
Studies reporting findings consistent with escalation of porn use (tolerance), habituation to porn, and withdrawal symptoms

Introduction Compulsive porn users often describe escalation in their porn use that takes the form of greater time viewing or seeking out new genres of porn. New genres that induce shock, surprise, violation of expectations or even anxiety can function to increase sexual arousal, and in porn users whose response to stimuli is growing blunted […]

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Marty Klein

Debunking “Why Are We Still So Worried About Wat­­ching Porn?” (by Marty Klein, Taylor Kohut, and Nicole Prause)

Introduction This critique has two parts: Part 1 exposes how Nicole Prause, Marty Klein and Taylor Kohut completely misrepresent their solitary bit of “evidence” to support the article’s core falsehood – that “compulsive pornography viewing” was excluded from the new ICD-11 “Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder” diagnosis. Part 2 exposes the startling omissions, false claims, research […]

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Neurological studies on porn users by Matthias Brand and his team

Matthias Brand is the head of the department General Psychology: Cognition at the University of Duisburg-Essen (Brand’s team of researchers). Listed below are the neurological studies on porn users, and reviews of the literature/commentaries on porn use/addiction, that Brand and his team have published: 1) Watching Pornographic Pictures on the Internet: Role of Sexual Arousal […]

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Research Suggests the Grubbs, Perry, Wilt, Reid Review is Disingenuous (“Pornography Problems Due to Moral Incongruence: An Integrative Model with a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis”, 2018)

The authors of this so-called review would have readers believe that self-identification as a porn addict is a function of religious shame/moral disapproval about porn. They only reviewed a small number of studies, which rely on the CPUI-9, an instrument developed by co-author Grubbs that produces skewed findings. The co-authors carefully omitted or misrepresented opposing […]

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Studies demonstrating porn use or internet use “causing” negative effects or neurological changes

Is pornography use causing harm? COMMENTS: When confronted with hundreds of studies linking porn use to negative outcomes, a common tactic by pro-porn PhDs is to claim that “no causation has been demonstrated.” The reality is that when it comes to psychological and (many) medical studies, very little research reveals causation directly. For example, all […]

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Sticking to the Content: A Response to the Prause & Pfaus letter “Red Herring: Hook, Line, and Stinker” (by Gabe Deem)

I am certainly not alone in my grave concerns about the Nicole Prause & Jim Pfaus ED paper (P&P). Recently, Sexual Medicine Open Access published a Letter to the Editor by Richard A. Isenberg MD, which made many of the same observations as did my critique. As is customary when a letter critical of a […]

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Analysis of “Sexual Desire, Not Hypersexuality, Is Related To Neurophysiological Responses Elicited by Sexual Images” (Steele et al., 2013)

THE REALLY SHORT VERSION: Some years ago, David Ley and study spokesperson Nicole Prause teamed up to write a Psychology Today blog post about Steele et al., 2013 called “Your Brain on Porn – It’s NOT Addictive“. The blog post appeared 5 months before Prause’s EEG study was formally published. Its oh-so-catchy title is misleading […]

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World Health Organization’s ICD-11: Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder

This page describes the process which saw Compulsive Sexual Behaviour Disorder accepted by the World Health Organization in ICD-11. See bottom of page for papers debating the classification of CSBD. Porn Addicts Are Diagnosable Using the WHO’s Diagnostic Manual (ICD-11) As you may have heard, in 2013 the editors of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual […]

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Debunking “Should you be worried about porn-induced erectile dysfunction?” (by The Daily Dot’s Claire Downs)

Introduction Here we have yet another propaganda piece, this one attempting to deny the existence of widespread porn-induced sexual problems. It’s by The Daily Dot’s Claire Downs whose expertise is described as “A third-generation worker in the Chicago futures industry, she specializes in cryptocurrencies and altcoins.” Interestingly, none of the recent hit pieces attempting to […]

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