panic attacks and substantial reductions in my depression and anxiety.

NoFap has kept me much more in “the moment” and not constantly over-analysing my environment which usually leads to anxiety and panic attacks.

PMO made me feel vulnerable to the effects of the big world around me, while NoFap reminds me that I can affect that same world.

Social Anxiety Fading

Just like most of you guys here, I used to consider myself shy and socially awkward. From my experience with nofap so far, it is fading away and I am definitely become a better person in all aspects in my life. In my chemistry lab class at Uni today, I was definitely interacting significantly more with my lab partners, who are all girls. I used to kind of just sit there and write down the information without really interacting with them.

Anyways, afterwards, I had a body composition test that I volunteered for. The woman who tested me is a grad student, and she is by far one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. Anyways, I had no problem interacting with her and keeping eye contact. I was measured in the bod pod at 185 lbs with 13.4% bodyfat and she told me that I am in great shape. 13.4% seemed a little high for me at first, but I am happy to know the truth regardless, and am still pleased with my lean, muscular physique.

Dead serious, nofap is changing my life in only positive ways. I am only 18, but I wish I have discovered it sooner. For all of you new fapstronauts, trust me, this journey is well worth it. I hope everyone stays strong and improves themselves as I have been.

NoFap doesn’t just make you talk to people, it makes you social.

I know what you’re thinking, what’s the difference right? Well I’ll tell you right now. I have always been the loud guy, could talk to anyone anywhere. But since I started nofap I have begun to actually socialize. Talking is not only a way to pass time anymore, it can be fun and interesting, even if it’s someone you have never met before. I used to talk to people because I was bored, now I talk to people because I really want to.

I have never made it more than 14 days but I’m sure it will just get better and better. I finally realized this is more than a challenge to reach a set amount of days, it’s about the goal to reach your full potential by not fapping anymore. No superpower bullshit, just allowing yourself to feel the way we were created to feel without the blurr from fap addiction.

I owe this group a huge thank you. Nofap is the best thing to happen to me in years. Currently trying to navigate through “soft” or “easy” mode
and I’d love to hear from some peeps who are farther along in their fapstinence.

So yeah, you guys rock. For a while, five or six months to be exact, I was on this site quite a bit, reading everyone’s stories, writing about my own struggles, trying to find a way to really beat this addiction, and I really felt like I would never start to see the greener grass on the other side. I had a few decent streaks of a week or so, but I would always end up plummeting back into constant PMO, requiring a week or two of binging again before mustering up the will power to try the whole thing again. Well, I think I’ve made a big step forward, (Not saying I’m totally in the clear now) and I’d like to share with you guys. Hopefully it will give some fellow fapstronauts some good ideas, and hopefully those of you who are farther along will be able to weigh in as I move to this next stage of my journey with Nofap.

First I’ll state my main reason for doing Nofap in the first place. The main reason I began this challenge was social anxiety. I never experienced anxiety in my younger years. High school went really well for me. I made a lot of friends and I was pretty active sexually, even though I still did PMO daily since I was like 12. I get to college and things start to take a turn for the worse. I started experiencing all the symptoms of social anxiety, it was so difficult for me to make friends, I would look genuinely nervous in most interactions, and going to parties was totally out of the question. I read about porn addiction and a possible correlation to social anxiety, and I eventually found this Nofap community. I immediately felt compelled to try it to see if it would help with my anxiety. For the first 6 months I could rarely go longer than 7 days, and it was a mental nightmare for me. So much guilt, back and forth talking in my head about how to approach my sexuality, so much anxiousness about life. It sucked. Literally I would just fall into a deep state of despair after breaking a 7 day streak. I lived alone so it was easy for me to escape interaction alltogether. Those first 6 months were really hell.

Recently I moved to a new apartment with two friends of mine. I decided to treat this move as a new challenge for my Nofap experience. I thought to myself, I CAN’T KEEP FAPPING IF IT’S GOING TO DESTROY MY SELF CONFIDENCE AND MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO INTERACT WITH OTHERS. I installed the porn blocker application on my phone and my laptop, and really stuck to it. I had a feeling that living with other people would help inspire me toget out of the rut that I was in, and I was totally right. The results that I’ve experienced recently have given me so much optimism for my life from here on out, and I just want to briefly share it with you, and then ask the more experienced members on here what they think of the hard vs. soft mode debate.


Physical symptoms of social anxiety are almost completely gone. The rapid heart beat, the sweating, that stuff is much less severe than it was before.

Nervousness has also diminished considerably. I can have conversations in groups of people and not look like I’m dying inside. I can even do a presentation in front of my class at school without a shaky voice. Everything about my way of acting around others has become more natural.

Inner confidence: It’s one thing to not display signs of anxiety on the outside, but what about in the mind? Well, for me, that’s changed a lot too. The fact that there are no signs of my anxiety at this point has really helped me stay positive about my situation. I’m not constantly thinking about other people judging me. In a sense, I have my balls back. I am not intimidated by people. And I actually seek out social interaction because it feels rewarding to share my personality with people. The inner confidence I’ve gained from this has really given my charisma a huge boost.

Communication skills and women: I am more articulate when I speak. I don’t stumble over my words. I look people in the eye and everything is so natural. I approach women like I never thought I would. I used to be the shy kid in the group. Now I’m the one rolling down the window at the stop light and striking up conversation with the cute girl in the car in the other lane. (It’s going to be interesting to try to control this newfound confidence and social energy so that I don’t just become an obnoxious asshole.)

So those are the basic things. Guys, taking porn and masturbation out of my life, so far, has been one of THE BEST DECISIONS I’VE EVER MADE. It’s ridiculously hard, especially if you live alone, but you gotta just keep your eyes on the prize. I’m not saying that I’m totally in the clear, but I do think I’ve made a serious step forward, because I have a new way of relating to women now, and I have more confidence to actually start having sex with women again. I have a number of girls that want to have sex with me, which has not been the case for SUCH a long time, and so I’m actually starting soft mode on Wednesday. I’ve heard the chaser effect is extremely strong, so I’m gonnna be really careful when I break the streak on Wednesday with this really attractive girl from work. I’m not going to let all of these positive changes dwindle now that I’ve experienced them firsthand. For those of you who may have struggled with self confidence and anxiety before doing this, was soft mode a valid choice for you? Did it hinder your progress or help you? The way I see it, even if the orgasm itself is what causes the anxiety, as long as you keep it sort of infrequent to begin with and don’t start off having sex every single day, and as long as you don’t go back to porn, soft mode has got to be okay in my book. Yes, maybe I won’t be as sharp and witty the next day after having sex with this girl on Wednesday, because my brain is still recovering from constant orgasm. But then I’ll spend a couple days working on homework for school and other productive things, and then re-evaluate my “soft-mode” approach when the next opportunity arises. This is sort of new territory for me, so I’d love to hear other ideas. Hard mode is very difficult for me, and now that I have more confidence, it’s even harder, because I know that I have the capability to have a pretty active sex life if I just put forth a little bit of effort. So I just want to know how to best approach the soft mode thing.

That’s all for now, fellas. Hoping to get some feedback on this post. For those of you that are stuck in a low point in your fapstinence, try putting yourself around other people more often, get a porn blocker on your computer, occupy your time with fun and new things, and just keep truckin. The grass is most certainly greender on the other side, and I’ve only gotten a glimpse of it so far. 😉

Nofap Made me Retarded and I don’t give a fucking fuck

The title is absolutely true guys.

I just came from a midnight run during a hale storm. I knew it was raining. But only when I got out I realized that there was a strong storm; however, me being a fapstronaut just said: Fuck it. After some point, raindrops turned into hale and it kinda hurt, but then my Fapstronautself took the control, and said one more time: JUST FUCK IT.

At the end of my “retarded” run, I ran into a girl in my dormitory, and myfapstronautself being soaking wet and out of breath didn’t give a fuck and started a conversation with this girl. We exchanged laughs and most of our laughter during this conversation came from my ability to make fun of my situation.

This is big for me because before nofap, I would be intimidated not only in that situation (red face, soaking wet, out of breathe, also I am studying abroad so I’m not a daily conversation master), but also in every possible situation to create a social interaction. Before nofap, I, being a super shy guy, would be intimidated even with a fucking tuxedo on me. But after Nofap, the fucks I’ve given has significantly decreased, although I can’t say they are disappeared totally. Today I give less fucks, tomorrow I don’t give a fuck at all, one year later maybe I could make this social judgement fear go away totally.

But how fucking retarded I am to go for a run during a hale storm, right?

Have good streaks fapstronauts, try not give fucks, it helps

NoFap helped me quitting cocaine.

i’m a very shy person and i never had balls to walk up to a girl in the club and start chatting with her. When i first did cocaine my confidence was HUGE. seriously even my fuckboy friends were  jealous. I only did it like 2 times a month but i knew how dangerous it was because it helped me so much with my social anxiety. one month ago i started doing nofap. WONDERS, i never actually  believed it would work. i have the balls to go up to a girl and just talk to her. and it’s not like i want to pick her up, i’m genuinely intrested in having a conversation with a different gender (lol) Not sure  why i wrote this, but i think it was worth a share if any people are in a similiar situation. keep strong and stay off that shit!

Day 50 – Goodbye depression

It’s day 50. 7 weeks of NoFap, haven’t smoked weed in 7 weeks and I haven’t smoked a cigarette in 2 weeks (day 15 there).

And I can say goodbye depression. It’s been a enjoyable time. Why? Because I have learned a lot in the past year or two. I’ve made mistakes in my teenage years which I’ve worked on, a lot. And now I’m slowly coming up on top. I’ve fought my demons and they are mostly gone. I’m a strong and capable man. And I see the interest from women rising with the day.

Life is good.

But like a lot of wise men on this subreddit have already said. It’s not just NoFap (or no weed / cigarettes). It’s you working hard for your life to progress and get ahead.

EDIT Thanks for all the positive responses guys! Amazed by all the reactions.

Dont diagnose yourself with depression and anxiety

without having tried nofap


True enough.. I noticed all my issues of OCD (regardless of theme) and anxiety (obviously ocd is an anxiety disorder) vanish after a 40 day streak, sometimes less.


My story to confirm this is true.

During the worst period of my life I was diagnosed with SAD and PTSD and medicated with the minimal doses of fluoxetin and clonazepam. I had mild suicidal thoughts, my first girlfriend had dumped me because she couldn’t deal with me anymore and my mother was going crazy at home. I had told my psychiatrist about the porn (and it was getting really bad), but we didn’t think it was that bad at the time, even less of it as the cause for my malaise. Jumping forward about 6 years later, now in my early 20’s, this is the longest streak I’ve ever had and even if my 4-year-LDR ended two months ago I have never felt such a sense of control and power in me anywhere close to what I’m experiencing right now, as well as this newfound ability to be more vulnerable and courageous. The latter is closely related to the book “Models” by Mark Manson. I highly recommend it to anyone here in NoFap.

Yesterday I confessed a longtime friend I’d always liked her without putting too much thought into it. She was very supportive, surprised and even flattered, she told me I was cute and all but the feelings were unrequited. I took it very well and we’re even closer friends now than we’ve ever been. I’m really happy with my progress so far and I know this is just the beginning.

All the tips and secrets Ive learnt from r/nofap has allowed me to help one of my severely depressed friends.

So basically I have this friend who has been clinically depressed and has been to all kinds of rehab for his depression. Today he called me saying that his family visited him at his grandma’s house which he has been staying at for a while now. He told me that his family gave him an ultimatum of ‘either you get off your butt and stop being so lazy and start working, or youre not going to live with us, or your grandma’ So about 1 hour later of just talking to him and telling my friend how Ive found happiness it got a little too exessive because he kept saying ‘Man, I just dont know how to get out of this, I cant make eye contact, I just cant think because my mind is always blank’ – basically how I and most of you have felt because of too much PMO. So I asked him ‘Yo buddy, are you still jacking it?’ ‘Yeah lol, like twice a day’ ‘DUDE! THATS YOUR PROBLEM! YOU NEED TO STOP BEING SUCH A FUCKING WANKER’ and then I explained to him how I discovered no fap and that my highest streak since November has been 30 days, and that I felt almost exactly as he does now, but I came across this method and this subreddit and how almost immediately my life made a 360 turn.

All in all, my friend found all the advice, tips, and secrets to be true and that he’s now willing to try and abstain from PMO. Thank you r/nofap, you’ve not only helped me, but my friend.

Does PMO increase anxiety? YES!

FYI I’ve had GAD/SA for 7 years now. Anyway I was doing good at 21 days. Anxiety was at an all time low. Yes i do have life problems but when I’m doing nofap they don’t bug me at all. Anxious thoughts/symptoms don’t bug me at all. Now that i relapsed my anxiety came back strong. Last night (or today) i fell asleep at 6 am. My stomach feels like crap. I cant concentrate. Anxious thoughts are starting to take over. And any little thing irritates me. I don’t think PMO has caused my anxiety for all these years but it most certainly increases it by 50%. Anyone else had the same experience?

NoFap = Agoraphobia Cure?

I’ve always been the type of guy who would be uncomfortable in the real world, there has been many times where I would not leave the house for weeks at a time because it was easier to stay in my room where I couldn’t potentially find myself in a bad situation, judged or laughed at. I have been that way for the majority of my life. I could and would go out only if truly necessary but I would try and justify staying in and cancelling or making pitiful excuses to my friends as to why I can’t see them as planned.

