Nicole Prause’s fabrications of victim-hood exposed as groundless: she is the perpetrator, not the victim.

Update – Serial defamer & harasser Nicole Pause loses lawsuits to Gary Wilson. In August of 2020 court rulings fully exposed Nicole Prause as the perpetrator, not the victim. In March of 2020, Prause sought a groundless temporary restraining order (TRO) against me using fabricated “evidence” and her usual lies (falsely accusing me of stalking). In […]

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Critique of claims surrounding Steele et al., 2013 (“Sexual Desire, not Hypersexuality, is Related to Neurophysiological Responses Elicited by Sexual Images”)

You can skip the history and go directly to our analysis. HISTORY OF THIS JULY, 2013 CRITIQUE This article was first published in July, 2013 as a reply blog post to a “Psychology Today” blog post featuring an interview with Dr. Nicole Prause, co-author of the EEG study discussed here. On March 6th, 2013, fellow Psychology […]

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stop harassment

Numerous Victims of Nicole Prause’s Malicious Reporting and Malicious Use of Process

Introduction Nicole Prause has shown a consistent and troubling pattern of (1) filing groundless, malicious complaints and lawsuits, and (2) threatening such actions, or publicly claiming that she has filed them, when she has not done so. (Four main pages documenting Prause’s behaviors: page 1, page 2, page 3, page 4.) Below is a partial […]

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Donald Hilton defamation lawsuit against Nicole Prause: Downloadable PDF’s of Hilton lawsuit, exhibits, and affidavits by 9 other Prause victims

May 8, 2019: Initial 17-page complaint by Hilton (selected screenshots below): Donald Hilton defamation lawsuit against Nicole R Prause (later moved to Federal Court, and amended). The court filings are here. Civil Case Info Sheet Exhibit A Exhibit B Exhibit C Exhibit D Exhibit E On July 24, 2019 Don Hilton amended his lawsuit to include: […]

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“Porn wars get personal in No Nut November”, by Diana Davison (The Post Millennial)

By Diana Davison (November 21, 2019) LINK TO ORIGINAL ARTICLE In No Nut November, the question “To fap or not to fap?” has become fraught with legal danger. This whimsical internet challenge has grown in popularity over the years alongside the scientific battle over whether or not pornography can become addictive. By mid-November, those would-be […]

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If at first you don't succeed, lie, lie again

Nicole Prause attempts to take down YBOP by threatening its web host with a bogus Cease & Desist letter (January, 2020)

The Context In 2013, former UCLA researcher Nicole Prause began openly harassing, libeling and cyberstalking Gary Wilson. Within a short time she also targeted others, including researchers, medical doctors, therapists, psychologists, a former UCLA colleague, a UK charity, men in recovery, a TIME magazine editor, several professors, IITAP, SASH, Fight The New Drug, Exodus Cry, […]

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Is Porn Addictive? 6-minute video by journalist Diana Davison

6-minute video by journalist Diana Davison, who authored The Post Millennial expose’ on Nicole Prause. The Diana Davison video provided a link to the timeline of events chronicling Prause’s nearly 7-year campaign of harassment, defamation, threats, and false accusations called “VSS Academic War Timeline.” Update – Prause got the timeline removed. Hmm… Related – Victims of […]

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Nicole Prause's Harassment 3

Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 3)

Introduction (as it appears on Page #1) Legal counsel advised us to create these pages, which document Nicole Prause’s extensive campaign targeting those who point out possible harms of porn use or issues in the porn industry. “Sunshine” protects the community Prause harasses by preserving facts and permitting visitors and journalists to understand the truth […]

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