Introduction (as it appears on Page #1)
Legal counsel advised us to create these pages, which document Nicole Prause’s extensive campaign targeting those who point out possible harms of porn use or issues in the porn industry. “Sunshine” protects the community Prause harasses by preserving facts and permitting visitors and journalists to understand the truth for themselves. Indeed, these pages have already been cited in a defamation case against Prause:
“An extremely detailed and well documented history of Defendant’s with accounts from dozens of her victims/targets dating from 2013 to present, which spans over two thousand pages of documents and evidence, is available at”
Nicole Prause has engaged in a veritable avalanche of false claims, defamation, malicious reporting, targeted harassment, baseless lawsuits, and threats of lawsuits. These pages document many of her smear tactics, although some incidents are not included because the targets fear further retaliation by her (Page 1, Page 2, Page 3, Page 4, Page 5, Page 6).
I (Gary Wilson) am perhaps her favorite target, but she has also targeted researchers, medical doctors, therapists, psychologists, colleagues from her short stint at UCLA, a UK charity, men in recovery, a TIME magazine editor, several professors, IITAP, SASH, Fight The New Drug, TraffickingHub, Exodus Cry, the academic journal Behavioral Sciences, its parent company MDPI, US Navy medical doctors, the head of the academic journal CUREUS, and the journal Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity. These incidents are labeled “OTHERS.” The incidences documented are arranged roughly in chronological order.
With respect to me, early on she falsely claimed that I was the subject of a “no contact” order. She first falsely accused me of stalking in 2013 when she and David Ley began targeting my website with their PT blog post, “Your Brain on Porn – It’s NOT Addictive.” When I challenged some of their false claims, Prause tried to intimidate me to remove my response by accusing me of stalking.
Since then, she has routinely weaponized this accusation against multiple people, embellished with false accusations of “death threats,” apparently to suppress exposure of her bias and malicious activity. In other words, her narrative of victimhood has escalated over the years as has her harassment.
In late 2020, she suddenly began claiming that she had been sexually assaulted in 2019, and that I was mysteriously responsible. She falsely claims that I posted her address on YBOP and that it led to her being grabbed on the street by a young man with a skateboard. She has not provided any objective evidence of either my having posted her physical address or her having been grabbed.
The irony is that Prause didn’t mind disclosing her actual home address to me when she filed bankruptcy to avoid paying me some ~$40K in attorney fees after the SLAPP ruling the court awarded me (see “Legal matters” below). She was confident that I would never reveal it (and I have no interest in doing so) – which shows just how absurd are her claims that I want to put her at risk. Incidentally, in her bankruptcy filing she swore that she has lived at that same address for more than 3 years. Yet she has simultaneously repeatedly claimed (lied) that she has moved multiple times to elude her (nonexistent) stalkers. Anything to feed the myth of her fabricated persecution!
Just to clarify, I have never encouraged anyone to harass Prause. Nor have I seen any evidence that anyone I know has harassed her or placed her at risk. She has a habit of supplying fabricated “evidence” that does not, in fact, establish her claims. For example, she treats her false reports to law enforcement, her C&D letters accusing people of things they haven’t done, her irrelevant screenshots, and her confederates’ unsworn statements as proof, although none supply fact-based evidence to support her claims.
It’s worth noting that Canadian investigative journalist Diana Davison who authored The Post Millennial expose’ on Prause, talked with her on the record for almost a week. In public comments under a related video Davison commented, “Prause said many things to me but none of her “evidence” actually supported her claims. In every instance the evidence reversed who the aggressor was. She basically accuses others of the exact things she herself did. I emailed with her, on the record, for almost a week.” In a second comment Davison said, “When I said I spent two weeks researching this that means I read every court document and every related document and spent a week emailing with Prause herself who cut me off after I started asking for actual evidence of harassment.” Prause responded by threatening to sue both Davison and The Post Millennial, although she did not follow through.
Legal matters
Although Prause and her confederates work hard to paint her as the victim, she is, in fact, the aggressor, both on social media and in legal matters. In court, this hasn’t worked out well for her. This page documents various legal victories over Prause, two of which involved me. I’ll summarize them.
In early 2020, Prause tried to bolster her self-constructed victimhood campaign by filing a baseless restraining order request against me. In her lie-filled filings, Prause went so far as to defame and dox my son. The court denied her request in August, 2020. The judge also granted my SLAPP (“Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation”) motion. This means he decided that Prause’s frivolous legal proceeding was an illicit attempt to suppress my free speech rights.
In short, her claims of victimhood could not be proved. In fact, at the hearing most of her evidence was tossed out as “hearsay,” “conclusory,” “irrelevant” and so forth. One week prior to the hearing, Prause went on Twitter to announce falsely that she had a “protective order” against me, inciting her enraged followers to harass me. Shortly before the hearing, her own attorney tried to resign because she had threatened him with legal action when he wouldn’t engage in unethical conduct. Press release
Next, she filed a defamation suit against me in Oregon. In January, 2021, the court found Prause had not made her case, and awarded me costs and a penalty (which Prause has refused to pay). Press release.
Incidentally, Prause has not paid either of the judgments I won. Instead, she has chosen a public campaign of defaming and threatening me – as if I am the wrongdoer instead of herself. She has also publicly denied that she lost either of the above legal proceedings. Astonishing.
As an aside, in early 2019 Prause filed a false declaration with the US Trademark authorities when she applied to grab my common law trademarks, claiming that she knew of no one who had the right to use my URL and trademarks. By this scheme, she sought to gain exclusive legal rights to my well established URL. This was a transparent effort to censor my entire site. Details. Clearly, it’s absurd to portray Prause as a victim, given a malicious campaign like this one.
After many hours of attorney time, I received my formal trademark registrations as well as the associated infringing URL, The associated Twitter account @BrainOnPorn meanwhile conducted a reign of terror for 18 months. @BrainOnPorn exercised its supposed “collective” voice to tweet more than 1,000 defamatory and malicious statements (up to 170 tweets a day!) about anyone with whom Prause disagreed. Prause has denied involvement, but simple observation, correspondence from RealYBOP’s personnel, WIPO’s report, and considerable evidence point to her management of RealYBOP’s social media accounts and URL (evidence here).
Three separate parties have filed defamation suits against Prause over her untruthful, life-wrecking campaigns: Donald L. Hilton, Jr. v. Nicole Prause, et al., United States District Court for the Western District of Texas San Antonio Division, Case No. 5: 19-CV-00755-OLG; Alexander Rhodes v. Nicole Prause, et al., United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania, Case No. 2:19-cv-01366, and Aaron M. Minc, Esq v. Melissa A. Farmer and Nicole R. Prause, Case No: CV-20-937026 in Cuyahoga County, Ohio. (It appears that Farmer has agreed to a settlement, which will leave Prause as the sole defendant. No doubt the settlement involved a payout from Farmer’s insurance company. In an affidavit dated April 8, 2021, Farmer admitted her wrongdoing in retweeting Prause’s lies [PDF of retraction] Prause has stated that her own insurance company has declined to cover her for Minc’s suit against her, so she may be left directly responsible for any financial repercussions in that suit too. She still owes Wilson with respect to his victory against her.)
The first 2 cases settled in early 2021. Although the terms were not disclosed, it’s reasonable to speculate that the settlements were made possible by substantial payments from Prause’s insurance carrier (court documents reveal that funds were transferred to plaintiffs). The third and most recent defamation lawsuit suit is ongoing in Ohio. In that case, a colleague of Prause who republished Prause’s defamatory tweets is a co-defendant and now sadly exposed to liability for blindly joining in the rampage.
It’s worth noting that Prause herself has a growing record as a vexatious litigant. In the last year or so, she has filed more than half a dozen small claims suits, and, before that, some 40 malicious reports against dozens of people and organizations (yet, Prause has never prevailed in any lawsuit and all her fraudulent reports were dismissed). Prause has a long, well established history of trying to silence and disparage anyone she disagrees with by fabricating claims of her victimhood.
Multiple social media suspensions
In October, 2015 Prause’s original Twitter account @NicolePrause was permanently suspended for misconduct.
In March, 2018, Prause’s Quora account was banned for posting and misrepresenting, personal information.
In October, 2020 the @BrainOnPorn Twitter account, which Prause appears to have managed, was permanently suspended for targeted harassment and abuse.
In March, 2021, her second personal Twitter account, @NicoleRPrause was temporarily suspended for making “violent threats.”
I suspect that Prause was behind two more extinct Twitter accounts: @CorrectingWils1 and her first porn industry shill account @PornHelps.
Media outlets and others have been harmed by Prause’s lies
UK media outlet Scram News went out of business after it had to pay substantial damages because it had printed Prause’s defamatory lies. I’ve heard that VICE was subjected to a similar libel claim and had to remove false information provided to it by Prause, incurring substantial legal costs. I know first-hand that MEL magazine proposed a series of stories about her purported victim-hood. Yet, after further investigation, MEL declined to print Prause’s lies – and the magazine soon suspended publication entirely. Faced with legal action, The Daily Beast retracted Prause’s unproven allegations against specific individuals. Lastly, the University of Wisconsin-Lacrosse student newspaper was forced to remove an “investigative” article featuring Dr. Prause’s lies about me (U of W general counsel was involved).
Prause’s cozy relationship with the porn industry
Let’s start with the definition of a “shill”:
A shill…is a person who publicly helps or gives credibility to a person or organization without disclosing that they have a close relationship with the person or organization. … Shills may be employed by salespeople and professional marketing campaigns.
Keeping in mind the above definition, consider these many examples. Prause is unswervingly pro-porn, displaying a single mindedness that is remarkable in a scientist, given that scientists usually jealously guard their impartiality.
Three Twitter accounts – her own @NicoleRPrause account as well as the suspended @BrainOnPorn and @PornHelps (the latter 2 of which Prause appeared to manage) – consistently prop, or propped, up the porn industry and attacked its critics.
Prause also appears to have created 50+ Wikipedia sockpuppets (thus far) to bolster the industry’s interests and discredit critics with misleading edits, along with dozens of other aliases she uses to post on porn recovery forums.
Only a few years ago, Prause was promoting her connections with the porn industry, including serving on the board of a porn actors’ guild (APAG) and photos of her attendance at porn industry-insider events. Now, she’s trying to intimidate others not to mention any of those inconvenient facts because she has decided they harm her image.
In short, it’s not clear why any journalist (who is not shilling for the porn industry) would regard Prause as a credible source. Journalists have an obligation to readers to respect the conclusions of judges and other legal outcomes, and not to leave readers with the mistaken impression that the truth about Prause’s accusations is up for grabs or that her defamatory claims have validity. Having lost in the courts, she often attempts to rewrite history in the press and on Wikipedia with the help of biased editors.
It can be difficult for those she recruits to sift fact from fiction because her assertions are so “juicy” and her fabricated “evidence” so abundant. However, as my results in court demonstrate, I have gathered a lot of documentation and can refute her claims, if asked.
Not everyone who claims to be a victim is a victim. Some are simply engaged in attempts to manipulate their public image or to discredit and “no platform” (silence) anyone with whom they disagree. Think Trump. Journalists will want to reflect carefully before giving Prause a platform to amplify her fabrications and defamation.
Full Table of Contents (all 5 pages)
Prause Page #1
- Overview: Nicole Prause’s fabrications of victim-hood exposed as groundless: she is the perpetrator, not the victim (created in late 2019)
- March & April, 2013: The beginning of Nicole Prause’s harassment, false claims and threats (after she & David Ley target Wilson in a Psychology Today blog post)
- July, 2013: Prause publishes her first EEG study (Steele et al., 2013). Wilson critiques it. Prause employs multiple usernames to post lies around the Web
- Others – August, 2013: John A. Johnson PhD debunks Prause’s claims about Steele et al., 2013. Prause retaliates.
- November 2013: Prause places a libelous PDF on her SPAN Lab website. Content mirrors “anonymous” comments around the Web
- December 2013: Prause’s initial tweet is about Wilson & the CBC. Prause sockpuppet “RealScience” posts same false claims on same day on multiple websites
- December 2013: Prause posts on YourBrainRebalanced asking Gary Wilson about the size of his penis (kicking off Prause’s campaign of calling Wilson, and many others, misogynists)
- Fall 2014: Documentation of Prause lying to film producers about Gary Wilson and Donald L. Hilton Jr., MD
- May 2014: Dozens of Prause sock puppets post information on porn recovery forums that only Prause would know or care about
- Others – Summer 2014: Prause urges patients to report sex addiction therapists to state boards.
- Others – December, 2014: Prause employs an alias to attack & defame UCLA colleague Rory Reid, PhD (on a porn-recovery forum). Concurrently, UCLA decides not to renew Prause’s contract.
- January, 2015: “The Prause Chapter” described 9 months earlier by a troll is finally published
- Others – 2015 (Ongoing): Prause falsely accuses sex addiction therapists (CSAT’s) of reparative therapy
- Others – March, 2015 (ongoing): Prause and her sock puppets (including “PornHelps”) go after Gabe Deem (section contains numerous additional instances of cyberstalking & defamation by Prause and her alias @BrainOnPorn).
- Others – October 2015: Prause’s original Twitter account is permanently suspended for harassment
- Others – November, 2015: Cureus Journal founder John Adler MD blogs about Prause & David Ley harassment
- Others – March, 2016: Prause (falsely) tells TIME Magazine that Gabe Deem impersonated a doctor to write a formal critique of her study (letter to the editor) in an academic journal (and the letter was traced to Gabe’s computer)
- Others – June, 2016: Prause and her sock puppet PornHelps claim that respected neuroscientists are members of “anti-porn groups” and “their science is bad”
- Others – July, 2016: Prause & David Ley attack NoFap founder Alexander Rhodes
- Others – July, 2016: Prause falsely accuses of harassment, libel, and promoting hate
- Others – July, 2016: Prause & sock puppet “PornHelps” attack Alexander Rhodes, falsely claiming he faked porn-induced sexual problems
- Others – July, 2016: Nicole Prause & Prause alias account “PornHelps” falsely accuse TIME editor Belinda Luscombe of lying and misquoting
- Others – April, 2016: A Nicole Prause sock puppet edits the Belinda Luscombe Wikipedia page.
- Others – September 2016: Prause attacks and libels former UCLA colleague Rory C. Reid PhD. 2 years earlier “TellTheTruth” posted the exact same claims & documents on a porn recovery site frequented by Prause’s many sock puppets.
- September, 2016: Prause libels Gary Wilson and others with AmazonAWS documents & info-graphic (which Prause tweeted dozens of times) .
- Others – Prause falsely accuses Donald Hilton, MD.
- Others – September 25, 2016: Prause attacks therapist Paula Hall.
- Others – October, 2016: Prause commits perjury attempting to silence Nofap’s Alexander Rhodes.
- 2015 – 2016: Quid Pro Quo? The lobbying arm of the porn industry, the Free Speech Coalition, offers Prause assistance, she accepts and immediately attacks California’s prop 60 (condoms in porn).
- 2015 & 2016: Prause violates COPE’s code of conduct to harass Gary Wilson and a Scottish charity, filing false reports.
- October, 2016: Prause publishes her lie-filled October, 2015 “Cease & Desist” letter. Wilson responds by publishing his letter to Prause’s lawyer demanding proof of allegations (Prause fails to do so. .
- October, 2016: Prause had co-presenter Susan Stiritz “warn campus police” that Gary Wilson might fly 2000 miles to listen to Prause say porn addiction isn’t real.
- Ongoing – Prause silencing people with fake “no contact” demands and spurious Cease & Desist letters (Linda Hatch, Rob Weiss, Gabe Deem, Gary Wilson, Marnia Robinson, Alex Rhodes, etc.).
- Ongoing – Prause creates inane “infographics” to disparage & defame numerous individuals and organizations.
- Others – October, 2016: Prause falsely states that SASH and IITAP “board members and practitioners are openly sexist and assaultive to scientists“ (Jim Pfaus joins her in defaming sex addiction therapists).
- Others – November, 2016: In support of the porn industry, Prause asks VICE magazine to fire infectious disease specialist Keren Landman, MD for supporting Prop 60 (condoms in porn).
- Others – November, 2016: Prause falsely claims to have sent Cease & desist letters to the 4 panelists on the Mormon Matters podcast (Donald Hilton, Stefanie Carnes, Alexandra Katehakis, Jackie Pack).
- Nicole Prause as porn industry shill “PornHelps” (Twitter account, website, comments). The accounts & website deleted once Prause was outed as “PornHelps”.
- Others – December, 2016: In a Quora answer Prause tells a porn addict to visit a prostitute (a violation of APA ethics and California law).
- Ongoing – The lobbying arm of the porn industry, the Free Speech Coalition, allegedly provided subjects for a Nicole Prause study that she claims will “debunk” porn addiction.
- Others – December, 2016: Prause reports Fight the New Drug to the State of Utah (subsequently she tweets over 100 times targeting FTND)
- Others – January, 2017: Nicole Prause tweets that Noah B. Church is a scientifically inaccurate non-expert and religious profiteer.
- Others – January, 2017: Prause smears professor Frederick M. Toates with a laughable claim.
- Others – Ongoing: Prause uses social media to harass publisher MDPI, researchers who publish in MDPI, and anyone citing Park et al., 2016 (about 100 tweets).
- Others – January, 2017 (and earlier): Prause employs multiple user accounts (including “NotGaryWilson”) to insert false and defamatory material into Wikipedia.
- Others – April, 2017 (Ongoing): Prause attacks Professor Gail Dines, PhD, perhaps for joining the “Op-ed: Who exactly is misrepresenting the science on pornography?”
- Others – May, 2017: Prause attacks SASH (Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health).
- Others – May, 2017: In response to paper presented at a urology conference Prause calls US Navy urologists “activists, not scientists.”
- Others – September, 2017: Prause claims all who believe porn can be harmful and addictive are “science-illiterate & misogynistic”.
- Others – January 24, 2018: Prause files groundless complaints with Washington State against therapist Staci Sprout (section conatins numerous other incidents of defamation & harassment).
- Others – January 29, 2018: Prause threatens therapists who would diagnose sexual behavior addicts using the upcoming “Compulsive sexual behavior disorder” diagnosis in the ICD-11.
- Others – February, 2018: Prause lies about a brain scan study (Seok & Sohn, 2018) by well-respected neuroscientists.
- March, 2018: Libelous claim that Gary Wilson was fired from Southern Oregon University (SOU lawyers got involved).
- March 5, 2018: Prause is permanently banned from Quora for harassing & defamaing Gary Wilson
- March 12, 2018: Prause’s Liberos Twitter account (NicoleRPrause) suspended for posting Gary Wilson’s private information in violation of Twitter Rules
- March, April, October, 2018: Prause files 3 bogus DMCA take-down requests in an attempt to hide her harassment and defamation (all 3 were dismissed)
Prause Page #2
- Ongoing – Prause falsely claims that Wilson has misrepresented his credentials (she does this hundreds of times).
- Others – April 11, 2018: Prause falsely claims medical journal Cureus engages in fraud and is predatory (John Adler is the editor of Cureus).
- May 24-27, 2018: Prause creates multiple usernames to edit the MDPI Wikipedia page (she is banned for defamation & sock-puppetry).
- May, 2018: Prause lies about Gary Wilson in emails to MDPI, David Ley, Neuro Skeptic, Adam Marcus of Retraction Watch, and COPE.
- May – July, 2018: In emails, in the ICD-11 comments section, and on Wikipedia, Prause and her aliases falsely claim that Wilson received 9,000 pounds from The Reward Foundation.
- Others – May 24-27, 2018: Prause creates multiple new sock-puppets to edit the NoFap Wikipedia page.
- From 2015 through 2018: Prause’s unethical efforts to have Behavioral Sciences review paper (Park et al., 2016) retracted (hundreds of incidents). She failed.
- Others – May 24-27, 2018: Prause creates multiple new sock-puppets to edit the “Sex Addiction” & “Porn Addiction” Wikipedia pages.
- May 20, 2018: David Ley & Nicole Prause falsely claim that Gary Wilson & Don Hilton gave evidence in a case by Chris Sevier.
- May 30, 2018: Prause falsely accuses FTND of science fraud, and implies that she has reported Gary Wilson to the FBI twice (Prause lied about the FBI report).
- Summer, 2018 (Ongoing): Prause & David Ley attempt to smear renowned psychologist Philip Zimbardo.
- July 6, 2018: “Someone” reports Gary Wilson to the Oregon Psychology Board, which dismisses the complaint as unfounded (it was Prause).
- October, 2018: Ley & Prause devise an article purporting to connect Gary Wilson, Alexander Rhodes and Gabe Deem to white supremacists/fascists (Prause attacks Rhodes & Nofap in the comments section).
- Others – October, 2018: Prause follows-up the “fascist” article by attacking & libeling Alexander Rhodes and Nofap on twitter.
- October, 2018: Prause follows-up the “fascist” article by attacking and libeling Gary Wilson on twitter, for the 300th or so time.
- October, 2018: Prause falsely claims that her name appears over 35,000 (or 82,000; or 103,000; or 108,000) times on
- Ongoing – David Ley & Prause’s ongoing attempts to smear YBOP/Gary Wilson & Nofap/Alexander Rhodes by claiming links with neo-Nazi sympathizers
- Others – October, 2018: Prause tweets that she has reported “serial misogynist” Alexander Rhodes to the FBI.
- Others – October, 2018: Prause claims that Fight The New Drug told its “followers” that Dr. Prause should be raped (section contains numerous additional defamatory tweets).
- Others – Prause falsely states that FTND said her research was funded by the porn industry (attempting to divert attention from her own documented porn-industry associations).
- November, 2018: FBI affirms Nicole Prause’s fraud surrounding defamatory claims (Prause lied about filing an FBI report on Gary Wilson).
- December, 2018: Gary Wilson files an FBI report on Nicole Prause.
- December, 2018: Los Angeles Police Department and UCLA campus police confirm that Prause lied about filing police reports on Gary Wilson.
- Others – November, 2018: Prause resumes her unprovoked, libelous attacks on & Alexander Rhodes.
- Others – December, 2018: Prause joins xHamster to smear NoFap & Alexander Rhodes; induces to publish a hit-piece where Nicole Prause is the “expert”.
- Ongoing – David J. Ley is now collaborating porn industry giant xHamster to promote its websites and convince users that porn addiction and sex addiction are myths.
- Others – December, 2018: FBI confirms that Nicole Prause lied about filing a report on Alexander Rhodes.
- Others – January, 2019: Prause falsely accuses gay IITAP therapist of practicing conversion (reparative) therapy.
- February, 2019: Confirmation that Prause lied to the organizers of the European Society for Sexual Medicine conference, causing the ESSM to cancel Gary Wilson’s keynote address .
- Others – February, 2019: Prause falsely accuses Exodus Cry of fraud. Asks Twitter followers to report the non-profit to the Missouri attorney general (for spurious reasons), Appears to have edited the CEO’s Wikipedia page.
- March, 2019: Prause urges journalist Jennings Brown (senior editor & reporter at Gizmodo) to write a defamatory hit-piece on Gary Wilson (she also defames former UCLA colleague Rory Reid).
- Others – March, 2019: Prause & David Ley go on a cyber-harrasment & defamation rampage in response to an article in The Guardian: “Is porn making young men impotent?”
- March 17, 2019: Article by University of Wisconsin-Lacrosse student newspaper (The Racquet) posts false police report by Nicole Prause. Article is removed by the university.
- Others – March 17, 2019: Numerous Prause sock-puppets edit the Fight The New Drug Wikipedia page, as Prause simultaneously tweets content from her sock-puppets’ edits
- Others – April, 2019: Prause harasses and threatens therapist D.J. Burr, then maliciously reports him to the State of Washington Department of Health for things he did not do.
- April, 2019: Prause, Daniel Burgess and allies engage in unlawful trademark infringement of, by creating “RealYourBrainOnPorn” website and its social media accounts.
- April, 2019: On January 29, 2019 Prause filed a US trademark application to obtain YourBrainOnPorn & YourBrainOnPorn. Prause is sent a Cease & Desist letter for trademark squatting and trademark infringement (RealYBOP).
- April, 2019: RealYBOP twitter account (@BrainOnPorn) – In an attempted trademark grab Daniel Burgess, Prause & allies create a twitter account which supports a pro-porn industry agenda.
- April-May, 2019: Daniel Burgess? Nicole Prause? as “Sciencearousal”: Reddit account promotes “” while disparaging Gary Wilson & the legitimate “Your Brain On Porn”.
- May 9, 2019: Prause’s reply to Gary Wilson’s cease and desist (for trademark squatting & infringement) contains numerous lies & false allegations. Prause’ laywer also represnted!
- April-May, 2019: Two “NeuroSex” sockpuppets (SecondaryEd2020 & Sciencearousal) edit Wikipedia, inserting links and Prause-like propaganda.
- May, 2019: The World Health Organization publishes a paper describing Nicole Prause’s numerous ICD-11 comments (“antagonistic comments, such as accusations of a conflict of interest or incompetence”).
- Others – May, 2019: Nicole Prause triggers defamation per se lawsuit with bogus sexual harassment claim against Donald Hilton, MD.
- Others – June, 2019: David Ley and Prause (as RealYBOP Twitter & “sciencearousal”) continue their campaign to connect porn recovery forums to white supremacists/Nazis.
- June, 2019: MDPI (the parent company of the journal Behavioral Sciences) publishes an editorial about Nicole Prause’s unethical behavior surrounding her unsuccessful attempts to have Park et al., 2016 retracted.
- June, 2019: MDPI’s official response to the MDPI Wikipedia page fiasco (it had been edited by several Nicole Prause sockpuppets)
- July, 2019: Donald Hilton amends defamation lawsuit to include affidavits from 9 other victims of Prause, Texas Board of Medical Examiners complaint, incorrectly accusing Dr. Hilton of falsifying his credentials.
- July, 2019: John Adler, MD affidavit: Donald Hilton defamation lawsuit against Nicole R Prause & Liberos LLC
- July, 2019: Gary Wilson affidavit: Donald Hilton defamation lawsuit against Nicole R Prause & Liberos LLC.
- July, 2019: Alexander Rhodes affidavit: Donald Hilton defamation lawsuit against Nicole R Prause & Liberos LLC.
- July, 2019: Staci Sprout, LICSW affidavit: Donald Hilton defamation lawsuit against Nicole R Prause & Liberos LLC.
- July, 2019: Linda Hatch, PhD affidavit: Donald Hilton defamation lawsuit against Nicole R Prause & Liberos LLC.
- July, 2019: Bradley Green, PhD affidavit: Donald Hilton defamation lawsuit against Nicole R Prause & Liberos LLC.
- July, 2019: Stefanie Carnes, PhD affidavit: Donald Hilton defamation lawsuit against Nicole R Prause & Liberos LLC.
- July, 2019: Geoff Goodman, PhD affidavit: Donald Hilton defamation lawsuit against Nicole R Prause & Liberos LLC.
- July, 2019: Laila Haddad affidavit: Donald Hilton defamation lawsuit against Nicole R Prause & Liberos LLC.
- Prause’s history of intentionally mischaracterizing porn-related research (including her own).
Prause Page #3
- July 4, 2019: Prause escalates her stalking and harassment by delivering a bogus Cease & Desist letter to my home at 10:00 pm (her lawyer also represented
- July, 2019: Prause supplies troll NerdyKinkyCommie with a YBOP trademark lawsuit document; NerdyKinkyCommie lies about a document; RealYBOP experts spread his libelous tweets, adding their own lies
- August, 2019: In the wake of two mass shootings (El Paso & Dayton), Nicole Prause & David Ley try to connect Gary Wilson, YBOP and Nofap to white nationalism & Nazis.
- August 9, 2019: Don Hilton’s 21-page response (with 57 pages of exhibits) to the Nicole Prause motion to dismiss his defamation lawsuit
- August, 2019: Realyourbrainonporn (Daniel Burgess/Nicole Prause) 110+ tweet defamation/harassment of Gary Wilson: They “discover” fake Mormon porn URLs “found” in the Internet Wayback Archive.
- August 27, 2019: In response to Wilson exposing Prause & Burgess’s lies & defamation surrounding fake porn URLs they discovered on the Wayback Archive, their lawyer sends another bogus Cease & Desist letter with more false accusations.
- September, 2019: Nicole Prause & David Ley commit perjury in Don Hilton defamation lawsuit.
- September, 2019: Nicole Prause gets Medium user Marny Anne suspended. Prause falsely states in defamatory tweet (along with other lies) that Marny Anne was Gary Wilson.
- Others – September, 2019: In response to a CNN special involving NoFap, RealYBOP Twitter (run by Prause & Burgess) defames and harasses Alex Rhodes of Nofap (about 30 tweets).
- Others – October, 2019: RealYBOP twitter (Prause, Daniel Burgess) defame Alex Rhodes & Gabe Deem, falsely claiming both tried to “take down”
- Others – October, 2019: In response to “The Doctors” featuring Alex Rhodes RealYBOP twitter (Prause & Daniel Burgess) cyber-stalks, defames & harasses Rhodes with numerous tweets (even asks twitter to un-verify NoFap).
- Others – October, 2019: NoFap founder Alexander Rhodes files a defamation lawsuit against Nicole Prause / Liberos LLC.
- Others – ONGOING: In response to Alex Rhodes’s defamation lawsuit, Nicole Prause and @BrainOnPorn twitter defame & harass Rhodes (adding to her numerous counts of defamation).
- November, 2019: Prause enters the California “Safe At Home Program” under false pretenses, misusing it to harass her victims and critics.
- November, 2019: Prause misuses “Safe At Home Program”: She threatens YBOP’s web-host (Linode) with a fraudulent Cease & Desist letter, falsely claiming her address is on YBOP (it wasn’t).
- Others – November, 2019: Prause misuses “Safe At Home Program”: She threatens YouTube channel with legal action, falsely claiming a video was defamatory & linked to her home address on YBOP.
- Others – November, 2019: In response to Diana Davison’s Post Millennial expose’, Prause harasses & defames Davison, followed by a bogus Cease & Desist letter, demanding $10,000 from Davison.
