sex offender

Debunking the realyourbrainonporn ( “Sex Offender Section”: The actual state of the research on porn use and sexual aggression, coercion & violence

Introduction In this sex offender section, if you are concerned about the biased, but increasingly well publicized, views of pro-porn sexologists and their allies, we have news for you. For your convenience, a large team of Porn Science Deniers have now “outed” themselves as an exclusive club. You can find them proudly pictured here in […]

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realybop nicole prause daniel burgess runealYBOP

RealYourBrainOnPorn (@BrainOnPorn) tweets: Daniel Burgess, Nicole Prause & pro-porn allies collaborate on a biased website and social media accounts to support the porn industry agenda (beginning in April, 2019)

RealYBOP Twitter (@BrainOnPorn) and have been developed as a tool by Nicole Prause & Daniel Burgess to attack Your Brain on Porn, Gary Wilson, and anyone else who critiques the porn industry or points out the negative effects of porn use. Table of Contents: Attempted illegal trademark grab Prause denies involvement in RealYBOP trademark-infringing […]

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Critique of Samuel Perry’s “Is the Link Between Pornography Use and Relational Happiness Really More About Masturbation? Results From Two National Surveys” (2019)

Sorry Dr. Perry, it’s the porn. 2021 study guts Perry’s pet theory that masturbation, not porn, is the critical factor in relationship problems. See Pornography and Sexual Dissatisfaction: The Role of Pornographic Arousal, Upward Pornographic Comparisons, and Preference for Pornographic Masturbation (2021). SHOCKING UPDATE – 2019: Author Samuel Perry confirmed his agenda-driven bias when he […]

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NoFap founder Alexander Rhodes defamation lawsuit against Nicole Prause / Liberos

On October 23, 2019 Alexander Rhodes (founder of reddit/nofap and filed a defamation lawsuit against Nicole R Prause and Liberos LLC. See the court docket here. Downloadable PDFs of the three primary court documents filed by Rhodes (screenshots below): Alex Rhodes defamation suit against Nicole Prause: The initial complaint – 15 pages. (screenshots of […]

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Op-ed: Who exactly is misrepresenting the science on pornography?

Introduction by I cannot tell you how many times the following “letter to editor” to a Salt Lake newspaper has been cited as “proof” porn use causes no problems and porn addiction doesn’t exist: Op-ed: Anti-porn school program misrepresents science. It’s often posted on social media (Quora, Twitter, Facebook) as evidence that YBOP, Fight […]

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Analysis of “Modulation of late positive potentials by sexual images in problem users and controls inconsistent with porn addiction” (Prause et al., 2015)

Introduction Because this EEG study reported greater porn use related to less brain activation to vanilla porn it is listed as supporting the hypothesis that chronic porn use down regulates sexual arousal. Put simply, the more frequent porn users were bored by static images of ho-hum porn (its findings parallel Kuhn & Gallinat., 2014). These […]

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Critique of “Is Pornography Use Related to Erectile Functioning? Results From Cross-Sectional and Latent Growth Curve Analyses” (2019)

Introduction: His correlations say one thing, but Joshua Grubbs says another The researcher who saddled humankind with “perceived pornography addiction” and claimed it somehow “functions very differently from other addictions,” has now turned his dexterity to porn-induced ED. Joshua Grubbs’s new paper claims there’s no epidemic of youthful ED, boldly concluding its abstract with: In […]

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