Theoretical Assumptions on Pornography Problems Due to Moral Incongruence and Mechanisms of Addictive or Compulsive Use of Pornography: Are the Two “Conditions” as Theoretically Distinct as Suggested? (Analysis of the Grubbs moral incongruence model)

Archives of Sexual Behavior February 2019, Volume 48, Issue 2, pp 417–423 | Matthias Brand, Stephanie Antons, Elisa Wegmann, Marc N. Potenza This comment refers to the article available at Introduction The Target Article by Grubbs, Perry, Wilt, and Reid (2018) addresses an important and timely topic regarding problems that individuals may experience related to pornography use. Grubbs et […]

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Hitting the Target: Considerations for Differential Diagnosis When Treating Individuals for Problematic Use of Pornography (2018). (Analysis of the Grubbs moral incongruence model)

Archives of Sexual Behavior February 2019, Volume 48, Issue 2, pp 431–435 | Shane W. Kraus, Patricia J. Sweeney This comment refers to the article available at Grubbs, Perry, Wilt, and Reid (2018a) proposed a model for understanding individuals’ problems with pornography due to moral incongruence (PPMI). Specifically, they posit that some pornography users experience psychological distress and […]

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Stuck in the Porn Box (2018). (Analysis of the Grubbs moral incongruence model) Archives of Sexual Behavior February 2019, Volume 48, Issue 2, pp 449–453 | Brian J. Willoughby This comment refers to the article available at While the viewing of sexually explicit content is by no means a new phenomenon, the digital age and availability of online pornography has led to a surge in scholarship seeking to understand […]

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Dysregulated Pornography Use and the Possibility of a Unipathway Approach (2018). (Analysis of the Grubbs moral incongruence model)

Archives of Sexual Behavior February 2019, Volume 48, Issue 2, pp 455–460 | Paul J. Wright This comment refers to the article available at In this Commentary, after providing a brief overview of my background and research interests in relation to the topics covered by Grubbs, Perry, Wilt, and Reid’s (2018) Pornography Problems Due to Moral […]

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Is Joshua Grubbs pulling the wool over our eyes with his “perceived porn addiction” research?

UPDATE 2017: A new study (Fernandez et al., 2017) tested and analyzed the CPUI-9, a purported “perceived pornography addiction” questionnaire developed by Joshua Grubbs, and found that it couldn’t accurately assess “actual porn addiction” or “perceived porn addiction” (Do Cyber Pornography Use Inventory-9 Scores Reflect Actual Compulsivity in Internet Pornography Use? Exploring the Role of […]

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Research Suggests the Grubbs, Perry, Wilt, Reid Review is Disingenuous (“Pornography Problems Due to Moral Incongruence: An Integrative Model with a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”, 2018)

The authors of this so-called review would have readers believe that self-identification as a porn addict is a function of religious shame/moral disapproval about porn. They only reviewed a small number of studies, which rely on the CPUI-9, an instrument developed by co-author Grubbs that produces skewed findings. The co-authors carefully omitted or misrepresented opposing […]

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Legal victories over serial harasser/defamer Nicole Prause: She’s perpetrator, not victim!

This page is for journalists and other investigators who may have read assertions that Dr. Prause is a victim. NOTE: This page was originally written by the late Gary Wilson. However, the YBOP team has updated it a bit. Therefore the style and voice are uneven in places. Mere claims, no matter how vivid or […]

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What is the “Sex” in Sex Addiction? Problem Behaviors Reported Among Those Endorsing Compulsive Sexual Behavior

Sexual Health & Compulsivity Grubbs, J. B., Lee, B., Floyd, C. G., Bőthe, B., Jennings, T., & Kraus, S. W. (2024). 1–17. Excerpts: [New representative sample reveals that] Between 3-4% of women and between 8-13% of men in the U.S. report concerns that their sexual behaviors may be compulsive. Men were more likely to […]

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Problematic pornography use and suicidal thoughts: Results from cross-sectional and longitudinal analyses.

McGraw, J. S., Grant Weinandy, J. T., Floyd, C. G., Hoagland, C., Kraus, S. W., & Grubbs, J. B. (2024). Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. Advance online publication. Excerpts: Up to 11% of men and 3% of women in the United States report feelings of  addiction to pornography and … 10.3% of men and 7.0% […]

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Internet Pornography Use Disorder: In Search of a Non-Pathologizing Description of an Evolving Clinical Issue

Comments: In this well reasoned article Palazzolo argues that the DSM should include a diagnosis for Internet Pornography Use Disorder due to its unique and recognizable symptoms. Sexual Health & Compulsivity 30:4, 328-341, DOI: 10.1080/26929953.2023.2254785, Francesca Palazzolo (2023)    Abstract Since the inclusion of Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder in the International Classification of Diseases, 11th […]

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