- Others – November, 2019: Prause attacks journalist Rebecca Watson (“skepchicks”), saying she lied about everything in her video covering the Alex Rhodes defamation suit against Prause.
- December, 2019 onward: The RealYourBrainOnPorn YouTube channel initially identified itself as Nicole Prause (thereby also identifying Prause as sockpuppet “TruthShallSetSetYouFree”)
- Others – Ongoing: To suppress criticism Prause threatened numerous Twitter accounts with bogus defamation lawsuits (Mark Schuenemann, Tom Jackson, Matthew, TranshumanAI, “anonymous”, others).
- Others – 2019-2020: Multiple incidents – Nicole Prause and presumed aliases (@BrainOnPorn) target Don Hilton even AFTER his defamation lawsuit against Prause is filed.
- Others – January, 2020: RealYBOP twitter (Prause) defames Dr. Tarek Pacha (who presented on PIED), falsely stating he’s not a urologist and has conflict of interests.
- Others – January, 2020: RealYBOP twitter (Prause) attacks Laila Mickelwait in its defense of Pornhub’s under-age looking porn and absence of age-verification.
- January, 2020: Nicole Prause attempts to take down YBOP by threatening its web host (Linode) with a 2nd bogus Cease & Desist letter. Her lawyer also represented
- February, 2020: Prause tweets numerous lies: (1) that her address appears on YBOP, (2) that the CA Attorney General forced Linode to remove address from YBOP, (3) that Staci Sprout & Gary Wilson have been posting her home address “online”.
- Others – February, March, 2020: Prause files a baseless, failed small claims court suit in California against therapist Staci Sprout.
- February, 2020: @BrainOnPorn (Prause) harasses author of “NoFap won’t make you a Nazi: Why MSM can’t get a grip on internet’s anti-masturbation activists” (while defaming Nofap & Wilson).
- February, 2020: RealYBOP twitter (Prause) defames Gary Wilson, falsely claiming he created this twitter account (@RobbertSocial) to “stalk” and “threaten violence”.
- February, March, 2020: Prause seeks groundless temporary restraining order (TRO) against Wilson using fabricated “evidence” and her usual lies. TRO appears to be an attempt to remove documentation of Prause’s defamation from YBOP.
- Others – January-May, 2020: Prause incites defamatory UK article (Scram News) in an effort to have Alex Rhodes’s “Donor Box” fundraising campaign removed (Scram forced to retract, apologize & pay damages to Rhodes)
- Others – February/March 2020: Prause (apparently) reports Alex Rhodes to the Pennsylvania Board of Psychology for practicing psychology without a license because CNN filmed him in a group with other young men, all talking about porn’s effect.
- Others – May, 2020: Nicole Prause threatens DonorBox CEO (Charles Zhang) with a small claims lawsuit for revealing her lies, behind the scenes harassment and malicious reporting (all in a failed attempt take down Rhodes’s crowdfunding).
- June, 2020: Former porn star Jenna Jameson chastises @BrainOnPorn for creating a screenshot falsely portraying Jameson as criticizing NoFap (Jameson calls @BrainOnPorn “Shady as f**k”).
Prause Page #4
- Others – July, 2020: @BrainOnPorn (Prause) falsely accuses Gabe Deem of working with groups that threaten to kill and rape “us”. This is defamation per se (contains additional defamatory tweets).
- Others – July, 2020: @BrainOnPorn (Prause) falsely accuses Staci Sprout of stating that RealYourBrainOnPorn researchers molest children.
- Others – July, 2020: @BrainOnPorn (Prause) urges followers to report Staci Sprout to the National Association of Social Workers and the state of Washington (illicitly posting Staci’s license number).
- July, 2020: @BrainOnPorn (Prause) falsely accuses Gary Wilson of sending death threats in connection with ‘exchange’ of views about “Sexual Responsivity and the Effects of Negative Mood on Sexual Arousal in Hypersexual Men Who Have Sex With Men” (2020).
- August, 2020: Gary Wilson Wins Legal Victory Against Sexologist Nicole Prause’s Efforts to Silence Him.
- August, 2020: Right before my Anti-SLAPP hearing Nicole Prause’s lawyer tried to quit because she attempted to force him to behave unethically. He said Prause was hostile and threatening to sue him.
- August, 2020: One week prior to the Anti-SLAPP hearing, Prause went on Twitter to falsely announce that she had a “protective order” against me, inciting her devoted followers to cyber-stalk me.
- August, 2020: In Prause’s attempted restraining order (which was dismissed as meritless) she fabricated so-called “evidence,” which included doxxing and defaming my son.
- August, 2020: The organizers of 5th International Conference on Behavioral Addictions expose Prause as committing perjury in her failed attempt at a restraining order (i.e. my Anti-SLAPP victory)
- August, 2020: In response to my legal victory, @BrainOnPorn (Prause) goes on a cyberstalking & defamation rampage.
- August, 2020: LifeSite News publishes a Gary Wilson interview; Prause harasses & defames the author, threatens legal action (of course she did).
- Others – August, 2020: In response to Gabe Deem’s video “The Porn Playbook”, @BrainOnPorn posts over 20 defamatory and disparaging tweets (falsely claiming Gabe sent death & rape threats).
- August, 2020: To avoid permanent suspension for trademark infringement, Prause renames RealYBOP twitter account (@BrainOnPorn). Its new bio falsely states I filed 7 lawsuits to take down the twitter account.
- August, 2020: @BrainOnPorn (Prause) posts lies from Brian Watson’s error-filled hit-piece. Prause then edits Watson’s falsehoods into the Nofap Wikipedia page.
- August, 2020: Five brand new accounts (likely Prause sockpuppets) edit the Nofap Wikipedia page, entering numerous falsehoods recently tweeted by Prause & @BrainOnPorn.
- Others – August, 2020: @BrainOnPorn (Prause) says DJ Burr’s fundraiser for his incarcerated 14-year old brother constitutes fraud. Falsely accuses Burr of stalking, says he should join his brother in jail.
- August, 2020: To circumvent trademark infringement “Really Still Your Brain On Porn” changed its name to “Anti-Your Brain On Porn.” Prause then officially operated a stalker account (defaming harassing & stalking me and my family, but saying nothing about YBOP).
- August, 2020: Prause files bankruptcy to escape liability for 3 yet-to-be tried defamation suits (Hilton, Rhodes, Minc) and avoid paying me the attorney-fee debt she had incurred (in my Anti-SLAPP victory)
- August, 2020: Prause’s bankruptcy documents falsify her often-repeated fiction that she has relocated her home “multiple times” due to being stalked (primarily by Gary Wilson, of course).
- Others – September, 2020: Aaron Minc, JD announces his defamation lawsuit against Nicole Prause (Minc owns the law firm representing Alex Rhodes).
- September, 2020: @BrainOnPorn (Prause) disciplined by Twitter for abuse and harassment of me and others.
- Others – Ongoing: Prause uses @BrainOnPorn and @NicoleRPrause to harass & defame Laila Mickelwait after she initiates the TraffickingHub campaign to hold Pornhub responsible for hosting child porn and videos of trafficked females (over 100 tweets). Prause falsely accuses Laila of supporting or sending death threats.
- Others – Ongoing: Prause uses @BrainOnPorn and @NicoleRPrause to falsely accuse Matt Fradd of committing fraud, threatening physical violence, inciting violence, and supporting “death threats” and “stalking of women”
- Others – Ongoing: @BrainOnPorn (Prause) falsely accuses Gail Dines of “being in a group” that sends death threats, stalks female scientists, and views women as expendable & worthy of violence.
- Others – Ongoing: @BrainOnPorn (Prause) falsely accuses Liz Walker of encouraging death threats against women, supporting death threats, being anti-LGBTQ, and a hatemonger.
- Others – Ongoing: Prause uses @BrainOnPorn and @NicoleRPrause to falsely accuse therapist DJ Burr of “being in a group” that sends death threats, incites violence, prevents women from getting protection, etc.
- Others – Ongoing: Prause uses @BrainOnPorn and @NicoleRPrause to falsely accuse therapist Staci Sprout of “advocating for murdering women,” “supporting death threats,” “inciting violence,” “threatening women,” “sending death threats,” “silencing victims of stalking,” misogyny, etc.
- Others – Ongoing: Prause (@BrainOnPorn) falsely accuses therapist Staci Sprout of being anti-LGBTQ, supporting eugenics, saying “trans are not people,” saying marriage “should only be between a man & woman,” etc.
- Ongoing: Prause uses @BrainOnPorn and @NicoleRPrause to falsely accuse therapist Linda Hatch, PhD of “threatening to kill her,” “supporting & inciting death threats,” committing perjury, “silencing scientists” and in part responsible for the Atlanta massage parlor shootings.
- Others – Ongoing: Prause uses @BrainOnPorn and @NicoleRPrause to falsely accuse NCOSE of “supporting eugenics”, “supporting violence & inciting death threats”, “being a hate group”, being Anti-LGBT, and inciting the Atlanta massage parlor shootings.
- Others – Ongoing: Prause uses @BrainOnPorn and @NicoleRPrause to falsely accuse Stefanie Carnes, PhD of “committing perjury,” “threatening to kill scientists,” “colluding to protect a harasser,” “supporting & inciting death threats,” “trying to destroy her,” and in part responsible for the Atlanta massage parlor shootings.
- Others – Ongoing: Prause uses @BrainOnPorn and @NicoleRPrause to falsely accuse the Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health (SASH) of “attempting to destroy dissent at any cost,” “supporting death & legal threats,” “supporting stalking of Prause,” “claiming she was funded by Pornhub,” and “supporting eugenics”.
- Others – Ongoing: Prause uses @BrainOnPorn and @NicoleRPrause to falsely accuse Gabe Deem of “inciting domestic terrorism,” “inciting violence against women,” “engaging in misogyny & fraud,” “supporting death threats & racism,” “encouraging murder of female scientists,” “threatening to kill women,” “is anti-LGBT,” and “supporting eugenics.”
- Others – Ongoing: Prause uses @BrainOnPorn and @NicoleRPrause to falsely accuse Fight The New Drug (FTND) of being anti-LGBT, “promoting misogyny,” “committing fraud,” and “teaching eugenics”.
Prause Page #5
- Others – October 13, 2020: Obsessive cyberstalker @BrainOnPorn (Prause) escalates to 170 tweets per day targeting “anti-porn” groups, including 70 tweets in 20 minutes attacking NoFap.
- Others – October 13, 2020: Following 70 tweets in 20 minutes targeting NoFap, @BrainOnPorn (Prause) posts another 18 tweets urging others to report Alex Rhodes to the Pennsylvania Bureau of Corporations & Charitable Organizations for his fundraising effort.
- Others – October 13, 2020: Following ~100 tweets targeting NoFap earlier in the day, @BrainOnPorn (Prause) posts another 30 lie-filled tweets targeting Rhodes and Nofap (resorting to misrepresenting events that occurred when Rhodes was a young teen).
- October 23, 2020: Prause’s porn-industry shill Twitter account (@BrainOnPorn) is permanently banned for targeted harassment and abuse.
- October 25, 2020: Yet another spurious Cease and Desist delivered to my door. In this one Prause demands payment of $240,000 or she will sue.
- October 25, 2020: Marnia (my wife) receives another spurious Cease and Desist delivered to our home by courier. In this one Prause demands payment of $220,000 or she will sue.
- November, 2020: Prause threatens Bill Tavis with a defamation lawsuit for stating in a YouTube comment that Prause attended the X-Rated Critics Organization (XRCO) awards ceremony (which she did)
- Others – December, 2020: Prause threatens Gabe Deem with a lie-filled Cease and Desist letter, demanding he pay her $100,000 in damages and remove tweets he did not post.
- Others – January, 2021: Prause falsely accuses New York Times journalist Nicholas Kristof of inciting violence against her and supporting death threats just because he wrote an expose’ on Pornhub.
- January, 2021: Gary Wilson acquires (RealYBOP) in trademark infringement settlement
- January, 2021: Gary Wilson wins second lawsuit against serial harasser/defamer Nicole Prause: Demonstrating once again that Prause is the perpetrator, not the victim.
- January, 2021: In another lie-filled C&D letter, Prause falsely states she won the above lawsuit, and will continue to file new actions until I am bankrupt (yet it was Prause who filed bankruptcy to avoid paying me the attorney-fee debt she had incurred).
- February, 2021 (Ongoing): No lie too big. Prause confidently claims that she has never lost a lawsuit to anyone, including me!
- February, 2021 (Ongoing): A milestone for Nicole Prause? 50+ apparent sockpuppets to edit Wikipedia with her biases, lies and defamation.
- February, 2021: Prause posts 70 tweets in 5 days falsely stating that I placed her address on YBOP – and she was grabbed on the street in 2019 as a consequence. Yet in 2020 Prause tweeted that no one, including me, has her real address. Her lies don’t match (documents tweets beyond the 5 days).
- February, 2021: Prause tweets that “Exhibit #5” from her failed lawsuit proves I posted her address on YBOP. I tweet a screenshot of Exhibit #5 proving Prause is lying.
- Others – February, 2021 (Ongoing): Is Prause already violating her settlement agreements?
- Others – March, 2021: Prause lies to Patreon in an attempt to get Gabe Deem banned.
- Others – March, 2021: Prause accuses Gabe Deem of inciting the Atlanta massage parlor killings
- March, 2021: Prause falsely accuses a recovering porn addict (@lino55591777) of being a Gary Wilson sockpuppet (she then lies about what he tweeted).
- Others – March, 2021: Prause escalates into targeting Laila Mickelwait’s toddler.
- March, 2021: Nicole Prause’s Twitter account (@NicoleRPrause) temporarily banned for “posting violent threats”
- April, 2021: Prause falsely accuses me of “tracking her computer,” and “threatening her website,”. Falsely claims I said she was responsible for a DDOS attack on
- April, 2021: CNET badgered into removing Prause’s name from one sentence in their article. Prause falsely claims the original sentence had Gabe Deem and me saying Prause is “funded by the porn industry”.
- April, 2021: Prause extends her blatant cyberstalking to posting my wife’s Venmo “friends” list, lying that they were paid to produce anti-porn presentations.
- April, 2021: Prause manipulates screenshots to deceive viewers that someone wants her in hell. Yet the original tweet was about Pornhub, not about her!
- Others – April, 2021: Two apparent Prause aliases edit the Exodus Cry and NCOSE Wikipedia pages, trying to insert the VICE hit-piece Prause concurrently tweeted over 20 times (among other edits).
- Others – April, 2021: Prause falsely accuses The Post Millennial editors of publishing false and defamatory claims that led to death and rape threats directed at herself and other female scientists.
- April, 2021: Prause falsely claims she was accused over 1,000 times of having attended the XBIZ awards (it was the XRCO awards). Her tweets falsely accuse feminist Julie Bindel of attending XRCO awards.
- April, 2021: Prause trolls falsely accusing it of inciting violence against women.
- Ongoing – The Numerous Victims of Nicole Prause’s Malicious Reporting and Malicious Use of Process
Prause Page #6
- Others – April 2021: In support of Mindgeek, Prause attacks two Canadian MPs who are on House of Commons Ethics Committee investigating Pornhub’s egregious practices and possible crimes
- April 2021: Prause falsely accuses Twitter account @Countscary of being Gary Wilson
- Others – April, 2021: Melissa Farmer spreads Prause’s lies and has to settle costly lawsuit
- Others – April, 2021: Nicole Prause suggests that Exodus Cry and Laila Mickelwait were involved in the apparent arson of Pornhub CEO Feras Antoon’s unfinished Montreal mansion
- Others -April 26, 2021: Prause harasses and reports Rebecca Watson (“SkepChick”) to YouTube and Patreon for posting an update on Prause’s legal affairs. YouTube wrongly censors Watson.
- Others – May 7, 2021: Rebecca Watson posts video chronicling Prause’s DMCA attempts, cyberstalking, and defamation. Prause responds with 30 libelous tweets; files complaints with Patreon; accuses Watson of inciting violence.
- Others – May 7, 2021: Frustrated by online criticism, Prause creates a lie-filled slide to “debunk” Rebecca Watson’s video, tweeting it 12 times in a 20-minute period (appears Prause blocked the accounts she tweeted under).
- Others – May 7, 2021: Prause appears to use an alias Reddit account (Agreeable-Plane-5361) to disparage Rebecca Watson and others mentioned in her video (Gary Wilson, NoFap)
- Others – May, 2021: In blatant support of Pornhub, Prause assists XBIZ and The Free Speech Coalition in their smear campaigns against TraffickingHub and Laila Mickelwait.
- May 2021: Prause fails to renew her old URL and loses it. When the URL redirects to a sex-toy shop she falsely accuses “anti-porn activists” of being involved and reports this non-event to the police.
- Others – May, 2021: Prause falsely accuses therapist Staci Sprout of reporting her to Twitter for making violent threats (which Prause incorrectly labels a “criminal report”)
- Others – May, 2021: Prause falsely accuses therapist Staci Sprout of (1) saying Prause was never assaulted and (2) disseminating the lab address where Prause claims she was assaulted
July 4, 2019: Prause escalates her stalking and harassment by delivering a bogus Cease and Desist letter to my home at about 10:00 pm (her lawyer, Giampietro, also represented
Nicole Prause and the lawyer she employs to threaten people, Wayne Giampietro (Prause has other lawyers defending her in defamation suits) cobbled together her usual spate of falsehoods, fairy tales, and empty threats in a hand delivered cease and desist letter.
Prause has a history of sending spurious cease and desist (C&D) letters to people who question her unsupported assertions. A number of the C&D letters Prause has posted online or sent are reproduced here: Prause silencing people with fake “no contact” demands and spurious cease & desist letters (Linda Hatch, Rob Weiss, Gabe Deem, Gary Wilson, Marnia Robinson, Alex Rhodes, etc.). As far as I know everyone has ignored Prause’s spurious C&Ds. I actually responded to her 2015 bogus cease and desist letter, asking her lawyer to provide for proof of my supposed wrongdoings. Five years later, I’m still waiting.
Incidentally, prior to this dispute, Giampietro represented a party associated with Backpage (an online marketplace that was shut down for trafficking minors). was shuttered by the Federal government “for its willful facilitation of human trafficking and prostitution.” (See this USA Today article: 93-count indictment on sex trafficking charges revealed against Backpage founders). The indictment charged Backpage owners, along with others, of conspiring to knowingly facilitate prostitution offenses through the website, and contended that the trafficked people included teenage girls. For details on Giampietro’s involvement see – In an odd turn of events, assets were seized by Arizona, with Prause’s counsel Wayne B. Giampietro LLC listed as forfeiting $100,000.
On to the July 4th, 2019 C&D letter. Prause’s lawyer states that I continue to make false allegations, statements and publications, yet he fails to provide an example of a single one. Giampietro does allude to “eight new posts attacking and defaming Dr. Prause,” yet provides no links or screenshots. Standard Giampierto/Prause. Nevertheless, I assumed Prause was upset that I debunked her factually-inaccurate July 2, Daily Beast article in this series of tweets (which remain):
1/ Debunking the new Daily Beast article "Porn Didn’t Break Your Penis” (by RealYBOP "expert" Nicole Prause):
It links to RealYBOP research & falsely states that 7 labs found no relationship between porn use & ED.
Debunked here:— Your Brain on Porn (@YourBrainOnPorn) July 2, 2019
I was also told on July 4th, 2019 that “Dr. Prause has reached the end of her patience with Mr. Wilson”. These threats were not only unfounded, but also empty. Not only does the above Twitter thread remain, Prause’s continued harassment means that I have since added 30 new sections to Prause page #2, and Prause page #3, and these extensive pages chronicling Prause’s ever increasing defamation and cyberstalking:
- Here we go again: In the wake of two mass shootings (El Paso & Dayton), Nicole Prause, @BrainOnPorn & David Ley and try to connect Gary Wilson, YBOP and Nofap to white nationalists & Nazis
- Nicole Prause, David Ley & @BrainOnPorn’s long history of harassing & defaming Alexander Rhodes of NoFap
- NoFap founder Alexander Rhodes defamation lawsuit against Nicole Prause / Liberos
- David Ley is compensated by porn industry giant xHamster to promote its websites and convince users that porn addiction and sex addiction are myths!
- Realyourbrainonporn (Daniel Burgess, Nicole Prause) defamation/harassment of Gary Wilson: They “discover” fake porn URLs in the Internet Wayback Archive (August, 2019)
- Is Porn Addictive? 6-minute video by journalist Diana Davison
Prause’s bogus cease and desist letter
Prause may be at the end of her patience with me, but I chose to disregard the above threat. The next communication I received was not a summons or complaint, but yet another full-of-lies cease and desist letter.
July, 2019: Prause supplies troll NerdyKinkyCommie with a YBOP trademark lawsuit document; NerdyKinkyCommie lies about a document; & RealYBOP experts spread his libelous tweets, adding their own lies
Background: NerdyKinkyCommie, whose Twitter handle was @SexualSocialist, appears to be a prolific troll (his two current twitter accounts are @nogoodchuck and @CommieKink). He freely admits to being obsessed with porn and sex and revels in harassing and defaming anyone who suggests that internet porn might cause problems. Among his favorite targets are Alexander Rhodes, NoFap, Fight The New Drug, Gary Wilson, and men in recovery from porn-related difficulties. Nerdy’s original Twitter account was permanently banned for relentless harassment of Fight The New Drug (Prause’s original account was also banned for harassment). In violation of Twitter rules, and just like Prause, Nerdy created a new Twitter account for trolling:
NerdyKinkyCommie often re-tweets Ley, RealYBOP and Prause propaganda. Prause, Ley and Nerdy regularly engage in friendly banter, expressing their disdain for the aforementioned targets. In June and July, NerdyKinkyCommie trolled Gary Wilson threads posting material mirroring Prause & Ley’s disgusting tweets and screenshots struggling in vain to connect Gary Wilson, YBOP and Nofap with Nazis and white nationalists. One example of many such tweets:
Prause’s disgusting collaboration with NerdyKinkyCommie resulted in a 7-day Twitter-ban for Nerdy:
Wilson reported NerdyKinkyCommie, who was eventually banned for a week by Twitter.
After the ban, NerdyKinkyCommie continued where he left off, this time aided by Prause, the RealYBOP Twitter account, and RealYBOP “experts.”
On July 21 David Ley tweets in Nerdy’s thread that defamed Wilson:
The next day NerdyKinkyCommie produced a tweet that was most certainly constructed by Nicole Prause.
- It falsely accused Wilson of being funded by The Reward Foundation (Prause concocted this lie in 2016, repeating it on social media and on Wikipedia)
- The screenshot is of a the YourBrainOnPorn UK trademark provided to Prause’s lawyers, by Wilson, in trademark infringement case made necessary because Prause had filed an application for an infringing trademark.
What the above screenshot actually shows: Acting as Gary Wilson’s UK representative and using Wilson’s money, The Reward Foundation (a UK charity) paid the UK government to trademark YourBrainOnPorn in the UK. The UK trademark was a response to Prause trying to shut down YBOP by:
- filing a trademark application to obtain YOURBRAINONPORN and YOURBRAINONPORN.COM in January of 2019 (click for much more), and
- publicizing a new website with the trademark-infringing URL in April of 2019.
As thoroughly explained elsewhere Wilson donates the proceeds of his book to The Reward Foundation. Wilson accepts no money, and has never received a dime for any of his efforts. YBOP accepts no ads and Wilson has accepted no fees for speaking. As documented in these sections, Prause has constructed a libelous fairy tale that Wilson is being paid by the same charity he donates his book proceeds to:
- 2015 & 2016: Nicole Prause violates COPE’s code of conduct to harass Gary Wilson, his publisher, and a Scottish charity (The Reward Foundation)
- May – July, 2018: In emails, in the ICD-11 comments section, and on Wikipedia, Prause and her sockpuppets falsely claim that Wilson received 9,000 pounds from The Reward Foundation
In fact, this is not true. The above two sections are addressed in Gary Wilson’s sworn affidavit, which is part of the Dr. Hilton’s defamation lawsuit filed against Dr. Prause. Here are the relevant sections of Wilson’s sworn affidavit filed in Federal Court: Gary Wilson of YBOP (affidavit #2 in Hilton defamation lawsuit):
Put simply, Nikky and Nerdy are collaborating in provable defamation (to repeat, Prause provided Nerdy with the “evidence” for his misleading tweet). Then RealYBOP, RealYBOP “experts” and good old PornHub jumped aboard. First we have RealYBOP (Prause) immediately retweeting Nerdy’s lies, and adding her own (RealYBOP “expert” Roger Libby also comments):
All lies. RealYBOP isn’t a registered non-profit. In fact, all the experts advertise their services on RealYBOP. Moreover, David Ley and two other “experts” (Justin Lehmiller and Chris Donaghue) are being paid to promote xHamster websites! If you believe that RealYBOP isn’s biased, check out their tweets, or their so-called “research page”. Other RealYBOP “experts” joined NerdyKinkCommie in defaming the legitimate YBOP, Wilson, and The Reward Foundation. First, “expert” Victoria Hartmann:
Then, of course, David Ley:
Taylor Kohut (as Smart Lab), who rarely tweets
Finally we have PornHub, a RealYBOP ally, “liking” the defamatory tweet (PornHub’s was the first Twitter account to tweet about RealYBOp’s new Twitter account and website when it appeared):
Hmmm… PornHub, Prause, Ley and Hartmann all “liking” the tweet of an obscure Twitter troll who had recently completed a 7-day ban for harassing Gary Wilson. Go figure.
The cherry on top of RealYBOP’s targeted defamatory cyberstalking: As described here, RealYBOP’s reddit account, sciencearousal trolled and spammed reddit porn recovery forums, usually posting wherever Gary Wilson’s name or “Your Brain On Porn” appeared. In her recent reddit posts, sciencearousal spammed a nofap subreddit with the same Rob Kuznia article frequently tweeted by RealYBOP and Nikky (Kuznia is pals with Nikky). Nofap deleted her post:
RealYBOP/sciencearousal comment where she links to her fav – David Duke’s article about porn, which contains a link to Gary Wilson’s TEDx Talk (Sciencearousal comment was deleted):
Scouring the internet for anything Ley can use to smear Wilson, he pounced upon an obscure (and disgusting) David Duke blog post containing a link to Gary Wilson’s TEDx talk. Wilson’s TEDx talk has some 12 million views, so thousands of folks of all stripes have linked to (and recommended) Wilson’s talk, “The Great Porn Experiment.”
How does this implicate Gary Wilson as a “white supremacist?” It doesn’t, of course. This ridiculous assertion is like suggesting all dog lovers are Nazi’s because Hitler loved his dogs. It’s the equivalent of claiming that the producers of “The Matrix” are neo-Nazis because David Duke liked their movie. See: Ongoing – David Ley & Prause’s ongoing attempts to smear YBOP/Gary Wilson & Nofap/Alexander Rhodes by claiming links with neo-Nazi sympathizers.
Update August 20, 2019: Nerdykinky, Prause, David Ley and Ron Swanson (Daniel Burgess alias) form a twitter thread surrounding the above section. Since Nerdy is unaware of the Prause pages, it’s highly likely this twitter orgy was orchestrated by Prause.
Ron Swanson appears to be a Daniel Burgess alias. Who is Burgess? It was discovered that Burgess owns the URL for Nicole Prause’s lawyer is now representing Burgess in legal proceedings with YBOP. Prause and Burgess’s lawyer, Wayne B. Giampietro, was one of the primary lawyers involved in the recent, very famous BackPage case – defending Backpage and related holding companies against sex trafficking charges:
Swanson is not a real person and has only tweeted a few dozen times since 2016. After 2 years of never tweeting Ron Swanson tweeted twice asking Gary Wilson ig he needed legal help with the realyourbrainonporn trademark infringement case (Ron claimed to “know a lot about this sort of thing”).
Wilson suspected Ron was Burgess because the account was 3 years old, dormant, had only a dozen or so tweets – yet it contained a tweet to Instagram pictures of Daniel Burgess and his wife doing CrossFit training (Burgess is a cross-fit nut: even has a Facebook page called “CrossFit Dan“, which he used to post numerous libelous comments about Gary Wilson). A dead give-away.

The cyberstalkers join forces again: Burgess, Ley, Prause and Nerdykinkycommie (Nerdy’s two current twitter accounts are @nogoodchuck and @CommieKink). It’s almost comical.
The above group also joined forces to engage in a 120-tweet, 4-day rampage targeting Wilson: August, 2019: Realyourbrainonporn (Daniel Burgess/Nicole Prause) 100+ tweet defamation/harassment of Gary Wilson: They “discover” fake porn URLs “found” in the Internet Wayback Archive
September 11th, 2019 – Nerdy trolls Wilson again:
My reply to nerdykinkycommie:
nerdykinkycommie appears to have violent tendancies. @nogoodchuck used to be @SexualSocialist (nerdykinkycommie) – and has other active accounts (@CommieKink). Prause and he are really tight, and cyberstalk as a tandem. Important to know that @nogoodchuck/nerdykinkycomie has posted tweets asking fro people to be killed, including cops and “rich people”. Many of us fear for our safety as Nicole Prause cowardly uses her RealYBOP account to encourage and incite her mentally unstable followers (like attracts like).
Another. Kill cops:
Kill farmers:
There are several more examples, but this will do.
UPDATE (April, 2021): Twitter banned nerdykinkycommie (@nogoodchuck, @sexualsocialist).
What too Twitter so long?
August, 2019: In the wake of two mass shootings (El Paso & Dayton), Nicole Prause & David Ley try to connect Gary Wilson, YBOP and Nofap to white nationalists & Nazis
In a new low (which is saying something), Nicole Prause used the tragic deaths of innocent people once again to defame Gary Wilson and NoFap while promoting the porn industry agenda. On the Monday following two mass shootings (Dayton and El Paso) Prause posted tweets and screenshots vainly trying to connect Gary Wilson, YBOP and Nofap to Nazis and white nationalists.