I am only on day 8 of nofap, today I walked out of my house got on a bus, went to a crowded mall for no reason whatsoever and loved every damn second of it. There was no hesitation in doing all that, it just happened and I went with it, it usually took me hours, even days to mentally prepare for something like that, I blamed it on being an introvert but now I’m not so sure. So far, every day of nofap seems to provide yet another gift, whether it’s physiological or simply placebo I don’t care, I like this.

I held my head high, talked to people, smiled at strangers and walked tall in a sea of people in a busy shopping mall 🙂

I am Happy!!

When I started NoFap I just thought it would help cure my social anxiety. Which is working, my social skills are so much better, and I catch pretty girls looking at me. For the past few days I have been very happy! I am starting to think I was depressed, but I don’t know. I never thought I was depressed, but that may be the case. I honestly don’t remember being this happy in a long time! NoFap is the best medicine! I am telling my friends about NoFap, hopefully they will join. I am 17 year old BTW.

How did you learn [that many people find their symptoms of mental disorder fade away the farther they get from internet porn use]? Because this is even true for my schizophrenia. permalink  Seems I’m unable to keep the streaks up unfortunately, but during streaks I noticed a complete lack of paranoid delusions, increased motivation, and significant antidepressant effects permalink

How porn affects my social life.

Porn and masturbation have had substantial negative effects on my ability to socialize, and I am starting to realize why.

  • Decreased Dopamine Sensitivity- I have to force a smile, simply talking to people isn’t enough to make me happy.
  • Lowered Self Esteem- I feel like a loser because I masturbate to porn.
  • Nothing to Talk About- I’m not about to tell you I spent have my day searching for porn on the computer and masturbating.
  • Sounding Dumb- I’m so preoccupied with porn that I really can’t focus on anything else.
  • Staying In- I’d rather stay home and watch porn than get out and socialize. Especially when I know going out would trigger anxiety.
  • Anxiety- I don’t know why I would get this, all I know is it goes away or at least lessens significantly when I don’t watch porn and comes back when I do. It hits when I am alone a public place and I am really tense for no reason. My theory is that subconciously I am always trying to make sure no one is watching me so I can watch porn.

Happily, all of these problems are disappearing from my life as I continue my journey away from porn. It feels like a huge weight was lifted from my shoulders and I can be the person I want to be now. Good luck to you all and thank you for your support!

NoFap is the real deal (Long Post, social anxiety, relapse, placebo, starting again)

Let me start by telling you something about myself and the reasons why I started NoFap.

I’m a 23yo guy who stumbled across nofap by accident. A couple of years ago I realized that I have symptoms of social anxiety. As a kid I was extremely extroverted and I had a DGAF type of attitude, but as I was becoming older I became more introverted and I just thought that it’s normal, all though I never liked my new self. It just didn’t feel right.

I started feeling anxious in social situations and especially with women that I’m attracted to. I could never figure out what the deal was. At the end of 2012 I started dealing with it. I read a lot of self help books, watched a lot of videos, I made lifestyle changes etc. I basically tried everything. A lot of it was helpful, but I could never get rid of the tight feeling in my chest, I could never say what’s on my mind and I was scared of social interactions. Basically, I could never let go and chill. Even when I was around people that I knew for some time.

Two weeks ago I stumbled across NoFap and I though, hey why not try it? So I did and this is what I learned…

I could feel the difference a couple of days into nofap, which was very odd because I never thought that you could feel the benefits of it so early on. After 7 days I felt new. I realized that my anxiety was gone, not totally but it reduced greatly. For example, I would get into a situation which would make me feel anxious in the past, but this time nothing happened. I remember standing there, waiting for my anxiety to overtake, but instead of that nothing happened. I couldn’t believe it. So I decided to stick with nofap.

15 days in, I started being more outgoing, speaking my mind, being assertive and generally happy with myself which is a feeling that I didn’t have for a long time. In these 15 days I met more girls than I have in a year when I used to fap. (true story)

Now comes the tricky part. On day 15 I was going out with some of my friends and we met these 4 cute girls and we ended up spending the night with them. I was fooling around with one of the girls, we were making out, dancing, dry humping but nothing more happened. I was so horny that night, I must have had like 5-6 erections. The problem was, nothing more happened, I didn’t bust a nut and the next thing you know… Blue balls.

I woke up the next morning with a huge pain in my balls. It was like getting kicked in the nuts, that kind of dull pain. I know what I had to do but I was already 15 days in and I didn’t want to restart my counter. On the other hand I wanted to know if it makes any difference. Is nofap placebo? Things like that started crossing my mind so I was like fuck it, let’s see… I fapped, I didn’t feel any different and I immediately thought that it was all in my head, but as soon as I had my first social interaction I could feel the difference.

I was avoiding eye contact, keeping things short, I was unmotivated to hold a conversation, I was in my head too much, I couldn’t say whats on my mind, I was doubting myself, brain fog… I had all the symptoms again, all the symptoms I had two weeks ago. I felt weak again.

I’m on day 1 again and this time I’m planning to stick around with it for a little longer. I can definitely say that nofap is the thing that will help me turn my life around. I could never believe that something like PMO could be so damaging. I was fapping for the past 8 years on a daily basis, at least once a day and it turned into a habit. I never looked it as something bad, I never thought that PMO is contributing to my social anxiety because it just doesn’t make sense to me. It still doesn’t but it’s definitely working and that is a reason enough for me to continue with nofap.

Now, I’m new to reddit, so dear fapstronauts… Where can I get that counter thing for no fap?

Thanks for reading and stick to nofap! 🙂

NOFAP turned me into a fucking MAN!!!

i was laying in bed at 1 am, texting a friend. Then suddenly a girl called me because we needed to “talk” 🙂 now, i’m not stupid, i know that there’s something up with that. Initially the Fapper Pussy inside of me wanted to tell her that i’m tired and want to go to sleep, just because i’m too much of a bitch to make a move on her. Then i thought “you know what, i’m gonna be a fucking man now and do this shit xD” .. we talked and had a fun time. I noticed that she was touching me and light flirting A LOT. So I maned the fuck up I made a move and guess what….. WE ENDED UP KISSING – now, this is something i’d NEVER do if it wasn’t for NOFAP, i had very high levels of Social Anxiety even asking a person the time was a big NO-NO in my book. But since I started NOFAP (1 year ago) I haven’t had this level of Anxiety, every now and then it comes back but it’s easy to deal with 🙂

Wow my public speaking skills have improved beyond belief!

When I first found out about NoFap public speaking was one of my biggest concerns. I could never speak in front of a crowd or people I didn’t know. However I just got back from a meeting with the school board of my city. We had one a trip to DC through a financial class program and they wanted to congratulate us. However what they didn’t tell us is we had to make a speech. Without even thinking I stood up at the podium and talked for a minute or two, not nervous at all, amd maintained eye contact with the board members the entire time. It was great.

I just wanted to mention one of the many benefits of NoFap.

People don’t make me nervous anymore

I actually like being around people and helping people. I use to get worried and not being social, but now I need others in my life to connect with.

When I was fapping I was a shell of a person and didn’t want to try anything new, do anything, or experience what life has to offer. Don’t cheat yourself out of great life like I did.

Fuck the person I use to be, and I am never going back to that.

I was depressed for… years… I wanted to kill myself several times. Since nofap that shit is gone. I am neither a doctor nor a psychiatrist, so I cannot tell you more about the science behind it. My guess is that the depressions come from a mix of hormone imbalance, too many bad thoughts and other inet porn addiction. Maybe the yourbrainonporn lecture has something about depressions, I don’t remember.

0% suicidal thoughts!

During my childhood and adulthood, I never has any suicidal thoughts. In fact, I was wondering why would people suicide if life is so enjoyable. But as I grow older and life gets more stressful, I begin to understand why some people reach the point of suicide. The thing is, I never had any suicidal thoughts when I abstain, only when I have terrible withdrawal symptoms. My personal experience anyway! Would love to hear from you guys!

first superpower!

I dont give a shit! Yep.. thats the super power. lol I had major anxiety and could not even order a pizza on the PHONE. I have been going out talking to everyone, looking them all right in the eye and not shaking, sweating or having any social anxiety symptoms! Holy shit ! I dont care what people think! This is an amazing feeling!!!!!I can walk around and not feel like crap .. in the gym..on the street.. everywhere!

As for my progress on this streak, I already feel a lot better than I did before. In fact, I conquered one of my biggest fears today! Crawling insects. They scare the heck out of me for some reason, and in the past when I’ve seen one, I would ignore it and wait for a parent to kill it. Today was different, I was like “I see this insect in my room (I believe it was a centipede,not sure though), I am going to man up and kill this damn thing!. So I took a baseball bat and began to beat the crap out of it. I felt so proud of myself! Day 4-And a little about me.

I was so close to going back on meds. Then Nofap cured my depression. [link no longer available]


I had depression and been on antidepressants from age 10-20. In and out of therapy, psych wards, etc. After I recovered from drug addiction 4 years ago, I went back on antidepressants on a (outrageous) dose.

I’ve always been a healthy guy so don’t like taking pharmaceuticals. It took me a year, but I weaned myself off of Lexapro and have been free ever since. Recently, I had been having anxiety and panic attacks at work (I work very closely with people). I would have seasons where I was very awkward, and things just didn’t feel right in my brain.

I went to the doc, got a first round of antidepressants, and filled the prescription. But I didn’t take them yet. About a month after the doc visit, I started nofap. And I had forgotten about the antidepressants I had purchased until today.

Today I’m realizing that I am ALOT more balanced than I ever was. I have less panic attacks because I meditate. and pray morning and night. I have less stress and more dopamine because I go to the gym 3 times a week. And I supplement using natural herbs like ginseng and maca powder.

I believe that out bodies were meant to heal and take care of themselves. By rebooting and resetting my dopamine and stress response mechanisms, nofap has allowed my body to become it’s own anti-anxiety, anti-depressant, etc.

30 day report: can’t believe how far I’ve come already.

It’s amazing how much things have changed since nofap. I can’t say it’s all from nofap, but I can’t say it’s not either.

I was a 24 year old, depressed, socially anxious, jobless (kinda), kissless, virgin, that compulsively picked my scalp. I had no motivation, no confidence, no self-esteem and never did much of anything except game and PMO.

After 30 days: Depression is gone. Anxiety is mostly gone. I stopped my compulsive skin picking. I started working on getting a job. I went on a fucking date (first ever) and I think she wants to see me again. I finally have confidence and motivation. I started working out (almost daily). Energy levels are of the chart, I ran 2 5k’s and bike more than 10 miles (this week and I want more, but I have blisters on my feet) I could probably keep going but…

TLDR: So much has changed and I feel so much better about the direction my life is headed.

NoFap = happiness [link no longer available] 

Hello, guys! I just reached 21 days of NoFap today, and I feel obligated to post a report, since these last 3 weeks have been just amazing! I think the best way to organize this report is by listing all the things that have been bothering me for a few years (the very things that led me to the NoFap movement), and then summarize, for each of those things, the benefits I’ve achieved so far. So let’s do it! Those things i just talked about are: social anxiety, depression, girls, insomnia, acne, seborrheic dermatitis, irritable bowel syndrome.

Before: this social anxiety problem started a few years ago, and it was growing a lot lately. It reached a point that i would avoid any social interaction at all! I would just wake up late, go to work, pray that nobody would talk to me, cause if someone did, i would just get really nervous and flush really bad (the bad thing about flushing is that everyone notice it; as soon as people talked to me, I would get really red, and then they would say I had turned red, so that made me even more anxious, and so on…). Because of this, I tried to stay the whole day sitting at my desk alone. I would even avoid having lunch, because, to do that, I would have to sit around other people, which would make me anxious and flushed. In meetings, I would be quiet the whole time and pray for nobody to ask my opinion about anything, just to avoid the same anxiety. So, basically, I was just giving up living, hoping not to get embarrassed.
Now: the social anxiety is progressively disappearing! Talking to people just feels normal, now. Sometimes i still get anxious and flush a little bit, but i have been able to have long conversations with people and it just feels good. I am making new friends, and I am talking more with my few old friends. Yesterday I just sat with two co-workers to have lunch, and I was able to have a chat with them for the whole time, without getting too anxious and flushed! I know that for regular people this might sound awkward, but for me this is a BIG progress. Those with social anxiety will probably understand what I’m talking about.

Before: the depression had been going hand to hand with the social anxiety for me. It led me to quit college, lose my friends, and be alone all the time at home. I tried antidepressants before (more than a few), but they didn’t help much. I just lost interest in basically everything. I didn’t have the motivation to do nothing.
Now: I am a lot more motivated to do things. I got back to college, got more productive at work, and I am genuinely happy! Little things have a profound impact (for the good side) on my happiness now. I noticed that people are starting more conversations with me now (maybe because of body language?). I am telling jokes and laughing a lot.

No pmo helps with talking

Last night I was with my crush. I’m not a big talker, but I was able to have a face to face, eye to eye conversation with her, deep and meaningful for over 6 hours straight. For me that’s a record.

I can’t do these things when I am in a pmo habit. The pain is too great, I can’t connect and am at a loss for words. Plus I lose confidence.

Just one more reason to stay strong and continue the fight. God bless you my brothers.

