Volume 64, 2013 – Issue 3
Pages 315-336 | Published online: 14 Apr 2013
Pornography research has primarily focused on male sexuality. This exploratory study assessed the association between adult U.S. women’s exposure to Internet pornography and attitude towards extramarital sex using data provided by the General Social Survey (GSS). The glamorization of uncommitted, recreational sex in general and extramarital sex in particular is common in pornography. A positive association between Internet pornography viewing and more positive extramarital sex attitudes was found. In alignment with Wright’s (2011a Wright , P. J. ( 2011a ). Mass media effects on youth sexual behavior: Assessing the claim for causality . Communication Yearbook , 35 , 343 – 386 .) 3AM model of media sexual socialization, this association was moderated by women’s media confidence, religiosity, and educational attainment. Specifically, Internet pornography exposure was associated with more positive attitudes toward extramarital sex only for women who had more media confidence, were less religious and were less educated.
Keywords: 3AM Model, Extramarital Sex, Internet Pornography, Sexual Socialization, Women’s Sexuality