The Other Porn Experiment (2012)

The Other Porn Experiment


Article: What Can Informal Control Groups of Former Porn Users Show Us?

The widespread use of Internet porn has been one of the fastest-moving, most global experiments ever unconsciously conducted. But it’s not the only groundbreaking porn experiment going on today. Devastated by sexual performance problems or other crippling symptoms (such as morphing sexual tastes, loss of attraction to real mates, and uncharacteristic desire to isolate), users are taking the initiative. They are conducting their own counter-experiments by the thousands.

By stopping porn use and sharing their “findings” publicly, these guys are, in effect, the missing control group. They are the non-porn users that researchers say they can’t produce. (In 2009, when researcher Simon Louis Lajeunesse attempted to investigate the effects of Internet porn on college guys, he couldn’t find any who weren’t using it.) Why do control groups matter? Imagine if all guys started smoking heavily at age 10 and there were no groups who didn’t. We’d all assume respiratory disease and lung cancer were normal for guys.

In the case of Internet porn, usage is nearly universal among today’s young males. Without control groups, it has been hard to know which, if any, of their diverse symptoms might be arising from years of continuous Internet porn use.

Informal control groups to the rescue

But for the last decade, humanity has had a way of comparing Internet erotica use with non-use on a wide scale. Sure, it’s not ideal. It’s not double-blind and it’s not randomized. But this new informal experiment has its own advantages that many formal studies lack: It is international, very large, public, and growing. Thousands of experimenters have sprung up in all kinds of forums where men congregate: bodybuilding sites, pick-up artist sites, information sites, sports sites, porn-recovery forums, etc., and the threads are often thousands of posts long.

My mindset has definitely shifted. I was never thinking that porn would cause problems for me but it did and quitting porn use confirmed this.

One active pocket of explorers is on, a popular hangout for today’s youngish Internet-savvy males. Most of is militantly pro-porn use, which makes the 380,000+ Reddit “[No] Fapstronauts” bold indeed. (A Fapstronaut describes the Reddit 90-day challenge.) Or if you prefer to avoid Reddit, check out and

For the uninitiated, “fapping” is slang for masturbating to Internet porn. Most young men in the Reddit generation have not masturbated without the aid of the Internet, so for them porn and masturbation are synonymous. In fact, many are surprised to discover that, when they give up Internet porn and their brains return to normal sensitivity, climax without porn is a more sensual, satisfying experience.

Porn-loving detectives at work

Why would a porn-loving guy quit? Symptoms vary, but most guys quit only because they figure out that they may have developed porn-related sexual dysfunction. Two guys explain:

Guy 1: When I started no-fap, I couldn’t even get hard on porn. That is how addicted I was. Watching porn had become a daily habit for me, not something I did because I was horny.

Guy 2: I noticed my behavior and mojo would change depending on if/when I fapped, yet still I heard all around me that masturbating/porn is normal and healthy. But I had difficulty finishing with my girlfriends. I actually faked orgasm to hide this, and dreaded [receiving oral sex] without using my hands. To fix it, I’d not fap until after I met them for sex.

What kinds of improvements do no-fappers report?

Rebooter from our forum: I’ve just reached 5 weeks of no porn, no masturbation. I’m over the flu-like [withdrawal] symptoms and I’ve started hitting the weights again. It feels good to be squatting again. ROAR! The insomnia has gotten better, though there are still restless nights, but my quality of sleep has improved dramatically. I’ve also noticed some morning wood. Redditor: I don’t mean to come across as melodramatic, but suicide was a serious daily contemplation. I hated other people, who seemed so cheery, and was just angry and frustrated. [Quitting porn] has changed me for the better. I feel like life is once again worth living.

Discovering real mates

Others are rediscovering what it’s like to enjoy social interactions and be attracted to real mates. They are finding out what full erections are. Most impressively, they learn how great intercourse feels to a brain that is no longer desensitized. Many report improvements in confidence, mental clarity, charisma, vocal quality, self-respect, and ability to socialize and flirt. They feel like themselves again, or perhaps for the first time. After all, a fish only grasps the concept of water when it leaves it behind. In short, the very symptoms psychologist Philip Zimbardo describes in his short TED talk about the effects of “Internet arousal addiction” are receding in these “test subjects.” (Note: As of 2018 the World Health Organization plans to add both gaming disorder and compulsive sexual behavior disorder to the world’s most widely used diagnostic manual.)

Distressing news from The Other Porn Experiment

The only worrying bit of data from the informal control groups is that porn addicts who cut their teeth on highspeed are not recovering their sexual performance as quickly as those who engaged in courtship/mating behaviors with real partners before they dove into highspeed (see – Young Porn Users Need Longer To Recover Their Mojo). This is more evidence that today’s porn has different effects on some brains from static porn of the past.

Unfortunately, this generally means that a younger guy with sexual performance problems can expect a slower recovery than a guy who has been using porn far longer. Adolescent brains with early access to limitless highspeed porn appear to be more vulnerable to its effects than older brains. This phenomenon is consistent with the unique features of the adolescent brain, and the way brains prune back unused circuitry by adulthood, possibly leaving some porn fans stranded with a stronger attraction to pixels than real partners.

Existing research on Internet porn

Most questionnaire-based porn research has fallen into two categories. (We’re not speaking of the recent Internet addiction brain research that includes porn use too.)

  1. Has Internet porn caused an increase in crime, rape, and other irrelevant data?
  2. How does the user “feel” about porn?

As for 1: Stats show a rise in rape rates in recent years, despite the fact that excessive Internet porn use actually takes the starch out of many guys.

As for 2, guess what? Porn users like porn. Most see no problem with it. More important, they assume it’s not creating any negative consequences (and it may not be). But if you are 22, and all you have ever known from age 11 is daily Internet porn use, how do you know whether it is connected with symptoms (if any)?

Most guys only figure out what’s going on if they experiment with stopping:

I’m a 16-year-old boy/man. When I was young I was carefree. But as I grew older I started to become extremely depressed, unmotivated and shy. I’ve only recently realised how much being addicted to porn and masturbation (since I was 12) has affected my life. I feel like I’ve wasted enough of my life at this point, and I’m determined to stop this addiction. The first time I realised that abstaining from masturbation has many benefits was about two months ago. I went almost two weeks. I felt extremely confident and found it really easy to talk to girls and people I didn’t know. In fact, the first time I intentionally went without masturbation, I fell in love.

Student, 22 – My friends and I were inspired by the Seinfeld episode “The Contest” and by “40 Days and 40 Nights” (both comedies about trying to temporarily stop masturbating). Just the challenge of it was fun, but I also found that my interest in girls lined-up properly with reality. Instead of daydreaming about doing a pornstar in some crazy position, I planned exactly how I’d ask the girl-next-door to the Valentine’s dance. Anyway, I went to college (and started watching porn again), and my education never took off, and my dating/sex-life never took off. I eventually dropped out and worked for a few years, and now I’m back at college. I feel like my life almost passed me by. More self-reports

American Society of Addiction Medicine

A new control group from The Other Porn Experiment

The glaring knowledge gap left by the absence of formal control groups has actually already been closed by addiction specialists. However, the mainstream media has been slow to catch up with this development. In 2011, the American Society of Addiction Medicine (doctors and researchers) declared that addiction is one disease, not many. ASAM specifically stated sexual behavior addictions are as real as drug addictions. And they say that all addictions can be assessed the same way.

Since then a wealth of new Internet addiction research has come out confirming that Internet addiction (1) changes brains in the same ways that other addictions do and (2) causes depression, anxiety, hostility, interpersonal sensitivity, and psychoticism in some users. Some research also reveals rates of addiction in young male Internet users that are more than twice the rates of drug and alcohol use in the population.

Good news

Incidentally, if you’re hooked, be optimistic. Some internet addiction studies have found reversal of some addiction-related brain changes.

Still, without easy-to-understand research that isolates Internet porn use, includes control groups, and leads to simple headlines, it has been challenging for mainstream journalists to grasp, or report accurately on, the significance for porn users of recent Internet addiction research. Some inadvertently misled readers by implying that researchers have investigated porn users’ brains and found nothing. This risks perpetuating a false sense of safety in those who begin to notice symptoms.

Moreover, some academics have been quick to assert that the only possible conclusion (in the absence of the ideal controlled studies), is that Internet porn has no harmful effects. Huh? This position creates risk for addicts, who generally seize upon any excuse to continue using, as well as for adolescents whose brains are particularly vulnerable and whose impulse control has not yet fully developed.

One single variable from The Other Porn Experiment

Today’s informal control groups are showing us just how profoundly highspeed porn alters the lives of users. They are all the people whose brains are sensitive to the stimulation of constant novelty-at-a-click. By removing the single variable of frequent highspeed porn use, vital, illuminating data are being collected and shared informally. Lives are transforming. Browse thousands of recovery self-reports to learn what those who’ve recovered have experienced.

Gravity existed before anyone figured it out. So did the hazards of smoking. So do the symptoms of Internet porn overuse. Wide scale human experience can reveal important insights, even when science is immobilized by sexual politics and the impossibility of finding porn virgins. Anecdotal evidence becomes experimental evidence when thousands of people alter only one variable and see remission of common symptoms.

Thanks to the control groups now crystallizing on the web, guys are no longer flying (or fapping) blind.

In the Comments section below are over 1,000 posts from porn recovery forums (YBOP has no forum). These guys are experimenting with giving up porn, masturbation, or both. Many claim they are not addicted to porn. They are part of The Other Porn Experiment.

To understand the possible neurobiology behind many of these benefits, see Porn, Masturbation and Mojo: A Neuroscience Perspective

1,017 thoughts on “The Other Porn Experiment (2012)

  1. From reddit – NoFap – 90 days

    Wow. It’s been one hell of a ride. 90 days you guys, and I finally made it! It’s been tough, but these last 90 days have been awesome for me.

    Of all the changes I’ve experienced, here’s a few I can think of off the top of my head.

    • Increased sex drive (easier arousal, more genuinely turned on by women in all aspects instead of objectifying them)
    • Higher quality social interactions with everyone! Guys and girls alike.
    • More energy
    • More confidence

    It’s been an amazing 90 days guys! I’ve kept my entries down because I wanted to stay away from temptation (the internet), but I couldn’t have done this thing without this community! Thank you all!

  2. A guy who reduced porn to once a week –

    Since limiting my porn+masturbation to once a week (every Sunday), I’ve definitely noticed a difference in my life. Longer eye contact with people, feeling a little more confident, more energy to be social, yesterday I was happy for no reason and started dancing all the way up my stairs into my apartment…wouldn’t happen if I had masturbated the night before. If you have any form of social anxiety or aren’t completely satisfied with your social life, you’re selling yourself short to continue using porn+masturbation every night. First try to go 7 days without porn+masturbating and see the effects for yourself, if you have the will power then try your best to limit porn+masturbation to once or twice a week…it can be a rewarding experience for some (including myself)

  3. From reddit – NoFap

    Hi guys and gals of NoFap,

    I’m 2 weeks into nofap and noporn. I decided to quit fapping and porn for life, a decision that’s impossible to regret. What I wanted to share is what I feel.

    When I wake up till when I go back to bed I have this deep rooted urge. This drive, this hunger for life, for sex, for girls, for power, for kicking ass. It feels as if i’m propelled forward by a fire in my pelvis, in my balls. Now that i’ve quit this artificial thing called porn, given up on artificial food and as many artificial stimuli that are disposable, I feel amazing.

    It feels as I’m a step closer to my viking ancestors, driven by hunger and lust for adventure to foreign shores. Undertaking more daring things every day, smithing a desire to build my empire. Seeing storms on the horizon but steering boldly forward into the belly of the beast. I share the urge to plant my flagpole in fertile soil. We shall harry the coasts where our docile and weak counterparts lay idle and live vicariously through porn and other distractions. And they will not know what hit them, for when they were fapping, we were sharpening our swords and hoisting our sails. We shall steal away their finest women and leave them the scraps of our tables. I have found a new source of pride and confidence in taming my inner waves of lust. And I’m building my longboat to ride those waves into valhalla.

    I raise my sword for you, my brethren , and for valhalla.

  4. From reddit – NoFap
    Day Ten: Being myself.

    I met a girl during my fap period. I kind of liked her. Hung out a few times, but nothing really manifested in the way of a relationship. I basically got friend-zoned. The thing is, I was never comfortable in my own skin around her. Even in the friend zone. I was never myself. Kind of always kicking myself for saying or doing things that were way out of character. I was just flailing around. We’ve stayed friends because of common interests.

    Yesterday I had lunch with her. I know I’m only 10 days in, but man, the conversation was just easy. It’s like doing this has put me back in touch with myself. If I know myself I know exactly what to say and when to say it. I didn’t really care how she took what I was saying because it was the truth. If she didn’t like it, that’s her problem. I’m allowed to have my own thoughts and opinions. We all are. It didn’t even come to that and we had one of the best conversations we’ve ever had.

    I know this is a small victory. I had a conversation with a friend, big deal right? But I can’t help but feel a little pride. What I’ve learned is I’m still in here, I’ve been buried under some clutter, but I’m here.

  5. from medhelp thread

    Today is a day 53 without PMO. But now things taking big turn. The urge of M&P is not strong but the urge of Sex is too strong to resist. It makes me crazy. I am always horny now. I just dont want to think about it but even if someone talking about girls makes me horny. thats weird…I feel restless all the time, i feel frustrated and i feel like my body wants me to just DO SOMETHING. i dont know what is happening to it normal??

    anyone has similar experience?? 

    2 months before it was totally different . But now the desire of sex is very intense. After 50 days of abstaining from PMO i realized one thing that sexual power is really powerful ,the way it changes your thinking is really strange it can actually control your mind, the way you act.

    and one more thing.. i am always scared of approaching girls(even now) but anyway i asked a girl out this weekend but she rejected me but in a nice didnt feel bad.i’ll try again.      

  6. From reddit – NoFap
    POSITIVE CHANGES Observed After 10 Days.

    I’ve been at PMO-ing compulsively ever since a young age and honestly, I have to say that it destroyed almost every aspect of my life from the way I look, my attitude towards life and mental capacities such as my memory and focus.

    Well fellow Fapstronauts, I’m proud to say that this is the first time I’ve hit a 2 digit in my push to keep porn and fap free and I must say that these are several positive changes I’ve observed:

    • I feel a whole lot less sluggish.
    • I ALIVE and HAPPY for no apparent reason.
    • My complexion seems to be improving.
    • One on the girls in my class commented on how my eyes ‘seemed nicer’. Maybe it’s because i don’t look so dead anymore.

    Well, yeah, that’s about it I think. I’ll be sure to update all of you within the next 10 days! Keep fighting the fight!

  7. From reddit – NoFap
    So, 4 weeks of nofap, breaking a 3 month long 3 day spell?

    I’ve finally broken out of the 3 day circle I was in! Now I have enough experience now to simply confirm that fapping makes your skills with women worse, and, naturally, not fapping makes them better if you’re fapping in the first place. It clogs your mind in many unnecessary ways. But I had a 46 days streak, where everything was great, but then I fell into a pattern for a few months, and without me noticing it really, my skills with girls gradually declined.

    Now I’ve talked to several girls in the last weeks, and suddenly there has been a spark between us, more or less intense. This is the stuff I am nofapping for man! Also, I’ve gotten a lot more creatively active, and I’m making music again. I even think my voice might be better than before! 😀 Say what you want to, but for me, this shit works. I’ve experienced it, felt a huge difference between the nofapping and fapping way of life. Stay strong, for victory is in sight!

  8. From reddit – NoFap

    Unexpected positive effect

    My struggles are far from being finished but I noticed a very cool positive effect these last days. No, my dick didn’t double in size, I still have my anxiety induced by flatlining and energy levels aren’t “through the roof”.


    I’m freaking calm all the time. I’m not even sure I appear calm because I still can seem pissed or tired or stressed. But deep inside I do feel some kind of an ocean of calmness. It’s like I discovered Buddhism.

    Before when I struggled in a social situation I was like “Omg omg omg omg what do I do now?” Now it’s more like “I ran out of stuff to say, oh well.” or “Oh, I’m stressed, this will pass“.

  9. From reddit – NoFap
    Today is day 15, and here are my results.

    Let me tell you what’s happened to me during the past two weeks. I went from being s depressed unproductive lump everyday to taking two online classes (not for credit, for FUN, holy shit) and keeping up with them, working more on a project than I even have been able to before, brushing my teeth twice every day and cleaning up my house regularly, getting up before eleven (semi) regularly, and appreciating my beautiful girlfriend even more.

    Here’s the best thing: yesterday, I found myself bored. Not bored like I used to be, like oh I have nothing to do, why does life suck so much right now. No, bored like wow, I literally have done everything I planned to do today, I have nothing else left to do, what do I do know? It was a feeling that I hadn’t experienced in a long time. It felt great, it felt like I had improved my life, and it felt like I had genuinely accomplished something.

  10. this is phenomenal

    LINK to Nofap

    I discovered this page as well as YBOP three weeks ago and immediately went on a ten day streak without PM but had intermittent sex with my girlfriend. On day 10 though, chaser struck and I relapsed once. Ever since, i.e. for the past 11 days, I’ve gone completely without any PMO whatsoever (girlfriend gone traveling for now, it will be difficult to keep up no-O in about two weeks from now, which is definitely what I want for the time being…any tips how best to sell this?).

    To sum up, the results have been AWESOME. Much more motivation and energy for work, exercise and housework, brainfog and mental fatigue gone and replaced by a clarity of mind and an ability to concentrate that I haven’t experienced for at least the past two years. I work in academia (theoretical economics), so my mental energy means everything to me and after trying to optimize and fix things along many lines with little effect (diet (now a well-planning and diligent Paris-exception vegan), supplements (Vit D, Zinc, Mag, B complex, L-Tyrosine, Creatine), exercise (running, weights), quitting coffee, sleeping well, cold showers etc.), I resorted to diverse stimulants and nootropics to be able to continue producing at least acceptable results (but nothing like what got me where I currently am or like what will keep me here, I was definitely on a downward trajectory in terms of productivity and stimulants always made it worse after a few weeks or months so I was never satisfied with them at all). I am 28 years old and started PMO at around 18, but until about two years ago without any apparent side effects. Over the years I usually combined a once-a-day PMO habit with girlfriends that added another 3-4 times weekly of O to that bill. Thank god I’ve never experienced any ED symptoms yet, but judging by what I’ve read here and elsewhere, this would have been only a matter of time… That said the brainfog and lack of motivation where more than enough to take for me already, it has been miserable and I never understood why all this happened to me, given I was eating on average much healthier, working out much more and generally living much cleaner than most of the people in my environment who didn’t seem to have these problems. And looking at my own past self I was also sure (or at least hopeful?) I could do better than what had become my new normal. Thank you NoFap for showing me that I haven’t been wrong.

    Now 11 days is way to short to conclude anything of course, and my original intention was to wait with my post until my 90 days are completed. But the progress even after as little as 11 days (or 21 if you count that first streak in) has been so overwhelming, so I needed to share my exuberance. I sincerely hope things don’t come crashing down too soon? I haven’t been flatlining yet and am not quite sure what to expect in terms of motivation/energy during that time. But I’m almost positive it can’t be much worse than before NoFap in the long run, so I’ll stick with NoFap for at least my 90 days, this is as certain as the existence of gravity. No rationalizations, no second thoughts. I am partly also writing this post to remind myself at any future date of the great benefits I’ve had in only two weeks and that nothing is worth giving this up again.

    Now that I’ve made abundantly clear my positives, I will say that I also noticed some of the usual negatives, albeit nowhere near negative enough to justify reconsidering NoFap:

    • blue, achy balls around days 5-9
    • some withdrawal symptoms around days 2-4 (like quitting coffee, mild head aches, slightly moody etc.)
    • occasional fights against temptation (still happening, but totally manageable, just wait and don’t do it, or distract yourself with exercise or something)
    • somewhat more compulsive internet behavior (checking news etc.), not sure if this is purely subjective though

    Lastly, one benefit I have DEFINITELY and beyond a doubt experienced is a different, more positive reaction from girls. More eye-contact from strangers, more flirtatious behavior from female friends/acquaintances (last Friday I almost cheated on my gf with a really cute co-worker after a department social at a bar but luckily somehow excused myself last minute; I never cheated on any of my girlfriends, so this would have left my NoFap trial with a definite bitter aftertaste…). I have no idea what the connection is here, and to be honest never quite believed this when I read it on NoFap before seeing it for myself. But I swear to god I am observing it most every day now.

    At any rate, I’ll be back with more experiences as day 90 draws nearer, hopefully as positive as the ones I am relating here.

    Please feel free to ask anything, though I’m not sure I’m qualified to answer after only 11 days, but I will try my best.



  11. Awesome Physical Changes.
    Hello fellow Fapstronauts,

    I’ve been trapped in the PMO cycle for as long as I realized I had any anatomy to work with. Being 26 now, it’s absolutely amazing to me how many thousands (if not tens of thousands) of hours of my life I’ve pissed away looking at pixels. I look back at the girlfriends I’ve had, and the times I would forgo time with a real human being in favor of sitting alone, PMOing, and feeling ashamed of myself.

    I started NoFap simply because I was sick of the amount of time I was wasting essentially doing nothing. I was surprised to see I wasn’t the only one who fell into the trap of watching their life pass them by, and being downright pissed off about it. I had tried a number of times to stop in the past, but always fell back down the well of PMO worse than before, and usually after only a couple of days. Also, I’ve had a couple resets (I’m honest about these things), but it’s been about 5 weeks now that I’ve been following NoFap and I feel stronger now than I ever have before.

    When I first started, I was worried that a lot of the beneficial effects would merely be placebo, but I’m witnessing physical changes greater than I would have ever imagined. I’m sure a good chunk of the benefits are the result of not being in a drowsy fog from constant PMO, but I would have never imagined results like this!

    1. Deeper, more confident voice. I used to stammer and mumble pretty severely when speaking in front of groups of people, and my nervousness would lead me to speak in a higher pitched tone. A couple weeks ago, I gave a speech in front of 150 people. My voice was clear, confident, and deeper than it has ever been before. Fuck yes.
    2. Added 40 pounds to my bench press in 5 weeks. I’m sure a good chunk of this can be attributed to simply having the energy to exercise more, but these are gains I never could have imagined. In college, when I was lifting 3-5 times per week, I could never get past the 225 plateau. In the post-college days I’d lost a good deal of my strength, and could get 1 or 2 reps off at 205 on my best days. I was almost in disbelief when I finished my second rep of 245. I have NEVER seen a gain like that, and I’m not taking anything (except a healthy diet).
    3. Ability to 10 miles, and not over the course of a week. I’ve always hated doing cardio. As a slightly portly, asthmatic guy, I downright loathed it. When I was in the best shape of my life in high school and working out 2-3 hours a day, I still never ran more than a couple miles at a time. Today I ran 10 miles, and in a time I can be proud of (1 hour 50 minutes). This is something that was so far out of the realm of imagination that I’m still completely in shock.
    4. Clearer mind, better ability to concentrate. Very simply, I’ve witnessed my own ability to focus on a single task degrade over the years. I’m sure it still has a long way to go, but it is refreshing to feel like I’m in control of my thoughts and desires, and that I can move forward in accomplishing what I set out for. God damn that is a refreshing feeling.

    All this in 5 weeks, and with a couple speed bumps mixed in. I have absolutely worked my ass off, but for the first time in my life I feel like I have the time and energy to take on anything that may come my way. I feel more determined than ever to seize my life, and drive towards becoming the person I should be. I’ve been lurking for a while, but thank you to anyone who has posted their experiences. It’s what has gotten me to this far, especially at night when there isn’t much to engage me. I went from isolation, disappointment, and shame to solidarity and optimism. For that, thank you.

    TL;DR: Roughly 5 weeks into utilizing NoFap, and I feel like fucking Batman. Pretty amazing what you can accomplish when you aren’t stuck in the PMO loop

  12. from medhelp thread
    TheChieftan Jun 28, 2012

    Hi, I’m 48 and was masturbating to porn mags and internet porn for a lot more years than you have been! I’m replying to you as a lot of the guys on here are very young and I think whist what they are going through is valuble info for all sometimes someone a little older may be a closer match to what yr going through.You need to remember, if we’ve been at this for 10 years plus then to expect a recover in 3 months is hopeful to say the least. There is no pattern here or formula. For some 3 months might do it but for others it will take longer. For me I went into the withdrawal mode and honestly felt like I was coming off drugs for about 2 weeks (not that I actually know what thats like!). I was moody, headaches, angry, sad etc. The whole spectrum of emotions but I stuck with it. After about a month I went into flatline and this lasted again for a few weeks. No interest at all in anything sexual. I thought my penis had given up and gone. Towards the end of the 3rd month I started to see and feel things that I hadnt for a long number of years. Morning erection, erections for no reason during the day etc. All this gave me confidence that I was on the right track. I’m now 6 months down the line and although I’ve had 2 occasions that I went back (one was deliberate to see what would happen) I can tell u that I am a different man from 6 months ago. My energy is back, my libido is in full flight, basically I feel like a teenager again. Porn and mastrubation screwed me up for almost 20 years and I had no idea it was doing it.

    Keep going and don’t get down heartened. All that you’re feeling is perfectly normal and if u stay the course u will come out of it. 

  13. 6-month report
    Hi there guys, its been a long time since i was last in this forum.

    Just finished the sixth month mark in my reboot progress.It was really hard at first but kept getting easier and easier as the days went by.But what i can truly say has helped me immensely in this recovery process is the ability to control my thoughts.The thing is i have been suffering from an anxiety disorder and i have been a habitual worrier(just discovered it after reading a couple of articles and books as i will describe later.) as far as i can remember.Last month i decided to combat this habit of constantly worrying and so i decided to go into one of the book shops in town to see what i could get that was talking about this area.

    So i stumbled upon this book with the title”the worry solution” which talks of how worry and anxiety affects our moods and overall health.Also inside the book it shows different techniques of dealing with various unwanted thoughts using different relaxation techniques.This book has truly helped me deal with my anxiety attacks and constant worrying that comes along with these reboot process.

    I haven’t had a mate yet since i am coming from a sort of a break up (which was really hard on me) but even without a cuddling mate i am truly appreciating the benefits that come along with no pmo. My mood is great,my overall health is great since i have even added some few more pounds,and Most importantly my confidence and self-esteem has improved.I don’t know if breaking up with that girl prior to this reboot process is the reason that i have come this far but one thing is for sure, am never going back to porn again.

    Also another thing that has helped me immensely is the fact that i have changed alot of aspects in my life greatly and i have formed some new hobbies to kill away time e.g i read alot, and i have started to put more emphasis on my playing chess.I also find time to meditate which has improved my focus and concentration levels.

    Just as a parting shot, i think putting a web filter on my computer was one of the smartest decisions i have made in long while which keeps me focused when am doing my work on the computer. I think with this filter in place(which i don’t see getting rid of soon) will avoid formation of other bad habits such as internet addiction which i hear is far harder to quit than porn addiction.

  14. Hey guys,

    everything is going well. i feel great. relaxed, confident, a supreme knowing that everything will work out…even better than my expectations

    my skin looks amazing, i am visibly glowing, i naturally stand taller, my voice sounds amazing, i feel like a genius, my talking skills have improved by a long shot, people are a million times nicer to me, i handle my emotions a kajillion times better.

    there is really no words to describe how i feel. AND I AM ONLY ON DAY 49!!!!! It gets better than this?!!??!?!?!

    i wouldn’t change this experience for anything

    women are crushing on me hard. they are just in awe of my existence lol. everytime i am around women, they get nervous, they squirm, they glance, they look away, they let their guard down, they relax, they give me the deer-in-the-headlights look, or the classic doggy-bowl look. i promise you, i am not that good looking (maybe i am?). however, i feel like i am the hottest guy around. bask in my ambiance world lol. the catch 22 of this: even though i am gaining so much confidence, I FEEL SO HUMBLE. i feel incredibly meek.

    guess thats what happens when you are holding a month and half of sperm in ya testes lol.

    the best part is i dont want any of them. my first reboot goal=get women. 2nd reboot goal=find better quality women.

    they all are amazing women, dont get me wrong.

    before, i would take anything that was handed to me. now, i am a lot more picky. i want a queen. i want a beautiful, self-confident, strong but humble woman.

    i have to start socializing more and i have to start weight training soon also.

    in conclusion,

    no PMO=GREATEST life hack ever.

    life is good, God is good, prosperity and abundance for all.

  15. From reddit – NoFap


    Hy, I just want to say something about me. I’m 17 years old and I’ve been fapping to porn I guess for like 3-4 years or less don’t know there was a time when I fapped like 2-3 times a day and I had no idea that was affecting me. I had no idea what was self esteem, confidence in a man.

     I was starting high school I had really high emotions when I was trying to talk to a girl, I wasn’t making eye contact with the girl I was always looking on the walls, at her tits and she noticed that but she didn’t say nothing and also I was really agitated that you could see that. I had a bad acnee and because of that I didn’t really liked talking with anybody becuase the way I was looking.

     Only a year ago or something like that I saw this video on reddit Your Brain on Porn and that’s when I realized that masturbation was the cause for me. All the symptoms was there, no self esteem, no confidence, agitated, too afraid to say anything, always cared about what ppl think of me. I found out about this subreddit, /nofap.

    I was really trying but I couldn’t get more then 2-3 days was impossbile and then I saw a post on reddit from /gonewild and that broke me again I was watching it every single day at pics with girls and the urge was even bigger to fap right away. After that i saw pics with male+female there having sex and then I thought about me what the fuck I’m doing what is my sexual life and from there all began for me. I still watch gonewild but I don’t want to masturbate really I can control it.

     I haven’t masturbate in 12 days and I feel so good about myself, a few days ago I was with my brother at the mall checking things out about clothes and what I wanted get for myself and I see the this blond girl coming towards me and I was telling to myself I have to talk to this girl my heart was beating so fast and after she passed me I ran after her and talked with her about 10 minutes after that I invited her to a drink and she accepted, we changed numers and now shes texting me every day and she wants to go out more often. I still can’t belive this but I really think It’s my time now to lose my virginity.

    I really wish you good luck with your journey and never lose faith even if you broke from time to time.

  16. Never thought this would happen.

    LINK – Never thought this would happen.

    This is my second go at nofap, having failed about three months ago after which I gave up for a while.

    Anyway, about a week into nofap I was invited to a house party. I was enjoying myself with a few beers and a cigar. For the first time in nearly two years I was noticing girls keenly listening to what I was saying. They were touching me, smiling at me. I ended up spending a fair amount of time chatting to one girl in particular. Yesterday I ended up asking her out, and we’re getting coffee tomorrow.

    Not only that, but for the first time in years I’m feeling good about myself. I’m getting things done, carrying myself better, have a clearer mind and have nearly stopped procrastinating alltogether.

    I haven’t hit the flatline period, but all I can say is after only two weeks things are looking up, and can only continue to get better. Thanks heaps guys and soldier on.

  17. From debate about nofap
    I like this excellent explanation comparing those who have been deeply affected by porn use and other who experience less negative effects (addicted vs non-addicted).  


    Change ‘porn’ or ‘fapping’ to some other addiction, and it might be easier to see why there is so much fervor for some people.

    You are like a casual drinker who sees if he can go a month without drinking. At the end of the month, you say ‘hmmm, that wasn’t so bad, but I think I’ll go out with my buddies and have a drink’. You can do so, because you’re probably not an alcoholic.

    But many of the people on here have addictions to masturbation and/or porn. For them, they see some of the same type of life/health benefits that an alcoholic would see after a few months of being sober. The first few weeks are hard … VERY hard. And the benefits are pretty obvious.

    But for many of us, that’s because we weren’t fully functioning in society. People’s descriptions of superpowers are really just normal powers. Imagine if someone came up to you and said “dude, I’ve developed the superpower of being able to make it through the day without pissing myself”. You’d probably think they were crazy until they said “oh yeah, I am an alcoholic”. Many of the superpowers described by nofappers would sound equally laughable to someone who is not stricken by some of the social anxieties and other issues brought on by internet/porn addiction (for example, many nofappers are incredulous that without porn they’ll actually talk to women, and that women will talk back … to them, the lack of social anxiety, the ability to get an erection at 20-something, and willingness of women to recognize them are considered super powers).

    The thing about porn is that it has crept up on society as a major problem – it is easy to hide, the side effects are less obvious than drinking/drugs, and it is typically done outside of view of others. It’s often easy to spot a hardcore alcoholic, but can you spot a hardcore porn addict? The internet has made instant gratification so incredibly easy, and the rush so strong, that it is no wonder that 20,000+ people are trying to rid themselves of it.

    Second guy giving his perspective –

    I may be new at this, but if nofap can cure my ED, then I may become overzealous as well.

    Unless you have ED, have to resort to very taboo porn to get off, or are masturbating multiple times a day instead of fucking chicks, you really have no reason to bash people who have seen these problems be solved by nofap. Don’t be a douche. 

  18. After a month, much PIV success and personality change

    After a month, much PIV success (perhaps the most important reason) and personality change.

    29 y.o. male, masturbated since 7 maybe, normal porn till 15, escalating porn all the way to 29.

    So my reason for getting into this was I was so frustrated that I sometimes couldn’t get it up, and when I got it up, ejaculation rate was 10%.

    Throughout my journey, I didn’t really have the urge to look at porn, because I had an important reason (porn ED), which drove me to forget PM for good. Or it could be flatline. Though I must say, I had it rather mild (in terms of withdrawal AND flatline).

    This past week I’ve had sex quite a few times, and 4 out of 5 were PIV ejaculations. I still had to imagine my favourite fetish a wee bit, but all in all it’s still much easier to cum.

    Another plus side? I’ve become much more expressive during sex, compared to last time where I’d just do it quietly/timidly, while being expressionless because I needed to concentrate so hard on my fetish and also worry about my softening penis. Now I’m a lil more dominant, rougher, and more vocal. Also, penis stays hard without effort.

    Best decision I’ve made this year so far. Keep at it guys. The pros outweigh the cons.

  19. 50+ days, i’m 30 years old and this is what happened

    LINK – I’m 30.

    Yes i’m older than most of you, and i’ve been fapping since 13 at least 1 time per day. my porn consumption have been escalating from regular nudity to the most fucked up shit and while i’m not ashamed, i really think something was wrong with me. The last 3 years were a nightmare! i’ve been freelancing and i’ve not been very successful .. and you know what? every time an in success occurs i’ve fapped the bad feeling away. like eroins addicted do. exactly the same.

    but here we go to the good part , when i saw Your Brain On Porn ted presentation and decided to give this thing a try .. i’ve been trying to improve my willpower lately with different approaches (meditation, quit sugar and carbs, running 10km, quit smoking) .. and i felt this was an interesting challenge.

    in 50 days i accomplished:

    • i’m more secure of myself
    • flatline? not even once. au contraire, i’m having strong boners all the time just thinking about the idea of sex .. or kissing! i’m having kissing boners! that’s awesome!! i even last longer, i dont know if its related to nofap or not .. but my boner last forever, even after orgasm i can just swap the condom and go on again.
    • met a girl , kissed her, had sex with her and planning a stable relationship with her .. and that’s because of my new found confidence! i’m 100% sure of this, after 20 days of nofap i needed to get laid and i did everything i needed to do to get laid. simple.
    • i feel like i can confront people more easily but i get mad more easily too .. i’ve always been the “calm” one .. but now i get mad.. this i don’t like .. i think i need time to adapt to this new thing called testosterone.

    and that’s about it …

    tips on avoiding faptime :

    • stay away from porn, everybody says that and it’s true .. do not watch porn. for me i can still watch naked pictures .. like once every 3-4 days .. it’s difficult and i still really want to fap when i see a naked or semi-naked lady on the internet!
    • do thing , sports, go for a run, use that energy ..
    • do not get bored (avoid the random navigation on imgur)
    • want to fap? came here and read some shit about fellow nofapstronauts. it’s helpful.
  20. 44 days: Confidence restored.
    44 days: Confidence restored.

    I did something recently I’ve never done before: speed dating. I’ve heard the horror stories but thought I would give it a try. I gotta tell you, I think I did pretty well. Looking back, the thing that made the biggest impression on me is how much more confident I am than before. When I used to meet women, socially or at bars/clubs/etc, I was the shrinking violet–shy, eyes cast down, hands folded, poor posture. I look back now and I realize, the reason why women were not so interested in me before is because I was sending out all the wrong signals. Now, partly because of nofap, and partly because of learning about seduction game (basically how to act confident while on your way to becoming actually confident, i.e. fake it til you make it), I realize that your only limit is yourself.

    Compared to the other guys there, I was slightly overweight (just a beer belly), obvious I didn’t go to gym often (no bulging biceps). But I made up for it by being well dressed and wielding a very sharp personality, making witty jokes with each girl I met.

    Nofap is not magic, but I feel like things really changed for me over the past 44 days. Like anything in life, you get out of it what you put into it. If you just nofap, and nothing else, don’t expect supermodels to immediately reward your choice. But if you work hard at improving yourself, continuously, every day, you’ll begin to uncover the talents you had all long. As I found out at the speed dating event, and when I go to bars/restaurants/etc nowadays, I am starting to notice among men the same poor posture and shy personality I used to have. I wish I could take them aside and share some wisdom on nofap, etc. I think spreading the word about nofap, in a discrete way, will really improve the lives of a lot of men.

  21. I made an account just to post because this has changed my life

    Hey guys, I made an account just to post here because this community has changed my life.

    I’m on day 14, first try, and the first thing I did was hook up with a girl I knew, and I hadn’t gotten laid in a LONG time.

    The history: when I first started nofap, after watching those videos, I realized how much of an addict I was. It ruined some very good relationships in my life and it was an escape from reality. I literally wept the day after I started because I realized what I had done. I wasn’t attracted to my girlfriends after very little time, making them feel unhappy understandably, and then us breaking up. The story is the same between me and a lot of the guys on here, which makes me really happy that I’m not alone on this, seriously. Since you’ve all heard the bad things already from all stories here, I’m no different, so I’ll skip to the good stuff:

    1. I have tons of energy now and started kickboxing again which feels amazing. I never had the energy for it, and I didn’t even have the energy to ask “why don’t I have energy?”. Now I know why.
    2. I have lots more time to work on side-projects or my resume after work since I’m not browsing /b/, which I used to do for HOURS at a time, and I had never considered it a bad thing until now.
    3. This is making me realize that ALL aimless internet browsing is highly unproductive and makes me lazy, so I spend less time browsing at work or at home, and more time making stuff or doing stuff. Nofap is a chain-effect that starts by taking your hand off your dick, stopping looking at porn, and ends up with you realizing how much fucking time and energy you newly have.

    The only thing that sucks is that I am super horny and aggressive now, so I have to keep cool, and avert my eyes whenever I see a possible trigger. The hot secretary at work certainly isn’t helping me do that. =/

  22. 60 days ago I started this journey.

    60 Day Update

    60 days ago I started this journey. 32 days ago I made my first journal entry. You can read it here

    60 days in:

    What have I accomplished and experienced?

    • I moved out of my parents place. Found an incredible location right in the city and got a stupid deal on it.
    • Joined a gym. Met with a trainer and been working out every other day.
    • Went on a trip by myself (first time driving alone too) to a festival where I met possibly the girl of my dreams. We spent 4 days together, talking for hours and doing all sorts of activities. She’s drop dead gorgeous and her personality mirrors her looks. It’s heart melting. She lives 4 hours away and she’s visiting in August.
    • Women LOVE me. Specially over the last 2 weeks. The attention I get is, I guess, flattering haha. It feels good 🙂
    • Adding to that my confidence and self worth at at an all time high. I love life. I cannot remember the last time I was actually bummed out or depressed. Seriously. I’m fully in charge of my life. Tomorrow I’m quitting my job to focus on a project.
    • I’ve learned soooo much about who I am and what I actually want in life. I’ve found new hobbies (working out, gem cutting and making jewelry amongst other things).
    • I’ve found my Spirit so to say.

    Sounds great, right? Well it is. I’ve had to make a lot of bold decisions (no fap being one of them), and I’m continuing to make more. I think that’s what being a man is all about. So it’s not like a dreamy bike ride of some sort. It’s like the fucking tour de France. But it feels fucking great. Can you imagine winning that shit? Do you understand the honor in simply being IN it? Mind blowing.

    I can’t wait till I’m at 90 days. Actually I don’t care. I know it’s going to happen.

    Porn is evil. I don’t know what else to say.

  23. 90 days without fapping and I can’t list a single benefit
    COMMENTS: This is the most important post on any page. For some reason this man took nofap literally, and continued to watch porn.

    90 days without fapping and I can’t list a single benefit, thoughts below:

    The first 20 days were tough, after that initial period I fully realised I’d set this goal and was going to complete it, therefore I wasn’t tempted again.

    Porn was a different matter. When I started this I just took it at face value as “no fapping for 90 days”, so I never internalised the goal of not looking at porn, which lead to looking at porn fairly regularly. I didn’t touch myself, I just watched it.

    On the occasions I didn’t look at porn for a week or more, I found myself more stimulated by non-pornographic situations/images. I also had really strong urges to look at porn. I think cutting it out is far more important than not masturbating.

    On the community itself I found it demotivating. It feels cultish and a lot of the posts are cringe worthy, so I just avoided it for the duration.

    I think I’ll start a new challenge of masturbating but not looking at porn. I realised for the last 6 years I don’t think I’ve masturbated without porn, at all.

    So yeah, no benefits but I think I missed a key component of it. I am proud I did it though. People have praised my self discipline and I always thought to myself “well, yeah, but I masturbate constantly”, so to know that I’ve conquered a vice is a good feeling. Now to conquer the porn vice!

  24. I am at day 93 without porn and I can’t list a single benefit.
    COMMENTS: Another person from the above thread who experince no benefits. Is it because he continued some masturbation, or that he hadn’t experienced addiction-related brain changes…or neither?

    for me it’s the other way around. I am at day 93 without porn and I can’t list a single benefit.

    I quit porn because I read the articles on YBOP, but I still masturbated.

    week 2 I started counting the days without fapping. I usually fapped once every 7 days and maybe the day after that. my record is 24 days.

    NoPorn is easy for me, nofap is not. I get porn related urges and fantasies even though I haven’t been looking at porn for 3 months now.

    So I accomplished your new challange of fapping but not looking at porn and I can’t see any benefits. I will try to beat a new score (40+ days) and see if I can see benefits.

  25. Reddit Nofap “success” story No. 1337
    Nofap “success” story No. 1337

    Dear nofappers, I’m a 32 yo male who has been following the nofap challenge since just before the start of the year. I did my 90+ days, saw some benefits, relapsed for a couple of months, and eventually got back on the wagon to my current streak.

    I’ve basically never had success with women, although on the nofap challenge i have been experiencing increasing amounts of female attention that seems directly correllated to the length of nofap streak. Recently I have started to have random women smile at me occasionally, but I am not a big socialite and so opportunities to actually respond to the attention has been very limited… until last night when I was out on the town with a group of new friends.

    I hope any experienced nofapper will have an idea of where my story is going. Last night I met a girl who literally couldnt take her eyes off me. All I had to do was basically maintain contact and smile back and she was all mine. Of course we had some light conversation, and we did get on pretty well, but it did all seem like a bit of a formality and like she had chosen me or matched herself with me in order to spend a night with a man.

    In the end we didn’t have sex, we did all the stuff that porn leaves out. The hugging the kissing the rubbing and the caressing. And I don’t have any urge to look at porn and knock one out to compensate. I’m not sure if were going to see each other again and I’m probably going to spend the next few days fighting the urge to worry about whether I should phone or text her. But that’s a good problem to have.

    My erections seemed a little weak to be honest, and unfortunately she didnt seem too interested in my member, and was more focussed on the gentler aspects. Also I’m on a steep learning curve now with women and starting to figure out exactly how and when to take the lead a little more.

    Um not sure what else to put but thought id offer some content back to the community that I follow most days and have a lot of respect for… Ive often felt like a foreveralone, and hope this little tale may give courage and hope to others… even if it didn’t include a pornstar sex marathon.

    Tldr: been nofapping on and off all year, increased female attention lead to getting pulled, spending intimate night that couldn’t be more unpornlike

  26. Reddit – my hair has been growing back

    LINK – NoFapNZT

    I’m 27 years old and I’ve noticed that my hairline on my forehead has receded a little bit over the past few years and the overall having a full head of hair doesn’t seem as thick as it used to (at least that’s what several people have told me). It has been growing back since I started nofap about 4 months ago and my longest streak was 31 days. Hair on my chest that has never grown before is starting to grow in. Pretty amazing, but I guess since I’ve been fapping regularly since 1st grade, I never gave my body the testosterone it needed to develop more hair on my chest. This along with ability to make extended eye contact, rock solid erections, and a new found energy have been the most valuable side effects of nofap for me.

  27. Another forum: I’m a gay guy who’s had ED for the last 5 years

    I’m a gay guy who’s had ED issues for the last five years. The first time it happened was with an ex boyfriend. I lost it halfway through sex because I was quite frankly bored. And over the years it’s just got worse. The most embarrassing times are always during foreplay where I always stay soft; I tried to imagine the porn I watched to get my junk working, but nothing would ever happen, and my hook ups would always think something was up. Over the years I just sat in my room and let my PMO habits take over. I was depressed, hated socialising, and started to imagine my entire life sat in my room, tossing off to porn – I even started to fantasise about this scenario.

    But over the last few weeks, I started to think something must be wrong with me. So I typed into Google, ‘erectile dysfunction and porn addiction.’ I couldn’t believe this disorder existed, and it was amazing just how many people on the internet who were in a similar situation. Any way, I’ve given up porn for the last six days now, and I’ve already noticed some effects. I was sitting on the train, and I heard two guys talking intimately with each other – nothing sexy – and I got a huge erection. I couldn’t believe it. It was embarrassing trying to cover it up when I was walking off the train. I felt like a teenager.

    I’m thinking this might be one of the best decisions of my life.


  28. From reddit – NoFap: 57 Days, benefits

    LINK – 57 Days, benefits

    So now after I’ve wrote this post I should put a disclaimer in front of it. No fapping wasn’t the sole reason of benefits. I’ve been meditating daily for quite some time now, maybe 5-6 weeks. I also started doing yoga several times per week. Further I eat consciously now. I get plenty of vitamins, minerals, essential fatty acids and fibers from my food. I do not overeat, I stopped eating junk food, like sandwiches, cookies, dumpling, I am not eating candy and cholates anymore. Although I consume shitloads of dried fruits, which are really similar to candies. From those you can easily get lethargic if you overeat, but I’ve managed to get a pretty good feel of when and how much I can eat them to stay clearheaded and energetic.

    Few weeks ago I’ve started studying objectivism philosophy and now I’m a in process of forming my code of principles, which will help me guide my choices for the optimum living. I’m very excited about it and expect good things out of my life.

    Also something else worth mentioning. Compared to a lot of people in my age group (i’m 23) I’m in a shitty situation. I dropped out of college, I have no money for rent and have no job at the moment. No qualifications or clear talents. Despite that I feel ok about my life. Absistence from porn and masturbation helped me immensely to feel that way.


    • I don’t get ashamed or flustered if I fuck up publicly. Tested multiple times in front of groups as big as 45 people. Some examples of fucking up: messing up a toast at wedding, getting food all over my clothes, being unable to perform something which requires below basic level of coordination. Haha It was actually all funny to me, even now I remember those things as positives.
    • I’m so much more comfortable in social ‘mini confrontations’ if someone says a joke at my expensive, I have a much higher chance of responding in a cool manner and If nothing comes to mind I’m not affected emotionally or affected much less. I now tend to hold less grudges and let things go sooo much easier.
    • Initiating pleasant conversations with strangers is easier and more natural. As for approaching girls specifically, instead of having a blank in my head, I get creative ideas about what to say, I don’t capitalize on it often though. Also I feel that I’m more comfortable with being rejected and being direct.I don’t approach left and right, but I have more positive outlook and higher self esteem, because my standard of what’s possible expanded.
    • I am able to notice and analyze my emotions. It benefits me at least in 2 ways: I do not immediately respond with an nonconstructive response, when having an emotional, tough conversation with people who are important to me. Second benefit is that, even if I still experience, depression, sadness, shame, guilt, it has a more observational element to them and instead of tearing me from the inside, it nudges me in a semi friendly manner. That manner is “here is WHAT you are feeling, here’s WHY you are feeling it and here’s what you have to DO to make it go away”. It’s a call to action.
    • Loneliness, nostalgia, sadness decreased dramatically in my life, despite changes happening for the dominant part inside me, not in external world
    • I started to hate indecisiveness, pussy footing and pussy manners. Yes fuck you “Am I the only one which thinks that…” GUY and “LIKE LIKE LIKE” GUY and “Is it me or….” GUY. Yes it has a positive too. My procrastination rate decreased, I make decisions faster and I stick with them at higher success rate than before. When it comes to habit-decisions I get daily feelgoods, just from knowing that I stuck with my decision. I love myself for that and I respect myself.
    • When I look in the mirror I often think that I’m good looking. Compared to before, I would usually think that I look like a loser. Now I actually feel somewhat good looking despite looking the same way lol. Except maybe losing some fat from exercises, but you have lift my shirt to see that, face is the same, I think.
    • Oh yeah and my voice is deeper. I started feeling it about 8-9 days ago. It hasn’t gone away yet
  29. NoFap – 28 days in: definitely worth it.

    28 days in – definitely worth it.

    I loved porn as long as I remember. Wanking was one of my favorite things to do, don’t mention watching all the beatiful bodies on the internet. I used to do it at least once a day, usually twice. When I came back from some trips, I did it even more often because of increased feelings after that “long” (weak/two) break. I sometimes had a habbit to baptize things with ceremonial fapping session xD Well not exactly jizzing on things and blessing them, but sometimes when I was happy I had to wank to get calm. I didn’t ever have a real girlfriend, only a couple of close-ups, nothing serious. Neither to say, I’m still a virgin at a 20th level. And it didn’t bother me – I sad to myself that I value my independence, and free time. Yeah, free time to fap and play video games.

    The main 2 reasons I started nofap:

    • ED, which happened during a blowjob about 2 years ago, and lately I had trouble keeping my dick hard without rubbing it constantly
    • drop in happiness – everything started to seem boring. Everything I could do was sit in front of monitor, and: fap, browse internet, eat something, play video games, reloop
    • lack of energy – I was tired of everything. While on parties, I dreamed about getting home. At concerts, my legs felt like two drills drilling my ass and spine. Eventually, I didn’t want to go outside, meet people, do sports of any kind, even go to the store. Cave was a perfect place.

    And now, after 28 days, I must say… I definitely feel like a different man! I started:

    • riding a bike EVERY DAY. When it’s raining I feel like I’m going crazy sitting at home. I also do push-ups and sit-ups, every day. I’m thinking about starting to jog.
    • going onto parties, meeting people again, calling old friends, talking to old friends on facebook, generally started refreshing my acquaintances
    • eating healthy. I tried a few diets a while back, even managed to drop around 15kg, but got fat again after half a year. Now, it comes naturally. I just don’t need to eat junk food and bad carbohydrates. I don’t drink sodas, don’t eat sweets. I just don’t feel the urge. While I was fapping, I could eat a truck of food daily and still feel hungry
    • feeling A LOT more self-confident. I don’t hesitate to do things, I don’t change my mind and am a lot more assertive. I know what I want and tend to get it. Simply as that.
    • enjoying everything 10 times more. Started doing sports, played tennis recently till my thights and spine hurt like bitch, and loved this feeling. A lot better than a rasped johnson. Finally started programming for pleasure, not just projects at university. Learning UDK, painting again. And I suddenly have a lot of time to do it!

    I could go on an on about the plus sides, but these are the main. Why I didn’t mention girls? Because it didn’t change much. Don’t expect miracles. But it doesn’t meen it didn’t change at all! I can hold longer eye contact, ecalate touch, make fun of them, everything which earlier seemed… weird and scary for me. I feel like conversation with girls I knew earlier is going a lot smoother, I’m just not nervous and… don’t give a fuck! As simple as that. Now it’s as hard as speaking to a guy. I noticed that also girls give me a little more attention, like they are actually interested in what I think, do, etc. Earlier i felt invisible sometimes. Have to work a little more on my self-esteem though, but I can feel that everyday it’s getting better.

    I look at the past and see a sorry ass child who spent about 8 years being sad and miserable. I don’t say I was a total failure, but man, there are like milion things I could have done better if I only had more willpower and energy, constantly wasted on you know what. When I look at future, I see a lot of oportunities, and every single day seems more beautiful! I really feel like a child again.

    At the end, a little shortage of my quest so far (not very accurate, just circa):

    • day 1 – 7 – was bad, but I managed to overcome it. At the end of a week, I started to eat healthier and go out because I knew I would relapse otherwise.
    • day 8 – 20 – flatline in the beginning, big arousal near the day 20
    • day 21 – the worst day in the challenge. I edged a little, I felt like my dick was a huge rod made of pure steel. Wanted to fap so badly I almost passed away. Managed to overcome it, got out eventually and rhode the bike like crazy

    -day 22-28 – flatline again, but better than the first one. I feel like things are falling into place, and the brain finishes rebooting. Pretty good feeling.

    As a conclusion, I want to say I noticed one thing – nofap isn’t a miracle itself. It’s a wonderful catalizer which helps in the self-improvement. Or actually, as I feel myself, releases the barrier which was daily porn ad fapping, depleting the normal youth energy. Right now I go to the beach camping, I’m not taking my laptop, just books, clothes, some weed and crayons + paper. And I know everyday will be great, maybe I’ll meet someone… And if I’m not, it’s okay. Eitherway, I will be… happy

  30. Reddit – My No-Fap Journey: 90 days and Counting!

    My No-Fap Journey: 90 days and Counting!

    I’ve been lurking during my 90 day journey, but I thought I would write up a post sharing my experiences with all of you after reaching 90 days of Nofap. I have definitely seen some positive benefits, so I would like to start by expressing my gratitude to all of you and to this subreddit for existing!

    Why did I start nofap? The FAQ calls it “numbed pleasure response”, basically I was finding it almost impossible to climax with a real partner. I’m 28 now, and for most of my adult life I was an awkward nerd and so I relied on the internet for my sexual fix, with my tastes becoming more and more extreme as I became habituated. I had no idea what kind of damage I was doing to myself until I started going out with real girls and realizing that my “little friend” was a little fuzzy.

    I stumbled upon Nofap out of the blue 4 or 5 months ago, and started my first badge counter that night. I had a couple resets, around the 15 and 30 day marks, but this is my 3rd attempt and I made it to 90 days! The first 15 days were definitely the hardest, and there were lots of ups and downs; I think I experienced a flatline about a month in, but it seems to be recovering, which has made the last week fairly difficult (but not unmanageable).

    As far as my health goes, I’ve started going to the gym at least a couple times a week. Also, real women are much more attractive than before, and I successfully approached and picked up a couple random girls at the bar, for the first time in my life. Usually I would never even have approached strange girls in public, but even though I was a little nervous, I just manned up and did it. As vague as it sounds, I just feel like more of a “man”; less uncertain, more calm and more decisive. I wouldn’t say its been a magic pill that changed everything in my life, as I probably still spend too much time on the computer and too much time thinking about girls in general. However overall I feel like a healthier and more effective version of myself, which is great to see. One positive effect I’ve noticed is that thinking of the extreme porn that used to excite me is a turn-off now, which is quite a relief (I’m not a weirdo!)

    As for how to deal with urges, after I reset the 2nd time I told myself that I just wasn’t going to fap again, so I didn’t have to deal with fighting off urges because I knew I would NOT give in. Sometimes I found myself tempting myself with NSFW pics, but I knew I would not let myself down. Like others have suggested, sometimes I would use pushups or going for a run as a great way to take sex off my mind.

    As for where to go from here, the YBOP guys suggested in an AMA that 90 days was not a magic number; rather 3-5 months of Nofap was a more likely number for seeing lasting change (for those of us who started fapping online in our teens). Thus, I plan to keep Nofap going until the 150 day mark, because I refuse to let sexual dysfunction get in the way of my relationships with real women ever again. I am going to beat this addiction, and that is all there is to it. We deserve so much more from life than a sad lonely habit in front of a computer screen. Let’s go out there and get it!

  31. 90-day report from reddit

    Can’t believe I made it. But I did. Ten years of addiction – done! I’m a different man now – – and here’s what I’ve found.

    1. Masturbation seems pathetic and disgusting to me now. It’s very difficult to see how I loved sitting in a chair and wasting my time touching myself to pictures and videos of people I would never meet.

    2. It also seems second or third-rate. Fapping to something is like trying to sate your hunger by looking at a picture of a steak dinner. It’s a poor replacement for the real thing.

    3. Sexual desire is a form of energy. When you turn off the faucet, the water has to go somewhere else. Stopping your PMO addiction is a fantastic way to lend inertia to other areas of your life. You’ll want to do other things with your energy – get a different job, go to school, meet new people, pick up a hobby, etc.

    4. It shows you how dehumanizing objectification is. Every single one of those people you fapped to has, or had, a real life. Dreams. Hopes. Desires. They called someone “daddy” or “mommy”. They watched cartoons and went to grade school. They wanted to be something when they grew up. Once you realize this, it’s very difficult to just see them as a sex object again.

    5. Stopping my PMO addiction has made me desire real love. I was a sex addict. Most of the time, I didn’t even want to. It was simply a habit. Now that I’ve quit, I want to find true intimacy with someone. I want to spill my soul into them and become one person with them…trust them with every fiber of my being, with every piece of my heart. Now sex seems like such a small, silly thing, compared to love.

    6. Seduction and /seddit people creep me out. I used to admire and emulate friends who could pick up strangers constantly. That’s a fine lifestyle for some folks, but not for me. It makes me sick to try and pretend I’m interested in a person just to get into their pants. I’ll never do that again.

    7. You have tons of time! Suddenly, hours of your life are yours once more. Seize them! Make your time work for you. Make money. Find a hobby. Join a group of people with similar interests. The days are longer when PMO isn’t hogging your free time.

    The last time I wasn’t a PMO addict, I was in middle school. The years since seem like a nightmare. I will never go back. If this letch can make it, so can you! Keep fighting. Keep striving to better yourself. The trick is – the longer you stay fap-free…the less you wish to go back. Eventually you’ll never care to again.

    I wish that for each and every one of you.

    Thanks to all of you for being there, as a community. Having this place to come, to when I was weak or lost, was invaluable. Bless you all for helping total strangers discussing embarrassing things. Ha ha.

    Way to go, /nofap. You are helping people overcome addictions – one piece of flair at a time. I’ve not been so proud of a gold star since I was in second grade. 🙂

  32. Reddit – relapse revealed benefits

    My Story (“Superpowers”, Reset, Thoughts)

    Well, I’m some days late but I planned to do this since my reset.

    First of all, the story of my relapse: Well, its not really a story, but I will tell it anyways. I started NoFap challenge for fun, as I thought. So i made about 2 weeks, when i thought screw it and edged, it cant be that bad. But it was and so i relapsed. But the “good” thing is: After my relapse, i realised that i indeed am addicted to fapping. (Not too much to porn. Although i fapped, i didn’t look at porn.)

    Second, my “Superpowers”: Again, i didn’t realise before my relapse which benefits i had from not fapping. But after it, I can give yu some examples: Before NoFap, I had some terrible headaches for about 5 minutes, daily. It vanished during nofap but came back after the reset. Same with my hands. They would suddenly start to shake and the more i looked at them, the more they started shaking, up to a point where I couldn’t control them anymore.

    So I thought i would tell you this so that you see that you can’t always see your benefits. But I can tell you: I bet you have some. Although you didn’t notice. Just think about it.

    tl;dr: Didn’t realize how good NoFap was for me until my reset

  33. From Wet Dream ForumFascinating site. Lots of stories from guys who have gone w/out porn and masturbation for 60-90 days and how that helped them out. It has been just over a month since I have watched any porn clips (I have MB’d 3 times during that time; Before I was MBing abt 4 or 5 Xs a week), and I feel so mich better about muself, my body (including my man bits), am more confident, feel more positively masculine, have more drive towards woman, think dirty thoughts less, i rarely feel depressed, am more affectionate even with my guy friends, I am driven to work out more consistently, etc. All great things.

    I don’t know how your porn usage has affected you, but it’s worth a shot to stay away from it for a while ( and give up MB during that tome as much as you can), and see what happens. WDs are just a side benefit!

  34. 18-years-old and just finished the 90 days.

    For other horny teenagers, you can do it too man. I did it. Adults, everyone else, you guys can do it.

    I started this in April. Half because there was an addiction element, I always checked for new porn and it felt like a waste of time. Another half because I just wanted to say I did it when I’m the horniest I’ve been in my life. Because I could, and I will continue for another 10 days until 100 days to add another digit. Once you hit 90, you will want to hit 100. You can walk on the sidewalk knowing you have more willpower than everyone else.

    /r/nofap has been super helpful, I lurk here all the time but never post. I figured now might be the time to do it and give you guys my thoughts, they may even be controversial.

    • Mind over hormones: For me, my mind is rock solid. I can stop most things that I don’t want to do instantly. The problem is I will think about it constantly. In fact, I still looked at porn, I thought about fapping. It took a few weeks before I stopped looking at porn. But I never edged though because that would mean taking off my pants and touching myself and at that point your hormones > mind. Basically while you’re doing this, the visual aspect, the boner aspect will remain. I can stop myself in most things but unfortunately I cannot stop an erection. It’ll take some time before you realize “I’m not getting anything from this” and boom, you just stop. Then this happens…
    • You stop giving a fuck. Women are just dudes with vaginas. There’s only a little more than that. Stop thinking about you can do for them. Ask yourself what they can do for you. “Can I buy you a drink?” Turn around to “you should buy me a drink.” That sort of attitude. But in general, just be normal. They’re normal. Women have this attitude down because society wants you to be the chaser and they’re the chased. Fuck this immediately. You’re awesome. Start loving yourself man. Don’t love yourself? Figure out why not then work at it A LITTLE BIT each day, just a little bit. One day get a hairstyle that works for your face, another day buy a new gingham pattern shirt that looks awesome on you, another day try learning how to do a backflip, another day to learn to cook something. Awesomeness as a whole doesn’t happen instantly, but you CAN start being awesome immediately. In fact, there are a bunch of subreddits for these so it’s not like you have to get off your ass and into the sun or something. You can plan and learn first, then do that. But the doing part is important.
    • Masturbation is fine in complete moderation. Okay, this last one I may get flamed over. But I feel like it’s possible. Do the 90 day challenge first and if at the end you’re sweating over wanting to fap again and you can’t wait for this shit to be over, you’re not done man. If you haven’t even thought about fapping in a week or if the act of fapping kind of bores you (this happened to me, I started looking down at fappers but I think there’s a natural balance that some people have found) you might be able to do it, but definitely not because you’re addicted and definitely not because it’s a chore – like a heroin addict needing another fix. Strict rules for this (for me) – 1) Never fap to porn. Porn is done for you, it’s just not good, you’ve seen the videos. 2) If you fap once, don’t go on a binge all day. Just do it once because you enjoy it every once in a while, like every 2 weeks. Again, this takes willpower and the ability to know your limits. As long as it’s not to fix an addiction, I believe it CAN be done. Moderation is the key. If it’s really bad for you, just keep going man. This also depends on what your goal is.

    Phew, I think that’s all I want to say. I just want to thank /r/nofap. I’m going to continue the nofap, even though I think you can yesfap in moderation. It just seems kind of boring to me at this point, and I know I can’t look at porn, so the whole thing seems eh. Anyways, I hope I don’t fall into the dark world of sweating over a computer with a dick in a hand and looking at bunch of tabs and being angry that a pair of balls is being zoomed on.

    Good night, and good luck.

  35. Nosebleeding, Shemales and Beards

    Nosebleeding, Shemales and Beards

    Hey guys,

    I will keep it short and simple (KISS). This is probably the most irretating title you’ve read but all these things are connected with my addition to porn and how I want to stop this addiction.

    The first one is nosebleeding. I used to get all the time, every day and every time I blow my nose. After doing NoFap for some time I came to the result that my random nosebleeding had stopped. Always when I failed, I had nosebleeding. Are there any other fapstronauts who have frequently random nosebleeding?

    My second point are shemales. I don’t want to talk about that very much but I failed because of it. I’m not gay but my brain is playing tricks on me. I guess a human brain can’t figure out that shemales are guys with boobs.

    My last point are beards. Beards are fucking awesome. After a week of NoFap I start to grow a beard and got the idea that I won’t shave it until I fail. After 1-2 weeks my beard if you want to call it like that looked awesome. Sadly I failed after nearly 3 weeks and as punishment I had to shave it. Right now I can’t wait until I got my beard back.

    NoFappers! (male NoFappers)

    Beards are awesome. The length of my beard will represent my days without PMO? Anybody with me? Can’t wait till I got my beard back.

    Thanks for reading.

    TL;DR Nosebleeding when fapping, shemales are guys with tits and beards are awesome. Let’s grow beards!

  36. Day 42 – really hard time

    It’s a bitch, man. It’s a fucking bitch to recover.

    I’m on day 42. Longest streak without O, and second longest without MO or PMO. I’ll make the PMO record in a few days.

    Here’s what’s up:

    I can’t feel good about anything.

    I’m worse socially than I ever was. I don’t want to socialize. When I have to socialize, I usually feel like a complete dumbass. It’s embarrassing. It’s god damn horrible to try to lead a normal life when you’re going through withdrawal. I wonder what people must think of my shitty, sullen, brooding behaviour these last few weeks. I’m not acting natural and I’m just not fun right now.

    My mood changes at the drop of a hat–usually to a feeling of rage, an emotion which has never been a problem for me before.

    I have trouble falling asleep.

    I wake up too god damned early, restless and unable to stop kicking my legs and thrashing around.

    I feel like my head is in a dark, dark cloud.

    I can’t concentrate. I get confused. I can’t follow a book very easily. When I get home and lie down, exhausted, I feel like a giant hand is pressing down on me, physically keeping me from getting up.

    Oh, and my penis was declared dead several weeks back. That’s the least of my problems…

    Believe me, I’ve felt the highs too. The first few weeks of my first attempt six months ago, I was in a constant state of euphoria. Happier than I’d ever felt, more social, more confident, etc. And during those weeks, I charmed the pants off a few girls and met my current girlfriend. But now… Well, I feel like crap.

    I hope other people who are having shitty, protracted withdrawal symptoms get some comfort from reading this. It seems to me there aren’t enough posts about the awful long-term withdrawal symptoms some of us experience.

  37. just two days from reaching 200 days, a reset!

    just two days from reaching 200 days, a reset!

    Hi, since last December I found /r/nofap very motivating. You guys convinced me to start nofap (no porn+no fapping) on January 2nd of this year and I hadn’t masturbated until today. (

    Since I was a busy high schooler (and lazy lurker) I hadn’t found the time to post a long and detailed analysis of my ongoing experimentation with porn/masturbation abstinence but now I think I better post something now before I forget it.

    When I started reading /r/nofap in late December I was already kind of fed up with wasting my time watching porn. Turns out this subreddit’s community, the tempting badge counter, (and a major crush on a girl I wanted to impress) were just enough to convince me to change my habits and trash my intermittent PMOs.

    I guess because of these reasons doing nofap wasn’t a huge challenge for me, unlike my friend who could only do it for a week (I referred /r/nofap to friends, teehee).

    The first 2 weeks of nofap were around the greatest-feeling weeks of my whole life! I actually had motivation to do what I always wanted to do: write songs, play songs, write poems, publish poems. I felt like a freakin Pulitzer prize winning author for half a month. I couldn’t sleep because I had 100000x more energy than usual. Testosterone overdose, anyone? I was EXTREMELY motivated by my crush.

    After 2 weeks life pretty much went down to normal with some exceptions: * Being a successful fapstronaut gave me a mental edge over others. When facing a more alpha male I can say in my mind “well hotshot I bet you sit at home in the dark and masturbate in a corner every other day. Guess who doesn’t do that? ME” * I obviously had more time on my hands which I spent some on video games, some on writing/playing music, whereas before I just played video games. * nofap acted as a confidence-booster as I worked to improve my inner game and self-image with some tips from /r/seduction.

    A month into nofap I started getting constant boners and wet dreams every week. For some weeks my libido would be totally dead and at other weeks I would be horny as fuckkk.

    So why did I break nofap today? I think it was for these reasons: * I was spirited and accomplished many things on nofap in high school, but during this long summer I became dejected, lonely, and increasingly bored. * I wanted to see what would happen. * I was sick of stupid reoccurring wet dreams and unwanted surprise boners. * I don’t plan on having sex or having a gf anytime soon anyways (my own choice, don’t pin this on religion, reddit folks). * No more crush to really push me. * Stumbled upon a porn subreddit posted on reddit and it escalated from there. Darn you reddit!

    I watched a ludicrous amount of much porn today. I forgot how cripplingly addictive that shit can be. I hope to stop PMO in time for college even though I really don’t want to now. This isn’t the end though, I learned a TON about being a cooler, more attractive person in half a year. I accomplished so much with confidence and motivation that seem to have popped out of nowhere when I started on my nofap journey.

    Hope this really quick rant has some sort of insight in it. Remember nofappers, keep yourself occupied and away from depression. And get out more! You can do this! You gotta do this! Letsgo!

  38. 44days, this is the best thing I ever did

    44days, this is the best thing I ever did

    I’ve gone from a feeling of 😐 complete lifeless existence to enjoying things. I make eye contact, I smile, I enjoy doing things. I started trying to date. I went from overthinking the shit out of everything with women and afraid to even message them on online sites to messaging them with ease. I used to not even like myself and not knowing what to say, to realizing I’m pretty great and fuck it i’ll say what I feel like and if they like me cool, if not fuck it who cares. I went on a double/blind date with some chics and while I blew it with her I had a great time and whatever, I’m not going to get it right everytime.

    I would have completely pussied out and made up excuses 2 months ago, now i barely gave it a thought. I went from being afraid to have a life to wanting to have a life and not giving a shit if I make an ass of myself. I even met an awesome chic who I seem to have real feelings for and not just want to fuck (well i really want to do that too, but not just that). And even if I get fucked over by her I went from 😐 to 🙂 so even if I wind up like 🙁 its still better than 😐 Besides I wont stay 🙁 for long, I know not to dwell on stupid shit anymore.

    I mean there’s the other shit like I’ll get hard constantly and I’m horny as all fuck, but its more than that. I feel better about myself, my creativity and wit is returning, I’m not afraid to try shit anymore. I never thought I was depressed before, I still don’t know if I was.. I was just there. Now I’m more alive, and its awesome.

  39. The Dark Knight (as I now call my penis) Rises: 90 days complete

    The Dark Knight (as I now call my penis) Rises: 90 days complete. AMA

    I never really thought I’d make it here. Well, I thought I would, just that it wouldn’t take me this long to do it.

    I’ve been with /r/nofap since it’s inception as simply a challenge to see if you could go a week without grabbing your junk. I didn’t join simply for the challenge though. I’d struggled with ED for a long time; I saw how it affected multiple partners. I’d lived through watching them cry, thinking it was something wrong with them. I knew porn and jerking off was screwing with my brain and body, but I couldn’t stop. Then the challenge came along.

    I latched onto this place like a suckerfish. Before we had badges, we had a spreadsheet to track people’s results. You bet your ass I jumped onto that and ran it. But I never competed. I kept screwing up, spiraling back out of control. “Well, maybe next week I’ll start,” I’d tell myself. And it was a lie. I’d make it up to 2 weeks every once in a while, but never longer.

    So what changed? Well, I saw results the longer I abstained. I had a girlfriend at the start, and by God, if I had gone 2 weeks without PMO, she was the hottest thing around. Just looking at her sent the blood surging down below. But I still wasn’t quite right. I’d still fall back into my PMO ways.

    Spring exams rolled around, and I guess something finally clicked. I didn’t have time to fap; my scholarship was on the line. So I made it through those 3 weeks. Might as well keep going, I told myself. Then the girlfriend and I broke up. Shit.

    I could’ve spiraled back out of control, but for once, I knew it wouldn’t change anything. I kept at it. I won’t lie, I went through some very dark times, and I seriously considered fapping for that brief instance of happiness. But I didn’t.

    Fast forward to now. I still have days where I don’t feel right, but I’m finally understanding what a functional sex drive is like. I can’t even pretend to say that I understand people any better than before, but I do feel like I’ve gotten to know myself some. And that feels pretty good.

    I still have my porn problems. I looked at some the other day, at day 83. That sucked. I had days where I…I dunno, missed it? So that’s still a struggle. But damn, it feels good to have one part of my life under control.

    I thought I may rub one out today, but what’s the point? Thanks for the community, /r/NoFap. If you’ve got any questions, shoot them my way. I can’t promise I’ll answer right away, but I’ll make sure to answer everyone.

  40. Long time lurker. 26-day relapse [really long testimonial]

    LINK – I tried starting this about 4 months ago. I was a chronic fapper masturbating 2-3 times a day. When I first started I only went 3 days and relapsed. I then went a whole week and really started to feel the benefits, but when i started to get a lot of sexual energy I just relapsed, and so I was stuck in this cycle of relapsing after 1-2 weeks for like 4 months.

    Then I finally told myself that I had to stop for good, but this time the motivation was different. It wasn’t only for myself, it wasnt just so I could get my libido back and be able to talk to girls and be less socially awkward. It was for the people around me. It was for my friends and family. It was also for the women around me. I began to think about all the girls who had some interest in me, but I couldnt be sexual enough to keep their interest. Girls like sex too, but they don’t like a guy who can’t be sexual and who isn’t confident in himself.

    So this time I went almost 4 weeks and felt like I really reaped the benefits. On the forth week when my sex drive was really high I was really confident. Before I would break eye contact in fear of socially awkward moments or just coming off as creepy, but this time I wasnt socially awkward and didn’t feel creepy when I held eye contact without saying anything. I was more patient and emotionally stable, I didnt get depressed or angry nearly as much as I used to and was actually in a good mood 90% of the time.The woman around me could feel the confidence, happy feelings and sexuality radiating from me. I communicated these feelings through eye contact and eye fucked every girl I talked to. I felt like a much more attractive person. I made clever remarks and I was much more genuinely interested in getting to know people. I was funny and at times didn’t give a Fuck about what I said, because I was confident in all my actions and if I was wrong in doing something or saying something wierd I learned from it, where as before when I said something wierd in a social setting I would get depressed and then wouldnt talk as much as a result.

    The key to not relapsing is translating the energy from not fapping to just being busy and getting out and doing stuff. I started dating for the first time in my life, worked out, hung out with friends, went to parties, went clubbing, went on trips. I jumped at every opportunity to socialize, and I loved it because I was a social person. I stopped being such a space cadet and stayed present to the moment. I paid attention to detail and what was going on around me. I was able to react better in certain situations, where as before I would freak out.

    I embodied the idea of becoming a man. I became a man in my own way, I didnt try to be someone else, I just didn’t give a Fuck about what people thought. I thought of the idea that a true man goes after what he wants and shouldn’t be ashamed of doing so and so I became this person who was confident, energetic and wasn’t ashamed of his desires. I did and said everything as if I was right until proven wrong.

    Sorry this is kind of all over the place and really long, but I just had to get it out and I want to thank the nofap community for helping me realize that there were other people out there like me going through what I went through.

  41. At 30 years old, I am finally beginning to feel like an adult


    I started out planning to just do the 90 days and then, probably, go back to some PMO. Now that I’m just over two months in, my perspective has radically changed. I now see what life is like with and without masturbation. There is no way I am going back. At 30 years old, I am finally beginning to actually feel like an adult, like I have a little bit of control over myself. I’m nofap for life, there’s no way around it.

     I now almost shudder when I think of all the years (essentially my entire teens and 20s) that I seriously held myself back by spending so much time with my semi-erect cock in my hand, alone, hunched over my laptop. I don’t mean to blame PMO for everything negative in my life, certainly, but I feel confident that it was a major factor

    1. Re: Finally an adult
      Hi, ascherj is it? I hope I have the right person. I totally identify with what you’ve written. I’m 29, almost 30, and not much of an ‘adult.’ I regret the past, and the present is tough, not really sure about the direction I’m heading/being financially stable. So glad to hear that ‘control over oneself’ is possible for us, lol.

      So how did it go for you, did you re-learn to love people? My mac and exquisite porn (haha) have been the only way I cope with negative feelings towards people, since I was 12. Just wondering, thank you for posting.

  42. its porn

    FAPed. Not resetting.

    Hey all! well got to day 13 ( a new record for myself) then FAPed without porn. Not resetting my counter for a reasons.

    1. I didn’t look at porn… i had no urge to look at porn. My sexual motivation seems to be off the wanting to get off to porn (which is precisely why i’m here.)
    2. The real life is turning me on more and more every day.
    3. I feel no guilt afterward. In fact it was amazing and deeply satisfying. I actually felt like a load (excuse the pun) was taken off my back. I really felt a true connection with my sexuality. not felt since childhood

    I think the real important thing here is avoiding pornography. What people don’t realize and get discouraged by is that this WONT GET YOU A GF and if you are aiming for that you will fail.

    Most importantly do what works for you. Not what works for everyone else.

  43. A Collection of Miscellaneous Essays; Nofap and Life

    LINK – Much of what you’re saying hits home. I’ve been battling it “unofficially” for awhile, realising that something was wrong, but not finding NoFap until I started my counter.

    Since then I’ve started to notice small, but growing, changes, with occasional feelings of intimacy towards the girl I’m seeing. These are much more intense than the feelings before. I’ve also changed in my attitude towards restarting my university degree this Autumn, having felt distinctly apathetic towards it, I now can’t wait to get started (most days).

  44. Relapse after 20 days; my story and experiences

    Relapse after 20 days; my story and experiences

    About me: 26 year old male with a 10 year history of daily PMO. My goals going into NoFap were to increase my willpower, energy, turn around my relative lack of success with women, and mostly reverse this trend of just not feeling as smart as I used to, that started around the time I got high speed internet at home.

    So after months of attempting and relapsing I told myself I would start a 90-120 day (or until I felt “rebooted”) challenge on July 1 to coincide with a new academic year. I also started meditating for 5-10 minutes every morning.

    I was doing pretty well for 20 days, though there was a constant feeling of wanting something that I’d describe as a gnawing “hunger” of just wanting to get rid of this near-constant horniness. I never considered myself addicted to porn or fapping but have been doing it daily on average for 13 years.

    Some changes I noticed over 20 days: my willpower, energy, and motivation mostly increased with a few minor ups and downs. My confidence, especially with approaching women and thinking of witty and clever things to say skyrocketed. My beliefs and attitudes about women also changed. I’ve read on this subreddit that other people stop seeing women as sex objects and start seeing them as humans. I’d say that’s partly it but also there’s just a visceral pleasure at the idea of interacting and flirting with women that’s unlike anything I’ve experience. But the biggest and best possible change was that I just felt smarter and more optimistic about my future and my ability to achieve my goals in life.

    The negatives during those 20 days was this constant “hunger” and constant thinking about sex or masturbating or tricking myself into having a wet dream so that I could get even temporary relief from that feeling. That shit sucked. It was ultimately why I relapsed.

    Unfortunately during the last few days before I relapsed I happened to see a music video (Nicki Minaj’s Beez in the Trap) that left little to the imagination and just pushed me over the edge in weighing out the pros and cons of not relieving this pressure. I had also finished a huge presentation I had been working really hard for and wanted to “celebrate”. So the following morning I relapse with the whole shebang: my old favorite online streaming videos, PMO, the works.

    After I relapsed I noticed the following changes on the following time scale. Immediately the day of I had less energy, had more trouble stringing together witty jokes that I had started to get used to, and was less confident in public. I relapsed twice more the following day in the morning and night. At around 48 hours after my initial relapse I felt this mental fog return that made it more difficult to think. Having lived with it for so many years I did not realize how severe it was until it started lifting during my reboot.

    The worse part was that relapsing wasn’t even that good. I kept thinking it would feel so good but those orgasms just feel so… hollow and unsatisfying.

    I looked up deltaFosB to see if my symptoms correspond to the time scale of this protein to see if I could exclude all of these effects due to placebo but the time scale is consistent with a real effect.

    If I could do it again, what I would do differently is having a hard date to tell myself would be the last day I’d have to deal with this gnawing feeling (even though I had anticipated a flatline) rather than the vague 90-120 days I told myself that would end whenever I felt “rebooted”. Just having that hard date would help me get through the worst times.

    This time around, I’ll set a goal of 40 days (twice my previous) so I have something to look forward to, to get me through the worse times. Next reset: September 1st. Baby steps first, right?

    TL;DR: Attempted 90-day challenge, noticed more confidence, energy, and willpower especially with women. Relapsed at 20 days. Mental fogginess and lethargy returned within 48 hours.

  45. Caved after 57 days – Here’s What I Learned

    Caved after 57 days – Here’s What I Learned

    So after 57 days of NoFap I finally caved.

    When I woke up this morning my morning wood was abnormally hard and my penis and balls were in a lot of pain.

    I decided that NoFap wasn’t worth damaging my reproductive organs so I gave myself a hand. (no porn!)

    Thankfully, after I fapped the pain went away almost immediately.

    I’ve decided not to continue with NoFap because in the days leading up to this event I’d started thinking it’s just an annoyance more than anything else at this point. I feel I’ve learned/experienced/benefited in every way I can so there is no point in doing a reset.

    I was never addicted to MO or PMO. I wasn’t one of these guys with severe ED who fapped everyday. But I did want to quit using porn (been at it nearly 15 years) and I did notice my erections were much larger and harder after participating in nofap. There were also a few times (not everytime!) that I was with women where i went soft.

    Here is what I learned and some of the benefits and changes I’ve experienced over my 57 days:

    • Larger, harder erections
    • I’ve stopped looking at porn.
    • NoFap gave me more energy
    • I started being more social to help me find real women so I could get some relief. (I didn’t have sex yet but I did recently meet 2 new girls with potential)
    • I made 2 new friends (good ones) as a result of being more social as well.
    • I’m in better shape. I was exercising before but with the additional sexual tension/energy from nofap I took it to a new level.
    • I created a profile on plenty of fish for dating and have been talking to a girl who is cute, interesting, and I will be meeting soon.
    • I started writing a book
    • I read 6 books that I would not have read otherwise
    • I learned a lot about the effects of sex on our brains.
    • I started playing pool with a friend every saturday night to get out to the bars and meet women.
    • Applied for a new job

    Most importantly, I’ve discovered a new way of life. The benefits from nofap are huge and I like the way it makes me feel day to day.

    As far as I can tell I will continue to abstain from both porn and fapping for the rest of my life. But now I will fap occasionally for a needed release(I’m thinking once a month) until I get a source of real sex with a partner.

    I wanted to thank you all for your support over the past 57 days. I know I’m on the right track now and if for some reason I ever return to my old ways I know where to find you all!

    If anyone has any questions or wants some advise I’m happy to answer as best I can 🙂

  46. My new love interest has started calling me “the voice”

    My new love interest has started calling me “the voice”

    She and I have been talking every day for almost a week like a couple of teenagers (we’re both 34).

    The only time we’ve seen each other was the brief occasion on which we met, so we’ve primarily gotten to know each other by phone.

    She goes on and on about my voice. She tells me it comforts her and reassures her. We’ve only been talking for 6 days and have spent a total of almost 10 hours on the phone. She insists we talk at every opportunity we get.

    r/nofap, I have never had a woman respond to me so powerfully and so quickly after meeting her. As a singer, I know nofap has improved the quality and resonance of my singing voice. Now, as somebody suddenly getting a lot of feedback from one member of the fairer sex, I can attest that it has also made me into somebody that at least one woman can’t stop listening to. I can hardly believe it!

    Fapstronauts, I am grateful for all you’ve taught me. Cheers!

  47. I can’t feel good about having sex without love anymore!

    I can’t feel good about having sex without love anymore! What the hell, nofap? Anyone else change their attitudes towards IRL sex?

    I used to not have a problem with it at all, when I was on PMO. I think PMO shuts down your emotional and moral centers of your brain as well, because I must have been so inundated with pornography images I treated real life like pornography.

    Recently, I thought “hey I can still have sex on nofap! I’ll just do that then, no harm done, right?” But I felt so guilty doing it with a girl I know I don’t love… and I know in my heart that I can’t do it anymore, maybe only once in a blue moon if I’m single. I’ve had a lot of girls too, so it’s not like I need to sow the oats anymore, I think it’s time I started treating sex like a thing that should be shared between two people who love each other.

    What the hell nofap, I came here as a nihilist! What have I become? Anyone else experience this “emotional sensitivity” (for a lack of a better term) along with nofap?

    so many… confusing.. emotions… arrrgh

  48. 50 Days. My story of Caution. Don’t waste your life away.
    50 Days. My story of Caution. Don’t waste your life away.

    I plan on doing a post like this every 50 days to show my progress. Hopefully, this will help others in a similar situation.

    I’m older than many of you, 44 but, I have similar problems. ED, spending way too much time on fapping, addiction to porn.

    I don’t have a girlfriend and I’m not married. I’m working on that. I think porn and fapping are some of the reasons I haven’t been more social. Spending too much time on the internet and TV are reasons too. I guess my story says look what happens if you don’t address this shit. You wake up one day and you’re in your 40’s and life is not what you thought it was going to be. I thought in my late 20’s I would be married with kids on the way but, that never happened. I spent too much time by myself and not out with others enjoying life. So, I’ve been trying to change that and Nofap is a step in the right direction for me. I don’t want to paint the picture of me being a total hermit because I’m not but, I definitely could have been a more social person throughout the years.

    Here’s some progress I’ve made in the last 50 days: ED maybe slightly better, my confidence has improved, better eye contact, more active, more assertive, more goal oriented.

    I haven’t had one relapse and I don’t plan on it. I think I haven’t relapsed because I was ready for Nofap before I found this community. I was improving my life for the better before I started this challenge. Before I found this place I had already started meditating, journaling, exercising, dieting, and was somewhat active. After starting the challenge all of these things became more of a focus for me. I did them more and I did them better. So, I already had my mind in a good place and had some focus. When Nofap came along I knew I needed to do this and my mind was ready for it. That’s why I haven’t relapsed.

    Nofap has given me more tools to understand how to get the things I want in life. I feel like the pieces of my puzzle are coming together and Nofap is one of those pieces. I can’t turn the clock back and get all of those wasted years back but, I can change what I do today to effect my tomorrow. So, that’s what I’m doing. I’m taking it day by day and doing positive things. When the woman of my dreams comes along I’ll be ready for her.

    I know a lot of you guys are in your 20’s. Do the Nofap challenge and make sure you don’t waste your 20’s and 30’s like I did. You can change your life with Nofap. This community gives you tools to understand how to reach your goals. I’m moving in that direction now. Who wants to join me?


    Good post. I’m 42 going on 43, no real relationships for over 11 years, and making a major change like this is a struggle. I don’t have any great hope that I’ll end up finding someone, but if nothing else, I will get myself loose of an addiction that has almost certainly cost me uncountable opportunities to be happy with a real girl.

    I’ll second his sentiments: you young guys, PLEASE don’t squander your prime time on porn! There is so much to see and do, people to meet, fun to have! The internet is a great diversion, but when it becomes your only diversion, you’re on the wrong path. Believe me, old age will wait for you, it’s not going anywhere; just getting closer one day at a time. Be happy when you get there, not regretful. 🙂

    THIRD GUY –  

    Well Im pretty much afraid Im heading towards there…sometimes I feel so desperate I wish I was in one of these religions where they arrange a marriage for you so you dont have to worry about seduction, confidence, etc etc… GUYS, PORN is so seductive and readily available…it makes you hide, in that dark corner so no one finds you there fapping , browsing perverted shit…sometimes I think it is soooo available because it is in some people’s secret agenda to make us stupid. So Im also there..breaking my lifetime record!


    This may be one of the most important posts on NoFap.

    Thanks for a beautiful post. I am 39 yrs old and COMPLETELY relate with what you’re saying.

    I’m really happy for you and I think you’ll get to exactly where you want to be.

    One thing you wrote stood out: “When the woman of my dreams comes along I’ll be ready for her.”

    I’m working towards this myself!

    Congratulations on your 50 days and good luck!

  49. 21 days in – One of the best things about NoFap is…

    21 days in – One of the best things about NoFap is…

    Since starting NoFap I have felt both more attractive, and more attracted to the opposite sex. I feel better at communicating with people of either gender, with stronger eye contact and more confidence in myself. I even ended up hooking up with a girl I had known for a long time which has already resulting in some Fun Times (TM). It feels almost like a missing piece of the puzzle has been found, and I am not so ‘different’ from other men as I once thought myself to be.

    One of the best things about NoFap though, in my opinion, is the pride you get from controlling yourself. It might be that there are things in my life I regret, or things I could be doing better, but damnit, I have a computer in my room with high speed internet access and yet for 21 days I have not looked at porn. Not even once. I also don’t MO in the mornings or before I sleep. I’m not a disgruntled monkey desperate for a little hit of pleasure to sooth my insecurities or lack of satisfaction. I’ve made a choice to take the high road, and when you make a significant change like that, you can carry it with you wherever you go. That’s real confidence, that right there. It doesn’t depend upon something external to you, like your grades, income, etc. Hence as long as you believe in yourself you have nothing to fear. Your situation in life might change, but nobody can take away your self respect. Only you can do that.

  50. 2 months in, reporting (random bulletpoints)
    2 months in, reporting (random bulletpoints)

    It’s technically two months minus one day but I feel like getting things of my chest today.

    I can say without doubt that these two months were the most life-changing and productive in my entire life. Not everything was great but things move so quickly, I’m really curious of what I will become in 2, 3, 12 months from here.

    So, here we go.

    • Realized my life sucks and got depressed
    • Felt like a weirdo / freak and lost all social abilities
    • Started working out again
    • Went on and successfully completed a 1 week blackout experiment (no Internet, no Games, no TV)
    • Fought depression
    • Moved out !!
    • Completely changed my views on others and myself
    • Became less egocentric and started accepting and talking to people, more then ever
    • Got eyefucked a gazillion times
    • Got hit on
    • Got perma-confident
    • Got dead dick, got super horny, got 2 flatlines and counting
    • Started noticing real girls
    • Still feel awkward with them though and do not initiate contact with them – no superpowers (but I’m flatlining)
    • Went on a friend-date with a girl and realized I was on her hook for months/years (feels bad man). Decided to stop the relationship

    This last point is was motivated me to make a post. It’s funny, I feel like a have a fresh view on every single little thing in my life. I’m changing everything and my only limit so far is time. 3-4 months from now I’ll completely remake my life. Realizing I was a “nice guy” on the hook was one of the most painful things that happened, especially since I was already getting used to control everything and feel good about myself. But this was something from my old life and I had to deal with it. It’s spring cleaning.

    I’m wondering what tomorrow will bring and how I will react. I’m saying goodbye to my old self with all the good and bad qualities this guy had. R.I.P. little wanker.

  51. Made it the entire summer: 90 Days

    Made it the entire summer: 90 Days

    I started this journey at the end of school last year. I had been addicted to PMO since I was around 11 years old. I tried to stop a few times and had been fairly successful once, but always went back. Now that I’ve made it to 90 days I’m going to keep going, and I want to share a few insights and things that have worked for me in the past three weeks.

    • Get a partner! Not a sex partner, an accountability partner. Have a friend in real life who can keep you honest and check up on you once in a while.
    • Replace PMO with something else. I discovered Reddit at the same time I decided to stop. Whenever I had free time to get off I would visit Reddit. Yes, I used Reddit’s addictive properties to help me!
    • Work out. I started running and biking more, and found a few programs with the goals of 100 push ups, 200 sit ups, and 25 pull ups.
    • Just do it / Just don’t do it. I understand that beating PMO isn’t as easy as “Hey I think I won’t ever PMO again!”, but sometimes all you need to do is tell yourself that you aren’t going to give in right now. Just wait one more day.
    • Stay busy. Whenever I was at summer camp, running around working all day, I didn’t struggle as much to avoid PMO. At least for me, the most dangerous place was sitting alone with nothing to do. Stay active, stay involved, get a hobby, do something.
    • /r/getmotivated, /r/gotmotivated /r/motivateme Take advantage of the communities and resources here. The motivational subreddits have gotten me outside running multiple times. Check them out next time you get the urges.

    If I think of any more I’ll post them, but that’s all for now. This has been an awesome 90 days, and I feel so much more alive! For those of you who are just starting off, you gotta stick with it, you will feel better soon.

    I hope someone can benefit from what I’ve written here. Good luck to you all, Carry on!

  52. 20 days in and I’m starting to notice some changes

    LINK-20 days in and I’m starting to notice some changes

    As my badge says, I’ve completed 20 days, and something strange and unexpected is starting to happen. Well, two things are.

    First of all, I…no longer get the urges for porn or fapping. It’s been days since I’ve felt like doing either of those and now when I start to think about them, I just don’t even want to. I’ve had hours upon hours by myself at home and somehow not only have I avoided fapping and edging, I haven’t even thought about it. I really did not expect this to happen.

    Also, I’m starting to see women differently. It’s very subtle, and the process isn’t complete, but my perception of them is changing. I’m starting to see them as actual people, as women, not just as sexual objects, not just as walking sexual organs. I didn’t even realize this before I started NoFap, but every woman I saw I immediately thought of as a sex object. Literally, my first thought was to mentally undress her and sex her. However, now I’m starting to understand what sex and sexual attraction is really about; it’s more about having some sort of emotional connection, about experiencing closeness with the other person. It’s not just about what they are physically like.

    I expect these effects will slowly magnify as time goes on. I’m genuinely surprised that this is having an effect on my mind; I didn’t think I would change.

    TL;DR don’t get urges for PMO anymore, see women as people and not objects, surprised that changes are actually happening

  53. Taking back the control

    First thing first… English is not my first language so apologies (LINK)

    I’m 29 years old and I had been masturbating and watching porn since I was 12. I’m writing the two things together since they were one action for me… porn led to masturbation and vice versa so quitting porn was a really hard thing to do.

    I can’t count the times that I woke up in the morning and said to myself “today you’re not watching porn” and surprisingly (or not) in the end of the day I would found myself cleaning up after me.

    So as you understood so far, I was pretty hooked up and I had no idea how to deal with it. One day I bumped into a series of Youtube videos called “Your brain on porn” and I started to watch them (out of curiosity) – and it HIT me!!! I need to get control in my brain!! it’s not about my penis, it’s about rewiring my brain back to normal!

    I had no idea that this little fact is so powerful… I felt like I’m in control now and it’s just a matter of training… and today I’m close to celebrating a year without porn and masturbation (9 months and counting .

    I know it’s a cliche but if I managed to do it anyone can!!! hope I helped… good luck!

    The sex life is great!!! I have a girlfriend for almost two years now and she’s a part of the process. I told her that I’m quitting from day one.

    In the matter of fact, I told a few friends too (males & females). My intention was to spread it in order for it to be a solid fact, I know it sounds maybe too harsh but it sure helped me. The feeling that I took control… can’t tell you how much it means to me.

    I didn’t have any erection problems or woman problems, the only problem was that I felt like I really can’t control it. I would have seen a sexy lady somewhere (tv, news website, university, etc) and suddenly my brain would start to send me urgent “we need to have a talk” signals… hated it!

  54. 14 days

    Has anyone else experienced interesting non-sexual side-effects from NoFap? Here’s what’s happened to me so far.

    I was going to post about this tomorrow (at 14 days), but I’ll be away from the computer and I’m in one of my ‘moods’ atm (see below). Anyways, I thought I’d keep a log of the changes that I’ve experienced so far from NoFap.

    1. I’ve almost entirely stopped my intake of junk food. Seriously, they only real ‘junk food’ that I’ve had in the past two weeks has been chinese for lunch. Other than that, I’ve had almost zero desire to get fast food/junk food. Someone brought donuts to the office yesterday, but after I had one I almost felt like vomiting.
    2. It’s easier for me to go to sleep/wake up. Yes, I know this partially makes sense (especially if you’re fapping at night), but even when I had to wake up at 5 AM (with about an 1 1/2 of sleep), I had very little troubling stirring.
    3. I enjoy things more. This is a little hard to explain, but I find that things that give me pleasure (such as music) are now enriched a great deal more. It goes hand and hand with…
    4. I have a lot of nervous energy. These are the moods I was talking about. It’s hard to describe, but imagine how you felt when you were a child waiting excitedly for something. It’s kind of how I feel: it’s a pleasant buzzing in the background, waiting for me to apply it.
    5. I exercise. A ton. Partially to burn off this excess energy, but also because I just feel compelled to. It’s an interesting sensation.
    6. I have more ‘time’, when nothing’s changed. I talked about this before, that I calculated spending 1-2 weeks just on my porn folder, downloading/organizing/etc. over the years. While it’s not as though I devoted hours of each day to surfing porn, I still find myself pleasantly surprised when I finish all my work/exercise/etc. and find that it’s only 9 PM. I suppose I should say that it’s more about concentrating and getting things done faster than having more time.

    Of course, I’m not promising you’ll feel this at all. NoFap isn’t a magical cure-all for all your problems, and YMMV with basically all of these symptoms. Remember, this is a personal journey, and this is basically a support group. I just thought that it’d be interesting for people to talk about their non-sexual side-effects that they’ve encountered.

  55. Day 60: growth is often hard to notice, but this isn’t

    Day 60: growth is often hard to notice, but this isn’t

    No, I have not turned into superman. No, all my issues are not sorted out. Yeah, I still have trouble getting out and doing the things that I should.

    However, since starting NoFap…

    I have gotten a job. I have had lots of sex. Coincidence? Maybe. But abstaining from the thing which stole the importance from other areas of my life certainly didn’t hurt.

    These incredibly noticeable changes have happened since I started this, and they almost never happened before. Keep the expectations realistic, but doing this has worked wonders for me.

  56. 31 day update… massive life change.. if you are thinking about

    So I’ll start off with a TLDR.

    31 days off fapping. I have a sexy 21 year old girlfriend (I’m 20, first girlfriend in years), I’m studying daily and preparing to go back to college in two weeks time. I’m genuinely happy and full of energy. I’m back doing kickboxing and the house has been spotless for three weeks now. After a two year low with bouts of clinical depression I am finally back on track.

    All this has happened in the past three weeks. I have never felt so good.

    I was originally going to write a journal every day but soon I met a girl and we were seeing each other a lot and it sort of fell out of thought until now. Here is the few entries I wrote.

    DAY 5 NO FAP

    Incredible depression. Never in my life have I felt so alone. The need to fap has dissappeared thankfully. To be completely honest I am not sure how I made it to day 5 at all. It seems the last five days are a haze to me, as if both months and only hours have passed similtaneusly. It is hard to explain. Hope is the only thing that drives me, hope that the war of self loathing and lonelyness will some day soon end. As this is the first journal I am writing I will explain in full my journeys mission. I am changing my life. I taking kickboxing more serious, getting ready to compete, I am eating paleo or as close as I can get without being OCD. I am taking a hiatus from the computer and internet and I am taking reddits 90 day noFAP challenge. This is my seventh or so go of nofap and I refuse to fail this time around. Infact I CHOOSE not to.

    DAY 6 NO FAP

    Slept for about 11 hours last night. I had very strange dreams. Incredibly lucid and real. As to be expected the themes of the dreams all pertained to issues that currently plague my mind. I woke to extreme “hornyness” and almost forgot my goal. I pushed through and like yesterday I feel no urgent need to fap. My temperment is better. I feel lighter and more motivated than yesterday. Hopefully my mind continues to improve. Less anxiety today, felt a stir of more energy. Had the courage to speak to a girl I like that works in a supermarket. The need to fap is slowly diminishing and my mind feels more at ease as if a dark cloud is slowly passing overhead and a bright glimmer of suns hope has escaped through its trenches.

    DAY 8 NO FAP

    31 day update… massive life change.. if you are thinking about doing noFAP read this and DO IT.

    Feeling incredibly rested and energetic, and more relaxed. I feel as if I have been swimming in dark waters and am now reaching the surface, I can’t quite see it yet- but I know it’s there. It’s been nearly 8 days now since I fapped and I have a new appreciation for women, they are so god damned beautiful. I have never felt like this in my life. I feel as if they can sense it on me. My eye contacts better and I feel more confident. I will not fail.

    DAY 15 NO FAP

    Sorry for the lack of updates. The past six days have been interesting. My desire and appreciate for women has escalated to a level where I am actually talking and asking out random women I meet. Yesterday on the train on the way home I noticed a stunning french girl smiling at me, she got off at my stop and I couldn’t help myself- I hopped off and asked her name, if she had a boyfriend, where she was from and if she would like to go out with me some time. She said yes by the way… I also have been going out and meeting people that I am usually incredibly nervous around. My eye contact is much better with both women and men. I am MUCH more clear headed and possibly and even open to alternative routes to accomplishing a goal (more flexible)- which is unlike my perfectionist nature. I am far less worried about judgement. If this continues I will finally be where I want to be or at least on the right track..

    So that is all the journals I wrote. Between day 15 and now I have met this girl 5 or 6 times. We went to the cinema on the first day (cliche I know, it was her idea) and since then I have cooked her food and gone out clubbing twice. Now one thing I have done is have sex. Which maybe screws up this noFAP thing but sex is sex and it’s not something I have regularly, let me tell you (let alone with a gorgeous 21 year old french student).

    Overall I’m motivated, my anxiety is definetly much easier to get a handle on and I’m much, much, much more clear headed. I recommend this to anybody in a rut, anybody with anxiety problems or anybody at all really. If the next 59 days go as smooth as this I will be there in no time. Best of luck my fellow noFAPPERS!

  57. Two days ago I was miserable

    So two days ago I was miserable and contemplating the idea of wrestling with a speeding train—now I’m feeling like I’m on MDMA.

    This isn’t a joke, two days ago I was plotting ways of ending my life. I’m a rational person, and things have been going nowhere for a long time, so having fulfilled my bucket list, all I could think was: “Fuck this shit, I’m out.”

    So I posted something on /r/suicidewatch — just in case someone would give me some bit of information, knowledge, an experience, a hint or just well-meant support. Anything was good. Because besides factually ending my life, I also considered “simply” doing away with who I was. Be a new me: a better me. Practically the same idea, I suppose, except with a conscious mind.

    So someone posted this thing about /r/nofap — I was doing this about 3 times a day, 9 times a day when I was really bored.

    So I stopped. I hadn’t that day, either. So I guess I just completed day 3 of not fapping. Again: I’m a rational being, I contemplate everything. According to my job performance I’m an analytical mastermind or something. And I’m being modest here.




    1. The weather is great, normally I’d sulk and sit inside. I did chores in and around the house and took time to travel around town a bit for some long-standing necessities. I enjoyed the sun, I enjoyed being by myself, I had lunch with a gorgeous friend of mine.
    2. For the first time in months I genuinely laughed about things. Silly things. A video here on Reddit, a joke someone made in a shop I visited, the sarcastic humor of said friend, the unfortunate accident of a random bird…
    3. I hooked up my PS3 again, just to play one of the many games I never finished. I finished Red Dead Redemption and I actually enjoyed the shit out of it. Took me 4 hours, I had quit this game about a year and a half ago.

    I’m not sure what kind of magic you guys got me hooked on here, but for all I care you guys found a magic cure to happiness and satisfaction. And this is only day 3. The FAQ tells me I’m yet to peek.

    My goal isn’t sex—I’ve plenty of that—my goal is reinventing myself. And I needed something for it, and I didn’t know what it was. There’s happyfuel in my balls and I’ve been dumping it into tissues all this time. This is a great first step. And a whole lot better than jumping in front of a train, I’m sure.


  58. DAY 68 PMO FREE – yourbrainrebalanced


    NO TURNING BACK! IS THE THEME OF THE DAY. thanks HadEnough and rcfergie5.

    It is a good motto to live by.  The benefits of not using PMO greatly surpass the short term dopamine fix that PMO induces in the brain.  I feel like my brain is healing.  When I started this re-boot, I listed the following symptoms that I felt like weight on my shoulders:

    1) lack of motivation

    2) irritability

    3) brain fog

    4) inability to concentrate

    5) mood swings

    6) social anxiety

    Today, I am proud to state here that I no longer suffer from any of these symptoms.  My moods are much more “steady”.  People are starting to notice.  The anxiety is GONE…my concentration is crystal clear, my motivation for life is very high.   I also eat better and even enjoy getting out of the house, away from the computer.  Fishing, hiking, and just walking with the dog has really helped me get deep into this re-boot without a relapse.  These are hobbies I REALLY ENJOY but neglected for at least the past decade since I first got high-speed internet.  I have become a leader among my long-time buddies.  Fun male bonding with them on the fishing trips “off shore” in the diesel powered skiff.  The skiff was the best purchase I have ever made. 


  59. Years of porn

    The NoFap Story of a 28 year old guy

    I have tried no fap several times recently, and I have had to reset over and over again. Resetting the badge always gives me hope that I can escape this addiction, but then the loneliness sets in and I go back to my old habits. But this time, I’m determined to change my life and be the real person who is hidden beneath the angst and pain caused by isolation and pornography addiction.

    I always dreamed that I would find the right girl for me and settle down at a relatively young age. Its one of those dreams that stays with me and I actually have recurring dreams about it at night. But there was always this constantly nagging addiction that has plagued me since I was a teenager, and I think it has effectively prevented me from seeing my dream come to fruition.

    I remember the summer when things went from bad to worse. I found this website that provided free passes to all the major pornography websites. At the time, you could only find 3 minute streams of the videos which would always leave you wanting more. I had hit the jackpot. I was on summer holidays, so I would spend days on end looking at new videos, searching for new girls, each one better than the last. I had no idea what this habit was doing to myself esteem and my drive to socialize and meet girls.

    It was always the pornography addiction coupled with the addiction to video games. It was as if something inside me was telling me that I could only live vicariously through these means. It got worse as I got older. It didn’t help that I lived by myself for most of my late teens into adulthood. I didn’t know any better. I thought a social life was for certain types of people, extroverts, who just wanted to drink and talk about nothing. I had it all in my self-contained little world.

    I managed to make a career for myself, a lot of people I met would find me likeable and engaging. But the part of me that wouldn’t let go of the porn would tell me I was hiding from the world, they would find me out eventually. They would come to know me as the loser who can’t even talk to girls, and had never had a girlfriend.

    There were girls too, beautiful ones were interested in me. I was never able to fathom that either. I would always get looks and compliments, but me? Why would a girl look at me? Maybe my nose was too big or she didn’t like the shape of my head. The porn took my self-esteem with it. I would never pick up on the hints that some girls would give, and I’d end up pursuing the ones that weren’t interested and getting my heart broken in the process, many a night was spent lamenting my misfortunes in the love department. Was it the truth? No. I just had this messed up addiction that would tell me I wasn’t worth loving, and that it was all I would ever have. The only way I would ever have that passion.

    I believed the lies that I told myself. It got so bad that after a while I developed terrible social anxiety. People would ask me questions, and I would take what seemed an eternity to answer because of the brain fog. Making friends became more difficult because I grew more withdrawn over time, spending entire days fapping away.

    Were there happy times, yes, of course. I became an accomplished soccer player, completed my psychology degree, got engaged at one point. But those moments all seemed fleeting, because I was bound to the one thing that would hold me and maybe eventually deepen my depression and lead to suicide. I honestly felt that way at times. I remember having the biggest crush on my neighbor and wanting to at least say something, but I would be so tense when I’d run into her in the hallways. I remember overhearing her saying, “our neighbor is probably masturbating” to her roomate and they both laughed. I didn’t have to second guess that she was talking about me, I was always so tense when I’d see her, she just knew that something wasn’t right. Maybe I would have had a chance if it wasn’t for the addiction. But my point is that when PMO has taken hold, the outside world can tell. You become a shell of a man.

    I broke up with my fiancee, and things got worse for me yet again. I don’t know how I was able to leave the house for work some days. I would feel terribly weak in my legs, and I could hardly think coherently. The thought that I could never be loved was reinforced, I broke up with my fiancee, but I asked myself whether it was my fault she didn’t love me and spend time with me like I thought she would. In reality, the relationship happened because I felt very lonely and isolated. And again, I would spend days PMO’ing. It was my escape, if I wasn’t playing soccer or at work, then chances are I was at a computer screen fapping. Reinforcing the negative thought patterns, and social anxiety.

    I’m old enough now to understand that I have a lot to offer a woman, and the world in general. I want a family of my own, I want to live life without the nagging fear that I’m not good enough, and that I’m somehow defective. I want to feel, have those vivid dreams, laugh and smile without reservation. Feel pain when I must instead of being numb to it all. I want to live the dream I have had ever since I was a boy. No relationship is perfect, but I believe true love is the closest thing humankind has to heaven, if you believe in heaven.

    In 7 years, the longest I have gone without fapping has been 30 days. Guys, noFap changes you. People look at you differently, you walk with your head up because you’re no longer doing something that you’re ashamed of and have to hide from everybody. Its worth doing, even if only for the 90 days, leaving porn behind is a must for all of us. It reduces us to hollow shells. I am posting this because I want to be accountable to the other guys and girls here, I want to be able to come and ask for encouragement when it seems so much easier to just download some porn and fap. NoFap will allow us to love ourselves again. That’s how I feel about it anyway.

    I just wanted to add that I never thought I was addicted to any extreme kinds of porn. But then I reflected and realized that I always had a liking for cuckold porn. To avoid too much detail, these are situations where a man’s wife is with another man while the husband watches. And I think it warped me to the point where I could only picture the women I was interested in with other people whether fictional or real. I think that this is a terribly dangerous niche of porn, as they all are.

    Thanks for reading guys, let’s help each other get thorough this and come out as real men. I hope that in the coming months I’ll be posting here about how I found my first girlfriend in two years and I have new found confidence. But this time, I’m doing it for me and the young men who can learn from my story.

  60. Ladies and Gentlemen, I have made it.

    LINK – FireOnCampus

    Well the day has finally come, and I have not. (At least for 90 days) It has been a difficult journey, but I learned many things along the way.

    Let me give you a little background on who I am: I am around 19 years old and am still a virgin, though I have a girlfriend and we’ve been together for about 8 months. I have been masturbating since I was around 15 years old to mainly pornography (with the occasional magazine here and there). It was originally around once a week or so when I was free at night, but during the summer and some stretches last year it was basically every day.

    I decided that maybe it was a problem when my girlfriend couldn’t get me off. I didn’t have ED by any stretch but I was always the one who had to finish. My sensitivity definitely wasn’t what it was when I started fapping. After I saw the TED talk I was convinced that maybe it wasn’t a physical thing and that maybe mentally I just wasn’t all there during intimacy.

    Like many of you have discovered, not fapping has its benefits. After a few weeks I noticed that I had more energy and I had a distinct desire to be pro-active. I got back to working out and I’ve been doing this one routine and have been tracking my progress for the last month. I actually lost 10 pounds as well and I look more fit.

    As for the ladies, well my girlfriend has noticed I am more confident and energetic around her which is a plus. I have had a few releases throughout my noFap journey when I’m with her, but I thought that those were acceptable. Not too many though, we don’t live too close during the summer so I haven’t seen her very often.

    Overall, quitting masturbating didn’t necessarily improve my life dramatically and transform me into some super-being. However, it definitely gave me more energy and noticeable boost in confidence.

    I’m glad I found this sub-reddit and I wish all of you the best of luck! Feel free to ask any questions or post any feedback below.


  61. 40 days and 40 nights

    Seems like as good a time as any for an update. It hasn’t been easy lately, but it is without a doubt worth it. LINK

    • Week 1 felt empty. Fapping had become this almost instinctual response. Everyone out of the house? Pants off, computer on. That kind of thing. Breaking that cycle in the first few days was the most important thing to me. I would always force myself to read a few NoFap posts before doing anything, and that always steered my hand away from my pants. Still, it suddenly became harder to fill the hours in a day. There’s just so much time I never realized I had before!
    • Week 2 the flatline started. I had no sexual urges at all – it just wasn’t interesting anymore. The only way I knew I was still functional was that I started getting solid morningwood. This was the easiest time to resist (since the urges weren’t there in the first place) and the time I started some new habits to use those empty hours. Exercise, meditation, music practice, and blogging to name a few. It still seemed like I had so much time.
    • Week 3 the flatline continued. I started to get a little worried, started to get those thoughts of “better test to see if I’m still capable…”. Meditation helped me see that those were just a recovering addict’s rationalizations and starting cold showers helped drive my focus elsewhere. I always used to fap when I was bored, but now that I haven’t been fapping for a while, I find that I’m less bored. Little things are becoming far more interesting, chores that I would’ve put off doing I now do almost unconsciously.
    • Week 4 the urges started picking up again. Now I’m living with my parents until the end of the month, so there was no real way to act on them without risking relapse. Cold showers became my best friend, sometimes multiple ones per day. I absolutely refused to edge – why taunt myself with what I can’t have? I still hadn’t had a wet dream, and all that energy just kept building and building. I worked out harder and read more, trying to exhaust both mind and body, but they always had more energy in reserve. It was both awesome and terrifying.
    • Week 5 was harder still, but the nofap habit was fully ingrained by that point. My family took a vacation to the beach, and the sight of so many hot gals and guys nearly-naked threatened to set me off. Beware any time your routine is broken, be it by change of location or hours awake or anything. The addict part of your brain will take that change as a chink in the armor and worm its way back into consideration. Constant vigilance.
    • Benefits? There are so many. For starters, I feel like the Energizer Bunny. I can just keep going and going and going and barely get tired. I feel so much more in control of myself than before, and that extra agency is letting me do things I’ve always wanted to, but never been able to do consistently (namely exercise, music practice, and meditation). I’m noticing the little beautiful things about the world so much more. Generally I’ve just been happier – before I would often just wait and waste the time between fapping sessions, but now I’m using it to work towards my goals. Nothing beats that sense of accomplishment.

    So why do I post now? Basically, to keep myself from relapsing. I just had my first wet dream of nofap (of Biblical proportions), and I’m wary of the chaser effect.

  62. Nofap has seemed to made my life like the movie Limitless.

    I’ve come to the conclusion that If I want to succeed in life with my dreams, work, or girls, I cannot fap. (LINK TO POST)

    The past 11 days have been incredible. I’ve got so much energy to do everything. I can ride my bike 12 miles then run for 2.5. I’ve never done that before. Everyday gets better and though the urges get stronger, the rewards are better.

    My secret is writing the number of days clean in my rear view mirror with a dry erase marker. You always look at that and it’s always an encouragement. I tell you guys, you can do it once you get a taste of the life outside of porn and life itself will be your motivation to conquer it.

    I’ve been seeing a girl lately and its been pretty great. I have had a few close calls but in the moment you must make a choice to live and not die in addiction. It’s so worth it. I can’t wait to be completely free. 88 days to go. Your promise land is waiting for you. Will you believe you can possess it? Break through the fear of the unknown and learn to love the unknown. It’s safe there.

  63. My story – 25y old virgin with social anxiety

    Hey guys and gals, (LINK)

    I feel the need to write my story and rant a little because I Oed today with a sexdream while sleeping.

    I am a 25 year old virgin with social anxiety. I fapped since I was about 12 years old. Fapping was a daily routine till I was about 23. At this stage I told myself to not fap every day because it became very exhausting and I am tired the next day. So I only fapped on the weekends about 2-5 times. Since I am about 20 I am into drugs. The first few years I only smoked weed daily and use shrooms about once every few months. I discovered more and more drugs I like. I took drugs for the sole purpose of making fapping more amazing. Which worked pretty well … My taste of pornos got weirder and weirder. My collection got bigger and bigger.

    Don’t read the next passage if you don’t want bad ideas or relapse easy.

    Then I discovered amphetamines. If you know what amphetamines do they are vasoconstrictor and contract your blood vessels. You also get extremely horny and they have a freaking huge impact on your dopamine balance. Well I discoverd I could fap for 10 hours straight and cumming 5 times without problems. The orgasms are freaking amazing and I get horny when I think of it. You cum for hours and you cum so extremly hard. I did this about 10 times once every weekend in a row.


    I noticed this had a huge impact on me. I got quieter and quieter and just didn’t talk with anyone at work and didn’t do something on the weekends. Well besides fapping.

    I discovered this subreddit and the TED talk on the first of July this year.

    Since then I tried noFap and had streaks of 16, 22, 4 and 6 days.

    My first relapse was from a drug induced orgasm and I told myself what the hell I might even fap if I already came a little. So I went for a 6h fapping session with porn.

    The second realapse happend after I was on holiday at the beach with a few friends. All those beautiful women were just to much. So when I came home I edged a little and came pretty fast.

    I don’t know why I relapsed the third time. Probably boredom. Relapse with porn.

    The fourth time I relapsed was today. I woke up and went back to sleep for an hour again. In this hour I had a sexdream and I orgasmed. FUCK THIS SHIT.

    Every relapse I feel pretty down. At least I don’t relapsed with porn so it feels not as bad as my first relapse.

    So what has noFap given me till now:

    • less social anxiety. I have made new friends which I do stuff and go to other countries or on holiday. Never did something like that in the past 10 years because of anxiety and disinterest.
    • I found myself talking more and more to girls at work. Just training the basics of conversation. I know this sounds stupid but I never did something like this my entire life.
    • You penis gets bigger. This is no joke. I almost gained an inch till now.
    • I can look people longer into their eyes. Pretty amazing if you do this with girls and they are the ones who break eyecontact.
    • It seems like girls notice when you don’t fap. Almost every girl I pass in the street looks into my eyes. Girls at work check me out. Even if they have boyfriends.
    • I have more confidence to say what I want to say. It seems like other people enjoy this and I am more funny than I thought. I just never spoke up because I was afraid what the other people think about me.
    • The ability to not give a fuck about what other people thinks about me gets better and better by the day.
    • I am more motivated to do stuff. Two week ago I went hiking the first time in my life.
    • If you relapse you don’t lose all of your progress!!! The second time I relapsed I had only 1 or 2 days of bad feelings but after that it was like before the relapse.

    So thank you all for this amazing sub and help me kill my SA without medication.

  64. Day 79 – Feel like Im in the puberty again!

    OMG it really feels like Im in the puberty again. Last night I had a wet dream and next minut I came in my pants. I FUCKIN JIZZ IN MY PANTS. I havent done that since I were 13 years old, before I started PMO. Its crazy, now I see all kinds of beautiful girls I didnt notice before. (LINK)

    Its like everything gone back to the stage it was before I even started PMO.

    I will continue my journey. I will reach 100 days and even longer Thanks for all the help so far my brothers. Keep on fighting.

  65. 10 days in and I can bend

    10 days in and I can bend steel bars with my bare hands, cure cancer with a touch of my finger, and communicate with animals!

    Ok, well not quite…

    …but here’s what I have noticed since starting nofap and no PMO:

    • More energy – I’ve been going to the gym about twice as much as usual and I seem to recover from my workouts faster.

    • There seems to be more attractive women around now – maybe it’s just the nofap goggles ?

    • I notice women noticing me more than before nofap – I think what’s really happening here is a combination of things 1) the biological changes my body is experiencing do cause me to be more attractive to women (i.e., testosterone boost), and 2) I’m so damn horny I stare at more women than I used to and I hold my stare until they finally look my way. Whichever one it is, or if it’s both of these things I don’t care, the results are positive.

    • My mind is somewhat clearer and calmer. My mood is on average up from where it was pre-nofap. I’m not the happiest man on the planet and things that upset me before nofap still upset me now, it’s just not as intense.

    • I think I’m sleeping better and my dreams are getting more positive.

    • I haven’t hit a major flatline yet, hopefully I never will.

    And now the obligatory I’m not fapping and this awesome thing happened to me moment: I went out this past weekend with some friends to a bar. I’m older, in my mid-30s, and I always thought younger girls were creeped out by my age. Don’t know if it was the nofap confidence boost or what, but I found myself talking to and making out with a girl who was in her early 20’s AND she was attractive.

    Is this shallow and somewhat childish? Yes. Do I care? No! It was a wonderful ego boost and just the kick in the pants to keep me on the nofap path. I chalk the experience up to the wise words of Tone Loc –”But that’s what happens when people stop fappin…”

  66. Age 33 – 5 weeks: Some words from an old guy

    Some words from an old guy

    Hello! I’ve been lurking these forums for a while now, and I feel it’s about time I made some kind of contribution. I first heard about this place via YBOP, and I’ve read a lot of inspiring stories here. Kudos to everyone trying to overcome their personal limitations!

    I don’t remember why I first stumbled upon YBOP and nofap, but I’m very thankful I did. It’s strange how you can continue PMO:ing away without reflecting on how unnatural it really is. This forum and YBOP has made the elusive a bit more obvious. Masturbating to porn really hurts you.

    I haven’t masturbated or watched porn for about 5 weeks. In this time, my appreciation for everything in this (my) life has increased a lot. I feel a lot clearer about almost every situation. I can watch poeple (and especially girls) in the eye and remain completely relaxed (this has led to a few interesting situations).

    In the short amount of time that I’ve been porn- and masturbatory free, I’ve experienced more adventure than in several years before. I cannot believe how stupid I was to not discover this before!

    If you actually noticed the benefits, you shouldn’t have a hard time quitting. Actually, if you cannot stay away from porn and masturbation for 90 days, you’re a fucking wimp.

    Well, until a few weeks ago I was a fucking wimp as well, so the walls I’m throwing my stones at are made of glass.

    I don’t want to give the impression that I stopped watching porn, and girls all of a sudden started materializing naked in my bed. It’s more like I’ve been much more comfortable with my horniness around (some) women and they’ve mostly responded favourably ;).

    At 33 years of age, I’m feeling like I’m heading for new and unimaginable adventures.

    (Sorry if my English sucks — I know it’s not an excuse but I’m Swedish…)

  67. Day 22…well, this is a turn up for the books!

    Well, I’ve just gone over the 3 week mark, so I thought I’d do my first proper post here to tell people how it’s been for me so far.

    Whilst one of the main reasons of NoFap for me is to break my porn addiction, I didn’t actually come here specifically because of that.

    A few weeks back I was at a local pub with a few friends and I started talking to an old acquaintance that I hadn’t seen in years. We got on really well and I dropped her a message on Facebook to say it was nice to catch up and that we should do it again sometime. From there we started talking via messages and eventually by text and phone and before I knew it I realised that I hadn’t fapped in over 5 days. And I hadn’t missed it at all.

    I remembered seeing NoFap months and months back but paid it no heed at the time because I thought that there was nothing wrong with having the “occasional” tug. Curious, I came back and started reading about all of your experiences and thought: yes, I’ll give this a try.

    This is my first run and I’m currently on day 22, and so far I don’t miss it at all.

    So, are the side effects true? God. Yes. My confidence has sky rocketed. I know longer imagine myself as a troll stooped over a desk, but as a functioning, respectable adult. And it HAS rubbed off (no pun intended) into my social life. I now have one or two people in my life who seem actively interested in me, and I put it down to being more outwardly confident and happy with myself. I will GLADLY sacrifice a few minutes of tube sites a night for feeling this great.

    So my message to anyone who is thinking of starting: don’t think twice. Do it. You will be amazed at the results, even in such a short space of time.

    It won’t get you laid. It won’t get you a girlfriend. YOU will. Because you feel that. Damn. Good.

  68. Unplugged from the Matrix

    Unplugged from the Matrix

    I’m starting to feel like Neo when he starts looking at everything in Matrix code. Every girl that I’m attracted to now has some kind of weird Aura around them. I asked this girl I’m kinda seeing if she started wearing a new perfume. She was like no I’m not wearing anything. Last time I felt like this was when I was 15, and it’s only been a little over a week. Hopefully soon I’ll be flying around cities and dodging bullets.

  69. “Brain fog” can go fuck itself.

    LINK -“Brain fog” can go fuck itself.

    I know you’re not supposed to beat yourself up about relapsing. IMO, relapsing and finishing despite seeing a glimpse of myself in the mirror doing the deed isn’t even the worst part. It’s the shitty feeling the next few days after that is.