Nofap made me a happy person

I’ve been dating this girl since near the start of my final year in school. We get on really well and I am really happy when I’m with her, my life just feels much more meaningful with her around. Last night was the first time a girl brought me to orgasm. It was incredible. I know if I hadn’t started nofap I wouldn’t have had the balls to go up and talk to her on the first day back at school (senior year). I’m now much more confident around girls and I don’t have unrealistic expectations about it anymore, which is why I think it was so good. Thanks nofap, this change has really worked out for me, and brothers, keep not fapping!

nofap is helping

  • I did a presentation this morning for school, I spoke clearly and knew exactly what to say.
  • It’s a lot easier to make eye contact with not just girls, but everyone
  • Took 3 selfies with girls instead of acting like I don’t notice, or just hiding my face
  • Had a lot of fun at a surprise pep rally, was actually hyped for my school instead of just wanting to leave.

For me personally, it’s not just placebo. I’ve always recognized myself to be shy, and never really wanting to interact with people or in social situations, but things are looking up. The longest I’ve made it is 12 days, and I plan to beat that by a long shot.

Just a note of my “progress”, I feel a lot more comfortable in my own skin and I’m not over-thinking things like I used to always do.

My superpowers are starting to present themselves

Today was honestly one of the greatest days I had in my life. I was able to start conversations with random strangers. Although I’m an introvert, I tend to be friendly with people, and all bets are thrown out of the window about me being introverted when I’m on stage, I’m a completely different person. Just today though, I didn’t let my shyness take over me and I talked to a girl I just met today for over 20 minutes. Then I picked up conversation with another girl at a coffee shop. Honestly, I have never been so happy in all my life. I need some high fives ya’ll.

Social anxiety clearing… but

I’m nearly 3 months (90days) PMO free and I have basically no social anxiety anymore after suffering with it for nearly 5 years and also really enjoying making people laugh again.

No urges what so ever for these 3 month’s, however in the last week I’ve been getting tons of urges to M with out porn (mainly cause there’s a girl like like at collage xD) but my libido is pretty weak. I’ve also had wet dreams (haven’t had any since starting no fap months ago). My question then is this, if i masturbate with out porn will my anxiety come back and will it proably fuck everything up? Also my ED is not totally fixed and i think maybe i’m not quite healed not totally flat anymore (probably need to rewire).

My NoFap Experience so far as a socially awkward teen.

I started doing nofap on the 13th of October and honestly nofap has truly changed my life around for the better. Before starting nofap i was a socially awkward teenager living most of my life surrounded by computers. I was either always on my computer or my phone and rarely went out only to see my close friends. But after starting nofap i just love going outside and i always try and spend my time away from technology. Now, im not saying to people who are starting out on nofap that all technology is bad, but there should be a limit on how much time you spend time on the internet. This has also helped me academically as well, spending less time on my computer has made me work harder on some of the school subjects which im struggling on.

But the one place where it has helped me the most is during social situations with people i have never met and also talking to girls. Before nofap i would stutter and be speechless when talking to them, i wouldn’t know what to say to them and i thought they were judging me all the time. But after starting nofap i just said “fuck it” and just talked to them. It even helped me get this girls number at a party which was a big achievement for me.

NoFap is with out a doubt the best thing you can do if your socially awkward or have trouble making new friends. It has helped me so much its unbelievable. I just wanted to share my experience of nofap to help anyone who might relapse. Just go outside and do something new. It really does change your life.

Eye contact and porn

I just came here to say that before quitting porn i was UNABLE to make eye contact even with the closest people. It was something foreign and not possible for me. I was able to do it only for milliseconds and that was all.

One year after quitting porn i am eyefucked everyday by other people and it’s amazing. I have missed so much in life by not doing this. It’s the eye contact that makes people close to each other and the thing that builds friendships. And the eye flirting – oh man , that is so amazing i still can’t find words to describe it.

I don’t know exactly how, but i’m absolutely sure that the porn addiction was holding me down from not making eye contact with other people.

Have been doing no fap on and off for 2 years now.. Currently on about day 13.. From 2 years of experience, I can confidently say that NoFap is NOT placebo.

The primal attraction. The masculine essence. The confidence/swagger. The focus. The clearer thinking and lack of anxiety. And probably the most instantly gratifying of the benefits – the attention and respect you get whilst out and about in the world.

Although I’ve been improving as a whole, and don’t feel as bizarre after a binge as I would have 2 years ago.. I still definitely notice a lack of confidence, and a lack of that special energy/aura.

There is no placebo involved. Those who don’t receive the benefits and who instead get depressed/angry/etc, most likely just have deeper seated emotional baggage that they need to work through before they see their own set of benefits. I can’t say for sure. All I can say, is nofap = win.


Hey, you guys. I did it. :))

I can say with complete joy and happiness, that I have gone an entire month without looking at porn. And God DAMN do I feel great. Of course my whole life isn’t resolved; there’s plenty of things I still need to address, but I feel amazing right now.

My anxiety and depression have gone down significantly. In this past month I’ve started meditating more and using guided meditations on YouTube and they’ve helped a lot to make my mind more sharp.

Especially within these past couple of days, my conversations with friends and family have been amazing. Words just kinda flow out of my mouth, and even typing this right now it’s like it feels so easy. I’ve changed guys. 30 days of being away from porn has made me feel so much better about myself. I’m not going back, and I’m only gonna get better. 🙂 stay strong guys, and don’t give up!

EDIT: Link to guided meditation

To all the guys here who thinking of quiting this challenge…

What I’m gonna say is that my life changed literally when I cutted out the porn and fapping. Now I’m completely different person. All my life I was very shy,socially awkward and nervous person,but now I’m opposite. I started to live normal life, no.. amazing. I’m so confident that it feels like I can achieve whatever I want. I feel like a tank! My sense of humour it’s very high now. I always thought that my personalitty is very boring and silent. Hell no! What I noticed too that NoFap REALLY improves your memory I started to remembering everything to the small details. God.. I’m not overstating anything that I wrote here, It trully changed me, I feel amazing. What was most important to me is that it cured my social anxiety completely, now I’m very social and optimistic all the time 🙂 so fellas if you thinking of quiting,think twice it is REALLY not worth it. Life can be amazing and it all depends on you and only YOU! Peace 😉

Been on this challenge since march this year! I have gone through multiple attempts ranging from 4-5 days to 10-12 days with my max at 19 days 1-2 times! I’ve been into pmo since 13 years old…but my bad habit escalated after 18 years old when I had my own pc in my room.

And even more when I went to college and I was free to do my ”thing”! I was shy as a kid and teenager and i think i found my escape in pmo (and some video games then but not now)!

2 years ago i was diagnosed with clinical depression but I haven’t take any drugs yet (I’m coping with exercise and diet ).

The thing is that after 21 I remember that my happiness baseline went down and I was a lot more different,more depressed, emotional unstable than before! It was the time when I was alone in my own apartment in college and instead of being out partying or hanging out with friends I was PMOing at least every day (some times 2 or 3 times)!

Then at 25 I had a breakup with my girlfriend and I lost my job and I REMEMBER CLEARLY that my PMO use escalated even more (genre and time: sometimes I was edging with P for 8-10 hours,also edging with Facebook chats and cams)!!!! Since then I’ve started developing symptoms like panic attacks (nocturnal), low focus and train of thoughts. I had goals but low motivation, severe anxiety, mood swings, insomnia and sleep deprivation, no more morning wood, ED in some occasions, unable to have sex with a condom, restlessness and feeling restless in certain clothes, empty feeling, lost some friends, even bigger social anxiety, even lower confidence, neck/mid back tension etc!!

It was clear… I had clinical depression and of course I went to a psychiatrist to talk about this. I refused to take any drugs and I started searching internet for my problems. Then  found and nofap and I’ve started having strikes (ranging from 4-5 to 10-12) since the start of 2014, with my max at 19 days. Since then I had some very good days ,some medium days and some bad days, my panic attacks went from 3-4 times per week to 1-2 per month,my back and neck pain are much better and I think my mood have starting to going up little by little every time i try to abstain from PMO!

THE LAST 3-4 DAYS I’M IN THE BEST MOOD IN THE LAST 2 YEARS! I mean I wake up and I’m not depressed, I have hope again. I want to hang out with friends, I want to live, my appetite is a little better, my sleep is a little better, I have dreams again! Yes I have some mood swings yes I still have some bad symptoms but it’s getting better and better!

I have goals and hope again!!!!!! BUT I know I that I have some hard days ahead (like withdrawals: depression and mood swings) and the battle is not over!

SO for everyone who thinks that he is clinical depressed or depressed in general: please check your habits, please get porn out of your lives because for my case I was starting to become suicidal and my spark for life was completely gone – but now I have started living/participating in the world again!!



Gave a Presentation in class, and was not nervous at all, for the first time in my life!

I always used to be really nervous during presentations, and never really gave it very well. I used to feel very unnatural while standing there talking in front of people and just the thought of that would make me anxious. I would also speak quietly and wish to just get it over with and get the heck out.

But this time it was great, I spoke really well, and loud enough so that the person at the back could hear me clearly, like how we are suppose to, and I actually wanted to keep talking. I just felt so confident as I’ve never felt before.

This was a great experience and I’m just gonna go ahead and think it was because of NoFap, even though it has not been so that long that I’ve taken the challenge, but still much longer than ever.

Just wanted to share this you all, and thank you for reading.

89th day Report!

It’s been 89 days! Back in September things were okay. My grades were good and everything was going fine, but I had a serious problem. My confidence was really low and this affected me really badly. At school i only interacted with my close friends. I wouldn’t even approach girls.

But one night when one of my bros sent me a link to a post in /r/NoFap. I read it and felt very interested in what the post said about the confidence boost you get and all the other pros! So i decided to try it for one week at first and if i didn’t like it i would stop! And here i am now!

Now i feel like i can talk to anybody at any time. I start conversations with girls and with people i don’t know. With the spare time i have had i have been applying to universities and writing a lot of essays. Also i have been getting back to playing my guitar. It feels great and regret not joining sooner! Tomorrow will be my 90th day and i feel i wont be stopping anytime soon!

Today, I Smiled.

Yes guys, I smiled.

I was in work, and I was smiling for no reason.. no reason at all!

I literally cannot remember the last time I was happy for no reason.. I put this down to NoFap, Meditation and progression in life.

I was seriously depressed, and to be smiling for no reason at all has absolutely blown my mind..

Been Nofapping for over a month, fapped twice though, but still a great improvement on 2-3 a day! 🙂


“You look different!”

My nieces and nephews came to visit for Christmas. When they first came in, one said “Your voice is deeper” and another said “You look taller”. They are all under 8 years old and I’m in my late twenties. I feel like I’m going through a second puberty. My life has been so blessed since I’ve persevered through my current streak. I’ve never made it this far before and I’m seeing benefits that i’ve never seen before. I love NOFAP!!!

17 days social anxiety is gone

I have a girl friend so I can release with her, but I can only imagine how it would feel to go 17 days with no ejaculation. Nofap is worth it.

How NoFap has changed my view on things

Overall, I’ve done fairly well for myself, but porn has inhibited my ability to be fully self confident in the work I was doing. Today, I was talking to old family friends at my mom’s surprise birthday party, and I could immediately see the improved engagement in socialization and the pleasure felt by physically interacting with other human beings. Often times today we lose sight of the value in conversation and interpersonal communication. Go out, start a conversation, and change a life. Maybe that life could be yours. I’m at over 60 days now, and that’s when they say the waters start to clear. Today I have found bliss.

Social anxiety and Nofap. Reflecting after 5 months.

I have made some very strange observations in roughly 5 months free of porn and masturbation. There are a million things I want to share with you all but the main thing is the connection between Nofap and social anxiety.

It is important to note that not everyone who has social anxiety will be able to relate to my experience or benefit from my observations. Some people have a very surface-level social anxiety which usually goes away after a few weeks porn free. Others have a deep-rooted social anxiety that has nothing to do with Nofap, and their masturbation habits and porn consumption have little effect on their anxiety.

There is another camp of social anxiety sufferers that falls somewhere in the middle of these two ends of the spectrum, and I would like to talk about my experience in this camp.

It is hard to say whether or not I have always had social anxiety. I don’t know if I was born with it, or if it developed based on certain events that took place as I grew up. My father has always been socially anxious, but I was very confident and had lots of friends when I was very young, showing no signs of anxiety until I was maybe into middle school/high school — at which point my porn addiction was well underway. This leads me to believe that it wasn’t as much about genetics as it was about my environment and my behaviors.

So my anxiety continued to worsen once it took hold. And at the same time, my porn use became more compulsive, and more frequent. By college, after years of masturbating to porn regularly, at least twice a day, even when I was dating girls, my social anxiety got so bad that I could barely interact with people.

Everything involving other people made me uncomfortable. Talking to my mother on the phone. Hanging out with my best friend. Attending a class at school. Meeting someone new. Going into a store to buy something. Asking someone for directions/help. Being watched by people in public. You name it, I experienced it. It was utterly debilitating. I couldn’t make any friends. I felt like a worthless sack of shit.

Then, after stumbling upon Nofap, and by a stroke of luck and a little bit of will power, I started to face my addiction. I would start to go a week to two weeks without porn and my social anxiety was significantly less noticeable. I would relapse after two weeks and all the anxiety would come rushing back to me, as if I’d made no progress at all.

