- If you start with a half hearted attempt, you will fail spectacularly
- The most under rated advice is “keep your hands out of your pants”
- Great streaks were once achieved by cold turkey withdrawal
- The first few days are always the most difficult
- Entertaining a trigger will never do you any good in life
- Harder, longer lasting and more frequent morning wood is a sign of your brain healing in progress
- Never under-estimate an urge — Neither suppress nor act on an urge ; allow it to pass through you and when you do it over and over again, you will realize how powerless it actually is, and your self-respect will grow to epic proportions
- For the millionth time – wet dreams are not relapses
- Flatlines can be very long , learn to be patient
- The emotions might return after few weeks of no-fap- you will be irritable, angry and sad and happy in a single day- deal with it
- Nofap will make use more honest, assertive, confident and tolerance to assholes will diminish proportionally to the number of days of your streak
- Attention from women will manifest itself as more second glances, smiles, initiation of physical contact like touching, hugs .. get used to it
- The number of fucks you give will decrease alarmingly
- Social anxiety, articulation of words in public talking and body language will drastically improve proportionally to the number of days in the streak
- As more days pass, Nofap becomes easier – but never ever under estimate an harmless Urge
- I felt so good after a relapse – said no man ever
LINK TO POST – The Universal Laws of No-Fap