Pornography and its impact on the sexual health of men (2021)

Kirby, M. (2021),  Trends Urology & Men Health, 12: 6-10. Abstract Increased internet access has been accompanied by increased numbers of adolescent and adult men viewing online pornography, and there is growing concern about how this may affect their sexual development, sexual function, mental health and intimate relationships. This paper briefly reviews men’s relationship with […]

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satisfaction Porn addiction

Studies linking porn use or porn/sex addiction to sexual dysfunctions and poorer sexual and relationship satisfaction

Reality Check about Porn Addiction and sexual satisfaction Regardless of what you may read in some journalistic accounts, multiple studies reveal a link between porn use and sexual performance problems, relationship and sexual dissatisfaction, and reduced brain activation to sexual stimuli. Sexual satisfaction is so important in our lives. Let’s start with sexual dysfunctions. Studies […]

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Critique of claims surrounding “Sexual Responsivity and the Effects of Negative Mood on Sexual Arousal in Hypersexual Men Who Have Sex With Men” (2020)

Link to abstract of above paper As men who have quit porn and recovered from sexual dysfunctions during partnered sex demonstrate, porn-induced ED appears to be primarily due to conditioning their sexual response to online porn rather than real partners. Their difficulties are not due to “hypersexuality.” In fact, men who report the problem are–just […]

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Divorced men are ‘more likely’ to have erectile dysfunction because they’ve had ‘unsatisfactory’ sex lives or become ‘too used to porn’, says psychologist. Psychologist Felix Economakis (2019)

Link to article Chartered psychologist Felix Economakis made the claim about divorced men Erectile dysfunction could also be caused by watching pornography, he said Comes after London-based clinic Numan found 80 per cent have problems By Luke Andrews For Mailonline 17 November 2019 A sexual health expert says divorced men are more likely to suffer […]

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The Lowdown On Getting Erectile Dysfunction. Men’s Health. Nick Knight, MD, PhD. (2019)

COMMENTS: The counter-narrative to reality was provided by Justin Lehmiller, who’s a bit biased. He’s a regular paid contributor to Playboy Magazine and close ally of Nicole Prause; a member of RealYBOP (a group formed to steal YBOP’s trademark); and on the board of the SHA – the group collaborating with xHamster to promote its […]

Read More… from The Lowdown On Getting Erectile Dysfunction. Men’s Health. Nick Knight, MD, PhD. (2019)