Fast forward to now. It’s been almost five god damn months since I’ve jacked off or looked at porn. (Holy shit I’m proud of myself)

I feel like a new person. My anxiety used to be a 10. Now on most days it’s like a 2 at the most, sometimes a 0 or a 1.

Quit porn and masturbation and you may just get your life back. BUT. Do not fantasize. Let me repeat. DO NOT FANTASIZE!!!!

I consider fantasizing to be the same thing as edging. Let me explain why.

As I said, after a few months PMO free my anxiety is nothing compared to what it was. But if I don’t get enough sleep and then I’m tired the next day, sometimes I catch myself fantasizing. I’ll picture my professor performing oral sex on me. Or I’ll remember the last time I had sex and I’ll start to replay the scene in my head. Now this only happens for a few minutes and then I wake up and realize that I need to refocus my attention to something non-sexual to let my brain continue to heal.

Well, just from those few minutes of fantasy, I feel a little bit more socially anxious. It’s like a small piece of my social anxiety came back as soon as I indulged in the sexual thoughts. Isn’t that weird?

Man, the brain is strange. Recovering from porn addiction is strange. It’s also incredibly rewarding. You all deserve to recover. And you will. One day at a time. If you find yourself in a shitty situation like me where your anxiety comes back randomly after a small little slip up in your attention, DON’T BE HARD ON YOURSELF. Let it go. You will not achieve perfection overnight. These trials are shaping you into a bad ass man. Enjoy the ride and embrace the strangeness and the ups and downs.

Has anxiety decreased as a result of not fapping or watching porn?

Do any of you suffer from anxiety or ADD/ADHD? Has no fap and or no porn helped your anxiety or ADD symptoms? I want to try to eliminate my anxiety and I’m thinking if I don’t fap or watch porn, my anxiety will disappear or at least be incredibly manageable. Have any of you been able to focus and stay on task better because of no fap no porn?


It’s definetly helping my anxiety. I’m not diagnosed with ADD, but if it means anything to you I have a lot more energy now after PornFree and tend to be more lively. Not sure of that’s a good thing or a bad thing in your case.


My social anxiety had almost dissapeared after a 30-something day streak not to long ago.


I have a diagnosed SAD.

It’s not gone. However, the positive thing is that at least when I’m alone I can imagine hypothetical situations and feel that I would feel confident when in them. Usually even in my imaginations I get anxious.

Then again, based on results or change in behaviour (like actually managing to do something challenging), no change yet, sorry.

Nofap makes the girls annoying as hell

I’m a senior in High School. Over the past few months, I’ve experienced more rumors regarding girls and pertaining to myself than ever before in my life. It’s ridiculous.

Every single week I’m hearing new rumors about girls I supposedly hooked up with or “have a thing with”. Just talking to a girl makes them think I am trying to get with them. I’m not even a very flirtatious guy.

I’ve been told I’m attractive maybe a thousand times and am probably one of the most good looking guys in my grade, but I’ve been more quiet and introverted throughout high school, generally due to lack of confidence, so I never got many girls.

Well now I feel great and confident but anyways, the amount of girls who are latching on to me is ridiculous. This is especially irritating because I recently got into a relationship with a girl who I really like and all these lies and rumors are starting to strain the relationship.

I don’t understand why girls feel the need to lie so casually and why this is happening to me, someone who isn’t even very flirtatious. I’m mostly just venting my irritations and frustrations. Thanks for reading.

My “chick magnet” is turned on haha

Hey everyone! Something crazy has been happening to me lately, I though i’d share. I’ve noticed within the past couple of months that basically everywhere I go women look at me with more lust and interest in their eyes.

The difference from 6 months ago to now is intense!! Every time I go out now it seems like almost every women looks at me like that.. It’s like I know when to look at them and when to look away now..I know how to act now.. Lately it comes so much more natural.. I have no problem making eye contact anymore.. In the past 2 months I’ve made lasting eye contact with dozens of girls.. Even to the point where I felt like I could have stole the show right there. But i’m in a weird situation right now so I didn’t try.. I also still scared of rejection from so many years of being unsuccessful.. But its better than ever now x2.

I can tell without a doubt in my mind that women can sense my confidence now.. I can even tell that guys respect me and enjoy my presence more these days..

Aside from all that I can actually prioritize my thoughts now.. I’m more sharp these days. It’s fucking mind blowing how different things are now..

My recent relapse has led me to a greater understanding of how PMO negatively impacts my life.

To make it quick, I have Major Depressive Disorder and have lived with it since my early teens. PMO was a way out of my own head for a few minutes that seemed completely harmless compared to what others around me were doing with drugs, alcohol, and dysfunctional love lives. I was wrong. Completely wrong.

I relapsed a few days ago after about a month of nofap and pornfree. Before, I felt great and the symptoms of my depression that have made my marriage difficult were diminishing quickly. I craved physical affection from my wife when I usually dodged it (sexual and physical abuse as a child makes react poorly to being touched). I kissed her more meaningfully. I found her more attractive. We got along better as I was less irritable and prone to black moods.

Then I relapsed and I found myself right back to being an irritable and unaffectionate prick. I’ve been staving off one of the balckest moods I’ve experienced in years and had a series of flashbacks last night while lying in bed about my abusive childhood. I know realize how much porn is a detriment to mental health and marriage. It is poison and I am done drinking it.

Fuck you, porn. Get the fuck out of my life.

My journey

Over the past 54 days i have experienced many changes due to Nofap. I replaced all the old habits of watching porn and masturbating with more productive things like, working longer hours and spending time with people. I have also started dating this girl i work with which is going well. I feel more relaxed when talking with people and i feel more confident when talking to people and people seem to notice changes, or people are more friendly towards me now, i don’t think ill go back to the old ways due to this reason. i don’t really get urges anymore because i kinda dont see the point of PMO anymore and being with people is so much more better than being alone with a computer screen. If i have one piece of advice for everyone its that you should do the thing that you want within reason, so don’t force things to happen, they will come naturally and when they come naturally it feels so much better.

Anyways I have had a good time and I felt like speaking my mind and im planning to continue this for a while, so keep it up people!!!

Life changed thanks to nofap.

I was able to do my presentation in college with confidence! I have a severe social anxiety issues when I was in high school. But when i went infront of 100 students I just didn’t give a single fuck, I told myself that after a week no one would even care about what I am bout to do today. If you don’t give a shit about people around you, you will make it! I think I can make it in a year guys! thanks so much! I was also able to have a deep conversation with one of my female classmates although she has a boyfriend, not a bad start. I am on my way my brothers thanks to you. Sorry for grammar errors

Not sexualizing women has made me feel alot better about myself and removed a great deal of my social anxiety.

Watching way too much porn for years made it natural to instantly sexualize women when I saw them. I started to wonder if this was related to the problem with negative emotions I felt on a regular basis so I stopped doing it. Now I feel alot better about myself and alot of the social anxiety I experienced earlier is gone.

Dont misunderstand me, I am still attracted to women, but now I watch them as people first and doesnt make such a big deal about that I could possibly have sex with every woman I meet. I invite you to try it and see if it works for you 🙂

I’ve just had a revelation: I’m not shy, I’m just a wanker.

Seriously, I used to be a very quiet and shy guy, especially around girls. I think the rationalization in my head was simply a “fuck you guys, I’ll wank when I get home anyway” so I felt like I really didn’t need anyone.

This is only my first week on no fap (probably my first week since primary school since I’ve gone a week without masturbating) and already I feel a strong magnetism towards women. I’m not scared of running out of things to say or of failing. I’m just following my heart.

I’m not a wanker.

PISS – Porn Induced Social Suicide

So, I relapsed after 45 great days without porn. What got me was the usual combination of stress and fatigue. This was after making some considerable achievements in my career/life as the result of hard work and persistance.

I knew this relapse would hit me back hard but I couldn’t imagine then it would be this difficult. For the past two weeks after the relapse I’ve felt like there is a barrier between me and other people I can’t break through, I have depressive thoughts and most things feel useless. Even though I stick to my plans and keep going, because I know these feelings are the result of my abuse, and they will pass once my brain recovers. The important lesson I should learn from this is: it’s not worth it, and certainly not a responsible choice – not towards myself and not towards others. In those times where we are the weakest we need to find a method to stick to the plan and not give in to the urges! Keep on fighting!

30 Day Hard Mode challenge report

hello fapstranauts – today is day 30. 30 days of hard mode has been amazing and rewarding! this challenge meant a lot to me – getting out of depression anxiety and useless overthinking. This challenge has really made me change my ways and reevaluate what is important in my life. I am socially competent now because I simply don’t think about it very much, I just focus on the conversation and if I want to approach someone I just do it without worrying about rejection because I am more comfortable with who I am. I still have a long way to go and I don’t think I ever want to stop challenging myself or improving myself. I have learned to meditate and have been living much better than I ever have before in the past 30 days. I dream every night and remember my dreams – I have had my first wet dream ever. Generally my outlook on life is 100x better than it was a month or 2 ago.

here’s to another 30 days!

Public Speaking Breakthrough

I like many fapstronauts and non fapstronauts alike have a big time fear of public speaking. Today I spoke in front of a medium sized audience ( 30-40 people ) with absolute unadulterated confidence and I am buzzing with pride. The setting was a panel with each person speaking on a separate function and my function, while not the most inherently interesting, drew by far the most interest from the audience. I answered questions throughly and enthusiastically and even got a few laughs.

This is undoubtedly credited to my NoFap journey (30 days strong). That which could not have occurred without this amazing group.

Applied at three jobs, had two interviews and got hired twice, all in one day! Thanks No Fap for the confidence!

Finally got fed up with my shit job of flipping burgers. On my day off I woke up and said today is the day. I applied at three jobs and got two callbacks immediately for same day interviews. After nailing the interviews I was offered two jobs.

I am now going to be waiting tables at a high class sushi restaurant. It’s like twenty steps above my previous employment. I’m stoked.

No Fap will give you the motivation to improve everything. Keep it up!

my first eye contact ever

This is my very first post. I’m on a 13 days streak right now. One week ago, when I still was on a 7 days streak, I was in a open-air bar. I was sitting right at the bar counter. There was a girl on the other side of it. Really beautiful blonde girl, who I noticed right after she arrived. After a while I notice she was looking in my direction, so I turned my head and made eye contact. At first I looked away. After a while, I see she’s still looking in my direction, this time I keep a really long eye contact and smile. She smiles back. I never felt so good in my life while flirting, and I see the utility of this path. Thank you guys for being such a great community.


Day 93, just checking in… Super powers? Yep, they exist. I used to be quite an anxious guy, struggled with basic conversation. Today I achieved something that I never expected to achieve – I passed my selection interview for the Royal Air Force, a good solid hour interview where I had to basically tell my recruiter how amazing I am.

I was a bit nervous at first, but once the interview was under way, I answered every question with ease and was able to show my enthusiasm. To those of you struggling, keep at it! NEVER give up! I’ve been trying Nofap tor the last 3 or so years, and this is by greatest streak so far. FUCK PMO! PROVE SOCIETY WRONG, NOT ALL MEN ARE THE SAME! SOME OF US ARE DIFFERENT!

Anyone here got cured from social anxiety?


I feel like when I don’t fap it’s easier to go out and have fun. I seem to worry a lot less


tl;dr: it takes time.

Years ago I was obsessed with porn and had high anxiety. I was at the will of my urges. If they struck, I would give in, no matter what the circumstances were. This led me to feel weak, beat my self esteem to the ground, and made any social interaction challenging. I was always thinking about sex or worried that they might smell or see lotion on my hands, semen, tissue residue, etc.

The next stage was when I was controlling the urges, building some momentum, and only fapping every few days. On the days that I didn’t fap, I was filled with energy, and that positive energy poured out of me into every social interaction. Slowly and slowly I put myself in more social situations in order to rid myself of anxiety. This is when I had a mindset shift. Instead of running from my previously mentioned fears, I changed the focus on building my social skills. Being social, talking to people, networking, flirting, joking…these are all “social skills” and must be developed just like any skill.

So take your time, don’t worry about the outcome of today, and focus on the goal of increasing your social situation. Get out of the house more! Even if the event won’t be fun…get out and experiment, it’ll help you in the long run.


I’ve been here on NoFap for about six months. My streaks have been about a week long for the most part. For the most part the anxiety is gone, except a day after a relapse. I’ve also been able to look girls in the eye and actually talk to them.


Day 28 here and I feel like my anxiety is almost cured. I did this by understanding girls more, and seeing them for who they really are. Don’t complicate things. Keep things simple and connected.


I just feel more optimistic overall. I generally have higher expectations about things that I would previously dread.


I don’t have social anxiety but can attest to the many reports of increased confidence. If anything I now look forward to leaving my castle to be among the mere masturbatory mortals.


I had pretty bad social anxiety. Blushing, heart racing, etc. Loosing my virginity helped a lot, but I guess I already did the change before that. Start to do crazy stuff. Go to a night club by yourself. Book a flight somewhere just like that. Get to see other people than you’re used to. Stick to only your best friends and family. Don’t give a shit about the others. In the beginning it is hard, because your body tells you not to do all this stuff, but if you tell yourself all the time : “fuck what other people think, I wanna do what I want to do”, you will get there!


I had all of this. I’m completely cured now. I started nofap a year ago, today I’m in my biggest streak ~6months.

