- Scroll down to the comments section to view over 1000 posts by individuals conducting The Other Porn Experiment (all are from other websites as YBOP has no forum).
- See this 2016 peer-reviewed paper by Gary Wilson: Eliminate Chronic Internet Pornography Use to Reveal Its Effects (2016)
Article: What Can Informal Control Groups of Former Porn Users Show Us?
The widespread use of Internet porn has been one of the fastest-moving, most global experiments ever unconsciously conducted. But it’s not the only groundbreaking porn experiment going on today. Devastated by sexual performance problems or other crippling symptoms (such as morphing sexual tastes, loss of attraction to real mates, and uncharacteristic desire to isolate), users are taking the initiative. They are conducting their own counter-experiments by the thousands.
By stopping porn use and sharing their “findings” publicly, these guys are, in effect, the missing control group. They are the non-porn users that researchers say they can’t produce. (In 2009, when researcher Simon Louis Lajeunesse attempted to investigate the effects of Internet porn on college guys, he couldn’t find any who weren’t using it.) Why do control groups matter? Imagine if all guys started smoking heavily at age 10 and there were no groups who didn’t. We’d all assume respiratory disease and lung cancer were normal for guys.
In the case of Internet porn, usage is nearly universal among today’s young males. Without control groups, it has been hard to know which, if any, of their diverse symptoms might be arising from years of continuous Internet porn use.
Informal control groups to the rescue
But for the last decade, humanity has had a way of comparing Internet erotica use with non-use on a wide scale. Sure, it’s not ideal. It’s not double-blind and it’s not randomized. But this new informal experiment has its own advantages that many formal studies lack: It is international, very large, public, and growing. Thousands of experimenters have sprung up in all kinds of forums where men congregate: bodybuilding sites, pick-up artist sites, information sites, sports sites, porn-recovery forums, etc., and the threads are often thousands of posts long.
My mindset has definitely shifted. I was never thinking that porn would cause problems for me but it did and quitting porn use confirmed this.
One active pocket of explorers is on www.reddit.com, a popular hangout for today’s youngish Internet-savvy males. Most of reddit.com is militantly pro-porn use, which makes the 380,000+ Reddit “[No] Fapstronauts” bold indeed. (A Fapstronaut describes the Reddit 90-day challenge.) Or if you prefer to avoid Reddit, check out www.rebootnation.org and www.nofap.com.
For the uninitiated, “fapping” is slang for masturbating to Internet porn. Most young men in the Reddit generation have not masturbated without the aid of the Internet, so for them porn and masturbation are synonymous. In fact, many are surprised to discover that, when they give up Internet porn and their brains return to normal sensitivity, climax without porn is a more sensual, satisfying experience.
Porn-loving detectives at work
Why would a porn-loving guy quit? Symptoms vary, but most guys quit only because they figure out that they may have developed porn-related sexual dysfunction. Two guys explain:
Guy 1: When I started no-fap, I couldn’t even get hard on porn. That is how addicted I was. Watching porn had become a daily habit for me, not something I did because I was horny.
Guy 2: I noticed my behavior and mojo would change depending on if/when I fapped, yet still I heard all around me that masturbating/porn is normal and healthy. But I had difficulty finishing with my girlfriends. I actually faked orgasm to hide this, and dreaded [receiving oral sex] without using my hands. To fix it, I’d not fap until after I met them for sex.
What kinds of improvements do no-fappers report?
Rebooter from our forum: I’ve just reached 5 weeks of no porn, no masturbation. I’m over the flu-like [withdrawal] symptoms and I’ve started hitting the weights again. It feels good to be squatting again. ROAR! The insomnia has gotten better, though there are still restless nights, but my quality of sleep has improved dramatically. I’ve also noticed some morning wood. Redditor: I don’t mean to come across as melodramatic, but suicide was a serious daily contemplation. I hated other people, who seemed so cheery, and was just angry and frustrated. [Quitting porn] has changed me for the better. I feel like life is once again worth living.
Discovering real mates
Others are rediscovering what it’s like to enjoy social interactions and be attracted to real mates. They are finding out what full erections are. Most impressively, they learn how great intercourse feels to a brain that is no longer desensitized. Many report improvements in confidence, mental clarity, charisma, vocal quality, self-respect, and ability to socialize and flirt. They feel like themselves again, or perhaps for the first time. After all, a fish only grasps the concept of water when it leaves it behind. In short, the very symptoms psychologist Philip Zimbardo describes in his short TED talk about the effects of “Internet arousal addiction” are receding in these “test subjects.” (Note: As of 2018 the World Health Organization plans to add both gaming disorder and compulsive sexual behavior disorder to the world’s most widely used diagnostic manual.)
Distressing news from The Other Porn Experiment
The only worrying bit of data from the informal control groups is that porn addicts who cut their teeth on highspeed are not recovering their sexual performance as quickly as those who engaged in courtship/mating behaviors with real partners before they dove into highspeed (see – Young Porn Users Need Longer To Recover Their Mojo). This is more evidence that today’s porn has different effects on some brains from static porn of the past.
Unfortunately, this generally means that a younger guy with sexual performance problems can expect a slower recovery than a guy who has been using porn far longer. Adolescent brains with early access to limitless highspeed porn appear to be more vulnerable to its effects than older brains. This phenomenon is consistent with the unique features of the adolescent brain, and the way brains prune back unused circuitry by adulthood, possibly leaving some porn fans stranded with a stronger attraction to pixels than real partners.
Existing research on Internet porn
Most questionnaire-based porn research has fallen into two categories. (We’re not speaking of the recent Internet addiction brain research that includes porn use too.)
- Has Internet porn caused an increase in crime, rape, and other irrelevant data?
- How does the user “feel” about porn?
As for 1: Stats show a rise in rape rates in recent years, despite the fact that excessive Internet porn use actually takes the starch out of many guys.
As for 2, guess what? Porn users like porn. Most see no problem with it. More important, they assume it’s not creating any negative consequences (and it may not be). But if you are 22, and all you have ever known from age 11 is daily Internet porn use, how do you know whether it is connected with symptoms (if any)?
Most guys only figure out what’s going on if they experiment with stopping:
I’m a 16-year-old boy/man. When I was young I was carefree. But as I grew older I started to become extremely depressed, unmotivated and shy. I’ve only recently realised how much being addicted to porn and masturbation (since I was 12) has affected my life. I feel like I’ve wasted enough of my life at this point, and I’m determined to stop this addiction. The first time I realised that abstaining from masturbation has many benefits was about two months ago. I went almost two weeks. I felt extremely confident and found it really easy to talk to girls and people I didn’t know. In fact, the first time I intentionally went without masturbation, I fell in love.
Student, 22 – My friends and I were inspired by the Seinfeld episode “The Contest” and by “40 Days and 40 Nights” (both comedies about trying to temporarily stop masturbating). Just the challenge of it was fun, but I also found that my interest in girls lined-up properly with reality. Instead of daydreaming about doing a pornstar in some crazy position, I planned exactly how I’d ask the girl-next-door to the Valentine’s dance. Anyway, I went to college (and started watching porn again), and my education never took off, and my dating/sex-life never took off. I eventually dropped out and worked for a few years, and now I’m back at college. I feel like my life almost passed me by. More self-reports
A new control group from The Other Porn Experiment
The glaring knowledge gap left by the absence of formal control groups has actually already been closed by addiction specialists. However, the mainstream media has been slow to catch up with this development. In 2011, the American Society of Addiction Medicine (doctors and researchers) declared that addiction is one disease, not many. ASAM specifically stated sexual behavior addictions are as real as drug addictions. And they say that all addictions can be assessed the same way.
Since then a wealth of new Internet addiction research has come out confirming that Internet addiction (1) changes brains in the same ways that other addictions do and (2) causes depression, anxiety, hostility, interpersonal sensitivity, and psychoticism in some users. Some research also reveals rates of addiction in young male Internet users that are more than twice the rates of drug and alcohol use in the population.
Good news
Incidentally, if you’re hooked, be optimistic. Some internet addiction studies have found reversal of some addiction-related brain changes.
Still, without easy-to-understand research that isolates Internet porn use, includes control groups, and leads to simple headlines, it has been challenging for mainstream journalists to grasp, or report accurately on, the significance for porn users of recent Internet addiction research. Some inadvertently misled readers by implying that researchers have investigated porn users’ brains and found nothing. This risks perpetuating a false sense of safety in those who begin to notice symptoms.
Moreover, some academics have been quick to assert that the only possible conclusion (in the absence of the ideal controlled studies), is that Internet porn has no harmful effects. Huh? This position creates risk for addicts, who generally seize upon any excuse to continue using, as well as for adolescents whose brains are particularly vulnerable and whose impulse control has not yet fully developed.
One single variable from The Other Porn Experiment
Today’s informal control groups are showing us just how profoundly highspeed porn alters the lives of users. They are all the people whose brains are sensitive to the stimulation of constant novelty-at-a-click. By removing the single variable of frequent highspeed porn use, vital, illuminating data are being collected and shared informally. Lives are transforming. Browse thousands of recovery self-reports to learn what those who’ve recovered have experienced.
Gravity existed before anyone figured it out. So did the hazards of smoking. So do the symptoms of Internet porn overuse. Wide scale human experience can reveal important insights, even when science is immobilized by sexual politics and the impossibility of finding porn virgins. Anecdotal evidence becomes experimental evidence when thousands of people alter only one variable and see remission of common symptoms.
