“Porn Messed Up My Brain”: The Modern Mann podcast interviews young man who recovered from porn-induced erectile dysfunction (2019)

‘Quitting porn is the hardest thing I’ve ever done’ Sebastian Schub was 19 when he first experienced erectile dysfunction. But he wasn’t a big drinker. There was no clear medical cause, such as heart disease. However – like most men his age – he was an avid user of porn tube sites. Googling his symptoms, […]

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Can watching pornography cause impotence? Dr. David Greenfield, (2019)

Link to article Ask Dr. David Greenfield if there’s a problem with pornography online and he’ll tell you there is – but not for reasons of prudishness or because of arguments against the adult industry per se. Rather, because pornography online – available, anonymously and for free, anytime, anywhere via our cellphones – is giving […]

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Critique of Samuel Perry’s “Is the Link Between Pornography Use and Relational Happiness Really More About Masturbation? Results From Two National Surveys” (2019)

Sorry Dr. Perry, it’s the porn. 2021 study guts Perry’s pet theory that masturbation, not porn, is the critical factor in relationship problems. See Pornography and Sexual Dissatisfaction: The Role of Pornographic Arousal, Upward Pornographic Comparisons, and Preference for Pornographic Masturbation (2021). SHOCKING UPDATE – 2019: Author Samuel Perry confirmed his agenda-driven bias when he […]

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Debunking the debunker: Critique of letter to the editor “Prause et al. (2015) the latest falsification of addiction predictions”

Introduction In various comments, articles and tweets Nicole Prause has claimed that not only did Prause et al., 2015 falsify “a core tenet of the addiction model, the cue reactivity biomarker,” but that “a series of behavioral studies replicated by independent laboratories [falsify] other predictions of the addiction model.” Prause cites her 2016 “Letter to […]

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Is my fetish porn-induced?

NOTE: This page contains multiple self-reports by people (some of whom are more politically correct than others), who concluded that their porn tastes influenced their sexual tastes after they quit porn and noticed their tastes reverting. These self-reports are taken from porn recovery forums. YBOP excerpts them pretty much as they are, and their authors’ […]

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Critique of “Is Pornography Use Related to Erectile Functioning? Results From Cross-Sectional and Latent Growth Curve Analyses” (2019)

Introduction: His correlations say one thing, but Joshua Grubbs says another The researcher who saddled humankind with “perceived pornography addiction” and claimed it somehow “functions very differently from other addictions,” has now turned his dexterity to porn-induced ED. Joshua Grubbs’s new paper claims there’s no epidemic of youthful ED, boldly concluding its abstract with: In […]

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Debunking Kris Taylor’s “A Few Hard Truths about Porn and Erectile Dysfunction”

Introduction I was surprised and somewhat baffled by grad student Kris Taylor’s recent VICE article on porn use and sexual dysfunctions. In his article Taylor not only misrepresented the content of a 2016 review of literature I co-authored with 7 US navy doctors, he chose to omit over 40 studies linking porn use to sexual […]

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Your Brain on Porn Book (2nd edition)

Grudging tribute from the porn/sex industry: Wilson’s book has been an unbeatable Amazon bestseller in the “pornography studies” category since publication. ~ Gustavo Turner, XBIZ: The Industry Source (2021) Praise from Nordic Model Now: Isn’t it better for women and children if men kick their porn habit? And if that takes understanding the addictive neurological, […]

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