“Nothing Adds Up in Dubious Study: Youthful Subjects’ ED Left Unexplained” by Gabe Deem

UPDATE: June 11, 2015: A peer-reviewed critique of Prause & Pfaus 2015, by Richard A. Isenberg MD UPDATE: June, 2015: A critique of the Prause & Pfaus response to Richard Isenberg’s letter UPDATE: August 5, 2016: Peer-reviewed paper by US Navy doctors – Is Internet Pornography Causing Sexual Dysfunctions? A Review with Clinical Reports (2016) […]

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Are Sexual Tastes Immutable? (2012)

Update: Studies Finding Escalation (and Habituation) in Porn Users YBOP FAQ: Is my fetish porn-induced? It’s time to distinguish ‘sexual orientation’ from reversible ‘sexual tastes’ “The bulk of scientific evidence currently favors the view that the origins for most sexual desires are not cultural but innate.” —Leon F. Seltzer Such statements mislead people that all […]

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Why did my porn use escalate?

STUDIES: Signs of addiction and escalation to more extreme material? Over 60 studies reporting findings consistent with escalation of porn use (tolerance), habituation to porn, and even withdrawal symptoms (all signs and symptoms associated with addiction). ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UPDATE: “I gave up porn when it became too disturbing” (Chicago Tribune, 2018) Through the last years of […]

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satisfaction Porn addiction

Studies linking porn use or porn/sex addiction to sexual dysfunctions and poorer sexual & relationship satisfaction

Reality Check about Porn Addiction Regardless of what you may read in some journalistic accounts, multiple studies reveal a link between porn use and sexual performance problems, relationship and sexual dissatisfaction, and reduced brain activation to sexual stimuli. Let’s start with sexual dysfunctions. Studies assessing young male sexuality since 2010 report historic levels of sexual […]

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YBOP response to Jim Pfaus’s “Trust a Scientist: Sex Addiction Is a Myth” (January, 2016)

How about trusting addiction neuroscientists and peer-reviewed papers? Before I address many of the claims within the Pfaus article (link to the Pfaus article), it must be noted that Jim Pfaus omitted the 52 neuroscience-based studies (and 27 reviews of the literature and commentaries) on porn users published in the last few years. So far, […]

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Dismantling David Ley’s Response to Philip Zimbardo: “We Must Rely on Good Science in Porn Debate” (2016)

The following is YBOP’s response to David Ley’s Psychology Today blog post “We Must Rely on Good Science in Porn Debate (2016).” Ley’s post is his response to Philip Zimbardo’s Psychology Today blog post “Is Porn Good For Us or Bad For Us?” (2016). While Ley’s title says we must rely on “good science,” it […]

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