Thanks to the control groups now crystallizing on the web, guys are no longer flying (or fapping) blind.
In the Comments section below are over 1,000 posts from porn recovery forums (YBOP has no forum). These guys are experimenting with giving up porn, masturbation, or both. Many claim they are not addicted to porn. They are part of The Other Porn Experiment.
To understand the possible neurobiology behind many of these benefits, see Porn, Masturbation and Mojo: A Neuroscience Perspective
From reddit – NoFap – 90 days
A guy who reduced porn to once a week –
From reddit – NoFap
My ancestors are Vikings, too, and I feel what you’re saying. Nicely done!
From reddit – NoFap
Day Ten: Being myself.
from medhelp thread
From reddit – NoFap
POSITIVE CHANGES Observed After 10 Days.
From reddit – NoFap
So, 4 weeks of nofap, breaking a 3 month long 3 day spell?
From reddit – NoFap
From reddit – NoFap
Today is day 15, and here are my results.
this is phenomenal
Awesome Physical Changes.
Hello fellow Fapstronauts,
from medhelp thread
TheChieftan Jun 28, 2012
6-month report
Hi there guys, its been a long time since i was last in this forum.
Hey guys,
everything is going well. i feel great. relaxed, confident, a supreme knowing that everything will work out…even better than my expectations
my skin looks amazing, i am visibly glowing, i naturally stand taller, my voice sounds amazing, i feel like a genius, my talking skills have improved by a long shot, people are a million times nicer to me, i handle my emotions a kajillion times better.
there is really no words to describe how i feel. AND I AM ONLY ON DAY 49!!!!! It gets better than this?!!??!?!?!
i wouldn’t change this experience for anything
women are crushing on me hard. they are just in awe of my existence lol. everytime i am around women, they get nervous, they squirm, they glance, they look away, they let their guard down, they relax, they give me the deer-in-the-headlights look, or the classic doggy-bowl look. i promise you, i am not that good looking (maybe i am?). however, i feel like i am the hottest guy around. bask in my ambiance world lol. the catch 22 of this: even though i am gaining so much confidence, I FEEL SO HUMBLE. i feel incredibly meek.
guess thats what happens when you are holding a month and half of sperm in ya testes lol.
the best part is i dont want any of them. my first reboot goal=get women. 2nd reboot goal=find better quality women.
they all are amazing women, dont get me wrong.
before, i would take anything that was handed to me. now, i am a lot more picky. i want a queen. i want a beautiful, self-confident, strong but humble woman.
i have to start socializing more and i have to start weight training soon also.
in conclusion,
no PMO=GREATEST life hack ever.
life is good, God is good, prosperity and abundance for all.
From reddit – NoFap
Never thought this would happen.
From debate about nofap
I like this excellent explanation comparing those who have been deeply affected by porn use and other who experience less negative effects (addicted vs non-addicted).
Second guy giving his perspective –
After a month, much PIV success and personality change
50+ days, i’m 30 years old and this is what happened
44 days: Confidence restored.
44 days: Confidence restored.
I made an account just to post because this has changed my life
60 days ago I started this journey.
90 days without fapping and I can’t list a single benefit
COMMENTS: This is the most important post on any page. For some reason this man took nofap literally, and continued to watch porn.
I am at day 93 without porn and I can’t list a single benefit.
COMMENTS: Another person from the above thread who experince no benefits. Is it because he continued some masturbation, or that he hadn’t experienced addiction-related brain changes…or neither?
Reddit Nofap “success” story No. 1337
Nofap “success” story No. 1337
Reddit – my hair has been growing back
Another forum: I’m a gay guy who’s had ED for the last 5 years
From reddit – NoFap: 57 Days, benefits
NoFap – 28 days in: definitely worth it.
Reddit – My No-Fap Journey: 90 days and Counting!
90-day report from reddit
Reddit – relapse revealed benefits
From Wet Dream ForumFascinating site. Lots of stories from guys who have gone w/out porn and masturbation for 60-90 days and how that helped them out. It has been just over a month since I have watched any porn clips (I have MB’d 3 times during that time; Before I was MBing abt 4 or 5 Xs a week), and I feel so mich better about muself, my body (including my man bits), am more confident, feel more positively masculine, have more drive towards woman, think dirty thoughts less, i rarely feel depressed, am more affectionate even with my guy friends, I am driven to work out more consistently, etc. All great things.
I don’t know how your porn usage has affected you, but it’s worth a shot to stay away from it for a while ( and give up MB during that tome as much as you can), and see what happens. WDs are just a side benefit!
18-years-old and just finished the 90 days.
Good night, and good luck.
Nosebleeding, Shemales and Beards
Day 42 – really hard time
just two days from reaching 200 days, a reset!
44days, this is the best thing I ever did
The Dark Knight (as I now call my penis) Rises: 90 days complete
Long time lurker. 26-day relapse [really long testimonial]
At 30 years old, I am finally beginning to feel like an adult
Re: Finally an adult
Hi, ascherj is it? I hope I have the right person. I totally identify with what you’ve written. I’m 29, almost 30, and not much of an ‘adult.’ I regret the past, and the present is tough, not really sure about the direction I’m heading/being financially stable. So glad to hear that ‘control over oneself’ is possible for us, lol.
So how did it go for you, did you re-learn to love people? My mac and exquisite porn (haha) have been the only way I cope with negative feelings towards people, since I was 12. Just wondering, thank you for posting.
its porn
A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays; Nofap and Life
Relapse after 20 days; my story and experiences
Caved after 57 days – Here’s What I Learned
Brain works much more and much better on nofap
My new love interest has started calling me “the voice”
I can’t feel good about having sex without love anymore!
50 Days. My story of Caution. Don’t waste your life away.
50 Days. My story of Caution. Don’t waste your life away.
21 days in – One of the best things about NoFap is…
2 months in, reporting (random bulletpoints)
2 months in, reporting (random bulletpoints)
Made it the entire summer: 90 Days
20 days in and I’m starting to notice some changes
Taking back the control
14 days
Day 60: growth is often hard to notice, but this isn’t
31 day update… massive life change.. if you are thinking about
Two days ago I was miserable
DAY 68 PMO FREE – yourbrainrebalanced
Years of porn
Ladies and Gentlemen, I have made it.
40 days and 40 nights
Nofap has seemed to made my life like the movie Limitless.
My story – 25y old virgin with social anxiety
Day 79 – Feel like Im in the puberty again!
10 days in and I can bend
Age 33 – 5 weeks: Some words from an old guy
Day 22…well, this is a turn up for the books!
Unplugged from the Matrix
“Brain fog” can go fuck itself.
120 Days and still going!
17 years old reboot
my sex life with my wife infinitely better,
General observations after 38 days
30 days! Definitely worth it.
1 year 2 months since last fap
32 Days in, what i’ve noticed about myself, traps, triggers, etc
The Halfway Mark – 45 days
Day 10, and my most noticeable changes are to my social anxiety.
7×7=49 days/My experience with NoFap/Takeaways
Connecting with people, discernment, rambling thoughts…
It is finally here! Day 90! Feels good. Feels real good.
Ask me anything” rel=”noopener noreferrer nofollow”>90 Days!!! Ask me anything
It is finally here! Day 90! Feels good. Feels real good. I’m so glad I found this little corner of the internet and I’m so glad I mad the choice to commit to this. This is a lifelong change for me and I’ll never look back!
Did you do No Fap as well or how did you approach this?
How has your focus and energy levels changed? self confidence? social skills?
After a week of no porn/fappin I had the greatest sex in my life
24 Days: I never thought it would be this good!! (Read This)
27 years old, and 10 years of wasted life.
90 Day Report and Life After NoFap
15 days of noFap, like being on a super-drug
How one Fapstronaut found his wings.
Superpower Unlocked: X-RAY VISION
from reddit nofap –
I want to be the man I was after 55 days, not the boy hiding
Day 31 – quick review post
Day 50: New semester in college, the changes are very noticable
90 Days! And now the real challenge begins…(+some thoughts)
I haven’t tried committing to
from YBOP
Week 1 – Placebo-effect or not things have already started to ch
Vocal range?
Vocal range?
Has anyone noticed an increase in skin quality since they stoppe
Has anyone noticed an increase in skin quality since they stopped fapping?
Obligatory 90-day post
Stop Or You’ll Go Blind
from MedHelp – Too much porn/masturbation cause ED?
40 days – I am much better at talking to women
Topic: Spreading the word. Average person or famous person
Topic: Spreading the word. Average person or famous person
First kiss. Thank you r/NoFap
What PMO addiction really robs you of…
What PMO addiction really robs you of…
My take nofap and its supposed benefits, 20 days in.
90 Days – one of the best things to ever happen to me.
My 90 days, and why I’m going to keep going further.
38 days without porn…
Late post-90 days post – my current self thanks the me from 102
How NoFap changed my life : If you still have doubts, read this.
A very sincere thank you and a personal milestone
I enjoy the little things so much more. Everything is beautiful
Thank you, thank you, thank you
made me realize how little of a sex life outside porn I had
Best Sex of My Life
Day 97-Attention everybody: girls don’t just have boobs and butt
What I Know With 100% Certainty, Join Me.
after 184 days
90 days “clean” – What changed?
