Cyberporn Exposure To KNPI Behavior (Kissing, Necking, Petting And Intercourse) And Masturbation in Adolescent Scholarship First in West Pontianak District (2017)

Cyberporn Exposure To KNPI Behavior (Kissing, Necking, Petting And Intercourse) And Masturbation in Adolescent Scholarship First in West Pontianak District

Abrori, Abrori, Lidia Hastuti, and Elisa Elisa.

JUMANTIK (Jurnal Mahasiswa dan Peneliti Kesehatan) 4, no. 2 (2017).


Teenager is a transitional period between childhood and adulthood. Therefore, teenagers are easily affected by friends, the environment and not infrequently stuck on negative things. One of them using the internet media to access porn sites or called cyberporn. Cyberporn is a form of pornography that is accessed online through internet network. Cyberporn has a great influence in encouraging premarital sexual behavior.

The purpose of this research is to know the exposure of cyberporn to KNPI (Kissing, Necking, Petting and Intercourse) behavior and masturbation at Junior High School adolescent in West Pontianak Subdistrict.

This research use cross sectional design. The sample of research of adolescent boys and girls of class IX in Junior High School in Kecamatan Pontianak Barat, amounted to 83 people. The instruments of data collection using questionnaires. Data analysis technique using Chi Square

The results of this study indicate that there is a significant relationship between cyberporn exposure with KNPI (Kissing, Necking, Petting and Intercourse) behavior in Junior High School adolescents (p value = 0.029), there is a significant relationship between cyberporn exposure and masturbation behavior in junior high school adolescence (p value = 0.034).

It is expected that the school should conduct counseling related to the danger and impact of pornography on adolescent development.