This disgusting tactic is nothing new. The same day as the Pittsburgh synagogue shootings, Prause and Ley published their defamatory Psychology Today article targeting Gary Wilson (, Gabe Deem (RebootNation) and Nofap (“Why Fascists Hate Masturbation: The rise of nationalism coincides with anti-masturbation movements”). These incidents reveal their malice and deceit.
As chronicled in many other sections, when such tragedies occur, Prause and Ley appear to scour the internet for any comments mentioning Gary Wilson’s TEDx talk, YBOP, or NoFap – all in the hope that a few are posted by white nationalists. (Alternatively, Prause or Ley may be using aliases to post their own fabricated comments – to use in their propaganda campaign. We have documented over 60 Prause aliases on these pages: page 1, page 2.)
Here are other sections of the “Prause pages” documenting Prause and Ley’s repugnant campaign to falsely characterize YBOP and porn recovery communities as Nazi sympathizers.
- Ongoing – David Ley & Prause’s ongoing attempts to smear YBOP/Gary Wilson & Nofap/Alexander Rhodes by claiming links with neo-Nazi sympathizers
- October, 2018: Ley & Prause devise an article purporting to connect Gary Wilson, Alexander Rhodes and Gabe Deem to white supremacists/fascists (Prause attacks Rhodes & Nofap in the comments section)
- October, 2018: Prause follows-up the “fascist” article by attacking & libeling Alexander Rhodes and Nofap on twitter
- October, 2018: Prause follows-up the “fascist” article by attacking and libeling Gary Wilson on twitter, for the 300th or so time
- November, 2018: Prause resumes her unprovoked, libelous attacks on & Alexander Rhodes
- December, 2018: Prause joins xHamster to smear NoFap & Alexander Rhodes; induces to publish a hit-piece where Nicole Prause is the “expert”
Prause/Ley capture (or produce) the posts, store them, and wait for the next racist-fueled tragedy. Then they grab meaningless screenshots and “explain” them with defamatory assertions. Is it a surprise that Prause is now being sued for defamation? Gary Wilson and Alex Rhodes of Nofap have provided sworn affidavits in connection with that suit, which include among numerous incidents, Prause’s lies that both are Nazi sympathizers. See:
- July, 2019: Gary Wilson affidavit: Donald Hilton defamation lawsuit against Nicole R Prause & Liberos LLC.
- July, 2019: Alexander Rhodes affidavit: Donald Hilton defamation lawsuit against Nicole R Prause & Liberos LLC.
Even if Prause’s screenshots are real, a white nationalist linking to Wilson’s TEDx Talk tells us nothing about Wilson or anyone else who believes viewing porn may cause problems. If a Nazi links to a Motor Trend review of the Ford F150 does that mean that everyone who drives a Ford, or is employed by Ford is a Nazi? This type of malicious propaganda is simply how Prause and Ley roll.
On to the current set of Prause/Ley revolting tweets. (tweet #1)
Below we provide the two screenshots Prause featured with the above tweet (picture #1, picture #2). Notice how Gary Wilson’s name is highlighted, which means that Prause searched these sites for Wilson’s name, his TED Talk, or his website. Given her preoccupation with fabricating dirt, how does Prause find time to do research? (Such as completing her upcoming study that allegedly acquired subjects via the Free Speech Coalition – the lobbying arm for the porn industry!)
Also note that “anonymous” posted Philip Zimbardo’s famous TED talk, The Demise of Guys?, a Buzzfeed article, a Max Planck Institute fMRI study on porn users, and an article by Is Prause suggesting that Zimbardo, everyone at BuzzFeed, everyone the Max Planck Institute, and all associated with are Nazi sympathizers? Absurd.
In this second screenshot, Gary Wilson’s obsessed cyberstalker (Prause) once again highlights his name:
As before, the list includes links to other well known Nazi sympathizers (joke) such as Phil Zimbardo, Buzzfeed, Brown University, Cambridge University researchers, PlosOne,, and Scribd.
In response to David Ley’s oh-so-genuine inquiry, a second disgusting tweet by Prause:
Once again, Prause is searching only for Gary Wilson or his website. How this screenshot implicates Wilson as a Nazi is anyone’s guess:
This second Prause screenshot mentions a growing body of research, which is quite solid, even if “Sentinel” turns out to be a white nationalist rather than her own cyber progeny. (Prause provides no evidence of who Sentinel might be.)
As for the tweet’s assertion, see this page for over 100 studies linking porn use/porn addiction to sexual problems, lower arousal to sexual stimuli, and poorer sexual & relationship satisfaction.
As for Gary Wilson, watch this July, 2019 interview in which he and Mark Queppet specifically discuss the lies propagated by Prause, Ley and their minions (some of whom have received Twitter bans for posting that Wilson is a Nazi): Porn Science and Science Deniers: Mark Queppet interviews Gary Wilson (July, 2019).
August 9, 2019: Don Hilton’s 21-page response (with 57 pages of exhibits) to the Nicole Prause motion to dismiss his defamation lawsuit
Nicole R. Prause filed a motion to dismiss Donald Hilton’s defamation lawsuit against her. Prause’s motion contained false statements and myriad unsupported allegations. Don Hilton responded with a 21-page opposition to dismiss (screenshots below) and 57 pages of supporting exhibits.
- Downloadable PDF – August 9, 2019: Don Hilton’s 21-page opposition to Nicole Prause’s motion to dismiss defamation per se case.
- Downloadable PDF – August 9, 2019: 57-pages of exhibits accompanying Don Hilton’s 21-page opposition to Prause’s motion to dismiss
Sections with all the earlier filings related to Hilton’s defamation lawsuit:
- May, 2019: Donald Hilton, MD files a defamation per se lawsuit against Nicole R Prause & Liberos LLC.
- July, 2019: Donald Hilton amends defamation lawsuit to include affidavits from 9 other victims of Prause, Texas Board of Medical Examiners complaint, incorrectly accusing Dr. Hilton of falsifying his credentials.
Screenshots of Don Hilton’s 21-page opposition to Nicole Prause’s motion to dismiss defamation per se case. (August 9, 2019)
You can follow along with this PDF of Don Hilton’s exhibits.
Links to all the court filings on this page: Donald Hilton defamation lawsuit against Nicole Prause: Downloadable PDF’s of Hilton lawsuit, exhibits, and affidavits by 9 other Prause victims
August 27, 2019: In response to Wilson exposing Prause & Burgess’s lies & defamation surrounding fake porn URLs they discovered on the Wayback Archive, their lawyer sends another bogus Cease & Desist letter with more false accusations.
Context: On August 21, Prause and the current owner of the RealYBOP URL, Daniel Burgess, miraculously discovered some 300 fake URLs inserted into the Wayback Internet archive. See: August, 2019: Realyourbrainonporn (Daniel Burgess/Nicole Prause) 100+ tweet defamation/harassment of Gary Wilson: They “discover” fake porn URLs “found” in the Internet Wayback Archive. This was immediately followed by RealYBOP Twitter (apparently managed by Prause) posting about the fake URLs 110 times in a single weekend. Usually, these were posted in my Twitter threads (she blocked me) or anywhere my name was mentioned.
During this 4-day rampage @BrainOnPorn posted over 110 tweets targeting me. Nearly every @BrainOnPorn tweet contained at least one defamatory statement (most contained several). Rather than posting 100+ tweets here, including tweets RealYBOP posted under other comments out of context, I’ve created this link. There you can see all the @BrainOnPorn tweets targeting me between August 22-26: PDF of over 100 RealYBOP tweets targeting Gary Wilson from August 22-26. Most contain defamation by RealYBOP.
In addition to the baseless character-impugning campaign conducted by the “Brain On Porn” Twitter account, the Twitter account also explicitly accused me of at least 3 felonies (screenshots below):
- Stalking women in person
- Making death threats, and
- Hacking into websites.
Publicly accusing people of sexual/professional misconduct and felonies is actionable. In fact, if a tribunal deems RealYBOP’s (Burgess’s) actions “defamation per se,” I need not show any commercial damages in order to recover. I am investigating the remedies open to me to seek redress for RealYBOP’s (Burgess’s) actions.
In addition to approximately 150 tweets in 4 days by “Brain On Porn” Twitter and its allies (@RonSwansonTime -Burgess alias, Nicole Prause, NerdyKinkyCommie, and David Ley), on August 22 this email by the realyourbrainonporn website admin was forwarded to Gary Wilson (is it Burgess who owns the URL, or Prause?):
As the organization forwarding the email knows me, and is keenly aware of both RealYBOP’s trademark infringement and Prause’s long history of defaming and harassing those in the porn-skeptic movement, its personnel knew it was all lies.
On August 27th Prause & Burgess’s lawyer, Wayne Giampietro, sent me another one of his lie-filled Cease and Desist letters:
Nothing but untruths by Prause/Burgess/Giampietro. While I strongly suspect that Prause, or Prause colleagues, were behind the fake Mormon porn URLs placed on the Internet WayBack Machine, I never stated that she or any of the RealYBOP “experts” inserted the fake “Mormon porn” URLs into Wayback Internet Archive. Nor did Giampietro’s bogus Cease and Desist letter provide evidence that I had said anything the sort. Nor did I “illegally alter the archives” of RealYBOP, and Giampietro provided zero evidence that I had (note: it is not “illegal” to insert URLs into the The Wayback Archive, even though I did not). In any case, our attorneys responded with this stern letter to Dr. Prause and her lawyer (reproduced below).
In response to RealYBOP’s Twitter rampage (in which Prause, apparently, was aided by @RonSwansonTime, who is likely a Burgess alias), NerdyKinkyCommie, and David Ley) I posted the following extensive Twitter thread exposing how “they” inserted fake YBOP URLs into the WayBack Machine archive and how I was being cyberstalked by RealYBOP, its aliases, and its allies. As you can see, none of the tweets accused anyone of “committing a felony of computer hacking”:
1/ BE AWARE- @BrainOnPorn is emailing organizations & individuals with false claims about YBOP.
In the last 24 hours @BrainOnPorn has posted 30 tweets about YBOP@BrainOnPorn also appears to have created a troll account to spread lies. It was suspended:— Your Brain on Porn (@YourBrainOnPorn) August 24, 2019
In the thread I explained how easy it was to insert fake URLs into the WayBack Machine Archive, and demonstrated by adding one for my own site.
5/ It's easy to insert fake URLs into The Wayback Machine. WayBack allows you to insert ANY URL as a way to save a page, even fake URLs.
I just inserted this fake URL into the WayBack (eventually the URL enters the URL list):— Your Brain on Porn (@YourBrainOnPorn) August 24, 2019
I also tweeted that another individual had inserted fake URLs into’s Wayback Archive, thus disproving RealYBOP’s Twitter claim that it could not be done:*/*
16/ Hilarious: An anonymous email reported that 2 fake URLs were inserted into the WayBack Machine archives of REALyourbrainonporn.
Link to RealYBOP URLs:
The @BrainOnPorn twitter falsely stated that fake URLs could NOT be inserted. Caught in another lie:— Your Brain on Porn (@YourBrainOnPorn) August 24, 2019
Now on to our lawyer’s 8-page response to Mr. Giampietro’s bogus August 27, 2019 cease and desist letter (PDF):
Again, this PDF of 120 tweets contains many more examples of RealYBOP (Prause or Burgess) defaming and harassing over a 4-day period.
September, 2019: Nicole Prause gets Medium user Marny Anne suspended. Prause falsely states in defamatory tweet (along with other lies) that Marny Anne was Gary Wilson
On September 15, 2019 Prause posted the following defamatory tweet (note how she never provides evidence for any claim). Link to suspended account:
Prause’s tweet contains several instances of defamation:
- I am not Marny Anne.
- Doxxing? I have never doxxed anyone (though Prause’s original Twitter account is permanently suspended for doxxing!).
- Police reports? Prause has made this claim for 7 years running, yet no law enforcement agency has ever contacted me (any harasser can file a fake police report). On the other hand, the FBI confirmed that Prause lied about filing an FBI report on Gary Wilson). The FBI encouraged me to file a report on Prause for lying about filing an FBI report. So I did: December, 2018: Gary Wilson files an FBI report on Nicole Prause
Fellow harasser David Ley followed hers up with his own defamatory tweet:
I reported Prause to Medium for falsely asserting I was Marny Anne:
The truth concerning the 3 assertions in Prause’s?
1) I am not Marny Anne. Prause & Ley are lying, as they so often do. I have my own Medium account and I am not afraid to use it to critique inaccurate information presented by Prause or her allies (though I rarely do so). For example, my article from 2016: Response to Jim Pfaus’s “Trust a Scientist: Sex Addiction Is a Myth”. (Pfaus & Prause co-authored this highly criticized paper and Pfaus has joined Prause in harassment of SASH and IITAP).
2) Unlike Prause (here) and Ley (below), I have never doxxed anyone. Using the @BrainOnPorn Twitter account, Prause/Daniel Burgess posted 20 defamatory tweets in 2 days, falsely claiming that Gary Wilson “threatened families” or “posted photos of families” or “doxxed families.” In its 20 tweets, RealYBOP provided no examples of me doing so, because @BrainOnPorn is lying. Note: Burgess owns the URL of and Nicole Prause filed a trademark application to obtain YOURBRAINONPORN and YOURBRAINONPORN.COM. Together they are trying to shut down YBOP.
In typical Prause fashion, the aforementioned lies refer to an item RealYBOP can misrepresent – a screenshot of Burgess defaming me. It is found in my extensive article documenting RealYBOP’s (Prause/Daniel Burgess) 4-day, 110+ tweet tirade defaming and harassing me: Realyourbrainonporn (Daniel Burgess, Nicole Prause) defamation/harassment of Gary Wilson: They “discover” fake porn URLs in the Internet Wayback Archive (August, 2019). (I am currently involved in 2 legal matters with Prause, one of which also involves Burgess, so I must document their ongoing internet shenanigans.)
The introduction of the above article contains a blurry picture of a single 2018 Daniel Burgess post defaming me on the YBOP Facebook page. My “first contact” with Burgess was his 5-comment defamatory tirade on the YBOP Facebook page (Feb, 2018). Before this, I had never heard of Daniel Burgess. He came after me, out of the blue, for no discernible reason.
The solitary screenshot is included to provided context. It is this excerpt that Prause/Burgess mislabel “doxxing and threatening families”:
As an example of his malice, I’ll provide Burgess’s initial comment on YBOP’s Facebook page. It includes Nicole Prause’s baseless 2015 cease and desist letter to me. (How did Burgess obtain this letter?)
We long ago addressed Prause’s trumped up cease and desist letter. Nothing in it was true. Prause regularly sends spurious C&D letters (obviously written by her, not her lawyer) as a tactic of intimidation: Ongoing – Prause silencing people with fake “no contact” demands and spurious cease & desist letters (Linda Hatch, Rob Weiss, Gabe Deem, Gary Wilson, Marnia Robinson, Alex Rhodes, etc.). Since the C&Ds are fiction, with never an iota of supporting evidence, Prause’s victims pay them no mind.
That’s it. How can the above constitute “threats, doxxing and breaking into Burgess’s site?”
Burgess followed up his YBOP Facebook posts, with an additional 15 comments about me on the Marriage and Family Therapists Facebook page. The eighteen replies to Burgess by therapists Staci Sprout and Forest Benedict are all that remain of Burgess’s defamatory tirade. It appears that Burgess was kicked off the “Marriage and Family Therapists” Facebook group for defaming me in this thread. Adding to his Facebook attacks, Burgess also posted 8 tweets on my Twitter threads (note – Burgess rarely tweets).
According to RealYBOP’s Twitter, it’s OK for Burgess to harass and defame using multiple social media platforms. Yet, my single screenshot of Burgess defaming me on my home page means I am threatening his family and “doxing the families of all the 30 RealYBOP experts!” Welcome to the upside-down world of Prause & Burgess.
On to an example of David Ley actually doxxing a young man who criticized his agenda-driven articles. In retaliation psychologist Ley tweeted the guy’s full name, location, email and IP address:
Twitter bans Ley, yet he acts sheepish, as if he doesn’t know why:
A few years later David Ley lies about why he was really banned (always playing the victim, even when he is the perpetrator):
Notice how Ley insinuated that Mr. Eskelin had threatened him. Ley often lies about receiving threats.
In this tweet Ley commits defamation per se, falsely claiming that the folks at YBOP have sent him death threats. Ley cannot produce evidence for this supposed threat, even when challenged by several other twitter accounts:
All the above are lies, except for one rather mild legal threat when Ley & Prause falsely posted all over the internet that I was fired from SOU (he immediately deleted his posts). Full story here: Nicole Prause & David Ley libelous claim that Gary Wilson was fired from Southern Oregon University.
3) Police reports? Starting in July, 2013 (a few days after I published a careful critique of Prause’s first EEG study) various usernames began posting defamatory comments wherever my name appeared. The comments were very similar in content and tone, falsely claiming that “Wilson has a police report filed on him,” “Wilson is charged with stalking a poor woman,” and “Wilson stole a woman’s pictures and placed them on a porn site”, and that “Wilson has been reported to LAPD (which agrees that he’s dangerous) and the UCLA campus police.” Very soon Prause, as herself, began to claim that a “person” had been reported to the police for physically stalking her, threatening her lab, mapping a route to her lab (whatever that means), and other vague fabrications.
By 2016, as Prause was no longer employed by UCLA or any other institution that could rein in her cyber-harassment, she finally began to identify Gary Wilson as the “person” she had reported to the LAPD and the UCLA campus police. Prause even claimed that she posted armed guards at her public talks because I had threatened to attend. (The claim that I threatened to attend is a lie and Prause has never provided documentation for this assertion.)
All these claims are untrue, and the claim that “Wilson has been spotted seen near the scientist’s home” is also fiction. I haven’t been to LA in years. It’s almost 2020, and no law enforcement agency has ever contacted me. (Any harasser can file a fake police report.)
I used to presume that Prause had, in fact, filed fraudulent, groundless reports (which were subsequently disregarded), but it turned out Prause was lying – again. In late 2017 a call to the Los Angeles Police Department and the UCLA campus police revealed no report in their systems on a “Gary Wilson,” nor any report filed by a “Nicole Prause.” I made this section to report my findings: Los Angeles Police Department and UCLA campus police confirm that Prause lied about filing police reports on Gary Wilson.
Perhaps motivated by YBOP exposing her lies, Prause brazenly filed a bizarre police report on April 25, 2018 – five years later than her claims.
I didn’t learn about Prause’s groundless, malicious police report until March, 17th 2019 when a college newspaper published a hit-piece on me and FTND (the article was later deleted by University officials). The entire convoluted story is here: Article by University of Wisconsin student newspaper (The Racquet) posts false police report by Nicole Prause (March, 2019).
After 5 years of claiming I had physically stalked her, what did Prause actually report to the LAPD? It was not a stalking report as Prause’s never stated that I was in Los Angeles, stalking her. Nor was it a cyberstalking report. The “Suspect’s Actions” section contained two incidents that were neither stalking nor a crime. A screenshot of the two alleged “crimes”:
What Prause alleges, followed by reality:
“Suspect posted victim name and pic on his website. Suspect refused to remove pictures.”
While screenshots of Prause’s defamatory tweets and her name appear on the 2 main “Prause pages,” this is not a crime. To the contrary, the pages with screenshots chronicling her ongoing harassment (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) are documenting her misdeeds: libel and cyberstalking. In reality, Prause has been breaking the law by falsely stating she has reported me to both the FBI and LADP.
The second infraction?
“Suspect traveled to Germany to victim’s conference. Suspect was not invited.”
Apart from the fact that attending a conference is not a crime, Prause is lying.
It’s true that I traveled to Germany and attended the 5th International Conference on Behavioral Addictions, which ran from April 23-25 (note that Prause filed her police report on April 25th). The untrue part is that Prause had no intentions of attending the ICBA conference in Germany. Prause has never attended or given a presentation at an ICBA conference. Prause doesn’t believe in behavioral addictions. Throughout her entire career Prause has waged a war against the concept of behavioral addiction, especially sex and porn addiction. She’s an infamous “addiction-denier.”
There is no way in hell that Prause would attend the ICBA as she would run into several members of the ICD-11 CSBD work-group and multiple other researchers who publish high-quality studies supporting the porn addiction model. In fact, several big-name researchers who have formally criticized Prause’s flawed EEG studies and were scheduled to present (i.e. Valerie Voon, Marc Potenza, Matuesz Gola, Christian Laier, Matthias Brand – who ran the conference). Put simply, Prause would have been surrounded by many of the people she deplores and attacks on social media and behind the scenes (links to these researchers’ critiques of the two Prause EEG studies: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8). Many of these researchers are keenly aware of Prause’s ongoing unprofessional behavior and behind the scenes machinations.
Then we have the obvious: there is no way for Prause to have known in advance that I was attending the ICBA conference. As noted, Prause filed her police report on April 25th, the last day of the ICBA conference. This means that Prause was told of my attendance by another conference attendee (Prause’s former UCLA colleague/roommate also attended).
Moving on, the second part of the Prause police report is equally factually incorrect, and downright hilarious:
Even though Prause never claimed that I was seen in LA, she describes my “personal oddity” as “wearing sleeping bag” and my weapon of choice as a “long sleave (sic) sweater.” Sounds like a SNL skit. It’s hard not to imagine the police officer biting her lip, trying not to crack-up, as she jots down Prause’s drivel. In any case, I haven’t been in either Los Angeles or a sleeping bag in years.
What about Prause’s claims that she reported me to the FBI? In late October, 2018 I filed an FOIA request with the FBI to find out if Prause had ever filed a report naming me. She had not. For details see this section: FBI confirmed that Prause lied about filing an FBI report on Gary Wilson). The FBI encouraged me to file a report on Prause for lying about filing an FBI report. So I did: December, 2018: Gary Wilson files an FBI report on Nicole Prause.
Prause also lied about reporting Nofap founder Alexander Rhodes to the FBI: December, 2018: FBI confirms that Nicole Prause lied about filing a report on Alexander Rhodes.
Others – September, 2019: In response to a CNN special involving NoFap, RealYBOP Twitter (run by Prause & Burgess) defames and harasses Alex Rhodes of Nofap (over 30 tweets)
For years RealYBOP members Nicole Prause and David Ley have teamed up to defame, harass and cyber-stalk individuals and organizations that have warned of porn’s harms or publicized research reporting porn’s harms. Since its inception, RealYBOP twitter has done the same. One of Prause, Ley and RealYBOP’s favorite targets is Alex Rhodes of Nofap – Nicole Prause & David Ley’s long history of harassing & defaming Alexander Rhodes of NoFap. Important to note – July, 2019: Alexander Rhodes sworn affidavit: Donald Hilton defamation lawsuit against Nicole R Prause & Liberos LLC.
In response to a CNN program featuring NoFap and Rhodes, RealYBOP engages in targeted harassment and defamation, tweeting its lies in CNN threads and elsewhere:
Justin Lehmiller’s article was published to promote counter Lisa Ling’s broadcast. The article cites no studies to support Lehmiller’s assertions. Very important to note that Lehmiller is paid by Playboy, is member of RealYBOP (the group infringing on YBOP trademark), and is on the board of the SHA – the group collaborating with xHamster to promote its websites.
Alex Rhodes did not lie. RealYBOP fails to cite an example of anyone lying. Research vs. RealYBOP propaganda? Check out the main YBOP research page, which contains links to about 1,000 studies associating porn use with myriad negative outcomes.
More bizarre responses:
More personal attacks and falsehoods. YBOP debunked RealYBOP claims here: Porn Science Deniers Alliance (AKA: “” and “”). The page examines the trademark infringers’ “research page,” including its cherry-picked outlier studies, bias, egregious omission, and deception.
RealYBOP twitter continues its cyberstalking of Alex Rhodes:
On the day of Lisa Ling broadcast, RealYBOP’s cyberstalking escalates, with silly slides that have nothing to do with the program, and entering threads wherever Nofap is mentioned.
What the public may not know is that neither the ICD-11 nor the APA’s DSM-5 ever uses the word “addiction” to describe an addiction – whether it be gambling addiction, heroin addiction, cigarette addiction, or you name it. Both diagnostic manuals use the word “disorder” instead of “addiction” (i.e. “gambling disorder,” “nicotine use disorder,” and so on).
Thus, “sex addiction” and “porn addiction” could never have been rejected, because they were never under formal consideration in the major diagnostic manuals. Put simply, there will never be a “porn addiction” diagnosis, just as there will never be a “meth addiction” diagnosis. Yet individuals with the signs and symptoms of consistent with either a “porn addiction” or a “methamphetamine addiction” can be diagnosed using the ICD-11’s provisions. For a complete debunking of Prause’s claims, see: Debunking “Why Are We Still So Worried About Watching Porn?,” by Marty Klein, Taylor Kohut, and Nicole Prause (2018).
RealYBOP falsely claims that porn has never caused harm to children.
Reality: over 250 adolescent studies link porn use to myriad harms.
Claims porn has no effect on brain:
Reality: This page lists 45 neuroscience-based studies (MRI, fMRI, EEG, neuropsychological, hormonal). They provide strong support for the addiction model as their findings mirror the neurological findings reported in substance addiction studies.
RealYBOP suggests that it is unliekly your kid will see porn
Reality: Study on Australians ages 15-29 found that 100% of the men (82% of women) had viewed porn. Young Australians’ use of pornography and associations with sexual risk behaviour (2017)
Trolling Lisa Ling. Fails to describe “false information” (never does):
Ouch: Porn Science Deniers Alliance (AKA: “” and “”)
Trolls Noah Church (RealYBOP blocks accounts, then tweets in their threads without them knowing it).
RealYBOP links to a Psychology Today blog post by Prause and David Ley (it’s not a study – only suspect data from Prause):
RealYBOP BS: Nofap is not selling a ‘product, it’s a free website. Nofap does not offer treatments:
Trolling, harassment:
Again no one diagnosed anyone. RealYBOP making stuff up:
Justin Lehmiller’s article was published to promote counter Lisa Ling’s broadcast and cites no studies to support its assertions. Very important to note that Lehmiller is paid by Playboy, is member of RealYBOP (the group infringing on YBOP trademark), and is on the board of the SHA – the group collaborating with xHamster to promote its websites.
RealYBOP trolls Gabe Deem (RealYBOP long ago blocked Deem);
Nicole Prause and her fake account PornHelps has harassed Deem in the past:
- March, 2015 (ongoing): Prause and her sock puppets (including “PornHelps”) go after Gabe Deem
- March, 2016: Prause (falsely) tells TIME Magazine that Gabe Deem impersonated a doctor to write a formal critique of her study (letter to the editor) in an academic journal (and the letter was traced to Gabe’s computer)
Continues to troll threads. Falsely claims that stats were false, but provides no example:
Trolls another person in Lisa Ling’s thread:
RealYBOP lies about the nature of its experts, claiming most are university professors:
Reality: Of the 19 “experts” who still allow RealYBOP to use their picture, only 6 are at universities.
In this tweet, RealYBOP seems to be encouraging other to report Alex Rhodes to the Pennsylvania Psychology board.
It wouldn’t surprise us to eventually learn that RealYBOP filed a false and malicious report on Rhodes (numerous incidents of Prause’s false and malicious reporting are on these pages – page 1, page 2).
Trolling CCN
RealYBOP links to page we have debunked: Porn Science Deniers Alliance (AKA: “” and “”).
Now RealYBOP goes after Gary Wilson
While the WIPO decision did not go his way (these are complex matters), Wilson will continue into federal courts, if necessary.
RealYBOP re-tweeting porn star complaining about CNN program (appears to have been egged on):
Note: Prause/RealYBOP falsely claims that others (Wilson, Rhodes, etc.) are stalking her. If this were true (it’s not) why does Prause/RealYBOP continue to enter Wilson and Rhodes twitter threads – tagging both, naming both, and aggressively harassing both? The answer – Prause/RealYBOP is lying about being stalked.
The next day RealYBOP harasses Lisa Ling, lying about most everything:
WHO did not reject porn addiction. Nor did the APA. Claims about kids being more distressed has no citation.
Factually inaccurate tweet with a solitary irrelevant study about adolescents:
Reality: Youth Section
Exposing itself as a porn industry shill:
Defaming Nofap again, (misrepresents a paper):
Ley, Prause and RealYBOP are obsessed with opinion papers by NZ grad student Kris Taylor. Taylor, who is beyond biased – and knows nothing about neuroscience. He’s a sociologist. YBOP critiqued a 2017 article by him where he disparaged Gary Wilson and the review with US navy doctors (Taylor often resorts to simply lying in his article): Debunking Kris Taylor’s “A Few Hard Truths about Porn and Erectile Dysfunction” (2017).
This paper is a fav of Prause and Ley with Prause’s Wikipedia aliases inserting both into Wikipedia pages. Prause obsessively cites (and misrepresents) Taylor’s paper about Nofap. Reality: grad student Kris Taylor’s dissertation assessed only 15 comments from reddit/nofap, while ignoring millions of other comments. Taylor chose the 15 comments because they contained the word “masculinity”. Contrary to lies by Prause/RealYBOP, Taylor’s was not an analysis of Nofap or its users. From Taylor’s paper:
Given this approach to data collection, we wish to highlight that the data presented is not intended to be read as representative of NoFap as a whole, but to present how some users express a particular investment in masculinity and its constitution (Edley, 2001; Edley and Wetherell, 1997). That is, as opposed to an analysis in which users’ posts are understood as oblique references to masculinity (through their talk about video games, pornography, exercise and diet, etc.), our study presents the ways in which users actively constitute masculine positions. Our search term ‘masculinity’ rendered numerous pages of ‘original posts’ which pertained specifically to defining masculinity.
See this back and forth between Prause and bart concerning the Taylor joke of a paper.
October, 2019: For no particular reason (on a Sunday) RealYBOP disparages NoFap. RealYBOP/Prause/Burgess are obsessed with porn recovery forums (probably because they hurt the porn industry’s bottom-line).