This will get you on NoFap for life
My Full Potential (Day 8)
100 Days- Positive changes but, no superpowers
From a Norwegian forum
Improvements despite relapse?
ultra flatline of death/method to make NoFap effortless
You can never go back…
20 Day report
My experience at 104 days – delayed ejaculation
No turning back (5 month report)
The me is returning
I relapsed after 190 days and this is my very fist NoFap post.
The fog is going…
New Personal Best!! And NOFAP Update!!!!!
have a bit more energy and I’m more focused. I am also happier
90 mother flippin days. Woohoo!
What are your favorite things about not fapping? I’ll start…
What are your favorite things about not fapping? I’ll start…
My personality has been.. amazing. i love myconfidence, the way
50 days in and feeling great!
so what pushed you over the edge and made you say “no more”?
90 days and it’s been quite a change
recoverd from ED – but went back to porn
i seriously can’t believe i’m back to this stage
Needhops from reuniting…day 73 on
Power (Mind, Body, Soul)
Cool side-effects
Getting Huge Compliments On My Voice
63 days and counting. Thoughts from a bodybuilder on this crazy
Crippling anxiety has all but vanished
Another motivator: eradicating hemorrhoids
My Story, 32yr-old had enough of PMO ruling my life
I was becoming numb: physically, sexually, emotionally, and spir
Erection Disfunction (ED) monitoring thread
Erection Disfunction (ED) monitoring thread
96 day and I am only just beginning.
at least I have beaten social anxiety and confidence problems.
Is it normal for NoFap to leak into other bad habits like eating
My willingness to participate in conversations have increased so
Since the start of senior I never imagined I could be this happy
Before I had anxiety, depression, always lazy, it was a struggle
I was more sociable with females than I had ever been in my life
I’m starting to SEE.
Porn ruined my relationship
The changes I’ve seen so far:
A lot can happen in 2 months.
99 days: I want to tell my story again! Now in tl;dr version
45 day report
Worst consequences of your previous fapping/porn habit?
It has been very difficult & enormously rewarding
From foreveralone to neveralone.
my erections were porn dependent
Why I’m done with NoFap
Anyone notice nofap affecting friendships?
my classroom is much better managed this year… a correlation!
I was a video game addict with no confidence and more bad habits
100 days of NoFap, A story of success, c
Abusing Porn: erectile dysfunction and depression (translated)
become a lot more chatty and have grown an extrovert gene.
Things are working out so much better and I have become so outgo
Why NoFap is the greatest change to my life thus far.
Taking back control of your life
first attempt at no fap and I don’t intend on going back
30 days. This is my progress.
You think addiction is the only way to pleasure?
I’m opposed to the concept of instant gratification.
Week 1 Check-In
love how much easier it is to focus on a woman
My mind is much clearer now.
No porn in 72 days. Crushed my date tonight.
More confidence, optimism, energy
Neckbeard_McCusty • Sat Oct 27, 2012
Almost 2 years of NoFap. 1 year of relapse. Starting over.
increased energy & drive i have to accomplish, my more stable
2160 hours ago I was watching pornography, masturbating, and mos
60 Days In. Helpful Advice.
benefits in terms of mental clarity, energy, interactions with w
60 Days, having an great time, thanks guys.
Social anxiety. Constantly feeling fearful/doubtful about the f
I work as a software developer at a porn company
My 1 month report.
From Scarcity to Abundance in 40 days
Can’t say as I was ever addicted to PMO,
Whoa, 30 days in and the “super powers” have arrived. (self.NoFa
I have actually been turning my wife down-wtf is wrong with me?
30 days in and just noticed this unexpected change
even after only 3 days my mood has greatly approved.
first time in my 21 years I am in a relationship,
My 90 Day Report (non-addict)
Almost at 90; what I have learned
56 Days In, 36 years old – This has truly been life-changing
Here’s a breakdown of the my 30 days so far:
a very strong connection between my depression and my PMO
1 month report: life is improving
My mind had never been more clear in my life within those three
90 Days! Should I go for 180?
Overdue 60-Day Report
MY childhood FLASHES before ME!
The Lesson (90 Day Report)
How to Not Relapse: A comprehensive step by step guide for champ
Well, I can safely say this last month has changed me
90+ days story and ama
110 days reporting in
Does NoFap make your voice sound deeper?
Does NoFap make your voice sound deeper?
[this account is no longer on Reddit]
90 Days, my story and AMA
I’ve been an pmo addict for
[From another forum]
A Goth is Feeling Happy?
Thank you NoFap, this xmas wont be so lonely
given up porn completely, but still masturbate to fantasies
These past 20 days I’ve been changing into a different person
Day 20: Wow (my experience and benefits so far)
A journey, a realization, a better life.
Musings on day 50, benefits, nofap fact-checking.
There are no superpowers.
90 days.
DAY 60, What My Life is Like.
The first time I attempted nofap I made it 67 days
Energy gained from nofap clarification (my perspective)
My rise to 135+ days of NoFap and 200+ days of PornFree…and my f
60 days – went back to masturbation – now sees benefits
Suddenly… Emotions!
Throwing in the towel but hear me out (nsfw)
30 Days in, Feel Fantastic
My 90th Day Of Being The Man I Always Wanted To Become
Obligatory 90-day, and where I’m going from here…
Obligatory 90-day, and where I’m going from here…
105 days update
My 90 day journey
90 Day report from a teen fapstronaut.
Two Months: Field Report
Two Months: Field Report
really started to affect my concentration, desire, energy and sc
Changing my life, completely.
17 days in – Tingles like a
Superpowers manifest!
Posted under: Did porn warp me forever?
90 Day Reflections and Observations
Getting loads of compliments, noFap confidence FTW
As a man with genetic depression, being porn free has done
off porn one week and feel better than I felt in 20 years !!
3 month report: self-regulation is cool
I noticed I don’t really get horny
Today, I reached day 365.
I managed to warp my image of people back to normalcy
My wife doesn’t know what to think
I’m much more confident when talking to people.
What are the most pronounced physical effects you have noticed?
What are the most pronounced physical effects you have noticed?
It seems like people respond differently, just wonder what the physical effects have been for you, good and bad
One month report
After a month
One reset but I already notice massive benefits.
(DAY 90) Change the outcome of your life
Nofap is no lie, all this is like magic. She likes me now.
looking back on what my thinking was like just 40 days ago
this is bullshit
Fapping Feels Like a Chore Now
Fapping Feels Like a Chore Now
Every fapped day for a NoFap day – 30,000 more to go 😉 90th day
Fap addicts are afraid of true desire
No fapping since 2012 – my story so far and some possible advice
We did a nofap january and everyone made it.
I definiely have a lot of confidence and motivation
14 days, giving some feedback
but the increase of self confidence is amazing
50 days and the changes I have noticed! 😀
60 Days – It’s getting better all the time
90 days – my retrospective.
23 Days. Immense Changes.
Superpowers are back! -> BATMAN mode
40 Days – I have already been able to see a difference
this new generation are absolutely addicted to high speed porn
The Thirtieth Day Report The Pros and the Cons of living beyond
90 days complete, tested out the MO
For everyone who thinks nofap is a placebo.
Addicted to Excess: What I’ve
used to suffer from social anxiety -feel like it has DRAMATICALL
The biggest positive? Definitely socially.
[90 Days] I made it. My story
I talked to a guy who has been non-orgasmic for 7 months
Instead, the change happened very gradually.
55 Days. The Director of student services at my school just emai
I made it to 30 days…10 things to share …
My NoFap experience so far
After 1 month of nofap, i became a different person
90 Days-Don’t focus on the Day Counter focus on your life
Early success with fixing porn induced ED
99 days of madness
Now? I feel more confident, and I feel like I completely got rid
And a higher confidence is an amazing thing to have really.
I actually think I am becoming more extraverted.
35 Days In – Feel Like A New Man
30 Day Report – Noticeable Pros and Cons
I’m saying it’s going to be worth it.
then you need to make some changes in your life
lot more clear on my thinking, a lot more confident,
I feel more as if I’m becoming my ‘best me’ if that makes sense.
To masturbate or not to masturbate, during reboot?
Find what works for you. Here are responses of various guys:
[First guy]
[Another guy]
[Another guy]
36 days and listing some benefits
I honestly have not felt better than I do right now
Skeptic eats his words.
28 years old never had a GF time to start NoFap. Month later GF
I’m 26 years old and week ago I was virgin too. Now I am no more
Anxiety 100% -> 20%, no joke!
30 Day Report
The most obvious benefits of r/pornfree
Feel like I’m rediscovering
60 days report
My 45 day report.
I didn’t believe in NoFap but I wanted to try it
This is the best I have ever felt! SO MUCH ENERGY! thank you all
My confidence has increased by amazing amounts
33 days report… time to give back
Nofap is definitely worth it!
1440 hours
I was sceptical at first…
WOW, I had no idea of the effects I was going to get, only 22 da
The one superpower I really
A 17 year old on his 17th day
Ok. I have made it 65 days no PMO.
Unleashing the animal inside- the real me- the alpha male !
141 no porn, 45 no fap, 37 no orgasm
What were your first impressions of NoFap?