    After only 11 days, I feel like a different person. I’m much more talkative and aware in social settings. At work, I’m on top of everything instead of forgetting things and asking people to repeat themselves. It’s been over a decade since I started looking at/watching porn and this feels like this is how I truly am.

    I know this feeling from before…. my previous /nofap best was something like 19 days. Near the end of that 19-day period, I got several lap dances for an unrelated celebratory thing – bad idea. The estrogen overload combined with not fapping for weeks made me feel amazing. Now, I’m sort of irritable and impatient – plus I work in retail… maybe that’s causative and not correlative? Anyways, I was bulletproof the next day at work – felt like I had climbed a mountain or something, NOBODY irritated me. But I had too much pent up energy and hornyness that I ended up relapsing the day after. And many times after. Back came the brain fog, gone was my razor-sharp awareness and that on-top-of-the-world feeling. Ugh.

    I wish I’d never descended the slippery slope of porn. I have a renewed motivation to keep that brain fog at bay, whatever it takes. I’ve learned a lot from my mistakes. If only I could do a memory flash, a la Men In Black blue flash-thingy. Speaking of which, it’s shit like that…. obscure movie references that I would never remember during my spans of brain fog. Forget about being a zombie.


  70. 120 Days and still going!

    120 Days and still going!

    So today is day 120 for me, and what a 120 days it has been, doing nofap was one of the greatest decisions I ever made, I am no longer the person that I was when I was using PMO, let me repeat that, I am a very different person today than I was 120 days ago, nofap works, it changes you, rather it brings you closer to your true self.

    Let me just say I did not turn into a casanova, but who the hell cares?! I feel so comfortable with my self, sometimes I get this sense that I’m a badass for no reason! I feel very attracted to hot girls, way more than before, but now I know they’re just females, they’re not angels or beings from another dimension, they’re just human females.

    Most of my social anxiety is gone, I don’t care as much what people think of me, or if a girl likes me or not, I can hold eye contact with anyone, nobody is better than me, they might be richer or better looking or smarter, but nobody is better than me, I am me, the me that I’m supposed to be, this how I should’ve felt at 16 or 17 if it hadn’t been for PMO.

    I am living life way more now, I rarely sit at home, I can talk to anyone, I surprise my self everyday. I still don’t have a GF, yet I don’t dwell on it, I know my time will come when I will meet that perfect girl and I will be ready for her. I feel so much better, when I wake up in the morning, when I talk to someone, when I go to bed, I just feel so much better in every aspect of my life.

    Nofap works, it really does, stick with it guys and you will be rewarded, don’t stop at 90 or 120, keep going as far as you can take it, trust me on this, you won’t regret it.

  71. 17 years old reboot

    17 years old reboot

    I am rebooting because i have ED and PE, anxiety and depression. So here it is, day 63 no PM, and day 22 no PMO . I have some questions that no one seemed to have the answer for me. Since I started the reboot, i had frequent wet dreams (1 dream/2-3days/a week top) Is this set back my reboot? Wet dreams can occur during flat-line? Usually when i get a wet dream , i don’t dream about porn, but i never get to the sex part because i ejaculate soon as the action starts. But last night a got a weird dream that i don’t remember really well. I was fapping to porn but it wasn’t porn, it was weird, i think it was a POV or something (anyway this happened very quickly, like i was in the middle of the dream, got erect, porn magically appeared in front of me and ejaculate, done).

    Anyway, the reboot process is going pretty good, i feel much much better, anxiety and depression are on low and i’m starting to get very good moods. Down there, not much is happening, no random erections, rare morning woods. But i am confident and i think i will see progress soon.

  72. my sex life with my wife infinitely better,

    I’ve found that not fapping has made my sex life with my wife infinitely better, but as for staying Fap-Free… I suppose nobody’s perfect. I’ve never completely cut out porn, and it caught up to me today. If anything, it’s a reminder that the problem is porn. Either I cut it out entirely, or I’ll keep slipping. (LINK to post)

    I never made a 90 day or 120 day post, but I’ll sum up my experience in one sentence: If you’re in a steady, sexual relationship, you shouldn’t be fapping. It’s that simple. You should be channeling your sexual energies towards one another. These last 4 months have been great, and I recommend NoFap to anyone who might be interested. I can’t speak to the effectiveness of NoFap for a single person (I imagine it’s a great deal more difficult), but for me, it’s been nothing but wonderful.

    I hope you all experience success at least as great as mine.

  73. General observations after 38 days

    Okay, I’m gonna make this sort of readable.

    • My concentration is up by like a million percent. In two days this semester, I’ve spent more time reading in the library than last semester alone. This is probably the most significant and noticeable of the changes.
    • I wake up earlier, am more rested, and spend my day more structured and smart than I used to. Way more.
    • Women notice me. I still act like a 15-year old as soon as I get horny, but that probably comes from having sex two times in a lifetime.
    • My ED still isn’t cured. I know this probably is a downer for some, but I keep my hopes up and count on it fixing itself either by continuing the streak or by being less anxious while actually having sex. I made a girl O even after ED occured though, that helps the self-esteem.
    • I feel more happy. Even though I have my ups and downs, I am confident that my general level of happiness is higher.
    • I have so much more physical energy. This manifests in some of the points above, but to get a physical result, I started exercising Krav Maga today. It was awesome.

    What I need to work on:

    • I need to edge less and work on not getting erections at all while talking to friends on Skype and such. I usually stop after a couple of seconds, but I am well aware that it might eventually be my downfall.
    • I feel much more comfortable talking to and opening up to females. This is in itself good, but I feel I’m overdoing it and being way too open about emotions and girl issues to way too many, especially girls. That might scare some away, or seriously hurt me some day.

    I take one day at a time, and force my hand away as soon as it starts doing things it shouldn’t. It’s much easier than it was the first couple of days, but still takes some discipline every now and then.

  74. 30 days! Definitely worth it.

    30 days! Definitely worth it.

    I never had trouble with ED but social anxiety and concentration problems are pretty much my trademark characteristics, and for years I thought it’s just part of my character. I quit 30 days ago, just to give it a try and 2 weeks in I was thinking “I feel the same” but I started this year of college with a new found confidence and motivation.

    I didn’t feel the change that was happening but now that I look back and try to compare my “old self” and now, I definitely see a huge improvement. Eye contact was something I always struggled with. I always tried to keep eye contact, but it took effort. It wasn’t something that I do naturally. Online I can make jokes and have fun, but when I’m around people it’s like my mind blanks out. But this mind-block is gone now, I feel comfortable laughing out loud and smiling a lot more where usually I would just smile awkwardly and hold in my laugh.

    I also just had my first crush in years. The last time I even had a crush on a girl and felt like I want to be in a relationship, not just sex and stuff was years ago. Seriously. Now I’m not saying I have any kind of chance, but it’s still good. I almost forgot what it feels like to just want to be around a girl and the feeling I get if I make her laugh or if she’s happy to see me. I honestly doubt she would ever consider me more than a friend(I’m not exactly good looking), I don’t think I would if I was in her place. And because of that, I feel a lot more motivated to improve myself, my body, my looks in general, even my study skills.

    Now I can’t give nofap the credit entirely, I’m in a new country, with different culture in a one of the best universities around and all this plays a role. I don’t wanna give you the same idea I got when I first got here. “I stopped fapping and now girls are attracted to me all the time!! also I have girl radar and awkward boners all the time!!” Because that’s not my experience. I didn’t have any awkward boners at all, I don’t stare and think about every passing girl and my hormones level are not shooting through the roof. Infact, I think I may be a lot less horny overall. Also girls are not jumping on the chance to be around me. But I feel a lot more confident, a lot more motivated, more focused and maybe a bit more interesting and can hold more interesting conversations. And hopefully on the right track to a better me.

  75. 32 Days in, what i’ve noticed about myself, traps, triggers, etc

    32 Days in, what i’ve noticed about myself, traps, triggers, etc etc

    Okay guys, so its day 32 of my NoFap challenge. Firstly let me establish that i started this with the intention of just completing the 90 days but quickly decided after some early positive changes that i wanted to quit porn and beating the meat for the rest of my life.

    A bit of background, im 29, discovered masturbation at a very early age and would do it at least once a day, have done it up to 8 times in a day, it became very much part of my lifestyle, like a burden that i tolerated because i loved it. Im certain it affected me growing up, made me timid, and i sucked with girls, even though im a good looking guy, can speak 4 languages and im funny.

    Ive had 2 serious relationships in my life, one lasted almost 3 years, the other 2 years. Never had issues with ED, have had weaker erections and not being able to come on the odd occasion but i can count those times on one hand. Dont know why but that last sentence sounded semi-sexual. meh. Both ended because i became disinterested in them, because of how i wired my brain with porn. Saw them more as a sexual outlet and felt like they owed me the right to sex, instead of seeing them as beautiful individuals. I had sex all the time, at least once a day but would supplement with PMO. I was fortunate in a sense that i didnt develop ED but did have loss of sensitivity and always had no energy, felt depressed, overly anxious about petty shit, mood swings like a junkie, and unfortunately tho one closest to me bore the brunt of it and my hair started to thin out a bit.

    A workmate was watching the TED video on a coffee break and it really hit home with me. It was basicallly describing my life to a tee. I decided that day that i would do NoFap. I joined, (i only belong to this subreddit and have no idea what the rest of reddit is about yet), got to day 9 after a week of edging and thinking its cool until i shot my money and felt deflated (pun intended). Since then its been 32 days.

    What ive noticed:

    • week 1

    Immense surge of energy, almost superhuman. I would go to bed at 11pm and wake up at 2.30am with my mind and body convinced it was 6.30am and that im rested and ready for work.

    could work out for 2hours straight and keep going easily.

    Had tremendous amounts of energy at work to get things done, shocked my workmates. felt like i could flip a truck on demand.

    • Week 2

    Much the same as week one, except my good friend’s sister came out of the blue and started messaging me on facebook, pretty much told me shes been keen on me for years. She comes over a few days later, we have sex. She has strange body spasms ive never seen a girl do before while she comes which only took her a short time. This subsequently puts me off my own need to come. Crisis averted, money is retained. We go out on a date, shes awkward. Probably because im going to leave to work in Abu Dhabi for good and shes going on a Euro trip and doesnt want shit to get attached. Fair enough, im grateful.

    • Week 3

    Flatline central. Initial high is diminished, reduction of overall energy, all power and communication systems appear to have shut down in the penile area. Interesting things happen though, concentration steadily increasing, new respect is gained among peers. Not giving a fuck attitude is present and is rewarded with more respect. Start developing a mini posee. Found myself at home doing something weird. One of my Fapping triggers became exposed. I find that when im bored on the net, my brain will say go to a generic porn site, because this is what i did before, this is how i would start an internet session. As soon as i became aware of this i put a stop to it and developed ways to manage it such as turning off the net and reading over stuff related to my hoobies. Attention diversion is key.

    • Week 4

    Energy increasing slightly, libido returned slightly, follow on effect from not giving a fuck still reaping positive returns. I see chicks checking me out, i check them out, make intense eye contact. Discover the importance of genuine primal eye contact. Make it happen more often from now on even if slightly mechanical. Notice the addictive side of my brain trying to fill the void of not fapping with other stimuli such as awesome music, metal, dubstep, anything dopamine inducing. Fucking love it. Find myself initiating conversations with old friends on facebook, and skype, texting old friends to catch up. Seeking out to reconnect. Discover I was depressed, and was a self centered idiot for a very long time. Fell down about this for a short time, decide its not worth feeling bad about it, everything in life is a lesson and I seek damage control instead. Apologise to my sister for an argument we had two years ago which made us not speak to each other.

    • Week 4.5

    Have a serious meeting at work which could result in a written warning because a job was screwed up i was also late for the meeting a couple of times. Go in guns blazing, make my point clear about how ridiculous the boss is being, take his points and condescending comments as his way of trying to show who’s most dominant. I acknowledge within myself that he is my boss but he’s still not above me, say my points, deflate his arguments, leave him flustered in his office. No warnings issued. Respect from boss gained as a result. Intense heavy workload at work all week, new found mental concentration and stamina keep me safe from making careless mistakes in my design work. Libido returns slightly, woke up a couple of times during the night with raging wood, find myself begin able to operate at a satisfactory level all week with very little sleep.

    What ive figured out so far:

    • Not only was i addicted to PMO but i also have an addiction to media. Net, youtube, facebook, etc etc. Find myself wasting a fuckton of time on these things. Purely as a way of diverting my brain from boredom. I find that when i forcibly divert my brain away from these things to something useful it remains engaged in the task.
    • PMO triggers are ingrained within your brain and take time for those neural pathways to rut over with new ones, i suspect this period requires the most strength in order not to relapse.
    • Recover is definitely non linear. Being biological in our nature its only natural for us to have super up and super low days. I just acknowledge the low days and work as best as i can and ride the high days with an absolute vengeance.
    • This isnt going to open the fucking stargate or make you see the world in binary like the matrix but it will definitely help you in ways that you definitely would not have anticipated. Today i noticed my old self from perhaps a decade ago coming back. My quick wittednessnotarealword, mental stamina, and capacity are gradually coming back to me. Now that im realizing this and look back at what life was like a few years ago im certain i was depressed and stuck in a shithole of a place.

    Hope this post doesnt bore. I could go on all night, kinda feel like a dick for lurking and decided to give some back 🙂

  76. The Halfway Mark – 45 days

    The Halfway Mark

    Today I am halfway through the 90-day challenge and I thought I’d post a few thoughts. First off, I never thought (nor do I now) that nofap would solve all of my problems in life. I simply thought that the time and energy spent browsing porn and fapping was wasteful and needed to stop. That said, some bullet points:

    • I do have more energy. It’s not a spectacular, bouncing-off-the-walls type energy, but I generally have the energy to do the things throughout the day that I want to do — be it work, cleaning up, going out, working out, etc.
    • More time. An obvious one, that. I estimate conservatively that I spent an average of two hours a day on PMO. That time is now mine and it’s noticeable. I often go through a day wondering what to do with all the extra time. But that’s a good thing.
    • More confident and more social. Again, I wouldn’t say that the increase here has been huge but it’s been noticeable. I find myself chatting with strangers more. I want to be around people more than I used to. I just think I’m more relaxed and friendlier.
    • Good habits seem easier to stick with. I’m working out more, eating better, drinking less. It could be just a result of the resolve to go on the nofap challenge, or it could be the resultant change in brain chemistry, I don’t know, but I struggle less with motivating myself to do things that used to be very hard for me.

    So that’s it. Overall I feel like a better, healthier, more positive person. I’ve said this before but I don’t think nofap will solve all of life’s problems for me, but it will put me in a place where I can solve them.

  77. Day 10, and my most noticeable changes are to my social anxiety.

    Day 10, and my most noticeable changes are to my social anxiety.

    Day 10, the single longest stretch ive gone without fapping since I was 12 years old. I can’t say that the past few days have been particularly difficult for me since I was more or less flatlined the entire time, and also being incredibly busy starting my second semester of college. I wasnt left with much time or desire to fap. So I know Ive had it easy compared to some of you guys, and I respect you immensely for being able to power through your first week of what must have been pure torture.

    Regardless of the flatlining ive been experiencing, I have noticed quite a few changes over the past few days.

    The crippling social anxiety that ive been experiencing for the past 5 years has basically eradicated itself from my day to day life. During my first semester of college last spring, my usual routine was to walk into class, sit at my desk and fidget and shake from the amount of adrenaline coursing through my veins caused by the anxiety that I was experiencing.

    Any time that the teacher would announce group work I would immediately be overwhelmed by an incredible wave of anxiety flowing through my body. My face would go red, my pulse would quicken, my breathing would become irregular. And then once I finally got into the group I would be even worse — barely capable of expressing a single coherent thought the entire time because of being so nervous. It was a very uncomfortable experience and one that I am thankful to be finally getting rid of.

    These past few days at school have been amazing, and I dont believe it would have been possible without nofap.

    Now I walk into class with my head held high and a slight smirk on my face just because im excited to see what new things I get to experience today. My shoulders are relaxed and my face is friendly, instead of contorted in fear.

    When my instructor announces group work (which they seem to be addicted to), I still feel that initial rush of anxiety hit me. But I know that is still just the initial reaction and my brain will take some time to adapt to my new behaviors and confidence. Regardless, whatever little anxiety I feel doesn’t linger for a very long. As soon as I get into my group I am completely focused, confident, and relaxed. I communicate clearly with my partner, and in my mind I image us as friendly allies fighting towards the same goal of completing our project together.

    The only unfortunate thing about my new found social confidence is that most of the time me and my partner will spend our time talking and getting to know each other rather than actually working on our project, and we can waste a little bit of time that way. I feel like people are a lot more comfortable around me. I actually look forward to all group work now.

    I have started talking a lot more to people, and expressing my thoughts with incredible clarity and precision. And for anyone who has ever had chronic social anxiety, you know just how foreign that behavior can be.

    I feel like an entirely new man. I am confident, clear-headed, and overflowing with energy. And I have to attribute these new developments to not fapping since I have made absolutely no other changes in the past week except for that.

  78. 7×7=49 days/My experience with NoFap/Takeaways

    7×7=49 days/My experience with NoFap/Takeaways

    It’s hard (two words in and I’m already making puns) strange to imagine to myself that I’ve been Fap/Porn free for 7 weeks now, and the immense clarity that I’ve gained in these unique days.

    Some advice I’ve gleaned from Dale Carnegie while I’ve been reading (more free time in those late night hours now), is the concept of fighting your battles one day at a time. I didn’t just arrive here at day 49, I had to wade through the rigors of days 1,2,3,4,5,6 and 7 first, those sure were tough.

    Then came the lazy summer afternoons through the latter weeks, the boredom, the criticism from my peers and (even women I’m dating) when I would explain my mission when the topics of PMO would arise. Each day had its own challenges. Each day forward will have new ones.

    This is the valuable lesson that I’ve learned. We have a tendency to think toward the future, to imagine how painful things will be days from now, especially if the moment that we’re in is particularly painful itself. PMO is a simple escape from this pain. But there is power in the daily victory, successive victory over our own discipline.

    I seem to notice my transformations about a week after the change has taken place:

    • I’m calmer, more compassionate, more curious, more decisive, more humble.
    • My hands are steady, my eyes are kind.
    • I’ve encountered and retained more women of quality than in all my past dalliance with pickup and game theory satire.
    • But the biggest transformation is my knowledge that my pursuits are my own, and stem directly from a place of self-interest, not self-centeredness, but my unification with the child inside of me.

    Some may call it the soul, others chakra, yet to me it is simply a feeling that the static surrounding my mind has been filtered, that the world is all at once beautiful and intriguing, with no singularity to impede myself from myself. I wish the same for all of you brothers and sisters. Thank you for sharing your stories with me, I could not have seen as far without standing on your shoulders.

  79. Connecting with people, discernment, rambling thoughts…

    Connecting with people, discernment, rambling thoughts…

    Just some rambling thoughts, from someone that hasn’t fapped for a while. I hope there is some value for someone…

    I came to this place via YBOP. I never had ED or any “serious problems”. I was also not a very heavy user of porn. I maybe PMO:d 2-5 times a week. But I think that porn can be very sneaky in that your sense of what’s normal and healthy gets distorted. Thus, I wasn’t aware of any influence that watching porn had on me.

    More than 50 days porn and masturbation free now! It feels real good to look back on that number!

    Today, I don’t feel too sharp though. I had too much to drink last night… Have been a bit tempted to search for porn. But self control has been intact so far. Often when I’m hung over I get tempted. I need learn to control my drinking a bit better too I think. Anyone got any suggestions for resources (reddit or otherwise) about moderating your drinking? I’ve seen /r/stopdrinking, but that seems mostly tailored for heavy addicts. I’m not really an alcoholic, so I feel that it’s a bit difficult to relate. It’s just that I really like getting drunk for some reason! 🙂

    So I went out yesterday, since I usually don’t like spending Friday nights at home. Met up with a girl that I met and talked to a bit last week in a club. Apparently, she’s recently been dumped by some guy, and she’s a bit down and was in need of some distraction. I think she wants more than just being friends, but I only want to be friendly with this girl (I realized I’m not very attracted to either her looks or her personality actually). Anyway, it was good to just take the initiative and contact her, and spend some time getting to know her.

    About some of the benefits I’ve had from > 50 days of nofap

    • I feel I’ve become more integrated during this period: more in tune with my self, and more at ease with other people. As part of this, I also notice much more when girls are attracted to me.
    • As I said, better ability to take control of situations and lead. There’s still much room for improvement, though! I’m still not making stuff happen often enough!
    • Improved sense of self worth, especially with regards to women. Holding myself to a higher standard. Not being so impressed by how women look. At the same time, being very impressed by how women look. ;).
    • Much higher sensitivity to everything sensual; looking into the eyes of a beautiful girl and feeling intense emotions of joy.

    Everything isn’t perfect though (like it ever will be!); I still don’t have a girlfriend. I’ve spent a lot of years in a job that doesn’t satisfy me fully (and I continue to work there). I don’t have very much money saved. No clear direction in my life. I don’t set that many goals for myself. I have no dreams. I realize staying fap and porn free will probably not give me any of this, but so far, the experiment has been worth it.

  80. It is finally here! Day 90! Feels good. Feels real good.
    Ask me anything” rel=”noopener noreferrer nofollow”>90 Days!!! Ask me anything

    It is finally here! Day 90! Feels good. Feels real good. I’m so glad I found this little corner of the internet and I’m so glad I mad the choice to commit to this. This is a lifelong change for me and I’ll never look back!


    I tried doing both at once. But I just kept failing. after months and months of doing both I finally realized that this wasn’t the right method for me. So this time, I just quit porn. But I have been preparing for Nofap the whole time! the first 30 days of Noporn was ‘whatever’ fap whenever I feel the urge as long as it wasn’t to porn. the 2nd 30 days I fapped every other day, and during these final 30 days I’ve cut it down to once a week.

    I also changed where I masturbate in this time. Before It was almost always at my computer desk. But the only place I allowed myself to fap was in my bed. This, I think made the difference to me.


    I read a book! Two and a half books!(still working on the third) All 3 over 400 pages. I’m the kind of guy who reads maybe half a book a year because I think I should. But since starting this my attention span has inflated. I feel smarter, more able to handle problems.

    Self confidence has always been extremely high. But this has shot it over the moon! Before my confidence derived more from apathy. But that’s whats starting to change, I’m beginning to love the adventure of life again, and I’m confident because there is no reason not to be. I’m more comfortable feeling what I feel. I hope that made sense… Haha

    Social skills: I don’t know… I’ve always been mediocre in this department, and living in a new city I’ve found it hard to find new friends. That’s still something I’m working on… Not much change during this 90 days for that.

    How does your view of women (or men, depending) compare now to how it was then?

    [–]AHardChoice92 days[

    Honestly, I never really objectified women in real life, as I read a lot of people here have. Its going to sound weird but I never really thought of the women in those videos to be ‘real’. Just as actors playing a part. There are things I’ve watched, that I would never want to do to a woman. But it seemed okay to watch because it wasn’t real. Now that I’ve been away for a while, I realize, that’s kinda fucked up. They are real women, with real lives, with real families, real problems, and real emotions, just like the rest of us… So to answer your question in short: My view of the every day woman, I’d say hasn’t changed much. But the way I think about porn actress’ is a lot more sober-minded.

    Worst urge and how’d you beat it.

    [–]AHardChoice92 days

    My worst urge was a week long! I tight-walked the edge of relapse for a week. During this week I had thoughts every day about whether or not it was worth it, If it even mattered, and I thought about missing it. More than a couple times I had my finger on the trigger (so to speak) but I’d close my eyes, breath in and out, and remind myself of what I REALLY want out of life, and I remember the path I need to take, and I realized this can’t be a part of my life anymore.

  81. After a week of no porn/fappin I had the greatest sex in my life

    After almost a week of no porn/fapping I had the greatest sex in my life! (SFW)

    So, I’ve been together with my girlfriend for 18 months and we have been having sex for about a year. One week ago I found /r/NoFap[1] and after reading what is was and all that stuff I decided to join.

    I’ve been fapping to porn for many years and when me and my girlfriend got together I said to myself that I should stop looking at porn. But, it didn’t took long time before I was doing it again… And it was not until 6 days ago I really decided to stop PMO. I told my girlfriend about it and she thought it was a good idea. I installed K9-Web Protection, with my girlfriends e-mail so that I could’t get the password to unlock the porn.

    The week have been fantastic, I’ve been able to concentrate much better in school and I’ve been a lot happier than before. I’ve also had the motivation to work out more then before. Last night me and my girlfriend had sex and it was the best sex we’ve ever had, at least in my opinion.

    To all fapstronauts out there… stay strong and never give up! I can tell you, it’s worth it!

  82. 24 Days: I never thought it would be this good!! (Read This)

    24 Days: I never thought it would be this good!! (Read This For Motivation/Inspiration)

    Before you read this you may want to check out 2 Weeks and 15 Days

    There is a TLDR at the end for those of you who are to lazy read. But please, just read it and upvote so that this post inspires other people and lets them know how much of a life changer Nofap is.


    I began to realize PMO as a problem about 2 years ago, especially after I saw the TEDx talk a few months back). I am CURRENTLY 18. I have been able to abstain from the MO for very long periods of time (2-3 months at most) but ever since I was able to get access to porn I have been viewing daily and edging CONSTANTLY. I discovered NoFap 24 days ago through YBOP and here I am: These past 24 days No PMO, no edging, no nothing.

    If you are still wondering if it is worth it or if you get any results, the answers is simple.


    Here is what 24 days did to me, and it will fucking happen to you. The Benefits. Point by point.*

    Urges The urges to watch some porn/and or edge did not appear in any heavy abundance during the first 2 weeks. But as I reached the 3 week mark the urges returned pretty hardcore. However my willpower is stronger than I though it would be. No Fucking way am I going back to the smily face. This is my FIRST shot at no PMO and there is no way I am gonna fuck it up. /r/Nofap has helped tremendously with motivation. Still never let your guard down…EVER.

    Energy/Motivation Unreleased Sexual energy is fucking exploding and I am loving it! I have always worked out very religiously and very regularly. But with no MO and especially with no P my workout are fucking hardcore. I never remember having such amazing workouts and improving my physique soo much. Almost have a six pack!! In great shape. I went from running 30-40 minute sessions and doing 3-4 miles to running for 60 minutes and doing 5-6 miles DAILY. I sleep well. I have the energy to do whatever the fuck I want ANYTIME. I can truly say I have never had the sort of energy and drive that I have now in my past of life of PMO, especially the P. Dudes, I am fucking unplugged! Challenges in my life that I used to view a crippling hardships (education, university classes, work) now appear to be soda cans on the road that my fucking tank of energy will crush into fucking particles when it drives over them!

    Flatline I quickly discovered that the so called flatline does NOT OCCUR SPONTANEOUSLY. Instead certain things trigger this feeling. After narrowing it down… 1)feeling lack of accomplishment 2)Stress/poor diet of junk-food/lack of sleep 3)Boredom (A HUGE CAUSE OF THE FLATLINE) 4)Lack of improving my life BEYOND nofap 5)Laziness

    If I avoid these then the Flatline is a little bitch that cannot touch me.

    General life improvement Too fucking long to list, but here are some: Productivity is greater than it has ever been in my entire life, this is an absolute fact. Family and friends are noticing changes. Charisma higher than ever. Motivation is long lasting. No mood swings. Determined like never before. Exited to shape my life in to what I want it to be.

    I could go on all day with these…

    Now what you have all been waiting for

    Social life/ GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS!!! Of all the benefits of NoFap, this is perhaps the greatest EVER! Alright lets fucking do this! 1) I have always been told I am a very good looking guy by family, friends, girls (not GF’s), etc. Problem was, looking at porn it showed me fake women–who on recollection are not attractive to me at all, REAL girls are sooooo much hotter!–and my confidence was at an all time low for most of my life. NOW!! I am more confidenct than EVER! Confident in my appearance, charisma and personality. 2) I don’t stumble like a blubbering moron like I did when I PMO’ed: Uhh, uhhhmmm….mmmm..well…ah… whats…uh..your name….(pulls out phone and stares at a black screen, avoiding eye contact) Now I fucking look hot girls right in the eyes and give them a confident, outgoing and seduction-like smile. 3) Girls are noticing me. A LOT MORE! The hot fit girls at the gym who I though were way out of my league (BTW fuck leagues there made up bullshit) are now giving me smiles, stares and flirt with me. 4) Before PMO I would never have ever guessed that they were flirting. Now I notice the blushing, tingling of hair, seductive pose, the eye fucking, all of it!! 5) I cannot believe I watched the women in porn, in hindsight they look fake and scary. I do not understand how I found WAY TO MUCH make up, over-tanned skin, and fake colored hair, fake physique attractive. Real girls are the real deal, they are the ones I am attracted to. 6) Social anxiety is pretty much gone. I walk into a room like a fucking boss with a smile on my face and project confidence like crazy. Not afraid of group work at university, not afraid of job interviews. Other men look intimidated by me, probably cause they PMO. MY ACNE IS GONE! I could not believe it! My facial appearance got better! 7) I hear this too much, “Oh god its like your a different person. I never though you were so good at etc, etc, etc” 8) A BUNCH OF OTHER BENEFITS THAT I COULD SPEND HOURS WRITING OUT

    Conclusion This is SOOO FUCKING WORTH IT!! I cannot believe so many people are still in the endless, worthless cycle of PMO.

    NoFap gives you the advantage over the other 90% of men who are week and who cannot control their urges and who cannot direct their sexual energy. You are part of the elite group that is on the road to success in life.

    The benefits are immense! Do not PMO, do not edge and use your stored sexual energy to shape your life into what you want it to be. REAP THE REWARDS FOR THEY ARE GREAT!

    TLDR: Just read the damn post. If you are in doubt, if you are lacking motivation or willpower, READ THE POST! Please up vote so others can know the power of Nofap!

  83. 27 years old, and 10 years of wasted life.

    27 years old, and 10 years of wasted life.

    Porn destroyed my life gentlemen. I’m not young, or as young as most of you. I’m 27. I have accomplished nothing in life. No education. No career. Nothing. Do you know what my life has consisted of? Living with my mom. Chasing sex-based relationships of no significance.

    Long term goals were put off, or not properly persued. Close relationships with friends dissipated. The jobs Ive had? Minimum wage stints, that never lasted; I’d work, then quit. Work than quit. I was an extremely sensitive person to critizism.wamastus easier to quit than to take the heat. I masturbated daily since I was 12. I am able to be this brutally honest with everyone here, because I feel that the vital life energies I needed to be above, or “normal” – were stolen from me every day.

    Do I blame porn for EVERYTHING? Well, no. Part of it was my upbringing. My own stubbornness. But because of excessive masturbation, I have always had bad memory. Bad at remebering. Bad at all types of educational functions. I always thought “something was wrong with me” – others too, thought I had some type of mental problem. It wasn’t up until I started nofap that.. Hey.. I can actually do things I never could. Ever since nofap, I Can actually go to the store, and remember to get 5 items without writting it down.

    Before that, I couldn’t do it. Trust me, something would have been forgotten.

    Folks, if you don’t think that’s bad, I don’t know what is.

    That’s how bad I was. I would be extremely anxious going to the store. I had crippling anxiety. People would tell me things and I would forget in a matter of 30 seconds. I dont know what was wrong with me. But I do now. They say Semen is your vital energy. I would masturbate until nothing came out. Imagine, having an orgasm and nothing came out. That’s how drained I was. Drained of my vital forces.

    I threw away my life. I am starting over. It’s been tough, but I cannot dwell on the past. I can only make do with what I have now. No, I have no completely wasted all of my life. I just grew at a much slower rate than most people. I still have all of my past experiences and knowledge to draw back on, but as far as accomplishment, memory, drive, conciousness? I have never lived with it until now.

    I want to touch on one more thing. It builds as time goes on. 7 to 15 days is not the same as 3 days. 30 days I’m sure is different. Welp. It’s time for this nuetered, 27 year old to get back to building his life. One can say I Was locked away for 10 years. Jumping from minimum wage job to minimum wage job, chasing sex based flings; matter of fact, I stopped being honest with women at 24, when I realized how weird they thought I was for still living at my moms.

    Now that I am liberated from the female form and the urge for it, I can focus on fixing myself. I am no longer addicted to it. I wish you all luck

    I always used to think I was better than everyone. More intelligent. And school was for suckers. Truth is, everyone had better functioning minds, and my over stimulated, foggy, masturbated mind could barely handle basic math. What a false sense of existence.

    I used to hate family functions. I look forward to them now. I am trying to build a relationship with my nephew, I never did. I like to be around family more. I struggle to come to grips that, puoshed away everything, close relationships, or the potential for making new friendships.. I pushed all of that away.

    It’s been tough, trying to rebuild a damaged life. But I continue on.

    I’m a different man now, but it hasn’t been easy.

  84. 90 Day Report and Life After NoFap

    I hit 90 days today, a fact I’m extremely proud of. Furthermore, I intentionally masturbated today.

    Why, you ask?

    • I’ve been in this for a while, since around Feb 2011, before the subreddit was even popular. It took me a long time to build real momentum. I’ve had my ups and downs, but now I’m at a place where I have much more control of my arousal and my fantasies. I used to think abstaining from PMO would be a lifelong thing for me, I was very serious about this and very absolutist in my opinion. But in the past few weeks, for various reasons, I’ve decided to experiment with “MO.” No “P” will be a lifelong thing for me.
    • I got into nofap for a few reasons. The first place was basically confidence. Confidence I wouldn’t get ED, confidence to pursue women, horniness to be aroused by all women. Second was experimentation. Now, after abstaining for a while, and accomplishing what I wanted to, I have decided it’s time for a new experiment. Like the other one, confidence building is the main goal.
    • I’m going to train myself for sex. Sex with real women. Just like NoFap was to prepare myself for real women – to avoid ED – my new masturbation would be to prepare myself for real women. Train my penis for the sensations, train for the stamina, train for the avoidance of fantasy and focusing on the sensations in the present moment. I spent some time over the last 15 days reading and planning.


    • My new masturbation will be in moderation. If I ever feel like it’s becoming a time-sink, and I do it compulsively and have no control over when I do it, it’s back to full blown PMO abstinence. Masturbation will be one day a week to start. Self control will be just as important to me now, as it was to me over the past 90 days.
    • There will never be any hands. Hands cause death grip syndrome and an unrealistic experience, and I’m just plain sick of my hands! I have purchased a fleshlight “stamina training unit.” Furthermore, I will use the fleshlight in a realistic fashion – by thrusting it. I will get my heart rate going, actually exercise, get into realistic sex positions, etc.
    • There will never be any porn or audiovisual stimulus whatsoever.
    • Furthermore, I will avoid fantasy. I’ve read things about masturbation focusing only on sensation and the present moment, or at the very least, thinking “only of genitals, not scenarios,” as recommended on YBOP’s website. I do subscribe to the idea that porn is more of the problem than masturbation, but you have to give up all of it for a time to reboot.
    • No guilt. The one unfortunate thing about struggling through NoFap for a year was that I had that guilt after coming, like a 13 year old little Catholic boy. My new masturbation is going to allow me to enjoy an orgasm and not judge myself, for the first time in two years.
    • Experiment with how ejaculation affects arousal and motivation. Possibly experiement with masturbation without orgasm.

    If I don’t like what’s happening, I’ll go back to total abstinence, but I wanted to try something new.


    I got home after midnight last night. Day 90 achieved. I decided to try out the fleshlight, right then and there. You need to soak it in hot water for like 20 minutes. So you need some patience and some self-control while prepping the thing, which I like. I set it up and it was all ready to go. Now it was time to get aroused. This was my favorite part of the whole session. I simply thought of masturbation, and got hard. Something I could never have done in my porn days. I put on a condom, because I’ll be wearing a condom for any sex I have, going with the realism theme. And I entered the fleshlight. I thought of nothing, I just had sex with the fleshlight. I lasted all of 15 seconds :)So I am definitely going to keep training, and learn to not be a two-pump chump. I think this will build me some sexual confidence and help me when I’m pursuing women.


    • Yes, it truly is possible to masturbate without fantasy, though I probably couldn’t do it if I didn’t reboot.
    • I’m a little exhausted. Orgasm is draining, my god, I don’t remember feeling this part! Continue with moderation, don’t drain all sexual energy. Do men who have regular sex feel this drained all the time?
    • I don’t want to fall back into the grips of addiction. Be cautious.

    Discuss, fapstronauts. For the record, especially for noobies, I highly recommend spending an extended period of time with full blown abstinence! I just wanted to get some people’s opinions on moving on after nofap.

  85. 15 days of noFap, like being on a super-drug

    15 days of noFap, like being on a super-drug

    I just need to share this with whoever has not made it this far. I’ve had several attempts (over 5) at no PMO and the furthest I had gotten was 7 days until now. I swear, I feel like I’m on some all powerful drug right now.

    Music sounds amazing, girls look amazing and they no longer appear as sexual objects to me. My erections are returning. The other day I tried to test my erection, and all I had to do was just think of a girl and BOOM. My erection could fucking cut through steel. This has NEVER happened to me before.

    The past few years I’ve had ED pretty bad. I’ve had very few sexual encounters where I haven’t had to worry about my penis not working. Although I haven’t had any yet since 15 days of noFAP I am confident that I will easily get an erection the next time I have sex. This makes me very happy =) I just can’t wait till the next time I get to try sex. It is going to be about 1.5 seconds of awesomeness!!

    So in conclusion, if you haven’t made it this far yet QUIT PMO NOW! I swear, every aspect of your life will get drastically better!! This is the best I have felt in such a long time, I forgot what it used to be like to live a normal life. Oh ya, and its only day 15. 90 days in, I will be God.

  86. How one Fapstronaut found his wings.

    Greetings, nofappers!-57 Days

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted to this subreddit. I was taking a break from reddit as a part of this whole self-control thing that started with nofap. Anyway, today I decided to return because something happened that I just had to share with you guys.

    Earlier tonight I was over at a friend’s apartment. I’m there with my roommates and several people I don’t know, but I’m at least acquainted with most of the people there on some level so I’m feeling pretty comfortable. Anyway, I’m standing in a circle with probably 6 other people, all acquaintances, and we’re just bullshitting and discussing random topics. As this is going on, I turn to say bye to someone as they leave and this black girl comes up to me and goes “Excuse me, what’s your name?” I told her, and then she introduced herself and a few of her friends. The next thing she said took me completely off guard: “I just want to say that you have the most beautiful skin! Your cheeks just have this natural rosy glow.”

    I would say I was taken aback, but that would be an understatement. As someone who has suffered from low self-confidence and mild social anxiety, this compliment was one of the biggest confidence boosts of my entire life.

    I’ve never been complimented on my skin before. There’s nothing spectacular about it – in fact, I have relatively dry skin. I’ve never been approached that way before either. What happened tonight literally has no precedence whatsoever in my life. All I can attribute this to is nofap.

    Nofap has seriously been one of the best things I’ve ever done for myself. I feel more healthy than ever. I need less sleep, and the sleep I do get is deeper and more fulfilling. My dreams are more intense. My appetite is bigger, but I crave healthier foods. My voice feels more powerful. My muscle tone is better, even though I rarely lift. My sparse facial hair is coming in thicker and darker. I no longer feel controlled by my mood, but instead feel the need to proactively regulate my mental state and emotions. Most importantly, my confidence is (now) at an all-time high.

    Guys, these are all very real benefits. Nofap + cold showers is the only major change I’ve made recently in my life. I know some people want to question the validity of some of the claims made by fapstronauts, and I think that’s a good thing; there’s nothing wrong with a little healthy skepticism. However, this is your life we’re talking about guys. If you’re on the fence about trying this nofap thing, just do it. What have you got to lose? Why cheat yourself out of a better life?

    To all you fapstronauts fighting the good fight, I wish you the best of luck and resolve in order to defeat your inner demons. You CAN do this. And I promise it gets easier. The more success you have socially and personally, the more you realize how you never want to go back to the way things were. When you get that compliment, or that smile from the girl you pass on the sidewalk, it’s magical: You grow too big to fit back into that computer chair.

    In closing, I just want to say that I love you all! Peace, stay strong, and never give up on becoming the person you want to be.

  87. Superpower Unlocked: X-RAY VISION

    The other night, I hung out with some old friends from high school. I graduated college this spring, but they’re still in uni. I headed down to their frat house for drinks and shenanigans and a chance to catch up with people I hadn’t seen in years. (LINK to thread)

    For context, I should mention that I’ve been largely isolated from people my own age this summer. I’ve been working a LOT (dem student loans don’t pay themselves), and my few coworkers are significantly older than me. So this night was the first time I had been in a relaxed, social situation since I started my NoFap journey in May.

    Walking around and meeting people, I could SEE porn addiction in certain people’s postures, their heads trying to withdraw into the protection of raised shoulders. I could HEAR it in their mumbling voices. I could sense some defense mechanism within them shutting down their ability to keep eye contact.

    I learned a powerful lesson: if you’re addicted to porn, you absolutely project that. It infuses its essence into our actions in ways too subtle for us to consciously avoid.

    I get it now when I read about Fapstronauts reporting that they’re mysteriously starting to have women approach them. They’ve stopped telegraphing their dependence on jacking off.

    I’m never going back to my old habit, because now I know a terrible truth: You can fastidiously hide your wank stash in a labyrinth of folders within folders disguised as inconspicuous files; you can fap in the utmost of secrecy; but when you go out and interact with your fellow humans, you might as well have your dick in hand, because your habits are visible.

    TL;DR: If you unplug from the matrix, you can see the code.

  88. from reddit nofap –

    I came to the conclusion that I should stop watching P, since my genre of P choice has gotten weirder and weirder. I want this because I want a girlfriend and a stable relationship founded on other stuff then cumshots and just sex.

    I have been P free for a little over to weeks and already my life looks brighter. The girls smile more, I notice girls every wear, guys don’t intimidate me anymore. And best of all Im feeling more secure about my penis and my boners. Seriously, all the positive effects one reads about here IS TRUE!:)

  89. I want to be the man I was after 55 days, not the boy hiding

    I want to be the man that I was after 55 days, not the boy hiding in his room with fake women.

    I had no expectations to last even a week on my first try at NoFap, but, to my surprise, I reached 55 days. It was an immense change in my life, and I want to return to the person that I was after 55 days.

    I’ve continuously failed for the past few months, quitting after 10 days, 20 days, even a 25 day streak. I now know that PMO makes me weaker, and I feel like less of a man. Before finding this subreddit, I didn’t think twice about porn, but now I’ve seen and felt the changes personally.

    The difference between 55 days and 1 day is immense and quite noticeable. I don’t like who I am now compared to the man I used to be. I can hardly imagine what an entire 90 days or more could do for me, but I will soon find out.

    I made these excuses to myself in an attempt to rationalize why I shouldn’t do NoFap:

    • Everyone watches porn, and NoFap is a weird thing to do.
    • There is no science behind this, and NoFap is nothing more than an idea from strangers on the internet.
    • I just need to do it one last time, a farewell to fapping.

    The last time you fapped was your goodbye. Remember that every time you watch porn, you are taking a step backwards. The biggest traps for me were going on binges after failing and making excuses to myself.

    NoFap is the right thing to do, and it will change your life for the better. Take the 90 day challenge with me because I know I will succeed this time.

  90. Day 31 – quick review post

    Day 31 – quick review post

    I’m on day 31 of my nofap. I have cheated three times though, each such event lasting 2-3 minutes. It was google image searches that were tangential to other web browsing I was doing and I got sidetracked into google image searches that I knew would turn up some P images. I mainly did this to gauge my body’s reaction, but I don’t like the head rush I got from these. But from now on i’m going to avoid even those scenarios.

    After day 7 I started getting morning wood pretty regularly, which was very new to me. I remember getting morning wood as a teenager, but I don’t think I’ve gotten it since I was about 17 years old. The past couple of weeks it’s decreased in frequency to maybe 1 out of every 3 nights.

    I’ve purposely avoided sex with the gf for a month, and she knows i’m doing nofap. She’s hounding me for sex and I’m planning on the sexytimes happening this week. A little nervous about how it will go. I’m still checking girls out in public like crazy, which I kind of want to stop.

    I’m making much better eye contact and my social anxiety has decreased quite a bit. I’m a lot calmer too. I’ve been running the past couple of weeks so that’s also going well, but I have not observed any effects from nofap on any kind of athletic performance. I’m not surprised by this because I don’t expect any benefits in this area, and I’m also not doing much. I plan to ramp my activity up slowly and get back into working out in a sustainable way, 4-6 times a week.

    I’m getting a lot more work done, which is the biggest thing for me. I still waste a lot of time browsing reddit and reading news and checking my RSS feeds, etc. I hope to tackle those issues soon, but one thing at a time.

    For the first 3 weeks I was pretty depressed. I had trouble motivating myself to get out of bed, and was feeling tired and had no motivation to get any work done when I was up and about. But starting day 25 I’ve started to feel better, and have started getting more work done.


    Well, it has happened a lot. It has been almost three month since my last blog entry. (LINK TO POST)

    First I have to say to Marnia,and all other members: Thanx, your support means a lot to me, and second: REBOOT WORKS GUYS!

    All you need is loving partner,trust and patience. My gf and I stopped PMO addiction together,quitted phone sex,and started having,good and passionate sex. The result? The baby is on it’s way, and we ‘re getting married in two month.

    Problems? Well, guys reboot is ongoing process and it takes time to gain confidence. A week ago I went on the porn site and I started thinking: “What is this crap, it is not a true sex, what do I needed this for anyway?”  And I went of the site, and installed porn blocker (MetaCert), because man is weak and needs help to avoid a “just one peek “situation, to win an addiction. I remember one day,a whole day of sex,I think I orgasmed 13 times. Sometimes, thougts like: “Will it get up?” emerge the surface, but they vaporise in the passionate sex.

    Few days ago, I had wonderful sex in the morning and in the night I couldnt get it up. Perhaps I was exhausted from multiple sex every day, perhaps my head is full of wedding preparations pressure, perhaps I felt that sex was something I have to do, a task that I have to perform, which I did not.

    Sex is about relaxation and enjoyment,not a task and reboot is a process that takes time and it has it’s ups and downs, but the main thing is: REBOOT WORKS.

  92. Day 50: New semester in college, the changes are very noticable

    Day 50: New semester in college, the changes are very noticable

    I just started a new semester at my University (Biology undergrad). I’ve been really excited for this! I started NoFap about halfway through the summer, while I was out of town for four weeks. When I came home, I decided to totally break the habit, and stick with no fap. I’m really glad that I did! Last year I broke up with my girlfriend around Haloween 2011, and sort of fell into a major fapping addiction in the months following. I would often fap before heading to class to “help me focus”. The real result was that I felt dirty, uncomfortable, asocial, and asexual for the rest of the day. I got little attention from girls and I just feel deeper and deeper in until I finally decided to quit this past summer. Any way, I’m only two days in and it’s already amazing! Here are some of the things that I’ve observed.

    • I’m more confident around girls. I am much more sure of myself when talking about the and feel much more comfortable.
    • I both give and recieve eye contact more frequently, and notice people shooting me smiles, especially from girls.
    • A sophomore I briefly met last week bumped into me again today, was thrilled to see me, and gave me her number. That never happened before.
    • I walk with better posture, and am always full of energy. People are noticing.
    • I feel ready and motivated to start using the school’s rec center gym regularly.

    I’m really happy with how this is turning out! This is my first time seeing a lot of new people since the last semester ended, and it’s crazy seeing all the changes at once after 50 days of transforming my habits. I’m really glad I finally decided to take No Fap seriously. Thanks guys, stay in the game, it’s worth it!

  93. 90 Days! And now the real challenge begins…(+some thoughts)

    90 Days! And now the real challenge begins…(+some thoughts)

    I made it! Except that it’s been a pretty relaxed summer and stress is a huge trigger for me. Going back to college is going to be rough. But I think i’ve given myself the right tools to deal with things now. Also I try to keep TV, video games, and internet to a minimum now. Anyhow here’s some random thoughts:

    • A girl in high school told me she wanted to have sex underneath the football bleachers. I didn’t act on that or even ask her out because (I blame it on) masturbating 2-3 times a day. What the fuck was I thinking?
    • I’ve realized now just how much the media and porn has affected people’s self images. It’s pretty funny to see guys complaining on the internet about how they think their 7 inch dicks just won’t get the job done. Or about how everything thinks they need to be a ripped porno style hunk to get chicks. How instead of doing interesting hobbies that they enjoy, people try and get buff to impress other people. (Side note: if you enjoy going to the gym keep doing it, it’ll definitely help a little bit with chicks, but who cares about some ripped guy who isn’t interesting? As long as you’re decently in shape it really shouldn’t matter too much)So get off the internet. Stay away from the media.
    • Think about for a second for just how many people these days are playing video games and constantly jerking off instead of talking to women. All of these people who in previous generations would have had no problems, no social anxiety, nothing. They’d just do it. But instead, escapism has come to the point where no one has to care about it anymore. And a crazy ridiculous number of people seem to have this problem, too. I used to be this kind of person. But I realize now that talking to women isn’t rocket science. It’s meant to be spontaneous, awkward, whatever. There’s meant to be failure at times. That’s life. Just do it.
    • Speaking of the above I remember back to one of my roommates. He played video games(and likely PMO’d) pretty much any time he wasn’t in class and I remember him always asking my other roommate, “Did you find me a cute girlfriend yet?” Now really, what kind of an attitude is that?
    • I feel like crap after playing video games for more than an hour. I could previously play video games all day/night. No more. Nothing against video games. But I do think there’s a lot better ways to be spending your time.
    • If you view porn/masturbate for 30 minutes a day or more just think about what you could be doing with that time instead. If you spent 30 minutes a day playing an instrument or doing a hobby instead of masturbating you’d get really good at that instrument or hobby pretty quickly!
  94. I haven’t tried committing to

    I haven’t tried committing to not masturbating, but I’ve experimented with not using porn for 30 day stretches. While using porn, I see myself as bored and as having nothing else to do. When I am foregoing porn, I serendipitously discover productive and fulfilling things to do – and find the energy to do them. Examples: working out, writing, learning Python, telephone calls to friends, even going on dates! So try foregoing porn for 5 days, 10 days, or even 30 days. If you succeed, you’ll appreciate the benefits and thus have the strength and motivation to forego again. LINK TO THREAD

  95. from YBOP

    The marked difference in my lifestyle is that I find it easier to relate to people now. I have more friends. Prefer making friends over phone than using porn. Anger and depression problems have all been eliminated. I sleep better. My mind finds it easy to relate to women. The dangers of Porn is real my friends so fight the battle.

    I think for anyone fighting the battle, hang on and keep faith.

  96. Week 1 – Placebo-effect or not things have already started to ch

    Week 1 – Placebo-effect or not things have already started to change

    Hi, my names Reggie (deal with it), this isn’t my first ‘serious’ attempt (probably 5/6th), my record is 19 days and recently I have upped my average to probably once a week…. but I’m really wanting to do this for the long-haul

    Spent the last few days away with friends on holiday, and can honestly my up’d not-give-a-fuck persona about life shined through, we had lots of fun and no drama, and I really didn’t realise how much fun you have with all this built-up ‘power’ inside! (I know this is early days, but a few months ago I’d probably average at most 2 days before unleashing my energy in porn)

    I’m hoping this upcoming week I’m going to really get back on track with 3-hours a day working on my discipline (guitar), and also focus on getting out of bed at 9am (no more staying in bed till 1/2pm – I’m a student so I only have 3 weeks left till I’m forced to get back into the swing of things; I’m starting now

    On a side note I am single, there is this girl at university who I do kind of have some feelings for…. recently I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about what could happen when I’m back at university, I honestly can’t remember the last time I felt romantic feelings like this with such intensity (I’ve had a bit of a dry spell recently)

    This weeks main findings

    -Having more fun, everything is feeling stronger

    -Social anxiety is decreasing, improving on not worrying about what people think of me

    -Greater intensity of romantic feelings, it will be 4 weeks before I see this girl again but I’m already filled with energy and excitement for when we meet

    What I’m concentrating on for next week

    -Getting out of bed earlier, for obvious reasons

    -Focusing on my discipline, I have the time now and more energy

    -Improving my not giving a fuck persona, I want to concentrate on me rather than what other people think of me

    I am determined to live up to my (user)name!!

  97. Vocal range?
    Vocal range?

    Anybody notice their vocal range broaden a tad bit when they quit? I was singing on the way home from class today, and I was hitting shit I’ve never been able to hit before. I was a happy boy!

    GUY 2)

    Yeah, actually. Wasn’t going to post about it, and maybe it had more to do with confidence, but yeah. I’m casually hitting notes I normally have to try for.

    GUY 3)

    Yes, I have noticed this. I think my voice has more volume now. I can talk over noise much easier now like music for example.

    GUY 4)

    He’s not lying. This is in fact the truth from my experience at least. Your voice gets deeper.

  98. Has anyone noticed an increase in skin quality since they stoppe
    Has anyone noticed an increase in skin quality since they stopped fapping?

    I first did nofap at the beginning of the year and made it about 2 months before stopping for some reason. I think that I noticed a correlation between ejaculation and my skin breaking out. Has anyone else found some truth in this old wive’s tale? If so, are they able to keep good skin while having an active, healthy, sex life?

    GUY 2)

    I’m 100% convinced that frequent masturbation causes acne. I’ve done the online research and it’s only by here-say that other people with this suspicion asked their doctors which told them, no, masturbation does not cause acne.

    I think this is a lie. Why? Simple trial and error. The same exact results have been duplicated over and over my entire life. Masturbate, and you’ll get pimples. Don’t, and your face clears up. It’s been so consistent in my life that, before nofap, if I had an upcoming event where I knew girls would be present – I would stop masturbation to clear up my skin almost instinctively.

    I know that they’re connected from so many accounts of, for example: I masturbated 4 times today and in the next 1-2 days my face goes berserk with pimples. If I don’t? Nothing happens. For YEARS this has been the case.

    TL;DR It’s fuckin’ true

    GUY 3)

    when i had acne i would go on all the time and there were a lot of threads claiming this and a lot of naysayers as well. i never tried it but it worked for some allegedly.

    GUY 4)

    I never really had bad breakouts (I have pretty dry skin), but I have noticed that my face looks healthier since starting nofap, and a girl randomly told me at a party that my cheeks had a beautiful glow. Also, I normally have pretty dark circles/bags under my eyes but I’ve noticed that they’ve lightened significantly, though this may in part be due to cold showers.

  99. Obligatory 90-day post

    Obligatory 90-day post

    So, I guess I made it! I’ve been checking back every day or two just to see how I’ve been doing, and then it clicked this morning: I hit 90 days!

    It’s difficult to look back and see any change from then to now, but take a look at this image. You cannot give me a position at which blue becomes green. Why? It’s a gradual process that occurs slowly. The same goes with NoFap.

    Now I’m not saying after 90 days you’ll instantly be a better person. What NoFap does is give you a little nudge in the right direction. You have to be willing to make the most of what you’re given.

    Since NoFap I have joined the gym, started making eye contact and small talk with people, taking care of my body, and reading more. I chose to do those things, with help from NoFap. The notion of porn disgusts me, and almost seems foreign.

    Take advantage of what NoFap can do for you, and always keep in mind why you’re doing it. I won’t guarantee “superpowers” or amazing results, but at minimum isn’t not sitting alone in a room artificially simulating sex better than doing so?

  100. Stop Or You’ll Go Blind

    Stop Or You’ll Go Blind

    I always used to think this phrase was religious propaganda right along with using “The devil made me do it” as a legitimate excuse. (grew up in the south and heard this more than once…)

    Yet, after 26 days of not looking at two dimensional women while furiously pulling on myself to the point of oblivion, the phrase, ‘Stop Or You’ll Go Blind’ has taken on a whole new devastating meaning.

    Looking at a computer screen and jerking off to the digital ghosts of women makes you

    Blind to so many deeply important elements of life, like:

    • To your ability to control your self, to respect yourself and to look someone in the eye with pure love instead of being riddled with shame. Don’t do anything you wouldn’t want to be seen doing on the front page.
    • To your ability to begin experiencing peace, joy and stillness without looking for it outside yourself.
    • To your ability to explore the profound value of discipline.
    • Blind to the score of women all around you all the time that hold your gaze and then sneak a look at your package while passing.
    • Blind to the delicate contours of nearly every womans emotional (their present self) and physical health (their tremendous body).

    Right now, the thought of washing and massaging a womans feet seems to me now to be Highly Erotic. Just seeing a woman remove her bra in front of you feels like a lightning bolt of pleasure coursing through your rib cage. I could never use condoms because they spelled instant ED for me every time. Now, they are essential.

    When someone uses your computer, you know you’ve got nothing to hide. The same goes for your consciousness, you have nothing to hide – so approaching women and regular people is easy, as it always has been, you were just blind to that because two hours ago you jerked off to a 2D Sascha Grey clip on your faptop.

    There wasn’t a single time, in the thousands of times I PMO’ed in my life that I did not feel ashamed.

    What was I ashamed about?

    I was diminishing the value of women and therefore myself. I was letting the women in my city down and therefore myself.

    I was going blind.

    It’s so easy now to see the vacant look in mens eyes everywhere, the sadness they carry and I find myself wanting to promote nofap to passersby’s everywhere.

    I feel rejuvenated and powerful and I’d be interested in a study that examines the spike in depression as directly linked to broadband access to porn.

    Stick with it and you’ll find out how easy it is not to. It now reminds me of playing with G.I. Joes for hours, if you’re over the age of 12 it’s something you just drop.

    Don’t let the women in your life down! Give them your whole self and discover a new level of ecstasy together! She deserves it!

    Upward and onward forever!

    TL:DR Fapping makes you blind to so much life, stop.

  101. from MedHelp – Too much porn/masturbation cause ED?

    LINK: Jonas_Blane, Aug 31, 2012

    This post chain has been one of the most inspiring post chains I have read since I began my battle … no …. WAR against PMO a few years ago.  Even though I read countless accounts from men all over the world going through the same issues with real women that I was having based on my PMO habits, I thought I could serve 2 masters the whole time.  I wanted my cake (PMO) and eat it too (encounters with real women).

    To posters like ‘hardc’ out there, I am here to tell you that based on my experience, you can not ‘cross swords’ with PMO and real women and expect to function properly. You have to make a conscious decision to get away from PMO for several months and allow your brain to reboot, or continue being miserable serving 2 masters.

    Many posters already pointed out the power of The information on that site is what finally made me see that your body/brain changes when you are heavy into PMO.Even merely watching P and not M can be damaging because it is not about the act of M, it is what is happening in your brain while watching P that messes you up.

    Even if you reboot after several months and start doing PMO again, the “pathways” in your brain linked to PMO don’t disappear, and they are easy to reactivate if you start the habit again.

    After countless attempts to stop (I usually made it to day 10 in the past before I could not take it anymore), I finally made the conscious decision that I did not want to serve 2 masters anymore.;That was 16 days ago, and I have not regretted that decision at all.Since I have been into PMO since I was a teen, this is the first time in my life that I “feel like a man”. My MW is starting to return, and when I see real beautiful women in public, I have this awesome feeling that was never there when I was into PMO.

    So to all you past posters who inspired me with your accounts of your trials and tribulations dealing with PMO, I thank you whole heartedly.You helped me realize that I was not alone in my struggles, and that if some of you could go 60+ days without PMO, then so can I.My goal right now is 60 days, so I am in the “2nd quarter” of my journey and I can’t right to get to halftime.

    To all those who may have just found this thread and are thinking that life without PMO is impossible, I urge you to start from the beginning of this thread and read the testimonials from people like me so you can see that serving 2 masters *****.I also urge you to take a look at the content on so you can learn how PMO addiction is very similar to alcohol and drug addiction and why you must start your journey to stop PMO.

  102. 40 days – I am much better at talking to women

    40 days

    I hit 40 days today. I am noticing that I am much better at talking to women and not having the fucked up thoughts of wanting to have sex with all of them. Anyone else not caring if you have a girlfriend or not? this is the first time I have been single in 12 years and I feel great about it.

  103. Topic: Spreading the word. Average person or famous person

    Topic: Spreading the word. Average person or famous person

    I don’t have many friends to tell. I’ve been a World of Warcraft basement virgin up until I nearly dropped out of college earlier this year. I kicked video games, and a few months later I found YBOP. Anyway, I did* have 3 close friends that I talked to often, and I told all of them about YBOP and my journey to rid myself of pornography / masturbation addiction. They all laughed it off. At first, they were ok with it because I guess they thought that I would give up, that the task was so monumental and that I was simply fooling myself into attempting it. I remember my friend telling me sarcastically “GOOD LUCK!” when I told him I’d go 90 days.

    I don’t see this group of friends for over two months. The next time I see them, I have a body, not just a sack of bones. I look great. I feel great. I tell them how I’ve changed. How much energy I have these days, how much willpower. I tell them about my daily schedule, how I wake up at 4:30 in the morning to go to the gym at 5, come home, take a cold shower, eat a healthy breakfast and head off to the beach before college. I tell them how much I’ve gotten done. How I’ve quit all forms of instant gratification. The internet, junk food, video games / tv and masturbation / pornography (I was still relapsing every 7 days to masturbation, but kept a pretty long no porn streak).

    You know what my *friends* told me? That I was insane. That masturbation and porn are perfectly healthy. They told me every guy has limits, and that by not orgasming I was breaking them. That we as men are designed to orgasm, that its like a “bucket” that fills and empties out. I responded by saying that “wet dreams are a perfectly normal way to orgasm, without feeding an urge”. They ask “whats the difference between the two?” At the time, I was so stunned at their response that I had little to say. Nowadays, I’d say that one is instant gratification and instant gratification is incredibly addictive. Addiction causes reality distortion…your thoughts being blurred in order to satisfy an urge…basically the one thing that ruined my life.

    Anyway, I was in shock at how my friend from when I was 11 years was acting despite seeing such a dramatic change in my lifestyle. I chalked it up to jealousy. I told myself they just don’t understand. In the end, it didn’t matter.

    Then he proceeded to call me a martyr. He told me that I was trying to cross the Atlantic Ocean by attempting this task. This friend of mine claimed that he had never masturbated and that he does not watch porn. So instead, he sleeps with women. He has one night stands. Lots of them. He uses women like objects and then tosses them away. Over time, I realized that if a man treats women in such a way…what way will he treat his friends? In a similar manner, I’m sure. It became clear to me how I was used for years upon years by this group, and I shunned them away.

    Now, the point of this story is not that I have horrible taste in friends, it is the fact that these thoughts stayed with me throughout the journey. They surfaced during my toughest times. The thought that “no pmo is like crossing the Atlantic ocean”, came up when I had my strongest urges…and you really don’t want to hear things like that when you’re on your hands and knees praying for that extra strength to move on. The comments of the uninformed can and will hurt you when you least expect it. Those comments become weapons that your addiction will use against you, to distortion reality and  convince you to give in to your addiction.

    I love bringing the Matrix into my replies, because I feel like this entire journey has been like unplugging from the Matrix for me (thank you Morpheus, aka Gary Wilson).

    “When you’re inside, look around…what do you see…businessmen, teachers, lawyers, carpenters, the very minds of the people we are trying to save..BUT until we do, these people are still a part of that system and that makes them our enemy. You have to understand, most of these people are not ready to be unplugged. And many of them are so inert, so hopelessly dependent on the system that they will fight to protect it”.

    Does this scenario sound that farfetched? I’m sure you’ll get a defensive response if you try to walk up to some guy on the street and tell him that internet porn is bad for your health. That response will only hurt you when you need to see the light. It will only block the truth. It will only aid your urge. 

    This is why I exercise severe caution with whom I tell this information to. I don’t need to arm my porn / masturbation addiction with more ammunition to throw at me when I’m facing urges from hell.

  104. First kiss. Thank you r/NoFap

    First kiss. Thank you r/NoFap

    I am only two weeks in and I am already a new man. I can’t even believe how it has changed me. I am really aware of my surroundings and I am enjoying life. I am a sophomore in college and 20 years old and I never have had a girlfriend. I never have had my first kiss. I seriously was a pathetic individual.

    Now ladies are constantly visiting my dorm room. And yes yesterday I had my first kiss and made out with a girl for the first time. The funny part is that I was so terrible at it and I realized I am in need practice… luckily she’s down to teach me. I believe that PMO has kept me from experiencing this in the past. I am very thankful for nofap. DO NOT GIVE UP FAPSTRONAUTS!

  105. What PMO addiction really robs you of…
    What PMO addiction really robs you of…

    …is feeling alive. It robs you of the outside world. I say this for all forms of instant gratification, not just porn. Anything that makes you stay in your comfort zone…anything that tries to keep you in your shell is an activity that is siphoning the happiness from your life. Instant gratification may seem like happiness, but it is all just one massive lie. It robs you of the happiness of achievement. It steals from you the pleasure of hard work…of going past your limits, of breaking out and living life to the fullest. 

    I have a little story for you guys. It isn’t in my journal on here yet, but I have been waking up at 4:30 in the morning to go to the gym every day for the past 3 months. Now, the last big relapse I had was on last Friday, I woke up at 4…I snowballed. Instead of going to the gym, I took a nice warm shower to get myself relaxed (It was my second hot shower in three months time), then I ended up masturbating. Of course, after I was done…I felt extremely tired again so I went back to sleep. Two hours later I woke up angry at myself, but told myself that I wouldn’t ruin the day any further. But as always, with relapses, I felt too tired to do anything productive. I guess thats the downside of using sexual energy to do incredible things on a daily basis…when you actually give in…the hit is significantly harder on you. Then my mother tells me that she is going to go out to do some shopping, and that I should stay home and wait for a UPS delivery. The first thought that comes into my brain is that I’m going to watch porn. Alone in the house…perfect scenario for it. Since I have porn blockers on every single one of my internet devices, I do it on my dad’s work computer. The orgasm that I felt from PMO was SIGNIFICANTLY stronger than the one I felt from just regular masturbation. It was so strong that within 5 minutes, I was passed out on the couch. I spent the next 2 days recovering. The next day I had ZERO motivation. Nothing. I couldn’t even get up from the desk if I wanted to. I didn’t even want to masturbate to porn…I didn’t have the strength.

    So where is this all headed? Well… today I wake up at 4:30 am, and I look outside my window and see that it is just raining cats and dogs. I remember what happened last friday. I remember how my indulgences led to full blown PMO, and I knew that if I indulged in extra sleep now…there would be hell to pay (I have relapsed so many times by indulging in some extra sleep over the past 4 months…it isn’t even a question to me anymore). Instant gratification has a way of snowballing. Why take the hard path, why fight that urge…why resist the craving when you could just give in. Its all too easy. So the mental struggle begins. I know that what I really crave is PMO, and that MO would just be like lying to myself…it would set the stage for PMO later on. I’m thinking in my head…”why lie to myself…I’m craving PMO right now, masturbation just wouldn’t be good enough.” My brain is now setting up the scenario. I take a nice hot shower, I unblock the porn, I get the deed done and I end up in bed sleeping while it rains outside. I don’t take the hot shower…Instead I go to the computer and open up my hosts file (where I block all the porn). I placed a little note in the hosts file that is very personal, but its basically provides good evidence for the fact that I am a porn addict (and then goes into detail how this ruined my life). It didn’t stop there. I had the porn website typed in my browser. I was seconds away from hitting enter. And then it just hit me…I’m an addict. I’m actually addicted to something that is ruining my life, and my addiction is distorting this reality and its consequences. The word “addict” looped in my mind for several seconds. I closed the browser, added the porn site back into the hosts file, got dressed and went to the gym.

    I have never felt more alive in my life…walking to the gym in the middle of the rain at 5 AM in the morning. I felt like I had done something monumental today. I felt like the ultimate bad ass. Instead of robbing myself of my energy and basically destroying the next 2-3 days of my life…I chose to go out there and live life. I wanted the adrenaline, but not from the porn…from living life.

    I had an amazing work out, I took my cold shower and enjoyed it more today than I ever did in the past three months. And now I’m eating my breakfast, typing out this message. Today, I am a bad ass. Today, I am the boss. Today I am alive. Today will be an amazing day.  

  106. My take nofap and its supposed benefits, 20 days in.

    My take nofap and its supposed benefits, 20 days in.

    I started nofap feeling jazzed by all the success stories I’d read. Since then I’ve become fairly cynical of all the miracles taking place, I generally believe people are too hyper-sensitive to the smallest changes.

    But all the same, I have noticed some things.. so here’s my attempt at being objective.

    The first thing is all the free time. My evenings feel longer and emptier because I’m not lost in a porn-fuelled high. Have I done anything with my new-found spare time? No. I’m simply filling the time with reddit instead. Some people are being productive with it, and they deserve credit.

    Secondly, I had my first climax with a girl. This is a big deal. For years I haven’t even been close to jizzing cos I was lost in thought- either I felt like I was acting out videos I’d seen, or I felt as if I needed certain specific (freaky) things to happen in order to get off. Maybe I just felt particularly comfortable with this girl, who knows. In any case it felt awesome to blow a phat load.. (apologies). and im not resetting, I dont consider getting laid and climaxing a setback. If anything, its rewiring my brain for the natural thing, which is the point of nofap, I would have thought?

    Thirdly, I feel less anxious.. the skittishness isn’t there anymore. Could this be due to life generally being on the up-swing atm? Possibly. But I have definitely felt more open to parties and meeting new people, and haven’t been brutally judging girls by their looks. A refreshing change.

    So there you have it. Thoughts?

    TL/DR – Changes. Nights are empty, was able to climax with a girl (finally), have less anxiety. yay.


    Day 90-This is only the beginning.

    So what have I learned from this? Once my mind had been cleared of all the stupid cloudy thoughts of lust, I was able to regain myself and focus on the big issues of nofap-porn, women, and growth as a person.

    Porn- Even if you keep masturbating, by all means, DO NOT LOOK AT PORN. Porn is horrible; stay away from it at all costs. It fucks with your mind in a way you can’t even comprehend. In all my 90 days, the only times I saw porn were by accident, which was only twice or thrice, and I don’t miss it at all. Thinking of how pathetic I was back then makes me shake my head in shame. You will not grow or improve if you continue to watch porn, and that may be hard, but no one said this would be easy. The reward makes up for it.

  108. 90 Days – one of the best things to ever happen to me.

    90 Days (First Reddit Post, Be Gentle)

    So 90 days ago today on the 7th of June I stopped PMOing, and I’m fantastically happy with the outcome. I’m healthier, more responsible, more present, and most of all happier. Here’s roughly how my experience went: The first few weeks were incredible, all of the hype I’ve read here has been up to snuff, it was truly awesome, I was having more intense dreams, I had energy to do everything, and nothing could hold me back. Then I flatlined, and it hit me like a truck. It was about a month of blah, mostly having difficulty falling asleep, because I had no idea what to do with myself before bed. After that, I’ve been on a steady incline in quality of life about for the last month and a half, and it really has been an incredible journey.

    As for anyone who’s naysaying the effects of nofap, I’ve got to tell you that you’ve got to try it to believe it. Yes, everyone is going to have a different experience, but good things do happen. I’m sitting down and doing things I need to do so they’re out of the way, my girlfriend will every once in a while tell me that “somehow [I’m] more attractive,” and most of all I’m happy (which is incredible coming from six years of on and off depression).

    I can honestly say that nofap has been one of the best things to ever happen to me.

  109. My 90 days, and why I’m going to keep going further.

    My 90 days, and why I’m going to keep going further.

    I am a 23 year old man, and Like many of you I realized what pmo was doing to me and decided to do something about it. My first streak was 32 days, and after that reset I decided to keep going largely based on other nofappers posts. “If they didn’t quit after a reset neither will I.”

    As the days kept going I started changing my eating habits, exercising in some form, and visiting other subreddits when I wasn’t working. The changes to your brain are noticeable but not on a linear basis. Some days your are king of the world, other days you are the court jester. The greatest gift nofap can give you is the ability to apply your own willpower towards increasing your self control. Superpowers aren’t necessary here, you just need to find your inner source of awesome.

    I’m continuing primarily because my addiction was stronger than some of the stories I read about on here. I used to pmo more than three times a day, some days more than five.

    One last thing I should mention, keep your computer somewhere easily visible. I use my computer in the living room so that the idea of fapping or looking at porn doesn’t cross my mind when I’m browsing the internet.

  110. 38 days without porn…

    38 days without porn…

    Around day 30 I had the most powerful urge to go back and use porn. I was able to suppress the urge and take it out at the gym. It was strong urge and I felt almost sick… I had no idea of the impact porn had on me physiologically.

    Just last week I told the girl of my dreams how I felt about her. She told me she felt the same way too. We both cried with joy. It was a feeling out of this world since we’ve known each other for a year. I know pornfree and NoFap thing contributed to me being more open to my feelings on an emotional level. I’m 21 and I’m becoming more of a real man everyday… taking responsibility for my actions, knowing what I want, loving my family and friends. I just wish I would’ve started earlier but I’m glad I’m where I am now. It’s a serene feeling that no one can take away. It’s happiness.

  111. Late post-90 days post – my current self thanks the me from 102

    Late post-90 days post – my current self thanks the me from 102 days ago

    I’ve finally gotten around to making the 90 days post! Been rather occupied these last 2 weeks or so. I’m still busy atm, so this will be short-ish. Which is good I guess – being busy that is. I don’t think I’m fully ‘cured’ or anything like that – I think the impulses/urges/inclinations to watch porn and fap will always be there but my willpower to resist both is now quite formidable. I have no interest in getting off on my own, to porn or anything virtual like that – it’s gross and somewhat weird imo right now – much better to wait for or work toward the real thing. As Red says in the appropriate ‘That 70s Show’ episode (‘Happy Jack’ I think it was) – “If you can’t find someone to do it for you, you go without!” Makes sense I think, which is why I’m going to actively start looking for that Someone – not just for the release, cos that’ll be shallow – but for the companionship, the partnership etc. that comes with it. I’ve missed that, and I want to experience that again.

    Other than that, I’ll keep working on my other stuff – work stuff (graduate school research), working out (I’m fairly athletic atm but I want to put on some serious muscle) and also the spiritual side of things (I’m a Christian and so I want to continue progressing in my walk with Christ).

    I’ve achieved most, if not all, of the goals I set up at the beginning of the 90-day challenge so now I’m setting up some new ones for the next 90 days. It does work after all! I’m happier, more outgoing, got a more positive outlook on things and am getting stuff done. It’s fantastic! I’m continuing with the NoFap challenge and am definitely looking forward to the next set of 90 days and beyond!

    tl;dr: NoFap works! My current self really thanks the me from 102 days ago

  112. How NoFap changed my life : If you still have doubts, read this.

    How NoFap changed my life : If you still have doubts, read this.

    Who am I? Until a month ago, I was the typical average Joe in regards of Porn and Fap: Addicted to internet porn, I was consuming it at least once a day and, of course, fapping every day. Average good looking guy, single, 30 years old, good job. When I was motivated, I could have a great deal of success with women. The key words here are: “when I was motivated”.

    Frankly, I had no idea of the effects of mass porn on me. Then I found nofap on reddit. Read it all. Read it again. And start a nofap / noporn month. After 30 days, the consequences are so great that I have to share them with you.

    I have to say that my objective was the following: Nofap noporn, but if I met a girl, I would go along with sex.

    First fews days were awful (I thought at that time). I felt pressure in my body and my mind. Already a big “sex thinker”, sex was in my every thoughts. Work was hard. I had difficulties concentrating on anything else. I almost felt like a sex predator when I was walking in the streets: every girls I saw was a potential date. It had to be: it was now the only option. And “it” began.

    After 5 or 6 days, I realized that the pressure I felt was not something bad: It was energy. It was motivation – not only sexual, put pure genuine everyday’s life motivation. I flet that every beautiful girl I saw was in my range. Buying a bootle at a wine shop, I decided to give my opinion about a wine a girl was holding in her hand, something I wouldn’t normally do. Guess what, it ended up with a phone number.

    My eye contacts with girls was sharp. Smiling to them became normal. The day after in the subway, I smiled at a beautiful tall darkhair girl. She came to see me, asking me where I studied. She appartently saw me at University few years ago. I standed straight before her, smiling, making jokes. Always looking at her, I felt she was somehow interested, touching my arm, brushing her breast “accidently” on my arms, signs that don’t lie. Guess what: Phone number.

    On friday I went to a bar with 3 friends. I saw a superb Lebanese girl with the dream shape. Again, eye contact, smile, confidence. But this time, instead of letting her go – what guys almost always do – I went to her and told her that I liked how she was dressed, that she had a lot of style. Short discussion. Guess what: phone number.

    On sunday (7 days without porn / fap ) I went for a coffee with a old “flame” from college. 2 hours later, we were in my bedroom. I won’t go into details, but it was the most amazing sex I ever had in my life. At first I feared I would come in seconds. It didn’t happen. On the contrary, I was in total control with a non stop incredible erection. Then the orgasm came. The longest most powerful thing I’ve never experienced. I think it lasted 30 seconds. And the erection was not gone. I have to say – and this not bragging – my friend was very impressed. Me even more than her.

    It now has been 30 days with no fap / porn and I’ve never felt more confident in my life. And the results are there. All this is not theoretical. I met more girls in the last month that in the last year and you know why ? Because it’s the only option. Because I now know I have nothing to loose.

    Bottom line: Guys: Stop wasting your sexual energy on porn and fap. You just can’t imagine what’s hidding behind it. Most girls will confirm the following principle: they prefer confidence and humor than appearence. You think you’re not sexy enough to experience what I just did ? You – are – wrong. Try it. It is in you. Now I know it.

    So instead of spending nights on youporn, you go outside and experience things about yourself you didn’t think possible.

    From a guy who is so thankful of the nofap reddit page that he had to share the good news.

  113. A very sincere thank you and a personal milestone

    A very sincere thank you and a personal milestone

    A month ago I was ready to give up on this. I thought “you don’t have a girlfriend, you’re lonely, and you can’t make it past 9 days…what’s the point?” But yesterday I finally got that little red two and I can’t tell you how great it feels. So before I go into what will likely be a very long rambling post, I must say thank you nofap, thank you so much.

    Though I haven’t necessarily felt the “superpowers” to the powerful extent that so many discuss, I have certainly felt myself become a better man:

    • I am more motivated. I have begun training for a triathlon, I write more, and I get all my homework done on time.
    • I am less stressed. Last year (in the thick of my habitual masturbation and porn consumption) I was always stressed and felt like I had too much on my plate. Now even though I have a more difficult work load, I don’t really feel the stress. And when I do feel it, it never cripples me, it motivates me.
    • I have much more time. This is just simple math. If you watch porn for 4 hours a day and then suddenly stop watching porn, that’s 4 more hours you have to play the piano, read a book, go for a run, hang out with friends, call home, build a rocket and fly to mars, whatever.
    • I have much more energy during the day. For example; yesterday I got up at 6AM and did stationary biking. Even though my legs were super tired, I later went and played an hour’s worth of racquetball with a buddy. I know that before nofap I, first of all, wouldn’t have made it to the gym at 6 AM, but I know I wouldn’t have survived a day that physical.
    • I also notice that women pay more attention to me. That’s not to say that I’m an Adonis and that I can’t walk down the street without women accosting me. But several friends now have pointed out that girls have been much more flirty with me (something I’m not always great at noticing, sadly). I often catch girls smilingly blush and turn away or get excitedly nervous when I talk to them, as opposed to turning away in disinterest.
    • On top of that I view women much differently now. When you spend 4 hours a day staring at womens’ body parts, that is what they become: body parts. But when you stop, you respect them as fellow human beings. You want to know them and learn their personalities. You don’t stare, you make eye contact. And you notice beautiful things about them that you wouldn’t have before.

    Sorry for the wall of text; this post may seem a bit vain considering my counter only says 15 days, but I have been working at seeing that little red two for almost four long months. So this is a huge accomplishment for me.

    For those of you that are skeptical about joining, please just try it. I was skeptical too but I am so thankful that I joined this challenge. I have learned so much about myself, about ambition, and about life. I am happier, more energetic, more popular with my friends and colleagues, I am more kind and more patient, and I am simply better; and I owe it to nofap. Thank you fapstronauts, for all of your encouraging posts and for this supportive and open community you have created.

    Onward and upward!

  114. I enjoy the little things so much more. Everything is beautiful

    Slightly off topic, (LINK to thread) but still relevant is the concept of sexual energy. I have not written it in my journal yet, but ever since I started this journey I have begun to live an incredible life. When I first started, I did not know anything. I did not know how deep this rabbit hole goes. All I knew is that I had escalated, and I had ED. I also knew I had HOCD and I wanted to know if I was really gay or straight. I wanted my mind to tell me the truth. I wanted to know if my sexual preferences and fetishes were really my own. Was I really this disgusting person, or was it the porn? Well, Anyone who has done this for a while knows the answer to those questions.

    However, what I did not expect was that on day 5 of my journey, I had woken up feeling this new found sense of energy. Up until this point in my life, I always felt dead. I always felt tired. I never had any energy for anything. My room looked like a tornado went through it. I couldn’t even lift a shirt. Chores, studying, and everything life had to offer was extremely difficult for me to do. I was not living life. I was incapable of it. But on day 5, I woke up feeling INCREDIBLE. Underdog, you have a DBZ picture as your avatar so you might appreciate this video:

    This was basically me. Little did I know, since that day my life would never be the same. I had not only had inherited the energy to live my life, but I had learned to love life. All aspects of life. A year ago, I would go to bed at 4 in the morning and wake up at 3 pm. Today, I go to bed at 10 pm and wake up at 4:30 in the morning to go to the gym. After that I take a cold shower and have a healthy breakfast. My eating habits have changed. My body has changed. My interests have changed. My mind has changed. My emotions are deeper and more complex than they could ever have been. There is not enough time in the day for the amount of things that I want to do. I enjoy the little things so much more. Everything is beautiful. I have this natural attraction to women, this magnetic unstoppable force. Nature is beautiful to me. Simple foods taste amazing. On my good days, I feel more alive than I have ever felt. It is often overwhelming. I simply cannot believe, after 24 years on this green earth that one can feel this way. My social anxiety is gone. My panic attacks are gone. I’ve got more confidence, I can talk to people…I am no longer afraid of living.

    I have to say that I think that while porn is the number one enemy here, sexual energy is not meant to end up in a tissue. It is such a massive power source. It can be channeled to do incredible things. I live an incredible life because of that energy. I love every moment of my life, even the times when I have the urges. It is the urge that forces me to live the way I live. The urge to masturbate forces me to go out and live my life. The options here are that simple. You either A) relapse, or B) leave the house and live your life. And that is amazing. Nofap / NO PMO has forced me into the world. It has forced me to face my problems head on. And I learned to love it. I can’t live without it. They say that the urges never go away. They simple diminish in intensity. That is exactly what I want to happen. I do not want them to go away. Urges can be channeled. You don’t have to sit there and take it. You can leave, you can go out…live your life, channel that energy into anything. There is a plethora of things that you can do with your life. And the most amazing thing is that its all interesting to me. My semester in college recently started, and I found myself sneaking into classes that I did not register for…simply to sit through the lectures. This is coming from a person with a 2.3 GPA, who used to cut weeks upon weeks of class to play video games and watch porn.

    I’ve realized that once you take away that instant gratification layer…life becomes so much more pleasant. I am never bored anymore. Ever. I simply do not have time to be bored. I can’t feel bored even if I wanted to. To me, boredom has become a symptom of brain imbalances. There should never be any reason to feel bored. Ever. 

    My point being is that you’ve got to use those urges to masturbate…use that energy…harness it and you can do anything. There are no limits. There are days when I have the most insane urges, and no matter what I do I can’t seem to shake them. These usually come a few days after a relapse…but I tell myself these words: “If I can get through this today, I won’t have to feel it tomorrow…tomorrow will be an incredible day if I can get through today”. And its usually true. By resisting my urges, I harness that energy and the days afterwards are usually pretty incredible. I feel like a god amongst men. I radiate life.

    This is why I don’t want to put limitations on abstinence. The urges feed me with the fuel that I need to keep living an incredible life. This is why the hardest times for me are not actually the times when I have urges, but those calm periods when I do not have them. I have no drive to push me forward. However, urges can be debilitating, and that is why it is worth it to get past 90 days of no masturbation. While the urges will still be there past 90 days, they will be significantly weaker. I hope they will be enough to push me out into the world, but not debilitating enough to make me fall on my knees and shake involuntarily.

    It is worth it to harness this sexual energy. If you defeat masturbation, you defeat porn as well. You become a master over your body, and your urges. I believe that is the fundamental key to happiness in this life.

  115. Thank you, thank you, thank you

    Thank you, thank you, thank you

    So I had a perfect night tonight, guys, and I want to thank you for all the goodness that nofapping is bringing to my life.

    It’s been almost 50 days now -with one relapse in the middle (hence the badge)- and I’m a completely new person, a better version of myself.

    It all started with nofapping: it allowed me to have plenty of time to focus on my job, my fitness, and my social skills. A couple months ago, I was a broken man. Addicted to PMO, low self esteem, self-centered and permanently uncomfortable in my own skin.

    Looking for a fix to myself, I stepped into nofap by pure chance. I started reading stories and relating to most of them. I thought… this is it, you want to fix yourself? you got one big quest to accomplish now.

    Stopped nofapping and saw immediate benefits (addicted to PMO for 20 years). Social anxiety gone, much more energy, boosted self-esteem… the drill.

    Anyway, the biggest treat nofapping gave me is time. I used to arrive home and fap until it was bed time so since I stopped it I started to update my knowledge about my job, doing sport, eating healthy, improving my social skills… you might think all those things are not because of nofap. I mean, there’s people out there who would nofap and just loose their time on the internet or whatever. Well, in my case, fapping kept me as a captive in my own body. The addiction was so hard I didn’t have time for anything else. Over the weekens I used to binge for days. Eat-> fap -> sleep -> fap …

    So when I broke free these are the things that improved:

    I’ve been so successful lately in my job that the whole company congratulated me for some of my projects. Is this a coincidence? hell, no. It’s just that I arrive home and read about my profession instead of fapping.

    I’ve lost 7 kilos since I stopped nofapping (fapping gives me the utmost hunger so I used to binge eat after it). I bought a bike and cycle from work everyday for an hour. I used to fap for 2 hours and assault my fridge to eat the first shit I found. Now I cook and do elaborate, healthy and delicious dishes. Again, you might say doing sport and eating healthy are not related with fapping. Well, in my case, I used to arrive home and feel this urge to go to my room to fap. Even one hour before finishing my shift, I was thinking in going home and fap ASAP. Since I don’t do it, everything follows naturally… I NEED to do something with my time.

    I started learning about life hacks. Being alpha, seduction, how to talk to anybody, stop being a nice guy, toxic people, brain circuitry… The many hours that I gained from fapping allow me to do productive stuff. Related with fapping? I think I’ve always been this guy. But my PMO addiction occupied all my time and toughts, so when those were gone, I managed to be the real me, not the zombie I used to be. A guy whose brains were hijacked by this terrible addiction.

    Today was my self-imposed first day of practice for social skills. I just felt ready for it. I went for a tour around my neighbourhood in my bike. I just wanted to try and approach a girl. I go to a park, spot a cute lonely girl. Go there. Gulp. Tell myself I’ve got some balls and have to do it. Sit not far from her. I look her in the eye and say hi!. She stands up… and walks away. Adopted abundance mind (there’s millions more), and genuinely didn’t care about it.

    Went home, ate something, played PS3 and went out with my flatmates. Rock club, gig inside. Couple beers and positive vibe all around. Spot the cutest girl on earth. Think Penelope Cruz only prettier. She’s with a group of guys and girls. I wait a bit and then find some balls to approach her. No nerve, cool as ice. I go “excuse me, I’m sitting there with my friends and I thought I should ask you: are your from earth? I mean… were you born in this very planet? she freaks out but laughs. Amazing conversation and rapport follows.

    I didn’t end up making up with her, but we had a truly funny conversation and I walked out the club like the biggest man on earth. Seriously, sometimes is not about getting a kiss or sex. I had sex a couple weeks ago and it was not nearly as fulfilling as tonight. I had the balls to talk to the cutest girl on earth and made her genuinely interested in me, looking me in the eye while smiling. I left her standing, wanting more of me. Fuck yeah! Two months ago I wasn’t even able to look a normal girl in the eye. Not even men. I wouldn’t even dream of approaching a regular girl.

    So why I’m posting this in nofap and not in seddit, loseit or fitness??

    For starters because it all started with nofap. If I didn’t start this with you guys, I wouldn’t have the time to focus on important stuff in life and feel accomplished. Secondly, because I’m 100% positive that if I carried fapping, even if I was fit and successful in my job, that damned toxic shame and social anxiety will overwhelm me like it did during all these years of addiction.

    So thank you, thank you, thank you guys. Thanks to you I’m a happy man leaving a happy life. I got my mojo, my self-esteem and my manliness back. This is just priceless. I was a broken guy. I don’t want to get into details but my mind was so fucked with sex I ended up doing weird stuff.

    TL;DR: nofap allowed me to feel good about myself and be the dude I want to be. Thanks bros

  116. made me realize how little of a sex life outside porn I had


    I think I kind of know how you feel. The first two weeks were great, I felt a lot more energetic, my OCD and social anxiety were getting a lot better, then it plateaued. Things didn’t go back to the way they were, they just stopped getting better. I don’t care though, after years of fighting anxiety any way I could think of this is the only thing that’s making an actual difference. My voice is louder, I can talk to people even if I get nervous instead of becoming completely paralyzed.

    It’s also helped me reevaluate where I am in life, which hasn’t been easy. For the last decade I’ve been in a relationship with someone who… it’s like we’ve always been best friends, but the sex has always been very complicated for her let’s just say. It made me realize how much I was dependent on porn and masturbation to make things work, which made me very angry and depressed when I realized it.

    Since I started nofap we’ve had sex once. It made me realize just how little of a sex life outside porn I ever really had. So now I’m doing hard mode. It’s going well so far and I hope it’ll hold. She knows I’m doing this, and the longer we’re going without having sex and me not masturbating it’s becoming clearer and clearer how much our sex life never really worked.

    We’re probably always going to be very good friends, and we still have a small business together, but this is all just showing me that my life has to go elsewhere, and that I can’t keep up this charade. Porn was a vital part of it. Without it I feel like everything is out in the open, warts and all. Hmm, I meant for this to be a lot more relevant to your post, which I really liked by the way!

    There’s way too much talk in this subreddit about the superhuman benefits of nofap and not nearly enough perspective. Anyway I really agree with what Obey160 says in this thread: sometimes you don’t know what you have until you lose it, as well as with HanDuet: why go back? I’m sticking with nofap because porn isn’t such a prize to go back to. However moderate the benefits may be, I’d still like to keep them.

  117. Best Sex of My Life

    Best Sex of My Life

    I just thought I would share my story as I have found reading everyone else’s so inspirational.

    I decided to become a fapstronaut only five days ago but even in this short space of time it has had a big effect. The great dreams and extra energy are a welcome change from the norm. Although gonewild has been tempting i’ve managed to steer clear with a little help from all of the great stories I have read on here. What I did not expect was the effect it would have on my sex life.

    To give a little background, I have been with my girlfriend for over 5 1/2 years. We have been together since I was 16 and have only had sex with each other. The problems started a year and a half into the relationship when she had a mild case of thrush on holiday. When we tried to have sex it was very painful for her. Ever since it has been very difficult to make love, and after visiting a specialist it turns out that she has Vulvodynia. Basically what it means is that the nerves confuse pleasure and pain signals making it feel like a touch is a stabbing pain.

    Four years have gone by and it has not been easy, but we have stuck together. It is so heart breaking when you want make love to your partner and they end up crying, curled up in pain. We have both lost our confidence sexually, and I must admit I have felt like less of a man. I have asked myself many times if it’s something that I was doing wrong.

    As you can imagine, I would masturbate a lot to make up for the lack of sex. Sadly, I could even feel myself loving my girlfriend less because it would make it easier to cope with the heartbreak of not being able to make love.

    Anyway, over the past year or so things have slowly started to improve. The first time we managed to both orgasm, we both had tears of happiness in our eyes, after so many years of pain and vain attempts.

    Tonight proved to me why becoming a fapstronaut is the way forward. After 5 pornless days I was much more turned on and the extra sensitivity was incredible. She could sense this and it was a huge turn on for both of us which made things much easier. She barely had any pain and the sex was sensational. I have never had an orgasm like it. After such a build up, physically and emotionally I could literally feel the dopamine and oxytocin spread throughout my body, it was so good I just laid there for 10 minutes. My erection was much harder than usual so my SO had a great orgasm too. It was a beautiful thing.

    So, thanks for all the stories and interesting links. I really feel like nofap has given my relationship a new lease of life.

    TL/DR: Haven’t been able to have sex with my girlfriend properly for over four and a half years, not fapping gave me the best sex of my life and has helped my relationship.

  118. Day 97-Attention everybody: girls don’t just have boobs and butt

    Day 97-Attention everybody: girls don’t just have boobs and butts! They have other body parts as well as personalities!!

    So i’ve reached the point where no longer do things like ass and chest interest me a ton, but rather, they kind of piss me off. Not the asses and chests themselves, but the way people talk about them. Just now, my friends were talking about boobs and which boob size was the best. Personally, boobs are boobs, so I don’t care what size they are (except for D’s and above; that’s just too big for me), and frankly I thought the whole conversation was really stupid. Another time, I told those same friends about a recent female friend I had made and how awesome she is, and their first comment, no joke, was “oh yeah. she has no boobs or butt, but her skin is nice.” The only thing I could think of was “why the hell does that matter? Why the hell are you even thinking about that?” There are very few things that irritate me, VERY VERY few things, but dumb remarks like those really do get on my nerves.

    Don’t get me wrong, if I see a fantastic pair of boobs/butt, I will notice it in my head, but I don’t base the entire girl off of those things. Those kinds of observations are very rare nowadays anyway. It just makes me angry that the first thing that comes to their heads when they think of that girl is her cup/butt size. Why the hell does that matter?!

    But yeah, I’m going for day 200. Until then, keep flying fapstronauts

  119. What I Know With 100% Certainty, Join Me.

    What I Know With 100% Certainty, Join Me.

    I KNOW with 100% certainty that I will not fail this challenge. In my mind, it’s no longer a challenge; a chore. It’s a privilege, something I “get” to do. I was lucky enough to come across this wonderful subreddit, this wonderful concept of arousal addiction. After reading about how many of my problems could be improved by not fapping, why would stopping be difficult? I look forward to “actively not fapping” each day. To watching my counter go up. To me, it’s just another aspect of self improvement that I love doing. I workout 3 times a week and love it; I don’t fap 7 days a week and love that too. I love the mood swings that I’m experiencing. The depression. The anger. The disappearance of my libido. I see all of these symptoms like I see sore muscles after a good workout; signs of growth and progress. They satisfy me. And I am already seeing results. I see my ability to interact on an interpersonal level increasing; the same as increasing the amount of weight I can squat or bench press. I love what is happening, and can’t wait for the future. Bring it the fuck on.

    Come with me on this journey my friends. We are the privileged ones. We have been given the opportunity to improve ourselves. We GET to do this. So why the fuck wouldn’t we?

  120. after 184 days

    I never had a problem with ED or finding sexual partners (I’m happily married to a woman who loves sex), so my decision to start nofap was more out of curiosity and to stop wasting time. Before I started, I was spending about an hour a day in front of the computer, fapping 10-15X per week (then also having sex another 3-4X). I would feel rather guilty, but it was somewhat of an outlet and anti-depressant so I didn’t think much of it.

    After 184 days, here are some of the pluses I’ve seen:

    • I’ve found myself wanting to be closer emotionally with my wife
    • I no longer fantasize about women that I meet – it’s really nice to be able to respect a woman for who she is rather than how she looks
    • When I can sleep, I have a lot more energy
    • I’ve redirected that energy into running – I’ve run a half marathon (in about 1:30, woohoo!) and have trained up to 26.5 miles for a full marathon that I’ll be running in November

    The negatives:

    • The need to be emotionally close with my wife has been a double edged sword – she’d prefer if I backed off a little (she’s a doctor and spends ALL day with people, so wants to be alone more than I do)
    • Because my wife doesn’t want to connect as much as me, I find myself daydreaming about other women, and becoming closer with female friends than I probably should. I have no sexual interest in them, and my wife is cool with it, but I’d rather it be her than someone else
    • I am still interested in orgasming 10-15X per week, so often cannot sleep. I sleep much less now, so am always tired. My wife physically can’t have sex every single night, and I used to use fapping as a sleep aid as well. Without this aid, I’ll often lay in bed until 3 or 4 and be tired a lot more

    So, I haven’t had any super powers, and I’m glad I tried it, but I’m not sure if I’ll continue. Any thoughts/questions are welcome!

    I just realized that I passed the 180 day mark … some thoughts

  121. 90 days “clean” – What changed?

    90 days “clean” – What changed?

    It’s been 92 days since my last fap. I can barely recall the last time I did it, which is a good thing in my opinion.

    What motivated me to start the /nofap challenge was simple. I’d gone around 8 years without a long-term relationship. Yes, I had random sex and short term relationships in that time, but nothing seemed to satisfy me. It was like the world was grey, procrastination was high, motivation was rock bottom low. I was also struggling with periods of depression and a feeling of low selfworth. Fapping one to three times a day to porn (which was growing more and more specific and hard core) was the daily routine. Being an avid TED follower, I had seen “The Demise of Guys” earlier and when I stumbled upon the video of “The Great Porn Experiment” I figured. Why the hell not? If abstaining from porn and fapping for a couple of months can help improve my psyche and the enjoyment of good old sex, why not just do it? I quickly recruited a friend of mine whom, unlike me, was in a long-term relationship but joined to help me stay on the straight and narrow.

    One week after starting the challenge my brain was in a state of what can only be described as a high. I felt confident, the testosterone was flowing, I walked with my head held high and was proud of my achievement of 7 days of fap abstinence.

    On the 7 day mark was the Global Reddit Meetup. I ended up going and meeting a wonderful woman, which is now my girlfriend. Was /nofap the reason? Maybe. It certainly attributed to being so forward, talking, cracking jokes and asking her out that same night.

    Forward to the 30 day mark. I’d been going out with my girlfriend for 3 weeks, had sex which was more enjoyable than it had ever been. But, a brick wall called summer vacation was in the horizon. I went for a 4 week trip in the US. LDR with a girl you’ve been dating for 3 weeks prior… I’d not recommend it. We pulled trough though, and although she sent some naughty pictures and I to her, managed to pull trough without fapping, although the desire to get some relief was constantly burning.

    Now, at the 90 day mark, what has changed?

    I’ve “tested” myself by checking out some of the porn that got me fired up before, but it doesn’t hold much interest to me anymore. The sex is better than it has ever been in my 10 years of being sexually active. My confidence is unchanged. It dropped back to “normal” levels after a while. I’ve experienced flat-lining which is extremely frustrating when you haven’t seen your girlfriend in a week and all you desire is to have epic sex, but unable to get it up without some seriously long foreplay or not at all. I’ve not gotten any form of depression since beginning the /nofap challenge. This is most likely thanks to the nofap and not my girlfriend as depression would come and go earlier no matter my relationship status.

    Am I cured now? I’d say no. But I’m definitely better than I was 90 days ago. My current goal is to get to 180 and do another report.

    But did I manage the feat alone? I’d say no. Much of the feat can be attributed to having a friend you can share your experiences with, to motivate you forward. I’d also say that having a sex partner has greatly helped me (but also challenged me) to keep my hands above the covers at night, so to speak.

    In closing I’d like to give my thanks to the nofap community. All members, from just starting out to the veterans of 180 days+ has helped immensely when it comes to motivating me trough reports and questions to keep up with the challenge. Stay strong and good luck with your nofap challenge!

  122. This will get you on NoFap for life

    This will get you on NoFap for life

    I relapsed after 37 days. Once you relapse it’s so hard to get on a long streak again, your brain will rationalize ”one more time, then we’ll start over again – hey, what does it matter, you only got 3 days…”

    Had to reset again yesterday. Read something in this book I’m reading about neurology that changed everything. I suddenly realized NoFap is serious, dead serious. Check this out.

    A scientist mapped the brain of a Silver Spring monkey. He did this by opening the brain up and stimulated the monkey’s thumb, then analyzed where in the brain neurons fired for the thumb. He did this for the pointer, middle finger and so on. His findings were remarkable at the time: he found that the neurons that fired when the thumb was stroked was right next to the neurons that fired for the index, which was next to the ones that fired for the middle finger and so on. They were aligned.

    Next they sewed the index and middle finger together on the monkey (quite cruel actually) and waited for two months. Then they opened the brain up again. They stroked the thumb and saw the neurons fire at the same place as before. Now they stroked the index finger, which had been connected to the middle finger for two months, and they were amazed to find that the brain had reorganized itself, so that there where there used to be two separate neuron maps for the index- and middle-finger, there were now just one big map.

    Neurons that fire together wire together! Some professional guitarists also experience this when they get something called focal dystopia when they can’t move two fingers separately, only as one unit. When neurons fire together they also wire together.

    This means that if you watch porn, which more often than not have dominating, humiliating, degrading and violent themes – you not only experience sex and violence together – you rewire your brain and change the neuron structure each time so sex and violence wire together in your brain. No wonder a lot of NoFappers here testifies that they experience ED (which to be blunt is euphemism for impotence).

    When we watch porn we not only experience it, we rewire our brain. Each time we watch porn we strengthen this connection. Each time we ejaculate dopamine is flushed into these connections, further wiring them together, acting as “glue” since pleasant experiences get wired more easily.

    Getting hard when in a normal relationship with a girl will be just as impossible as for the monkey to use his fingers individually. If after two months the monkeys fingers had merged into one neuron map, what do you think years and decades of porn will do to your brain? Without the pornographic themes you won’t get hard. Fortunately you can unlearn these behaviors and change the neuron maps back, this is what NoFap does – we all have to realize this is dead serious.

    The day before yesterday was the last time I ever watched porn.

  123. My Full Potential (Day 8)

    LINK – My Full Potential (Day 8)

    Towards the End of Day Seven: I’ve had tiny urges today, still nothing I couldn’t resist. I’m not quite sure why I’ve had no strong urges yet, it’s kind of confusing me. I ended up not going for a walk today. Mostly because I didn’t feel like it. I’ll make sure to tomorrow though. I might start updating this once per day rather than morning/night. I am proud of myself though to have kept up this journal thus far. It’s really an accomplishment for me, even if it’s something so small. I’ll also list some of my benefits so far.

    • Larger muscle mass
    • Majorly increased sensitivity
    • I’ve started brushing my teeth twice a day (previously, I’d rarely brush them(it was another one of those self motivation thingies))
    • Exercising a lot more and a lot more frequently
    • I’ve started taking more care of my personal appearance
    • My girlfriend has been able to make me orgasm without me fantasizing or thinking about porn
    • I’ve noticed a possible slight change in my attitude
    • I’ve spent quite a bit less time online as to how much I was spending previously
  124. 100 Days- Positive changes but, no superpowers

    100 Days- Positive changes but, no superpowers

    This is a proud day for me. Here’s what I’ve accomplished the past 100 days: no porn, no fapping, no edging, no orgasm. Also, increase in confidence, holding eye contact, and more active. My ED is slightly better but, I haven’t tested because I haven’t had sex in a long time. I hope that will change soon.

    I set some other goals while doing the NoFap challenge. Here’s what I’ve accomplished:

    Meditation- 65 days in a row

    Journaling- 60 days in a row

    Flossing- 62 days in a row

    Diet- Lost 23 pounds, now at my ideal weight

    Also, less internet and TV.

    My plan is to continue the challenge until my ED is fixed. I’m undecided about how long after that but, I really have no desire to ever fap again. I do have occasional urges but, this is my thinking right now and I don’t know if that will change in the future. I just feel better without having porn and masturbation in my life. I’m more in control and more positive. I’m a happier person without all of the bullshit that’s associated with wasting time looking at porn and fapping my day away.

    Thanks for all of the support throughout the 100 days.

  125. From a Norwegian forum

    It looks like there is a lot of trolling in this thread now, so I thought to share my experience with you: I am now on day 16 of 100 after discovering My encounter with this page gave me all ways an eye-opening experience. I did not even know I had a problem until I stumbled across the link. I assume it is because I do not have any internal references for what is actually “normal” considering that I started too early to experience “normal”. My brain was numb for dopamine. 

    After two hard weeks I notice now that the positive effects begin to look forward. I notice including a generally higher energy level and “clearer” thoughts. Interest in real (as opposed to virtual) partners begin to return so small (yes, I started early and has been operating for about 10 years now), and this gives me really the motivation I need to stay the course. Additionally, I took myself to experience glimpses of joy as before belonged to the past. This includes little things like that I suddenly sing in the shower or just smile to myself. Food tastes more, and I have for the first time in a genuine desire to be known / socialize with new people. Given I am still in an early phase of the program varies very day. It almost feels like I’m bipolar. This is also preferable to the first 10 days that was really heavy. I am very excited about the coming weeks, but take one day at a time. The irony is that when I tell women that I have been “monk”, then look they seem to be more interested in having sex with me. It is about wanting what you can not get, and I do not even get me even in those days.

  126. Improvements despite relapse?

    Improvements despite relapse?

    Hi everyone, I’d just like to ask those who have gone for sometime then relapsed before the 90 day, have you found on your new run that your mind-set and attitude toward pornography has changed significantly ? Personally I had a set-back despite some time away from pornography but I found some pretty incredible changes in how I viewed it and my overrall mindset, is this common?

  127. ultra flatline of death/method to make NoFap effortless

    ultra flatline of death/method to make NoFap effortless

    I’m 20. I’ve been off PMO for over 30 days and I haven’t had any struggles with even a thought of relapse. Want to know why?… I have a worse addiction. I’ve been off video games for over 50 days. The urge to game completely overshadows my desire to fap. This may sound silly but for some reason my brain seems to only be able to focus on one addiction at a time, and the greater of the two dopamine demons turns out to be video games.

    While this is fantastic in that I am killing two birds with one stone, I have been dealing with MASSIVE mood swings for the past month in addition to no libido. I couldn’t pop a boner if I tried and I’ll go from complete contentment to absolute depression over the most insignificant things. Like, I saw a beautiful girl earlier today, realized I would probably never speak to her, and started crying. I mean, it is BAD. And I don’t see an end in sight. I only know that there is one eventually.

    Anyone else try this? When did your rampant teenage mood swings stop?

  128. You can never go back…

    You can never go back…

    So for the first time in perhaps three months, since I came back to my parents’ house for the weekend, I looked at some porn for a little while on one of their unblocked computers. And something weird happened.

    I didn’t feel it. The “magic,” if you want to call it that, was totally gone. There was no overwhelming, tunnel-vision of horniness, no real urgency. I didn’t feel disgusted, but I didn’t feel satisfied or have that voice in the back of my head (in my limbic system, to be exact) telling me this was awesome, either. I just felt empty – I looked for a while, I stopped without even getting hard.

    In many ways, the last few months feel like how I might imagine a really hard break-up being like, as if your entire world, or at least what made you keep going, has been wrested away from you. Porn became part of your identity, and you loved it for what it was – comfort. And I think that’s what is so insidious about porn – it doesn’t take over ALL your life (not unless you are really messed up), but it dictates enough of it that you are deprived of being a truly “whole” human being. You are certainly deprived of that feeling that you are a man, at least in my case.

    I looked at this porn for a while, then I kind of stopped and said, “What’s the point?” This is a waste. I’m going to die someday, and I won’t wish that looked at more porn. Despite the fact I’m still horny, especially in the mornings – I guess after this mini-relapse I know for certain that it’s impossible to go back. Why would you want to?

  129. 20 Day report

    20 Day report

    Hello bros !

    Even though its not really customary, I was thinking to make a 20 day report to let the community know how my time has been in these couple of weeks.

    1. I can sleep a lot better. I go to sleep at about 11 and wake up at 7 fresh and doing good. No problems whatsoever. I even dream more and seem to be more rested throughout the day.
    2. The girls, man, its going really good. Or at least I think it is. They are checking me out (or I finally observe that they are), I get compliments on clothing choices, some of them even come over for coffee. Even though I have a girlfriend, and I would never cheat on her.
    3. Studies are going great, I seem to be more concentrated and I manage to think more clearly and put my thoughts better into practice.
    4. Some flatlining, some days its good, some days its bad. I was definitely having more erections before I started noFap. ED seems to have gone away to some extend, I can see a definite improvement there, just its still not yet as I wish it to be. Can someone clarify if this will improve or not ?
    5. Porn has no place in my life anymore. I dont even feel the need to check out sites with porn, I have no fear to relapse, I can even click a gonewild link once in a while and i’m like ‘whoa, that girl is really hot’ and thats it 🙂 Im so happy about this, to be able to control myself better and not to give in to my primordial urges.

    I am an addict, and till this addiction disappears, I will stay grounded and work my way up to the top, one day at a time. I just want to know from you guys if your ED problem has come up again, how long did it take to disappear completely ?

    Stay strong !

  130. My experience at 104 days – delayed ejaculation

    My experience at 104 days

    Background: I’m 22 years old. I started masturbating at the age of 11 or 12 and since then, I would go at it at least 5 times a week(that’s the minimum sometimes much more than that). Sometimes it would be aided by porn and sometimes just imagination. I’ve had sex with 7 different participants and hooked up with ~14. Due to my constant masturbation, I wasn’t able to cum from anything but sex and incredible blow jobs outside of my masturbation. Also, I tried this no fap once before but caved in after a week or so because I saw an incredibly attractive lady on the front page.

    First thing I’ve noticed, I have more energy and no longer feel the need to take as many naps as I used to. I have much more time on my hands (hah) which I occupy with extracurricular activities because of the lack of naps and jerkin’. I’ve been going to the gym much more. I’ve become more cleanly and concerned with looking good to the outside world. I feel more confident with my ability to do things. The biggest draw was that I found an incredible lady who is interested in me and enjoys my nerdy qualities. Now, here is a disclaimer towards this whole no fap thing. I’ve always been able to get it up in the situation, but due to my lack of sensitivity from 10-11 years of fapping, I was unable to attain an orgasm from her (we haven’t had sex yet, but we’ve done everything but.). So, I would get off on her chest, but I found this to be a little different than typical masturbation because, ya know, it’s with a chick and if she’s telling you to cum on her chest, you fucking do it. That was the beginning and middle of my journey. Then, at like 80-some days, I was able to achieve orgasm from her efforts only. It was glorious and the biggest load of my life. Since then, no problem, I get off from her efforts only. For some reason, I have been much more in touch with my emotions than I had before and I have been feeling things for the first time in such a long time.

  131. No turning back (5 month report)

    No turning back (5 month report)

    I can hardly believe I’ve finally made it 5 months, but here we are. My biggest observation about the whole process thus far is that my goal for this whole process has been constantly shifting the further along I get. “Be successful with women” -> “Don’t be a fucking creep” -> “Don’t get bent out of shape over women for no good reason” -> “See women as real people rather than fantasy objects”. My sex drive still isn’t all the way back, but I’m not even worried about it anymore; there’s just no comparison between the quality of life I have now versus 5 months ago. That’s all I’ve got. Stay strong!

  132. The me is returning

    The me is returning

    Today, after 24 days, I looked at the mirror, and I saw the guy returning.. haven’t really seen him for about 10 years. 10 years of fog and numbness. Now he’s ressurecting. Nice.

    GUY 2)

    Absolutely. Do you know what i just thought the last night? “I’m me. I’m me. I’m me. Finally I’M ME !” I couldn’t stop to repeat that to myself.

    GUY 3)

    Awesome! I’ve noticed the same thing. No more being a shell of a man. The chains are being torn off and I’m tasting freedom again.

    GUY 4)

    I know what you mean. It’s not only positive, though – getting in touch with your emotions again also means getting in touch with negative or sad feelings. Good job!

    This is the reason I’ve decided to try /r/NoFap.

    GUY 5)

    Same! Even though I’m just starting this mission!

    GUY 6)

    Same. I’m starting to feel real, deep emotions again for the first time in god knows how long. There’s just a depth to happiness, sadness, grief, anticipation, excitement, etc. that wasn’t there before I started nofap. As if there’s this whole other dimension to these feelings that I was unable to see because I was numbed by dopamine. I cried last night. It was fucking awesome.

    GUY 7)

    I know exactly what you mean, well I think so, says the man at day 2 :P.

    Its great to feel like yourself again.

  133. I relapsed after 190 days and this is my very fist NoFap post.

    I relapsed after 190 days and this is my very fist NoFap post.

    As of 10 days ago, at my 190 day mark, I made a conscious decision to fap. At the time, it didn’t bother me one bit. In fact I planned on doing it just the once, but old ways quickly crept back. Over the past couple of months, I had begun to feel very alone. I have not been in a relationship for 3 years and it was really starting to get to me. 190 days ago I realized that I was dealing with these feelings by using near daily PMO. Having read the stories of previous NoFapper’s, I thought this would be a great way to face my anxieties and really learn who I was. This isn’t the first addiction I’ve dealt with in my life. At first it was video games (in my younger days), then alcoholism, caffeine and porn. I’ve come to see that I have a natural tendency towards addiction. I learned to handle video games many years ago, then alcoholism nearly 3 years ago. I came to see that I used these vices to hide from my anxieties and low self-image, all stemming from my lack of courage to face reality. Since then, I’ve learned to genuinely love life and those in it. Before, I saw porn as nothing more than a harmless release. However, I slowly began to see the truth. Firstly, porn was just another way of running from reality. Secondly, I came to the acceptance that porn stars were not just images on a screen, but real people. Many of who seemed just as lost as me, if not more so. I started to feel terrible about my participation in using porn stars to escape my own loneliness. I was actively contributing to the continuation of their and my own suffering. I could be wrong, but I just don’t see porn as a very fulfilling life. If watching it makes me feel this empty, I can’t imagine what doing it for a living does. Not that porn stars or porn watchers are evil terrible people. We’re all wonderful incredible beings. I just think many of us don’t see it or own it. I know it took me a lot of suffering before I was able to see it in myself and I’ve certainly had a difficult time owning it.

    All in all, I think that’s what led to this relapse. I’m still afraid of facing and owning certain parts of myself, specifically my loneliness. My NoFap journey is not over and has not been lost. I’ve come an extremely long way from 6 months ago. I actively started dating again, even though none of the dates developed into a romantic relationship. Still, it’s the most active dating I’ve done in my life and I have slowly become more comfortable with that side of myself. In a way dating is what triggered my relapse or at least my expectations of dating. Even though I choose to view each date as a step in the right direction, I still felt just as alone when they obviously weren’t going in the direction of a romantic relationship. This started as an underlying nagging feeling. However, it slowly began to build as I started seeing family and friends in good healthy relationships and myself still single.

    In typing this, I can clearly see my misguided view. However, in the midst of my emotions, it was much less clear. The relapse itself occurred on the night of my friends’ birthday. We all met up at a local bar to celebrate. That night a new girl who just moved to town was with the group. I found her to be incredibly attractive, more so than I have felt in a long time. At the end of the night, I invited her to a show the next day, but she was already booked to go out with friends. No biggie. I figured I’ll see her again. On the way out, my friend, who was also the birthday boy, asked if I had noticed the new girl and I eagerly said yes. He confessed that he was very attracted to her and it being his birthday felt it was a good omen that she just so happen to show up for his birthday. It being his birthday, I told him he should definitely give it a shot. Still, inside I felt frustrated at the fact that we both fell for the same girl. However, he is a very good friend and it was his birthday, so I figured I’d let it go. Well, later that night, when I got home, the feeling of frustration and loneliness hit me hard. In that moment I wanted nothing more than to find refuge from this feeling. I didn’t want to face it anymore. I gave in.

    I felt no loss that night. I had gone 190 days without self-pleasure. The longest I can remember since middle school. I owed myself this one day. Well, the next day I was fine. However, the loneliness came back so I decided to give in one more time and another and another. I first started with just using my imagination. The next day, I switched to pictures of normal women. Nothing special. Nothing pornographic. I thought to myself, this isn’t so bad. I was even somewhat pleased to know that I could find normal pictures of women so attractive again. However, this quickly escalated to more and more graphic images. Images that made me feel empty and lost like not so long ago. I refuse to let this happen again. If there is one thing I’ve learned from my journey, it’s that I have to allow myself to learn. To face reality and take responsibility for my own suffering and the suffering I perpetuate.

    I have reset my counter to day one. Not as a punishment, but as a reminder that in each moment I can choose to start a new. What I’ve put into this world is mine to own. However, what I bring into this world is mine to decide.

  134. The fog is going…

    The fog is going…

    Hey dear community! Just wanted to share how I feel on 5 days of NoFap after a month of daily fapping, when my motivation was pretty fucked up and I couldn’t stand anything because I lacked generally pleasure in my life. Now, Im sitting here, writing a context less contribution while I just feel so aware of myself, so clear in the mind. It’s like you marched through a thick fog and sun is finally breaking through…It’s amazing!

  135. New Personal Best!! And NOFAP Update!!!!!

    I’ve started three times now…. the first was the hardest. Stick with it though man! It’s well worth the effort!!!

    I’m so far removed from porn, that it’s hard for me to remember any porn star names… I have to really strain to think of my two favorites.

    I can’t even remember any videos. I have more interesting things I’m thinking about. IE, actual women. They’re texting me, messaging me, and enjoy my company. What has porn ever done? Sure it brings a temporary pleasurable feeling to release…. but ultimately it’s empty, lonely, and cold. I have better things to think about and do!!! You’ll get here man! Stay focused, know what your triggers are, find ways to stay away from triggers or block them, use your free time to go do things that you enjoy.

    As a side note…. after my 2nd relapse, I realized that nofap was hurting my nofap challenge. Thinking about and reading nofap was making it harder to not fap. I’d suggest reading nofap for the first month or so to learn about some of the difficult times you’re going to have (hopefully learning from others mistakes without making them). Posting only when things are really hard for you to figure out. From there, open your wings and soar out into the real world. Get absorbed into something fun and exciting and never look back!

    New Personal Best!! And NOFAP Update!!!!!

  136. have a bit more energy and I’m more focused. I am also happier

    Day 90

    (Couldn’t come up with a decent title) Hello. 20 year old male who’s been a Fapstronaut for 5-6 months.

    How has my 90-day challenge been? It wasn’t that hard actually. I’ve had days where I thought: “Hmmm… Wouldn’t it be fun to masturbate?”, but it didn’t get further than that.

    I think the reason why I managed to avoid PMO/Masturbation so easily, was because I’ve been so busy the past couple of months that I haven’t had time to sit by myself and think about those things. I also relapsed a million times before I managed to get all the discipline and motivation I needed. (Avoiding boredom might be a good way of avoiding porn and masturbation). I also met someone a few weeks after my last relapse, so I’ve had the opportunity to have sex instead of masturbating when I get horny.

    How do I feel? I have a bit more energy and I’m more focused. I am also happier because I feel that I’ve gained more control over my body. I can for example stare at a piece of candy, and hold it in my hand, without wanting to eat it. My mental “whip” has gained a thin, iron layer with nails, and it hurts like hell when I break my rules (Let me know if the metaphor doesn’t makes sense).

    EDIT: Here are my suggestions to what you should do to avoid the urge to fap. – As I just said; Stay busy and distracted. Join a club, meet some friends, clean your room etc. Don’t waste time on being bored and lonely. – Exercise – Get enough sleep.

  137. 90 mother flippin days. Woohoo!

    90 mother flippin days. Woohoo!

    Hey everybody, I didn’t think I could get this far so easily. I’ve been a member of /r/seduction and I wanted to try this as extra motivation to go out and meet girls. After the first 2 weeks I felt pretty good by not basing my opinions on the reactions of others. I’ve been outside of my comfort zone and it helped push me toward better habits.

    I didn’t stop fapping and became superman, but I started a) reading more b) got out of my house and off the internet more c) exercising d)meditating.

    In the beginning on nofap, I watched tons of porn(due to boredom) and didn’t relapse until the third week.Then things got too hard and I installed the k9 porn blocker to help and I blocked all NSFW posts on reddit. Then I took it ONE DAY AT A TIME and I just got to 90 days.

    There were definite mood swings and libido fluctuations during my 90 days. Fortunately, I understand they’re just feelings and they don’t control me. On some days women were interchangeable with men and on other days it felt like I was the only man on the planet.

    My inner voice is much calmer in situations where I would find myself getting really frustrated. My confidence is much higher and I don’t take most things seriously.

    New goal: 90 more days. Good Luck, fapstronauts.



    I have been masturbating 5 times a week WITHOUT PORN for 2 months already. when i use to masturbate with porn, i would feel less confidence, guilt, shame and low self esteem.

    Now without porn but just masturbating, i have more concentration especially in school, more confidence and more energy. I feel like my true self is coming back again. If u dont masturbate for some times, it will come out in a wet dream so wat is the point of not doing it. just do it moderately to clean out ur pipes but dont go crazy and do it like 5 times a day. that is a force and u will surely damage ur penis. just my experience.


  139. What are your favorite things about not fapping? I’ll start…
    What are your favorite things about not fapping? I’ll start…


     feeling that i can let someone borrow my phone, laptop, or ipod without the anxiety of wondering if they will find something i dont wish them to find.


    • Not being late for school.
    • Increased feeling of self-worth.
    • Not having to try and hide anything from my parents (though that’s more from no porn).


    I actually started getting really depressed recently, i didn’t link it to fapping at the time but now i realize that they were directly linked


    More drive to socialize. Especially with women.


    New inspiration for my creative hobbies.



    High energy

    Getting Laid

    100% more social

    Great moods

    More dominant attitude


    I got aroused from talking to a girl that told me im cute….


    • The Challenge of Mentally Defeating a Spontaneous Erection in Public, Again
    • Fixed Sleep Scheduled
    • More Tissues
    • Better General Concentration
    • More Concern On Health
    • Better Self-Guided Achieve

    DaveJones88848My d*** is more sensetive


    Not living a secret life


    I specially agree about the getting aroused from a hug part. I find myself easily excited but in a good way, even when i just hug a girl or hold hands.

    It’s a great feeling 🙂


    feeling like a man


    Getting so much shit done. Who knew there were so many hours in a day?


    Making more money, or more specifically doubling my sales (from 300 to 600-700 daily) and doing it CONSISTENTLY which is the hardest thing in our business. Viva noFAP! )


    Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger


    Surge of extra time to do whatever I need to do to improve myself.

    The monk like state of mind that comes with not having dopamine all the time.

    Being able to view normal women in a non objective way and also being able to detect subtle beauties in them even if they don’t look like a Maxim model.

    Never having to worry about my towels being hard ever again.


    Devolving into a primate on the hunt for females


    That feeling that you have where your head is clear and you don’t have that depressed mind, that happy feeling 😀


    • You’re not smelling like sweat all day
    • Don’t have to worry about deleting comp history
    • You don’t run out of toilet paper/kleenex as fast!


    You see more clearly: You are more likely to see the flaws in your daily life. You are more likely to shape your life to the better.

    You will crave for a balanced mix of dopamine sources: A healthy, balanced life.


    Big balls is a fun plus. It’s also nice having more energy the next day because I wasn’t up fapping the night before. Besides that, there haven’t been significant changes so far. None of those crazy urges people say they have from non-fapping. So far, it’s just been life as usual minus the fappage.


    • going to sleep on time
    • finding things funny again
    • feeling like myself for the first time in a while
    • finally understanding that my future is in my control


    • More time
    • Clearing up minor ADD
    • Increased desire to learn
    • More energy
    • The feeling that I am a Sexual Tyrannosaurus


    • Confidence
    • Improvement in social skills
    • Free time
    • Feel no depression anymore
    • Sense of self-worth
    • Energy
    • Will of connecting with others


    confidence boost! (but more time is pretty nice too)


    Feeling at peace.

