Alex Rhodes of Porn Addiction Support Group ‘No Fap’ Sues Obsessed Pro-Porn Sexologist for Defamation (By Megan Fox, of PJ Media)

By Megan Fox – November 21, 2019. LINK TO ORIGINAL ARTICLE Donate to defend Alex! Alex Rhodes is an interesting guy. At the age of 11, he says he started a years-long pornography addiction that turned his life upside down. When he decided to do something about it, he found a community of people online […]

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Nicole Prause & David Ley commit perjury in defamation lawsuit (September, 2019)

Introduction On May 8, 2019 Donald Hilton, MD filed a defamation per se lawsuit against Nicole Prause & Liberos LLC. On July 24, 2019 Donald Hilton amended his defamation complaint to highlight (1) a malicious Texas Board of Medical Examiners complaint, (2) false accusations that Dr. Hilton had falsified his credentials, and (3) affidavits from […]

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Alexander Rhodes

Nicole Prause, David Ley & @BrainOnPorn’s long history of harassing & defaming Alexander Rhodes of NoFap

Below are numerous instances of Nicole Prause, David Ley, and “RealYourBrainOnPorn” twitter harassing and defaming Alexander Rhodes and NoFap. Each link in this list goes to a more complete description of harassment and/or defamation. UPDATE – October 23, 2019: NoFap founder Alexander Rhodes files a defamation lawsuit against Nicole Prause / Liberos LLC. Update (November, […]

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Porn Science Deniers Alliance (AKA: “” and “”)

Table of contents covering Porn Science Deniers Alliance engages in unlawful trademark infringement of At long last, the Alliance (RealYBOP experts) openly functions as an agenda-driven collective RealYBOP experts are being compensated by porn industry giant xHamster to promote its websites and convince users that porn addiction & sex addiction are myths They […]

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trademark YBOP

Aggressive Trademark Infringement Waged by Porn Addiction Deniers (

Introduction As Your Brain on Porn has been continuously engaged in vigorous debate around the subject of compulsive pornography consumption since before 2011, our website certainly doesn’t take issue with, or fear, opposing views. Our identity is trademarked. Sexual health experts are welcome to offer views about internet pornography’s effects that differ from our views. […]

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Peer-reviewed critiques of Prause et al., 2015

Introduction EEG study: “Modulation of late positive potentials by sexual images in problem users and controls inconsistent with porn addiction” (Prause et al., 2015) Claim: To this day, former UCLA researcher Nicole Prause boldly claims that her solitary EEG study “falsified the porn addiction model.” Reality: The results indicate habituation/desensitization in the more frequent porn […]

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Here we go again: In the wake of two mass shootings (El Paso & Dayton), Nicole Prause, @BrainOnPorn & David Ley and try to connect Gary Wilson, YBOP and Nofap to white nationalists & Nazis

The latest in Prause & Ley’s malicious 4-year campaign to create a false association between YBOP, and men in recovery, with neo-Nazis. In a new low (which is saying something), Nicole Prause used the tragic deaths of innocent people once again to defame Gary Wilson and NoFap while promoting the porn industry’s agenda. On the […]

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sex offender

Debunking the realyourbrainonporn ( “Sex Offender Section”: The actual state of the research on porn use and sexual aggression, coercion & violence

Introduction In this sex offender section, if you are concerned about the biased, but increasingly well publicized, views of pro-porn sexologists and their allies, we have news for you. For your convenience, a large team of Porn Science Deniers have now “outed” themselves as an exclusive club. You can find them proudly pictured here in […]

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realybop nicole prause daniel burgess runealYBOP

RealYourBrainOnPorn (@BrainOnPorn) tweets: Daniel Burgess, Nicole Prause & pro-porn allies collaborate on a biased website and social media accounts to support the porn industry agenda (beginning in April, 2019)

RealYBOP Twitter (@BrainOnPorn) and have been developed as a tool by Nicole Prause & Daniel Burgess to attack Your Brain on Porn, Gary Wilson, and anyone else who critiques the porn industry or points out the negative effects of porn use. Table of Contents: Attempted illegal trademark grab Prause denies involvement in RealYBOP trademark-infringing […]

Read More… from RealYourBrainOnPorn (@BrainOnPorn) tweets: Daniel Burgess, Nicole Prause & pro-porn allies collaborate on a biased website and social media accounts to support the porn industry agenda (beginning in April, 2019)

Email from Gary Wilson to Donald Hilton, which was forwarded to reporter Chad Sokol (2/21/2019).

PDF of Gary Wilson’s email to Don Hilton, MD. It was forwarded to reporter Chad Sokol. Thu 2/21/2019 4:32 PM Hi Don, Here are the 4 main pages that were created to counter the ongoing harassment and false claims made by former UCLA researcher Nicole Prause as part of an ongoing “astroturf” campaign to persuade […]

Read More… from Email from Gary Wilson to Donald Hilton, which was forwarded to reporter Chad Sokol (2/21/2019).