60 Day Check In
92 Days! Short report (self.pornfree)
I’m not really sure what I was expecting, but this wasn’t really
NoFap makes sex actually feel good (no more DE)
Seeing the world through porn addicted eyes
90 day Fapstronaut, reporting for duty. AMA
Day 7! Music hasn’t sounded so good in years
Absolutely awesome, 10 times better then looking at
I feel like the man. My fear about everything is much reduced
40 days – shit’s getting serious! Dem super powers…
200 days in… Challenges, new and old
NoFap is the best thing EVER, I am so confident!
My 30 Day Report
My life as it was is over. I lost it all
So many things have changed.
43 days. My foundation is getting stronger.
60 days and counting mini-report.
Just had coffee with 3 girls, and it just occurred to me that I
Passed 150 days as a teen, it’s worth it. Age 13
A 15 year old fapstronaut NEEDS some advice right now…
50 Day Report
53 days report
greatest benefit of nofap is smiling naturally 😀
It’s like coming out the matrix
6 months Porn FREE! “RE-SENSITIZED” 🙂
Day 19 on Hard Mode. ‘Superpowers’ are real
With my 90 challenge coming to a close, i have something to say
30 day Report
30 day Report
by the_student_31 days
It’s happening!!!
After watching The Great Porn Experiment which Martin posted
This works (cannot be placebo)
Day 30: Irritatingly Productive, Diminished Anxiety, Etc.
30 day report
This is not, I repeat NOT a placebo.
Folks, stick with the program… I got dates almost every night
28 days later… (report)
31 days – do not listen your brain
My Overdue 30 Day Report, for what it’s worth…
Three Month Update (self.pornfree)
60 Day Report, good things are starting to happen
90-days Hardmode report
No badge but day-90 reached!
Success Story after day 7
Been fapping for about a week now – getting results!
Triple digits. Never seriously thought I would make it.
It’s been 60 days, and I’ve never felt better. AMA
NoFap cured my perfectionism
60 days, wahoo!
30 days, still not COMPLETELY cured
From comfortably numb to uncomfortably real. My journey thus far
My ten worst moments of fapping when I realized you had a proble
I suffer from chronic depression as well as crippling social anx
Progress report – about 2 months of no p/m/o
30 Days Clean – Positive Attributes of NoFap
Holy shit, NoFap works!
How porn is hurting my life
40 days !! I just can’t believe it
10 days in and I’m in love with life.
New victory, new project
New victory, new project
Skeptic’s take on NoFap: Day 4
That gold star! 31 day report. Stay strong, it’s worth it.
How I am beating my 4 year addiction with the simplest trick. An
10 Reasons I Don’t Masturbate
Honestly NoFap has given me some superpowers, including more con
My observation about one of the “superpowers”
Brothers!!! NOFAP REALLY WORKS. I’m at 76 Days. I wish you all
30 Day check in.
30 Day check in. (self.NoFap)
30 Day Report – Truly Life-Changing
30 day report: I Feel ALIVE!
My favourite superpower so far!!
Social anxiety AND generalized anxiety 95% cured
Update and frustrated questio
Hi my name is Michael and I’m
Day 37 report, never felt better!
I know you are looking for success stories as motivation;
5 months No PMO: happiness was just bubbling out of me
Superpowers are starting to kick in.
60 Day Report
Day 60: Report from the front
I honestly didn’t think it was possible to feel like this.
30 day report!
Cool reward for my 30th day. Thanks nofap!
50+ Day Report – Feelings of Social Reawakening
1 month Report!
Thank you, /r/pornfree!
41 days report – A lot has changed!
How my noFap journey has changed me so far
NoFap is making me more nurturing
1 Year
I never noticed how beautiful real live women were…
Brief 30 days report (No PMO… a little P)
One of my friends said this to me:
Nofap has (directly or indirectly) made my life 100 times better
Nofap has (directly or indirectly) made my life 100 times better!
by AmericanOcelot7 days
30 Day Update – It’s all real (self.pornfree)
My 30-Day Star: Essential Insight from a Middle-aged One-Monther
Creativity has returned!
nofap opens up doors that were previously closed; but its up to
All I can say is WOW!(College Student)
I love being pornfree! and all the benefits!
NoFap is like one huge LSD trip
Definitely NoFap will change your life
30 Days – Got my first girlfriend. Feeling confident, alive, and
Intentional after 104 days – helped with ED
30 Days – Not What I Expected, But So Glad
I’m much more confident and alert each and every day
30 Days of Success
I’ve made it 1 Month – benefits inside!
Changes are more subtle than you think
Not superpowers, but social skills improved greatly.
You guys, this shit is real
Anyone have new memories surface after quitting porn?
Anyone have new memories surface after quitting porn? (self.pornfree)
by MakingItMatter14 days
Ground Control To Major Tom: What’s The Point? (self.NoFap)
Ground Control To Major Tom: What’s The Point? (self.NoFap)
500 days.
Day 30: Brain no longer a continuous porno movie
Day 30: Brain no longer a continuous porno movie
anyone else notice this? voice/reading ability
anyone else notice this? voice/reading ability
by Iseekpeace13 days
The first third in: ch-ch-ch-ch-changes
10 days and seeing improvements…
Becoming a real man
Today has been a FANTASTIC day! (self.pornfree)
Two Weeks! I made it! Slowly turning super human!
Subjective opinion about “superpowers” and effects of NO-FAP aft
Day 35 – Report –New job and GF :)–
Feeling alpha as hell (30 Days)
Superpowers and NO-FAP effects / PLACEBO
13 days in major changes! Can’t imagine day 90!
I’ve Quit, Success is with me!!
Day #56: I’m becoming someone else.
“You seem happy.” “Why did we ever break up.”
3 weeks and feeling awesome! Benefits all over the place!
Less Shy, LONELY, More Calm & i Realize What I want
Tested: masturbation to porn does have negative effect on you
I’ve noticed the positive changes, increased sexuality, confiden
NoFap has inspired me to try new things and step outside of my s
36 days in. Some major life changes and attitudes
With 90 percent of my social anxiety gone I could pick up on the
I joined nofap sarcastically, what happened to me!?
34 days in. Difficulty level:
(30M) 60 days! – feeling better than ever I reckon
Thirty days. Wow, I am already very happy about that.
Finally feeling good. after 100 days
I used to crave porn, now I crave girls.
i have to say, I am so much better socially.
[30 day report] I hadn’t kissed a girl in over 10 years.
82 Days Report. Seeing signs of life
everything seems to be much
everything seems to be much better when you arent pmoing
Wow. It works!
My new perspective on sex, and girls
Finally ejaculated during vaginal sex
What the heck is going on?!? This is unbelievable…
for the past year or so I have become lazy, and found myself jus
Wow. This shit actually works!
Wow. This shit actually works!
it makes you more attractive as a person to friends, family and
I’m a BEAST!
It’s confirmed! PMO is a trigger for my anxiety problem!
The Truth.
Day 11: Life is Beautiful
NoFAP is Painful/Wonderful
Second attempt at reboot not going according to plan!! Any advi
30 Days
Pornfree while still fapping has been pretty easy for me and I’
So far, this is what’s happened:
Severe stuttering problem since I was a kid – GONE!!!!! I cannot
I just danced for the first time in 10 years…Wow! PMO really d
How many have comments about deeper voice?
How many have comments about deeper voice?
STARRED! 30 day notes (34m)
Seriously guys… this is awesome. I got my charm back
I didn’t know what Love was until I got clean.
I didn’t know what Love was until I got clean.
Before I removed masturbation and porn from my life, I didn’t have a clue what love was. I had never felt the emotion, never understood it’s power, never cared about what it all meant. Porn taught me that love was synonymous with sex. But no. After 1 year of struggling, some success and some failures, I know that love and porn have nothing in common. Porn is the prime example of selfish brutality. It will kill your soul and recreate you in its own image. Choose love, choose life.
My Anxiety and NOFAP
Today i felt like I’ve had superpowers
Now my life has meaning, a purpose. I’m not afraid anymore.
“Superpowers” kicking in? My 10-day report
“Superpowers” kicking in? My 10-day report
Grades in school, social anxiety, workouts, get out in the real
Empirical evidence for a benefit of NoFap? (Improved reaction ti
Then I quit and my speech improved 80%. I can speak fluently to
I stood there like a boss and felt as comfortable as I have neve
Progress seems to finally kick in
“I’m not addicted,” that’s what I always said. “Not me,
What abstaining from PMO has done for me already
What abstaining from PMO has done for me already
NoFap — better than Adderall
Rebooting was the best thing i ever did.
Rebooting was the best thing i ever did.
Spoke in class today, first
NoFap made me realize how many things I gave up in my life…
social anxiety is GONE.
Things seem more.. More REAL!!
Things seem more.. More REAL!!
I am starting to feel more like an alpha male.
14 Days- New-Found Confidence
If superpowers mean being
Choose the red pill
Choose the red pill
NoFap has changed my life for the better and I never want to go
Heightened Pleasure Response
Noticing an increase in magnetism!! First time ever!
Noticing an increase in magnetism!! First time ever!
NoFap “superpowers” only work in certain conditions (self.NoFap)
My Favorite Way to Tell People About NoFap
My Favorite Way to Tell People About NoFap
Benefits from nofap – another report (there can’t be too many 😉
Benefits from nofap – another report (there can’t be too many 😉
I woke up this morning to find a letter from my wife left in my
I woke up this morning to find a letter from my wife left in my violin case.