  140. My personality has been.. amazing. i love myconfidence, the way

    235 days in. venting

    hey guys im gonna try to keep this fairly short. Ive written drafts of what i wanted to post on here throughout this journey but i only posted once several months ago. Every time i start writing it ends up being giant pages/blocks of text. Heres all i want to say… 235 days ago i quit marijuana, alcohol, porn and masturbation. My personality due to this has been.. amazing. i love my confidence, the way i act, everything about my self really. My favorite aspect is I dont really care what anybody thinks of me. I have a great job, I lost my virginity about 200days in. Ive thought about writing about that in full details but ill be brief.. i told her about nofap before hand and planned on going a few rounds.. i came practically instantly the first time and then was ready to go again about 15-20minutes later. the second time i still came in like <2 minutes.. i was pretty shocked but i made sure to satisfy her orally beforehand. if you guys want more (hilarious) details i can fill in the rest.. anyway it was really late and after those two orgasms i was seriously exhausted. I started having flu symptoms the day after, similar to the ones i was having one-weeks into nofap.

    anyway these lonely nights still get quite rough. 235 days in and i was still moments away from a reset. Theres times where i crave release.. especially for sleep. but right now im craving more than ever to watch porn for some reason… I know its not worth it. These four words have gotten me further than i ever thought possible. Yet these cravings..

    Im thinking about starting some sort of reward system for myself for lets say… approaching 10 girls. But its difficult since i cant think of any reward that would fit.

    anyway, i really dont want to end this on a depressing note. I am really happy with my self and am in such control of my emotions now.

  141. 50 days in and feeling great!

    50 days in and feeling great!

    For everyone who didn’t read my first post in nofap, I joined to become a stronger individual. Since I joined, my quality of life has greatly improved. I perform a lot better in the sack with my woman, I’ve quit drinking alcohol and I got back into running which I haven’t done in a few years. Not only is my mind stronger, my body is gaining awesome strength and endurance.

    I am definitely a lot happier than I was before, and hopefully the trend continues because I am loving life for the first time in a couple years.

    Keep it up fapstronauts! Life is the answer!

  142. so what pushed you over the edge and made you say “no more”?

    so what pushed you over the edge and made you say “no more”?

    Realized how much of a bad influence it had on my last relationship with an absolutely awesome girl, as well as the relationships before that. Realized I didn’t go out and socialize as much as I should have in college and regretted it but never did anything about it. I have a lot of friends on the surface but no deep ones, and was afraid to open up to anyone because on the surface I’m a smart, attractive, funny, pre-professional student, but I was ashamed of who I was inside, or rather of my habits. Even in the 16 days I’ve been doing this I feel so much better about myself. I’m not embarrassed of who I am and have nothing to hide anymore, and for once am actually aligning the person I want to see myself as with the person I really am. I’m really proud of my discipline as well. I have always been the person who said they were going to do something, did it for 3 days, and lost the fire and reverted back to old ways. Not with NoFap though. Sure, it’s hard as hell to keep up with it, especially when I wake up in the middle of the night with dreams about my ex, but I know why I want to change, and I know that I don’t even want to be the person I was again.

    I want to get myself back to enjoying people for who they are, not looking for women to do all sorts of raunchy shit with and being disappointed when they won’t. I guess the hurt of seeing the negative consequences and knowing everything I’ve lost or given up drives me to do this. I’m setting a goal at 90 days, but in all honesty I’ll probably be done with it forever. I’m realizing that I have a huge future ahead of me, tons of gifts as far as personality, looks, athleticism, etc (not being cocky I promise, I just usually try to hide my talents so that I don’t come across as arrogant) and am sick of falling back into the same old patterns when there’s a whole world out there to be seen and experienced. Even if I trip up and rub one out a few months down the line I’m never, ever going back to pornography or pictures of women online, that much is 100% for sure.

  143. 90 days and it’s been quite a change

    90 days and it’s been quite a change

    I started this in July thinking it was kind of a gimmick–I mean, how hard can not masturbating be? And at first it was easy. The first week of breaking my cycle of porn-laden before sleep browsing or whatever else I could find wasn’t too bad. I just filled my time with other things–reading and TV.

    I hit a flatline around 5 weeks in and it utterly killed my want to do anything sexual at all; I’m talking no erections for maybe three or four weeks straight. I was a bit concerned… Regardless, I kept going and lived my life.

    Honestly, I’ve never had so much free time in my life. It’s as if some kind of switch was flipped and I suddenly could do whatever I wanted. Not taking that time to find some “good porn” online before bed meant I could tackle whatever I wanted up until the moment before I really went to bed. I no longer needed to feel some kind of sexual stimulation/mental validation of satisfaction in order to sleep. And I sleep like a baby now.

    Of course, women have come and go, and during my flatline period, it meant for a few awkward naked, bonerless, nights, but it’s like a lot of Fapstronauts say, I’m no longer looking for a primal sex partner–despite how good that can be. I’m looking for someone to connect with on more than a physical level. The women I’ve had the best sex with haven’t been super-model-drop-dead-gorgeous, but instead have been women I have been attracted to for more than their looks–and the sex was phenomenal and way longer than when I was masturbating.

    So I’m 90 days in. I don’t really see myself starting up and getting that PMO again, but I can definitely say I have a better handle on myself. Sure, I may take care of my self every once in a while, but I don’t need it any more and I’m better because of it.

    Thanks to everyone in this community who posts inspiring stories, because they have helped me through the “hard times” of resisting to edge or just say “fuck it” and ruin my streak.

  144. recoverd from ED – but went back to porn

    i seriously can’t believe i’m back to this stage

    I’m a 22 year old university student with quite a story. In the interests of saving time, I’ll give you guys the short version of the story now and gradually reveal everything in future blogs. I hope to frequent this forum and please feel free to ask me any questions.

    I began my reboot about 10 months ago, after many failed previous attempts, documenting my progress in my diary and posting regularly on the YBOP site. That’s why I’m back here, I find it much easier to remain on course if I document my progress publicly.

    Long story short, I was a virgin, I masturbated to porn one or twice (sometimes more) times a day since I was 14 and it took me 111 days to fully recover from porn induced ED. I had just turned 22 and had successful sex for the first time. Over the following couple of months, the sex got better and better, I became more and more confident and was feeling the best I had ever felt in my life.

    This is where things get kind of complicated. I have strange “fetish” for women bossing me around and doing other somewhat “kinky” things to me. I know this is NOT because of any pornography because I’ve had these thoughts for as long as a remember (prior to the age of five) and they have always aroused me. I do know however that porn definitely developed my natural fetish as it slowly introduced me to other kinks. I noticed that the things I would look at 14 wouldn’t even come close to turning me on at 16 or 17, let alone at 21. This is a prime example of porn changing the human brain. Although I was already naturally “kinky” porn caused my kinks to reach very very weird extremes (hard BDSM and etc…really scary stuff when you think about it).

    So I was having successful sex with my girlfriend, but something was missing. It wasn’t porn but it was something a bit taboo that I am naturally inclined to. Out of embarrassment and shame, I didn’t mention this to my girlfriend and so I made the mistake of looking up porn again to feed my natural sexual likes. You call all guess what happened next….

    I started off watching porn once (very soft stuff) but it was as if I progressed from the porn I watched when I was 14 all the way to the porn I watched at 21 in a matter of weeks rather than years. I was clearly still an addict deep down. It’s now been a few months of watching porn and I have watched my erection begin to fail again. I seriously feel so crap.

    I’ve been off porn for about a week now but I have not seen any improvement as I’m still masturbating to kinky thoughts. I’ve masturbated twice today and I’m hoping this is the last time until I recover again. So I guess this is the commencement of “reboot take 2”.

  145. Needhops from reuniting…day 73 on

    Needhops from reuniting…day 73 on

    I’ll post my blog from reuniting on here Eventually so you can see my backstory/progress

    as of now I am at day 73. Still going through the highs and lows period. I initially started having a few good days here and there somewhere around day 36ish. The frequency of good days has increased without a doubt. I recently posted how great things were going,however I am having a shit day as of now. Feeling depressed;don’t have that extroverted/joking feeling.   To make things worse, the small stuff has been eating at me today. One of my friends who I don’t rly like anymore (if you know that situation) was getting on my nerves so badly today that I literally had to leave where the group of us were hanging out. 

    I consider myself to be a “slow healer” since I started the whole pmo thing around 12-13 and have never had successful sex or gotten hard from making out with a girl. I feel like I’ll need 120+ days to be “cured”. After reading ybop accounts, my day 73 is competable to some people’s 21-30.

    Here is a list of the benefits I have seen so far in general, good days or bad:

    -more energy

    -girls are becoming less and less sexual objects and more into people

             -this makes interacting with them easy. Before the whole pmo thing started I was very good         with girls so i want to get back to thy state

    -started working out

    -started meditating

    -started to read for pleasure

    (these 3 I could never do while pmoing)

    -general anxiety is disappearing, almost gone not yet. I used to wake up feeling umbelivable anxious not anymore.

    -less irritable

    – girls look much more attractive

    the beneits that come and go with good and bad days are:

    -return of natural sense of humor

    -sex is barely on my mind(obsessive sexual thoughts seem to make me anxious)

    -very extroverted

    -conversations  flow naturally; not constantly analyzing my behavior.

    – interactions with woman become effortless

    I feel like my limbic system still has some ways to go before it’s completely back to normal but it’s getting there. Girls started to stop looking like sex objects,which made me nervous and awkward recently,but this comes and goes. Looking forward to the future, can’t wait for the ups and downs to clear out.

  146. Power (Mind, Body, Soul)

    Power (Mind, Body, Soul)

    Hey everyone, I am new to this site, but I would love to write about my experiences thus far. I am currently on day 5 (again), and writing this blog post is surprisingly hard. My mind is unusually clustered with ideas and I cannot focus. Hopefully, this blog entry is coherent enough for you guys to learn about me.

    A little about me?

     I am age 20 roughly and have been using porn since I was around 13-14. It has escalated over the years to the point where I’ve lost a  some of my best friends. I am a virgin, but I have had two girlfriends (sigh). Forming new relationships has been quite hard recently and I usually end up in the computer room viewing unhealthy images. So far I have gone 1 session for about 30 days with no porn, 1 session for about 22 days, and a lot of sessions with no porn for a week.

    The Negative Effects I have felt

    – Lack of Muscle growth

    – Scrawny, weak voice

    – Lack of appetite

    – Absolutely no concentration

    – Replaying porn in my head all day long

    – Slow eating speed ( tied to lack of appetite)

    – Nervousness

    – Insane social Anxiety ( I won’t even wave hi to people I know)

    – Cannot form well thought out sentence

    – Cannot make jokes at all

    – In extreme times, I have stuttered endlessly

    – Distant from family and friends

    – Lack of sleep

    – Swollen face

    – Large Eye bags, pale skin complexion

    – Dry, itchy skin especially when I workout

    – Immature

    – Easily Angered

    – Depression!

    – Bipolar moods

    – Lack of any sense of time management

    – Super lazy

    – Crappiest memory ever

    – unattractive in all senses of the words to woman

    Benefits I found in my longest abstinence session

    – Increased muscle mass

    – Deep Rich voice

    – Controlled, calm thoughts

    – Heightened ability for good humor

    – Extremely Confident

    – Strong

    – Attracted women, anywhere and everywhere

    – Beautiful , complete sleep

    – Insane amount of energy

    – Disciplined

    – Time efficient

    – ignited interest in old friendships

    – At peace

    – Productive beyond any means possible

    – Viewed as intelligent

    – Acing exams left and right

  147. Cool side-effects

    Cool side-effects

    So, many of us have already experienced the really vivid and sometimes lucid dreams (actually mine have tapered off since day 30 tbh), but what else have you noticed?

    For me, I’ve noticed that comedy is at least 10 times as funny as before. I really laugh so hard compared to when I was in trapped in the numbness of fap-fog when I would barely smile. It’s really fun!

    (Victory! Dopamine receptors are returning!)

    GUY 2)

    I actually said “Cheers” to somebody who sneezed on the bus this evening.

    I’m not as shy about certain things as before. Overall good mood

    GUY 3)

    For me, my eyesight has never been sharper. I see everything so much clearer now than I did before. I don’t know why but it’s a great side effect

    GUY 4)

    Same. Genuine laughter. I’m working to be a screenwriter, and in the past 4 years, I have wrote very serious things, but for the first time, I actually looked at exploring the comedic side of screen writing. aside from that, people are saying I’m funny once again. 😀

    GUY 5)

    Good for you! Lots of sexy dreams lately .. Lots of energy through the day .. Really horny – tits and ass radar bleeping all day long – not used to this yet…

    GUY 6)

    Yes, I noticed this too months ago – I laugh harder. I even commented on this and someone else agree with me once I pointed it out.

    GUY 7)

    I have multiple dreams every night when i sleep, i’m kind of scared because i never use to dream a whole lot. even when i did no fap for a bit.

    GUY 8)

    Me too, regarding comedy. I’ve been laughing out loud at sitcoms that haven’t drawn a laugh from me in years. Same thing at live comedy shows.

    GUY 9)

    Yeah, I’ve been dreaming almost every night now too!

    I know EXACTLY what you mean by the “fap-fog”. Truly awfuL

  148. Getting Huge Compliments On My Voice

    Getting Huge Compliments On My Voice

    Women all throughout my office are commenting (to each other) on how soothing my voice is lately. I’ve noticed a deepening for sure, but with increased confidence and more controllable time I guess I’m delivering the right amount if bass and breathiness that they are looking for. That’s. Just. Awesome.

    GUY 2)

    Oh $#&%… I’ve noticed something like that yesterday, when I was singing. I’d swear my voice has never been so deep and clear 0.0

  149. 63 days and counting. Thoughts from a bodybuilder on this crazy

    63 days and counting. Thoughts from a bodybuilder on this crazy journey of NoFap.

    Background: 24, M, college educated, currently in graduate school. Natural Bodybuilder (No steroids, diuretics, testosterone boosters. etc)

    I started fapping since I was 12 to MTV spring break promos and slowly but surely moved to high quality hardcore. I realize that porn was my fake cure-all drug. If I was anxious, nervous, lonely, depressed, scared, or even bored, fapping was the first action I would take. 9 weeks into no PMO, my brain literally feels like it is breaking up with all the women I masturbated too. I loved the women I watched in porn.

    Behind a computer screen, they were always there for me. These girls gave me instant intimacy and could never judge me, laugh at me, talk behind my back, gossip to their girlfriends about how creepy I was whenever I tried to flirt, and of course, gave me instant sex.

    Behind the computer screen, I did not have to take any risks, undergo fear of rejection, and didnt have to force myself to socialize. My major withdrawal symptom besides depression is that I feel like I am missing something in my life. Masturbation and pornography was such a time-consuming activity that kept me elevated for hours. I would go on long binges that gave me an extraordinary high. Cruising through the newest porn videos and selecting multiple tabs gave me an infinite amount of opportunities to procreate.

    I felt like a king with gorgeous female slaves to do my bidding. Without these addictive opportunities, my brain needs to readjust to the fact that I will no longer have 30 sexual partners a day.

    On the other hand, the cognitive effects of no PMO have been astounding. I am not having any more anxiety attacks or panic breakouts that I used to have. Motivation is high, concentration is as clear as the purest crystal on Earth. Thoughts are no longer racing through me, I am calm and more thoughtful of my actions. Is my life perfect? Not even close. Moments make me sad, moments make me happy, but this is the river of life. It is better to confront every issue than to mask it behind a computer screen of flesh and sexual exploits.

  150. Crippling anxiety has all but vanished

    Crippling anxiety has all but vanished

    I am currently on day 29, this being the longest I’ve gone without porn/fapping since discovering it fourteen years ago at the age of 10 (it was a 1-8x a day habit during these years). After a bunch of <2 week resets I am finally moving forward.

    For all of my life (as far as I can remember), I have had crippling social anxiety combined with zero confidence and zero sense of self worth. The anxiety I’ve always had has been terrible.. I have never been able to look people in the eye, have always felt intimindated by everyone, always felt disgusted and hateful towards myself and have NEVER been able to have a random discussion with a stranger.

    Roughly two weeks ago… all this dissipated… and it’s been staying gone. I’ve been afraid to post about it because I was expecting it to come back full force after showing me greener pastures.. but it’s staying gone.

    These last two weeks have been unlike any I have ever experienced. I find myself craving the company of other people (something I’ve never felt before), and when I am in public I have been able to open up on random strangers without any issues. I’ve been having great small short conversations everywhere I go and the best part is… zero anxiety. I have no problems with eye contact anymore, I don’t stutter, I speak my mind and don’t care about what others think. Infact… I can even watch other people do aqward things (which would in turn make me feel super aqward about myself) with no issue… it’s un fucking believeable.

    I’ve been walking around with a smile on my face and a positive mood all day every day and I’ll tell you.. people are noticing. I’m getting approached by girls all the time looking to start a conversation just for the sake of talking with me… this is unheard of for me.

    Looking back my old mannerisms seem laughable.. who was that person? I don’t know but I do know this- I am never going back.

    GUY 2)

    Great stuff, I’m really happy for you. I have suffered from mild social anxiety in the past and although I made some improvements even before stopping to fap, now basically 2 months off( with a couple of resets), the anxiety has really almost gone away. I don’t have a clue about the reasons why nofap helps with social anxiety, but I believe that not having to experience this disgusting feeling after you have just had an orgasm to some nasty porn material really helps to correct your self-image.

    GUY 3)

    I’m glad to hear your SA has vanished. I, however, noticed the same effect whenever I stop using computer for a couple of days. I think this might be related to a computer & internet addiction in my case, not so much pawn..

    GUY 4)

    Same age as you, been experiencing lots of mood swings lately. Everyone’s course is different. Don’t despair.

    GUY 5)

    Stop using computer & internet completely for at least 3 days. Its like porn, only worse. Go read a book, only it has to be captivating. I had the same issues, then I stopped using computer completely and I feel way better now. Porn is just tip of the ice, the main problem is computer itself.

    GUY 6)

    Hehe it’s funny that you should say that… I’m about to try a week of blackout.

    No tv, computer, internet. School work will be done on paper / on the library computers. Reading will be via my kindle and that’s it. Cutting all media and entertainment out.. gonna spend a week REALLY focusing on myself with no distractions.

    GUY 7)

    Awesome! I know exactly how you’re feeling, it truly is unfucking believable. Where did all this confidence and self-control come from? What happened to the days of feeling incredibly down? It feels great. Never go back. Kudos, friend.


    Honestly man I still can’t wrap my head around what’s been happening. I honestly went through a few years of meeting and getting to know ~1 person / year because of how bad my anxiety was. And now… it’s gone. I am so happy for the first time in a very very long time.


  151. Another motivator: eradicating hemorrhoids

    Another motivator: eradicating hemorrhoids

    Yeah, this is probably TMI, but I think I’ve made a connection and wanted to share it with you guys.

    Over the years I’d get occasional hemmorhoids, but never bothered to assume there was a connection.  It didn’t feel particularly bad during PMO sessions, so I didn’t think much of it.  I’d seen a doctor about them (they are really painful, as anyone who has had anything more than a mild case can tell you), and the conclusion was just something like “some people get them, some people don’t”.  My causes tend to be certain kinds of heavy lifting.

    So, I haven’t had them in a long, long time, at least six months.  I also had a relapse about a week ago, including a couple “binge sessions”.  They came roaring back.  I can’t say for sure that there is a connection, but it sure seems likely.  I thought of the thread a while ago about how a guy always felt… uhh… differently aroused prior to a BM.  All of that stuff is connected!  Blood flow, muscles, this pushing on that, etc… it is hard to pin down the exact science, but it sure makes sense.

    I did a quick internet search and haven’t found any hard studies, but I have found a few anecdotal accounts.  While sex or MO lying down doesn’t seem to do anything, it seems to be MO while SITTING (i.e. in front of a computer) that aggravated the problem for a lot of guys. 

    I don’t know about you guys, but I’d rather be hit in the chest with a spade shovel than have a case of hemorrhoids, so I’ve found quite the motivator here!

    This is the thread I was referencing:

  152. My Story, 32yr-old had enough of PMO ruling my life

    My Story ,32yr old had enough of PMO ruling my life

    This is my first ever Post on any forum of any kind ….ever. My reason for being here is i wanted to get my story out and be a part of this fantastic NoFap Journey. Firstly i would like to thank you all for sharing your experiences of NoFap ,and Rebooting etc its been very encouraging to see you guys striving to have victory over P and M … and reap the benifits

    Ill try keep it short.

    I am Married 8 years, am 32 years old been fapping to visual sexual stimuli (sexy women) since i first discovered porn at age approx 9 (I think….I remember doing it well before i was producing the stuff needed to make babies !!) and have been PMO ‘ing ever since and got hell of a lot worse when high speed Internet came along , Ive struggled in my life at various intensities and times of depression, in-confidence (not sure if a word), lethargy, procrastination and really bad social anxiety (this is prob the most painful one)

    Amazingly all through this I have been able to set up and keep a successful business and have a bunch of employees and make very good money and also made my way up through the years to become a reputable professional musician and i play in bands regularly at a prof level. All this with heck of a lot of stress (anxiety) levels ,and generally unhappy which in my ignorance i thought that if i could make more money, be a better muso or be super fit ( I enjoy bodybuilding for aesthetic and strength purposes) that somehow these things will make me happy….WRONG.

    Ill leave things there as a background … I’ve been reading a heck of a lot of these posts here at NoFap and your Brain on porn and have been trying to rid of Porn for a while with lots of relapses (just had last one an hour ago and this time it was different – although it was enjoyable, my mind is changing -I’m seeing it definitely – seemed fake and a poor substitute for real relationships ) this time round i am 31 days into my recovery i binged on day 25 and had 2 relatively short relapses yesterday and today.felt terrible afterwards each time . IVE HAD ENOUGH !!!! Time to kick some PMO butt!!

    Ill have to say once i don’t have crippling withdrawal (usually lasts first 10 days into my past recoveries) I am WAY Happier, WAY more confident and hugely less socially anxious in ways that are phenomenal ……Just those damn cravings i get are soooo hard to resist sometimes its like my every cell in my body craves Porn and I’m sick of giving in …..My goal is 90 days NoFap , NoPorn

    All i know is the results are incredible once i go for a length of time keeping my hand off my Dick and not looking at porn or a porn substitute (sexy stuff on TV also drives me nuts which i hope will change once rebooted properly) …the most impressive is the feeling of being happy for no reason (never had this in the past) and a LACK of social anxiety and brain Fog (always had social anxiety even with my own family !!! wtf … and i never knew any different because its how i have always felt……

    Sorry for such a long post , ill keep updating to show my progress Thanks for reading, Any tips, questions and comments welcome : )

  153. I was becoming numb: physically, sexually, emotionally, and spir

    Didn’t get around to doing a 90 day report, so here is my 103 day report. (self.NoFap)

     by Standing_Tall103 days

    I am 32, male, and newly married.

    Before nofap, I would generally masturbate 0 to 3 times a day (usually 2). 99% of the time to porn. Started looking at porn back when I was 11, in 1991, and all you could get were Playboys and Penthouses. Good memories of listening to Poison and perusing some magazine’s we borrowed from a friend’s dad, but I digress. I had a friend who was an early adopter of the internet, and by 1993, I had access to some internet porn, but not much. Masturbating furiously by this point.

    As the years progressed, things changed. I was no longer just interested in looking at naked women. I began to need something from the more extreme side of things to get off. I know the difference between right and wrong, and the post-orgasm self disgust increased as the type of porn I consumed became more depraved.

    To make matters worse, I’d developed a fairly bad case of death grip. It didn’t prevent me from orgasming with PIV when I was in my early 20s, but by my mid 20s, it became a problem. I could “go” for a long time, and I thought that made me a stud. It was pretty cool when my girlfriend was multiorgasmic, but very non cool when she was a one-and-done herself. Getting off became work. It wasn’t uncommon to lose my erection mid PIV. Nothing could compete with my right hand. Sex became about getting off. I had separated the pleasurable aspect of sex from its unitive purpose. I was becoming numb: physically, sexually, emotionally, and spiritually.

    Fast forward to this past summer. My friend introduces me to reddit, and I find nofap within a week or so. I am intrigued. Are these guys really NOT masturbating? Impossible! Every guy masturbates, and if he says he doesn’t, he is lying! Right? Right?

    Two weeks before my wedding, I decided it was the time to BE THE MAN I WANT TO BE. I decided I would make my wife the center of my sex life, and would not make her share me with my fantasies. She deserved at least that much.

    Week one was hard. But I took it one day at a time. Week two was better. Week three was muuuuuch easier, mainly because I was having sex now.

    Since then, I have been tempted many times but it is not a daily temptation. It’s just not something I do anymore. It has taught me that I can do anything I put my mind to. I’ve stopped drinking to excess since starting nofap as well.

    Nofap has given me more self confidence than I ever had before. Its not magic. Its just having the knowledge that YOU are the boss of yourself. YOU are in control of your choices and actions. YOU decide what you do and do not do. You are the person you choose to be. One. Choice. At. A. Time.

    In conclusion, Nofap is worth it. Its not about willpower; its about habits. Build healthy habits. You know what you need to do, in every area of your life, to get where you wish you were. Get off Reddit already, you’ve probably had enough for today. Go BE THE MAN YOU WANT TO BE.*

  154. Erection Disfunction (ED) monitoring thread

    Erection Disfunction (ED) monitoring thread

    Hi all,

    I’m very curious about this in particular as that’s my main reason for doing the challenge.

    I’d like to approach this in a clean fashion without too much text. I’ll provide a format below (corrections can be suggested and I’ll edit the post). I may make a statistical summary after enough have posted, or if someone qualified volunteers he may do it better. So, just copy paste the code all the way below my own entry, fill it in and it’ll come out with all the bold text and item sorting as above, once you post it.


    • Age: 27
    • Sex: Male

    Masturbation profile

    • Start & context: 13 (magazines), at 15 (almost exclusively pornography)
    • Frequency: once a day
    • ED symptoms: no morning erection, no wet dreams, no spontaneous erections in public inspired by attractive women, the penis is not fully hard during sex or masturbation, can ejaculate in a near flaccid state.
    • Time into NoFap treatment: first try 30 days, now at 13
    • Response to NoFap treatment: so far none

    So now you can copy paste the code below and fill in your profile so we can track this quantitatively. 🙂

  155. 96 day and I am only just beginning.

    96 day and I am only just beginning.

    My fellow fapstronauts, 96 days ago I quit as many of us probably did after watching Gary Wilson’s TEDx talk. This one video changed my life, overnight I went from 7-15 faps a day to none. Whilst a lot of people will discount and discredit what we do here, I can say that every positive benefit I have felt in the last 3 months have been directly related to my no longer fapping.

    I quit fapping and the next 6 weeks were the most stress filled weeks of my life, but I saw direct improvement. In those six weeks I was made homeless, attacked with a deadly weapon, failed University. Pretty signifigant events.

    Why do I make a point of this?

    My conviction never wavered. Not once, but 9 months ago I was mired in depression. I was supposed to attend university full time, but if I could find the effort, hell if I could find the motivation I could barely make it in one day every three weeks. My relationships with women…. Well, I had little not nothing in terms relationships for the past six years. It had taken its toll as you all could imagine.

    Now…well now. Despite failing university and all the associated dreams and ambitions being washed away, I have never felt better. I have my first real relationship with a woman. I start working soon, and despite my academic failing I have a fairly solid plan to get on track with my future.

    I have never felt better.

    96 days in…and tomorrow is just another day!

    Stay Strong my fellow fapstronauts.

  156. at least I have beaten social anxiety and confidence problems.

    It’s so difficult for me to keep this concise. I am going to say it isn’t about one aspect of life but many, however willpower is a very high priority. Building the first structure of willpower will always look impossible, that doesn’t mean when you have that you can go ahead and slack off. But you will have better understanding.

    My life has changed from procrastination to a good structure of willpower, it’s far from perfect but at least I have beaten social anxiety and confidence problems.

    I can’t remember who recommended me here, but please keep it up because masturbation to porn is still seen as not a problem for many people. To be honest masturbation to porn isn’t the exact problem, it’s not having a good moderation of it and I mean a good 2-3 months without it. Some people might say otherwise to which I say I agree, but opinions are opinions.

    I’m going to reset for sure tonight, staying up there is easier than resetting and I’ve already made it difficult enough.

    90 days, I ain’t stepping off this train any time soon!

  157. Is it normal for NoFap to leak into other bad habits like eating

    Is it normal for NoFap to leak into other bad habits like eating junk food?

    I know I am only three days into my NoFap journey, but something weird happened to me on Saturday morning. My body is starting to reject my junk food habits since I stopped fapping. Even just looking at the stuff makes me feel queasy now. I tried to drink some Mountain Dew and had to spit it out into the sink.

    Just a few minutes ago I got out some Chips Ahoy and the smell of them almost made me puke. I am not saying this is a bad thing, quite the opposite. I was just wondering if this is typical of NoFap.

  158. My willingness to participate in conversations have increased so

    My willingness to participate in conversations have increased so much this week.

    I love reading other peoples success stories and what this journey has given them. So I thought that I would do the same, I’m just a few days in but something major has shift inside of me.

    Before I could fap 3 times per day, I would wake up, do it, get home from work, do it, and then again in the evening. Before starting this nofap journey I always thought that I was socially reserved, you know the kind that would wear a shirt that says: “I’m not shy I just don’t care about what you are saying” and try to pass it off as that. But that’s just a lame excuse not to try harder.

    So as I’ve mentioned, my willingness to participate in conversations have increased tenfold. I see this most at work, where I usually didn’t talk very much to people. Now since starting NoFap, I want to talk to them, I am talking to them, and I have alot to say, things I didn’t knew before. This week has been one of my best ever because I’ve made people laugh, I got invited out to drink with them yesterday, the women at work talk to me alot now since I’ve started to make an effort, one of them even “pretended” to sleep on my shoulder during a presentation from our head quarters.

    So, just 4 days in, feeling a major diffrence, gonna journey onward 🙂 This is a million times more rewarding than fapping ever was.

    TL,DR After starting NoFap my ability and willingness to have conversations with people have increased so much and my job satisfaction has increased. Got invited out to drink with the staff and looking foward to the weeks and months to come.

  159. Since the start of senior I never imagined I could be this happy

    I just want to thank whoever created this reddit. It has been a huge key to my success in life this past few months. I’ve been really itching to make an account and tell my story to you all, how nofap has gone for me. I am a 17 year old male in my senior year of high school, and nofap has really made a difference in it so far.

    Before, I was weaning myself off of PMO. I would always view porn on my iPod, maybe my laptop if I was really in the mood for it, or rarely my computer, but I was too paranoid to use the laptop or computer in for the fear of getting caught, as my family would use both as well. My iPod was my personal gate to the internet, one that I could have easily at my disposal. When I was younger, around 14, I started to get into porn, and soon it got I’d get into some more stronger forms, but I had my limits. I didn’t want to get consumed in it.

     Around 15 I would do it constantly, at least once a day. When I got to 16, I’d have a streak of days where I actively masturbated, and period where I wouldn’t dare look at another image of a woman unclothed. My usage was declining, as guilt built up from using it, but I still would continue. Early in July I just got so guilty about it, I gave my brother my iPod and confessed to him about my porn usage. He took it and hid it from me and I had to go without porn.

     It was the best choice I’ve made as a teenager. After he left for college he handed it back to me, trusting that I wouldn’t go back to my old, dark ways. I can proudly say I have not used my iPod for such dirty acts since he placed it in my hands. I can truly say I’m above my porn use.

     Since the start of senior year, I never imagined I could be this happy. I started to be more outgoing my junior year in high school, but as a senior things just clicked and I was busting out jokes left and right, have as many laughs as possible with friends. I love them, they mean the world to me and to just become more social felt great. I personally didn’t think school could be this great with awesome classes and awesome friends.

     My biggest triumph is asking this girl to our Homecoming dance by singing to her. It was awesome, I’ve never done something like that, and to step out of my comfort zone to try to get her to be my date was exhilarating. She said yes, and we had an amazing Senior HC, and we’re closer than ever. =] I know nofap truly helped with this in particular because I gained the confidence to truly have control over myself, especially making eye contact. I became more interested in her as a person, before I would be more concerned with being able to get with her (which is totally the wrong way to go about women now). I truly care for her and it’s awesome that we’re so open with each other. I’m a really lucky guy to stumble across someone as special as her.

     But recently the stress of life has gotten to me, and I masturbated once again to a video on Youtube through my computer. I know I’m basically cheating myself because it’s technically not “porn”, and I want to eliminate that completely. I want to be able to deal with stress easily and completely without having to turn to MO. I want to cut it out of my life entirely so I can focus on my studies (there still good, but they can be better.), being the best friend possible to my friends, and being the greatest guy that for my special lady!

    So I’ve finally signed up on this subreddit, and I’m ready to make that final leap. Become the person I’ve wanted to be, the ideal. To finish evolving.

    Thank You NoFap, May I Have More?

  160. Before I had anxiety, depression, always lazy, it was a struggle

    I quit masterbating on Feb 1st 2012, my goal was to go 1 month, I have now almost gone 3 months.

    Before I had anxiety, depression, always lazy, it was a struggle to get out and face the day. Avoided a lot of social situations unless I was drunk. Then I found this thread.…&highlight=fap

    I have tons of energy, when I look in the mirror i feel like my skin has a glow to it. I joined a gym and started lifting weights, my lifts have been progressing like crazy. I run at least 1 mile a day right when I wake up. Social situations are a breeze. When walking around in public I feel so powerful, I feel like I can talk to anyone and do anything at anytime. I have noticed girls checking me out.

    And my sexual performance is crazy now.

    I was a pretty big porn/jerk off fanatic for years before this, probably 8-9 years of daily porn viewing and masterbating at least once per day. It was hard to kick the habbit, but i suggest it to anyone.

    I started to read the science behind “no fap” LINK TO THREAD

  161. I was more sociable with females than I had ever been in my life

    Came across a “no fap” thread on and they linked me to a site Stopped watching porn and stopped masturbating, 100%.

    The most noticeable outcome was after about 1-1.5 weeks that I was more sociable with females than I had ever been in my life. I began taking immediate action and every opportunity that presented itself to interact and have sex with said females.

    While that might not seem like much to some people, I have always been highly reclusive and relatively uninterested in pursuing anything socially, let alone with the opposite sex.

    About 5 weeks in I stopped drinking alcohol/using drugs completely, while I don’t know if I can attribute that entirely to the no fap, it definitely played a big part.

    As time went on things just started to snowball and just about every aspect of my life has changed and here I am ~6 months later wondering how the fuck I arrived here.

    Then I pop onto QGL tonight and it seems like the movement has found its way here. LINK TO THREAD

  162. I’m starting to SEE.

    I’m starting to SEE.

    With every passing day, I’m seeing a lot better. The magnificence of the orange leaves falling down the trees.. and the wonderful blue sky.. Now I’m listening to some classic’s and really hearing. It’s wonderful! 🙂 It reminds me the clarity I had when I was 10. Heart full of love and excitement about tomorrow. What will it bring? Maybe a porn withdrawal related flatline.. 😀 Or will it be the coolest day of all and I’ll call up the gorgeous girl I wanted to meet this week..;) Who the hell knows.

    GUY 2)

    I noticed this too. Fall colors are much more beautiful, art stands out and I’ve found myself really getting into music again. Maybe it’s a placebo or just a phase but I’m loving it

    GUY 3)

    It might not be true that masturbation makes you blind, but in a way, it DOES make you blind, just a different kind of blind 😉

    GUY 4)

    I know what you mean. It feels good to break out of the endless fap loop and start living again.

    GUY 5)

    I’ve noticed something similar, I haven’t come as far as you but I thought that for myself today. I’m seeing alot more details everywhere I go. Before I didn’t notice that rooms have curtains before somebody started talking about the curtains, then they magically appeared out of nowhere.

    GUY 6)

    I have noticed same thing. Now i see more little details and things that i haven’t noticed when i was on PMO.

  163. Porn ruined my relationship

    Porn ruined my relationship

    just thought I’d vent. I’ve been porn free since my 5 1/2 year relationship collapsed in on itself over a month ago. Just thought I’d share some background about this and hope some of you can learn from this. Porn really messed up my ideas of a healthy relationship. I started to use my fiancee as an object of my satisfaction, as a means to satisfy my urge. Rarely was there an emotional connection (for me anyways). She became an outlet for my urges.

    She didn’t want me to watch porn and I told her It became her responsibility to “appease” me if she didn’t want me to. My emotions were often negative, selfish, degrading even. I was not the man she fell in love it. I was not interested in going out places, I did not want to show affection, I was not interested in going the extra mile for her when she needed me to emotionally be there for her.

    This has been the most painful experience of my life but never in my life have I learned so much. For those of you in relationships or wanting to have a strong emotional relationship; I GREATLY encourage you to stop watching porn. It will distort your sense of women, yourself, and your relationships.

  164. The changes I’ve seen so far:

    The changes I’ve seen so far:

    Taken from my blog (Might be easier on the eyes)

    So it’s been 3 weeks give or take (23 days) since I began my journey. At first it felt like each day was an eternity. I was in pretty rough shape; a lot of things were going on in my life that were really taking a toll on me. In retrospect, it’s those things that made me change, so I really can’t be totally upset.

    What changes have I seen so far? Well, let me tell you!

    1) Happiness. This is the single biggest change I have seen in my life. My personality hasn’t changed, save the fact that I am comfortable with being myself no matter the company. I still love all the things I loved before- video games, sports, music, nature, and I’m still the same laugh happy goofball I was before. What has changed, however, is my mindset and attitude towards myself, towards others, and towards life. I am proud of who I am and who I am becoming. Like really proud. Not many people are willing to serve others and reach out to those in need, and I really enjoy being a person who does. I don’t think about what others think about me anymore. I used to dwell on it. Is this manly enough? Is this lame? Am I too weird for everyone? Now I embrace my uniqueness. I have a lot of qualities that I am really proud of. I can be a manly man, hunting, fishing, playing sports and drinking beer. I love art and I love music- drawing and playing guitar really calm me down. I can talk sports or I can talk philosophy. I can joke around, have a great time and be the life of the party, or I can get serious and talk about things that are really hurting people who are too afraid to reach out for help. Which brings me to my next point…

    2) More in tune with my emotions. I do have a sensitive side, I’ll admit it. I don’t parade it around (I’m not an emo kid or a hipster, nice try Tumblr) but I don’t have to hide it anymore. I can open up about my problems and let people in. Vulnerability was a big issue for me, especially with everything I was hiding. Now that I’ve put it out in the open, I have no problem talking to friends or those close to me about what is on my mind or what I’m going through. I also recognize what emotional state I’m in, and realize that it is something that can be controlled. Pissed off at the guy that cut you off? Take a deep breath and appreciate the good in your life. As Dr. Kabot says, it’s not cancer- we’ll get through it. I am a lot more open about showing emotion as well. Really happy? Let it out. Laugh like there’s no tomorrow; make everyone else feel good. I used to get really happy about something and feel like I had to hide it. I felt vulnerable if I was genuinely happy. Why? I have no idea. Being happy with others is one of the best feelings you can have. Where I used to reject affection, I now crave it. I don’t want to push people away anymore, I want to bring them closer.

    3) More social. Instead of wanting to stay in and not put in the effort of being social I look forward to getting out. Going to a new bar? Cool, new friends and people to meet. Going to a friends? Alright, let’s go hang out. I used to need constant stimulation in social settings- I was always looking for a ball to throw, a game to play or something to entertain me. I still do this, but I’m also fine with just being in other people’s presence. I never used to be able to just sit and shoot the breeze, and actually enjoy it now. When people ask me to do things now, rather than make up an excuse not to go, I look forward to the adventure.

    4) The world is more beautiful. Colors are much more vivid. Nature is much more beautiful, the leaves on the trees, the landscapes, the sunsets. Music really impacts me again- I haven’t felt moved by a song since probably 7th grade. People are much more amazing. I don’t see the person per se, but I see the positives the offer the world. This is not all due to the physiological change, of course not. But I believe that it is a by product of my discipline, and of my letting of the chains that held me back. Freeing myself of my demons has freed my mind as well, and with that freedom has come a recognition of how incredible the world is. The little problems in life seem a lot smaller, and the good things seem larger than life.

    5) I act on my feelings. This is one of the bigger things I’ve noticed. In the past, I would be hesitant to tell someone what I think of them, especially if I thought they were an awesome person. I struggled with giving compliments, again probably due to how twisted my worldview had become. Now if I think someone is awesome I tell them. What good does it do keeping it inside? Tell people how you feel about them, being vulnerable isn’t a bad thing. It actually brings those you appreciate closer to you. Honesty and trust are catalysts to great relationships.

    6) I see people as people. Looks are transient, personalities stick. I no longer want to be friends with the “cool” kids, or the attractive people. I am drawn to the people who are beautiful on the inside. Call it soft, call it lame, call it what you want. But they are the people that bring me happiness, and who I want to be with. And no, I don’t mean I seek out ugly people who happen to be nice- I just key in on how someone treats others and what they bring to the world much more than their interests or how cool people think they are.

    7) Patience. I have come to realize that everyone has problems, even if they hide them. Shoot, I seemed perfectly normal my whole life, maybe even more than normal. People thought I had a great life and that I had it all together. Even my girlfriends and family couldn’t see what I was hiding. That’s how good I had become at it. They knew something was up, but couldn’t put a finger on it. Now imagine how someone who wasn’t as upbeat I was going through something similar. Maybe their family member died or they lost a job. Maybe they’ve been hurt or are struggling with demons. I think this is in part due to my recent interest in religion as well, but I don’t take it personally anymore if people are rude or mean to me. I keep my rose tinted glasses on and believe that everyone is inherently good, and that the rudeness or anger is situational. Everyone has demons, they just handle them differently.

    I know a lot of this is probably placebo, but I don’t care what it is. I feel a lot better, have no feelings of depression or insecurity. I don’t feel like I have to try to be something I’m not, being me is just fine. I wish I could have found this mentality years ago, I lost out on a lot because of how blind I had been. However, like I’ve said before, sometimes you have to fall in order to get back up.


    Though I’ve only gone a week, I’m seeing the same changes (I’m 17 so that might explain the quick effects).

    Today I hung out with a chick in the library, chatted about music, did some light debating etc. I noticed how much more comfortable I was with myself than I usually am in interactions with girls. She seemed slightly bored looking through records with me (something I take great joy in) and eventually departed to study in another room. I happily said goodbye, not at all bothered that she didn’t seem interested in browsing CD covers. That was fine, I was happy to do it on my own.

    Whereas before, I would have to fake an “aloof” personality and forcibly appear to not care (while I actually felt a sting of insecurity and racked my brain about how I had fucked up and made the girl leave), I now simply accepted, without bitterness, insecurity, arrogance or sense of superiority, that she’d rather do something else.

    This wasn’t “game”. This wasn’t even “NOT GIVING A FUCK!!!”. This was just security and comfort with oneself, and it felt great. Definitely a motivator to keep it up!

  165. A lot can happen in 2 months.

    A lot can happen in 2 months.

    Coming into this challenge, I was a total skeptic. Not only that, but I was a lonely skeptic. I hadn’t gotten laid in months and I’d never even really been with a girl I genuinely cared about. I also had terrible delayed ejaculation. I wasn’t sure if any of this could be connected to fapping or not, but I figured I’d give the 30-day challenge a go to see where it could take me. If nothing else, I would’ve demonstrated to myself that I had some extreme willpower.

    As I reached 30 days, I experienced all the usual stuff: increased confidence, incredible conversational skills, and the ability to find pleasure in the simple things in life. Never really had a problem with any of those things before, but there was definitely a noticeable difference. I decided that 30 days wasn’t hard enough, so I decided to give the 90-day challenge a go. Here we are, 30 days from the time I made that decision, and man am I thankful.

    During the past month or so, an amazing female entered my life. Had I been my post NoFap self, I really doubt I would have even had the courage/motivation to pursue her. Instead, I manned up, began to talk to her quite a bit, and started hanging out with her. We’ve had some really great times in the past month or so, and yesterday, I finally decided it was time to put my claim on her and make her my girlfriend.

    It’s hard to put in to words how big of an accomplishment this is for me. I’ve never actually really cared about a girl I’ve been with until now. Still haven’t found out if my delayed ejaculation is cured yet as I’m taking this relationship slower than my last relationships. Sex in the first week or so is usually a recipe for disaster in a relationship. Hopefully, this relationship will be much more successful than anything I’ve had previous. If I keep seeing these benefits, I may never fap again!

    Some stats for the curious:

    • Age: 16
    • Length of time I used porn before NoFap: ~1 year
    • Time actively participating in no fap: 60 days. Still on my first attempt.

    TL;DR NoFap has changed my life completely in the past 2 months. I’ve gone from never being with a girl I care about to possibly finding the girl of my dreams. Before NoFap, I was a skeptic. Now, I’m a believer. Stay strong, fellow fapstronauts! This challenge is way more than worth it!

  166. 99 days: I want to tell my story again! Now in tl;dr version

    99 days: I want to tell my story again! Now in tl;dr version

    I basically wrote everything a week ago in my 92-day post, but I want to tell my story again. Yes, I like attention, but I also want to talk to someone, as I have only few friends.

    So, positive changes:

    • Creativity. I have more ideas, I am surrounded by them, it just takes a little to think, and I instantly know what to do.
    • Clear mind. No more brain fog, I know what I want, and finally I can study without problems: I open my books, read things twice, and there I am: I remember the shit like a motherfucker. My grades are ridiculous high. I don’t bother my mind with masturbation no more, that’s not an option in my life, anymore.
    • Better social interactions. I am not afraid to look anyone in the eye, I talk to people that I don’t know, I smile. I SMILE! I could never smile spontaneously, but know it just comes like that. I’m feeling like a normal human being. Before nofap I was really afraid of people, I couldn’t even answer a phone call without hesitating and thinking about what I’ll say. Even with my parents I am more confident, and that is a big milestone for me.
    • Energy. When I masturbated I was a lazy sloth: computer, shit, eat, repeat. Know I can literally jump out of my bed, throw some clothes on my body and go out running. There is nothing that can stop me from doing something I want or something that I want to achieve. I am god.
    • Self control. I had an addictive personality; I would smoke everyday weed, masturbate, eat shitty food, and I could do it all days long. Now it’s just a matter of will either I will say yes or no to something. I basically say no to things that are commonly considered as bad, but I also cut off things I like, just because I can, just because I am strong enough to do that.
    • Testosterone. Seriously, me veins are full of that manly hormone, I feel like fighting all the time, I am focused like a lion on his prey. My balls are made of wood. 99days more and they will be made of aluminium. In a year they will be made of steel, and in two years of platinum. In three years I think they will become diamond.
    • Egoism. I am the most important, not a girl I barely know, or my friends, nor my parents. There is only today, and today is the day I will develop myself. Maybe I’ll die tomorrow – I mean, I’m not frightened of dying, any time will do, I don’t mind. Why should I be afraid of dying? There’s no reason for it, you’ve gotta go sometime. I never said I was frightened of dying – so that’s why I have to focus on myself today. There is no time to waste.
    • Peace of mind. Nothing can make me lose my temper. 99 days ago I would literally throw things, or fight my doors because I was angry. Now, I just breathe, and everything is cool.
    • Strength. Fuck, I am strong as a teddy bear. I’m working for being as strong as a grizzly bear. Straight grizzlay!
    • Happiness. No depression, no that feels anymore. I am a healthy man. Why should I lose my life to sadness? Happiness is cooler, I love happiness. Smiling is my favorite.
    • I feel like a man. A man that is in full control of his own life. For example I deleted yesterday naked photos of my ex-girlfriend. I would keep them just as a souvenir, but I want to be truly independent of thought of my ex. I also respect her, and don’t want to have things such as that when we aren’t together anymore.
    • Life is great, life is beautiful. Porn is an imaginary world. There is no imaginary world that is real. There is only this. You. Your hands. Your eyes. Your brain. Your consciousness. Make a good use of it, you can reach the stars, but you have to want to.

    Negative changes:

    • I am sometimes too horny, but I am in full control of that. I discovered today that I can control my energy and point it to something else. It’s pretty awesome.
    • Wet dreams. It sucks to wake up with underpants full of jelly.
    • Further I have not observed any bad changes. Flatline in weeks 6-8 was such a bitch: depression, anxiety, but I fought with it. And guess what? I won.

    Tomorrow 100 days. I’m pumped already. The sun will shine for me tomorrow. It shines everyday for me.

  167. 45 day report

    45 day report

    I’ll make this short and sweet the best I can.


    • For the first week or so, I have to admit that I did feel more confident and ecstatic, but not like some day and night flipflop. I felt happier because I can admit to myself now that I am no longer someone who faps.
    • I feel more connected with my self-image and generally more involved with the real world. I definitely still got urges to PMO (especially in the first two weeks), but the thought of me doing that, as if I were to watch myself in 3rd person view, totally disgusted me. I think before, “detaching” myself whenever I fapped somehow made it acceptable to me, because the one doing it “wasn’t me”.
    • No PMO freed up time to take up other hobbies, such as writing, more exercising, etc.
    • I got a lot more cuddly with my girlfriend. Subconsciously, before my goal would always be sex whenever I’m making out/cuddling with her, but now I’ve learned to enjoy those expressions of love for what they’re worth. I can definitely see myself changing my view of her from simply a source of pleasure to a wonderful, enjoyable woman to be around. (not that I ever abused her or took advantage of her EVER, just improving upon what would previously cross my mind. just putting that out there that I need to be a better man)
    • Even though the frequency of having sex with my girlfriend went down, I have to say that the times we do have sex, it was more of making love. And it’s absolutely, mindblowing-ly, awesomazing.


    • Sometimes still when I’m all alone, I have to fight wars with myself to keep my hands out of my pants. However, especially more recently, I am able to tell myself “You KNOW you’re not going to do it.” and I end up doing something much more productive like read a book or head out the door. Into real life.
    • I get pretty bad chaser effects to the point where I get “scared” of having sex because I thought I was going to relapse. My girlfriend would honor that whenever I said ‘no’ to her, and so that’s why the frequency of sex went down. But even though I had chaser effect urges the days after love making, they got weaker and weaker as time went on.
    • I have a bunch of hand lotion…that I guess I actually should use for moisturizing my hands. hmm..I do have dry hands. Not bad.

    All in all, I think the biggest benefit of PMO (for me) had to be psychological. I tell myself now “I’m not someone who faps!” and I feel really good about that. The thought of watching strangers having sex on my computer screen isn’t even remotely arousing anymore. Go for the real thing, guys! THAT’S worth it! I’m grateful for my girlfriend for sticking with me, helping me through this. I’m not saying 45 days and I’m completely rebooted, but it’s definitely gotten me somewhere further that I’m proud of, somewhere closer to who I want to be.

  168. Worst consequences of your previous fapping/porn habit?

    Worst consequences of your previous fapping/porn habit?

    We are a positive community that usually always talk about the benefits of NoFap. But I think it could be beneficial to see what bad consequences our previous fapping habits caused, so we won’t go back. I’ll start.

    1. I actually had access to real sex for several years from a “friend with benefit” we met perhaps twice per year because my fapping habits took away my sex drive.
    2. Could spend hours edging, building up to a massive O, enjoy it for a second and then get a horrible feeling that I’m wasting my time.
    3. When I had a girlfriend I was always very eager to have real sex to decrease my need to fap. This caused problems with some.
    4. The things I fapped to got worse and worse over time. Now since starting this I understand that the novelty faded and I needed something more perverted all the time.

    I’ve been late to work several times because of it.
    Erectile Dysfunction as well.


    i probably left university because of it. or at least, i joined a course i wasn’t interested in because of it.


    For me, it’s that I preferred fapping to real sex. I felt I had to keep from fapping for a day or two when I knew I was gonna hook up with my SO. And if I couldn’t control myself, I’d actually avoid sex because I was worried about not being able to perform.


    Well, the effects and side effects from fapping have taken a high toll on my life: from not being able to get up in the morning because I was so depressed and tired of everything, from losing a wonderful girlfriend, failing several years at university because I couldn’t concentrate and memorize large amounts of stuff.. the list is so long, it’s painful to think about..


    For me it was erectile dysfunction. I am married and used to have wonderful sex, but fapping (with porn) was too convenient and I gave it priority over time with my wife. How stupid could I have been?!

  169. It has been very difficult & enormously rewarding

    90 Day report.

    Here it is people. It has been very difficult & enormously rewarding. Changing is a pain & it would have been so much easier to just put my dick back in my hand.

    I feel I should point out that my situation is a little unusual. Without going into too much detail, I was a very unhappy person & my circumstances changed drastically about 18 months ago forcing me to find the motivation to change my life completely.

    A combination of near suicidal depression, girl leaving me, losing job, therapy, r/nofap, r/socialskills, r/seduction, r/getmotivated, some medication & a little help from my friends contributed to the person I am now. I wasnt suffering from ED but I had just given up on life in general & noFap was (& is) a part of my recovery. I am still amazed at the support noFap consistently provides to all of us. The Internet is full of cynics but I have found this sub to be full of proud supportive people.

    The good:

    After about a week I felt bulletproof. It was difficult to concentrate at times but when I focused I got so much more done. I became more assertive & organized & generally felt a sense of unforgiving pride in myself. People noticed too, it was surprising to find myself quick witted in social situations & generally sharper. I spoke louder & more frequently in public. It is like being almost always “on form”, I went through a phase of hypersensitivity & can still work myself up into a frenzy. Almost all attractive girls were (& still are) intoxicating. When I see a girl im attracted to now I sometimes feel I should apologise for the intensity of my desire to fuck her. Its a visceral palpable feeling. There is an animal intensity to it. I understand that it is all chemical & I’m not a wizard conjuring boner-dragons but still, its powerful stuff. I also gained the ability to meditate to orgasm. My hair grew faster & when I went to the gym I tore it up. Maybe the control gives you satisfaction or visa versa, either way it is worth it. I cant imagine anybody taking back for a week (for example) & not seeing positive results.

    The bad:

    It was not easy. I went through a period of intense frustration. My social skills still haven’t resulted in me getting any sexual fulfilment and I blame myself. I edged more often than Id like to admit, especially towards the end of my 90 day commitment. I had wet dreams & started to wonder if I would be able to last more than eight seconds with a girl. I had one failed run of 35 days previous to that where I edged for hours & finally came so hard it hit the ceiling above my bed. I had periods of flatline too that weren’t unpleasant but worried me at the time, I just felt nothing for a few days.

    Where now?

    Committed to another 90 day noFap & 90 day pornfree. I’m trying not to dwell on the fact that I am still very alone. Fairytale ending would be nice but I guess Ill jut keep pushing on because that’s what I do. If you read this, thanks.

  170. From foreveralone to neveralone.

    From foreveralone to neveralone. 

    Hello. I’m gonna share my ongoing story of how i’m going from foreveralone to neveralone.

    • Intro You don’t have to read the intro if you want it’s just to let you know a little about my life but the imporant step’s ill tl;dr at the bottom

    I actually started about 6 months. So ill catch you guys up. I use to be a skinny wow nerd, playing WoW 12+ hours a day raiding in a top tier guild…I lived a pretty hermit lifestyle and because of this i really didn’t have much social interaction besides online, all i in high school was fap,game, and sleep. After i quit high school, it took me 2 years to decide i wanted to go to college. So fastfoward to today i’m on Anxiety meds, stop fapping and started going to the gym.

    • Important part So in high school i slept with an astounding 0 girls..My number is past 20 now thanks to craigslist,online dating sites and getting girls numbers around town. Now how did i do this you ask? I realized that i developed social anxiety from being inside so much and not interacting i talked about the problem and got on meds, i started working out to improve my self image which was a big confidence boost even tough i wasn’t anorexic or ugly by any means it was just for my own satisfaction. The biggest part was without fapping i got SO bored i use to spend hours looking for the right porn to fap to and then do it a lot…What did i do with all this free time? I went to center of my city and just talked to any pretty girl i saw. Similar to what the Simplepickup guys do. I just asked random things and tried to make them laugh..Sometimes i would just straight up walk up to them and say “Hey you’re hot! I’m “4ever2never” and that’s enough to get the ball rolling and get a number. So now i have a nice circle of friends that are women and a few FWB’s..My confidence is way up, no more fapping..I still play games but nowhere as much and i stop playing games instead of canceling plans with people to raid more like i would back in the day.

    tl;dr how i went from foreveralone to neveralone

    • Stopped fapping
    • Used free time to hit on girls in my city
    • Started working out
    • Took Anxiety medicine to help my social anxiety
  171. my erections were porn dependent

    Bang on! Thats the same conclusion I came to Before trying nofap my erections were porn dependent, now they are not and I can get one pretty easily. Now I’m no longer hooked on porn and without that overstimulation I only fap every few days – a healthy release because we’re males and we would go mad without it

  172. Why I’m done with NoFap

    Why I’m done with NoFap

    I’ve been lurking on this subreddit for a few months now and I have finally decided to quit attempting the 90-day challenge. Here’s why:

    I first started NoFap after reading about it in the comments section of a post a long time ago. I thought it was a cool idea and this site made me realize that fapping every single day should not be seen as normal. I lasted a few days then caved. I then went two weeks and caved. Finally I hit a month and then caved once again. I came to realize that what was damaging me was not the sole act of masturbating, but porn in general. Porn made sex seem only physical and it caused me to look around at girls and only think about fucking them instead of getting to know them.

    I didn’t join NoFap to be more confident with girls, I did it to stop watching porn. But then what hit me is that I need to masturbate every once in a while. It keeps my head in check. For example, after holding off for about ten days I almost texted this psychotic chick who was into me. I knew for a fact she would come by that same night from the dorm building over. Before I did, however, I masturbated. I masturbated not to any porn, but to previous sexual experiences. The one’s I shared with close friends and girls whom I had an intimate relationship with. The instant I ejaculated I felt immediate relief from what almost went down. That girl would have caused so many problems and I was so close to sleeping with her. Another minor example would be going to a strip club. I would think, damn it’s been like a month since I touched a girl, let me hit up some friends for a night at the strip club. But then I rub one out and guess what? The urge to go is completely gone. There’s $60 and my dignity saved.

    Lastly, NoFap fucked with my head because I actually became LESS confident when it came to approaching girls. I kept reading about how so many of you finally had the courage to ask a girl out after holding off from fapping for a few weeks or months. It was your “natural horniness” that led you to finally approach a girl. But you see, I never had this problem. And I remember one time I made it to two weeks. I broke and then that same day I saw a girl who I always see around campus, but never alone. And what do you know, she was alone that night. But I did not approach her because I felt like a failure after breaking the 90-day challenge. I never once thought or felt like this any time in my life. NoFap also messed with my way of thinking because it made me look at girls the same way porn did. I no longer wanted to meet girls to become friends with them, I wanted to only have sex with them because I was so damn horny. I guess it’s a little ironic if you think about it.

    I may be a rare case, but I believe that NoFap isn’t for me. I thank this challenge and this community for helping me with my porn addiction. I can safely say I haven’t watched any porn in over 50 days. But I think it’s okay to fap to previous experiences in your head or to scenarios you wish would play out. I also have to thank this community because now I masturbate once a week at most. I know the rate will decrease over time, but I also know that I will never completely abstain from masturbating.

    Good luck to everyone, I hope you all achieve what you are looking for.

    GUY 2)

    i thing that a majority of nofappers agree to this post. in the end its not about fapping, its about porn. as long as you thing you have an addiction, you should stick to this, because the results very positive.

    GUY 3)

    I agree. Porn is the real problem. A couple of times now while trying to quit using porn, and subsequently trying to quit fapping, I’ve begun to feel socially anxious for a few days. I’ve found in these cases that I can lower this stress level just by bringing myself to orgasm.

    For me, porn is like compulsively using substances. It’s an escape, and using it, especially with any frequency is unhealthy for my mental state, and for my love life.

    Is there some kind of NoPorn subreddit? I’m just trying to kick this nasty habit of constant fantasizing. I’m not trying to perform some feat of monk-like abstinence from pleasure.

    GUY 4)

    i agreed to what you post, i find nofap helps when u have addiction to porn mostly, not someone who fap once in awhile, i am going on my second try. it is pretty good for productive day.




  173. Anyone notice nofap affecting friendships?

    Social reorganization – gaining and losing friends (self.NoFap)

    Anyone notice nofap affecting friendships? I’ll start off with a few things. I defientely relate nofap to kicking a drug and when you do this there are friends that help you and friends that enable you. I also felt more powerfull and confident and less submissive. I don’t really fear confrontation that much anymore.

    I’ve had a lot of friends say “you look totally different now”. I don’t really drop the nofap story on people cause its ackward and personal , but I was having this life talk with an old friend and his girlfriend over dinner. He was talking about video games and I was like I don’t really have much time anymore, I’ve been exercising and going outside etc.. and his girlfriend kept hitting on me and I feel like and I could tell he was jealous. I’ve known the people for several years now. During the dinner I felt like I could steal this girl away from my friend. I went home feeling sick and he doesn’t talk to me much anymore. I felt like this person was never really my friend.

    I lost a female friend, someone who I was initially ok with being just friends , but after a while I felt like I was being used as an emotional sponge and the girl was shitting on me the whole time and would hit on my other friends who were in a relationship and sort of make fun of me and stand on me. I flat out told this girl I didn’t want to be friends anymore and burned a bridge , it was extremely painfull .

    On the plus side other friends are proud of me, I organize a lot more events and have built stronger friendships with some of my old friends now that I’m less shy about asking about pick up advice and the like. I joke around a lot more.

    The saying were not laughing at your were laughing with you comes to mind. When the fog lifted I realized some friends were lauging at me or standing on me and others were laughing with me picking me up .

    Tl;Dr : anyone else push away fake friends and bring real friends closer?

  174. my classroom is much better managed this year… a correlation!

    checking in after about two months

    I work with elementary kids, and it feels REALLY good not to have pornographic images playing through my mind while I teach them about gravity or whatever… last school year, I would often PMO right before going to work (I didn’t really like the habit, but I would find myself gravitating toward it anyway), and it made things REALLY WEIRD at school when I’d remember clips during moments of boredom or anxiety in the classroom. GROSSSSSS – this school year has been much better.

    Related: my classroom is much better managed this year… a correlation!

    GUY 2)

    The same thing is happening to me, I work with teenagers and before I could have these flashes in my brain of us in a sexual situation, this made me feel horrible. I was there to help them, not fuck them in my mind. Well needless to say that’s gone away now and it feels much better at work.

    GUY 3)

    Good Job. When I see news stories about creeps working with kids, I think to myself that most of there were probably normal guys like me, but just got warped by PMO. Doesn’t justify it of course, but I’m glad you’re taking the right steps. Stay the course!

  175. I was a video game addict with no confidence and more bad habits

    End of Day 60: A reflection.

    I had always been guilty of my bad habit before I found NoFap. I had always knew somewhere inside of me that it probably wasn’t good for me. And yet for four years of my life, I fapped almost daily. Today marks my second month as a changed man. It’s the sixtieth day of my amazing journey.

    Before I started NoFap, I was a video game addict with no confidence and more than one bad habit. I rubbed one out daily and sometimes even more frequently than that. Now, after sixty days of complete abstinence, I’ve overcome my addictions. I haven’t played video games in over a month; that’s a massive achievement for me! I used to come home every day and sit on my ass for five plus hours at a time. Don’t get me wrong: I’m not saying NoFap made me quit video games, I’m saying I was able to step back and take a look at my other addictions after I stopped one of them. As I look back, I see what a waste those hours in front of the set were!

    And I can also see what I’ve become. Since I quit beating off, I’ve had more time to record my dreams in my journal, and have consequently been able to achieve lucidity almost every other night. Since I stopped fapping, I’ve had significantly more motivation to work out. I’m more fit than I’ve ever been before, and I wake up every morning feeling FANTASTIC! I take cold showers and I work out and I play my cello and I end the day exhausted.

    Some notes:

    • I started NoFap before my school year started, and I’m glad I did because I don’t think I could have handled the stress during those first few weeks if I’d started after school started.
    • My family has supported my journey. And no, it was not awkward at all when I told them.
    • I now have a girlfriend, and she is the most amazing girl I have ever dated. She’s beautiful, interesting and smarter than me. It’s a fantastic story, if you’re interested.
    • School is a pleasant challenge for me now, as opposed to the nightmarish madness I used to think of it as.
    • I don’t take shit from anyone anymore. Self confidence = ON
    • I went cold turkey, have never edged and it’s only really been difficult for me once.

    In closing, I’d like you wonderful people to reflect with me. Ask me anything about my journey and feel free to comment about your own!

    TL;DR: Quitting fapping + quitting video games = Girlfriend + “Holy shit, there’s an easy mode?!”

  176. 100 days of NoFap, A story of success, c

    100 days of NoFap, followed by 5 days off. A story of success, change and realization. (self.NoFap)

    Hello everyone,

    TLDR at the bottom of this post.

    Before I start, I’d like to first extend a thanks to everyone here for your continued support and inspiration. I have no doubts that without all of the inspirational posts and stories that I’ve read on this sub-reddit, there is no way that I would have been able to participate in NoFap as long as I did/have, and I would not have been able to accomplish all that I have in this period. Your stories were a constant source of encouragement to me, and I encourage anyone else who may be reading this to share their story in the hopes that it may help anyone else who may be pursuing NoFap.

    Before I begin this undoubtedly long tale, a little backstory: I am a 23 year-old male, who recently finished university. During my daily meanderings on Reddit (shortly after finishing my very last exam), I stumbled across r/nofap, as well as the YBOP video. Despite fapping almost daily for the past 9 years or so, I have never considered myself an addict, nor have I ever thought that I had a problem with porn use. Porn was very frequently a part of my fapping experience, but after all, all guys watch porn, right? After watching YBOP, I began to make some correlations. I have been battling ED issues for 2 or 3 years now, and there are only so many times that you can convince yourself that you’ve had too much to drink before you begin to believe that there may be a more serious problem.

    Unlike some of the other people who post here, I have never thought of myself as a socially awkward person. I have never had any real problems speaking to members of the opposite sex, and, despite the aforementioned ED issues, have never had any problems bringing girls back home with me. I am by no means a “player” or a “man whore” or whatever you may want to call it, but I certainly haven’t been celibate in the years since I first became sexually active.

    However, despite my successes, over the past few years I have been having more and more problems with ED. Whenever I found myself with a woman, I would be able to get it up enough for oral sex and handjobs, etc but I would not be able to maintain or get hard enough for regular, PIV intercourse. This was very troubling for me, as I couldn’t think of any reason that a healthy young man like myself would be experiencing ED issues. Perhaps more disappointing and awkward was having to try and explain why I wasn’t able to perform to the girl that I just spent so much effort trying to bring home. Never a fun conversation.

    After watching the YBOP talk, finishing University, and moving to a new city, I figured this was the ideal time to try and make some positive changes to my life. I began attempting NoFap, as well as quit using recreational drugs. Additionally, I began exercising regularly and eating better. After about a month of failed NoFap attempts, I eventually began a good streak that I wasn’t willing to break. As far as I know, there was nothing different about my most recent attempt as opposed to any of the others, I just constantly reminded myself why I was doing NoFap, and read the success stories posted here whenever I was tempted to relapse.

    Like many others here, I used exercise as a means to help me abstain from fapping. I frequently ran and did pushups, situps and various dumbell exercises in my home. This was a very effective way for me to burn any excess energy I may have and help me control my temptations. Before beginning NoFap, I could barely run a mile without stopping to rest. After 3-4 months of regular exercise, I’ve lost 20 lbs and I’ve never felt better. On top of feeling amazing, people have noticed my body changes. Let me tell you, it’s a huge confidence booster having friends and girls constantly tell you that you’re looking amazing! After reading other success stories, I also started browsing r/malefashionadvice. As a reward to myself for reaching 90 days, I bought myself a bunch of new clothes to match my new lifestyle and physique. I now frequently notice woman checking me out as I watch down the street. I’ve learned that a little self confidence, along with eye contact, a simple smile can work wonders.

    Despite these positive changes, NoFap hasn’t been a miracle cure for me. There are still many things in my life that I am unhappy with and would like to change. Because I moved to a new city, I have a very limited social circle. There are many nights that I find myself sitting at home, alone, with nothing to do. I try to use this time to do something productive like reading or exercising, but from time to time, there’s nothing you want more than to head out to the pub with some friends, have a few beers and watch the game. Unfortunately that is a rare occurrence for me. Additionally, I have been without a SO during my time with NoFap. Hard Mode as some of you like to call it. Obviously this has made things more challenging as it was a full 100 days without orgasm. Finally, my job is very unfulfilling. Despite a University education from a premier institution, I have yet to get my career started and am working a very menial job. These are all things that I’m still working on improving.

    After 100 days, I decided that enough was enough and I was going to fap. I wasn’t struggling or anything like that, but I figured hell, I’ve had a great run and made some positive changes in my life and it’s time to move on. I didn’t watch porn or fantasize or anything like that, it was strictly a sensational experience, and I was all finished in less than 2 minutes 😛 After finishing, I found myself immensely disappointed. Not because I had relapsed, but because there was no improvement with my ED issues. As I mentioned previously, ED was the primary reason that I began NoFap in the first place, and it was very disheartening to see absolutely no progress after all the effort that I had put in. Similar to when I began, I was able to get an erection, but not one sufficient enough for PIV intercourse.

    Since finishing my 100 days, I have fapped 3 times, without porn or fantasies, and after the 3rd time, I found myself quite depressed. All of that effort, and I’m still having issues, there seemed to be no change. But then I realized, despite my continuing ED issues, NoFap has been a part of a huge positive change in my life. I’m in better shape, am dressing better, am “clean”, and am more confident in my day-to-day dealings with others. It hasn’t been a magic potion that has cured all of my life’s problems, and evidently there are still lingering physical/psychological issues that I have to address, but all in all, these past 100 days have changed my life for the better.

    It’s been a hell of a ride. Here’s hoping my next 100 days are just as beneficial.


    TLDR: Began NoFap as a means to help with ED. After 100 days, I have seen no improvement. HOWEVER, despite my continuing struggles, there have been many positive changes in my life! NoFap is not a miracle cure that will solve all your problems, but with a little willpower and determination, it can big help towards self improvement.

  177. Abusing Porn: erectile dysfunction and depression (translated)

    Abusing Porn: erectile dysfunction and depression

    by Pijoaparte »02 Aug 2012


    Hi all, I want to share a discovery that why not say, I have changed radically for the better and much suffering has ended. I have always believed that masturbation was something wholesome and healthy, and therefore consume pornography could be socially reprehensible but harmless.What is now common habit is that this can very easily lead to addiction in the game entering overstimulation of the reward system with devastating consequences, since it causes an imbalance in the levels of certain neurotransmitters. Information is available in an online community that explains from a scientific point of view and very didactic how something seemingly harmless can have catastrophic consequences such as (I quote): + erectile dysfunction (Not with porn, whether with a partner) + frequency Masturbation growing, declining satisfaction+ growing social phobia. + Chronic fatigue, lack of motivation. + Depression, anxiety, negativity.+ Inability to concentrate, mental fog. + Climbing to extreme porn categories that do not match the person’s sexual orientation . possibly believe that this information is not relevant but I have two things clear. On one hand I have been suffering for years most of these symptoms and to quit the habit have vanished as if by magic. The second is that in the subforum of sexuality are an overwhelming number of young people who have erectile dysfunction, when it should be something completely anecdotal or as we would have become extinct as a species. consequences of addiction to masturbation using pornography are extrapolated (saving some differences) to any other addiction in the game entering the brain reward system and release dopamine. Examples may be the video game addiction, compulsive gambling or addiction to sugar, which cause the individual chronic fatigue, lack of motivation and concentration, social phobia, and so on. could say that in this case science explained leading promulgating Buddhism for centuries, being something that Carlos also explains in his latest book “Find Your expression”. To be truly happy is to rid the exclavitud of material pleasure, control and understand the reptilian brain after momentary pleasures that comes the need and desire to make us suffer in an endless chain of misery. The conclusion I draw from being subjugated this addiction is that while you suffer, no matter how smart you are, your social skills, your willpower or whatever quality you have, as they are canceled, negative thoughts invade you and there is no way to control the ballast the chemical imbalance. The second is that it is very difficult to associate the consequences of addiction to the origin of the problem, a search that has taken me years. The reward has been that after approximately 3 months of abstinence from masturbation and pornography have become suddenly regain my verbiage, chutzpah, humor, energy, am able to enjoy a lot of things that previously seemed boring, I realized now that is very easy if I do not give importance to the opinion that others may have, I ceased to suffer anxiety, I am able to concentrate and learn significantly faster, the girls seek when I approached and rarely before my physical attractiveness has improved as a result of hormonal rebalancing (voice, hair, skin, body fat reduction, twinkle in his eye). The website is: informative page is a non-profit and in which there is abundant material, links to prestigious publications that explain the phenomenon seriously rigorous, videos, tips to kick the habit (it is very easy if you know the consequences) and especially many testimonials from people who have experience. The community is English and perhaps some you may have trouble understanding, but this can be arranged using the Google Chrome browser, which automatically translates pages. Having said that I would ask how many of you regularly consume pornography and experience these symptoms, and many of you you have met with cases of erectile dysfunction in young men. Greetings!

  178. become a lot more chatty and have grown an extrovert gene.

    Stopped fapping, I no more feel horny. Good or bad?

    I think my brain’s gone a bit crazy. Some background:

    I came to know about noFap through /r/seduction and/or /r/trueplayer. During the last four years, I was in college and the shock of not getting into a “good enough” college turned me into an introvert. From the first year of college, I started studying for getting a “good enough” job and pushed girls to the bottom of my priority list (though I didn’t have one). In those years, relationships were a time waste for me, though I wasn’t always like this. I had girlfriends back in school and there were two 2-3 weeks long relationships in first and last years of college, but my scumbag brain told me that I was wasting my time on girls and so I stopped talking to them. During those four years, I didn’t take part in any activities, played no sports, didn’t go to any gym, seldom went out. I just studied. And fapped. To porn.

    I started fapping early, maybe when I was around 13. At that time, it was something new and fascinating. During college, it was something to take away the boredom of my life. The more I studied, the more I fapped, and then I studied more. A viscious circle. So after college, life opened my eyes to the fact that there wasn’t a “good enough” job and I’d been an ass all this time. I got a decent job, but had missed out so much in college. Having no relationships made me too rusty to pick up girls and I joined /r/seduction and /r/trueplayer to get some speed. And people there highly recommened to stop fapping and use the sexual energy to, among other things, get girls.

    Coming back to this day, when I joined noFap, I thought that it would be too difficult to control my emotions and my libido since I’ve been fapping for so long. But I was wrong. Ever since I stopped fapping, there’s been some changes in me, but those are totally unpredictable from what I read here. I’ve started going out often and socializing more (this one’s predictable) but now throughout the day I don’t have any horny thoughts. Also, today I noticed, that instead of looking at girls’ tits and asses, I now look at their face. This isn’t something I did when I was fapping, I was more horny then and looked at a girl’s assets no matter what.

    I stay away from porn, sexual subreddits and other nsfw posts.

    So I just want to ask if there’s any other fapstronaut who has had same effects after he/she stopped fapping? Or only my brain is one of its kind? Or this is just the silence before the emotional storm hits?

    PS: Just so people don’t say that I’m dissing this community, I’ve like to add that I’ve become a lot more chatty and have grown an extrovert gene. I go out a lot more now and I enjoy meeting new people. I’ve joined a gym and plan to try new activities just so that I can, again, meet new people. These are the positive changes that I feel I’ve had, but not feeling horny is kinda new and strange to me.

    TL;DR: I stopped fapping and I’m lot less horny now. I don’t look at tits and asses, but to their faces.

  179. Things are working out so much better and I have become so outgo

    Just as the title says. It is so much easier, and I feel so happy. Things are working out so much better and I have become so outgoing. I’ve made more connections with people in general, and feel like I have a direction. Pretty crazy how nofap has given me the push I needed to make the changes I was looking for.

    Half way to 90 Days, cool.

  180. Why NoFap is the greatest change to my life thus far.

    Why NoFap is the greatest change to my life thus far.

    Social interaction. I was completely afraid of it and incapable of it 50 days ago. In the past week or so, I have interacted incredibly smoothly and effortlessly with people with whom I would have been unable to interact with in the past. I used to be unable to look people in the eyes. I used to purposefully hide from people I knew in public so as to avoid awkward conversation. I used to not be able to be invested in the conversation. Women, even those I knew personally, would intimidate me. I would fantasize throughout the day about being able to interact like a normal human… All of this is now changing before my eyes in a most drastic way. I can interact with confidence; be myself. I can hold an unbreakable gaze into other people’s eyes. I am actually part of the conversation, as opposed to being aloof thinking about leaving it.

    I am ecstatic I am about this continuing improvement. Social interaction has been the single most problematic area of my entire life thus far, and I am finally making visible improvements. Thank you so much, NoFap. I can’t tell you how much this means to me. It’s honestly like some sort of miracle.

    This weekend I had the confidence to be my true self with girls I met. My true self has a fucked up sense of humor, so at a party which I attended I ended up telling a girl I roofied her and she would be “passing out within an hour or so.” Normally I’d be afraid to make such jokes. But fuck it, this humour is the real me and I’m really working on not caring what people think. Anyway, she thought I was hilarious and I ended up talking to her for a while and getting her number. We’re meeting up for lunch tomorrow. I’m finally gaining the ability to be my true self, and I know it will improve my social life greatly.

  181. Taking back control of your life

    Taking back control of your life

    Ever since we are young, we are told what to do. Our minds shaped and manipulated by our parents, religious institutions, teachers, the media, and everyone else that we come in contact with.

    We grow up living the life we think we deserve. The life we fall into, rather than build from the ground up. One after another, thoughts are put into our head of who we are, what we should do, how we should be.

    Hopefully as we age we regain some control over our life. We rewire all the bizarre ideas we’ve come across and once and for all stop being manipulated by our environment.

    With the easy access to junk food and porn we are constantly feeding our emotional system with ‘feel good’ crap. We teach our bodies to live on fast food, and we push away the discomforts of sexual frustration with a simple click of a mouse and some lotion.

    At which point do we begin to take back control of our life. To become the dynamic force in the environment. To become the action not the reaction.

    It all starts with willpower to resist reactive behavior. No longer settling for anything less than you deserve. Demanding a beautiful, live woman instead of a pixelated, airbrushed, fraud. To demand a healthy diet and resist the sugary tempations. To thrive instead of living a life of mediocrity.

    I havn’t fapped in 157 days. Now, I hardly ever even think about it. I rarely even take the time to browse the forum. When I was at 85 days, I wrote a summary of all the superficial benefits I had recieved from nofap. I return today to inform you that the benefit runs much deeper than what you see in your life. It runs deep down into you masculine core. Nofap is one of the main keys to taking back the controls. When you are no longer manipulated by sex, a new world opens up to you. You have a freedom in life that you havn’t before experienced. Like Napoleon Hill says you begin to take ‘mastery over yourself’.

    Enjoy the benefits of your nofap experience. But these results are petty when you consider the grand scheme of your life. One that you are beginning to take back.

    Be the dynamic force that builds the world around you, the ultimate person you were meant to be, not the product of a broken culture.

    To all my fapstronauts, I wish you luck. With absolute certainty, I know you can do this.

  182. first attempt at no fap and I don’t intend on going back

    Counter-Intuition and No Fap

    1. I would have posted on day 30, but I was really busy. Anyway, this is my first attempt at no fap and I don’t intend on going back. I’ve noticed over this first 30 days that I am a lot better with women, mostly because I now prefer their company. When one is fapping constantly, you begin to think of women as a superfluous existence, because you aren’t trusting them with their job of satisfying you. So basically, fapping to women and being consistently drained of sex drive is more degrading than being consistently horny and trying to get sex from them. This is really a counter-intuitive element of life in general, but I think it’s because you’re forced to get inventive with the ways that you attract women, and it gives them power that they wouldn’t otherwise have if you were drained of sexual dependence on them.
    2. I am finding myself in a great deal of unexplainable situations with women since no fap. One night in particular, I was standing in a Pathmark supermarket texting some girl and standing in the wine section, because she had run out of wine and I lied to her and told her that I happened to have some lying around the house. I then ran to the supermarket and texted her until she decided that we might as well drink together. That night, she didn’t necessarily let me have sex with her, but we got pretty far, definitely some nsfw shit.
    3. I’m also more focused and much wittier, I seem to know what to say a lot more often than I used to. I’ve become more charming, which I think is due to the fact that no fap has made me value other people’s company, in general. I believe that this is because in sexual pursuit we often try to make friends with people who may link us to possible mates.
    4. I’ve also become a lot more emotionally resilient, which I believe is counter-intuitive, because being sexually frustrated should make one very unstable and that has happened at times, but then it passes very suddenly, when before it used to linger for an indefinite period.
    5. I think that not fapping also makes one seem less sexually desperate, which is also counter-intuitive. The reason why this is the case, I believe, is that when one is consistently sexually satisfied, all of your sexual pursuits seem forced, because you aren’t doing them because you need to, you’re doing them more because you think you should and because you’re isolated. The difference after no fap is that you learn to weave your sexual advances seamlessly into everyday conversation and it doesn’t seem like your forcing anything, but that it’s happening naturally. I believe that this approach is a big turn-on for girls, because they want sex just as much as we do, but they also want connection and if it feels natural, and they don’t have some sort of logical hindrance, they will usually be ok with it.
    6. I’ve become more in touch with my emotions as well and more willing to make myself vulnerable, which has translated into people making strong connections with me that I often am unaware of. I believe that this develops, because the sexual frustration makes one seek a palliative in connection with individuals, which is, by the way, a HUGE turn on for girls.
    7. Bottom-line is no fap has made me more of a real person, a person that values other people, and in turn ends up valuing himself. It gives you more confidence, because you have no choice but to be confident if you’re not fapping, otherwise you will never get laid, it’s a highly evolutionary response. All of these things aren’t even necessarily dependent on a testosterone boost, they’re more dependent on the very idea of needing to find out how to control one’s sexual life naturally.
    8. You must create the void and the need, then let you’re intelligence and adaptability do the rest. It will take some longer than others, but if you don’t give up and handle it with courage, I do not doubt that you will reap enormous benefits, of which I am still in the process of discovering.
  183. 30 days. This is my progress.

    30 days. This is my progress. 

    I’ve started nofap in February. I’ve gone a long way since. I’m not ashamed for failing so many times, because this is my path to walk, and I don’t compare myself to anyone. This is my longest stretch, 30 days summary.

    I respect myself.

    I’m well more confident, and in tune with my body. My self control makes me feel like a man. My voice has authority to it. I can see myself clearly go beyond the 90 days, and continuing this.

    I log in much less to the internet in general. I’m only using Facebook for chat, not wall and crap. Lately I’m feeling rather repulsed from logging to /r/nofap because of many negative posts, that I don’t want to read, I’d rather read the positive ones.

    I’m kinda doing my own hard mode: I’m eating food that is rich in Iron and Zinc, to increase sexual prowess, I want to be vibrant and sexually attractive. I’m doing Kegels, my penis actually reached its full erected size first time in my life, and its bigger than I thought it is. It didn’t before because I was used to masturbate when it was flaccid, because I came few times already. So happy this habit is dead. I’m reading books about the female orgasm and Kama Sutra. And when I do get laid, god have mercy on that girl.

    I spend more time outside then inside. I’ve even set a rule to myself: If I am invited anywhere, I’m going, and if I don’t like it, I leave. Only reason to refuse, is because I have something better to do. I can tell you, I have to fight myself sometimes to get out of the lazy mentality but then I get up, go, and come back so much happier.

    I view no porn.

    Before I couldn’t read well books at all, just short news flashes or tl;dr posts. Now I can read books, after several pages I have to rest. This is a great improvement for me.

    I do a lot more exercise, and my mind is free to do stuff I want, I’m not a zombie as I’ve been before.

    I enjoy to be touched, in my hands, arms, chest, in a sexual or non sexual way. I’ve regained my sensitivity to human interaction.

    I stand up taller and rather proud.

    I seem to be getting more attention in general, from women and men.

    Anything I wish for seems to be coming my way.

    I wish this feeling for everyone.

  184. You think addiction is the only way to pleasure?

    You think addiction is the only way to pleasure? You think sugar, porn, drugs, video games, and internet binging is what makes one happy in life and you’ll be bored otherwise? And again, he was saying don’t do those things while you’re trying to break from those addictions, aka rebooting from them. He’s not saying go a year without video games and then keep on not playing them. If you’re playing video games for 7 hours a day and you’re in your late 20s, then clearly something is wrong (even if you’re a teenager, but that’s for another discussion). Break free from that addiction, and then you go onto playing them for a few hours a week at most; same concept with most addictions.

    1 year ago I was a drug addict doing nothing but staying at home and BARELY going to school (fucking 1 class per semester and no job), PMO-ing several times a week, weighed 196 lbs @ 24% body fat, had no social life, and had doritos, cake, and nutella all day. You think I was happy back then? I was in such misery that I needed those dopamine rushes to mask the shit life I was caved in.

    Forward a year later (now) and I’ve beaten my drug addiction, sugar addiction, and working on the porn addiction. I weigh 158 lbs (in perfect BMI for my stats), and I can finally see my core (aka abs for the lack of wording). I feel a high throughout the day due to doing sprint-intervals early in the morning at 6 AM before work. Oh, and I’ve started my career path as well, a career which I’ve always dreamt about having and never thought I could achieve. I’m still in school (3 classes per semester because of the job), and I do Paleo, so I eat as healthy as it gets. I started Paleo on day 2 of my reboot, so that was almost 2 months ago.

    Yeah, life was shit for the first 3 weeks of not having sugary shit food, but you think that lasted? Fuck no. I craved it so much in my first week, that was all that was on my mind, for most of the day I almost forgot I was doing a porn reboot! I was sad, and by the begining of the 3rd week, that sadness turned to depression (depression is 2 weeks of consecutive sadness without a day of feeling normal). But damned me, by the 4th week it all changed. I got more energy than ever, I was doing faster sprints than before, and I was exstatic throughout the day. Did I mention I lost 14lbs in 14 days since I started eating that way? And I’m way happier with my life now than I ever was. The only thing I’m missing in my life currently is a woman/sex, I’ll give you that. I haven’t figured that part out yet, but I’m sure as hell a lot closer than I was a year ago.

    I know you won’t believe this and you’ll probably think “lol ya rite bro, you’re suffering from not having all that good food”, and it’s hard to convince I know, but it’s only an addiction that makes people think that way. I don’t crave that shit at all, a very different story compared to back then, when going 3 days without out I’d go crazy the moment I got my hand on something of that nature. That’s the good part of it. As a bonus, I get to have a killer body along with plenty of fucking energy.

    If you’re going to read one thing or take one thing from this post, be it this: A healthy body is a healthy mind.

  185. I’m opposed to the concept of instant gratification.

    I’m opposed to the concept of instant gratification. There is something fundamentally wrong with this. Instant gratification is what basically broke my life in half. By telling myself that pleasure is all that matters, by allowing myself to be ruled by instantaneous pleasure I robbed myself of the moments that make me feel truly alive. Why wake up at 4:30 in the morning when I could sleep? Why go to the gym, when I can gorge myself on junk food? Why care about my sexual health when I can PMO? Why go to class when I can play video games all day? Why care about the future, if I can feel pleasure now?

    The answer is simple. By forcing myself out of bed every morning (at 4:30 AM)to go to the gym, I am doing something incredible. I am experiencing life. I get to feel the pleasure of effort. Of putting effort into something. I feel alive.

    When I go through that set that leaves my body shaking, I feel incredible once its over. I get to feel proud of my accomplishments, and proud of my body. I hold my head up high when I leave the gym. I feel alive.

    I feel the same way with cold showers? Why take cold showers if I can relax in a nice hot shower? Why put myself through that unneccesary discomfort? Well, that unneccesary discomfort is what makes me feel human. The joy I feel, the incredible burst of adrenaline…and life…it feels incredible. I feel alive after these showers.

    Why go outside when you can spend your days marveling at all the artificial wonders that the internet has to offer? Why bother with the outside world when you can find out what your friends are doing on facebook and twitter? Isn’t that what real joy is? Look at the convenience of instant gratification! When I go on long walks, and take the time to smell the flowers, notice the birds and the trees. When I feel the cool breeze gently caressing my skin, I feel alive.

    Similarly, when I am running through my neighborhood to get home on a rainy day, and I am soaked from head to toe…I feel alive.

    When I put in the effort to complete an assignment, when I focus on my task and do not waver to any temptation until it is done. The feeling when the work is finished, is worth more to me than anything in this world. I feel alive.

    Why read books, when you can watch TV. Why put the effort into reading? Into imagining your own worlds when that act can be done for you by a television? When I read books and immerse myself in knowledge, when I use my own mind and my own thoughts…I feel alive.

    All of these things would never give me nearly as much pleasure if I had given into instant gratification. Because in the mind of an addict, why put yourself through this effort to feel alive when you could just masturbate. When you could just masturbate… isn’t that the saddest thing you’ve ever heard? Instead of living your life. Instead of putting yourself out there and really living… you’re masturbating…you’re pleasuring yourself for no effort. Instead of going out there to feel life…to know what it is like to feel truly alive…you’re draining yourself of the very essence that gives you that life. You’re giving up the joys of effort for a lie. And that to me is the ultimate tragedy of this addiction. 

    Forget erectile dysfunction. Forget the HOCD and the escalation. The biggest crime that masturbation and porn have committed against my life is that they blinded me to the true pleasures of life. They led me to believe in the artificial, instantaneous pleasures. There was a time when I thought that nothing was more pleasant than playing world of warcraft. That there was nothing more joyful than sitting down and watching an entire season of dexter in one sitting. That there was nothing more I could do with my life aside from sitting around and pleasuring myself endlessly. That all effort, all work…was pointless if pleasure was not the reward. That every action that I took depended upon two factors: The rate at which pleasure is derived from the action, and the amount of pleasure received. That is the ultimate offense. That is the one I cannot and will not forgive.

    You’re fighting an enemy that does not win by fighting harder than you. It wins by convincing you that fighting is not worth the effort. 

  186. Week 1 Check-In

    Week 1 Check-In


    – Been feeling less frail, due to the fact that fap time now = workout time.

    – Amount of interaction with the opposite sex has gradually increased. (For a few, the ass is definitely edible)

    – People been saying I walk taller, straighter and with my chest kind of puffed out (Possibly a result of the workout time as well)

    – Social interaction skills have increased (better at speaking clear, maintaining eye contact, etc.)

    Drawbacks and possible side effects:

    – Haven’t been able to sleep for shit. Go to bed like around 10:00 but don’t fall asleep till 11:30.

    – Mix of self-consciousness and just being more concerned with myself. Could be a benefit, idk.

    – Boners, random and persistent ones.

  187. love how much easier it is to focus on a woman

    90 Days already? Hard mode.

    I figured I would share since it seems like to be the cool thing to do. About me, I’m a 26/m not married, and I am a Christian (not a good example of one)

    I found this sub one day and decided to give it a try because I had been trying other ways to stop (rubber band on the wrist, and having an accountability partner) but kept failing. I still have someone holding me accountable, and I do the same for him.

    I’m not sure why this has lasted so long for me, but the most inspirational post I remember seeing was someones chart where they documented where they could be, but where they are currently due to fapping/resetting their counter.

    I experienced quite a bit of anger throughout this and I would say I’m still angrier than normal, but it’s been getting back to normal.

    I have not had a single wet dream, and I have to admit I did have one day last week that ended the hard mode streak. I have been seeing this girl and ended up receiving a hand job. I nearly put out both of our eyes with all the built up pressure. Afterwards we talked about it, and what parts of sexuality is too far in a relationship. I also told her about nofap. I got some push back because I wouldn’t have sex with her, but she is still talking to me and we will see if we work through it or not.

    Confidence has been through the roof, I have asked out/been out with a lot more women than normal, but also been rejected. The best part is I didn’t dwell on the rejections and just moved on.

    I have been quite a bit healthier as well. I completed the Tough Mudder a few weeks ago here in Vegas, and I’m now signed up for another one plus a half marathon next year!

    Due to this nofap/fast I decided to take the month before the tough mudder and cut out a lot of other things that were unhealthy in my life. I didn’t drink any alcohol, caffeine/energy drinks, soda, nor did I have any cheese, fast food, and limited my calories to 1800 per day for that whole month. That beer at the end of the tough mudder was the best in my life! I will not be going back to caffeine/soda/energy drinks because I am amazed at how my sleep schedule has turned around. If you’re struggling with late nights and odd sleep schedules. try getting all the caffeine out of your diet. I am tired and ready for bed at a normal 10pm hour. (I work an 8-5 job so I have to be up around 7) Due to that fast, I lost a lot of fat I had stored and I’m on track to being in much better shape. Refocused energy!

    Anyway, heading towards the next 90 days, never going back. I love how much easier it is to focus on a woman without that sick twisted lust.

  188. My mind is much clearer now.

    27 years old male.

    90 days later and my journey continues.

    I made 90 days without masturbating. I have broken the habit of fapping. Just letting you guys know that it is possible. You just have to take the decision of not fappin for 3 months and voilà. I don’t know if my brain is reprogrammed… should I feel different?

    I used to fap 3 times a day and I don’t have the need to do it anymore. If I look back and remember those days of solitary onanism: cumstains in the clothes, cumstains in the floor, rolls of higienic paper waning quickly… I felt ashamed and I feel ashamed whenever I remember those days. In the challenge days I have edged once and just for a few seconds. I have watched some porn too, but I didn’t feel like fapping, it wasn’t worth it, in my mind I always had the thought “that scene you are watching right now is not real, you already know what happens next: your hands will be dirty with semen and you will feel a crushing feeling of loneliness because it’s always the same. What you want is a real woman, not a screen”.

    You can make it as long as you want. It’s just that, willpower and making a promise to yourself. Be a man and take control of your life, as I did. And don’t be hard on yourself if you fail, that only makes it worse, treat yourself like a small child that is learning a new skill: self-discipline.

    Overall I feel better. I don’t have to worry about this problem anymore. I have taken up weight lifting and I’m progressing steadily. I have taken up reading too, I have read around 10 books in these 3 months. I’m working as hard as I can in my grades.

    Will I ever fap? Probably, but right now fapping is not controlling my life. My mind is much clearer now. Remembering the fact that I’ve been 90 days without fapping, (for now), is always going to be a confidence shot for now on.

    Good luck my fellow Fapstronauts, and thank you very much for your existence and support, you are a great inspiration for many men and women.

    I’m going for the 180 days challenge. January 24th here I come!

  189. No porn in 72 days. Crushed my date tonight.

    No porn in 72 days. Crushed my date tonight.

    Me, 72 days ago: Total brain fog. 0 libido. Smoking my Sundays away. Watching disgusting porn. Finally decided to quit porn and change my life.

    Me, 15 days ago: Ask a fucking awesome girl out who I figure I have no chance with, DGAF I do it anyways like a boss. She says yes.

    Me, Today: Take her to a movie/dinner. Kiss her at the end of the night. She texts me after saying she had an awesome night. BOOM

    (Btw, I have still fapped a couple times, but no porn for 72 days. I’m trying my best and am still trying to get to 90 days.)

  190. More confidence, optimism, energy
    Neckbeard_McCusty Sat Oct 27, 2012

    I quit weeks ago. Straight up deleted a full TB off an external and have made a strong conscious effort to avoid the online shit. I should also mention that I haven’t jacked off during the same time period. Here’s what I’ve noticed: 

    1. More confidence. I think there is a shame factor involved with masturbation, especially too much, and it plays on your psyche.

    2. Greater energy. I would be lethargic while watching porn. Sometimes watching the shit for hours. Now I feel like my energy levels are where they used to be and are normalizing.

    3. Higher level of optimism. Feel much better getting through my day.

    4. More outgoing towards women. When you watch porn and jack off a bunch you deplete your pheromones. Once you quit and start restocking your pheromones, not only will you get off your ass and chase more girls, but the pheromone release acts as a natural aphrodisiac and women are more naturally drawn to you.

    Real Talk

  191. Almost 2 years of NoFap. 1 year of relapse. Starting over.

    Almost 2 years of NoFap. 1 year of relapse. Starting over.

    About four years ago, I got a swift kick in the pants when my wife found out about my porn and cybersex addiction. That relationship ended, and I buried myself in therapy and support groups. There’s more to the story of how everything fell apart, but I’ll save that for another post.

    I almost had a good solid two years of no masturbating and no porn. I thought I had everything under control. And, to be honest, my life was in a very good place. I stuck with therapy. After the divorce ended, I even started dating a very hot girl that really liked me. I had a good job and a group of very supportive friends. But I got lazy, and I got cocky. I started thinking that I could handle a little bit of triggering material, or even a little bit of porn. I started working out less and I lost my focus. After a few months of “a little bit of this, and a little bit of that”, I relapsed. And I’ve been relapsing ever since.

    Pornography is like my security blanket. It’s the one thing I turn to when I can’t handle how I feel – angry, sad, bored, even happy. I don’t do well with any emotions, really. But it makes me lazy. It makes me feel like less of a person, and it keeps me from challenging myself to be better.

    I just found the NoFap community a few days ago, and it brings me hope. What I’m trying to do isn’t easy – I already know that. And truthfully, it doesn’t get any easier. But I want to be a better person. For my girlfriend. For my daughter. For all the other people in my life, including you all.

    Thanks for making this such a welcoming place. I look forward to sharing more of my story.

  192. increased energy & drive i have to accomplish, my more stable

    Whats wrong with masturbating without porn?For me it’s all about keeping my dopamine levels more stable. that means no porn AND no masturbation. everytime i masturbate and orgasm, that releases a huge amount of dopamine and it increases my cravings for all other activities that give me a dopamine fix. things like weed and sugar. everytime i’ve had a streak, then masturbated without porn i have felt irritable the next day and have noticed a loss in my energy and motivation.

    the increased energy and drive i have to accomplish, and my more stable and optimistic mood are what i like best about the nofap challenge. when i don’t pmo, i feed into other addictions less, i feel more on track with what i actually want to be doing with my life, and i just feel fantastic in general. far better than when i’m stoned all the time or fapping.

    i’ve also noticed a decrease in my social anxiety. new people i meet tell me they like my confidence and they think i’m a good speaker, compliments i would’ve never expected to hear just a few months ago.

  193. 2160 hours ago I was watching pornography, masturbating, and mos

    2160 hours ago…

    I was watching pornography, masturbating, and most importantly, sinking and hiding into a world of malaise and self-loathing. Even though I had a job, some great friends, and a nice place I was masturbating 2-3 times a day to some nasty stuff on the screen in front of me.

    2160 hours ago I was unable to make eye contact with people (especially not with the ladies) I could not engage someone in a conversation that they did not start, and I watched as my mental and physical health suffered from bad eating habits and a lack of exercise.

    2160 hours ago I decided that I had to make a change, and even though there have been some struggles here and there I have met 2 of my top goals: To not watch pornography and to not masturbate at all. Sometimes the hours flew by, but most were long and grueling. But hey, here I am!

    The reason I put this in terms of hours is because all your hard work can seem so small in terms of days. Hell, one week is over 150 hours alone! About 8 hours a day are freebies (sleep) but that doesn’t make it less impressive or easier. Trust me. Just remember that your time is valuable. Even the hours count.

    Benefits: 2160 hours later I have…

    *Made better eye contact. *Engaged people in good conversation. *Started taking control of my mental health by finding new hobbies. *Been taking control of my physical healthy by eating right and going to the gym. *Become more confident, all around.

    Open to questions, roses, and thunderous applause.

    TLDR; 2160 hours is 90 days!

  194. 60 Days In. Helpful Advice.

    60 Days In. Helpful Advice.

    Frst I want to say that in all of my 60 days, every single one has been challenging. You can do it if you put your mind to it. I think my greatest aide in all of this, was that in the beginning all I wanted was to have some self control, and if other things came along so be it. I am not saying set your bar low for achievement, but be realistic, and make your goals easy to attain. I did not think about how long it had been since I had fapped, I took it one day at a time, and my goal was overcoming each day. So, by the end of everyday I built up confidence more and more. Reading helps! Exercise helps! Know that one friend you haven’t talked to in a really long time? Give them a call! It is amazing how much time I suddenly had.

    Remember how I said that if other benefits came along I would be more than welcome to them? Well come they did. First day back in college, I have the confidence to talk to, and not make a fool out of myself, with a girl, and this is only after a couple days of NoFap. Thursday will be our two month anniversary, and I don’t want to sound gushy here, but lets just say its going extraordinarily well, and a couple days ago I lost my virginity.

    NOW, let me tell you this. DO NOT MAKE SEX YOUR END GOAL FOR THIS. Set up your small daily goals, and see where your new confidence takes you.

    Oh yeah, and meditate, it really does wonders.

  195. benefits in terms of mental clarity, energy, interactions with w

    I’m 36 and I’m almost at 90 days with no regrets. Definitely seeing benefits in terms of mental clarity, energy, interactions with women and on average my mood has improved. There have been a lot of ups and downs with my mood and energy, but like I said no regrets. I’m swearing off PMO forever and not fapping until 90 days and probably at least until I feel like I’ve stabilized mood-wise. Stick with it and stay strong!

    NoFappers in the 30s bracket?

  196. 60 Days, having an great time, thanks guys.

    60 Days, having an great time, thanks guys.

    There’s no reason to let up. After a period of incredible energy and confidence in the first month and shortly after, much of those superpowers faded, though the sense of contentment and calm I had stayed, as did the skills I had learned over time in dealing with all of the emotional changes.

    My hypothesis is that as you follow the road to recovery, your emotions will hit incredible highs and incredible lows while your body tries to find a steady state. I suspect it will take between 3 and 5 months to find that steady state, and I’m willing to give this experiment 6 months in the hopes of improvement. That being said, I have already seen improvements.

    My social skills have returned, I have more friends, and I’m considerably more persuasive and calm in social situations. My expectations of what will happen in any given scenario are more in line with reality, and my daydreaming, which was rampant before, has reduced.

    There are a considerable number of posts regarding quitting, the ineffectiveness of the program, or posts full of grief and shame. I suspect these (the ones not made by trolls) are a result of a low dip in emotions. There’s no need to get mad at these community members, they’re no more in control than you were. They are conducting their own experiment, no need for us to feel compelled to either insult, or follow, their example.

    That about wraps up what I have to offer right now. Time and time again the main thing that has helped me cope and improve is learning to clearly characterize what I was feeling and thinking, and be at peace with those thoughts and feelings. Then, when you feel anxious or depressed, or unhappy you can calmly step back and realize that the thoughts that are coming from your mind may not be sound or worth acting on. This paves the way to commit to beneficial action.

  197. Social anxiety. Constantly feeling fearful/doubtful about the f

    Hey bro, I’m in the same boat here… congrats for your success!

    Here’s my story:

    I was a self-absorbed whiny bitch just one year ago. I was worried/sad 90% of my time. Had some serious rumination and overthinking issues. Social anxiety. Constantly feeling fearful/doubtful about the future. Needy and validation-seeking. Often thinking about how unfair life was with me. Angry and remorseful. Resentful towards women.

    Since I devoted myself to nofap and other life-enhancing stuff, I am now at last a proper MAN, not the cry baby I used to be. I feel I’m in 100% charge of my own life. Happy 90% of the time, confident about the future. I now enjoy social interactions and learned how to deal with friends and women. Did a ton of new friends, ditched toxic relationships. I feel an overall sense of well-being like I never felt before.

    As you said, there were many other actions that led me to the awesome improvements I’m experiencing. But if you ask me what’s the #1 reason for my mental well-being, I’d say nofapping without a shadow of a doubt.

    So yeah brothers, keep on fighting, and be strong. This is completely worth it. If you get into other good habits (experiencing life, social interactions, eating healthy, doing some sport) you will feel like a completely different, improved person just like we did.

    May the force be with you!

    Day 91 – No shit, I’m a whole other person now. Also, AMA!

  198. I work as a software developer at a porn company

    Willpower is a muscle, and we’re all power lifters – 90 day report (ultra hard mode)

    90 days! I did it! Ultra hard mode, too. What? You haven’t heard of ultra hard mode? Well that’s because, fortunately, it’s not really an “option” for most of you. I work as a software developer at a porn company so I literally have to put myself in the nofap Danger Zone 9-5, M-F.

    The name of this game is willpower. The first few weeks were REALLY hard. Fapping had become such a ritual – I needed it to fall asleep. Through reading posts on nofap and just feeling better when I didn’t fap, I was able to persevere and you all can too. I’ve come to realize that the so called “super powers” are really just the ability to make better decisions. The ability to ignore that part of you that would rather sit around and jerk off. What you do with that time and discipline is where all the life changing comes in.

    In the last three months, I’ve socialized more than I ever have in my life. I’ve dated more, worked out more, excelled at work, stopped procrastinating about most things and have really just been extremely happy. Nofap doesn’t give you superpowers, but it lets you take control of your life and not be a slave to your desires. I don’t have superpowers, but I sure do feel powerful.

    I fully intend on continuing the challenge and adopting nofap as a lifestyle. I’ve read posts by fapstronauts that have gone for 6+ months, and I’m psyched to find out how much better things can get…especially when they’re already this good.

  199. My 1 month report.

    I’m 1 month in and I feel fantastic about myself and everything. I can say that NoFap has been one of the best things I’ve done. I still get urges every now and then, but I’m fighting them and doing pretty well for myself. I had two wet dreams at the beginning, but they stopped. It’s had to sum up all of the little things that have changed, but the big ones really stand out.

    Some changes I’ve noticed:

    -Well I feel a lot more confident. I have no problem just speaking up and talking to people.

    -I’ve noticed a few girls interested in me, but there’s only 1 on my mind. 🙂

    -My voice has gotten somewhat deeper, just talking I’ve noticed it.

    Along with doing NoFap, I’ve started taking better care of my body. I’m eating better, I’ve cut out the caffeine, and lots of sugars. Also fast food, so I’ve also been free from that for a month.

    I just overall feel great about myself, no logger getting or feeling depressed, turning to stupid shit, just feeling great, and working my ass off. Thank you to all of my friends here at NoFap who have helped me along with this, and good luck to all of you guys just starting out or who have 2 months to a year+.

    My 1 month report.

  200. From Scarcity to Abundance in 40 days

    From Scarcity to Abundance in 40 days 

    Hello fellow Fapstronauts! Greetings from Ireland!

    This is my first post here and I just want to thank each and every one of you for your support! WE ARE ALL IN THIS TOGETHER.

    I first attempted NoFap back in September. I am 17 years old and had been a frequent(bordering chronic) masturbator since I was 13/14. But the time came when enough was enough. I have suffered from depression, anxiety, panic attacks right throughout my teens. Only have a couple friends, who were extremely introverted with negative outlooks on life(really not helpful). I have never had a gf, and I felt there were no more excuses. I had to face the facts. My life was a sad existence.

    So at the end of August, I decided to shake things up. I always thought masturbation played a significant role in creating the situation I found myself in, so it had to go. Previous attempts lasted maybe 4/5 days max, then relapse. That was when I remembered this subreddit. Saw all these posts on here about NoFap September. This time, I wouldn’t be alone. I would have a brave team of men AND women, standing shoulder to shoulder beside me. Looking out for there fellow comrade in his/her hour of need. NO LONGER would I be ashamed. No longer would I wonder if I was weird for thinking PMO wasn’t natural and healthy, like the media so suspiciously proclaim. Don’t get me wrong, masturbation by itself, every once in a while is a perfectly healthy gift to be treasured and enjoyed, especially if you are in a relationship. However in my case, it was cold turkey.

    I lasted 21 days in Sept. until I gave in. Interestingly, I did not feel all down and out. I picked myself up, brushed myself off, and started over. I hit the ground running more determined than every for NoFap October, and I haven’t looked back since.

    I have combined my fapstinence with Self-Improvement, which most of you know is a obligitory side effect (at least for me). I have been watching the RSD guys (if you haven’t checked them out, heres Tyler’s Abundance video I have also began meditation and eating cleaner (which I strangely felt compelled to do).

    But the biggest thing for me, is my new found confidence with not just women, but people in general. This nothing short of incredible. I went to my first real house party on halloween dressed as mario, and it was the best night of my life. I realised how much I have been missing out on. I ended up chatting up a couple 9s, turns out they were both seeing someone, but since I have become outcome independent, I couldn’t have cared less. I made progress. I reached the next checkpoint. I leveled up!

    The following day I got an offer to help out at a fund raiser for kids. An acquaintance at school asked me to do it(probably because she saw how outgoing I’d become! :D). I have become a YES man. So I broke my comfort zone and said yes. I donned my mario costume once more and rocked that gig. Little did I know I would be rewarded for my venture into the unknown.

    Waiting for me there was a friend of the acquaintance. A 10. **My perfect girl.** Tall, beautiful complexion, dark hair, windswept, very light freckles :D.** She was doing face painting for the kiddies. I approached her when it started raining(Ireland) and we immediately sparked. This was the first time a girl ever reciprocated(emotionally through vibes) how I felt about her. I made physical contact(kinaesthetics) with her by high fiving, patting on back, and by letting her paint my face, which was when I looked her right in the eyes. She didn’t flinch, and neither did I.

    We had chemistry coming out our ears.

    Unfortunately, I didn’t have the courage to get her number, but I asked her her name and IF she was on facebook(STUPID RIGHT?) It’s been a week now, and I haven’t made contact.

    What do you think guys, is she worth the chase? Will she have lost interest?

    It’s been a week since, and I am so proud of myself. I feel I am now a stakeholder in my own life, and yesterday, I got another surprise. One of those girls at the Halloween party wasn’t completely honest, she was single, and interested, but she was just overwhelmed by my confidence. She told a male mutual friend and he told me.


  201. Can’t say as I was ever addicted to PMO,

    My 90 day report (self.NoFap)

    Well, I made it.

    Can’t say as I was ever addicted to PMO, or ever had any major social issues. My life is pretty good. I have never had a problem picking up girls, and I’ve always been pretty in shape. The reason I did the 90 day challenge is to prove to myself that I could do it.

    I have definitely gained some inner strengths and as a result, am more in tune with my SO’s sex drive. One of my best attributes to come out of this whole thing, is I quit drinking. I would drink at least 3 six packs a week with no problem. I went 2 months before having a beer again, and I didn’t feel the urge to start drinking all the time. I will have one every now and again, but sparingly. Among other things, I have become more focused and confident at work, and have gotten back into running/working out which I haven’t done in about 4 years. Another thing I am quite happy about, is I’ve started reading books again. Before I would only read to gain knowledge, but have expanded back into pleasure reading.

    Once I hit my 90 day mark, I decided to PMO, and it definitely was not worth it. I just sat there thinking, that was pointless. I don’t regret doing it, but I definitely will not make it a habit again. I will not be going for the 90 day challenge again, but will simply just not PMO with no counter to keep track.

    I do encourage all the other nofappers to keep going. Relapsing just isn’t worth it, no matter how great you think it will be. You will be disappointed in yourself, I promise.

    Nofap has, without question, given me strength. Thank you all.

  202. Whoa, 30 days in and the “super powers” have arrived. (self.NoFa

    Whoa, 30 days in and the “super powers” have arrived. (self.NoFap)

    by aliencorpse30 days

    Guys, doing no fap works. I honestly can’t believe it.

    Last night, I finnaly decided to go to a edm concert. I’ve always loved to dance and listen to the music. I went by myself too.

    This is pretty out of character for me. I never did anything by myself. I just wanted to go and I did.

    It was fucking crazy. It was so easy to walk up to women and compliment them and strike up a conversation. I wasn’t intimidated at all and hit on every hottie I saw. I was able to strike up conversations with random strangers and made some new friends. Got a couple of numbers and I noticed gorgeous women bee lining straight for me and smiling at me from a distance.

    I’m getting less and less intimidated by anyone I see.

    I still have to work on my game. but 30 days ago….maybe even 2 weeks I would never catch this level or amount of feminie attention.

    No Fap…you have given me the tools to realize what I am. Thank you for changing my life. I had a rough patch around 2 weeks in but I’m glad I stuck it through. This subreddits support really got me through so I wanted to give you guys some encouragement. The longer you go the more confident you will get.

    You guys really saved my life man. I am living life so much more confident and fulfilling. Free from my chains of burden.

  203. I have actually been turning my wife down-wtf is wrong with me?

    Just found this last night and watched the TEDx video just now…Day 1… LETS DO THIS! 

    by Lovedirt1 day

    Little background…25 years old, been married almost 7 years, have 2 boys 4 and 18months. Working part time going to school full time, and have a side business out of my house.

    I have actually been turning my wife down and getting more and more risky when fapping when my wife is home…wtf is wrong with me? My procrastination has been getting worse, and I don’t find the joy in doing things I once loved. So, I am becoming a fapstronaut. Reading some of your success stories has inspired me to make a change for myself and my family.

    Here goes…

  204. 30 days in and just noticed this unexpected change

    30 days in and just noticed this unexpected change

    I no longer have the urge to look at a girl’s ass as she passes. I repeat, I no longer have the urge to look at a girl’s ass as she passes.

    I work on a college campus and have TONS of beautiful females all around me. I typically keep the shades on to not stick out too much like a perv. I noticed for the past couple weeks I haven’t been wearing my shades while walking on campus. Earlier today, I walked past a few very pretty girls ( you know, the one’s you know have a nice behind) and I just kept walking. After a few seconds this bro jokingly said, “you know you wanna turn around.” I laughed and just kept walking. I was not interested in the visual. What’s interesting is that my sex drive has gone up in a completely different way. I am not so much as interested in looking as I am in actually having sex. Luckily, I have a girlfriend.

    This little revelation highlights a few things about myself that I was unaware of before. And that’s what it’s all about right? Self Awareness.

    1. I viewed girls solely as eye-candy. I mean, I took several feminist studies classes but it doesn’t mean shit as long as I’m only looking at them to get sexual arousal.
    2. My view on porn changed. Before, I did not think it mattered if you were in a relationship and looked at porn. I used to laugh at people (girls) who thought looking at porn was akin to cheating. NOW, I couldn’t agree more. What’s the difference between me going to a sex club just to be a ‘voyeur’ (which I have done before) and jacking off to strangers on the tube?
    3. The confidence is surfacing in a different way. I have always been a confident person. I’m good looking, athletic, and have a girlfriend. BUT there was always this need. The need to look, the need for validation from women, the need to fantasize about a life other than my own, and the need to fap. Recently, these needs are slowly fading. In a way they are all connected. Fapping is NOT an option so there’s no need to look at arousing images (porn or IRL). Not fapping also leads to less fantasizing about anything including not sexual thoughts. Sure, I’ll notice a pretty girl walking by but I am not checking them out. It’s difficult to explain hopefully some of you know what I mean.

    Anyways, here’s to my first month and check in. As of now, I cannot see myself looking at porn again (famous last words right?). I’m also looking to use this momentum of abstinence in other areas of life – perhaps less Reddit?

  205. even after only 3 days my mood has greatly approved.

    I know this sounds crazy but even after only 3 days my mood has greatly approved. My mental state was so bad before anytime I saw a good looking girl I would just say (slut, cunt, whore, etc) in my head. Fucked up right? Not sure why I did that until now. I think I was punishing them because I was so pissed at myself for not manning up and getting to know them. Sort of looked at them as objects and not people.

    Today, I had a GREAT conversation with an attractive waitress. I had no sexual thoughts and really wanted to get to know her. After our few chats I asked her to accompany me as a friend to an event I have going on this weekend and she said sure. Hopefully I made a new friend in life.

    I know NoFap is not a magic pill but I wish I could do more to spread the word for other men out there before they diver deeper into these issues.

  206. first time in my 21 years I am in a relationship,

    90 days bro, do you even lift? (self.NoFap)

    Bam. 90 days done.

    It has been an exceptional journey, thank you all for the great support of this community.

    I just want to say that it is absolutely worth it. I’ve had ups and downs, but overall it has improved my sexual, and relational life significantly. For the first time in my 21 years I am in a relationship, and I believe that fapping and porn has kept me from healthy relationships. I am much more confident and comfortable with myself and this has proven my self control. I don’t want to blow my own horn – pun intended – but somehow I was able to get this far on my first nofap attempt.

    Thanks again, I hope you all experience the same benefits that I am experiencing, and more.

  207. My 90 Day Report (non-addict)

    My 90 Day Report (non-addict) 

    So I surpassed the 90 day mark for not masturbating and/or watching porn this weekend, and it was very much worth it.

    To start i’m 22 years old, and not really a porn or fap addict. I started watching porn and masturbating wen I was like 13 like a lot of kids, and I’ve been watching porn since. When I was in High School i would masturbate and watch porn every day. Since then I would only do so several times a week.

    Now I never really felt like I had a serious problem, it wasn’t taking over my life, but I realized several months ago I wanted to change after being very derpessed the past year. Not watching porn or masturbating was one thing of many I wanted to stop so I could improve myself. I was tired of beating off into a tissue paper to only have pleasure for a couple minutes with a weak orgasm. It wasn’t worth it immediately after I was finished. Being a virgin I didn’t want to result to porn all the time. I wanted to be able to be more confident and actually go out and find beautiful and wonderful girls to talk too. Once I decided to do nofap, I knew I was going to give it my all.

    So this is how I feel today.

    To start, I’ve almost completely lost the urge to masturbate to porn. When I get horny, I just want sex. It doesn’t cross my mind anymore than I want to go touch myself for 30 seconds to some lame porno. I don’t have an urge to visit any porn site, although I do sometimes give in and look at the pictures from gonewild that pop up on my page sometimes (something I plan to stop also). The thing is after looking I get horny, but don’t get the urge to watch porn or masturbate. I just get the urge to want sex. Hopefully that makes sense, but I really don’t have that urge anymore. It’s like porn and masturbation isn’t even at my fingertips.

    Another thing is that I’ve become more confident with myself. I not only feel my confident but I look it and show that to others which is great. I still have a tough time approaching girls, but I’ve gotten better. I’ve have more interaction with girls the past 90 days that I pretty much have my whole life. I had the confidence to talk two really cute girls and hooked up with them (no sex though, yet!). This was one of the best parts about it. It was a slow and subtle change and I didn’t really until I finished nofap.

    I did not have a single wet dream. Strange I thought but I think that is possible. I do wake up with morning wood but not every morning. I get erections very easily, just thinking about sex can get me hard. Even a short conversation with an attractive girl can get me hard. At one point, maybe about 7 week mark I was really really horny all the time. I almost couldn’t stop thinking about it. It was like I was just going through puberty.

    Ok this is a lot so I’ll sum it up. I did not have nearly a hard time as some people have or would have to go through, and nor did I have a big as a problem. I’m just here to say that it is completely worth it for anybody. I feel more confident, hornier, and a better overall person. Right now, I’m almost at the point where I don’t care if I watch porn or masturbate again. Losing that urge has transferred to me wanting to go out and meet girls and to be a better person. It’s great.

    I wish all of you luck because it is definitely worth it no matter how hard it may be to reach the goal.

  208. Almost at 90; what I have learned

    Almost at 90; what I have learned (self.NoFap)

     by therealdavidvalley88 days

    • I took the last three months to reflect on my life, and didn’t pursue a girlfriend or have sex with any ladies. The biggest thing I have learned is that I have, and I am, a 33/m who is wasting his life with time wasting endeavors.
    • I have tried online dating (mainly Plenty of Fish), and was reading an article about it jokingly being called Plenty of Flakes. The author talked about how people on those sites are time wasters and attention seekers because they really only go on there for the attention of the opposite sex. They set up tentative dates and flake out on them because they never intended to keep good on the date. They only wanted to feel wanted by the opposite sex.
    • That perspective resulted in an epiphany for me because I realized that I was a time waster and attention seeker, too. I wasn’t living my life. Porn fits into this perspective because it delayed me from living my life and was filling my need for attention. This need for attention is the result of weak inner game. Just like with online dating, I only wanted someone or something to make me feel wanted and attractive. The irony is that online dating and porn will never fulfill something that isn’t there already.
    • Finally, I will be deleted this account after day 90 is reached. I wasn’t sure what my purpose was for going for day 90, but at day 87 I had that epiphany and that made it worth it. My mind is also clearer, my health is better, and my overall zest for living has skyrocketed in the last ten days of this endeavor. I wish everyone a great journey.
  209. 56 Days In, 36 years old – This has truly been life-changing

    56 Days In, 36 years old, First Wet Dream Of My Life! (self.NoFap)

    All my life I’ve wondered if something was wrong with me. I have never had a wet dream. Not until last night. Imagine it, an orgasm without actually manually stimulating myself? Just with my imagination? Look ma, no hands! How incredible! I’m 36 years old. I thought wet dreams were only for 13 year old boys. But I never had one when I was 13, not until now, and now I know why! BECAUSE I WAS FAPPING ALL THE FAPPING TIME! So there was never any reserves left over.I was fapped out all the time. Might explain why I’ve struggled with depression since I was a teenager too.

    I’d say this is quite a reboot. I’ve finally allowed my body to settle in to what it would do naturally. To expel when it needs to expel, not forced. More like Old Faithful… just following nature’s rhythm.

    On another note, as other men have reported on here, I have felt an amazing change in my overall mood over the last 56 days. A renewed sense of confidence. A sense of vital integrity. A sense of virtue. Like I can look people in the eye now (without images of porn swimming through my head). Interestingly, even though at times I have these really intense feelings of arousal, ironically I also feel much less focused on sex, but more focused on taking care of my mind and heart, and on meeting the right woman. And I did meet a woman, two weeks ago. So far we have been connecting on a level that I didn’t think possible. Just making out, staring at each other for hours on end. Its nice to take the focus OFF getting laid. I’m more interested in connecting with her heart, not with her genitals. Granted, I am interested in that too, but when the time is right… once there has been trust and intimacy built up.

    Thank you nofap! This has truly been life-changing!

  210. Here’s a breakdown of the my 30 days so far:

    Made it 30 days! 

    Here’s a breakdown of the my 30 days so far:

    Mental State: I feel happier. I like people more, and I feel like they like me more. I’m in control of my former addiction. I’m in a graduate program right now, and my goal at the begging of the year was, “Get ripped. Get good grades. Have sex. Nothing else.” I’m closer to that goal. I’ve cut out masturbating, deleted my facebook, and I’m much more focused on my goals.

    Horniness: Around days 5-12, I just wanted to fuck everything that moved. I liked the feeling of super horniness, but it has sense worn off. I think I’m in the flatline period.

    Confidence: I’m looking people in the eyes when I talk to them now. I’m enjoying life. I’m talking to strangers at the grocery store- some attractive women, some not, but I feel like I’m a lot more awesome now, and I feel like my outlook is infectious. I have less trouble approaching women. I’ve been on dates with 3 different girls sense I started, and the most recent one, I really like! Also, I don’t get nervous when I talk to large groups of people. No more butterflies in the stomach.

    Sex: I’ve had a handful of sexual partners in my life, but with all of them, I can honestly say that I never really really enjoyed sex. Sure I loved the fact that I was getting laid, and I loved the emotional connection. But I didn’t love the act itself because I had been addicted to online porn for 8 years before starting nofap. I would visualize porn to get myself hard during foreplay, and during the act there was just a disconnect. My thought process while having sex was generally something like, “Sweet. I’m having sex. This feels nice. I’ll run my fingers through her hair. She’ll like that. But I’ll keep visualizing football or standup comedy, cause I don’t want to come too fast.” I didn’t think I had ED, I just thought I was especially prone to whiskey dick. But it took me forever to get up, and there was a lot of time between rounds.