RealYBOP falsely calls nofap “anti-sex”. In reality, a large percentage of individuals abstaining from porn (NoFap) are doing so to regain normal sexual function.
After 50 or so tweets about Nofap, we can officially refer to RealYBOP as Nofap/Alex Rhodes’s stalker. After its Sunday tweets, RealYBOP scoured the millions of comments for just the right ones to smear Nofap. RealYBOP screenshots a few random comments, tweeting 3 of them with her out-of-context take any human on the planet can comment on Nofap, including RealYBOP).
Another by RealYBOP:
Yet another
RealYBOP the cyberstalker (Note: RealYBOP has posted 150 tweets about Gary Wilson in the last 2 months). Question: Are the RealYBOP experts legally liable for its twitter hrassment?
Others – October, 2019: RealYBOP twitter (Prause & Daniel Burgess) defame Alex Rhodes & Gabe Deem, falsely claiming both tried to “take down” realyourbrainonporn.
As we saw in the previous section, the airing of Lisa Ling’s program led to RealYBOP harassing and defaming Alex Rhodes, NoFap and Lisa Ling. Nothing new, as RealYBOP is obsessed with debunking porn-induced sexual problems, having waged a 3-year war against this academic paper, while simultaneously harassing and libeling young men who have recovered from porn-induced sexual dysfunctions. See documentation: Gabe Deem #1, Gabe Deem #2, Alexander Rhodes #1, Alexander Rhodes #2, Alexander Rhodes #3, Noah Church, Alexander Rhodes #4, Alexander Rhodes #5, Alexander Rhodes #6, Alexander Rhodes #7, Alexander Rhodes #8, Alexander Rhodes #9, Alexander Rhodes#10, Gabe Deem & Alex Rhodes together, Alexander Rhodes#11, Alexander Rhodes #12, Alexander Rhodes #13.
In its twitter tirade, RealYBOP coughed up its usual lies about Alex and Gabe, while adding a new one: Gabe and Alex were involved in the legal actions by YBOP to defend its trademark. Or as RealYBOP incorrectly describes it:
“Tried to have our website taken down bc he cannot answer science”
RealYBOP is referring very specific legal actions by the owners of YBOP to defend our trademark. My attorneys filed a complaint requesting that WIPO conduct an administrative review of the apparent misuse of my trademark in the URL
My attorneys filed a complaint with the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) as a possible route to having the trademark-infringing website removed from the Web as swiftly and economically as possible. While the arbitrator declined to support its removal, he acknowledged that the infringing URL was indeed “confusingly similar” to my URL He then decided that the infringing site was a “gripe” site, and as such, entitled to criticize my site.
My attorneys say it is not, in fact a “gripe site.” It does not criticze my work. In fact, it does not address the content of my site at all, and merely holds itself out as the “real” version of my site in a confusing manner. However, the arbitrator, having concluded that the infringing site was a “gripe site,” declined to examine the third element of my complaint: Prause’s abundant bad faith. He stated that the evidence my attorneys provided “could well suffice to establish bad faith,” but found no need to reach a conclusion on that element in view of his “gripe site” determination. The entire ruling is available here: This is not over.
It goes without saying that Prause’s attempt to steal my trademark, while mimicking the appearance of my website and Twitter account, reveals she is the aggressor, the obsessed harasser. She is not the victim, but the perpetrator. Prause has weaponized the WIPO decision via a press release and constantly twees a link to the WIPO page as if it exonerates her entirely.
Our legal proceedings have nothing to do with Alex Rhodes or Gabe deem. RealYBOP (Prause & Burgess) lied, defaming Rhodes and Deem. By the way, the RealYBOP tweets give the false impression that our legal actions are over. Not even close. On to RealYBOP’s defamation:
September 30, 2019 tweet about Alex Rhodes. In it RealYBOP falsely sates that NoFap tried to silence the actual science, but they lost (linking to the WIPO decision in favor of RealYBOP)
In this tweet, RealYBOP said that Gabe Deem “Tried to have our website taken down bc he cannot answer science”:
RealYBOP continues, defaming Deem, and stating that he tried to silence scientists (linking to WIPO decision).
No one is trying to silence anyone. YBOP is simply protecting its trademark. Note: The original name of their website was Why did these self-proclaimed experts change their site name to mirror our website’s name, when their first-choice URL was Proof: copy & paste this URL into your browser. It will redirect you to “realyourbrainonporn” – . Why do they now claim that they have been censored by a request to cease their trademark infringement, when they could simply revert to their erstwhile brand name and continue to operate freely and legally?
We have never attempted to censor opposing views and critiques, unlike one of the Alliance “experts,” Dr. Prause, who has repeatedly tried to remove evidence of her behavior with groundless DMCA takedown requests. We simply ask that that these vocal spokespersons hold forth from their original pulpit, the URL and brand name “Science of Arousal” ( And that they relinquish the subsequent name they employed along with the corresponding trademark application (for a name that YBOP has operated under for almost 10 years). Why do they engage in these apparent attempts to suppress traffic to our website and confuse the public?
Update (July, 2019): Legal actions revealed that Daniel Burgess is the current owner of the URL. In March of 2018, Daniel Burgess appeared out of nowhere, engaging in targeted harassment and defamation of Gary Wilson and YBOP on multiple social platforms. Some of Burgess’s libelous claims and disturbed rantings are documented and debunked here: Addressing Unsupported Claims and Personal Attacks by Daniel Burgess (March, 2018) (Unsurprisingly, Burgess is a close ally of Nicole Prause).
The next day, RealYBOP trolls Gabe (whom she has blocked):
Note – Gabe is not a coach and has never coached anyone. RealYBOP claims about studies on porn and sexual problems are debunked here: Erectile And Other Sexual Dysfunctions Section.
More of the same, falsely claiming Gabe was involved in the Burgess lawsuit
Lies by @BrainOnPorn exposed:
- Only 6 of 19 “experts” pictured are employed by universities:
- Gabe provides no treatment
- Gabe’s not involved with our lawsuit with Burgess
- RealYBOP lies about harm (cites nothing)
Josh Grubbs (member of RealYBOP), quote-tweets Gabe Deem, and RealYBOP is compelled to enter the thread:
RealYBOP obsessively cyberstalking young men who recovered from porn-induced ED.
A few weeks later RealYBOP, and sidekick NerdyKinkyCommie, troll Gabe Deem (note that Gabe had blocked both, but that doesn’t stop cyberstalkers):
First, The links posted by trolls Nerdy and James F. were given to them by RealYBOP/Prause.
Second, Nerdy’s screenshot has been tweeted dozens of times by Prause & RealYBOP. It had nothing to do anything in thread, but it matters not, because RealYBOP/Prause are obsessed with MDPI (parent company of the journal Behavioral Sciences). Behavioral Sciences published Is Internet Pornography Causing Sexual Dysfunctions? A Review with Clinical Reports (Park et al., 2016). Nerdy is lying about MDPI’s rating. Here are examples of Prause (as Sciencearousal) inserting the above clerical error by the Norwegian Register, who accidentally downgraded MDPI’s rating from the normal “1” to a “0”. The downgraded rating had long been resolved on the MDPI Wikipedia page. Prause knows the zero rating was a clerical error, yet she and RealYBOP tweet that MDPI was downgraded and that MDPI is a predatory journal (both are false and both are in Sciencearousal’s/Prause Wikipedia edit).
Third, the 5-year video has nothing to do with China, or internet addiction boot camps. It was about porn.
Blocked troll Nerdy quote-tweets Gabe (who healed porninduced ED), and RealYBOP joins with lies.
RealYBOP’s screenshot contains 7 papers, from the ED section of its so-called “research page”. We debunk it here: Erectile And Other Sexual Dysfunctions Section. Reality: This list contains over 35 studies linking porn use or porn addiction to sexual problems and lower arousal to sexual stimuli. The first 7 studies in the list demonstrate causation, as participants eliminated porn use and healed chronic sexual dysfunctions.
Lie #1: There is no study that has assessed poprn induced ED with penile gauges.
Lie #2: The nationally representative study reported a strong corrleation between porn use and ED: Critique of “Is Pornography Use Related to Erectile Functioning? Results From Cross-Sectional and Latent Growth Curve Analyses” (2019), by Josh Grubbs
Lie #3: As for the 7 RealYBOP studies, its trying to fool the public. Four studies of the seven reported significant links between porn use and sexual problems. Data in all 4 of these studies run counter to the Allliance’s claims:
- Erectile Dysfunction, Boredom, and Hypersexuality among Coupled Men from Two European Countries (2015)
- Patient Characteristics by Type of Hypersexuality Referral: A Quantitative Chart Review of 115 Consecutive Male Cases (2015)
- Is Pornography Use Related to Erectile Functioning? Results From Cross-Sectional and Latent Growth Curve Analyses” (2019)
- Survey of Sexual Function and Pornography (2019)
Of the Alliance’s remaining three citations, one is not peer-reviewed, while the other two were formally criticized in the peer-reviewed literature.
RealYBOP trolling again:
Reality: Gabe’s drawing was accurate. The other 2 comments are red herrings. However, RealYBOP’s comments are irrelevant. Instead, this twitter account claims represent 20 experts, yet its trolling accounts it has blocked, with inane, spurious tweets. How embarrassing. How mentally deranged.
October, 2019: In response to “The Doctors” featuring Alex Rhodes, RealYBOP twitter (Prause & Daniel Burgess) cyberstalks, defames & harasses Rhodes with numerous tweets (even asks Twitter to un-verify Nofap)
On October 30, 2019 the TV show “The Doctors” featured Alex Rhodes in a segment on porn addiction. In response, realyourbrainonporn twitter posted numerous tweets under “The Doctors” many tweets about the show. RealYBOP’s tweets involve defamation and expose RealYBOP as a cyberstalker. RealYBOP scoured the web for anything it can weponize against Alex, including random comments on Nofap (there are literally millions of comments on and reddit/nofap). On to RealYBOP’s obsessive cyberstalking.
Below, RealYBOP refers to specific legal actions by the owners of YBOP to defend our trademark. Our legal proceedings have nothing to do with Alex Rhodes. RealYBOP (Prause & Burgess) lied, defaming Rhodes in this tweet.
Claims about misogyny are BS. In reality, men using porn (not those quitting) have higher rates of misogyny: over 35 studies link porn use to “un-egalitarian attitudes” toward women and sexist views.
Once again, RealYBOP saying not using porn = misogyny (the porn industry isn’t misogynistic, right?). As usual RealYBOP cites Grad student Kris Taylor’s paper, lying about what its methodology and what it stated. Contrary to lies by Prause/RealYBOP, Taylor’s paper was not an analysis of Nofap or its users. Nor was it about misogyny (word is not found it paper).
Prause falsely asserts that Kris Taylor’s paper was an analysis of nofap comments. In reality Taylor’s dissertation only assessed 15 comments from reddit/nofap. “Masculinity” search criteria for the 15 cherry-picked comments. Taylor’s explicitly states the 15 comments were not representative of Nofap as a whole:
See this back and forth between Prause and bart taken from Psychology Today concerning the Taylor joke of a paper. Bart makes a fool of Prause, who resorts to ad hominem when exposed as lying about Taylor’s paper.
In addition, while Prause claims Taylor’s paper is about misogyny prevelant on NoFap, misogyny is only mentioned once:
“some scholars suggest that men(almost exclusively) can be incited to commit violent sexual acts as a result of viewing misogynistic pornography”
That’s it. More farbircations from you know who. Note: Prause Ley, Prause and RealYBOP are obessesed with opinion papers by NZ grad student Kris Taylor. Taylor, who is beyond biased – and knows nothing about neuroscience. He’s a sociologist. YBOP critiqued a 2017 article by him where he disparaged Gary Wilson and the review with US navy doctors (Taylor often resorts to simply lying in his article): Debunking Kris Taylor’s “A Few Hard Truths about Porn and Erectile Dysfunction” (2017). Note: Prause’s Wikipedia aliases have inserted both Taylor papers into Wikipedia!
More of the same, but also attacking Fight The New Drug:
Prause and RealYBOP obsessively cyberstalk FTND also:
- December, 2016: Prause reports Fight the New Drug to the State of Utah (tweets over 50 times about FTND)
- October, 2018: Prause claims that Fight The New Drug told its followers that Dr. Prause should be raped
- March, 2019: Numerous Prause sock-puppets edit the Fight The New Drug Wikipedia page, as Prause simultaneously tweets content from her sock-puppet’s edits
- May 30, 2018: Prause falsely accuses FTND of science fraud, and implies that she has reported Gary to the FBI twice
RealYBOP exposes itself as the cyberstalker, trolling millions of NoFap comments for just the right one to take out-of-context and spin
More comments taken out-of-context (out of millions of comments. For exmaple, the use of “little bitch” was a guy describing his own penis and loss of erection due to porn-induced ED. He wasn’t calling anyone a bitch.
More trolling of forums full of young men, looking for just the right out-of-context excerpt to tweet:
Cyberstalking continues:
RealYBOP lies (while citing nothing):
- There is no treament offered on Nofap.
- RealYBOP is suggesting that quitting porn “makes men worse”. OK
Creepy. RealYBOP taking screenshots of Rhodes’s youtube presentations. Also attacks Kanye West for saying he was addicted to porn:
The above excerpt is a fabricated assertion from a blog post. It cites nothing. Complete BS.
RealYBOP asking twitter to un-verify the Nofap account.
Again, citing a blog, that cited nothing.
First, neither the ICD-11 nor the APA’s DSM-5 ever uses the word “addiction” to describe an addiction – whether it be gambling addiction, heroin addiction, cigarette addiction, or you name it. Both diagnostic manuals use the word “disorder” instead of “addiction” (i.e. “gambling disorder,” “nicotine use disorder,” and so on). Thus, “sex addiction” and “porn addiction” could never have been rejected, because they were never under formal consideration in the major diagnostic manuals. Put simply, there will never be a “porn addiction” diagnosis, just as there will never be a “meth addiction” diagnosis. Yet individuals with the signs and symptoms of consistent with either a “porn addiction” or a “methamphetamine addiction” can be diagnosed using the ICD-11’s provisions.
The deniers of porn addiction are agitated because the latest version of the World Health Organization’s medical diagnostic manual, The International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), contains a new diagnosis suitable for diagnosing what is commonly referred to as ‘porn addiction’ or ‘sex addiction.’ It’s called “Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder” (CSBD). The first section of this extensive critique expose Prause’s falsehoods surrounding the ICD-11: Debunking “Why Are We Still So Worried About Watching Porn?” by Marty Klein, Taylor Kohut, and Nicole Prause (2018). For an accurate account of the ICD-11, see this recent article by The Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health (SASH): “Compulsive Sexual Behaviour” has been classified by World Health Organization as Mental Health Disorder.
More of the same BS:
Notice how RealYBOP nevers give an exmaple of “fraudulent medical information”. Never.
Tweeting Kris Taylor’s paper and misrepresenting it:
Tweeting the same excerpts, again (the young man is describing PIED)
At the same time RealYBOP is tweeting on “The Doctors” threads, she tweets lies about porn recovery forums promoting ant-semitism.
Let’s be very clear: Nicole Prause and David Ley, are the ones who initiated this disgusting smear campaign years ago. Have a look at these sections of a page documenting some of the many attacks Nofap and others have been subjected to:
- Ongoing – David Ley & Nicole Prause’s ongoing attempts to smear YBOP/Gary Wilson & Nofap/Alexander Rhodes by claiming links with neo-Nazi sympathizers
- October, 2018: Ley & Prause devise an article purporting to connect Gary Wilson, Alexander Rhodes and Gabe Deem to white supremacists/fascists (Prause attacks Rhodes & Nofap in the comments section)
- June, 2019: David Ley and Prause (as RealYBOP Twitter & “sciencearousal”) continue their campaign to connect porn recovery forums to white supremacists/Nazis
- August, 2019: In the wake of two mass shootings (El Paso & Dayton), Nicole Prause & David Ley try to connect Gary Wilson, YBOP and Nofap/Alexander Rhodes to white nationalism & Nazi’s
- November, 2018: Prause resumes her unprovoked, libelous attacks on & Alexander Rhodes
RealYBOP tweets RealYBOP member Madita Oeming who also asks twitter to de-platform Nofap:
The same group (RealYBOP) that’s trying to steal YBOP’s trademark is also trying to shut down NoFap’s twitter account.
Cyberstalker RealYBOP continues: November 5th, 2019, it tweets a hit-piece that cites nothing to support its propaganda.
RealYBOP dishonestly posts a screenshot of a conversation from a completely unrelated forum.
RealYBOP member David Ley (who is being paid by xHamster) joins in again:
Like RealYBOP, Ley scours twitter for bizarre tweet he can use to disparage NoFap and Alex Rhodes:
Doesn’t Ley have anything better to do?
David Ley’s disgusting, factually innacurate interview attacking nofap becomes a pinned tweet:
This leads to RealYBOP tweeting NumbNutsNovember for the 20th time (not an exagerration):
Retweeting hit-piece by Rolling Stone (by an author who regularly places RealYBOP members in her articles):
Check out Nofap’s threads exposing the hit-piece:
Given a platform in this article:
– PornHub vice president
– xHamster vice president
– A guy with a financial relationship with xHamster
– A porn performer/director
– Host of a podcast about pornAsked for comment just hours before publishing without any time to respond:
— NoFap (@NoFap) November 9, 2019
We were emailed at 5:56 pm last night for comment, after working hours, to only find the article was already published at 9:02 am today before we could respond. We were eventually quoted, but just barely, as far more platform was given to porn site executives & industry insiders.
— NoFap (@NoFap) November 8, 2019
3/3/20 – RealYBOP trolling Alex Rhodes, tweeting under The Doctor’s tweet:
Being sued by Rhodes isn’t slowing RealYBOP down.
Others – October, 2019: NoFap founder Alexander Rhodes files a defamation lawsuit against Nicole Prause / Liberos LLC
On October 23, 2019 Alexander Rhodes (founder of reddit/nofap and filed a defamation lawsuit against Nicole R Prause and Liberos LLC. See the court docket here. PDFs of the three primary court documents filed by Rhodes (screenshots starting here):
- Alex Rhodes defamation suit against Nicole Prause: The complaint – 15 pages. (screenshots of complaint here)
- Alex Rhodes defamation suit against Nicole Prause: Exhibit #1 – 21 pages. (screenshot of exhibit 1 here)
- Alex Rhodes defamation suit against Nicole Prause Exhibit #2 – 15 pages. (screenshots exhibit 2 here)
UPDATE #1: On January 24, 2020 Alex Rhodes filed his amended complaint against Nicole Prause. The new court filings contain several recent incidents of defamation (including alleged collaboration with the porn industry to defame Alex), and sworn affidavits from other Prause victims. Downloadable PDFs of the court documents filed in the amended complaint:
- First Amended Complaint: 1-24-20 – Alex Rhodes v. Nicole Prause (20 pages)
- Exhibit #1: Prause affiliations with the University of Pittsburgh (1 page)
- Exhibit #2: Prause affiliations with the University of Pittsburgh (5 pages)
- Exhibit #3: Screenshots of Nicole Prause and @BrainOnPorn defaming Alex Rhodes (61 pages)
- Exhibit #4: NoFap’s Posting Rules and Etiquette Guidelines (15 pages)
- Exhibit #5: John Adler, MD affidavit (2 pages)
- Exhibit #6: D.J. Burr, LHMC affidavit (2 pages)
- Exhibit #7: Stefanie Carnes, PhD affidavit (2 pages)
- Exhibit #8: Geoff Goodman, PhD affidavit (3 pages)
- Exhibit #9: Laila Mickelwait/Exodus Cry affidavit (6 pages)
- Exhibit #10: Staci Sprout, LCSW affidavit (15 pages)
- Exhibit #11: Gary Wilson affidavit (123 pages)
- Exhibit #12: Prause defames Alex Rhodes in her denied motion to dismiss filed in the Hilton lawsuit (3 pages)
- Exhibit #13: Factually-inaccurate, defamatory VICE hit-piece, allegedly placed by Prause (6 pages)
- Exhibit #14: Factually-inaccurate, defamatory SCRAM hit-piece, allegedly placed by Prause (3 pages)
UPDATE#2: March 23, 2020 Alex Rhodes filed his opposition to Prause’s motion to dismiss. PDF’s of the 3 court filings:
- Alex Rhodes’ Brief in Opposition To Defendants’ Motions to Dismiss (March 23, 2020) – 26 pages.
- Alex Rhodes’ Declaration (March 23, 2020) – 64 pages.
- Alex Rhodes’ Exhibits (March 23, 2020) – 57 pages.
This is the second defamation lawsuit filed against Nicole Prause in 2019. The first was filed by Donald Hilton MD, and it contains sworn affidavits from 9 other victims of Prause.
As documented on these extensive pages – page 1, page 2, page 3 – the Rhodes and Hilton lawsuits expose just the tip of the Prause iceberg. A partial list of her victims includes researchers, medical doctors, therapists, psychologists, a former UCLA colleague, a UK charity, men in recovery, a TIME magazine editor, several professors, IITAP, SASH, Fight The New Drug, Exodus Cry,, RebootNation, YourBrainRebalanced, the academic journal Behavioral Sciences, its parent company MDPI, US Navy medical doctors, the head of the academic journal CUREUS, and the journal Sexual Addiction & Compulsivity. (see below for What’s going on here? )
The court documents provide a partial account of what Alex has suffered at Prause’s hands. They are reproduced in full beneath the next paragraph. For more detail, see this list of links from this page: Nicole Prause, RealYBOP, & David Ley’s long history of harassing & defaming Alexander Rhodes of NoFap. Each link goes to a more complete description of several known occurrences of harassment and/or defamation by Nicole Prause, David Ley, and “RealYourBrainOnPorn” Twitter:
- December 2013: Prause alias posts on YourBrainRebalanced & asks Gary Wilson about the size of his penis: kicking off Prause’s campaign of calling Wilson, his wife, Alex Rhodes, Donald Hilton, and most everyone she disagrees with a misogynist.
- July, 2016: Prause & David Ley attack NoFap founder Alexander Rhodes.
- July, 2016: Prause & her alias “PornHelps” attack Alexander Rhodes, falsely claiming he faked porn-induced sexual problems
- October, 2016: Prause commits perjury attempting to silence Alexander Rhodes of NoFap
- December 12, 2016: Prause falsely claims that @Nofap drove gay teen to suicidal feelings (also calls Alexander Rhodes an “anti-porn profiteer”)
- May 24-27, 2018: Prause creates multiple sock-puppets to edit the Nofap Wikipedia page
- October, 2018: Ley & Prause devise an article purporting to connect Gary Wilson, Alexander Rhodes, Gabe Deem to white supremacists/fascists (Prause attacks & libels Alexander Rhodes & Nofap in the comments section).
- October, 2018: Prause follows-up the “fascist” article by attacking & libeling Alexander Rhodes and on Twitter
- Ongoing – David Ley & Nicole Prause’s ongoing attempts to smear YBOP/Gary Wilson & Nofap/Alexander Rhodes by claiming links with neo-Nazi sympathizers
- October, 2018: Prause tweets that she has reported “serial misogynist harasser” Alexander Rhodes to the FBI
- December, 2018: FBI confirms that Nicole Prause lied about filing a report on Alexander Rhodes
- November, 2018: Prause resumes her unprovoked, libelous attacks on & Alexander Rhodes
- December, 2018: Prause joins Xhamster to smear NoFap & Alexander Rhodes; induces to publish a hit-piece where Prause is the “expert”
- July, 2019: Alexander Rhodes affidavit in Donald Hilton’s defamation lawsuit against Nicole R Prause & Liberos LLC.
- September, 2019: In response to a CNN special involving NoFap, the RealYBOP twitter (run by Prause & Burgess) defames and harasses Alex Rhodes of Nofap (over 30 tweets)
- October, 2019: RealYBOP twitter (Prause & Daniel Burgess) defame Alex Rhodes & Gabe Deem, falsely claiming both tried to “take down” realyourbrainonporn.
- October, 2019: In response to “The Doctors” featuring Alex Rhodes RealYBOP twitter (Prause & Daniel Burgess) cyberstalks, defames & harasses Rhodes with numerous tweets (even asks Twitter to de-platform NoFap)
- November, 2019: In response to Alex Rhodes’s defamation lawsuit, Nicole Prause and RealYBOP Twitter defame & harass Rhodes (adding to Prause’s counts of defamation).
Update (November, 2019): Several articles expose serial false accuser, harasser, cyber-stalker Nicole Prause:
- Alex Rhodes of Porn Addiction Support Group ‘No Fap’ Sues Obsessed Pro-Porn Sexologist for Defamation (By Megan Fox, of PJ Media)
- The Post Millennial expose’ on Nicole Prause.
- Is Porn Addictive? 6-minute video by journalist Diana Davison.
Others – ONGOING: In response to Alex Rhodes’s defamation lawsuit Nicole Prause and alias RealYBOP twitter defame & harass Rhodes (adding to Prause’s counts of defamation).
On November 11th Alexander Rhodes announced his defamation lawsuit against Nicole R Prause and Liberos LLC. See the court docket here. Nofap tweet about the suit:
There has been an escalating campaign by the porn industry and its friends to defame & de-platform NoFap & its founder.
This is like the alcohol industry trying to take down Alcoholics Anonymous.
We've filed a federal lawsuit to end the harassment.
— NoFap (@NoFap) November 11, 2019
See this page for the primary court documents filed by Alex Rhodes. The second tweet in the above NoFap announced a fundraiser to support founder Alexander Rhodes’s federal lawsuit against Nicole Prause:
We will no longer be silenced by those cozy with the porn industry.
Please support our founder Alexander Rhodes's federal lawsuit against the main orchestrators of this relentless campaign to smear him, our website, and 100,000s of people in recovery.
— NoFap (@NoFap) November 11, 2019
In response to the lawsuit and crowdfunding Prause, RealYBOP (likely Prause), and their allies went on the offensive.
The day before NoFap put up the crowdfunding its twitter foretold of a big announcement:
Instead of just leaving us alone to focus on recovery, the porn industry and certain allies have decided to launch a campaign of defamation and smears against us and our founder. We've generally tried to ignore their attacks, but they have been escalating.
Announcement tomorrow.
— NoFap (@NoFap) November 10, 2019
November 11, 2019: The next morning, before NoFap’s announcement, Prause began suspiciously tweeting that she had received death threats. (NOTE: Prause has never provided public evidence of verifiable threats, just as she has never provided evidence of anyone stalking her). She kept a running tab of the “death threats” throughout the first day of Alex’s crowdfunding:
Near the end of the day she tweeted a picture of a police station:
While Prause is tweeting as Prause, @BrainOnPorn Twitter continued to defame and harass NoFap and Alex Rhodes:
At the same time, Prause (who is scouring the internet for material she can claim is evidence of wrongdoing) provides David Ley with a 2015 YBR podcast (featuring Alex Rhodes) to disparage:
November 12, 2018:
RealYBOP follows up with a veiled attack on NoFap:
Same day, RealYBOP tweets another veiled attack on nofap, while promoting porn-industry agenda:
Prause tweets about SLAPP, which refers to the legal argument she is attempting to use to dismiss the defamation lawsuits (not going to work):
Prause goes off the deep end, adding to her defamation of Rhodes and her tortious interference in NoFap’s enterpirse, by saying The FBI has asked me to make clear that the donations going to Alexander Rhode of NoFap are fraud. Law enforcement are involved.
Prause claims antisemitic death threats. Most importantly tags DonorBox, the company handling Rhodes’s fundraising. She is attempting to shut down the fundraising. This will now be a part of the lawsuit.
Boasting that she is well-covered for lawsuits. Interesting:
November 13, 2018:
RealYBOP engages in defamation per se of Alex Rhodes, falsely claiming that he is sending violent trolls to threaten Prause:
RealYBOP (likely Prause) has now added another instance of defamation for Alex’s defamation lawsuit.
Continued attacks on Alex Rhodes & Nofap by @BrainOnPorn twitter:
At the same time Prause is working her “real” account.
Blames another Prause victim, SASH.
RealYBOP disparages Gail Dines, while posting random, out of context posts from Nofap (which contains millions of posts by people of all different mindsets) as if they are somehow representative of evidence of wrongdoing or of Alex Rhodes:
Not the first time: April, 2017: Prause insults Professor Gail Dines, PhD, perhaps for joining the “Op-ed: Who exactly is misrepresenting the science on pornography?”
November 14, 2018:
RealYBOP tweets factually inaccurate hit piece by VICE:
- In 2015 the Free Speech Coalition offers Prause assistance: she accepts and immediately attacks Prop 60 (condoms in porn)
- The Free Speech Coalition allegedly provided subjects for a Prause study that “debunks” porn addiction
Would love to know who contacted Samantha Cole. Let’s hope that Rhodes’s lawyers are able to subpoena emails related to the VICE article.
- Nicole Prause – likely operator of @BrainOnPorn
- David Ley, who is being paid by Stripchat (x-Hamster)
- Vice President of Stripchat, who is paying Ley
Nothing suspicious here, folks. The official tweet:
So, the 3 people collaborating in the VICE article to defame and disparage NoFap, do the same on Twitter, to increase Stripchat’s traffic, and thus x-Hamster’s profits.
Stripchat follows up with a tweet linking to the VICE hit-piece, containing numerous lies:
More fairy tales by Prause:
Prause tweeting under the VICE hit-piece, falsely stating that she is being stalked (presumably she is alluding to Rhodes, Hilton, or Wilson). These lies are why she is being sued for defamation:
Yet another incident that will be entered into Federal court.
Prause posting under VICE article, gets into an exchange with an account calling out her lies:
She boasts Alex’s lawsuit will be dismissed. Unlikely.
RealYBOP posts in same thread falsely stating that Rhodes is a paid employee of NCOSE (yet more defamation).
In a strange turn RealYBOP is the first to discover that someone placed Alex’s lawsuit on The Daily Stormer. Many believe that Prause emails “tips” to the Daily Stormer, so she can then claim white supremacists are involved. Same events occured with Gary Wilson. Hope the defamation lawsuits subpoena relevant emails.