My ability to fantasize is coming back!
I was once confident.What happened?(the story of my demise and P
shows how great the PMO addiction affects us-
Nofap and personality
First morning wood….in 2 years!
30 day report! Tips and experiences so far.
98 Days in and radical changes are still happening to me
I rarely post anymore however for this I will make an exception
I feel like I’m 16 again :]
1/3 report..35 days no PMO+ hardmode= improved me
1/3 report..35 days no PMO+ hardmode= improved me
Honestly, its been about 36 days since I started no PMO but the results I’ve seen are very obvious to me.
I have put on muscle, look healthier, smile more and i can actually stand to have people touch me.
There are so many subtle benefits which i cannot describe, and i don’t want to get overconfident but i feel like i have made more progress in this reboot compared to any other. No pmo will help for sure, but it’s also a mindstate to improve your life.
I still have a long way to go as my mental and emotional state is still a mess. To put it short im at 1/3 of the 90 day benchmark and for anyone thinking about relapsing or struggling to start no PMO, just do it! I cannot stress how much crap disappears from your brain and you start to take a stand about who you are and what is important to you.
30 days? Feels more like 6 months
My 30 Day Report
my porn usage and that I might have resented women
Humor — Has Anyone Else Noticed It Returning?
I’m a socially reclusive 28 year old masturbator who just had an
30 days. Feel much better but problems are evident.
Now that I’ve got a taste of benefits, I’m not going back.
At first I was doing it to get girls
Today, I was put in a situation which, a few months ago,
Through the stumbling I made this list to remind me of the negat
No Superpowers, just confidence.
Mathematics too has an explanation for the perils of PMO
Female attention WTF?
Does anyone else feel like they’ve just found one of life’s grea
Porn made me a passive aggressive little bitch..
after a decade of living hell…
OCD-like symptoms are fading
OCD-like symptoms are fading
Big Lebowski
There are no “superpowers”…
There are no “superpowers”…
by Pafonpafon
For hard cases it may take years for results
My Dating Life With No Porn – God Mode
30 Days with no PMO, 21 Days without Ejaculatory Orgasm
30 Day Report – What I’ve Learned
by winkwb
36 days in.
These are negatives of PMO which I observed.
PMO Negatives in my eyes(self.NoFap)
by muzzlik
There is no such thing as “superpowers”!
So…initial scepticism out of the window. This shit works.
Big THANK YOU to you all. This subreddit changed my life
NoFap is not a joke people
Just found out PMO kills my athletic ability and coordination in
PMO: God, I F**kin’ Love It!
30 day report, and on “Superpowers”
New found determination and productivity
NoPorn Confidence Explained (Women’s Edition)
30 day report!
holy shit im talking to girls!!
46 days report…Age 25
A year off of nofap, and a big realization..
47 days report (benefits)
stopping PMO helps control my alcoholism
I have had crippling anxiety for years and only realized
“I can BREATHE!! The world is fantastic.
60 days – Definitely notices some changes
Hi, awesome your’e 15 as well!
28 Days Later
It took me a half year and many relapses to get her
30 day report – Read this if you’re losing hope!
I’m actually feeling what it’s like to be red blooded human male
Just my list of pros and cons of NoFap so far, feel free I add y
60ish Day Report: You’ve got to be kidding me
Clubbing Whilst NoFap vs Clubbing After Relapse
Clubbing Whilst NoFap vs Clubbing After Relapse
Another NoFap Benefit: “What’s up?” became a nice question.
I did a lot more stuff over the past 3 weeks, therefore I can talk about a lot more stuff. Paired with the decreased social anxiety, I feel like an interesting person again, and happily respond to the question: “What’s up?”
Another NoFap Benefit: “What’s up?” became a nice question.
At age 41, I have been into PMO for about 35 years.
85 days [score hidden]
I am about to hit 90 days. At age 41, I have been into PMO for about 35 years. Assuming you are familiar with the YBOP material – the high-speed internet “extreme” problems really started the last decade and have been very extensive the last 3 years.
Noticeable improvement in relationship with wife after nine days
Benefits so far
The superpowers are 100% real
my most notable super powers were:
I used to think I was an introvert.
Day 12 – Rediscovering old passions
Is it me or do we get more energy and humanity from being pornfr
Porn is part of the reason my life is so boring.
Slurring/Stuttering Words and Fapping
Did porn do this to me?
45 days – Halfway
Day 20-Wow.
I did something crazy. (My Third story)
I did something crazy. (My Third story)
Superman ain’t got anything on me!
Short 30 day report
30 Days /// Hard Mode
What did you think was wrong with you, before you realised it wa
What did you think was wrong with you, before you realised it was porn?
Social Anxiety Fading
“It was an absolute pleasure to work with you” – my work colleag
when I abstain for 8-9 plus days my anxiety and depression almos
30 Days Report: 180 Degrees, All Ahead Full
The main reason I began this challenge was social anxiety.
‘You sound different’
but heres a few things that are big huge benifits in my life.
NoFap = Sex God Powers
Small Victories: First 20 Days Update
Why do I KNOW I’ll be pornfree for the rest of my life?
30 day report and advice !!, No fap has been the key I have been
Nofap Made me Retarded and I don’t give a fucking fuck
Before, girls weren’t special, they were “just ok”
Day 50 – Goodbye depression
62 days recap
1/3 of the way to my sixty day goal, couldn’t feel more alive
Thread: 1/3 of the way to my sixty day goal, couldn’t feel more alive
3 weeks and a changed life!
Thread: 3 weeks and a changed life!
Deeper Voice. Women noticing you? Other Superpowers
What I’ve gained from NoFap
Day 18- aced my history class! I’ve discovered I can pick up on
Day 18- aced my history class! I’ve discovered I can pick up on the cues and body language girls give off! Anyone else have this happen to them?
How I became someone who initially criticized this community, to
1month. boundless energy and clarity. first month of many. here
I finally feel these ‘superpowers’ coming into effect.
I finally feel these ‘superpowers’ coming into effect.
My 30 day report. Noticeable improvements to the body.
30 days report, no-fap, trying to be as honest as possible
30 days report, no-fap, trying to be as honest as possible
NoFap = Agoraphobia Cure?
My fellow No-Fappers, this is for anyone that tells you NoFap is
I feel a whole lot better than I did 90 days ago
A few more hours until 90 days.
Passed day 60 this week! So many positive effects lately!
Natural self assurance and confidence – Like a boss
I’m experiencing alot of benefits from being a Month In But….
Better Relationship To Parents
Quick Thoughts on Porn
Quick Thoughts on Porn
It’s getting ridiculous guys. Female attention everywhere I go n
4 months!! Even in my dreams I’m a BADASS
I have finally made it to 30 days.
NoFap is the real deal – social anxiety
NoFap is the real deal (Long Post, social anxiety, relapse, placebo, starting again)
I’m a teenager all over again, thanks to NoFap
I’m a teenager all over again, thanks to NoFap
Everything has changed, colors are brighter, the air is cleaner
Just hit day 69, feeling like this.
30 day report. Mum I did it!!!
30 day report. Mum I did it!!!
26 Days: I’ve Never Felt Better
26 Days: I’ve Never Felt Better
I was skeptical but took the challange and I’m glad I did
I was skeptical but took the challange and I’m glad I did
A Blunt, honest overview of 30 days hard-mode.
Just enjoying life for the first time in 12 years
severe social anxiety for the best part of 8 years.
severe social anxiety for the best part of 8 years.
Are colours are supposed to be vivid?
Colours are supposed to be vivid?
I still cant believe that nightmare is over.
The phrase was: “you’ve grown so much”
38 Day Report. I’m Amazed…
Tried NoFap for 26 days: immediate and abundant results
Jealousy has gone….. now for the next insecurity!
Jealousy has gone….. now for the next insecurity!
Slowly getting my balls back
This shit actually worked
30 Day Report – ED
I have experienced all the superpowers that people talk about.
47 Days Report – What has changed since I started no fap?
47 Days Report – What has changed since i started no fap?
60-Day report
60-Day report
Honestly, life is just better with Nofap, and it’s only the begi
50 Days.
The Catalyst to a Tidal Wave of Self Improvement (30 day report)
The Catalyst to a Tidal Wave of Self Improvement (30 day report)
My experience with “no-fap superpowers”
I wasn’t shy no more, talking to girls became so easy for me.
In the past 6 months I have gone from no muscle mass,
You might think I’m making shit up, overexaggerating or whatever
I have noticed is an increase in mental toughness.
42 days – small report
Day 20 of no PMO and my humble successtory
Day 20 of no PMO and my humble successtory
This shit actually works!
This shit actually works!
I was a 24 year old, depressed, socially anxious, jobless (kinda
50 Days!!!
Women seems so Attractive
Women seems so Attractive
Day 60 F**ck Yeah!!!
Porn may be my kryptonite, but NoFap makes me Superman.
33 days – From skeptic to believer. NoFap opened my eyes!!!!!
33 days – From skeptic to believer. NoFap opened my eyes!!!!!
Clearest skin of all time. Clearest mind of all time. Most energ
Definite confidence boost, yes more attention from women
NoFap = happiness
NoFap = happiness
My experience with nofap as a student.
