
Debunking Justin Lehmiller’s “Is Erectile Dysfunction Really on the Rise in Young Men” (2018)

Introduction Justin Lehmiller, a regular paid contributor to Playboy Magazine, unconvincingly attempts to debunk the well documented rise in youthful erectile dysfunction with this April, 2018 blog post. Since it was published David Ley and Nicole Prause frequently tweet Lehmiller’s blog post as “proof” that youthful ED rates haven’t changed in the last 30 years. […]

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Quitting porn

Quitting Porn

Visit the Rebooting Basics to find out what you need to know about quitting porn and recovery. Questions about rebooting? Check out the long list of Rebooting & Porn Use FAQs. Or if you would rather have a comprehensive video course guide you through ceasing compulsive porn use and/or recovering from a sexual dysfunction (paid […]

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Marty Klein

Debunking “Why Are We Still So Worried About Wat­­ching Porn?” (by Marty Klein, Taylor Kohut, and Nicole Prause)

Introduction This critique has two parts: Part 1 exposes how Nicole Prause, Marty Klein and Taylor Kohut completely misrepresent their solitary bit of “evidence” to support the article’s core falsehood – that “compulsive pornography viewing” was excluded from the new ICD-11 “Compulsive Sexual Behavior Disorder” diagnosis. Part 2 exposes the startling omissions, false claims, research […]

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Debunking the “Men’s Health” article by Gavin Evans: “Can Watching Too Much Porn Give You Erectile Dysfunction?” (2018)

Introduction Unfortunately YBOP must thoroughly debunk yet another Men’s Health propaganda piece denying porn-induced sexual dysfunctions. The current article mirrors another misleading article YBOP debunked just a few months ago: Debunking “Should you be worried about porn-induced erectile dysfunction?” – by The Daily Dot’s Claire Downs. (2018). Before I address specific assertions, here are the […]

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Studies demonstrating porn use or internet use “causing” negative effects or neurological changes

Is pornography use causing harm? COMMENTS: When confronted with hundreds of studies linking porn use to negative outcomes, a common tactic by pro-porn PhDs is to claim that “no causation has been demonstrated.” The reality is that when it comes to psychological and (many) medical studies, very little research reveals causation directly. For example, all […]

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Sticking to the Content: A Response to the Prause & Pfaus letter “Red Herring: Hook, Line, and Stinker” (by Gabe Deem)

I am certainly not alone in my grave concerns about the Nicole Prause & Jim Pfaus ED paper (P&P). Recently, Sexual Medicine Open Access published a Letter to the Editor by Richard A. Isenberg MD, which made many of the same observations as did my critique. As is customary when a letter critical of a […]

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Debunking “Should you be worried about porn-induced erectile dysfunction?” (by The Daily Dot’s Claire Downs)

Introduction Here we have yet another propaganda piece, this one attempting to deny the existence of widespread porn-induced sexual problems. It’s by The Daily Dot’s Claire Downs whose expertise is described as “A third-generation worker in the Chicago futures industry, she specializes in cryptocurrencies and altcoins.” Interestingly, none of the recent hit pieces attempting to […]

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