Cybersex-addiction among young people: clinical, psychopathological, social and psychological aspects (2018)

“Киберсексуальная аддикция у лиц юношеского возраста (клинико-психопатологический и социально-психологический аспекты).”

Психическое здоровье 15, no. 11 (2017): 24-31.

Lukyantseva I.S.1, Ruzhenkov V.A.*1

1 Belgorod National Research University, Belgorod, Russia


We examined 455 students (333 women and 122 men) for study the prevalence of cybersex addiction. The average age of students was 22,0 ± 1,1 years old. Pathological passion to porn sites identified in 2.2% of cases, more often (5.7%) among males (p<0,007) than females (0.9%). There was educational disadaptation, high level of social frustration and aggression, low level of self-esteem and personal maturity among students with cybersex addiction. A half of students with cybersex addiction had a high level of anxiety combined with depression, social phobia and overeating. There was asthenic syndrome (50%), sleep disorders, obsessive-compulsive syndrome and social phobia (60%) among students with cybersex addiction. Cybersex addiction was combined with other types of addictions and dependencies. A short course of psychotherapy helps to get rid of cybersex addiction in two thirds of cases.