    Then 18 days into nofap, I had sex with a girl I’ve been seeing, and it was by far the best in my life. I was in the moment; we weren’t just doing an act where we’d hopefully both reach orgasm and feel good- It was more than that. I felt a connection. I felt love. I was turned on by the smell of her juices. I still have scratch mark remnants from the night. It was amazing. Sense then, things have been a bit less great. The novelty of the relationship has worn off. Also, I’ve started an intense weight lifting regimen, and the past few times we’ve had sex, I was exhausted, and I underperformed. Overall- I believe that nofap is definitely helping me out in this area. I don’t take as much coaxing to get it up, and there’s less downtime between rounds. Also, the actual sex is so much better. I feel like I’m much closer to the way I’m supposed to feel.

    Other: I was big into metal and gangsta rap before starting nofap. Not sure if it’s related or not, but my musical tastes have been getting much more subdued sense starting. (This helps so much on the dreaded first date question of, “so what music do you listen to?”) My voice is deeper. I’m writing a novel. It’s a good distraction from my work, and a good way to fill up my new free time. If you’ve gotten this far, thanks for reading! I know I tend to rant. Nofap has been, overall, pretty great. Can’t wait to see what the next 60 days (or forever) will bring!

  211. a very strong connection between my depression and my PMO

    Wasted my 20s and 30s fapping (self.NoFap)

    submitted 1 dayago by zenkoan711 day

    Hey everyone. I’m a newcomer to this venue, but I’ve been addicted to PMO for most of my life (I’m 41 now). I’ve been addicted to the dopamine and adrenaline rush, without really knowing what it was, since before the dawn of the Internet. I’ve been addicted to MO since I was about 12 or 13 years old, fantasizing about my grade school teachers and girls in my class. In my 20s, I found that I could get a much bigger high from magazines and VHS tapes. Somehow I still managed to have relatively normal relationships, and even a few girlfriends here and there. But I was unhappy and depressed, and always suffered from feelings of general “weirdness” and social anxiety. I knew there was something “wrong” with me, but I could never put my finger on it… and amazingly, I NEVER made the connection between my social issues and my PMO addiction. In fact, I never thought of PMO as a problem at all, much less an addiction. It had become such a familiar “friend”, I didn’t even want to consider letting go of it. I was in complete, blind denial.

    When the Internet came along, everything got worse. I’m sure I don’t need to go into detail here about why that was (is) the case. Needless to say, for me it was like going straight from weed to crack. My addiction became all-consuming. Any productive, creative outlets I once had were now about to slowly fade into the background. My life gradually became narrower, shallower and more hopeless. I lost friends. I lost the ability to flirt or have any kind of meaningful sexual relationship with a woman. I avoided people whenever possible. I made excuses for not hanging out or going to family functions. I punished myself mentally and emotionally, dwelling on the guilt and shame. Things got so bad that I was finally, for the first time, able to make a connection between PMO and my horrible feelings of shame and depression. Maybe it was because I had finally hit rock bottom, and could no longer avoid the reality staring me in the face. How could I have missed it all along? How blind could I have possibly been?

    I have since, over the past several years, been able to muster the energy for several rounds of NoFap (without calling it that, of course). Unfortunately, my success has been limited. I once abstained from porn for a month, while continuing to masturbate as a stress-release. That was years ago now, but it stands out in my mind as a bright spot. That was the point where I understood, finally, that there was a very strong connection between my depression and my PMO behaviors. I knew this because after a few weeks without porn, I really started to FEEL a change in my life. But it got too difficult for me, and I relapsed, and went back into the darkness for several more years. My struggle has been on and off since then. I can just about get through a week now, without any PMO at all. But I keep relapsing.

    I think I’m finally ready to make a big push. I need to do this. For any of you younger people out there, if you can relate to my story at all… take a lesson from me. I allowed this go on for way too long. I’m now in my 40s and my life has become about as narrow and hopeless as it has ever been. I still don’t even know where to begin with women. I wasted my youth. 20 of the best years of my life are gone now, and I can never get them back. Perhaps the worst part of this is the feeling of utter remorse and regret about what COULD have been, had I gotten this under control earlier. And even as I say that, I fear the REAL feelings of remorse have not even surfaced yet… I fear there are many feelings and emotions lying dormant inside me, waiting for release, and the power and force of those feelings is so strong and frightening… I mean, the reason I became an addict in the first place is because I wanted numbness.

    Anyway, this is the first time I’ve ever written about these things in a public forum. I’ve been encouraged and empowered by reading posts from other people here, and I no longer feel the need to keep everything bottled up. I know I’m not alone, and there’s no reason for me to feel guilty or ashamed. I also know that this is not an easy journey, and there will be times when I will simply want to give up. Addiction is insidious. It causes us to make justifications for relapsing. Once we start going “down the funnel” it feels damn near impossible to pull back out of it. I know these things ahead of time, and I hope this knowledge will help me when I need it the most. I am going for 90 days of complete abstinence from PMO, and hopefully continuing on after that. That is what I need for myself, in my particular situation. Whatever happens, I plan to give it everything I’ve got… because the alternative is no longer an option.

  212. 1 month report: life is improving

    1 month report: life is improving 

    Pretty stoked it’s already been a month. My life has been a bit of a motherfucker so I thought I’d disclose some of it to keep me on this track.

    I’m 27 years old and a virgin. I have yet to experience an intimate, physical relationship with a woman.

    I discovered masturbation at the age of 11, and I discovered porn even earlier, initially finding some interesting pages in my dad’s Netscape Navigator history. In those 16 years I would estimate that I masturbated on average once a day, a figure of around 5760 faps, an estimated half of which relied on the use of pornography to start and end the job.

    Running parallel with my PMO habits are video game and internet addictions. As a shy kid, I retreated on a regular basis to the internet, opting to instead form my intimate relationships online, which satisfied my emotional needs and the human need to belong, while masturbation allowed me to satisfy and even repress my physical drive for sex. This combination was satisfactory enough that I never took action to get laid or get a girlfriend until today. To me, masturbation had always been a healthy release for my body. I believed this right up to a month ago until I discovered the TED talk displayed in this subreddit.

    Along with these addictions, and the lies, shame, and guilt that followed, came several bouts of severe depression and reclusiveness off and on over the past two years. With no job, all of this languishing has left my once brimming savings account close to empty.

    Emerging from those dark depths, the life I have found in contrast is a beautiful thing. Every time you hit bottom it is a new learning experience. I look at the nofap and pornfree movements as another step in self-mastery and getting familiar with my body, especially my brain.

    That’s a load off my chest. Thanks for reading this far.

    Some steps I have taken to get a month under my belt

    • The biggest motivator for me is that I will do everything in my power to avoid depression again. It is such a bleak, dark place that is hard to shake off, and the more I research this physical dopamine dependency the more I see it as a key in my renewal as a person. Compared to many other accounts I have read on this site, my perception is that my month has been much easier than most.
    • I installed the K9 filter with blocked, which has been very beneficial as a safety net in the few times I have out of habit typed something related to porn into the address bar.
    • For the more intense urges I have turned to controlled breathing exercises and meditation, as well as exercise.
    • I have also put a lot of energy I once spent at the computer into literature and guitar. I have always had a passion for both but now I am taking action for once and enjoying them.

    Changes I have noticed

    • The process of overcoming your urges and your addiction gives you a certain power and confidence that cannot be faked. If you think of it from the perspective that you are improving yourself and achieving a healthier lifestyle, the return is real confidence.
    • Since this is the longest I have gone without masturbating since I was 11, I have been surprised by how persistent my libido has been and the energy it gives me. Without relief it’s always on. I have not flatlined at all, in fact, I have become hornier as the month has progressed. It is an energizing feeling that makes me feel alive, like a man should.
    • My penis also just feels better. It’s difficult to explain the feeling, but I sometimes death gripped and stroked extra fast to finally achieve orgasm after getting bored of the porn I was watching. To make an analogy, it’s sort of like how the skin under your beard feels after you shave for the first time after a month, if that makes sense.

    The goal is 180 days. Thanks to all you guys for the inspiration.

  213. My mind had never been more clear in my life within those three

    NoFap changed?

    I started NoFap because I learned that I used fapping as a coping mechanism to forget and stop thinking about my ex-girlfriend whom I was deeply in love with. During those three months I monitored myself. Here are the Pro and Cons of everything.

    Pro: – Clearer mind. My mind had never been more clear in my life within those three months. The lack of fapping and porn really give you a lot of time to think about your own life and puts everything into perspective.

    -More Emotional. You experience a wider range of emotions compared to consistently fapping.

    • Force you to do something to distract yourself from being extremely horny.
    • Find a lot more girls more attractive than usual.

    Cons: – More Emotional: Patience runs lowers and you get a little bi-polar.

    • It is a lot more easier to get distracted with sexual thoughts.
    • Personally It started making me see girl more as a sexual object than a person.

    Ever since I stopped NoFap and only masturbate once or twice a month, I feel like I reap the benefit of both NoFap and Fap. I encourage all Fapstronauts to test out what is best for them as well and not just blindly be abstinent.

  214. 90 Days! Should I go for 180?

    90 Days! Should I go for 180?

    The whole point of nofap for me, was to get my shit together and figure out what I wanted without PMO. I needed to clear my head and start thinking clearly and so I set goals for myself, it was during a really dark part of my life when I had lost what I had thought was the only thing that mattered.

    My Goals:

    • Get the fuck out of my hometown and start working on a career I actually want to do: Almost
    • Open myself up and meet new people: Check
    • Get back into the dating world: Check
    • Be happy with myself: Almost
    • Find someone to that makes me happy: Check
    • Make it through noshave november with a bad ass beard: Check

    Overall, I really have enjoyed the energy, and the self confidence I’ve gained through nofap. It really does work wonders, you just have to be willing to be mentally strong and resist the temptations.

    I’m going to keep going, but probably won’t pay too much to this subreddit because as successful as I’ve been, all the posts are the same now. It’s actually pretty boring to browse after the first month 😛 but good luck to all you guys, sorry I don’t have any awesome stories of “super powers” but really its all mind over matter. Get out there and stop being a bunch of internet nerds, the world is actually a pretty neat place (sometimes).

    Peace, Garrett

  215. Overdue 60-Day Report

    Overdue 60-Day Report by Afeni0268 days

    Hello there fellow-fapstronauts! Boy oh boy has this “nofap Journey” been a roller coaster ride!

    Crazy stuff has been happening since my current streak, I’m glad I came across the TEDx talk back in August!

    The most noticeable change I have noticed during my current noFap streak is that I don’t put myself down anymore! I have way more confidence now than I did before Nofap.

    I noticed that ever since I started NoFap, I constantly check myself out in the mirror, and I’m amazed at how good looking I am. I always say to myself “Damn! I’m sexier than fuck! I can’t believe I’m even single! How can girls even resist me?!” I know its kinda weird but that’s what I noticed, during my nofap streak, I just have this confidence, I like what I see in the mirror, I’m comfortable in my own skin,

    I can say that small things about myself don’t bother me like they used too (body image, too scrawny, too this, too that BS)

    During my NoFap challenge I also noticed I cut out a lot of bad habits (disgusting habits I might add) before nofap. I used to be SO socially recluse, that instead of walking five steps to the bathroom, (the bathroom is literally next door to my room) I used to piss in water bottles! Damn! Looking back at it now, I feel so disgusted I even used to do that, I used too have LITERALLY dozens of piss-filled water bottles in my trashcan, under my bed, in my closet, just because I was a sick fuck (The majority of time, I pissed in these water bottles after a PMO session) My friends used too find these sometimes and be like WTF?

    Other disgusting habits I cut out: Playing with my pubes (I prefer a shaved, clean samson now) playing with my dick, and just small things like that, small but disgusting habits that I no longer partake in 🙂 Ever since my first couple of attempts at nofap, I also started No Shampoo back in September (has nothing to do with NoFap but i feel like I’ve done my head some good)

    Before Nofap I groomed and practiced good hygiene but now I take care of my appearance like FUUUCK! I buy aftershave now, I get professional haircuts so I can look good, I groom my facial hair to make it look like I want it to, I dress so fresh so clean, I wear fitted hats now because now I’m feeling myself, SO MUCH CONFIDENCE!

    On Day-60, (9 days ago), I had my second-ever wet dream of my life! (had first wet-dream in early adolescence) I’m not sure what I came to because I don’t even remember dreaming, I just woke up a couple of minutes after the wetdream, rockhard and everything it was a mess!

    In my first month of nofap, I didn’t really have urges, I think I was in a flatline for 2 months because my dick was just dead during the month of October and November but now in December, the urges are starting to come back, I’ve been wanting to watch porn and I almost relapsed this week because I remembered a porn stars name and I looked it up on Google, but I closed the tab right away!

    I’m so glad I didn’t relapse and I’m confident I won’t relapse anytime soon. I’m shooting for at least 5-months of fap abstinence and I’m pretty confident I’ll even surpass my 5-month goal!

    Wish me luck fellow-fapstronauts and stay strong! NoFap is worth it in the end guys (and gals) don’t lose hope! Stay stronger than an erection!

  216. MY childhood FLASHES before ME!

    MY childhood FLASHES before ME! 

    Everyday I deal with it. 27 fucking years old. I am not as bad as I used to be. But there is a reason I have very few friends, and didn’t do all the things I was supposed to do. Be it lack of courage, lack of love, lack of everything.

    We grow up, we masturbate, at whatever per-determined, normal American boy dictates. We do what the western sex-ed prescribes us. “It’s healthy.” – “It’s harmless.”


    Nostalgia is hitting me like a ton of bricks. The seminal energy is reminding me, taking me back in time with flashbacks; before I became hardened, before I became bitter. When I was a young boy, right in those middle school years. The unity of souls around my peers was there. I wasn’t a bitter, hardened adult you see with the stubble face, and scorned eye. I was hanging out with my best friends at the park. Talking about video games, watching MTV, and indulging in my strange fascination with Chinese and ancient culture. I had a deep love for Ninjas, Bruce Lee, and Martial arts.

    What were the Eastern Kids up to? They were so disciplined, had such high academic standards, so technologically advanced. Were they on to something western medical study didn’t reveal? Was there a higher intelligence, a life force behind our sexual power that wasn’t being disclosed?

    I dropped a lot of interests, when my life force was drained, and the sex addictions took over. I adopted the anti-hero, and the black and white looking glass that blinded me for 7 more years. We were given a light at birth; and that light was Jing. It came in the form of puberty to strengthen us, and to allow us to grow as beings. When western ideas came to proclaim “Jerking it” was healthy; and it’s okay to masturbate, we began to waste it away in our youth hood.

    We were social, I was, but I was never the exuberant gregarious, loud and aggressive man I am today. I stole my power through female classmate fantasies, and with internet, it took over a bit more. High school, early 20’s, didn’t matter. The Daily jerk before work, or bed, or whenever was there. Dissipating my seminal energies. Never knowing the true power that would have grown had I allowed it. Shoddy grades, lack of motivation. It’s any wonder I had a girlfriend, most of them left after they got to know the real me.

    Unproductive, absent minded, good ol’ me.

    I knew I was highly intelligent, but why couldn’t I STICK to ANYTHING ? FOLLOW THROUGH WITH ANYTHING?? NOT ONE THING??

    Age 24 hit, and the creator said, “You’ve abused yourself enough, you’ve peaked, and we can’t do no more for you.” – But I wasn’t hearing a thing. As our male bodies produce less 24-30 and so on, I continued to abuse. I was depressed, but I had my porn; when streaming video became popular around 2006-2007, my psyche had no chance.

    I could hardly workout anymore. I wasn’t the Martial artist I wanted to be. My long term goals of becoming a great Martial artist were cut short 7 years, because I decided to spend my power on pixelated women.

    And I searched for reasons why this was wrong. Through the years, I’d google “Masturbation Vs. Motivation” – and it would be the same ol’ run-of-the-mill diagnosis. “It’s healthy, relieves stress, ect.” – Daily masturbation was even seen as “O-K.”

    And thought this may have been correct to some degree, pornography was always left out of the equation.

    2009 was a big blow. What the hell was wrong with me? I felt retarded! But jerked on I did, and jerked on and on I kept. I abused and abused until I withered into a hole, second story in my moms house. Jobless, unskilled, useless. 2 months into 27 and that was it.

    The awakening came.

    8 months down the road, bursting out of my shell, fighting away the strains of depression, decay of these old rusty chains that held me down, fighting away at every opportunity lost, every relationship that withered, fighting away at every aspect of my life that was destroyed, and HERE I AM, THE LIGHT IS BEING LIT, AND MY SOUL IS ON FIRE, AND AS WE CONTINUE, as I CONTINUE, THIS SPIRITUAL LIGHT SHINES THROUGH THE DARKNESS I LIVED IN, IT SHINES INTO MY PAST..

    MY DREAMS BECOME INTENSE, My closeness to GOD is REVEALED, MY thankfulness for LIFE slowly COMES back with each day, and FLASHBACKS of my PAST, my CHILDHOOD flood, my teenage INSPIRATIONS, COME BACK, my LIGHT is LIT and it’s HERE.

    LONG is the JOURNEY to recover ALL THAT I LOST; but THE LIGHT OF LOVE WITHIN US IS ABUNDANT, because we SACRIFICE the strongest, driving force known to man, our SEXUAL ENERGY; and it FILLS US with POWER, sometimes RAGE, DEEP EMOTION to FEEL, HIGH Intelligence, COMPASSION for HUMANITY, STRENGTH through ROUGH STORMS. We SHINE the light through OUR CHILDHOOD, our PAST, our dark HALLS of addiction, and bridge the GAP into our FUTURE, a BRIGHT FUTURE OF PRODUCTIVITY, LOVE, and NEW BEGINNINGS.

    I have a Job, after being unemployed for over a YEAR.

    I have quit CAFFEINE Completely after drinking 2-3 cups a day for 7 years.

    I am almost down to about 10% bodyfat! And have continued my path as a Martial artist, once again! My goal is to be of GREAT SKILL and Strengtht,speed and flexability! I will pick up back where I LEFT OFF, 7 years ago!

    I am tidy, I pay close attention to details, I am strategic, and responsible!

    I am sharp, and don’t let anything get passed me!

    I am becoming the NINJA I always wanted to be.

    I am still working on my eating habits, and I do have the occasional drink.. but I used to have a BAD drinking habits in the past!

    Slowly but surely, I weed out all the unproductive unhealthy things; though it takes time, I continue this journey.

    One thing I can say is, I need to work on my charm with the ladies. I’ve always had that, but nofap has made me a STERN MULE, I need to liven up a bit, and not be so KUNG-FU-READY-TO-KICK-YOUR-ASS 24/7.

    I am waiting for a challenge at the top of the dragon mountain against one who will ..wait a minute, i watched too many kung fu movies when I was a kid. slaps self

    Sorry I was getting a little carried away there. But what I am really trying to say is.

    I climbed on the hill. I looked around me, and what did I see? The world. And the world said. “Where have you been? It’s been 7 years.”

    I cried, and I responded.

    “I’m an incomplete man. I was an addict.”

    “We’re sorry to hear that, well take care.” they said, as they all went to play together, enjoy their relationships, their lives, and their prosperity and love.

    “Wait up.” I said.

    “What’s that, you want to join us?” They said, uncomfortably.

    “No. But there is a difference.” I replied.

    “Oh there is?” They responded.


    “And what’s that?” They asked.

    “I am now more capable, then anything I ever was before. Bring it.”

  217. The Lesson (90 Day Report)

    The Lesson (90 Day Report) 

     by crapcube90 days

    First things first. i think this thing shouldn’t be called 90 days report. Yeah I made 90 days without fapping, but in my case this thing should be called one year report. I struggled with fighting this shit of addiction since december last year. I think that was the time were I realized that porn and fapping became a big problem. I was fapping 6 to 10 times everyday and not to the “normal” kind of porn. And I felt like shit. I tried to stop and yeah, I couldn’t do it for even a day. I think in january I stumbled over yourbrainonporn. I was searching for help in the online forums but there seemed to be nobody who had a problem with porn so finding the site was some of the best things that happend to me. That was also the way I found out about reddit and this subreddit. I realized there were many people with the same problem, what made me feel much better, because I did not feel so fucked up anymore and I started my journey fighting porn addiction. As you can see I really had my problems. I needed 5 months to get over the one week mark the first time, I had periods where I fapped for two weeks again, but found the motivation to start over. The whole nofap idea was a virus in my head. Every time I relapsed I felt like shit and sometimes I wished that I never had found yourbrainonporn that day in january, so that i could just fap everyday and be happy.

    What made me stop fapping in the long run weren’t pornblockers or “anti urge exercises”. What made me stop was that huge pain that built up all the year. It kinda made click in my head. And I never fapped again.

    And now I’m sitting here after 90 days hard mode. No sexual experiences, no porn, no edging, nofap. And to be honest I’m not in a good mood the last few weeks. There are things that i have to change in my life that I’m not really happy with. And that’s awesome !! You won’t get happy in the longrun only because you made it 90 days. You will forget that you ever had that problem and you will concentrate on other things that you have to fix. The fact that I’m unhappy about other things in my life and not about fapping anymore, is the proof that I overcame my problem.

    The number one thing I learned throughout this hard year was that you can accomplish anything !! And everything that seems like a problem today, will be solved in the future if you start working on it. there is no magic pill that solves things overnight. You have to suffer and work on your self everyday and you probably will need a year to get what you want, but when you look back you will say to yourself “I’m grateful for every minute I struggled and all the pain that I felt to get to the point where I am today, because it made me a stronger person “.

    To all you guys that struggle with getting over a week or even a day or fighting this shit for a long time: Stay struggling ! Don’t give up! If you fail, reset the badge, start again and get more committed to nofap with every relapse. With every relapse you become stronger and eventually you will kick this whole shit in the ass. You will look back and you will be grateful for everything.

  218. How to Not Relapse: A comprehensive step by step guide for champ

    How to Not Relapse: A comprehensive step by step guide for champions. 

    1) Lock down your shit. If you’re concerned with the fact that porn is so easily accessible, try this site: Family Shield. That’ll make sure that your dick won’t control your browsing experience.

    2) Write down your feels after relapse. If you relapse like I just did, no big deal, just make sure that you write down how you’re feeling after it happens, and look at that list the next time you’re thinking about fapping. If you see shame, disgust, and lament on that list, you probably won’t go through with it (Unless you’re into that, in which case see step 1.)

    3) Think about the future. With robots and shit. Write down the reason that you’re doing nofap in the first place. Seriously write it down. If you just keep it in your head, that’s not gonna help much. If you actually take the time to think about what you want to gain from this and write it down, it will be easier to picture the end goal.

    I’m going to end my guide by asking you a question: Are you a champion?

  219. Well, I can safely say this last month has changed me

    One Month: A Field Report (Or: The Win List)

    by Fappleby25 days

    Well, I can safely say this last month has changed me. I’m 25 days in at the time of writing. Went 21 days on my first try, then not past a week or so a few times, so this is my longest streak. I’m going to list the things I’ve noticed by category for ease, but bear in mind that there’s a lot of crossover between categories.

    Energy Levels + Motivation While most people notice some sort of energy boost while on a decent NoFap streak, mine, while noticeable, doesn’t seem to be as massive as some people’s. What I will say, however is that my drive to actually do stuff is through the roof, which kinda helps me make the most of that energy boost. I feel more focused and effective at work, I’ve started strength training again following an injury and surgery back in May, and I’ve also started doing fairly regular cardio, something which I’ve always struggled with. One of my main setbacks in workout regimens in the past has been work. I work a very physical job (Basically walking while pushing loads, 12 hour shifts), but I’ve been going straight from work to the gym with little trouble. This is one of my favourite effects of NoFap.

    Social Life The impact here has been pretty good. My job is very sociable. I meet a lot of people in my work, and basically work as part of a large team of people. Over the last month I’ve felt much more at ease around people and much more in tune with the rest of the team. I’ve talked more to some people there in the last couple months than I have in the whole of the last 3 years I’ve worked there. Hasn’t had much of an impact in my life overall, but just a nice little perk.

    Urges & Porn Well, this one’s been weird. I’ve noticed a fair bit of fluctuation in my urges lately. They can be through the roof, and they can be non existant. One thing I’ve noticed a lot though, is that I think I can feel a difference in them. I’m ashamed to say it, but I think before, I never had the urge to have sex, only the urge to fap. That has changed. I have watched porn a few times, but there’s been practically zero edging. While some of the nofap purists would argue this warrants a reset, I don’t think it does. Edging is not fapping, however it does make not fapping one hell of a lot harder.

    Philosophy Christ, this one is significant. One of the craziest things I learned because of nofap was that, up until recently, I was a misogynist. I Effectively judged gils based on whether or not I thought they were attractive. Frankly, I’m ashamed of myself because of this. It was at the point where I was basically disregarding someone who tried to be a very good friend to me for a very long time purely because I wasn’t attracted to her. Don’t get me wrong, I was polite, but I wasn’t giving her the time or respect she deserved. This has been a pretty significant change in my life. Now, I treat women as people rather than potential sexual opportunities. Even if you’re not obvious, I think they know this. A massive thing for me.

    Love Life I know this is controversial of late, what with “I Got Laid, Woooo” posts getting to the front page all the time+ but it’s a reasonably common result from NoFap, so I think it’s necessary to discuss it. While I don’t think it’s a good reason to start NoFap, hopefully starting with the wrong intentions will help to guide some people on to a path beneficial to them. I’ve had much more success with the ladies while on NoFap. Don’t get me wrong, I still haven’t had sex, but the amount of girls who I’ve been talking to has been immense. Granted, not many of them showed any interest, but still, the fact that I was out there talking to them was a massive change for me. The most significant of these was a girl I met a couple of days ago on a night out in town. I actually met this girl a long time ago, but never saw her again til the other night. I recognised her, she didn’t me. Ended up spending the night at her place, up all night talking. Felt very comfortable with her. The fact that we even kissed is pretty big for me, the last girl I kissed being over a year ago. Meeting up with her on Thursday. My first real date. Massive impact, very pleased.

    Negative Effects Little to none, honestly. Apart from having to resist urges sometimes, the only thing that I miss from my fapping days is the use of fapping to help me get to sleep. A worthy sacrifice.

    ConclusionSo there we go. my one month field report. I hope people get some use from this. I plan on doing another at 6 weeks, but if nothing significant happens, it’ll be two months. Good luck!

  220. 90+ days story and ama

    90+ days story and ama

     by Rickles36095 days

    Well it’s been a little over 90 days now, and I still have mixed feelings about nofap. I can certainly say that I’m glad that I did it, but my life is not exactly on the fast track to fame and fortune. I think I should start by stressing some of the negative things that I noticed. Once I really got into nofap, I found I was replacing my pmo with just pure internet addiction. I even found myself playing videogames again. Be careful of that. It’s easy to substitute one bad habit for another and not even realize it.

    I should tell you where I’m coming from. I’m 21 if you are curious. Most days of the week I would PMO, and during some months in my past I was a multiple time a day user. Through out my ahem career, I found myself looking at bizarre and uncharacteristic pornography that didn’t match my sexuality. Anything shocking enough to get higher.

    Things I don’t miss: Bizarre porn, Hiding PMO, Cleaning up, Cleaning up my internet history, Having porn on my hard drive (DELETE IT!), Objectively looking at women

    It’s true. It’s as if real average women are bumped up a few numbers on the attractive scale, and women made out of plastic look just like that. That’s a serious positive factor. I’ve been on a road to self improvement these past months and in addition to nofap, I got more serious about running, I’ve been eating healthy, and I stopped using caffeine. These life changes have made me better, but I’m still not where I want to be. I’m not a chick magnet yet, but there’s seddit for that. Nofap was a good step towards being a better person. I think I might take a short break from nofap to learn more about myself. I believe all things should be in moderation and an all or nothing approach really isn’t the best thing in my opinion. Sex is a natural thing and so is fapping according to most experts. Cutting it off 100% doesn’t seem like the normal thing to do. Considering my past usage though, a three month break was reasonable. Pornography is a different story. So while I am certainly debating whether or not I’ll stick to nofap. One thing for sure though, I never want to go back to using porn. Porn is unnatural, it’s sad and it’s addicting. In my opinion, If you are doing nofap but you are looking at porn, then you are doing it wrong.

  221. 110 days reporting in

    110 days reporting in 

    I have to thank this entire subreddit. The constant PMO of my days was wearing at my feelings, causing me to go numb and even a little depressed.

    But then, I stopped fapping, and my entire day became happy and loving and I could look at my girlfriend and feel emotions of any sort and not just “eh”.

    I could easily hold this challenge, since I seemed to have gain godlike self control from this challenge.

    I am seeing my work improving exponentially due to the new-found confidence that I gained from this. I just wanted to type this out to thank everyone for posting motivational stuff and their own success stories, because it showed me a life that I wanted to make myself as, to improve myself.

    I actually started to feel emotions after the challenge and could do anything.


  222. Does NoFap make your voice sound deeper?
    Does NoFap make your voice sound deeper?


    [this account is no longer on Reddit]

    It made mine slightly deeper. I do voice acting and I noticed a number of weeks ago I could go deeper than I could before. My speaking voice hasn’t changed. Musically, I can only go a note or two deeper than I could before so its not a major change.


    I’m convinced my voice got deeper. Not sure when it started though. I haven’t noticed it recently, but I think I’m flatlining, so maybe that has stopped it being deeper? I don’t really have any hard evidence, just suspicions.







    Some of reported yes, some no… I haven’t really noticed anything, personally.




  223. 90 Days, my story and AMA

    90 Days, my story and AMA (self.NoFap)

    Today is my 90th day and I thought I’d share my experience with nofap with all of you!

    I’m 20, in college, away from home

    What I’ve done:

    • I’m dating a girl who I’d been very good friends with for the past few years and started being interested in over the summer. Lo and behold she was also into me and I found out only a few days into my current streak. I’ve been dating her for about a month and a half now, and it’s fair to say that she’s a big reason that I have the mental strength to keep going with this. (should note this is my first ever girlfriend, which is cool)
    • I’m doing well in school (fingers crossed, finals were this week)
    • I’ve taken on a whole lot of responsibility at my work
    • I’m dressing nicer!
    • I stopped a whole lot of procrastinating activities (like deleting my Facebook, toning down on Twitter, and almost never using Reddit, and obviously masturbating)
    • Just general boosts in confidence and happiness and motivation

    I think that all of these things are things I could have achieved without nofap but I don’t think I would have had the confidence to try or the motivation to try to better myself. Trying nofap showed me that I do have the power to change myself and that I can become a better version of me if I just put my mind to it and stop settling for the current me. Even now I’m working hard to make myself a strong candidate for an internship next summer. It honestly just feels so good to do things.

    A bit more background, I tried nofap over the summer and made it a month on my first try, then had a few short spurts, and then finally my current streak. I deleted Facebook during my first month, and have gotten better with Twitter and stopped Reddit over my current streak. I have a paper taped to my wall with checkboxes on it, although I’m in a good state of mind right now where I’m not thinking about it and don’t update for a few days or more. Also use, it’s pretty nice. Girlfriend knows I’m doing this, she asked about the checkboxes and I told her. Selling my computer tomorrow and sold my ipad in the fall so soon I won’t have any devices I’ve ever watched porn on and that’s a pretty cool feeling.

    Otherwise thanks for making this community and helping me to realize that there was a lot in the way of a really happy version of myself. Now I’m there. I owe a lot to you.

  224. I’ve been an pmo addict for

    I’ve been an pmo addict for years, and I have still been able to graduate high school, get into college, have excellent grades and the such…but these accolades imo would have been much EASIER for me to do if it wasn’t for the addiction. Being addicted is a sad thing. And when I was fully blown and trapped by porn, I was a sad person…this is why you have to realize your condition, be active about and better yourself.

    [From another forum]

  225. A Goth is Feeling Happy?

    A Goth is Feeling Happy? 

     by Dru3336 days

    This is the longest I’ve EVER gone without fapping. I’m married and have been sharing my journey with my wife. She’s become much more attracted to me in the progress (perhaps due to my newfound confidence) and perhaps the fact that we’ve been intimate much more frequently helps with the physical release. But the orgasms are much different during intercourse than with fapping. In fact, I’ve found that I don’t like touching myself at all while we’re playing…I’m able to perform much better and am not aiming for the big “O” but am enjoying the activity of sharing each other…so a big plus for the relationship!

    Second: I’ve been going out with friends more often this week.

    Third: My productivity has greatly increased. I’m using a technique of 25 minutes hardcore work / studying and then 5 minutes meditation. I can now study (I’m working on my PhD) for 4 solid hours without needing any breaks. In fact, I just defended my dissertation proposal (not the dissertation itself) on Friday and received near perfect marks : )

    Fourth: I’ve been running more often and will begin an intensive 3 week workout regimen in preparation for a 15k race in March (I used to run half marathons but a horrible mountain biking accident prevented me from doing much physical activity for a year–which led me to fap more).

    So, I’m happy and stoked to be part of this community. Thank you everyone for sharing your stories, your words of encouragement, and your obstacles.

    I was initially going to see if I could last a week and then relapse a day, but I don’t see the need to stop what I’ve already done so far…so I’ll evaluate where I’m at after 14 days…right now I can only think about a week at a time…perhaps this will soon shift to a month at a time : )

  226. Thank you NoFap, this xmas wont be so lonely

    Thank you NoFap, this xmas wont be so lonely

     by Ninja_smiles26 days

    Every year around this time, I get quite emotional. I have a great time seeing my family for the holidays, but there’s always those quite moments in between sipping wine and chewing turkey that are painfully empty. Without a significant other, the holidays don’t seem complete. “All I want for Christmas is you”

    If you relate at all, you can feel the loneliness that comes with the season, and fapping becomes the cheap fix. Not only during christmas, the loudest reminder is New Year’s Eve. Year after year I avoid invitations from friends to go out because I don’t want to look like the “loser” without anyone to kiss (its awful that I have that perception, but I carry it anyways).

    But, I have good news. It hasn’t even been 30 days yet, but I turned my life around just before school ended. I remember when I first turned on the day counter badge, literally right after that I began making healthy decisions. In the very hour, I started cleaning up the pig pen that is my room, cleared off my desk to give myself the space to study properly, and actually started tackling my finals early for once.

    Walking around campus, I no longer felt ashamed, I could walk freely, expressing myself without having to hide any kind of darkness. I caught myself looking people in the eye and occasionally smiling (always reciprocated too). All the girls in my classes that I had my eye on started to become more real as a presence in my life, rather than just a fantasy role I used to torture myself during my empty drive home after class. Being horny all the time drove me to be more aggressive in talking to them. And that’s when the positive cycle of confidence kicked in: horny, talk to a girl, successful convo, ego boost, talk to another girl, ego boost, so on…

    And then there’s one girl in particular. I’ve always had my eye on her, but there’s another student sitting in between us whom we both talk to, but throughout the semester we never really had our own interaction. The final was coming up, and normally I study best alone, but I actually needed some help this time around. One day after class, we were the last two in there packing up and I just went for it: “Do you have a class right now? Wanna hit up the terms for the test?”

    I won’t go into detail about how good the chemistry is between us, the part the matters for the post is that NoFap offered me the challenge of facing myself and the world around me for the first time as an adult. I was able to go after what I wanted and the Universe keeps rewarding my efforts. Proud to say that we’ve been seeing each other for about 2 weeks now, and I’ve never been happier. Finally, someone that I can give myself to and vice versa. My Birthday (23rd), Xmas, and NYE will be, for the first time, something I look forward to. And sometimes it’s overwhelming, I feel like I don’t deserve it because of all the years I wasted with fapping (and drugs). It’s almost as if I won’t let myself be happy because it’s new and unfamiliar. But with that, I take a deep breath and let it flow.

    TL;DR The Holidays have always been a sad, lonely time for me. Started nofap over 3 weeks ago, experienced the benefits, and started seeing a wonderful person whom I actually like (not just for sex). Happy for the first time in a very long time.

    Thank You for all the support, guidance, and information, Fapstronauts. I wish you the gift of manifestation and actualization. I could not have done it without you

  227. given up porn completely, but still masturbate to fantasies

    90 days in easy mode. The slow and gradual route to the nofap-o-sphere. (self.NoFap)

     by YuriFaparin91 days

    Easy mode means I’ve given up porn completely, but still masturbate to fantasies (not porn fantasies).

    The reason I chose to take up easy mode was to avoid the trap “if I’m going to fap, might as well fap to porn”. That has been successful. If that’s a problem for some of you guys, you might want to try easy mode for a while. I don’t crave for porn anymore. I feel like a better man.

    However, I think maybe I should stop masturbating altogether. Maybe just vanilla fapping is too distracting as well? What do you guys think?

    For struggling fapstronauts, I recommend counting the days without porn and days without masturbating separately. If you can’t help yourself, it’s better if you don’t watch porn too. With improved will power I’m sure one can get over the pornless fapping as well if one wishes.

  228. These past 20 days I’ve been changing into a different person

    Day 20: Wow (my experience and benefits so far)

    These past 20 days I’ve been changing into a different person. It’s been subtle but all of these benefits have slowly been revealing themselves to me. Don’t FAP!

    • feel like an alpha male
    • happier
    • less numb to life
    • excited to be alive
    • better able to look people in the eye
    • much more confidence
    • much less anxiety
    • much less brain fog
    • more energy
    • attracted to women moreso than before
    • much better concentration
    • need less sleep
    • able to have a conversation (not searching for words all the time)
    • harder/bigger erections
    • increased sensitivity in penis
    • more social
    • better posture
    • more aware of body language (my own and others)
    • flirting feels effortless and natural
    • better at my job
    • better at guitar
    • music sounds better

    Had my first wet dream at day 9. My penis started literally leaking and has continued to on and off since then. On day 16 I spontaneously ejaculated while taking a dump. Haven’t met someone yet, but feel the drive and desire to…when it happens I’m excited to have sex and enjoy that experience with a real woman. I realize now that my brain has been operating at like 50% since middle school and has held me back from ever having a relationship and being the best person that I could be. My NoFap superpowers will become normal for me, as I don’t plan on ever stopping NoFap after this.

    Why I’ve been dating my hand for 15 years?

  229. A journey, a realization, a better life.

    A journey, a realization, a better life.

     by fap-no-more-easy86 days

    Closing up to 90 days. It has been a tough road, with ups and downs, personal insight has grown and determination to become a better person has never been a clearer goal.

    When I first started I thought to myself ” hey this will be easy!”. And I can say from the bottom of my heart, from the inner sanctum of my mind, that no, this was not as easy as I expected it to be, it truly raises self-awareness, and makes you see life from another perspective. To have this oppertunity, to decide and have control of your body, mind and urges. It is what makes us stonger than others.

    I’ve not watched porn for over 100 days, and not mastubated for soon 90. I’ve quit facebook, quit world of warcraft, started working out. Changed my life completely. My music which I make, has never been clearer to me, and I can truly express myself, and my feelings.

    I was not given the choice to mastrubate or not, It has always been inside of me, the whole time. I just had to realize it, and deal with it. It is inside everyones mind. The will to conquer yourself.

    I want to thank this subreddit the most, for giving me light when there was darkness, and hope to become something different. And to all of you, struggling to surpass your urges, and take control, I understand what you feel and what you think, but I’m telling you, it is possible.

  230. Musings on day 50, benefits, nofap fact-checking.

    Musings on day 50, benefits, nofap fact-checking. 

     by spkthed149 days

    So, this has been an interesting journey. I’ve fought with fap and to some extent porn for the last 16 years. For the last 80 days or so I’ve tried to remain fap free, and porn free. I had a couple of early 1-2 day jumps, then 20 days with a reset/binge session of 6 or so within a 2 day period then finally 50 days free. I’m under 10 faps in 90 days and for me I am guessing I will be doing this for at least a few more months until my brain is rewired fully. I have no interest in ever looking at porn again. My scumbag brain disagrees, but we’ll see who wins that fight.

    I started nofap because I wanted to focus all my energy on my soon to be fiancee. Some terrible things happened and we split up. The binges happened soon after and I realized that fapping was a mechanism to dull a very painful time and a way to take control back in my life. I decided to never give that much control of myself up and doubled down on nofap. At the same time I went on a diet with a goal of shedding between 50 and 70 lbs of fat, and to get fit. I am not boasting, there just needs to be context. Fat increases estrogen production, and exercise boosts testosterone production so there’s some pretty significant hormonal changes happening from a variety of sources.


    I dropped 30 lbs in the first 2 months, picked up a couple of lbs of muscle, and can definitely tell the difference. The boost in testosterone definitely changes how I interact with people and has physical changes. I’m willing to go out on a limb for the first time in my life and take chances socially. I would guess that it’s evident, but I’m definitely making it a focus to say hello to everyone, and to try to interact with new people every day. It feels easier and easier as I try to build that cycle up. I figure that’s as much a muscle as anything. This might be gross, but I’ve definitely noticed that things like chest hair are thicker and darker than before, and I’ve gained muscle MUCH more quickly, and I am much less socially anxious than I have in the past – and I’m getting out of my peak testosterone years.

    BRAIN FOG EXISTS: During each of the binges, I can FEEL the brain fog happening. I’ve seen porn a couple of times during moments of weakness and the act of MO, or edging is not necessary for fog to come back. Just viewing porn and allowing those feelings to flood through causes it. Each time takes several days to reset back to normal but it appears to be a thing that gets faster each time. I have also noticed for the first time about 40 days into this that I have no interest in seeing anything hardcore and even when clicking on it it’s not arousing. I had several different things that I found arousing (not quite fetishes) that had gathered over the years and I could definitely tell that my brain was cycling through them almost chronologically . The thing my brain ‘craves’ now is just pictures of amateur girls, only softcore. I did have a few moments of weakness with edging early on and I definitely can tell that things were more sensitive. I would venture a guess that I would not last long these days.

    Final thoughts: Nofap is hardly a magic pill to take. It’s a thing where you control momentum in life. If you are in negative patterns, you will do increasingly destructive things. If you are in a positive pattern, you will do increasingly positive things. The trick is to manipulate your momentum to halt negative patterns and to deepen positive ones. When you start nofap, ditch internet addictions, try to take control of other parts of your life (weight, health, finances, job, studies, social, etc) and make them all positive. Your success or failures will trickle into everything else. Use that. If you are doing nofap to rid yourself of addiction to porn /YOU HAVE TO NEVER LOOK AT PORN AGAIN, AND TO RESIGN YOUR ENTIRE BEING TO THAT/. You will not look in 90 days, or a year, or in 20. If that is not your mindset from the time you start until when you stop, you will struggle and struggle and struggle and never make your goals happen. Turn your back on it and start riding into the sunset. If you hem and haw and want to stick around you will never find success.

    edit: The flatline exists. DO NOT TEMPT YOURSELF, OR LET YOURSELF BE TEMPTED TO ‘SEE IF THINGS STILL WORK’ Your brain knows damn well that things still work. You are an addict that is about to be hoodwinked by your own mind that is throwing a tantrum about it’s favorite toy being taken away. You will come out of it in a random time between a few hours to a few months depending on how badly your brain is rewired. Do. Not. Rush. That. Process.

    So, TLDR; there’s lots of bogus stuff floating around in nofap circles. There’s a lot of truth here too and I’ve tried to focus in on what works and why. Best of luck to everyone attempting this journey for any reason. May you find the success you are looking for.

  231. There are no superpowers.

    There are no superpowers. 

    submitted 7 hoursago by ambushxx40 days

    I was always a depressed person. I have been depressed since i was child. I’ve also had social anxiety as long as i can remember. And i am pretty sure i have ADD. I have been under-performing every way in life since i could remember. I’ve always had below average score. Didn’t complete college. Never held a job for more than 6 months. Never had a girlfriend; Or even talked more than 5 minutes with a girl. I have some friends. But, i don’t feel close enough to anyone to open up and talk candidly about my life. My relationship with friends have always been about cracking jokes and drinking. I don’t connect at an emotional level with anyone. And of course, i have been fapping quite religiously for a long time; the past 2 years with internet porn.

    I never imagined porn or fapping to the root of my problems. They have been there even before i started fapping. So, i never expected any superpowers or to be delivered from my problems completely if i stopped fapping. Nonetheless, i wanted to stop because it was looking more and more like an addiction and i was escalating in term of the porn content i was using.

    I stumbled on YBOP and i stopped the next day. Its been 40 days now.

    My progress through this 40 days have been atypical compared to what i read about the experiences of others. For one thing, i never found it difficult to control myself. I didn’t feel the overwhelming need to fap or watch porn. I do occasionally get a flashback from a porn scene i liked and that gave me a slight erection. I would describe my state since day 2 as a semi-flatline. I don’t have the complete loss of sexual desire as some people described. It is slightly less than my previous resting state. I am still getting aroused when i see attractive girls. I am not sexually active, and i don’t expect to be anytime soon. So, that is more of a positive for me.

    The big difference that i did see was in how i was seeing things. I seems like i am able to see things more distinctly, without the mindfog ( i have also been meditating for the time period. so that could also have had an effect). I have been hearing the motivational mantras like, “think positive” and “take it as a challenge”, for ages. But now these things have started to mean something. These attitudes have somewhere inside me struck a chord for the first time; its like I FEEL what it means. I realize that i don’t need to look for the approval of others to find self-respect. Earlier i used to beat myself down every time there was some drama in my life. When i was criticized by anyone, i would mop about it for days. Now, i try to take it as a challenge. Last week I got into a kind of messy (passive aggressive) argument with a friend on facebook. Previously when thing of this sort happened, i would be disturbed for a few days. I would try to justify what i did; then i would try to find fault with my friend. Then i would try to hurt this person in some way. The whole thing would play out over a number of days, until it left the relation strained. This time, i got over it in a day; and i successfully refrained from previous patterns. I took it as a challenge. I tried to focus my attention away from the messiness. I tried to internalize the fact that i needn’t really care about what this person thinks; or that i didn’t have to put myself down constantly worrying whether i was the offender. Even if i was in the wrong, i could forgive myself; even if he disapproves of me, i didn’t need to care.

    So, i decided to do one thing that i had been putting off for a while: deleting my facebook account. I have to admit, just before clicking the delete button, i felt a pang in my heart. Although facebook hadn’t given me anything fulfilling or worthwhile, i had a fear that i was going to loose out on something. I was going to miss out on what was happening my friends life. Then it dawned on me that even though these were very close friends, my fear was because i was attached; not attached to the people, but attached to the label of “friend” and what that entailed. Even without facebook if they wanted to contact me, they could still call me or email me. It wasn’t like i was going to be cut off if i wasn’t online and active every single day. Even if they didn’t bother to contact me, i would still live. I could always make new friends. I am worthy of it.

    I feel more liberated after i deleted my account than after i quit smoking or after starting nofap. But, nofap made it possible for me to think clearly enough to take this step. So, i will chalk this down to a nofap victory. I am starting to think there should be a nofacebook sub to get people off from facebook. Its too much unnecessary drama for too little reward.

    Short version: Nofap helped me get over negative thoughts easily and it allows me to think more clearly.

  232. 90 days.

    Day 90 

     by mindmastery90 days

    While these last few days have been a struggle due to living back at home for a bit, I have finally reached 90 days. Really glad I did this.

    -Clearer thoughts

    -Dramatically reduced fantasizing / sexual related thoughts in daily living

    -BIG gains at the gym. I feel like nofap definitely has to do with this

    -More confidence in general. I haven’t made too many female connections due to my situation over the last three months but I have felt less hesitant

    -Feeling like I am conquering something which has conquered me for years has been a very liberating feeling. I really want to continue this as I strive to change my lifestyle permanently. I have struggled with edging the last few days due to being way less busy, but this is something I am trying to work on

    Best of luck to all of my fellow fapstronauts. Remember, it’s all in your mind.


    -avoid triggers

    -no touching

    -avoid the rabbit hole of looking at any stimulating images at all

    -stay active

    -you’ll probably feel like shit after you fap if you are going for the challenge, so don’t bother humoring yourself with thoughts that it will be okay to do it once. distract yourself.

    Thanks everyone, couldn’t have done this without you.

    EDIT: Guess I’ll also mention that this was on hard mode… yes it was difficult but definitely not impossible. I see no good reason to stop so I will keep going.

  233. DAY 60, What My Life is Like.

    DAY 60, What My Life is Like. 

     by nofap90x60 days

    YOU CAN READ HOW MY LIFE WAS PREVIOUSLY BUT HERE’s MY LIFE RIGHT NOW. I am on a daily schedule. Not depressed anymore. Porn doesn’t even cross my mind. I feel like an extremely stable person. I read, study college courses, make a beat in my home studio, write a journal, clean my room, and meditate every single day (all of them)!

    I eat a lot more healthy. I have discovered what proper nutrition and supplements like vitamin D, b6 and B12 can do to your mood from a book called The Ultra Mind Solution by Mark Hyman M.D. I would recommend this book to everyone who is suffering from ADHD and Depression. (especially if you are taking medications like prozac or aderall)

    I workout regularly. I went for a nice walk today. Haven’t smoked weed in 18 days, don’t plan on going back to it. and in 2 days i will be moving to my own sick STUDIO apartment in CALIFORNIA. I see the upside of things when i wake up.

    And sleep is just a blessing. I can almost feel my brain rewiring itself every night when i have dreams, so that i wake up better every day. (quitting weed and alchohol had a lot to do with this i think)

    JUST DOCUMENTING MY BEHAVIOR WHICH IS A LOT DIFFERENT FROM WHEN I STARTED 2 MONTHS AGO. Is this all from no FAP, who knows… I have been wanting to change for a long time, but i feel like nofap was a must for these changes and since then i have finally been able to make the shift in gears.

    Thanks for reading, and good luck on your journey.

  234. The first time I attempted nofap I made it 67 days

    After a year of progress I have made it 67 days, 90 days, and a countless number of 7 day streaks on hard mode. I am now quitting for good. 

     by Remember_ThisAccount1 day

    The first time I attempted nofap I made it 67 days. I felt great and thought I had rebooted. I realized that jerking off took control of my life and I decided to go with a once every 10 days plan. It went well for about 10 days or so, but then I kept rationalizing as to why it was okay for me to fap again four days later. And then it was every other day. And then it was every day. And then I rationalized that it was okay to look at porn again. Then I started fapping multiple times a day. I fell back in to my hole. “I’ll start tomorrow” was my go-to saying. So I would, but I would only make it about 7 days.. I think there was a 20 day streak in there at some point.

    Well then I realized I just couldn’t keep doing this. I had to seriously try again and not just half ass it. So I did. 90 days. And it looks like that was 88 days ago according to my badge. I didn’t make a post then because I just didn’t feel like it. And I also fapped the next day. I just missed it a lot I guess. I think from then I went back to fapping every day. Only once a day. It could have also been every now and then. I didn’t feel addicted anymore it was just whenever the time was convenient (mainly in the shower).

    I would say about a month ago I went back to porn. I don’t know why. I have watched all the YBOP videos and I know it’s fucked up but I did it. After that I went back to fapping about 3 or 4 times a day. I’m done. For some reason I can’t moderate my fapping so I’m going to eliminate it from my life.

    Nofap has had an incredible effect on me. I quit facebook about 2 weeks ago. I’m going to stop smoking cigarettes and weed. I need to take control of my life. I might even quit reddit. I eliminated all of the timewasting subreddits and filled them with information based subs that i’m interested in. But this is still no good. I still just waste my time. I may cut out from the internet for awhile. I just needed to share this with you all. Thanks for being a great subreddit!

    And for my friends that know me on Reddit, we now know each other on a whole new level.

  235. Energy gained from nofap clarification (my perspective)

     by FrankyFortress6 days

    After not fapping for around a week I’m noticing changes in how i conduct my life. Its not that I have more energy as in like I just drank a shit ton of caffeine and reached the level of 2 lines of coke, its mental energy. It helps with being able to notice when sloth takes over and actually going against it, willingly. I noticed during the times of fap I would be able to notice my lack of energy, but would end up just getting depressed and saying “fuck it I don’t know what to do anymore”. There are less “fuck it I don’t know what to do anymore” moments, and more “fuck I not only need to get my shit together, but actually have a genuine desire to” moments.

  236. My rise to 135+ days of NoFap and 200+ days of PornFree…and my f

    My rise to 135+ days of NoFap and 200+ days of PornFree…and my fall.I ended up starting another streak that lasted another three weeks ago, before being hornier than I have been in a very long time and I caved again. That failure slowly transitioned into a reintroduction to porn use and I was in a downward spiral, falling back into PMOing once or twice a day for the past week or so. It was bad, but I had a weird complacency about it. I also noticed a few things:

    -The orgasms were obviously way worse, some to the extent that they barely even felt good at all.

    -The porn lost a ton of appeal and it wasn’t nearly as arousing as it used to be. I have come to find real women much more arousing and sexy than any bombshell on screen.

    I have regained a lot of footing in the past day or so and will be making my return. I am now focused on working on sex transmutation and using the sexual energy from my arousal to circulate into my system instead of simply releasing it. It is difficult, but I’m starting to improve and like the results so far.

    NoFap is 100% the real deal, and I can attest to that. For those of you who think you have a handle on it, please, never let your guard down. I thought I was a NoFap hero, but I fell…hard. Keep fighting for yourself and to reclaim your sexuality and manhood! I’m with you.

  237. 60 days – went back to masturbation – now sees benefits

    60 days…. and its gone!

     by thegirlsson1 day

    So, I got back from my christmasbreak some days ago, during my 60 days of NoFap (Hardmode) I didnt really notice any bigger diffrence in my way of life (I didnt really do anything other then NoFap to change it). The process from a Fapper to a noFapper is a long journey, and maby the changes is coming slowly so its hard no notice them. So I though, if I Fap now, maby I will notice the diffrence?! Then start over, this time with more willpower.

    During my 60 days, pros and cons: + Women are so damn beautiful + Clearer mind -Temptation (Was the same from day 14-60, just hang in there)

    And now after my Fapstreak (10+ times in 6 days) – Feel filthy – Shady mind – Time consuming – Tired – The “Women are so damn beautiful”, not as noticeble as before.

    So, I really noticed BIG diffrence from the NoFap to Fap change! I dont know if it was the right move or not, only time will tell. Anyone out there done/notice the same thing?

    Today im starting my new journey, and hopefully I will notice “the diffrence”, and this time I will really try to change things in my personality.

    Someone know any great posts from /r/seduction?

    Sry if my english was awesome, hopefully you understand some.

  238. Suddenly… Emotions!

    Suddenly… Emotions! 

     by Bakedestest17 days

    I just read this comic, and I fucking cried at the end! I CRIED AND IT FELT AWESOME! I didn’t have such an emotional response in years to anything, not even when my grandma died or I moved away from all my friends, but now even this sweet little story makes me tear up. Now, I don’t quite know if this is related to nofap, but it is truly awesome.

    (The comic is great btw. If you don’t know it, read it right now.)

  239. Throwing in the towel but hear me out (nsfw)

    Throwing in the towel but hear me out (nsfw)

     by account351 day

    The success stories are true. Last night I had a woman in my bed, and I think it is in no small part due to this subreddit. Everybody should quit watching porn and try to masturbate less. But, and this is a big but, there is NO WAY I could do the ninety days. I know that now, after trying and constantly failing. Ninety days without porn, sure, probably did that already, how about this instead–no porn ever again for the rest of your life, makes more sense. But ninety days without masturbation? OK, if you have ED. If you are a really heavy porn user, wanking off twice a day, seven days a week. Quit cold turkey for ninety days, YES probably a good idea. But if you’re me–I’ll tell you what happens after FIVE days.. I go around with a constant erection, feeling excessively tired because I have too little blood pumping in my brain and too much in my penis. I sit on the bus, hear a sexy voice on the seat behind me (just a voice!) and suddenly get so hard I can’t go off at my stop, afraid someone would notice. My underpants get full with precum. My balls HURT. I think this is a great subreddit, but there is a problem. The ideal here–quitting for ninety days–is just not for everyone. As I said though, cutting down really improves you as a person. Everybody should quit porn completely and set boundaries for how often they can masturbate. (I think only every fourth day works best for me).

    Now go ahead and down-vote me to oblivion if you want to, I said what I needed to say.

  240. 30 Days in, Feel Fantastic

    30 Days in, Feel Fantastic

    Howdy Folks. Just made it to 30 days! I started this at beginning of December, had a couple of MO relapses, but have been off of P since late November. I recommend to everybody who hasn’t done this yet: open an account at OpenDNS and block adult sites. It’s so much easier to not be tempted whenever those sites are blocked.

    I have noticed that I am in an overall better mood. Little things don’t piss me off as much, and I’ve been better at taking things in stride. I had an amazing burst of creativity at the end of December and recorded several new songs (I’m a musician.) I’m more focused at work. I’ve never been horribly socially anxious, but I seem to be giving less fucks about what people think. That might just be other changes taking place. Lastly, there is more interest in trying to get out to meet women and try to make things happen. And, the challenge is actually starting to seem appealing rather than some insurmountable task.

    Out of all of those, though, I’d say the two most positive changes I’ve noticed so far is the flight and x-ray vision. (-_-)————–[]—– 😉

    Looking forward to taking on the next 30 days! Stay strong, brethren and sistren.

  241. My 90th Day Of Being The Man I Always Wanted To Become

    My 90th Day Of Being The Man I Always Wanted To Become 

     by WeAreEnough89 days

    Whattup nofappers!

    So, today is my 90th day of nofap. I feel a lack of effort in writing this, because I’ve been removed from nofap for so long now that it seems like a thing of the past, and who wants to revisit the past? But I will for you guys. This community is a unique resource and I recommend everyone take a time to check out the newest posts, they are the people most unsure of themselves, simply because they are at the beginning of something new.

    Who was I?

    I am 21 years old, and can remember discovering porn in 8th grade..learning about masturbation a few months later. From that time on I masturbated on average 5x a week during highschool and during my first year in college, and my year off from college, 6 years in total. Before nofap I was a virgin, and couldn’t get off from anything but the death grip. I liked some things about myself, but not everything, and certainly not fapping. I did not have self-respect nor did I love myself.

    What worked for me on my journey?

    I quit cold turkey after finding the subreddit and watching the ted video. It had been on my mind for a while, but I hadn’t put it all together. I never relapsed. I had a buddy doing nofap at the same time and being 19 days ahead of him kept me honest. I was a mentor to him. I also started dating a girl about a week in. This turned into a boon to nofap, I did not have a physiological need for release lasting more than 2 weeks.

    I feel that noporn is really a bigger deal that fapping and am working to stay honest on that. I have not navigated to a porn site in 90 days, but I have seen brief images twice in movies and once in an article not marked nsfw.

    Sorry if this was disjointed. I just want to get this over with so I can sever my last connection to fapping ;D

    Please feel free to ask me any questions you may have. About whatever.

    Stay strong brothers and sisters

  242. Obligatory 90-day, and where I’m going from here…
    Obligatory 90-day, and where I’m going from here…

    fapnevermore91 days

    91 days, whatever–I think it’s a little behind anyway.

    Background: Divorced single Dad, 38, never had any huge problem with porn, MO maybe 3-4x/wk. Stumbled across this sub, read for a bit, and jumped in. I’ve always been a very self-disciplined person, I typically just need a reason to do something. Reading all the benefits/experiences/etc, was all I needed.

    Now, my experiences. Truthfully, it was pretty easy for me–as I said before, I just need a good reason to do something, and I’m all in. Reading other people’s experiences on relapse was definitely a great motivator as well, I knew that I would feel like crap, and I didn’t want that.

    I started a new job that I’ve been chasing for a year about a month into this, and have found it’s so much easier to concentrate and get things done. As others have said, the ‘brainfog’ is gone, and I feel much more alert, and have a clarity of thinking that is awesome. I did get the week-in testosterone spike, which was awesome!

    Regarding flatlines/etc. I did experience a couple of these, but it wasn’t bad. Having dealt with real depression, a sexual libido flatline is really nothing. In fact, I’m not so sure that ‘flatline’ is accurate. I’m thinking it’s more of a natural cycle, almost like women have. Anyway, I’m currently in the ‘horny-as-balls’ stage, so that’s kind of nice.

    Forgot to mention, this has been hard-mode. There is someone that I’ve seen on and off for the last year or so, but we’ve not spent that kind of time together since I began. But the next time, watch out! No wet dreams, I did have a little discharge yesterday morning after I woke up, but no orgasm. I’m not having another orgasm without a woman, period.

    So I’ve done the 90 days, but there is no end in sight to this. I have no intention of going back to that ever, but I won’t beat myself up if it happens a time or two. But, it will never become a habit again.

    Thanks to all of you for your stories, inspiration, and support. Stay strong, and I may check in now and again.

  243. 105 days update

    105 days update 

     by CDennis2105 days

    Here i am, 105 days later. Like then, still unmotivated, lazy, tired, a sense of dread facing everyday life. Nothing has really changed.

    But the twist to the story is that, a few days ago I catched a cold. Not a very serious one, but I still feel uneasy. My body and mind just don’t feel right, And I realized, this is how i always felt before NoFap.

    The benefits of NoFap creeps on to you slowly, if you don’t pay close attention you might miss them… But this cold really gave me a flashback of my previous life… Just going about my day trying to get to the end so i can repeat it over and over again. Not accomplishing anything of value really.. other than enjoying other peoples art and work lying on the couch.

    A week ago I was playing guitar again, learning to play the keyboard for the first time, which is quite funny knowing I got the thing years ago.. I enjoy reading books again.. even thinking up own stories in my own head.. My creativity has skyrocketed and when I go to sleep i feel excited for the next day again.

    To me NoFap has totally been worth it and I will continue downs this path to see where it goes. Thank you.

  244. My 90 day journey

    My 90 day journey 

    by IceTea12390 days

    Hi fellow dickignorers.

    This is my 90 day report and a conclusion:

    1.) I started nofap because I was in a very very bad emotional state. Was trapped in a loop of negative thinking which was caused by my loneliness in college, procrastination, computer games, masturbating to porn and probably my rigidness (my religion influenced this).

    2.) I started masturbating quite early in my teens like everyone else and kept at it until about 2 years ago. I had 2 girlfriends, lost my virginity with the 2nd one and had no problems with ED or PE (was masturbating while I was with them). The only thing was it was weird the first time but we both enjoyed the other times. We split after me being quite rigid.

    3.) I kept masturbating and trying to live my life normally but 2 years ago I realized this had quite an effect on me. I realized that every single time I finished I felt this huge guilt because I thought I wasn’t worthy of a woman if I commited adultery already in my mind. This is based completely on my religious background and I still kind of believe it affects you a bit if you fantasize about other women. But at that time this was my prime motivation and honestly I failed miserably after 1 week.

    4.) 3 months ago when I started nofap I was quite depressed. I played a lot of League of Legends, spent almost no time in my classes, masturbated a few times a week or maybe every day to porn. The main reason I started making changes was because I was lonely. Didn’t socialize often with people in college because I don’t like clubs and am complitely abstinent from any drugs. I also didn’t have a girl since the one mentioned before. I am attractive and a lot of girls showed interest in the past but in these last years in college I didn’t feel like that anymore and wanted to make changes.

    5.) I started reading psychology material, PUA material and overall started contemplating my life. After finding this subreddit I realized what the true story behind PMO is and how it relates to my current state.

    6.) After starting nofap I did see some changes in my overall energy. But the rest of the superpowers that most of the people mention .. That comes from your own will to change yourself and also your personality (I feel that I kinda lost myself in the last few years and after nofap I kinda came back to my former good self before this depression).

    7.) 2 weeks after starting I gathered my balls to interact more with a girl that I liked and found out that she actually liked me. I kinda blew it later on but that’s another story.

    8.) 1 month after starting I deleted all my computer games and quit on the spot.

    9.) 2 months after, I discovered this DVD: Tyler Durden – Blueprint Decoded. It’s a PUA based recorded seminar but it’s main purpose is not teaching you how to pick up women but how to change yourself so that it’s natural for you to pick up women and to interact with other people overall. I RECOMMEND THIS TO EVERYONE! Dead serious. To be clear I’m still single and occasionaly lonely but overall from the social aspect I got so much out of this it’s ridiculous. I started to improve my social interactions (even with old friends), forced myself to meet new people and form new friendships. I just kind of started to understand a lot of things behind my social interactions.

    Conclusion: Nofap helps because it’s one of those things that tests your willpower. Train that and you can achieve a lot. More than that your will to change things about yourself, that you know aren’t good for you, that will bring the positive effects. I intend to keep on going with nofap to see my limits and to see what it brings in the future and how it pays off the next time I get to have some action 😉

    TL;DR: I’m a terrible writer so if you’re reading this props to you! But you’re not getting a shorter version.


  245. 90 Day report from a teen fapstronaut.

    90 Day report from a teen fapstronaut. (self.NoFap)

    by Chucko81590 days

    It’s been possibly the most challenging experience of my life, but I’ve done it. 90 whole days without defiling myself. As said in the title, I am a teenager. Eighteen to be exact, so the temptations were “extra” strong. But here are some of my experiences and tips:

    1. NEVER BE IN THE SITUATION where you are just bored on the computer. This is when temptation can strike the hardest. Just do whatever you need to do on your comp, then LEAVE. Trust me.
    2. MAINTAIN a good mood at all times. I know life can be a B sometimes, but staying optimistic (yet realistic at the same time) has proven to help me significantly in my 90 day journey. I’ve found that when I was upset or angry, the temptations would hit me. C’mon, be happy!
    3. Stay busy. Eat up free time with your favorite hobbies. So for me, it was drums. As a drummer of 6 years of playing, it can certainly knock out any lustful tension! This could also be a sport, exercising, yoga, ANYTHING.
    4. Find a SO. Granted, I wasn’t necessarily looking for a girlfriend, rather one was “nudged” my way from a family member, and she’s amazing. Certainly having someone who is compatible with me has had a tremendous supporting affect on me these past 90 days. When I got tempted, I would simply think of her, and the temptations would go away. I know it can be hard to get into a good, solid relationship for some; I was once one of those people. But it WILL get better for those who are without a SO. Stay strong and one will indefinitely come your way.

    In conclusion, these past 90 days have been quite life changing. I’ve got my mind back, I’m taking school more seriously, I have a plan for a career, I’ve found a girl, and my general well-being is simply better than it was 90 days ago. I won’t stop here, my next goal is 180 days. Brothers, sisters, you are all the strongest people I have ever met on the internet. Godspeed, you wonderful Fapstronauts!

  246. Two Months: Field Report 

    Two Months: Field Report 

    by Fappleby64 days

    Ok, so this is my two month field report. For anyone that is curious and didn’t read my last one, it can be found here.

    So, Things have been… very much the same actually, in terms of the changes I’ve noticed in myself. In general I’m a little more motivated and happier with my life, as well as being more social. This, however, isn’t going to be the focus of this update. I want to talk about how my life has changed as a result of the changes in my attitude.

    Work: I’ve been a lot more active at work, again, feeling a lot more social and involved in my workplace. I no longer view my female colleagues as potential sexual opportunities, rather as people, much as I said last time. Working in healthcare, this is quite a big thing for me. I didn’t realise it before, but I was kinda the same way with patients. I’d never act on it or even show it outwardly of course, but now I’m not thinking about whether or not the pretty girl around my age with abdo pain would ever consider sleeping with me. I’m kind of ashamed that I thought like that before, but I recognised the problem and changed myself, and now I’m more empathetic and effective at work because of it.

    Motivation: I’ve been more motivated definitely since starting NoFap, and I’ve recently started reaping the benefits. I’m on a part time university course at the minute, a stepping stone to a full time course I’d like to get on. Having started my last piece of coursework earlier than I have ever started a piece of coursework before, I got 85%, which amounts to a first at my place of study. My university applications are also going better this time. A university that rejected me outright last year has invited me for interview, and I’m thinking maybe my newfound confidence came through in my personal statement. I’ve also noticed this at the gym. While it’s been a little harder lately because of my shifts, I’ve been regularly working out and my shoulder is beginning to get back up to strength after an injury. Motivation killed my workouts before.

    Social Life: For anyone that read my last field report, remember I went on my first ever real date in early December? She’s my girlfriend now. It feels natural, our sex life is great, and we are both really happy. The best part of it is that sex is only a part of it. I really, truly enjoy the companionship she gives me. I like just being around her. I don’t think this would have been possible had I not started NoFap. I think this has also given me a new level of confidence boost. Kind of like a positive feedback thing. Your test boost makes you more confident and more willing to take chances and meet women, you eventually meet a woman who likes you back, which in turn feeds your confidence further. It’s a great thing. I honestly believe that I at least partly have to thank NoFap for this.

    Urges: Ok, I’m going to say something that a lot of you will find controversial, but this is just what I’ve found. Those of you who are not sexually active during your NoFap have it easier. After a while, coming up to the one month mark, I was losing the urge to fap completely. I don’t think this was a flatline, I think I was just kinda grossed out by porn and fapping. Then along comes my girlfriend. We have a really good sex life, we seem to be very compatible. This, however, has bought about a slight complication. I am nearly constantly suffering from the chaser effect. My sex drive has been through the roof since we got together, and the urge to fap is much, much harder to resist now. Don’t get me wrong, for me, this is more than worth it, but abstaining completely, for me, was a lot harder than abstaining from just fapping.

    So there we have it. Really positive experience so far. I plan to continue for the remainder of the 90 days at least. While there’s not a whole lot to say apart form the good stuff, and I’ve not had much in the way of challenges to overcome, hopefully this will inspire some of you and give you what is, hopefully, a glimpse of things to come. Thanks for reading!

  247. really started to affect my concentration, desire, energy and sc

    I know this post is going to be long and I am sorry. I was in a relationship that ended after just under four years due to various reasons.

    I was single for just over a year. I started NoFap b/c I wanted something I could control in my life after being addicted to PMO for almost 7 years, this is what I decided to change. I didn’t really realize it until recently, but because of NoFap I was able to have a happy relationship for a few months without thinking much at all about my ex.

    Indicated by my counter, I have relapsed, but NoFap 2013 and strong. So although I was not in a relationship at the time of NoFap I think it definitely helped in not only getting over my ex, but also to gain the confidence to go out and really try to enter into new relationships. NoFap has helped in just about every aspect of my life.

    I’ll actually rewind at the reason I started NoFap for a moment. I found Reddit and stumbled on NoFap. Thought it was a good idea so I joined. Like I said, I had been addicted[still in the process- I say this because every day is a battle, PMO is just like every other addiction even if people outside NoFap choose not to acknowledge it] to PMO for about 7 years.

    I noticed it had really started to affect my concentration, desire, energy and schoolwork- currently at university, almost out! B/c of this, I needed a life change, like I said. I’ve read a lot of 90 day reports, and in all honesty, they’re pretty good, but one a lot of people I think mistake for a placebo is the “energy” people say they have once they start NoFap. Taking a part in NoFap does not magically give you more energy, desire, whatever over a course of a few days- its more like weeks to months when you really start to see the benefits of NoFap!

    But once you experience these benefits you never want to go back; to me that is one of the greatest secrets PMO addicts need to understand! Your life is better without Fapping and it is not “oh its better” type of thing! You feel better- in this I mean every aspect of your life feels more under control and everything just starts improving.

    And that’s were you notice the changes from NoFap- it’s not one or two days that start your recovery, it’s weeks and months where the true benefits of NoFap shine in your life, and Fapstronauts need to understand that!

    So if you’re on the fence about NoFap or have been relapsing, please please please try to commit yourself to get through, have friends you can talk to help you out and support you, go to the NoFap forum and read, pick up a hobby, but please try and gain the conviction to attempt NoFap. If you try NoFap and make it 30 days without any positive increases in your life, PM and i’ll personally take you through it!

    TL;DR: NO, read this. I hope I can inspire you to succeed and move on from PMO! Edit for grammar[there are probably more]

  248. Changing my life, completely.

    Changing my life, completely. Officially four weeks No Fap. 

     by TA65

    It’s a big title but that’s how I feel and it is strong.

    I’m a different version of me, a better one. Or better said. I’ve been a better me underneath this whole time.

    This is changing my life. I can see clearly, I can think clearly, I act differently. I’m confident and I’m balanced. Even my sleeping and thus my energy and charisma are improving.

    But what really makes it all feel so incredible is the way people started perceiving me. Just the reaction and interaction with me has changed completely.

    “Have you lost weight, looking fine man.” “Where did you buy this jacket. Looks like it was made for you.” “You changed your hair, it looks very nice. Can I touch?” “So you’re a happy ray today, what’s up?” “That was a great presentation. Wanna get lunch?”

    A couple of months ago I couldn’t even dream about those reactions. Last summer my coworkers asked me if I’m taking drugs. They were genuinely concerned! WTF?

    I made a girl week in the knees. This is big for me. We talked for 20 minutes and she was so into me I felt like I’m beaming some male magic and trapping her. And she is mighty hot. She’s sky high over my level of confidence but it all came super natural. Well it didn’t work out because I only recently broke up with my girlfriend and this girl felt it’s “too complicated for her” and I guess she’s right but we had a tremendously amazing week.

    Even my family play ball differently. My mother who usually doesn’t hear a word I say was listening to me and agreeing. My sisters thought I’ve drugged her into submission. “We’re so happy you’re visiting.” Jesus, last year they always forgot I was coming.

    What I’ve changed: It all started with No Fap. Mainly no masturbation and overexciting the brain with erotic imagery. Been trying for 3 months now. It’s a full month without fallbacks. I’ve cleaned up my diet. “Quality over Quantity. Preparation and planing”. The start was hard but it’s doable. My metabolism runs like a steam engine. Haven’t eaten anything sugary like a Mars or Biscuits, no sugary drinks, not even in coffee. Most of my sugar comes from fruit, self-made juice, and some organic honey. It’s been now 6 weeks and the sugar cravings are disappearing. Been going to the gym 3 times a week but I fucked up my shoulder so I stopped now. That makes me sad but it’s serious. Going to a neurosurgeon consultation next week.

    So this is it for now. I hope it’s not too annoying.

  249. 17 days in – Tingles like a

    17 days in – Tingles like a teen 

    by justanaughtyboy

    So I’m your usual 45 year old gay forever aloner, got the depression, social anxiety blah blah who cares. Anyway, ED was getting me down, so on a whim starting 04 Jan (in Oz) I thought I’d give NoFap a go.

    Up until last Friday it’s been a breeze. Flatlining as I’d been led to expect, so no big deal. Haven’t been the least bit tempted to check out porn, and have generally been feeling just a little more confident and motivated than usual.

    Then last Friday comes along. As well as being the hottest day in Sydney, I also get hit with a huge surge of horniness (but no erection) after I got home from a few laps at the pool. Thanks to what I’ve read here, I went for huge walk to use up some energy (battling gale force winds that came in after the heat), and that calmed things down nicely lasting through the weekend. Still no WD, (disappointing), but that’s ok.

    Until today comes along. This arvo I started to get these tingles in my cock, chest and lower legs that I haven’t experienced in many many (14? 15?) years. Reminds me of when I was a teen, but its also similar (in a hugely hugely toned down way) to the body tingles I hear one might experience on a particular party candy, (if one were to indulge in such things which, of course kiddies, we don’t and shouldn’t). Also, I noticed that today the corona of my cock (uncut) is a definite shade of purple (hey, I’m aboriginal, OK?), and is definitely more sensitive than it has been for a damn DAMN long time. Still no erection, but still kinda nice.

    Anyway, sorry for the detail, just wanted to share some progress. I’m kind of excited that if this is a taste of what’s in store, then I’m looking forward for what the 90 day mark might bring!

    (Also, as an indicator of my progress, this is the first time I have ever been motivated to come out of lurker mode in any of my reddit usernames – First Reddit post ever – Go me!).

  250. Superpowers manifest!

    link – Superpowers manifest!
    (a repost from my journal – but since I don’t get much traffic there I wanted to share here) I’m on day 25 of my 1st reboot attempt. The flatline is pretty rough. Lately, zero motivation to be social. Really have been feeling lonely and invisible to women. A lot of guys write about how they start their reboot and “suddenly”, girls are throwing themselves at them. I’ve been very suspicious of this kind of tale and quick to mentally call ‘BS’.


    Today I was studying at Starbucks. Guess who was there. Yup, the cute barista from thursday. I was about to go see a movie with some friends and she walked into the store, starting her shift, while I was outside studying like a champ. I saw her on Thursday and I think we might have had a moment but wasn’t sure.

    After the movie, I was casting about for something to do. Still had some studying to do and I knew that she would still be in the beginning half of her shift so I went back to Starbucks, sat in a place where I could see her and she could see me and “studied” for about 3-4 hours. Incidentally, I got a lot more reading done than I needed to do (extra points!) Of course, I had good motivation to stay there even though I finished my reading assignments in about an hour.

    We kept looking at each other – dang it was so damn fun!

    I would watch her out of the corner of my eye and every now and then I’d catch her looking at me. ROAR!!!! Sometimes I’d look away as though my eyes just happened to land there; other times I’d lock eyes with her and we’d both smile BIG.

    And yes, I talked with her. Twice. The first time was when I got my drink. She’s new in town. Just moved here three months ago. I asked if she moved up here with friends or family. Nope, it’s just her up here… I take that to mean she’s single, or at least that she didn’t move up here with a guy. She actually used to live in the town next to where I grew up.

    I talked to her again for a few minutes before leaving. I’m pretty sure her co-workers were giving her shit over the headset since she was supposed to be working because we suddenly had to cut our conversation short. I can say 100% this is the first time I’ve ever gotten a girl in trouble because I was flirting with her. DEFINITELY a first for me – the me who used to PMO would never have been capable of this. I’m not jumping in to anything, but I am looking forward to the next time I see her. She’s in grad school too, so I think we’ll have some stuff in common to talk about.

    Although I’ve been somewhathighly skeptical about these alleged latent superpowers that rebooting can awaken, today I became aware of those superpowers. Needless to say, I am very thankful my reboot has forced me out of my self-medicated, self-lobotomized state and given me motivation to be social while bringing me up to an emotional level where it’s possible to appreciate and enjoy something as simple as smiling at and being smiled at by a girl.


    And there’s no way in hell I’m going back.

  251. Posted under: Did porn warp me forever?

    • MrBombastic
    • Thursday, Jan 17, 2013 03:11 PM PST

    Well written article. It was funny, raw, and most importantly honest.

    I successfully quitted porn for 6 months in 2012 and this is what changed in my life:

    -Anxiousness is dramatically decreased or gone completely

    -I ended up going out on dates for the first time in 2 years

    -I got a good paying full time job

    -At my new job I generated and closed the most leads than all the people who were working there for years

    -Your energy levels increase 10 fold, and I went to the gym everyday

    -Your focus, mood, concentration, everything improves greatly.

    But most importantly the best thing I experienced was connecting with people, my friends, and family like I had never done before in the past. Masturbation is healthy until you use it to suppress stress and angst in your life. It was the best 6 months of my life, just being open, honest, and connecting with people for once. So I strongly suggest, to quit porn, it’ll make your life so much better. I promise you.

  252. 90 Day Reflections and Observations

    90 Day Reflections and Observations 

    by canadiankid4290 days

    Well, here I am at 90 days for the first time ever. My previous record was 45 days. I have to say, to anyone just starting the challenge, or in the first week, or first month, or thinking of quitting, IT GETS EASIER.

    Honestly, after a month (given, I have had decent streaks before) I had no urge whatsoever to fap. Sure, I felt and still feel a sexual energy but I know that its proper application is towards women.

    Speaking of which, a lot of guys notice improvements in communication with women after a couple of weeks. While I didn’t notice any substantial improvements for a while, it really became obvious from days 60-90 (stick with it!) I found conversation more smooth, it was easier to maintain eye contact, and I picked up on more flirtatious signals.

    Overall, I gained more confidence and poise in general, from school work to conversation to athletics. I have no plans of stopping any time soon.

    NoFap is certainly not a cure for anything, but it will almost certainly improve your life.

  253. Getting loads of compliments, noFap confidence FTW

    Getting loads of compliments, noFap confidence FTW 

    by Ducklings_Friend8 days

    I’ll do my best to not sound prideful here.

    I’m a good student at a small college. Really small, think 12 students. I’m the top of my class. I have always gotten a lot of compliments, and it’s always been awkward trying to deal with that. I have run out of ways to say “it wasn’t all me” “I had help” without trying to sound too self-demeaning.

    Enter noFap.

    I have been getting compliments left and right. Not just on my studies, but on my physique (I started a work-out routine as part of noFap), and on my self-discipline. My confidence is through the roof. Compliments aren’t awkward anymore, I just say “Thanks!” and move on, feeling good.

    I’ve also had some amazing conversations with several beautiful young women, including an ex-GF, and I was able to make eye contact in a way I don’t think I’ve ever done before.

    Thanks noFap. I can’t give you all the credit, but this is certainly one of the best decisions I’ve ever made in my life.

    (I’ll mention that I haven’t only been at this for 8 days, I had a 31-day streak that I broke with some softcore stuff, so one relapse)

  254. As a man with genetic depression, being porn free has done

    Hello r/pornfree! 45 day report (a little long winded) and first post here! Observations, changes and details inside…

    by benjamin2460145 days

    Hello r/pornfree!

    First of all, let me thank you for being a community not only for me to gain inspiration to keep going, but also I want to congratulate you all for taking this step forward in your life! I will try to be brief, as I get carried away when I type these kinds of posts and reports.

    After years of being addicted to porn and having it interfere in my previous relationship, I decided enough was enough and confessed my addiction to my friends via FB notes (I am studying abroad, so I could not say it to them in person). The general support I received was tremendous, and my friendships have more or less been strengthened by it.

    Since I took porn out of my life, I decided to look at other aspects in my life and see what I needed to fix, which turned out to be a lot of things – being overweight, not eating well, spending too much time on useless things, and not feeling any kind of desire and passion for anything, hobbies, career goals or women.

    I quit watching porn before my family came to visit me and things have been getting better from there. I have since switched to a healthy diet, lost about 12 pounds via exercising, and generally have had a better attitude towards my family, friends, roommates, and general peers.

    I still have a long way to go, but freeing yourselves from the chains of porn and instant gratification makes life worthing living again. I smile more, talk more, follow my interests, and take better care of myself. Music means something to me again, I like to dance more, and I just feel much better about everything. For once in my life, I have hope. A hope to make myself who I want to be and to help others become better too once I can provide the example.

    I will say that I have had one slip up in this 45 day period by seeing one GW pic (the girl was actually fully clothed) but the consequences affected my Nofap streak more than here. I have since learned what triggers me and how to either avoid them or meditate through them.

    As a man with genetic depression, being porn free has done more for me than any drugs I have ever had to take. It is as if this makes me more alert, attentive, and happier than Wellbutrin, Zoloft or the other drugs I was cycled through.

    My advice – Don’t give up your journey to be porn free, and try to find something that means a lot to you – be it focusing on areas in your life you want to fix, helping others and friends with things they need help in, or just finding new things that excite you.

    You have actively decided to become a better person by dropping the porn. We all fall, and that is life. But those who fail are those who stop trying. Do not stop trying; keep pushing yourself, even if it is in small steps and a day by day basis. Even after the reboot in your brain, don’t stop progressing! Make yourself the man or woman you want to be, not the ones society dictates to you. It is your life and choices – make them count!

    Thank you for reading. Once again, I got carried away 😛 If you ever want support or just someone to talk to, PM me. I am always looking for new friends, whether they are on the internet or in real life.

    Good luck, r/pornfree! I will report back soon 🙂

  255. off porn one week and feel better than I felt in 20 years !!

    The world Should Know 

    by Tearg85

    I don’t think society Knows what internet porn really does to a man!! all they really associate porn with is ED. Porn Turns a man into a scared Boy!! your socially awkward, Depressed , No motivation , Can’t focus , Very insecure , lose muscle tone , makes your voice weaker , Have absolutely Know control over your life. Men are going to the doctors Getting prescribed all kinda meds, when really it all comes down to porn and what it does to your brain and body 🙁 Ive been off porn one week and feel better than I felt in 20 years !!

  256. 3 month report: self-regulation is cool

    3 month report: self-regulation is cool

    by 8pooor90 days

    Please see my 1 month report if you are interested in my PMO history.

    Today marks the half-way point to my original goal of zero PMO for 180 days. I say original goal because I would like to continue no PMO indefinitely. Now that my habits have changed, PMO appears as a messy (literally) way to waste precious time and energy.

    A lot has changed libido wise since my original post. The constant horniness I had in the beginning has subsided into what feels like a flatline with sporadic bursts of horniness when I am thinking about or hanging out with real women I am attracted to. However, while I am more conscious of my libido, it does not concern me as much as it did on a daily basis when I first started on this journey. I think the hardest part is over.

    There have been no sexy times yet, but I am finally “getting out there” more and meeting and dating real women. It is only a matter of time! The K9 filter safety net has also recently been removed, so these next three months are what I consider to be the real test in moving forward.


    I found some interesting Wikipedia articles on this subject and it hit home, so I have to share them with you.

    Self-control and quality of life

    Delayed gratification

    The following is a quote I liked in particular:

    A growing body of literature has linked the ability to delay gratification to a host of other positive outcomes, including academic success, physical health, psychological health, and social competence.

    Taking control or feeling in control of your body, especially habits and addictions, will give you real confidence that cannot be faked. This confidence spills into other parts of your life and will help motivate you to push forward where you were otherwise deterred.

    Anyway, thanks again to all of you for the inspiration. I hope to write to you all again in another 90 days.

  257. I noticed I don’t really get horny

    To me, the idea of all this is to try and eliminate all the sexual influences from the outside as much as possible for a period of 60 days in order to get that inner sex drive back. Again, this is why I personally am doing this, I noticed I don’t really get horny by myself in daily life anymore, I need an external source like porn videos, images or, yes, stories/text. And before I had mass-access to these things, I would get ‘frisky’ from just my own imagination, my fantasy.

    I want that state to be back because I too believe it will improve my sexuality. That’s why I’m taking a part in this – not because of religious reasons, sexism or anything like that – and that is why I don’t consume any outside source of erotica, including stories. I personally decided to not even check out cute girl pictures on social media or advertisements anymore for those 60 days, instead I try and think about girls I actually met or saw during my day, just like I would back in the day.

  258. Today, I reached day 365.

    Today, I reached day 365.

    by hk4031 day

    And it was pretty great. The past year has gone super well for me. I got a girlfriend, met new people, and came out of my shell (well, for the most part). and I can say with near certainty that NoFap played a big role in that. I never thought that I would be able to make it an entire year without fapping, and I feel like I have so much more control in my life after doing all of this.

    You guys were all great for me along the way (even though I was rarely active) and so I want to say thanks!

    However, I broke my chain today and, as such, I’ll be resetting my badge soon. Although it’s going to be hard to do, I gotta do it.

    Personally, I found the challenge to be a little easier than most (especially after a month), but I understand that this is something that is very difficult for many people. And to those people, I say:

    Good luck. Keep trying. Don’t quit. Whether the challenge is just a day-by-day goal for you or you’re reaching for day 90 the whole time, fight on. It’s worth it, and you can do it.

  259. I managed to warp my image of people back to normalcy

    Completed the 90 day challenge!

    by MedicInDisquise91 days

    I was gonna post this yesterday, but the internet was cut off.. >_<

    I just want to say, I’m very thankful for you guys. I only relapses once, but it was very hard preventing fantasizing to the porn I used to watch.

    I managed to warp my image of people back to normalcy; now when I fantasize I look at normal people.

    Thank you.

  260. My wife doesn’t know what to think

    My wife doesn’t know what to think

    Joshgeneral6 days

    I’ve been so productive the last 6 days, my wife doesn’t know what to think. She told me the other day, “Our house hasn’t looked this good since we moved in.” which was a year ago.

    This morning I was up at 6:30am, made my wife and I breakfast, and I served her in bed. She was pleasantly surprised. Then I did 2 loads of laundry, and emptied the dishwasher. Now it is time for some bible study, which I’ve ‘never had time for’ in the morning, or at least that’s what I was telling myself. I can’t believe how much energy I have.

    TL;DR: NoFap gives you wiiiiings! (edit: typo)

  261. I’m much more confident when talking to people.

    90 Days Complete. What now? 

    by iamthearchmage90 days

    So yesterday was my 90th day of NoFap and I am unsure of what to do next. I’m still single and haven’t met any girls really so it’s still frustrating from time to time. Outside of that I have had positive results. I feel stronger mentally, I have no desire to watch porn, and I’m much more confident when talking to people. I’ve actually started to embrace more of who I am instead of running from it. I had a pretty rough childhood and finally talked to my mother about some repressed memories that had been returning to me. Before that I used to think I was a bit of a waste of space but now I feel fortunate to even be a functioning human being. I wouldn’t say I’m a ton happier but I feel a lot better than before. It’s definitely inspired me to completely cut back on other vices. Anyways, where do I go from here? Do I keep it up? Do I allow myself to fap at a more controlled rate?

  262. What are the most pronounced physical effects you have noticed?

    What are the most pronounced physical effects you have noticed?

    It seems like people respond differently, just wonder what the physical effects have been for you, good and bad

    REPLY 1)

    I put the following physical effects down to nofap because I’ve changed nothing else in the last month (e.g. diet, exercise etc):

    • voice has deepened
    • skin is clearer and spots have cleared up
    • I feel physically stronger + more flexible
    • more energy, on balance
    • morning wood unchanged, no erection at other times (no sexual relationship)
    • my dick seemed to be disappearing at one point (now in reverse!)
    • blue balls two weeks in, which hurt (now gone)
    • intensely tired in the first few weeks

    And, of course, there are the psychological effects. For me, these have been greater confidence / self-esteem, determination, awareness of other people (& their positive response to me), sense of calm + much less OCD-style thinking. For short intense moments I have felt the exact opposite of these effects, when I have the urge to scuttle back to fap and the porn! But a new habit is definitely forming, and I’m enjoying the results. Overall I think I’d be mad to go back.

    REPLY 2)

    Before i started NoFap, i fapped daily. Since then, i have been relapsing but I havent given up. Before when i fapped daily i didnt notice it but now, when i dont fap, i think clearly. I relapsed last week and it felt like there was a cloud just lingering over my thoughts, i had head aches, i felt lazy and not motivated. When i abstain, i notice around day 7 of nofap, that cloud just disappears and i think clearer and have more focus and energy.

    REPLY 3)

    If we’re being strictly physical, I notice lots of energy and a mildly deeper voice, although that may product of a rise in confidence.

  263. One month report

    One month report

    by nukerulez

    This shit fuckin works. Got laid within one month, I think it is enough motivation.

    Life is much better, feels REAL. Goals are reachable, you fight for them, don’t just let them slip away.

    …and fuck who says that this is placebo, they just have no balls to have a real life, an amazing one.

    Little background: I started at beginning of 2013, my life was getting miserable, I had to fake everyday to be happy. I just wanted to be for real.

    See you next month, I’m not giving up. ever.

  264. After a month

    After a month

    by Fapper933 days

    So, after a month of NoFap I have to say quitting fapping was a great decision. This is the longest I’ve gone since I was 11 without fapping and I feel great. I also quit drinking at the same time and improved my diet, which also helps, but I think doing those things at the same time made each easier to do rather than harder.

    I’ve lost weight, had more sex this month than in any month in the last few years, I feel alert, I’m less nervous and shy and I have no intention of breaking my NoFap streak

  265. One reset but I already notice massive benefits.

    One reset but I already notice massive benefits.

    by TheJolleyRoger1 day

    SO recently I made it 3 days and then had a reset, I learned a couple valuable lessons from it and after reading YBOP made it a point not to beat myself up over it. Even with the reset I am beginning to see some major benefits in my life style; I can sleep so much easier now, no more endless tossing and turning in bed. My dreams are much more lucid (I subscribe to /r/LucidDreaming and have always had issues with trying to control my dreams) but I don’t feel the need to use them for sexual gratis-faction. I wake up tired still but feel completely full of energy within 10-15 minutes. Already my skin is clearing up, and the huge kicker! My tobacco use is beginning to annoy me more than calm me down! Who would have seen that one coming?

    TL;DR – One reset a few days in but the results I am seeing from self control is making it easier to not fap.

  266. (DAY 90) Change the outcome of your life

    (DAY 90) Change the outcome of your life 

    by filecabinet89 days

    For nearly the past 7 years, varieties of self-improvement have become a shifting focal point in my life. Went back to college at 25 and finished my degree about 2 years later. Partied hard for a little while with raving and maybe too much alcohol. Played/playing around in capoeria, rock climbing, hiking, mountain biking, yoga and skiing. Had 2 girlfriends but broke up with them. Got into CouchSurfing,, and hosted more than 40 people/travelers. Got into Toastmasters (public speaking club). More recently exploring (thanks to nofap) hospice volunteering, laughter yoga, contact improv and learning to play the ukulele.

    Of the things mentioned above, they are not merely choices I’ve made but things I’ve done to change the outcome of my life and where I want to go next. NoFap is a way for me to change the outcome of my life. Change my trajectory by just a couple of degrees to affect my future. When I would fap, I would feel depressed afterward, sometimes for a couple days. Before meeting a girl from OKCupid, I fapped which zapped my confidence/whatever to shit. From that day onward, NoFap became important. I fought away random erections and an occasional nocturnal emission. Laying in bed clenching my fists hoping that sleep hit me first.

    I had already been arranging my life to be less dependent on a computer which includes living without dedicated internet access in my apartment (but I do have internet on my phone). Internet addiction was a problem at one point. Nowadays, I come home and turn on my laptop to play some mp3’s but not much else. For you, is PMO simply the problem? Or, too much dependence on the internet? Who or what is in control of your life?

    In a way, I view excessive fapping as demonstrative of how little someone has their touch needs met. It is not totally uncommon for young children who need touch (when their parents might not touch them enough) to attempt meet their touch needs by masturbating/whatever – currently on my work computer so if someone can find some citations on this that’d be great. It’s overcompensating for a basic and real need we all have: to be touched. Unfortunately fapping is a poor substitute. You need to sacrifice fapping to make an investigation into what your own needs really are.

    At present:

    I do occasionally experience what I call my ‘man periods’ but exercising, eating decent or staying social helps my mind remain clear and focused on goals or hobbies. I am certainly more confident and approach social situations with less apprehension. My friends know about it and they think it’s funny but are generally supportive.

    What next: 180 or bust!

  267. Nofap is no lie, all this is like magic. She likes me now.

    Nofap is no lie, all this is like magic. She likes me now. 

    by VinchiSindhwani20 days

    No joke fellas, turns out that everything you have read on this subreddit is completely, 100% true.

    So I’m kid in high school. Not too old or anything, but I’d been fapping since I was like in 6th grade, and it’s safe to say, I was hooked. Porn/fapping sort of ruled my life, and until you try nofap, you don’t realize how much of a hold shit like this can get you in. Until I started nofap, my life was kind of average – I never got the girl, never got the popularity, never got the grades, the jokes, nothing. All I wanted was to be more like the cool alpha guy who had it all going.

    Twenty days into nofap, I’ve became that guy.

    Before nofap, I had had this ridiculous crush on this one girl in my grade. She was the most absolutely gorgeous person I had ever seen, and her personality had me hooked. Each day I would go home and think about her. Anytime I could make her laugh, it would become the highlight of my day. Hell, when I met her, I was 231 lbs. I liked her so much that I decided to hit the gym every day of the week since then, all in hope that she would find me attractive enough to consider as an option. Every step I took, joke I made, every mile I ran, was all driven by the thought of her. When all was said and done though, I had lost 87 lbs and looked pretty damn good, but she still just thought of me aas a friend.

    Then, somehow, I stumbled across this subreddit. I read up, and thought to myself, “Why not give this a shot?”

    Best decision I could have ever made.

    About 5 days in, I immediately noticed a change. In chemistry class, a class where I would usually kind of sit quietly, I just became a different person. I was getting laughs, smiles, everything was going right. You know those days when you can do no wrong? This was happening to me. I was alpha as hell all of a sudden. I had control over a room that I had never seen before – everyone looked to me as a leader, as the cool guy to talk to, to seek approval from. I still have no idea how it happened, but my mind was clearer than usual. This cool, “I’m so awesome” attitude just hit me, and everyone around me started noticing. And remember that girl who I had liked so desperately for a whole year? Looks like she was one of the people who noticed.

    She starting talking to me. That’s right. SHE started the conversations for a change. Before, any contact we would have was because I initiated it. Her replies were completely platonic and kind of short and shit before. But I kid you not, out of nowhere, she started flirting with me. A lot. As in a bunch of long calls, sending me like 10 emails, electing to come over and sit with me, being really touchy-feely, smiling a lot, batting her eyelashes, everything. Basically, she did everything short of telling me she loved me and grabbing me by the wiener. At first, I was kind of cautious, and asked my friends how to play this. Literally everyone said she was flirting, so I knew it wasn’t just my mind wanting to believe in a hopeless fantasy. I went for it, and now we’re going out next weekend.

    My teachers all see the new me too. My art teacher pulled me aside and told me when he was going to be gone sometime next week, he wanted someone as “confident” as me to lead the class, because, “he knew he could count on someone who was, “so clearly the most confident leader he has ever seen.”

    I’ve been invited to like two parties already by like some of the coolest kids in my school. Like I’m talking the elite popular kids. Purely because of this attitude change. They see it, and I guess they want to be around a guy this suave and awesome.

    I am fucking ecstatic because of nofap. I had bettered myself before, but nofap took me over the edge. I went from kind of a normal guy, to being THE guy.

    Gents, if you’re considering this, do yourself a favor. Fucking do it.

    tl;dr – Went from an average dude to a more popular, more confident, more appealing, and more badass dude. Plus, I got the girl I had liked for a whole year. Do nofap fellas.

  268. looking back on what my thinking was like just 40 days ago

    Man, looking back on what my thinking was like just 40 days ago, you really see what an effect porn (and, I’d say to a lesser extent, fapping) has on you. Some things I’ve noticed:

    • A more accurate view of women – of course, I know intellectually that women are just like me internally, with vast mindscapes and rich histories. But when you’re regularly exposed to porn, there’s some part of you that doesn’t consider that. Some part that sees them as something…less. Like some gift you deserve to have because its there. Luckily though, that’s rapidly fading! Now, in part, I can view them more like I would a sister.
    • A more accurate view of men – on the flip side of the above, some part of you sees other men as nothing more than competition to be jealous of, seek to sabotage, to outcompete. But now that’s all but gone, that odd animal sort of paranoia. I can see them more like I would a brother.
    • A more accurate view of sex – To be honest, I used to think of sex essentially as the end-all, be-all of existence. What was my primary goal in life? Sex. Many things were just sacrifices on that altar, means to get that end. Kinda like in that episode of Metalocalypse where they’re talking about how getting someone to suck their salami was pretty much their whole reason for making their music

    Now, looking back, my old thoughts about it seem pretty silly. Existence isn’t some road leading to sex. If the right person comes along and that happens along the way, that’s wonderful. But, its a spice, not the main dish

    Thanks to my newly unclouded mind, I had one of the best weekends of my entire life last week! Let’s hope for a repeat!

    tl;dr porn has a huge influence on an emotional level on how you view life and people around you. After 40 days of not being exposed to it you have much better views that make you much happier.

    REPLY 1

    Thanks for sharing Zeta! This recovery has drastically changed my view of women and sex. I hadn’t truly considered how porn impacted my view of men but I can see how I’ve overcome a great deal of my old jealous and competitive nature. Keep coming back friend!

    REPLY 2

    That’s great! And congratulations on 40 days! I’m 15 days in, and this already feels like the best self improvement I’ve ever done. It just seems to affect every other aspect of my life in a way I could not have imagined. Stay strong brother!

  269. this is bullshit

    this is bullshit 

    by mopingworld6 days

    This is my story: I know this subreddit couple months ago. I read couple threads too but I always said, “meh.. this is bullshit!” You not fap for couples day and gain some “super” power, achive your goal, even get laid etc2??! I laughed.

    But, here comes a moment that I feel very low. I am a designer and I start to doubt my self. I feel lack of creativity, doesn’t have a spirit to finish my work. I even lost two potential client in one month. Everything start to collapse, I sleep all day, watch porn, fap, sleep, eat, watch porn, fap again, and that happen for almost three month! Short word I depressed. I fap everynight. It’s horrible

    I was thinking that fap is stress release that will free me from my depression. And five days ago there is a thread that appear in my front page, I randomly open the thread and I start to read post about a guy who angry to himself why he doesn’t know this years ago. Then I was thinking “maybe I should try this”, thousand people here have said same thing, how can they wrong?!

    So I made a goal for my self that I will not fap, it’s really hard in the beginning. I can’t focus and always argue my self to open porn. Thankfully my ISP have blocked porn package. I use that package. I watch cartoon, play game, walk, write, everything that can make me forget to watch porn.

    And something amazing coming. I start feel free, I can focus and have a lot of energy. I feel live in present! And today is amazing day for me, I have lot of inspiration. I finished a book, I talked again with my mom, I chat with my crush. I finish my project that have delay for long time, I even made only in two hours! It’s been a long time I want to create this project. Wonderful feeling,

    Dude, I will continue this journey and I can’t wait what is another amazing things to happen!!!

  270. Fapping Feels Like a Chore Now

    Fapping Feels Like a Chore Now

    by CoolWiz21 days

    Ironically, other boring chores now feel fun to complete! Day 21 now. Whether it is converting a professor’s PowerPoint slides into notes, sorting laundry, or replying to e-mails, if time is available, those tasks will get done.

    Been reading plenty of self-help books in the past few years and did not do squat. And that’s where I found nofap. Brett’s description convinced me to try it out: “Some are trying to abstain because it’s become an addiction that’s gotten in the way of their life.” That one sentence made all the difference. The following is a short day-to-day report:Week One (starting 2013-01-12)

    • Sat: Final fap. Cleaned a stock room with friends.
    • Sun: Destroyed porn collection. Felt chirpy and liberated today. No urge to fap.
    • Mon: Got a few boners, each gone within one minute. Energetic, chatty.
    • Tue: Very pleasant morning with smooth jazz. Turned on by girl in cute outfit.
    • Wed: Finally woke at 6:00. Felt quite awake after 10 minutes.
    • Thu: Major morning wood. Kept waking up overnight to more wood.
    • Fri: Tired in bed. Up at 7:50. Morning wood. Low libido today.

    Week Two (starting 2013-01-19)

    • Sat: Tired in afternoon.
    • Sun: Morning wood continues. This time for 30 minutes in bed.
    • Mon: Slept in till 7:50 am. Tingling sensation when thinking about girls.
    • Tue: Morning wood. Heighted focus. 20 minutes yawning at work. Tired = straight to sleep at night. Light cramping in balls. Insomnia 2300-0000. Freaking loud housemates. >=)
    • Wed: Morning wood only if summoned. Wide awake during day. Like Sonic the Hedgehog. Eye contacted several girls today. Real tired on the drive home at 20:00.
    • Thu: Like yesterday, but more energized. No tents pitched. Meditative state in class (wide awake). Getting tired at night constantly. Still having trouble falling asleep due to expectation that housemates could return home anytime.
    • Fri: Dead tired in morning. Foggy, cloudy. Grumpy today. Read a book at night. Reading helps calm worries!

    Week Three (starting 2013-01-26)

    • Sat: Pleasant day. Attended conference. Approached by cute girl to chat. Had a seat next to her for a while and chatted and laughed.
    • Sun: Hour-long morning wood. Wanted to fap badly. Didn’t. Took a morning nap. Then stayed in bed and enjoyed the great sunny morning, just thinking while listening to Jimi King’s weekly smooth jazz radio show.
    • Mon: Awake all day, only getting boners in the sack. Dude, there are so many girls outside the engineering (sausage) building. Maybe it’s time to go outside more. Eye contact is fun!
    • Tue: 6:00 morning. Club recruitment with a female buddy. People-watched outside. Lots of cute faces and not-so too. Timber in bed, otherwise limp during day.
    • Wed: Wood in the morning. Got up early. Light traffic. Stayed bright and positive all day.
    • Thu: Slept in. Loved the sunny morning. Took care of several tasks before heading out the door.
    • Fri: Sang along to 80s music at 70 mph on the freeway. Cheerful to almost everyone.

    Week Four (starting 2013-02-02)

    • Sat: Flatline time? Been awake for 2 hours since 6:00, and the thing seems to be in hibernation!


    • Confidence
    • Concentration
    • Daily Energy
    • Sense of Humor


    • Irritability
    • Moodiness


    • Fatigue
    • The need to dispose of evidence.

    Life is good again. No worries about the future or the past. Just a constant celebration of the present. A gratefulness toward seeing the world for what it is. Starting to get friendly touches and friendly slaps from girls. No more shame in looking at the mirror. Best of all, it feels great to know that there is plenty more to live for.

  271. Every fapped day for a NoFap day – 30,000 more to go 😉 90th day

    Every fapped day for a NoFap day – 30,000 more to go 😉 90th day Report 

    by hutuka90 days

    So I finally made it. I don’t think I need to tell you anymore about all the benefits that NoFap and PornFree bring. What I can assure you is that this journey has truly been life changing; I feel like I have been given a second chance in life, an opportunity to remake myself. I did wish that I had known about this earlier so that I could have achieved more the last decade. But hey better late than never.

    Maybe mine was a story of fate, I don’t know. After years of trying to reduce my fapping day and deleting my porn stash over and over without any knowledge about PMO and its negative effects – exactly 90 days ago, I stopped, looked at my “collection” for a moment, feeling like a hoarder about to wipe clean his house, and deleted my ~50GB of porn. Just 6 days in my attempt to quit, I found somehow (thank you Google) and then first joined and now r/NoFap. My mind was blown, The Cave Analogy – Plato was probably the best way to describe that feeling ( …and the rest is history.

    So what’s the secret? There’s none really. NoFap or PornFree is just something you have to realize on your own; it was easy for me because I hit my rock bottom, one more fap and I will die so to speak. No, I will not masturbate again ever, a decade of it is honestly enough for a lifetime. I know many guys will say that they can control it and do it in a healthy way, sure you can do what you want, just be careful 🙂 The porn urges are not that strong and consistent like before but I still have to be vigilant. Lastly, I really want to thank every fapstronaut here from the bottom of my heart for your support and inputs. It’s really, truly warming and touching to see a community so dedicated to helping each other out. Thank you!

    Oh and if you need an encouragement from time to time, read and save this one from an elder, it’s helped and reminded me why I’m here a lot ( Also check out /r/Meditation while you’re at it, tons and tons of benefits, my mind is clearer and sharper every day now (spoiler: even more addicting than porn). So yeah, I’m in this for the long haul, NoFap 4 life! AMA if you want.


    90 Day Report 

    by jakeylakey90 days

    30 yr old man ED DEPRESSION LOW MOTIVATION NO PM FOR 90 DAYS NO orgasm for 30 days

    Am I cured ? No. I feel I made a mistake by still having sex every couple of weeks. It’s only when I abstain from orgasm do I get hope things will change. My mood has been all over the place, I’ve suffered from depression my whole life. No day erections but night time wood has become pretty consistent.

    It’s only in recent days with a record stint if no orgasming that I’m starting to feel good. My mood has lifted notably and the pressure in my groin has turned into a wonderful energy that resonates through my body lifting my mood. It’s a little like rebirth feeling happy warm emotions for the first time. Really hope it lasts. I’d love to see some more day erections to accompany the rock hard night erections.

    I’m hopeful that this good feeling I get grows. I honestly think you guys should take out orgasming all together. I’m not convinced I had a problem with porn, but over m and bad m habits was my issue. I think I trained myself I didn’t need an erection to orgasm. My body wasn’t horny and was telling me by not giving me a erection. I ignored this and out of habit I’d mastutbate to orgasm completely flaccid!

    My physical changes have peaked last night raging erections and restless sleep. Today I have a headache which I never get. I also normally sleep like a baby. There are growing and different feelings in my balls and penis, varying from a dull ache to pain in the tip. My mood and motivation remains good. Interestingly the full ball ache is the same feeling as I got when I tried l-dopa in the form of mucuana pruiens.

    I really Beleive it isn’t just a porn addiction but over masturbation and bad m habits causing our ed and mood problems.

    Stick with it guys..

  273. Fap addicts are afraid of true desire

    Fap addicts are afraid of true desire 

    Epiphany struck in the last few days. I realized what drives the impulse to fap, for me at least. Curious to see if this resonates with other fapstronauts.

    I run a successful small business and have wrestled with feelings of inadequacy (not making “enough” of my potential) for my entire life. I always know I could be doing better – even when I “have it all”. I always felt like I was squandering my life, just fapping away.

    When I stopped fapping, I started to develop some serious feelings of anxiety. But unlike normal anxiety. My vocabulary fails me here, but I’ll give it a go.

    Being fap free fills me with desire. Sometimes it’s a shot of sexual desire straight into my junk, causing me to reach for it. But when I hold back and remain strong, it translates into something else. I start to develop this almost SCARY hunger for life itself.

    While fapping, I started becoming completely apathetic to my business. And my girlfriend. And my health. I basically just wanted to play video games, fap and eat unhealthy (expensive) food.

    When I get on the nofap band wagon, I just get… hungry. I desire so much more. It’s like a fire is lit inside of me and it actually feels quite terrifying at times… like can I handle the built up of all the pressure of desire?

    The need to fap is the need to release. To be able to relax and go into the fog of bliss. But when I let the fierceness of my desires circulate in my body, my life becomes so much better.

    The need to fap is to escape this scary feeling. When I couldn’t handle this much desire (for life!) I would fap it away until I was numb.

    Is this true for you too?

    TL;DR NoFap creates a pent up fire of desire for all things in life, and cures apathy. Fapping is a “release” of those feelings that allows to go back into vegetation.

  274. No fapping since 2012 – my story so far and some possible advice

    No fapping since 2012 – my story so far and some possible advice to starting out fapstronauts 

    s by Superspiderbatsnake

    A story so far and some possible advice!

    PART 1: Supervillain origin story. Ghostbusters theme

    I used to fap to porn once every couple of days since I was about 18 (privacy + internet access + various psychological hang ups about speaking to girls etc etc lol) – I’m 27 now and at my lowest points last year I was fapping two or three times a day to increasingly deviant stuff.

    Natuarally, I’ve never had sex or a girlfriend – which could be due to whole host of other issues but I think the porn might have had something to do with it.

    PART 2: Deflated power fantasies and my dramatic tears. Terminator theme.

    Anyway, after discovering nofap last year, I realised I might have a problem. I thought I might give nofap a try, as for some reason it didn’t occur to me before that porn and porn use could have an effect on my psychology. Which is kind of stupid in retrospect as I often wasted HOURS finding the perfect fap material during my lowest points. Of course I felt like shit afterwards, as the drive had disappeared and I realised I had just spent most of a day finding stuff to fap to when I could’ve been doing a wealth of other things. Not to mention the sheer shame of the thought of friends or familly discovering how depressingly pathetic you are.

    PART 3: Starting the journey – leaving my shitty home village of Faptown. Indiana Jones theme or some shit like that.

    It started by deleting a shitload of porn – which was liberating as hell. No longer I had any paranoid issues about people using my laptop or external storage. But after getting to the record of one week (my highest was one month) I usually relapsed by looking up more porn and fapping.

    This made me realise that I had an addiction – I couldn’t give up doing this even if I wanted to. For someone that thought they had a fair degree of control over themselves this was quite shocking. Something so stupid could influence my life and personality to quite a large extent.

    PART 4: The challenge. Mortal Kombat theme

    Before I start this new job, I’m spending a week at my parents house in the country. There is no one there. There is high speed internet connection. There is a supply of tissues.

    I’m ashamed to admit it, but this is probably the hardest thing I’ve ever done. And if not fapping is the hardest thing I’ve ever done… It sounds kind of pathetic.

    I’ve found the hardest parts are the second week and the week after the first month. The first week is like “HELL YEAH – I can do this!” But then come the hard parts. The worst parts are when you suddenly start thinking about sex during the most unrelated activites.

    There are times when I have the irrational and deeply unsettling urge to hijack a horse, ride to the nearest village, set fire to their dwellings, slaughter the menfolk and ravish all of the women. ALL OF THEM. I have often had the highly disturbing need to grow a fu-manchu moustahce and animal hide while doing this.

    So of course I end up thinking – “aha! I can resolve these feelings and feel at peace again by quickly fapping to some porn!”

    And of course not to mention the flashbacks to that hella hot video you were fapping to a couple of months back and you just know that the second part will be beyond your wildest imaginations (lol). Yes, it will relieve some of the uncomfortable feelings you have right now – but you will feel like SHIT as a result. All the positve feelings (whether placebo or not) and willpower you gradually built up will be reduced to zero.

    PART 5: The final enemy is… YOURSELF! Requiem for a dream theme

    The biggest problem for me is what I call THE DIALOGUE

    Basically a constant back and fourth between the part of you that wants to give up porn for good and the part of you that wants to fap. There’s this constant tension – which is pretty exhausting. And to make it worse, the part of you that wants to fap keeps trying to compromise: “Just once a month – that should be fine!” or “You made it to one month, great! As there’s no chance of getting laid in the near future (because you are in the country) why not fap as a reward!”

    The “Just one quick fap – and you can still maintain your willpower and healthy lifestyle!”

    Either go one way or the othe. Being caught up in an endless tug of war is exhausting. I have to decide the following: DO I WANT TO GIVE UP PORN OR NOT?

    The problem is this: When I started nofap, I just wanted to not have an addiction. Being able to give up for a month would be fine. The thing is, for a normal guy that has never had the problem of needing to fap a few times every day to bizzaro porn – fapping once a week or once a month would be fine. Perhaps even healthy!

    However, because I have had an addiction in the past I have worked out that I need to cut it completely or at the very least a few years before I am no longer dependent.

    To sum up: My past fapping has permenantly ruined fapping for me.

    There can be no compromise or I will be back to square one.

    PART 6: Marketing the questionable self-help dvds to vunerable people. Happy early morning positive excercise music from the 90s

    But anyway, I will leave anyone that is interested with a couple of tips (Which I’m sure have been mentioned before!) I’ve found useful:

    • Keep yourself extremely busy.
    • Surround yourself with people as much as possible. Possibly even try living in a dormitory. Basically reduce the time you can spend alone.
    • Find physical ways to block your internet access – eg sell all your internet-capable (more specifically porn-capable gadgets) stuff and only use internet-capable hardware at work or school, in view of other people.
    • The traditional nofap advice of cold-showers, working out and meditation are also very good methods to take your mind off the constant need. Working out and meditation in particular are also excellent habits to have in general. Cultivate them!

    PART 7: Epilogue. Push it to the limit or other suitable music that will inspire a training montage

    It sounds utterly ridiculous, probably especially to people that can’t relate to this problem – but nofap really is a struggle against yourself! And your self is probably the hardest enemy to overcome (and hopefully sort out) in your life.

    Next week I’ll be moving to the city, living with other people and being incredibly busy – so it will be a lot harder to relapse. If I can make it through this week I should be fine!

    Hopefully, someone can gain something useful from this wall of text! It actually turned out being pretty therapeutic to write as well… I was close to relapsing, but writing this stuff as made me want to go to sleep instead of fap.

    Good luck fellow fapstronauts! 🙂

  275. We did a nofap january and everyone made it.

    Tried to do a social experiment with my bandsmates. We did a nofap january and everyone made it. We never played tighter and never been more productive than in this period. THe guys really enjoyed the benefits. I think they all have drastically cut down on PMO. One of them told me he has never gotten more eye-contact and smiles from girls than when we did the challenge.

  276. I definiely have a lot of confidence and motivation

    Obligatory 90 day check-in, completed on first try! 

     by Lorenzo4591 days

    I really did complete the challenge on my first try, however shortly before i found this subreddit I was actually starting to cut down on fapping for some reason on my own, so I kind of slowly worked my way into this without realizing it. It’s been quite the journey though, I learned a lot from this challenge and I might have changed my lifestyle.

    As far as the “super powers” go, I definiely have a lot of confidence and motivation to get girls and I can’t say for sure that it was entirely from this challenge, but one thing I recently realized was that the thing that gives us our super powers is that we actually have goals to satisfy now. When we fap, it satisfies our desire to have sex, leaving us with an empty feeling, similar to the feeling when you finish a book. There’s no more anticipation, you have nothing to look forward to, and you don’t know what to do next. Resisting the urge to fap gives us goals, needs, and desires that motivates and drives us do things we normally wouldn’t because we have no other ways to satisfy the urge other than to get girls! If you’re really into this super powers thing and getting more confidence, I’d highly suggest watching this video on how posture can improve your confidence, I thought it brought my nofap super powers to a whole new level!

    Good luck to everyone who took their time to read this, hopefully it gave you some inspiration or some insight on the things I’ve been pondering. Enjoy your motivation and may your confidence drive you to success!

    PS I’d be happy to answer questions if anyone has anything to ask someone who completed the challenge!

  277. 14 days, giving some feedback

    14 days, giving some feedback

    submitted3 hoursagoHello fapstronauts.

    Iv’e been on the boat for 14 days now, and to be honest, the scary part is now. I feel the biggest urges coming through my mind since yesterday, and it almost shot me down, I watched P, was about to edge and my phone rang (that was a lucky shot) which made me close the tab to neutralize the sound. I forgot about it later.

    So, feedback :

    1. I have talked to people! I have moved out on september, so I lost all my good friends I made all my childhood, and I entered university, and here, I know nobody. At the 10th day, I found it so much easier to smile at people. And those people I smiled to, I found it way easier to talk to them! So long I’ve talked to 3 girls (not because of any attraction.) and one of them actually chose to take the train with me last week instead of calling someone to pick her up by car. We talked a lot and she’s really nice, I can have long conversation (~40mn) with people I just met, big revelation to me.
    2. I have acne and my skin hasn’t had a breakout since day 5. I keep getting those white heads from time to time, but when I wake up, I can feel my skin is so much smoother. I also used to have teary eyes when I go to the university in the morning, because it is cold outside, now I barely get those.
    3. I am still lazy, but I am way more concentrated in class, I understand exactly what the teacher says.
    4. I don’t stare at every girl I find “hot” in the classroom, I still do, but much much less.

    5.I feel more comfortable with myself, less shy, I am still working on it, I still can’t go up to a random person and talk (even less possible if it’s an attractive woman.) but I hope I will sometime.

    For my background story, I used to be fat until end of highschool, still had friends, good ones, but never ever talked to girls I was attracted to, so I never had a girlfriend. Last year of highschool, I knew a girl was into me, I liked her a lot, she was kinda cute, but I felt so insecure about myself, I never had kissed a girl, would think I’d get dumped the second she’d know that…well I am kind of a broken kid trying to find the tools to get fixed. So, straight and clear, I am 20, virgin (not ashamed, I wanna save it for marriage, sorry for the religion parenthesis) and a shy nerd trying to get it together!

    Good luck to everyone, that was quite a big steak of text you had to read, thank you and stay strong!

  278. but the increase of self confidence is amazing

    Amazing things can happen in just one week.

    by idontknowhattodohere7 days

    It has been one week since ending my fapping addiction, cold turkey. Amazing things can happen once you start NoFap! As of day 4, I noticed I am more articulate in what I say and my body language. Not only that, but the increase of self confidence is amazing! Once you begin, you’ll never look back. It is, as of now, one of my most proud moments of myself, seeing what all I have accomplished. My advice to others is this; just stick with it! It wasn’t too hard at first, however, it has become increasingly difficult as of recent, but keep it up! I’m hoping I can continue this for a month, and then to one year!

    Good luck to all my fellow Fapstronauts in your endeavors!

  279. 50 days and the changes I have noticed! 😀

    50 days and the changes I have noticed! 😀

    50 days

    Really proud of myself!

    Changes I have noticed:

    1. I also fell in love for the first time since I was 13-14.
    2. I objectify women less.
    3. More free time.
    4. More self-confident.
    5. I like myself more, and being alone better.

    I quit cold turkey after examining what I was actually doing. I was fapping to something not real, a dream, wishing it was me. It made me feel pathetic. Not demeaning myself in that way has made me feel a lot better about myself.

    I’m determined to not fap anymore, but don’t want to push myself too hard either, It’s a work in progress. The more I think about it the harder it gets 😉

    Good luck to all of you aswell 🙂 You can do it!

  280. 60 Days – It’s getting better all the time

    60 Days – It’s getting better all the time

    by winter_beard60 days

    Well, I now have made it 60 days into the challenge, and just as the title says: Things are getting better all the time. The superpowers are growing stronger. I’m extremely focused on goals and not getting overwhelmed by the work I may have to put in to making those goals reality. There have been bumps (slight edging one night, no Porn just thoughts,) and a slightly embarrassing encounter, but I still believe that taking PMO out of my life has been one of the most positive changes I’ve made in a long time.

    Story time. Now, I hate to perpetuate the “I met a girl after XX amount of days and we had sex” but yes, it did happen. Well, kind of. I’m going to keep this as PG as possible, but if you trigger easily then skip to the bold text below. Basically, I went out last week with a group of people I haven’t hung out with in quite a while. One is a friend from years ago, and she invited her friend who I had met only once before (but had instantly thought was gorgeous and out of my league.) Anyway, went to a bar, danced at a show, and this Girl and I had to walk our mutual friend home because she drank way too much. After we put her to bed, we ended up talking for probably an hour, we were really clicking, and then BAM suddenly making out. She told me that she had been asking my other friend about me earlier in the night, as well! We got interrupted when the other people we were with walked in, and then went to bed.

    The next day, she asks me out for a meal, which goes great and also invites me to a party she was having. I go to the party, have a great time, and afterwards I end up staying over and, whoa – she wants to have sex! Well, I get ED. I was up when we were making out, but went limp at some key moments, get back up, go back limp. I really just think I was putting too much pressure on myself to be some sort of stud in the sack (like a Porn star, maybe?) I have never had it like this before, but it happened after a BJ (which don’t feel great to me, I’m uncircumcised so it’s extra sensitive) and after putting a condom on. Went limp while PIV, and didn’t O. Guess what? She wasn’t super disappointed, which was my expectation, but said not to worry – there will be lots of time. I can’t say how nice that was to hear. Even if there was some disappointment, or even if it doesn’t end up working out, what a nice thing to say. It’s like, hey, this is ONE real encounter out of possibly many more. I don’t have to make like it was in those movies I’ve seen where the dude always performs. This is real life, man. We’ve still been texting each other this week, but haven’t set up anything else yet because of busy schedules.


    Anyway, I just wanted to share this story and push each and every one of you to keep fighting the good fight. This community is so great and I really enjoy reading about each of your struggles, successes, and departure from boyhood.

  281. 90 days – my retrospective.

    90 days – my retrospective. 

    by alex_ha90 days

    Just logged in to check my counter this morning and I’ve made it 90 days.

    It’s been quite a ride. A few thoughts that got me through:

    Eventually I’m going to die

    I made it through the full 90 days this time because I got into the right state of mind. I realized that I’m dying. We all are. Our time here is finite and then we’ll be gone.

    Steve Jobs says it far better than I could:

    “Remembering that I’ll be dead soon is the most important tool I’ve encountered to make the big decisions in life. […] Remembering that you are going to die is the best way I know to avoid the trap of thinking you have something to lose. You are already naked.”

    from Steve Jobs’ 2005 Commencement Speech

    Constant PMO’ing is a waste of your precious time. It’s the easy out. It’s the fleeting ephemeral rush that doesn’t get you anywhere and often holds you back from being the person you could be. It’s more than just the hour you spend fapping.. it’s all the opportunities you missed by feeling complacent and it’s all the people you will never meet because you’re cooped up in your room masturbating. I realized that I’ve already wasted too much of my time and missed out on too much so I realized it was time for a change. I think a lot of us on here have already missed out on a lot of life because of the PMO lifestyle.

    We consume information like we consume food. Pick the good kind.

    We consume information like we consume food. Porn is junk food. It’s instantly rewarding and requires no effort. You get the sudden dopamine jolt like you do from eating a candy bar. Pleasant in the moment but unproductive in the long run. It sucks but avoid it. If you constantly look at porn I think you lose the mental endurance required to push through hard things and achieve great things.

    Flatlines suck but you’ll get through them

    I had a long flatline at the same time I ended things with my girlfriend. Day 35 – 70. A month of feeling dead on the inside wondering if I’d ever make it out. Glad that’s over.