I did nothing beside waiting. What changed is that my heart is no longer racing for no reason and I don’t feel constantly in the wrong place or being judged (even though nobody is watching me). It didn’t change anything in my behavior, I just do what I have to do calmly, fully present to the moment. Anxiety gone totally. I’ve got so much “free time” in my head to process what I’m witnessing that I start to notice other people being anxious, making nervous gestures, mumbling, etc..


I used to have social anxiety and now its not a big deal. It used to be hard to talk to girls but now it’s easy. You have to change your mindset as well. Everyday wake up and tell yourself that you are confident and outgoing, etc. and that’ll help. Good luck.


Yeah I had pretty bad social anxiety before starting Nofap, and I have made SOOOOOO much progress since starting nofap last year. My social anxiety is almost none existent at this point.


Did you suffer from anxiety before you started fapping? I’m pretty sure you didn’t. Neither did I. Nofap cured me 100%.

NoFap 100% cured my anxiety.

I literally have no anxiety anymore even in stressful situations. My friends dared me to walk up to a table of 6 beautiful girls at a restaurant and ask for the blonde’s number and I did it and got the number successfully. I was calm and collected and it’s amazing. The anxiety has been gone for awhile now, but I just realized how much has improved since the beginning.

I saw the thug who robbed me

Some years back me and my friends were robbed by a group of thugs. I can only remember one of them, the one who robbed me…

I’ve seen him 3 times since then now. 1st time he walked past smirking at me and I immediately looked at the ground. 2nd time he was in the same bar as me, and I spent 20 mins awkwardly trying to look in every direction he wasn’t in before i built up the courage to leave.

When I saw him last night, I wasn’t scared, nervous or embarrassed about what had happened. I was standing 3 feet from him. I looked at this scumbag and thought of how far I’ve come in life from then and how this scumbag was clearly still selling drugs. I wanted to catch his eye so I could stare him down. I wasn’t just acting confident, very confident and relaxed too.

I’m pretty sure NoFap has helped me in the situation

The Super Power are Real.

I have been one year free from P and I am approaching two weeks free from M. Today I am really experiencing the “super powers.”

Some very interesting things happened to me today. When I was the gym earlier this morning, and then the dog park later that day. I notice that I was a lot more comfortable around people. My conversation was flowing really well and I was speaking a lot more confidently. The words seem to just flow a lot easier. Eye contact was a lot more comfortable and I was able to maintain constant eye contact during conversation. I was confident, natural, and in the moment. I feel as strong as a horse like I can literally take on the whole world.

By far the best benefit of NoFap: being way more social

I’m at a whopping 316 days of NoFap (if I can do it you can too) and god damn its been awesome but the BEST benefit I have experienced is being social! I wasn’t really an introvert before this but now I consider myself an extreme extrovert. I love social interactions. I just started a new job 2 weeks ago and I already feel like I have been there for a year, everyone seems to enjoy my company (I hope at least). I’m usually the one to greet the workers at stores and shops I go to before they get a chance to, I smile at random people, I even asked how some police officers night was going when I was walking to my car.

Before NoFap I would NEVER strike up a random conversation and I’m sure my few social interactions were cringe worthy. I truly think this is one of the best and most direct benefits NoFap has brought to me. Could be increased confidence or whatever but it’s awesome

Bonus related benefit: eye contact is almost second nature now. I started by thinking in my head “hey remember to look them in the eyes” and it resulted in me focusing really hard to do that and I would miss some of what they were saying but now it’s almost automatic, still needs a bit of work.

Crippling Social Anxiety / Recovery

I’m mostly writing this to fight off urges, but maybe this will help another brother struggling out there.

I’ve messed around with no fap for about 2 years. Never really committed until recently. But for the past two years my PMO has probably been 1/3 what it used to be pre-awakening. My life since stopping EXCESS PMO has improved 10 fold-Except in one department.

One of my biggest issues from fapping was intense brain fog that brought down my Work/Life performance. I had an extremely Beta aura about me. I was also so socially uncomfortable that any interaction, even ones with my best friends, felt like a rugged performance. I only felt comfortable when I was drunk, and then I just acted plain stupid. Introducing myself to a new group of college class mates? Utter hell. Heart Pounding out of my chest, sweating, clear stuttering-I would see the room close in around me. Every interaction was a test and I would constantly be replaying my “Social Performance” in my head after interacting with others. It was fucking unnatural. I understand being a little nervous, but this was straight up crippling social anxiety.

I used to be VERY social. Until….you guess it…about 15 years old when I got my first PC in my room. I’ll spare you the details.

Bottom Line: Whenever I feel like relapsing, I think about how I feel in those moments. Everything I described above. Is it worth it for me to feel like that? Such intense feelings of worthlessness. I’m near two weeks or so, on the rebound of a previous two week streak, so I’m starting to feel the effects. I still get super nervous in group interactions, but one on one or even three people now I feel much more confident in who I am, and I can speak without feeling as though I’m a fraud and everyone knows it.

Confidence is the key to many aspects of life. No fap helps build that. Perhaps its placebo, perhaps its not. Either way, It’s good for the soul to control your temptations. You learn so much and gain much by doing it. My goal from this experience is to let Porn go for good, and to chase my social demons away so I can function like a normal 23 year old man should.

I think my social skills improved by like 1000%

I’m not exaggerating, I was as shy around women and I was starting to believe that was never gonna change. Today was the first time I go out at night after the no pmo project I started I’m 100+ days right now I’m not counting exactly no reason to I guess. I was making ppl laugh with my jokes I was witty I was fluent in my talking, sure my nervousness is not completely gone that’s not possible but I hold a conversation with an unknown female for about 40 minutes that’s a first for me. A girl I barely know grabbed me by the hand and introduced me intheir group of friends ( 3 females), I had nerves at first but it was completely gone after like 1-2 minutes. That is a huge improvement for me, first of all that has NEVER happened before. I need to tell you that I’m 100% this is cause of no pmo. After I left the group of females, another really beautiful woman looked at me and smiled at me while I was passing through. Shit that gave me a lot of confidence today and now that I think about it I should have made a move at her cause she was HOT. Only the thought that I’m capable of it makes me stronger, next time I need to be ruthless. This works guys this is not a scam or idiocy you need to convince yourself and commit 100% so you can be stronger, happier, I have a long way to go but I’m slowly getting to who I want to be.

After 2 months, ZERO social anxiety

The best benefit I realized so far is that I am really confident and calm in social interactions. In the past I got a bit nervous around hot girls sometimes. Now I can confidentially talk with ANY girl or guy, independent if I like them or not. It was a hard journey, but I can say this is pretty much the best benefit. Other benefits I experienced:

  • Lower voice
  • Higher energy levels (better in workouts in the Gym)
  • Enjoying socializing with women without objectifying them
  • Respecting your dips/flatlines and won’t let them control your mind
  • Removing other bad habits from your life
  • Confidential control of your dick (no constant urge to have sex)
  • No brain fog
  • More respect from men

Social anxiety? What social anxiety?

Yesterday I had one of the most enjoyable days in recent times. Went out on my own (something I’d rarely do in the past) with the intention of talking with people and having fun. And it worked!

I was initiating conversations with strangers, some street magician showed me a few neat card tricks and sold me some of them (magic ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) ), visited my old workplace to see how everyone is doing, took pics with guys in giant plushy suits, played a few points of table tennis with some guys, talked and met girls without any neediness whatsoever. Everything was so genuine and it felt like a state of flow. The conversations were super real and I didn’t even ask for numbers. Everyone was really receptive and surprised.

I even met some PUA guys (naturally, that was my original goal) and even did an open together. It was surprising how advanced they were for their age (much younger than me – I’m 25 and they were between 16-18). But even if they knew about meditation, healthy eating, reading, Ekhart Tolle etc. it was obvious how fake they are in their interactions with women.

I’ve developed myself and have this sort of natural game. That’s what it means being yourself.

A few years ago this would have seemed impossible. Once again, thank you NoFap!

1 Month Report

I reached a month today and I feel great for it. But what you have to realise is that 1 month is nothing. It’s not nearly enough time for your brain to free itself from this addiction and to reboot to “normal”.

At 1 month though, I would say this. I have taken a drastic step towards becoming a man instead of the immature pussy that porn was making me out to be. And this is the topic I want to briefly have my say on.

Stop being a cringeworthy, immature fucking pussy man! When I’m out with my friends now, it’s really insulting to me when they behave like beta males and act like juvenile little pussies. Just knuckle the fuck down and get on a long streak, or do something that will change you from this revoltingly feminine man you are into a mature, respectable male.

Stop fapping away your masculinity.

Don’t listen to people who try to tell you that NoFap doesn’t work.

So I have been lurking on NoFap for about a year and after 80 days of not masturbating I have decided to make a post about the positive things that happened to me while on NoFap.

The increase of confidence is just crazy. It’s the only thing I can be 100% sure has been made possible by NoFap. And confidence is one of the most important things in life as it can help you and improve almost every aspect of your life.

People actually notice that something changes about you. There is this girl in my class who I have known for about 13 years now and she has told me that she noticed that I have changed. She told me that I seem different and also told me that I “flourished” (I don’t know the exact english word). This girl also actively tried to speak to me in years.

Another instance is that a girl I have not spoken to very much suddenly told me that she was sure that I would be a great man one day and that she can already see me becoming one.

I am completely sure that NoFap helps in many aspects of your life, but confidence is the most important thing it helps with and it really helps a lot.

You Just Don’t Understand

I see a lot of posts on NoFap about how it is a placebo, or how it is just good for extra time. While I agree other life changes plus NoFap is seriously amazing…they don’t understand how much of a catalyst NoFap is for people like me. Porn left me a fucking shell of the person I used to be. I struggle with social anxiety. It got so bad that I developed a funny walk. THAT’S how uncomfortable I felt in my own body. I was fit but that didn’t matter.

I went from having a good amount of female friends to not being able to even speak to them. This streak HSS been a godsend. I have improved in other areas, but NoFap truly started it all. People who are already super social and like their lives just don’t understand. Like how a rich kid doesn’t understand why 50$ will make a homeless man jump for joy. People like just want to be normal again.

We want to be people with dreams and ambitions beyond fucking a screen and lusting over random girls. NoFap has given me life again. Everything looks fucking amazing. I can talk to girls again. Slowly progressing. Workouts are 1000 times better than before. The awkward walk I once had is fucking gone. Now I hold my head high. If I never found this sub I would still be a fapping shell of a human being.

That being said, Most people who try this isn’t as socially nervous and scared as I am. And those who are, will understand why this is a lifeline. So please don’t downplay the effects of NoFap because everyone is different.

Three months report

Yep, three months not faping after a year faping everyday. I use to have really serious problems to talk with new people, it was always so frustrating! But since i started with no fap i’ve been getting better and better, and now i’m finally being able to. I feel good and proud and ready for new things. It really works guys, stay strong. (Sorry for my english U.U)

47 days on hard mode

I cannot believe i have made it to day 47 on hard mode, so much has happened in my life for the better in these past 47 days. I got a job, started to eat right exercising everyday and since last month I have lost over 20 lbs. I no longer have really bad social anxiety anymore I’m still shy but I’m learning how to deal with it. I really never though I would ever make it this far but I have and I’m going to try my best to never go back to the life style I was living before.

Didn’t give in to an intense urge. Got rewarded by the universe.

So I had a really intense urge which made me almost relapse. But I somehow held on and didn’t give in. I knew fapping was just not an option. It was very tough, but I somehow pulled through by putting myself to sleep. That night, I got the result of a subject I was very stressed about. I didn’t think I would pass in the subject. Like, the toughest subject of my course. But I passed!! It felt so good! And on the same night, a hot girl I know asked me if I would go out with her! I didn’t say yes though. I told her that I was busy, so I won’t be able to make it. So she asked me to call her whenever I would be free in the future and she would come. This happened NEVER in my life before NoFap! It felt amazing to be at the other end for once lol. The next day, there were class council elections in our class. I decided to stand for one of the post just to see how many people would vote me. This was a really big step for me. Because before NoFap, I would be really nervous and try to hide so that I won’t get noticed. But now, I had no problem being the centre of attention and felt very confident. To my surprise, I won by an almost unanimous majority!! I know some of you might say that the universe doesn’t have anything to do with this. But I like to think that I got rewarded for sticking through the urge. To be honest, it felt pretty good! Motivated to go further. The “superpowers” are real guys! Just stick through the urges and you will find out for yourself!

I am beginning to forget my life without NoFap. (130 days later)

Before I found this sub and yourbrainonporn, I was missing out on so many parts of life that I cant believe I am still here today. I started porn around age 11 long before my first real sexual encounter. This led to many problems for me like Porn induced ED/delayed ejaculation, random depression with high levels of social anxiety, and desensitization to many things that I loved growing up. I kept going downhill for years as my porn addiction got worse. I lost all real connections to my family and friends because over time I was replacing any interest in them with porn. I hated life, hated living, hated everything about myself until one day I was lucky enough to stumble upon this sub and everything changed after that.

After I began my reboot with NoFap, I discovered who I really am for the first time in my life. I thought that I was an introvert that had no real interest in pursuing women or bettering himself. I thought that I would spend the rest of my life without any direction or any real connections to those around me. I thought that I was actually worthless enough that it wouldn’t matter to a single person if I was gone. But I was wrong about all of these things and after I realized that, I decided to go all out on this reboot. I combined NoFap with exercise, diet, cold showers, going back to college, and meditation. I didn’t even entertain a single thought about sex or porn.

