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Critique of “Is Pornography Really about ‘Making Hate to Women’? Pornography Users Hold More Gender Egalitarian Attitudes Than Nonusers in a Representative American Sample” (Kohut et al., 2016)

The authors of this study framed egalitarianism as: (1) Support for abortion, (2) Feminist identification, (3) Women holding positions of power, (4) Belief that family life suffers when the woman has a full-time job, and oddly enough (5) Holding more negative attitudes toward the traditional family. No matter what you personally believe, its easy to see that […]

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Addressing unsupported claims, personal attacks and defamation by Daniel A. Burgess, LMFT (Feb-March, 2018)

INTRODUCTION: Burgess claims victimhood, yet he initiated all contact (Facebook, Twitter), posting numerous defamatory comments, and eventually infringing on YBOP’s trademark by creating “www.realyourbrainonporn.com.” Prior to February, 2018 I had never heard of Daniel Burgess LMFT. Suddenly, out of nowhere Mr. Burgess (@BurgessTherapy) employed multiple social media platforms to attack me and YBOP. Burgess’s targeted […]

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Park et al

Nicole Prause’s efforts to have Behavioral Sciences review paper (Park et al., 2016) retracted

This is the extraordinary story of how Nicole Prause used every conceivable tactic to try to prevent the publication of a peer-reviewed paper, Park et al, in a prestigious journal. The paper in question: Is Internet Pornography Causing Sexual Dysfunctions? A Review with Clinical Reports (Park et al., 2016). [As of early 2020, Park et […]

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Studies falsify the claim that sex & porn addicts “just have high sexual desire”

Porn addiction naysayers often claim that individuals with either sex addiction or porn addiction do not have addiction, they simply have high sexual desire. David Ley (author of The Myth of Sex Addiction), is one of the most vocal critics of porn addiction, and often claims that “high sexual desire” explains away porn addiction. (Update: […]

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Dismantling the “group position” paper opposing porn and sex addiction (November, 2017)

Introduction In early November, 2017 three non-profit kink organizations (Center for Positive Sexuality, National Coalition for Sexual Freedom, and The Alternative Sexualities Health Research Alliance) released a group position paper “opposing the addiction model in relation to frequent sexual behavior and pornography viewing.” The groups’ press release, Position statement opposing sex/porn addiction model, explained their […]

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How to recognize biased articles: They cite Prause et al., 2015 (falsely claiming it debunks porn addiction), while omitting over 50 neurological studies supporting porn addiction

Introduction A number of articles and interviews have attempted to push-back at the TIME article (“Porn and the Threat to Virility”) and the Utah resolution declaring internet porn a public health problem. What might be a few “dead giveaways” that such an article is nothing more than a propaganda piece? Psychologists David Ley and/or Nicole […]

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Sexologists Deny Porn-induced ED by Claiming Masturbation Is the Problem

Since 2016, an audacious red herring has insinuated itself into the tweets and blogs of some AASECT sexologists: the notion that PIED (porn-induced erectile dysfunction) is caused by masturbation. Without offering any scientific support, this band of porn-apologists has determined to persuade us that porn is not behind the recent rise of coital ED in […]

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John A. Johnson on Steele et al., 2013 (and Johnson debating Nicole Prause in comments section under PT article)

Steele et al., 2013 spokesperson Nicole Prause conducted several interviews about her July, 2013 EEG study on people complaining of having difficulties controlling their porn use. Commenting under the Psychology Today interview of Nicole Prause, senior psychology professor emeritus John A. Johnson said: A gap in logical inference {https://www.psychologytoday.com/comment/542939#comment-542939} Submitted by John A. Johnson Ph.D. […]

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