30 day report — Nobody believes me
30 day report — Nobody believes me
I’M EXCITED TO CONTINUE WITH NOFAP. Here are a ton of reasons wh
I’M EXCITED TO CONTINUE WITH NOFAP. Here are a ton of reasons why.
50 day report
50 day report
Lessons Learned: 30 Days of Success (It’s not what you might exp
Lessons Learned: 30 Days of Success (It’s not what you might expect)
15 days of no masturbation opened my eyes to new possibilities
Thread: 15 days of no masturbation opened my eyes to new possibilities
I’ve done 40 days abstaining from PMO
Thread: Wow!
The things I’ve learned, experienced and Gained from a month of
The things I’ve learned, experienced and Gained from a month of abstinence is nothing short of Amazing
Halfway to 90 days for the first time in my life. This is the ha
54 days, I feel like a fucking tank!
54 days, I feel like a fucking tank!
The deeper voice is so nice man…
The deeper voice is so nice man…
My list of benefits. Don’t let me forget these, dammit!
A list of benefits! Let’s all create one.
A list of benefits! Let’s all create one.
60 day’s sucess
Wow… 60days report!
Now I understand you guys,what you meant by saying that you feel invincible.. Feeling strong,energetic,confident all the time everywhere. Also I learned how to keep those superpowers for longer period. It is always reminding yourself that you are whole new person now,NO old you anymore..I was extremely shy and socially awkward.
But now.. I never felt more real and confident. Walking I in the street looking to chicks eyes and flirting so easy ,not giving a fuck what other people think of me. Now I can go and sing in the street with no problem of course I’m doing that very rarely,lol ,but that became no problem to me. I enjoy every single day of my life ,thanks to NoFap and other self improvement things like meditation ,forcing myself to talk to strangers, and intensive workout.
Wow… 60days report!
19, almost been a month since i started with NoFap,
Hello, I am 19, almost been a month since i started with NoFap, and all can I say, i never been better..
*My Nofap benefits*
60 day HARD MODE REBOOT – Story so far!
i knew it’ll boost my productivity, but this was just insane
NoFap saved my bachelor-thesis
My superpowers are starting to present themselves
Improved focus
Improved focus
I’m 30 days in and I feel more like a man than ever before
30 days but feels like a lifetime
30 days but feels like a lifetime
A Letter To The Skeptics
A Letter To The Skeptics
Why aren’t there much studies done on abstaining from orgasming?
Why aren’t there much studies done on abstaining from orgasming? Are they hiding something from us?
I’ve been rebooting for a similar time but…
Progress is slow, but I was thinking back..
How’s Everyone Doing? Tell Me about your Progress! Differences since Reboot?
Sexual attraction is changing…
Sexual attraction is changing…
Has anyone felt they were very Feminine before NoFap especially
Has anyone felt they were very Feminine before NoFap especially with friends or women?
My good benefits from no pm
NOFAP is the best thing that has happend to me
Progress Progress Progress( NOFAP is the best thing that has happend to me)
the superpowers you’ve been asking for
the superpowers you’ve been asking for
So many changes in my life…
Hard-to-explain yet awesome benefit of NoFap
Hard-to-explain yet awesome benefit of NoFap
I can confidently say that NoFap is NOT placebo.
My anxiety and depression have gone down significantly
I now remember how it feels to have no brain fog at all
I always knew watching porn distorted my view of women, but now
I always knew watching porn distorted my view of women, but now I have a concrete example of it
Gave a Presentation in class, and was not nervous at all, for th
Porn Masturbation Hangovers. My experience
Effects of No Fap and how I interact with Girls
I can’t believe the things that are falling into place in my lif
My first girlfriend after 43 days NoFAP
I feel like Bradley Cooper in Limitless!
I feel like Bradley Cooper in Limitless!
hese some of my observations/benefits :
Standing Up Straight, Great Eye Contact, Flirting Comes Naturall
Superpowers are REAL
I never believed the whole voice deepening thing…Until
So about me – what changed after 25 days?
25 days – what changed
“You look different!”
“You look different!”
I have battled on and off ED since I first began being sexually
My journey: 60 days porn free. What seemed impossible is possibl
My journey: 60 days porn free. What seemed impossible is possible!
around day 6 I started to feel totally great
Unexpected effects, 4 weeks
The “brief” story of a 10+ year addicts history
The “brief” story of a 10+ year addicts history with internet porn. Can you relate?
My confidence is surging
Nofap Has Changed My View of Life
Wake Up and Smell the Change (30 days clean)
Wake Up and Smell the Change(30 days clean)
I think I experience the SUPERPOWERS!
I think I experience the SUPERPOWERS!
30-Day Report
30-Day Report
Just got complimented on my voice. Twice.
Nofap makes the girls annoying as hell
Nofap makes the girls annoying as hell
Will we ever have solid proof?
Will we ever have solid proof?
NoFap from 15 year olds perspective
NoFap from 15 year olds perspective
A 15 year old’s story so far. My epiphany
A 15 year old’s story so far. My epiphany
Hottest girl at my school noticed and complemented on how differ
Hottest girl at my school noticed and complemented on how different i look
amazing things are happening
amazing things are happening
Personal Proof that NoFap is NOT a Placebo.
Personal Proof that NoFap is NOT a Placebo.
I don’t see women as mindless fuck machine anymore.
•I speak more clearly and loudly, in a sense. I used to mumble
Real sex with my wife has never been better
30-Day Report
25 year old gay dude: I’ve never felt better.
30 days feeling great
How I doubted, How I feel now. NoFap is a thing!
1 month FREE !!!
Nofap is changing my life as we speak!!!
I want to share my 60 days journey with all of you!
I want to share my 60 days journey with all of you!
ONE MONTH! Here’s my story
My views on Bisexuality + Porn, Social anxiety and depression.
“There’s Something Different About Him”
“There’s Something Different About Him”
I always thought this whole NoFap thing was BS…
Relapse led me to a greater understanding of how PMO negatively
My recent relapse has led me to a greater understanding of how PMO negatively impacts my life.
Never had true ED but noticing stronger and longer erections.
Day 30 Notes/Benefits
Day 30 Notes/Benefits
1 Month Report: How my Life has changed
1 Month Report: How my Life has changed
Progress story
Progress story
A sudden burst of confidence!!
A sudden burst of confidence!!
30 day report. Benefits tips and tricks.
30 day report. Benefits tips and tricks.
Not sexualizing women has made me feel alot better about myself
My Girlfriend noticed
My Girlfriend noticed
30 days, 23yo, wanted to post and say thanks.
30 days, 23yo, wanted to post and say thanks.
I’m feeling crazy good,
“short” 50+ days report! 😉
[Update] Last night I lost my virginity!
[Update] Last night I lost my virginity!
I thought this day would be boring, ordinary and not so good
I thought this day would be boring, ordinary and not so good – Superpowers… holy shit are they real.
Oh my stars! 30 day report
Oh my stars! 30 day report
My dick is the only dick in my world thanks to pornfree
My dick is the only dick in my world thanks to pornfree
60 day report, one day late.
60 day report, one day late.
One Month – Progress and Motivation
One Month – Progress and Motivation
Super powers do exist!
Super powers do exist!
30 Day Report, 20 yr. old male
30 Day Report, 20 yr. old male
Super power do exist! (part 2 – 30 days)
Super power do exist! (part 2 – 30 days)
Fascinating Feeling and Experience
Fascinating Feeling and Experience
Here is my 30 Day Report – concise form
Here is my 30 Day Report – concise form
30 Days Report: Outcome Quite Positive
30 Days Report: Outcome Quite Positive
Was a bit skeptical when I started but the results are amazing
Was a bit skeptical when I started but the results are amazing
My name is Mikgezo, and this is my story.
My name is Mikgezo, and this is my story.
My First 30 Day Report
My First 30 Day Report
What nofap does and doesn’t do [advice for beginners]
What nofap does and doesn’t do [advice for beginners]
34 days now. Actually 36. Beneifts.
No FAP Works – Here is proof – MULTIPLE TIMES
Doing Nofap is definitely worth it
Hey everyone, this is my first time posting anything on reddit/nofap(always used to lurk and read posts). I am 19 years old(currently on day 67 of my streak, even though I got no sticker to prove it, I know where I stand). I want to post about everything I went through with nofap. I’ll start off talking about my first experience with nofap, which was last year.
