ED Recovery Stories 7

ED Recovery Stories 7

ED Recovery Stories 7 is part of an 8-page series containing shorter accounts. For longer, more detailed ED accounts see Rebooting Accounts and External Rebooting Blogs & Threads ————————————————————————————————— Guys hi…..This is my first blog to this site and hopefully first after I recovered. Today I completed my 8 weeks with one relapse to M…My […]

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ED Recovery Stories 6

ED Recovery Stories 6

ED Recovery Stories 6 is part of an 8-page series containing shorter accounts. For longer, more detailed ED accounts see Rebooting Accounts and External Rebooting Blogs & Threads ——————————————————————————————————————————————- 1 month into PIED reboot! Hi guys, my name is Travis. I first learned about the dangers of high speed internet porn a little over a […]

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ED Recovery Stories 5

ED Recovery Stories 5

For longer, more detailed ED accounts see rebooting accounts.

This page includes shorter ED recovery accounts:

    Wow. Words cannot describe how great I feel!

    I feel so much in control of my emotions! I never hear any negative self-talk anymore!

    I have energy for days. I wake up ready to take over the world.

    Big boosts in confidence and the best part…WOMEN ARE FLOCKING TO ME!


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ED Recovery Stories 4

ED Recovery Stories 4

For longer, more detailed ED accounts see rebooting accounts.

This page includes shorter ED recovery accounts:
  • I had sex with a girl today after 71 days of abstaining, felt really good and everything and had no problems with ED or ejaculating, so I guess I’m cured =D

    If anyone’s interested I didn’t do any O or P or m for those 71 days, I’ve been eating really well and I’ve been going to gym a lot.


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How long will it take to recover from Porn-Induced Sexual Dysfunction?

This is the number one question we get from guys suffering porn-induced ED. However, we cannot predict how long it will take for your erectile health to return. Among those who stick with it, progression is surprisingly similar—when guys completely stop using pornography, and masturbation as well for a time, because it is initially so closely associated with porn fantasy.


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HELP! I quit porn, but my potency, genital size, and/or libido are decreasing (Flatline)

This is normal. It’s a typical phase of recovery in men who have porn-related erectile dysfunction or delayed ejaculation. We call it “flatlining.” It’s temporary, but it can be very disconcerting, because it makes stopping porn seem like the cause of ED instead of the solution. (See accounts below.)


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