    Do not edge

    Do not edge. I knew that if I were to edge it would be over. Edging is giving up on yourself.

    I’m not sure if I’m completely fixed now but I can confidently say this has been a step in the right direction.

    Stay strong, fapstronauts!

  282. 23 Days. Immense Changes.

    23 Days. Immense Changes.

    by axecopgo22 days

    A month ago I was a wreck. My future was a black hole of nothing. Nofap had not been delightful mind you. Suicidal thoughts, crazy mood swings, desperation, frustration, and an empty pit I couldn’t let myself fill.

    Fast forward to last night. First kiss with my new cute smart funny girlfriend! Stick with it. You’ll awaken a tiger within and people are drawn to that. I’m not just doing 90 days. I’m done for life

  283. Superpowers are back! -> BATMAN mode

    Superpowers are back! -> BATMAN mode 

     by JCerb42 days

    Now this is quite random cause I’ve relapsed stupidly about 10 times in the past year and sometimes I just don’t get them back, but now they came recharged at day 7! What do we mean by “superpowers” -Unseen willingness to “just go out there”.suddenly your room seems like a trap. -Active networwing as oposed to antisocial mood. e.g. I’ve been updating my Linkedin contacts & joining interest groups. -desperately looking for reasons to go out! a cafe, a movie, an open workshop…football at the pub. -Enough energy to do the cleaning at home & more. -And sometimes weird things you wouldnt normally do: e.g last night I was even hitting on a couple of good looking old ladies at my pub.. talking to strangers in the pool….jesus

    Now this is the scary bit…all this happens exactly a couple of days after I reported being at my lowest point ever (if you check my posts)…so that can mean there is a nice flatline period waiting for me maybe… this dopamine thing is like a rollercoaster O_O.

    In the mean time Im still on a Batman mode..going for my sunday workout ;). duuuuuuuude

  284. 40 Days – I have already been able to see a difference

    40 Days 

    by hexid40 days

    It’s been 40 days and 40 nights in a fap/porn-less desert and I decided that it was finally time to delete my fap folder (13.5gb). It was tough because I’ve spent nearly 5 years contributing to it.

    However, having made it this far after several few week-long relapses, this has been a huge success for me and I hope that this is only just beginning.

    So far I have already been able to see a difference in my attitude towards my friends and my confidence in talking to women that I meet around campus.

  285. this new generation are absolutely addicted to high speed porn

    NoFap is Exciting 

    submitted 2 hoursago*by LuxuryCanWait16 days

    You and this new generation are absolutely addicted to high speed pornography! The sex is everwhere. It is subliminal in our media, sometimes just outright in front of us, and it affects us. It makes us turn to the internet instead of pursuing the real thing. You can’t even go on Facebook without seeing that hot girl taking uber-photoshopped butt photos with her tight black yoga pants on! (So stop using Facebook to replace your Pornhub addiction)


    And because of this reason it’s time for some men to step up. Why?

    1. You can achieve a level of self control like never before; no generation before us has experienced this level of sexual temptation like us, as we feel like we have to FAP just to think clearly (mistake).
    2. You’ll become a highly sexually energized individual; which is actually good thing, and I will tell you why later.
    3. You will lose that weird “fap/porn addict awkwardness” vibe forever when talking with another woman (And it’s not because you’re an introvert, introversion is actually an advantage with women)

    Talk to people who haven’t fapped nor watched porn atleast 5 months! They are excited about life! They are reaching their full human potential and are able to do what most men aren’t! They now have the discipline to “work from home” if they want to; because they know they aren’t going to blow half their day on some lame porn site! This happiness, this excitement, and rejuvenation goes a long way.

    This is what is going to happen with you during NoFap

    • You are going to stop fapping, when you do it’s going to be hard at first, and you are going to be frustrated. Sometimes you aren’t going to be able to focus on your projects, your assignments, because the only thing that you are going to be thinking about is fapping. NoFAPPING
    • Eventually, you may go through a flatline period, you may be sad, you will walk down the halls and no women are interested, nobody cares; and you don’t care about anything, you don’t care about sex, and you don’t really care about any goals. During this phase, you discover that without your sex drive, you have no passion in life
    • This phase ends; and then your sex drive returns, however, you can control it this time, you want to meet real women, and you still can’t concentrate because you want to meet real women; this phase passes. Kind of. In the sense that, DURING THIS PHASE, FAPPING HAS BEEN ELIMINATED FROM YOUR BRAIN AS AN OPTION.; Whether it’s your wife, girlfriend, or a girl you are trying to get with; you have to make it happen, otherwise, you’re screwed, you don’t have thousands of willing sex objects on the internet to fall back on anymore.
    • Eventually, you’ll start to use this high sex drive energy in other areas of your life, you’ll start exercising, become more passionate about your job, you’ll quit other addictions, you will want to eat better.
    • You will feel better, look better, interact better, and the percentage of women that are attracted to you will go up TENFOLD. Maybe not like grown up Justin Bieber, “Omg marry me because you’re hot and rich, please have my babies” ; but more like “Hmm…if I really analyze my feelings, this guy is one of the most all around attractive guys I personally know”, type of attraction.
    1. Your personality will be more magnetic than before
    2. You will tap into your leadership more than before
    3. Interacting with the opposite sex will feel more like a necessity (if that’s your goal), and less like a burden

    Basically don’t quit, unless you have a FAP quota to hit before you die. If that’s not you, then embrace this opportunity.

  286. The Thirtieth Day Report The Pros and the Cons of living beyond

    The Thirtieth Day Report The Pros and the Cons of living beyond the Milky Way 

    by Fapport30 days

    Ok, let’s start with the drawbacks of not fapping. Well, the main drawback of not fapping is not fapping.

    Fapping, especially to porn, is an intensely pleasurable experience. Nature has dictated this. But nature is stupid and does not have your best interests at heart. Nature is too thick to realise that jacking off in front of a panel of back-illuminated pictures isn’t exactly the same thing as intercourse with a significant other human body. It provides unconditional approval of your behaviour and kind of doesn’t get it when you complain of being miserable and unmotivated. It’s just like “hey, I’ve given you everything, what’s your problem?” To be fair, it’s not nature’s fault, it fell behind the times at least a thousand years ago. It’s humanity’s absent father, overdoing it on the gifts front in a half-arsed apology for not making it to your little league game. Nature isn’t tooled up for negotiating 21st Century civilisation, it just wants to take you camping.

    Which is why we have to forgive our nature. Nature is only one part of what we can be. It needs to be managed and nurtured in a world where its primitive suggestions can take us only so far.

    Ok, metaphor over.


    In no particular order:

    My room no longer smells like a cheese festival in a heat wave.

    I can concentrate on things for longer than… …a few seconds.

    I seem to be dreaming again. At first they were darn violent and grotesque but are now fairly standard PG fare.

    This may seem like an odd one but I am relieved to no longer have a close relationship with my dick. I mean obviously it is still there but whipping it out for a lengthy session every day meant that relations were strained. I was fed up of looking at it’s droopy spasms.

    Girls – girls. I kind of don’t want to admit this because part of me wants to keep NoFap to myself. It really does make a difference to your appeal. Again, this is anecdotal and may well be psychosomatic but even if it is such it is still my perception and that is a pretty awesome perception. However, at the same time it is kind of troubling to think that the last decade of my life has been wasted so much (and not just on a lack of ladyfriends) It has still almost been ten years since my last encounter but I’m only thirty days in! The time will come. Yes….

    People. People see, to show you a hell of a lot more respect. Maybe I’m just smiling more. I’m certainly not an intimidating person. People tend to piss me off a whole lot less. My former self was a whiny bitch.

    Fitnessness. I am not an Active Out Going person. But now I have this energy and this compulsion to get rid of it as soon as possible. I think this is supposed to be good for you for some reason. No idea.

    Ok. Well that’s thirty days. I’ll report back at Sixty.

    Tl:dr – tough shit, go back to the top and read it.

  287. 90 days complete, tested out the MO

    90 days complete, tested out the MO 

     by blakekp

    So I finished the 90 day reset!

    previous to nofap I didn’t think I was ruled by sexual desire and pornography, but all the telltale signs of someone having issues in the next few years were there, just right under my nose, I’m glad I did this.

    it was my first try, but I have a lot of experience with addiction and quit fapping in an attempt to stop manipulating my dopamine in any way shape or form.

    during my flatline period I had the pleasure of not getting it up for a girl, I explained it all to her and she was very understanding, dare i say impressed, we continued to have sex after!

    I allowed myself sex after 2 months because the concept is to be attracted to real women, not to become a catholic priest, I promised myself no random sex, or booty calls due to being horny, this was hard, but it ended up working out

    at 2 months into nofap, I quit smoking and drinking coffee, This was the hardest time for me as my compulsion to those things relabeled themselves as an urge to masturbate, but i learned something amazing, how to step back and watch the primal compulsion for sex, it was a lot like when I quit doing heroin, u must remove yourself from indulgence in the urge, accept its existence, and smile at how silly your monkey brain is for wanting something so badly. Now I do not alter my mind in any way shape or form, and it is a truly amazing experience(I have been compulsively affecting my dopamine through many different means since anyone can remember)

    all the benefits of nofap have occurred, aside from the women talking to me, idk where you guys find these girls but females get nervous where I am unless you are the one to strike up the conversation, (worthwhile ones that is)

    I made it through my 90 days two days ago, and I tried out a fap earlier today, it was interesting, I felt drained, not in a kill myself way, but my energy was low, it did not feel good, the O was weak and not fulfilling, there was no P involved, and not even drastic sexual fantasy, but it was not what I remembered it being, this was my test, and I will continue to not masturbate due to the feelings of this test run, counters I don’t care about, I did my reset fully and tested,

    so for all of you who are wondering about MO after your done, in my experience it is kind of useless, obviously the P will never come back, but it seems for me I’m going to stay without any self stimulation, one day at a time, until who knows when.

    Oh and I was not an edger, loopholes are pointless when you are doing something for your own benefit.

    I wish all of you success in your journey and hope this helps a few of you who finish your 90 and don’t know what to do next

    Oh and for those of you worried about sexual performance, I have discussed this with a few women and found out something amazing!

    so many dudes try to have sex like porn stars that when you detach yourself from that image of sex and truly indulge in it as a union in a slow and sensual manner they have the most ridiculously pleasurable time, each women has said the same exact thing, there has been a lot of twitching and such involved for them(so u know its working :-P), and i have always got an invitation back, hopefully this can be someones light at the end of the tunnel.

    so good luck! Hold Strong and welcome back to what we were meant to do rather than a gross distortion of a beautiful thing,

  288. For everyone who thinks nofap is a placebo.

    For everyone who thinks nofap is a placebo.

    by jimminycrick6 days

    I’ve just recently discovered nofap after years of rampant porn addiction (2/3 times a day). I’ve realized that I’ve had a porn addiction before and decided to rid myself of it and but have always found myself back at where I began (2/3 times a day).

    Twice before in my life I have decided to go without porn. Both of these times it was before I discovered the nofap reddit, YBOP, or much else that would have really told me what my problem is.

    Time #1: I gave up porn no long before I began my third year of college. I fapped occasionally, but not really very often because I wasn’t watching porn. I installed K9, created an email and password that I couldn’t access and tried to stop watching porn. I lasted quite a while. Without knowing what I was experiencing I declared a double major, found a girlfriend, and began the beginning of a great year. I felt great. Eventually though, I relapsed. Somehow I found a way to get around my K9 blocker and stared to fapping to tube sites, which evolved into downloading and collecting many GBs worth of porn.

    I did eventually lose my GF, though not from any fault of my own (went crazy, mental institution, etc). This caused me to fall deeper into my addiction and I was lost again to the dark world of internet porn for another year or so.

    Time #2: After a depressing summer of porn and fapping addiction I again came to the conclusion that I had a problem. I gave up porn (again not considering giving up fapping) and resolved that I wouldn’t ever use it again. I moved to another country and was so busy (in addition to sharing a room with another guy) that I had no time for fapping. I fapped a few times with over a few months but didn’t worry about it too much since I was so busy with the excitement of new people and new experiences.

    During this time I felt great. I had extreme confidence. I enjoyed talking to girls. Especially I enjoyed the chase. I got drunk one night and asked one girl on a date and took another one home. (Maybe not very respectable – but the point is I had extreme confidence. Also, being drunk was only part of the story. Being drunk before in my life before usually led to 3am cheeseburgers and fapping.) Long story short I ended up dating the girl I took home.

    Now: Not many months ago I lost the GF from the above story. She left me. I consciously made the decision to use fapping to porn to numb the pain. It worked for a little while, then it just distracted me. I went on a three month extreme porn binge, collected appx. 500GB worth of porn, and fapped 2/3 times a day. It was probably one of the worst periods of my life.

    Lessons: 1st: Without the knowledge of nofap and its obvious benefits I have participated in it before. The increased confidence, sex drive, etc. that I experienced were a result of nofap and not because I had convinced myself that nofap was going to bring it to me. Each prolonged nofap I successfully scored and built a relationship with a real girl. (For all the shittiness I atheist learned something.) Repeat: I had no knowledge of nofap and its benefits before now, just the benefits of porn abstention.

    2nd: The chaser effect. It is real. After sex I could feel my crotch begging me to fap. I did. This eventually led me to porn, and back to my very real addiction. While not necessarily a deal breaker in itself, it was definitely a contributing factor in my most recent breakup. Do not get sucked into this. I learned the hard way.

    I am now into my third attempt at nofap. I am again experiencing the benefits that made me so happy the when I tried before. The difference is now I have the added benefit of the nofap subreddit, YBOP, and a host of other resources. I am thankful for this.

    Protip: PMO can destroy and waste your life. Get disgusted with yourself and resolve never to touch that shit again (porn especially). If you are like me and in your 20s then you at the height of your sexual prowess and you should be out there making fake babies into a rubber (be safe!) and not cumming on your own chest for the third time that day.

    Again the point is this: nofap is real and I experienced it before I even knew what it was. Give it a chance and you will be better off for it. Be strong fapstronauts!

  289. Addicted to Excess: What I’ve

    Addicted to Excess: What I’ve Learned from r/nofap 

    “Throw moderation to the winds, and the greatest pleasures bring the greatest pains” – Democritus

    Learning about the Coolidge Effect has changed my life. Even before seeing Requiem for a Dream, I knew people could get addicted to anything, I just didn’t know how to put it all together. Since childhood, I’ve been obsessed with music and film. I’d always wanted to write music and make films. When you get a toy as a child, it’s fun for a moment but soon enough, “Fuck that toy, I want more.” Life is a journey toward the ever escaping feeling of happiness. “Once I get more, I will feel better.” When does this ever happen? We focus on stimulation. Neurochemicals are released when we eat candy, play video games, watch something cool, or touch our dicks too much. Entertainment has become obsession and no one sees another way to attain happiness. “Once I have this new job, money, girlfriend, car, blah blah blah, I can finally be happy.”

    Everything loses it’s novelty. Ever love a song and then get fucking sick of it? It’s lost it’s ability to stimulate you. You have to find something new to listen to. Who wants to watch a film a thousand times over? Who wants to eat the same food everyday? Who wants to watch a sport that isn’t live? Who wants to stare at the same page for more than 10 seconds on the internet? We are absolutely obsessed with stimulation. The “entertainment industry” knows this and gets us hooked like junkies. It’s easy to stimulate yourself. Entertainment is just a way to fap every part of your ego.

    No one taught us moderation. Just like we’ve never seen a super-stimulus like porn, we have also never seen a super-stimulus like the enterainment and junk food industries. But pleasure feels fucking nice. What do we do?

    I don’t know what’s right for you but I know what’s right for me. Fuck all this shit. I’m rebooting myself. My entire self. I’m aim to attain the best version of myself.




    Study of Virtue

  290. used to suffer from social anxiety -feel like it has DRAMATICALL

    60 Days of Nofap (self.NoFap)

     by nofapfsho60 days

    Hey everyone, Im just dropping by real quick to update my nofap experience these past 60 days. Confidence. I feel like I am beginning to understand a part of myself that has been repressed. I feel that people are enjoying my company more. The weird thing is I don’t know what changed about me or what I am doing differently but the feeling I feel when i communicate with people is more connected. Also I sometimes feel magnetic, where I feel people are attracted to me for no apparent reason, maybe this was always there but I never noticed before noFap.

    I used to suffer from social anxiety and still do to some point, but i feel like it has DRAMATICALLY decreased. Thoughts of what to do in social situations are lowered, I act more on feelings of the moment, and I am able to concentrate or understand the intentions/message of the other person.

    Overall, I am satisfied of my results so far, I do have down days where I feel depressed, but i read a post on YBOP that said “everytime you feel down, your brain is making you a better person”. So stick with it people, its a subtle benefit here and there, but the longer you stick with it, the better you will be, I believe. Thanks for reading, will post back on day 90!

  291. The biggest positive? Definitely socially.

    90+ days

    by generationfourth94 days

    I think there may have been far more negative aspects to my challenge: 30+ day flatlines. Replacing porn with adult friend finder, craigslist casual encounters, fling, and plenty of fish as replacements for my dopamine fix. Or when I had a sexual encounter at 62 days in and suffered ED for PIV sex.

    The biggest positive? Definitely socially. I crave social interaction now. Whether it’s the cute girl at the bar (got her #). The clerk behind the counter. The librarian. The middle aged woman with two well behaved kids in the waiting room (she took my # after learning I was a web designer). It’s a nice change, there is no nervousness or hesitation. I love talking to people now.

    I do not believe there are super powers. I do believe little minute key changes add up and can make a huge difference in your interactions with others. Your head is held higher, you’re body language states you are open and approachable, you’re making eye contact, you’re noticing others and in return they start noticing you. It’s as simple as that.

    90 days sounds like an eternity and I thought all of my problems would be solved by now. As I neared “the end” I was pretty sure I’d still give up porn but maybe masturbate once a week. I had been fapping to internet porn regularly for about 15+ years. I had only stopped PMO for 90 days. Once I looked at it from this perspective I decided that maybe I need to go longer than 90 days.

  292. [90 Days] I made it. My story

    [90 Days] I made it. My story thus far.

    by Jeffreyb9291 days

    I finally made it to 90 days. A lot has changed in these 90 days. Things that are relevant to NoFap, and some not so relevant but changed anyway. Some of the posts I’ve seen on here talk about how you gain super powers after the 90 days. I don’t know if that has happened to me, but I definitely feel I have changed a lot in the meantime.

    For the first week, everything went pretty smoothly it was like when I had tried to stop in the past (Succeeded on my second try here at NoFap). After that however, as the next couple of weeks went by, things changed A LOT. I was stressing, I was upset, I was giving attitudes, I was being the opposite of myself and I didn’t know why.

    ‘This went on for all of about the first month, maybe a month and a half, but things calmed down and I went back to what I see as normal for myself. During this time, I also picked up my guitar and got into music a lot more than before. I practiced a lot and came up with some pretty decent melodies I like to think. I also made two dance type tracks, one of which was not that great, but the other was pretty good. However I digress, after that first month and a half, I was flatlining for a while, maybe a couple of weeks.

    I had wet dreams here and there, I can’t recall how many exactly, but there were definitely a few. Honestly, I didn’t use NoFap too much, mostly just to keep track of my days and to see if I could find some inspiration since I was there checking anyway.

    Looking back now though, I find that now I’m more productive with my time, making music instead of watching youtube videos (my equivalent of watching tv), and I’ve been more sociable. Before NoFap, I was never the type to go start a conversation with random people, and if random people talked to me, I wasn’t outgoing enough to really hold it up or contribute much. However, now I noticed that I’m the one trying to start conversations.

    I work in a mailroom on a college campus and normally we see a lot of students come through (hot chicks included), and now I go up and say hi and try to help them out, as opposed to mostly just standing there until they decide to say something like what they’re looking for. It’s not the biggest step in the world, but it certainly feels like a significant one for me. I also tried to get a with a girl I was into that I actually approached (before I found NoFap and was trying to quit on my own), but that ended up not working out.

    Overall I learned a couple of things throughout this 90 day journey. For one, I learned how to confront my own problems and deal with it, as opposed to using fapping as an escape. Without fapping, I feel like when things weren’t going my way and I was upset, I had to actually deal with it and sort things out and confront myself.

    Another thing I learned is that its ok to take risks and its ok to put yourself first and do what you want sometimes. I realize it’s probably not that relevant to NoFap, but before NoFap I wasn’t one to take risks or do things that I wanted to do, something always stopped me or I tried to talk myself out of it. I learned though that sometimes its ok to take risks, like saying hi to that girl you like, or starting a conversation with someone just for the heck of it, or going to that concert even if it means you might go by yourself, if its something that you wanna do, there’s nothing stopping you from doing it except yourself.

    One other lesson I learned is that its ok to feel alone. I think that’s the main reason why a majority of us fap in the first place, cause we feel alone, so we fap and have these fantasies so we can have these moments where we feel like we aren’t alone. When you can accept that loneliness and embrace it, I think that’s when progress can come.

    I apologize if it feels like this all over the place, that’s kinda how my thinking process tends to be sometimes. In conclusion to all this, all I can say is Keep Calm and Carry on Fapstronauts. This isn’t the last of me.

    TL;DR I changed a lot. Wasn’t myself for a while. Went back to normal. Became productive. Became sociable. Lessons learned: Confront your problems, take risks and get a bit uncomfortable (with baby steps come great strides), embrace loneliness, and keep keeping on.

  293. I talked to a guy who has been non-orgasmic for 7 months

    I talked to a guy who has been non-orgasmic for 7 months out of his own free will and he said a very motivating thing (perhaps proof that NoFap is not placebo) 

     by the_dark_descent9 days

    Basically, this dude was getting his life back together, he had conquered several of his past addictions to drugs and alcohol, and he had decided to be celibate and non-orgasmic because he wanted to rid himself of all his addictions. He had no clue that NoFap was even a thing.

    So we talked about it, because I found it fascinating since I have known about NoFap for quite some time. So I asked him: “Have you felt any benefits from doing this?” and what he said was strangely motivating because he said: “No, I haven’t, but I haven’t felt any cons either.”

    And that was a whole new way of looking at it for me. I always thought that “I’ll do NoFap so I can talk to girls, have more energy, enjoy life bla bla.” And he just said: There aren’t any cons to not fapping. And the more I thought about it, the more I felt motivated to do this. There aren’t any cons to not fapping, and that should be enough of a reason to do this.

    But don’t be worried, for all you who are looking for the super powers, he actually came in to that as well when he said that he experiences that girls can sense when a man is a pornoholic, that they are scared off by that and are drawn to men with self-control, and he also said that he feels he can push himself more in the gym so.

    But the reason I want to post this is because this man doesn’t read this subreddit, he wasn’t expecting any of these things to happen, he just experienced them as he did this out of his own free will, and that made me realize that the NoFap super powers aren’t just a placebo effect that happens because we anticipate that it will happen.

    My current NoFap streak of 9 days have been super easy, I hear his words in my head “There are no cons to not fapping” and that makes me stay the course, because it’s not something I want in my life.

    TLDR: Found a guy who had been doing NoFap for 7 months, without knowing of this subreddit, he was able to describe a few of the benefits that we all expect to happen, and therefor proving to me that the NoFap powers aren’t placebo that just happen because we expect them to happen

  294. Instead, the change happened very gradually.

    90 Days No Fap Challenge? Been there, done that.

    by terimyaki90 days

    Okay friends, I have completed the 90 days no fap challenge!

    When I started I had no idea how I’d keep off of porn, dirty fantasies, and fapping for this long. But it got easier after the first two weeks. Last couple of months I almost stopped thinking about fapping. Last one month I even stopped visiting /r/NoFap regularly.

    Changes I have seen in myself: There were no dramatic rediscovery of dormant superpowers. Instead, the change happened very gradually. 90 days down I realise I am a lot more determined, focused, and resilient in my attitude. I feel powerful and I don’t easily get bogged down by setbacks. I am less prone to depressing thoughts and more optimistic about fixing my life. It might not sound like a lot, but I think it’s a huge thing for me. I feel like a man again.

    Many thanks to this wonderfully supportive community. Couldn’t have done without you guys.

    Next post at 120 days.

    TL;DR – Nothing special. Just some guy who last fapped in 2012 🙂


  295. 55 Days. The Director of student services at my school just emai

    55 Days. The Director of student services at my school just emailed me. 

    by SlapYourFap55 days

    Hi SlapYourFap- I just wanted to congratulate you on a job well done. Your 3.00 GPA this term shows me that you made the necessary changes to turn things around. This was your best term at (this school).

    Great work.

    Regards, (her)

    NoFap may not change your life, but it has changed mine. Everything started at the end of last term. My GPA was sitting at a nice 1.8, I was 30 pounds overweight, addicted to porn, and playing at least 5 hours of league of legends every day.

    I said something to myself that I may not recommend to anyone else, but surprisingly enough it motivated me.

    I promised I would kill myself.

    I said I would give up every vice I had, I would sacrifice everything in this world that I not only hate about myself, but that limits me. I would give them up for one quarter, 3 months, and see what I could do.

    I stopped smoking, I stopped gaming, and I started working out.

    But it wasn’t until I found NoFap that I actually made the connection.

    I had gone to a reunion for some of my old High School friends who all talked about how well they did in college and how not only did some of them have jobs lined up, but some were even starting businesses. I sat there, a failure, only halfway through my quarter wishing I would just drop dead on the spot.

    And then New Years came around. I went out with some friends and expected to try to hook up with some girls. Unfortunately I learned a lot about my friends that night and a lot about myself. After DDing all night and going from shitty bar to shitty bar, I wound up having a conversation with my friend who just wanted to leave to get high. I asked him “Would you rather take home a girl or just get high?” “I’d rather just go home and get high. That’s not weird is it?”

    I went home that night, and at 2am I fapped to God knows what, and afterwards I remembered those words. I then remembered something more important, NoFap. And January 1st, 2013, I made the final step to change my life. I quit fapping.

    Since then, it has been terrible, rough, hard, but fun. I got straight Bs this quarter, better than I’ve ever done.

  296. I made it to 30 days…10 things to share …

    I made it to 30 days…10 things to share … 

     by Cheerfulme30 days

    I Was skeptical will it work, but as days progressed,

    • 1. Grew in confidence.
    • 2. testrostone levels are high.( more assertive than aggressive.)
    • 3. Drive to get my life in order is high.
    • 4. Financial situation is looking up in my business.
    • 5. Meeting lot more people.
    • 6. no luck with girls yet, but making eye contact and talking confidently.
    • 7. My entrepreneurial spirit is back and I feel lot more confident than ever about my ideas and business models.this is looking reassuring to people around me.
    • 8. Walking 4 miles daily, earlier I walked once a week.
    • 9. Able to have difficult conversation more often, not avoiding it.
    • 10. Cracking jokes and lot more cheerful , earlier was very serious and constantly in self pity mode.
  297. My NoFap experience so far

    My NoFap experience so far…

    by Gavlar199291 days

    Hi, this is my first post on Reddit and I am going to talk about my NoFap experience as the title suggests. I was a pretty regular fapper and porn watcher, had a collection of porn and my favourite pornstars, You know the works and I didn’t really see it as a problem. Then I heard about NoFap from a TEDx talk and decided to give it a go. I started NoFap on the 1st of December by deleting all my porn which was a big step in itself. NoFap was the best decision I’ve made in a long time. For those of you just starting out with NoFap I’ll tell you what to expect (at least what happened to me) and hopefully it will help to prepare you for what is to come, (no pun intended). Well, at the start of NoFap it wasn’t really that difficult because I still had that naive sense not knowing what was to come. As I got further into it I started to experience feels, deep feels. My mood would fluctuate, as would my energy levels.

    Some days I felt like I could do anything and others I would feel like I couldn’t even get out of bed. I also noticed that I got more annoyed by little things that never used to bother me and my emotions were more unpredictable. Then I experienced my first wet dream since probably before I started fapping (about age 13 or so). I remember I was having a dream that I was fapping and I just woke up soaked and too paralysed to move from shame thinking that the dream was real then I realised I hadn’t failed NoFap so I just went back to sleep. Since then I have only had a handful of wet dreams but every time, it makes you question whether the dream was real or not. That’s when you realise that you were addicted to fapping/porn because your brain wants it so bad that it makes you want to do it and dream about doing it just to get it’s fix.

    I remember when I just started and thought ’90 days is such a long time, a quarter of a year without doing something that I do on a almost daily basis’. Now I look back and think the exact same thing followed by’I done it’. I have de-activated my Facebook for lent (I’m not religious but I do lent every year just as a personal challenge to myself). My main concern about giving up Facebook was ‘How will I keep in touch with my friends and family?’ Then I realised if they want to keep in touch with me then they’ll find a way. I also completed a recent media course and got to work with some great people and make new friends which I probably wouldn’t have been able to do before NoFap because I wasn’t a very confident or sociable person.

    Since I have also subscribed to /howtonotgiveafuck and started work on my inner ‘honeybadger’ and not giving a fuck about what other people think about me, I got the girl I liked on the media course’s number and plan on asking her out for a drink (once I have credit in my phone). People on the course also said I was ‘confident’ which has never been a word connected to me. Also since de-activating my Facebook I have spent my time much more productively by drawing, learning to computer program and playing keyboard instead of sitting on Facebook watching other people talk shit about each other whilst trying to disguise it and waiting for an update to appear just for it to be a game request from a distant relative. I know these things might not be relevant to NoFap but these are steps I’ve taken in my life and I don’t regret them one bit. As of writing this post I’m on day 91 of NoFap and I’ve set myself a new 90 day challenge on top of my current 90 day success and the when I hit 180 days I’m going for 1 year of NoFap then hopefully a lifetime of it.

    TL;DR- Don’t think about doing NoFap…just do it! Free your mind from the conditioning of porn and take control of your life. Break free from the prison which you have helped to build because since this is your prison you will now it’s weaknesses and it strengths and you can exploit them to achieve freedom. Start living for today and taking more chances, stop worrying about the future because your future only lasts as long as you do. The picture of your life is being drawn, up close it is abstract and confusing but when you take a step back at look at the whole picture then it will become clearer. I wish you all good fortune on whatever path you take in life and remember it is YOUR life, no one else’s.

  298. After 1 month of nofap, i became a different person

    it isn’t placebo effect, fap got my energy and motivation 

    by snoob2012

    i ‘m adddicted to fap for 10 years. After 1 month of nofap, i became a different person : my motivation, ego became bigger and bigger everyday, i seem to be a perfectionist, want to be richest man in the world and do every productive things to reach my goal, i also talking to people easily. but yesterday, after released, i returned to “normal” mode : feel no energy to do things, just want to relax, my motivation has gone. Yes, nofap has make me a alpha male, it won’t give you superpower but motivation. i’m going to nofap for 6 month and forever. (sorry for my bad english )

  299. 90 Days-Don’t focus on the Day Counter focus on your life

    90 Days-Don’t focus on the Day Counter focus on your life 

    submitted 9 hoursago by Wanker_3390 days

    I finally made it after 1 year of struggle.Few things I’ve learned. -It’s all in your mind, You can do anything if You really want to. -Don’t focus on the Day Counter (like I did) focus on your life. -Girl and Sex are not most important things in life. -You are the only person who can change/help You. I started NoFap because of ED and anxiety/depression.

    It’s still not perfect but much better then it was.I will continue, to see if its get better ,maybe I need more time to fully recover plus I don’t really want to M or watch Porn anymore. NoFap is gr8- if You need more energy & focus in your life. I don’t feel like a “Wanker” anymore but will keep that name to remind myself who I was and don’t want to be anymore. Finally I want to Thank all people here for helping me along the way.I couldn’t do it without You and this Reddit.

    Good Luck and thanks again:)

  300. Early success with fixing porn induced ED

    Early success with fixing porn induced ED 

     by b_n71 days

    Just wanted to drop some encouragement for people who are here for ED.

    I was addicted to porn but my IRL sex drive was almost dead. During the course of my last relationship (which lasted two years), our sex life became increasingly bleaker. Despite me being incredibly attracted to my girlfriend I regularly struggled to get or keep an erection and eventually we stopped sleeping together at all. The relationship ended a few months ago with her cheating on me, sleeping with one of my friends. The whole experience was so traumatic that I decided I NEEDED to do something, to turn my life around. Though I missed out on being in the official challenge for this sub, from Jan 1 I have been going porn free…It has been a battle and there have been a few times where I have pushed the boundaries of what might be considered porn, but I have been infinitely better and am yet to have a full on slip.

    So much in my life has changed after I made that decision. A lot of the time where I would usually spend browsing porn I’ve made myself active (partly to distract myself) – going for runs and occasionally to the gym. My sex drive has sky rocketed. I find the way I treat girls to be completely different. This past weekend I went home with a girl and we slept together a few times, I was basically erect from the moment I walked into her room to the moment I left 12 hours later.

    I don’t think that just because of this experience I’m out of the woods. But it’s made me aware of how much porn was affecting my life, and how much I need to fight to keep myself porn-free. Getting out of this addiction is worth fighting for, it will change your life for the better.

  301. 99 days of madness

    99 days of madness 

    submitted4 hoursago*And so by tommorrow I shall have conquered 100 days. How I’m doing currently? Today is one of those days where you exit the flatline and are injected with a shitload of emotion. This time it’s intense enough to kick me off my chair and make it really hard to put things into perspective. But fapping it out is definitely not a thought that strikes my mind with impact any longer. This time it might just be an overload because of that intense gym session and that fucked up e-roll/something/something I had last weekend.

    What the challange did for me? I’m going to stay fairly discrete about who I am now and was before. I can tell you that this challange will change your life for the better but by how much is entirely dependent on your mindset and the effort you put in it. So don’t expect big things to come just like that, small ones will.

    For those that are here to better themselves. This whole nofap thing is indeedydeed way bigger than just giving up fapping. NoFap/NoPorn should be used as a tool to arrive where you want to be in life. Luckily it’s a tool that’s not just passively waiting there but is urging you to use it by eliminating your worst of dopamine fixes and continuously pissing heavy emotions of unhappiness in your face (so bad, you will be forced to act on them eventually). The best advice I can give you is to give it your all when encountered in any situation that you want to take place in a different way than has happened (many times) before in the past.. Keep on doing this and reflect afterwards, absorb what you’ve learned and put it to practise in your day to day life. There will be many doubts along the way but you’ll have to trust your progress and never be a quitter. Quitters get shit on, it won’t make you happy. Remember that temporary fixes are very very temporary and temporary only…

    I did this on my second and first serious attempt. I won’t go back to my destructive ways from the past. It’s shit there and I don’t like shit. Please guys, a big mistake most of you make is to start liking the shit….don’t be this guy.

    Now I can write motivational funfacts and stuff that will give you a temporary motivational fix. But the truth is…these fixes have a bad side to them as well when revealed to you just like that and are better for you to experience by yourself. I’ve given you all the main info you need to hop on your own rollercoaster.

    Develop yourself a nice healthy view on things and become what you feel is right.

    And remember the chain of change is as follow: -Set new believes -Put new believes into action -Reflect, gather evidence of and finetune your believes -You’ve just GENERATED a building block of approval of your believes by YOURSELF, not GENERATED by OTHERS and passed on to you with their opinions. – Continue building upon it by repeating these steps and you will find comfort, peace and… well.. become a beast =)

    As I said, this nofap thing is a drug. And it can be stacked with others. I’ve found that working out intensifies this whole thing immensely. You do what works for you.

  302. Now? I feel more confident, and I feel like I completely got rid

    I’ve done it 90 days. Here are my thoughts. 

    by arocketman90 days

    Hello fellow friends and fapstronauts, as my badge counter suggests, I reached 90 days. I would like to describe this journey answering the questions I had when I was about to begin , maybe someone will recognize himself into this doubts! :).

    Will I really change completely my personality if I do this?

    This is the most interesting thing that kept bugging me. Fact is, fapping did as a matter of fact something I did daily, it was my sleeping pill. With, without porn, I didn’t care, I NEEDED it to sleep. But I really didn’t think it was affecting my personality as well.

    Now? I feel more confident, and I feel like I completely got rid of my social anxiety, I was never THAT shy, but I was never THIS sociable either. I made tons of friends, I feel a deeper connection with women and I can talk and be interesting at all times. My mood is just better.

    So this thing gives you superpowers?!

    Short answer is: no. It just lets your inner self rose again, meaning that your addiction/habit was some kind of cave (fapcave?) where you hid yourself, it brought you back to your comfort zone, but trust me. Going out of your comfort zone will make you grow in personality and you’ll develop a great one if you do that often! Fapping was blocking me SO much.

    First days are so hard, when will it become easier?

    I relapsed first time around twelve days, and I was like : Damn, now I will have to do it all over again. Then the next times I wanted to relapse I always thought at that awful feeling I had when I did the first time. For me, it was around 16-18 days that I went into flatline and I wasn’t around touching myself at all times, it ended around day 40-45. (It was like a slow awakening, not a YOOO SUP I’M BACK thing).

    And now, for the last and most important question: WAS IT WORTH IT?

    Hell YES. I say to you, do it. Try it, it will do no harm anyhow. If you think you are not addicted, just give it a shot, you’ll be SO surprised just around day 50-60. Will it be easy? Hell NO. But seriously, it will be worth it.

    Not fapping will just become a lifestyle, I don’t even plan on making counts anymore, it will just be the normality, as it should be. I would like to thank the whole community because I wouldn’t have made it without your help, all the posts and threads around here are great inspirational and motivational stuff.

    Thanks and best of luck to you all! 🙂

  303. And a higher confidence is an amazing thing to have really.

    Anyways the main benifit I noticed from r/nofap is that firstly my productivity levels shot up. Instead of wasting my days fapping away, I was actually doing stuff. And as a result of a higher productivity level my confidence also shot up. And a higher confidence is an amazing thing to have really. Finally now after finally making it 90 days. I think I’ll go back to a healthy mastarbution habit. Maybe once or twice a week. I think that sounds reasonable. I it ever gets out of control I can always start again 😀

    90 days!! Report.

  304. I actually think I am becoming more extraverted.

    90 days, again 

    sby stoenr90 days

    So here I am, 90 days. It’s my second 90 days streak, and I feel good.

    Things have changed: I changed my diet as a result of cutting instead of bulking, it’s keto and there even is a subreddit about it: r/keto. I can’t recommend it enough for fapstronauts: it basically says no to carbs, so if you are somewhat addicted to sugar, keto is for you. You can eat bacon everyday, all day long and lose weight.

    My social network got better, people are constantly contacting me and I think I made great improvements in my social skills, I actually think I am becoming more extraverted.

    I got a girlfriend, so no more ‘hard mode’ as some of you are describing it, for me. I think it’s good, but it’s nothing special. I like her, but still, there are a lot improvements to do in myself.

    I try to become a leader in everything I do, I think I am made to be a leader and a teacher to others, and it has proven its self many times. I like to show people how things are done right and teach them about things they don’t know. But also compliment them on things they are doing good and criticise them on things they are doing wrong. It doesn’t mean I like to think about myself as the smartest and strongest one, but I think every man should be able to be a leader.

    Oh, did I mention I’ll be on national Belgian TV about nofap? I can’t wait to see it!

    Finally, thank you for providing some great tips for my life and helping me out when in doubt, this community is great!

    Walk on, with hope in your heart, and you’ll never walk alone. You’ll never walk alone.

  305. 35 Days In – Feel Like A New Man

    35 Days In – Feel Like A New Man


    March 31, 2013, 10:22:16 PM »

    I started my very first reboot about 35 days ago, and so I figured this is as good time as any to talk about the chain of changes the whole thing set off in my life. (there’s a summary below if you don’t wanna read through the whole thing.)

    I’m 31, and I’ve been PMOing pretty much constantly since I was 14 or 15. It has always been a part of my life and a great source of shame. I started off jerking it to porn magazines, trying to finish as quickly and quietly as possible in the bathroom as my family was home. In time I would use it as a way to relax and not have to deal with the real issues that were/are holding me back (I only understand this now). In my darkest hour, I have PMOed in a bathroom stall after looking at some porn on school computers. Needless to say, it was a pretty bad addiction. Like many others on this forum I also started getting into more extreme types of porn over time, always looking for a new “high”.

    For as long as I can remember, I have also suffered from some level of social anxiety, and to a lesser extent general anxiety. These two have been my personal struggles for all my life, and something I feel has held me back big time. Then, to make matters worst I have also dealt with pretty bad PE since the very first time I had sex at 18. I have tried different techniques to fight it (edging, kegels/reverse kegels, breathing) but its still present.

    Fast forward to 5 weeks ago. I came across this site while looking for info on how PMO affects your mood + confidence (which have both been a mess). After doing some reading, I decided to give rebooting a try. And that’s when things started to change for me.

    At first, I was noticing a newly re-discovered sexual attraction towards women, like I had this unstoppable drive get with them. I’ve never been a lady’s man, but this drive felt good, felt manly. I was horny as hell.

    The horniness went up and down over the next 3 weeks, and so did my mood. I began having some good days, which I hadn’t had much of in the last year as I struggled to get over a failed relationship. Yet for each good day, I still had a few bad ones. My sleep was also getting pretty lousy, and I would often wake up in the middle of the night for no reason during the reboot (mind was seemingly pacing, or too much “energy”). My mind wasn’t sure which way it was going, so it was still tough for me. Still I was encouraged by the results and by continuing to read some testimonials on this site. It gave me a boost to start eating better and return to the gym.

    But over the last couple of weeks I would say have come the biggest changes. I started having more good days than before. My anxiety has been somehow decreasing, and I often find these flashes of a confidence that I felt only rarely in the past. I started having a more positive outlook on things, and have been generally more assertive in the way I deal with people (especially at work!). I have been less shy, and am totally in a self-improvement state of mind. When interacting with people, I am listening more actively and my brain seems to be generally more relaxed instead of trying to be 2 steps ahead so I don’t look “bad”. I’m smiling at random people! And I have to say, my state of mind has gotten more out of this reboot than it did from the 5 therapy sessions I went to in November.

    So why I am writing this now? Because last night I was able to challenge myself into talking to a bunch different girls at a bar. I did this with more confidence and drive than I have felt in years. This may not seem like a big deal to some of you, but this was HUGE for me considering my anxiety issues, my confidence levels as of late and my general wussy-ness when it comes to chicks.

    I myself realize that these are only small victories in a long war, and that I have lots of road ahead of me with some downturns as well (still going through some of them). But I can’t help but to feel this new outlook on life, like I can talk to anybody and do anything (especially after last night). I haven’t felt like this since, well, I really can’t remember the last time. I’ve been beating myself up for the last year to try to enjoy my single life. Now I actually feel like I can begin to. And all this after only 35 days of reboot. Time will tell how my PE will react, but I’m confident it will be improved by the reboot mixed with kegels (and maybe occasional edging way later on)

    This forum has been a tremendous help so far, and so I have to extend many thanks. This is the first time I have ever spoken or written about my PMO, PE or anxiety problems with anyone. If you suffer from PMO and have a story similar to mine, know that rebooting can and should kick start you towards the right path. Reboot, eat well, excercise, be patient, and try as much as possible to think positively. Try to get to the real source of your anxiety, and if you have lingering worries, try to deal with them more directly. Eventually things will start clicking, especially once you no longer have this dark cloud of shame hovering over your head.

    Too long, didn’t read version:

    • 31yrs old, PMOing since 14-15. Suffering from PE and social anxiety
    • Started first reboot 35 days ago, still going strong
    • Reboot gave me will to eat better and start exercising
    • Started feeling horny, naturally and sexually attracted to women
    • Sleep started to suffer for a while, but is doing a bit better now. Keeping an eye on this.
    • Feeling decreased anxiety, less shy, more confident. Haven’t felt like this in years, or even ever?
    • Still have some rough days, but less and less. Much more positive outlook on life
    • Much more assertive when dealing with people, colleagues, girls
    • Looking forward to things, life, summer, screwing girls like I know I should
  306. 30 Day Report – Noticeable Pros and Cons

    30 Day Report – Noticeable Pros and Cons

    Hey guys. Yesterday I hit my 30th day of my first ever nofap. I brief background of why i started and all that good stuff can be found at: but if i had to summarize it, I’m doing this because for the last 2-3 years Ive suffered from low energy, low motivation, depression, social anxiety, DE, having trouble speaking to girls… pretty much the works. Im not much of a quantity writer, so im gunna keep it short, simple, and sweet.


    1. More confidence/ less anxiety – in general I have found it easier to talk to random strangers on the street and cashier etc. Back when I was PMOing, going out into public meant the exciting mystery how my brain would react to strangers. Some days i would have extreme anxiety just talking to the person making my chipotle burrito and some days I would be calm and cool. The point is that i had no idea what to expect. It was kind of like a rollercoaster of hell. But over the last 30 days, my confidence has been much more consistent. The fear of talking to ppl i dont know has been slowly vanishing.
    2. Perception of females – I know this is kind of going to sound messed up, but before i started all this, i viewed famales purely as sexual objects, which caused me to use a few of them just for their bodies. I would rationalize these feelings by reminding myself that this is how our society in general views them. Slowly this perception has been changing tho. I noticed this especially when I went to vegas on my 20th day. Going to a strip club just seemed to make me depressed. It was so obvious how fake everything was. All the guys (including one of my friends) who got a lap dance seemed to be in heaven by having some random girl they dont know rub up against them for $25. It kind of made me laugh because a year ago when i was a full fledged PMO addict, i went to the same strip club in vegas and was one of those guys in “heaven.” This time around i couldnt help but only feel bad for both the girls and the guys handing over their money for momentary happiness. Also, I no longer feel the need to stare at or point out hot girls to my friends. I did this quite often in the past.
    3. physically – this one really isnt that big of a deal, i just think its kinda cool. My voice has definitely gotten a little lower. Sometimes i find myself wanting to talk to random ppl just so i can hear my voice in its deeper state. Also, my beard has been growing slightly faster and thicker


    1. less energy/ motivation – that one kinda explains itself. Ive had low energy and little motivation to get off the couch for a while now and it’s gotten slightly worse since starting nofap.

    edit (since everyone’s talking about this) I assume this is all because in the past my #1 trigger would be when I was home alone bored tired with nothing else to do. I’m guessing my body is trying to recreate those feelings more intensely when at home alone so that I relapse. Lmk if u think this makes sense.

    1. gym – this is prolly tied to the previous con, but my energy and strength in the gym has gotten lower. For the past few years I have been a fairly serious bodybuilder with an extremely high motivation and recently the drive just hasnt been there.
    2. hives – i dont know if this is connected to nofap or just my body detoxing from the binge drinking from vegas but i have have some pretty itchy hives all over my body for the past week.
    3. constant flatline – some may consider this a blessing, but over the last 30 days, i have been going through a complete flatline. I kind of miss my sexual urges, as they make me feel alive.

    This definitely wasnt as short as i thought it was going to be, but thanks for reading. Ill be happy to answer any questions from anyone about my journey. oh and btw happy NOFAPRIL to everybody!


  307. I’m saying it’s going to be worth it.

    90 Day report 

     by llobato990 days

    It has been a long way. I have had some important problems that have made me feel sad and frustrated… but by that time I was in NoFap. So this time I did not escape from pain, sadness by PMO, this time I did not scape from reality. I faced it. Sometimes it was harder, but I knew it was the right way. Instead of avoiding the problem and the reality, not thinking about it, just thinking about jerking off. I stay strong. I thought about the problem over and over again. It was hard, but that way I thought about a lot of possible solutions, some of them I am trying now.

    So the point is… NoFap (and more over not see pornography), makes you feel like you are entirely in the world, it makes you face the reality instead of escape, makes you become a (real) man. It is not happiness and girls all the time, it is sometimes very hard, but after a while you will see the results. No one said it would be easy but I’m saying it’s going to be worth it.

  308. then you need to make some changes in your life

    I Haven’t Fapped All Year 

    by nofaplurker92 days

    In my last ten months here, I’ve been trying to reach my goal of not fapping for 90 days. This community has given me copious amounts of support, encouragement, information, and help on my journey. I wanted to share some tips that have helped me during my endeavors:

    • The more changes you make in your life, the more changes you will notice. If you’re not feeling any “change” or “superpowers” from nofap, then you need to make some changes in your life if you want to feel them.
    • If you want to succeed badly enough at nofap, you will. If you’re not getting where you want to be, you don’t want to succeed strongly enough. Reflect on what’s important in your life and make priorities.
    • Know why you are doing this challenge. Ask yourself regularly and clarify or modify why you are doing this as you go along. Don’t cheat yourself.
    • Learn from your mistakes.
    • Don’t give up. Keep trying to reach what you’re aiming for, and go beyond that. If you tell yourself, “I can fap after 90 days,” I think you’re more likely to make excuses to give up sooner. I’m sure every case is different, but I would imagine it being easier to reach and pass 90 days of not fapping if you plan to continue nofap indefinitely.

    One of the biggest benefits of quitting fapping, porn, and video games is that I’m not wasting as much time in my life. I’m not saying that there’s anything wrong with fapping, porn, or video games, but I spend my time more productively.

    I think that’s all I have to say for now. If you have anything you’d like to ask me, I’ll try to answer as best as I can.

  309. lot more clear on my thinking, a lot more confident,

    charlie8888 – Mar 22, 2013

    Today is my day #40 of no PMO. I will be total honest on this.

    from being masturbating to porn every day, sometimes up to 5 times a day, I’m proud to say that i have not masturbate to porn on this 40 days at all, i have not even seen a porn video for fun or anything, i did read some sex stories and what not,  i DID ORGASM in this 40 days, a total of 8 orgasms, 4 by different women, blowjobs/handjobs, no sex yet. but I’m having fun with them.

    I DID masturbate, thinking about these real women, not about pornography, sometimes i get some flashbacks, but I’m just really not interested, maybe i hit the point where I’m just “done” with porn and now i have to control my masturbation needs,

    However, i don’t feel depressed or that i have failed you know? the fact that i have not watch porn keeps me motivated, cause for me that’s truly the reason of this condition, i can feel my brain rewiring, seeing females on a street is different…also for some reason i feel a lot more clear on my thinking, a lot more confident, i speak to women without having to think too much what I’m going to say, my sexual drive is getting better. and all i read about success stories from people who went above 90+ days of NO PMO, are those recovery symptoms, so i guess I’m doing somewhat good lol
    anyway guys sorry for my english,

  310. I feel more as if I’m becoming my ‘best me’ if that makes sense.

    Halfway to 90! Thoughts thus far.

    by fracka2446 days

    First off, thanks to the community for keeping me on track with your inspiring and sometimes hilarious posts. I hope I can bring you the same!

    I haven’t seen anything I would call a ‘superpower’ in the last 45 days, rather a bunch of things that are making me a better person. I feel more as if I’m becoming my ‘best me’ if that makes sense.

    As for urges, they are there, but its more of a nagging by my scumbag brain, like ‘hey you should fap,’ and then I’m like ‘Shut up, brain.’


    1. I have the energy to work out every day – no downside there. I also started jogging.
    2. I am more calm and relaxed when dealing with the world. ie I don’t stress about things. I speak to people as equals and don’t put myself above or below them.
    3. I feel less scatterbrained, and more consistent with my thinking. I am positive and focussed on what I want out of life.
    4. I am working on my social anxiety with the opposite sex. Before nofap I had an excuse to avoid facing it. I still have a long way to go, but I’m extremely optimistic about it.
    5. I feel like a man and not a ‘boy trapped in a man’s body;’ – This is important to me, as many men feel like they don’t know what it means to truly grow up and be a man. I don’t know if I can explain it, but its kind of like responsibility, to myself and to others.


    1. None, zero, zilch, negatory. This is the most beautiful thing. The degree to which life improves doesn’t matter. In my experience there will be improvement, so that’s what matters.

    The superpowers (I think) come from how much you use your newfound time and focus to improve your life.

    Good luck fellow fapstronauts!

  311. To masturbate or not to masturbate, during reboot?

    Find what works for you. Here are responses of various guys:

    [First guy]

    It all depends on what your goals are. A lot of people here say that one leads to the other. They go hand-in-hand-in-your-hand. This community, along with r/pornfree, has people who are quitting either just porn, just masturbation, or both porn and masturbation. Browsing both subreddits can give you some ideas of what to expect. I recommend doing some research, assessing your goals, and making an informed decision.

    [Another guy]

    I’m not a doctor, but a fellow student of medicine once told me it is neither good nor bad. If you don’t masturbate, the body will get rid of the dead cells and excesses by other means. If you masturbate, you just enjoy the pleasure without any medical benefits (ignore those who claim otherwise, they’re justifying themselves).

    [Another guy]

    I can see some detrimental effects [to continuing to masturbate]:

    • it will desensitize your sex organs: a vagina is always going to generate less sensation that your hand; and if you have fap-induced ED, it won’t improve as long as you continue masturbating
    • even if you don’t use porn, it will create a link between sex and your imagination. Even when having real sex, you’ll need to imagine scenarios to orgasm – you’ll be having sex in your head, not through your senses
    • it’s boring; after a while, you’ll want to get back to porn to make it more interesting
    • you won’t reap the benefits of self-control and mastery over your thoughts; this is where all the superpowers come from.

    Up until recently, I believed that I absolutely needed to orgasm every few days, to maintain my health and mental balance. Now I’ve been doing NoFap hard-mode for almost 3 weeks, and it’s been a real eye-opener that I don’t actually need sex at all. Sure, I have erections sometimes, I feel attracted to women too, but I don’t need it. I can do without.

    Yes, sometimes I feel lonely or depressed or anxious, but those are problems that I have to face and deal with separately; fapping won’t solve them.

    Look, NoFap hard mode is really easy, because there are no edge cases or grey areas. Just follow two rules:

    • keep your eyes away from images of nudity or sex
    • keep your hands away from your genitals (except for purposes of hygiene).
    [Another guy]
    I might add to your two rules one that has helped me (others might be different, but this one is what really makes a big difference for me, especially since I have a lot of time on my hands): Don’t let yourself get bored. If you find that you’re alone, with internet access, and nothing to do, go do something. Better yet, plan some things ahead of time so you never run out of things to do. It can be anything productive; it doesn’t have to be physical like working out (although that’s good for you). Sometimes I watch a good film or play a good video game as well (but for anyone with addictions to those things that may not be a good idea). The point is that you fill your time with other things so you don’t end up wandering the net browsing for porn, etc.
    [Another guy]

    In my twenties, I didnt watch porn, since it was just not available in my country, so I only fapped, maybe 5 times a week in average. In my experience, some detrimental effects people mention here were still present – namely, lack of motivation, social anxiety, decreased creativity, avoiding talking to girls, etc.

    So in my experience, fapping itself is also detrimental, at least when done regularly. I dont know if this still apply when one faps only occasionally.
    [Another guy]
    Like most things, fapping is fine in moderation – maybe once or twice a week. It’s natural and normal. However fapping to porn is never good. It wires your brain the wrong way and screws up your perceptions of a healthy sexual life.
    [Another guy]
    It makes sense to give it a go and start by quitting both porn and masturbation, but if you get an intense desire to look at porn then I think masturbating could take the edge off. It’s farmore important to stay off the porn than the fapping.The problem with the porn is novelty. Even if you’re fantasizing about porn there aren’t any new “experiences,” so to speak, so it’s probably not such a bad thing. It’s probably best to fantasize about real-life scenarios, though, so you can start forgettingabout some of the unrealistic situations and people you see in porn. I think from best to worst it goes like this:

    • 1) no fap and no porn
    • 2) fap to an imagined real-life scenario
    • 3) fap to imagination of porn
    • 4) look at porn without fapping
    • 5) fap while looking at porn

    It’s a real test of willpower to see how far you can go with item 1, but I don’t think you’ll really go downhill again until you get to item 4. Avoid that at all cost (and if you fall off, then just get right back on the wagon) and eventually you’ll “reboot,” so to speak.

  312. 36 days and listing some benefits

    36 days and listing some benefits 

     by riliano

    I’m 22 years old male. I have never previously in my life attached any shame or negative emotions towards fapping/porn in general and I am not doing this for any “Holier than thou” -mindset, but this is something I feel offers certain benefits for any male out there who can ‘conquer’ this urge, so to speak.

    This is not a new concept to me, I’ve done 2 weeks “abstinence periods” few times a year for since I was teenager because I noticed that it brings my ‘vigor’ back, physically AND mentally. Lots of people here might know what I am talking about, it really is a quite peculiar phenomena that might be attributed to testosterone/hormone boost etc.


    • Emotional control and calm ( Emotions are not numbed, on the contrary, but they are being controlled ) This has been the single and most beneficial aspect for me personally, because I’ve always felt the “victim” of my emotions. Sadness, depression, self-loathing etc. are still there, but they cannot grasp me anymore, they are more akin to a background noise that you just ignore and go on with your life.

    I almost ended up in a fight yesterday, but was able to control my rage and just drop the whole situation. This was a huge step for me personally because I’ve had violent tendencies and anger management issues before in my life, but this time I was just able to keep things cool and not make a fool out of myself and end up fighting with some drunken stranger. This still doesn’t mean I will take “shit” from anybody, my self confidence has come back like it was never before.

    • Face looks definitely better and almost seems like my skin is more smooth ( This might be due to placebo, because I’m feeling quite good 24/7 )
    • Concentration has increased ( I am able to read books again. Now this might not sound something amazing, but keep in mind that the last time I’ve opened a book in my spare time was 2 years ago )
    • Morning wood has come back 😀
    • Extremely vivid dreams, almost every single one of them is also highly erotic

    Last time I’ve had a girlfriend was 2 years ago, after that, I’ve literally had almost no contact with women. Yesterday was a big eye opener for me, because I was able to entertain 2 good looking ladies and genuinely make them laugh/enjoy my company at the bar for hours, but none of them really felt “my type” so I was not interested to take things as far as I’ve could.

  313. I honestly have not felt better than I do right now

    Day 30: NoFap is damn well amazing 

    by wr47h30 days

    I’ve tried this before sometime in November last year. Didn’t get past the two weeks because I wasn’t taking it very seriously. Little did I know that the benefits of NoFap started after two weeks.. silly me.

    I honestly have not felt better than I do right now, absolutely nothing has gone wrong for the past 14 days and my confidence has shot through the roof (compared to what it was before). Talking to people is ridiculously easy, whereas before, if people didn’t approach me, I didn’t say a thing to them and vice-versa. I find conversations have a lot more flow now; there are virtually no awkward hiccups any more.

    I’m still trying to find out what to do in terms of relationships. Do I want a girlfriend or do I want to stay single? It’s really the only thing I’m unsure of right now. There’s a really cute girl at work who’s always laughing when I talk to her and whenever she sees me I see her eyes light up. Might go for that; time will tell.

    And when I began this my original thought wasn’t, “I want to stop fapping for 90 days,” I decided I want to stop fapping completely. It’s going well so far but if it starts to get worse I know that my fellow fapstronauts are here to support me.


    1. Don’t look at porn or edge, it’s not doing you any good. Get a site blocker and delete any porn you have stored.
    2. Find something to occupy what was previously your fapping time. Personally I’ve been playing guitar and I started working out seriously and it is FANTASTIC.
    3. Don’t doubt yourself.
    4. Going against number 3: Don’t believe yourself if you say you should masturbate.
    5. Don’t put a number 5 if you only have 4 tips.
  314. Skeptic eats his words.

    Skeptic eats his words. 

    by mac_gere15 days

    I’ve been lurking this for a long time, silently mocking this page. I thought there was no way this worked, a whole bunch of anecdotal evidence caused by the placebo effect, no way in hell something as insignificant as masturbating could have any effect on me. In the spirit of skepticism I’ve tried it out for the last 14 days, just to see if there were any results.

    can’t believe i’m saying this, but i’m thinking more clearly, conversation with women is INFINITELY easier, and I’ve even grown something of a backbone against this douchebag that lives on my hall.

    god damn it, this shit works. Sorry.

    now how the fuck do i set a badge?

  315. I’m 26 years old and week ago I was virgin too. Now I am no more

    I’m 26 years old and week ago I was virgin too. Now I am no more. 🙂

    I started NoFap exactly on 1 January 2013, it just turned out that way. I wasn’t very good with girls, even though I’m quite handsome (in my opinion). Before starting NoFap I kissed only one girl in my whole life (25 years). I was dating her for about two months before I screwed up.

    I’m 100% sure that if I didn’t stop fapping I would still be a virgin. I can’t guarantee you that you will find a girlfriend and have sex in next four months (that’s my case) but I am sure that you will not if you continue fapping. Seriously.

    Two weeks before I had sex for the first time I relapsed, and week later when me and my girlfriend were both in bed, naked, I felt like shit and my dick was like “leave me alone, dude…”. I knew that if I want to have normal sex life I have to give up porn for good. Week later we had our first sex and believe me it was good.

    I had a time in my life when I was very worried about the fact that I was a virgin, but then I just stopped giving a damn. Don’t be afraid, to be honest probably 99% of women will think that it’s weird that you are 35 years old and still a virgin, but you just have to go for it. My girlfriend told me that she thought most women would think that it’s strange that I was virgin in age of 26. I know it isn’t pleasant realisation, but don’t worry.

    Stop fapping for good and nature will take it’s course. Trust me.

  316. Anxiety 100% -> 20%, no joke!

    Anxiety 100% -> 20%, no joke! 

    by c00ki3znkr34m10 days

    So, I wouldn’t say I’m a really nervous guy, but I definitely had my fair share of the social anxiety in the past. Now, I find everywhere I go I’m more confident, automatic-dgaf and shark mode, for realz. lulz.

    It’s wicked to be able to just comfortably float everywhere, feeling strong and grounded. It’s been 9 days, temptation has been tough, but it easily fades when I look at all the negative things that come with this 5 minutes of fake pleasure.

    I find I’m also finding ridiculous pleasure in small activities, I remember the magic of being alive and a child. Before everything felt numb and lifeless.

    Stay on, fapstronaughts. This shit works, for real.

    I’m also SO MUCH MORE HAPPIER, over little to nothing. Like almost all day. I just have a smile on my face and everythings funny.

    I guess this is “normal”, lol

    God damn I’m never fapping again!!!

    P.S. As far as women go, A LOT of cute girls go out of there way to flirt with me now, and it’s like I’m not super smooth and still rough around the edges [read: awkward] but they’re still super forgiving and STILL attracted to me after, I still don’t believe it. One girl even followed me into my house being all playful and shit, it was wild.

  317. 30 Day Report

    30 Day Report 

    o by littlehero9130 days

    Hello guys and gals 30 days. this is my longest streak so far. After I relapsed last time, I flatlined pretty much until day 24. Really bad anxiety, depression and mood swings. I think I’m over the most part now. I feel incredible. Like all my worries taken away. I’m being optimistic about my future. I just have to be very careful not to relapse, because I tend to fantasize a lot.

  318. The most obvious benefits of r/pornfree

    The most obvious benefits of r/pornfree

    by minnow1776

    Every person on this subreddit has his/her own reasons for taking on r/pornfree, but for those of you who may be on the fence about partaking in this challenge, let me persuade you with several of the best and most obvious benefits.

    1) Tissue boxes last for-fucking-ever. Before I would go through one every other week but with r/pornfree I feel like I’ll never run out. Why you may ask? Because they only go on my nose, not on my dongle.

    2) You can put all that lotion to better use. Ever had dry skin? Say no more, muchacho. Remember all that lotion you’ve wasted on your meat stick? Now you can put it ANYWHERE. That’s right, you can use the lotion to smooth down those rugged rough shoulders, you can spread it all over your manly-ass biceps and make those puppies shine, or you can spread it all over a charming lady-friend (if she consents, but when she sees your sexy smooth lotion-lathered skin how could she refuse?).

    3) No more awkward dick struts to the bathroom. You know what I’m talking about. You’re sitting at your computer, fapping your life away, and you finish up only to realize that you have run out of tissues (see point #1). So you get up, hold your shirt up with your elbow, keep your spittle glazed baloney pony off your waistband with your dry hand, try to keep your not so dry hand off your favorite shirt, and you waddle your way to the bathroom to wipe your tallywhacker on some toilet paper like a constipated penguin. If you’re like me, on the trip to the bathroom you’re thinking, “There’s got to be a better way!” WELL GUESS WHAT BITCH-TITS, CALL ME MOTHER FUCKING BILLY MAYS BECAUSE I’VE GOT A SOLUTION FOR YOU! Take the r/pornfree challenge and never again have to worry about your roommate/mom/girlfriend catching you do the dick waddle! It’s that easy!

    4) Your pets will love you more. Is there anything worse than being in the middle of an intense and borderline painful fapfest and having your dog/cat/beloved goldfish mosey on up to you and look you dead in the eye? Maybe stepping on a lego, but besides that it’s pretty much the shittiest thing that is likely to happen to you on your Saturday night spent alone watching porn. Take the r/pornfree challenge and you no longer have to shoo your poodle from your noodle! No longer will you have to throw a blanket over your cockatoo’s cage to keep him from seeing your cockatoo’s rage! Think about it, this subreddit basically makes you Jane Goodall of your miniature animal kingdom.

    5) No more embarrassing lies. Ever walk into a respectable climate with respectable chaps and respectable ladies only to realize you have a spittle spot on your shirt, an embarrassing remnant of your late night porn spree? Then you spend the rest of the evening thinking everyone is staring at it and so you tell people it’s “syrup” that you must have spilled on yourself for breakfast? Yes, you have, and if you haven’t then you still probably have and are just lying to me/yourself. Well you can wave those situations goodbye, because from now on the stains on your clothes really will be syrup instead of dick goop.

    6) Less confusion on laundry day. No more will you have to look at your favorite shirt and say “Is that doughnut glaze or jizz residue?” No more will you have to play Russian Roulette with dirty socks on your floor, hoping to God that you didn’t fill one up the night before after an intense porn session. No more will you look at a seemingly clean pair of underwear and after pulling them up to your knees you see the shimmer of sperm that sneaked into your pants after an unsuccessful dirty dick waddle.

    7) No more accidentally thinking about your relatives while your pants are down. Seriously, nothing ruins your day quite like thinking of dear old Aunt Millie while you’re exercising your third leg.

    8) Fewer boner-alerts. Porn addicts, I know what you’ve been through. You see a pretty girl on the street and rather than thinking “Hey, she looks quite pretty, and I can respect her not only for her good looks but also for her personality,” you think “JESUS TIT FUCK I WANNA BONE HER AND MAYBE EAT DONUTS OFF HER BUTT!” And just like that, BAM! Instant boner-alert. Now you have to walk around holding something in front of you, or bent over at a 60 degree angle, or you have to walk behind someone large and pray that they don’t stop abruptly causing you to poke them with your raging little Elvis. Take the this challenge and never compare women to “that one porn star you saw when you were fapping on a sunny Friday afternoon alone” and you can instead go out on that sunny Friday afternoon and see a pretty lady without instantly giving her a standing ovation in your trousers.

    9) Miscellaneous Of course there are other things that will happen when you eliminate porn from your life, such as increased confidence, better self esteem, the ability to look people in the eye, a sudden power to seduce ladies left and right like you’ve suddenly become Antonio Benderas, fewer sexual problems like ED or impotency, spending your life living with people and pretty girls rather than fucking yourself every night til you cry your lonely ass to sleep, increased honesty and loyalty to your current or potential girlfriend/boyfriend or husband/wife, viewing women as humans rather than objects to succumb to your every whim, and you will feel less like SAP and more like OMM just to name a few. And of course you gain the ability to live your life without being shackled to the shallow, meaningless, poisonous lie that you need porn, that you can never live without it, or that sex is some mystical end-all objective that life revolves around. You will look at a porn star and think “You know what? She poops. She’s not any different from me, she’s not some beacon to chase my whole life, she’s no better or worse than I am.” You are not a dog chasing after cars that you can never catch, because the cars aren’t even real and neither are the women you watch online or on tv or in magazines, they are just the empty shells the world wants you to worship. These ideas you have built up over years of being a prisoner to porn have only ever done one thing to you: Skew your reality from something you want. What you want is to live your damn life for all that it can be, but all that time that you wasted being porn’s bitch has done nothing but cover a hole you were too afraid to fill yourself. I know what it is like to use pornography as a tool to lie to myself about my insecurities, but life isn’t lived under the pretense of a lie. Life is lived despite struggle, despite pain, despite feelings of inadequacy; life is lived with courage, the courage to overcome your demons.

    So, are you strong enough to fill the hole you’ve covered?

    Don’t live the lie. Life is so much greater than that.

  319. Feel like I’m rediscovering

    Feel like I’m rediscovering myself 

     by nmrn10 days

    I never realised how much PMO damaged me, I never realised how close I came to losing some of the most important things in my life. It’s only been ten days since my last relapse but this is the 31st day since I really started taking it seriously. Already there are some huge benefits but these are the two most important to me:

    1) I have never felt more attracted to my wife and not just sexually but emotionally. I just can’t get enough of being around her, I miss her when she isn’t here – a big change from enjoying her absences because it meant I could freely PMO – and at the same time I don’t feel the need for her approval anymore: it’s difficult to explain this but basically I’ve never really felt like I can make my own decisions and never really felt like I can do things for myself, I would always be thinking ‘I will do this because Mrs NMRN wants it done’ or ‘I won’t do this because she won’t find out.’ Now I do stuff for myself. I’m more independent and assertive which, although she hasn’t mentioned, I can tell she likes because we get on so much better.

    2) I have rediscovered how much I love writing. I never actually stopped writing but always wondered why I didn’t seem to love it as much as I used to. I thought it was just because I was getting older and had other things to think about. But since quitting PMO I have rediscovered that passion with a vengeance and am about 10,000 words into a new novel.

    Sorry for the wall of text guys but I’m just a bit high off a great writing session and Mrs NMRN isn’t at home. I’ve been battling an urge to PMO all day but sat down to write instead and feel great for it, almost like I just had sex!

    FYI I am doing noFap, pornfree and also noInternet (other that this site, obviously). After previous failed attempts I feel like quitting the Internet is the missing piece of the puzzle: there’s so much room for activities! Just wish I’d discovered it years ago, with a baby on the way there won’t be room much longer.

    Have a great weekend and thanks for reading my barely coherent ravings.

  320. 60 days report

    60 days report 

     liv4now61 days

    Well I made it to 60. I’m not as excited about it because I’ve been here before.
    I don’t post here much but lurk and read. The changes I notice most are more confidence in my self and the ability to deal with lifes ups and downs better. I don’t have that guilt feeling about me and feel more happy. I get way more stuff done. I feel more free, I don’t feel like a slave anymore to this addiction.

    My biggest weapons this time was the discovery of this site where I learned how my brain works and learned some techniques with breathing to overcome cravings. Remember all cravings will eventually lose their power and go away, all you have to do is persevere. Another thing I suggest is a strong resolve like I can sit here and honestly say I’m 100% done with PMO, another reason 60 days means little to me is because I know I’m done.

    One other thing, I do not edge, have sex with anyone or anything, totally cold turkey, don’t let others fool you it can be done.

    good luck guys, I hope this helps if anyone bothers to read it.

  321. My 45 day report.

    My 45 day report. 

    by captbyron45 days

    Hello friends. I thought I’d share the last 45 days with you. I’ll try break it down into positive and not-so-positive (which won’t be very long 🙂 )

    Intro I’m Byron, 27 m. I’ve had it easy for now, but for some it’s a really crippling experience. My advice is this. If you tried and failed, it wasn’t because you had no willpower or weren’t motivated, it was because you weren’t ready. I spent a good couple of days sizing up this challenge before starting. Overall, I feel healthy and happy. And believe me, I don’t care if you call BS on this. Girls somehow know something is up when you quit. Although I brushed it off, I’ve had girls hit on me, give me compliments. This was very rare.


    Self respect. Who I am alone and in company is now a lot more in sync. My personal time is no longer spent haunched over my laptop, trawling the net for a video to satisfy me. A few months ago I was engulfed with thoughts of offing myself, but I made a turn around and being here is part of that. I have a job, an apartment, a girlfriend and cash at the end of the month. I have no cause but to be thankful.

    Intimacy I feel a lot more involved with my partner. I used to want to just lie on my bed and get served now it’s now more about pleasing her than having her please me. Her pleasure is mine.

    Anxiety I used to have TERRIBLE social anxiety. I am far less anxious and I no longer need an antiperspirant, just a deodorant.

    Fondness I felt a childishness for things I enjoy that I had long lost interest in. Economics, geography, cars, tv series whatever. They’re coming back.

    Rocky That moment when you start to get your shit together and you run up those stairs and you feel Godly. You take control of your life. You look down at all those that doubted you, mocked you, harmed you and rise above them.

    Minimalism just like cutting pmo from my life I cut a lot of other stuff. I dumped old clothes, books, furniture, cleaned out my hdd, my emails, my facebook etc etc. I also ditched vidya, fuck CoD. That also was a thief of my time.

    Learn! guys seriously, I’ve been doing some khan academy, coursera, tedx etc Spending my free time learning has been so awesome.

    Okay physical positives. Definitely feeling a lot more energetic and masculine lately. I have that healthy feeling and I wake up a lot easier. I did lose sleep in the beginning, but now I sleep well. My penis sensitivity is slowly coming back and I can see that my bloodflow is a lot better. My erections are stronger and my testicles feel full and healthy. Not all limp and empty. Urination has definitely changed. I sometimes feel that I need to urinate even though I just had. But this is something others have also noted.

    Not so positive

    Flatline I find this difficult because at day 45 I am definitely in somewhat of a flatline. Not a total flatline but certainly some form of it. My libido is down and while I had two releases yesterday it was more just to cure the edginess. Feeling very emotionally neutral the last few days.

    aggression I don’t know if it’s increased testosterone or what but I’ve been quite aggressive lately.

    Mood swings One day I am bouncing off the walls others I want to break the down. I’ve snapped a few times in the last 45 days.


    Sorry for the sloppy editing and writing. For a guy who has spent most of his life writing (I’m an analyst and speechwriter in congress) I leave it at the door when I’m on reddit.

    Please ask any questions. I know this report is probably so generic so go ahead.

  322. I didn’t believe in NoFap but I wanted to try it

    Obligatory 30 day report 

    by napster2k631 days

    A few unexpected things has happened. I genuinely don’t like watching porn anymore. I’ve even tried “edging” and I just don’t like it. This is something I don’t expect to last though but hopefully it will. And random boners, thought that would take at least 90 days before I got them but they started coming around day 25. This shit cray!

    I didn’t believe in NoFap but I wanted to try it. Even thought I was slightly determined to stop PMOing it took me a year of 3-5 days relapses to get sick of relapsing and really start this challenge for real. I always thought “what if this doesn’t work and I’ve wasted hours of watching sweet P and having loads of orgasms”. Around the 20 day mark I realized that I’m going to stick with this. Its absolutely worth it.

    Stay strong and don’t give up! Its worth it!

  323. 33 days report… time to give back

    33 days report… time to give back

    by brasileiro55533 days

    English is not my native language.

    Male: 30 years and never had a GF, i was very sociable in early 20’s but I masturbate everyday, without porn, and never make the effort to chase girls… after some time… I succumb to the pressure of never had GF and start to go out less… this leads me to porn addiction and started to masturbate more… this shit created a amazing HUGE social anxiety… I would listen voices in my head anytime I leave to social gatherings… more and more in home, less sun, less exercising, spiritual to the ground… friends lost… all fucked,

    so time passed I was meting hookers 2 to 4 times / month for like 3 or 4 years… more time… I started to watch porn and masturbate only once a week. after cut to once a week I started to feel benefits… and decided to looking for more… but I was satisfied with once a week masturbate,,, thought would keep for years… started to search for more information, found some… don’t remember what…. and found yourbrainonporn, reuniting, and no fap…

    1 year ago whenever I need to take the subway, I would take a beer first, I would go to supermarket only after mid-night(24/7 market near my home) and would not go in weekends because are full even at 3 or 4 am… I was years without talking to hot girls except to get things done … ask things, buy, ask directions, whatever, but never personal…

    doing once a week I start to go to supermarket in day-light lol … started my way back to old friendships… …

    all my life almost no girl notice me… and after started to make the once week this changed a little, got some smiles here and there, and some confidence

    3 months ago I started to try the 90 days challenge here.. each bigger streak makes me suffer …painful urges, loneliness, despair, so I Relapsed lot of times… in days 8 .. 10.12.. 15.18.22. and many more… lately I m much more in control after a weekend of meditation a in a sacred city… in this streak I m now talking with hot girls… and guess what… without being nervous, smiling and making jokes as I would do only with my good friends., making girls laugh …

    I m with so much less social anxiety… I cant recognize myself… of course it’s not the whole time, but everyday is a improvement… … I cant focus on work lately and as a freelancer I m not getting much money, but I m not going too met hookers lately anymore so the money is enough… .

    the great question: can I go back to old habits of everyday pmo? man hahaha, not a fucking way, 0% … .

    there are many others benefits… and one counter, I cant focus in work…

    -Was it as easy as it looked? -No,sir. No,sir,it wasn’t. (pursuit of happiness quote)

    .. . . hear me, are you thinking about give up because don’t worth the effort? … don’t give, this worth it… can be hard some times but keep going… the crop/harvest time you come… I don’t have this confidence since like … child I guess

  324. Nofap is definitely worth it!

    Day 35 post! Just wanted to share my experience. Nofap is definitely worth it! 

     by Sebs9500

    Ok so I started watching porn when I was around 12-13 but it didn’t get bad until I turned 15 I think. I started fapping every day 2 or 3 times with porn. I lost my virginity when I was 16. It was terrible.. I got hard for about 2 minutes and then my penis just died on me. It took me around 5 other girls to realize that I had a problem.

    So now I’m 18 and I’m 35 days in of no fap! I’ve been with this girl for 3 months now. Last night we go pretty physical. We didn’t have sex, it was more of making out and grinding. I was surprised on how I was able to stay hard for so long. It was unreal, I felt like I was dreaming!!

    I don’t see woman as sexual objects anymore but the caring human beings they are! Before I looked at a girl and my first thought was dam I wanna fuck her or I wanna do this and that to her. But now that’s gone! And it feels great.

    My confidence level is up a lot! It’s like I don’t give a shit anymore and enjoy myself. So yeah to this day no fap has seriously changed my life in a good way. And I’m really happy about that! I’m making this a lifestyle, fuck born and all that bullshit. I feel better as a whole!

    So yeah hopefully I’m undergoing a good reboot, im planning on doing the 90+ day and then just keep doing it but I won’t be keeping track.

  325. 1440 hours

    1440 hours 

     by 18innings60 days

    I’ve hit the 60 day mark but truly sometimes it’s an hour by hour struggle. Some days are easy, I don’t even think about fapping. Other days I feel the “magic fingers” that George Collins writes about in his book. It feels like groin pressure and a generally agitated state of mind that could only be relieved by fapping.

    Fortunately, it’s only a major problem on weekends, when I tend to be alone with a lot of free time for my mind to wander. When these feelings surface, I’ve found that coming here and reading stories about how people feel after relapsing motivates me to continue. Also reading others success stories motivates me to continue.

    For those on the fence about starting nofap, here are some of the tangible benefits I’ve experienced in the first 60 days:

    • Increased energy
    • Generally more positive outlook, fewer periods of depression
    • Better performance at work – I am part of a team that was nominated for a state-wide award this week. Biggest recognition I’ve received in 13 years with my company.
    • Clearer thinking
    • More motivation
    • Not a huge difference with the ladies, although out of the blue I received an email from a former collegue I was interested in many years ago. She saw my picture on the Internet and said I looked great!!! Wish I had the balls to assert my interest in her years ago.

    I’d been a fap-a-holic for 30 years. Always one of the first things I did in the morning, and again I set aside at least an hour for PMO in the evening. Sometimes it was several hours. Those hours are gone and not coming back. What a waste of time for a few moments of pleasure.

    I also used to cruise for prostitutes on and off for about 15 years. I got tired of the constant worry that my name would appear in the paper if busted so I retreated indoors to PMO around the time high speed Internet became available. I always thought it was harmless. Since I didn’t have a girlfriend except for 3 out of those 30 years, I thought if I didn’t have a way to relieve sexual tension maybe it would manifest into deviant behavior – I didn’t want to to stop PMO and possibly turn into a rapist. I know it’s a really strange justification, but I really believed it for years.

    Thanks for reading. Good luck to everyone and I’ll report back when I reach 2160 hours (90 days).

  326. I was sceptical at first…

    I was sceptical at first… 

    by AndyParka31 days

    But after a month of nofap, it’s clear how much more confident I am! not just in social situations, but around girls. I used to have problems even keeping eye contact with girls, but Last night I held a 1 to 1 conversation with a girl for an hour (that never happens to me, ever).

    So to everyone out there just getting started, It’s truly worth the sacrifice for a better quality of life.

  327. WOW, I had no idea of the effects I was going to get, only 22 da

    WOW, I had no idea of the effects I was going to get, only 22 days with nofap! 

    by Kazum0

    I have not been on a date for one and a half year. When I come to think of it, that date was after a vacation with no porn for a couple weeks. So, I’ve been watching porn like every day since i was 14. I’ve hooked up with many different girls where I have lost interest. But just now I realised that it’s not because the girls are not pretty enough. It’s my issue, that I finally am getting rid of.

    Yesterday, I had this lovely girl over at my house. I met her on saturday and usually, like I’ve been doing for the last years I simply loose interest in the girl the day after I meet her. But now I felt attracted to her and wanted to ask her out. Not only that, but I just feel calm and confident about myself doing it. So far, only 22 days and I’ve gotten these results.. I do not only feel that my confidence has been getting better, but I just feel more happy about myself in some kind of way. I was actually laughing to my self when I was walking home from the store today, just because I realised the changes, and actually why I’ve had problems with girls for all these years.

  328. The one superpower I really

    The one superpower I really notice.

    GaryTheSnaill17 days


    Honestly there’s nothing that increased that much than eye-contact. When I’m walking, just like across the street, I do not look down anymore. I refuse to actually. Instead I look people in the eye and what do I see? They look me in the eye for 0,5 seconds and then look at the ground.

    This makes me feel like a complete boss and you know what? I’ve decided never to look down to the ground again when walking across the street. Look everybody in the eye and see them look down at the ground when they walk by.


    Confidence boost +alot

  329. A 17 year old on his 17th day

    A 17 year old on his 17th day of NoFap 

    by throwaway277985

    I first have to say thank you to my fellow fapstronauts! I could not have made it this far without you and this awesome sub-reddit. I will start off by saying wow have I been missing out. I started masturbating when I was 13 years old and never looked back. I would say I fapped at least once a day over the past 4 years.It has robbed me of feeling love, patience, happiness, and a whole slew of emotions.

    Just after a little over two weeks of NoFap I have had coffee with my dream girl twice and plan on hanging out with her more. It may not seem like a big deal but to a kiss less virgin who used fapping for sexual release, it means a lot. I can now talk to girls with ease and I’m obsessed with females in general. All I want to do is be around girls and this is new for me and I will have to learn how to adjust.

    It is finally making sense how the whole relationship thing works being that I never had a desire to have a SO. I have lost 31 pounds(New years resolution) and have cleared my acne away. I now dress to impress and have twice as much self confidence. What I am trying to say is that it is worth it!!! NoFap has given me a reason to live and I’m only on my 17th day. Again, thank you to all and god bless.

    TL;DR: In two weeks NoFap has changed my life and gave me purpose.

  330. Ok. I have made it 65 days no PMO.

      I have noticed increased morning wood, both in terms of frequency and getting more hard.  I haven’t had a wet dream nor have I had any spontaneous erections.  Although at times it seems like can feel I am about to get an erection during the day, but it never fully develops.  I have made out with a woman through the process, but she knows my problem and I don’t go near orgasm.  I can sometimes get erect just be seeing her or touching her, but if she reaches for me, it sometimes goes down.  I find myself less depressed and more confident.  I also see many more real women attractive than ever before.  I even rubberneck looking at women as I drive down the street, which I never did during my porn days.

    65 Days……time to leave for a bit.
  331. Unleashing the animal inside- the real me- the alpha male !

    Unleashing the animal inside- the real me- the alpha male !
    I just wanted to talk about the resultant increase in confidence and drive from no PMO! 

    Surely this no fap thing is the best thing I have ever tried in my entire life! I feel like some inner energy or drive is fuckin forcing me to get my fuckin ass out of the bed, meet new girls, learn new things and win new challenges!  I see no reason now why I should go back to fapping in my miserable dark room filled with desperation, uncertainty and gloom. All suicidal feelings are fuckin gone! Now I want to live.

    Now I don’t even fuckin care about whether a girl likes me or not. I have met quite a few girls and have made then fall for me just by acting more confident! Now I’m going to devote my life to something bigger, a mission maybe. Chicks will just flock given the fact that they die for a goal oriented alpha male whom others follow and who makes the rules.

    PS have already started learning violin, working out, blogging, share trading, reading and meditating. I want to see how far I can take this!

  332. 141 no porn, 45 no fap, 37 no orgasm

    45 days update 

    by thegame8945 days

    141 no porn, 45 no fap, 37 no orgasm

    The bad

    • Still have ED with girls, Need stimulation to get an erection
    • No/very low sex drive
    • Morning wood only twice in the last 141 days
    • Very tired/lethargic most days
    • Lose erections after 10-15 seconds no stimulation

    The good

    • Can get 100% hard without porn or fantasy with gentle stroking after about a minute
    • Can get hard from oral, good enough for sex
    • Can get fairly hard from vanilla thoughts of girls i know when laying down or texting
    • Most days i have no social anxiety
    • My dick looks healthier and more sensitive

    So thats my progress so far, Probably need another 6 months hopefully i can hold out on orgasm that long.

  333. What were your first impressions of NoFap?

    What were your first impressions of NoFap? 

    by LuxuryCanWait90 days

    And how has NoFap benefited (or not) for you?

    When I I first saw this I literally thought it was a joke, like guys who tried to be hipsters or make themselves suffer for the hell of it. I really thought this was going to be a religious cult who make themselves not Fap the same way nuns swear off sex. Just being honest.

    Now looking back. I now have a lot more willpower to get things done. And I can talk to a woman like a person now. Not Not like an over glorified sex object that I’m trying to impress.

  334. 60 Day Check In

    60 Day Check In (self.pornfree)

     by lojork61 days

    Well, 60 days after quitting porn, I feel great. I have basically no urge to use porn at this point. Quite the contrary, I am turned off by the thought. I quit smoking and drinking using Allen Carr’s Easyway technique, and I have applied similar techniques here.

    The first thing is that I decided I don’t like porn. That way I can deal with withdrawal urges: “Shut up scumbag brain, I don’t like PMO.” Eventually, withdrawal pangs go away. I have a long list of reasons why I don’t like porn, but the biggest one is that it eats precious sleep and wastes time when I want to be doing other things. This is why I initially had a list of things I would rather do than watch porn. So, if I had an urge, I’d look at my list and sure enough there was something more important.

    The second thing is that I will never start using again. I don’t test myself, just to show how awesome I am. I don’t substitute masturbating to bikini models or erotic literature or fantasies for watching porn. I don’t relapse. If I relapsed, I didn’t get the first part down. Why would I relapse? I don’t even like watching porn!

    It is impossible to avoid porny images altogether. There’s only so much your filters can do, and they don’t work off of the computer. But I have a different reaction to the subtle porn stuff. Remember: I don’t like porn. So I am actually a little disgusted by it and I make it go away. I close the window, turn away from the TV in the background, or stand away from the advertisement. Because, to me, porn in the course of daily life is the same as a picture of a diseased lung. Who wants to look at it? Not me.

    Oddly enough, I have not had trouble with tasteful sex scenes in movies. My brain is apparently smart enough to differentiate between porn and pathos. Thanks, brain! When you’re not being a scumbag, you can be pretty cool.

    Recently I looked into Karezza, but I don’t have any instruction manual or anything. I just thought, Oh, that makes sense. If you don’t orgasm, you get to play forever. But that doesn’t seem to work for me. In my experiment, I had about 2 hours of orgasm-free bonding one night and then I flatlined the next. So I guess I should read the material about it, because I’m probably doing it wrong. In any event, orgasming in real sex doesn’t seem to cause me any depression, so I’m not sure it’s a big concern.

    My wife has definitely noticed the difference. I’m a reinvigorated, sexual beast sometimes. There are definite benefits to not taking the easy way out and releasing sexual urges to porn.

    They really need to teach pornfree to kids. I remember in my sex ed class, the teacher talked about tight jeans and how they were causing low sperm counts in some men. All the boys were like, OMG! But, really, who cares about temporary infertility in unmarried teens? If I had a guaranteed method of birth control at that age, I’d have been happy. No, what really scares us is impotence. Well, this porn shit makes men IMPOTENT! Even if the dude can get it up, he’s like less than half a man in bed. Teaching YBOP in 7th grade might solve the problem entirely.

    Stay clean everyone! Have a good evening!

  335. 92 Days! Short report (self.pornfree)

    92 Days! Short report (self.pornfree)

     by Project-Me95 days

    Whelp! This is awesome. I did NoFap with intermittent porn usage for 90 days, and relapsed extremely hard. I identified that masturbation wasn’t the issue and went NoPorn with meditative masturbation as needed for the past 92 days. Frankly, I’m cured. My cravings for porn are gone, and I have found a sustainable practice for release. Not to mention I haven’t had to masturbate very often in the past few weeks due to a few one night stands, which is the result of only masturbating around once a week I.E. horny superpowers among other lifestyle changes! Things are looking up y’all. Keep it up… Literally.

  336. I’m not really sure what I was expecting, but this wasn’t really

    33 Days In – Completely not what I expected. 

    by needahit33 days

    I’m not really sure what I was expecting, but this wasn’t really it. It’s pretty great, though, regardless.

    So what have I experienced/how do I feel?

    I feel like a better person. I knew that PMO wasn’t healthy but I completely hadn’t realized how much PMO was tied with my continually feeling sorry for myself for being a shitty person. I went into this thinking that I would commit to nofap in order to clear my brain from constantly thinking about the next time I would have a chance to fap. What ended up happening is that I feel like so much more noble of a human being now that when I feel the need to indulge, I indulge in the people around me instead of in the porn I find on the internet. I no longer think of myself as a machine that needs to be serviced so I can be productive in the rest of my life, but as a living breathing organism, full of hormones that can be used as a vehicle for caring passionately about those around me.

    I flatlined pretty early and have had very few urges to relapse. I’ve attempted nofap less officially before (long before I had heard about /r/nofap) and lasted for about a week or so before going crazy, but this time I haven’t relapsed at all. I’ve been working harder in the past month than I ever have in my life, so I’m sure that helps by keeping me distracted, but I expected a continual struggle day in and day out, and while the first four or five days were pretty hard, I no longer have strong urges to fap.

    I still love to fap (but I obviously don’t). This was partly the realization that lead me down this path seriously in the first place. I realized I wanted to fap to photos of girls I know more than I wanted to sleep with them (read: my attraction to a 2D photo was way higher than to them in real life). One of the really frustrating things, is I’ll have dreams where I’m releasing some sexual tension, but instead of sleeping with a beautiful girl, I’m dreaming about running off to a corner somewhere and fapping. I think this is partly because I haven’t had that much sex in my life, so my fantasy engine for it is underdeveloped, but it can be really frustrating, especially because it’s really hard to control your dreams.

    For the first time in 9 years, I’m actually dating a girl in a semi-serious way. Unlike some other people here, I did not start nofap to get laid, I started nofap to rid myself of a habit that I felt was harmful to my self-image. In fact, I don’t even anticipate getting laid anytime soon (the girl is quite conservative), and that’s totally OK, I’m enjoying the nuances of our relationship long before sex even enters the official picture.

    I also gave up alcohol at the same time. I was never anything more than a social drinker, but I get hungover pretty easily and that’s no fun. It’s been kind of neat to pit my PMO abstinence with my alcohol abstinence and treat it like a little competition. It’s funny how you can use one part of your life to keep another in-check and visa-versa.

    This could change, but I can’t imagine going back to a fap-full lifestyle. I thought this would be a temporary thing, but fapping just isn’t worth it. My brain seems so much clearer now. Not fapping has become a habit (It’s been >3 weeks), and I have one less (big) thing to worry about – when to get my next fix.


    I read somewhere here, I wish I could remember where (sorry, OP!), someone saying that they had progressed to the point there when they go tinkle they look at their penis and say “hello penis, what are you for?” This was a really powerful tip because it helped me imagine what nofap should feel like instead of what nofap just shouldn’t feel like (fapping all the time).

    Giving up something else in parallel makes a little more of a game out of the whole thing. I wouldn’t recommend giving up everything bad in your life, but just something to compete with your nofapping.

    Even if you don’t post, the act of just reading nofap really helps to hold yourself accountable.

  337. NoFap makes sex actually feel good (no more DE)

    NoFap makes sex actually feel good (no more DE)

    Counter’s accurate, back up to 5 full days since my second relapse. About…a month and 5 days since I started.

    Been enjoying sex with my girlfriend WAY more than I ever have with any girl ever. Guys, if you don’t believe in “superpowers” or any other effects (although I do), believe it: NoFap makes sex feel amazing, just like it’s supposed to. I had KILLED my sensitivity with fapping for years.

    Just last night together I realized I had reached the point where trying different positions in her V felt way better than my own hand. This is a huge step for me. My delayed ejaculation, which had had horrible effects on past relationships, is a thing of the past.

    THANK YOU NOFAP! I don’t even feel the temptation to relapse again. There are good days and bad days, but this is a good day!

  338. Seeing the world through porn addicted eyes

    Seeing the world through porn addicted eyes 

    by mr__bad6 days

    So for the past 2 weeks as I’ve started coming to terms with my porn addiction, I’m slowly noticing how my lecher mind works especially when I look on the internet. I notice that whenever I surf the web I have perverse way of browsing. It’s like my mind is permanently predisposed to crave something sexual. Some of the bookmarks on my computer, like Craigslist, don’t really serve any purpose other than to possibly stop by and get a cheap voyeuristic sexual thrill. The point that makes this perversion harmful is the fact that I never feel good about the fact that I’m look at someone doing something sexual on the internet. It’s like I’m crack addict going from dealer to dealer looking for a cheap fix.

    Meanwhile, in real life, because my mind is so sexually overworked, I’m not responding like a human being to all the real sexual beauty I encounter on a constant basis. Real life beautiful girls aren’t sexual objects anymore. The normal sexual stuff like the missionary position with a beautiful girl (things that used to get me rock hard just thinking about it) aren’t things I think about anymore. It’s like this beautiful mind that god gave me to imagine healthy loving sexual relationships has been killed by porn.

    I can’t tell you how I wish I could go back in time and change myself before I started looking at porn. It just seemed a little dirty at first, like when I was little and I found a Hustler and looked at it with my friends, but all the orgasms porn has induced has changed me physiologically. My ability to be intimate…my ability to be turned on by the shape of woman’s body.

    With all that said, and the thing that really smacked me upside the head was I recently met a girl. I spent about 8 months getting to know her. She never spoke about her personal life. I never asked her. I didn’t want to know. I got lost in my dreams of the life I wanted to have with her. She’s tall, thin, blue eyes, she wears a pony tail all the time (my favorite thing), she’s a PhD, she’s incredible bright, sweet, adventurous, kind, altruistic, she’s extremely cute in every way. Add it all up, and she’s the most beautiful girl I’ve ever known. It’s girls like her that are the reason I’ve held onto my dreams, but I finally found out she had a boyfriend, and then I experience the worst heart ache I’ve ever known. I cried every morning for a month. I would wake up dreaming about her with tears streaming down my cheeks. I think this was the first time in my life I’ve ever truly fallen in love. And, it would be difficult to explain how and why, but I’m thinking my porn addicted lifestyle led down a delusional path that predisposed me to let my heart get broken in this way. It was a wakeup call.

    This experience mixed with realizing my porn addiction by coming to NoFap has made me realize the hollow shell I’ve become and how badly my life needs to change.

    There’s not really anyone out there preaching a porn free lifestyle, and how your sexual mental health depends on it. That disappoints me. I now know that happiness and sexual fulfillment are never going to happen in front of a computer screen. I’m hoping my recent experiences and this community will help me find the strength to live the life I know I need to live.

  339. 90 day Fapstronaut, reporting for duty. AMA

    90 day Fapstronaut, reporting for duty. AMA 

    by Kcyd90 days

    90 days NoFap, 86 days no orgasm. Edged twice, briefly viewed porn twice (unrelated to edging). Social anxiety, hocd, and stress immensely diminished. Confidence up, energy up, relationships strengthened, and limitless flirtation with girls. 28 year old male. AMA.

  340. Absolutely awesome, 10 times better then looking at

    Stop jerking your fucking cocks right now

     by napster2k6 41 days

    Just had sex with a girl for the 3rd time. Two first times was awesome. Absolutely awesome, 10 times better then looking at shitty degrading porn and jerking my dick off alone in a chair. Today, we had sexy times a bit later then usual. I went soft after changing positions. Although this didn’t happen the two first times, I’d done revising for my exam all day and it was later at night then usual I still know that this was porn’s fault. I knew she thought she wasn’t ‘hot’ enough for me. I told her straight away what’s going on to make her feel better. She didn’t feel better.

    I don’t know what feels worst, humiliation of not staying hard or knowing I’ve probably hurt a girls feelings.

    Dudes, time to let go of your dicks and let the healing begin.

    :: wow, looks like this helped some people. thanks for all the comments guys! stay strong!!

  341. I feel like the man. My fear about everything is much reduced

    Day 26; BOOYA 

     by fenixx00 26 days

    Some background; I was a chronic fapper, 3-4 times a day every kind of depraved stuff you can think of. Noticed I have horrible social anxiety and generally scared shitless about talking to people, not knowing what to say. Culminated in no confidence in myself, lonely as fark, depressed, dark feelings all the time.

    Tried to fix it with meditation and therapy, but all in all nothing worked.. started to get OCD and slight paranoia too which sucks.

    Fast forward to now, I quit fapping 26 days ago; this is the longest i’ve ever been without fapping in my life since age 12 (i’m 21 now) and I feel like the man. My fear about everything is much reduced (not gone unforunately), I am a lot more positive about everything and am finding things a lot more fun now whereas before I’d think; “Whats the point?”. Socially i’m no longer scared shitless and can look people in the eye and even have witty conversation (i’m still sufferring from anxiety though but i’d say it definitely helps).

    so yeah. GO NO-FAP! I never thought PMO could have such a huge effect on my life, but there you go. it’s almost as if my brain can breathe now and is being allowed to heal (strange sounding :P)

  342. 40 days – shit’s getting serious! Dem super powers…

    40 days – shit’s getting serious! Dem super powers… 

     by ForANewFuture40 days

    The last 10 days have been wild. Let me tell you that if you’ve hit a lull on your way up the NoFap day count, keep going! It only gets better.

    Days 30 to 40 have been characterized by extreme horniness. My superpowers kicked in around the 20’s to 30’s (can’t remember exactly), but they have been amazing.

    Superpower #1 – Extreme Confidence. It doesn’t matter where I’m at, I walk around as if I belong there. This has been prominent in the gym as I’ve been pushing so hard the last 20 days I’ve been seeing great results. I walk with my head up, shoulders back, and eye contact with anyone that looks at me. I am not a ripped guy by any means. I was in the past more or less what they call an ectomorph, or someone who can’t gain weight. That’s been changing, and I actually get compliments on my physique now.

    Superpower #2 -. I’m starting to think women care more about how you act, rather than how you look. But I’m in control. I’ve been straight up offered sex, but have put it on the back burner until I finish this semester of school. I think that also helps, as women see that you’re going to take care of yourself instead of dropping anything and everything to be at their place. But really, tease them, play with them, and bust on them. As long as you aren’t a complete ass, you’ll be fine. It also shows you have some spine. After my finals are over, I will be driving to that girl’s house and spending a weekend. I like to think of it as my reward for a very long semester. We had a conversation last week about how I don’t jerk it or look at porn anymore. I was telling her how badly I want it, and also mentioned how I’m probably going to come extremely fast. Her response? “We can just go 14 times, it’ll be alright”. I laughed, and started talking about something else to which she replied “so, 14 times works for you?”. She wants me to wear her out.

    Superpower #3 – Not giving a fuck. No, I don’t walk around and act like an ass or talk down to people. It’s simply not who I am. But, I do stand up for myself and put my needs / priorities first. I used to be that guy who would sacrifice and blow off everything important to him just so he could spend some time with a girl. Fuck that shit. I truly believe that if you work hard, show dedication, and are a somewhat social person, you WILL find a girl. But the mentality of you doing anything and everything you can to be with her needs to go. Don’t put the pussy up on a pedestal….

    The biggest change this NoFap go around is my mentality. I tried for a couple of months to get myself past the 7 day streak and failed miserably. I was almost more hurt by the lack of self control I had over myself, than the fact that I was still jerking it to women on my computer screen. I tried every little “do this, or do that” gimmick that would supposedly get me past the rough part, and none of it worked. I’ll tell you the entire secret to nofap. This is literally the only piece of advice you need to succeed:

    You have to want it bad enough to do whatever it takes to achieve your goal. If it isn’t powerful enough to change how you act, then it isn’t important to you.

    That’s it, the key to NoFap. Stop making fucking excuses and man up. One NoFapper gave me that kick in the ass and it worked. I started thinking about why I was relapsing. It wasn’t so much that I really wanted to get myself off, it was that being so damn horny gets uncomfortable. Literally so uncomfortable that you want to do whatever you can to get rid of that feeling. This is what separates the men from the boys. You have to get comfortable with being uncomfortable. I literally think this is the key to success, no matter the field.

    That’s it, men. There’s no stopping me now. When I do get laid in a few weeks I will probably come in about 30 seconds. Do I give a fuck? No, because I will have had sex with something other than my hand.

  343. 200 days in… Challenges, new and old

    200 days in… Challenges, new and old 

     by Betterdad

    200 days. Woot.

    New challenge: how to reconcile my newly active sex drive with my wife. Since I spent so many years of our relationship satisfying myself in spite of her availability, now that I’m wanting sex more frequently, very complex feelings are coming up. On the one hand, she has adapted to not expecting sex and so her own natural rhythm seems to be less frequent than my emerging natural rhythm. On the other hand, when we did have sex before, I was a more patient and attentive lover than I seem to be now. So, in short, the new challenge is romance. Getting back into an active sex life and working on delay of gratification are good goals.

    Old challenge: the wonton sexuality in mass media. TV especially. Now that I’m resensitizing to a more natural sexual response… Holy Crap. The stuff on TV is really stimulating. It’s a challenge, for example, to be able to watch movies with my wife when there is a sex scene or partial nudity. I have to be mindful so that I don’t use that brief experience of sexual media as a stepping stone… Don’t save it for the spank bank… Don’t remind myself to look up pictures of that celebrity later… Hell, it doesn’t even take nudity. TV is just so sexuality now.

    New challenge: noticing the advances of other women. I’m a relatively attractive guy. It’s been interesting to start noticing cues of attraction from other women. Now the challenge is to stop looking for those cues as validation, and to limit my response to what’s appropriate for a happily married guy when they do show up. This used to be easy I barely noticed girls hitting on me and when they did I was like ‘meh.’ It’s a whole different ball game when you can physically feel the sense of your sexuality.

    Old challenge: wet dreams. Had one last night! It involved a pornstar. It’s hard not to feel guilty about that,but I have to remember that guilt is the mind killer.

  344. NoFap is the best thing EVER, I am so confident!

    NoFap is the best thing EVER, I am so confident! 

     by Im_not_a_horse

    I HAVE SO MUCH ENERGY! I’m having more fun with people and out doors and I am much more talkative, I don’t know how it works, but each and every one of you reading this in the NoFap community, I love you, and if you’re a lurker, do not resist, do it, you will not regret it for a second!

  345. My 30 Day Report

    My 30 Day Report 

     by tbear87

    Well, it’s day 30 on my first attempt at NoFap, and I really can’t believe I’ve made it here. The last few days have not been easy at all. I have to study for my finals, but it’s like every time I am not doing something active, my penis is all like: “PLAY WITH ME” so that sucks. Also, the insistent morning woods can be hard to deal with. Today it took 40 minutes to go down including a morning pee and a cold shower. Not cool!

    Anyway, I thought I would post this for not only my benefit of seeing my thoughts written out, but also my pros and cons of nofap so far for anybody on their first attempt.

    Pros: Lots of energy. LOTS. I feel like I get more out of my workouts. I’m more aggressive around guys (I was never like that really and it’s kinda nice in that it helps bond. Kinda hard to explain) I’m less nervous to talk to strangers (Though still not great at it) I’m less interested in the idea of porn. and my favorite pro: I’m not scared to let people use my laptop! lol.

    There are some cons for me so far though: It’s extremely hard to focus on things like schoolwork when I’m always horny. That mental fog people talk about during relapses, I seem to have it now. Since I started, my face has broken out badly (Although could be attributed to stress from finals)

    I’m not planning to do this forever. I just want to rid porn from my life, and when I feel that I can manage infrequent M without P, I may call it quits on NoFap. However, I don’t think that is anytime soon for me.

    Thank you all for your support through every post on here. Very helpful! Good luck Fapstronauts, and Go Team Periwinkle!

  346. My life as it was is over. I lost it all

    My life as it was is over. I lost it all 

     by jaysunvzw11 days

    I’ll try to keep this simple. My wife is divorcing me. Their are many reasons for this. Mainly though I am unattractive to my soon to be ex wife. Why am I unattractive. Well I have no confidence. I’m needy and clingy. I have no social life. I have no independance. I go through major mood swings. Okay well why is this. We all know here why this is. Porn and Masterbation.

    We were married 13 years. She caught 1 months after we were married and I lied to her and said I would stop. Over the last 13 years I have been caught many times, lied, hid my addiction and never learned. Porn I believe caused All of my problems above until finally she gave up. Last fall I did a 90 day challenge here and I made it and my life had began major changes. My wife liked what she saw and I believe she was actually starting to check back into the relationship and I had my chance right then.

    But I relapsed and she caught me in Janurary and that was the final failure. I will not be divorced and have to go at this problem alone. We have two kids and they will suffer the most.

    I am now certain that this addiction must stop and I’m a measly 11 days sober but I now know what the bottom looks like and I will finally beat this addiction. Please all men here in a relationship. Stop now for the sake of your lady. She deserves a man without porn who can be the man she always wanted. Stop today forever. Thanks for reading my story.

  347. So many things have changed.

    So many things have changed.

     by cat_attack_

    I’ll try to keep this brief. Here’s my 90 day update: When I started (for religious reasons), I didn’t expect to go far. I was dreading the day when I fail. That was my focus. I dreading being mad at myself. Then, at about 30 days, I realized that if I focus on what will happen WHEN I fail, then I WILL fail. Instead, I focused on making myself better. My self-esteem went through the roof. I gained so much more confidence and a better passion for life. I went from being afraid of asking out a girl, to having an awesome girlfriend. A lot of this is thanks to you guys. Thanks, fapstronaunts. I’m excited for the next 90 days.

  348. 43 days. My foundation is getting stronger.

    43 days.My foundation is getting stronger. 

    by Mrnjau 43 days

    Jessus..this is really mind blowing experience. I dont want to bother you with some long text becouse my English is not really good.

    On topic: Everything is coming to its place.I know what to think,how to act, i know what is right thing to do. I was a phony, now i am becoming myself. Before i was just trying to force myself mentaly to engage into action, into some mindset. It was all wrong. It was like trying to make a dead person come alive. Now it is all diferent, there is just a stream of my own energy that is manifesting thru my everyday life. I am not bothering to become a better person anymore. I am pleased with the progress that i made.

    By the way, energy levels are skyrocketing. I am doing powerlifting with much more drive – I finish my training for half and hour – 45min..before they lasted hour-hour and a half. I sleep 4-5 hours a day,opposed to my 8-9 before no fap, i am not eating that much as i use to. I feel young..i know what that word now means.

    There are other things to say, but it is to delicate and i would lost in all that writing so for the end i just want to thank this comunity for its existence. You saved my life guys.. That is about it folks…Stay strong… :*

  349. 60 days and counting mini-report.

    60 days and counting mini-report.

    by captbyron 63 days

    Good evening everyone A mini report for those who are in the 2/3 part of the journey. The differences between 45 days and 60 have been rather low but I have good news. Lets get right down to it.

    The penis This is the one thing I’ve been vigilant in monitoring the last several weeks and I can report good things.

    1. My sensitivity is returning. My gf gives me the most sensual handjobs and I can now truly appreciate what a lot of good stroking can do (for me at least)
    2. Erections. I’ve had very few rockhard erections in my life. When I started this challenge I didn’t expect to be able to hang wet towels on my erections. But I can say that I have had a few lately and their frequency seems to be increasing.
    3. Orgasms. Slowly getting stronger, still not what they were like a few years ago. Also the release after ejaculation is extraordinary. Like I feel so energised and good afterwards and this lasts like a few hours. When I was masturbating or even with my previous GF I’d orgasm and feel good for like a few minutes then just sink back into the funk. With PMO orgasm payoff was basically nothing.
    4. Testicles. They’re a lot fuller and the general bloodflow to my penis is a lot better. I’ve said this in earlier posts and people ask me how I observe. Quite simply my penis looks probably like how it should look like. A few months ago during PMO era my penis was mushy, pale white and felt rubbery. Now it’s heavier, fuller, redder (colour has returned). General health My anxiety has decreased, general sweating has decreased, my skin has cleared up (all though I still get the odd whitehead), my hair has thickened and darkened a bit and I feel good almost everyday. My confidence has returned and I feel good.

    Downside Moodswings. Had terrible moodswings. Not sure what exactly it is but there are days when I feel very sad, not depressed, but sad. I think it may be due to all the soul searching I’ve done since i began this journey.

    Dizziness. Gentlemen, this is a hard one to attribute to nofap. Some on this subreddit have noted this, but I had it quite bad for a while and this was especially during my flatline era.

    Conclusion tl;dr My sexual health has improved as has my general health.

  350. Just had coffee with 3 girls, and it just occurred to me that I

    Just had coffee with 3 girls, and it just occurred to me that I didn’t think of them “sexually” once the whole time 

     by Risk-Reward

    It’s only been 2 weeks, and I NoFap relapsed big time yesterday, which eroded my confidence and energy, but porn really is becoming a distant memory already. I think it’s a good idea to socialise with women, any women, as much as possible. Seems to recalibrate the mind and “rehumanise” your perception of them. Stay strong, and if you’re trying NoFap in parallel with NoPorn, and if you feel that you’re going to relapse no matter what, try to just fap without porn. Anything but porn. I may have reset my NoFap badge, but I’ve still got 13 days of NoPorn under my belt, and that is worth a lot to me.

    GUY 2

    Rehumanize is a fantastic word choice. I’ve noticed this as well. It’s actually ridiculous how much your views towards women change when you’re off porn. Porn has you thinking of women as basically objects of sexual desire. As sex embodied. You end up putting them on an incredibly bizarre pedestal which is unhealthy for you and disrespectful to women.

    Not only will you find yourself more able to see women as people, detached from porn and sex, but you’ll also find yourself attracted to a wider range of women as the “fake porn girls” fade from memory.

    Outstanding benefits. Glad you’re noticing them.

    You’re also right on that fapping without porn is infinitely better than fapping with porn. I don’t think fapping is that big a deal especially if it’s done in moderation.

  351. Passed 150 days as a teen, it’s worth it. Age 13

    Passed 150 days as a teen, it’s worth it. 

     by QuantumCrunker

    I just wanted to tell all of you no-fapper’s that it does get better. For weeks before I started no-fap I had trouble starting projects, and being productive overall. It’s been 21 weeks. In this time I have matured greatly. When I turned 13 a couple weeks ago I was to celebrate my goal of 100 days by releasing myself, but I didn’t. I decided to keep going. The amount of confidence this has given me has been great, I asked someone to the middle school dance! Remeber, You are never too young to start No-Fap!

    Enough of me, it’s time for you to show yourself how great of a person you can become!

    (Apologies for bad grammar, I’m young)

  352. A 15 year old fapstronaut NEEDS some advice right now…

    A 15 year old fapstronaut NEEDS some advice right now… 

    by BurnsCobra1 day

    My fellow NoFappers! I’m a pretty young fapstronaut (15) and I am facing some big problems right now… Previously, I have made it to 15 days and I can only tell you: I noticed many positive changes and I’ve become more confident and energetic! It was great! But then I relapsed and I don’t even know why! I didn’t even want to, but it just happened… Has anyone ever experienced that?

    Then things got totally out of control: I would find myself masturbating to porn multiple times a day(Sometimes more than 3 or 4 !!!) AGAIN. It was and still is horrible! Sometimes I think I turn into some kind of zombie and without even thinking about it – another relapse! My brain doesn’t seem to function normally in these situations. Really scary…

    So I am calling out to you, brave fapstronauts, would you please offer me some advice to help me out of this mess?

    Keep on being awesome 😉 ! -BurnsCobra

  353. 50 Day Report

    50 Day Report 

     by SparkleMotion4250 days

    I’m 25 years old. I’ve been attempting NoFap for over a year, but this is my current longest stretch at 50 days. I have a girlfriend who I was having completely unsatisfying sex with. I had ED, and when I could get it up, I could not finish without constantly losing my erection, feeling almost nothing and having to almost mentally force myself to finish. I had been fapping once or twice every single day since I was 14. This has in no way been an easy process. I have been trying and relapsing continuously for a year. I’ve bought and thrown away two fleshlights. I’ve beaten myself up mentally and been as far down in the mental gutter as you can go. I finally managed to somehow make it this far.

    I had pretty much the entire gamut of problems, and here is my progress so far.

    • ED slightly cured. Can get and maintain erection, but only for one sexual experience in the day. Used to not be able to hold an erection without constant stimulation at all.
    • Sensitivity slightly cured. It seems to come and go at random. Some days it’s there and others it is not. After sex, it usually goes back to feeling “dulled”. Sex still feels kind of dulled even at the height of my current sensitivity, but a much better improvement from feeling almost literally nothing during sex.
    • DE completely cured. I used to not be able to cum from oral, and PIV would take forever. Now, I cum easily, a little too easily, but it’s better than forcing it.
    • Severe improvement of anxiety. I’m still not entirely comfortable when talking to people, but I used to be a serious shut-in who couldn’t be around people without intense anxiety. My anxiety is a lot better and I am sometimes able to act impulsively in social situations without feeling extremely anxious.
    • Improvement in focus. I feel like I retain information easier, and have a decrease in “ADD”. I used to have trouble watching a TV show without feeling like I need to do something else, and bouncing between activities regularly. It feels easier to “relax” and focus on doing one thing.

    My life feels completely different than it did pre-NoFap. Thought I would share my progress.

  354. 53 days report

    53 days report 

     by aj112 53 days

    It was very hard to get here and it’s my personal best so far after those days if i came by and watch porn i would found it silly, disgusting and way over what i want.

    if any thing that can turn me on is a hot girl walk on the street but i know how to deal with this temptations by just ignoring them because there is nothing in the word deserve to spoil 53 days on it and by remembering that feeling after you relapse that depression feeling,frustration and that you think you will may commit suicide because you keep failing.

    Now i can focus more than before . i memorize a lot of things with out keep forgetting it.

    I’m not shy any more i can talk to a girl and make an eye contact while I’m talking with her . And now I can talk easily with them with out Stutter. and i can feel the real emotions when you like a girl.

    It’s totally worth it and I will continue my journey to day 90 or further more

  355. It’s like coming out the matrix

    It’s like coming out the matrix

     by SupaLove 18 days

    When you are really into all your addictions, you don’t really think about it, it’s so consuming. When I found NoFap, I realised from reading some articles the depths of which my habits were actually harmful to me.. It was as if I suddenly realised I’d wasted the past two years masturbating, among other bad habits.

    18+ days a go I decided to face my addictions and actually focus on improving myself, on developing discipline and stopping a cycle of constant instant gratification and consumption.

    Here are the changes I made;

    • Stop viewing porn
    • Delete porn folder
    • Limited internet time to 40 minutes per day
    • Stopped masturbating

    Furthermore I

    • Quit smoking
    • Have gone gym every day
    • Changed my egotistical lifting to compound strength lifting
    • Limited laptop use until 6pm
    • Started a high protein high calorie diet to support the gym
    • Studied 6 hours per day minimum
    • Deactivated Facebook
    • Started Reading 1 book per week (Now read 6 in 6 weeks)
    • Drinking LOADS of water (whenever I crave a cig)

    Before I was in a cycle of waking up late, sitting on the internet zoned out, viewing reddit and masturbating. Now I am waking up excited, exercising and taking a real interest in my self and life.

    My thirst for living is back, I love my girlfriend more than ever, I’m fucking hyper for the first time in 10 years…

    Anyway; to conclude

    • I feel really good

    Step out of the matrix, face reality, make changes, enjoy life. Stop wasting it. Quit your addictions, become awesome.

    Most importantly; I feel like my curiosity and passion for learning is back. I’m taking an interest in things, and I want to improve, I want to learn. With porn it felt like I never really needed anything else, I wasn’t interested in socialising because I could just watch porn – but I was decaying, not living and NoFap has really allowed me to open my eyes and take responsibility for living a good life!

    (P.s. Although it says 18 days on my badge, I stopped more like 6 weeks a go)

  356. 6 months Porn FREE! “RE-SENSITIZED” 🙂

    6 months Porn FREE! “RE-SENSITIZED” 🙂 

     by swagandsub

    It’s been six months, 180 days, since I’ve watched a flick, November 20, 2012. I remember the exact scene: Rosario Stone & HJ. I fapped to it, but felt absolutely nothing after ejaculating. My body was numb; total edge. After washing sperm off my hand and penis, I decided to quit porn once and for all. I’ve regained control of my mind and body!

    I must admit that porn stars are not as attractive as I thought. There is beauty inside of every woman. But, the reason I viewed: Pinky, Ayana Angel, Diana Devoe, Janet Jacme, Bobbi Starr, Cherokee, and Carmen Hayes as being beautiful was because they were naked, and having sex. Since I wasn’t getting much action, I put a lot of value in them. Looking at these women today makes me think of how truly beautiful they could be if they didn’t do porn. All the makeup and plastic surgery takes away from their true selves; they look ran through!

    Also, the reason why porn sucks is because it’s all about fucking. Think about how great porn would be if producers made films teaching men how to: be more intimate with a woman, have an orgasm without ejaculating, and finding her erogenous zones? Sadly, they already make too much $money$ from the fake bullshit that influences guys into believing their sex lives will be great if they tried to fuck the shit out of every woman they laid down with! It’s just the reality of the situation.

    Now that I’m done with porn I’ve moved on to kicking this masturbation habit. This is my fifth attempt. Last time I went 63 days until a relapse. It was so long since I masturbated, I forgot what it felt like to ejaculate; I’m “RE-SENSITIZED” 🙂 If I accomplish this 100 days without beating off, then I will move on to searching for a mate. Although I’ve improved my dating life tremendously, it’s time to find someone who I can be intimate with!

    Much respect to everyone who’s fighting this battle. I love you guys!

  357. Day 19 on Hard Mode. ‘Superpowers’ are real

    Day 19 on Hard Mode. ‘Superpowers’ are real 

    by trup

    So yeah, day 19. I’ve been flatlining most of the time but I’ve had a few days where my sex drive has been through the roof, nonetheless, keeping busy and remembering that fapping is no longer a part of my life, has made it quite straightforward thus far.

    Regarding superpowers. I was initially skeptical of their existence before starting this but after 19 days I have to admit that they are real, however not as simple as posts here would have you believe. To put it simply, NoFap is a catalyst for other changes in your life but it isn’t necessarily the cause.

    When you do NoFap I think you can generally split the effects into direct consequences and indirect consequences, many of which are the so called super powers. I’ll list what I’ve experienced and what I think most people will experience below. You can generally expect the direct consequences, whereas your mileage may vary with the indirect ones – they depend mostly on your attitude and own input. Anyway, here they are:

    Direct Consequences:

    1. More energy. You will definitely find that you have more energy. This is guaranteed and I think everyone that has done this will agree with me.
    2. More emotional/sensitive to the world around you. You could also call this more clarity. I think this comes after about a week or so.

    Indirect consequences:

    1. Generally happier. I think this stems from having more energy. You end up generally more enthusiastic about things and combined with the fact that you are more sensitive to the world around you – you get that extra bounce in your step.
    2. More self discipline. The act of NoFap takes discipline in itself and this spills over into other aspects of your life, if you want it to. You find it easier to say no to bad habits than you did before and you generally have more willpower and are in better control of your actions.
    3. More confidence. This comes from having self discipline I think. You will think more highly of yourself because of it, and NoFap isn’t easy. To be honest with you I think most of the general population wouldn’t be able to do it – just my honest opinion. The fact that you can, gives you confidence that you’re capable of things that not everyone else is. This again will spill into other aspects of your life. Combine this with being happier and more sensitive to the world around you and you suddenly find yourself talking to strangers a lot more – I don’t think it’s a stretch to say that strangers become more familiar to you – you don’t really see them as strangers anymore and starting conversations with random people starts to become almost as natural as starting them with people you know.
    4. More attention from females. Consequence of being happier, having more confidence, and being more emotional/sensitive to the world around you.
    5. You may not care about number 3 (which funnily enough will make it even more likely). This may be unique to hard mode, but being on it has showed me that I don’t need sexual stimulation. I might want it, but my head won’t explode if I don’t get it and in fact I’m perfectly happy without it at this point, although I’m not denying that it would be nice. Now I know that if I do have sex, it will be on my terms. I don’t have the urge to impress any female anymore – in fact I can see now that most of the females I made effort to impress before weren’t worth it.
    6. If you work out your workouts will be much better. I ran 2km in under ten minutes today, and recorded my fastest one mile time ever. This may not seem quick, in fact I will admit that it isn’t but a) I have hills in my area, and b) a PB is a PB, it’s still better than I’ve ever done. More importantly I’ve never felt better on a run. Usually I feel tired or I struggle but I powered through the last 200 metres like I’ve never done before. I felt well and truly alive. My lungs were working overtime and I think I pushed myself hard enough to realise that I may not have actually outgrown my childhood asthma.

    Nothing else comes to mind right now, but the point I just want to reiterate is that NoFap will not give you superpowers on its own. But it’s a lifestyle choice that awakens in you the desire to gain those superpowers and makes you better equipped to do so. Some people will stumble across these indirect consequences without trying, and good for them that’s great. But if you find that they don’t happen automatically, don’t fret – think about the direct consequences you have gained, congratulate yourself for doing NoFap in the first place, then think about how else you can apply your newly found self discipline to better yourself. I can see all these things and I’m only on day 19. Seriously, if you’re considering doing NoFap – just do it. I guarantee you that you will see the benefits in three weeks and if you don’t, what’s three weeks of your life? Just means the next nut you bust will feel ten times as good and make ten times as much mess. But trust me, that nut isn’t worth it unless its from someone that you’re interested in. That’s the only trade I think is worth losing out on all these benefits.

  358. With my 90 challenge coming to a close, i have something to say

    With my 90 challenge coming to a close, i have something to say

    by TriangularHarry

    I started NoFap for one reason. To get my life back on track, I was going through a number of problems with relationships, study, family, depression, demotivation. I was constantly drained, unhappy, i didn’t know why, and i never thought it would end.

    My day would begin:

    -Wake up


    -School -Home

    -Sit in bedroom/Fap (this would continue all the whole afternoon and night)

    -Get into Bed/Fap repeat

    I was in an endless cycle, and it was bringing me down. until one day whilst browSing redditgonewild & Stumbled on a subreddit which i unknowingly would change my life all together. I remember coming onto nofap, reading a post and truly believing that this could change my life. And it has.

    I struggled a bit, relapsed one or two times but i didn’t give up, resetting and starting again, until finally I got to a point where I dint need to fap. My Grades have improved, I’m spending more time with my family, I HAVE A GIRLFRIEND, I am a significantly happier person. and i owe to nobody more then NoFap.

    So please, if your struggling. Don’t Give Up Don’t Give In Believe That you Can Succeed You Are a Fapstronaut. And you have all of our Support.