Above are just more examples of Prause cyberstalking Alex.
Simultaneously, Prause tweets old “threats” she posted a few years ago. No confirmation they are real. No names attached. No sources given.
NOTE: Many of us running “anti-porn” sites receive daily threats and disparagement. Welcome to the internet. You don’t see us tweeting that they are from friends of Prause or Ley.
Prause goes bonkers, claiming that Alex is about to be arrested for Grand Larceny (more defamation per se).
Her “understanding.” Complete BS.
If Rhodes didn’t have an excellent case before filing his suit (which he did), he certainly does now.
November, 18 2019:
Staci Sprout made a video supporting a fund raiser for NoFap founder Alexander Rhodes’s defamation lawsuit against Nicole Prause / Liberos. In retaliation, RealYBOP (an alias account of Nicole Prause) disparages Staci Sprout:
While RealYBOP did not name Sprout, it tweeted a screenshot of her article.
RealYBOP harasses Alex Rhodes of Nofap (who quoted a study):
RealYBOP continues to attack/disparage Alex Rhodes, even though Alexander Rhodes has filed a defamation lawsuit against Nicole Prause / Liberos
December 2, 2019: In several replies to a lawyer, she claims to be consulting with the FBI concerning Alex Rhodes’s fundraising. She also claims that “records” proving she has no relationship with the porn industry will be in her legal response to the Rhodes lawsuits:
Update: She lied. Her 2 motions to dismiss had nothing related to the porn industry. See this page for some actual documentation of Prause’s cozy relationship with those in the porn industry – Is Nicole Prause Influenced by the Porn Industry?
January 23, 2020: David Ley and RealYBOP team up to defame and cyberstalk Alex Rhodes of Nofap (tweeting an untruthful article featuring Nicole Prause, who is being sued for defamation by Rhodes).
In a legally perilous move RealYBOP retweets the defamatory SCRAM article:
Two days after this tweet Alex Rhodes filed his amended complaint against Nicole Prause. In his new complaint the ScramNews article was added as a new incident of defamation:
It is now an exhibit in Rhodes defamation suit: Exhibit #14: Factually-inaccurate, defamatory SCRAM hit-piece, allegedly placed by Prause (3 pages)
February 8, 2020: Even though Alex Rhodes’s amended complaint against Prause also names the RealYBOP twitter account (@BrainOnPorn)as defaming him, RealYBOP continues to target Alex Rhodes and NoFap (harassers can’t help harassing):
Note on study RealYBOP cited: The program was pretty much like most guys do on nofap – logs, meditation, weekly check-ins, and trying to quit. In fact, the study is on my porn and sexual problems list as:
Abstinence or Acceptance? A Case Series of Men’s Experiences With an Intervention Addressing Self-Perceived Problematic Pornography Use (2019) – The paper reports on six cases of men with porn addiction as they underwent a mindfulness-based intervention program (meditation, daily logs & weekly check-ins). All 6 subjects seemed to benefit from meditation. Relevant to this list of studies, 2 of 6 reported porn-induced ED. A few reported escalation of use (habituation). One describes withdrawal symptoms.
February 18th, 2020: Prause claims Rape threat on Nofap Forums, but cannot provide URL or screenshot. Prause never provides documentation for any of her claims (she has falsely accused Gary Wilson, Fight The New Drug, Alex Rhodes, and fictitious entities of rape threats.
Esteemed psychology professor, and real sex expert, Frederick Toates challenges Prause to cough up her evidence. She balks.
Yet another account challenges her. Nada:
February 20, 2020: More fabricated victimhood, with zero evidence:
Actually, she is making Alex Rhodes’s case really easy. She continues to harass and defame Rhodes, and his company – NoFap.
Febuary 21, 2020: New article exposes recent hit-pieces targeting NoFap & alex Rhodes as nothing more than unsupported propaganda (articles often feature members of the porn industry and its allies, such as Prause and David Ley): NoFap won’t make you a Nazi: Why MSM can’t get a grip on internet’s anti-masturbation activists
Even though Alex Rhodes’s amended complaint against Prause also names the RealYBOP twitter account (@BrainOnPorn) as defaming him, RealYBOP continues to target Alex Rhodes and NoFap (harassers can’t help harassing). RealYBOP tweets 7 times under the author’s article, on a Friday night, no less:
Pathological liar RealYBOP ends her twitter tirade by defaming Gary Wilson, falsely claiming that this twitter account is actually Wilson. For example, 2 of the account’s tweets under the authors’ tweet:
3 days later RealYBOP tweets under RT’s tweet about the same article (what a cyberstalker);
RealYBOP provides no examples of “errors”. Being sued by Alex Rhodes doesn’t slow down her harassment.
February 29, 2020: Making fun of Rhodes and Hilton:
3/3/20 – RealYBOP trolling Alex Rhodes, tweeting under The Doctor’s tweet:
Being sued by Rhodes isn’t slowing RealYBOP down.
March, 2020: Still going after NoFap (Alex Rhodes), even though she is being sued by Rhodes.
RealYBOP is lying about the content of grad student Kris Taylor’s dissertation on 15 selected comments from reddit/nofap: I want that power back: Discourses of masculinity within an online pornography abstinence forum (2018). See this back and forth between Prause and bart concerning the Taylor joke of a paper.
March 5, 2020: Implying the 2 defamation lawsuits against her are moving in a favorable direction:
March 7, 2020: Being sued, but still going after Nofap. The study she cited was NOT about NoFap. None of the participants came from NoFap. Excerpt:
The largest group of participants came from only one subreddit (“r/everymanshouldknow”), where it had been endorsed by the moderator.
She failed to excerpt the study, only mischaracterize it.
The participants were concerned with porn’s effects, yet the paper mischaracterized this as concerns with masturbation. Contrary to claims of conservatism, and religiosity being a significant factor, the demographics of their subjects tell a very different story: 70% atheists or agnostics – far higher rates than the general population. Very low rates on erectile dysfunction (3.48%), so not representative of the men quitting porn.
March 9, 2020: Even though she is being sued by Alex Rhodes of Nofap, RealYBOP tweets a random attack on NoFap and the concept of quitting porn (called rebooting). The paper cited has nothing to with Nofap, rebooting or quitting porn (it was a questionnaire study on only Jewish Israeli adolescents – and none were attempting to quit porn).
March 9, 2020: RealYBOP goes after Nofap again, disparaging the concept of rebooting (eliminating porn use), a term coined on porn recovery forums such as Nofap.
March 11, 2020: She finds a 3-month old thread to troll, tweeting under a link to Staci Sprout’s video supporting Nofap’s fundraising (See Staci’s write-up for documentation of Prause harassing and defaming her).
No evidence for the 30 so-called complaints. If any occure, no doubt all were well-deserved and legitimate, as are the defamation suits against her. Funny how doesn’t she fails to mention the over 30 victims of her malicious reporting and bogus legal threats: Numerous Victims of Nicole Prause’s Malicious Reporting and Malicious Use of Process
March 12, 2020: Even though she is being sued by Alex Rhodes of NoFap, RealYBOP tweets under a 4-day old tweet of The Doctor’s segment featuring Alex Rhodes.
March 23, 2020: Even though she is being sued by Alex Rhodes of Nofap, RealYBOP tweets a random attack on NoFap. The study she cited was NOT about NoFap: none of the participants came from NoFap. Excerpt:
The largest group of participants came from only one subreddit (“r/everymanshouldknow”), where it had been endorsed by the moderator.
It’s a biased, as the write-up conflicts with its own data. While the abstract describes religion and conservatism as motivation for abstinence, the demographics of their subjects tell a very different story: 70% atheists or agnostics – far higher rates than in the general population. Very low rates on erectile dysfunction (3.48%), so not representative of the men quitting porn:
The final sample included data from 1063 male participants, aged 18 years and older (M = 26.86, SD = 6.79). Most participants resided in North America (77.47%) and some in Europe (16.78%) or other continents (5.75%). 61.9% of the sample have acquired a university degree, while 90.69% have attended at least some college. The majority of participants (53.61%) described themselves as being in a relationship. Atheists, agnostics, and apathetics made up the overwhelming majority (70.00%) of the sample. Further, 19.80% indicated a Christian affiliation and 10.20% specified other religions.
Update: Article about study with the authors correcting some of the misinformation:
“What we observe is that the motivation to abstain from masturbation is not strongest in people who report the most serious sexual problems (like hypersexuality or erectile dysfunction) but that the stronger correlates were opinions about masturbation as harmful for productivity, harmful for the appreciation of sexual partners and as a generally unhealthy behavior,” Imhoff told PsyPost.
“The major caveat here is that we look at correlations. These data are mute with regard to causality. It is tempting to interpret the findings as saying that (objectively not well substantiated) beliefs about negative effects of masturbation cause the motivation to be abstinent. There are other possibilities, however, like these opinions being formed after the fact as a way to justify the already made decision to abstain from masturbation or a third variable (social conservatism) causing both.”
“Only after running this study we learned that there is a heated debate between protagonists running these reboot websites and other parties, sometimes defamed as agents of the porn-industry. We have no stakes in this, our study is purely descriptive, trying to understand such decisions better. Part of this is also that I feel the need to emphasize that our participants were NOT members of a reboot community but over a thousand men recruited over a non-topical subreddit. Whether these data generalize to members of reboot communities is thus open to future scrutiny,” Imhoff added.
March 25, 2020: Being sued by Alex Rhodes doesn’t slow RealYBOP down. A tweet one day after Alex Rhodes filed his opposition to Prause’s motion to dismiss. Court filings containing new incidents & evidence, additional victims, added background information: Brief – 26 pages, Declaration – 64 pages, Exhibits – 57 pages (what does Covid-19 have to do with porn?):
What a joke. RealYBOP doesn’t care for National Review, but regularly tweets XBIZ, PornHub, YouPorn, and various porn producers. RealYBOP provides no examples of misrepresentation, only ad hominem drivel (as usual). Links to the two National Review articles:
March 25, 2020: A second tweet attacking NoFap. This one features a hit-piece by XBIZ (revealing once again RealYBOP’s close alliance with the porn industry). Is it coincidence that a few hours before the XBIZ article RealYBOP disparaged the National Review and NoFap on twitter? Did RealYBOP have anything to do with XBIZ writing this article? Inquiring minds want to know.
What is up with mentioning COVID…. again?
April 13, 2020: Tweet is pure BS. Opinion piece only mentioned Nofap in very last paragraph
What did the paper cite as reason to discuss nofap and anti-Semitism? This tweet.
Saw antisemitism bigotry on Twitter today. To be clear, we have many Jewish users quitting porn. Blaming an entire religion for porn is ridiculous. Also, AA isn't concerned with the religions of some of those who distill/brew alcohol (who cares?), we also only care about recovery
— NoFap (@NoFap) November 7, 2018
There’s never been one iota of evidence connection Alex Rhodes or to anti-Semitism. Nothing. These assertions where been fabricated by pathological liars Ley and Prause:
- October, 2018: Ley & Prause devise an article purporting to connect Gary Wilson, Alexander Rhodes, Gabe Deem to white supremacists/fascists (Prause attacks & libels Alexander Rhodes & Nofap in the comments section).
- October, 2018: Prause follows-up the “fascist” article by attacking & libeling Alexander Rhodes and on Twitter
- Ongoing – David Ley & Nicole Prause’s ongoing attempts to smear YBOP/Gary Wilson & Nofap/Alexander Rhodes by claiming links with neo-Nazi sympathizers
Prause is being sued for defamation for suggesting that Alex Rhodes is anti-Semitic.
Serial defamer David Ley joins in:
April 20, 2020: Two tweets about the well-known origins of reddit/nofap in 2011. Sure a bunch men took a 7 day challenge, but they soon realised porn was the issue. The two Nofap sites are porn recovery fourms – no one ever posts about the Chinese study which measured testosterone levels every day for 16 days, and found little change until around day 7, when a spike occurred.
RealYBOP continues to target nofap, even though @BrainOnPorn twitter now named in two defamation lawsuits (Rhodes and Hilton)!
April 21, 2020: Even she is being sued for defamation by Alex Rhodes, Prause uses her RealYBOP account to attack/disparage Alex Rhodes and his company (NoFap):
April 23, 2020: WOW. Direct support for Pornhub, while attempting to disparage NoFap (who is suing RealYBOP for defamation):
Damn, RealYBOP scouring PornHub as if she is a moderator (of course the account was banned, because it was tweeted by nofap). Wondering if RealYBOP let pornhub know about the account? Hmmm.
Even though she is being sued for defamation by Alex rhodes, RealYBOP retweets lies by David Ley about an apology letter by the authors of a paper that read as if it was about members of Nofap. it was not – none of the subjects came from NoFap! In addition, the paper misrepresented Gabe Deem, and misrepresented what a “reboot” entailed (taking his comments out-of-context).
The apology letter, which is not what Ley claims: Men’s Reasons to Abstain from Masturbation May Not Reflect the Conviction of reboot Websites
Gabe Deem tweeting back and forth with the senior author of the study:
Hey Dr. Imhoff, I’d like to request a correction to your study as I’m inaccurately quoted.
1) I’m not affiliated with NoFap.
2) A reboot is a period of time without artificial stimulation (porn), not masturbation.
3) The quote is only for guys with porn-induced ED… 1/2
— Gabe Deem (@gabedeem) April 29, 2020
My twitter expose’ on the paper:
1/ How propaganda is manufactured in the peer-reviewed literature. Article about new study:
The study mentions @NoFap 17 times, causing the reader to assume the study surveyed reddit/Nofap users.
Yet none of the subjects were from Nofap/reddit. Zero. 😏
— Your Brain on Porn (@YourBrainOnPorn) April 27, 2020
May 27, 2020: More lies about Imhoff letter to the editor:
RealYBOP Retweets Ley’s lies about Imhoff letter and his study. See this thread for the truth.
More lies, as the Imhoff survey had zero subjects from nofap.
May 4, 2020: targets all porn recovery forums, with fabricated BS:
May 5, 2020: Retweets Lehmiller propaganda:
May 10, 2020: RealYBOP & lies about Imhof’s letter. No one was threatened in any way. She links to her new section on “anti-porn extremists”, where she mispresents the opinion pieces she cites. Very important to note: The RealYBOP so-called research page had no mentions of “NoFap” before the lawsuits was filed. Now it contains 7 instances of “NoFap”. Jury will find this very interesting – obsessive harassment even after the lawsuits was filed!
May 19, 2020: As Prause was using at least 2 aliases to insert Kris Taylor’s paper onto Nofap Wikipedia page, she was tweeting Taylor’s paper. Notice how Nikky never quotes these papers – cause they don’t say what she claims they do. Grad student Kris Taylor’s dissertation on 15 comments from reddit/nofap: I want that power back: Discourses of masculinity within an online pornography abstinence forum (2018). See this back and forth between Prause and bart concerning the Taylor joke of a paper.
Two sockpuppets editing Nofap Wikipedia page during may of 2020:
May 23, 2020: Kelsy Burke posted an article extensively lambasting NoFap, yet none the 35 subjects of her study were from Nofap or RebootNation. Clear case of targeted propaganda from a RealYBOP ally.
May 24, 20202: RealYBOP retweets Burke article about her “study” which had nothing to do with nofap (her article was factually inaccurate propaganda).
May 30, 2020: Meant to target nofap.
June 5, 2020: Retweets cloae ally “comradecat” (“nerdykinkycommie”)
June 16, 2020: Two full of lies tweets by cyberstalker RealYBOP. The 2 tweets contain screenshots of several presentations at NCOSE conference (Alex Rhodes, Gary Wilson, Gabe Deem, Gail Dines). No one was paid for their presentation, and these 4 individuals do not receive money from religious organizations (3 of the 4 are atheists).
June 29, 2020: All lies. The only thing about me was a screenshot of commentary by TED under my talk (after 5 years of harassment TED finally succumbed to Prause’s intense pressire). Nothing about misogyny or homosexuality. Anyhow, the paper was a rambling mess from a agenda-driven sociologist who carefully selected a few reddit comments and youtube videos to support her preordained goal of disparaging men in recovery.
More in the same thread: Falsely caliming she has “heard stories”, yet never provdes an example.
July 1, 2020: RealYBOP caught in a lie, and exposed. RealYBOP creates a tweet that makes it look like porn star Jenna Jameson was replying to NoFap (Jameson is a follower & fan of Nofap):
Here’s the real tweet:
I expose RealYBOP as lying AND Jenna Jameson replie to me:
Shady “af” is right.
Even though she is being sued, RealYBOP follows the above with a tweet directly about Alex Rhodes, falsely stating that he was a “failed actor”. Alex was once an extra on a Tom Cruise movie. Alex accidentally became “famous” due to a practical joke. Alex never aspired to be an actor. RealYBOP is a liar.
Upset that she has been outed as a liar, and called shady as fuck by Jenna Jameson, RealYBOP doubles down on her obvious lies, while adding more counts of defamation (no wonder she is burning through lawyers: her 3rd set on the Hilton suit, and 2nd set on the Rhodes suit). Notice that ReaYBOP tweets a “slide” by ally xHamster (who is compensating other RealYBOP members promote its websites and convince users that porn addiction and sex addiction are myths!) Everything RealYBOP says is untrue – no surprise.
Besides being fabricated propaganda by xHamster, the “slide’ doesn’t mention Nofap. Typical RealYBOP tactic of tweeting materials that don’t support what she is saying in her tweets.
Also fabricated are RealYBOP’s claims of receiving death threats/ RealYBOP has never produced a single example of a death threat – and certainly none from those Prause alludes are threatening her.
July 3, 2020: RealYBOP enters a Nofap thread to troll Alex Rhodes (no wonder she’s burning through defense lawyers):
July 3, 2020 and July 7, 2020: Had nothing to do with NoFap. Just a mention of a “Follin” linking to so-called “nofap” videos on YouTube. Thing is, nofap doesn’t have official videos. So, it’s just random youtubers. Meaningless. What a cyberstalker.
7-7-20: Three tweets going after Nofap (tweet1, tweet2, tweet3) Talk about obsessive cyberstalking. She must have spent a whole day coming up with this irrelevant data. And she claims to be a victim of Alex Rhodes – yet he never tweets about her – while Prause cowardly using her shill account (RealYBOP) harassse and defames Rhodes and Nofap on a daily basis.
Calling guys quiiting porn extremists
Posts article by student – not a study
Cyberstalking the plaintiff:
Typical misrepresentation. This 2013 tweet is meme for the last episod of “Breaking Bad”. Also reveals that Prause is searching through all of Alex’s online material.
Another unpublished paper… that makes no sense. LOL.
Neither nofap or I have any connections to Gavin MnInness.
Alex did not “sue again”. Thsi was part of the discovery in the original suit – and why Prause filed bankruptcy – to avoid discovery, this revealing that she was @BrainOnPorn.
November, 2019: Prause enters the California “Safe At Home Program” under false pretenses, misusing it to harass her victims and critics
In the morning, before NoFap’s announcement of its crowd-fund (to pursue a defamation suit against Prause for her egregious defamation of Nofap and its founder), Prause suspiciously began tweeting that she had received death threats. (NOTE: Prause has never provided public evidence of verifiable threats, just as she has never provided evidence of anyone stalking her). In fact, throughout the first day of Alex’s crowd-funding, she kept a running tab of “death threats” supposedly sent her way. Her last tweet announces that she has entered the California Safe At Home Program:
It’s certain that Prause fraudulently entered CA’s Safe At Home, because she named me as the reason for doing it in her lie-filled Motion To Dismiss filed in the Hilton lawsuit (her Motion to Dismiss was denied). I have not stalked her. From her motion:
Wilson has a documented history of stalking me. As a result, I qualified for California’s Safe at Home Program, and solicited a no-contact order against Wilson.
This is a garbage pile of fake victim-hood fabricated by the actual perpetrator. She provides no documentation for her claim, which she initiated in April, 2013, and began publicizing in July, 2013 (a few days after I dared to point out her public misrepresentations about her first EEG study). As exposed in this section (Prause’s fabrications of victim-hood), Prause provides zero evidence to support her stalking claims. As I explained in that section:
- I have not been in LA in over a decade and I have never been contacted by any law enforcement agency (why would they?). In late 2017, a call to the Los Angeles Police Department and the UCLA campus police revealed no report in their systems on a Gary Wilson, nor any report filed by a Nicole Prause.
- Prause’s “no-contact order” is pure fiction: I have never initiated contact with Prause, yet Prause has contacted me hundreds of time on social media (more below).
- FBI? An FOIA request with the FBI revealed that Prause lied about reporting me: In December of 2018 I filed an FBI report on Nicole Prause for publicly & falsely claiming she had reported me.
- Our complaint to UCLA was factually accurate and justified (much more on UCLA below). Reality? UCLA did not renew Prause’s contract (late 2014, early 2015). We had simply asked that she remove defamation from her website (that posed as a UCLA website when it was not) and apologize.
Important to note that her false accusations of stalking began almost as soon as our paths crossed. In fact, she accused my wife and myself of stalking in an April, 2013 email exchange that occurred a few weeks after I published a response to David Ley’s Psychology Today blog post where Prause and he targeted my website: “Your Brain on Porn – It’s NOT Addictive.” Ley’s blog was about Nicole Prause’s unpublished, yet to be peer-reviewed EEG study (this was the first I had heard of Prause).
Prause immediately initiated her only contact with me in 2 emails and a comment under my Psychology Today response. Simultaneously, she contacted Psychology Today editors, who forwarded her second email. The following 2 emails are from the end of our brief exchange (screenshots of Prause & Wilson’s entire email exchange):
As you can see, Prause is accusing us of stalking her, although all I did was respond to two emails she sent my way. This is where Prause’s fabricated “stalking” claims began.
Prause initiated her first public “Gary Wilson is a stalker” campaign 3 months later, immediately after I published my critique of Steele et al., 2013, which suggested that she had misrepresented Steele’s actual findings. Prause created numerous aliases to defame me, including this YouTube channel, GaryWilson Stalker. A screenshot of my YouTube inbox from July 26, 2013 reveals Prause’s incessant cyberstalking (PDF of Nicole Prause aliases she used to harass & defame):
Question: Did I drive 800 miles to Los Angeles on the same day I published my detailed critique to hover around UCLA, or did Prause initiate a fabricated campaign of being stalked on the day after my critique? The latter. I’m really looking forward to a jury trial, testifying under oath to Prause’s litany of falsehoods. Even more, I’m looking forward to Prause being cross-examined and exposed as the serial perpetrator, not the victim.
November, 2019: Prause misuses “Safe At Home Program”: She threatens YBOP’s web-host (Linode) with a fraudulent Cease & Desist letter, falsely claiming her address is on YBOP (it wasn’t).
In an attempt to bury evidence of her egregious behavior, Prause has filed 3 groundless, and unsuccessful, DMCA takedown requests with YBOP’s web host, seeking to have screenshots of her defamatory tweets removed. When the baseless DMCAs failed, Prause attempted to grab Gary Wilson’s URL ( and his trademark (yourbrainonporn), and knowingly created a trademark-infringing site ( and associated Twitter account (@BrainOnPorn).
When her attempts failed to remove documentation of her defamation and harassment from this website, she turned to threatening YBOP’s web host Linode with a bogus cease & desist letter, penned by sex-industry lawyer Wayne Giampietro. (Prior to this dispute, Giampietro represented a party associated with Backpage – an online marketplace that was shut down for trafficking minors. was shuttered by the Federal government “for its willful facilitation of human trafficking and prostitution.” See this USA Today article: 93-count indictment on sex trafficking charges revealed against Backpage founders. The indictment charged Backpage owners, along with others, of conspiring to knowingly facilitate prostitution offenses through the website, and contended that the trafficked people included teenage girls.)
Wayne Giampietro’s lie-filled cease & desist letter (Prause failed to provide a screenshot or URL, because her address was not on YBOP):
Linode never informed me about Prause’s bogus C&D letter because they had no reason to act on it. Instead, the above C&D was forwarded to me from the owner of a YouTube channel whom Prause sucessfully silenced with her threats. The young man was frightened into deleting his video that contained screenshots of YBOP pages documenting her defamation/harassment. Prause falsely told him that I was violating her rights because her home address was on YBOP. She cited California’s “Safe At Home” regulations and her bogus C&D letter (above).
It wasn’t until January, 2020, when Prause sent Linode a second baseless C&D, that Linode finally contacted YBOP. Once again, Prause provided no URLs or screenshots for Linode to investigate: January, 2020: Nicole Prause attempts to take down YBOP by threatening its web host (Linode) with a 2nd bogus Cease & Desist letter. Linode closed the matter, informing Prause that all her future communications with Linode would be sent my way.
This screenshot from a January, 2020 Linode communication confirmed that (1) YBOP was not publishing Prause’s home address or telephone number, and (2) Prause failed to provide any actionable requests (i.e. URLs of pages allegedly containing her address):
Using “Safe At Home” to silence her critics, when no one was violating her rights under the Safe At Home Act, is misusing the Act. According to the Act, it constitutes a misdemeanor under California law.
November, 2019: Prause misuses “Safe At Home Program”: She threatens YouTube channel with legal action, falsely claiming a video was defamatory & linked to her home address on YBOP (her address was never on YBOP)
Around the time the Rhodes v. Prause defamation lawsuit was filed, YouTuber Fearless Dan posted a short video discussing the Rhodes suit and Prause’s long, documented history of defamation and harassment. His video contained images of him scrolling through the first YBOP Prause page, showing the table of contents, and briefly highlighting a few sections.
I watched the video and put it up on YBOP. Fearless Dan’s video was factually accurate and defamed no one. Nevertheless, Prause reported it to YouTube and threatened Fearless Dan with legal action. Here’s what Prause emailed to YouTube:
Please see the following document supporting the defamation, harassment, and financial fraud in Mr. “Fearless Dan’s” video posted here:
This also violates my California safe-at-home program protections. Mr. “Fearless Dan” links in the comment to a description of my physical location with images of me which he does not own.
My attorney will follow with a Cease and Desist specific to your client’s video, most likely tomorrow, if it not removed immediately.
All lies. Prause’s so-called “document supporting the defamation, harassment, and financial fraud” appears to have been her attorney Wayne Giampietro’s lie-filled cease & desist letter, which I posted in the previous section. Prause also lied when she claimed that Fearless Dan “links in the comment to a description of my physical location.” He linked to YBOP which, as documented, has never contained her home address.
Unfortunately, Fearless Dan then deleted his video, fearing that he might otherwise place his entire YouTube channel at risk. Prause thus successfully censored his right to speak the truth freely. See below.
Prause’s libelous and threatening emails intended to censor Fearless Dan are now included in Alex Rhodes’s defamation lawsuit. Screenshot filed with Rhodes’s amended complaint (Dan forwarded Prause’s email to Team Nofap):
The above email was taken from: Exhibit #3: Screenshots of Nicole Prause and @BrainOnPorn defaming Alex Rhodes (61 pages)
Others – November, 2019: In response to Diana Davison’s Post Millennial expose’ Prause harasses/defames Davison, followed by a bogus Cease & Desist letter and demanding $10,000 to not file a suit
A few weeks after Rhodes v Prause was filed, accurate media coverage on serial false accuser/defamer Nicole Prause finally arrived:
- “Alex Rhodes of Porn Addiction Support Group ‘NoFap’ Sues Obsessed Pro-Porn Sexologist for Defamation” by Megan Fox of PJ Media
- “Porn wars get personal in No Nut November”, by Diana Davison of The Post Millennial.
- Davison also produced this 6-minute YouTube video touching on Prause’s egregious behavior: “Is Porn Addictive?”
The Diana Davison YouTube video provided a link to the timeline of events chronicling Prause’s nearly 7-year campaign of harassment, defamation, threats, and false accusations called “VSS Academic War Timeline.” Prause eventually got the timeline removed(!), on what basis no one knows. Several revealing comments under the Diana Davison video expose Prause as the perpetrator, not the victim:
As she had done with other journalists (e.g. Belinda Luscombe, Amy Fleming) Prause went on the attack, harassing, defaming and threatening Diana Davison. Prause eventually resorted to sending Davison and The Post Millennial a baseless cease & desist letter. (PDF of bogus C&D letter). We begin with Diana Davison’s original tweet linking to her article:
In No Nut November, the question “To fap or not to fap?” has become fraught with legal danger. #NoFap #NoNutNovember
— Diana Davison (@d2davison) November 21, 2019
Davison was asked about Prause’s court filings where Prause falsely claims she never attended a porn awards show. (See this image of her (far right) on the red carpet of the 2016 X-Rated Critics Organization (XRCO) awards ceremony.) Davison exposes Prause as perjuring herself in her Hilton v. Prause lawsuit filings:
Prause then blocked Davison to prevent her from responding to Prause’s tweets:
Additional photo showing her at a "reserved" table inside the porn awards – so it wasn't some other red carpet event.
— Diana Davison (@d2davison) November 25, 2019
Screenshots supporting everything Davison said:
- attended 2016 X-Rated Critics Organization (XRCO) awards ceremony (PDF: XRCO 2016)
- stated she had attended AVN in 2015 (PDF: AVN 2015)
- stated she planned to attend AVN in 2019 (PDF: AVN 2019)
With Davison blocked, Prause launches her tirade:
Is it a coincidence that the AVN email to Prause is dated November 21, the day The Post Millennial expose’ on Nicole Prause was published? This suggests that Prause emailed AVN and they immediately responded with the requested statement. It appears as if Prause and AVN have an ongoing relationship.
However, the AVN email fails to back up Prause’s claims. First, AVN’s email is only concerned with 2019, yet Don Hilton only contends that Prause stated she had attended AVN in 2015 (which Prause did tweet in 2015). Second, the AVN respnse concerns itself with only RSVP tickets, not general admission. The only thing the AVN email proves is that the AVN is at Prause’s beck and call.
