Overlap between food addiction and DSM-5 eating disorders in a treatment-seeking sample (2015)

Marco Aurélio Camargo da Rosa



M.C. Rosa1,2, J. Collombat2, C.M. Denis2,3, J. Alexandre2, F. Serre2, M. Auriacombe2, M. Fatseas2. 1Center for Drug and Alcohol Research, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil; 2Addiction Psychiatry, USR3413, CNRS, Universite Bordeaux, France; 3University of Pennsylvania, United States

Aims: Although the diagnosis of Food Addiction (FA) is not formally recognized, some studies showed that DSM-5 criteria for substance use disorder (SUD) might be transferable to FA. We aimed to verify possible overlap between DSM-5 eating disorders (Anorexia, Bulimia and Binge Eating Disorder) and FA.

Methods: In 2014, consecutive patients enrolled in an addiction treatment program in Bordeaux, France were assessed with the ASI modified to include eating behaviors, the Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview for psychiatric disorders including DSM-5 criteria for SUD, gambling, eating disorders (ED) and FA criteria based on DSM-5 criteria for SUD.

Results: 80 patients were enrolled, 64% males, mean age 41years (SD=11), 43% overweight (BMI≥25), 90% with SUDs, 10% with gambling, 64% with other psychiatric comorbidities. 11% met a DSM-5 eating disorder diagnosis. FA diagnosis was met by 28% of the entire sample (10% mild, 7% moderate, 11% severe). Those patients met an average of 5.2 criteria out of 11 (SD=2.8) and the most endorsed were “larger amounts than intended” (54%), “craving/strong desire” (39%) and “unsuccessful efforts to cut down” (35%). Patients with DSM-5 Eating disorders were more likely to meet FA diagnosis (78% vs. 21%, p=.001) and individuals with ED met more FA (32% vs. 3%, p=.001). No association between FA diagnosis and the others psychiatric comorbidities was found except for ADHD. Patients with FA diagnosis exhibited higher ASI severity score in medical, family/social and eating domains.

Conclusions: FA diagnosis is highly associated with DSM-5 eating disorders and might overlap with some diagnoses. Patients with FA exhibited impairment comparable to SUD patients. Further studies are needed to address the validity of FA diagnosis using the DSM-5 SUD criteria. Financial Support: France: PHRC 2006, Brazil: CSF, CNPq, CAPES.

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