Peer-reviewed critiques of Prause et al., 2015

Introduction EEG study: “Modulation of late positive potentials by sexual images in problem users and controls inconsistent with porn addiction” (Prause et al., 2015) Claim: To this day, former UCLA researcher Nicole Prause boldly claims that her solitary EEG study “falsified the porn addiction model.” Reality: The results indicate habituation/desensitization in the more frequent porn […]

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Daniel Burgess

Realyourbrainonporn (Daniel Burgess, Nicole Prause) defamation/harassment of Gary Wilson: They “discover” fake porn URLs in the Internet Wayback Archive (August, 2019)

Context: “Real”, @BrainOnPorn, Daniel Burgess and Nicole Prause Prior to February of 2018 I had never heard of Daniel Burgess LMFT. Suddenly, out of nowhere, Burgess used multiple social media platforms to attack me and YBOP. Burgess’s targeted harassment and defamation occurred on Twitter (under several @YourBrainOnPorn tweets) and Facebook (the YBOP Facebook page, one […]

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RealYourBrainOnPorn (@BrainOnPorn) tweets: Daniel Burgess, Nicole Prause & pro-porn allies collaborate on a biased website and social media accounts to support the porn industry agenda (beginning in April, 2019)

RealYBOP Twitter (@BrainOnPorn) and have been developed as a tool by Nicole Prause & Daniel Burgess to attack Your Brain on Porn, Gary Wilson, and anyone else who critiques the porn industry or points out the negative effects of porn use. Table of Contents: Attempted illegal trademark grab Prause denies involvement in RealYBOP trademark-infringing […]

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Cease and Desist Letter to Nicole R Prause & Liberos LLC for Illegal Trademark Infringement of Your Brain On Porn and

On May 1, 2019 the attorneys for the common-law owner of the trademarks “Your Brain On Born” and “” (this website) sent a cease and desist letter to all of those who appeared to be behind the infringing site (the so-called “Experts”). A second letter also demands that Dr. Nicole Prause abandon her trademark-squatting application […]

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Critique of Samuel Perry’s “Is the Link Between Pornography Use and Relational Happiness Really More About Masturbation? Results From Two National Surveys” (2019)

Sorry Dr. Perry, it’s the porn. 2021 study guts Perry’s pet theory that masturbation, not porn, is the critical factor in relationship problems. See Pornography and Sexual Dissatisfaction: The Role of Pornographic Arousal, Upward Pornographic Comparisons, and Preference for Pornographic Masturbation (2021). SHOCKING UPDATE – 2019: Author Samuel Perry confirmed his agenda-driven bias when he […]

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“The Racquet Investigates: Fight the New Drug”. [A defamatory, factually inaccurate hit-piece reproduced by YBOP due to ongoing legal actions involving Nicole Prause, Daniel Burgess & David Ley]

Background Copy and pasted below is the March, 2019 defamatory, factually inaccurate hit-piece by two college students. It masqueraded as “investigative journalism” but actually just targeted Fight The New Drug and Gary Wilson. Inexplicably, it gratuitously contained a section about Gary Wilson, which featured a baseless April 25, 2018 Los Angeles police report filed almost […]

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Nicole Prause & David Ley libelous claim that Gary Wilson was fired from Southern Oregon University

Update (August, 2020): Serial defamer & harasser Nicole Pause loses lawsuits to Gary Wilson. In August of 2020 court rulings fully exposed Nicole Prause as the perpetrator, not the victim. In March of 2020, Prause sought a groundless temporary restraining order (TRO) against me using fabricated “evidence” and her usual lies (falsely accusing me of stalking). […]

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Nicole Prause's Harassment 2

Nicole Prause’s Unethical Harassment and Defamation of Gary Wilson & Others (Page 2)

Introduction (as it appears on Page #1) Legal counsel advised us to create these pages, which document Nicole Prause’s extensive campaign targeting those who point out possible harms of porn use or issues in the porn industry. “Sunshine” protects the community Prause harasses by preserving facts and permitting visitors and journalists to understand the truth […]

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Debunking Justin Lehmiller’s “Is Erectile Dysfunction Really on the Rise in Young Men” (2018)

Introduction Justin Lehmiller, a regular paid contributor to Playboy Magazine, unconvincingly attempts to debunk the well documented rise in youthful erectile dysfunction with this April, 2018 blog post. Since it was published David Ley and Nicole Prause frequently tweet Lehmiller’s blog post as “proof” that youthful ED rates haven’t changed in the last 30 years. […]

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Critique of “Is Pornography Really about ‘Making Hate to Women’? Pornography Users Hold More Gender Egalitarian Attitudes Than Nonusers in a Representative American Sample” (Kohut et al., 2016)

The authors of this study framed egalitarianism as: (1) Support for abortion, (2) Feminist identification, (3) Women holding positions of power, (4) Belief that family life suffers when the woman has a full-time job, and oddly enough (5) Holding more negative attitudes toward the traditional family. No matter what you personally believe, its easy to see that […]

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