video series porn addiction recovery

Speed your recovery with FREE porn addiction video series on the science behind related brain changes

This clear, concise Scandinavian video series explains what you need to know to understand porn’s harms, whether you are a porn addict or simply experiencing porn-induced symptoms. Its author is a remarkable teacher. His cogent analysis and personal experiences as a recovered porn addict make this series especially effective. He answers common questions thoroughly and […]

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Your Brain on Porn

No more DE

[January, 2023] 60 days ago started my reboot. Addicted to PMO for 13 years. Had weak erections and DE and used not to enjoy sex. Would wank almost daily. The books that changed my life was Power Over Pornography by Brian Brandenburg and Your Brain on Porn by Gary Wilson . I’m more confident can […]

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Your Brain on Porn

Floppy no more! (PIED)

[History] So in a nut shell. I am 38 with 20 years of PMO. MO up to three times a day to all sorts of hard core stuff. I had pretty bad PIED and have been using ED pill for the last four years. Pretty much lost interest in real women and was more interested […]

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