  359. 30 day Report

    30 day Report 

     by the_student_31 days

    30 days guys. I´ll try to keep this simple.

    Why I decided to do this:

    • I am twenty three years old and I have never had a meaningful romantic relationship;
    • I always felt that porn/masturbation affected my social life and had a great impact on my studies/professional life;
    • I had tried doing this more times than it would be possible to count. Always failing and even when I was able to abstain PMO for a substancial amount of time I always felt that I was just a click away from relapsing.

    What is Great about NoFap

    • I have a lot more energy.
    • I have more time and more focus to perform my work and I am able to exercise everyday (with great satisfaction).
    • An INCREDIBLE decrease in social anxiety/ I look foward to having conversatinos and I look at people in the eyes. There is no more shame left (or almost none).
    • I get to spend time with my family and friends without calculating when I´ll be able to be alone to FAP.

    What is not so great about NoFap

    • Wet Dreams – I am doing this on HardMode so I have had maybe four wet dreams this last month. However, I have said it before and I will say it again: THEY ARE SMALL INCONVENIENTS. Just wash your boxers when you get up.
    • You will feel things: I was using porn as a coping mechanism for all the stuff and feelings I did not want to deal with. Mostly stress, anxiety and feelings of inadequacy. Once you take porn out of the equation you will feel things that you were hiding from. In my case it was and still is a bit painful and uncomfortable. BUT THAT IS OK. You will grow strong because of it. I REALLY REALLY REALLY feel stronger and I am proud of myself for facing my fears (the battle is far from over).

    What helped me

    • r/Nofap – I read it for 10-15 minutes everyday. All the other times that I have tried it I would eventually convince myself that I was insane for even attempting this and I should just quit it because everyone did it and it was totally normal. Now, I have this community that shares this goal. It has helped me more than I could say.
    • Journaling – also everyday in the mornings. I follow the morning pages method that is famous for the book “The Artist´s way” – Worth checking it out (at least that chapter). It is my main source to deal with my issues and establish a dialogue with myself. I cannot picture myself without this habit now.
    • Exercising – I swim everyday. I look foward for the feeling I get out of it now. You don´t have to swim or go to the gym or do any specific thing. Find an activity that you are going to enjoy and that is possible. If all you have is 15 min everyday, commit do take walks around the block everyday for that period.
    • Meditation – There is an app called “Headspace” – Recommend it a lot.
    • I have established an internet routine( There is a post about it). I don´t think I would be able to stay “clean” if I was just exposing myself to all types of triggers. I haven´t (and maybe never will) developed that kind of willpower when it comes to porn.
    • The videos @ “Sacred Sexuality Vlog” on youtube made by a fellow fapstronaut. AMAZING.

    Final Thoughts

    • I don´t have it all figured out, but I believe I want to do this for life.
    • You don´t have to do exactly as I did, take whatever works.
    • I think Super Powers are just us being amazed by the changes occuring in our minds. I don´t believe that NoFap is a magic solution, it is just an honest opportunity for us to deal with our issues and grow with it.
    • I don´t think NoFap is meant to be practiced by everyone. I never had a drinking problem but that doesn´t mean that all the AA philosophy is just a fantasy. I am here because I have a problem with PMO and I needed (need) to abstain from that to get my life in order. Those that can´t do it in moderation should not do it at all. ( I know how lame these statements are, sorry for that).
    • Keep sharing, keep writing. We are all learning together.


  360. It’s happening!!!

    It’s happening!!! 

    by milkope17 days

    Some history: I’ve been fapping since 7 years old, PMO’d since 12 years old. I’ve never felt sexual attraction towards any real woman, even my crushes. I felt really bad about it and didn’t know why it was happening. This is why i’m still virgin.

    Today i was waiting for a lecture and had a random chat with a girl who had a crush on me. She asked me to go out few months ago, but i slithered out of it, because i was terrified. So today i sat with her and suddenly felt heat coming from her and felt something inside of me. It was a sexual attraction i’ve never felt before. I wanted to kiss her and have sex with her right there. I’ve even gotten a semi-boner. I am so happy right now. I know I have a long way to go yet, but at least now I know i’ll be alright 🙂

  361. After watching The Great Porn Experiment which Martin posted

    After watching The Great Porn Experiment which Martin posted (link here, I decided to give it a go and found that not only was I feeling chirpier and more energetic than ever, but I also experienced a shift in my game. More numbers and fewer flakes, something i’m sure all of us are interested in. I’m convinced that porn has hugely detrimental effects on us as men and I would recommend that you try cutting it out to see if you notice a difference
    I started with a 30-day challenge . goes into greater detail than the video does.


    Hope some of you find this helpful!

  362. This works (cannot be placebo)

    This works (cannot be placebo)

    Alright guys. So I think this is success. I am only 19 days in, so I say it with some caution but I now know for a fact that this whole reboot thing works and PMO addiction is very real. The medical community NEEDS to intervene.

    Anyway, if you guys are interested in hearing about where I was before, I posted on here once before

    Now, after several relapses, I am on my longest streak of 19 days (hardmode – i.e. no PMO, no MO, no GF, no prostitutes, and I live by myself without an Internet blocker). I know that’s peanuts compared to a lot of other stories I have read out there, but I thought I just had to come here and let you all know that this works and the grass IS greener when you come out the other end (literally too). I still have a way to go but here is why I will never go back:

    1. Within one week (even on prior streaks where I eventually relapsed) of quitting, I noticed a lot more energy at work and sports (increased strength, speed and analytical skills).

    2. Much more confident – before I would run in to people in elevators at work and stand there moving my lips with barely any sound coming out. Now I initiate conversations and guide them! The ladies love it too.

    3. Recently I was at a wedding and I all of a sudden had this crazy cheesy flirtatious streak with one of the bridesmaids (alcohol was involved, however, read on) and we ended up hooking up. The hook up was amazing! She didn’t let me have sex with her but we were in our underwear and I had a rock hard boner the whole time and every time I touched her skin I felt this beautiful crackling energy run from my hands to my body and it would just get me even hornier. This is the first time in 6 years that I have been with a girl in bed and actually had an erection.

    4. I kept in touch with her. Just recently was in a flirtatious exchange of text messages (COMPLETELY SOBER THIS TIME). This is a first for me! Up until now, my texts to girls would always be bland and boring, like “How was your day?” etc, you get the drift. But this time, I was literally feeling drunk while texting with her. It was this incredible mischievous feeling mixed in with some sexual energy and I was getting aroused while texting her even though we weren’t talking about anything sexual! Just some non-sexually worded flirting. When we were done, I could feel my self coming down and I kid you not, the feeling was similar to coming down after a huge PMO session. Except, this was some innocent flirting with a really nice girl via text message.

    5. Like a lot of other guys on here have said, I can feel I have greater presence and people seem to notice me more, guys and girls, on the street, at work, everywhere.

    Anyways, I know it has just been 19 days, but guys, I don’t see any reason for me to go back. I know there will probably times in the near future when I will be tempted, but it just isn’t going to happen. DO NOT GIVE UP. KEEP FIGHTING.

    Things that help me the most: Sports, Gym, Meditation (close your eyes and breathe deeply – imagine the discomfort down there as a solid that you are turning into a vapor and filling your heart with that vapor). Good luck!

    I forgot to add another benefit: I used to have always have at least one pimple on my face almost everyday for the last 6 years (and that would be on the best days). Over the last few months since I started trying to reboot, I have very rarely had any acne. And the I have been spotless the two weeks. Maybe it has something to with the hormones. Doctors: HINT

  363. Day 30: Irritatingly Productive, Diminished Anxiety, Etc.

    Day 30: Irritatingly Productive, Diminished Anxiety, Etc. 

    submitted 1 hourago by wbaile3

    I started this quest last month after my anxiety issues got in the way with a beautiful girl, as they have with almost every other girl in my 28 years. I began a slow dive into depression in my early teens at the same time I discovered internet porn but I never connected the two until I saw the TED video. Enter NoFap. The changes have been subtle but all seem to work together, among them:

    • Improved hygiene
    • Better energy levels
    • Better work ethic
    • Less anxiety around women
    • More opinionated and articulate with thoughts

    Most notably is how productive I am with free time since I dont sit around ‘baitin all day. I’m OBSESSED with building my motorcycle or fixing up the house or generally anything where I’m working with my tools. I woke up at 7 am Saturday and was pissed that my roommate was still asleep because I couldn’t wait to fire up a chainsaw. Today is actually the first day where I don’t feel a surge of energy that I have to pour into some project.

    In the past, I have tried EVERYTHING to rid myself of depression/anxiety including alcohol, Rx drugs, illegal drugs, therapy, Jesus, not Jesus, running away from my failures, etc. None of these have worked in the way No Fap appears to be working. I use my day to do things I can be proud of so it’s no surprise my confidence is on the rise. It’s said that thought follows action but I didn’t grasp that until I started filling my time with positive actions instead of negative, soul crushing porn sessions.

  364. 30 day report

    30 day report 

    Details about me:

    • 26, no GF, virgin.
    • Fapper since 7
    • PMO since 14
    • Started the fight at 19 (I got 2 months then, never got to that again).
    • Depressed ever since.
    • Friends and family noticed an increasing lack of enthusiasm for life for the last 7 years.
    • Felt more and more like an empty shell with no feelings or any depth.

    Details about this run:

    • Got my best friend friend to know about the fight and how I felt.
    • Report to him everytime I see him (that’s every week) by telling him the number of days I’ve been clean.
    • His support and encouragement are what have helped me to get this far.

    30-day run report:

    • Awesome feeling of accomplishment!
    • I’m starting to feel good with myself.
    • Porn imaginery bombardment has been drastically reduced.
    • As a consecuence, my mind is not clouded. I think freely.
    • Flatline since day 12. Still there. It’s OK!
    • Recovering the ability to enjoy simple things, slightly.
    • As a consecuence, my brain does not beg for porn as the only source of pleasure.
    • Small temptations when aimplessly surfing the internet, easily dismissed.
    • I enjoy the company of women for the sake of their company.
    • Who needs superpowers? I feel good.
    • Life is worth living again.
    • I sleep better. I am dreaming again.
    • So far I had 1 wet dream. About fapping. Wut.
    • I can look at myself on a mirror and smile.
    • Enthusiasm for life is coming back.
    • As a consecuence, my friends like me again.
    • I’m no longer focused on myself.

    This is awesome. Never coming back, guys.

  365. This is not, I repeat NOT a placebo.

    This is not, I repeat NOT a placebo.

     by echo81 108 days

    There are people who have tried and failed on this subreddit, I agree.

    However, I have never seen anyone who has stuck at it for over 130+ days and come back to say “it doesn’t work”

    It’s worked for me at 100, although I still have a long way to go and more to learn.

    Regardless of all the superpower claims, all the soft science argument – NoFap will change your life.

    You will learn self control – you will learn to bear discomfort – you will learn that you can’t always have what you want – you will learn discipline.

    It will open your mind to new sides of yourself – you will be changed and you will be changed for the better.

    I don’t want to hear anyone else call this a placebo until they’ve tried it.

    To be honest if you’ve come on here to laugh at it you’re already one step closer to trying it and then you’ll understand exactly what we’re all ranting on about.

    I hold the belief that the human psyche is powerful beyond all measure – That consciousness in some incomprehensible form – is the root of existence.

    I know of people who have worried themselves to death – Worrying about and imagining shit that never materialises is a ‘Placebo effect’ too isn’t it – but those people are still fucking dead.

    Bring on the placebo – this journey takes us one step closer to the realisation that we are the center – our psyche is key to the lives we lead and the way we feel.

    “Carefully watch your thoughts, for they become your words. Manage and watch your words, for they will become your actions. Consider and judge your actions, for they have become your habits. Acknowledge and watch your habits, for they shall become your values. Understand and embrace your values, for they become your destiny.”

    Fucking Gandhi, Bitches.

  366. Folks, stick with the program… I got dates almost every night

    Folks, stick with the program… I got dates almost every night this week… 

     by strongnweak 73 days

    Folks: Man (and woman) up. Stick with the program. Real people are much better than a two-dimensional pixel screen.

    I have gone from some game, to incredible awesome, dates with the amazing gals on almost every night this week… I need to budget my time now…

    SO stick with the program. Don’t be dweeb and quit.

    Oh, yeah, and job interviews are now happening too…


  367. 28 days later… (report)

    28 days later… (report) 

     by nofaphrodisiac 28 days

    Greetings fellow Fapstronauts,

    Brief history: I’ve been struggling with a serious PMO addiction for over 20 years. This is my first try at /nofap and I have not relapsed. I’m engaged to be married in a few months and wanted to stop this from continuing to impact my relationship. I was only having sex with my fiance once or twice a month – TOPS. It was really depressing because there was no good reason for it, we both love having sex and love eachother. I never had ED, but did suffer a little from DE (not being able to orgasm) without intense fantasy/highlight reel/porn memories. I know now that my PMO addiction was the problem.

    First Week: Sex dreams for 2/3 nights in a row, no wet dreams (I’ve never had one, actually). They started out as dreams about me finding porn and PMO’ing – then turned into actual sex dreams. Rock hard morning wood.

    Second Week: Holding my head higher, able to look people in the eye a bit longer, have a little less social anxiety. Voice seems to be getting deeper. Using new energy to get shit done that I’ve been putting off forever.

    Third Week: Beach vacation, surrounded by thousands of hot girls in bikinis at every turn, stayed strong. Struggling a little with motivation and using my new energy. Started meditating everyday.

    Fourth Week: Reading, realizing how interesting some people are, realizing how much I love fucking my fiance, recognizing how beautiful nature is. Much more observant and calm.

    Biggest improvements:

    • 1) WAY MORE SEX – I’m not bragging, but I’ve been keeping count. I’ve had 11 orgasms with my fiance during these 28 days (7 from sex, 4 from oral). Before nofap, this would have been the equivalent of about 6 months of intimacy. Her biggest complaint previously was that I wouldn’t initiate enough, and conversely, I wanted her to initiate more. Now, whatever was holding me back is slowly dying and when I want her, I take her. We’re as happy now as we were when we first met.
    • 2) NO MORE SHAME – this is one of the things that makes me feel so good inside. Everyone who’s been down the dark road to PMO addiction has probably got off to some shit that they were ashamed of watching – I know I did. I carried that guilt with me and that translated into social anxiety, which translated into not being able to look someone in their eye, which translates into not being able to be yourself. I’m not all the way back from that dark road, but I’m walking towards the light.
    • 3) SO MUCH MORE TIME – I’ll admit, I haven’t been making the best use of it – but at least it isn’t going to PMO. I’ve just been doing more around the house, doing shit that I’ve had on my to do list for months, reading, playing video games, and commenting on /r/nofap/new. What I’d like to be doing is getting back to the gym (I plan on it this week), and doing some heavy spring cleaning/rearranging around the house. I feel like I’m slowly adjusting back to a normal life.

    Goal Update: I have not edged once. I have not looked at any porn at all. These are my goals as a Fapstronaut. I will only achieve orgasm through my fiance and I will make her the happiest girl in the world.

    tl;dr – Fapstronaut of 4 weeks is killing it.

    Edit: formatting

  368. 31 days – do not listen your brain

    31 days – do not listen your brain

    31 days – do not listen your brain

    As I wrote on the title, I have only one advice to you, brave man: do not listen your brain. It wants to make you fell yourself like a zombie when you don’t feed it with its current food: porn.

    At the beginning of this journey, I asked myself many times: it’s really works?

    It works, my friends. And it worth it.

    I’m 23, roman catholic, brazilian, orphan, living with my grandmother and her husband. And i’m here to share my impressions about this challenge and encorage other men to wrestling theirs demons (in this case, pornography).

    Like most of you, I’ve suffered from depression, anxiety, low confidence, lousy interactions with girls/women etc.. tried everything to alleviate it, but nothing was as profoundly life changing as No PMO.

    It was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done, I’ve relapsed 100s of times.. I used to take it very seriously so whenever I inevitably failed, I felt like the biggest most pathetic loser on the planet. I would even cry like a bitch because this dirty habit did nothing but shut the real me inside a prison of weirdness while everyone I knew was having a great time.

    List of benefits:

    • Increased focus, concentration, motivation etc;
    • Confidence level over 9000! Can make eye contact with anyone;
    • I can read something and recall information;
    • I can solve a calc/derivative problem without dificult;

    Guys, if you are thinking about start this challenge but, for some reason, you’re afraid, maybe because yours thoughts aren’t alread read (i mean you think you don’t have strenght to make 90 straight days), don’t imagine 90 days; Imagine that you have to be strong today. Don’t worry about tomorrow. You have to be strong today. Seriously.

  369. My Overdue 30 Day Report, for what it’s worth…

    My Overdue 30 Day Report, for what it’s worth…

     by uberwoody41 days

    I am not very athletic anymore, but I did run a few marathons after I turned 30… now I’m 40 and I hate running. The worst part of a race was running halfway and then finding out I had to turn around and run the same route back.

    this whole PMO thing, almost 18 straight years of it on a daily basis, makes me feel I’ve just run half a marathon straight downhill, and now i’ve had to turn around and run straight back up. I realize this may be a stupid metaphor, but even after 30+ days of being clean, I wake up every morning and look at the uphill, commit to it, and struggle running the whole time. The first few weeks were actually easy, but lately it seems to be getting harder for some reason. But regardless of the difficulty, I feel solidly connected to my purpose. And while I don’t feel a tremendous amount of “superpowers” as is commonly referred to, I have realized a few things:

    1. My self-talk is much kinder, even through the struggles. It is silly to think that only after 30 days my neural pathways can be completely re-programmed. I realize there are going to be days my brain just doesn’t know what to do. I am OK with that, and I am OK when I go through challenging days. I give my brain a mental hug and move on.
    2. Being away from porn has allowed me to be “present” in my life. There are many more times during the day that I am just living in the moment, taking it in and just being grateful to be alive. Damn, I can’t even remember the last time that happened to me. I was always ruminating over the next opportunity I would be alone to look at porn and masturbate. Now, I go out on my porch, look at the world around me, and just listen, and FEEL.
    3. Damn that Little House on the Prairie… who knew Charles Ingles could make me cry… and yet, that is literally the first time in over 10 years it has happened to me!!! (That admittance was intensely embarrassing for me, but I like that I am starting to feel emotion again).
    4. I am only as successful as the replacement behaviors I have been incorporating. I have been working my ass off around the house. I put in a garden over memorial day, I read about stuff like “garden mulch” for hours… I have been making some kick ass stuff out of wood, and I obsess over the craftsmanship. But these things take my mind off of PMO, and gives me a measure of self-esteem by accomplishing small tasks. I like the small tasks… the larger tasks were too far out and only discouraged me. I am rewarded much faster through the small ones, and the fast reward keeps me coming back for more.

    Finally, 5: The power of this reddit can be life-changing. As I am learning, it is critical for individuals that are fully committed to not just lurk, but contribute. I have been saved several times by the powerful words and examples of fellow fapstronauts. I realize I may not even get a lot of readers for this entry, and even though these entries for me are intensely personal (personal because the struggle is so personal and writing it down is sharing such a big piece of who I am) I really don’t mind few readers as long as I feel I have made a difference for one person today..

    I hope my words have helped YOU, just YOU, to know that I feel so incredibly ALIVE compared to where I was a month ago, and being true to my personal commitment is the most important thing I can do for myself, which in turn will bless my family. I don’t have to relapse to know how deeply I would regret it… Instead, I focus on how intensely proud I am of myself for kicking my victimized ass out the door, owning the reality that I can change (any thought otherwise is bullshit, no matter how far in you are), and doing the things necessary to make that change come about. Don’t give up, no matter what your counter says, keep moving forward.

  370. Three Month Update (self.pornfree)

    Three Month Update (self.pornfree)

    by lojork94 days

    It has now been over 3 months since I became PornFree. ( Previous updates ).

    There really isn’t much more to add. I simply do not have any interest in porn. Sex has been great with my wife. The main thing that is still bothering me is that I have some imagery left in my head from porn days that will take a while to go away. The imagery doesn’t make me want to fap, nor does it make me want to look at porn, but I think that it is disrespectful for it to go through my head at certain times, so I want it gone. I think that time will cure me of that.

    If you have started pornfree, don’t be discouraged by the people who are posting that they have relapsed. You will see a lot more relapse posts than you will see these success posts, because relapsers are the ones who come back and post. You will be successful, and you, too, will forget to update the community on your success 🙂

    That all folks, I’ll check back in in 3 months!

  371. 60 Day Report, good things are starting to happen

    60 Day Report, good things are starting to happen 

     by Sforza 61 days

    I’ve been addicted to the PMO since elementary, I can’t even remember the exact time. All I recall was that I was pretty young when I started. I started NoFap because I was concerned about a lot of things. In summary:

    • Loss of willpower and the ability to finish things I started working on, even if they were good for me
    • Social anxiety
    • Depression
    • My grades took a huge drop
    • I realized that looking and downloading porn was a huge waste of time and productivity
    • I started dating someone and I didn’t want the addiction to mess up our relationship

    After watching a TED talk on the dangers of fapping and ED, I tried to stop multiple times but would always relapse. I believe I was more successful this time because I started right before I was supposed to go on a trip abroad, and I knew I wouldn’t have a chance to download or watch porn while I was on it. Being caught would have been hell. The trip lasted a month, and when I got back I found it easier to avoid porn. Because of this, I believe the first 2-3 weeks are the most crucial point of the 3 month goal.

    Changes I’ve noticed:

    • It’s a lot easier to talk to people I’ve never met
    • I’m overweight, so I started on a low carb/keto diet which I’m amazed that I’ve been able to stick to for two weeks now. This has never happened before.
    • Increased willingness to go to the gym
    • Only just starting to recover from the drop my school activities took
    • It’s worth noting that I still have problems with willpower, but I am noticing gradual improvements. No superpowers though 🙁

    I’d also like to say that support from my GF played a huge part in this; almost as big as that counter on the right with a “2” on it. She doesn’t know my reddit account, but I’d like to leave that there in case she ever does come across it. I’m also really grateful to the r/nofap community.

  372. 90-days Hardmode report

    90-days Hardmode report

    by NaChl09490 days

    So I made it to 90 days on the first try. I remember a post I made after going 2 weeks and someone on this subreddit told me on my quote “I will never go back to day 0 again!” with “thats what you think kiddo” or something similar… Well JOKES ON YOU MAGGOT FOR I AM HERE AT THE FINISHLINE!

    So what have I earned from this journey?

    ¤More time and energy for schoolwork and lifting

    ¤Slightly more female attention

    ¤Happier personality

    ¤A brighter future since I managed to meet my grade requirements for the University I want to attend

    My friends (female and male) constantly tell me how crazy I am for doing this and are always making jokes of how huge my ballsack must be and that the next time when I have sex i’ll simply kill the woman with cum overload inside her haha. Even though, I still love them all!

  373. No badge but day-90 reached!

    No badge but day-90 reached! 

     by Achab94

    Just wanted to say. I decided not to register my badge when I started, but counting on my own I finally reached the “famous” day-90. How I feel? Well, better than 90 days ago. I have not become Superman or transformed me into Brad Pitt, but I can see some improvements in my relationships and, as well as the temptation is hard, I feel myself able to go on this race.

    Some tips that worked for me? Actually the first one is not to watch porn: consider that nsfw pics or gifs, which does not seem porn, are a great danger for you.

    The second tip is to try to relax and think about what you are doing, how many efforts you have done for reaching the x-day of no flapping and why you should break so easily.

    The third tip is to change your habits: if you used to fap under the shower (yes, I used to), I started to have a shower in the morning, when I’m too tired even to think of fapping 🙂

    The best thing I can say is to fix you small achievements: if you are on day-40, point on day-50, not just “well, let’s reach the day 90”. Keep strong!

  374. Success Story after day 7

    Success Story after day 7

    Hi Guys

    Just a quick update on my progress, its been 7 days without pmo and I’m feeling the benefits.

    Here is a list of some of the things I have experienced.

    1) Better sleep and more vivid dreams.

    2) More energy (feel more together and it feels like the energy that I would have lost with pmo, is circulating. It sounds weird but some of you know what I’m talking about.)

    3) Stressful situations and/or people don’t effect me like they would have done before. I know it has a lot to do with my brain chemistry rebalancing, but it also has a lot to do with me
    using my energy better.

    4) Having control of what I look at online.
    I have control over myself, “I” choose what I look at, not my brain. Also when I see a hot women I don’t look at her with lustful eyes, I think “shes attractive” and that’s it. I think the problem in the early stages is allowing fantasy to enter our minds, this leaves a gap for porn and other material to enter.

    5) Had a women come into my shop and after I had finished serving her she looked at me with a surprised look on her face and said “you look different” she also said I looked fuller in the face. I normally looked gaunt drained and pale. So if other people can see the difference, then I must be making progress.

    I know its the early stages and flatlining has alot to do with it, but its only been 7 days.

    Also I’ve been eating fresh bee pollen 2-3 times per day, so that’s helping me to recover.

  375. Been fapping for about a week now – getting results!

    Been fapping for about a week now – getting results! 

    by FapMonster55

    Hey there fapstronauts, I’ve been fapping for about a week now after 69 days of NoFap, and I gotta tell ya, I’m getting some huge results from fapping in my life!

    • Increased desire to stay at home and be less social!
    • Decreased desire to talk to strangers!
    • Decreased desire to be less productive!
    • Fapping replaces my boredom, so now I don’t have to worry about coming up with something else to do!
    • Decreased desire and less energy to go to the gym! I could lay in bed ALL day!!
    • Less overall self-control!
  376. NoFap cured my perfectionism

    NoFap cured my perfectionism

    I noticed it after 1,5 week on the first try of NoFap. I had a test in school the next day and I knew that I wasn’t fully prepared. Usually I would go insane; hate myself, get scared and acquire huge anxiety.

    This time when I was going to study I thought to myself; I will study hard and do my best but if it doesn’t go too well, that’s fine. Because in the end this test will be to non importance.

    I had never thought that I would think this way in my life, but I am sure grateful for that I have now. Today I don’t have to take things too serious anymore and I can just live my life in a much calmer state!

  377. 60 days, wahoo!

    60 days, wahoo! 

     by oceanshoal 60 days

    The amount of female attention in the last few weeks is outrageous. I always had a certain gravity, but this is getting ridiculous, my friend says I should start using barbless hooks. Stick with it fapstronauts, the benefits far outweigh the status quo. My confidence from going pmo free has markedly increased, and I believe the ladies I have been in day to day interaction with are picking up on it. Also my already deep voice has gotten deeper, a friend commented yesterday on the baritone timbre. Thanks again for all the support from the members of this amazing community, good luck to you all on your journeys!

  378. 30 days, still not COMPLETELY cured

    30 days, still not COMPLETELY cured 

     by jeffurryyy30 days

    First time reaching 30 days and although I have made strides in the right direction, I still have room for improvement.

    • Improved: My energy level has always been high, even before I started NoFap, so I did not notice much change there. I did however notice a change in the way I view people. I try to remember that everyone struggles with something. I struggled with PMO for 15 years and did not even realize it. Even people who seem like they have it all together may be struggling with something. I am now much more patient with people.
    • Improvements: I still have urges to edge and have edged a couple of times during this 30 day period. I decided not to reset my counter because each time, I would edge for less than 10 minutes, and somehow I have the willpower to stop before it gets out of control. I somehow need to stave off all urges to watch porn. I have installed a porn blocker, but I end up browsing some of the NSFW subreddits here. :-/
  379. From comfortably numb to uncomfortably real. My journey thus far

    [60 Day Report: 22M] From comfortably numb to uncomfortably real. My journey thus far [long post] (self.NoFap)

    submitted 5 hoursago by nofapordietrying61 days

    Hey fellow fapstronauts,

    This post will be an update/rambling of what I’ve learned through nofap and how it’s changed me as a person…it will be a long post and this is honestly more for me than anyone else. I hope that it helps someone who is struggling or on the fence of the benefits of nofap

    I started fapping when I was 13, then gradually started fapping more and more to get the feel good feeling of O. I never realized that I had a problem until I stumbled across this subreddit (note: looking back — it is absolutely remarkable/scary that I was addicted to fapping and didn’t even realize it for more than 8+ years)

    I was a hardcore addict..and I’ve never admitted these things publicly, or to anyone for that matter, but I think this will help me be a stronger person. I’ve fapped while friends were over (they were sleeping), fapped on a cruise in a room where my family was sleeping, and in college I memorized my roommate’s schedule down to the hour to coordinate my fapping schedules.

    In high school I had a few relationships, but porn had distorted my view of what a relationship between a man/woman truly meant, so I quickly ended these relationships and chose to spend my time fapping alone.

    There was a point in my life where I truly convinced myself that I would never need a woman. Why would I when I can just do it myself? I was insecure, lonely, and depressed. I was numb to the human experience…

    After NoFap for 60 days:

    I’ve realized the path of destruction I was on and didn’t want to die a loner with my dick in my hand in front of my laptop with crusty tissues and stuff everywhere. NoFap has helped me regain control of my life and live life on my own terms. So far, I have done the nofap challenge on “hard mode” — no girlfriend/SO/FWB. It has been very difficult but so far I think I’ve learned more about myself than I have in my whole lifetime. I haven’t edged or relapsed once, and I quit cold turkey. I did have a wetdream on Day 55 for the first time in my life, but I don’t count that as resetting or whatever considering you can’t stop it from happening.

    I still get really lonely and down sometimes at the fact that I’m a 22 y/o virgin, and the last girl I was with deeply hurt me after she didn’t want to have sex with someone inexperienced and left. I also still suffer from insecurity about my height (5’5), and I still haven’t fully recovered but I’m trying each day to learn something new and develop new hobbies.

    I think what has saved me from reverting to my old habits has been working out/exercise. I’ve gone pretty much every day and been able to channel my sexual frustration through a healthy stress relieving exercise. Hope this helps. I have a lot more stuff to say but I’ll leave it at this for now. One day at a time, friends!

  380. My ten worst moments of fapping when I realized you had a proble

    My ten worst moments of fapping when I realized you had a problem. Also feel free to post your own. 

     by hellomate117 days

    I am doing this to remember and strengthen my resolve. All fapping incidents involved all three PMO.

    1. Had sex with an ex girlfriend and 15 minutes later I went on my computer to fap.
    2. Invited a friend to hang out at my place, arrived at my door, finished fapping, pretended to be in the bathroom while he waited outside for an unnecessary 2 minutes.
    3. PMO on a limp dick, many occasions.
    4. Fapped 8 times a day, because I was bored.
    5. Fantasized about porn while having sex. The worst kind of fantasizing. I feel its okay but not okay when its about porn.
    6. Used it as a sleeping aid. A LOT. Porn as a medication, not the best thing.
    7. Fapped at work.
    8. Fapped on a roommates computer. Biggest asshole in the world, so I dont feel THAT bad.
    9. Fapped on a bed that wasnt mine.
    10. Got caught fapping
    11. fapped while people were sleeping in the room.
    12. Fapped while playing Xbox Live. Have caused many people to lose games as a result of afk
  381. I suffer from chronic depression as well as crippling social anx

    I have arrived at the conclusion that fapping is the *main* instigator for my major depressive episodes (somewhat long post) 

    I suffer from chronic depression as well as crippling social anxiety and hypochondria. For the past 2 months my depressive episodes have been increasing in frequency and severity, to the point where I just couldn’t take it any more and began self-medicating with excessive amount of fapping (6+ times a day), binge drinking and smoking (went from a 10-a-day habit to 2 packs per day).

    Almost luckily, I fell and broke 2 bones in my spine and was involuntarily made a fapstronaut.

    I’m on 10 days now (had a relapse just after I got out of hospital after 11 days, but not a major one, haven’t fapped since), so in 21 days I’ve fapped once. Basically, what I’ve noticed is that as my dependence on fapping as a means of self-medicating for depression got worse, my episodes followed suit. This led to me having no energy to go to class, thus my grades dropped immensely, this exacerbated my social anxiety problems (imagine cringing at every moment of your existence, with this innate voice constantly telling you you’re a cunt for everything that you’ve done). My self-worth dropped to zero and I shunned my friends.

    Gradually, after I was rendered unable to fap, my energy levels went through the roof, I was able to sleep again, I was able to study, able to get out of bed in the morning and go to class, recover in terms of grades and rebuild some bridges I burnt with friends. I feel so much better now, with my depression returning to levels manageable enough to deal with comfortably without medication and my anxiety issues are almost completely gone.

    I conclude that my major depressive episodes were brought on by a chain reaction started by using fapping as an outlet. My life fell apart and now that I have stopped fapping my circumstances and self-worth have improved exponentially each day I don’t give in.

    TL;DR: Have depression/anxiety issues? DON’T FAP! Seriously, fapping is friggin’ dangerous!

  382. Progress report – about 2 months of no p/m/o

    Progress report – about 2 months of no p/m/o 

    by fro-a-way

    Hello all, I hope you’re all good. I just wanted to post this update as I’ve not really ever posted anything in this subreddit despite having lurked for a very long time.

    Reasons for giving up:

    Moral ones

    • uncertainty regarding how sure I can ever be that the women in the videos are not being coerced and are of sound mind
    • unsure of whether it is morally OK to masturbate to orgasm over women when I am unable (due to delayed ejaculation) to reach orgasm with my girlfriend and have her know that I do this
    • not wanting to lie about masturbation/keep it from her
    • whether it is right to share this moment (orgasm) with my hand when it’s possibly inhibiting my ability to share it with my lover

    Physiological ones

    • less masturbating means less often applying a vice-like grip to my penis, thusly more sensitivity, more enjoyment
    • this led to it sometimes taking ages for me to climax… like, an hour with my vice-grip, meaning sex took a disturbingly long time (despite the generally excepted view that women like a man who goes and goes, my experience has been that there is an upper limit to how long and also how often sex is a marathon)

    Psychological ones

    • problems separating sex and pornography/masturbation in my head, leading to me sometimes fantasizing during sex or unconsciously choosing to play videos back in my head
    • issues surrounding me almost self-medicating with masturbation to relieve me of stress or distract me from hard-to-bear feelings, despite the knowledge that it isn’t helping me deal with the feelings or help me learn to live along side the feelings

    Anyway, it’s going well. I’m also lowering my SSRI as I have experienced this problem before and coming off my antidepressant (slowly, and with help from my doctor) really helped make orgasm more achievable – I say this because I don’t know whether any benefits I am experiencing are down to the SSRI-lowering or the nofap.

    I am having sex still, though have yet to climax with my partner. I’m trying to take the focus off of orgasm for the time-being as I feel I may be putting my partner and myself under a lot of pressure with this whole thing.

    Good bits

    • sex is much more pleasurable than it has ever been before… my sensation down there has really improved and I feel closer than ever to overcoming my delayed ejaculation
    • I’m definitely a bit harder than I have previously been down there

    Worse bits

    • I’m struggling with my sex drive. I have a lot of extra energy and am horny a lot of the time. I’m choosing as much as possible to not push this sexual energy on to my partner as I know it hurts her when I’m unable to climax with her, but none the less the energy remains. I need to look into taking up a sport or fitness regime to tire me out and help my body feel like it’s not just wasting all that energy
    • I’m struggling with finding ways to live with the feelings that often caused me sometimes to jerk off. I go to counselling and I talk with my partner as much as possible but when negative thoughts creep in really do struggle
    • I’m still very occasionally finding that during sex my sensation goes because I start fantasizing. I’m always able to stop myself and I think this is because I’m aware that I have that tendency, but none the less once I’ve gone in my head – so to speak – I find it very difficult to go back to the moment and focus on sensations

    Anyway, I hope this is helpful for someone as it’s been helpful for me to recap my early progress. I’ve read a couple of people on here who view nofap without a partner as “hard-mode” and though I cannot comment on how hard it is for these people, I feel it necessary to point out that there are difficulties that are unique to going through this with a partner. I have, since going on no-fap, had fairly little sex. The sex that I have had is really enjoyable but because I have delayed ejaculation I never reach that point of release that made masturbation almost like medicating. My girlfriend feels under much pressure and in a way going through nofap has, at times, added pressure to her. She knows I’ve gone from a minimum of 30 orgasms a month to none and she feels that there’s something she can do in sex that can help me reach it. She pushes herself so much out of love and it pains me to know this and to know that no matter how much I assure her that it’s not her she will always have that doubt. There’s a huge difference between intellectual knowledge and feelings. She knows this isn’t her fault, she feels it is.

    Anyway, peace and love to you all x

  383. 30 Days Clean – Positive Attributes of NoFap

    30 Days Clean – Positive Attributes of NoFap 

     by mnhoops31 days

    • Improved concentration
    • Normalized sexual desire
    • Generally stabilized mood…likely due to fewer dopamine ups/downs?
    • Increased chemistry with women…pheromones or more interest?
    • Reduced desire for other risky activities

    Each time I’ve relapsed I’ve felt each of those attributes fade for a day or two. I’ve had 3 girls hit on me in the past two weeks & about a week ago had sex w/the most beautiful girl I’ve experienced in my 30yrs of life. Best part, I didn’t have to resort to thinking about disgusting porn but was present in the moment, enjoying it with her, and I think that made it better for us both. Now we’re dating. Thanks for the support fellow Fapstronauts!

  384. Holy shit, NoFap works!

    Holy shit, NoFap works! Here are the up- and downsides i am experiencing (mainly upsides! :D) (self.NoFap)

     by Peterdz

    Sup fellow fapstronauts. Today is the eigth day of my nofap experience. This may not seem much to the star-badgers of you, but for me it is my longest streak ever and i am proud that i already have gotten this far. I am a 19-year old guy and i have been a heavy fapper for many years. Never been really lucky with girls, never been really social, i was kind of an introverterd person. It was a dark age of my life, i also was unconscious of the heavy fapping being harmful to me. Until i stumbled upon this site and got into a sudden realization. It was all because of my fap addiction. I decided to give NoFap a try, and boy the benefits are great! I’ve been going for a bit more than a week now, and here are the pro’s and cons i am experiencing

    • I am more talkative
    • I am more driven to meet up and socialize with people
    • I am less worried
    • I have great trust in myself and i’m conscious of my own capacities
    • I can think very clearly and stay very concentrated. School stuff is a joke.
    • My penis appears to be bigger, thicker and longer. I get erections very easily now and they are hard as rock! Never felt anything like this before.
    • A very strong desire towards girls. Not only sexual, but also emotional!
    • My view of the whole dating, girls, love game has changed in a positive way! Shit suddenly seems to make sense now!
    • Improved workout quality! I last longer and can lift heavier weights
    • Increased motivation to work out
    • I feel more manly
    • My body appears to be better looking
    • I have energy for ten

    NoFap has given me an overall life improvement and changed my view on some things radically.


    • I get irritated easily
    • I am less patient with people
    • I am more agressive towards people
    • Extreme fapping urges (Scumbag brain trying to mess with me)
    • Random boners that sometimes appear when they aren’t supposed to.

    I have never felt like this before. I feel great and this motivates me to keep going and adding more days to my streak. And i hope all fapstronauts here will experience the same thing!

  385. How porn is hurting my life

    How porn is hurting my life

    by bluebox1

    I’ll be re-visiting this post for motivation and updating as time goes on. You should make same post of your own.

    • Numbs my brain and I can’t feel life’s simple pleasures
    • Masks my biggest pain. Loneliness. It doesn’t solve it, just adds to it.
    • Lessens my desire for real partner
    • Isolates me. I’m not motivated to socialize
    • I feel helpless and depressed because I broke promise to myself not to watch porn
    • Makes me feel tired and weak.
    • Gives me a way to run away from problems instead of taking steps to solve them
    • Makes me procrastinate
    • Diminished self-respect
    • Diminished trust in myself, which leads to hesitation to make decisions
  386. 40 days !! I just can’t believe it

    40 days !! I just can’t believe it 

    by Hiperborean

    I don’t want to bother you much so Im going to try to be short and simple:

    1: I just quit this shit Porn and Masturbation, doesn´t work for me anymore. I almost lost my soul and pshysical vitality because of it.

    2: Im starting to understand that self control is very related with being a mature person. I tend to deny to immediate pleasures. (Now I prefere to wait for someone “real”)

    3: Im going to buy my first car… If I was still faping I would never had the balls to do this. I just didn’t had clarity of mind to do an important bussiness.

    4: I feel so much energy and muscle power that I could move a mountain… Believe me.I would move mount Fuji to San Francisco in 5 minutes. No problem 😉

    5: I clash with people if I have to (Im being respected), and I tend to socializy more and make others laugh.

    6: I dress well. I save money. I sleep better. I don’t eat shit.

    7: Im in control of my life, not in a numb automatic state of being.

    Friends, faping is childish and stupid. Stop it, for your sake and those around you.

    Thank you all for suport.

    Stay Strong and Clear !!

    PS: My favourity song when Im down on mood

  387. New victory, new project

    New victory, new project


    Hi everyone, delighted to be celebrating 50 days free from pornography or masturbation, in fact I’m finding more and more in control of my eyes and my mind/imagination. it feels so good, like a new start.
    As part of my victory, I’m sharing my struggle and success with my Facebook community. I am also working towards the launch of a self help system which I hope will bring a new measure of success to others fighting sex addiction and other problems.
    Great to hear so many stories of breakthrough on here, stay strong brothers!
  388. Skeptic’s take on NoFap: Day 4

    Skeptic’s take on NoFap: Day 4 

     by Bletz

    I was extremely skeptical of no fap, with many conflicting arguments, in the search of truth I’ve started it.

    I already sorted my life out after being depressed for 5 years. I completely quit video games, I train 3 hours a day and I got top 5% in my undergraduate course last semester. Yet something didn’t feel right, I was feeling pretty lonely and I had many chances to meet girls, but didn’t.

    So it’s day 4, no struggle to abstain yet, I feel kind of proud of myself, I’ve started a journey that a lot of people wouldn’t or couldn’t. This confidence feeds into everything else.

    I do feel like, almost overnight, girls are more engaged. Conversations last longer, there’s more eye contact, a lot more laughing. I find it believable thay guys on the brink of getting laid could achieve it on NoFap, thus the super powers.

    I’m a pretty horny fucker but I plan to not fap until I get laid.

  389. That gold star! 31 day report. Stay strong, it’s worth it.

    That gold star! 31 day report. Stay strong, it’s worth it. 

     by Philosophadam

    Dear brothers and sisters, I can’t believe I made it this far. 31 days. After a 13 year PMO addiction, I went 19 days, then relapsed. I got back on the horse the next day, and here I am, going strong, a whole month in.

    Here’s a summary of some of the effects I’ve noticed thus far. I’ve divided them into three categories: positive, negative, and neutral.

    Negative Effects

    • For the first week or so in, there was soreness in the testicles. It was a little unpleasant, but easy enough to ignore.
    • Had heightened negative emotional sensitivity at first. Crazy mood swings like a menopausal woman.

      Neutral Effects

    • Stronger, harder morning wood.

      Positive Effects

    • More emotional sensitivity to others. Pick up on other people’s feelings a lot better and am able to flow with and respond to them much more naturally.
    • Decreased social anxiety.
    • Increased confidence.
    • Increased physical energy. I can do way more exercise than before and feel more generally energetic overall.
    • Less tendency to harshly judge women’s appearance. Real women seem so much more attractive. During sex, I get absorbed in them not in fantasies about porn videos anymore. I don’t have to go in my head to get off.
    • More patience and less irritability. Just a more relaxed feeling that I am not at stake in my social interactions and can just relax into them.
    • Overall mood has shifted from a sad ‘meh’ to an ‘excited calmness.’
    • Increased flirting abilities. Flirting is more natural, more playful, and feels effortless. Overall, I feel much “smoother.”
    • Heightened sensitization to small sources of pleasure. Like seeing a beautiful tree or hearing a song. Everything feels more enjoyable.
    • More frequent, more intense, longer-lasting sex dreams. During PMO days, I never had sex dreams. Now, I get them once in a while and they are powerful. I have had a few in the past month.
    • No more PIED and the best sex of my life. Honestly. More relaxed, more engaged, more attentive sex, staying hard the whole time.
    • More willingness to face aspects of myself I used to run away from through PMO and more time for creative projects like the two albums I am working on and my paintings.

    Overall, NoFap has changed my life for the better in so many ways. I’m not going back. Stay strong, brothers and sisters.

  390. How I am beating my 4 year addiction with the simplest trick. An

    How I am beating my 4 year addiction with the simplest trick. And how I am going from super beta, to superman.

    submitted 8 hoursago by AnonymousNo12 days

    Yes I know, the title sounds like those cheap commercials “GET A 6 PACK IN 2 DAYS, BUY IT NOW, AND WELL DOUBLE THIS BOGUS OFFER!” But I’m gonna share a semi-success story, and how you can stop your addiction if you can’t find your own path. Bare with me though as my writing skills suck.

    Ok, so I’ve been wanking for about 4-5 years now, and never thought much of it. At first it’s a lot of fun, exploring your own body you know. So, I just always took it as that, even up until now. But, it never really affected me so I thought. I started doing it before, and during puberty. I was just always the awkward kinda shelled guy. I had friends and I could talk to girls, but inside I always felt a little awkward. So this persists up until now. I usually see NoFap on other forums, and I actually used to laugh. I used to think that these people were pathetic and it’s just a joke (my apologies now, thank god for NoFap seriously). So I always shrubbed it off with a lol. Then I would go wank one. Well, I found it on a forum again, but someone embedded the Ted talks interview. I had never seen it before. I opened it out of boredom, and it really struck me. I tried brushing it off, but it was like a little tick that would piss me off. I wanked that night, but it just felt like “what the hell is wrong with me”. It didn’t feel right. So, I revisited the post, and found the this reddit linked inside the other forum. I decided to read about some of this. It really hit me, and I was astonished. So, I decided to give myself a little 7 day challenge. I said, if after 7 days of NoFap I am not impressed with the results, ill just go back to fapping, and not care. Also having never stopped or tried stopping my addiction before, I didn’t know the ride I was in for. Within about 2 days in, I felt great. Stronger, confident, and had more energy. After 3 days I relapsed. I did this for about 1 month. Every 3 days I would relapse. After the the second relapse I really started beating myself up. I would feel horrible, and just like I was a failure. So this persisted quite a few times. I finally got the courage to step back up and say to myself, I am doing this for my own good. No one knows I am doing it, but even if I stop for 1 day, it’s only self improvement. It’s for me, no one else but ME.

    Well fast forward through some of this BS here it comes. I have never made it past 3 days, EVER! So, I read something on how tracking your success can hurt you. I used to use my number of days to motivate me. So, I relapsed, and the next day some switch clicked my head. I left my reddit counter on, and just stopped caring about the number. I don’t really know what day I am at at the moment. I think I am in the first week since my testosterone is blowing through the roof, and my acne is flaring up a bit, but damn has it worked. Not knowing what day I am at helps. I don’t care, I am not doing some 90 days challenge. Because the fap light will be at the end of the tunnel in 90 days for me. I just want to be stuck in this never ending tunnel and, catch up with fellow Fapstronauts in the same tunnel. The tunnel is happy, not a sorrowful tunnel men.

    So the way I broke my addiction mainly is, I noticed porn took up a big portion of my day. At least 1-3 hours of start and stop for me to be able to have a pleasurable orgasm. And I couldn’t seem to stop cold turkey. So I had to find a way to somewhat feed my addiction without changing my habits. What I did was choose a TV series I enjoyed. I really enjoy the show Prison Break. The episodes are 40 mins each on Hulu or Netflix. Now with me begin up at night and alone, the addiction cycle was hard to break. So anytime I felt the slightest need to watch some porn, I popped on prison break. I dropped what I was doing, shut my computer OFF, and popped on my Xbox. Started Prison Break right up. If at the end of my 40 minute show I wasn’t feeling satisfied I would watch another. I would watch as many as it took for my mind to tell my body NO! This has been working fantastic. I couldn’t find my own method to head in the right direction. I recommend you guys try it, or just find something your passionate about. I have also resulted in growing crops inside my house. When I feel the urge to fap in the day, or when I’m working online, I will just go water my plants, check their health, look up some tips, and then get back to my work. I’m not much of a loving, or nurturing person, but NoFap has helped me find some real feelings. As simple as caring for my plants has helped me stop caring for my addiction. Find something beneficial and addictive. Prison Break is addictive for me, the ending aways leaves me wanting more. So I only stop once my porn hunger dies. Then when I feel that urge, I tell him to fuck off, and feed a different type of addiction (I generally hate TV, so this isn’t really another “addiction”, it just keeps my mind off porn).

    So now to the success and fun times. Well 4th of July hits, (it had to have been day 4, my body felt like a firework, it was so happy, and I felt so kickass that I made it past 3 days I’m assuming). So, my sister invites her super sexy friend over to go swimming. I would usually deny even getting near that, because I would be way to beta to even look at her and her look back at me. I said fuck that! Went to the pool with them. Damn, I chatted it up with the chick, and made %100 eye contact the whole time. (Eye contact is really hard for me, and the situation of why is kinda messed up, but I didn’t give two shits). Making deep eye contact with her blue eyes was like a big fuck yeah! I usually can’t hold a conversation on the phone with someone I know, let alone a super sexy chick in a bikini in front of me. I got her laughing, and she really enjoyed chatting it up she said. When she left she have me a hug, and said thanks for everything. She mentioned she had a a boyfriend while we were at the pool, so you know (but I didn’t give a shit, I powerhoused through my betaness and her having a BF). But damn, the 4th of July was like a milestone for me. I was so into talking to her, I didn’t even have sexual thoughts, or pop any form of a boner around her. I mean, when she bent over to pick something up, the snake started to pop out, but I reminded him what we are here for, and he quickly retracted. At the end of the night when she left, I felt on top of the world. Lit off some fireworks, and was completely exhausted. (Never tired at night, usually go to bed 7am, wake up mid day). I fell asleep at like 1-2am, and woke up at a decent time the next day. It begin daytime when I was awake helped me focus on not fapping, edging, or thinking about porn. After the 4th I just muted all sexual thoughts, and I don’t get random boners. I just think about the 4th and feel like a badass, so that’s how I mute it. Well today, I was in a restaurant and it felt pretty awesome. I am really happy now, and it makes other happy too (my town is generally full of assholes). Girls were smiling at me just when I got up to go to the bathroom, and when we were leaving. They see my confidence I assume, and I smile right back at them. I feel great! But today must have been boob day in the restaurant. Every girl was wearing a tight shirt, and there boobs looked like they were gonna pop out and say hello. So, I edged a little tonight, just had to take a look at some online to remove the thoughts from my head (surprisingly worked). So sorry for the long story and thanks for the read.

    I just had to tell someone, and with no friends IRL, I thought you guys might want to hear, or maybe I just want to hear my own story. If any typos sorry, in mobile.

    TL;DR: me old = super beta, even on the phone with people I know. Found a method for NoFap. Me Now = talked to and made super badass eye contact with super sexy blue eyed bikini chick. At the end if the day she hugged me and told me she had a lot of fun with me.

  391. 10 Reasons I Don’t Masturbate

    10 Reasons I Don’t Masturbate 

     by ChooChooPoo

    Days to the autumnal equinox: 74.1

    Day 10 and it’s getting a little harder lately (lol sexual pun). So instead of relapsing (I didn’t edge, but just looked at some softcore to the point of getting fully aroused) I thought I’d write and share 10 reasons I don’t masturbate. It’s important to remember these throughout.

    1. Numbed Pleasure Response.

    The more you masturbate, the harder it is to please yourself. It’s as simple as that. You can’t do anything without separating the action from the consequences. If you masturbate enough, you will numb yourself to beautiful, beautiful women, their fantastic boobies, and the excitement of seeing a beautiful woman on the street. I won’t rob myself of that in exchange for 10 seconds of pleasure.

    There’s a reason that beautiful woman looked so dang beautiful online last night. I’m currently successful at rewiring my brain. I can’t–I won’t–throw that away for a fucking orgasm that means nothing and adds nothing to me or my life.

    2. You Don’t Know What You Got ‘Til It’s Gone

    A lot of people say they don’t notice any improvements, but after ten days, I know that if I masturbate, I’ll instantly feel guilty and say “and I was doing so well!” Maybe it doesn’t feel like you’re doing great in the moment, but that’s because you simply don’t notice the exciting changes happening within you. I don’t want to masturbate only to go “aw, dang, look what I threw away!”

    3. Resetting the Counter

    Gosh, 10 days is a long, long time. You think I want to re-set it and see a big fucking 1 next to my name? Fuck that.

    4. Getting Semen on Something.


    5. Proper Dopamine Management

    I felt the rush of dopamine last night after looking at some attractive women online. You know what? That’s lame. Dopamine is meant to motivate us to real-world action. It’s not meant to motivate us to masturbate.

    I want to use dopamine to overcome approach anxiety and talk to real life women (as it did the other day; I basically said “that’s it, I can’t not talk to these women) with personalities and thoughts and identities all their own. Masturbation gets in the way of that.

    6. NoFap IRC

    I’ve been chatting in the NoFap IRC and I absolutely don’t want to tell those guys “I relapsed.” Avoiding this, in and of itself, is worth it.

    7. I Made a Commitment.

    You can find it here. I said I’m not masturbating until at least the autumnal equinox and, codsarnit, I mean it.

    For crying out loud, I called it a solemn promise. I’m not giving up that easily on a solemn promise.

    8. Discipline for the Sake of Discipline Is Results Enough For Me

    Superpowers? Motivation? Increased confidence? Decreased anxiety?

    All great benefits of not masturbating. But discipline, to me, is a major virtue, and practicing discipline for the sake of practicing is enough for me.

    I don’t want to get in the habit of quitting on commitments. By not masturbating, I’m not just doing NoFap, I’m practicing dominating at life.

    9. I Like Myself More When I’m Not Masturbating

    Deep down, I must know masturbation is wrong, because I just like myself more now for not doing it. I like how strong I’m being. I like overcoming my biological urges because I want something more for myself.

    10. I’d Rather Meet a New Woman than Have an Orgasm

    I realized it last night; if I went outside today and met a beautiful woman and got her number, I would feel a million times better than I could ever feel with masturbating.

    Ultimately, that’s why I’m here: because momentary pleasure–no matter how exciting–does not stack up to a life well lived.

    Thinking about relapsing? Don’t. You have every reason in the world not to, and only one reason to. It’s not worth it. Also, avoid those triggers, ladies and gents!

    Day 11, here I come. Well, I won’t come. But you get it.


    Here are some bonus reasons for not masturbating:

    • I feel less lonely
    • There’s nothing to clean up
    • I feel more authentic to myself
    • Life has renewed vividness and meaning
  392. Honestly NoFap has given me some superpowers, including more con

    Landed a job a few days ago 

     by not_today2891 days

    Since graduating last December I’ve been looking for a job in finance and had a pretty hard time. You hear how great a field it is for finding jobs, but I had went on 6-7 interviews without much luck. I knew that a problem was that I was too nervous in interviews but I couldn’t really help it. I went through some periods of feeling really down and thinking that I was hopeless.

    Honestly NoFap has given me some superpowers, including more confidence and energy. The last few interviews I’ve went in feeling great, and just answered the questions confidently and personably. I’ll talk a lot more about this at my 90 day report, but for right now it’s helped me land a nice job and more importantly I’m feeling really good about myself and my future.

  393. My observation about one of the “superpowers”

    My observation about one of the “superpowers”

    by railtrails80 days

    When I started NoFap, I was really skeptical of the benefits. Sure, I thought that I had issues with porn, so I stuck with it, but I wasn’t so sure that it would magically make me better with women or better in anything except for occasional erection problems. It did.

    I didn’t really pick up many new habits, I didn’t start working out or anything. I just kept doing the good habits I had before: meditation, reading, eating well, being active.

    I’m 80 days in on hard mode. The thing that I’ve noticed is that when you are really horny and truly believe that relapsing is not an option, talking to women becomes much less of a frightening choice and much more of something that is just the right thing to do.

    If I want to relieve my sexual urges, I understand that I will not be the one to do it. That falls on someone else. As a result, I’ve become much more outgoing. I’ll talk to that random cutie at the coffee shop. I’ll start dancing with random groups at bars. I’ll have witty banter with the waitress. All of these things I used to think about doing, but never would do them.

    At the same time I’ve become more discerning. I can’t fully explain that one. However, I know that I can last without orgasm. If a girl isn’t right for me, then I don’t want to engage in a relationship with her. I had most of these realizations about two weeks ago – about day 65. Since then I’ve been on 5 dates, gotten probably 15 random numbers, and made out with 3 women. I still haven’t had sex, but I feel like I could if I wanted to. I already had confidence in all of the other areas of my life, but these results have finally cemented my confidence in terms of human interactions.

    So: A surprising thank you to nofap. I was a skeptic; now I’m not. It’s a lot less magic than it sounded though. Once you’ve been through it, you’ll know what I mean. I know that I’m going to continue well past day 90 now.


  394. Brothers!!! NOFAP REALLY WORKS. I’m at 76 Days. I wish you all

    Brothers!!! NOFAP REALLY WORKS. I’m at 76 Days. I wish you all could see my new beautiful girlfriend.

     by Vespaio76 days

    Brothers. NoFap has been an awesome adventure for me. I have not fapped in 76 days. The reason I am writing this post is b/c I just got my first girlfriend in 3 years. And fellas, she’s really hot! A real life traffic-stopper. Maybe the prettiest girl I’ve ever dated. And, she’s cool and sweet, and she likes me too???

    Holy, Holy, Holiest of Craps. Crazy, right?

    I’m not trying to make anyone jealous…I’m trying to motivate you my brothers. I can’t really explain how this happened!! All I know is that I took on this challenge with an open mind and a bit of serious motivation because I had a bit of ED….I was embarrassed and bummed out for about 6 months. Then I started this challenge. Here’s my story if you care:

    I just want to say this again. NoFap really works!! I can’t explain why or how…but the results are in and I have no more ED and also, ahem, a hot g/f. My goal was to cure ED. Done and done. The pretty girlfriend just fell into my NoFappin’ lap!! Mahalo to NoFap and all my brother Fapstronauts for being awesome and supportive. This process has changed my life. I will never look at internet porn again.




  395. 30 Day check in.
    30 Day check in. (self.NoFap)

    by ihatenamingname31 days

    When I started this challenge I knew there would be some changes, but I
    never imagined how much would change. As of today I truly am a different
    man. I’m always energetic, always happy, always ready for life.

    My friends have recently told me that they can’t believe who I’ve
    become. I’ve been called “a walking party” and as the title implies I
    make a party happen wherever I am. Since I stopped fapping I’ve found
    going out and talking to anyone to be the easiest thing in the world.
    I’ve gotten so many girls numbers that my phonebook is full. I’ve
    honestly lost track of how many new friends I’ve made.

    My concentration is through the roof. I find studying to be
    enjoyable. My attention span is ridiculous. My work life has improved
    exponentially and my boss has noticed my energy change.

    I had originally seen this sub about 3 months back and had tried the
    nofap challenge before, but I relapsed. It was quite depressing. But 1
    month ago I decided to make a very serious effort to do nofap and make
    it work. During my last month I had no relapses, no moments of weakness.
    It was beautiful how dedicated I was. And the trick for me was this,

    My original attempts always failed because I was still looking at
    porn from time to time. So the first step was to cut that shit out. Then
    since I wasn’t wasting time looking at porn, I had time to do other
    stuff. I started reading, exercising, studying /r/seduction,
    working my ass off, and then going out and testing what I’ve learned.
    Because I was so busy with all my new activities, I didn’t even have
    time to think about fapping. Honestly I logged on today and saw that I
    was at my 30 day mark and just thought to myself “wow, it’s really
    already been 30 days?”

    There’s only one last thing on my big list. Since I’m not going to
    fap anymore I don’t need all the porn I have hoarded away. I was
    thinking of deleting and destroying it tonight, but then I also thought
    that I would wait just one more month for good measure. My thought is
    this, I’ve gone 1 month without fapping, and I’ll probably go another
    month as well, but I could leave my porn alone and prove that I can keep
    something that I can’t have close to me and not be tempted to use it.

    How about you folks decide. Do I delete or do I wait for my 2 month triumph?

  396. 30 Day Report – Truly Life-Changing

    30 Day Report – Truly Life-Changing

    by FlamingIce1  30 days

    Nofap is really one of the best decisions I have made in my entire life. And I say that without a hint of sarcasm or over-exaggeration at all. This newer person I’ve become is amazing. I’ll make a list of all the improvements for you motivation seekers 🙂

    1. I’ve become much more social. Before Nofap, I would look for reasons to not hang out with friends or leave the house. Now, I actually look forward to hanging out with some buddies and actually want to throw a party of my own.
    2. I’m no longer intimidated of others. Before I used to be shy and quiet around people I didn’t know or people I thought were “too cool” for me. Now, I try to be friendly with anyone and everyone I meet.
    3. I’m getting stuff done in life. No longer am I sitting in my basement all day playing xbox. In fact, I actually turned it off today because I got bored. Huge breakthrough for me. And although I’m still trying to find a hobby, once I do I’m ready to dedicate plenty of time towards it! I’ve debated on teaching myself the ukele, and then guitar.
    4. I’ve begun working out. I’m still struggling with this one a little, but I definitely look better than before I started Nofap.
    5. I was motivated to set up a sleep schedule. It’s amazing what a good amount of sleep can do for a person. I highly recommend this if you haven’t done so already.
    6. I am a lot less stress. Because of all these lifestyle changes, my stress level has dropped a ton. Although I still have some stress and anxiety in general, it’s nowhere near as bad as before.
    7. Girls are finding me attractive. I’ve had a friend tell me about how a girl was interested in me. A huge “wow” moment for me. And a good one.

    I’m sure there are many more benefits I just can’t think of off the top of my head. If you’re about to relapse, don’t do it. I guarantee you it is 100% completely not worth it. I don’t even want to think about going back to a life with fapping, my new one is so much better.

    Stay strong fapstronauts. Power through those hard moments. I’m always open to PMs or comments if you have a question or need to talk 🙂


  397. 30 day report: I Feel ALIVE!

    30 day report: I Feel ALIVE!

    by RisenSmoke32 days

    30 days in and for the first time in 5 years Ive felt alive! I can literally feel the energy course through my veins. All I feel like doing is kicking life in the ass and living it to the fullest. I was sick of “just getting by” and NoFap has changed that!

    During my addiction I would often ask myself the question: Is this really all there is to life? I felt drained of my energy, ambition, and manhood. After 30 days I can already feel all of those start to return… and man is it one hell of an amazing feeling!

    Just a few of many benefits I have felt over the last 30 days:

    •     A fire like energy is now burning within me that I cant explain.
    •     Motivation to workout everyday
    •     I feel the need to go meet women and simply talk with them

    I don’t know about you guys but it makes me sick to think of all the lost potential in our generation that comes from PMO. Think of all the depression and suicides that must stem from a PMO addiction.

    Life is not meant to be a burden. It is meant to be a blessing, to be lived and loved to the fullest extent imaginable.

    These are all things that you in the NoFap community have helped me realize and I just want to thank you for being so encouraging and inspirational, and I hope that I can reciprocate that in anyway possible.

    As of now I have no plans to ever return to the chains of PMO. And I encourage you to never return to it either. Its time we take back what is rightfully ours: our energy, ambition, and manhood!

  398. My favourite superpower so far!!

    My favourite superpower so far!!

     by bro-miester 19 days

    I think most people’s favourite superpower when doing no fap is either confidence, full errction or less social anxiety, Mine has to be not being drowsy every morning. Before no fap, i heard the similar lies that having a wank makes sleeping easily but then I would wake up drowsy after 6-7 hours sleep and driving to university with a can of v or red bull was a norm. Now off the same amount of sleep, (if not less due to the tour de france and ashes) I am waking up wide awake and a being a lot happier during the day at university. I am even eating fruit again as i am not requiring smashing 3 cans of soft drinks a day instead an apple and banana is enough glucose for the day. Don’t get me wrong, confidence has increased as well but I put that down better sleep as I am happier and enjoy the little flirt with girls now.

    Hopeful that wasn’t too long haha

  399. Social anxiety AND generalized anxiety 95% cured

    Ok so first the good news, I recently just complete a 26 day streak of no PMO…at the end of the 26th day, I MO’d w/o porn, breaking the streak.  I did not watch porn, I will never watch porn again, and fantasy caused the erection, and it wouldn’t go away after like 30 min, so I MOd to sensation.  I also gave in because after the 26 days, I really thought I was extremely close to being healed.  My libido was definitely coming back, and I haven’t had one in 7 years. Here were the major changes I saw.

    -Social anxiety AND generalized anxiety 95% cured – went from being somewhat introverted to literally being able to have fun talking to anyone, and no, this wasn’t some mental bullshit
    – Erectile quality good, sensitivity was retardedly good, maybe too much so
    – Morning wood started to appear on day 23, have had it 4 days in a row now, even after the MO
    – First reaction when thinking about sex went from fear and apprehension to mostly excitement
    – Erections felt very easy to attain
    – I think it helps normalize all my hormones – have been losing extra weight quite easily, face is far less puffy, better strength in gym
    – Fantasy completely normalized – 100% normal scenarios, would get hard with clothes still on, just making sexy talk in fantasy
    – O from the MO was tremendous

    Update and frustrated questio
  400. Hi my name is Michael and I’m

    Hi my name is Michael and I’m 17 days no pmo!!

    I have been trying to reboot for almost 2 years, the longest streak I’ve ever had has been 24 days, I’m currently at 17 and feeling strong.

    I’ve seen so much improvement, I’ve had my player days, had a beautiful girlfriend who was crazy over me and I broke up with. Had a period after that where I had allot of other girls who I was talking To, admired me, and were giving me action.I then hit a low point for about a year porn wasn’t the only reason for it but it definitely had a part.

    Thus saying my results have been very strong so far off the top of my head, the benifits are

    1. Way more confident at work, smoother, way funnier, quicker and productive.

    2. Have built a powerful presence at work, top of the social ladder, most of my fear of boss has diminished and had a great hour plus chilling session a couple of nights ago.

    3.more energy

    4. Sharper!!

    5. Sense of humor back in full force, self esteem is way up, feel cocky at times.

    6. Great conversationalist.

    7.looking sexier then ever.

    8. I own my situations.

    9. I’m smooth and I feel like an alpha male.

    10. My social circle is expanding rapidly.

    11. Better memory

    12.  Happy with myself proud of myself.

    13. So optimistic over future

    14 started getting erections just of thinking of real girls

    15. Feel agile and realizing there are so many ways to handle every situation

    In short no pmo has made me a real man.

    I happen to at least make it to 90 and experience an even insaner level of success more then I’ve ever imagined!

    I have taken up other self Improvement techniques.

    I am also committed to stepping up game with girls and actively pursuing them, and having many more sexual experiences.

    I will take my new and enlivened balls and conquer the world!


    I just came on a great number close which guys can use to close any girls numbers ppl who are starting game I urge u to try this.

    Here it is walk over to girl and say “hey I’m sorry to bother you I’m expecting a very important call and I don’t seem to be getting any signal.. can you call my number so that I can make sure it’s working…

    I did this tonight with a friend observing from a far, got the girls number and then called her 2 minutes later saying I really wasn’t expecting a call but I thought she was cute and that I wanted to take her on a date, i said that I will text her later on this week to take her on date.





  401. Day 37 report, never felt better!

    Day 37 report, never felt better!

     by breakthesechains 37 days

    Sorry for the wall of text that follows, but I’d appreciate if you’d give it a couple minutes to read it and comment if you want to!

    This is currently my longest NoFap streak, outpacing my second longest by twelve days. For some background, I’m 18 years old and I’ve been PMO’ing since 13, and I’ve felt guilty about it the entire time. At around 15 I told my mom about my addiction and she has been doing her best to try to help me get out of it since then (constantly checking up on me, making sure I wasnt using the computer too much, etc). My mom and I have always been close so I knew that I could trust her with this. I also have told several of my close friends about my addiction and problem. Having people to keep you accountable is a really big help in this struggle I believe.
    I’ll be moving to college in about a month and I’m anxious to see how this whole NoFap thing effects my social skills with something this new and meeting so many new people. As I said before, I’ve had a streak of 25 days before, but it was in January earlier this year.

    Some of things Ive noticed changing with me -almost no social anxiety -more motivation -I stumble with my words less -I can hold eye contact

    and many more that I can’t think about off of the top of my head right now! I have also noticed that my thoughts have become deeper and less superficial, my brain has more room to think when it doesn’t have so many images of porn floating around in it!

    Along with the increase in motivation I went out and got myself a job and a gym membership, I’m even going to meet some friends at the gym later today to get that into my routine.

    Anyways, thanks for reading if you did! Best of luck fellow Fapstronauts!

    Oh did I mention I love you guys? Seriously, you guys are changing lives here. Thanks for the support!

    TL;DR 18, PMO’d since 13, feeling great after 37 days!

  402. I know you are looking for success stories as motivation;

    I know you are looking for success stories as motivation; USE WHAT I SAY HERE

    I know I am risking getting banned or whatever for posting the same thing twice and posting this in the success section, but I know a lot of guys look at the success stories for motivation and I think they need to read this that I posted in the 25-29 section. Sorry mods.

    “WHat’s up you all. I posted in the succeas section at 19 days with some intimacy at that point. Went on to day 25 and relapsed and now I am on 18 again – this time I am pretty sure I am going to go for an indefinite period this time. There is no plan b. This is it.

    You guys. DO THIS:

    1. Listen to some hard rap music when you are feeling the urge. When I say hard, I mean the manly shit. I don’t mean the violent shit, I mean the philosophical shit, I don’t mean the sexual shit, I mean the intense shit that talks about struggle and coming out on top. It will pump you up, kind of like going to the gym, if you can’t go to the gym for some reason. WHat I mean is – 2pac, Eminem (Recovery), Kanye/Jay-z, gang starr, dre. You know what I mean. It will sublime your sexual energy to your heart which will make you will feel like “penetrating” the world with your masculine spirit.

    2. This is working for me (may require a few relapses before you can get yourself to do this – relapsed like 8 times in the last 8 months since I started): Vow to NEVER masturbate alone or watch porn EVER AGAIN. I know this may seem harsh, but a frined of mine who is a celibate monk (don’t worry I know most of us here don’t want to be celibate), who had to go through this battle told me something that made a lot of sense.

    When you tell yourself 30 days or 90 days or 6 months or whatever, your primal brain subconciously knows that you will be able to masturbate/watch porn after 30 days or 90 days or 6 months and when the going gets really tough, it will tell make you reason that it is okay to relapse since you would anyway after 90 days. I am using the NEVER approach (no GF), and I am quite certain this is going to be it, my victory streak. My friend told me that it’s a way of tricking your primal brain in to forgetting about PMO (it believes that PMO died). And guess what, I know that I am doing it, but it is my rational brain that knows I am doing it, my primal brain believes it will never happen. And it is working well – you just have to keep telling yourself that you will NEVER EVER AGAIN IN THIS LIFE MASTURBATE ALONE OR WATCH PORN, even when shit gets tough. That’s when you flip on the rap and lift some shit.

    Guys, I am reaching the point again where my sexual energy is starting to merge with my personality, with my voice, my facial expression, socially etc. I can feel the difference with how I am interacting with women. I feel like a complete alpha right now, like when I am walking on the street, and they can tell. I am only on day 17 (my last streak was 25 days and I relapsed with one pmo session), but I can feel it and I know its only going to get better.

    Cheers and godspeed.”

  403. 5 months No PMO: happiness was just bubbling out of me

    5 months No PMO: happiness was just bubbling out of me (similar to the way depression just sits on you no matter how hard you try to shake it off). I didn’t have to TRY to be happy, I just was.

     by BarleyCornJohnThis is hard to describe, but when I achieved 5 months no PMO, I didn’t have to TRY to be happy. Happiness was just bubbling out of me (similar to the way depression just sits on you no matter how hard you try to shake it off). I didn’t have to TRY to be happy, I just was.

    Instead of being the super-serious guy that hardly laughed at anything, I was always cracking jokes –turns out out that I’m actually a pretty funny guy… It’s weird to think that we have completely different personalities apart from porn –that funny guy who didn’t have to try to be happy –that was my TRUE personality.

    I am 23 years old and started watching porn when I was in 7th grade… As far as I can remember, I’ve always been sort of depressed, never really had any friends, and have always been socially awkward. Unfortunately, I relapsed and the longest I’ve been able to achieve is 2 months… I can’t wait to get back to my true personality.

  404. Superpowers are starting to kick in.

    Superpowers are starting to kick in.

     by otisdez23 days

    So I’m three weeks into my NO Fap / Pornfree lifestyle. Today I’m sitting on the bus stop bench , recovering from a major cold , and feeling like it. I look to my left and 4 cute college age girls are checking me out and smiling these HUGE smiles. I had to turn around and see if there was like a cute puppy or Brad Pitt behind me because……ya know. I turn back around and 3 of 4 the cute girls are still smiling still checking me out. AWSOME. Plus it may just be a coincidince but a hot girl whistled at me out of a car window yesterday. REALLY ? ? I’m feeling so good right now, even after being sick for the last two days. NO FAP FOREVER.

  405. 60 Day Report

    60 Day Report

     by Bman331

    If you asked me 60 days ago if I thought I would ever make it this far, I would have been sceptical. My previous record since my first ejaculation stood at around 2 weeks, and they were incredibly difficult two weeks.

    I was helped by a flatline, that seems to be over now. One of the things that always confused me before was reading posts about someone who was on day 40 or 54 etc. and had relapsed. I couldn’t understand how you could make it this far and not continue. But my greatest temptations came around days 50-55. You have to be vigilant all the way through.

    Benefits in my life that I didn’t expect – Health. My allergies are severely reduced, I’ve had no hayfever and no reaction to dogs and foods I previously couldn’t eat. I can sleep naked with the windows open and I don’t wake up feeling sick. I only hit the snooze alarm once in the morning before I’m ready to get up, before I’d spend an hour repeatedly smacking the alarm.

    I’m not a massive chick magnet, and not everyone listens everytime I open my mouth. But, I’ve noticed that when I’m telling a story sometimes people are just completely transfixed by what I’m saying, where before they would often talk over me or half-listen.

    As for social benefits. I’ve always been an introvert, and that is by choice, not because of discomfort around people. I never had any real social problems, so my confidence isn’t significantly changed.

    I no longer have any desire to look at porn. Real women just seem so much more beautiful to me now. I now appreciate the imperfections that used to turn me off as evidence that they are real. If you told me today I’d never see another porno as long as I lived, I’d be fine. I had a wet dream two days ago. First one in years. Was kind of weird, was with an inappropriate person, and just came in my underwear in the dream. So I didn’t do anything inappropriate, but the ejaculation was unwanted, not too bothered by it.

    I am doing a course in becoming multi-orgasmic. This course involves sexual breathing exercises, kegel exercises, visualisations, meditations connecting different parts of the body, and masturbation. I can’t do the last part, but I still feel I’m making progress through the course. Don’t really have much to say beyond this, going for another 30 days.

  406. Day 60: Report from the front

    I remember saying on day 6 like it felt like day 60! Now Day 6 seems ages ago. Luckily as time goes on, I miss it less. Declaring August NoPeeking has been tremendously helpful. I felt myself slipping down the slope the more I peeked, even if it was seconds. I know exactly where to find new material of my favorite porn actors. It feels ridiculous to me now that porn got so important to me – that I knew so much about how to find things, that I got so deep into it.

    As for benefits I can say that I feel clearer, and I have more creative energy. I’m more organized and focused at work. Socially not much has changed, although I can look at cute guys in the face now and say hello to them. I do it even if they don’t say hello back, which is a huge leap for me. I’m coming out of my shame shell. Onward to 90 days – one day at a time. Wish me luck.

    TL:DR I made it to 60 days. I feel clearer and energized. I still miss porn. I want to make 90.

    Day 60: Report from the front (self.pornfree)

     by samueltanders61 days

  407. I honestly didn’t think it was possible to feel like this.

    2 weeks – I honestly didn’t think this was possible to feel like this.

    by RobScoots22

    edit:Forgive my silly typo, the title should read – “2 weeks – I honestly didn’t think it was possible to feel like this.”I got my two week badge!! This is certainly the longest I’ve ever gone without fapping since I was in middle school. Sure, it’s had it’s ups and downs, but it feels like I’ve reached an escape velocity and it will be much smoother sailing from here on out…To give an explanation of my title:

    I’m 30 years old now, and for the past 7 or so years, I’ve worked relentlessly on self-improvement. I’ve cleaned up my diet, started to seriously exercise, I began practicing yoga and meditation, and I started therapy to work on my lifelong depression and anxiety. All of these things have been great, and I was proud of how far I’d come. But somehow beneath it all there was a deep emptiness and loneliness. And I somehow truly believed that I would never feel as happy as I did when I was younger. I thought that all these other improvements were just icing on top of a somehow spoiled core.

    Despite all this progress, I continued to PMO at minimum daily, if not much more. I had an absurd porn collection, was always subscribed to some sort of pay site, and my tastes were getting more and more extreme. No matter the circumstances, I would find a way to fap. On vacation, whenever I was home alone, even at my grandmas house… :-/ I was trying to mask this deeper emptiness with some sort of chemical blast. The habit felt like some unshakable part of my identity.

    There was also the fact that at age 30, I looked back at my entire 20s having no romantic relationships that lasted for more than a couple months… (and I can count the # of those on one sticky hand) Despite being in good shape and working all of these other areas, save for the occasional drunken hookup, I just couldn’t attract a woman. It was like I was lacking some natural drive to spark attraction, and I crashed and burned whenever I attempted. I knew something had to change.

    I started attempting NoFap in the beginning of July. Sometimes I felt like I was about to explode, and relapsed a few times. NoFap has been like a home base for me whenever I’ve gotten the urge.

    But now, over a month later, and on my longest streak yet, it’s like that missing piece is back. I have a drive and a passion like I’ve never felt. It’s like I’m suddenly able to actually enjoy all these great things that I’ve built up over the past years! My anxiety and depression feel totally on the wane. I honestly feel the happiest and most balanced of my entire life, and it’s a happiness that comes with a maturity won from life experience. (This is seriously no hyperbole, I actually feel this!)

    And the best part….I’ve started dating an absolutely amazing woman! We’ve only been seeing each other for about a month (around the same time I started NoFap…coincidence? I don’t think so, there’s absolutely something to the timing), but I can totally feel that we are heading towards something much bigger. There’s just a click and natural chemistry that I haven’t felt since I was a teenager – before PMO numbed me to life. Even though we’re both solidly adults, we are just stupid for each other like a couple of high schoolers. Getting totally high off each others pheromones, laughing at each others dumb jokes, and cuddling for hours! (Not to mention the amazing joys of PMO-free sex… ;-D ) I feel totally comfortable just being myself around her, and it’s the best feeling ever!

    I still want to take this much further, ideally a complete 90 day reboot. But the journey so far has made me so completely confident in the NoFap process that I just want to scream the good word from the rooftops! I want everybody to find this joy and sparkle again. I’m sure you feel the same! For now, it’s back to the journey, but I’ll be sure to check in at the next major milestone! 😀



     by Teebone19 54 days

    On top of the world. I have super powers its all true. My life is back on track and have climbed out of the pit.

        Bullet like hardons
        Horny for my wife like never before.
        My career is going amazing mo money. mo status.

    So far it has been a river of shit and my brain HATES what I am doing. Normally I am fapping zombie with no highs no lows just the screen and some babes and my cock.

    Now I have somehow let the world in! Life is so much bigger and better when you are not looking at porn and hermitting the whole time.

    Rock on no fap. Thank you fapstronauts. I could not have done it without you. And I mean that with complete honesty. Longest I have been since age 15 is about an afternoon!

  409. 30 day report!

    30 day report!

    by joshman10830 days

    First, thank you to everyone. I wouldnt be here without every one of you, from day 1 to 1 year – having the support of this community is the only thing inspired me to start and stay on this journey. I’m 20, fapped for 4 years about every night but never really looked at porn, just lighter images and youtube videos. I was still hooked though. For what it’s worth I’m a virgin and don’t intend to bang until I’m married so I guess I’m on hardmode. Here’s a short list of the differences in my life, in no particular order:

    • I see women as people, not objects, and I care more than ever about finding a girlfriend. Before, I didn’t care because I had all I “needed” online. Also, I think fapping made me too ashamed to even think about being in a relationship.
    • I don’t feel ashamed of myself.
    •  I used to wake up feeling depressed and scared. Now I feel fine, and occasionally I’ll even bounce out of bed excited to be awake. That hasn’t happened in years.
    •  I’m making jokes.
    • I feel free.
    •  I miss fapping. It’s true. I developed a sick relationship with the fake women on the screen… and it’s strangely hard saying goodbye. I’m just now gaining the perspective to see how screwed up and sick I was. PMO is like a poison that we drink until we’re too numb and dumb to realize we’re killing ourselves. When the urge hits, knowing the truth about how sick it was helps me move forward.
    •  In general there aren’t really any superpowers for me. I just feel more wholesome and alive and no longer needing to hang my head. I feel like fapping halted my life. For real. I feel like I’m only just now free to live.


    •  Stay connected on here.
    •  Remind yourself everyday why you are doing this.
    • Envision the man (or woman) you want to become.
    • Let the desire for a new life pull you forward when fapping tries to pull you back.
    • Physically, the urge always hits me like a freight train as I’m falling asleep. I’ve learned the only way to win is to stick my nuts in a bowl of ice water for like a minute (don’t overdo it). I helps alot and I’m finally able to conquer bedtime urges.
    • PRE-DETERMINE. I can’t stress this enough. You need to decide what you believe and what you will do BEFORE the urge hits. In the moment, you are willing to sacrifice anything to get what you want. Your vision of where you want to be, mental resolve, and truths like general ackbars “IT’S A TRAP!” must be trained and strengthened AHEAD of time, so in the moment you are strong to carry through. It’s just like any sport. When the time comes to compete, you sure as heck aren’t going to win unless you’ve trained and prepared physically and mentally.
    • This is my most important tip. Tell yourself it’s over. It’s done. You’re never going back. The only reason we relapse is because in our minds, we allow it. Don’t let it be an option. Lock your mind and you body will follow (ok it’s harder than that, but it helps). For instance, on a couple nights when the urge hit I said “no. its over. i’m never going back. It’s done.” and then my body was like “well darn” and the urge subsided. This doesn’t work all the time, but it helps alot.

    This addiction is such a lie. Even last night I was craving relapse. It’s hard. You think it’s not worth it. It’s not flowers and roses all the time, but somedays it is, and that’s why we keep pushing through. Life, in general, is much better than it was. I can’t believe its already 30 days. I feel like I’m going to explode by 60 days and my body doesn’t want to try that hard, but I just tell myself “It’s over.” “It’s done.” And it is. There’s no going back.

    Stay strong brothers. No excuses no regrets. I’m proud of every one of you, even if you relapse everyday – all that matters is you keep trying. I’m honored to be on this journey with all of you.


    EDIT. Since everyone always asks…. I had 1 WD on day 7 (which was the farthest I’d ever gone at the time) one on day 19 and one on day 20something. I actually feel horny as …. something horny… the day after which always sucks, but it’s nice because 2-3 days after are always really easy.

    Also, I flatlined for the first week but then I was alright. I’d say I’m still not back to normal yet, I’m still recovering. I see now just how much I have to heal from. My heart goes out to anyone addicted for more than 10 years and/or in a relationship/marriage. You inspire me.

  410. Cool reward for my 30th day. Thanks nofap!

    Cool reward for my 30th day. Thanks nofap!

    by joshman10831 days

    So today is 30 for me and it was hard. For real. But two cool things happened that havent happened in years that made it all worth it. I was running in the park earlier and slowed down for a second and made eye contact with a girl. I didn’t say anything and looked away but she literally said “Here thereee” then I said something and ran away. I was pretty much stunned. That hasn’t happened in forever. But then it got crazier. Only about an hour ago I was downtown at a sort of amusement park and my party was kind of busy with something and I saw a girl. I kind of thought she was cute but didnt get a good look so I looked back and she saw me and she just said “hey you, come over here and keep me company” And im like looking around for another guy and say, who me? And she says ya. We sat and had a a slightly awkward convo, understandable considering the environment, and I walked away when my party came back. Nothing happened because she turned out to be alot younger than me but………….

    I literally feel like a new man. I haven’t had any flirty interactions with girls since literally before I fapped. Not only do I care about interacting with women again, but apparently the feeling is suddenly mutual. Porn is a lie and there is no relationship. Real women are fun, the pursuit is exciting and the relationship is so much more real and fulfilling than the screen could ever be.

    Thanks nofap for helping me heal. I hadn’t realized how much I had been missing out on.

  411. 50+ Day Report – Feelings of Social Reawakening

    50+ Day Report – Feelings of Social Reawakening

    by justsomeguy1711

    So I finally made it through 50 days of NoFap/Porn. I have to say, overall the length of time has been easy to achieve, and while my mood had some extreme highs and lows it hasn’t been that bad.

    That was up until about day 40, all of a sudden I just felt like shit…the feeling lasted for about 10 days, I just wanted to be alone and do nothing, at work I tried my hardest to stay away from my coworkers, you know me as a fun talkative guy, and at home I did nothing but lay in bed while occasionally going out with friends where I still had nothing to say. This led to a lot of “Are you okay?” coming from people, which made me even angrier.

    Now throughout this period of time I never really attributed the way I was feeling to the lack of pmo that I was experiencing, but on the final night of feeling like this I had a very vivid dream..I was laying in my bed with my laptop, as I usually would when I pmo’d, and was looking through porn…suddenly I became conscious of my actions in this dream and shut my laptop and threw it on the floor. When I woke up in the morning I wasn’t sure if it was real or not.

    So I went about my daily business, and I felt my mood slowly on the upswing throughout the day. Suddenly, I felt my entire body start tingling and my mind felt extremely focused..suddenly I started perceiving social interactions differently, I began to pick up on all the little intricacies of interacting with people almost unconsciously; body language, voice inflections, social order in a group, everything all of a sudden just started being processed in my mind, and this has occurred in interactions with men and women.

    Now obviously this change is more prominent in my interactions with women, and it feels like any subtle movement, whether it be a shift in their seat, or touching their neck has significance..and has led to feeling a lot of sexual tension in my interactions with women my age or even the middle aged wives I interact with on a daily basis at work.

    Now the question I ask myself….were these things occurring before I quit pmo 50 days ago and I was just missing them, or did the change to NoFap change the way women view me? Either way, I’m really digging life right now.

    So for those of you who want to give in to relieve anxiety or boredom or whatever other way you attempt to validate your pmo or even just mo I’m going to advise you to just say no. The way I feel about myself and about my interaction with others has changed significantly in the past 50 days. I have an extreme amount of sexual energy that I feel an I can tell women are interested in me, but the pathetic feeling I felt that I NEEDED to get laid ALL the time is gone. I no longer feel a need to validate myself to others, or even to myself through sexual relations, I could take it or leave it.

    To finish off my story, I used to believe that there was some kind of “seduction switch” that I had that I could turn on and off when I was feeling confident in myself, and it worked well..when I was confident- which wasn’t very often. Well now, that switch is broken, its stuck on and I have to actually be careful in how I interact with women as my confidence has led to some awkward situations with husbands after spending 15 minutes flirting with their wives…

    So here’s to another 50 days…actually you know what? Fuck 50 days, here’s to never masturbating again. Cheers fellas

  412. 1 month Report!

    1 month Report!

     by Frogeye

    This is the first time I’ve hit a month(previous best was around 2 weeks) Its been quite the experience, and now that I’m getting back to school I’m finally noticing some more of the benefits. Its not very big things, but its a lot of little stuff that really adds up. I’ve noticed that I care way less about what I say. I used to only comment or talk when I had something relevant and usually only with people I knew fairly well, which led me to be very quiet around everyone but good friends. Now I’m just letting me out of my cage, talking with acquaintances, old friends, people I’ve had in classes before. I have so much energy now that when I’m talking with really good friends, ill get excited and forget what I said 2 minutes after I say it. Also my perception of women has changed. Funnily enough it actually went away from, “I wonder what having sex with her would be like”, to, “I wonder what she is like”. I think that’s a major misconception about NoFap, A lot of people think that it will make you a complete horny pig who will objectify women more, when in fact it does the opposite. That view change, and having less anxiety about talking with people has made talking to women a breeze. I have no idea why I was so petrified of that prospect before. I mean its just gone.

    My perception of men has changed to. I’ve been hanging out with my brother and his friends, and holy shit do they treat women like garbage. Anyone who Isn’t very attractive, they make fun of. Calling slightly bigger girls fat behind their backs. Like any woman who isn’t attractive just isn’t worth their time of day. Then they gawk over any girl who is attractive. Fuck even my cousin was talking about this girl who he really liked as a person and would date based on her personality, she was also fairly attractive. Who did he go after? Some other “hotter” chick. My brothers friend asked me what I thought of my brothers girlfriend. I said “I haven’t got to know her all that well” He said ” no do you think she is attractive” JESUS CHRIST! Is this all you think about! I cant believe that I might have ended up like that. I wont let myself end up like that.

  413. Thank you, /r/pornfree!

    Thank you, /r/pornfree!

     by throwed_away97

    Hello everyone. I found out about /r/pornfree some time ago, and since porn was becoming a problem to me, I thought that “what the heck, I’ll give it a try”. I did, and it was harder than I thought.

    There were relapses. Lots of them. I always felt bad after one, and tried harder to not fail next time. Now I’ve been “clean” for almost 2 weeks (12 days, to be precise) and I feel great.

    About one and a half month ago, when I got home from school, I’d just spend hours (usually 2-5h) to find something to fap to. Thinking about that makes me sick.

    Since I quit, I’ve started to learn programming (currently learning Python) and picked up an old hobby of mine, playing guitar. I also started working out and going to walks with a dog. So, I’m much more active and generally much happier.

    I know that quitting watching porn isn’t the only reason to my current happiness, but it sure gave me motivation to become more active. So, thank you!

  414. 41 days report – A lot has changed!

    41 days report – A lot has changed!

    This is my fourth streak, biggest one so far. Just to tell that I think my energy surge is gone, I feel normal. Stopped fapping for 41 days and these are the changes:

    I feel more comfident about myself – girls are constantly hitting on me (average looking). Got one of the prettiest girl from high school times. Started working out at least 3 to 5 times a week, when I couldn’t even subscribe at the gym before. Founded and succesfully growing a social movement, acting as a leader. Already spoke to 4k people in protest. Before I couldn’t even talk to girls, not even to my whole friendship circle. College going pretty average, didn’t changed very much.

    My conclusion is that NoFap has set free the fuel needed to the changes I already wanted in my life. Right now I just feel normal, but a better normal. I’m constantly happy and depression/sadness isn’t something that pulls me down like it did before, now I understand that it is a cycle and I will get sad, so I basically enjoy sadness then it is gone. I’m very curious about what will come next, will I get more energy from myself or is this a dead-end? I want to grow stronger!

  415. How my noFap journey has changed me so far

    How my noFap journey has changed me so far

    by keg227

    I’m posting just before I go to bed and I’m tired so I’m going to lazily list some points instead of coherently structuring a piece of writing.

    • Increased confidence when talking to anyone (especially girls) e.g. better and meaningful conversations, stronger eye contact
    • No longer see girls as complete sexual objects and so don’t feel guilty or ashamed
    • More energetic and motivated to learn new skills (I’ve started to learn guitar and going to start working out soon with a friend!)
    • Generally feeling happier in life
    •  Feeling like a boss when I’m walking around with a good posture, straight back, chin up. Literally feeling unstoppable that I have a secret to success that not many people have discovered. That is the secret of being a Fapstronaut with a loaded weapon.

    Let’s stay strong fellow Fapstronauts!

  416. NoFap is making me more nurturing

    NoFap is making me more nurturing

     by infinitisimal

    As a female doing nofap I wasn’t really sure what the results would be like. I’m on day 15 now, and I am finding I care more about the people I love and I want them to be happy. I am also cooking and baking all the time. It seems to ease the tension somehow. This is one effect I definitely was not expecting! Perhaps from an increase in estrogen and progesterone? Its a feeling I’d forgotten for a long time.

  417. 1 Year

    1 Year

     by Kodlak

    Well, it’s been a year since I’ve started NoFap. It’s been a growing experience for me and I’m not going to rant and rave like some people claiming to have become a completely different person. I have changed though, emotionally and physically. NoFap is a way to find out what your own potential and not give you any excuses. If you’re in the first stages of your journey, keep on keeping on and don’t make excuses, because there’s a lot more potential in you than you may think.

  418. Brief 30 days report (No PMO… a little P)

    Brief 30 days report (No PMO… a little P)

     by timetoarrive30 days

    Hi, fellow fapstronauts! 30 days for the third time, a few observations:

    • MUCH more confident: I speak up, speak all the time which is a welcomed change.

    -Good eye contact, never shy from anyone.

    • Deeper voice
    • Clearer mind, think fast, express complex ideas in a clear and elocuent way. Better memory too, I am remembering conversations, melodies, book/movie excerpt, etc.
    • Food tastes better, music sounds sweeter, I can’t help dancing to my mp3 while walking on the street like I give not even one fuck.

    Overall, the usual “normalpowers”.

    Two things to point out:

    1) I practice mindfulness meditation, two sessions of 20′ each per day. The days I feel more awesome are the days that my meditation goes smoother, I mean, I can keep my mind still for longer and with little effort. It’s a chicken and egg situation the nofap/meditation and “mehpowers”, I don’t know which played the major card.

    2) I watched some pics of my deepest, abnormal fetish, not because I wanted to drug myself, but because I was looking for some info. I almost didn’t even get a bonner from it, but the next few days the “averagepowers” went away, which makes it clear for me that porn is the real problem here.

    So… not as brief as I thought, talk to you in a month! Godspeed, fapstronauts.


  419. One of my friends said this to me:

    One of my friends said this to me:

     by Soulmonkey211 days

    Friend:  “I was looking at some of your pictures on facebook the other day Soulmonkey, and I was suprised to see how much you’ve changed over the past months.”

    Me: “Like how?”

    Friend: “You know, you look more happy now.”

    I think I’ve reached my end-goal guys.


  420. Nofap has (directly or indirectly) made my life 100 times better

    Nofap has (directly or indirectly) made my life 100 times better!

    by AmericanOcelot7 days

    That is all. I’m being completely honest. I will elucidate later if I get the time. But trust me, nofap is worth every second. I’ve been battling it for three years I’ve had many different streaks. Each time I became an even better person.

    Tldr: Nofap is worth every second


    That is very very true for me as well. Since i waved my (P)MO-Brain goodbye forever, life has become way better. No more tiredness, no more mental fog, the gym is my second home now and i feel more social and able to connect with other people than ever. Boy, i even admit that i’m ashamed at looking at my earlier self. Was i that unconfident, lazy, fapping, blubbering stuttering moron?

    Keep going Faptain! The rewards are immense and the longer you keep this shit up the better it gets 🙂

  421. 30 Day Update – It’s all real (self.pornfree)

    30 Day Update – It’s all real (self.pornfree)

     by Suavepoppy

    Today marks my 30th day without porn.

    I guess first would be the bad news – my girlfriend and I broke up last night, and I think it’s very safe to say that all of our problems were deeply seeded in the lack of sex due to PIED. So, for those of you looking for inspiration, and a reason to quit, just know that it can affect someone else’s life just as much as yours. And when you care about that person, you’ll find it’s much easier to say no to porn. It’s okay though, I knew we weren’t happy together anymore and she’s only 17 and still wants to explore sexually, and if I’m not giving her what she needs, then I have no right to stop her. I was that age once too, so I know how it works. At this point she had been disappointed so many times that she didn’t believe that this was my problem, so I really wasn’t getting the support I needed either.

    So, up until this point, not watching porn has been easy for me, as I had a huge inspiration in trying to get our sex life back on track. I don’t know how it’s going to be now, because I’m one who cares more about others and less about taking care of myself, and disappointing myself is a familiar (yet awful) feeling. I don’t plan on relapsing, I still want to be able to tell her I made it to my 90 days, regardless of where she and I are in life at the time.

    I’ve felt the superpowers, and I know how massive a change it can have on day to day life. My confidence is higher, I’m going out more, I talk more openly with people. It really is real, and all those feelings started arising about a week and a half into recovery. For reference, I have been looking at erotic images since I was 13, and I started masturbating when I was 15. The masturbation habits got out of hand about 3 years ago, and my sexual preferences for porn started getting warped about a year ago, which is when I started suffering from PIED. So, I know I’m one of the younger ones who grew up with high speed internet, but my case isn’t as extensive as I know some people’s are.

    With that reference, my morning erections starting coming back about 2 weeks in, but spontaneous erections are still rather uncommon. I do, however, get an erection now when I think about real sex with real women, specifically my (now) ex-girlfriend. I could think about the sex we used to have and it turns me on now, and it feels great to feel something again. Some of them have even been full erections. I understand now when guys say that they don’t remember ever being this big – having constant limp erections will do that, and getting them back now is amazing.

    It’s day 30 now and I started my flatline 2 days ago. Everything has gone limp, my once skyrocketed libido has now plummeted, and I feel less motivated than I did before. Morning erections aren’t as frequent/strong, but this doesn’t give me any less hope. I know and recognize this as part of the process, so I will not be deterred by this. I just miss the feeling of erections honestly, having them back after over a year is a remarkable feeling.

    I’ll close with the most amazing discovery I’ve made so far. I look at women differently now, and until last night, I didn’t know what it was or if everyone had changed. But it’s that I now notice women’s faces a lot more. I’m constantly looking for beautiful faces to see. I mean, a woman with a hot body walks by and I still look, but I notice myself constantly looking for the face. It’s a strange, but faintly familiar feeling. It’s almost as if while I was going through PIED with no idea as to what my problem was, I was trying to look at a female body and will an erection. I’d say to myself, “Must look at women’s figures”, or “why don’t I have an erection, she’s damn fine”. And now that I know what my problem is and that it’s working itself out, I’m not in that mental state anymore, and it feels great.

    Thanks for listening r/pornfree, you’re all amazing people, and thank you for being here for me, and each other. This is a real thing, and it does get better.

  422. My 30-Day Star: Essential Insight from a Middle-aged One-Monther

    My 30-Day Star: Essential Insight from a Middle-aged One-Monther

    by iampowerlessoverGentlemen and ladies,

    I’m obligated to give a 30-day report, for reasons I will explain. Also, I know it will help me feel awesome.

    With regard to superpowers, I’m not running my own company (yet) or making fashion models drop their shopping bags in awe, but I am having consistent small successes and victories in my life which, taken together, do add up to the miraculous, especially relative to how I was living and felt 31 days ago.

    Most days, I don’t feel my life has changed that much (other than no PMO). But I have a sense that a seed is planted and swelling to life, that a tide has turned, and that massive, massive change is afoot. I glimpse it in small (yet huge) ways almost every day.

    I think the foundation for all of this higher self-esteem. Not arrogance, or even confidence much of the time, but a stronger sense at my core that I am valuable and that I can handle life. You feel it too, because you’ve made the same decision I have.

    The result of this feeling is small-but-better decisions throughout the day, which are rapidly adding up to a better experience of life.

    I “find myself” doing the following:

        Getting up in the morning
        Exercising every day
        Looking women in the eye and speaking more confidently with them
        Opening small conversations with strangers
        Turning off video games in favor of something more productive
        Closing internet tabs that are a time sink (YouTube, news sites, etc.)
        Choosing to make that phone call to a friend, or answer the call that’s coming in
        Choosing to go to that hobbyist meeting I’d been considering
        Choosing to come clean with my therapist that I have a porn problem
        Taking small steps on a half-dozen projects that I’ve intended to start for a long time but never have
        Standing up straighter, holding my chest out a little more
        Generally choosing, moment-to-moment, to move toward healthy/positive things and away from unhealthy/negative ones

    Before, I would stay in bed all morning, or read internet bullshit for hours (often leading to PMO). Now my brain says, “You’re better than this,” and I get up, get out, and take positive action.

    Then, immediately, my brain witnesses this change, and thinks, “Whoa, that’s new, that’s good” and my self-esteem gets another little uptick. Ultimately, I seem to be in a POSITIVE FEEDBACK LOOP, rather than the negative one that PMO created and gradually wore me down, down, down for, well, decades.

    To be clear, this does not happen all day every day! Last night I wasted lots of time playing Plants v. Zombies! And I felt shitty about it. But I also did a shitload of productive things yesterday. And it’s the latter that resonates in my consciousness, which is what got me up this morning and writing this post to help you guys/gals (and to help myself!).

    I have had a few external things that are inexplicable, but real:

        I have had men at events/gatherings introduce themselves to me
        I have had attractive women start conversations with me, and even blush at their own awkwardness (bizarre!)

    Sexually, I’m basically dead. I’ve been more or less flatline since Day One, with only a hand full of half-mast erections. (Not literally a hand full, fuckers. I meant “a few”.) Actually this morning I had some wood coming and going that was stronger than I’ve felt yet. Mentally, I’ve very attracted to hot women, and check them out (not creepy tho), but I have zero physical response and no sense that I could perform if I got the opportunity.

    But I don’t care! I mean I do, but I’m being patient. I’m actually grateful for the serenity and quiet, when so many of you are struggling every day to fight urges. My willpower has historically sucked, so I’m not sure I could stop myself.

    So….so far, so good. I’m enjoying the slow awakening of my positive self, and hopefully, a new sexual self eventually. I feel hope for the first time in a long time. I’m sensing the early tremors of a massive life shift, and I hope it’s real.

    Now, let me close with this:

    The MOST IMPORTANT thing you can do for your recovery is to GIVE to others in recovery, and I’ve found no place better than here. YOUR opinion and experiences are valuable to others here, no matter how freaky or “unique.” In fact, the more oddball your experience, the more likely you will help that other oddball that is just like you and feels totally alone. YOUR support matters to someone else here, no matter how small or weird you feel on any given day.

    If you take nothing else from this post, take this: Comment regularly on NoFap, especially a little deeper on the New pages on posts with zero comments. Also, post your own experience regularly on NoFap, both your victories and your struggles, ESPECIALLY as you get into longer streaks. There is a high percentage of Week 1 people here, and they need the insight, support, and inspiration of longer-streak folks.

    Go support someone in the New section right now. I mean it!

    Stay frosty, Faptains.

  423. Creativity has returned!

    Creativity has returned!

    I’ve been rebooting this year and have had two successful streaks of 28 days and 26 days respectively.  Everything has slowly started to come back, including creativity.  I use to be in a band, sing and play a ton back in college.  In my mid twenties I stopped, but with the reboot inspiration is coming back!  You don’t have to listen to this or comment, but below is a song I wrote about my ex-gf and things I was going through during that time with rewiring and withdrawal.  Hope y’all like it, it’s called “Blue Eyes”. {Sorry, this track is no longer available}

  424. nofap opens up doors that were previously closed; but its up to

    nofap opens up doors that were previously closed; but its up to you to explore those new options

    by rockbottomgift

    Just my view and understanding of how nofap changes you.

    My longest streak has been 2 weeks and I definitely felt more energy and the whole eye contact / anxiety aspect improved.

    People talk about nofap giving them almost superpowers; I think that it can but it wont just happened on its own.

    One has to take action with the new possibilities; I have always been a bit of a introvert when it came to strangers and especially women and yes I PMO big time since I can remember…which explains my introvert personality.

    Ever since I completely cut out porn and started to fap no more than once a week ( hoping to make than once a month ) I have noticed that I want to actually take that chance/risk and talk to women! There is a difference between wanting and doing and with NOFAP I consistently muster up the courage and I started making small talk with women; nothing big but I’m actually forcing myself out of my comfort zone.

    If I was still faping daily I know I simply would not have the motivation to talk with hotties lol

    I’m giving a example involving talking but it could be anything like finally going to the gym, picking up a hobby, or just being more social, anything really.

    Once you start doing the things you always put off or were afraid to try the so called superpowers / confidence starts to grow, you start achieving small victories which lead to other victories! Before you know it you can latterly become the person you always dreamed of becoming.

    This may feel like superpowers but all it really is NOFAP opens up doors that were previously locked and you finally have enough drive to go through them.

    At least that how I view it.

    I really do feel that no porn and greatly reducing faping will give me to courage and drive to finally take action in my life and take steps towards realizing my dreams/goals.

    Stay strong!

  425. All I can say is WOW!(College Student)

    All I can say is WOW!(College Student)

    Sotoday was my second day of class at my university and once class ended I went walking around campus just for the hell of it. Well, I honestly surprised myself. I made eye contact with damn near everyone passing by me (male or female), I struck up a conversation with a guy I heard listening to some music I liked, got two girls numbers AND even went to lunch with one of them! I may or may not have success with any of the girls after getting there #’s but hey at least trying feels better than doing nothing about it. Just a little info…I’m on my 123rd day of no fap and almost a month with no porn. I can honestly say that I wouldn’t have my current mindset if it wasn’t for No Fap!

  426. I love being pornfree! and all the benefits!

    I love being pornfree! and all the benefits!

     by relapsedagain_

    27 days pornfree, never felt so good! however, I know i will face tougher days in the future.. because 27 days ago i was so deep into porn i was fapping 4 times a day for 5 days straight! So i guess my body is maxed out hence the reason i don’t feel compelled to look at porn now?

    I just hope when the tougher days come, i will be able to stand because I love being porn free.. I went to the mall today and i had so much confidence in myself, didn’t feel shy one bit! I noticed the females more as well, maintained eye contact with a few ladies, and i just felt so confident overall..

    the most I’ve been porn free is 78 days, right now I’m on 27 days, my plan tho outrageous as it sounds is to go porn free forever! i know this is going to be hard, but I’m counting on my motivation to beat this habit..

    We are all in this battle together, the hard times are hard but no pain no gain my people, so lets keep this going! thanks to everyone for the support! and goodluck to everyone here!

  427. NoFap is like one huge LSD trip

    NoFap is like one huge LSD trip

    by RompinRabbit

    This is my second longest streak, first one being around 50-something. These past couple weeks its just been constant realization and truths all hitting me at once, about life, and this self destructive behavior, which played out and affected all parts of my life. I just feel like i’m on one giant acid trip where I’m just facing so many truths that it’s becoming really hard to NOT change the way I’ve been living recently…. From picking up new skills, reading new books on subjects I’ve always been fascinated by, getting more exercise, being able to connect with people I just met and be comfortable in social situations I wouldn’t have been otherwise…. This all just feels “right” if that makes any sense. Nothing spectacular really going on in my life right now to be honest… Nothing at all really… But I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.

  428. Definitely NoFap will change your life

    Hello Fapstronauts!

    This is my story. I know 31 days may be a short period of time, but I wanted to share with you my journey. I got a lot of inspiration from posts like this, so hopefully, this will encourage someone to achieve the glorious NoFap goal.


    I’ve been fapping since I was 14. I never thought fapping would have such a great impact on my life. 9 years later, after getting lots of shit on my brain through porn, and even making a big collection of amateur porn (which, of course, I’ve already deleted) stating to myself than “They’re normal girls, so there’s no big deal”, after spending lots of time watching all kind of things, even got my credit card charged for 90 bucks because of some crappy cam site, and lots of other stuff I decided to stop. My first attempts only lasted 2 or 3 days. But one day I discovered NoFap.


    I spent almost 3 hours reading a lot of stories. I was surprised and for the first time, I felt like I was not alone. I faced that fapping was a real issue and it started to affect some aspects of my life. I read also a lot of info on “YourBrainOnPorn”, and then, it was like hitting a wall.

    -“Oh god, that’s so me” -“Dammit, I’ve done that a lot of times”

    Those words were rounding my head. But, as I kept reading /r/NoFap I found a comment where a guy (sorry, can’t remember who) explained that taking the challenge was like joining a race. You need to go through a lot of things, but arriving to the finish line was totally worth it.

    I’m a runner. I started running like a year ago, and because of that, my “fapping level” lowered, but it happened that, instead of training, I spent the whole time doing PMO like there’s no tomorrow.

    So I took the challenge. My streaks were getting higher:

    4 days – 7 days – 9 days – 2 weeks (my record)

    I put as a new year goal to run a half marathon. So I got an inscription for it. It was on August 18. My coach gave me a running plan, also a gym training plan and a meal plan. But I decided that, along those plans, I would be doing my first NoFap challenge.

    So 31 days ago, I made the decision: No more PMO.

    I couldn’t be more surprised with the results!!!! It’s been a long journey, and I want to reach 90 days, but as of know, I can say that everyday is getting easier for me. If you’re attempting to do the challenge, DO IT!!! You won’t regret.



    -Endless Energy: I feel awake all the time, no sleepy moods at all. I managed to use that energy boost on my running trainings. My target time for my half marathon was 2:00 , I ran it on 1:54 !!

    -Discipline/Focus: I used to bait my nails, not anymore. Getting more focused on my training, or at work. Even on videogames! Kinda weird LOL.

    -Shy no more: Although I’m not the super shy guy, talking to girls is kinda difficult to me. Since I began with longest streaks, I felt like i could talk to anyone. I even started dating a girl, who now is my girlfriend 🙂

    -No more feelings for porn: Last week I was browsing reddit and found some pics of naked girls. My reaction was totally different that it used to be. No need to touch or fap or the urgent need to search for more. No sir. I’m not going to lie, of course if I see stuff like that from time to time I get boners, but it’s not like i’m looking for that kind of stuff like crazy anymore. And because of stopping watching it, all those wrong ideas of the “Perfect girl” disappeared. I have a lot of feelings for my gf not only because she’s smart and funny,but also because she is really beautiful. Porn just tricks you to think that big breated blondes are the girls you want. That’s so not true.

    -Always Happy, Always Positive: This one kinda surprised me, I didn’t realized that lately I was angry/frustrated/stuff like that all the time. I even yelled for no reason. Since I started with NoFap, my daily mood is always better, and always staying positive. This phrase means a lot to me, I apply it when I run, and also for my NoFap journey.

    “If you can do this, you can do everything else!”


    • Acne gone wild: It’s like having 15 again. But I’m working on that!! Any tips would be appreciated.
    • Unexpected boners: this used to happen a lot on the 2nd week. Sometimes I can’t control it and it’s annoying.
    • Blue Balls: A LOT. Sometimes it hurted like being hit. But now it’s fine. -Fear with gf: I don’t know what will happen when I start having sex with her. that kinda freaks me out a little bit, since I don’t want to finish in like 2 minutes. Any advice here would be appreciated too!

    Definitely NoFap will change your life. The only thing you need is the will to change it. I told my story to two of my best friends (No redditors) and they’re trying it out. One of them called me yesterday. He says his goal was one week, but now he’s aiming for a month!!

    Sorry for the long post, just wanted to share it with you guys. Also, sorry for my grammar, english is not my main language.

  429. 30 Days – Got my first girlfriend. Feeling confident, alive, and

    30 Days – Got my first girlfriend. Feeling confident, alive, and motivated

     by nightlords25 days

    Just a background, this is the longest streak I’ve ever been on. This is my first attempt at nofap and there is no looking back. My badge is incorrect, it says 25 days when in fact it is really 30 (I started August 1st).

    I’ve been doing PMO since I was about 12 years old, and I’m 21 right now. Before I started PMO I was really confident, extroverted, loud, outgoing, and had tons of friends. When I started PMO I became quieter and quieter, became a bit introverted and kept to myself. I also lost confidence and had some anxiety. I don’t believe I’m this introverted quiet person, deep down I know its not who I really am. I believe my true self is that outgoing person who didn’t care what anybody thought of him, and that is what I want to go back to, I can already feel some kind of transition.

    All my life I’ve never had a girlfriend, and the thing is I’ve always wanted one. I’ve done stuff with one girl before, she made it clear that she didn’t want to be in a relationship & I blew money every week going out with her. It was a waste of time & we didn’t connect at all. Looking back I am so glad I got away from that situation. Right now I am dating a girl who I think is perfect. She is everything I look for in a girl, and I think I had pretty high standards that is why I never settled for any random girl. On this exact day, we became official. I find it pretty funny how it happened exactly on day 30.

    On this exact day as well, she gave me oral and it felt incredible since I haven’t done PMO for 30 days. Once I came, my penis was incredibly sensitive. More sensitive than it has ever been in my life. Usually after I nut when I PMO its fine, but this occasion I couldn’t even touch it. It was really really sensitive, I think I am regaining some sensitivity lost when I was on PMO

    Another thing I noticed during this 30 days is that I don’t have as much desire to play video games. I stopped playing a game I played all summer, not because I tried to, but that because I just have no desire for it. I find that I’m much more productive & motivated. I’m reading some books I bought that I never previously touched, which is odd because I never used to read much. I would always buy books, plan to read them but never do. Also a note about the gym, I’ve always been in good shape & have been working out for 3 years straight. Lately I noticed my workouts are more intense & I’m more motivated to goto the gym. This summer I’ve been taking a lot of days off, but not anymore.

    Recap: After 30 days of nofap I got my first girlfriend ever. Motivated for school/work life, feeling alive and not depressed. Feeling more confident & social. I don’t care what people think of me, I used to have the thought process of people looking & judging me, now I don’t even have that thought anymore. Its like it just went away. Can’t believe I’ve seen so many changes in just 30 days, after experiencing all this, there is no way I’m going back to PMO.

  430. Intentional after 104 days – helped with ED

    Intentional relapse after 104 days – Goodbye NoFap

     by Tyranel1 day

    NoFap has done a lot for me these last few months. I’ve learnt a lot about myself and self control and it’s given me more time as I fap less. I’ve also been more driven especially at the beginning.

    But unlike a lot of people on this subreddit, I’ve never felt addicted to porn. I’ve never had social problems. And I’m doing fine in my life. In general I’ve felt quite happy with my life and never had a reason to blame masturbation for any of my problems. And I think the reason I took on NoFap was a challenge to myself. I aimed for the 90 day challenge to try and reboot anything porn has done to me over the years. One thing it did fix was some mild ED I had whilst having sex with condoms (I was with a girl for about 3 years who was on birth control, but I’m pretty sure porn didn’t help either). And I’ll always be thankful to NoFap for that. It’s been a whirlwind 104 days; I didn’t relapse once – but I think it has less to do with willpower and more to do with my level of addiction to fapping.

    I’m going to try and stick without porn. So I’m going to reset my counter and probably not post on the boards anymore as I won’t feel I’m part of the community anymore. But i’ll come back every now and again to read everyone else’s posts, and use badgebot to help me track how many days I’ve been without Porn.

    It’s been a fantastic journey. Thank you Fapstronauts, I salute you.

    This is an ex NoFapper signing off. Good luck to everyone.

    Maybe one day if I’m binge fapping to one legged midget feet porn I might be back.

    P.S. Cold showers are there shit (not just for urges)

  431. 30 Days – Not What I Expected, But So Glad

    30 Days – Not What I Expected, But So Glad

    by NoFapJord31 days

    I feel WAY better than before I attempted NoFap. Even when I relapsed every 3-4 days, I still felt different for not doing it 3-4 times a day. Now I’m at day 30, a few things have changed. In terms of the effects of NoFap:

    •  My posture has improved when walking. I hold my head high and my shoulders back
    • Despite my 12-15 day flatline at the start, I still felt more whole and didn’t have anything to hide
    • I had a lot of withdrawal like feeling hopeless, crying, and seeing problems with my life that I didn’t look at before… and it upset me that I let it go on for as long as it did. It’s liberating though, to see the brain fog disapear

    What I’ve been able to do since NoFap:

    • Taken up meditation
    • I’m on day 12 on cold showers and wouldn’t have tried this if it wasn’t for attempting nofap. I learned that failure can be a great thing, provided you learn from it and keep moving forward
    •  I exercise regularly like weight training
    •  When I’m in public, I just automatically greet people and say “hey” instead of pull my phone out and avoid eye contact

    Conclusion: My confidence has improved a lot, and despite my flatline at the beginning, I still noticed the difference. NoFap helped to recover from Caffeine quicker by preserving my energy instead of wasting it on fapping. I’ve been feeling lonely recently, only because I’ve been feeling like this for ages, I just don’t fix it by fapping. Soon, I’ll start working on being more social and be in more uncomfortable situations. In the mean time, I’m focussing on my body/mind health and well being and start channelling my energy on creative outlets I enjoy. Here goes for reaching 60.

    Hope everyone sticks with NoFap, everyones journey is different, but we all fail in order to succeed. That’s one thing we definitely have in common 🙂

  432. I’m much more confident and alert each and every day

    Just want to say that it feels DAMN good to be off the fap! I honestly feel like I kicked a horrible drug habit and finally have control over my life. I’m much more confident and alert each and every day whether it be at class, work, or hanging out with friends.

    Oh, and women. look. AMAZING. It literally feels like I’m going to an entirely different university that has 10/10 women EVERYWHERE.

    So to anyone out there that is having difficulties kicking the habit, BELIEVE IN YOURSELF. THE GRASS REALLY IS GREENER ON THE OTHER SIDE!!

    Thanks NoFap, that is all.

    63 Days

    by myotherusername9 63 days

  433. 30 Days of Success

    30 Days of Success

    by k9security

    I never really posted an intro here and I didn’t want to unless I achive this. (not that it isn’t a good thing to do) So here it is:I did a lot of progress in self improvement over last 3 years and this was the last and most painful thing to get rid off. I tried many times and losing it lowered my self-confidence and productivity. I have been lazy, weak a procrastinator and a person far from what I wanted to be ( I still am ). Guys I was failing in life.

    I tried to improve and failed and failed again – in many areas not just pmo. After I failed I would pick up the pieces of my confidence, just to fail again.

    I tried different techniques of self improvement. I was failing so many times I had suicidal thoughts and even cried. But I tried again (what else was left to do?). Then slowly, over time I noticed I only failed in 9 out of 10 things I tried. One actually worked in some way! I got better, disciplined, stronger but PMO was kicking my ass and I couldn’t overcome it. It was depressing.

    Month ago I joined nofap and got an epiphany reading one of the negative posts about “wasted years of life”. This was a big thing for me, it totally reframed my way of thinking about pmo and as a result I just did it this time, without even trying to go back to porn. First 30 days is just the beginning but I know I will succeed for the long term.

    What is different comparing to the times when I failed:

    1. No edging, no fantasizing, no stalking on streets. I just stayed strong and kept my head up, not undermining my efforts. 6 months of prior meditation helped me to do the mind game.
    2. Epiphany. I realized the wasted time of my life, the women I loved and never approached, the things I didn’t act upon, opportunities gone forever – all because of lack of energy and self-confidence pmo caused. Keeping it straight and honest about your losses is painful but it makes me pissed off enough not to repeat the mistakes again and go for my dreams more eagerly.
    3. Total K9 restriction. No youtube, no vimeo, no facebook, no shitty media or politics sites where I procrastinate, no porn or tabloid. Youtube block was accidental, I forgot to block reddit – thank god for both. I didn’t know my life would be better without these – long to explain but it is. I created separate email, with separate password and threw out the password – I gave a copy to friend. I have now partial access to porn but I am strong enough not to go there, although weak enough not to have total access.
    4. Long term focus. I see myself as an addict, I don’t expect a resolved life. I stopped believing in quick fixes. I expect to keep going and fighting one fight at a time for the rest of my life. This mind set keeps me from relaxing. It’s a life long marathon. Nofap, procrastination, bad habits, willpower etc. are a result of hard work and consistence.

    Sure I work out, I do cold showers (I did this for a while) and I switched to paleo 30 days ago and quit coffee.

    Results (personal estimates, I include a possibility of placebo too):

    • Energy: +25%
    • Sex quality: +500%
    • Confidence: +100%
    • Interpersonal skills: +75% (that awesome feeling of being strong and clean in the world of fappers)
    • Depression and sadness: +50% (but man I feel strong about it, no more avoidance – I get it, I deal with it, it’s real)
    • Income: increased inflow of new business (I freelance), most work in progress. Because I don’t count money that are not in bank yet, no figure to post now.

    Overall: Guys I owe you a lot, both negative and success stories helped me to simply become someone I struggled to become for years. I was desperate trying and failing and then failing again.

    This thread is very powerful and I really admire and respect every member who goes for it regardless of your number on the counter. Guys you are heroes who fight the real beasts – those in our minds. Keep fighting and stay strong, nofap is just the beginning.

    There is a long way ahead of me, I expect failures but I am prepared for them and I will fight back. I will follow with further reports every 30 days. Big things are about to happen this year!

  434. I’ve made it 1 Month – benefits inside!

    I’ve made it 1 Month – benefits inside!

     by LexLoveLess 30 days

    Well, as of today, I’ve earned the 1 month badge, which marks the longest period of time that I have successfully abstained from masturbation since I had discovered myself as an adolescent. I want to give a short background about myself in terms of how my addiction to pornography has affected different areas of my life.

    I discovered pornography at a very young age (around the age of 9-10). I also began the habit of regularly masturbating at this time, which also included masturbating in some pretty inappropriate places, including my former piano teachers couch while I waited for my brother to finish his lesson (I’m so sorry Mrs. James), as well as in the back room of my 5th grade classroom. Of course, I knew that this behavior was inappropriate, but, at that time, I had absolutely no control over the intense desire to masturbate when and wherever I could. I realize now that if I was ever discovered masturbating in these areas, I would have most certainly been sent to therapy. I am thankful that I was spared both the embarrassment and pain that that process would have inevitably caused.

    I continued my regular habit of PMO throughout high school. I had several very unsuccessful sexual experiences that I now attribute to my excessive use of pornography–I simply did not have a normal sexual response. It was only until college did I lose my virginity. Honestly, that experience left me completely indifferent to the idea of having sexual relationships with women, mostly because I was unable to reach orgasm. At that point, I then considered masturbation more pleasurable, because I was able to reach orgasm at my convenience. I was also worried that, at the moment when I would be expected to perform, i.e., get an erection, I would be unable to do so. So, I retreated back into the comfort and security of PMO.

    After developing a friendship with a devout Catholic (I am not a professing Christian myself), I was encouraged to make a sincere effort to finally quit the unhealthy habit of regular PMO. This is my second attempt. At this point, I’d like to recount some of the changes that I’ve experienced as a result of abstaining from masturbation for 1 month.

    1) Normal sexual response to woman. I find myself getting an erection when speaking with woman to whom I am attracted. It’s a sort of primal magnetism that makes conversation with these women almost effortless. I’m excited to have my first sexual experience, because I now have confidence that my body will do the job millions of years of evolution have trained it to do–I’m simply not worried about PMO induced ED.

    2) Women will notice. I don’t understand how or why this happens, but it does. I speculate that this change has to do with the increased interest in “actual” women when you aren’t getting your sexual needs met through artificial means. In other words, I find myself checking them out, which is something that, prior to this period of abstinence, I’ve never had the confidence to do. I have to say that I’m generally regarded as attractive by my friends and acquaintances (of course, I have many insecurities that make me doubt these compliments), and I do find that many of my past SO’s are considered attractive by other men. However, I think that, generally, you will have more successful interactions with females if you abstain from PMO regardless of your attractiveness: there is a radiating, and palpable confidence that comes from a man in control of his own desires; and, ultimately, it will be this quality that attracts others. I want to end this section by sharing a anecdote. I went to my friends wedding and caught the attention of his attractive cousin. During the reception, I went over to her and introduced myself, and spent the next 15 minutes talking to her. After that interaction, my friend stated that she was following me around, and that I should ask for her number. I did, and I’ve made plans to visit her when I travel up north on a business trip this weekend.

    3) Sublimation. I used exercise to sublimate the intense sexual urges that swelled within me during the first 3 weeks of my abstinence. In a way, I’ve replaced the habit of PMO with exercise. I feel healthy, and I’m beginning to look much healthier. I recently had a friend state that my physique has improved, and I found this to be very encouraging. An additional benefit of regular exercise is increased attractiveness, so, again, another contributing factor to benefit 2).