Now I have changed so much that I can’t even remember what I was like before. My depression is gone and I love doing things again like off-roading and basketball; activities that I loved growing up but my interest faded into my addiction with time. My anxiety is gone as well, and I can even get up in front of a group without any issues at all. Everything about sex changed for the better. I can last 30 minutes and the sensation is amazing. NoFap is incredible for self improvement and many people are missing out on it. Keep in mind that NoFap is also just the first step. Stay Strong!

PMO retards your social skills

And I think it’s because as far as your brain is concerned, PMOing is a profoundly social experience. And just MOing is also a very social experience in your mind. The mind dumps all its chemicals that enable social interaction and bonding, but it wastes them on a behaviour that involves nobody else. So you spend all your relationship ability on something that isn’t a real relationship.

And then when u are with real people, people that u could have real relationships with, your mind isn’t capable of hooking that up because it’s relationship chemistry has been hijacked by chronic PMOing and MOing. The mind doesn’t respond like it should to real people because the mind finds PMO and MO to be far more interactive, meaningful and worthwhile than real life human interaction. That’s why I freeze up in abject terror when I’m in social situations. If I spend a bit of time with a girl and can put my arm around her then I do relax a bit and manage to socialize, but if I’m expected to just have a conversation without any touching, I’m fucked because my mind perceives no real connection or potential for connection. It’s gotten better since I’ve been battling my PMO and MO demon, but it’s still not good, probably because of so many years of abuse. All I need is a girl/girls to be with my 24/7 and let me put my arms around them, touch their face, and sleep in their bed. I don’t need or even necessarily want sex anymore, I just wanna destroy my loneliness. I also don’t wanna have conversations about the world. Fuck the world, I’m sick of it and I don’t wanna talk about it. I’m basically the same as a baby and I wanna be with girls who respect that and don’t expect any masculine behaviours from me because it’s those masculine behaviours that got me into this mess in the first place.

Social Anxiety Gone.

I remember being in my room playing RuneScape 10 hours a day and watching porn. I used to go to school fapped out my eyes were twitching and my hair was bad. I remember feeling like a tweaker and being a chronic fapper 1-5 times a day. I was afraid of talking to people I would hate waking up and people were looking at me at school. Now socializing makes me happy I go to college now and I walk up to any person boy/girl and yes even the “Hot women” or what men would call “10’s”. I tell people to keep their heads up and never let anything bring them down. I could never relapse and let my fapstronaut brothers down.

NoFap effect: people were SOCIALLY ATTRACTED to me today

So it’s Day 9, and it could have been the pleasant weather, or the fact that it was a holiday today, but for some reason most people were socially attracted to me throughout the day. It sounds similar to some of the stories I’ve read about when people begin to notice slight but positive differences in their day after doing NoFap for an extended period of time.

I’ll list some of the occurrences from the day.

1) At school some girl who I talk to every now and then felt like coming to the desk I was sitting at just to ‘catch up.’ At first she was just standing there while I sat, and then she pulled up the chair in the next desk and sat. This girl is cute and nice, so I didn’t have a problem with her interrupting whatever I was working on. There was no social awkwardness at all and it was an enjoyable conversation.

2) School ended and as I was leaving the same girl plus 2 others just so happened to leave at the same time as me. I was talking to the girl from before as we walked out, and then other 2 just naturally followed us. I said I was going to get coffee and if they wanted to join they could. 2 of them accepted while the other one went her own way. Then we went to a cafe and the 3 of us were drinking coffee and eating cake. This was a very natural turn of events.

3) On my way home through the train station there were these 3 guys who each had skateboards messing around in the station. I had never seen anybody skateboarding in the station in before (maybe it’s because it was late). Anyway, I watched them do a few tricks and skate around, and I was just grinning the whole time thinking “wow, those guys seem like they’d be fun to hang around.” I didn’t engage them at all, and in fact we ended up walking in different directions. But when I took one look back at them there was one fellow who was looking back at me, and he was raising his arm with a thumb’s up. I returned the gesture and gave him a big thumb’s up back. It was a funny and special interaction.

Can’t wait to see what other positive social effects will take place.

Day 60 report

Anxiety: I am at day 60 and I can tell you the anxiety has been a complete night and day thing. It’s not that I don’t feel anxiety anymore, but it has gone down very significantly. Before, I would go to a social event, I would be extremely nervous about getting judged or people just thinking I was a weirdo. I was extremely nervous that women will reject me. Now I go out and yeah I still do get a little anxious, but I can now talk really freely at these things, I am excited to go out and try and live life.

After 1 month of NoFap, some benefits…

I was really depressed and suicidal before nofap. I was trying to cure it with alcohol. Alcohol was a temporary solution. After that night, I was again in a depressed mood. But nofap can cure depression in the long run. It is a real thing. Now I can remember the times after fapping, lying in the bed with a depressed mood. I had no energy to do anything. Now, I have also depressed moods but I am trying to deal with it. I am fighting with the problems of my life not escaping it with fapping.

My advice for beginners of this journey is KEEP YOUR EXPECTATIONS LOW. There are great posts in this subreddit and when I started 1 month ago, I kept my expectations too high and during 3rd week my energy was a little bit low. But I got better on 4th week. This is a long journey, I am also a beginner of this journey. So there can be ups and downs. You can survive these problems. Nofap gives you the energy. Just be patient.

Porn makes me feel depressed, NoPorn removes that feeling.

Me and my ex recently broke up a couple of months ago so I’ve been feeling kinda depressed lately. In December I decided to give NoPorn another go and went about 20-25 days without any porn and I was starting to feel a lot better. I could feel the depressive feelings fading away like I was stepping out of a mist and seeing things clearer.

For some reason I started watching porn again for a couple of weeks and I could feel myself being pulled back into that mist, I started feeling like shit again and wasn’t motivated to do anything. When I realised this I decided to stop being stupid and stop watching porn again and now on day 7 I can feel the mist clearing up again and I’m feeling better and better each day, getting motivated to get back into the gym and to socialize more.

I guess I’m just writing this here so I can read it again later if I’m feeling stupid and want to watch porn. I have quit watching porn several times before and every time it’s the same; I feel more alive, I feel more motivated, I feel happier and more content. I also want to thank everyone in this community, it’s a real help being able to read other peoples posts and I hope you all reach your goals.

Why porn increases social anxiety so freaking bad?


I have social anxiety for like two years. I was on medicines (SSRI) to ‘recover’ from SA, but it was not a good deal because of serious side effects. However, I realized that I am addicted to porn. When I was abstaining from porn my anxiety was in smaller level. I was not afraid of bus rides, I could pick up the phone call (impossible when I was watching P). I feel alot better when sober. But when I watch porn, my anxiety goes up IMMEDIATELY. It’s not about shame or feeling guilty – I was not felt guilty or ashamed after doing it. Why is that? Why porn have such a big influence on our social interactions and anxiety levels?

tldr If you are anxious stop watching porn, it will be better

Any of you feel better about your depression?

I just wanted to say, congratulations to you all who have been striving to better yourself and realized you don’t need porn in your daily life. Whatever your reason for doing it, I hope and pray for you all struggling and also pray for this have had success.

Now, I used to feel quite depressed because of my previous PMO habits. Today marks 6 days for me and I’m already noticing an improvement in my day to day feeling’s and I actually don’t feel depression coming back to me. I’m actually feeling.orw energy and happiness. So, did going pornfree help you guys with any depression? I haven’t given up the MO part of things though.


it’s getting better .


I’ve previously only done nofap for 2-3 weeks at the time but it helped my depression for sure during those times (planning to go PMO-free for 1-2 weeks now then transition to pornfree). When I abuse porn I just feel empty, no desire to do anything you know? While on nofap I actually want to go out and live life, not just exist at home playing video games, smoking weed and jerking off.


It took me several months to see a difference. Huge difference.


Feeling hugely better, knowing that everyday i have managed to engage in healthy activities and not think about that stupid porn 🙂


Its so hard to tell if overall mood is related to this. But what I do know is those small wins when I’m about to use and then say no, feel amazing.


I had a pretty big 2 month binge prior to starting my current streak and I was feeling pretty depressed all the time. It’s natural to feel a bit depressed now and again but I was feeling depressed all the time. After about a week of pornfree I started feeling better and it has been getting better every week since. I don’t buy into the whole “superpowers” thing over at NoFap but I do believe that pornfree can really help with those depressive feelings.


I was for a while, day 1-6 I was fine but day 7-10 was getting bad when it comes to urges and day 11-13 was hell. 14-18 was great but depression hit on day 19-27. It was a lousy time. I cane to my senses when I started school and once again had the chance to socialise. This cured my depression (almost entirely) and once I start seeing a girl, I think that will be the breaking point but I’m still waiting for that

Now it’s almost day 36 and I feel great. Life is just the same as always bit besides the fact that it’s the same thing all day and nothing special, I would never ask to be anyone in this world than the life I live.


Yeah I have. Things still arent great in my life right now but I do have more energy and look forward to the next day, which is a change from the pretty crushing depression I was feeling before.


Hey, I’m pretty much in the same boat as you are (I actually wrote a post saying that a few hours ago lol). Congrats on fighting!

I never realized my depression could be connected to this until I quit, but for the last two days, I have been happy. Even in the face of some pretty scary life problems, I feel good and optimistic, like nothing can hurt me. It’s awesome! I’m glad you are feeling this improvement as well!

30 days? holy shit. I can write a success story now 🙂

Okay enough life lessons let’s get to the point of why you guys really came here

(1)Immense increase in the confidence. That’s gotta be the common thing that most of us fapstronauts feel. It really is 100% legit . I can guarantee it.

(2) Social anxiety, shyness, gone in these 30 days. I didnt had the balls to talk to any girl earlier but after NoFap it seems like lady talking skills automatically took its place in me.

(3) I get annoyed and irritated pretty easily but since NoFap my mind is a lot clearer and I always think about saying something to someone, a lot more concentration on work, better gains in the gym, better conversational skills etc.

(4) I don’t know if anybody talks about this or not but I noticed an increase in the size of my testes and penis.

People that have an anxiety disorder/panic attacks, how has being porn free affected your anxiety levels?

In my case, I’m not anxiety-free, but I’m definitely better than when I was using. I also feel much more grounded and mindful, less in my head, and I sleep better. What about you?


Absolutely true, feel way better. When came of caffeine and improved my diet, anxiety levels really dropped once more.


I pretty much agree with you. Whenever I’m on a good porn-free streak my anxiety levels go down a lot. But by about week 2 for me I get this extremely irritated/anxious feeling, at one point I remember feeling like something was trying to crawl out of my skin I was just so restless.

That could have been placebo or actually how I felt from abstaining from porn but overall yeah my anxiety reduces so much when I quit porn.


Way less, didn’t know how anxious I was until I stopped looking and binged a few times, after a binge I feel so edgey, I can only imagine how I was back when I looked at porn daily for hours and hours.


Before I stopped watching porn I would have told you I’m never anxious. Now I realise most of my life was driven by anxiety. Bizarre that, but true.

My anxiety is less now, but I really have to be careful not to create anxiety in other areas of life, for example over working.

I am certainly more aware of what creates anxiety for example thoughts of all the possible negative outcomes of any given situation. Fortune telling. I am learning to reject those thoughts out right, like I do sexual or lustful thoughts. I challenge my anxious thoughts by asking questions like: Is that really likely? Is this thought based on fact? What is the worst that could happen really?

Sometimes I wonder if I was more addicted to anxiety than porn. Just another good place to hide from difficult emotions.

Socialising becomes effortless !

Honestly NoFap makes socializing a piece of fcking cake. Honestly before NoFap talking to people and what not wasn’t bad don’t get me wrong, but with NoFap it is like you are in another dimension lool. Your brain is sharp af and I found that I always had something to say. All that brain fog is gone. Like I used to worry what to say next when talking to people but now it just flows out effortlessly. There has been times when talking to people i say to myself ‘how the fck I say that?’ after saying something funny or witty. Flirting as well don’t even. Easy. You know exactly what to say and how to say it, making them laugh and being entertaining.

Nofap is increasing my female friend circle…My story (I feared woman and never ever spoke to them before)

Okay back in High school I bust all kinds of nuts and had only a single female friend….fast forward to me finding Nofap. Something amazing then happened…I got much more female friends! (Like 10 or so) but the process of not tapping is making me more social and I have made another 2 female friends…this comes from a guy whom was too scared to even talk to woman….cheers

The eyecontact is real

WOW. Thats all I can say. I feel totally relaxed locking eyecontact with everyone! Thats 1 to 1 or being in a cafe/restaurant or passing people in the street/shops or whatever

I smile to myself afterwards! HOLY SHIT! Great feeling!

You’re not a weirdo/creep/crazy/depressed/antisocial, you’re a PMO addict.

After nearly 40 days free of PMO, I now realize that all those negative characteristics that I had were not the real me at all. They were symptoms of my PMO addiction. I am so grateful to now be free of this disease, thanks in large part to this subreddit.

