Psst! Hey Buddy, got a few bucks? Fund this film!

Thousands of people all over the world have quit watching porn. This documentary will tell their story. It will feature leading scientists and their research as well as young adults who watched porn for many years of their life and at one point began to suffer from symptoms such as erectile dysfunction, inability to orgasm with a real partner and social anxiety. Contribute today and get a range of free gifts!

Film Summary

REWIRED is a documentary project about the effects of Internet pornography on the human brain. The documentary will feature leading scientists and their research as well as young adults who watched porn for many years of their life and at one point began to suffer from symptoms such as erectile dysfunction, inability to orgasm with a real partner and social anxiety. These young adults (women and men) are convinced that porn was the cause. For REWIRED they will take us on their personal journey – from getting hooked up to their final commitment to never watch porn again.


Scientists are currently trying to figure out how exactly porn consumption is affecting our brains and our behavior. They are conducting MRI-studies, experimental studies and questionnaires. REWIRED will feature the work of notable scientists who come from the fields of psychology, neuropsychiatry, urology and sexology.

High speed Internet wasn’t available for most people until the mid 2000s. Nowadays almost every teenager has access to unlimited amounts of free and streamable pornographic content. Those who suffer from symptoms most likely induced by excessive porn consumption often fail to recognize the origin of these symptoms.

There are now numerous specialized Internet forums where affected individuals report on similar problems and relate them to their porn usage. One of these forums is called NoFap and is currently being used by over 140.000 members.

What makes our documentary special?

It will be:

1. the most extensive documentary ever made on this topic (60 – 90 minutes long)

2. informed by scientific facts

3. produced independently & free of sensationalism

4. free from religious and moral motivation

5. free from criticism of pornography and masturbation

7. trigger free

Interviewees who will be featured in REWIRED

Gabe Deem, 27:

„Things got really bad when I was twelve years old. That’s when my parents got high speed Internet. What I would do is: I would go out from middle school and go home as fast as I could and watch porn, look whatever I could for three or four hours before my parents got home from work.“

Daniel Simmons, 22:

“I couldn’t stand an erection when with my girlfriend or they would be very weak. During my porn addiction I was asexual. I was maybe sexual with porn, but I wasn’t sexual with human beings.”

Noah B. E. Church, 25:

„I searched the Internet and I found thousands of guys like me, talking about these sexual dysfunctions that they developed. I read these stories, just seeing that they were so much like mine, knowing that I wasn’t alone. And that lifted such a massive weight off of me.“

Gary Wilson, writer and founder of “Your Brain On Porn”:

“If you’re wondering why there’s not yet a consensus on the effects of internet porn despite the swell of warnings, you may find the history of the Tobacco Wars instructive. Years ago, most everyone smoked including movie stars on screen. People loved puffing. It calmed the nerves, offered a predictable buzz and looked sophisticated. How could such a wonderful activity really be detrimental? Was nicotine truly addictive? When tar showed up in cadaver lungs incredulous smokers preferred to blame asphalt.”

Dr. Simone Kühn, psychologist, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany:

„We found that a structure called striatum or caudatum in the brain’s reward system is smaller in individuals who consume a lot of pornographic material, which could mean that it actually shrinks over time, depending on how much material is consumed. As a result, the individual requires increasingly more intense and more frequent stimuli in order to maintain the feeling of reward.”  

Dr. Valerie Voon, neuropsychiatrist, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom:

”There are clear differences in brain activity between patients who have compulsive sexual behaviour and healthy volunteers. These differences mirror those of drug addicts.”

Prof. Dr. Matthias Brand, psychologist, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany:

“…individuals might be even more vulnerable for developing CA (cybersex addiction) if they are prone to receiving gratification from cybersex use. Using sexual behaviors to fix aversive emotions or to reduce feelings of stress or discomfort might be considered one further important mechanism of CA’s development.”

…and many more! (e. g. a urologist, a sexologist and a female ex-porn user)

Why your help matters

Scientists around the world are struggling to raise money for their research on the effect of pornography on the human brain. For many institutes and universities this topic is still a taboo.

Meanwhile, countless people continue to suffer because they are not diagnosed and treated properly.

By openly addressing this important issue, we might be able to accelerate scientific research and ultimately succeed in creating a better public understanding.

Please help us raise awareness – thank you for your support!

How much we need

During the last five months we did the research for REWIRED and already shot with Dr. Simone Kühn and Daniel Simmons in Berlin.

Now, we need your support to be able to continue shooting and to successfully produce this documentary!

For the $35,000 funding goal we calculated no payment for ourselves, except the amount of money that we need to pay our rent and our running costs while producing REWIRED. We don’t have any other sponsors for this project.

We will only receive your donations if we successfully reach the $35,000 goal!


The post-production will most likely be finished by the end of the year. The digital download of REWIRED will be available first. Shortly thereafter, we will ship out the DVDs and Blu-rays. At some point, we would also like to make REWIRED available for a wider audience to raise awareness worldwide.


Please leave us a message, if…

– you ordered a T-shirt: we need to know your T-shirt size!

– you don’t want your name to be on the poster.

– you have a wish for a special perk combination that is not available.

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