    4) A greater capacity to serve the needs of others. Any activity that requires self-denial, I think, has the positive effect of expanding your capacity for love. Every act of love requires some form of self-denial, whether it’s an act of charity towards somebody less fortunate than yourself, i.e. giving up monies that could be used for some personal pleasure, or the selfless love of a parent sacrificing their own needs for the benefit of their children, i.e. sleep. So, again, any form of sacrifice increases your capacity to love. As a result of my most recent period of abstinence, my brother–who, I must mention, had absolutely no knowledge of this period of abstinence–remarked how different I had been acting, and that I seemed to him to be much more mature (I think that because he had no knowledge of my abstinence, it makes this benefit more objective). I also find that I’m better able to remember details from conversations, such as the names of the people with whom I’m conversing, and the areas of study in which they obtained their degrees. This is by far my favorite benefits from NoFap. “I am more the less that I am”

    I wish to share this about myself in hopes that it encourages somebody to finally quit the unhealthy habit of PMO. Abstinence adds a richness to your life that can only be experienced through the practice of abstinence. If you wish to truly experience the “deliciousness of your own sex” (Whitman reference), from a fellow pilgrim to another, you will find it here.

  435. Changes are more subtle than you think

    Changes are more subtle than you think

     by DistantIdentity 29 days

    Girl friends. Not girlfriends, girl friends. I never thought I’d have them, but I do now, and it’s awesome.

    Sure, when your brain is resetting, everything with breasts and a vagina becomes a magnet for your eyes and lust. That will pass, and once you realize that there’s more to relationships than wanting to hump everything with a pulse, only then will you be free.

    I’ve been at this for a month, and it’s drastically changed my view on how I view women. I can now talk to them in a friendly way without constantly contemplating the possibility of sex, and what’s even better, is that after a certain point, you become comfortable enough with girls to where you can openly talk to them about sex and love. It’s much more intimate than bro-talk, but it frees you in so many ways. Knowing that a platonic girl friend trusts you with her relationship problems just sets you free in an amazing way. It makes you feel like your words and opinions matter.

    I woke up today feeling extremely confident, and I may not be swatting girls away like flies, but talking with them is not only easier, but WAY less awkward. Also, the girls that do intrigue you have totally new features that impact me more than any physical aspect. This past week, I discovered that I’m not the self-proclaimed “ass man” that I thought I was. I’m an eye-guy. Yup. There’s nothing better for me right now than looking into a girls eyes and just getting lost in them. Porn can’t do that to you (at least, not what I used to watch :P).

    Give it time. The transformation isn’t easy, nor is it quick, but it’s there, whether you think so or not.

  436. Not superpowers, but social skills improved greatly.

    Not superpowers, but social skills improved greatly.


    I’m not one of those guys who is going to say I now have superpowers, but I am definitely noticing a change in my social skill set. Talking to people, especially women is much easier. Not slaying bitches but having easy, conversations where my hands aren’t shaking anymore. Also, so many more girls looks absolutely beautiful. This is worth it alone. I noticed 3 or 4 of my friends who are just stunningly beautiful which I had never noticed before. Was going to do a reset at 2 weeks on purpose with no porn, but fuck that I am enjoying this.

  437. You guys, this shit is real

    You guys, this shit is real

    by MadFapsmonaut

    Yesterday, after a 10 day streak, I relapsed again. It was the longest I’ve ever gone without fapping. I even fapped after 9 days, after my circumcision – so addicted I was.

    And today I experienced exactly what everybody was saying on this reddit: In just one day, I went from being moderately active, and capable of jogging for long distances, into my old state of being unmotivated, sad and pathetic. I got to actually experience this change. It’s not like I was doubting it before, but today I actually got to have my own personal experience of this.

    Anyway, this stuff is real. We gotta keep going! Personally, I’m dusting myself off and going on a new streak, and this time hopefully I’ll make it!

  438. Anyone have new memories surface after quitting porn?

    Anyone have new memories surface after quitting porn? (self.pornfree)

    by MakingItMatter14 days

    EDIT: specifically ones never remembered before! Anyone have new memories come to the surface after totally quitting porn for awhile? Like, new memories from childhood/growing up?


    When I do nofap I tend to have waves of memories that I have forgotten come up suddenly. Memories from childhood up to late teens (I am 29.) Its very strange and nostalgic feeling. I really enjoy them and it makes me feel like I am somehow reconnecting with an earlier part of my life before I was addicted. Something like because my energies are becoming similar to before I was addicted, my brain brings up similar memories with those feelings.


    It’s not unusual for people to have all kinds of childhood memories and/or past memories of sexual & romantic relationships. I’ve been recalling vivid memories of my first experiences with porn images and with voyeurism as a kid.


    I remember I used to have zero social anxiety before drugs, alcohol, and porn. Hell I was voted the most popular kid in school in the 6th grade.


    Yes. Also, a lot of stuff related to things I was using porn to forget.


    Thanks, its really fascinating how the mind works. My S/O is going through this and just was trying to get an idea of how common it is to have “being clean”/pornfree, bring up past/repressed memories for guys on here.

  439. Ground Control To Major Tom: What’s The Point? (self.NoFap)
    Ground Control To Major Tom: What’s The Point? (self.NoFap)

    by HowSmartIsSmart

    I don’t mean this like it sounds…kinda.

    I started with NoFap little more than a month ago. After years of suffering from Sex/PMO Addiction, I’ve finally begun making some substantial positive changes in my life. I Fap/PMO 75% less than I used to. I workout regularly, take cold showers, and am more successful at work. I spend less money on things I don’t need and am less prone to binge on cake and donuts. I’m more confident, respectful, and genuine in social situations. In general, I feel stronger, more disciplined, more in control, and more proud of my life and who I am.

    But all that said, the last few days have flat-out sucked. I feel like I’m dragging, like life is weighing me down, and the question lurking behind each forlorn moment/thought/feeling seems to be, “What’s the point?”

  440. 500 days.

    500 days. (self.NoFap)

     by Rawsheeve501 days

    What can I say? I feel incredible all the time, I no longer have problems with procrastination, I just do it. I would be a completely different person if i hadn’t chosen to do this 501 days ago. Thank you NoFap, you’ve improved my life dramatically.

    For everyone on their journey, keep hanging in there, ITS WORTH IT!


  441. Day 30: Brain no longer a continuous porno movie
    Day 30: Brain no longer a continuous porno movie

    by hockpa2e 30 day

    After hitting 30 days, I’ve realized that as long as I was tolerating myself fapping, I was also letting myself fantasize anything about anyone, anywhere and anytime I wanted. It was like continual pornography was playing in my head all the time.

    Since I started NoFap, I knew I couldn’t let myself do that, or it would just lead to relapsing. Then guess what happened? I discovered that I do have the power to shift my mind away from fantasizing. I think this has made the biggest difference to me. I feel like I can learn things much better in my studies now and concentrate longer. Now that escaping into erotic fantasies isn’t an option anymore, I have more free mental energy to actually move my life forward with concentrated purpose. When I was letting my hormones carry my brain away into fantasy-land all the time, it’s no wonder I couldn’t get anywhere in life!

    So I have a theory that the thing that really allows you to prosper after quitting PMO is cleaning out your thought world.

  442. TRANSFORMATION- 25 day report – The BENEFITS

    TRANSFORMATION- 25 day report – The BENEFITS

     by Xesioner25 days

    just want to say my gratitude to this wonderful movement and community.
    In 25 Days My life improved in every aspect there is:

    • From a lazy unmotivational prick I became enthusiastic about my life.
    • I have belief in myself. I respect myself and others.
    • I Manage my time much more effectlivel
    • I started a new job
    • I am conversational with other ppl- I look them in the eyes- i feel joy as i speak with them instead of my brain workin over hours trying to figure out what to say and how to say – I JUST SAY! AND WITH A SMILE from my inside- no faking it.
    • I feel sure of expressing my feeling to others
    • I feel good in my own body
    • I read alot of selfimprovment that i connect to- im not obssesed with it but just fetch the advices i connect to.
    • I am less NEEDY of woman Validation – and other ppl validation.
    • I had 2 new sex buddies- One was an old friend that i found attractive after stopping the PMO craziness. and the other is a 42 divorced gorgues lady.
    • I feel i can walk an approach any girl- NOT BEACUSE I PRACTICE FAKE PICKUP TRICK AND METHODS! because im feeling good in my own skin. i dont care about the result. I love myself- Dont fear the rejection, FEAR UR UNWILLINGNESS TO TRY!
    • Here is one of the best things – I AM ATTRACTED TO
      NORMALREGULAR(with a bit of defects) LADIES more than to FAKE PORNMODELS! I like the uncomplete the non perfect better- its HUMAN! ITS LOVELY!
    • I maybe have more temper than before (probably because of the testorne) but this to isnt so bad – SO WHAT?! I CAN GEY ANGRY ! its ok to express myself even if it means being mad and angry!
    • I AM GRATEFUL TO U GUYS! and ladies!

    I try spreading the words to all of my friends so they can to have a meaningful life. I”ll try to keep it humble! love u guys.


  443. The first third in: ch-ch-ch-ch-changes

    The first third in: ch-ch-ch-ch-changes

    by marakus22230 days

    Lurking here in NoFap I have read a lot of posts in which people tell how this challenge has changed their lives – usually in good ways. In my opinion, these posts may give a false impression what NoFap does.

    Don’t get me wrong, it’s great that many of us have made a difference through this challenge but it takes a lot more than just quit fapping to get hold on one’s life. NoFap doesn’t mean that you will turn into an extrovert chick magnet overnight or that you will look like Brad Pitt or that your life has no problems afterwards. The essence of this all is to get over an addiction but if you do turn into a chick magnet or look like Brad Pitt afterwards, it’s only extra.

    All this said, now I am going to list some of the changes I have noticed in myself during this month without PMO. Some of these may not be due to NoFap at all but because of my other lifestyle changes, but they all can be listed on how NoFap has changed my life as a whole.

    (But first, the tip of the day: Keep a diary. Really. It helps you to notice changes more easily)

    1) I am more self-confident. Well, I still am an introvert person who also likes to be alone but social interaction is much easier. I look in the eyes when I talk to someone and I don’t really try to avoid social contact like before. I am also more content with my body and I don’t worry so much what others might think.

    2) It’s easier to exercise. It’s easier to start and it’s easier to perform when fapping doesn’t drain all my energy. It also helps with NoFap because after workout I’m so tired and sore that I’m not even able to fap!

    3) I fall asleep faster. Before NoFap I could lay in my bed for hours before falling asleep no matter how late I went to bed. Nowadays it doesn’t take even a minute before I blackout. This may be due to my exhausting workout too, but whatever.

    4) The stress doesn’t get to me easily anymore. I am in the middle of my finals at the moment but I’m not really stressed out. Well, I am stressed out but it’s not as overwhelming as before. I have become less perfectionist than before, too. If I fail, of course, it bothers me but I get over it much faster.

    5) When it hits, it hits hard. This may be the only con during this month. I have had maybe two or three days when I was extremely down and depressed. And it was awful. Usually, in these situations I would have fapped away and made my mood better that way but now that wasn’t an option so the feeling was worse. On the other hand, it took me less time to get over these feelings than before, perhaps because I dealt with them immediately and didn’t try to ignore them by fapping.

    But to sum up these 30 days without PMO: Feels good, man!

  444. 10 days and seeing improvements…

    10 days and seeing improvements… (self.NoFap)

    by MisterDerptastic10 days

    So here I am, 10 days in. Never even would have made it if it weren’t for NoFap, which saved me from relapsing at least twice in those 10 days. I know its pretty early for official “results” and it might just have nothing to do with Nofap, but I’ve noticed some changes in myself. And by that I mean normal life changes, not superpowers.

    First of all, the fact that I managed to not lay hand on myself for 10 days straight makes me feel more confident. I feel more determined in stuff, more disciplined. Its not that much, but if you have very low self esteem, any confidence boost is welcome. Its even so far now that I actually managed to talk to people in my first week in college, while I would normally spend days in my own little bubble. Thats right, I talked to random people. Not that much and not that many, but its still a beginning.

    Second, I really feel more comfortable with myself. Now that I’m trying to quit fapping, I can fully accept every part of who I am. There is no longer that little dark corner deep down inside of you that you are affraid off (Well there still is, but you know you are working on cleaning it up for good).

    I also feel a bit less tired, now that I’m not wasting any of my precious time/energy because of fapping.

    Finally, I also had morning wood for the first time in quite a while. It wasn’t that much, but it was still better than nothing.

    I’m feeling good about this and I’m sure that if I can manage to keep going, I’ll feel better every day and eventually manage to completely cure myself from this malicious habit.

    To all my fellow fapstronauts,

    Keep it up! We can do this!


  445. Becoming a real man

    Becoming a real man

    by burninside24 days

    What does being a man mean to you? Sure, a pair of testicles. But what else? Man is a physical representation of masculinity. Masculinity is creativity, strength and discipline.

    I realized today that I am not a real man. Not yet. Since starting NoFap I have had a taste of what it means to be a real man. I had a spark of creativity start inside of me again. I re-started old projects and began new ones. I stopped deluding myself with video games. There is no real progress in playing League of Legends 6 hours a day. It is the same as masturbation. All your creative energy is sucked away by illusions.

    I have started to gain strength, both mental and physical. I express creativity through my body now also. I started to go to gym seriously first time in two years. But I am still a baby when it comes to strength. I had let my body and mind to become weak and soft so that even mundane tasks such as tyeing my shoelaces was sometimes a burden because how inflexible and unnatural my body; and how undisciplined my mind had become.

    I started to discipline myself by starting to take cold showers regularly and meditating, doing yoga and stretching more often. I can control my gaze now. I don’t need to watch away when I’m conversing with someone. I can control to not turn my head like a dork when a sexy girl walks by. But I can also look at a woman without feeling ashamed of my sexuality. Also, my awkward habit of bowing my head when walking past people on the street is pretty much gone. Don’t ask why I used to do that. I’ve no idea. Furthermore, I am able to keep a better posture now. I feel more control of my body. But that brings me to what else I realized today; being a man isn’t easy. The constant discipline to do the right thing is a full time job. And By right thing I don’t mean trying to please people. No, The right thing is precisely the thing your heart tells you to do. Not what people expect of you. But that is hard! And it should be. If it’s not hard it is too easy. No pain, no gain. If you are a man, you crave challenge, you live by it.

    So, here I am, 26 year old male and the road to manhood has just begun. I am not ashamed to state that. But I feel good about myself. Because everyday I feel more like a real man.

    I have to mention two resources that have helped me realizing my manhood. First; No More Mr.Nice Guy by Robert Glover and How I Found Freedom In An Unfree World by Harry Browne. Oh and of course NoFap community. Thanks! Edit: Also I’ve been watching Elliot Hulse on Youtube a lot lately. Kudos for you too, man.

  446. Today has been a FANTASTIC day! (self.pornfree)

    Today has been a FANTASTIC day! (self.pornfree)

    by BlackhawkU997 day

    I feel like the world is starting to smile at me once again.. I feel like i’m on top of the world right now and i feel like i do anything!! I have been having wrong beliefs since i was 10 years old. I was bullied at that age and since then i was always socially anxious, always thought people didn’t like me or ignored me, and had bad intentions towards me. I will admit that deep down at times i hated people and was always looking down at them and feeling jealous. I decided that i’m not that person and i need to stop being negative and start being positive again. It has been 2 weeks since i started listening to my inner voice, the voice that has made me suffer all these years. I’m realizing it’s a fake and evil voice that was keeping me trapped in this negative cycle. I’m starting to realize that people actually are not trying to harm me and that they’re all amazing and awesome people :). I love all of you and wish the best to you all!!!!


  447. Two Weeks! I made it! Slowly turning super human!

    Two Weeks! I made it! Slowly turning super human!

    Well, I’m 21, sexually active, and the longest I’ve ever gone without fapping was probably a month and a half. After experiencing ED in two consecutive embarrassing sex episodes and also watching other aspects of my life start to deteriorate, I decided that I cannot continue this reckless sexual behavior of frequent masturbation and porn if I want a better life. I commited myself to No Fap once more and after barely two weeks in, I’ve seen immediate improvement.

    Social interactions are much more enjoyable, engaging, and easier to navigate. I’m much more in the moment because I don’t have a guilty heavy conscience and instead of circumventing the empty void inside of me by digging a deeper hole with fapping I have to replace and fill it with something else. That something can be anything besides material and feel hundred times better. I’ve taken on being more tidy in my home, working an online temp job for extra money, improving my singing, forming/rekindling relationships, and overall being more productive with my time because I have a stronger drive. It’s not being wasted on self gratification.

    It’s strange and I’ve seen other guys write about this…Women seem to notice me more and I’ve been assuming greater control in my interactions with them. I even find myself standing my ground with them and not bending backwards chasing them relentlessly like I was before. I’ve learned a quiet confidence and patience to not “lean over” in attempt to snatch them, but “lean back” so they can see I know my worth and I won’t budge to get them. It’s a nice restrain and I think initially it’s been giving me less opportunities with women but in the long term, it’s making me more attractive and will eventually give me better potential partners. And since I’m more productive now, when the getting isn’t good I don’t have to sit and mope about it because I’m too busy investing in myself. Then when a good serendipitous opportunity arrives I can be in optimal condition for it rather than a being in a comprised, not self-actualized condition for a possibly forced, less ideal situation.

    I’ve been sleeping better and waking up earlier because I have things that not just I need to do but I WANT to do. I like having my day filled with productivity because, one, I won’t fall into boredom and enter masturbation, two, I’ll be getting stuff done, and, three, I’m gonna feel better about myself at the end of the day. This healthier relationship with myself makes me shine when I interact with friends, family, strangers, co-workers, and….you guessed it…..attractive women.

    I’m loving it guys! And you should too! I feel great! And looking forward to the time that will come!

  448. Subjective opinion about “superpowers” and effects of NO-FAP aft

    Subjective opinion about “superpowers” and effects of NO-FAP after 7 years of daily masturbation – 21/m

    by cuntgrinder

    I am inspired by the effects of no-fap even that my experience on it is pretty low, as it is couple of 4d, 5d and 7ds and 15d was my longest streak, but the effects I am experiencing are insane. I divided them to huge/medium/slight increase or decrease to make explaining easier, + as positive effects, – as negative effects, and I am describing what I honestly felt after 15d no fap period (I think that some of you may think that it is not enough time to feel effects that strong and won’t believe me, but idgaf, I’m trying to be as honest as possible):

    positive effects:

    huge increase in will to live and to fully experience it whole — huge increase in experiencing simple pleasures (food, workout, shower, book, etc) — huge increase in being energetic (rather than drowsy/sleepy) — huge increase in motivation to develop myself (music, workout, books, etc) — huge increase in cravings for sex and the need to start meeting/picking up women — medium increase in experiencing and ‘feeling’ music — medium increase in experiencing satisfaction (a certificate, earned money, etc) — medium increase in having positive attitude rather than being pessimistic — medium increase in self confidence — medium increase in feeling positive emotions towards other people — slight increase in need of socializing with other people —

    other positive effects:

    completely lost my dandruff (really) — anhedonia immediately gone (as mentioned above) — I feel like I could kill a bear with my bare hands and then tear it’s throat open with my teeth and bathe in it’s blood laughing furiously during the process — when passing by women on the street I scare attract them with my bestial glance, that is whispering something like “I WANT TO FUCK YOU SO HARD, NOW” to their vulnerable feminine minds

    negative effects:

    medium insomnia and sleeping problems (for example – I woke up yesterday in the middle of the night extremly horny and couldn’t fall asleep for more than one hour, I felt like in some kind of a sexual fury, unfortunately relapsed) — insane sex drive, I am up to fuck any 5+/10 looking female aged 15 (yes, 15 is legal where I live) to 45 any time now — I feel like an animal (well, at least I’m a happy animal)

    I can’t believe how something that simple changed my life that quick, even that I had some single relapses, I work hard, and I feel like a new man. I hope that my lust will weaken a little bit with time, though. Just wanted to share my amazement with you, guys. Stay strong.

    EDIT: sorry for the unpleasant formatting, it screwed up and cba to fix it

  449. Day 35 – Report –New job and GF :)–

    Day 35 – Report –New job and GF :)–

    Day 35 (First Report)

    I had been masturbating since I was 13 years old. It never really hit me until recently that it had put such a burden on my life and my ability to communicate with others. My self-esteem had never been very high. I was quite a bright student until i discovered fapping and since then education had always been a struggle. Somehow I managed to graduate from college. I have never really had many friends or at least ones you could rely on. I never had a real girlfriend either.

    I had been looking for a job after graduating and realised that in order to get one and pass the interview process I may need to make some changes in terms of confidence and ability to talk to people. That’s when I found out about /r/nofap and started reading into the the drawbacks of masturbation and watching porn. It all made sense and it was a very easy decision to make.

    I must say the first week was the hardest. Especially the first few days. Any image half sexual images would trigger thoughts that would have led me to PMO but I stayed strong. I used a web content filter called K9 Web Protection. It’s free and really has helped me avoid sites and images that may have triggered fapping in the early stages.

    So in between that time. I found a great job that I love, has great career potential and allows me time to travel and do other hobbies too. I also got a girlfriend which is so awesome. That is what I have wanted for so long. Just someone to love and be loved by. But the availability of porn and my addiction really inhibited any opportunity for that happening. It’s really scary how fast things have changed. I am also finding my own place which is kind of a big deal in terms of becoming an independent adult.

    To all the newbies who are thinking of starting NoFap. Just do it. You will not regret it! Your future self will thank you. I now have a job and a girlfriend and the confidence of a thousand ox’s and you can too.

    Here’s to the rest of my life.

  450. Feeling alpha as hell (30 Days)

    Feeling alpha as hell (30 Days)

    by NoFap837j30 days

    16 y/o Male realizing a month ago how PMO was taking over my life.

    After a 30 Days i feel more alpha than ever:

    -Rocking the beard.

    -Been lifting heavier than ever.

    -Rocking the abs.

    -Been going out for a run atleast 4 days a week. (4 Kilometres each)

    -Haven’t been slacking at Business School.

    -Began to get more in balance with my self (Spirutaly and mentally)

    -Began doing tricks in soccer again.

    -Began Meditation.

    -Huge improvement in my sleep (Takes me 5 min to fall asleep > From 30 minutes (PLUS))

    -Began drawing.

    -Began cold showers (Not a single hot one, for around 2 months now)

    -Less anxiety in general.

    -A heavily improved desire “Willing-to-do-things”.

    -Way more happiness when achieving something (Or just simple things as when my mom said we were going to have nachos for dinner tonight, cheesy example, but its the truth)

    -Less suppression, MORE expression.

    -And for the sake if there is any gamers out there; Huge improvement in reaction time and mechanics (League of legends (Diamond atlast), CoD, CS:GO etc.)

    The meaning of this post is to MOTIVATE you guys strugling with just a day or two (or more), the fact is IT gets EASIER, and you will be MORE motivated than ever to succed.

    I’ve the goal to be completly rebooted by the start of 2014, and i hope you will follow me in this journey together.

    I love you guys, and you have been motivating me to do this and taught me how to aswell, tips, tricks etc.

    I excuse for grammar fails, spelling mistaskes and such. This was writen quickly, because i have an insane urge to go and take a run now!

    TL;DR – Read it, if you feel greatly in need of motivation.

    EDIT: Started on Lumosity, the 100 Pushups challenge, and i began reading a book about “Will power”

    EDIT2: Thank you guys, you’re all so nice, i wish you all luck in your adventure.

  451. Superpowers and NO-FAP effects / PLACEBO

    Superpowers and NO-FAP effects / PLACEBO (subjective but honest report)

    I see many people saying that they literally became pussy magnets during no-fap and how no-fap changed their entire lifes ridiculed pretty damn often, and people are saying that most of no-fap effects are just placebo. The reality is that insane effects like mentioned above ARE REAL. Maybe they take more time to appear in some cases, or they don’t appear at all depending on the nature and the past of a no-fapper, but they are real.

    I used to fap daily for 7 years. All I did and all I had energy to do is to browse stupid sites like 4chan (don’t even try visiting it, you will have to reset your counter), sleep, and fap. I was forcing myself to get through school and things that are absolutely necessary, but I felt fucking sad and drowsy all the time.

    Now, my longest no-fap period is 15 days, and in the last 25~ days I fapped like 4 times. No-fap already got rid of my depression (including suicidal thoughts and severe anhedonia) that couldn’t be cured with nothing else (including antidepressant drugs like SSRIs and MAOIs – they probably don’t even work at all but that is another story).

    After couple of no-fap days I was progressively getting all my motivation back, and I’m doing legit workout for more than 15 days straight now + swimming once a week (and I’m REALLY enjoying it). I also started reading interesting books in the meantime. I am full of will to live and energy. In day 14 I went out on the streets and talked to like 15 random girls while having NO experience in pick up art, 4-5 of them said they don’t have time, but I had couple of nice conversations, got an invitation to a club from 2x 7/10 girls and a number + kiss of a 9/10 milf while being 6-7/10 myself. I have gained confidence and stopped giving a shit if somebody dislikes me. With every day of no-fap, I am becoming more and more of a real man.

    Tell me that these are fucking no-fap placebo effects, and I will choke you to death with my bare hands and desecrate your lifeless carcass!

  452. 13 days in major changes! Can’t imagine day 90!

    13 days in major changes! Can’t imagine day 90!

    by Self-ImprovementBAMF

    So the other day one of female friends who is very attractive called me sexy. Like…whoa! What prompted that revelation? Possibly NoFap?

    Some other proof… I answer the home phone the other day…. Me: hello? Aunt: why the fuck are you answering the phone with that sexy ass voice!? Save that shit for your cell phone with your little girlfriends. (Relatives always assume you have a list of girls on call) Me: I’m not!? This is my normal voice. Aunt: no your voice usually doesn’t sound this deep…..

    Also I haven’t been to the gym often cause of my body schedule but I have a more defined and less doughy appearance when I look in the mirror every day.

    Even if you don’t notice the difference other people are. Trust me.

  453. I’ve Quit, Success is with me!!

    I’ve Quit, Success is with me!!

    19 years old and I’ve been pmoing 2-3 times daily ever since I discovered my penis could ejaculate at 16. I joined this site 4 months back and tried my hardest to stop PMO but failed after every 2 days or so. The longest I’ve gone in that last 4 months was 6days.

      Did I give up? Hell no. Read this very carefully guys. I stopped going on this website a few weeks ago and since I stopped visiting it, I am currently on a 17 day no-pmo streak. leaving this website and not logging on multiple times a day like a lot of ppl here do allowed to make this journey more personal and it made it seem like this was a do or suffer situation. I no longer needed ppl telling me “yeah u can do it bro”! Every time I relapsed after a few short days. I was gonna man up and fix this problem by myself. I’m not saying this website is bad or anything, hell it allowed me to discover this problem of addiction in the first place, but you guys should give it a try and see how less you think of porn and orgasm when not reading about it constantly on this site.


    My vision has gotten so much clearer

    Voice is deeper, not squeaky and feminine while PMOing

    Confidence is thru the roof, alpha male attitude

    Not scared of eye contact/ talking to women anymore. Now I can
    Approach the cutest girls and strike up a conversation so easily. Most
    Guys will never be able to do this because of porn and constant orgasm.

    Riskier decisions, ballsier approach to problems and situations, not giving
    an F if someone has a problem with it

    It’s only 17 days but everyday I feel like life is getting better and better.

    Good luck guys, after the first 2 weeks I think the urge to pmo dies down significantly for
    People, certainly was like that for me. HAPPY HUNTIN’

  454. Day #56: I’m becoming someone else.

    Day #56: I’m becoming someone else. (self.pornfree)

     by JuliusCee

    I’ve reached more than twice my largest streak of 26 days without porn. I’m starting to forget what it looks like. Sure, I still have urges to masturbate but nothing seems to make me look to porn anymore.

    I learned that porn won’t fulfill me. Maybe I can watch it to feel good all the time but it won’t make me into the man I’m meant to be. Taking control of my life is going to fulfill me. Being centered in my own reality (hobbies, school, traveling, etc.) will fulfill me. Hiding from life with pornography just doesn’t make sense to me anymore.

    When I get on the bus & sit next to a cute girl, I typically get an erection. I missed that the most. I don’t understand why porn causes ED but it’s like I’m back in high school. I’m older now so I can’t have the porn without the ED.

    I learned that porn will not make me happy. Those girls don’t care about me. What’s worse is that I didn’t care about them. I would just expect them to heal my pain but that’s not possible. It’s just endless stimulation, a distraction, an illusion that I had control over life.

    Abstaining from porn is forcing me to change into someone who is able to simply get high on life, one day at a time.

  455. “You seem happy.” “Why did we ever break up.”

    “You seem happy.” “Why did we ever break up.”

    So I had an amazing weekend, and I thank NoFap for it.. I’m so much happier, and outgoing than I have been in the past couple of years, and I’m only 18 days in.

    Friday night I went home from school, and went out to a bar with some friends. I ended up needing a ride from my neighbor who was with my ex from about two years ago (both girls). So they picked me up and when we got back we just walked around the neighborhood from like 2-4 am and it was just super fun. I’ve been feeling so much more comfortable around ppl lately.

    The next day my ex and I had been texting and she was just super flirty the night before, and through text. She even texted, “Why did we ever break up.” Which I really think is due to my new found confidence. Also that day I just hung out and talked with my mom for hours, which I’m glad I can really be open with her. I was always the kid who sat in his room, and rarely hung with my family (although I wanted to). I was just always too awkward due to brain fog… She told me, “You seem happy.” and I said that I was.

    I really was though. Not just on a fake dopamine high. But I have truely been happy the last couple of days, I’m guessing from actually confronting my loneliness and depression. That day when I got out of the shower I was just thinking and teared up from what my mom had said. This is the first time that I’ve ever teared up from being happy. Just a flood of emotions and it was awesome.

    Also that day, yesterday, I went out with a girl that I’ve been texting with a lot. We went out to eat, and when I dropped her off we hugged and ended up kissing. This is the first time I’ve kissed a girl in almost a year. I’ve been so afraid to get close to someone because of my ED problem due to porn, but, although it’s not better yet, I can tell it’s getting better.

    I don’t plan on relapsing. None-the-less I had the confidence to try. She’s coming to visit me at school next weekend, and even if I do get ED, I think I’ll have the confidence to actually tell her what the problem is, instead of coming up with a dumb excuse like in the past.. Anyways, thanks for listening.

    I hope my story of this weekend can motivate some of you to keep going, as I hope to for, hopefully, ever! lol This community, and everyone in it is amazing. Keep it up!

  456. 3 weeks and feeling awesome! Benefits all over the place!

    3 weeks and feeling awesome! Benefits all over the place!

    So as the title said, I just made it to three weeks. I wouldnt have believed I could do this a month ago, and this is really a big difference for me, even though I’m only three weeks in. So I thought I’d line up all my experiences for you guys so far.

    The first week was pretty hard, but I managed to stay true to the cause by browsing Nofap instead of going PMO. Reading all the motivational words and inspiring posts here has been a great help during the three weeks. I felt some pretty strong urges but managed to fight them off without fapping.

    Week number 2 approached and went by rather fast compared to the first week. All my extra confidence I gained in the first week really helped me out a lot, and I started using my extra energy for more usefull things instead of PMO.

    Week 3 just passed and I have to say it was great. At day 20 I had my first wet dream (like ever) and I was truly exstatic. Not only did it mean to me that Nofap was having actual effects (like scientifically provable effects not just the changes related to my mind set changing), it also meant a lot more to me. It always bothered me that I never had an actual ‘legit’ wet dream, even though not all people have it. I suspected my PMO had something to do with me not getting one, but I never really took action to it. After the wet dream I felt great and energized and I totally destroyed people in my fencing practice (which was 2 hours long btw) and I literally got to the point where I was shouting “Next!” while my previous opponent was still packing up his stuff. I just couldn’t get tired that day and I ended up doing some situps and pushups at 11 P.M. before going to bed because I still had to much energy.

    I noticed an overall increase in confidence and my social skills have improved tremendously (even getting to the point where I actually talked to a cute girl, still awaiting her response to me asking her out btw fingers crossed on that one) and I feel much more comfortable talking to people in general, wether they’re friends or just strangers.

    As said before I have more energy and even though college means long and busy days for me, I can keep up with it, while I used to be nearly dead after 5 days of easy peasy high school.

    I didn’t notice it till I read it in someone’s post here, but I had been ages before I had a dream I could remember. I know you dont always remember a dream, but I cant recall the last time I remembered a dream untill i had a very nice dream this week(involving a crush of mine, I felt good the whole day after it :D).

    I started working out, not that much since I dont have that much time and dont know if I want to go to the gym on a regular basis but I’m doing daily sit and pushups to sort of get in shape a bit more and burn some of that extra energy.

    Some tips for you guys: make sure you have a plan for your day. Empty time leads to thoughts you want to avoid. Make sure you spend your energy, or your brain will suggest the PMO way of burning that energy.

    Keep hanging in there guys, our numbers grow every day!

  457. Less Shy, LONELY, More Calm & i Realize What I want

    Less Shy, LONELY, More Calm & i Realize What I want

    by NoFapJord

    I was trying the NoFap thing since june and I managed to go on a 38 day streak until i ended it 2 weeks ago. I felt some benefits, but still felt imprisoned by brain fog. When I relapsed, I finally realized that I was looking at softcore stuff almost everyday. I was still screwing my head over, just not fapping, which some might say, is worse. I started PornFree 13 days ago, then 2 days ago, I

    • Last night, I had no social anxiety and I felt comfortable in the club (usually I look around always feeling awkward
    • I talked more calmly and didn’t feel the need to rush all the words out

    One thing I realized, also. LONLINESS:

    When I did the nofap thing for 38 days, I didn’t feel much benefit since I was getting my dopamine high for hours everyday. I felt like I had more energy though and I also felt lonely. I just wanted some sexual fling. When I went to the club last night, I looked around. I saw girls that were either very “out there” or did drugs. I realized that I didn’t want this. I want a real relationship. It’s part of the reason why I’m 19 and still a virgin. I now value the company of a girl much more than just a sexual experience.

  458. Tested: masturbation to porn does have negative effect on you

    About a month ago I started 90 day challenge, and it lasted 3 weeks till I crashed. During those three weeks I spotted these changes in my life: 1. I was more social 2. I was funnier 3. I was more focused during lectures 4. I was more active / energetic 5. I didn’t look at girls in pornographic way (if that’s even a thing) 6. Most important: I was happy about myself, that I am able to do it. 7. Small confidence boost

    After these three weeks, I crashed… In the shower. I hoped that I will not go back to pornographic materials, but I did, and after a couple more weeks, I did it every evening with porn. Changes that I discovered during this time: 1. I am not that fun anymore (more annoying I guess…) 2. It is extremely hard to keep focused during lectures (this is very big minus) 3. All of the time I think about sex (if I hadn’t done it for a couple of days) 4. I look at the girls in a bad way… 5. My confidence is gone, like it never existed 6. Life looks much worse in general (there are a lot of things, which are personal).

    So I am writing this post to point out, that masturbation HAS a huge effect to person in negative way (especially when it comes to being more energetic, active).

    I understand that I should do it again. I am afraid that I am going to start to lie to myself: everybody does it, it is healthy, etc. Wish me luck. It’s time for a change in my life, again. 🙂

    Tested: masturbation does have negative effect on you

    by JustBeard

  459. I’ve noticed the positive changes, increased sexuality, confiden

    6 weeks into project- going great

    by silvine89

    Well I’m now 6 weeks into this, I did decide to orgasm without porn after 3 weeks.

    I’ve noticed the positive changes, increased sexuality, confidence, energy, happiness and reduced social anxiety. Also dreaming now 🙂

    I think what highlights measurably the changes is that in the past 10 days I’ve flirted with girls openly. I’ve gotten 2 hot girls numbers- organising a date with one and will do the same with the other girl.

    The first girl I was introduced in a sort of a friend of a friend of a friend situation in a club. The second I approached cold in a pub, one of my friends was too shy to do it and told me he’d get me a drink if I engaged her for 5 minutes. That guy now owes me many many drinks I think 😉

    Keep in mind I never asked for a number before in my life, flirted openly or approached a girl. I did once have a gf but she approached me and I just wasn’t ready tbh.

    I can see that I’m naturally good at this stuff, the eye contact I was making with that girl was amazing and she gave me those, I want to fuck you eyes. I feel like I can just read these social things now.

    Im also reading the way of the superior man. That is not pickup, bit basically explaining sexual polarities and being true to your core. So basically I’m starting to reveal my make sexuality to the world and, nofap is, my cure!

  460. NoFap has inspired me to try new things and step outside of my s

    NoFap has inspired me to try new things and step outside of my social boundaries.

    First off, some general information about my history. I’m a 16 year old male, and I first discovered porn at the age of 7 or 8. I’ve been addicted ever since, wasting away hours fixated at a computer screen. For the longest time, I was convinced that porn didn’t make me any more disrespectful towards women. That I didn’t object them as a result of porn. And I was completely wrong. During my current streak, I was actually able to push myself to start talking to a girl that I was interested in. I was able to converse with her, and pursue her without constantly just thinking about, well, fucking her.

    I had the confidence to ask her to homecoming. She said no, and yes, that was a terrible day for me. But it was also great because for once, I tried. I didn’t admire her from afar for months, thinking of what could possibly become of us. I sat with her, and actually talked with her. I’ve dealt with severe social anxiety for several years now, so this is a really big milestone for me.

    This past week, I’ve also taken up cooking and baking. It’s a great distraction, it’s fun, and I get a reward when I’m finished! I’ve been making brownies and biscuits and gravy and all kinds of shit. I’m also a musician and an audio engineer. Today, I made lots of progress on a song. I use the computer mainly for recording and Reddit. And I use Reddit mainly for NoFap. I’ve been able to restrain myself from clicking on links from NSFW subs. I know all too well that clicking one link is the start to a slippery slope.

    This is the first time I’ve posted here, but reading all of your stories help me fight the urges. My longest streak was, I think about 10 days. But that was back when I was in a sexually active relationship. Obviously, I’m currently single, dealing with hard mode. Taking it one day at a time, though.

    I’ve also taken up cold showers, which was exceptionally difficult since I’m known for taking extremely hot showers. But I find them quite rewarding, they give me so much energy and motivation.

    I’m really glad I found this sub. I’m really, really glad that I’m finally turning my shitty life around. Thank you all.

  461. 36 days in. Some major life changes and attitudes

    36 days in. Some major life changes and attitudes

    I never realized I had such a problem until I started Nofap. I think because of the “every guy does it” and “masturbation is healthy” misconceptions in our society today. Anyway, after abstaining from PMO for a month my eyes have really been open to what I was missing, and what I was doing wrong.

    In the past month or so, the biggest change I noticed that I have been able to look at women as people. It sounds so stupid, and so obvious, but I was never looking at them as people. I was only looking at them with intent to have sex with them, and to make me happy. Now though, I more focused on talking to them and making them happy, connecting to them. Its a slow process and sometimes i slip back into my old ways, but im making progress. Something i’ve done to help me with this is to just say to myself “If i cant look at women in an honest way, i don’t deserve to look at them at all”. This really helps rejecting those old thoughts. The times when I just talk to women and be honest, are the times when I “get lucky”, weird huh?

    The second biggest thing ive noticed is that i no longer look for happiness from others, drugs or materials. Ive become content with just being myself, and dealing with my negative feelings. If you can’t find happiness with yourself, then you are doomed, because you will always be looking for something to fill that void. Remember you might not always have friends, girlfriends, or maybe even your family, but you will always have yourself.

    My motivation has increased drastically, but i find im still looking for that passion. the fact that i desire it so much tells me i am on my way. fapping really drains passion for everything, because you just resort back to PMO whenever you feel down, or like you havent succeeded. I need that motivation to get through the good and the bad times, and Im sure i will find it soon.

    Overall I just want to say that I’ve recognized the illusion that porn became for me, and just how deep i was into it. I never want to go back. It gets easier every day you do NoFap, and I think the biggest advice i can give is to keep your mindset in the long-term. PMO is a very short term pleasure and it is used to get out of sadness/dissatisfaction you are experiencing. Realize that it contributes 0 to your future, and that you have to deal with your problems head on. It is a skill, and the more you practice the better you will become.

  462. With 90 percent of my social anxiety gone I could pick up on the

    I had my doubts about those ‘super powers’ but … wow!

    by Awayitgoes23

    Hey Guys!

    I’ve been reducing my PMO since August last 2012 but I never completed the whole reboot. I reduced it to 1-2 times a week and I was fine with that.

    Recently I got into a lot of stress and I resorted to my old behaviour of PMO every day for two weeks. I felt so depressed, anxious and bad about myself after those two weeks that I decided to cut all PMO of. I deleted my porn (I still have a backup, I should probably delete that…), blocked porn and kept my hand out of my pants.

    I had the first success this past Saturday (6 days since the last PMO). A friend of my invited me to a party where I knew no-one, all the people were older and most a lot smarter/more educated than I am. I held my cool, had some awesome conversations and connected pretty well with those people! I’ve never been a awkward social penguin but damm, I never expected myself to be one of the people that could do something like that.

    With 90 percent of my social anxiety gone I could pick up on the social cues of other people so much better. At one point I was in a conversation with a guy and I realized that he was actually trying to impress me.

    I felt like shit yesterday but I still went out with my friends because I really enjoyed their company at that moment (something I always did but for some reason it sapped energy).

    We had a blast and I approached some girls, I didn’t really know what to say after opening but damm, I did it! At the end of the evening I approached another two girls and I had an awesome conversation, my friends were beyond drunk at that moment but I felt totally cool, relaxed and without any anxiety I could pick up on every social cue. I got the Facebook name of one of the girls.

    Without my drunk friends in the background this could have been very successful.

    Another benefit I noticed that alcohol just isn’t interesting anymore beyond a certain point.

    So far I really like the improvements I’m seeing and I’m really motivated to continue with the reboot this time!

  463. I joined nofap sarcastically, what happened to me!?

    I joined nofap sarcastically, what happened to me!?

    I’m an 17 year old boy from Norway, had a girlfriend since 9’th grade and currently and upper secondary student.

    I’ts a funny thing how it all started, a friend told me about Reddit, and later on about Nofap. this is 6 days ago. i laughed when he told me about different stories when it comes to this sub reddit. He told me all about how people see themselves in many different ways and not even jerking off made them connect more to girls (and boys for that matter) i told him that i would try it just to prove this wrong, frankly to prove him wrong. i wanted to make him understand that it has absolutely no affect.

    as said above, i have had a girl for a long time and didn’t even feel the slightest need of doing this according to my own needs. i don’t meet my girl every day and i do feel i have sort of an obsession with fapping when it comes to being alone, every time i were alone, even after being with my girlfriend and having sex earlier, i could feel the blood flushing through my veins as i started thinking of this damned computer screen filled with naked ladies. lol.

    4 days in and i felt the strangest feelings, i wanted to lie to myself because of what my friend told me would happen, and it did. i felt so much more humbled, felt like i have for years walking around with my thoughts like a puzzle in my head trying to collect the whole picture of things, until everything became so much clearer, i felt more energetic and i also started laughing even more. i could talk to girls in a way i have never done before, i have always looked(thought of/at) girls as something that will later on lead to a relationship which it always has, but suddenly they became my friends and thats what i wanted. i also walked around with this tingling feeling down ”stairs” which made me sometimes laugh to myself and felt more joy.

    after being with a girl for almost three years i indeed as many others, had some problems from time to time to feel the ” excitement ” with having sex, and sometimes for a long period of time and instead watching the clock until i was home jerking off. i met my girl only one day ago, and only with a kiss i felt the blood flushing as it has NEVER done before, i felt like i was having GOOD sex for the first time, and i’m SURE she felt that way too, ha. i am 6 days in!! feel the urges sometimes but as i have read, a cold shower works!

    I really appreciate that u read this. it means so much and i’m sorry fapstronauts for doubting you. i am really happy with myself!

    and thank u bro, for showing this subreddit to me, ill give you a hug tomorrow. AMA 🙂

  464. 34 days in. Difficulty level:

    34 days in. Difficulty level: EXTREME (self.NoFap)

    submitted 15 hours ago by procrasturbate35 days

    Hey guys, I’m on my 34th day of hardmode. About halfway through I cut out all P and saw major improvements in my life, esp. my perception of women and being able to relate to the ladyfolk in real life. However during the last few days I’ve been extremely horny&tempted and have taken a peek at some porn here and there. The first few times I looked, it didn’t do anything for me and it was easy to close those tabs and move on to do something else. But after a few more “p-lapses” I’m starting to spend more time on those sites, getting turned on and edging a bit.

    So I just realized I may be 5-10 mins from relapsing and I figured I’d come here and do some writing to take my mind off of it. So if y’all don’t mind, please indulge me in recounting some of the good things that the nofap journey has done for me. For the record, this is my second streak. First one lasted 19 days. So that’s 1 PMO in 53 days. That’s pretty good for me, probably the lowest number of PMOs I’ve ever had over a 2 month period.

    Anyway, some things I have noticed over the almost 2 months of participating in nofap:

    • my one relapse (without any binging afterwards) “set me back” about 1-2 days in terms of mood, self image, and my perceived confidence levels. I think this is mostly a physiological thing where it takes 1-2 days to replenish the expelled semen and get back to the normal “having balls”/testosterone/aggression/confidence levels.
    • Benefits are many, great and small. My most cherished benefit is the clarity, sharpness, and quickness of mind. I’m now fast enough to perceive when girls are checking me out, fast and witty enough to keep up good conversations with them, and I exude confidence that seems to attract others to me.
    • A few weeks into my first streak, I “grew some balls” and asked for a raise at work and made a very strong case why I deserve one. Even though corporate rules prevent me from getting one at this time, my superiors took notice of me. Now I’m perceiving a significant increase in the amount of respect I’m getting from my superiors and coworkers and I am being given more freedom and power to get the job done in a way that I think is right. This is unprecedented for me and I would never have done this without nofap. (a side note – when I took the job, I fapped the night before salary negotiations and simply rolled over and accepted their initial offer instead of negotiating because fapping sapped away the power to fight for my own interests)
    • Taking care of business is now easy. Things like bills, driver license renewals, loan payments, managing 401k, all that boring shit now gets done ahead of time. No more late payments, missed deadlines, etc. I am on top of all my shit nowadays.
    • Going to the gym 6 days a week, early in the morning. I used to hate waking up early, now I’m getting up at 6am with ease and simply getting up and going to the gym without “feeling sorry for myself” or any other bullshit excuses I would have once used on myself to stay in bed a couple extra hours and rub one out.
    • Cold showers are making my skin feel healthier, feeling refreshed, and they do give me that extra bit of a “powerup” in terms of will power and self control.
    • Not fapping has enhanced my ability to fantasize as well as to visualize things. Yes I can now imagine much richer sexual scenarios (though only involving people I actually have feelings for). I can also apply these improved visualization skills in my work or in my creative pursuits. In general, I am getting all kinds of “new” thoughts that seem to be emerging from a mental foundation built by good habits and taking control over my willpower and mind.
    • Meditating more often than before (though still very little). Benefits are still there and I plan to push myself more into this in the near future.

    tl;dr: nofap will do amazing things for your life.

    The two major obstacles in the nofap journey are porn and edging. They’re like the Fallen in Diablo 2. You can kill them many times, but they will always revive and attack you again. But every time you kill one, you gain experience, get better, and level up – but the monsters stay the same. Keep up the good fight! (I think I’m gonna install Diablo 2 now actually) [edit-formatting]

  465. (30M) 60 days! – feeling better than ever I reckon

    (30M) 60 days! – feeling better than ever I reckon


    This is a follow-up to my 14 day and 28 day report.

    I basically feel better about myself than ever. No, I do not feel “super” but my feelings of self worth have increased as has my social confidence. It’s been very easy to nofap during the past month as compared to the first 20 days.

    I went through a flatline during week 4 (see 28 day report). Glad to say it’s gone! It wasn’t so much a libido flatline, more of a mood flatline. That shit passes. There are still the occasional day or few days with depressed mood, but this is normal; happens to the best of us.

    Benefits as of past couple weeks
    – better self-esteem
    – more willing & comfortable to express my honest feelings/opinions/experiences. Basically more confident in showing the real me.
    – stronger friendships (definitely due to the aforementioned point)
    – Life is better, and I feel it will stay this way since I have been able to mostly sustain these positive feelings for two months.

    Still working towards meeting women and this remains a struggle. I can feel my confidence growing and it will happen sooner rather than later. Frankly, it’s inevitable given how I feel.

    I don’t plan on fapping ever again!!

  466. Thirty days. Wow, I am already very happy about that.

    30 days – Report

    by Fapolitionist

    Thirty days. Wow, I am already very happy about that. Six months ago I would not have believed that I could make it even that far. But now I feel very confident that I can make it to 90 days and beyond. It feels like 30 days are the “sound barrier”. Okay, here are some benefits I experienced so far:

    •     More confidence with “No Fap”
    •     Overall more calm and balanced emotionally, less moody and more sensitive
    •     A more positive outlook on life in general, more happiness
    •     Much clearer and sharper mind, much easier to keep a strong focus
    •     More endurance during physical training (I train almost every day)
    •     Better sleep
    •     More positive reactions from other people in general
    •     More positive reactions from women (and some pretty sweet flirts)
    •     The urges seem to get less (but I keep my guard up at all times)
    •     Very solid erections during the night and in the morning
    •     Slightly deeper and stronger voice
    •     Slightly more growth of facial hair

    I experience a lot of flat line. But I think that is because I am doing hard mode right now and I am trying to avoid all kinds of sexual thoughts or fantasies. I really want to give my brain the chance to get back in to a natural balanced state. I will definitely continue with this, because it’s seems to get better and better with every day. And I will continue to be pro-active about this. I take at least 15 minutes every day to reflect about my experiences with “No Fap” and I write it down in my journal. And I will keep reading information and watching videos related to “No Fap” and the negative aspects of PMO, too. I will continue to learn more and more about this.

    Well, that’s it. It was really worth it so far and I recommend it to anybody who wants to improve the quality of his life.

    Many thanks and good luck to all of you!

  467. Finally feeling good. after 100 days

    Finally feeling good.

    by dillpickle92106 days

    I’m on day 100 something and I’m starting to feel pretty good. Happier in general, I taking pleasure in smaller things in life. I’m not sure how to explain it but I feel way better than I did a month ago. Just hoping someone will read this post and take some inspiration from it. Grass is a little greener on the other side. Don’t care if its placebo or he it works to be honest but I’m never going back to watching porn. Stick with it guys.

  468. I used to crave porn, now I crave girls.

    Really funny how the reboot changes your behavior toward females.

    During this week, I’ve got really bad cravings for girls. I crave to be with one right now. And since I don’t have it yet, my head is blowing up ! Raise of testosterone? You tell me but I really crave them for real. I’ve got many nocturnal woods (testosterone related. Morning wood is dopamine related) that rock really hard like my penis was about to explode. I’ve got them daily, even when I take a nap. I’ve got an erection easily when I chat normally (no sexting but you know, like when you want to date her etc, romantic discussion etc) with girls in facebook without any touch. That’s crazy because I’m at my 6th day when in my latest reboot, I was at my 8th week with only a few morning woods.

    Today, my voice got deeper and I LOVE it without talking about the raise of the confidence and others which are now usual for all of us, rebooters.

    What I have introduced in this reboot that is new is my interaction with girls. It’s like rewiring. Should be in the success story Really lol.

    Edit: What I have learned is introducing girls into the reboot speeds it up !

    I used to crave porn, now I crave girls.
  469. i have to say, I am so much better socially.

    The one thing that keeps me going is knowing how long its taken me to get here. Im not gonna lie, there has been times where i’ve thought about it and contemplated it. For me the biggest problem is being stressed out. For some reason, my brain feels as if it is a good idea just to look at naked women when i am very stressed and i need to fix that. I have been losing motivation lately, so i would love some motivation.

    But, i have to say, I am so much better socially. Im not saying that before i was completely socially awkward, I was considered funny, but I would have a hard time making conversations if its just me and another person. But thats not the case anymore, i feel more open with people and I can joke with people more.

    Actually, I want to post some findings, so the last two days i was looking at P and i found myself after that not being “mentally clear” this means that i was kind of passive on making conversations. Before, it was as if connecting with people and talking to them was my dopamine rush, but now its as if i dont care about that anymore because i can get my dopamine rush from watching P.

    So fight the urge. It takes 21 days to kill an addiction, but less than a minute to start it again. I haven’t fapped in 104 days counting and those benefits are keeping me going, but I will be my complete (ideal/best) version of myself once break this P addiction.

    Btw, Look at my 60 day report for more info, it was pretty good. I’ll keep posting periodically.

    Day 104 Report: Its not as easy as it looks

  470. [30 day report] I hadn’t kissed a girl in over 10 years.

    [30 day report] I hadn’t kissed a girl in over 10 years.

    I was actually only on about Day 3 when I met her, so that was evidently plenty.

    I got her number, we got coffee a couple of times, then met for a walk in the park together. She had said something she thought was a faux pas, and stumbled all over herself apologizing. It was cute and I wanted to kiss her right then, but I didn’t.

    At the end of the walk we sat down together. I was feeling bold, ready to take a chance. We had one of those eye contact moments and she said “What?”. I said, “I was just wondering if your lipstick would smear if I kissed you.” She said, “Nope, it’s not lipstick, it’s a stain.”

    So I went for it, and we kissed for several minutes. It was amazing.

    I can hardly believe it had been so long. It’s like I’ve been in a coma. How could I have let mself live that way for so long?

    I haven’t fapped once since I started seeing her. Every time we kiss, I get profound physical evidence of how wonderful it is. I’ve had some really nasty blue balls pain, but it was sweet, sweet pain and I didn’t want it to go away, because then the feelings about this girl might follow suit. I just want my body to keep clearly making its point about how wonderful it is to spend time with her.

    This girl is more beautiful than anybody I can ever remember having an interest in me. I can hardly believe it’s real. All of life just seems so much more real. I want this feeling to stay forever.

  471. 82 Days Report. Seeing signs of life

    82 Days Report. Seeing signs of life

    Hello fellow fapstronauts! I’ve been lurking on this subreddit for some time now. Reading the accounts of others who are also going through this dark period of time has been nothing short of inspiring and has motivated me to keep going in times of despair and self-loathing. There were many an occasion where I’ve felt like giving up, but going back to this forum have done a successful job of stopping me in my tracks.

    Like many of you guys, I was exposed to pornography at a very young age. As a prepubscent hairless young boy, I remember my parents taking me to a small souvenier shop in Chinatown and stumbling across the adults periodicals section for the first time. It was cordoned off by a rope with a paper sign attached to it that said “Adults Only”. With the rope just low enough for me to step over, I gained access fairly quickly and experienced what I didn’t realize at the time was my first hard-on. I was completely hooked at that point. I later stumbled across my dad’s stash of 80’s porn mags and videos. Then came internet porn and from that point I became a full time porn addict. I fapped on a daily basis. In my high school years, I came across many different flavors of porn, including amateur porn, european porn, rape porn, interracial porn, and bondage porn all on a measily 28.8k internet connection. Enter college and DCHub++, I hoarded porn like no tomorrow and fapped throughought my college years and into early adult hood.

    I’ve been in several long term relationships. I never really had trouble with meeting girls and feel lucky to have had as much sex as I did in my early 20’s (I’m 28 now). I did go through a period of serious depression in my mid-20’s where I went through bouts of depression and became overweight and extremely anti-social. During those times I still had urges and porn became my saving grace. I did not go out much and would get off work and masturbate to porn the second I got home. This became my ritual for 2 years. Finally, I got my shit together and started exercising and getting into shape. I managed to get into two relationships and had 3 or 4 flings here and there. This was all the while I was maintaining my nasty habit of fapping to porn. It wasn’t until my recent sexual encounters (roughly around the time I started no-fap) that I had my first experience of ED. To say that I was scared shitless would be an understatement. I was devastated. After scouraging the internet for answers, I stumbled across YBOP and this subreddit. That was when I started no-fap, in hopes that I could reprogram my neural circuits to restore my libido to its former self. ED had happened 3-4 times already and I was ready to make the long, arduous journey towards salvation.

    I experienced major flatline the first couple of weeks of starting no-fap. Unlike most of you, I did not have to fight off major urges to look at porn. My libido plummeted and I seriously thought I had gone asexual and would never be able to achieve a full erection again. Following this, I did go through a period where I felt like “Superman”, a period in which I became more confident, more social, and generally more motivated to finish whatever goals I set myself to accommplish. I was able to get out of my comfort zone, I took cold showers, read a lot more, went out every Friday or Saturday night to bars and clubs and generally became more sociable. That wore off though and I went through several serious bouts of depression. I relapsed twice, both without the aid of porn. I just wanted to see if I could get it up again. I tried fapping several times, thinking about several hot female specimins I befriended at the time, but was met by serious cases of limp dick every time. Fast forward to today, I’m still experiecing mood swings between feeling happy and depressed, but the highs and lows have become less severe and now I’m starting to feel more like my normal self again.

    Things have started to look up. I get morning wood on a daily basis now. I’ve been working out on a regular basis now and am in the best shape of my life. My libido has restored somewhat to what it was before. I can get semi-hardons just by looking at an attractive woman on the street. I feel more confident interacting with the opposite sex. I’ve gone on over a dozen dates, but still feel apprehensive about taking it to the next level with these women for fear of ED. Admittedly, the light at the end of the tunnel seems far but at the very least I know I am on the right path. It’ll be about a week before I hit the elusive 90 days. I don’t know if it counts as a full 90 days of no-fap because of the two relapses from before. But I plan to ride this out until I am back to my former glory. If there’s a single takeaway from this , its that delayed gratification is so much more satisfying than instant gratification. A lot of us are not wired to think about long term goals anymore. But it is not until you put in the blood and sweat and finally acheive something you realize it is THAT much more satisfying. You will become happier and more self-content in the long run.

    Thank you all for taking the time to read my update and I hope this serves as motivation for those who are just getting started and unsure whether or not this no-fap thing will work for them. It will work. Trust me!

  472. everything seems to be much

    everything seems to be much better when you arent pmoing

    im not depressed, food tastes amazing, music souns amazing, conversations with people are interesting. im so glad i found this site . i would never be at this stage if it wasnt for this site. i shed a happy manly tear:)

    GUY 2

    yeap, same here. sooo much better without this shit…

    GUY 3

    That makes three of us. I am feeling a hell of a lot better. Morning and random wood, swagger, less anxiety.

    GUY 4

    If it wasn’t for YBOP, I wouldn’t be feeling these feelings.

    GUY 5

    I feel like my life gets less boring too. Like random shit happens during no PMO

    GUY 6

    I concur

  473. Wow. It works!

    Wow. It works!

    So, I’ve made to 39 days, and I have no desire to relapse. Before I started this, I was depressed and sad all the time. I had no motivation to do anything. When I discovered NoFap, I thought “Why the hell not give it a try. It can’t get any shittier.” And let me tell you, I’ve changed. I don’t know how, but all of the sudden everything is just so much better. I had no idea how to talk to girls, I couldn’t focus on schoolwork, and the most important part, I felt like shit.

    Now everything just “flows”. Talking to girls is now no problem, school is going great, and this depressing feeling I’ve had for years seems to fade. Life is good, man! I’d like to thank a lot of people here for sharing their stories with us. It was amazing motivation to keep going. Have a nice day everyone!


  474. My new perspective on sex, and girls

    My new perspective on sex, and girls

    by Nofaphawaii

    Hey fellow NoFappers! Today is my 59th day, and I currently have no desire to Fap, or watch porn. But I want to cut to the chase and save you the pain of reading an entire documentary.

    I didn’t decide to do hard mode, I just happened to go the first 55 days without having sex, mostly due to having just moved to a new state, not knowing anyone, and going through the ups and downs of the beginning stages of NoFap. However, things started to change after a month or so.

    There’s this girl at work that I’ve been hanging out with regularly in my new circle of friends. She’s very cool, can hang with the guys, and she’s pretty. It has never been so easy to just hang out with a girl and not think about having sex with her the whole time. That is an awesome feeling. However, I think because I wasn’t so focused on trying to make the sexual chemistry, it happened naturally.

    On night 56, we took advantage of our mutual attraction, and she made it clear that sex was an option. To keep it SFW and non triggery I’ll just say that we had sex and leave out the details. We had sex, and it was certainly enjoyable, but something was so, so different about this.

    I knew that I didn’t have feelings for her, and still don’t. I never had feelings for most of the girls I’ve had sex with in the past. This didn’t affect me until now. Porn had turned every woman I saw into a sex object. Looking back at my past, I haven’t had a girlfriend since I started watching porn, or looked at girls with the possibility of friendship. I don’t plan to have sex with her again, and I do plan on waiting for a girl I actually want to be with.

    I don’t want to bore you with my long train of thoughts, but here’s the main things I want to share with you that I’ve learned!

    1. Porn gives us the wrong intentions with women, and we do things that make them think we love them, just to use them. (Not all of us, but I definitely did this and am just now becoming aware of it.) Let’s not break girl’s hearts!
    2. Girls can be friends, not just lovers. Women have an entirely different perspective, and the simple concept of a good conversation that once seemed impossible is usually one of the most enjoyable parts of my day. It’s much easier to let the natural friendship chemistry flow when you’re not focused on what the girl you’re talking to looks like naked.
    3. You’re a better person than you think you are. If you are aware of your porn addiction, or the way you treat girls, treat yourself, whatever. It’s not you! It’s something beyond you that can be fixed!
    4. NoFap is worth it, and it gets easier. DO NOT GIVE UP.
    5. Women respond much better to a man who doesn’t have “Let me have sex with you” written on their forehead.

    I’ll look forward to seeing you all at the 90 day mark!

    Much love and I’ll be more than happy to answer questions about my journey if you have any

    Shoots, Ryan


  475. Finally ejaculated during vaginal sex

    Finally ejaculated during vaginal sex

     by TryingToQuitFapping51 days

    I felt like I finally became a man today and lost my virginity even though I’ve had sex hundreds of times before. I was never able to ejaculate during intercourse ever since I became sexual active because I’d been fapping since I was 6, and then when I was 13 I was exposed to porn online and my brain was never the same.

    Well, I finally did it and it was absolutely amazing. Is is purely due to abstaining from fapping and fapping to porn for over 50 days for the first time in my life.

    I felt my confidence warm my body as I became a “normal dude”. So THAT’s what it feels like!


  476. What the heck is going on?!? This is unbelievable…

    What the heck is going on?!? This is unbelievable…

    by LightningMarshal

    Fellow Fapstronuats,

    This works. This is real.

    I’m on day seventeen right now and the results are crazy. I can’t explain what the heck is going on. I was eating in my college’s cafeteria yesterday and a girl sat next to me and asked me on a date. What the heck is going on? I didn’t do anything. Not to brag but rather to illustrate what is happening to me: that is the second time this week that’s happened!! Aside from that I went on a date with this girl I’m really interested in and it was the best date I’ve ever been on. She called me and told me how much fun she had and she asked me on a second date! I have been getting noticeably more flirtatious attention from girls in the last week and a half. I’ve always felt confident in myself around women but I can’t explain where the unsolicited attention is coming from except for nofap. These magic or super powers that nofapers will often talk about are real. While personally I don’t believe in magic but maybe in unseen biochemical forces at work here like pheromones or something, but I don’t care what it is. Its working and its not the placebo effect.

    I feel better emotionally and physically. I feel better as person and that’s probably the most important thing for me that I’ve gotten out of this so far.

    How I’ve been successful so far: For the first week or so I left my laptop at a locker that I rented on campus and now I feel a little more in control. That helped me out so much. More than anything else in the initial week that helped me the most. Rather than just resisting the temptation I decided to avoid it altogether. I got a person that I trust to check in with often and discuss my successes and losses.

    Man I love you guys all so much. This really is a great community and please keep posting your victories and struggles. This is a great battle to become a better man/woman and we need to continue to support each other! This is a lifestyle and I encourage all of you to keep fighting because of the great things I have experienced. Keep on keepin’ on!

    Much love,

    Lighting Marshal

    tl;dr I have seen the benefits of nofap quickly. This is real. I share some tips for my success. I am very grateful for this community.


  477. for the past year or so I have become lazy, and found myself jus

    I’ve began to notice something…

    It’s been a couple of weeks since I discovered NoFap, and since then I hadn’t really noticed much good coming out of the effort I was putting in. However, yesterday I noticed something different. Basically, my love in life is my music. I am 17 years old, play in a band, and love to write music. But for the past year or so I have become lazy, and found myself just giving up on writing songs halfway through, like I don’t have the energy to finish writing music.

    But yesterday, I found myself enthusiastic, and capable of writing a pretty decent song, putting most of my day into writing the song and not giving up, even when I had a period of writer’s block. And since yesterday, I have come up with so many little ideas.

    It may just be a burst of determination, but I think giving up masturbation might be playing a part in this. I feel like a different person, and I hope this streak I’m having will continue for a long time.

  478. Wow. This shit actually works!

    I was skeptical about this no PMO and if the changes were real (I need to set my marker again it’s been a little over a week now). Here are the changes IN THIS SHORT AMOUNT OF TIME:

    1. I have more energy.
    2. More confidence
    3. I think my vibe is totally different around women because they are responding to me more positively.
    4. I don’t see a women and automatically think “sex” I see them more for who they are AND this is making me feel much better.
    5. I feel more alfa male even though my personality type is more “feeling” than “thinking”.
    6. I feel like my brain is in check more.

    Fucking best thing I’ve done for myself. Just do it for a week and you’ll start seeing changes. I promise!

    Wow. This shit actually works!

  479. it makes you more attractive as a person to friends, family and

    WTF girls

    I am so fucking speechless right now…I’ve been on no fap about 30 days now and I’m currently on a 17 day streak. Anyway I’ve read who knows how many posts on guys having all these girls notice them and all this super powers bull shit.

    Anyway I thought ya maybe that happens to them but not me, maybe it’s just cause these guys are attractive to start with but Im no model. Anyway tonight I hung out with a friend of mine who had the cutest girl I’d talked to in a while. I was so confident and had a no care attitude. Cause I really didn’t care what any of them thought of me I was just being myself and not being the “nice guy” I used to be.

    So after I left my friend Jesus texted me and said his friend that I was really cute and attractive. I got her number from him and we talked until almost three in the morning on the phone and we have a date set for this Sunday! I’m like what the hell right now this can’t be happening. I guess Nofap really does make you a magnet not just to women but it makes you more attractive as a person to friends, family and women!

  480. I’m a BEAST!

    I’m a BEAST!

    by kylush

    To start this out I want to say that I am pretty much posting just to brag. I am also writing to share my experience. I just surpassed the 30 day mark! This is the longest streak that I have ever had and a goal that at one time I never thought was possible.

    Some things that have helped me are, I installed the K9 filter on my computer and set the password to some random combination of letters and numbers that I have to work to access giving me time to really think. I set my youtube account to “safe mode” and leave it that way all the time. I’ve deleted all the fb accounts that I used to have of girls that I didn’t know from Adam but would just go to check out and all the random pages that would post pictures of scantily clad hot women and might cause relapse. I’ve also put my focus on other things this month such as more focus on work, and hobbies. I’ve been working out at least 3 days a week and eating paleo.

    Things that I’ve noticed are much noticeably lower anxiety, I just feel more comfortable talking to people. I find myself walking up to strangers and neighbors that I have never spoken to and just having nice long casual conversations with them and it’s awesome. In addition to this lower anxiety it feels like conversation just flows, I’m more confident in myself, and it seems that girls really notice this. Also, I find that working out hard really helps to keep my stress levels in check and this accompanied by working out has made a big difference in how I feel and look along with very noticeable strength and health changes. The combination of these things has just given me an energy that I never had before.

    Do I still have to fight off temptation and relapses. YES! Just this morning I came across pictures of an extremely hot girl on the internet and definitely had a temptation to relapse, as a “reward” possibly for making it 30 days, but that defeats the whole purpose and 30 days is definitely not my end goal. These urges are still extremely strong but it seems that when my emotions and body are more in check I can think clearer and it’s easier to rationalize with myself. I can’t wait to see what 60 days has to bring, or 90, or 150. It’s just a great improvement to your life.

    Hold strong people, it’s worth it.

  481. It’s confirmed! PMO is a trigger for my anxiety problem!

    It’s confirmed! PMO is a trigger for my anxiety problem!

    I went several days (I actually lost count on the days) without PMO exposure.

    I was happy, energetic, great gym gains, achieving lots of things, graduted at university, started studying for my driver lisence.

    Then I tried PMO again. What a stupid move! I was not even horny!

    Then it all came back! I couldn’t sleep. My body is tired. Mood is bad. Anxiety is through the roof.

    That’s it. I’ll do a full reboot now. 30 days without orgasms. I’ll also do meditation daily.

    I plan on never PMOing again. It’s real sex or celibacy. It’s not worth it the insomnia getting triggered for 10 seconds of pleasure.

  482. The Truth.

    The Truth.

     by ColmM36 73 days

    When I come on NoFap, and I see all these new kids (in the sense they are young and new to this) with their badges that say day 1, I see them differently to you. You may look at them as the future, as prospects and fresh faces, here to carry the torch from the honorable veterans up in the days of 500+. When I look at them?

    Think to all those classic war movies, the likes of Platoon. Charlie Sheen arrives off this plane, fresh faced and ignorant to the truth of Vietnam, as the war-beaten soldiers look at them, with a sense of pity; these “kids” didn’t know what they signed for, they were like pigs to slaughter. They weren’t ready for war, and in truth, NoFap is a war.

    You come here, and you see these posts that talk about “Superpowers” and getting laid and being a chick magnet after X amount of days, and in all honesty, it’s lies. This challenge is marketed very wrong.

    In my time I’ve reached 132 days of NoFap, before relapsing while drunk 73 days ago. 205 days where I wanked once. Those 205 days were the hardest of my life, and it’s only getting harder. I’m lonely. I’ve lost friends and cut people out of my life because they were only hurting me, regardless of how much I loved them, and to be honest, I don’t know which hurts more; having them here with me, but for me to be compromising, or to be rid of them, only to sit and find myself wishing they were here.

    To those of you who are new here, you’ve probably been told that partaking in this challenge will bring you women, and that your dreams will come true, and life will be perfect and your problems will vanish, like I was 205 days ago. Let me tell you, NoFap doesn’t care about you. It will hurt you and beat you to the ground until you plead. You will be broken. You will cry. And you will become stronger, and become a man.

    Since I started NoFap, I’ve become local MMA champion in my city, Powerlifting Champion in my province, and captained my rugby team to many victories. And I still cry myself to sleep over certain women in my life. You will become brilliant at whatever you dedicate yourself to. But realize that you will be broken beforehand.

    So, what I say to you, is make sure you know what you’re getting into, because NoFap will be the single worst, most amazing, life changing thing you will ever partake in.


  483. Day 11: Life is Beautiful

    Day 11: Life is Beautiful

    by EndOfTheUniverse

    S’up Fapstronauts.

    It’s the 11th day of this journey, and my god life is beautiful.

    I was listening to Earl Nightingale the other day and he said something about an author once saying that a person should be able to wait at a train station in the country for a few hours with nothing but himself, and be able to amuse himself. The moral of the story is that if we actually bother to think, we can solve our problems and change our mood.

    Yesterday I started a media fast, which includes no reading apart from fiction before bed. So there I was on a 40 minute bus to a party with nothing but myself. No kindle, no headphones (my battery was nearly dead). Usually the thought of having to entertain boredom for 40 minutes would drive me insane.

    But this time I thought “Fuck it. I got a mind. I’m gonna amuse myself.”

    Within minutes I was laughing at some hilarious memories and internal jokes. People were looking at me strangely, but I couldn’t care less. I was enjoying myself.

    I have no idea why rebooting brings about such awesome results, but it does. This ability to entertain myself is just nearly impossible in my fapping state.

    I’ll leave this Seneca quote here:

    “What progress have I made? I am beginning to be my own friend.’ That is progress indeed. Such a people will never be alone and you may be sure he is a friend to all.”

  484. NoFAP is Painful/Wonderful

    NoFAP is Painful/Wonderful< by healthiertimes

    For about four years now, I’ve been on and off with NoFap. I’ve made it over a hundred days in the past, and right now, I’m getting close to day 90 again. Right now, I have no desire to return to porn, and perhaps this time will be permanent. Here’s some observations about my experiences:The Rough – NoFap is rough. It will tear the shit out of you, particularly if you’ve been masturbating to porn as long as I have (I’m 38 and started in my early teens). You start to see how pathetic your life and your psyche have become. I’ve seen my own weaknesses and it’s ugly. But until I see those weaknesses, there’s not much I can do about them. I’ve had a lot of awful shit happen to me the last few years. I’ve had to face a bunch of my fears and some of the worst things I felt could happen. I’ve lost friends and felt the sting of great betrayal. I’m at a particularly low point right now, but at the same time, I feel stronger than ever before. I’m working hard to improve my life, financially, socially, and mentally.

    The Good I lost my virginity and had a serious girlfriend for the first time in my life. That’s right, I was a virgin well into my 30’s. My girlfriend was beautiful and sexy. I credit the change to NoFap. I just joined Mensa. I’m not sure I could have done it or even felt the motivation to do it without the focus that NoFap often provides. I’ve returned to grad school. I’m not exactly sure if it’s what I want to be doing, but at least I no longer feel stagnant. As I said, I’m working hard to improve all areas of my life. I haven’t arrived at any big goals yet, but I’ll let you know when I do.

    Now for my spiritual take on NoFap: fapping to porn allows us to bury the ugly side of ourselves and our lives. Before NoFap, I didn’t realize how angry, selfish, and weak I can be. I was in emotional chaos but never realized it because I was burying my feelings in porn. I always thought I was a very good stoic. This year I’ve spent more than half in NoFap. I’ve experienced emotional breakdowns, panic attacks, heartbreak, and painful fear and jealousy. I feel like I’ve been punched multiple times. But you know what, it just motivates me further to become better.

    NoFap gets rid of the security blanket. It’s not an automatic solution to all your problems, but it will force you to deal with them. Dealing with your problems may take years or a lifetime. But it’s worth it. If I keep this up, I believe at the end of my life, I will be able to feel pride rather than wasted opportunity. And that’s really what it’s all about. Not momentary pleasure, but a life worth living.

    I’ll finish with an adjusted quote from Shakespeare: “I grow. I prosper. Now gods, stand up for Fapstronauts!”

  485. Second attempt at reboot not going according to plan!! Any advi

    Second attempt at reboot not going according to plan!! Any advice?

    This is a link to my 1st attempt at reboot.

    in my first attempt, i started getting morning wood after just a week. But this time, its been 27 days and only had MW once, and even that was only a 60% one. The main difference between my previous reboot and this one is that, in my previous reboot, around this time, i had a lot or ups and downs, flatline, deaddick, morning wood, spontanious erections ,etc…whereas this times its neutral, it feels steady and feels like nothings happening. I was starting to see some real improvements on the 100 day mark in my first reboot (regular MW, to be able to get hard without porn, etc..) , but then i stupidly went on a PMO binge for 2.5 months. and now i feel like killing myself for fucking up my life so bad. Any advice on why i havent started getting regular MW yet on my current reboot?? I should tell you that i have been smoking weed lately, but its only once a week or so.

  486. 30 Days

    30 Days

    by itsyaboyy

    So i finally made it to 30 days today, and i thought i’d tell you a little bit about my experiences(so far).

    I’m 18 years old and porn was ruining my life. Prior to Nofap i was PMOing at least once a day. I started watching porn at about 14, and back then it was fun. I was content with normal porn, and it felt good to explore my sexuality. But around 15 i started to become depressed, so naturally i used PMO as a crutch. I couldn’t stop. I began to fap more and more to worse and worse things. I started by watching softcore stuff, and by the time i stopped i was hiding in my bathroom watching shemale hentai. I had to make a change. I came across Nofap, and decided to take the plunge.

    Its been 30 days now, and the results are in.

    After about a week, i started to notice some changes. As for “superpowers”, i haven’t gained boundless amounts of confidence and energy, but there have been substantial changes. I didn’t gain confidence exactly, but i noticed that i would just start up conversations with girls for the hell of it. I stopped thinking about the conversation beforehand and worrying myself out of it. I just did it without a second thought, and it felt GOOD. My social anxiety started to go away. My energy levels haven’t gone up at all, but what i have noticed is that i have much more motivation now. I’m not as lazy. When something important is due, i get it done, when i wouldn’t have before. I’ve started to play both the guitar and the piano, too. I have hobbies now!

    My brain fog has seriously decreased as well. Things seem clearer to me now. At school, i feel more involved than before. It’s so much easier to talk to people now. I’m also starting to figure myself out, and my goals in life. I feel like a better me.

    But it hasn’t been easy to get this far. Not in the slightest. I tried about three times before i finally got past two weeks, which was my biggest hurdle. After two weeks, the urges were kept at bay much easier than before. The usual cold showers and workouts helped a lot with that. But the most important thing isn’t to have little tricks for your urges, but to control them. I didn’t think i had the power to control them before, but i was wrong. Just don’t touch your dick. It’s very possible.

    Hope this helps, guys. Stay strong.

  487. Pornfree while still fapping has been pretty easy for me and I’

    Off porn at least a month and I’ve learnt a bit

    by somelaughHey guys,

    so I don’t watch porn any more but I still masturbate. I tried nofap a couple of months back but it wasn’t really for me. I have not kept a counter of how long I’ve been porn free now but it’s a month a least and I doubt I’ll ever watch porn again. It’s almost like it doesn’t exist and the idea of watching it seems very foreign to me now. It’s kind of weird.

    After reading up on the subject I came to my own conclusion that porn was the real bad guy, not fapping. I should say that my relationship with porn may not have been as extreme as some people but it was certainly a crutch I leaned on. For instance I would masturbate daily and back when I was in a serious relationship I still watched porn. Looking back on it now is crazy.

    Anyway, lets cut to the chase. Quitting porn has not been, in my experience, a total mind blowing revelation in that I have super powers or any of the stuff you read on reddit sometimes. It has been a very healthy and beneficial incremental journey so far for me though. If I could describe it it’s like I’m feeling better and better about myself slowly over time.

    On nofap I was very emotional and had flatlines etc and it just wasn’t that enjoyable. Pornfree for the most part has been very easy for me. If I get really horny and I’m not meeting a girl this week or sex isn’t an option I fap. I imagine a naked woman and fap. I don’t feel ashamed after and I go about my business. No biggie. I should note that my fapping is down to a couple of times a week now. I feel like I have a healthy sex drive, a healthier self image and a healthier attitude to sex. It’s great.

    And all in all that’s how I feel, great. I’m not hiding a nasty little secret and my baseline level of happiness has improved a lot.

    So I know that nofap is popular and everyone is different and I am in no way an expert or anything but pornfree while still fapping is a very real option and it totally worked and is working for me.

    I should note that pornfree is only a small part of a bigger picture. Maybe it was a catalyst though. I work out. I dress better. I’ve sorted my sleep out. I have started approaching women in the street. My business is getting going and I’m less hard on myself and my failings.

    TLDR Pornfree while still fapping has been pretty easy for me and I’ll never watch porn again.


  488. So far, this is what’s happened:

    NonStoppable 42 days

    So far, this is what’s happened:

    Increased self-control: ✔

    Increased motivation and drive: ✔

    VASTLY increased energy levels: ✔

    Lack of brain fog: ✔ (this is by far the nicest effect IMO)

    Increased pleasure in everday activities: ✔

    Increased sociability: ✔

    Better sleep: ✔

    Not fucking a sock every night: ✔

    More time for constructive and meaningful activities: ✔

    Started eating clean in an effortlessly natural manner: ✔ (I used to often crave junk snacks and soda in my days of regular PMO. Now I find this shitty nutrition downright disgusting most of the time)

    What I’m really hoping for the future of this endeavour is that I’ll become even more sociable. As my dopaminergic system readjusts itself to respond to natural stimuli rather than excessive, artificial stimuli in the form of pornography, it seems a fair conjecture that I’ll take even more pleasure in social interaction. Always been a bit of a loner, and had a high tolerance for solitude, but lately, I’ve been wanting to be more social but just not really feeling like it was that rewarding. NoFap is changing that, along with meditation, and that feels great.

    Apart from that, I’m about to start strength training. Before NoFap, I would have had a much harder time finding the energy and motivation.


  489. Severe stuttering problem since I was a kid – GONE!!!!! I cannot

    Severe stuttering problem since I was a kid – GONE!!!!! I cannot believe it!!

    ChangingChemistry 6 days

    I’d had a stuttering problem since I was a kid. Pretty severe too. I’m in my mid 20s and it didn’t get better. Sometimes it would take me forever to get out a sentence, especially certain words and combinations of letters. And anxiety would make it way worse. When meeting new people I would take 5 seconds to say “nice to meet you”, then I’d feel embarrassed and that would make me feel even more anxious and I’d stutter more. Just horrible. As a teenager I tried speech therapy to no avail. I tried it again once as an adult, again nothing. Well you know where this story is going…

    I am almost at one week and… Over the last 3 days the stutter has almost completely disappeared!!!!! It is easily 95% gone and I’m sure the remainig 5% will be gone soon too. I cannot believe this, I am almost in tears of joy. At work people are baffled and they keep telling me I sound fluent and seem more confident, that my voice and speech have improved a lot. I thank them and just tell them I’ve been working on my confidence haha (I wonder how they would react if I told them the truth).

    All of a sudden people take me seriously, I have more presence, my life has completely changed in just one week. Anxiety and depression are gone. I can walk up and talk to strangers, including girls and not take forever to say my name and have them look at me like I am mentally challenged. This was unthinkable before. My professional life has improved substantially. My social life too. Just to try out my new fluenet speech and confidnece, I talked to three random girls today, one on the train, one while I was waiting for the green light at a sidewalk and one in the elevator. Just short casual conversations, I wasn’t hitting on them (not too much anyway) and they went great. I am actually excited to meet people and I am definitely going to start going out more. I’ve ramped up my work outs and I have seen increased levels of muscle gain, I think I may be experiencing a testosterone boost due to nofap.

    This is truly an amazing thing and I had NO IDEA it existed up until a week ago. I used to think fapping was just necessary for biological reasons as a substitute for sex and that men just could not not do it and if they did they would go insane. I used to think my libido would go crazy if I went more than a few days and I would not be able to think about anything but sex. Nothing could be further from the truth, in fact the opposite is true. And it has not been very difficult thus far despite this being my first attempt (I’d been fapping every other day since I was 9) and I realize it will get more difficult, but I am ready for whatever challenges lie ahead. I will not give this up! Thank you guys for the inspiration.


  490. I just danced for the first time in 10 years…Wow! PMO really d

    I just danced for the first time in 10 years…Wow! PMO really did make me a zombie.

    by ryuandken

    I was playing some music while studying for my professional exams and just felt the urge to get up and dance so I did and it felt so good. While dancing I realized that the last time I felt this way while dancing was about 10 years ago before I bought my personal computer, moved away to college and discovered PMO.

    I plan to tell my full story on day 90 but for now just know that every member of this community whether you have 1000 days or 1 day is contributing to helping me reclaim my life. I have absolute respect for you all. I’m so glad I found NoFap. Thanks.


  491. How many have comments about deeper voice?
    How many have comments about deeper voice?

    Alright so I’m at 6 days and I feel like I’m going strong. During the past couple months I’ve had real troubles, but I was able to go at least 5 to 6 days at a time.

    Anyway, yesterday I got a comment that my voice was deeper and more forceful. I’m just wondering how many people here have experienced changes in voice due to nofap? I’m curious as to what kind of biological change could cause changes to the voice.

  492. STARRED! 30 day notes (34m)

    STARRED! 30 day notes (34m)

    by Turnround30 days

    This is easily the longest I’ve ever gone since I hit puberty 20-some years ago.

    I don’t even feel a desire to fap anymore, although the sex drive is still high, its under control. I was on my way home from a late night last night, and the idea of PMO came into my head, and the first reaction was, (even after a night of drinking) why would I want to watch some strangers having sex!

    [Had sex, came from a blowjob which almost NEVER happened for me before. I enjoyed it more than blowjobs before which I wanted but never felt any good unless she was a pro at it.] [/nsfw]

    Certainly easier to talk to women, generally less shy of conflict. I get more smiles, more numbers volunteered to me, etc.

    Using this website was a great way to get over the urges, but I don’t feel a need to log in as much, except to see my badge change.

    My eyes feel more wide open. I’m more satisfied with my life and accomplishments and less whiny about what I don’t have. To sum it up in one phrase, I feel better about myself.

    Lessons to impart – If you’re feeling weak, get on here and talk about it, motivate your neighbors, and they will motivate you. Don’t edge, don’t peek, it will just prolong your recovery.

    Read The Power of Habit. Great book with insights into the how what and why of habits. How our brains function to create habits to save energy and how those habits can be overwritten.

  493. Seriously guys… this is awesome. I got my charm back

    Seriously guys… this is awesome. I got my charm back

    by Nuts_unbusted

    Today I went to the dentist because one of my teeth is totally fucked. But thats not really the point. In the dentist I behaved so unusually confident and stuff it was crazy. Well I say unusually confident, but the truth is, when I was a kid I used to be very open and outspoken. I think things took a downward turn once I started wanking at about 13Yrs old.

    BUT ANYWAY, I swear I got my childish charm back. In the dentist I was asking questions that came into my mind, completely without the hesitation that I would normally experience. In fact normally the questions that would come to mind would never get manifested into real sound. I even made the dentist laugh when I said to him “It must be bloody weird being a dentist, you know just having your fingers in peoples mouths all the time, touching peoples’ tongues and stuff.” I know that it seems like such a small insignificant thing, but the truth is that there’s a whole lot of happiness going on inside me these days, and it’s causing to forget about over-thinking and I give so much less of a shit if I make an ass of myself now.

    The secretary caught on to that on my way out. I swear she was diggin’ me. While she was writing up my reciept I asked her “Have you got really nice teeth?” You know.. because she’s the secretary of the goddamn dentist. She was like “Well I used to have a few caveties blah blah.. but now I got bridges” or whatever and I was like “yeah I bet you got the whole package since you work for that guy” (dentist) and she jsut started laughing and shit. I dont even know why Im telling you this. Maybe I jsut need to emphasise that, were I still an insecure, socially-refraining wanker (literary pun intended) I probably wouldn’t have even asked her the question of her teeth. I’d probably be like “Oh thats a personal question.. keep your mouth shut and dont insult anybody and gtfo of here liek a good boy”.

    I dunno… If you didnt read all that, the short and sweet is that I’m feeling like I dont give a shit and I’m smiling all the while. Instead of people thinking im a cocky asshole, as I originially feared before nofap, they’re seeming to notice my general easy-goingness and being comfortable with it. I credit 90% of this to nofap, 10% of it to my healthy philosophical lifestyle.

    Hope everybody’s doing awesome. Peace!

  494. I didn’t know what Love was until I got clean.
    I didn’t know what Love was until I got clean.

    Before I removed masturbation and porn from my life, I didn’t have a clue what love was. I had never felt the emotion, never understood it’s power, never cared about what it all meant. Porn taught me that love was synonymous with sex. But no. After 1 year of struggling, some success and some failures, I know that love and porn have nothing in common. Porn is the prime example of selfish brutality. It will kill your soul and recreate you in its own image. Choose love, choose life.

  495. My Anxiety and NOFAP


    I’ve completed 5 days and today is day 6 in progress for me. I’ve been trying to nofap for awhile now usually I’d cave an fap every 6 days or so. I realize that my anxiety is directly fap related. Usually when I fap I want to stay in my house 24/7 no exceptions, but the longer I don’t fap my anxiety diminishes. WHen I pmo I hate being in social settings, I hate hanging out with more than one person , even going to the mall by myself scares the hell out of me! But the more I abstain the more I yearn to be social and explore life, today I went outside for a walk and felt 80% less anxious and felt more calm, it felt like a nice day. Life doesn’t have to be anxiety filled! I can’t wait till my anxiety is 100% gone and I thrive in social settings as I use to.

  496. Today i felt like I’ve had superpowers

    28 days later

    by bluecreas28 days

    So yeah, here I am. 28 days gone since my last relapse and I’m still into my longest streak.

    I just wanted to share how happy I am at the moment, waking up every day, curious what will happen and how its gonna change my life.

    Today i felt like I’ve had superpowers. I went to university, consistantly smiling over and over, finding girls checking me out like they never did before. I experience how happy I am with helping people and just be rewarded with a smile, totally worth!

    Keep your targets in mind fellow fapstronauts, the world can be so beautiful we just have to wake up.

  497. Now my life has meaning, a purpose. I’m not afraid anymore.

    Thank you Nofap

    I just want to say thank you guys and girls for all the advice, support, and tips. I can’t believe how erasing one seemingly normal thing from your life can change it forever. Before nofap i was a shy guy, nervous and afraid about everything. I was a shadow. Now my life has meaning, a purpose. I’m not afraid anymore. I’ve realized the importance of relationships and that attitude is everything. Thank you nofap for waking me up out of my fapping daze (LOL PUN)

    Stay strong faptains


  498. “Superpowers” kicking in? My 10-day report

    “Superpowers” kicking in? My 10-day report

    by ChooChooPoo

    I know it hasn’t been a long period of time yet for me to write a major “report”, but I want to record how good I’ve been feeling lately in case I get the temptation to relapse. Here’s what’s been going well:

    Less awkwardness. Being familiar with NoFap, when I was fapping in the past few months, I would go out, see attractive girls working behind counters and such and feel awkward. My instinct was literally “man, I gotta stop fapping.” The two are that intertwined in my opinion. Now I feel much better, making more eye contact, etc.

    More energy/desire. I felt motivated today, felt like I had plenty of energy and then some, and in fact just finished work and feel great. Even though I didn’t have a lot of sleep last night. This coincides with much increased sexual desire; I came across some women on Twitter I wouldn’t normally find very “hot” and was seriously getting hard really quickly. The thought struck me: this is how it’s supposed to work. (At least I hope.)

    Here’s how your preferences change:

    YesFap, looking at a supermodel …. and …. NoFap, looking at a woman on the street

    More confidence. It goes along with less awkwardness, but let me contrast two different situations: some months ago, I would go to the bank (where there’s a cute teller) and feel totally awkward, unable to look at her, etc. It was so bad it was palpable. Now I talked to her, felt my voice resonating, automatically making eye contact, and noticed she laughed hard at my jokes–and yes, I’m cracking jokes automatically too. Also noticing more eye contact from women as I walk around the supermarket.

    Sexual desire is way up, and so is the desire for fapping, but seriously, I’m getting all of these benefits just from not doing anything. Simply not masturbating to hot women online is creating these changes. It’s amazing.

    Stay strong, brothers and sisters.


  499. Grades in school, social anxiety, workouts, get out in the real

    Re: What is your specific outcome/goal/prize that keeps you Inspired every day?

    In a nutshell, the extra energy, confidence and lack of guilt. I feel I am a much better person, consciously and unconsciously, for giving up P. Because of this my overall sense of self has improved which allows one to look others in the eye and not feel lesser. Also, its provides much greater consistent motivation and clarity for other areas of your life.

    This past year I have accomplished so much having drastically reduced PMO. Grades in school, social anxiety, workouts, get out in the real world, etc, have dramatically improved. All of this with relapses along the way. I believe this is a testament to the progress that can be made even if one gives in. Yes, it sets you back, but not to square one. Anyway, you got me rambling with this post so ill stop it now )


  500. Empirical evidence for a benefit of NoFap? (Improved reaction ti

    Empirical evidence for a benefit of NoFap? (Improved reaction times)

    During the summer I was also my old self, fapping ~3 times a day, often skipping a day or two out of lack of libido, (this can’t be normal for my age) and then binging afterwards.

    I also played quite a bit of first person shooters on the PC – and I was really frustrated that everyone seemed to be faster than me in engagements. My reflexes were simply too slow. I’ve always felt this way in everything – conversation, driving, work, ect.

    So I went onto this site to find out my reaction time – it was an average of about 400ms, which was in the bottom 10% of all reaction times recorded on the site.

    Fast forward two months to beginning of September- college was starting again, and I already had a good 5 day nofap streak going thanks to a camping trip (the first 5 days are hard as hell, and so much easier away from the PC), so I decided to continue.

    First run was 21 days, then 5 days, then 16 days, now this current streak is 20 days. I’ve relapsed 3 times and had a few days of binge fapping, but over these last 2 months its safe to say i’ve cut down on PMO by ~90%. I’ve also been lifting for about 40 minutes every day.

    I go back to Human Benchmark to test my reaction time. My average is now 200ms. Holy shit, thats a 100% improvement in reaction time over ~2 months of nofap habits.

    Now Im no scientist, but the only variables I’ve changed in my life in the last 2 months are NoFap and more excercise than usual. Everything else has pretty much remained constant.

    People have argued over the “super powers” of nofap endlessly – but here’s a “super power” that can be measured and tested – improved reflexes.

    It’d be great if anyone else starting on NoFap right now would find their reaction time, and then wait about a month or two before taking the test again. I’ve been unable to find any literature correlating between PMO and reaction times, but maybe I’m on to something here?

  501. Then I quit and my speech improved 80%. I can speak fluently to

    Just broke my Nofap Record! And life is incredible.

    I’m glad I’ve met Nofap. I’ve had speech problems since a little boy, even before Nofap. I was able to express everything on text or chat, but I couldn’t speak in person the way i wanted to.

    At age 13 I fapped all the way to age 20. Then I quit and my speech improved 80%. I can speak fluently to people, friends and family, and they all noticed. Its incredible!!

    Also I am taking supplements by Dr Amen to help connect my neurons together, which also helped with my speech. I talk to girls easier, and I’m also taking a girl out. She said it was like taking someone else out, because before I wouldn’t talk much, and I would only listen.

    Thank you so much for Nofap. I also feel as if everything is connecting together in my life, and its much easier to think. Thats why I’m going to go study triple integrals, and continue creating my website. I’ve always wanted to become a lot better with speaking, and one day I plan on becoming a spokes person for something really important. And once again I want to thank you all, I’m writing this with high amounts of energy.

    Life is a Miracle.



  502. I stood there like a boss and felt as comfortable as I have neve

    Speaking in front of people

    by Waschbaba

    Hey guys, this is my first try and I am at day 6 now. Today I had a presentation at university. I am german, but I had to present in English. I am quite good at speaking in front of people, but I never had control over my body language, i.e. I would cross my legs all the time, did not know what to do with my hands. Today I stood there like a boss and felt as comfortable as I have never felt before. I did not stutter and had no problem to keep eyecontact with my audience. I had the control over my body.

    Me and my group had a rehearsal the day before and they were so surprised about how well I did today. Made my day.

    Just got my first quiz after nofap back and it was a 1,0 (that´s 100% in Germany). Today was a good day.

  503. Progress seems to finally kick in

    Progress seems to finally kick in

    Hi guys…

    Until a week ago, I was just feeling depressed (like I have been for 10 years due to porn)…

    I thought it would never end and that my life would be boring forever and always feeling sad/unmotivated…

    It feels like I’m really breaking out of 10 years of flatline now… I just feel more happy and excited about life, social anxiety is weakening…

    This all happened in the last few days… Whether or not it’s placebo or real, nofap finally seems to work for me… And this is just the fucking start of my recovery… Keep going guys! (also when you don’t believe in nofap anymore and are already in for 40/50 days….)

    It only happened in the last few days, so I had to deal with 7 weeks of depression/flatlining (so gary from is right, a lot of guys don’t see ANY improvement until 6-8 weeks) … This shit ain’t easy bro’s 😀

  504. “I’m not addicted,” that’s what I always said. “Not me,

    I’m positively bursting with energy!

    by Double-Dare

    “I’m not addicted,” that’s what I always said. “Not me, I’m not like these other people with a crippling addiction to pornography, Hell I only do it a two or three times a week, I’m practically healthy.”

    I have never been so wrong in my life.

    Now I understand I’m only seven days in and I’m probably experiencing a temporary high before a possible flatline, but for the moment I feel absolutely fantastic.

    I’ve always been very active, I work out quite a bit, and even after one week I’ve noticed a definite increase in the intensity of my work outs. I’m happier, I smile, walk, talk and act like a friendly human being. Someone could tell me to “go fuck myself” and I’d say “right back at ya champ,” with a grin and a nod.

    I can now honestly admit to myself that I had a problem. I often suffered from Delayed ejaculation (if I could even climax) with my partners and was not physically stimulated by the idea of vaginal sex. I’d developed an intense fascination with oral and dominance. I was a taker, selfish to the core and I didn’t deserve to treat any of the girls I dated the way I did.

    I’m making myself a new man, a caring, passionate individual. All I can say is thank you to the community and I wish you all the best of luck rebooting your minds.

  505. What abstaining from PMO has done for me already

    What abstaining from PMO has done for me already


    Here’s what I can say nofap has done for me thus far:

    OK, my badge says 15 days. It would be closer to 30, but I had a minor relapse.


    My mood has drastically improved. Stress/anxiety were things I was dealing with. Nothing super severe, but enough to prevent me from doing things I should have been doing, and it was impeding my social life.

    I’m less prone to anger, and I feel like an optimist instead of a pessimist (I tend to call myself a “realist”, but usually that’s just pessimism in disguise).

    Confidence/Self Consciousness:

    I had a few bad experiences growing up (young teen years) that really took a toll on how I viewed myself, from a physical perspective. I was called ugly and laughed at by about 100 – 200 of my peers during lunch at my high school in 9th grade. There were a couple of experiences like that, and for a long time I struggled with feeling ugly.

    I’ve grown up to be a pretty handsome young man, and yet I still would struggle with thoughts and feelings that others viewed me as ugly. This wasn’t SUPER extreme, but it was a lingering annoyance.

    Since starting nofap, I feel very confident in both my physical appearance and my character as a man. I don’t feel like I have everything together yet, but it doesn’t bother me and I no longer feel self conscious hardly at all. I’m not concerned about the thoughts of others on my appearance or demeanor– at least not much.

    This is probably something that will fluctuate slightly over time, but for the most part, I think I’ve crossed a bridge, and there will be some kind of permanent change.


    Instead of constantly feeling like I have very low energy, or feeling like “I’m just not in the MOOD to go out and do this or that”, I find myself looking to stay busy. I’ve been going out and doing a LOT more, most of which happens to be social stuff because I’ve been having so much damn fun when I go out.

    I also find myself feeling more inclined to leave my comfort zone and to go places and do things I might have passed on the previous few months. This isn’t to say I went from never going out, to going out constantly and feeling like a different person. I’ve always been pretty outgoing (when I’m “in the mood”) and I go out with friends and stuff pretty frequently, but I was just hitting the hometown “comfort bar” where I knew everyone, and that’s not exciting or rewarding and I wasn’t happy doing it. Everyone was an acquaintance, but I never even felt like getting to know them, and even talking to all of them started feeling like a chore unless everyone was drunk.

    Better W/People & Women:

    This has been pretty drastic for me, and will probably sound like the “Super Powers” everyone seems to be looking for…

    The past few years have been a complete drought for me as far as women go. I broke up with my “first love” about 4 years ago, and I’ve been single since. I’ve had multiple women who were interested, but I could never muster the needed desire to actually do something and hang out with them, make a move, etc. It was fear, but what I’ve learned is that fear is almost completely irrelevant when you feel GREAT and you have the desire to meet women.

    When you feel empty and sated from jerking off, you don’t have much desire to make connections with women, you almost want them to go away because of how YOU feel inside.

    This has done a 180′ in my life. I actually REALLY crave the presence of women, and I also crave situations in which I can meet new women. I feel attractive, from the inside.

    An example of how cool this has been, I went from only having like one or two casual make out sessions with people I wasn’t interested in over the past 3 years or so, to kissing probably a 12 – 14 girls the past few weeks. 90% of that being in 2 nights 🙂

    Just the other night I went to a really fun, new joint in my city and I danced with probably every girl there. Alcohol definitely helps give me some social lubricant, but I wasn’t trashed. And they all loved it. I was having so much fun. I also kissed at least 6 or 7 of them. The ones that initially said no, changed their minds within a couple minutes. I do this thing were I pretend like I’m coming on really hard and that I can’t imagine them not wanting to kiss me, and that I have to have them; but I make it fun and in a weird way, sincere. I would normally say this doesn’t work, and maybe it won’t always work but I do this naturally, and oh boy did it work.

    I used to be over analytical in situations like this, waiting for “the perfect chance”, making sure she wasn’t with a guy already,etc. Not so much lately. I’ve just been having fun. There was even this one cutie who was dancing with another guy and I just cut in and took her. I wasn’t trying to be an ass, I was just having so much fun that I didn’t care. She wouldn’t let me kiss her, but I promised her that before she left I would. Found her with the same guy right before I left (she was leaving too) and finally made it happen, twice. And got her number. He was cool about it and just watched. I think they had just met.

    That’s just one example.

    All in all, I don’t worry in the slightest about rejection, because I TRULY do not see it as rejection, and that night has changed me forever. It’s hard to explain, but it’s a mentality shift. You start to feel wanted instead of dejected.

    It’s a beautiful thing.


    Nofap has most definitely been one of the single best decisions I’ve EVER made it. It was “the missing piece” for me in many ways, and regardless of the ups and downs, I’m sticking with it. I don’t even see the point in jerking off anymore. It seems so ridiculous and dumb now. Crazy.

    With everything I’ve stated above, I want to make sure I’m not leaving anyone with false expectations. None of this stuff just happened magically, I had to make it all happen. It was just FAR easier with nofap, like WAYY easier. It made everything feel natural, and it made me feel better, so taking things to the “next level” just seemed logical and not very scary (sometimes a little scary, but not much).

    Further more, I don’t always feel on top of the world. Sometimes I’m still tired and apathetic. Sometimes I still feel “ugly” or unattractive. Sometimes women completely blow me off (and no, it doesn’t bother me in the slightest) or do bitchy things.

    I am however curious as to why my sex drive has pretty much vanished. I won’t lie, I kind of like it, but it can be a hassle when you’re bumping and grinding with someone and can’t get hard. I know alcohol plays into it, but I’ve got plenty of drinking experience under my belt and I can’t remember ever not getting erections when touching and kissing women.

    This isn’t to say I can’t get an erection, I most certainly can. Had one for awhile this morning… but it’s more like… I don’t know, I guess I just don’t see women the same. I don’t look at them and think “I’d do her” etc, etc. I actually want to have fun with them, and get to know them. I also like to kiss as well (if you haven’t figure that out).

    Again, I’m not worried about it, but was curious as to why this could be a factor. Again, it’s actually pretty pleasant having a dormant sex drive after years of a raging sex drive I felt I couldn’t control.

    Anyways, I wish you all success on your journey. Everyone’s experience is different, but I firmly believe that those who have stories similar to mine are those that took some action. It’s not just about not jerking off, it’s about being alive and open to new experiences and people. Nofap just gives you back the mojo you need to make it happen.

    No stay strong and get that mojo workin’!

    Carpe Diem!


  506. NoFap — better than Adderall

    NoFap — better than Adderall

    If there was one thing that helped me tremendously during college, I’d have to say it was Adderall (or any stimulant for that matter – Modafinil etc.). Although, I wasn’t prescribed it or diagnosed with ADD/ADHD, I felt as if it was the missing piece in my life. It helped with the obvious such as shifting my focus to school and work, and almost completely relieving me of social anxiety. At first it was only during midterms or finals, and eventually when I had a steady connect it became a regular thing. Including taking it on nights that I knew I would drink a lot or be up for a while. I was able to be out till 4 am, then wake up at 7 the next day and be ready for school. It was as if I found the cure to all my problems. But then it hit me like a brick wall…

    The tolerance quickly built up and I had this state of depression when I was off of it. I was clearly addicted and I knew it was slowly chipping away at me. I decided to continue usage until graduation, and after graduating the most intense desire to end my life and probably the worst mental state I had ever been in started to settle in. It was during this time when I realized how even though Adderall had helped me with school and socializing, it destroyed my ability to naturally develop myself as a man.

    Before all this, I was lazy, in complete mental fog, would masturbate at least 2-3 times a day and constantly fantasize about pornography. It was clear that my brains wiring was fucked up. So when I had the opportunity to take a stimulant that virtually got rid of all these side effects I was thrilled. Unfortunately, I started PMO’ing even more and the adderall made me super horny. It got worse post graduation when I would masturbate, sleep, eat junk food constantly to relieve myself of the dreaded stimulant comedown and just natural depression.

    I was then introduced to NoFap, and the longest streak I’ve had has been about 20 days. But the gains I experienced in that time were tremendously better than taking a stimulant. Even though I recently relapsed, I had learned a lot about myself and my internal strength and willpower in those 20 days. I naturally wanted to learn, socially interact, take up new hobbies etc…And this was all before even hitting 90 days so I can’t wait to feel the changes at that time.

    Anyways, I just want to share with yall how NoFap has changed my life for the better. Cheers!

  507. Rebooting was the best thing i ever did.
    Rebooting was the best thing i ever did.

    by dm123456758 days

    Thank fuck i finally have my life in control again. After rebooting my mind is back to where it should be, i’m back on the dating scene. Talking and spending time with all kind of women. And even though nofap says 0 fapping at all.

    The reboot has got me to balance fapping out, no more fetish style porn. Life is good, Im happy where i am and thanks goes out to this subreddit.

  508. Spoke in class today, first

    Spoke in class today, first time in my 4 years of college

    by eManifonsREDDIT7 days

    We were in class today, talking about maps and populations and such, and for the first time I spoke up and talked and had a good discussion with my professor in front of the class in a lecture hall. I answered all the questions and and was able to carry myself throughout the class. I was never one to speak or answer questions, even though I always knew the answer. I have been starting to feel more confident and less foggy in my day to day life, and today just showed that stopping the madness is helping me both socially and academically. So, yeah.


  509. NoFap made me realize how many things I gave up in my life…

    NoFap made me realize how many things I gave up in my life…

    by ph4tm4n

    WARNING: wall of text

    Hello fellow Fapstronauts!

    [25M] here. I’ve stumbled upon NoFap about a year ago and lurking here ever since, but I unfortunately I lacked the willpower to really commit to it and start, although my PMO addiction was quite obvious. Now I’m immensely grateful that I started it.

    It all started with porn-induced ED around the age of 18-19, but I thought it’s just some standard anxiety with girls, since I really lacked real-life sexual experience. Eventually (it took me months and 2 visits to the local urologist) I have managed to control my mind and be able to perform in bed, although I never thought it’s something that’s connected to porn at that time.

    My relationships and my success with women was really taking a blow as time passed and although I noticed it, I wasn’t really interested in a change. I had PMO to satisfy my needs and subconsciously I was OK with it, taking the focus away from real-life stuff. Less exercise, less socializing, no girls, no sex, etc, we all know the drill…

    On top of that, all of this happened while I was in college/university, and now that I’m just a few months away to finish my Master’s degree and leave the world of college parties/drinkings forever, I sorta switched into a panic-mode, speeding it up like I’m on drugs.

    Part of this was to take control of my life, and most importantly to quit my addiction to PMO, which I found nearly unbearable both physically and mentally in the past years.

    I started NoFap a month ago, and while relapsing 2 times (urges are a bitch!) I have to say the improvement is there. My relapses made me feel so bad, I started taking cold-showers everyday to work on my willpower and I discovered that it gives more than just that, it’s a great boost to self-confidence as well. After the first time you set your alarm for 5 minutes and endure the pain of freezing water, you will feel you’re a man. I feel I’m changing mentally, and now I see, I was living like an ostrich with a head in the sand.

    I built up enough courage and confidence not just to ask out girls again, but also to approach them no matter how impossible it seems to be, and I have learned pretty fast how to succeed and advance in dating. Of course NoFap can not teach you that, but it can give you something else: one long and perilous journey to a better life. It gives you self-discipline, and that’s all you need if you want to improve your mental health.

    All the things you thought you’re not able to accomplish suddenly vanish and you realize what you thought to be a problem is really an opportunity. Working out, dating, socializing, quitting addictions (tobacco, drugs, alcohol, etc) are not intangible problems anymore, rather then missed opportunities to live a better, healthier life.

    But everything starts with a positive mindset and great mental health. NoFap will not make you a superman, you can still get rejected (but man, it feels so different now, even rejection got better and MUCH easier to overcome), you will still have bad days sometimes, and of course you will face lots of obstacles in your life, but that mental baggage you’re carrying with fapping is gone. You feel like you’re going super saiyan mode, even if you don’t know how to properly hit an opponent.

    It’s a start. And we all know, most aspects of your life and how others and you see yourself are nothing more than mental projections. The feedback I’ve been getting from my close environment (friends, family, girls) is all positive. THEY can see the change I could barely feel at first. And it’s one of the best feelings to hear these remarks, because I know, I’m the one who’s making this happen. I control my mind, I control my life. And it’s just the beginning, the improvement is increasing. The price?

    It’s hard. I had urges before, I relapsed before, now I’m flatlining. And it’s a bitch. But I know I can make it happen. I finally see how blindfolded I was and it gives me power to continue. My only regret?

    Those 6 years of college I never get back. Half of my youth is gone, sacrificed for the shitty reward of PMO. Don’t make the same mistake guys. Stop fapping and catch a glimpse of the benefits and eventually you will succeed. It’s all mental, every one of us is capable of achieving the goal.

    Everyday I’m checking this subreddit and it’s you guys, the total strangers, who made me realize how to take back the control. I thank you all for all the support and the motivation, the stories and tips. It really helps a lot.

    I will keep going until I can finally share my story with a star-shaped badge, until then, good luck Fapstronauts!

  510. Things seem more.. More REAL!!
    Things seem more.. More REAL!!

    by Doesnotfap5256

    As stated above, things are more REAL. More vivid! It’s crazy. As soon as I started NOFAP I hit a MAJOR flatline. I’m talking anxiety, depression, dull, crappy mood. No drive to do anything. Music and videogames were not even enjoyable and negative thoughts were ramped 24/7.

    It got better as time went on. I’m on day 46, I just created an account to tell you guys.. LIFE DOES GET BETTER. Maybe you are questioning the point of NOfap, I mean we all know, it’s easier just to give up right? But no, push through the hard points. It gets better.

    The past few days I have been feeling much better. Sex drive is back, excitement and joy for life is back full-force, I feel like I did as a young teenage boy. Life is just awesome. Allow your brain to Re-wire to REAL stimulus. Hanging with friends, working out, going hiking, natural things we are made to ENJOY are now enjoyable. Start on healthy eating, cold showers & weightlifting. Don’t forget meditation. Things do improve, I promise.


  511. I am starting to feel more like an alpha male.

    HELP !!! I really need to hear some success stories related to social anxiety


    My friend, I’ve had social anxiety my whole life. This is my first streak of 27 days and let me tell you. I was/am as awkward and shy as they get. I’ve never had a girlfriend or kissed a girl. But let me tell you something, I am starting to feel more like an alpha male. In addition to lifting weights, doing cardio and improving my posture my stuttering in social situations has vanished. My mind is more clearer. Girls now look at me for a second longer than they should. I have a long way to go but it’s up to me to push myself outside of my comfort zone and face my fears. NoFap is just a catalyst for change. It isn’t the solution itself.

    I now WANT to go up to girls and start a conversation, although I haven’t done it yet. The urge to talk to them is there and this is a huge change from what I was experiencing 27 days ago. So stay strong, and remember NoFap will only give you the drive you need. The rest is up to you. Stay strong bro

  512. 14 Days- New-Found Confidence

    14 Days- New-Found Confidence

    Well, I’ve finally made it to 14 days. This is the longest I have ever made it in NoFap. I’m 22 and I’ve been masturbating since I was 14, nearly every day, sometimes twice a day. The type of porn I watched slowly escalated and eventually began to make me question my sexuality. It blows my mind because I’ve liked girls since the 3rd grade but after awhile I became desensitized to girls from watching so many different types of porn.

    I also have developed pretty severe social anxiety, and being a business student, it is necessary that im able to communicate efficiently. As most of you know, social anxiety has to to with a low self-confidence, making you think that everyone is judging you and constantly replaying situations in your head (may also be a case of ocd).

    14 days in and although there is still some social anxiety, my ability to think more clearly has grown substantially. I’ve always been a bright kid and have been told that by many professionals but my social anxiety has brought me down to a lower-level.

    In January, I will be starting my professional career as a public accountant. I started NoFap after reading all these success stories on how NoFap changed peoples’ lives. I need to be able to think clearly and live up to my potential, not only in a professional environment but in my social life in general. Ive been told throughout the past 4 years at college that I’ve changed and I haven’t been able to pinpoint why. I never used to think that PMO was an issue in my life because my friends would talk about porn and different pornstars, so it was a part of my daily life.

    After 14 days, I can now look back and say how wrong I was. PMO was changing my brain in negative ways and in turn, made me question who I really was. I plan to continue NoFap for the rest of my life. Because ive learned that the brain is plastic, it emphasizes how important it is that you live healthfully. I used to play sports every single day, but eventually got injuries and got addicted to PMO and video games.

    I’m never going back to that life. It’s time to be me again.

  513. If superpowers mean being

    If superpowers mean being more dedicated to success, then I’ll take that over fapping to porn any day.

    by GBvitaobscura

    This is my last year at a junior college before I go off to finish my bachelors degree. I decided to try something very hard to end out my quarter with a bang: Organic Chemestry. Far and above the most difficult class I have ever taken. Old me wouldn’t have had the balls to even consider taking this class, but Nofap me decided, “why the hell not?!”

    Long story short I have been getting A’s and B’s in a class where hard working students usually get C’s. Old me would have looked at my homework load and would have given up on the spot… Jacked it to porn, and failed. New me spends 7 hours every day studying for chem tests and memorizing definitions, names and formulas. Old me would have flunked the Chem midterm… New me? He didn’t do that bad 😉

  514. Choose the red pill
    Choose the red pill

    Disconnect from the Matrix

    1.The acute phase: From the first moment you take the red pill, and disconnect from the matrix, you are in shock. Your body is separated from a constant heavily accustomed to, and does not understand this new reality. Withdrawal like symptoms, denial and severe cravings characterise this stage as you experience a shattering revelation.

    2.Weeks two to four: You realise, and accept, that there is an alternate reality outside of the matrix, from which you belong. It seems alien and dull, flat and colourless, but it exists none the less. The temptation to reconnect and shun this reality is strong. You sometimes envy those who still live, unaware, in the matrix within which you once resided.

    3.Weeks five to ten, the flatline: The draw of the matrix begins to fade as you realise that it is not real, it never was. Even though it may seem more desirable , it is not, and can never be, reality. This fact alone becomes enough to persevere in a colourless world without pleasure. But this feeling changes with the days and morphs with the weeks. Dark shades begin to lighten and sparks of life begin to flourish around you as you start to grow and make connections in the real world.

    4.Weeks ten to twenty: The matrix is but a memory, the urges are vacant as you begin to thrive in reality. You can not believe how much of a lie you have lived, but no matter, for now you are alive. You breathe real air, you taste real water and you feel real skin. You have disconnected from the matrix, it’s hold on you is gone. Now you must connect to reality. This is life, and you are present.

    Take the red pill

    Disclaminer: just a bit of fun, we are all unique 🙂

  515. NoFap has changed my life for the better and I never want to go

    I was a virgin before NoFap

    Thank you all of my fellow Fapstronauts!!

    NoFap has changed my life for the better and I never want to go back. Since I started about three weeks ago I have not feel better than I do right now. I have more energy and more confidence about myself. In fact, I finally gained the confidence to try and make a move on my lady friend, and IT WORKED!! I finally lost the v card.

    I cannot thank you guys enough, peace.

  516. Noticing an increase in magnetism!! First time ever!
    Noticing an increase in magnetism!! First time ever!

    Today has been extremely strange, but in a good way. I feel like people are noticing me more and more now. I was in an elevator today and there was a girl next to me and she actually started a conversation with me! I know some of you may be thinking big deal. But it is a huge deal for me because this hasn’t happened before. Unfortunately, I had to get off at a different floor.

    I also had a group of people who I consider acquaintances rather than friends invite me out to lunch which again rarely happens. Of course I went along with them. People want me to hang out with them now!

    And finally I have also noticed a couple of girls staring at me as I walk past. There was a really cute girl who smiled and sat behind me while I was in the library but I had to leave(there were a lot of empty seats but she chose to sit near me). She is on the same course as me so I’m hoping to actually talk to her. She seems quite introverted and shy so I will have to step up.

    Some of you may be thinking why I didn’t speak to her there and then. The thing is my social anxiety is still there but not as much as when I was PMOing. I’m not comfortable yet in going straight up to girls and starting conversations, although I feel the need to! This is something I need to work on and I hope I can get past it. I’m someone who has never had much experience with girls so all this is fairly new to me. I’m 21 btw and have never had a girlfriend.

    One last thing, after quitting PMO I was still objectifying women in real life. I didn’t think I could stop. But since yesterday and today whenever I see a girl I am more attracted to her womanly essence (which is so much more attractive) rather than her boobs or butt if that makes sense lol.

    Things are moving in the right direction, I just have to get over the last few hurdles. Thanks for reading!

  517. NoFap “superpowers” only work in certain conditions (self.NoFap)

    NoFap “superpowers” only work in certain conditions

     by nofapper3

    2 years ago I did my first no-fap challenge, just to see if I could do it, and got an enormous burst of energy from it. For 2 years I have been trying to replicate that feeling, and never succeeded. During these 2 years, each nofap trial I did was just to try to acheive that level of energy.

    My theory was that it was linked to not ejaculating, and testosterone and such. So I did nofap, but still looked at pictures of pretty girls, or porn, or edged…anything I could to boost my T-levels, without ejaculating…but without results.

    This time, I decided to do nofap, not for the energy, but because I was again tired of my daily PMO routine – and I would stick with it, in hardmode, even without superpowers. The result: I am totally energized now.

    My conclusion: For me, the “superpowers” seem not related to not ejaculating, or ejaculating less…but to not exposing myself to Porn, endless lists of bikini-babes, edging, fantasising, or even touching myself. No Idea how it works, but I guess it’s related to something like this: (repost from another tread)

    In short: if you want to feel “superpowers”: no porn, no pictures, no edging, no touching – go hard-mode for a few weeks.

  518. My Favorite Way to Tell People About NoFap
    My Favorite Way to Tell People About NoFap

    by AlexK2345

    A lot of my guy friends are shocked when I tell them that I don’t look at porn (14 days is a long time for most people!) They’re even more shocked when I tell them I aim to never look at it again.

    When guys look at me crazy I ask them this:

    “Oh yeah, I bet you guys are addicted”

    “Addicted?!” they say “No Way I’m not addicted to anything!”

    “Okay”, I say..”If you’re not addicted, then go 30 days without porn”

    A few days later, they say “holy shit – I couldn’t stay away, I’m addicted”

    I wonder how many guys are actually addicted.


    I feel no shame in admitting that I didn’t think I had a problem until I tried to stop. It isn’t accepted by the mainstream as an addiction like alcohol or heroin, however so many people are addicts in denial. It’s dealing with self image, and people distancing themselves from what they see as an addict.

    Like if someone sees a crackhead on the street willing to suck a dick for one more hit, they say “Wow what a poor, lost soul. I’m glad I made better choices than he did.” Meanwhile this person will go home boot up the computer, and go apeshit because his internet is down and he can’t get his fix, but see nothing wrong with himself.

  519. Benefits from nofap – another report (there can’t be too many 😉

    Benefits from nofap – another report (there can’t be too many 😉

    Benefits from nofap

    (currently third attempt day 26. Have been fapping with only one day in a row pause max for 4 years):

    1. better vision. I shit you not. Before nofap, my eyes would go slightly out of focus on a regular bases when I was tired. Now, they stay focused the whole day.
    2. I notice coulours a lot more and differently. I don’t see more colours, it is that I see something and think “OMG that is a nice juicy yellow” instead of thinking “mmmh okay its yellow”.
    3. my body is physically fitter. I run faster and have better posture.
    4. My mind is so much sharper now. “The brain fog going away” is an excellent metaphore to describe the feeling. I am also a 100% sure this is due to nofap. When I relapsed one saturday noon, my brain only gave like 5% effort for the rest of the day. I felt “hungover”.
    5. I care again. I am no longer numb to reality. I no longer run away.
    6. Lot more self confidence.
    7. Better sense of taste. For the first time, I felt an urge to eat protein.
    8. I became more sensitive to real world inputs. College used to piss me off to an extend where it would make me miserable – now I actually fucking like it!
    9. I have a hell of a lot more of confidence around people, men and women. I never considered myself having an actual social anxiety. I rationalized it: I is just human to be a little shy blablabla. In retrospect I think I might have had one.
    10. I like people more. I have dropped the “Be useful for me or gtfo” thought scheme. I just have a genuine affection for humans : )
    11. My ability to empathize with people has increased.
    12. Better sleep. I have again the feeling of waking up refreshed, which I have not felt in fucking years.
    13. My thinking has become more positive. I used to think that pessimistic thinking was rational. Now I know it is all about neurochemistry.
    14. I see women a lot differently:

    a) they seem a LOT more attractive. My senses get recalibrated to real women. I caught myself thinking: “Oh she has nice big tits. Wait a minute … they aren’t even big! This size would have never interested me before!” I can also appreciate beautiful faces again. It was mindblowing: I went to college and the same girls looked SO much prettier!

    b) I see women as humans, not as sexual objects. This is also kind of weird, since I didn’t consciously think that. Only through the change I noticed how my previous thinking was wrong.

    c) I don’t jump to sex in my head right away. I have other thoughts about protecting them, hugging them etc…

    d) I notice women a lot more. I thought: “Have there always been so many women at my university?”

    1. I finally have a motivation to go out there and find a girlfriend. I am fucking 20 and have never had a girllfriend, now I know where the apathy came from.
    2. Obviously, your penis benefits from nofap. I had the usual benefits like increased sensitivity and raging boners ( I had to go to the toilet to open my fucking pants cause my dick was pressing so hard against my jeans that it hurt). I also found out that hey: the red spots on my glans weren’t from any disease, but from friction! Now the skin starts to look healthy.

    Well, that’s all I can think of right now.

    I honestly feel like a different person, which was weird and new sometimes.

    I am finally living life to the fullest I can : )


  520. I woke up this morning to find a letter from my wife left in my
    I woke up this morning to find a letter from my wife left in my violin case.

    by wildviolinist

    My wife knows nothing about my addiction. Mainly because she has a rough sexual history and I don’t want to give her more stress on the subject but in reality I have not told her because I am guilt ridden and ashamed. I am on day 10 of my mission to eradicate PMO. I have never gone more than 2 days in the past and have been strongly addicted for 12 years. Over the past few days I have had flashbacks to PMO memories, I have had incredibly intense urges, and I have had depression waves. I have wanted to quit at every stage.

    I woke up to a large handwritten letter in my violin case from my wife. In it she states how amazed she was at how much I have been helping around the house, but most importantly how supportive of her I have been this past week. (Remember she does not know I am doing this) She started on Monday and wrote very specifically about each individual day on how she felt loved by my actions. She mentioned how for the first time in a long time she felt truly supported by her man.

    I have always loved my wife and wanted to do this to make sure every minute I spend with her is well lived. If I ever needed proof that nofap was beyond effective this letter was it. Again she has no idea I am doing this. The nofap community is incredible. Because of YOU I feel I am changing into a better version of myself.

    If you have doubts that the effects are negligible then listen to me when I say that you might not see them but those around you will.

    I owe you guys a beer.


  521. My ability to fantasize is coming back!

    My ability to fantasize is coming back!

    by philiph

    Just wanted to share an observation. I recognized that porn was a problem in my life about 8 months ago. Since then I’ve worked on going porn free. As you all know, it isn’t easy.

    I managed a few several week stretches but I also relapsed a few times. In particular it’s really damn hard to not look at porn and masturbate when you are alone in a hotel room on a business trip.

    Anyway, my current run has been my longest, since September 17. I don’t do nofap as my goal has always been to being back the innocence I remember of masturbating without Internet porn when I was a teenager (I’m old).