Prause’s tirade continues, with self-incriminating screenshots of this page: Is Nicole Prause Influenced by the Porn Industry? You can see the section she captured in her tweet here: Evidence that Nicole Prause attends porn industry awards (XRCO, AVN)
Next she tweets this gem (featuring more of her private emails with porn industry insiders):
The screenshot of the XRCO Chairman’s email to Prause from the above tweet is priceless:
Bob Krotts confirms Prause had attended XRCO (contrary to Nikky’s sworn affidavit), yet he’s not sure if she’s a “part of” the porn industry or not. Prause’s tweet contains a second screenshot – of a Davison tweet:
Davison is referring to this XRCO picture of Prause sitting at a reserved table with porn-industry friends (blonde at left behind porn star Melissa Hill):
In the same thread, here she is ranting about the 2019 AVN (rather than 2015), and tweeting receipts supposedly showing she was in LA during the 2019 AVN (which is held in Las Vegas). However, no one said Prause attended the 2019 AVN award (even though Prause apparently once planned to attend AVN), and The Post Millennial article said nothing about either the AVN or the XRCO awards.
Prause escalates to threatening a lawsuit. None of her “evidence” counters anything tweeted by Diana Davison.
Concurrently, she tweets all the porn-industry bigwigs who are at her fingertips. Nothing suspicious here folks!
Davison responds to being blocked, then harassed by Prause:
Why does Twitter allow people who have blocked you to reply to tweets? I've got some nutter (Nicole Prause) falsely accusing me (surprise, surprise) and other people have to tell me what's going on.
— Diana Davison (@d2davison) November 25, 2019
That's some pretty bizarre kind of behaviour for a person who is a therapist.
— Diana Davison (@d2davison) November 25, 2019
It almost seems like she's… stalking me. 🤪
— Diana Davison (@d2davison) November 25, 2019
November 25, 2019:
The next day Prause gets her lawyer to send a bogus cease and desist letter to Davison and The Post Millennial. All of Prause’s alleged wrongs are fabricated nonsense – as usual.
Reminder: Prause’s legal counsel is Wayne B. Giampietro, who was one of the primary lawyers defending Backpage was shut down by the federal government “for its willful facilitation of human trafficking and prostitution.” (see this USA Today article: 93-count indictment on sex trafficking charges revealed against Backpage founders). The indictment charged backpage owners, along with others, of conspiring to knowingly facilitate prostitution offenses through the website. Authorities contend some of the trafficked people included teenage girls. For details on Giampietro’s involvement see – In an odd turn of events, assets were seized by Arizona, with Wayne B. Giampietro LLC listed as forfeiting $100,000.
Continues threats against Davison, The Post Millennial, and two other Twitter accounts in the Davison thread (note: Prause had already blocked Davison).
Notice how Prause’s C&D letter says RE: Your Brain On Porn. Just shows that she is probably the one writing the bogus C&D’s, not her lawyer.
Diana Davison responds to Prause’s harassment and bogus C&D letter.
That she lied about attending the XRCO event and she's threatening to sue people who say they've seen a picture of her there. Also, falsely accusing people of stalking just for doing research and defending themselves.
— Diana Davison (@d2davison) November 25, 2019
Diana describes Prause demanding $10,000 to just go away.
It seems to me the demand for $10K was a form of attempted extortion.
— Diana Davison (@d2davison) November 26, 2019
Prause also tries to intimidate others in the Davison thread:
Thing is, that's not the law. You should contact me on DMs
— Diana Davison (@d2davison) November 26, 2019
Other accounts educate Davison on the ways of the porn industry shills:
What's going on with her? Survey says… Unhinged!
— Diana Davison (@d2davison) November 26, 2019
Davison is not intimidated by Prause:
So I've just been threatened with a bogus lawsuit for saying things that are provably true. Interesting. For the person issuing this threat: I have an LA lawyer and you'll be hearing from him if you persist in this attempt at silencing my speech.
— Diana Davison (@d2davison) November 26, 2019
The problem with your question is that the person alleging defamation claims I said things I didn't. What I said is that a person was in a place where photos prove she was. She's alleging I said she was somewhere else which I have no interest in.
— Diana Davison (@d2davison) November 26, 2019
November 26, 2019:
Weird year indeed. I did my own investigation and agree with your conclusion but disagree on some of your other statements. Disagreement isn't defamation is it? Meanwhile Prause is threatening to sue me now for stating the truth. She's the biggest nutter in No Nut November.
— Diana Davison (@d2davison) November 26, 2019
To clarify, when I say "stating the truth" I mean she wants to sue me for producing a picture of her at a porn award show that she claims she didn't attend.
— Diana Davison (@d2davison) November 26, 2019
December 19, 2019: Prause apparently scared into taking down Davison’s timeline of Prause’s defamation & harassment.
To be honest, I kind of feel like I should have an affidavit of being bullied in the lawsuits now. Just got a notice that Prause had my timeline documentation removed from the website that allowed me to track her nefarious activities.
— Diana Davison (@d2davison) December 20, 2019
Note: Months have passed and Davison’s Post Millennial article remains, as do all of Davison’s tweets. More empty, unmerited threats by Prause.
March 10, 2020: Evidently Diana Davison received emails from more victims of Prause. It never ends:
At what point can Nicole Prause be declared a vexatious litigant? I'm getting messages and screenshots from numerous people of her saying she's suing them… and she doesn't. Because she knows she can't.
— Diana Davison (@d2davison) March 10, 2020
Davison continues:
Hmm. Criminal harassment has to be repeated unwanted contact after being told the target is afraid of you. I'm not afraid of her. She threatens then disappears so I don't think it would meet the threshold. And she's like buckshot scattering her threats without follow up.
— Diana Davison (@d2davison) March 10, 2020
I disagree. I recently attended an anti-SLAPP hearing in which they said the threat of litigation is deemed equivalent to actual litigation.
— Diana Davison (@d2davison) March 10, 2020
Davison ends with what many of us know to be true:
A fucking nutter. Obsessed with saying porn has no addictive qualities or downsides. She'll sue anyone who calls her a nutter or points out inconvenient facts that interfere with her academic neutrality.
— Diana Davison (@d2davison) March 10, 2020
Others – November, 2019: Prause attacks journalist Rebecca Watson (“skepchicks”), saying she lied about everything in her video covering the Alex Rhodes defamation suit against Prause
While Watson is OK with porn, liberal, and not a fan of NoFap, she takes Prause to task for harassment and defamation of Alex Rhodes (article & video). Watson did her homework on Prause but not on the current state of the research, which abundantly supports the addiction model.
Watson posts her video and article; Prause goes after her.
Prause saying Watson lied about everything in her video.
Prause posted maybe 30 tweets and 20 YouTube comments, all with her usual spate of fairy tales. A few examples:
Ah yes, the LAPD is on the year-old anonymous internet comments.
Yep, California has a law against filing fraudulent defamation suits. It’s called anti-SLAPP, and that’s the type of motion I won against Prause in 2020. Prause sought a frivolous restraining order against me in California. The Court dismissed it and granted my anti-SLAPP motion, leaving Prause obligated to pay my attorney fees.
Prause used her own account and the RealYBOP YouTube account to argue with commenters under the Watson video. Note that the RealYBOP comment reads as if it was written by Prause, in the first person (“my license,” “I won”), when describing her so-called victories in the WIPO hearing, UCLA complaints, and complaints against her psychology license. The RealYBOP comment also links to 2 court documents Prause forced to add to this article about Hilton v. Prause. (The court ignored Prause lie-filled documents and refused to dismiss the case.)
YouTube commentors catch on:
More Rebecca Watson comments on Prause’s smear campaign.
Watson continues, chastizing Prause:
Finally, Watson had enough:
December, 2019 onward: The RealYourBrainOnPorn YouTube channel initially identified itself as Nicole Prause (thereby also identifying Prause as sockpuppet “TruthShallSetSetYouFree”)
Upset by a less than flattering Rebecca Watson video covering the Rhodes defamation lawsuit, Prause used her own account and the RealYBOP YouTube account to argue with commenters under the Watson video. The RealYBOP comment reads as if it was written by Prause, in the first person (“my license,” “I won”), when describing her so-called victories in the WIPO hearing, UCLA complaints, and complaints against her psychology license. The RealYBOP comment also links to 2 court documents Prause forced to add to this article about Hilton v. Prause. (The court ignored Prause lie-filled documents and refused to dismiss the case.)
Prause’s claims of victimhood are pure fabrications. She is the perpetrator not the victim.
Soon after her onslaught against Watson on YouTube and Twitter, the RealYBOP YouTube channel changed its name to “TruthShallSetYouFree,” which resulted in the above comment changing usernames:
It’s 2021 and Prause still uses her altered YouTube alias (Truth ShallSetYouFree) to disparage and defame her usual targets, while spreading claims of her victimhood. A few examples of her trolling and defamation.
Disparagement under a video presenting YBOP material:
Same nutty lies she posted on her own account and the RealYBOP Twitter account (the VICE article was pure propaganda, yet even it wisely says nothing about Alex Rhodes or Gary Wilson threatening her in any way).
Two lie-filled comments that are nearly word for word identical to defamatory tweets by her @BrainOnPorn alias.
Suit #1 – More lies by her. Her case was heard and found to be “without merit.” Prause sought a frivolous restraining order against me (Gary Wilson) in California. The Court dismissed it and granted my anti-SLAPP motion, leaving Prause obligated to pay my attorney fees. Within days she declared herself insolvent, foiling collection.
Suit #2 – Undeterred by her unequivocal defeat in CA, Prause filed a second frivolous proceeding against me in December, 2020 for alleged defamation. At a hearing on January 22, 2021 the Oregon Court ruled in my favor and charged her with costs and an additional penalty.
Even though Prause is being sued for defamation by Don Hilton, she continues to troll his videos, adding to her defamation of him.
Ahh, the imagined death threats.
Prause has posted hundreds of tweets claiming to have received death threats because of me, Nofap, and anyone else she disagrees with. Poppycock. If she has received such threats (just as Nofap and I have…welcome to the internet) they are not due to our efforts.
Again she makes claims of threats but offers no evidence connecting “threats” to any known person. Then wearing her Truth ShallSetYouFree alias she claims to have copied the “defamation” and sent it to Prause [herself].
Make Prause rich? Reality check: she has lost 2 lawsuits, which she initiated. In both I was awarded courts costs and attorney fees.
There were several additional disgusting comments by Truth ShallSetYouFree, but you get the idea – it’s Prause.
Others – Ongoing: To suppress criticism Prause threatens numerous Twitter accounts with bogus small claims court lawsuits (Mark Schuenemann, Tom Jackson, Matthew, TranshumanAI, “anonymous”)
1) Tom Jackson (@LivingThoreau) – November, 2019:
Prause and Tom Jackson exchanged tweets back in March, and again when Diana Davison tweeted her expose’. On November 22, Prause threatens Jackson with a defamation suit, demanding a payment of $10,000:
She claims that a process server is working to locate an anonymous Twitter account. Sure, it is.
Prause enters the March, 2019 thread with additional legal threats:
Another threat under a different March tweet:
Yet another threat under a yet another March tweet:
The 4th threat under a March tweet by Jackson (and yes, that is Prause posing with porn stars):
Tom Jackson replies with a screenshot of Prause attendinsg 2016 X-Rated Critics Organization (XRCO) awards ceremony. (According to Wikipedia, The XRCO Awards are given by the American X-Rated Critics Organization annually to people working in adult entertainment and it is the only adult industry awards show reserved exclusively for industry members.[1])
She files a small claims court “suit” against Tom Jackson’s anonymous Twitter account in Los Angeles court.
Tom Jackson may not know that:
- California small claims suits for defamation are only applicable to residents of California. If Tom lives anywhere else the suit is automatically dismissed (as long as he avoids service in CA).
- Anyone can file a small claims suit, because it’s as easy as clicking a few online boxes.
- No lawyers can be involved. You must represent yourself.
- Suing an anonymous online account in small claims court is liking suing a ghost. Unless one is willing to spend tons of money to force Twitter to reveal an email, and the hapless victim is served in CA, it is an empty threat.
Tom Jackson deletes his Twitter account:
The members of the private Facebook group celebrate like juvenile trolls:
Prause places Jackson’s tweets on the Internet WayBack machine. Not surprisingly, as she may have been behind the fraudulent porn urls inserted into the YBOP WayBack archives: August, 2019: Realyourbrainonporn (Daniel Burgess/Nicole Prause) 110+ tweet defamation/harassment of Gary Wilson: They “discover” fake porn URLs “found” in the Internet Wayback Archive).
Too bad people don’t know their rights. The Tom Jackson small claims suit did not go forward.
She then pinned a tweet boasting about all the porn industry groups and individuals that were coming to her aid:
If any bit of evidence shows Prause’s intimate relationship with the porn industry, the above certainly does. She has big porn players at her beck and call. Her next tweet below this is laughable:
She’s claiming the two defamation lawsuits (Donald Hilton, MD & Nofap founder Alexander Rhodes ) against her are SLAPP suits (Strategic Lawsuit Against Public Participation). Nice try, but both defamation suits are moving forward (we hear more suits are to follow).
2) Mark Schuenemann (@Kurall_Creator) – November, 2019:
Legal threats by Prause occurred in Diana Davison’s thread about The Post Millennial article. It all starts with this exchange:
It continues further down the thread:
Hilarious. The above tweet claims no relationship between Prause and porn industry insiders, yet she tweets a list of porn-industry bigwigs who are at her fingertips. Nothing suspicious here folks.
Two more threats targeting Kurall_Creator (Mark Schuenemann). To threaten, she boasts about her upcoming lawsuits with Diana Davison and Tom Jackson – which never came to fruition.
More defamation and lies by Prause:
Epilogue: No “defamation” suit was filed by Prause.
Concurrently, a lawyer gives his 25-tweet opinion of the defamation suits against Prause. Even though he states up front that he’s not a fan of NoFap (one of the plaintiffs), and is a fan of porn, he eviscerates Prause for her nutty behavior and bogus legal threats:
Tweets continued:
Further tweets:
Prause claimed to have a hotline to the FBI and to being advised by the FBI on what to tell the public about the Alex Rhodes defamation suit. Probably not.
Background: The following tweets come from a Pascal Gobry thread featuring his extensive article: A Science-Based Case for Ending the Porn Epidemic. RealYBOP and Nicole Prause responded with 90 rambling tweets in Gobry’s thread, consisting of personal attacks, ad hominem, and false accusations (but never addressing the substance of his article).
In another Pascal Gobry thread, Matthew lets everyone know that Prause just threatened him:
Matthew ignores her threats, yet others do not:
The thread continues with a lawyer schooling her:
As for her claims, none of the small claims suits went to trial. Unless she serves the party while they are in California, the suit will be dropped within a couple of months. Prause knows her small claims filings will go nowhere. Sheer intimidation. Prause has never filed an actual defamation suit against anyone in regular court. Even in the 2 defamation suits against her, she failed to counter-sue. Truth is a defense.
4) January, 2020: TranshumanAI
Another account that also did not engage in actual defamation, yet was threatened by Prause with a suit in California small claims court. Under duress the account deleted the tweets, and changed its name:
More hyperbole and lies:
Again, this case never went to trial. Pure speech suppression and bluff. As mentioned above, California small claims suits for defamation are only applicable to residents of California. Anyone can file a small claims suit, and take a screenhot, because it’s as easy as clicking a few online boxes.
In response to a tweet of Ley et al., 2014, a Twitter account commented on Prause’s well established bias and documented porn industry connections. For example, Prause was the second author on Ley’s propaganda piece masquerading as a review. See: Critique of “The Emperor Has No Clothes: A Review of the ‘Pornography Addiction’ Model” (2014), David Ley, Nicole Prause & Peter Finn (Ley et al., 2014). The tweet said:
Prause threatens a defamation suit, even though the above does not rise to defamation (especially as it is true).
Under attack from Prause, Ley, and their pack of flying monkeys, the Twitter account goes private. Prause continues, claiming fake victimhood while falsely implying that she has “won” all sorts of lawsuits. In reality, the 2 defamation suits against her are the only actual lawsuits on record – and both are moving towards trial. Extensive page exposing Prause’s lies and fabrications: Nicole Prause & David Ley commit perjury in Hilton defamation lawsuit (September, 2019).
Co-harasser and defamer David Ley steps in with his usual litany of falsehoods and fake victimhood.
As always, Ley provides no documentation for his or Prause’s faux victimhood. Ley blatantly lies when claiming he is not compensated by the porn industry. See: David Ley is compensated by porn industry giant xHamster to promote its websites and convince users that porn addiction and sex addiction are myths!
Others – 2019-2020: Multiple incidents – Nicole Prause and presumed aliases (@BrainOnPorn) target Don Hilton even AFTER his defamation lawsuit is filed
This section documents the attacks of Prause and her presumed aliases (@BrainOnPorn, Truth ShallSetYouFree) on Hilton after his defamation lawsuit was filed. Attorneys of individuals embroiled in defamation lawsuits usually instructed their clients to avoid discussing the case. It goes without saying that a person being sued for defamation would be wise to refrain from further defamation and targeted harassment. Nicole Prause is no ordinary defendant…or harasser. More than reckless, the following items demonstrate Prause’s malice toward Hilton.
This section documents the attacks of Prause and her presumed aliases (@BrainOnPorn, Truth ShallSetYouFree) on Hilton after his defamation lawsuit was filed. Attorneys of individuals embroiled in defamation lawsuits usually instruct their clients to avoid discussing the case. It goes without saying that a person being sued for defamation would be wise to refrain from further defamation and targeted harassment. Nicole Prause is no ordinary defendant…or harasser. More than reckless, the following items demonstrate Prause’s malice toward Hilton.
June 3, 2019: David Ley and Prause alias (RealYBOP) team up to disparage Hilton with Rory Reid’s unpersuasive commentary:
June 22, 2019: Prause’s closest ally, David Ley tweets about Hilton. Note: (1) David Ley filed a lie-filled affidavit on the behalf of Prause in this case, and (2) PornHub was the first to retweet Ley’s tweet:
July 5, 2019: David Ley’s tweet borders on defamation itself.
July 15, 2019: While she doesn’t mention Hilton by name, Prause has tweeted much the same about Hilton in the past:
August 13, 2019: Prause/RealYBOP ally disparages Hilton with untrue statements:
RealYBOP likes the tweet:
September 20, 2019: On the day of a very important hearing in her case, Prause tweets about a major issue in the suit: Kinsey collaborating with pedophiles, as is clear from Table 34 in his famous treatise Sexual Behavior in the Human Male (1948). This was a major point of discussion in the only conversation between Prause and Hilton. Prause later mischaracterizes the discussion as Hilton calling her a child molester (he never did).
While not overt, it’s still targeting Hilton.
November 14, 2019: three tweets directly referring to Hilton and the lawsuit (tweet 1, tweet 2, tweet 3), and containing false or defamatory statements:
November 14, 2019: On the same day, Prause alias @BrainOnPorn tweets about Hilton’s appearance on a CBS show about pornography:
November 19, 2019: RealYBOP disparages Don Hilton, MD. (He was the so-called “religious physician” in the CBS segment about porn, but he sticks to the science and never makes religiosity part of his public talks. Only his critics do.)
November 22, 2019: UCLA law tweets about the Diana Davison article discussing Hilton and Rhodes lawsuits. Specifically mentions Volokh’s July article about Hilton v. Prause. Prause immediately threatens UCLA law!
November 24, 2019: In response to Diana Davison exposing Prause as lying about attending porn awards, Prause tweets a Chad Sokol email mentioning Don Hilton:
The email:
Chad Sokol & my email: This brings us to reporter Chad Sokol and his biased article about a February 23, 2019 conference on the risks of porn use held at Gonzaga University. In interviewing some of the presenters (such as Don Hilton) it became apparent that Sokol had already spoken with David Ley and Nicole Prause (and Prause co-author Cameron Staley). Sokol was clearly biased, having been prepared with Prause-generated materials and talking points.
In conversations with Hilton, Sokol parroted Prause, suggesting that Hilton’s religious faith skewed his views, making him biased. If bias (not the research) was Sokol’s primary concern, Hilton wondered if Sokol might be willing to examine evidence of Prause’s and Ley’s biases.
When Chad Sokol said “these kinds of attacks,” he is referring to my email to Don Hilton, which was forwarded to Chad Sokol, who forwarded it to Prause. Everything in my email is true and accurate and proves that Prause attended porn industry awards shows.
December 16, 2019: Prause tweeted links to PDFs of defamatory documents she filed in her unsuccessful September, 2019 Motion to Dismiss in the Hilton defamation suit. She had them re-published on, an online magazine. At the time of her tweets, her Motion to Dismiss had already been denied, which she failed to mention. In a desperate attempt to veil her defeat, she made it her pinned tweet, and appeared to pay for fake Twitter accounts to retweet and like her tweet(!).
Prause’s tweet was once up past 100 retweets (it’s now down to 70). Almost all were fake accounts. A few screenshots supporting this assertion:
Her Motion to Dismiss was, in large part, an extensive rant defaming me, Alex Rhodes, Don Hilton, Stefanie Carnes and others. She perjured herself throughout. More importantly, her decision to publicize her court documents brings with it numerous legal implications, supplying further evidence of defaming her targets anew, including both Hilton and Alex Rhodes, and the possibility of additional lawsuits by others defamed in her now publicized/published documents.
December 21, 2019: Prause once again tweets her defamatory, already denied, Motion to Dismiss court documents:
The above was in Pascal Gobry’s thread where he tweeted his extensive article: A Science-Based Case for Ending the Porn Epidemic. RealYBOP and Nicole Prause responded with 90 rambling tweets in Gobry’s thread, consisting of personal attacks, ad hominem, and false accusations (but never addressing the substance of his article).
December 19, 2019: In an utterly shocking turn of events Prause creates and posts a YouTube video attacking Don Hilton, titles “Donald Hilton Bigotry.” It’s 5 minutes of spliced together out-of-context snippets. A good portion of the video is Hilton reading an article by someone else. Prause is attempting to make the viewers believe they are Hilton’s words, when it clearly they were not.
It was posted on the newly created YouTube channel “Truth ShallSetYouFree.” We know this is Prause’s YouTube channel because (1) it was named “RealYourBrainOnPorn” in the first few days of its existence, (2) it commented under the Rebecca Watson video outing Prause as a defamer and harasser, (3) the comment is Prause talking in the first person about the California Psychology Board complaints and the WIPO complaint (involving her). Again, she publicized her defamatory documents related to her failed Motion to Dismiss.
A screenshot of the above comment when it was named “Real YourBrainOnPorn” (before Prause changed the name of the YouTube channel to “Truth ShallSetYouFree”):
Others recognize “Truth ShallSetYouFree” as a Prause alias:
That’s not all. It appears that Prause, or her agent, hired internet marketing service Bosmol to tweet and spread the misleading Hilton video. A tweet from December 19, 2019:
Bosmol tagged The University of Texas (where Hilton teaches), the UT Dean, the Texas Civil Rights Project, and The Daily Texan. Is this Prause once again trying to get Hilton fired from his teaching position at University of Texas? Can anyone say “undeniable malice?”
I discovered the Bosmol tweet because it was retweeted by two RealYourBrainOnPorn “experts” and close Prause allies, David Ley and Victoria Hartmann:

December 31, 2019: Out of nowhere, RealYBOP misrepresents a 10-year old commentary by Don Hilton. Hilton & Watts commentary: Pornography addiction: A neuroscience perspective
December 31, 2019: Cyberstalking Gabe Deem (who has blocked RealYBOP) on New Years Eve, RealYBOP tweets defamation and PDFs of her defamatory Motion to Dismiss documents:
December 31, 2019: RealYBOP trolls under Gary Wilson (even though I blocked her and she blocked me), tweeting about Hilton & Watts, 2011 – again, and completely out of context:
December 31, 2019: In a truly bizarre event, @BrainOnPorn Twitter (apparently managed Prause) changed its home page to superimpose Rory Reid’s unpersuasive commentary on Hilton & Watts, 2011:
February, 29, 2020: Prause & Luke Adams team up to disparage so-called frivolous lawsuits:
Prause is the ruling monarch of frivolous legal actions and bogus C&D letters.
March 5, 2020: Implying the 2 defamation lawsuits against her are moving in a favorable direction:
March 7, 2020: She threatens yet another person with a defamation suit, then falsely implies that she has “won” all sorts of lawsuits. In reality, the 2 defamation suits against her are the only actual lawsuits on record – and both are moving towards trial.
Extensive page exposing Prause’s lies and fabrications: Nicole Prause & David Ley commit perjury in defamation lawsuit (September, 2019).
Others – January, 2020: RealYBOP Twitter defames Dr. Tarek Pacha (who presented on PIED), falsely stating he’s not a urologist and has conflict of interests
On January 30, Gabe Deem posted the following tweet with snippets from urologist Tarek Pacha’s Porn-Induced ED presention givenat the American Urologialc Association Conference, May 6-10, 2016 (Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4)
i wake up every morning baffled this isn’t being talked about more.
Here we have a urologist, Dr. Tarek Pacha, presenting at the American Urological Association on the rise in porn-induced sexual dysfunction in young, otherwise healthy men.
— Gabe Deem (@gabedeem) January 30, 2020
Right after @gabedeem tweeted Dr. Tarek Pacha’s presentation on PIED, RealYBOP twitter (thought to be run by Prause) defamed Dr. Pacha by falsely stating he is NOT a urologist and that he is somehow profiting through suggesting guys quit porn. Reality:
- Tarek Pacha is a board-certified urologist, with several awards and a book. RealYBOP/Prause lied.
- Pacha received only free meals and some lodging from medical companies in an amount far below the average for physicians. More to the point, medical companies would prefer Pacha refrain from telling guys that to achieve sexual health all they have to do is quit porn. Can’t sell any medical devices that way!
RealYBOP begins by posting 4 malicious and defamtory tweets:
In reality it is Prause who is apparently being paid to directly promote sex toys and the highly controversial “Orgasmic Meditation,” which was under investigaion by the FBI. (see expose,) Put simply, Prause was hired to bolster the commercial interests of that heavily tainted and very controversial company. For her Orgasmic Meditation study, Prause allegedly obtained porn performers as subjects through another porn industry interest group, the Free Speech Coalition. Consider the irony of RealYBOP/Prause falsely accusing others of what she herself is doing.
Here RealYBOP trolls Gabe Deem’s Twitter thread, even though RealYBOP has blocked Gabe from replying:
Next, RealYBOP trolls my thread, where I expose her as lying about Dr. Tarek Pacha. RealYBOP blocked me before it went live. I then blocked RealYBOP to prevent her trolling me, as I cannot respond (while Prause falsely accuses us of stalking, she chronically trolls our accounts).
No RealYBOP, your “critique” is defamatory, as you falsely stated that Tarek Pacha is not a urologist. You also falsely claim a conflict of interest when there was none: no medical supply company is buying Pacha lunch to encourage him to tell young men to eliminate porn to cure their ED.
RealYBOP then trolls therapist Staci Sprout with her misinformation. RealYBOP has blocked Staci Sprout (who was unaware of RealYBOP’s tweet). Important to note that Prause and RealYBOP chronically harass and defame Staci Sprout. Prause has maliciously reported Sprout to boards, defamed her, and sent her threatening letters.
See Sprout’s affidavit in the Alex Rhodes defamation suit – Exhibit #10: Staci Sprout, LCSW affidavit (15 pages).
January, 2020: RealYBOP attacks Laila Mickelwait in its defense of Pornhub’s under-age looking porn and absence of age-verification
Context: RealYBOP trolls yet another account it has blocked (Laila Mickelwait) to defend pornhub (Laila Mickelwait has also filed this affidavit in Rhodes v. Prause). Here’s Laila’s very popular tweet, posted 1/31/20:
Literally 5 min on Pornhub starting at most viewed videos & these faces all ended up in front of me. Millions of people are masturbating to what is depicted, if not real, child sexual abuse and Pornhub profits from it all. You think this is healthy? Think again. #PornIs #VAWG
— Laila Mickelwait (@LailaMickelwait) February 1, 2020
Laila continues the next day with facts and concerns
Please spread this message: Pornhub has no system in place to verify the ages of those in the videos or to verify their “consent”—NONE. The only thing required is an email address. There are likely thousands of trafficking victims on the site right now.#PornIs #Trafficking #Endit
— Laila Mickelwait (@LailaMickelwait) February 1, 2020
Who would be against age verification? Who would be for porn vids featuring young females who look and act like they are 13-14? RealYBOP, it appears.
RealYBOP spends its Saturday night gathering “evidence” and tweeting a defense of Pornhub and other adult sites.
As always, RealYBOP misrepresents what we say, while evading key points. The point of the Tweet is Pornhub has no age verification. Which RealYBOP confirmed and then confirmed she also found the girls most viewed video. It is completely irrelevant that other sites might have some form of ID check (which is questionable). So everything is A-ok because you can hunt around the internet trying to find these thousands of underage appearing girls and try to verify their age that way?
RealYBOP follows up with a retweet of Playboy writer, and RealYBOP expert, Justin Lehmiller’s propaganda:
Nicole Prause attempts to take down YBOP by threatening its web host with a second bogus Cease & Desist letter (January, 2020)
In an attempt to bury evidence of her egregious behavior, Prause has filed 3 bogus, and unsuccessful, DMCA takedowns with YBOP’s web host, seeking to have screenshots of her defamatory tweets removed. When the baseless DMCAs failed, Prause attempted to steal Gary Wilson’s URL ( and his trademark (yourbrainonporn), and created a trademark-infringing site ( and associated Twitter account (@BrainOnPorn). This serves as background for Prause’s next attempt, described below.
We’ve received a cease & desist request from Nicole Prause regarding content that is being hosted on your
The request has been made under the California Safe at Home Act, which prohibits you from engaging in the following:No person, business, or association shall knowingly and intentionally publicly post or publicly display on the Internet the home address, home telephone number, or image of a program participant or other individuals residing at the same home address with the intent to do either of the following:
(A) Incite a third person to cause imminent great bodily harm to the person identified in the posting or display, or to a coresident of that person, where the third person is likely to commit this harm.