I have generalized anxiety disorder. Has anyone with GAD tried nodal and had any luck? I’m desperate for anything to help…


I used to have fucking terrible anxiety. More so social anxiety but also GAD. Nofap definitely helped, not the absolute cure but in itself it has reduced my anxiety to a level where i can actually function properly.

So yeah stick with nofap, took me a few months to notice a real difference but it did happen. Also try meditation if you aren’t already, that helps too.


I’ve had just plain social anxiety and nofap has helped me a lot. I had hard time just going to the grocery store and now it’s just so much better.


I still have a little bit here n there but idk if its nofap or simply me facing it bravely.


I also have anxiety, it used to be terrible. Like if I went into a store and there was a que, I would start sweating when I was waiting in line. Anything social I hated! If my friends were with some people I didn’t know, I’d skip meeting them.

Anyway, I sort of got over that, then something else happened that triggered off my anxiety. Started having panic attacks, which I had never had before. I feel as though I too might have GAD as I overthink everything and worry about every little aspect.

So here I am, heard a lot of people say that Nofap really helps with anxiety, let’s hope it works for me this time lol

What improvements have you seen giving up on porn? (Motivation needed)


The clarity of mind was the absolute best benefit. My brain wasn’t playing a tug of war between being normal and sexualizing every woman I saw. I also had more mental and physical energy to devote to hobbies, relationships, schools, etc. I was amazed how much porn sapped from me after I quit.


Good morning brother. I too was destroyed by porn in every aspect (tired, not making love to my beautiful wife, angry, pissed, bitter, proscrastination, low self esteem, not focused enough, short temper after my kids and so on). I smile a lot since i eased down on porn and everybody is happy around me. My wife still wonders what happened to me but I will never tell her my addiction to porn. Thats not a news to share with someone you love, altough I am sharing my recovered sense of enthousiasm and joy and happiness. In a way I am addicted now to ”not being addicted to porn”. And when i feel down and tempted like now, I come home here at ”no fap group” to ease my temptations. Its a long hard battle but I am hopeful. Keep it up brother. Whats easy these days?


Reduced anxiety, boosted self-confidence, getting alot more done, sexuality gets actually rewarding. Erection problems are gone, when youre pornfree.


For me the simplest, and biggest, improvement was that I sleep more. I don’t spend time at night surfing for that perfect video so I can bust a must before I go to sleep. To me it’s absolutely revolutionary how much time at night I get back simply by not watching porn.

Regarding social anxiety (30 day streak)

I finally got my first real streak going and it feels amazing.

I’ve gotten a job at a sales company and within my first month I am crushing the leaderboards and competing with the top dawgs in the company. I think that is largely due to the fact that I’m going outside everyday and not sitting at home watching porn.

I used to have a strong social anxiety. It wasn’t like i couldn’t go outside, and i could still socialize with my friends. But I felt really uncomfortable doing normal things, like maintaining eye contact and I would always think that other people had mean thoughts about me and shit..

Now that I’ve gone 30 days without fapping I have had a big decrease in my anxiety, and I like to socialize and meet new people. The thing I’m wondering most is if the social anxiety will completely vanish after rebooting my brain, or do I need to go to therapy in order to be free from this pain?

Day 90 Long Post

I had extreme social anxiety when I wasn’t on nofap. I’m not sure why this was. I could barely talk to anyone at all or I would freak out inside my head causing me to stutter or mix up my words. Well, I hoped on nofap and everything has changed. I have no social anxiety anymore and it’s amazing. I went into nofap not expecting much; but here I am and feel like a new person. Nofap also seems to make you more productive and gives you energy to get off your ass for sure. I’m not gonna say it makes women magically attracted to you, but it makes them intrigued by you somehow. I have had many girls stare at me many times, and have had more interaction with girls then my whole time not being on nofap. It’s funny how it works.

I may have talked a lot about girls in this post. But nofap is not about getting laid, or getting a girlfriend; to me at least. It is about improving yourself. The thing is I see a lot of dudes I know constantly complementing girls, trying to get their attention stuff like that. Honestly I’m not like that. I learned to focus on yourself and eventually they will come. “If you chase it, it will run”. Let them come to you. Be that great of a person that they will come to you. Strive for that.

Day 179!!! No more social anxiety!

I started nofap because I had really bad social anxiety for the past 20 years! (Since I was fapping… coincidence?) I was somewhat sceptic (as usually), but S.A. was the worst thing in my life so I HAD TO try nofap. I’m on day 179 now and I’m pretty sure that this works! Especially the past few weeks. I’m just fucking calm now everywhere I go!

Going to the post office was a TORTURE for me, and also I’m a musician so I was f.ckin scared on stage… now I’m just totally CALM.

People say that social anxiety is about confidence… BULLSHIT. It’s not. I was f.ckin confident before, but I knew that something is messing with my brain (physically) what causes this CONSTANT FEAR in public.

And I was right. It was PMO that was messing with my brain receptors. Because now I don’t have it.

I only relapsed ONCE after 90 days, but only because I was curious. It just doesn’t worth it. PMO is not that good.

I also think I’m more productive than before. I wrote TWO BOOKS in these 179 days and a music album too. Before nofap, this would take me YEARS.

60 days hard mode report

Started at 10yo, now 23yo. Used to do it at least once a day for more than a decade. Also was deeply addicted to video games (10+ hours/day) and a fucking mess. Had no friends, bad grades, crazy social anxiety (I’d try to gather courage for literally hours before going to the grocery store).

I hit rock bottom 2 years ago. I looked like death (130lbs for 6’1”). Couldn’t talk or even look at anyone (even family) without feeling shame. When I’d talk to a girl, she’d look at me with her eyes telling “I don’t want to be here”. I was depressed and had 0 self-confidence during this entire period. I instinctively knew something was wrong. I used to think about suicide a lot, about how I could take a gun and end it all. It was a pleasant feeling.

At one point I couldn’t take it anymore, something had to change or I’d kill myself. Started to get deep into self-improvement and stumbled on NoFap. This was the starting point to a change.


  • Confidence: I don’t have social anxiety anymore. I feel like anything can happen to me and I’ll still be OK. It doesn’t seem that much but it completely changed my life. I wake up happy thanks to that, I feel so fucking free.
  • Eyes: I have blue eyes and now they are shining. Received a lot of compliments.
  • Girls attraction: The change is insane. I spend a lot of time at work with 3 girls (A, B & C, that have boyfriends) and have a lot of anecdotes about them, but strangely (or not) they happen only when I’m on a streak. Some that go through my mind:
    • A takes any occasion to hug me or touch my arms, she even lifted up my shirt to “see if I was muscular”.
    • We have a Facebook group chat, and were giving each other stupid (negative) names for fun. B renamed me “sexy swimmer” (I have long arms and legs). Ended up being the only one with a cool name.
    • We often talk in groups during breaks, C is always near me with our body touching or almost, even if there is space around, it’s funny. Other colleagues joked about it and she got red as a tomato.
  • Not depressed anymore: I truly enjoy life, I’m excited about the future. This is something I wouldn’t have believed possible 2 years ago.

 I feel like Bradley Cooper

You know in the movie Limitless where he takes the pill and great shit happens to him? Some similarities:

  • Inspiration
  • Motivation
  • Clear, crisp, colorful vision
  • Mentally and physically stronger
  • Less feelings of weakness
  • Depression is basically non existent
  • But do feel more emotions
  • Happier
  • Confident
  • Better posture
  • No shame
  • Prolonged and non threatening eye contact
  • Genuine personality
  • Centered and grounded
  • More focused

…. Seriously guys

10 seconds of pseudo pleasure is not worth a lifetime of genuine pleasure.

Stay on track and reap the benefits!

Nofap has cured 90% of my social anxiety

Well I’m pretty sure it has anyway. I stopped watching porn last Christmas so over 7-8 months ago. I think it was a very good decision to quit porn i got such a rush watching it and surely that couldn’t have been healthy. So after that I had periods of free MO but it went on relapse then couple weeks nofap and so on.

The longest I went MO was a couple months I stopped counting the days as it makes it harder I think. I relapsed last Sunday unfortunately but not to porn just to some instagram photos lol but I know it’s still bad. I felt horrible after it for days. Do you guys think its possible nofap has cured most of my social anxiety?

TL/DR quit porn months 7 months ago. Continued MO on and off but went a couple months fap free but relapsed recently

Today is my 90 day mark!

Without realizing it until just now that today marks 90 days of complete abstinence from PMO and sex. Over this time I landed my highest paying and rewarding job thus far, connected much better with friends and family and have had a surplus of energy and vigor that I never realized was possible. My mind has been altered from that of a child like young man into a determined, masculine 26 year old ready to make an impact at work and in my relationships with others. I noticed that not much phases me anymore.

My life long (so I thought) anxiety, depression and mental issues have seemingly dissipated and retreated from the roaring lion within. I have been on lexapro for the past 2 years and was able to taper off completely. More money is in my bank account because of my new found self control that has entired into all aspects of my life. I notice more respect from others because it seems as if they intuitively know that I respect myself.

69 Days. Nothing Sexy About That.

This is my longest streak, and I’m proud of myself. I’m 21 days from 90, and I have no doubts about hitting my goal. My social anxiety’s greatly decreased, some days better than others. I definitely enjoy the calm I’m experiencing more often than not.

People point out to me that I “don’t give a fuck”. I don’t know if that’s true, but I’m certainly more calm. This is more effective than therapy.

Life’s good. Hang in there, ladies and gentlemen.

30 days of NoFap completed

If anyone is reading this struggling to keep onto NoFap, I have one trick that did it for me. Write down all the ambitions you have in life and all the wonderfull things you would want to accomplish in your lifetime. Take a moment and think if all these ambitons and goals you would want to reach are possible when you are addicted to PMO. PMO destroys your life and that was enough for me to quit. The first few days were hard but i always knew i was on the correct path. “Don’t quit. Suffer now and live the rest of your life as a champion” – Mohammed Ali.

• Changes I feel after 30 days of Nofap.
• Depression is gone
• More free time.
• I see Girls as human beings and not sex objects
• Flashbacks are getting rarer and Brain fog is nearly non-exsistant.
• Self-esteem is growing in terms of knowing my own self worth.

Social anxiety gone? Why?

I’m thinking of trying this thing and I see a lot of people saying one of the side effect is a lot less social anxiety. And I’m curious/skeptic: why? Why does your social anxiety decrease by doing this? Or the other way around: why do you get social anxiety from masturbating (too much)? And when does it start taking effect?


NoFap definitely makes you really confident! I can confirm this because on my longest 34 day streak I was like a chick magnet and anxiety did not exist inside me!


I think about it this way.

When you fap to porn you get big dopamine spikes and feel-good chemicals. Then you get addicted to it and do it all the time/day and everything else feels numb.

That also includes people. When you meet them all you think is how you present to them because somehow they may give you the same spike you crave for ( sex ) .

So let’s say you meet a man , you think if he will introduce you to any girls and what you can to validate yourself to him to get to that goal.

Let’s say you meet a girl . It’s much worse. All you think is how to have sex with her thus you can’t build a basic connection because you crave the spike.

Also , don’t forget the social shame that comes from being found out.

Thus all social anxiety and stuff.

Now if you reverse the situation and do other things you like you feel complete and not dependent on others people validation and you can be a genuine giver and thus not caring about sex or being validated therefore later you get it much easier because you are not needy.


Fapping makes people desensitized to feelings and emotion (thus, the brain fog). Because of this, people who fap frequently will not be able to feel good when they socialized and connect to people. After a while they tend to stay alone because: fapping is happier than socializing.


I don’t know why it works, but after just a few days of NoFap my social anxiety decreases a lot. And there’s that day when I feel just calm and smooth. It’s like around day 10. When normally I feel anxious and awkward. NoFap should be mentioned over and over in every social anxiety group meeting.


Basically, you are no longer:

  1. Putting women on a pedal stool as idols as your not always looking at them as sexual objects
  2. Looking at people as sex objects
  3. Not feeling constantly guilty and shame. This is a big one.
  4. Porn is very self consuming where you focus on yourself and getting off. It makes your more self consumed.

okay, social anxiety is completely gone and i feel awesome but…

After many semen retention streaks my social anxiety has completely vanished. I can now make eye contact with even really attractive girls without any problem. But i suck at communication. I’ve been an introvert all my life. I don’t know how to handle conversations with people. Before nofap I was completely invisible to almost everyone. So never really socialized much. But now people have noticed a difference in me and are initiating conversations themselves. But I don’t know how or what to talk so I always end the conversation fast and sometime they feel offended because of it . I feel like an idiot. What can i do ?

90 Days : What’s changed?

Starting from 21, I started suffering of

  • very heavy social anxiety and panic attacks
  • depression
  • loss of strength and motivation
  • heavy brain fog and lack of concentration and memory
  • derealization
  • 0 connection with people and less than 0 emotions
  • vanilla sexual fantasies changed to extreme fetishes
  • mild PIED
  • loss of ambition and hopes for the future
  • no interest in women I was watching P during all my spare time, even at night sometimes.

Then something changed in my brain. The last day of December, while thinking about the previous year, I realized that I had a problem with P. I started searching on Web and the first result was the famous Gary Wilson’s video.

