How long will it take to recover from Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunction?

This is the number one question we get from guys suffering porn-induced ED. However, we cannot predict how long it will take for your erectile health to return. Among those who stick with it, progression is surprisingly similar—when guys completely stop using pornography, and masturbation as well for a time, because it is initially so closely associated with porn fantasy.


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HELP! I quit porn, but my potency, genital size, and/or libido are decreasing (Flatline)

This is normal. It’s a typical phase of recovery in men who have porn-related erectile dysfunction or delayed ejaculation. We call it “flatlining.” It’s temporary, but it can be very disconcerting, because it makes stopping porn seem like the cause of ED instead of the solution. (See accounts below.)


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Does porn addiction cause irreversible damage to the brain?

It’s a common and erroneous belief that addiction equals “harm” to the brain, or that addiction is caused by “damage” to the brain. While certain addictive substances (meth, alcohol) can be neurotoxic, addiction is caused by a specific constellation of brain changes that are not necessarily classified as “brain damage”. Debunking the damage as addiction […]

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delayed ejaculation

Any suggestions for healing porn-induced delayed ejaculation (DE) or anorgasmia?

Delayed ejaculation may be the result of a numbed pleasure response in the brain

Many porn users report that delayed ejaculation was a precursor to their erectile dysfunction. Years of porn use can cause a variety of symptoms, which when examined, lie on a spectrum. Desensitization of the reward circuitry is at the root of these various symptoms, which include:

There are no scientific studies that say porn is addictive, right?

This FAQ is now obsolete as the world’s most widely used medical diagnostic manual, The International Classification of Diseases (ICD-11), contains a new diagnosis suitable for porn addiction and cybersex addiction: “Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder.” The current state of the scientific research supports the existence of porn addiction and porn-induced sexual dysfunctions. For example, a […]

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Sex Addiction Studies

Porn Use & Sex Addiction Studies

Although this section is named “Porn Use & Sex Addiction Studies,” Internet porn addiction is not really sex addiction (see Porn Addiction Is Not Sex Addiction–And Why It Matters). Internet porn addiction is considered by many experts to be a subset of internet addiction. YBOP has created several lists of porn studies. An (L) in […]

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