I was intoduced to nofap last year around the first week of March and made a bet with my friend to see who could have the longest streak(mind that I really didn’t understand what nofap was about back then). During this streak, my life improved a fair amount. I was in high school at the time and taking high level classes(AP). While on this streak, I was able to turn in all of my assignments in on time, and sometimes even finish them early. My teachers gave us multiple essays ranging from 3-10+ pages, and I found that I was able to finish them quickly and easily with no problem. Classes that I was not very good in(Spanish and Math), I wound up improving in them slightly, which for me, was a great accomplishment. Another thing that I noticed in class was that when class presentations took place, I was very good at speaking to the class and people actually enjoyed watching my presentations! People would want to be in class at the times which I was presenting which was amazing! Now for the thing everyone wants to know: How did you do with the ladies? Well, there was a girl in my class for whom I had really strong feelings for. She was also, in my opinion, one of the hottest girls in my school. During this nofap streak, I was getting VERY VERY VERY OBVIOUS SIGNAL FROM HER!!!! She was touching my arms, hugging me, and even holding my hand! This was the first time any girl had ever done this to me. She even asked me how big I was down there. Crazy huh? Also note that I was not aware if any other girls were checking me out, as I was only thinking about this one girl. I ended up asking her out and she said yes. Unfortunately for me, it did not work out(don’t ask me why, maybe because I didn’t make any moves on her, only she knows why she ended it). This was the first girl I ever asked out in my life and she said yes, and thats all that mattered to me, even though I didn’t get laid(damn). I didn’t really notice the other benefits of nofap during this streak(maybe they were there and I was just oblivious to them, idk). I ended up relapsing after she broke up with me and got back to fapping/porn. A few months later on March,21 2015, i stumbled up nofap once again and started reading posts. I thought I might as well give nofap another try, and so I did. This leads into the streak I am currently in. I have noticed MANY IMPROVEMENTS during this streak. There is no doubt that there are women checking me out. I have been checked out and had looks given at me by countless women since I started this streak. I am much more confident and my voice is much deeper since I started nofap. Nobody gives me shit anymore and I stand up for myself. For the first time in my life, I feel happy and confident in my own skin. I did end up reaching my goal of 6-pack abs, but have recently lost them due to a break in the gym and my macro counting(I will attempt to get my abs back within the next few weeks though). In addition to this, I am much more energetic and happy. When people ask me to hang out, instead of staying at home to watch porn/fap, I go out and have fun.
Even though I am 19(good looking/muscular according to many people I know), I am still a virgin. That used to bother me, but I don’t care anymore, I know that I will lose it when the time comes, but until then, i’ll continue to improve on myself. Not everything is about sex, and I just came to realize that.
Quit looking at porn and stop fapping. Yes, it will be hard, but it will be worth the struggle. Take it from someone who used to think of himself as a failure/loser, but now sees himself as an awesome/amazing person and a winner in life.
Doing Nofap is definitely worth it
Day 40 checking in – short term superpowers already activated!
Day 40 checking in – short term superpowers already activated!
My 30 Days report.
My 30 Days report.
My very own 30 day report.. (This is unreal.)
My very own 30 day report.. (This is unreal.)
30 Day Report!
30 Day Report!
I think my super powers are kicking in
I think my super powers are kicking in
Finally! One-month fapfree!
Day 31 report
Celebrating the first month of my new life, the happiest day in
30 day report – Lots of changes
30 day report – Lots of changes
45 day report
45 day report
34 Days of NoFap and some amazing experiences, benefits, etc.
34 Days of NoFap and some amazing experiences, benefits, etc.
A Month in and Feeling Great
A Month in and Feeling Great
Day 30- More Energy, Emotions, Deeper Voice, More Social and Sex
Day 21, NoFap works.
Day 21, NoFap works.
30 Day little Report, & Benefits!
30 Day little Report, & Benefits!
I feel much better, more confident than at start.
Day 40 talking points
Day 40 talking points
I feel like a beast thanks to nofap! (Story)
I feel like a beast thanks to nofap! (Story) Not sure if I should post to /r/Prorevenge
As I reach the halfway point I’ve noticed some changes
As I reach the halfway point of my 90 day reboot (and of course the first 45 days of never using p ever again) I’ve noticed some changes
Thirty-two days. Already noticing some positive changes.
Thirty-two days since I have last masturbated. Already noticing some positive changes.
28 days hard mode – some enormous improvements
28 days hard mode – some enormous improvements
Oldself vs. Newself
Oldself vs. Newself
Finally, My 30 Day report!
Finally,My 30 Day report!
I’ve found that I’ve gotten more touchy but, not creepy and not
I’ve found that I’ve gotten more touchy but, not creepy and not sexual.
Brain fog is 85-90% gone – other benefits
31 days report – Patience is the key!
30 Days Makes a Difference.
Did I become an extrovert?
Did I become an extrovert?
6 weeks nofap, how my life changed so far
6 weeks nofap, how my life changed so far
30 days complete!
30 days complete!
NoFap, made me realize what true beauty is.
NoFap, made me realize what true beauty is.
30 Days! Benefits and Tips for Everybody
30 Days! Benefits and Tips for Everybody
My 30 day report!
My 30 day report!
A full month, my experience so far.
A full month, my experience so far.
30 Day Post- Great Results
30 Day Post- Great Results
No fap is the best thing that’s happened to me
No fap is the best thing that’s happened to me
Superpowers or not, I’m smiling more…
Superpowers or not, I’m smiling more…
I no longer see every good looking girl as a possible fuck.
a porn conditioned heart…
Unexpected benefit
Unexpected benefit
1 month report
1 month report
Only hardcore porn aroused me only. And delayed ejaculation
An interesting update from somebody who came here for different reasons (Day 30)
Ho-ly shit. The extra energy is absolutely mindblowing
Ho-ly shit. The extra energy is absolutely mindblowing
Just a regular Holy Shit post about the effect of NoFap
I finally like actual sex more than I like porn..
30 Day Report _ Undoubtedly the best month of my life.
30 Day Report _ Undoubtedly the best month of my life.
27 days in, I never knew how much porn had shaped my brain
27 days in, I never knew how much porn had shaped my brain
What 7 days of NoFap did to me
What 7 days of NoFap did to me
I had the fear of becoming transgender.
Not SuperPowers Yet but definite improvements after 28 days.
Coming Out of my Porn Coma (60 day report)
LINK – Coming Out of my Porn Coma (60 day report)
BY – I_Wanna_Get_Better1
Here’s my proof of superpowers and how my life changed.
Here’s my proof of superpowers and how my life changed. This can be you too. It’s never too late and you’re never too weak.
Nofap makes people love you
Nofap makes people love you
I was addicted to internet, porn, gaming and unhealthy dieting.
22 years old. Went from 204➡️160 in one year! Down to a size 30 from 36. Mind and Body back together
“I never seen this side of you” – My Aunt
“I never seen this side of you” – My Aunt
I am feeling a deep need to interact with other humans
Not sure if it’s pornfree or nofap but I am feeling a deep need to interact with other humans
45 DAYS IN: What has changed
45 DAYS IN: What has changed
Tolerance gone up since starting NoFap?
Tolerance gone up since starting NoFap?
1 Month Report
1 Month Report
My Porn Experience and my first Month Into /PornFree
My Porn Experience and my first Month Into /PornFree
I made it to 90 days!!!
I made it to 90 days!!!
1 Month in… Everything Looks So Surreal
1 Month in… Everything Looks So Surreal
30 days report !
30 days report !
60 DAYS without PORN report – Important thoughts
60 DAYS without PORN report – Important thoughts
An INCREDIBLE realization
An INCREDIBLE realization
Nofap 70 days, superpowers, still hate my voice
Nofap 70 days, superpowers, still hate my voice
30 days of hard mode, the changes.
30 days of hard mode, the changes.
fapstronaught exchronos’ log: NoFap date 30.117
NoFap teaches you to love yourself.
NoFap teaches you to love yourself. This is what people find attractive.
Great sex with my gf!
Great sex with my gf!
Age 15 – My vision of the world was corrupted.
305 days since i my last fapping session, here’s my thoughts
30 days done
30 days done
Feeling like a BOSS!! 1 month without porn.
Feeling like a BOSS!! 1 month without porn.
1 month, I made it!
1 month, I made it!
Nearly a month gone already
Nearly a month gone already
Day 47! Yay!
Day 47! Yay!
60 Days without PMO
60 Days without PMO
My life is dramatically changing
My life is dramatically changing
I am social now!
I am social now!
It’s helping with my depression, my anxiety, shit, everything
Thank you so fucking much.
WTF it’s really working!!!!
WTF it’s really working!!!!
My confidence, my energy levels, my acne, my EVERYTHING has chan
(Shitpost) I LOVE MY LIFE
30 Days of no porn and some improvements
30 Days of no porn and some improvements
Now I can piss in public restrooms!
Now i can piss in public restrooms!
Real-life Superpowers
Real-life Superpowers
My Smile Muscles have changed – Day 7
My Smile Muscles have changed – Day 7
NoFap Has Fucking Changed Everything.
NoFap Has Fucking Changed Everything.
Anniversary Weekend with My Wife: Three Times in 24 Hours
Anniversary Weekend with My Wife: Three Times in 24 Hours
Day 40-45 and first week back at school
Day 40-45 and first week back at school
150 Days
150 Days
29 days no PMO. Some benefits I have noticed.
29 days no PMO. Some benefits I have noticed.
PIED is slowly disappearing, feeling human again for the first t
PIED is slowly disappearing, feeling human again for the first time in a long time
Once you experience…
Once you experience…
15 years old, 40 days clean
15 years old, 40 days clean
Felt like a damn man!
Felt like a damn man!
In 4 months you won’t believe the journey
In 4 months you won’t believe the journey
50+ day report.
50+ day report.
NoFap effect: people were SOCIALLY ATTRACTED to me today
NoFap effect: people were SOCIALLY ATTRACTED to me today
**22 Days Nofap And I Feel Amazing, Changing My Timeline**
**22 Days Nofap And I Feel Amazing, Changing My Timeline**
A Great Benefit of NoFap!
A Great Benefit of NoFap!