(B) Threaten the person identified in the posting or display, or a coresident of that person, in a manner that places the person identified or the coresident in objectively reasonable fear for his or her personal safety.
In order to comply with the California Safe at Home Act, we ask that you remove any infringing content referencing Nicole Prause.
Please let us know how you plan to proceed.
Thanks in advance!
Kind Regards,
Trust & Safety Team
Dear Linode,
This demand is nothing more or less than misuse of the Safe At Home statute to further censorship and defamation.
Nicole Prause’s home address and telephone numbers are not on The only so-called images of Prause on my website are screenshots of her own tweets, that is, tweets posted by her. She and others have placed thousands of these, or similar, images of her across the Web. Images of Prause are found in hundreds of articles and on Prause’s twitter account and two Facebook pages:,,
In any case, the screenshots of her tweets on my website do not meet the test of the California Safe at Home Act. That is, there has been no intent to do either of the following:
(A) Incite a third person to cause imminent great bodily harm to the person identified in the posting or display, or to a coresident of that person, where the third person is likely to commit this harm.
(B) Threaten the person identified in the posting or display, or a coresident of that person, in a manner that places the person identified or the coresident in objectively reasonable fear for his or her personal safety.
Prause’s current spurious cease and desist letter addressed to Linode is but the latest event in her 7-year history of harassment and defamation of me and various others, as documented on these 2 pages:
This is the 4th time Nicole Prause or her agents have contacted Linode to attempt to have evidence of her own carefully documented harassment and defamation removed from YBOP. Below are links to the 3 previous times Prause contacted Linode with unfounded claims. All 3 were summarily dismissed by Linode.
It’s important to let you know that Nicole Prause is currently being sued for defamation by two individuals. I have filed sworn affidavits in both lawsuits (as have many other victims of Prause). YBOP pages with the 2 lawsuits:
I believe this cease and desist letter is retaliation for my statements made in those suits. She has also been infringing on my trademarks (after filing a bad faith trademark application for my website’s well established URL as well as its name). See documentation here:
The images of her tweets will not be removed from my website, as they do not violate the Safe At Home statute. If Linode cannot protect my free speech rights, I will regretfully have to move my website to a different server. While I would not like to have to take this step, if you feel you must yield to Prause’s threats, I will need the information necessary to remove my content to another host.
Could you please provide any correspondence that led to your message to me?
Thank you.
Best regards,
Gary Wilson
Hello Gary,
My apologies if the tone of our prior communication did not convey our sympathy to your position. As in the prior instances of our interactions regarding Ms. Prause, we were merely advising you of the existence of Ms. Prause’s possible claims against your website, and to confirm that you had not published Ms. Prause’s home address or telephone number.
To this end, Linode has invested considerable resources in doing our due diligence in the instant matter (as was the case with Ms. Prause’s previous issues). We take all abuse claims seriously, though as advocates of all our customers, do our best to discourage frivolous reports.
At this time, Ms. Prause has provided us with no actionable requests, so Linode will not be taking any action….
Linode is legally required to forward claims regarding content to our customers, but in doing so, we should have also advised you as to Linode’s behind the scenes efforts.
Please let us know if you have any questions.
Thank you,
Important to note that:
- Linode confirmed that YBOP had not published Prause’s home address or telephone number.
- Prause failed to provide any actionable requests (i.e. URL’s of pages containing her address)
As before, my web host was not fooled by Prause’s false allegations and fabricated stories of victim-hood. I doubt this will be her last attempt. No matter what she tries, the pages documenting her unethical and often illegal behaviors will remain on YBOP.
In the last few months, Prause has trumpeting to the world that she entered The Safe At Home Program. While I don’t know her circumstances, Prause implied in recent court filings (and tweets) that she entered the program under the pretense that I (Gary Wilson), Alex Rhodes (and maybe Don Hilton) are stalking her! This is a untrue, of course (Alex Rhodes and Don Hilton are suing Prause for her false accusations that they have stalked her, among other allegations). If Prause entered the Safe At Home Program under the false pretense of being stalked by any of us, she is abusing and misusing the program.
Why would Prause enter the Safe At Home Program under false pretense? To weaponize her victim-hood and to try to censor her critics.
As carefully documented on the pages chronicling her behavior (page 1, page 2), she has long falsely asserted that she is a victim of stalking and harassment. In reality, Prause is the perpetrator. For example, she has filed malicious, groundless complaints against over 20 individuals and organizations who held, or published, views on pornography counter to hers: PDF Documenting Prause’s Malicious Reporting Pattern.
Prause has been trying to censor critics with false allegations that they are somehow violating Safe At Home, which appears to disallow publishing home addresses and phone numbers. Please note: YBOP has never published Prause’s home address or phone number. Prause’s own actions demonstrate that she is, in fact, unconcerned about actual stalking. Up until a few weeks ago (months after she entered the program), Prause’s business address (rather than her surrogate Safe At Home address) was proudly displayed on her LinkedIn page. Just more of her fake victim-hood.
February, 2020: Prause tweets numerous lies: (1) that her address appears on YBOP, (2) that the CA Attorney General forced Linode to remove address from YBOP, (3) that Staci Sprout & I have been posting her home address “online”.
In response to being thwarted in her bogus C&D letter attempts, Prause went to Twitter to attempt to trump up support for her malicious de-platforming and harassment efforts (tagging Linode). She started with a series of three tweets that were nothing but lies. The first tweet falsely states that her address is on YBOP and that both the LAPD and California Attorney General were involved:
As explained above, Prause has never provided a screenshot or a URL to support this assertion. She can’t because her home address has never been on YBOP. Neither I or Linode have been contacted by the California Attorney General. Days earlier, my web host confirmed what I had told them after doing their own due diligence: Prause’s address is not on YBOP:
Important to note that:
- Linode confirmed that YBOP was not publishing Prause’s home address or telephone number.
- Prause failed to provide any actionable requests (i.e. URLs of pages allegedly containing her address).
In her 2nd tweet Prause flat out admits that no one, including YBOP, could have posted her home address, because all of her posted address are fake (including the address she used in her malicious US trademark application to obtain my trademarks YOURBRAINONPORN and YOURBRAINONPORN.COM). Her tweet also falsely states that I am “circulating her address from another account.” She can’t name the (imaginary) account I’m supposedly using to circulate her self-admitted fraudulent address. (Why hasn’t she provided actual evidence?)
Stalking? Prause is the stalker, not I. In fact, Prause is now being sued for defamation by two individuals for falsely accusing both of stalking her (Donald Hilton, MD and Nofap founder Alexander Rhodes). She is right about one thing: stalkers always escalate.
Here’s her 3rd tweet with more lies and contradictions. Unlike tweet #2, she now says we all know her address. (How, if she has never posted it – by her own admission?)
“Brag”? “Followers to like it”? Again, why can’t she produce a screenshot of these events? Because they’re fabricated.
A few hours later, Prause claims the CA Attorney General immediately acted upon her Twitter request, forcing Linode to remove her fake address from YBOP. This never happened.
In a shocking “self-own”, she tweeted an excerpt from the current page of YBOP:
I should amend the above, as I now see that Prause’s address is still on her LinkedIn page as well as on other outlets she controls (as of 2/12/20).
Prause’s Twitter thread ends with her defaming and harassing Staci Sprout, yet again. Prause attempts to spread her smear campaign, tagging SASH and IITAP. However, the president of IITAP has filed affidavits in the defamation suits against Prause, and SASH is well aware of Prause’s malicious activity.
Prause is lying about the CA Office of the Attorney General. Linode has pulled nothing from YBOP. A reminder: Prause has maliciously reported Sprout to boards, defamed her, and sent her threatening letters. For a sampling, see Sprout’s affidavit in Alex Rhodes’s defamation suit – Exhibit #10: Staci Sprout, LCSW affidavit (15 pages).
Others – February, March, 2020: Prause files a baseless, failed small claims court suit in California against therapist Staci Sprout
Becoming a public sex (addiction) educator has resulted in some major pushback…but I’m not quitting… Soon after I published my memoir and got busy promoting it, I realized I loved offering public education about sex/porn addiction and recovery.
It wasn’t long before my efforts had attracted the attention of a (once) widely quoted individual whose research is often used to “debunk” porn addiction…and her associates…at least two of whom are employed by the commercial sex industry.
Eventually, I was asked to give sworn testimony in two defamation lawsuits against her by others, which I agreed to – she is being sued for over $10 million for damages. I also supported the fund-raising efforts of one of her victims.
Now she’s filed a bogus lawsuit against me! Here is my testimony: This is a true and accurate account of the bullying, harassment, defamation and blame-shifting perpetrated by Nicole Prause to me, Staci Sprout
My name is Staci Sprout. I own two businesses, a private psychotherapy practice and Recontext Media, a publisher and platform for online education. I am writing to state that I have not defamed nor am I guilty of the wrongful allegations of libel or slander made against me by Nicole Prause. I created this statement to document her pattern of online harassment and defamation of me, starting in 2017. Her latest demand that I pay her $10,000 or she would take legal action against me felt like extortion…then she filed a small claims lawsuit in CA alleging that I am guilty of slander, libel and violating her protected victim status somehow. It is my belief that I have only sought to tell the truth about her online misconduct towards myself and colleagues I deeply respect.
In this letter I am summarizing my history of her attacks, false reports, and defamation. Far more evidence of her pattern of attacking and making false claims against not just me but many other professionals who disagree with her has also been carefully documented here, starting at least in 2013 (there is a pdf at this link that lists 20 people and organizations she has targeted – so I’m not alone). I’ve attached it at the bottom of this post.
I have never met Ms. Prause in person, nor has she been a psychotherapy client of my private practice. After enduring her online attacks and false reports against me, I eventually began to stand up for myself. I published facts online about her harassment of me, disagreed with her opinions, and made true public statements as an online educator and activist. I also stood up for colleagues she has attacked. That is not defamation. Her recent demand letter and filing a small claims suit three days later appears to be more attempts to intimidate me, this time adding financial threats. She continually uses nuisance claims and deceptive complaints in systems and organizations, forcing me to defend myself. It is exhausting.
My first experience with Ms. Prause was when she posted a critical tweet in response to one of mine in November 2017. She used the account “Liberos@NicoleRPrause” to publicly name me and disagree with something I had posted on my public twitter account. I responded to her as a comment on her twitter post to debate the issue. Within a few exchanges it was clear to me she was not interested in genuine dialogue. In fact, I experienced her as an intellectual bully, and I responded by immediately blocking her on twitter. I have a personal policy to block people who are abusive in any way, or attempt to be. If I had known I would be facing two years of harassment after that, I would have taken a screen shot of this first exchange.
Ms. Prause also made a false accusation on my public Facebook author page in 2018, after I posted an article from World Psychiatry, saying that I was “lying to line [my] pockets” and that I “should have had a complaint filed against [me]” and stating, “…oh, you’re not licensed. Well, that makes sense.” Her comment is greyed out below because I quickly blocked her on Facebook so she could no longer harass me there. My post was not about her at all, it was an article on the Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder diagnosis being considered by the World Health Organization – yet she personalizes so much of what I do as an online educator.
Her statement was untrue that I was practicing without a license. In fact I am a Licensed Independent Clinical Social Worker in the state of Washington in good standing, first certified on 1/14/1997 and licensed on 7/22/2001.
Prause visits my Facebook page – greyed out because I immediately blocked her.
In the 25 years of practice since earning my Master’s Degree in Social Work, I have never had a complaint filed against me for any reason, until hers. Both of hers – after the first one was dropped without investigation, she quickly filed a second complaint, also dropped. Though I have never met Ms. Prause nor treated her for therapy, she has made three formal ethics complaints against me to my licensing or professional organizations. All three claims she reported were closed without investigation for having no merit:
1) An unfounded complaint to the WA Department of Health dated January 24, 2018, “closed without action.”
2) A second unfounded complaint to the WA Department of Health later that year, “closed without action.”
3) Another unfounded complaint to the National Association of Social Workers, where I am a member in good standing – also dropped without formal investigation.
Prause’s first bogus nuisance complaint to the WA State Department of Health, dropped without investigation.
Prause’s second bogus nuisance complaint to the WA State Department of Health, also dropped.
Yet a THIRD bogus nuisance complaint, also dropped, without investigation; this time to the National Association of Social Workers.
After being forced to address these false reports, even though they were all dropped without formal investigation, I sought support from other colleagues who had been similarly attacked by her – I know of more than a dozen, and there are far more out there I do not know. I was then asked to share my harassment experiences by a neurosurgeon colleague who had filed suit against her for defamation per se, for ten million dollars in damages. I agreed, and filed a sworn affidavit in this defamation lawsuit about my experiences up to that time.
I have filed a second declaration for another defamation lawsuit against Ms. Prause by yet another victim of her relentless bullying. I was introduced to this young man by a mutual colleague, and felt concern for his suffering as a result of her harm to him. I offered to help him raise money for his legal campaign fundraiser, and recorded a video telling the truth about what’s been going on. To date he has received almost $100,000 in donations to support his case, for his legal fees. I suspect my activism on his behalf led to Ms. Prause escalating her targeting me to not just deceptive statements and false complaints, but now adding financial demands and legal intimidation.
Ms. Prause then sent me a letter demanding that I owed her $10,000, for a list of claims that are either clearly false, or simply true things I have said. She sent a similar demand letter to a news organization that published an unflattering story about her, stating they owed her $10,000 also. Criticism based on true actions is not defamation, it is the outcome of being a public figure. She also sent a copy of this demand letter to yet another professional organization I belong to – the Society for the Advancement of Sexual Health.
She also sent them a “cease and desist” letter about me (and several others), because this organization had awarded me the “Annual Media Award” last year, implying they should silence me somehow. This felt like an attempt to humiliate me in front of the entire Board of an organization I belong to. Ms. Prause’s list of allegations are either untrue or not defamation. She often conflates general statements I have made with personal attacks against her, when I did not name her at all. Where is the evidence of this list of claims?
Prause demands $10,000, page 1
Prause demands $10,000, page 2
By the way – I am not the only person she has sent a letter to demanding $10K. Another was a journalist, Diana Davison, who published an article and video about the Prause/porn controversy, and I believe there are others out there who have been silenced by her threat. The journalist’s subsequent quote about her attempts to fact-check with Prause:
Prause said many things to me but none of her “evidence” actually supported her claims. In every instance the evidence reversed who the aggressor was. She basically accuses others of the exact things she herself did. I emailed with her, on the record, for almost a week.
Yet another threatening legal letter, this time to a journalist Diana Davison, who posted it on her twitter page. Look familiar? The article was not removed, and to date no lawsuit has been filed by Prause. More empty threats.
Three days after emailing me her demand for $10,000, she filed a small claims suit in California, suing me for $9999. Now I am legally forced to deal with this – a small claims suit in a city I do not live in, work in, nor own property in – for her baseless claims. I believe once again she is trying to use systems with nuisance false complaints to harass others she seeks to silence.
The hearing was scheduled for 2/13/2020 – I requested it be dismissed as inappropriate. It was then postponed until 3/20/20. Prause was instructed by the court to produce documented evidence that she has served me in the state of California or the case will be dropped. She has not, it will be, and I predict she won’t even show up for the hearing. This was not about seeking justice because she is the one who has committed the violations. I believe this malicious prosecution is part of her ongoing attempts to intimidate and harass me.
After reading her detailed false allegations and contemplating all the attacks that have continued to me personally since 2017, I find myself feeling anxious and vigilant for the next online attack. For example, an organization where Ms. Prause serves on the “experts” panel just recently posted this defamation about me on social media – after she’d filed in small claims court against me for making false statements against her!
This statement said “my group” (what group?) recently sued them (I have not sued this organization) and lost (I have not lost a suit with any organization). This group, called “Real Your Brain on Porn,” also said I advertise myself as in recovery from bipolar disorder (I do not, and have never been given that diagnosis).
Tweet about me from organization of which Prause is a key member.
So, finally, I wrote to her directly. In order to take further legal steps I had to, though I wish to avoid all contact with her forevermore (My STOP HARASSING ME letter):
Yet even after I sent the above letter, to the P.O. box address she herself sent me via her Cease and Desist letter, she continues and even escalates her defamation per se, by tweeting on a thread where I was talking with SOMEONE ELSE about the main object of her stalking, Gary Wilson. I was explaining why Gary has meticulously documented Prause’s bad behavior on his website.
Lie. I don’t have her physical address and have never posted it anywhere. More empty legal posturing…and baseless accusations of me: defamation per se.
Hmmmm…could she be referring to me, perhaps?
In summary, dealing with all these attacks and lies has been stress-filled, time-consuming, distressing and exhausting. It has taking away my time from work, relationships, and other positive activities. I thank you for your consideration of my testimony about this situation.
Can I get back to supporting people to learn about recovery from porn/sex addiction now?
Nicole Prause’s Malicious Reporting Pattern: Nicole Prause has shown a consistent and troubling pattern of threatening, and filing groundless, malicious complaints, and publicly claiming she has filed complaints when she has not done so. Below is an incomplete list of such complaints and false claims. (Out of fear of reprisal we have omitted numerous additional individuals and organizations, and there must surely be more we don’t know about.) The baseless complaints Prause actually lodged were generally dismissed as nuisance filings. However, a few led to time-consuming investigations that were ultimately dismissed or produced little in the way of substantive results. Note: Prause regularly claims “whistleblower status” to keep her activities under the radar. So, there are likely other, non-public complaints in addition to those listed here. FOLLOW THE RABBIT TRAIL HERE
See other sections documenting Prause’s harassment and defamation of Staci Sprout:
- January, 2018: Prause files groundless complaints with Washington State against therapist Staci Sprout (and numerous other incidents of defamation & harassment)
- July, 2019: Staci Sprout, LICSW affidavit: Donald Hilton defamation lawsuit against Nicole R Prause & Liberos LLC.
- Exhibit #10: Staci Sprout, LCSW affidavit in Rhodes defamation suit (15 pages)
- February, 2020: Prause tweets numerous lies: (1) that her address appears on YBOP, (2) that the CA Attorney General forced Linode to remove address from YBOP, (3) that Staci Sprout & Gary Wilson have been posting her home address “online”
Prause continues to cyberstalk Staci. For exmaple, RealYBOP attacks Staci Sprout for suggesting that choking women to get off might be problematic:
The omnipresence of choking in porn seems to be driving the dramatic rise of women being choked during sex. RealYBOP defend chokings, thus throwing all those women under the porn bus.
Staci’s thread with studies and articles:
Febuary 21, 2020: @BrainOnPorn (Prause) harasses author of “NoFap won’t make you a Nazi: Why MSM can’t get a grip on internet’s anti-masturbation activists” (while defaming Nofap & Wilson)
An article exposing recent hit-pieces targeting NoFap & Alex Rhodes as nothing more than unsupported propaganda was published on February 21, 2020: :NoFap won’t make you a Nazi: Why MSM can’t get a grip on internet’s anti-masturbation activists.
Most of the NoFap hit-pieces feature members of the porn industry or its allies, such as Prause and David Ley, or both. As explained in multiple other sections, Ley and Prause concocted and spread many of the falsehoods put forth in these recent hit-pieces.
Even though Alex Rhodes’s amended complaint against Prause also names the RealYBOP twitter account (@BrainOnPorn) as defaming him, RealYBOP continues to target Alex Rhodes and NoFap (harassers can’t help harassing, even when faced with multi-million dollar lawsuits). Below are RealYBOP’s string of 7 venemous tweets posted under the author’s tweet about his article:
The last tweet in the above string is a lie and constitutes defamation per se (see next section).
A few days later RealYBOP attacks and defames the author accusing him of accepting a bribe!
That’s defamation.
February, 2020: RealYBOP twitter (Prause) defames Gary Wilson, falsely claiming he created this twitter account (@RobbertSocial) to “stalk” and “threaten violence”.
In addition to dishonestly stating that I am @RobbertSocial, RealYBOP added her usual set of lies about me. RealYBOP’s defamation occurred under the Micah Curtis tweet of his NoFap article. RobbertSocial’s first tweet:
RobbertSocial replied to RealYBOP’s falsehoods:
And linked to Pascal Gobry’s article:
Responded again to RealYBOP
RealYBOP became enraged, calling RobbertSocial Gary Wilson:
RealYBOP is lying –
RobbertSocial is apparently Dutch. He tweets this a few days later:
February, March, 2020: Prause seeks groundless temporary restraining order (TRO) against Wilson using fabricated “evidence” and her usual lies. TRO appears to be an attempt to remove documentation of Prause’s defamation from YBOP (Update: August 6, 2020 – Prause’s TRO was tossed as frivolous harassment)
As documented in previous sections, Prause entered the California “Safe At Home Program” under false pretenses, misusing its regulations in an unsuccessful attempt to remove documentation of her ongoing defamation and harassment of me and many others.
- January, 2020: Nicole Prause attempts to take down YBOP by threatening its web host with a bogus Cease & Desist letter
- February, 2020: Prause tweets numerous lies: (1) that her address appears on YBOP, (2) that the CA Attorney General forced Linode to remove address from YBOP, (3) that Staci Sprout & Gary Wilson have been posting her home address “online”.
She sent two spurious Cease & Desist letters to my webhost (Linode) falsely claiming that her home address was on YBOP. When her lie-filled C&Ds failed, she asked the California Attorney General to get involved. When the California AG couldn’t locate her address on YBOP, Prause resorted to badgering Wilson’s local police to take action against him (February 12, 2020). The officer determined that Prause’s assertions did not allege a crime (in any case, her home address was not on YBOP) and that this was a civil disagreement. He declined to act.
On the same day, Prause then publicly announced she was seeking a restraining order against Wilson, and did so ex parte (without having to notify Wilson):
Prause is lying about me posting her home address on YBOP or Twitter. You can always tell when Prause is lying, as she cannot provide a screenshot or link to support her claims. Prause’s earlier tweets expose her as lying. In fact, she publicly boasted that no one has ever posted her home address because she has posted only fake addresses on the internet:
In the above tweet she is lying, as I have never posted her home address and have never circulated her address (again, no link or screenshot from her).
The first judge denied the TRO, and set a hearing to determine whether a permanent restraining order should be granted on March 6, 2020.
Although Prause had promised publicly on her Twitter account that service was “coming,” Prause, in fact, did not serve me. Nevertheless, my counsel appeared as if she had, thus waiving any need for service. My counsel filed various documents (below) showing that her claims (and some of her evidence items) were false, and that I had never threatened her or placed her at risk.
To everyone’s surprise, the second judge, instead of dismissing the entire matter, continued the hearing until March 25, 2020, stating that he intends to force the parties to attend mediation before ruling.
An analysis of Prause’s Request for the restraining order revealed that she was claiming I was dangerous. She purported to “prove” this by including a photo of two young men holding guns, the shorter of whom she claimed was me. It’s absurdly obvious that he is not Gary Wilson, but rather a young man of Asian decent. Prause appears to have intended to deliberately mislead the court (nothing new as she lied numerous times in her motion to dismiss the Hilton defamation suit against her – September, 2019: Nicole Prause & David Ley commit perjury in Don Hilton defamation lawsuit):
The rest of her claims were equally unfounded. She claimed that I have a second Twitter account that actively reveals her home address, and that her home address and pictures are on my website. As usual, she provided no screenshots or URL’s to support her allegations. That’s because both claims are false, although images of many of her tweets (some with her smiling face) are indeed on this website, as that is how I document her ongoing malicious activity for the benefit of members of the public who may be interested in evidence that points to her potential bias and close ties to the porn industry. Her tweets are public.
Prause’s Request for a restraining order is yet another thinly veiled attempt to have all of the incriminating evidence of her potential bias and malicious activity removed from this site. Four court filings related to Prause’s fraudulent TRO:
1) January, 2020 – Exhibit #11: Gary Wilson 123-page affidavit in the Alex Rhodes defamation suit.
2) March, 2020 – Gary Wilson’s 89-page response to Nicole Prause’s fraudulent TRO and PDF documenting Nicole Prause’s malicious reporting and malicious use of process.
Respondent GARY WILSON (“Wilson” or “Respondent”) hereby submits this opposition to the Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders (“TRO Request”) filed by petitioner NICOLE PRAUSE (“Prause”).[1]
This matter does not involve “civil harassment” in any way, shape or form. Prause resides in California and Wilson resides in Oregon. Wilson has never used violence against Prause and has never made any threats against Prause. In fact, Wilson has never met Prause or even spoken to her.
The only conduct Wilson has engaged in that relates to Prause is to exercise his constitutional right to free speech by expressing opinions on his website regarding the adverse effects of pornography that differ from Prause’s pro-pornography position, and to provide truthful testimony in support of those who are currently suing Prause for defamation. In retaliation, Prause filed this frivolous TRO Request based on allegations that are demonstrably false. The Court should deny this TRO Request in its entirety and award Wilson his attorney fees incurred in defending the Request.
A. Relevant Background
Wilson is a former anatomy, physiology, and pathology instructor. Wilson taught at vocational schools in California and Oregon, and also as an adjunct instructor at Southern Oregon University. Wilson was forced to retire due to a chronic recurring illness. (Declaration of Gary Wilson (“Wilson Declaration”), at ¶ 3).
Since 2010, Wilson has maintained a website entitled that presently includes over 13,000 pages of material pertaining to research on pornography’s effects on individuals as well as other related matters of public interest. The purpose of the website is to report and archive the existing research that shows the effects of pornography, chronicle recovery stories of former pornography users, and serve as a clearinghouse for related items of public interest. (Wilson Declaration, ¶ 4).
Wilson is also the author of a book entitled Your Brain on Porn: Internet Pornography and the Emerging Science of Addiction, which tracks research developments in the field. This book was published in 2014 and updated in 2017. Wilson’s book and website are reviled by proponents of the pornography industry because of the viewpoints and opinions expressed by Wilson and others, including critiques of questionable research and studies made by proponents of pornography. (Wilson Declaration, ¶¶ 5-6).
Prause is a researcher and former academic who resides in Los Angeles. Prause’s opinions often differ from Wilson’s as she is a strong proponent of pornography. There is much evidence that she is cozy with the pornography industry – public acceptance of an offer of help from the industry online, photos of her attending industry events, backing the industry’s interests consistently on social media, and attacking and defaming on social media and in false reports those who raise awareness of the potential risks of digital pornography use. (Wilson Declaration, ¶ 7).
In or around 2013, Wilson critiqued a questionable study published by Prause, which Prause and her allies assert “debunks porn addiction.” Since then, multiple other researchers have critiqued this study in the peer-reviewed literature, questioning her interpretation of its findings. Since that time, Prause’s false accusations and defamatory attacks on her critics have escalated. In recent years, she has engaged in a repeated practice of making frivolous complaints and reports to licensing boards, law enforcement and other authorities about Wilson and others who disagree with her. Prause has also falsely claimed she has filed reports when she has not done so. (Wilson Declaration, ¶ 8).
For example, Prause has repeatedly publicly claimed that she filed two FBI reports against Wilson. Wilson confirmed through a Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) request that the FBI had no such reports. No FBI official has ever contacted Wilson. In 2018, Prause filed a report against Wilson with the Los Angeles Police Department (which she attaches to her TRO Request). It did not allege that Wilson committed any crime. Instead, Prause seemed to object that Wilson attended a conference in Germany (which Wilson did, having registered in advance, to hear the latest research on behavioral addiction from world experts).
Prause also seems to allege that Prause saw Wilson wearing a sleeping bag, armed with a long-sleeved sweater. The physical description does not match Wilson’s height, weight, age or eye-color. The police took no action and in fact never contacted Wilson. Wilson only learned of the LAPD report a year later when Prause persuaded a Wisconsin student newspaper to publish it online. (The University of Wisconsin swiftly removed it when Wilson complained.) (Wilson Declaration, ¶ 9).
Prause is currently a defendant in two defamation lawsuits entitled Donald L. Hilton, Jr. v. Nicole Prause, et al., United States District Court for the Western District of Texas San Antonio Division, Case No. 5: 19-CV-00755-OLG, and Alexander Rhodes v. Nicole Prause, et al., United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania, Case No. 2:19-cv-01366. Hilton is a neurosurgeon and Rhodes runs the world’s largest online English-speaking peer-support forum for those experimenting with giving up internet porn use.
Both plaintiffs are pursuing claims for defamation against Prause as a result of Prause’s false claims, including stalking, sexual harassment, antisemitism, non-existent restraining orders and groundless reports to professional boards and academic journals. While Wilson is not a party to either of the above-referenced lawsuits, Wilson signed sworn affidavits in both matters. (Wilson Declaration, affidavit in the Hilton v. Prause case attached as Exhibit “1,” affidavit in the Rhodes v. Prause, et al. case, which was recently filed on January 24, 2020, attached as Exhibit “2.”) (Wilson Declaration, ¶ 10).
On February 12, 2020, Wilson received a call from a police officer with the Ashland, Oregon police department who told Wilson Prause had spoken to him in an attempt to have the police take action against Wilson. The officer told Wilson he intended to inform Prause that he could not help her, because the matter was civil as no crimes were alleged. (Wilson Declaration, ¶ 11).
B. Prause Files Retaliatory Request For Restraining Orders Against Wilson
On or about February 13, 2020, Prause filed an ex parte Request for a Temporary Civil Harassment Restraining Orders against Wilson in this matter without notice to Wilson. The Court denied Prause’s ex parte request finding that the “allegations made in the Request do not support the issuance of a restraining order without a hearing.” The Court set the matter for hearing on March 5, 2020.
A. Prause’s Burden Of Proof
A petitioner in a civil harassment restraining order case must satisfy a high burden of proof in order to convince a judge to issue the order. A civil harassment restraining order will only be granted if there is “clear and convincing evidence” that harassment exists. Cal. Civ. Proc. Code §527.6(i). The party to be enjoined has certain important due process safeguards, i.e., “a full opportunity to present his or her case, with the judge required to receive relevant testimony and to find the existence of harassment by ‘clear and convincing’ proof of a ‘course of conduct’ that actually and reasonably caused substantial emotional distress, had ‘no legitimate purpose,’ and was not a ‘constitutionally protected activity.’” Adler v. Vaicius, 21 Cal.App.4th 1770, 1775 (1993).