The results:

I have noticed the following improvements:

  • social anxiety decreased dramatically and is decreasing every day. Now I can talk with strangers without problems
  • I feel more confident and my voice is stronger when speaking.
  • I have much more empathy now: I think more about others and less about myself
  • I feel the need to connect with people and I don’t like to be alone anymore
  • My mood is much much better during most of the days. I smile more and love to make people smile, especially girls
  • I am doing really well at work
  • I have the energy to do much more things during the day
  • brain fog decreased and is still decreasing. My memory is improving.
  • I feel a lot more emotions than before. Good and bad emotions.

Never thought I’d say this but my anxiety has disappeared thanks to nofap!!!!!

I’m a 28 year old male who has struggled with anxiety for as long as I can remember. Not fapping has changed my life completely. I was reading the benefits on here about nofap and was just tired of the way my life was going. I’m only on day 30 and a few days ago I woke up and realized my anxiety has completely gone away. I used to wake up every morning and I’d feel anxiety as soon as I woke up. I got into it mostly for the confidence booster, I’ve always been a quiet and shy person but now I just feel more social and outgoing but if I would have known that it could cure my anxiety then that would be the number one reason to get into it.

17 year old — WAS seeking change.

I’m 17 , A football player and weightlifter. I was always the very Shy/High Anxiety type of kid. I always tried finding the issue and changing but couldn’t. Researched about PMO and NOFAP and I was really interested in it. I tried NOFap for awhile but never committed fully.. Recently I decided I needed a change , I quit PMO around 7 days ago and I’m already noticing the Physical and Physiological effects already. I used to Masturbate everyday even a couple times a day since like I was 13. My Energy Levels are rising , My strength in the gym and endurance ( Starting to Ride Bike/Walk Home after school because of my energy ) is rapidly increasing. My Social Anxiety is completely gone and I’m becoming so aware of myself and it’s just amazing. I never thought PMO could do this. I’ve also started Cold Showers and it’s just another added self control habit. I’m talking to more girls in my life than i ever have and I feel like I’m doing much better in school. I’m experiencing life now , Life is great.

Superpowers Are Real.

Holy. Shit. Before the streak I’m currently on right now, I was, well by my definition a loser. I couldn’t talk to girls without stuttering and getting nervous. I acted awkward as fuck. I walked around the halls with my head down and headphones in. I had friends and I did talk to people and I wasn’t a weirdo, but I just had very low self self-esteem and and no confidence in myself. Then NoFap. 10-11 days later… suddenly I feel something inside of me just burst. My insecurities and anxiety banished in thin air. I found myself having an amazing connection with girls. I held a conversation for over an hour and did it again the next day. Girls finally started to “notice” me. It’s like I was invisible before. They would randomly smile at me, laugh and hold a conversation with me when talking. Heck, girls I didn’t even know would say hey to me in the halls. I stopped listening to music in the halls, I started to hold my head up high and walk with confidence. I could talk to any girl at this point without getting nervous or stuttering. And I also found that guys started respecting me more. It just like everyone knew something had changed in me. It’s crazy! The depressing thoughts in my head disappeared. My motivation to talk to people, be chill, and just have fun in life increased tenfold. And the more I notice myself doing it, the more confident I get. I love that feeling. I’ve been riding a wave for the past 4 days.

List of benefits

So I am 24, started nofap a few months ago. Longest streak 58, and I am currently on day 34. So much has changed since the beginning of my journey:

-Never could hold eye contact with girls, (even if I did I would show immense fear and inferiority. Now I can look into a girl’s eyes as long as I want.

-People talk to me in public: No one used to approach me in public, now I can’t go a day without someone asking for directions, how the weather is, or just about anything. (You start to feel like you’re famous or something)

-I used to walk down the street and get out the way of everyone I passed. Now I am like Moses parting the sea, people move out of my way (And I am a little dude, not intimidating at all)

-Charisma, I used to stutter and never felt funny. Now I make people laugh.

-Social anxiety reduced significantly: I used to have severe SA, couldn’t leave my house without being wasted or high. -I am way better at FIFA 18 and COD now (lol)

delayed ejaculation cured, social anxiety cured

Virgin until 32 years old. I suffered from loneliness so bad, I would feel the pain physically. Deeply depressed. Watched porn for many years, escalated through the categories.

Out of desperation went to a hooker, but couldn´t even perform. But at home I could fap for hours – suspected something was wrong. I could only orgasm with very intense stimulation by my own hand, preferably with anal stimulation added – penis felt so numb, that vaginal or oral would not work.

In November last year I found out about nofap, I fapped a lot less then, but had relapses every few days, but did not binge on porn anymore. Around New Year I was with another hooker and (after a small nofap streak) she made me cum performing oral.

Yesterday, after a streak of 11 days, I finally could orgasm having vaginal sex (with condom). Before my streaks, I could almost feel nothing during vaginal sex, couldn´t even come close to orgasm.

And I feel more confident now, yesterday I picked up two girls in a café. But they live in another city, still no girlfriend, but now I really have hope I will find a girlfriend soon. I believe porn turns men into inactive voyeurs, who don´t have the balls to pick up women, and who couldn´t even perform – nofap works.

I now know that PMO actually CAUSED my depression

[Age 23] About 1 year ago, I was slipped up, and went from 0 sexual stimulation to viewing high-speed internet P and having 5 hour PMO sessions. After 1 month, I felt different. My libido was down to 20% what it was, I stopped getting MW, my penis was not very sensitive, food stopped tasting so good, and I became mildly apathetic. Nothing too crazy though, besides the low libido, which was very noticable.

I stopped PMO for a few months, and felt well. My libido was maybe 50% back, and the mild loss of energy and motivation was reversed. Then I relapsed once after 3 months of no PMO. Then all hell broke loose. My already weakened libido went to 0. Interest in even talking to girls went to 0. Serious social anxiety. Serious short term memory problems. Could not think straight or concentrate on anything. Severe brain fog. Totall lack of emotions, and total anhedonia. Insomnia developed.

**I want to make clear that i had NEVER experienced ANY of these symptoms before!

I went to the doctor. He gave me wellbutrin, as I had many classic symptoms of depression (main symptom was anhedonia and cognitive decline, I never actually felt sad).

At the time, I had no idea that PMO could cause this, especially since I never got hooked on P. I stopped easily.

Up until a few weeks ago, I still wasn’t sure if PMO caused my depression. I thought perhaps it was my moldy room I had just moved into (btw mold is indeed linked to depression due to mold’s inflammatory effects) or something.

A few weeks ago, most of the depression symptoms were gone as I had been rebooting for 5 months and felt well-except I was still in flatline. I tried MOing to see if I could kick-start my libido as YBOP suggests for long rebooters and WOW. All of my horrible depression symptoms I had experiened 5 months prior were completely back. I couldn’t believe it. I am 100% certain that PMO has caused my depressive symptoms. It didn’t worsen it since I had NO depressive symptoms before PMO, and they remitted after a few months of reboot. After a single O they came back. After 10 days I felt much much better, and then 4 days ago I had a WD and all symptoms returned, although not as strong.

TLDR: PMO didn’t worsen my depressive symptoms-they caused them. Those that are skeptical, read my story above.

My story so far. (Emotional benefits)

Depression is a disease which haunts and you never really rid of the symptoms forever (this was something that was instilled in me by the professionals and I agreed that it is normal to have bad days). You always have the ‘bad days’, which I continued to have till i started Nofap. For me having these bad days were worrying because I would feel like i might slip back into my depressive state.

However, I know its no coincidence but since No PMO for 38 days now I haven’t had a bad day, ZILCH, nothing, zero, zip. Situations that would previously get my down, dampen my mood and make me sad don’t effect me anymore. I would have bad days at least a few times a week. Haven’t had these thoughts or feelings since no PMO!!!

For me this is an incredible benefit. I asked myself questions: I wondered how and what effect no PMO would have been if i started it much younger? Has PMO been the cause of my emotional instability and cause of depression? Why hasn’t any professional talked about porn, masturbation and desensitisation? is this something they should incorporate and focus on more for youth mental illness? As I read many of the benefits here on this subreddit, such as confidence, focus, skin benefits, energy etc I ask myself (After seeing probably over 5 psychs in my life so far) why hasn’t anyone made this link before or recommended or asked me about this.

I know one thing, if or when I have a kid Ill definitely warn him of the crap that comes along with PORN!

Yesterday was Day 100 And I can’t explain how good I felt.

NoFap has changed my life and I refuse to go back to fapping to porn or fapping in general, I am kind of scared to touch my willie in a faptacular way. I started a Ketogenic diet recently, and on Day 100 my friend asked me to find him a good torrent of P90X. We agreed to start doing that every day together and tell each other our progress. I really want to get those abs going so when I lose all this weight they will be there. Porn Addiction almost ruined my life, so glad I found out about it. I lost the Social Anxiety it caused. That was my biggest Issue.

I also had ED, I never noticed because I was a social recluse, until a couple weeks into NoFap I got morning wood. That was kind of a mind fuck. It hit me like a bunch of bricks I was like Holy shit! When was the last time I had this? I feel like I finally have control over my life. Even though I am not out getting tons of girls and all that, I know I am on my way to getting whatever I desire. Before I start doing that just need to fix a couple things, weight and getting in shape. When that is done, I am coming out strong; no girl will be ready 😉

NSFW !!! Effects of NoFap.

As an introverted, socially awkward, anxiety-prone college student who was severely addicted, this is what happened on Day 45 of NoFap: Went to 2 parties, made friends, danced without care, spoke to strangers, grinded with a girl, got her contact, made more friends, all without any alcohol or anxiety. NoFap is magic.

Fapping wrecked my life here’s proof

I’ve always had an addiction to watching porn starting at around age 12. But I’m starting to feel the effects of it much later in my life. (I’m 18 now). Anyways here’s why I blame fapping / porn on killing my mind for the last 6 years.

(This is a timeline; specifically of why addiction has wrecked my mind)

  • I was diagnosed as having ADD when I was 12. I would masturbate 4-7 times a day at this age. I blame the low dopamine levels masturbation causes to me actually developing ADD.
  • This led to being depressed and being put on anti-depressants around that time.
  • The anti-depressants never seemed to work. (I still had no motivation to do anything ever)
  • My social skills depleted, I was always depressed and had a lot of anxiety for social situations.
  • Age 16, was finally prescribed Vyvanse to “cure” my ADD.
  • As a result of the fapping which (I think actually caused) ADD / Anxiety / Depression. I’m now dependent on Vyvanse everyday. (and I’m struggling of porn addiction again)

Here’s the proof of why I blame masturbation: While I finally did NoFap earlier this year (From January – June), those were the first times in years where I ACTUALLY felt living and like an actual person. I was finally able to focus, have a clear mind, and I was not “tired” in general at all. However I’ve been PMO’ing alot the past month (sometimes up to 3 times a day) and I realize I need NoFap, I have no drive whatsoever and it needs to stop.

Day 90 complete, no MAJOR changes, but a collection of smaller changes that have made big impacts

i’ve definitely grown more of a backbone. i dare to say i have even become a bit more hostile but not how you think. i don’t go around trying to stir things up with people but i definitely welcome those individuals who try to “step on my dick” if you will.

i had an altercation with a big wig at work. he basically scolded me like a five year old in front of some people then decided to mock me. i mocked him back, belittled him twice as much and acted completely calm and unaffected by him while he was clearly riled up. some people might say i “stooped to his level” — i declare a victory. i made him feel like a complete idiot, something i’m sure people have been too scared to do because of his status.

today towards the end of my shift an older guy i worked with said “man, you’ve popped off to more people in the year that you have been here than the X amount of years i have been here combined… but you’re popping off to the right ones.. good job man.. ” old man fist pump showing encouragement and praise

I’ve “closed” deals with women that should have happened long seriously attractive women. i was clearly too scared of my dick getting pleasure and i was also overly content with being a FAPPER.

prior to no fap I couldn’t go a complete day without taking a nap, i was always super exhausted for no real reason. it was so bad i actually thought i suffered from chronic fatigue syndrome. i’ve taken no more than a handful of naps (IF that) in the past three months. i’ve got so much more energy and motivation to do things. I’ve been putting in longer hours at work, getting bigger paychecks.. buying new things, nicer things. it feels amazing.

i can start up more conversations with complete strangers. i would say I’ve been able to double up on my public interactions with men and women (remember, the key isn’t to bang and score with women, but to better you as a person, make THAT guy or gal who is never awkward or at a loss for words.. i mean.. if that’s what you want.. it’s definitely something i enjoy about this whole nofap thing) ———-

22 days in, an unexpected benefit.

I have the benefits we no-faps expect to experience. My energy, motivation, and confidence are already higher than they have been in years.

Now for the kicker: for the past 2 or so years I’ve developed a small stutter. It’s nothing terrible but still enough to bother me. It gets frustrating when I’m talking to someone and the words just won’t come out right, as you can imagine.

I haven’t stuttered for a week now. It’s not just a little better, it’s gone. I feel confident when I talk now. It sounds small, but for me this is huge. I feel ecstatic.

Keep it up everyone, we’re all in this together. I can’t remember the last time I made a change that’s impacted me this much.

Edit: This is awesome. It seems like a lot of us have the same experience, maybe we’re onto something here. Thanks for the info and updates!

I am on the 27th day of pmo and feel that my confidence increased.

I feel a strong desire to go out every day and meet real girls. Now I’m starting to feel an urge to talk to them, look at them.

Now I wish I had a girlfriend, I connect with a real woman.

Click here for more stories from recovering users

Relevant research:

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