Dwiputra, Ditto Kusuma Nirwan. “Hubungan antara Kontrol Diri dengan Kecanduan Cybersexual pada Remaja Akhir di Salatiga.”
PhD diss., Program Studi Psikologi FPSI-UKSW, 2017.
The purpose of this study to see how closely the Relationship Between Self-Control with trend Cybersexual Addiction in Adolescents Late in Salatiga. The hypothesis of this study is there is a negative relationship between self-control with cybersex addiction tendencies. Measuring instrument used in this research is Self-Control Questionnaire and Cybersex Addiction Questionnaires were distributed to 67 research subjects. Self-control scale consisted of 21 item and cybersexual addiction scale consists of 34 item. Data was analyzed by calculating the correlation using SPSS and obtained a correlation coefficient (-0.543) means that there is a close negative relationship between self-control with cybersexual addictive tendencies, which showed higher self-control, the lower the cybersexual addictive tendencies.