The Porn Debate

In essence all YBOP’s articles can be classified as debate for the existence of Internet porn addiction and porn-induced problems. However, the following articles were written as a response to Psychology Today blog posts, questionable studies or as updates on the relevant advances in addiction medicine.

Also see – Questionable & Misleading Studies

Dr Don Hilton debates the evidence
  • Is there evidence supporting the existence of pornography addiction? – A discussion of  “Pornography addiction – a supranormal stimulus considered in the context of neuroplasticity” by Donald L Hilton, MD, in Socioaffective Neuroscience & Psychology.
  • Porn Addiction Is Not Sex Addiction–And Why It Matters – Sex addiction requires real people; porn addiction requires a screen. While porn addiction remains hidden under the umbrella of sex addiction, users who develop symptoms are in a precarious position. They have to figure things out for themselves.
  • Porn and DSM-5: Are Sexual Politics At Play? – Care to weigh in on Internet pornography/cybersex addiction? The DSM-5 should move everything related to Internet addictions (gaming, cybersex, social media and pornography) to ‘Substance Use and Addictive Disorders’ and place it under the jurisdiction of addiction specialists who understand that Internet addiction is one condition—the product of plastic brain changes, and generally reversible.
  • The Wages of Sexual-Addiction Politics – Did addiction politics leave us stranded on a slippery slope? In 1992, a political skirmish took place in the field of medicine, which has discouraged deeper understanding of human sexuality. According to David E. Smith MD, past president of the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM), doctors bartered away the recognition of sex addiction as a pathology in order to address a more immediate risk.
  • The Other Porn Experiment – Internet porn studies rely on anecdotal evidence and have no control groups. What can informal control groups of former porn users show us?
Debate on politics and porn
  • Politics, Porn and Addiction Neuroscience  – Curious about Internet porn? Ask an addiction specialist. All Internet addictions have the power to alter brains, with negative consequences for children and adults
  • Exclusion of Internet Porn Addiction Makes No Biological Sense – Both sexual anorexia and sex addiction can co-exist. This article is a reply to one of David Ley’s many attacks on us and the science of Internet porn addiction.
  • Porn Study: Does Viewing Explain Doing—Or Not? – Porn alters sexual behavior; so do other things.Is today’s porn driving some young users toward riskier behavior while others are shut out because of the symptoms of their heavy porn use?
  • The End of The Porn Debate? – Tools to measure porn’s effects on the brain are here. What exactly what would brain researchers be looking for in porn users’ brains? Why hasn’t this research been done already? And why do diagnostic labels matter anyway?
DSM Failure was a setback for the debate
  • DSM-5 Attempts to Sweep Porn Addiction Under the RugTime to acknowledge the link between sex and brain science Unless the DSM reconsiders, if you fall into compulsive porn use, your condition “doesn’t exist” and you will be treated, if at all, for the unpleasant symptoms of addiction (such as anxiety, ED, depression, concentration problems) instead of your actual pathology.
  • Teach Porn In Schools? – Prepare students to deal with porn; teach them about their brains. Those giving up porn are also beginning to shape our culture. Like soldiers returning from the front, they offer some of the pithiest and most moving insights into the realities of life with, and without, highspeed porn.
  • Drumroll: An Academic Journal For Porn Fans – Academia prepares to ‘accentuate the positive’ in new porn periodical. If there were ever a human phenomenon in need of serious objective investigation, Internet porn use is surely it. However, the board of the “Porn Studies Journal” appears to lack the detachment and expertise necessary to fulfill this critical role.
Porn and culture debated
SPAN Lab papers fuel the debate
Prof Zimbardo enter the debate