Examination of the Psychometric Characteristics of the Italian Version of the Game Addiction Scale for Adolescents (2019)

Psychol Rep. 2019 Apr 2:33294119838758. doi: 10.1177/0033294119838758. Costa S1, Barberis N2, Gugliandolo MC3, Liga F2, Cuzzocrea F2, Verrastro V4. Abstract In the last years, the interest in Internet Gaming Disorder has grown considerably, which has necessitated the development of valid and reliable tools in different cultural contexts. Although, in the scientific literature, there are several […]

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Problematic Internet Use and Associated High-Risk Behavior in an Adolescent Clinical Sample: Results from a Survey of Psychiatrically Hospitalized Youth (2019)

Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw. 2019 Mar 21. doi: 10.1089/cyber.2018.0329. Gansner M1, Belfort E1,2, Cook B3, Leahy C1,4, Colon-Perez A1,5, Mirda D1,6, Carson N1,3. Abstract Problematic Internet use (PIU) is a growing clinical concern to clinicians working in adolescent mental health, with significant potential comorbidities like depression and substance use. No prior study has examined associations […]

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Influence of Family Processes on Internet Addiction Among Late Adolescents in Hong Kong (2019)

Front Psychiatry. 2019 Mar 12;10:113. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2019.00113. Shek DTL1, Zhu X1, Dou D1. Abstract The present study investigated how the quality of the parent-child subsystem (indexed by behavioral control, psychological control, and parent-child relationship) predicted Internet addiction (IA) levels and change rates among senior high school students. It also examined the concurrent and longitudinal influence […]

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Internet addiction and attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder symptoms in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (2019)

Res Dev Disabil. 2019 Mar 13;89:22-28. doi: 10.1016/j.ridd.2019.03.002. Kawabe K1, Horiuchi F2, Miyama T3, Jogamoto T4, Aibara K4, Ishii E5, Ueno SI6. Abstract AIM: Several studies have reported that internet addiction (IA) is more prevalent in adolescents with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). However, the characteristics of ASD adolescents with IA are unclear. The objective of […]

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Predictors for Digital Game Addiction Among Turkish Adolescents: A Cox’s Interaction Model-Based Study (2019)

J Addict Nurs. 2019 Jan/Mar;30(1):49-56. doi: 10.1097/JAN.0000000000000265. Irmak AY1, Erdoğan S. Abstract BACKGROUND: Digital game addiction among adolescents is a growing problem. The purpose of this study is to describe the predictors for this addiction in a group of Turkish adolescents using a conceptual framework. METHODS: A descriptive correlational study was conducted on 865 students […]

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Bio-psychosocial factors of children and adolescents with internet gaming disorder: a systematic review (2019)

Biopsychosoc Med. 2019 Feb 14;13:3. doi: 10.1186/s13030-019-0144-5. Sugaya N1, Shirasaka T2, Takahashi K3, Kanda H4. Abstract Previous large-scale studies suggest that internet gaming disorder (IGD) among children and adolescents has become an important public concern. Minors are known to be particularly susceptible to problematic internet gaming use owing to age-related underdevelopment of cognitive control. It […]

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Evaluating the Psychometric Properties of the 7-Item Persian Game Addiction Scale for Iranian Adolescents (2019)

Front Psychol. 2019 Feb 5;10:149. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2019.00149. Lin CY1, Imani V2, Broström A3, Årestedt K4,5, Pakpour AH6,3, Griffiths MD7. Abstract The 7-item Gaming Addiction Scale (GAS) is a brief instrument based on DSM criteria to assess gaming addiction. Although the psychometric properties of the GAS have been tested using classical test theory, its psychometric properties […]

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Accordance of Adolescent and Parental Ratings of Internet Gaming Disorder and Their Associations with Psychosocial Aspects (2019)

Cyberpsychol Behav Soc Netw. 2019 Feb 25. doi: 10.1089/cyber.2018.0456. Wartberg L1, Zieglmeier M2, Kammerl R2. Abstract In 2013, Internet gaming disorder (IGD) was incorporated in the DSM-5. In 2018, the World Health Organization (WHO) confirmed the inclusion of the new diagnosis “Gaming disorder” in the ICD-11. Both IGD and Gaming disorder refer to a problematic […]

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Online Sexual Experiences Predict Subsequent Sexual Health and Victimization Outcomes Among Female Adolescents: A Latent Class Analysis (2019)

J Youth Adolesc. 2019 Feb 18. doi: 10.1007/s10964-019-00995-3. Maas MK1, Bray BC2, Noll JG3. Abstract Adolescents’ online sexual experiences (e.g., pornography use, sexual chatting, sexualized social media use, and nude image exchange) provide a new context for sexual socialization. Traditionally, online sexual experiences are often aggregated averages, which neglect their complexity and fail to identify […]

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Predictors of problematic Internet use in school going adolescents of Bhavnagar, India (2019)

Int J Soc Psychiatry. 2019 Feb 11:20764019827985. doi: 10.1177/0020764019827985. Vadher SB1, Panchal BN1, Vala AU1, Ratnani IJ1, Vasava KJ1, Desai RS1, Shah AH1. Abstract BACKGROUND:: Problematic Internet use (PIU) is the inability of individuals to control their Internet use, resulting in marked distress and/or functional impairment in daily life. AIM/OBJECTIVE:: We assessed the frequency of […]

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