Want to go porn free? Read this.

What up soldiers?! Stoked to be here fighting with you! This is a few highlights about my porn free journey, how I created success, how to maintain it, and arriving at day 50 (today) p/m free.

And so, I will start off by saying that I am a 34 y.o. male who has struggled unsuccessfully with porn and unhealthy sexuality for most of my life. I tried books, online sex addict programs, professional counseling, church ministry and programs, group prayer, personal prayer, accountability groups, acct. partners, etc.

I just could not seem to get free, regardless of what I tried. It was a very defeating feeling, and so often times I would start a new cycle of binge/purge/ repeat/ add insanity. I would strive for abstinence, but would inevitably choose to look at porn again.

So what is different this time around? Well, a number of important and necessary measures. I am new to the NoFap community, and just recently underwent my first p/m challenge. My goal was 30 days, then 40, 50, and now 60. One of the notable salient points to mention about my success is that I have remained plugged into the NoFap community. I post regular blogs, and speak daily with people via p/m and connect with accountability for my progress. Community and relying on the help of others is key, because we cannot overcome addiction alone. If you are not willing to engage in frequent and measurable accountability, forget working to go porn free, because you won’t.

Another pivotal component I was missing is “effort”. I had not been willing to “do what it takes” to live a porn free life. I was lacking in effort. And you cannot go porn free with a 60% commitment. As such, I invest daily time
( reading, writing, meditation, speaking affirmation) into myself, so that I can grow in character, and become the type of person that does not look at porn.

Also, I have a strong recovery plan, and without an intentionally written out and practiced plan, you will not go porn free. Not for long term. I have 8 different components of my plan:

1. A start date

2.) why statement – The motivation for why you are choosing to go porn free.

3.) Awareness- my vulnerabilities/temptations.

4.) Consequences- self-induced punishment if I relapse.

5.) Milestones- Measured day benchmarks 30/60/90 days.

6.) active commitments- setting and achieving goals.

7.) Self-Care- activities that invest healthily in yourself. Errrryday I practice The Miracle Morning.


8.) Community- regular and meaningful connection with people who share our struggle.

Here is a hella dope podcast that talks step by step about how to create your recovery plan!! It’s a well thought out, written down, and updated when needed plan.


Want to go porn free? Read this.