Psychological problems of young people resorting to the Internet communication (2017)

Kulikova, T. I.

International Journal Of Professional Science 1 (2017).

  • Internet communication
  • psychological problems
  • young people

In recent years the Internet is gaining the &&& audience. Internet is specific and bears little resemblance to real communication therefore requires detailed study. Some modern researchers argue that as a result of prolonged and regular Internet communications young people sooner or later are beginning to feel psychological problems. The analysis of foreign and Russian psychological researches on the issue of Internet communication has allowed to identify the main personal problems of young people. The article presents the results of an experimental study of the psychological problems of young people resorting to the Internet communication.

The study involved 45 students from different universities in Russia at the age of 18 to 22 years. The general hypothesis of the study was in the statement that the Internet as a modern communicative medium contributes to the emergence psychological problems of young people, in particular: the manifestation of negative emotional states (the experience of depression); reduce the level of self-confidence and self-esteem; formation of uncertainty feeling the manifestation Internet addiction symptoms.

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