30 day hardmode update (Semi-long read)
30 day hardmode update (Semi-long read)
New here, what’s up fellas. (30 day report)
New here, whats up fellas. (30 day report)
What nofap does to me.
What nofap does to me.
I can laugh all the time.
I can laugh all the time.
The biggest change though is 0 social anxiety. Seriously
Superpowers are definitely real. Hardmode is the way forward
NoFap is the best thing I’ve decided to do
Reached Day 30: A Brief Report
My honest opinion and experiences with NoFap (PROS/CONS)
My honest opinion and experiences with NoFap (PROS/CONS)
30 days of no PMO & changes
30 days of no PMO & changes
I thought the superpowers were a fucking meme
I thought the superpowers were a fucking meme
Absolutely the best benefit of NoFap for me..!
Absolutely the best benefit of NoFap for me..!
Much better Sex with gf
Much better Sex with gf
Day 92 / Schizophrenia vs Nofap.
Day 92 / Schizophrenia vs Nofap.
40 Days [Theres More just lost count]
40 Days [Theres More just lost count]
30 Days – A Few Thoughts
30 Days – A Few Thoughts
32 days – Got a boner looking at a picture of a naked woman.
32 days – Got a boner looking at a picture of a naked woman.
NoFap helped me go beastmode and finally satisfy my gf
NoFap helped me go beastmode and finally satisfy my gf
NoFap 30 day report !!!
NoFap 30 day report !!!
1 Month on Nofap: My family told me i look different
1 Month on Nofap: My family told me i look different and gave me congratulations at the New Year’s resolution.
30 days of Nofap. Feel like a beast. Some benefits
30 days of Nofap. Feel like a beast. Some benefits
After 1 month of NoFap, some benefits…
After 1 month of NoFap, some benefits…
30+ days
30+ days
Nofap made me a much more SPIRITUAL person (For those Skeptical
Nofap made me a much more SPIRITUAL person (For those Skeptical of Nofap)
Nofap after 20 days Results!
Nofap after 20 days Results!
Something’s different about you….
Something’s different about you….
33 days report
33 days report
50 days later.
50 days later.
Month without PMO, pros and cons
Month without PMO, pros and cons
90 days
90 days
Obvious changes while on NoFap
Obvious changes while on NoFap
Hardmode Stage 1: Complete
Hardmode Stage 1: Complete
NoFap helped me quitting cocaine.
NoFap helped me quitting cocaine.
50 Day Report!
50 Day Report!
My Pros and Cons to Flatline / Pornfree so far
My Pros and Cons to Flatline / Pornfree so far
Nofap will restore your true self
Nofap will restore your true self
Day 38 is here! Wow!
Day 38 is here! Wow!
A month of NoFap!
A month of NoFap!
Fatigue is gone. Waking up like 5am
Fatigue is gone. Waking up like 5am
I never considered myself addicted to porn or masturbation.
One month benefits
my comprehensive 30 day report
my comprehensive 30 day report
10 Years Of Masturbation, Abstaining For 30 Days, What I Felt!
10 Years Of Masturbation, Abstaining For 30 Days, What I Felt!
Feel more masculine than ever.
32 Days!
Change from liking bodies to liking people?
Change from liking bodies to liking people?
First Reboot, Day 30 (Hard Mode), Here is my story
First Reboot, Day 30 (Hard Mode), Here is my story
The more I become Pornfree, the more I am discovering myself!
The more I become Pornfree, the more I am discovering myself!
nofap cured prostatitis, IBS, bladder problems, sleep apnea
nofap cured prostatitis,IBS ,bladder problems, sleep apnea
Mini Success!! 30 DAYS!
Mini Success!! 30 DAYS!
This is why I do NoFap
This is why I do NoFap
30 Challange – #success#
30 Challange – #success#
Can feel the effects of porn disappearing
Can feel the effects of porn disappearing
Socialising becomes effortless !
Socialising becomes effortless !
Nofap is increasing my female friend circle…I feared women
Nofap is increasing my female friend circle…My story (I feared woman and never ever spoke to them before)
30 Days Done – Feeling The Benefits
30 Days Done – Feeling The Benefits
I started this streak like every one of us do hopeless..
I feel totally relaxed locking eyecontact with everyone!
The eyecontact is real
women flock to us more while on nofap
Ok Women attraction is real guys..
Noporn a while=loving music again
Noporn a while=loving music again
You’re not a weirdo/creep/crazy/depressed/antisocial, you’re a
You’re not a weirdo/creep/crazy/depressed/antisocial, you’re a PMO addict.
new appreciation for life
new appreciation for life
Woah, the benifits are real.
Woah, the benifits are real.
My first pornless orgasm!
My first pornless orgasm!
What improvements have you seen giving up on porn?
What improvements have you seen giving up on porn? (Motivation needed)
My benefits so far:
The First Of Many
NoFap 1 Month update:
NoFap 1 Month update:
Day 30. Girls are starting to look interesting.
Day 30. Girls are starting to look interesting.
60 days – a report
60 days a report
60 days – a report
60 days a report
Another boring success story
Another boring success story
after 1 month of nofap i had some bomb ass sex
Sex after 1 month nofap
My Progression towards 90 days, and some things I noticed.
My Progression towards 90 days, and some things I noticed.
NF Benefits After 30 Days
NF Benefits After 30 Days
NOFAP is really a blessing to my life….
NOFAP is really a blessing to my life….
A 40-days report
A 40-days report
30 days (Miracles)
30 days (Miracles)
Almost hit 30 days. The Benefits
Almost hit 30 days. The Benefits
NoFap makes Life so F*#%ing Beautiful!!!
NoFap makes Life so F*#%ing Beautiful!!!
Why does music sound so much better?
Why does music sound so much better?
My NoFap Recovery Miracle from a shit*y 25 year old virgin life
Suggestions on How to Reach 30 Days
Suggestions on How to Reach 30 Days
Nofap eliminated my gambling addiction
Nofap eliminated my gambling addiction
36 days in – Enjoying things again
36 days in – Enjoying things again
LOL, I didn’t believe in the “superpowers”
LOL, I didn’t believe in the “superpowers”
Going pornfree was the best decision of my life.
Going pornfree was the best decision of my life.
Nofap makes me overcome doubt
Nofap makes me overcome doubt
After One Month of Gradual Quit
After One Month of Gradual Quit
A 30 day start and an absence of Shame
A 30 day start and an absence of Shame
60 DAY UPDATE – No bullshit
60 DAY UPDATE – No bullshit
This is what I gain after 40 days no PMO.
This is what I gain after 40 days no PMO.
30 days – benefits and other
30 days – benefits and other
33 Days. First amazing rewards!!
33 Days. First amazing rewards!!
Completed 30 days of nofap. Longest of duration in my 30 years o
30 days of nofap
Never thought I’d say this but my anxiety has disappeared
Never thought I’d say this but my anxiety has disappeared thanks to nofap!!!!!
My timeline of benefits (30+ days)
My timeline of benefits (30+ days)
I had sex with my wife (a success story)
I had sex with my wife (a success story)
Clean November: mission accomplished
Clean November: mission accomplished
36 days
36 days
I’m in my mid-40s. This site is just what I needed
Completed 30 Days!
No nut November 2017 : Done
No nut November 2017 : Done
Benefits you feel 4 weeks in….!
Benefits you feel 4 weeks in….!
It definitely has benefits
It definitely has benefits
Day 45 – half way to 90
Day 45 – half way to 90
I am on day 43 and wow. What a change.
Stop the PMO once and forever
Today marks 60 days of no PMO.
Update on 60 Days
Month one update: Return of the Mojo
Month one update: Return of the Mojo
30 days achieved – my reflections
This will be an honest reflection of the effects that I had seen, with measured results and my conclusions as to what I will do going forward.
– More creative/funny in social situations. Less social anxiety.
– More energy/purpose to achieve my goals
– More sensitivity in my penis
-More attention from women/smiles
There were other effects but I have to put them down as placebo.
Nofap is definitely something I will continue to do. I have regained a lot of sensitivity in my mind/penis. For the first time in a long time, I was recieving dopamine rushes from looking at hot girls (which were not porn) also, began popping boners over hot girls that were on films, actually some films were difficult to watch because of this. This is something that never happened before.
I decided that I will eliminate full video streaming P and any unclothed images. I will still masturbate to girls in their bras/selfies. I think if I was to do this every 2-3 weeks, this would be so much better than viewing full blown P every day and masturbating. The masturbation session that i had on this, after 30 days, was too intense to remove from my life at this time.
I think the issue is how much we consume porn and death grip. I have also decided to eliminate ‘death grip’ from my life. I only use a tiny/subtle friction now and will actively preserve this. I will also consume ‘hot pics’ (not porn) every 2-3 weeks and not every day.
All in all I learnt a lot from Nofap and it had cured the problem that I had which I can now move on from. You can say I will be living in a state of nofap for 14-21 days then releasing.
I have resetted my counter and will go another 30 days nofap until september, where i’ll be having a lot of sex.
30 days achieved – my reflections
Thank you r/pornfree
Getting less paranoid the longer my streak goes. Is that normal?
Is this ancient knowledge?
I’ve been performing SO much better at work
90 Days!!!!!!
After quitting porn I’m beginning to look for deeper connection with women
30 days y’all!! ( Benefits included)
One full semester without any porn. FOUR MONTHS PORN FREE