Here, Prause cannot meet this high burden as she has absolutely no proof of any harassment by Wilson. Moreover, she is clearly seeking to stop Wilson from engaging in conduct that serves a legitimate purpose and is constitutionally protected activity.
B. There is No Basis For Any Restraining Orders Against Wilson
1. Wilson Has Not Harassed Prause
Wilson has not harassed Prause in any way and thus there is no basis for the issuance of the Restraining Order. Code of Civil Procedure section 527.6(b) defines “harassment” as “unlawful violence, a credible threat of violence, or a knowing and willful course of conduct directed at a specific person that seriously alarms, annoys, or harasses the person, and that serves no legitimate purpose and is not constitutionally protected.” To constitute harassment, the course of conduct “must be such as would cause a reasonable person to suffer substantial emotional distress, and must actively cause substantial emotional distress to the petitioner.” R.D. v. P.M., 202 Cal.App.4th 181, 188 (2011). The question is whether the evidence shows “harassment sufficient to place a reasonable person in fear of his or her own safety, or the safety of his or her immediate family.” Id. at 189.
Here, Prause fails to provide any evidence of any harassment by Wilson, much less evidence that would establish harassment as defined by the statute by clear and convincing proof. Prause’s primary allegation appears to be that Wilson posted her home address and telephone on his website. Even if this were true, it would not constitute civil harassment. In any event, it is false. Wilson does not even know Prause’s home address and telephone number, and has confirmed through his website provider that no such information is on his website. (Wilson Declaration, ¶ 4, Exh. 3). Further, Prause concedes Wilson does not know her home address and admits that for years she has posted fake addresses for her and her company which remain posted on multiple sites across the Web and appear on Google. (Wilson Declaration, ¶ 13, Exhs. 4, 5).
Prause’s TRO Request contains numerous other fabrications. Prause states there are currently protective or restraining orders in effect against Wilson relating to her. (TRO Request, ¶ 6b). This is false. No such orders exist, nor has Prause ever obtained such orders against Wilson. (Wilson Declaration, ¶ 14). Prause also claims the police had to come because of harassment by Wilson. (TRO Request, ¶ 7a (6)). This is also false. While Prause did unilaterally file a bogus police report regarding Wilson in 2018, the police took no action and did not even contact Wilson. (Wilson Declaration, ¶ 9).
Perhaps most troubling, Prause states in her TRO Request that Wilson has threatened her with a gun. (TRO Request, ¶ 7a (4)). This is another lie by Prause. Prause bases this outrageous claim on grainy copies of photographs she attaches to the TRO Request which she claims depict Wilson and his son with guns. Prause’s allegations are completely false and appear to be an effort to deliberately mislead the Court. In fact, Wilson does not appear in any photographs with a gun. Wilson does not own any guns, and has never owned a gun. (Wilson Declaration, ¶ 15). The photographs were taken years ago and depict Gary Wilson’s son Arion Sprague engaging in perfectly lawful activity. (Declaration of Arion Sprague).
In summary, the evidence clearly shows that Wilson has never met or spoken to Prause, does not live anywhere near Prause, and has not engaged in any type of civil harassment against her whatsoever. Prause’s allegations to the contrary are utterly frivolous.
2. Wilson is Engaging in Constitutionally Protected Activity Which Cannot Be Restrained
California Code of Civil Procedure section 527.6 cannot be used to prohibit constitutionally-protected speech. Smith v. Silvey, 149 Cal.App.3d 400, 406-407 (1983). Harassing speech must be “between purely private parties, about purely private parties, and on matters of purely private interest.” Brekke v. Willis, 125 Cal.App.4th 1400, 1409 (2005).
It is clear that Prause is attempting to use this TRO Request to stifle Wilson’s right to free speech. Prause’s retaliatory frivolous TRO Request is the result of the public difference of opinion online over the effects of pornography between Prause on the one hand, and Wilson and others, as well as Wilson’s efforts to defend himself and protect his rights in the face of retaliatory actions Prause has previously taken. Further, Prause is clearly using the TRO Request in an attempt to intimidate Wilson from acting as a witness in the defamation lawsuits now pending against her, and to expunge the evidence of her malicious activity (much of which is in the form of screen shots of her tweets on Wilson’s website). (Wilson Declaration, ¶ 17).
This is clearly not a dispute involving matters of purely private interests between purely private parties. Under California law, a court cannot issue a restraining order against Wilson simply for expressing his opinions and defending himself on his website.
C. Wilson Should Be Awarded His Attorney Fees
The prevailing party is entitled to an award of court costs and attorney fees, even if Plaintiff brought the action in good faith. See Cal. Civ. Proc. Code §527.6(s); see also Krug v. Maschmeier, 172 Cal.App.4th 796, 802-803 (2009).[2] As set forth above, Prause’s TRO Request not only has no merit, but is clearly brought in bad faith.
Accordingly, the Restraining Order should be denied and Wilson should be awarded attorney’s fees in the amount of $7850 he has incurred in defending this frivolous TRO Request.
For the reasons set forth above, Wilson respectfully requests that the Court deny Prause’s Request for Restraining orders against Wilson in all respects. Wilson further requests that he be awarded his attorney fees against Prause in the amount of $7850 pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure section 527.6(s).
[1] Prause did not serve the TRO Request on Wilson. However, Wilson learned the TRO Request had been filed and is filing this opposition to protect his rights and defend against the false allegations made by Prause.
[2] Prause improperly claims the right to recover fees for actions she allegedly took that had nothing to do with this TRO Request. Moreover, she is pro per and therefore cannot recover fees in any event. Thomas v. Quintero, Cal.App.4th 635, 651 (2005).
I, Gary Wilson, declare and state as follows:
- I am a resident of Ashland, Oregon. I make this declaration in opposition to the Request for Civil Harassment Restraining Orders (“TRO Request”) filed against me by Nicole Prause (“Prause”). I am over the age of 18 and if called upon to testify to the matters stated herein, I could and would do so competently of my own personal knowledge.
- Prause’s TRO Request is completely frivolous. I have never harassed Prause or threatened her safety. In fact, I have never met Prause, never spoken to Prause, and to my knowledge, have never even been in the same city with Prause. As set forth below, my interaction with Prause has been limited to a public difference of opinion online over the effects of pornography, and my efforts to defend myself and protect my rights in the face of the retaliatory actions Prause has taken against me.
- I am a former anatomy, physiology, and pathology instructor. I taught at vocational schools in CA and OR, and also as an adjunct instructor at Southern Oregon University. I was forced to retire due to a chronic recurring illness.
- Since 2010, I have maintained a website entitled that presently includes over 13,000 pages of material pertaining to research on pornography’s effects on individuals as well as other related matters of public interest. The purpose of my website is to report and archive the existing research that shows the effects of pornography, chronicle recovery stories of former pornography users, and serve as a clearinghouse for related items of public interest.
- I am also the author of a book entitled Your Brain on Porn: Internet Pornography and the Emerging Science of Addiction, which tracks research developments in the field. This book was published in 2014 and updated in 2017.
- My book and website are reviled by proponents of the pornography industry because of the viewpoints and opinions expressed by me and others, including critiques of questionable research and studies made by proponents of pornography.
- Prause is a researcher and former academic who resides in Los Angeles. Prause’s opinions often differ from mine as she is a strong proponent of pornography. There is much evidence that she is cozy with the pornography industry – public acceptance of an offer of help from the industry online, photos of her attending industry events, backing the industry’s interests consistently on social media, and attacking and defaming on social media and in false reports those who raise awareness of the potential risks of digital pornography use.
- In or around 2013, I critiqued a questionable study published by Prause, which Prause and her allies assert “debunks porn addiction.” Since then, multiple other researchers have critiqued this study in the peer-reviewed literature, questioning her interpretation of its findings. Since that time, Prause’s false accusations and defamatory attacks on her critics have escalated. In recent years, she has engaged in a repeated practice of making frivolous complaints and reports to licensing boards, law enforcement and other authorities about me and others who disagree with her. Prause has also falsely claimed she has filed reports when she has not done so.
- For example, Prause has repeatedly publicly claimed that she filed two FBI reports against me. I confirmed through a Freedom of Information Act (“FOIA”) request that the FBI had no such reports. No FBI official has ever contacted me. In 2018, Prause filed a report against me with the Los Angeles Police Department (which she attaches to her TRO Request). It did not allege that I committed any crime. Instead, she seemed to object that I attended a conference in Germany (which I did, having registered in advance, to hear the latest research on behavioral addiction from world experts). She also seems to allege that she saw me wearing a sleeping bag, armed with a long-sleeved sweater. The physical description does not match my height, weight, age or eye-color. The police took no action and in fact never contacted me. I only learned of the LAPD report a year later when Prause persuaded a Wisconsin student newspaper to publish it online. (The University of Wisconsin swiftly removed it when I complained.)
- Prause is currently a defendant in two defamation lawsuits entitled Donald L. Hilton, Jr. v. Nicole Prause, et al., United States District Court for the Western District of Texas San Antonio Division, Case No. 5: 19-CV-00755-OLG, and Alexander Rhodes v. Nicole Prause, et al., United States District Court for the Western District of Pennsylvania, Case No. 2:19-cv-01366. Hilton is a neurosurgeon and Rhodes runs the world’s largest online English-speaking peer-support forum for those experimenting with giving up internet porn use. Both plaintiffs are pursuing claims for defamation against Prause as a result of Prause’s false claims, including stalking, sexual harassment, antisemitism, non-existent restraining orders and groundless reports to professional boards and academic journals. While I am not a party to either of the above-referenced lawsuits, I have signed sworn affidavits in both matters. A true and correct copy of my affidavit in the Hilton v. Prause case is attached hereto as Exhibit “1.” A true and correct copy of my affidavit in the Rhodes v. Prause, et al. case, which was recently filed on January 24, 2020, is attached hereto as Exhibit “2.”
- On February 12, 2020, I received a call from a police officer with the Ashland, Oregon police department who told me Prause had spoken to him in an attempt to have the police take action against me. After our discussion, the officer told me he intended to inform Prause that he could not help her, because the matter was civil as no crimes were alleged. The next day, February 13, 2020, Prause filed the TRO Request against me. While Prause has never served me with the TRO Request, I learned that it had been filed. I have reviewed the TRO Request. The allegations Prause makes in support of the TRO Request are not true.
- Prause claims I have posted her home address and telephone number on my website. This is not true. I have never posted Prause’s home address or phone number on my website, Twitter, or anywhere else. I do not know Prause’s home address or phone number. The company that hosts my website, Linode, has confirmed that they can find no such information on my website. A true and correct copy of Linode’s response to me dated January 31, 2020 confirming that Prause’s home address and telephone number are not on my website is attached hereto as Exhibit “3.”
- Prause concedes I could not know her home address and admits that she has, for years, posted nothing but false addresses, whenever she posts her address (such as on her failed application to grab the trademarks for my well established website and its URL). A true and correct copy of Prause’s February 10, 2020 Twitter posts admitting she posts only fake addresses is attached hereto as Exhibit “4.”Fake addresses for her and for her company Liberos are still posted on multiple sites across the web and appear on Google. A true and correct copy of the results of a Google search for Prause that I performed on February 10, 2020, is attached hereto as Exhibit “5.”
- Prause alleges she has other protective or restraining orders against me. This is false. No such orders exist, nor has Prause ever obtained such orders against me.
- Prause attaches photographs to her Request she claims depict me and my son holding guns. This is also false. I am not depicted in the photographs that show guns. I do not own any guns, and have never owned one.
- I have never used any violence against Prause or threatened to use any violence against her. I have not made any threats against Prause whatsoever nor urged anyone else to do so. I have never harassed her in any way. All of Prause’s allegations claiming that I have threatened or harassed her are completely false.
- I firmly believe Prause has filed this TRO Request in an effort to stifle my right to free speech, to intimidate me from acting as a witness in the defamation lawsuits now pending against her, and to attempt to expunge the evidence of her malicious activity (much of which is in the form of screenshots of her tweets on my website). Prause has also threatened other witnesses in the defamation lawsuits with groundless, costly legal proceedings.
I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct and of my own personal knowledge. Executed this 28th day of February 2020 at Ashland, Oregon.
Others – January-March, 2020: Prause incites defamatory UK article in an effort to have Alex Rhodes’s “Donor Box” fundraising campaign removed (ScramNews forced to apologize & pay substantial damages for publishing Nicole Prause’s lies about Alex Rhodes & NoFap)
However, her target, news outlet SCRAM Media, removed its defamatory article, having realized its egregious error in reprinting material supplied to it by Prause.
David Ley and RealYBOP team up to spread the factually-innacurate hit-piece, with RealYBOP tagging DonorBox and its CEO (unconcerned about adding to Rhodes’s concurrent defamation suit against her):
In a legally perilous move RealYBOP retweets the defamatory SCRAM article:
Prause persuaded the outlet to print the falsehood that she had received death threats from members of the far-right after Rhodes’s crowdfunding campaign began. Hilariously, Prause began posting tweets making this phony claim 22 minutes before the campaign itself commenced. Its commencement was slightly delayed, and she impulsively jumped in based on the projected start time Rhodes had announced online.
So it was that Prause claimed the first death threats at 7:50 am, and yet another death threat a few minutes later (all before NoFap commenced its crowdfund):
NoFap announces its crowdfund at 8:12 am (22 minutes later):
Also notice that Prause never provides screenshots of her claimed death threats. (She’s a serial fabricator.)
The SCRAM article contained other blatant, defamatory misinformation supplied by Prause as well. For example, it claimed Rhodes sued her because her “research was tantamount to defamation.” That’s absurd. Rhodes sued her because of her ongoing campaign of defamation and harassment of him and NoFap. None of his claims challenge her research (although many peer-reviewed papers have implied that she misinterpreted the significance of her research, and that her findings are consistent with the presence of addiction among her subjects).
She also claimed Rhodes engaged in “misogyny” and that Rhodes’s fans have tried to hack her Facebook and email, all with no support whatsoever. The SCRAM article stated that she “believes she is being stalked and that her [home] address has been posted online.”
The later is especially difficult to take seriously, as she has publicly stated that she never posts her home address online. Prause herself has posted various fake addresses online, including an address she used for the malicious trademark application she filed in an illicit effort to grab the URL for this website! These addresses can readily be found. Save yourself a stamp, however, as any correspondence will be returned as undeliverable (as was YBOP’s attorney’s cease & desist letter for Prause’s trademark infringement).
SCRAM quotes Prause’s dismissive remarks about Rhodes’s suit, but did not ask Rhodes for his side of the story. Finally, SCRAM made the very dubious argument that because Prause claims she has no ties to the porn industry (despite images and other extensive evidence to the contrary), Rhodes’s Donor Box campaign to fund his lawsuit against Prause is fraudulent. Really?
On top of this blatant misuse of their journalistic pen, the SCRAM team deleted comments under the article when readers attempted to counter Prause’s/SCRAM’s untruthful and misleading statements with actual evidence.
So much for responsible journalism.
Shortly after the publication of the now deleted SCRAM article, and RealYBOP tweeting it, Alex Rhodes filed his amended complaint against Nicole Prause. In his new complaint the ScramNews article was added as a new incident of defamation:
The libelous SCRAM article is now an exhibit in Rhodes’s defamation suit – Exhibit #14: Factually-inaccurate, defamatory SCRAM hit-piece, allegedly placed by Prause (3 pages).
March 3, 2020: Even though her RealYBOP twitter account is now named in the Rhodes’s defamation suit, she trolls “The Doctors” to tweet Scram’s defamatory hit-piece under a picture of Alex Rhodes.
Once again, revealing she is the perpetrator, not the victim.
UPDATE: On March 23, 2020 Alex Rhodes filed his opposition to Prause’s motion to dismiss. PDF’s of the 3 court filings:
- Alex Rhodes’ Brief in Opposition To Defendants’ Motions to Dismiss (March 23, 2020) – 26 pages.
- Alex Rhodes’ Declaration (March 23, 2020) – 64 pages.
- Alex Rhodes’ Exhibits (March 23, 2020) – 57 pages.
Rhodes’s new filings contain more about Prause’s hand in the ScramNews hit-piece, including Rhodes hiring a UK law firm to sue ScramNews, and the 2 authors, for defamation.
No wonder SCRAM removed the article.
UPDATE #2: ScramNews forced to apologize & pay substantial damages for publishing Nicole Prause’s lies about Alex Rhodes & NoFap.
Below we provide:
- Press release by Rhodes UK law firm
- The apology to Alex Rhodes by Scram Media
Scram Media Limited and two of its contributors have apologised and agreed to pay defamation damages to US-based NoFap LLC and its founder Alexander Rhodes after publishing an article on titled “Academic receives “death threats” from far-right after crowdfunding campaign to sue her.”
NoFap runs an online pornography recovery platform that enables users to connect with a supportive community of individuals determined to reduce or eliminate pornography use and free themselves from compulsive sexual behaviours. It receives millions of visitors every month and has been covered by a wide variety of outlets, including CNN, The New York Times, BBC, Business Insider, Time Magazine, MTV, The Washington Post, and Showtime.
The Scram News article contained numerous false and defamatory statements concerning NoFap and Mr Rhodes. In particular, the article wrongly suggested that NoFap and Mr Rhodes were affiliated with extremists (including anti-Semites); that they had brought a frivolous and vexatious defamation claim in the US Federal Court in order to stymie legitimate academic research; that they had incited extremists to harass and threaten the defendant in those proceedings; that a crowdfunding campaign for the litigation had resulted in a defendant being stalked and their address being posted online; and that they had published misleading information about the case by wrongly suggesting that the defendants have ties to the pornography industry in order to secure funding.
Scram has now published a full retraction and apology which can be found here. This acknowledges that the publication was wholly misleading of the work undertaken by NoFap and Mr Rhodes, of the defamation claim brought by Mr Rhodes and the crowdfunding campaign, and that neither Mr Rhodes or NoFap have incited members of such extremist hate groups to harass or threaten the defendant. Mr Rhodes’ defamation claim does not concern the defendants’ research, but rather alleged defamatory attacks on Mr Rhodes and NoFap. The legal Complaint in that claim can be found here.
Scram Media Limited has agreed to pay Mr Rhodes substantial damages and his legal costs. It has undertaken not to republish similar false allegations.
Unlike many initiatives that have traditionally raised concerns about pornography, NoFap LLC prides itself on being secular, apolitical, sex-positive, and science-based. It is used by men and women from all over the world, from a wide variety of backgrounds, religious and spiritual beliefs (or non-belief), sexual orientations and identities, ages, nationalities, ethnicities, and other characteristics.
Commenting on the settlement, Mr Rhodes said:-
“Our success in raising awareness about pornography addiction has resulted in us being the subject of a prolonged smear campaign orchestrated by elements who have close ties with the pornography industry, who have sought to falsely portray us as being affiliated to religious groups, hate groups, and extremists in an attempt to discredit us. Our website unites people from all walks of life to overcome porn addiction together. These elements appear to want to falsely controversialize the issue and misrepresent us to distract people from our actual views, the facts, and the emerging body of scientific research. Despite their ongoing defamation and disinformation campaign, we will continue to provide resources for recovering porn addicts.”
NoFap LLC and Alexander Rhodes were represented in the UK claim by Iain Wilson and Elisabeth Mason.
On 20 January 2020 we published an article on entitled “Academic receives “death threats” from far-right after crowdfunding campaign to sue her.” The article contained numerous false and defamatory statements concerning NoFap LLC (‘NoFap’) and its founder Alexander Rhodes. In particular, the article wrongly suggested that NoFap and Mr Rhodes were affiliated with extremists (including anti-Semites); that they had brought a frivolous and vexatious defamation claim in order to stymie legitimate academic research; that they had incited extremists to harass and threaten the defendant in those proceedings (a Dr Nicole Prause); and that they had published misleading information about the campaign in order to secure crowdfunding.AdvertisementsWe wish to unequivocally retract the allegations contained within the article and apologise for the damage and distress caused to NoFap and Mr Rhodes by the publication.
We acknowledge that what we published was wholly misleading and an inaccurate representation, both of the work undertaken by NoFap and Mr Rhodes, and of the defamation claim brought by Mr Rhodes against Dr Prause., and that neither Mr. Rhodes or NoFap have incited members of extremist hate groups to harass or threaten Dr Prause.
Mr Rhodes’ defamation claim against Dr Prause does not concern her research, but rather alleged defamatory attacks on Mr Rhodes and NoFap. The formal copy of the legal Complaint in that claim (issued in the US Federal Court) can be found here. We acknowledge that there was, and is, nothing misleading about the crowdfunding campaign associated with this litigation.
NoFap is a pornography recovery online platform which enables users to connect with a supportive community of individuals determined to reduce or eliminate pornography use and free themselves from compulsive sexual behaviours. Unlike many initiatives that have traditionally criticised pornography, Mr Rhodes’ website prides itself on being secular, apolitical, sex-positive, and science-based. We understand that it is used by men and women from all over the world, from a wide variety of backgrounds, religious and spiritual beliefs (or non-belief), sexual orientations and identities, ages, nationalities, ethnicities, and other characteristics.
We wish to apologise to Mr Rhodes, NoFap and our readers. and we have agreed to pay substantial damages to NoFap and Mr Rhodes together with legal costs in respect of the damage/distress caused by the article.
Scram Media Limited
Sam Bright
Kate Plummer
Others – February/March 2020: Prause (apparently) reports Alex Rhodes to the Pennsylvania Board of Psychology for practicing psychology without a license because CNN filmed him in a group with other young men, all talking about porn’s effects.
A malicious report was filed on October 1, 2019, the day after this RealYBOP tweet encouraged others to report Alex Rhodes to the Pennsylvania psychology board.
However, court documents reveal that Rhodes wasn’t informed of its existence until February, 2020. The following excerpts are taken from pages 8-10 of Alex Rhodes’s March 23, 2020 court filings in opposition to Prause’s Motion to Dismiss. PDFs of the 3 court filings:
- Alex Rhodes’ Brief in Opposition To Defendants’ Motions to Dismiss (March 23, 2020) – 26 pages.
- Alex Rhodes’ Declaration (March 23, 2020) – 64 pages.
- Alex Rhodes’ Exhibits (March 23, 2020) – 57 pages.
From pages 8-10 of Alex Rhodes’ Declaration:
38) On February 25, 2020, I was contacted by the Pennsylvania Department of State regarding a complaint received by the Pennsylvania Board of Psychology against me for the unlicensed practice of psychology. They reached out via email, postal mail, and postal certified mail. See Exhibit L.
39) While the Pennsylvania Department of State Bureau of Enforcement and Investigation cannot provide me with information about who submitted the report, this fits the pattern of Defendant Prause’s actions directed towards numerous people in my field.
40) This report was filed on October 01, 2019, the day after a Twitter account believed to be run by Defendant Prause, @BrainOnPorn, tweeted about reporting me to the State Board in response to my appearance on “This is Life” with Lisa Ling, which was filmed in Pennsylvania. Defendant Prause’s Twitter post replied to a photograph that Lisa Ling posted, captioned with “These guys were so so brave to share how exposure to porn at a young age-some were 8 years old-affected their minds, their bodies, how they look at women (and men) and how they perceive sex and relationships. #ThisIsLife SUNDAY 10PM @cnnorigseries” See Exhibit M.
41) Defendant Prause’s Twitter post stated “Cool, so you’ll posts Rhodes’ license to provide such mental health treatments as a link right here, right? Right? Wait, he has NO training? And NO licensure? Yikes, should he be reported for practicing without a license?” Defendant Prause’s Twitter post linked to the Pennsylvania Department of State website’s instructions on how to file a complaint. Ex. M.
42) My appearance on “This is Life” was solely a discussion about pornography addiction and in no way indicated that I was offering psychological or counseling services to anyone. In fact, the show made it very clear that therapy was not being provided, but that we were hosting a round-table discussion about porn. Lisa Ling clearly stated at the beginning of the episode that “Alex is not a therapist. He’s a fellow addict who struggled for almost 2/3rds of his life.” Before the episode was filmed, all participants were emailed “Note that this is simply an event to discuss porn addiction among peers, not actual treatment for porn addiction, not medical advice, and not healthcare or mental healthcare. We strongly encourage everybody to consider seeing a porn addiction-literate therapist.
NoFap has published advice on this page: If you want a referral or are wondering if you should contact a therapist, please let us know either in person or through email and we can put you in touch with a local therapist who can assist you.” See Exhibit N.
43) Neither I, nor my company, have ever purported to offer any psychology or counseling services, and have made that abundantly clear on the website.
44) The website’s User Agreement clearly states that “NoFap is not a mental healthcare provider. NoFap’s team members cannot be expected to be trained or qualified to give mental health counseling or any kind of mental health care.” Similar topics are clarified numerous times throughout the User Agreement. See selected User Agreement clauses, attached as Exhibit O.
45) On Monday, March 16, 2020, the investigator told me that while they cannot provide me with a hard copy of the report due to Pennsylvania Department of State policies, the report stated that I am “charging residents of Pennsylvania for treatments for compulsive sexual behavior” and that I “hold no appropriate training and no licensure” to do so. The complaint also states that I “described his providing treatments on CNN’s Sunday [sic] to Lisa Ling.”
46) I have never practiced or purported to practice psychology or provide mental healthcare treatments to residents of Pennsylvania without the appropriate licensure to do so.
47) The allegations in the Pennsylvania State Board of Psychology complaint are complete fabrications designed to harass and otherwise defame me.
48) I was told by the investigator that the Pennsylvania Department of State’s Bureau of Enforcement and Investigation is obligated to investigate all complaints, regardless of if they’re frivolous or not. As such, I am now in the middle of a mandatory investigative process, which has been stressful and time-consuming.
49) Further, I have been forced to engage another law firm who specializes in professional licensure defense and I am incurring significant legal fees to deal with these completely baseless allegations.
Tip of the iceberg – Numerous Victims of Nicole Prause’s Malicious Reporting and Malicious Use of Process.
Others – May, 2020: Nicole Prause threatens DonorBox CEO (Charles Zhang) with a small claims lawsuit for revealing her lies, behind the scenes harassment and malicious reporting (all in a failed attempt take down Rhodes’s crowdfunding)
For years, Nicole Prause and her numerous aliases have defamed, harassed and cyber-stalked individuals and organizations that have warned of porn’s harms or publicized research reporting porn’s harms. Two of Prause’s primary targets have been Alex Rhodes and Nofap (numerous incidents documented here: Nicole Prause, RealYBOP, & David Ley’s long history of harassing & defaming Alexander Rhodes of NoFap). Prause’s defamation escalated late in 2018, leading Rhodes to file a defamation lawsuit against Prause and her porn industry shill Twitter account @BrainOnPorn (October, 2019).
The lawsuit only increased Prause’s cyberstalking and defamation of Rhodes and Nofap, often via her @BrainOnPorn account. Prause also worked behind the scenes, emailing news outlets, trying to get her propaganda and defamation published. In January of 2020, Scram Media bought her lies, publishing a defamatory hit-piece targeting Rhodes and Nofap, titled “Academic receives death threats from far-right after crowdfunding campaign to sue her“. As explained above Alex Rhodes forced Scram to retract, apologize & pay damages to him for their defamatory article featuring Prause’s lies.
As DonorBox CEO Charles Zhang revealed in the following threads, Prause relentlessly harassed DonorBox with numerators emails containing lies and threats. She even filed a bogus report to the BBB. All in a failed attempt to take down Rhodes’s crowdfunding. When Zhang tweeted about Scram’s apology and Prause’s harassment and deceit, she responded with threats and usual fabrications.
Charles Zhang May 24 thread starts by exposing the lies published by Scram. Zhang then tags Prause, posting a screenshot of her spurious complaint to the Better Business Bureau (which was summarily disregarded):
Her email to the BBB. Full of her usual lies.
Thread continues:
Prause then threatens Zhang. He tweets about it the next day:
Prause’s empty threats and her lie-filled C&D letter:
The threats lead to Zhang creating a separate thread, where he tags YBOP:
Staci Sprout lets Zhang know he is not alone:
June, 2020: Former porn star Jenna Jameson chastises RealYBOP for creating a screenshot falsely portraying Jameson as criticizing NoFap (Jameson calls RealYBOP “Shady as f**k”).
First we have RealYBOP’s doctored screenshot making it appear as if Jameson was replying to @NoFap (Jameson is a fan and follower of NoFap):
Here’s the real tweet:
I expose RealYBOP as lying, AND Jenna Jameson replies to me, calling @BrainOnPorn “shady af”:
“Shady af” is right.
Even though she is being sued for defamation by Alex Rhodes, RealYBOP follows the above with a tweet targeting Rhodes, falsely stating that he was a “failed actor.” In reality, Alex was once an extra on a Tom Cruise movie set. Alex accidentally became “famous” due to a practical joke. Alex never aspired to be an actor. RealYBOP is a liar.
Upset that she has been outed as a liar, and called “shady as fuck” by Jenna Jameson, RealYBOP doubles down on her obvious lies, while adding more counts of defamation (no wonder she is burning through lawyers: her 4th set in the Hilton suit, and 2nd set in the Rhodes suit). Notice that RealYBOP tweets a “slide” by ally xHamster (who is compensating other RealYBOP members to promote its websites and convince users that porn addiction and sex addiction are myths). Everything RealYBOP says is untrue – no surprise:
Besides being fabricated propaganda by xHamster, the “slide” doesn’t mention Nofap. Typical RealYBOP tactic of tweeting materials that don’t support what she is asserting in her tweets.
Also fabricated are RealYBOP’s claims of receiving death threats. RealYBOP has never produced a single example of a death threat – and certainly none from the people Prause alludes to as threatening her.
Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 1)
Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 2)
Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 3)
Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 4)
Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 5)
Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 6)