rates of porn addiction, sex addiction and CSBD

Recent Studies Describing Porn or Sex Addiction (or CSBD) Rates

Rates of porn addiction, sex addiction or compulsive sexual behaviour disorder in the general population are gradually being revealed by ongoing research. Pornography: A Concealed Behavior with Serious Consequences (2023) [Data from n=1022 participants of the Rhode Island Young Adult Survey] 6.2% met the criteria for addiction. Odds of pornography use were 5 times higher […]

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Engineered highs: Reward variability and frequency as potential prerequisites of behavioural addiction

Clark, Luke, and Zack, Martin. ” Addictive Behaviors (2023): 107626. Comments: Researchers explain why Gary Wilson was correct when he hypothesized that internet porn’s addictiveness is fueled by endless novelty/variability (not unlike slot machines). Variability amplifies the addictive potential of modern digital products. Excerpt: By enabling near limitless diversity and speed of delivery of non-drug […]

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Commentary on “Everything We Think We Know About Addiction Is Wrong – In a Nutshell”

What you really need to know about Johann Hari’s claims UPDATE 2022: Quantitative research shows that perceived social support has limited predictive power as a factor against problematic sexual behavior. It’s helpful, but not a silver bullet. See The relation of perceived social support to compulsive sexual behavior. If you are struggling with an addiction, by […]

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Your Brain on Porn

Pornography: A Concealed Behavior with Serious Consequences

Rhode Island Medical Journal; Providence Vol. 106, Iss. 3,  (Apr 2023): 29-34. Noel, Jonathan K, PhD, MPH; Jacob, Sharon; Swanberg, Jennifer E, PhD, MMHS, OTR/L; Rosenthal, Samantha R, PhD, MPH.  ABSTRACT OBJECTIVES: The purpose of the current study was to estimate prevalence of pornography use and addiction in Rhode Island young adults, identify sociodemographic disparities, and determine if use and addiction were […]

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Rebooting Advice & Observations: From Successful Rebooters

The following pages contain rebooting advice, suggestions and observations from those going through the rebooting process. The Top 3 FATAL MISTAKES Rebooters Make My Thoughts On Rebooting [EXTREMELY LONG POST] Hello Gentlemen. Now we begin – Ongoing thread on RebootNation moderated by William Porn-Induced ED Reboot Advice Vlog: Gabe Deem – 9 months to have […]

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Pornography and its impact on the sexual health of men (2021)

Kirby, M. (2021),  Trends Urology & Men Health, 12: 6-10. Abstract Increased internet access has been accompanied by increased numbers of adolescent and adult men viewing online pornography, and there is growing concern about how this may affect their sexual development, sexual function, mental health and intimate relationships. This paper briefly reviews men’s relationship with […]

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Paul Wright, PhD Calls Out Porn Researchers’ Questionable Tactics (2021)

Paul Wright PhD is a highly regarded, prolific pornography researcher. Apparently, he’s tired – as are many others in this field – of the deceptive tactics employed by some of the notoriously agenda-driven sexology researchers in the field (and their biased refereeing of papers). He highlights two of their stratagems in separate Letters to the […]

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