    I have noticed throughout this whole time that my sex life with my girlfriend has improved greatly and I experience more random boners now. However, I still had difficulty masturbating without porn. I would often find myself recalling porn scenes and using those mental images as spank material.

    For the first time a couple days ago I started fantasizing about my girlfriend kind of out of the blue. The next thing I knew I was masturbating and thinking about an awesome, detailed fantasy involving her an lots of coconut oil. It was incredible! I seriously felt like a teenager again.

    Like I said, I just wanted to share that observation. Hopefully it’s encouraging for others out there struggling with the effects of pornography. I feel like I’ve finally reached a point where the porn has receded in to the past and I can live my life without it.

  522. I was once confident.What happened?(the story of my demise and P

    I was once confident.What happened?(the story of my demise and PROOF that porn ruins you)

    by lasthope9240 days

    DISCLAIMER:At times it may seem like I was an asshole but I’m not proud of it(I’m actually ashamed of my actions) and I’m telling you all this just to prove a point.

    So I’m a socially anxious loser who can’t talk to girls but surprisingly or not I wasn’t always like this.Far from it actually.Let me tell you about my history with girls and porn.

    I am now 21.I first started fapping when I was 11 after going to a friend from school’s house and he first showed me porn.I was mesmerized instantly.Until then I have never seen what real sex looks like.After seeing that, only after a few days I made a copy of his porn,went home and started fapping.Slowly that year I started to build my porn collection.At the time it wasn’t a big collection,I only had a few movies because back then I didn’t have internet.It was only years later when I finally got high speed internet.

    By the time when I was 13 I started liking this girl from school but I couldn’t do anything with her because she had a boyfriend.But immediately after I found out 1 month later that she left her boyfriend I started exchanging notes with her during class(yeah,I know…stupid kid shit lol) I talked to her for a few days and she became my first girlfriend.Just like primates who get a huge dopamine rush after becoming the alpha male so did I and my confidence was through the roof.But what I didn’t realize back then is that porn already fried my brain and I was already addicted to novelty.I was so used to switching to different girls during a masturbation session.

    Only 2 weeks had passed and I met her BEST FRIEND and I noticed she was much more beautiful than my girlfriend.I suddenly wanted to be with her instead of my girlfriend and that’s exactly what I did. It so happens that another friend of mine liked her as well and we would both have to compete for her.We both went together and asked her which one of us she chooses and long story short,even though I was already with her best friend she still betrayed her and chose ME.Dopamine rush once again and I was feeling like king of the world.You can imagine that those 2 girls never talked again since then because of me.Now when I think about it I feel so bad and can’t believe what an asshole I was.

    I had a nice relationship with my second girlfriend.We would sit all night together talking and I was really enjoying being with her.We really had a connection but after a month I got bored and I felt the need for novelty once again.(which btw in case you didn’t realize,it was an early symptom of my porn addiction)

    Girls were flocking around me believe it or not and I felt like I had so many options.Like the asshole that I am,I wasn’t even man enough to break up with her in person.So there were these 2 girls who both liked me and were always chasing after me.I took advantage of them and sent them to my girlfriend’s door to tell her I’m breaking up with her.I later found out she cried for like a week.

    After that I had many girlfriends and I always found a reason to break up with them in a matter of weeks.When I was 15 I was with a girl older than me.I think she was 18.Yeah I was that confident ! I ended up losing my virginity with her and because she was willing to have sex with me,that relationship lasted longer than usual but eventually I broke up with her as well because I got bored. I remember my proudest moment.A girl broke up with me for the first time and all I wanted to do is make her jealous after that.I was in a club/bar with 2 girls and she suddenly walks in.These 2 girls actually proposed that they both make out with me at the same time to make her jealous.Man that was the best day of my life.Everyone was looking at me like I was a pimp.

    I’m not telling all this to brag or anything like that.I just want to give you an idea of how confident I used to be and how much porn ruined my life.

    So over time I started watching more and more porn to the point where I was masturbating at least once a day and very often twice a day.I didn’t even notice when my social anxiety symptoms started to kick in because the transition was very slow but by the time I was 18 I was already shy around girls and felt like I couldn’t relate to them.My last girlfriend was at 17.Since then it became more and more worse to the point where I’m uncomfortable around anyone regardless if they’re male or female.

    How the hell did this happen ? Well I think we all know the answer to that.So next time when someone tells you that PMO addiction isn’t a real thing and the symptoms aren’t real either please share my story with them.For you younger guys who are thinking of quitting porn and aren’t as bad as me yet please quit while you still can before it’s too late.

  523. shows how great the PMO addiction affects us-
    Nofap and personality

    For years I’m interested in psychology and self-development – unfortunately more in theory than in practice. 😉

    I wanted to share with you one of my observations, which shows how great the PMO addiction affects us- or at least affected me. Solving the tests that determine personality characteristics and strengths (strengthsfinder, enneagram), I came across such statements as:

    (in a scale of 1-9 , where 1 is total disagreement, 9 full agreement)

        you enjoy meeting new people?

        you usually enjoy making small talk?

        you enjoy competition?

        you perceive yourself as self-confident?

        you think yourself as responsible person?

        you like new, surprising situations?

    All these questions I could not answer. Why? Me on PMO binge and sober me are two different people. I try to be honest with myself, when solving such tests. I try to recall some actual situations and judge my thoughts and actions. But my actions and thoughts are much different when I’m on nofap and when I am not.

    When I think about situations when I was on PMO, the range of my answers are 1 to 3. Out of fear, anxiety, fatigue. This how it was during the last 5 or 6 years – since I’m addicted. If I give up nofap, I know it will stay this way.

    When I think about situations when I was on nofap for about 2 weeks or more, my range of responses is 5-9. I’m becoming more confident, more willing to initiate, spending time with people, and even competition gives me satisfaction. At the same time appreciate the time when I’m alone-reading books or listening to music makes me a lot more fun. Generally I’m in better mood.

    After some time the habit/addiction becomes a part of our personality – as long as you keep PMO it is indivisible. Our personality is not a constant- it is a process. Addiction can affect anyone in a destructive way, especially when you are young. Are you confident? Are you clever? Are you responsible? This does not mean that you always will be. You can ruin that all. I did. Don’t take these for granted.

    Today I’m 22 and I DO NOT KNOW WHO I AM. I can not say which of my qualities are actually mine and which are the result of PMO/ or problems I numbed with it without solving. I rediscover my identity and basic personality, which most people do in their teens. It’s the most challenging and valuable thing I’ve ever done…

    “Human birth is painful, especially when he gives birth himself in adulthood.”

    Tl;dr: PMO changes your personality.

  524. First morning wood….in 2 years!

    First morning wood….in 2 years!

    I woke up today, and to my surprise, I had a crazy morning wood going on. This was the first time I felt like a teenager again (I am 25 right now)!! It might be too early to say that my PIED is gone (only 20 days in), but I definitely see this as a tangible showcase of the recovery process!

    Stay strong fapstronauts!!

  525. 30 day report! Tips and experiences so far.

    30 day report! Tips and experiences so far.

    This is a curious post, because it is both my Personal Record report and my 30 day report. I would like to post my tips to reach to this point and the stuff that has been happening to me and alongside me throughout this month. But firstly, I’d like to express how proud of myself I feel after reaching this day.


    -Cold showers have been amazingly helpful during the hard days (from 7 to 17, more or less) and awakening during the flatline days (from 17 to 27). They are an “easy” and cheap way to reduce your urges and metaphorically, it inspires your body to embrace short-term suffering for long-term benefit.

    -Sport. Another easy way of getting rid of that extra energy and generating dopamine for your anxious brain. It helps you to develop a healthier body and therefore, grant you more self-esteem to continue your journey.

    -Self-speech. This may sound a bit crazy or odd, but speaking to yourself when you are on your own, or near a risky time period on which you can relapse easily is very self convincing. I also try to stare to myself in the mirror to generate awareness.

    -Warning period analysis. Try to find out the hours of the day on which you fap the most and totally abolish computer-usage or any distracting PMO-causer that may turn into a relapse. In my case, for example, after lunch and before bed.


    I honestly don’t believe in these ‘superpower’ theories but I’ve noticed some improvements in myself.

    -I have become a better football player since I started. I wasn’t a goal scorer and now I get to score some goals and show more attitude and courage when it comes to defence and attacking chances.

    -I asked a girl I met in a gaming convention out on a date after a week of chatting with her. I got postponed (most definitely rejected) but I am very proud of getting to do that, as I had never done something similar with any girl before.

    -I feel generally happier and more possitive to face difficulties through this month.

    -The only drawback has been related with exams. Due to the sexual urges and distractions in libraries (damn girls dress as sluts to study and it is quite hazardous for me) I have failed ALL my midterms. However I am completely into this. However, it is worth and I believe I will pass my final exams and solve this.

    Finally i’d like to thank you all. I wouldn’t have done this without you and I encourage all the starters to try to beat this lustful and filthy addiction. STAY STRONG!

  526. 98 Days in and radical changes are still happening to me
    I rarely post anymore however for this I will make an exception

    by nysyn

    within the past hour I have had an epiphany. Without NoFap I would not have had the mental clarity to realise a personal problem. My Ego has been subconsciously holding me back my entire life. Porn has blocked me from seeing this. 98 Days in and radical changes are still happening to me. I have made the conscious decision to forget my ego. I will be happier person. I feel physically lighter and more carefree.

    I have always cared about trying to look cool, or trying to come across a certain way. and even when I was at half of my current streak I thought I had all this sort of thing handled. But now I can finally let go. fuck approval, fuck validation seeking. I can do anything. Even if no one reads this I’m happy I can look back on the date I discovered my ultimate sticking point. Because for me personally I feel the problem I had with my ego was holding me back in life in the same way as porn used to.

    Also NoFap is at 80k members?? ;D woohoo onwards and upwards!

    Stay Strong.

  527. I feel like I’m 16 again :]

    I feel like I’m 16 again :]

    The world is suddenly full of all these beautiful women with nice smiles, eyes and laughs.

    Even girls that wouldn’t be considered ‘hot’ I look at and see beautiful PEOPLE.

    A girl I’ve known (classmate – not close, but we’d interact once in a while) keeps catching my eye! How she rocks forward on her feet when she laughs. Her smile and goofy stories she tells.

    God damn it feels good to have illogical crushs floating around my head again. I’m 21 and havn’t felt this way in YEARS.


  528. 1/3 report..35 days no PMO+ hardmode= improved me

    1/3 report..35 days no PMO+ hardmode= improved me

    Honestly, its been about 36 days since I started no PMO but the results I’ve seen are very obvious to me.

    I have put on muscle, look healthier, smile more and i can actually stand to have people touch me.

    There are so many subtle benefits which i cannot describe, and i don’t want to get overconfident but i feel like i have made more progress in this reboot compared to any other. No pmo will help for sure, but it’s also a mindstate to improve your life.

    I still have a long way to go as my mental and emotional state is still a mess. To put it short im at 1/3 of the 90 day benchmark and for anyone thinking about relapsing or struggling to start no PMO, just do it! I cannot stress how much crap disappears from your brain and you start to take a stand about who you are and what is important to you.


  529. 30 days? Feels more like 6 months

    30 days? Feels more like 6 months

    Wow, 30 days since I’ve jerked off.

    This is probably the longest I’ve gone since discovering masturbation as a child. That’s pretty intense.

    Anyways, figured I’d post an update.

    But before I do, I have a question… has anyone noticed their dick shrinking in size when erect since starting nofap?

    No? No…? Yea, probably just me. Weird.

    Anyways, it’s been a HELLUVA ride so far. It seriously feels like I’ve done more and been more alive in the past 30 days than I normally would in 3 months.

    It’s also been a roller coaster– from ridiculous urges I could BARELY control, to my sex drive completely gone. From “super powers” to feeling extreme melancholy and loneliness… and way more.

    Quite honestly, in many ways, I feel like a completely different man… that’s it, I feel more like a MAN. I’m more decisive, less bitchy, less sympathetic towards myself and I treat people better.. I’m nicer (sometimes).

    I’ve kissed and danced with more women the past 30 days than I had the past 3 years. No girlfriend yet, but that’s something I’m seriously needing.

    I’ve started being creative again, writing, soon to get a guitar and learn how to play/sing– something I never even imagined I was capable of.

    My business is the one thing that hasn’t had a great improvement; but in time it will. I’ve been dedicating myself to having fun and being open to new experiences more than anything else, and that can be pretty time consuming.

    I’m planning on leaving the country with a one way ticket either on my birthday, or directly after New Years. I have no idea how long I’ll be gone, where I’m going or what I’ll do, and that’s the way I want it.

    I feel ALIVE for the first time in I don’t even know how long. Even when I feel really down, it’s OK because I’m feeling something, and I’m able to be more rational, I can deal with it. I can also find the strength to push past it and force myself to have fun or do something productive.

    I’ve certainly screwed up my fair share. I’ve edged numerous times, stopping after just a moment. No porn; but porn was never my problem (strange for this community, I know).

    And in general I just feel… human, and myself. It’s almost hard to explain… to sum up all the crazy fucking emotions I’ve dealt with the past 30 days, and how even at their worst, there was something EPIC and GREAT about them.

    As much as I’m tempted to jerk it sometimes, I really hope I never do again in my life. I honestly don’t see the point. I understand there are differences in opinion on that, but for me, there’s no point ever jerking off again (doesn’t mean I won’t!).

    I know some people are going to read this, look at their 56 day badge and wonder “what the hell is wrong with me?? Why don’t I feel anything like this?”

    To you people, I really can’t stress this enough:

    • BE FREE

    It’s easy to be the guy that shuffles through life, half feeling sorry for himself and half trying to hide it. It’s easy, but it isn’t fulfilling. Stop waiting. Stop waiting for someone else to fix your problems. Do something that scares the shit out of you once a week. Do whatever you need to.

    Anyways, this community rocks. No fap rocks. That is all.


    TL;DR I don’t blame you


  530. My 30 Day Report

    My 30 Day Report

    I would just like to say how great a community this is in everyone supporting each other in reaching their goals, whatever it may be. I have tried to be as active as I can, and I have fallen back on this subreddit whenever an urge has come along, and I’ve been able to suppress them.

    I’ll talk about things that have changed first. The biggest change is that NoFap has forced me to become productive. I’ve gotten a lot more adrenaline to do things. I want to clean my room now, I want to go out and exercise, I want to apply for jobs and be a contributing member to society and not just a slob who sits in front of the computer all day.

    NoFap has allowed me to stay busy doing things I never thought I’d do. Not because I didn’t think I could do it, but because I never had the extra desire to want to. I was asked by one of my good high school friends to join a trombone quartet with a couple other high school friends, and I figured why the hell not? It’s been so great catching up with those guys, and we were able to pull off a gig this past week. It was awesome! I also decided to take a crack at doing stand-up on open mic nights on Tuesday because another friends wanted to do it, and again I figured why the hell not? That’s been a cool experience getting up there and trying to make people laugh outright, and I’ve made some new friends from it as well. I’m also learing a bit of HTML/Javascript/CSS in my spare time, and I’m about to launch a website for my dad. I’ve always tried to steer away from learning web development because I always convinced myself that I was too busy to learn. Turns out it really isn’t that hard, and it’s a lot of fun for me as well.

    I would say that I’ve been going 30ish days strong with no problems. Pretty much up into this point I’d be right. PMO was always in the back of my mind, but I knew that it was bad doing it on a consistent basis. I knew it was bad because I saw the side effects right before my eyes a few times. There were times where I couldn’t get it up for my partner, and I knew PMO probably had something to do with it. So I’ve abstained pretty well for 4 weeks.

    But these past couple of days have been hell. Absolute hell. I’m getting unbearable urges now. It’s like my brain is begging me to relapse and trying to find every which way to convince me that it isn’t a bad idea. It’s gotten to the point where I’m starting to convince myself that fapping once a month isn’t disastrous anymore. Hell, my brain is basically saying “I’m okay with not watching porn, but you gotta give the man downstairs some release, PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!”

    I’ve been holding off in every which way I can, but the edge is real. And it’s getting to be extremely challenging. But I’m not giving up. I’ve been liking the results of NoFap too much to be giving in. And I know I have the willpower to keep going.



    Not going to do an “update” or anything, I’ll wait til day 90 I guess, as per tradition. Just thought I’d drop a small line though, which is to say:

    Holy shit, NoFap is probably the best thing I ever did. I don’t know if it’s correlation or causation, but jesus christ is my life better now than it was 60 days ago. I didn’t start a business, no, nor did I save a puppy from a burning fire or anything like that, but I FEEL SO MUCH FUCKING BETTER. Just, comfortable with myself is probably the best way to describe it. Not shy, not embarrassed, not ashamed, not full of self-loathing.

    Stick with it, that’s what I’m saying. It’s really worth it, it really, really is.

    So not day 60, but almost

    by therealnumbersix

  532. my porn usage and that I might have resented women

    NoFap made me realize something about my porn usage and that I might have resented women

    Porn is difficult to let go of in many ways, and some of them are surprising. A few weeks ago I remember reading somewhere – maybe here – someone writing about the temptation to find out what your favorite porn star is doing. Not what movies she is doing but what’s going on in her life, after all, many of them use Twitter and such. The person who wrote this essentially said it’s not worth it, it’s only addiction speaking and that every single porn star has issues, otherwise they wouldn’t be in the field. Even if they seem normal and balanced, they have issues.

    This latter thing struck my mind. Immediately when reading that post I thought about the porn star whose Twitter I could take a look at (I refrained from doing that). Then, when I thought about her having her own issues, I felt the strangest feeling: relief. Schadenfreude. Happiness even.

    This weirded me out. First of all I don’t want to be happy for other people’s problems nor am I usually. Besides, I’ve liked this porn star. Not only did I watch her videos I took a look at her Twitter a few times to know what she’s doing in life. Why would her misfortune make me happy? Was there something about me I wasn’t aware of? I thought about this and why I felt so.

    I came to think that many porn users resent women. Not all and porn usage doesn’t necessarily cause resentment, but if one resents them from the start it’s easier to watch porn or project it while watching porn. I know I haven’t had a male role model as a child. My mom was a single parent and her problems with alcohol and depression messed up my childhood pretty badly. Later as a teen I wasn’t very confident around girls, while at the same time I took society’s message that getting girls would make me validated to heart. So I didn’t really believe in my abilities to get women interested in me while I also felt I had to in order to not to be a loser. No wonder there was room for unconscious resentment.

    How does this relate to porn? In porn you can watch your favorite girls (usually people watch their favorite porn stars, only a search for novelty tends to break this habit) getting used or even mistreated, depending on the porn you watch. Deep down you feel you couldn’t get this woman, so it brings you satisfaction to see what is done to her. At the same time it brings you dissatisfaction, because it’s not you doing those things, only some other people. So the resentment grows even more.

    Why did the thought of that porn star having issues make me happy? Because I felt free from her. The fact that I liked to watch her movies meant she had power over me – the power she no longer had after I quit porn. Even more, the thought of her having problems that had something to do with her porn career meant I was actually in a way above her.

    Now I’ll be clear here: I don’t like to feel this way. What I found out about myself disturbs me, but I also understand how these feelings came to be. They stemmed from being powerless, not taking initiative in my own life and from low self-esteem. My conscious mind doesn’t wish that porn star unhappiness. On the contrary, I wish she could have a happy life and hopefully quit doing porn. Right now I’m focusing on developing myself so I could feel compassion towards her (and all women and all people).

    In my case it’s not just porn that was the problem, there were self-esteem issues as well. And even though for the longest time I thought that porn is just fantasy, it has nothing to do with how I actually relate to women, that’s just not true. I don’t know what my unconscious attitude towards women has been, but I want to treat them with respect – not only because of them, but because that’s something a man with healthy self-esteem would do. Therefore I won’t be dating for a while, this is time for me to discover things about myself. That also means no release except for wet dreams, since I’ve quit not only P but MO too, but whatever.

    Nofap has really been a great decision. I wouldn’t understood this without it.


  533. I’m a socially reclusive 28 year old masturbator who just had an

    I got a dopamine high…

    … from meeting new people. I never, ever expected that would happen to me but it did.

    I went out to a singles dinner in my area as I have occasionally in the past. It’s usually pretty awkward as it tends to be a gathering place for the desperate and socially broken. I myself have a social problem where I disappear inside myself and can be engaged in other people’s conversations without saying a word.

    This time I met another awesome guy that I clicked with immediately and we became one another’s confidence. The girls were just as awkward and uncomfortable to talk to as is average for one of these evenings, but I had a ball because I wasn’t alone thanks to this complete stranger.

    After two or three tables, we were moved to the attractive newbie table. Three gorgeous ladies who were there for the first time all at one table. They had suffered through the social desperates and looked willing to run away by the time we arrived.

    I have never in my life had as much fun with such beautiful strangers as I did that night. It was all so natural. We fed off one another’s confidence and ended up getting strange looks from everyone else as we howled with laughter. When the time came for us to move on, they even begged the hostess not to move us.

    I never dreamed that I would have a night like this. I’m a 28 year old socially reclusive masturbator of 15 years who has only had two very short term relationships (both by online dating) and I was handling my ultimate fear (attractive single women) with no problems at all. I couldn’t sleep from the rush!

    I owe that random guy a hell of a lot. We both decided that we are now mates and will be seeing a lot more of each other in future as we seek to end our mutual singleness. Best of all we got the numbers of all three girls (who are best friends, we discovered) and we all agreed that we must go out together again sometime.

    But more than that, I owe you guys and this NoFap journey. Without this I wouldn’t have had the confidence to strike up the conversation with my new mate in the first place.

    Keep strong, my brothers. There is real power of change in this journey. My life is already better than it has ever been and I can only see better days to come.

    TL;DR – I’m a socially reclusive 28 year old masturbator who just had an awesome night out with male and female random strangers that gave me such a rush that I couldn’t sleep. Fuck yeah!

    EDIT: For those interested in what the difference was and where I’m going to take this, read my comment here.

  534. 30 days. Feel much better but problems are evident.

    30 days. Feel much better but problems are evident.

    by neffiman

    Im a 33 year old single guy, who has a similar 10+ year P abuse story as alot of guys on NOfap. Not native English so forgive mistakes plz..

    my journey so far: finally made to 30 days after trying all year. My Pattern of failing has been like slipping every 1-3 weeks, binging and pmo’ing for for a week and then cursing myself and promising to try harder next time.
    what’s really made the diffence this time is that i have managed to stop edging and fantasising. The other times I usually fapped a little bit when the urges were strong, to sort of “take the edge” off it. But by doing that you’re really setting yourself up for failure by giving yourself a shot of dopamine and building expactation of O sometime soon.. At some point you will O and for its very easy to say to myself that i might as well just watch some P cuz i already failed and i might as well watch some more P and then binge and usually end up watching the same nasty kinky stuff or a bit worse that you I last time I failed.

    The Point is: DONT EDGE. and try not to fantasize though this is almost impossible to control. I guess the key to getting through those difficult first 1-4 weeks is try to be as asexual as one can. For the past week i’ve been feeling like it would be almost impossible for me to relapse again, but I know it totally possible.

    Benefits i’ve noticed:

    ENERGY: yep, when you stop fapping your energy levels go up pretty quickly. I’m on the go all day, have a physical job and lift 4 times a week. I’ve been on an intensive bench program for about 4 weeks and its going above and beyond my expectations! The feeling in the gym is almost always great opposed to when i’ve been fapping and have missed reps and gone home before i was done, etc. Also, I feel better in the morning. When fapping i was Dead in the morning, now i feel like waking up and getting started on my day.

    CONFIDENCE: I wouldn’t say i have been feeling Alpha male, but i’ve definitely been feeling increasingly calm and steady, like nothing in the world can shake me. I do feel like I am simply a better person now and i guess other people sense that. My confidence is still slowly rising and i’m still thinking of myself as a pathetic porn addict alot of the time which i s something to work with.

    SELF CARE: I’ve also been more interested in taking better care of myself. it’s just a lot of small things, like remembering to brush my teeth EVERY day, taking a shower Every day, with cold water. I’ve been better at cleaning up around me and not leaving mess everywhere. I’ve bought a bunch of new clothes and feel like improving my looks. I’ve been cooking more great tasty meals for myself.

    MUSCLE TONE: Not sure if it’s Not fapping or what, but for the past few weeks i just seen to be popping out alot more muscles when i look in the mirror. I have been lifting more than i’ve ever done, but man im turning into kind of stud! feels good 🙂

    COLD SHOWERS: Been taking a cold shower for about a minute or two after my normal shower. It feels great when you’re done. Skin and hair feel perkier and it gets the circulation going. But the best benefit is the mental aspect. You teach yourself to embrace discomfort. I try to think of everything bad in my life everything that annoying, makes me sad, is difficult for me, etc. etc.. and Then i step in the ice cold water. I clench my fists and i think to myself: ” I can handle it. All the shit life has to throw at me, I can TAKE IT! look im standing here in an ice cold shower, fists clenched and SMILING!” yeah guys try to smile while you under there it really boost morale so to speak. And use totally cold water otherwise you’re kind of telling yourself: I can’t really take it. I Know im not quite strong enough..”

    WOMEN AND DATING: Well.. I’ve Been realizing just how many incredible women there are in this world. And lucky me, i still have plenty of options. I’ve been going to the movies with a very nice girl, we have just talked and laughed a bit and nothing else at all. I don’t want to push for anything. I’ve been thinking about her alone in my bed at night a couple of times but i really want to try and minimize my sexual desire as much as i can for the time being. I just want to CONNECT with people. Using P as much as i have ( and alot of you guys i know) you just turn into more and more of a loner. More about that on next point. As far as dating i’m not sure if i want to date a lot of woman or just kind of wait for the one. I guess maybe i should date alot to find the one. I’ve done some dating in the past and even met a few nice women who really liked me. But i never felt 100 % good about myself and and end up withdrawing back to the lonely lair and you know what. To sum up: i’m seeing a nice girl, there is no sex we’re just a man and a woman who go out and have a nice time together. Actually perfect for me right now.

    SOCIAL LIFE I’ve been a total loner for a long time. It has always been a tendency of mine to get enough of other people and withdraw. But Using P puts these kind of tendencies to use and makes hate the entire rest of the world. You turn into a strange being not needing or wanting to giving a shit about other people and what they’re about and have to say. You walk around despising other people. And it’s an engrained habit just as strong searching, watching and whacking off to porn is.

    This is where i really have to work on myself in the future. I want to get to know people. I want to rediscover TALKING. I know i used to do it. I want to be FUN to be around. I used to be that too, long ago. Ok i still talk and am sometimes funny, but its always a bit strained and not quite natural. I dont know what to tell you guys about it but this seems like the hardest part to fix right now. So much of the time of just the quiet guy. I just can’t think of anything to say to people.. ANY advice here would be super awesome.

    These are all the benefits i think of right now all in all i can just say i feel more AWAKE and lif feels better in many subtle little ways..

    As for flatline symptoms, yes, i’ve had them too. I’ve had many good streaks this year and There’s always a depression that sets in at about 2 weeks. I still feel very down at times here at 30 days, but it feels like the worst is over. It not a really painful kind of depression, but more like just being totally completely EMPTY. Like depleted. And a feeling of being HURT. Like someone really hurt my feelings. And porn does that. Aand the kind of asshole-person you of become with porn, gets hurt like that. So, yeah i’m hurt. And i’m healing. I’ve been had long afternoons of listening to soft, melancholy piano music (Einaudi is good) and just kind of enjoying the pain. Sounds a bit weird. Its like it’s leaving my body or im working with it, trying to feel those strange emotions lying hidden somewhere inside.. Porn does weird sh*t to you I guess is all i can say..

    ANYWAY. Been trying to quit for a long time and right now I feel like i’m finally getting totally free from this awful addiction. I feel my life is already 100 % better than a month ago and i feel like it can still get many many times Brigther, More exciting, Challenging, Happy and Wonderful than it is now! Godspeed to all of you, this is a great thing we’re all (NOT) doing here 😉 and thx so much to this Great community its made all the difference to me to read stories from real people just like myself. A real Person. 🙂

  535. Now that I’ve got a taste of benefits, I’m not going back.

    I’m not an addict but I started watching porn when I was 19 once/twice every week. That’s all. I’m 25 now.

    After starting No fap, these are the benefits I’m seeing.

    Benefits :

        Skin tone – I’m glowing
        Able to Jump out of the bed in the morning
        Rock hard erections
        No Social Anxiety
        Great Muscle tone without working out – This is not Placebo

    Every single day you abstain from fapping you are growing stronger. Old neural pathways are destroyed.

    Try to get the past the 14 day mark and then it is a smooth ride from there on.

    Good Luck to all No Fappers.

    Now that I’ve got a taste of benefits, I’m not going back.

  536. At first I was doing it to get girls

    At first I was doing it to get girls

    by TheTalkingFist

    It was only after several failures that I understood what NoFap really is about. Now, almost a year later, studying in one of the best universities of my country, and in an awesome relationship with a special girl who really cares about me and loves me, this is by far the most important and life changing lesson I’ve learned here on this subreddit.

    “Don’t focus on finding the right woman, focus on being the right man.”

    Now, man up and keep on your journey Fapstronauts! It’s worth it!

    PS: Relapsing isn’t even an option. You’re better than that.

  537. Today, I was put in a situation which, a few months ago,

    As I crawl slowly and painfully out of the dark pit of PMO, an act which could almost be called psychological archaeology, uncovering layers of pain, failure and denial, I am more and more surprised at the changes in me.

    Today, I was put in a situation which, a few months ago, would have caused me huge stress, anger, frustration and anxiety. I was fine. I was, in fact very happy. I am also beginning to sympathise and empathise more with people.

    I cannot pretend that it has been easy, but this site reminds me of the world of pain that is PMO, and keeps me strong.

    38M: Surprising benefits (self.NoFap)

    by James_Palmerston

  538. Through the stumbling I made this list to remind me of the negat

    I am a 26yr old male, been sexually active since I was 15, started watching porn a few years before that, you know the rest. The longest I’ve gone without porn is a month, which for me is long enough to understand the benefits of quitting.

    It took a good deal of stumbling and brutally honest reflection to write this list, I read it when I have urges and go do something else. Through my extensive addiction I have experienced these, and no matter how my mind tries to trick me in the moment, I will experience them afterwards.


    During and after binges I feel:






    weak – I have less physical power, I notice the difference because I exercise regularly







    I have no motivation – I feel drained, I don’t want to read, study or do anything productive.

    I don’t look people in the eye when I’m walking in the street, when not on porn I like to smile and flirt with women, between binges I’m first to break eye contact. As a matter of fact I don’t even have an interest in women or sex when I used porn.

    That brings me to the dreaded Erectile Dysfunction; over stimulation caused me to not get an erection when I was with a woman a good couple of times. I know there are worse things in life, but for me ED ranks high up the list. It’s extremely frustrating to have a beautiful woman in bed and not being able to make love, it is a very emasculating experience. When using I either take a very short or very long time to reach orgasm, because real sex is so much slower than porn, you have to think of the other person, and there are no extremities.

    Which brings me to morphing tastes, I consider myself straight, I have no interest in men whatsoever when I’m ‘sober’. However through the years of use my tastes morphed, I turned to types of porn and did things that I would never have done without porn.

    It is a time sink, during serious binges I can spend whole days watching, and go to sleep feeling completely worn out and unfulfilled.

    I get bad skin. Paleness, rashes and dry spots, I don’t know what the science is behind it, but I look terrible after binges, my eyes seem further in their sockets as well.

    I want to change because it has long since degraded the quality of my life, now after more than a decade of using, the process I’ve been through brought me to this point. If you are still reading at this point, thank you for your time, I know these testimonials have been done a thousand times over, however it feels good to write one myself.

    The devil makes work for idle hands, perhaps these words will work for some as well.

    Through the stumbling I made this list to remind me of the negative consequences. (self.pornfree)

    by Fall7getup8


  539. No Superpowers, just confidence.

    I haven’t been on here in a while, but I checked my counter today and went “Woah! I’m at 52 days!” So after 52 days of this, here is where I stand on things.Superpowers are a myth. (But we already knew that) Sorry, but we don’t get superpowers. However, that’s not to say NoFap doesn’t help. Here is what we get instead. I firmly believe that when you fap a lot you put out a kind of ashamed aura…and girls can sense that. After you’ve stopped fapping, a couple things happen. First, you no longer put out that ashamed aura and second since you no longer have an easy outlet to O, your body goes into a “Lets make this happen mode” and tries to force you into being more alpha.

    The change over the last 2 months for me has been tremendous. For the first few days, I felt like crap. Then after a couple weeks, the confidence started building. I felt the need to dress nicer when going out, to sit straighter, walk with more purpose, basically start to become the man I wanted to be.

    My girlfriend noticed, our sex life has started to improve finally. It’s still shakey, but getting better. But also, girls I don’t know have noticed. I’ve had more girls randomly start chatting me up while I was out and about over the last 2 months than I have had in the last 3 years.

    The topper was last night when I was out at a party going stag for the night since my girlfriend was at a different party and this gorgeous girl took a keen interest in me. We spent a good portion of the evening talking and getting to know each other. We didn’t exchange info because I have a girlfriend and am not going to endanger that relationship, but it was a nice confidence builder. A girl like that would have never even given me a second look 6 months ago and last night we spent 2 hours talking.

    So for those of you who are struggling with NoFap, it’s rough, but totally worth it. Even if you are like me, and still haven’t totally broken the porn habit, you will still start to see results if you don’t force it. (The Porn addiction is a tough one to break, but I’ve gone from 2-5 hours a day down to 5-7 minutes a week in the last 52 days with a couple of exceptions where I relapsed on the porn, not the fapping hard)

    Just let it happen, enjoy the extra free time you have. Use the lack of PMO to get in better shape, do something you’ve wanted to do and become a better person. That’s what I did and if someone with as big of self esteem issues as I have can do it, then you can too.

    No Superpowers, just confidence. (self.NoFap)

    by shadowspawn8652 days

  540. Mathematics too has an explanation for the perils of PMO

    Disclaimer: None of what I have typed below is based on any scientific research. I have only connected the dots between graph theory and PMO, influenced by the fact that graph theory has in recent times been explaining a lot of phenomena in fields ranging from biology, technology, sociology, economics, etc.
    Hi all,

    I am like many of you here, struggling with fighting a PMO habit I’ve had since some 15 years (am in my early 30s). While I was doing fairly well professionally until I was about 28, things started to go speedily downhill only since the last 2-3 years. The trigger? Exactly 3 years ago, I got access to both high-speed Internet and my own apartment for the first time in life. There was nobody to stop me from fulltime PMO now. As many of you have read about it, YBP explains the perils of old-fashioned hard-drive P versus streaming P too well.

    Before 3 years ago, even though I did not know about YBP and nofap, getting over the guilt of PMO was as simple as deleting all my P stash at once and then going clean easily for many days. After getting high-speed Internet, I no longer had to deal with the guilt of having a P stash. It was always there at the click of a mouse. Before I knew it, I was hooked on to it more badly than I was to hard drive P.

    Now that I look back, certain things in my life started to change around the same time:

    1. Exactly since 2-3 years ago, I more or less decreased my hanging out with friends. I am no longer invited to catch up with people in my close circle, nor do I make any effort. Earlier, it used to be quite common that I introduced friends from my college to my co-workers, or my childhood friends to my musician friends, and they used to become friends with each other. Now, I am more or less alienated from everyone.
    2. My professional network has more or less died in the last 2-3 years. There’s practically nobody I can go to today to help me get a job. One by one, I have dropped the ball on almost everyone. After reaching a rather key position in my company, I am now resting on my past laurels and have become an obstructionist rather than enabler of opportunities. I can feel hostility around me at work and have been told by my boss to get it together or leave in another 6 months.
    3. Since about an year ago, I have started developing these strange mild headaches and eye-burning sensation after a binge of extreme-edging PMO sessions. It takes a couple of days and plenty of self-loathing before I recover from this state of zombiedom. Until then, I can’t even concentrate on reading an article. My voice remains thin and feeble and in most situations I don’t feel like I’m even there.
    4. I have learnt nothing new in the last 2-3 years nor developed any new skill. I have caught 10 kgs of weight though and sport a paunch.

    I can go on and on about how PMO is ruining me!

    Today, however, I had a big insight while reading a book about graph theory in maths. The book is called “Linked: The New Science Of Networks” and is available in Kindle format on Amazon. To those who dig/understand maths, the following hypothesis might make sense, and I would like to read their reactions to my theory.

    We are all nodes inside a vibrant “graph of life” that spans our personal/social, professional, habitual and genetic connections. The stronger these connections, the higher the chance at success and happiness we have in life. The stronger our social connections, the more the fulfilling friendships we forge. The stronger our professional connections, the better our career mobility. The more the skills and hobbies that we are good at, the more the justice we do to being human and the more the sturdiness it adds to our existence in society.

    PMO weakens these connections, one by one. Each time we drop the ball on a friend by being emotionally aloof, we break a link in our social graph. Each time we falter on a professional commitment or opportunity, we break multiple links between us and our professional graph. Each year we waste learning nothing new, we watch helplessly as others strengthen their connections to more skills and personality enhancements and leave us behind.

    As anyone who has studied graph theory well would know, such networks are pretty robust and don’t break easily. But when attacked on a sustained basis, they follow a “power curve” before complete breakdown happens. That is, for the first 80% of the time as you go downhill with your PMO addiction, you weaken only 20% of your links in the graph until you reach a critical point of inflexion. After this inflexion point, in the final 20% of the time before complete breakdown of life, you lose the remaining 80% of your links to the graph at once. The chilling part of this is that before reaching the inflexion point, you don’t even realise the trap you are falling into because the loss of 20% of the links is comparatively imperceptible and gives you the illusion of everything being normal!

    Also, you lose some of your strongest links in the final 20%. For example if you’re married, your wife will put up with your addiction more than anyone else and until the end. But if you don’t mend your ways, hers could be the one extremely strong link that will break (complete emotional disconnection, if not separation), leaving you damagingly alienated in the graph at once.

    Sooner or later, we become a rather lonely node in the graph and therefore, irrelevant in our social and professional circles. We find that too many people have given up on us, if not forgotten about us altogether already.

    A similar graph phenomenon must be at work in my mental health too. For the longest time, I didn’t see any perceptible health problems due to my PMO addiction, nor did I even imagine that PMO can be harmful. But the headaches and eye-burning that I have been having since a year must be me nearing an inflexion point of some sort, where some of the very vital links in my health graph must be beginning to break due to the overwhelming and sustained pressure I am putting on my body’s reward system. If I don’t stop now, I might end up with some permanent biological damage due to a vital link breaking off. As I understand, even YBP doesn’t conclusively say if there are any permanent ill-effects of relentless PMO, this being unchartered territory in medical research. But what we should know is that indeed there are permanent health damages, often fatal, due to other addictions – excessive eating, smoking, drinking.

    nofap then is the process of forming these broken links again and increasing our connectivity to the graph of life so that we can once more be relevant to the world.

    I must repeat my disclaimer here: None of what I have typed above is based on any scientific research. I have only connected the dots between graph theory and PMO, influenced by the fact that graph theory has been in recent times explaining a lot of phenomena in fields ranging from biology, technology, sociology, economics, etc.

    I had this insight after reading a lot of books about graphs and networks in the past few days due to something I was working on professionally. It might be scientifically bunkum in the end, but it does give me a framework to motivate myself in the nofap journey.

    To those mathematically inclined on this subreddit, I would love to know your thoughts and criticisms to the hypothesis here.

    Mathematics too has an explanation for the perils of PMO (self.NoFap)

    by tomsawyer99

  541. Female attention WTF?

    So Im on day 37 and oh my fucking god, what is happening?! Girls are staring at me EVERYWHERE I GO.

    Yesterday at the gym, I had several hot girls just sitting STARING at me, its like they are gravitating towards me.

    Then today on the way home from work thru town, I look around and girls are looking at me from left and right.

    When walking towards girls in the street many of them – not all, ofcourse, but MANY are looking me straight in the eyes in a very horny way.

    Ive never ever gotten this much female attention in my entire life.

    Can anyone please tell me what the fuck is going on? This is extreme and it sure as hell aint no fucking placebo, when I jerk it I NEVER get this much attention, EVER.

    Anyone experienced this crazy thing?

    Female attention WTF? (self.NoFap)

    by brighouse29

  542. Does anyone else feel like they’ve just found one of life’s grea

    So two weeks now. Going strong. No real urges to Fap or watch Porn. Probably because my dick feels like it’s gone into hibernation. Barely any feeling down there in almost a week. But whatever, thats what i was expecting.

    Been jacking it 1-2 times a day for the last 8 years. ED all over the place with no hope in sight until i found this place, all the info and success stories. Now it feels like I’m onto something that no one else has discovered!

    All of my mates PMO just as much as i do, if not more and it makes me wonder if they suffer from the same problems as us behind closed doors. I have told them about me no longer PMOing or MOing and they laughed it off. They think, just like society does, that its completely healthy and normal to watch porn. So I just let them laugh, knowing that these last 2 weeks have been more productive than the last 2 months of my life. I’ve had more energy, confidence, self control (in many aspects), anxiety is diminishing by the day, cold showers are my new coffee, I’m no longer drinking or clubbing, procrastination is non existent. I no longer nap during the day (something i used to always do after fapping) and my outlook on life has completely changed. Im so much more positive now.

    Does anyone else feel like they’ve just found one of life’s great mysteries by discovering Nofap?

  543. Porn made me a passive aggressive little bitch..

    A bitch who looks at pictures and videos of naked strangers. A bitch that can’t be direct with telling others how he feels. A bitch who let’s people use him and doesn’t say anything. After 14 days of pornfree I’m becoming a man and little bitch is fading. This has taught me lesson that I need to stand up for what I want in life and I want to life a happy porn free life. That’s my rant for the day. Whatever

    Porn made me a passive aggressive little bitch..



  544. after a decade of living hell…

    …I made it through 35 days. Before meeting this group, I relapsed to PMO anywhere from 1-5 days FOR AN ENTIRE DECADE.

    PMO caused tremendous damage to me:

    • I felt inferior to other people
    • I underperformed at work, was pointed to as the weak link and lost 2 jobs
    • my self-confidence and self-esteem gradually dropped to zero
    • had no goals anymore
    • had more and more self-destructive thoughts
    • was an emotional wreck crying from everything
    • could not learn anything new, I was giving up everything after 5 minutes
    • started having difficulties with even the most basic math
    • Felt I could never approach a girl again
    • was getting fat (actually a combo of skinny + fat belly which is really horrible)

    So basically I was becoming a vegetable because of PMO. Then after losing all hope I googled porn effects on brain. Found “your brain on porn” series. Then I found you guys here. And it is HERE that I finally found the mental strength to finally give up this horrible habit; nothing else helped, and I have tried everything. The community is the only thing that ever helped me (and I spent about 11k $ on random medicine, doctors, gurus, psychiatrists and holistic bullshit along the years)

    After 35 days I found that…

    • It’s all in your brain. Mental support (which you get here) is the only thing that helps against this subtle dangerous disease.
    • I no longer feel inferior to other people when walking on the street
    • I no longer see asses and tits everywhere I look – nor do I care about it anymore. I am finally over it without faking it.
    • i sleep better, i hydrate better.
    • I started doing daily fitness exercises; at first just 5 minutes then 10, then 20. Now I do my daily “300” (random pushups, situps, squats, dips until hitting 300reps altogether)
    • I now eat healthy.
    • I have better cognitive functions and have had first successes (and first congrats from the team leader, yay – little does he know why)
    • I take better care of myself and the way I look when going outside. I no longer feel like a hideous ape
    • I replaced all my 5year old clothes
    • I don’t overspend money anymore
    • I started learning new things on and genuinely like it; I can learn and practice new stuff for almost 2 hours without losing interest.
    • cherry on top: i decided that in february i will go to a fitness bootcamp for 2weeks.

    I finally improved my life, and I owe it to everyone of you.

    after a decade of living hell…

  545. OCD-like symptoms are fading

    OCD-like symptoms are fading

    Ever since I got heavy into porn, I’ve always noticed that I’ve had some minor symptoms of OCD. It was nothing serious, but if things weren’t in a certain order around my room, it was hard for me to concentrate on my work. Now, it’s like they’ve completely vanished. I’m still a generally organized person, but it’s much lower on my list of priorities. I will get the important stuff out of the way, before I start organizing my shit. Anybody else notice this.

    Big Lebowski

    It’s the same with me too mate, when I’m away from porn and ain’t binged or something they go away. I definitely see a correlation with pmoing and ocd. It developed from pmo addiction for me.


    Yep… although it’s not quit OCD, my finger nail biting habit has vanished. I would compulsively chew them away, and they were always just a disgusting wasted nub at the end of my fingers…something I’m very self concise about..


  546. There are no “superpowers”…

    Many people report that after a prolonged no-fapping period, they experience these superpower-like effects of increased confidence, testosterone, competence, sex-drive, etc but I think the term “superpower,” though an apt way to describe these effects, is a misnomer that leads you to believe you’re gaining something that’s naturally external to who you are.

    In reality, I believe breaking the PMO addiction is releasing your body, mind, and soul from its deadly grip in order to become who you truly are. You ARE confident. You ARE smart. You HAVE worth. You CAN have a healthy, deep, satisfying relationship with ALL people.

    Having been addicted to PMO myself for nearly 15 years, I see that I’m finally becoming who I was supposed to be from the beginning. I shudder at the thought of what my life would’ve been like if PMO never entered my life at such a young age. All the horrible memories of mild-depression, lack of self-confidence, inability to socially fit in with girls (especially the ones that I’ve liked), etc – I feel like I can attribute them to my PMO addiction.

    I also had a revelation:

    Imagine if there was a /r/nogreed or /r/forgive or /r/noenvy. I think people are more than just two-dimensional beings that are defined by whether or not they fap. There’s so much more that goes into developing a solid character as a person. /r/nofap has definitely helped me gain self-control over my own desires which has benefited other areas of my life. I want to take the same level of commitment and dedication I have for fapstinence to other areas such as generosity, love, kindness, forgiveness, patience, etc. Imagine what amazing human beings we can become if that were the case. In this way, I believe denying yourself from PMO is a wonderful gateway to realizing your true potential in many other areas of life.

    So stay strong and have a great holiday season my fellow fapstronauts!

    TL;DR – There are no superpowers. You are just becoming your true self.

    There are no “superpowers”…

    by Pafonpafon

  547. For hard cases it may take years for results

    What the crap is up fapstronauts! I wanted to make this post for any of you who don’t see any “results” from NoFap. For those that dismiss it after trying and relapsing after a short amount of time.

    I am just over a year in now. I am just now starting to see real, strong, and permanent “results.” Basically, for the last year it’s been nothing but pain and torture. I’ve edged a lot. Little things like my bed became triggers. I was this close to going but I never gave in.

    I can honestly say it’s been worth it. Some benefits I am only now experiencing include become more extroverted, enjoying life, feeling confident, and many others. One crazy thing is that my mind works 100 times better for analytical thinking. I can see a situation and analyze it. It comes naturally. I feel like I unlocked that other 90% of my brain that people talk about.

    Hang in there!

    For hard cases it may take years for results (self.NoFap)

     by LevelUpMaster389 days


  548. YOU GUYS!!!

    YOU GUYS!!! (self.NoFap)

     by eternalfantasi7 days

    I started this challenge November 1st.

    • Got A Girlfriend
    • Got a 4.0 for the first time in my life.
    • Have had some of the most amazing sex in my life.
    • Have never been happier.

    Love you all, thank you for being so supportive.

    Merry. Fucking. Christmas.

  549. My Dating Life With No Porn – God Mode

    I’m a good looking guy that had zero confidence when I was PMOing 6-12x a week for YEARS. As a result, I had maybe a date every other month and basically zero sexual encounters. That was over two months ago. I’m currently talking with 6 different women, dating 4 of them. Women are damn near blowing up my phone, even sexting me. I’m fooling around with one of them and two of the other girls are asking to spend the night at my place this week.

    Going porn free isn’t the only thing that has helped me in my success; I’ve read a couple books on attraction and seduction. Nevertheless, I feel like a God among men. I hope my success(even if it’s temporary) will be an inspiration to those of you in a rut or just getting started. Carry on gentleman!

    My Dating Life With No Porn – God Mode (self.pornfree)

     by ThisEndsNow168 days

  550. 30 Days with no PMO, 21 Days without Ejaculatory Orgasm

    I can’t believe it’s already been 30 days.

    Some of this reminds me of other major paradigm shifts in the way I saw things, like when I discovered how to look at Christianity through a Jewish lens, or when I become a full-fledged libertarian.

    Other observational posts I’ve made along the way:

    In the last 31 days, I have taken on two othe paradigm shifting concepts: NoFap, and Karezza.


    I can now jump tall buildings in a single bound. OK, not really, but I absolutely am more expressive of my emotions to my wife. I am more friendly in social situations and more confident in looking people in the eye or just saying hello. That’s a pretty serious change.

    I also have more energy in the morning and am not waking up feeling exhausted anymore. I have 40 minute commute in the mornings and by the time I would get close to work, I would often feel like I didn’t sleep at all. No more.

    On a scale of 1-10, before these changes, I would say that my mood would average out to a 5. Some days 4, some days 6, rarely a 7.

    Since I started NoFap+Karezza, I average an 8. I feel much better.


    When I started, I was in the midst of an increasingly bad ED. I was having flatline periods with no libido. Had a couple of dead dick experiences. After 30 days, I have seen some definite improvement. The head of my penis is really sensitive during oral sex, and my erection isn’t going away as quickly as it was before.

    At times, I would get a 70% erection and lose it by the time I got on top to penetrate my wife. That’s no longer happening.

    Urges to Relapse

    Before I started Karezza, I was already following some advice on here about daily bonding behaviors. After 14 years of marriage, my wife and I never went to bed at the same time because I was staying up to wait until I could watch porn and masturbate in private. We immediately started cuddling at night. I learned later about neurochemicals and their ability to ease withdrawal symptoms.

    My urges to watch porn have been very minor. I feel like the secrets are:

    • Hit Rock Bottom and really have a strong reason why you are doing this (I did when PI-ED was beginning to affect sex with my wife and it was devastating. When I discovered it was PMO, I was relieved and ready to start)
    • Learn as much as you can from others’ reboot accounts and from
    • If you can, get daily physical bonding, kissing, cuddling, making out, slow sex. It eases the cravings
    • Stay active here and read people’s rants. I’ve seen so many “I only made it 1 day, 3 days, etc. and I feel like crap” postings that I recognize that relapse is going to equal depression or flatline, and I’m not going there.
    • Contribute by encouraging others, tell your story, post and help out new rebooters


    At Day 30, and I’ve had a couple of days where I felt off, but like I said, I feel awesome.

    20/20 Hindsight: I see now that problems I had with mild clinical depression in college coincided completely with my discovery of edging to porn. I was doing it to myself.

    As I’ve read in other reboot accounts: I recognize that my increasing periods of low-libido and low-energy over the last 2-3 years were flatlines that were related to my PMO habit.


    Do I miss orgasms? Amazingly, no. I recognized during the 1st 10 days, that I felt different on days after my wife and I had sex. I recognized the symptoms, low-energy, brain-fog, exhausted feeling. I finally put 2+2 together and realized that it was the orgasms that were doing it to me.

    Gary Wilson’s site is basically the bible of NoFap, and it was there I was introduced to the idea that keeping up a regular schedule of orgasms during a reboot could slow down the healing process. Wilson is also big into Karezza style sex, so I started reading up on that and it made a lot of sense, so I decided to give it a try.

    In the 21 days since I gave up orgasm, I’d had sex 9 times and have never finished the experience regretting that I didn’t have an orgasm. Of course, it takes longer to get to that point of satisfaction than when I was having an orgasm. Generally, my wife would cum at around 7 minutes, and I would a few minutes later and the whole thing was about 15 minutes. Now it’s more like 45 minutes to an hour.

    I’m not into eastern religions, I don’t meditate, never tried yoga. I’m a Christian, but I’m telling you, there’s something there. I had a 2 minute full-body orgasmic experience this week. There was no ejaculation. No after-effects and it was 2 minutes, not 5 seconds. It was amazing.

    If you told me on November 1 that by the end of the year, I would give up porn, masturbation, and orgasm and feel better than ever, I would have never have believed it. Especially the orgasm part. It sounded nuts at first, but here I am with a green star.

    30 Day Report – What I’ve Learned

    by winkwb

  551. 36 days in.

    What’s up guys? I just wanted to give a shout out to this community and say thanks to the folks.

    When I started this I did not think I was addicted to porn. Been fapping to P since I was about 13 or 14. I first found P and started PMOing with a stash of porn videos from my cousin.

    I never got into the extreme stuff but did start noticing “regular” porn videos becoming more extreme with deep throating and slapping on the face etc. Little did I realize it was because the porn industry knows we become desensitized to this stuff, and raises the bar (so to speak) to keep us watching.

    The reason I did not think I was addicted was because I have had steady girlfriends (one for eight years) almost all of my teenage and early adult life. I am thirty now.

    When I found through the website, he suggested to cut out PMO and MO all together. I read the success stories of other guys and said I love challenges let me try this out.

    Boy was I wrong about what PMO had done to me over the years. Here are some of the things I have experience 36 days in so far:

    • Insomnia
    • Lucid dreams
    • Mood swings
    • Light headed
    • Irritability
    • A persistent head ache the first week
    • Depression
    • Flat lined the second week in and still am

    I also noticed with one of my girlfriends over the summer, that I was getting as erect as I use to. Also it would take me a really long time to O if she was performing oral on me, but not so much when I was actually sleeping with her.

    Now keep in mind I am doing this on hard mode. I have been dating girls for a long time now. I swore off dating for all of December and decided to try this and other challenges to keep my mind busy in the mean time. I have no PMO or MO or O once during the past 36 days.

    Guys it is not that bad. It can be done. I now look at women not as pieces of ass to screw or meat, but as people. I had my first wet dream since high school the first week doing this! It was messy but it was a sign that something had been wrong for a long time. I have had on and off erections in the morning, but I have mostly been in flat line the past two or three weeks. Rejection doesn’t even matter to me anymore as well, if I decided a girl isn’t right for me or that she doesn’t like me I can move on the same day. If a professor in school is a douche to me, it is easy for me stick to my guns and either defend myself or move on without a problem.

    Now about those super powers. Here are some of the things I have noticed. Keep in mind I have been confident and working out for a long time already but here goes:

    • Less anxiety out in public
    • Easiness talking to people and strangers
    • Girls looking at me when I am shopping or walking around
    • Increased focus and determination
    • An increase in testosterone, leading me to lift heavier at the gym
    • Increased caring about others
    • More emotion when I listen to music or watch a sad video
    • Depression had all but faded away except on the occasional bad days
    • Loneliness doesn’t bother me so much anymore, it is all about goals and achievements
    • Closer to family
    • Not looking at girls as pieces of meat

    I mean the list goes on guys! Those are the things I have noticed so far. Keep at this man. Check out the 30 Days of Discipline program by Victor Pride over at Bold and Determined, follow the tools for change at and kick ass! It can be done and just from 36 days in I feel it is very worth it. Especially looking people in the eye without shame and knowing you are a disciplined bad ass. Good luck friends!

    36 days in.
  552. These are negatives of PMO which I observed.

    Hi Guys, Since I’ve achieved 26 days of No Fap hard mode.I decided to share some thoughts ive collected in my mind and in your minds here on NoFap during no fapping. These are negatives of PMO which I observed. I would like to give big thanks to all of you and encourage you to fight battle to ressurect your life. Real life is worth it definitelly with all good and bad things. Stay vigilant Bros.

    Well these are the negatives, you can transform them to positives if you give up fapping 🙂 I would be thankful for your reactions on my thoughs and for adding your own. Its like version 1.0 so take it easy. Thanks a lot. Well and sorry for my english, I dont use it at all in my real life. 🙂

    PMO Negatives in my eyes :

    1. Reduces self-confidence (It can tranform you completely from extrovert to introvert)
    2. Induces feelings of inferiority, remorses and feeling of shame, searching for faults by other people instead of searching our own faults.
    3. Makes beta males from alpha males (you can just watch porn, not touch it or control it, you’re subordinate to porn and actors in it).
    4. It drains your body and soul ( We can say it literally sucks your energy out of your body, but our body is complex chemical factory ( it produces hormones and lots of chemical substances and elements that affects quality of our lives. I would say it affects our appearance, feelings, manners, behaviour,… This all is caused by chemicals. But these chemicals are produced in good ratio only when we live fair life to oneself and to other people.
    5. Reduces the ability to concentrate, to achieving your goals
    6. Leads to demotivation, to escape from real life(Life on PMO is virtual world based on pixels). Live in reality not in virtuality!
    7. Induces neglecting of duties and your family, friends, … and eventually results in complete abandonment of your friends, failing at school, work…
    8. It Hurts yourself and people around you.
    9. Changes your sexual requirements and tastes ( higher expectations of your life partner appearance, requesting disgusting perverse sexual techniques from your partner).
    10. Due to perfect bodies of porn stars… leads to lack of interest in your partner, neglecting, hurting… in some cases in divorce.
    11. Leads to sexual dysfunctions (Erectile dysfunctions- Disability to be sufficiently sexually excited by your partner …problems with erection , disability to built intimate relationship with your partner, lots of other mental and physical diseases and dysfunctions)
    12. Very easy and „pleasant“ access to false dopamine source thanks to masturbation… because of it we don’t need to achieve more complicated goals in our life to gain dopamine reward. Too much dopamine reduces number of dopamine receptors… increasing of addictive substances… PMO… works like drugs and it’s drug in fact.
    13. Spending more and more money or time by downloading and watching porn.
    14. Causes Emotionally unstable human with no good perspectives.
    15. Complete waste of time which could be used to please others and yourself in return. Your time should be used meaningfully to make you and other people happy.

    I think I will find tons of more as the time goes.

    I like any of you guys. Have the happy life.

    PMO Negatives in my eyes(self.NoFap)

    by muzzlik


  553. There is no such thing as “superpowers”!

    A lot of guys here seem to always talk about getting these abnormal, “superpowers” when abstaining from PMO and I am here to tell you there is No. Such. Thing. As. SUPERPOWERS!!

    For what is a “superpower”? it is something that is abnormal, extraordinary! out of the ordinary.

    And these effects that we feel when abstaining like; increase focus, no brain fog, clearer memory, sharper eyes, healthier face, way more energy/productivity, better body definition, less acne, glowing skin, massive confidence etc. Is not due to gaining superpowers, it is not out of the ordinary, They are just YOU becoming NORMAL. That is who YOU are, that is what YOU are meant to be! That awesome great, confident man that we are when we are on high NoFap streaks, that’s YOU naturally! yes, YOU are meant for greatness. And that is the man we have kept enchained in a self-made prison with the shackles of PMO and it’s time to unleash him, to stop keeping our true self captive.

    And that’s why we are not gaining superpowers, for they do not exist, what we are gaining is our life, the one we were meant to live, our true self, our manhood that has been deaminized, assaulted and enslaved to PMO and that is what we must strive to take back. God bless.

    PS: That is also why some people who never had a problem with PMO, who fapped maybe once or twice a week claim they see no “superpowers” because they are already who they are meant to be, they have not numbed themselves with PMO. Though they will still benefit from cutting out PMO entirely, the subtle difference will be, to some people, almost unrecognizable and therefore not sought after!

    There is no such thing as “superpowers”!

    by Tsoliades90

  554. So…initial scepticism out of the window. This shit works.

    Just a quick report on my findings as of day 15.

    The first week was interesting, after a few days had a good energy boost, this quickly faded into the second week where it mostly felt like nothing was really happening and just felt…well normal as I had before. That was until today..

    I generally get along with my workmates fine, but I’m not much of a joker/good at banter. I joined in today without even thinking about it, and someone even commented that I wasn’t usually this cheeky. I usually shy away from banter is the thing. I think the self discipline in nofap is helping me to build confidence and believe in myself. That is a superpower for me and I’ll keep going with it. I’m not on ‘hard mode’ as I a married, and I have had sex twice since starting noFap. Both times felt about 100 times better than when I was fapping!

    Keep at it dudes and ladies

    So…initial scepticism out of the window. This shit works.

     by Smugallo

  555. Big THANK YOU to you all. This subreddit changed my life

    Just wanted to say thank you to all the supporters out there. I’m 5 days in but my life feels changed forever.

    Against all odds, I met a great girl online. We went out for the first time last night and we both had a magnificent date. We had been talking through text the previous 3 days and all the flirting culminated on this date. The attraction and chemistry was so strong between us that we were already holding hands an hour into the date. Wine and dine and we finished the night with a movie, good conversation and plenty of kissing.

    While my beliefs in things happening for a reason are strengthening, I really think this subreddit helped push me out of my comfort zone and into a whole new realm of controlling my own reality.

    Simply put, last night was amazing. We were all over each other and the whole time I felt confident and happy. Back before I started this 90 day challenge, I lacked self confidence and couldn’t keep eye contact that long. I was always drained of energy and seldom felt like going out and meeting new people. I feel like a changed man. This girl I met is seeing a side of me I wish I would have shown years ago. And the best part is we already have a second date scheduled.

    Fuck that PMO addiction. I’m kicking it. I have this girl now and the attraction I’m feeling stems way further than physically.

    Thank you all for your continued support! If we were in a bar right now I’d buy you all beers. It’s weird feeling this happy but I feel it’s well deserved.


    Big THANK YOU to you all. This subreddit changed my life (self.NoFap)

    by johnboy9210

  556. NoFap is not a joke people

    I am a past skeptic towards NoFap. I came here suffering from ED which I believe was brought on by too much porn. I had no sex drive, I was depressed, I had no self esteem, I was at rock bottom.

    I am currently on day 15, and immediately I have noticed I feel energetic all the time now. My sex drive is back and roaring and it’s been a struggle to keep from relapsing. I feel more confident, I don’t stutter when I speak, my mood has greatly improved, and I’m not wasting my time pondering negative thoughts as much as I used to.

    I feel like the alpha male in me is being awakened through NoFap. I cannot wait to check back in at day 90. Good luck everyone

    NoFap is not a joke people (self.NoFap)

    by PineappleBearcat

  557. Just found out PMO kills my athletic ability and coordination in

    So, for the past couple of months I’ve been on these several week periods of nofap. I used to only break it only once every couple of weeks with masturbation without porn and then jump right back into it. And what also happened during that time is that I started playing really good ball in our weekly basketball pick-up game with colleagues. My jumpshot was sharp, coordination was there, I made good passes, made the right decisions in an instant and without even thinking about it. I was so confident that I just went for the right things and they worked. It was amazing.

    All of that was going great until I fapped my way back to porn. These last couple of days I’ve had a porn fap every day and today, on the basketball court I was SHIT. My shot was wonky, no consistency, had to think twice about every decision thereby fucking up and making turnovers, didn’t have a killer instinct to go for loose balls and so on. I just felt very sloppy on the floor.

    I am 99% sure that these two are correlated. And this really motivates me to take the nofap thing seriously, because on that basketball court the change in my performace was so evident and vivid. I can only imagine how it messes with my abilities in other spheres of life.

    TL;DR Falling back into porn made me a shitty basketball player and that showed me how powerful nofap is.

    Oh, and this subreddit and all of you guys are awesome. Keep on fighting the good fight!

    Just found out PMO kills my athletic ability and coordination in basketball

  558. PMO: God, I F**kin’ Love It!

    Sometimes I read posts on here talking about how someone relapsed and upon reflection “they didn’t even really even enjoy it.”


    My last relapse taught me a very important truth: PM is the best fucking thing in the world. There is no drug you can buy with money that feels as good as a long edging session along with novel, enticing, heart-pumping videos. God, I love it; It’s the best.

    Which is why I can’t do it anymore. The truth is hard drugs like cocaine and meth make you feel fucking amazing too, but it sincerely ruins people’s lives by trading responsibility for pleasure, control for panic; turning one into an obsessed, self-serving, lifeless shell of a human.

    The 2-3 days following my last binge proves that PMO does the same thing. My life energy was zapped; I became a far less present, less connected, less loving person and wasn’t nearly as on-point with doing the things I knew I needed to do.

    I’m not saying PMO is sin-incarnate and that it’s the cause of all of your problems, but what I AM saying is not to underestimate the loss of your life force, your masculine energy, your sexual power, your internal fuel.

    Tonight I had a strong urge to look up videos online and revel in the juicy enjoyment of PM. But I thought about that loss of drive and I remembered an old definition of self-discipline: it’s not about denying yourself a pleasure, it’s about choosing a better/higher/deeper desire OVER your superficial desire in that moment.

    And I’m telling you it is more desirous to be a bold, courageous, strong, artful man – full of presence and purpose and direction and love – than to continually dip back down into that steep, greedy downward spiral of flat, dispassionate, self-medicated pleasure.

    Which will YOU decide?

    PMO: God, I F**kin’ Love It!

  559. 30 day report, and on “Superpowers”

    30 day report, and on “Superpowers”

    I’m going to preface this by saying that the reason I started experimenting with NoFap was due to depression.

    I have a deep seated belief that we are an overmedicated society, and while I’m not disputing the validity of anti-depressants for some people, I wanted to exhaust all “natural” means of changing my way of thinking first.

    To make a long backstory short, after failing every course of a semester at uni, I traveled to 7 different countries and worked on a ski resort over the winter in an effort to reset my brain. While those experiences proved valuable in the realm of self-sufficiency, and certainly provided me with moments of happiness, returning home only greeted me with the same feelings I thought I had left behind. What I realized was that what I was doing was distracting myself from my problems (much the same many of us do with PMO). After all the time I had spent trying to distance myself from my depression, it didn’t hesitate to find me again when I decided to make another go at ‘real life’.

    To paint a picture, here I am, living with my parents again, going to the local community college to get back into University, zero friends, very lonely.

    When I found this subreddit it surprised me, the concept of abstaining from PMO had honestly never even crossed my mind.

    So after a few false starts, I finally made it to 30 days. Please keep in mind that the effects I’m about to list are happening in the face of mild depression, so while they may seem minimal they are in fact, a very big deal.

    I’ll do this chronologically because I always find it useful being able to identify with certain points of people’s journeys with respect to where I am personally.

    Day 1-5.

    Nothing changed, zero arousal, no urges, I swear my penis shrunk. I always seem to flatline at the beginning of my streaks.

    Days 5-10.

    By day 10 I still hadn’t experienced an erection. I was feeling a general restlessness, which at first was really annoying to me because it meant I was no longer fine with just sitting in bed mindlessly browsing reddit. Why was this no longer fun to me? It took me a while to clue in that maybe I should do something with the restlessness.

    Day 10-15.

    The restlessness had extended itself to my sleeping patterns, generally not falling asleep until 3AM. I started reading, and finished two books in the 5 days. I started looking around for things to do, and realized there was a lot of shit I needed to get done. Booked an appoinment to get contact lenses so I could start driving and get my driver’s licence finally. Read up on bicycle maintenance and did a complete tune-up on my bike, replacing cables, spokes, and pads. Practiced parallel parking until I could do it blind.

    Day 15-20.

    Sleep is still a big issue, and these intrusive erections don’t help. I can barely go a day without hitting the gym to release some of this energy. I quit caffeine, mostly in an effort to get a good night’s sleep and because I don’t feel I need it anymore. Besides this new need to constantly complete tasks, I’ve noticed that I’m better able to remember names. I’ve always been the type that forgets a person’s name as soon they tell me, but for some reason they stick, to the point where my coworkers rely on me to know the names all the other new people because I know them all!

    Day 20-25.

    I’ve found myself doing a lot of things I never would normally do out of pure boredom. For example, I applied at my city’s most popular breakfast place for part-time serving just for the hell of it, ended up having a great conversation with the owner. She told me I really impressed her and as soon as she needs someone I’d be the first one she calls. I’m taking yogalates classes now FFS. I don’t even know what yogalates is!

    Day 25-30.

    Started getting random compliments. A girl at work told me she loves working with me because I have such a positive presence. After work I saw the boyfriend of one of the hostesses sitting at the bar by himself waiting for her to get off work, asked him if he minded if I joined him and we just talked. Turns out we’re both pursuing the same major. He gave me his number and told me to join him and his friends for drinks sometime. That’s never happened to me.

    I’m still struggling to stay positive, but for the first time I feel as though my happiness is something that is once again within the scope of possibility. Those who have struggled with depression and the crippling hopelessness it tricks you with know just how huge an emotion like that is.

    To address some of the “superpowers” I seem to have listed here, I don’t think there’s any such thing. I don’t deny that my personality has improved this last month, but I believe those traits are simply emerging due to one thing, and that’s the restlessness I mentioned earlier and the feeling of deep dissatisfaction with my current way of life that it brings. I can see how much I have to do to get my life where I want it to be, and I’m finally ready to do the work it requires.

    That’s it. Once I got that feeling, the rest was all me.

    So here’s to dissatisfaction, and the possibilities it forces us to consider and the life it inspires us to pursue.

    To those of you coming up on 30 days like me having started nofap in the new year, congrats! Let’s see some reports!

  560. New found determination and productivity

    20 days into NOPMO and I realise that everyone’s experience is different. But I have this incredible energy and almost aggression to get things done and to improve my life. I was wondering if other people have experienced this? It’s amazing to feel like you are achieving things, self confidence is high and able to deal well with setbacks! I hope other people have noticed this because it is an incredible feeling

    New found determination and productivity
  561. NoPorn Confidence Explained (Women’s Edition)

    Last night I read /u/RainFallsOnEveryone ‘s post where he outlined the effects of porn on men. I decided to translate his post into a women’s point of view.

    Part 1

    -We look at the porn stars in the videos and want to be desired as they are so we have a low level of respect for ourselves because that’s what porn sex teaches young girls: You are disposable, you are a hole for him and nothing more. An object

    -We consume more porn, seeing these “perfect bodies” that we couldn’t be like without plastic surgery/heavy makeup/flattering camera angles. The perception of what is real has changed.

    -Our self respect is lowered and our confidence is even lower.

    Part 2

    -The women in these videos are selected because of looks and most importantly (to the industry) their breast size, and appearance of vagina.

    -Most of us have ordinary vaginas, probably unshaven but not always. We have uneven labia minora and majora. Our labia might be a weird shape/size/color. Our breasts are normal. Our rears too fat/flat/square.

    -By watching porn we are brainwashing ourselves to think that we are not normal.

    -Comparing ourselves to the people in porn we feel inadequate, this forms an insecurity and shy away from sexual intercourse. (And being social in general, at least I find.)

    Conclusion – It’s not possible to have self-respect and confidence while watching porn.

    Solution – Stop watching porn. This thinking goes away. You will be able to be social again. You will want to talk to new men and women.

    This is a post about NoPorn, not NoFap. Masturbation itself has it’s own consequences and effects.

    Edit* – I wanted to add another note, I feel these effects really depend on one’s level of consumption. Someone who watches porn maybe just once in a while likely wont feel this way. But people who watch it consistently will feel these effects.

    NoPorn Confidence Explained (Women’s Edition)

    by LCD8724


  562. 30 day report!

    I got out of class at 10:50 with one thing on my mind…the urge was so strong, I ran out of class. I had to be alone. I had to be somewhere no one could see me. My heart was racing, my palms were sweating. I get to a solitary place…open up my computer…go to my typical site and start looking for that one thing that will satisfy. You know what I mean. I mean research. A key article on the topic I am considering for the paper I will likely use for my writing sample for Ph. D. applications in the fall. I’m high on life, I love research again. I’m no longer thinking about a break after I finish my master’s next year, I want to go all in. Sure, I had an INSANE week and ate two doughnuts this morning, but whatever, they were delicious. It’s day 30, perhaps I’ve earned it.

    Seeing that 1 month star next to my name is like snagging up my Donkey Kong plushie out of that claw machine that one time. Sure, there were some tough days, but thus far it has been worth it. So friends, keep going, and I will too. We’ll make it!

    30 day report!


  563. holy shit im talking to girls!!

    holy shit im talking to girls!!

    I used to be the kind of guy who was shy as fuck and really socially awkward but today i was on the bus and a smoking hot chick sat down next to me and we actually held some small talk and eye contact. while it doesn’t sound like much, this is coming from a guy who couldn’t look at any girl without going beet red. this is goddamn amazing, and to think that there’s been such improvement after just 11 days- unthinkable. i’m smiling at girls as i walk past and they smile back. and in general, my confidence levels are through the roof. i feel in the zone and my study habits have also rocketed. it’s like my whole life has changed.

  564. 46 days report…Age 25

    Hi guys.. I have never posted on Reddit before so forgive me for my errors.

    I have been an avid reader on nofap. You guys have been an inspiration..:):)

    Before nofap i used to msturbate to pictures and porn. I always thought what could be wrong in that. I even mocked my religious friends for being a pussy.

    But i always thought there was something missing my life. An hollow feeling that i need something to fulfill me. I would never follow up on my goals and dreams(not entirely true). As i would spend hours edging and spending a lot of time downloading etc, I would always be the one not to like the academics ( even though i am really much more curious and problem solver than many of my peers). I was really out of shape and depressed. My general tendency to lie and manipulate people was also at its peak. I would use seduction techniques ruthlessly and left a trail of hurt people. As the college ended, i joined a decent job which i hated. The pressure of working and managing relationship forced me to a break down. A panick attack in the middle of the night forced me to introspect. After many days of searching i found No Fap.


    Quite frankly i never thought it would be possible to do no fap for more than 3 days deliberately. As i looked squarely at entire dopamine cranking dysfunctional behavior i realised it for what it is. Started little bit of zen meditation. Started respecting people more and taking care of the little things. Now i am more confident in looking at the ladies. I am able to take small small decisive actions. Quite my job. Moved back to my brother’s place started improving my relationships with him and sister in law. Seriously looking to get back into research and teaching(water resource and environmental) so that i can contribute my fullest to the world.

    46 days report…Age 25

    P.S Still now i get the urges, flat lines but thanks to the community i can accept what it is. lets see how the future unfolds..:):) God bless you all..:)

  565. A year off of nofap, and a big realization..

    It’s long, but I’m going to share the story of my last year, and a couple times from further back in my life. Hopefully it will encourage my fapstronaut brothers and sisters to stay strong and reap the rewards 🙂

    One year ago, I made it four weeks on hard mode. After that, I convinced myself that it was ok to PMO occasionally and I did. I think I actually got so excited with the progress I made in that month that I thought it wasn’t necessary for me to continue. I started to PMO every few days.

    I think it took a whole year for me to really see this clearly:

    As soon as I went back to occasional PMO my progress started to fade. I started dating a girl I wasn’t right for. I was really lying to myself about it being ok. I started to be much less effective as a supervisor at my work. Also, I stopped going out as much.

    I felt like I wasn’t addicted any longer, and maybe I wasn’t. Even using PMO every few days was draining my energy. Eventually, my relationship fell apart, I started smoking again after a 3 month quit, and PMO became a nightly thing.

    Older history: Before finding this community, I did nofap on my own a couple different times in my life, and now I can see clearly what those times in my life led to: The first time I trusted my self and did nofap for a month in 2009, that led to my planning and execution of a cross-country motorcycle trip. The second time I did a month, I made a lot of spiritual growth and it led me to apply for an AmeriCorps position that changed my life.

    Now: I’m 6 days in and I think I’m seeing my year clearly for the first time. The foggy effects of using PMO are so subtle that they can creep back into your life without even realizing it. Don’t give up! Be honest with yourself and don’t make excuses for why you don’t have to do this! We are here for a reason! PMO is a sneaky sneaky thing. Thank you all for the support, fapstronauts. Let’s take accountability and keep at this.

    TLDR: Be honest with yourself and don’t let PMO creep back into your life. Looking back you will be amazed at what you could accomplish without the brain fog. I sure am. 🙂

    A year off of nofap, and a big realization..


  566. 47 days report (benefits)

    -Confidence through the roof. You have to get out to see you’ve got a BEAST with crazy social skillz inside you, zero social anxiety then. Eye contacts are made easily.

    -Magnetism. Men act friendly and girls tend to flirt with you. People are calling you to hang out. You are no longer invisible. You are ALIVE.

    -More energy. You have to do something physical to notice it.

    -Music sounds better. You are more sensitive ( sadder, happier). You laugh for nothing like you were high (increase of D2 receptors).

    -Recently, it’s like my brain is getting balanced. I feel something that I have never felt before. As a matter of fact, before nofap, when someone ignores me, I couldn’t feel nothing. I didn’t care about. Some days into the reboot, when the same situation happens, I could feel a lot of pain even when I know it’s better to be separated because the relationship is not healthy. Something that is more painful than the withdrawals for porn addiction. I could even have headaches for that. Now, since day 42 or so (I’m 47days in), I feel myself more balanced. When a girl ignores me and I know that the relationship we had is not healthy, it doesn’t affect me a lot. It’s like I can finally judge whether I can be with a girl or not peacefully, without the effect of the affection I have for her, etc. In short, it’s like I’m gradually not dependant to a relationship/friendship with a girl anymore. Here is a subject that I posted recently, 6 days ago, before this new state of mind to show you how I was:

    -Healthy libido? I’m flatlining since day 1, mentally (asexual) and physically (not able to have an erection). Since day 30 or so, the mental flatline is gone. Yesterday, I had the first serious urges that make me think I was finally getting out for real. At the same time, always yesterday, I’ve experienced my first slight social anxiety since day 1 that makes me think a switch is occuring (not a negative one like the anxiety is coming back because I don’t feel it anymore but a positive one. Maybe I’m really getting out of the flatline). Note that I used to be socially anxious everyday, even when I go to shopping, before nopmo. Now, since day 30 or so, I feel that I’m sexual. Not that I’m horny as hell chasing for sex etc, but just sexual, the exact opposite of the asexual part where I was in since day 1. That’s like a peaceful state of horniness, never felt a thing like this before. I wouldn’t deny if someone says that’s my healthy libido, my natural libido.

    -My face look waaayy more manly. I like the man that I see in the mirror. Before, it wasn’t like that. It was just strange. I couldn’t feel the manliness in my face.

    -My skin is cleaner !

    -My voice is deep at times. I guess it’s not stable yet.

    -I don’t exercise apart from some push ups that I do irregularly but I gain easily muscles.

    -I finally talk about NoPMO with some friends without shame since when they feel strange about me, I just replied with honour that it’s more than 40 days that I didn’t do that and that was definitive 🙂 However I didn’t tell them that I was addicted. I just told them it can be addictive.

    -I’m not a dancer but I notice that there is more harmony with my members when I dance which makes me want to dance by the way.

    -I’m not a rap singer either but I do better on it now. I used to do it for fun and it was horrible. Now it’s not anymore.

    -Those 2 last parts show that my right brain, the creative one is working better.

    -Memory? In my first reboot, my memory had become photographic. I don’t feel it this time but I guess I gotta decrease the time I’m exposed to the screen. Otherwise, I can’t judge whether my memory is improved or not because I had done some huge memory exercises in the past (brain workshop in google). Note that when I had the photographic memory, it was before those memory exercises and my memory was waaayyyy better that what I experienced with those exercises as benefits. Well, you know what photographic memory means. That was amazing

    -I’m more articulate when I speak (Left brain working better).

    -My beard grows faster. Before nofap, it took one month to show up. Last month, it took 4 days to feel it’s showing up. I don’t know. that’s the first time and my first more or less real beard so I don’t know whether it’s got to do something with nofap or not. Anyway, I got my first beard with nofap. Coincidence? I couldn’t tell you.

    -My testicules are slightly bigger. Maybe that’s normal because of the abstinence. Sometimes, it’s like I’m about to come. I’m sure I would if I didn’t change my position or do something to avoid it.

    -I’ve got a wet dream at day 36 and yesterday, I was about to have one yesterday again (day 46) but my subconscient avoided it by waking me up. I don’t want to have them and now, my subconscient knows about this mindset and tries to do its best to avoid it. I’m sure of that because that’s not the first time it avoids a wet dream by waking me up. I could have many of them.

    I can’t list all the benefits. I might update this list when I recall one of them. The only thing I can say is I’m a changed man… Now I haven’t done something useful for my life with those tools but I will soon.

    I don’t know but it’s worth the battle ! Stay strong ! This stuff is magic !

    47 days report (benefits)


  567. stopping PMO helps control my alcoholism

    Just a note in case anyone is interested, I think stopping my PMO/MO addiction has had really positive effects on my subsequent efforts to control my drinking and weed smoking. I’ve always been a heavy drinker and smoker, I quit drinking years ago for about a 5 year period but it was a battle, a very difficult process. Eventually I started drinking again and subsequent efforts to not drink always failed. I generally could not go one night without some sort of drink/smoke. If I tried I’d honestly freak out a bit due to intense cravings and end up at the liquor store or bar to get my fix. Cravings for booze were always stronger than for weed as its easier to get, literally its always right around the corner. I stopped PMO/MO in October and have noticed that in the last few weeks my cravings for booze are largely gone. Last week I went Sunday-Thursday without any drinking, and without a struggle against cravings, which is a huge accomplishment for me.

    I have a theory that the PMO life made my dopamine so up and down that the cravings I experienced were due to that, and the use of booze was to ‘smooth’ them out. Remove the PMO and the ups/downs are gone so the booze is not necessary. While I still enjoy drinking (too much I know) I don’t feel that intense need for it anymore, at least at the present time. Further, I am able to sleep without drinking which is such a relief. In the past if I didn’t get a drink I could not sleep which would lead to problems at work, so I always drank to ensure I could sleep.

    Anyways, if anyone has any comments/questions don’t hesitate. Just wanted to get this into the YBR archive in case its of use to anyone in the future.

    stopping PMO helps control my alcoholism
  568. I have had crippling anxiety for years and only realized

    No question about it, it’s like walking in fog. I have had crippling anxiety for years and only realized that when I didn’t masturbate it was totally different. And I never masturbate without porn. So the two of them have become inextricably intertwined. How messed up that is.

    This is war for us. I really believe that we fight slavery. Our minds are bound to this. We can win! Good luck!

    Wow.. completely blown out of the water

  569. “I can BREATHE!! The world is fantastic.

    Nice post man. I know that feeling. Like you, I’ve seen a lot of other fapstronauts reporting that their ED has gone after a number of days of NoFap. Me personally, I’ve noticed that I’m getting interested in things I normally wouldn’t be, like reading a book for hours. I seem to notice the trees and my surroundings more. I seem to be able to look women in the eyes when talking to them, along with that feeling of confidence. It’s really interesting.

    “I can BREATHE!! The world is fantastic. I cannot speak enough of the praises of giving up this stuff. It’s in all of us; the true man.”

    Your last sentence basically sums up NoFap. We can all do it.

    Wow.. completely blown out of the water

  570. 60 days – Definitely notices some changes

    It’s been over 60 days since I have viewed porn and I have noticed some changes. First, I feel quite a bit more focused. I have been more productive at work (tho I still have more room for improvement). I do not think about sex as much as I used to, and I have felt a significant decrease in my “sexual objectification” of women. I have begun studying a foreign language and studying martial arts. While the temptations for porn are still there, it is becoming easier for me to ignore them. My guilt is starting to leave and I am beginning to feel clean. Your stories and experiences have been a strength and true resource for me. Thank you.

    60 days – Definitely notices some changes

  571. Hi, awesome your’e 15 as well!

    Hi, awesome youre 15 aswell! i dont think theres alot of teenage guys doing this, but honestly its their loss imo im on day 6 and i feel fucking great. Fapping for me had lost its pleasure and didnt feel worth the time anymore

    Chicks are twice as fucking hot and my mind is no longer fogged and im more clear minded. Feels fucking great

    Hello /r/nofap I am a 15 yo Fapstronaut

  572. 28 Days Later

    TL;DR – Porn addict, noticed amazing benefits after 24 days

    I’d like to share my story of porn addiction & nofap (be warned it’s long). Ever since 12 years of age, I’ve been obsessed with porn. As soon as I found out I could cum, and that there were pictures of naked women easily obtained, I got hooked. In the tabloid newspapers in my country there would often be a pic of topless girls, or girls in just their bra and underwear. What I used to do was cut these pictures out of the paper and by 14 years of age I had built up a softcore porn stash. Actually it wasn’t even a stash, I had them up on my bedroom wall but my parents didn’t seem to mind.

    Anyway, eventually I found the internet and I got even worse. I didn’t have a connection in my house so I used to go to my local internet café armed with a usb stick and put as much porn as possible on to it. I continued this for 2 years until I got the internet in my own house, after which point I downloaded at least 2TB worth of porn between age 16-23.

    I had very little contact with girls during the period of time 12-17 years of age. I kissed about 4 girls in that time. One offered me a BJ but I couldn’t get it up (thanks porn!). I had no girls as friends and not much contact with actual friends. I was generally shy and withdrawn. I used to go out with friends to play soccer on the street and then leave after 10 mins because I wanted to go back to porn. I became moody and withdrawn. This despite me being labelled as “the most popular guy in the class and very intelligent. Likely to have a great future” when I was 11.

    Anyway at 18 years of age I luckily met a really hot girl with an incredible personality. I was with her for 3.5 years and in the first 2 years I felt back to my normal self again. I was happy, sociable and confident. At first I had stayed away from porn as I felt my gf was enough, but then I got back into it as our sex life dwindled. Eventually I was on it 2-3 times per day like old times. I developed ED (not sure if PIED or performance anxiety). Me and my ex argued a lot, I began college and made zero friends due to my old unsociable self returning. I continued to be an intellectual success regardless of porn use, but every other area in my life suffered. My ex eventually dumped me by text message in March 2012 after us not having had sex in over a year.

    I then began a work placement and got back into porn big time. I would watch it in the toilets in work twice per day and jerk off to help deal with my break-up, it was pathetic. I was always down about the fact I was such a social failure, generally a failure with women and too unmotivated to play on a sports team. I used to go out to lunch in work with people of my age but never talked much or contributed anything to conversations. I was too shy and anxious.

    I then had a beautiful moment in December 2012 and found Gary Wilsons video. Despite being an intelligent guy, I had previously never considered porn as the source of my issues. It was amazing to have an explanation for why I became who I am. I recognize that it is my own fault that I got hooked on porn, but I believe it is the addiction to porn which has hindered my development. Since Decmeber 2012, I’ve been in a struggle with my addicted brain. I’ve realized it’s the source of my problems but my brain had been dependant on it for years so it was trying to rationalize porn usage. The longest I went was 55 days without porn, but I knew I wasn’t committed enough. I kept going back. Using it to deal with loneliness, anxiety, stress, depression. Despite what it had done to me, porn was all I really had to deal with my problems. I wasn’t open enough to talk to parents or counsellors, so i jerked off. I was literally abusing porn in the same way an alcoholic abuses booze. It’s amazing how it caused me all these issues and I still wanted to keep using it.

    I then realized on January 12th of this year that I need to give up this shit for good. If I ever wanna be the person that I have the potential to be – porn needs to go. Since that day, when I knew it was gone for good I have got myself a job (despite being unemployed for the last year), I have attended 6 meetup events and met lots of new people, I have kissed a model, my social anxiety is significantly reduced and my health anxiety is also reduced. I am getting morning wood, spontaneous erections and I’m an extremely positive guy compared to just a month ago. I’ve had at least 5 or 6 bouts of proper laughter for the first time in a long time. I know I have a battle still ahead, and I still experience periods of anxiety and bad moods but the point is that this has been the best decision I have ever made. I used porn to deal with life for the last 9 years, but now I’m dealing with life myself – and I’m fucking loving it.

    28 Days Later

  573. It took me a half year and many relapses to get her

    I´ll make it short, things that I noticed:
    -less depression
    -more confidence
    -social interaction is so much easier
    -feeling good about life, more optimistic
    -depper voice, more energy, better in sports and lifting
    -i don´t know why or how but people seem to notice me if I haven´t fapped for at least 7-10 days

    It took me a half year and many relapses to get here (before discovering YBOP I fapped every day, sometimes twice)….but I can say NoFap clearly works 🙂

    The bad thing is ….I relapsed the last 3 days in a row so I´m starting over again….back at the beginning…

    55 days


  574. 30 day report – Read this if you’re losing hope!

    It’s amazing to look back and see how far I’ve come in these past 30 days. I still have a long way to go, but I am so happy to have reached this point since it has been a long and tough journey.

    Before ever finding out about NoFap, I started to realize the effects of porn addiction on my life, and I even tried to quit many times on my own to no avail. Then a few months ago I learned about this forum and started abstaining from porn and masturbation. I actually got to 25 days on first try, but I started edging and of course spiraled down that dark path we all know so well. Ever since then I couldn’t go more than a few days without fapping.

    Finally 30 days ago I said enough was enough and got serious about this. I realized that it wasn’t just masturbating to porn that was the problem, it was looking at porn at all that was ruining me. At first during this recent streak I would take quick peaks whenever I had the urges, but I trained myself to get up and do something else whenever this happened. Over time, I had fewer and fewer urges, to the point where I now have absolutely no urges to look at porn! If I ever have sexual urges now, my first instinct is to go out and meet up with girls, not pull up pictures of them on the internet. This is the first time in my entire life that I’ve had this feeling, and wow it feels amazing. Thanks to this, I’ve now met an awesome girl that I’m currently seeing.

    That’s not the only benefit I’ve had from NoFap. I also now have way more time to get work done with the extra hour I have everyday from not fapping. I’ve even gained 10 pounds of muscle over the past few months. It’s amazing because I feel like I used to work out more often before NoFap and not make any substantial gains. Maybe it’s the extra testosterone in my system?

    I’m also way more positive about life. I recently looked through my journal entries and noticed how hateful I was to myself before NoFap, not even realizing that porn was what was running my self-esteem. Since getting serious about NoFap, all my posts have been positive and happy.

    The thing I am most happy about is overcoming my social anxiety. Before all this, whenever I went outside I would feel afraid and exposed. It’s hard to explain this feeling, but I think of it like how a mouse feels when it’s in the middle of the room, wanting to run away and find a hole to hide in. I would hide how I felt most of the time, but these feelings made me want to stay in and only want to talk to my close friends. I’m happy to say I no longer have these feelings, and I enjoy going out now and meeting new people whenever I can. I have absolutely no problem with talking to anyone now, and I couldn’t care less what anyone thinks of me now.

    Finally, one thing I want to comment on is that I’m starting to develop a genuine respect for women now. I used to regard women essentially as sex toys for my pleasure instead of real people. I’m disgusted by how I used to think and how I’ve probably emotionally hurt some of the girls in my past with this mentality. I now see women as real people with real personalities, and this has made my relationships with them so much better.

    All in all NoFap has no doubt made me into a happier, healthier, and more social person. This has really been the best decision of my life, and I owe it all to everyone in this wonderful community.

    30 day report – Read this if you’re losing hope!

  575. I’m actually feeling what it’s like to be red blooded human male

    I’m fast approaching the 40 day mark for only the second time in my life.

    And this time round something is definitely happening.  It’s been so easy up until now, but today my libido is ridiculously high.  This is real libido, and I’m not sure I’ve ever felt this before.  In the past it has been the brain wanting a dopamine hit.  But this is raw libido.  I think I am actually recovering.

    And this worries me a little bit.  I need to learn to transmutate this energy into something else until I can find a real mate.  And I need to not get random boners in public.  And I also think in my sleep that I could easily ‘sleep MO’ without even knowing.

    I’m actually feeling what it’s like to be red blooded human male right now.  It feels good – strong & powerful.

    The difference this time around is no alcohol what so ever and plenty of vegetables eaten to bump up my nutrient intake.  Oh, and I am starting to actually want to go out and socialise in new settings too.

    Oh My Word
  576. Just my list of pros and cons of NoFap so far, feel free I add y


    • More motivated Happier
    • More Calm Less anxious
    • More confident
    • More focused
    • Feel better looking
    • Care less what other people think
    • More empathetic
    • More conversational
    • Carry myself higher and stronger
    • Girls look me up and down (in a good way)
    • Girls approach me
    • Feel better than everybody else (not in an arrogant way, in a self-confidence way)
    • Much more assertive (standing up for myself)
    • Worry less, give no fucks
    • Able to talk to anyone
    • Unafraid of conflict
    • Unafraid of social interaction
    • Gains brah, gains
    • Girls look better
    • Want girls not porn
    • Sing better (I hope lol)
    • Come up with songs easier
    • Music sounds better
    • Feel more emotions than before Can control anger/aggression
    • Play better in sport
    • Feel faster Feel stronger
    • World looks brighter/more beautiful
    • Mist/fog beginning to lift
    • Thoughts are more gathered
    • Can think better
    • Deep thoughts on a regular basis
    • A lot more positive in outlook Get more excited without nerves


    • Can’t fap
    • Boners are frustrating as fuck
    • Random boners galore People deny it’s validity
    • Porn/sex is fucking everywhere
    • Extremely hard to avoid porn
    • Focking everything sets a boner off lol

    Just my list of pros and cons of NoFap so far, feel free I add your own if you want!

  577. 60ish Day Report: You’ve got to be kidding me

    I started NoFap with some doubts, and I had a lot more depression, social anxiety, and loneliness 60 days ago. Originally, I did it to get better with women, but after the second week(when the increased energy kicked in) I realized I felt better, and I should do this for me.

    Around days 35 to 50, I flatlined, and it hit me hard. It made NoFap kind of easier, but I was the most lonely and depressed I’ve ever been in a long time. I got through it though, and around days 53-55 I felt like I came out of the flatline.

    I can’t believe how much progress I’ve made. I went to two parties last weekend, and at the first one, I only knew a couple of people. By the end of the night, I knew mostly everyone. At the second party, it was more of all my closer friends, and they all complimented me on how good I looked since I probably lost 20 pounds since I saw them last. My confidence has been through the roof this weekend. I’m still in denial that I met several women that were attractive and some new guy friends that had the same interest and humor as me.

    I made the mistake during my last attempt by letting the confidence go to my head and justifying a relapse. That will not happen. I’ll see you guys at 90 days. Good luck, everyone.

    60ish Day Report: You’ve got to be kidding me

  578. Clubbing Whilst NoFap vs Clubbing After Relapse

    These are the effects I have had on a night out whilst on NoFap and whilst Fapping, I admit some of these might be placebo effects or just a coincidence but the way I see it, if a placebo effect still works then theres no difference from it being the actual thing.

    Clubbing Whilst NoFap

    • You feel like you are on a mission
    • Speak to people much easier (girls and boys)
    • Feeling more dominant and alpha than other males
    • Weird sense of euphoria when kissing and drinking
    • See someone you sort of know and get to know them easily
    • Girls make eye contact more (maybe just coincidence)
    • Progressing with girls who make eye contact
    • Jump in for any mates who are involved in a fight (Maybe not a good idea)
    • More aggressive
    • Find things funnier (Maybe coincidence)
    • More inclined to be yourself
    • Warm buzzy feeling when drinking

    Clubbing After Relapse

    • Following your mates around instead of them following you because your a boring bastard
    • not being able to talk to people as easy
    • Not feeling good enough for girls
    • No sense of euphoria
    • Not pulling
    • Night isn’t enjoyed as much

    Clubbing Whilst NoFap vs Clubbing After Relapse

  579. At age 41, I have been into PMO for about 35 years.

    85 days [score hidden]

    I am about to hit 90 days. At age 41, I have been into PMO for about 35 years. Assuming you are familiar with the YBOP material – the high-speed internet “extreme” problems really started the last decade and have been very extensive the last 3 years.

    I have gone through a massive change emotionally and psychologically over the last 85 days of nofap+pornfree.

    I have not had any magic changes in my body, other than enjoying real sex a lot more (see below) but I wouldn’t totally reject the notion that physiological changes may occur for some ( especially a teen).

    Super Powers: I am very hesitant to label/describe my personal changes as magical, or some of the things that get thrown around.

    HOWEVER, the description of “waking up from the fog” is absolutely what I have experienced. Emotional connection, empathy, seeing my wife for the jewel that she is, coming to terms with my objectification of women, etc. It really has been like a bit of re-wiring and benefitted me in several areas. Not to mention gaining back a few hours EVERY DAY that we’re getting wasted.

    I attribute much of this to stopping multiple-hour, daily porn (I NEVER just fap or just porn, always as a pair). Prior to my current streak, I haven’t been fap-free more than 7 days MAX in all that time, and since I’ve been an adult, it always included porn.

    Sex: I have some added benefit in sensation ‘down below’ and get going a lot faster. I’ve not had any real ED issues, other than sometimes needing to fantasize about pixels just to get started with flesh. 100% non-issue now. Also have removed the concern about what damage death gripping, etc. might contribute to ED at 60 (at least I’m not adding to it, if I was).

    The part that rocks, is the emotional connection I have with my wife – foreplay is electric, extended and gratifying.

    I could go on, but my answer is really “your mileage may vary.”



    SO.. aftering PMOing for the last time, you feel the waves of shame and guilt rushing against your minimized ego. You are downcast, your self-esteem is once again in ruins, you feel as if you are falling deeper into this inescapable whirlpool. You search on google “quit porn” and bam, this forum comes up. You surf the forum, read multiple testimonials about the benefits of nofap, their past and now, realize you are not much different from their miserable pre-PMO days. You gain confidence, you make a resolution, you decide.

    At least that’s how my nofap journey started. I was so damn sick and tired of jizzing on the bed and feeling the massive guilt and shame that wasn’t washed away, along with rest of its deleterious side effects: social isolation, anxiety, lost ego, dysfunctional thought process, dysmorphic self body image, etc, etc. Yes, my addiction was severe, and most likely more severe than yours.

    When I joined this community and went serious with the nofap thing, i suffered serious withdrawals.. withdrawals that seemed to be much worse than I could handle.. at the time. I am talking about full-blown social anxiety on top of my already existent social anxiety + isolation, depression, loneliness, HOCD, ruminations, suicidal ideation, decreased concentration, extreme EXTREME agitation and irritability.. the list of the symptoms goes on and on. It was literally hell. Then, after the first three weeks, the symptoms subsided slowly but surely. Then i hit 30 days, 40 days, and eventually 90 days before my stupid relapse.

    The thought hit me. “Why live this life empty without the very pleasure that gave me the rush?” Well shit, that night I binged on PMO for 8+ hours, ejaculated x3, and felt the crazy dopamine rush with tremors, shivers, chills, sweating, eyeballs dilating, etc etc… Then after few days, all the hellish withdrawal symptoms came back with the same severity. It was absolute hell. Only difference was, the withdrawals subsided quicker, but regardless, hell was still hell.

    ARE YOU QUESTIONING “IS THIS WORTH IT?” HERES MY TWO CENTS ON THIS TAKE (more like two hundred dollars content wise)

    It took two blows for me to really understand its effects but now I have definitely learned my lesson.

    Porn is a destructive drug. It is not much different than the other drugs out on the streets. As a med student, I know the sympathetic (fight or flight) response drugs usually create. For example, cocaine increases dopamine and adrenelin levels in your body to cause tremor, sweating, pupil dilation, nausea, vomiting, aggression, euphoria, and all the rest of crap. Then, overtime, the over-stimulated dopamine receptors become essentially desensitized in your emotion centers, which leads to the psychiatric manifestations including depression, anxiety, decrease self-esteem, dysphoria.. etc. That’s why when you are withdrawing, the dopamine receptors becomes irregularly sensitized, which leads to unexpected episodes of jitteriness, anxiety, anger, mood swings, OCD, etc etc. Serotonin pretty much work the same as well. Its a freaking drug. Every-time you dope on PMO, you are destroying your brain (specifically the meso-limbic or emotion centers which are modulated with dopamine). There’s also a major destruction of your inhibition centers along with this doping effect, esp your frontal cortex, which leads to greater addiction and less impulse control and self-discipline (thats why you see alot of PMO addicts with other addiction problems as well such as obsession with gaming, drinking, etc) There’s also release of this evil protein called alphafosdelta, which enhance your addiction circuit so that you don’t get the high unless you trigger your dopamine rush. Anyways, all in all, PMO LITERALLY MESSES UP YOUR BRAIN BIG TIME.

    If you haven’t experienced the symptoms of serious porn addiction yet, read the forums. Most heavy addicts like me (i am talking +10 years with prob >7 PMO a week with morphed sexual fantasies which are rather quite disgusting) will suffer hellish withdrawals. If you feel safe because you haven’t experienced these porn-induced symptoms, and are willing experiment further with this path of destruction, feel free to do so. But ONLY UNDERSTAND THIS: YOUR ADDICTION WILL ONLY GET WORSE. ACCORDING TO THE FACTS, YOUR BRAIN WILL SUFFER THE CONSEQUENCES AND YOU WILL SUFFER ITS DEBILITATING EFFECTS.

    So, answer to the question is, if you are willing to continue to live in the life under the influences of PMO, which is slowly depriving your self-esteem, ego, your future, your relationships, your ability to even truly love and connect, then yes, please continue to do so. However, if you refuse to let this lying scheme rob your basic rights of self-esteem, self-worth, self-control, your future path to finding true love and true meanings, then no.. its just not worth it 🙂


  581. Noticeable improvement in relationship with wife after nine days

    I’m only nine days in, but my wife of five years is already responding. It feels like our relationship is going through a reboot for the better.

    • Wife wants to cuddle/chat in bed more often
    • She goes out of her way to walk by me after she showers
    • She asks me repeatedly why my voice has changed

    The best part is that my lower stress level is improving her stress level. I’ve been so chill over the last week, and she’s taking time to just sit around and hang out with me instead of jumping from chore to chore like she usually does.

    And the way she looks at me when I look at her in the eye is awesome. I couldn’t maintain eye contact before nofap, but now I make a point to look people right in the eye, especially my wife. And she responds so well, smiling more often, making cute little faces. I feel like we’re back in college flirting for the first time.

    Noticeable improvement in relationship with wife after nine days


  582. Benefits so far

    1. My morning boner is back
    2. Acne is disappearing. Skin in general is more healthy
    3. Strength has doubled . I can do 50 push ups w/o stopping now
    4. More energy
    5. No more groggy mornings . No more sleepy mornings
    6. Easier to approach women

    Benefits so far


  583. The superpowers are 100% real

    Like honestly this is not a coincidence anymore. I did not write a 90 day report because I was too busy having fun with my powers. This feeling of dominance and control is just… is just so good.

    I don’t know what to say either than that I’ve become a king. I was always the alpha type of guy, but now i’m even more alpha

    no fap is real, the powers are real. trust me

    I’ll write a lengthy report on my 182.5th day.

    Stay strong boys. We are the master race.

    The superpowers are 100% real


  584. my most notable super powers were:

    Yea there definitely real. You have to go a bit far into Nofap to experience them, but my most notable super powers were:

    1. Improved posture/back straight
    2. Girls stare but its the good kind of stare lol
    3. Clear mind.. seriously this is one of the best for me, when i PMO my thoughts are all over the place and porns always in the back of my mind. With the clear mind tho everything becomes more enjoyable such as listening to music, reading, writing, exercising.
    4. Social anxieties Gone. When pmoing I start to hate myself and try to stay isolated. Even going in stores becomes an issue for me, but not anymore! I love going out now, and I try to make sure I look my best each time,

  585. I used to think I was an introvert.

    Then I realized that I was actually a depressed extrovert. The more I go without PMO, the more I realize that I don’t like being alone. I’m spending more time with real people and I am HAPPIER. Nothing against introverts, if you’re happier alone, more power to you. I’m just saying, the rewiring of my brain isn’t just helping me kick an addiction, it’s helping me discover my true self.

    Fight on my fellow fapstronauts.

    I used to think I was an introvert.

  586. 30days MOTHEFOCKER!!!

    Today in class i realized,” OMFG i didn’t jerk of in 30 days” I literally threw my hands in the air out of victory I am not much of a writer so ill give you my benefits in short

    • More confident
    • Awareness of feelings
    • Other people are more awesome
    • I laugh more -I work out more, better, harder
    • Girls say hi all the time at school
    • I can actually Flirt with girls and ENJOY it
    • I care less about unimportant stuff
    • And biggest of all NO WORRIES

    I feel totally free Now i can describe it guys its a feeling of greatness

    30days MOTHEFOCKER!!!

  587. Day 12 – Rediscovering old passions

    I travelled away from my hometown on Day 11, and waking up today I felt this incredible energy. I went to my Design Training class and did the assignments with flying colors. The creativity is coming back, I had to make a book design, I did it with such love and dedication. When messing with typography, I didn’t do so well, but it didn’t bring me down, I want to study more, read books, try out new methods.

    I also wrote about it into my journal and thought about it long, NoFap has really helped me alot, especially today, creativity is returning indeed.

    Have a Nice Day

    Day 12 – Rediscovering old passions

  588. Is it me or do we get more energy and humanity from being pornfr

    I feel like I respect women more and I’m curious about them in a much more human and understanding way rather than just thinking “can I fuck her?” They seem much more beautiful in other ways, not just sexually. I want to explore their personalities, their quirks, their habits not just their tits.

    I also feel more energetic about shit too. Like right now I’m pumped and I wanna jump around and talk to people.

    I guess any addiction makes you feel like a goddamn bottomfeeder.

    Is it me or do we get more energy and humanity from being pornfree

  589. Porn is part of the reason my life is so boring.

    Dude it seemed like that at first. Porn was the only things that I was fascinated with. The obsession was so strong that my friends, family, all of life seemed completely boring and dull compared to the endless content I could view online. I mean what could compare to the extreme, bizarre, constantly shocking and exciting content that I could view literally ALLLL DAYY if I had a space to myself.

    The truth is, nothing can compare. That energy and excitement wasn’t meant to be focused on a screen and videos. It was meant to be spread out among different activities and experiences. It was meant to be for, perhaps most concentrated in, the love of a person you find irresistible.

    But, like it says in YBOP linked in this subreddit, that is all due to the reward system being highjacked by this addiction. We’ve gotta retrain it. It’s the only way to reduce the urges and take back control.

    So what I did was latch on to something that was even a step above boring. Something I could do all the time besides porn. For me that was youtube, netflix, and other entertainment. I watched it all the time.

    The goal was to feed my brain that instead of pornography, and slowly but surely, my fapless streaks got longer and longer. At the same time, the content I viewed online turned into more productive subjects like finance, science, stuff related to my career path.(im a bit of a nerd, so maybe you’ll find something else.)

    I started reading books related to that. Instead of leaving the house so i didn’t fap, I left and went to the gym and the library.

    It was a constant battle, multiple times an hour i could get urges. Sometimes they’d disappear only to have gather such strength that they sent me spiraling back into a binge as one massive urge struck me after days of peace.

    The point is to become stronger, this addiction was built over years and I honestly believe that it can be defeated, even if only over the same amount of time. I’ll never give up and I’ve become stronger for holding that resolve.

    I found a woman because of it, I can feel my sex drive tuning to her body and personality more each day. I can also feel it weakening each time I relapse. The war has its ups and downs but I continue on.

    You have to keep going man. You’ll be so proud of yourself and you should be. Everytime you resist is a victory bro. Keep going!

    Porn is part of the reason my life is so boring.

  590. Slurring/Stuttering Words and Fapping

    Has anyone else noticed that they slur or stutter when speaking after they Fap? I can’t speak well until after about 3-4 weeks of NoFap. Until then I typically slur my words or jumble up my words when trying to talk to other people. I’m worried I have like a brain tumor or something. Does anyone else experience this??

    Slurring/Stuttering Words and Fapping

  591. Did porn do this to me?

    I feel like I’ve always known I was straight and attracted to women, but heres the thing.

    Despite the fact that I’m 100 and 1% sure of my straight sexuality. I can’t seem to stop worrying about it! It’s anxiety and headaches all day, intrusive thoughts, depression, etc, and I just want all of it to go away so I can live like normal.

    Also, before you say I may be gay or bi, just listen.

    1: Guys don’t arouse me. (Trust me, I’ve pictured intimacy with men and it just never sparked an interest, or an erection, in me.)

    2: I’ve been having intrusive thoughts about sexual activities, thinking every single person (of either gender) is cute, these thoughts gave me headaches even more.

    3: My brain was rewired by porn, so I guess that caused me to lose my attraction to regular women. I’m currently doing pornfree and nofap (Because I can’t seem to orgasm anymore without some sort of visual stimuli, and not even just girls either, it has to be some sort of sexual activity for me to get off to it)

    How can I stop worrying? This is physically draining me every day.

    I’m literally afraid to watch any video that has the physical view of a guy in it, I’m afraid to watch it because I’m afraid I’ll end up being attracted to him, so much that I get more headaches, and it’s draining.

    Did porn do this to me?


  592. 45 days – Halfway

    Greetings Fellow Fapstronauts: Though I’m suffering, I’m also seeing many benefits to nofap. Here’s the short list:

    • *Patience
    • *Confidence
    • *Happiness
    • *Awesomeness in the sack, more enjoyable, more energy, adventurous
    • *No more ass zits, be thankful if you never had this
    • *Strangers approach me, in a good way.

    I know I can make 90, but this is a tough, tough road. I’ve been an addict for a long time. I also don’t know what I’ll do once I reach 90, but it’s still a long way off. Thanks for reading and comments are appreciated!

    45 days – Halfway

  593. Day 20-Wow.

    On day 20, and here are a few things I’ve noticed-

    1. All “superpowers” are, in my opinion, is the revival of dopamine in the brain. That’s it. You feel physically better on nofap, and I believe 100% that there is a physiological presence of this. Dopamine controls us. It motivates us. Having a shit ton of it in your brain is fucking awesome. The superpower that I have gained from nofap is a healthy brain. And in my opinion, it’s the fucking best part of this whole experiment.
    2. Girls are approaching me. They’re not throwing themselves onto me . However, two girls have approached me at bars in the last two weeks. I just sat there and talked to them. Also, a girl in a shop approached me and just started talking. She was super cool. When I told her I was leaving town the next day, she said “you always meet the right people at the wrong times”. It’s too bad that I won’t get to know her anymore…
    3. My sleep is fucked up right now. It was like this before I went away, and staying in hotels does not help. I’m getting about 5 hours a night. It’s not so bad, I’m not that groggy or tired. I am a little concerned over this though.
    4. Finally, I just know now that I’m better than my urges. I still get urges, but they are not so bad. I just let them in. Let them play out. There is no need to do anything to them. No need to act upon them. No need to suppress them. They are our natural feelings. There is nothing more human. There will come a time for sex. It really is something that should not be done everyday. I think that I’m starting to see a higher purpose to this whole nofap thing. It’s about creating a meaning to life that just does not exist today. So many people base their life on sex, and they wonder why they are unhappy. Think about how much money and energy is spent on prostitutes, strip clubs, pornography, fake tans, cosmetic surgery, and other superficial, instant gratification activities. It is destroying us. Not just nofappers, but pretty much the whole goddamn world.

    I would just like to thank all the fapstronauts for creating the greatest, most powerful and meaningful community online. I feel bad for every single person who is not on r/nofap. They are missing out on the most didactic experience one can perform. I am looking forward to the next 70 days of nofap. I really hope that I get there. However, if I relapse, I still can always remember how far I have come and how amazing nofap makes you feel. I am the most powerful I’ve ever been in my life. That power stems not from reframing from any one activity, but from the awareness of those activities and knowing what exactly they lead to.

    Best of luck to all of you. Seize the day, fellow fapstronauts.

    Day 20-Wow.


  594. I did something crazy. (My Third story)

    So it seems that NoFap is giving me some awesome experiences which I will never forget. These have all happened within the last week. Week 3 of NoFap.

    And now I have another story. But this just shows how far things have come in the time I’ve been doing NoFap.

    As in previous stories, I may have said how reserved and quiet I was. I was always thinking of what others thought of me, and thus I would suppress my own feelings/thoughts/ideas. I still do to some extent, but no where near as much.

    The day started with a ringing phone. ‘Burdu de du’, ‘Burdu de du’, ‘Burdu de du’. I was expecting it to be my parents ringing me to wake me up, alas it was not. It was one of my mates. The conversation went kinda like this:


    “Dude, It’s a nice day I finish work at 4, pub at 5?”


    “Cool see you then”

    I stubble out of bed go down stairs and hit the heating on. Time for a proper cold shower. Now normally I will jump in the shower when it’s warm and then I’ll cool it progressively. Today was going to be different. Cold, ice like shower. No warmth. I will yet the warmth once the rooms have heated up a bit. But now, time for a cold cold shower.

    I throw myself in and find myself jumping due to the shock. “HOLY MOTHER OF GOD! F-FUCKFUCKFUCK!” It’s like ice and my legs start to shake. I grab the shower head and point it directly to speed up the process. Once done I throw the soap on my body and washed. Then rinse, which was ever slightly more difficult as the plastic around the pipe had become stiff due to the temperature. One done, hair washed and rinsed, then I jumped out the shower and embraced the warmth of the house. Shivering I dried and started with teeth & hair like every other day.

    Clothes – Ah we have a problem. So all I have available is casual business attire, oh well. So I throw on a dark shirt, dark trousers and black shoes. It’s a warm day so I don’t need to worry about a jacket. But I throw a jumper in my bag as I assume it could get cold later. I’m ready to go. I live on the outskirts of town and it’s a Sunday so the buses aren’t going to be very regular. I’ve got nothing to do right now, therefore I might as-well catch the next bus and wonder into some shops, grab some jeans for more casual wear as my last pair I used for work and got covered in paint.

    So I catch the 1337 into town and get there about 2. I head into the shopping centre and head for the Clothes shop. When I get there I check out some jeans and quickly decide on a pair. I continue to browse and I try on some suits while I’m there. Once done I wonder a bit more. By this time I could do with some food. And it is here where the story really begins. So I’m sorry for getting you to read all that!

    So I pop into a well known franchise coffee shop and pick a sandwich and look through the drink. While deciding, “Next Please”. I look to who has spoken and my brain is like: wholly shit she’s adorable! It’s quite chaotic, the place is very busy and there is quite a queue behind me. I hand over the sandwich for her to scan, “and a Medium Hot Chocolate.”

    During this time we’ve both maintained very strong eye contact. “Do you have a club card?” I say I don’t. “You want one?”

    “Sure, go on then” I smile.

    “Anything else?”

    I would have liked to say ‘actually yes there is, what’s your name and can I get your number’. But I don’t. “No, that’s all thanks.”

    I then pay for my stuff and take it to a seat.

    As I’m eating my sandwich & drinking my coffee, I realise I still have about an hour and half before I need to meet up with my mates at the pub. So I take my time, there is absolutely no rush. I check Facebook, Twitter and a forum. During this time there has been a thought, niggling away and getting stronger: I want to get the opportunity so get to know the girl who served me.

    I continue to eat my sandwich and drink my hot chocolate. I’m a slow eater and there was nothing pressing me so the time creeps closer to 4. During the time I catch myself thinking: ‘Now if I was to ask this girl, when would be best? When the queue is small and so I’m not causing havoc’. I then check behind me, she not there, and the queue is small. Well damn. But then I see her walking through the front door to return to the counter. Earlier I had worked myself into a really anxious state by thinking about approaching. But I had thought less about it and calmed a little.

    I grabbed by bag and throw it on. Now when sat down, the counter was behind me and the entrance was to the right. The queue is small. She is there. Why am I walking to the counter? The exit is the other way.

    There is an older couple just been served and so I would be the next in the queue, but I’m not ordering anything. In fact I’m doing something really really really crazy. Now I don’t remember exactly how it went, but here is a very rough recall. The girl. Eye contact. Oh Shi- “Hi. What’s name?”

    I hate name tags. Firstly they’re always placed so you can’t read them, and secondly where they’re placed isn’t really great. For some reason, even though I just asked her and therefore expecting a reply I look to the name tag.

    She tells me her name and then I introduce myself. “Hi” I stretch my hand over the till in a hand shake juncture. “I’m jac.” She shakes my hand.

    “Hello” She replies.

    “Okay, I’m really nervous right now, never done something like this before. However, I would really like to know you, and so would I be able to have your number?” Okay so you read that quite fluently. I can’t remember at all how fluently it was said, knowing me, I assume not very!

    “Can I have yours? Be easier” She beacons me to the end of the counter, I presume to get said obstruction out of the way.

    “Okay” So she’s now flipped that one on it’s head. I have NO IDEA what is going on now! “so It’s 078…”

    “Hang on” She goes back to the counter and returns with a pencil and blank receipt (paper). She asks me to write it down with my name. I do, but my writing looks worse than a five year old’s.

    “That’s supposed to be an eight…” I attempt to correct it. I hope it isn’t to unreadable. I finish making my corrections.

    She smiles and takes back the pencil and paper. “It was good to meet you”.

    “I’ll text you soon” she said as returns back to work giving me another smile.

    “Awesome” I smile then leave and continue on by day.

    I get round the corner, and collapse/lean against the wall. I take a deep breath and let it out. What did I just do?! That wasn’t me…

    I have the biggest smile on my face and laughing to myself in complete disbelief as to what I just did. I felt on top of the world. There is NO other feeling like it. It feels amazing. Like I could dance through the town… I didn’t that would have been weird.

    So that was the story, NoFap for me has not been that hard but the benefits are a-m-azing!

    Just under 12 hours later I have no text, however, it also doesn’t matter. Something happened today that felt amazing beyond what words can describe. For me, and I’m sure mast others. I was sure jumping in at the deep end, and I have no idea what is going to happen next.

    Life is unscripted, an book which is yet to be written. So take the pen, make it a good and exciting novel.

    I did something crazy. (My Third story)

  595. Superman ain’t got anything on me!

    Superpowers: Increased confidence Huge boost to self esteem leading to intense happiness.

    All because I stopped shaking my snake!

    Well, it wouldn’t have happened if I had just waited for the powers to come around. Meditation, regular exercise, stepping out of my comfort zone and eating healthy combined with nofap, have lead to my new found abilities.

    Today I saw a really cute girl on the train, and I just said screw it and I approached her and asked here out, sure she said no, but she totally wanted to ride my train!

    Anyway, I just want to say a big thank you to this community, for your ongoing support on this venture, it wasn’t easy I faced depression, debilitating mood swings and social anxiety of epic proportions, but they passed.

    Best of luck to all of you out there, DO NOT GIVE UP.

    Bring on month number 2!

    Superman ain’t got anything on me!

  596. Short 30 day report

    Over the span of the last few months, I’ve:

    -Picked up a new job

    -Been doing well in grad school

    -Dated a girl exclusively (we were gf/bf, but I broke up with her a week or so ago)

    -I’m starting to get morningwood again

    -My motivation comes and goes

    -I’m starting to think with a clearer mind thanks to meditation and NoFap (they two things are countering the brain fog from masturbation).

    -I’m eating healthier

    Overall, NoFap has been a good experience.

    My biggest goals:

    Get my body back into a conditions where I desire people and intimate relationships again… I’m almost completely drained of desire. I have very little desire for anything sexual.

    -I want a healthy libido

    -A long term and stable relationship

    -The motivation and desire to help carry me that extra little way to succeed at my passions

    What am I doing to get those things?

    -Practicing my craft

    -Eating healthy and getting into shape

    -Doing the things I love

    -Not Masturbating or looking at porn

    So far, NoFap IS WORTH IT!

    Short 30 day report

  597. 30 Days /// Hard Mode


    • More creativity. I’ve been writing a ton.
    • More energy and focus in the gym and throughout the day.
    • More social confidence. Less insecurity (especially around women).
    • More resilience in feeling my feelings and not being triggered by them.
    • More real friendships with women. Less social anxiety.
    • More of a real desire to encourage others and love my community well.


    • Don’t listen to yourself. Speak truth to yourself.
    • Lasting change seldom occurs overnight.
    • You can only be you. You is enough.
    • PMO is never worth it. It makes your life worse.
    • Edging is masturbating. Don’t do it.
    • Now is not forever.

    Wish me luck on my way to 90. Stay strong, fapstronauts. You can do it.

    30 Days /// Hard Mode


  598. Social Anxiety Fading

    Just like most of you guys here, I used to consider myself shy and socially awkward. From my experience with nofap so far, it is fading away and I am definitely become a better person in all aspects in my life. In my chemistry lab class at Uni today, I was definitely interacting significantly more with my lab partners, who are all girls. I used to kind of just sit there and write down the information without really interacting with them.

    Anyways, afterwards, I had a body composition test that I volunteered for. The woman who tested me is a grad student, and she is by far one of the most beautiful girls I have ever seen. Anyways, I had no problem interacting with her and keeping eye contact. I was measured in the bod pod at 185 lbs with 13.4% bodyfat and she told me that I am in great shape. 13.4% seemed a little high for me at first, but I am happy to know the truth regardless, and am still pleased with my lean, muscular physique.

    Dead serious, nofap is changing my life in only positive ways. I am only 18, but I wish I have discovered it sooner. For all of you new fapstronauts, trust me, this journey is well worth it. I hope everyone stays strong and improves themselves as I have been!

    Social Anxiety Fading

  599. “It was an absolute pleasure to work with you” – my work colleag

    That’s what he said about an hour ago just before i left. He’s someone i’ve not gotten on with in the past and he doesn’t have many friends in or outside of work i don’t think. My productivity was through the roof and i carried out my job efficiently and with a smile on my face all night. It clearly rubbed off on alot of people and influenced them. Fapstronaut for life! 🙂

    “It was an absolute pleasure to work with you” – my work colleague


  600. when I abstain for 8-9 plus days my anxiety and depression almos

    Hey buddy, I personally think porn and excessive MO are a major players in the cause of my depression and social anxiety. I noticed (and the difference is hugely recognizable) that when I abstain for 8-9 plus days my anxiety and depression almost are non-existent and I am more bold, outgoing, happier, and can make and keep eye-contact with the hottest girl around, not only that but my voice sounds deeper and confident. It’s weird. But they (especially social anxiety) come back once I relapse and binge. So I searched around on YBOP and found this article which confirmed my theory.

    Considering first real attempt and I have some concerns. What are nofaps effect on
    anxiety/depression? Is it better to start gradually or go cold-turkey?

  601. 30 Days Report: 180 Degrees, All Ahead Full

    I’ve been considering to write this for sometime, but I keep getting overwhelmed since I have so much to say. I’ve had so much epiphanies in the last month, maybe more than what I can comprehend. Overall, it feels like I was blind, but now I can see. Here we go…

    • Life in HD: colors, flavors, odors, sensations, sights, sounds. Its unbelievable how much beautiful life is and we used to choose to stay in the dark room and PMO.
    • No Shame: It just feels like there is nothing holding me back any more, no underlying fear that someone will find out how fake I am.
    • More Energy: Cooking, cleaning, exercising, reading books and more things that I used to postpone indefinitely. I was a mess and everyone I met said that I looked tired, but not any more!
    • Girls are Beautiful: Over month ago I saw this girl, she didn’t look very attractive and I thought to myself, who would date a girl that looks like that!. I saw her again recently and I was shocked to how much better she looked to me.
    • No Pads, No Helmets…Just Balls: Before I started nofap when I used to think about “hard” things in life that I have to do, I always had this “I’m too old for this sh!t” feeling (I’m in my early 20’s). Now I welcome them with open arms. What is the worst that could happen, and if it does happen, I will end up with a valuable lesson and I will be a better man than I am today.
    • Mind Over Matter: As you conquer nofap, you’ll start noticing that things are not as hard as you thought they were. subconsciously we complicate things, we wish everything is as easy as PMO and we end up helpless and depressed. Remember, “Smooth seas don’t make good sailors”
    • What is wrong with the world?: As I came to realise how epic nofap is, I was sad that in comparison we are a minority to millions of people who think PMO is normal. I’m starting to be afraid what would the future hold with “blind” people behind the wheel. What is even worse is that if you try to confront them, they will argue that its completely normal and we end up as the freaks, not them.

    Finally I would like to say that the urges and temptations don’t get easier, but why would they?. the desire is like a wild horse inside you, you either tame it and ride it better and faster than anyone else, or let it drag you along in the dirt, your choice!

    I also would like to thank everyone here for getting me through the first 2 weeks. We are all in this together, lets rise and show the world how real men should be.

    30 Days Report: 180 Degrees, All Ahead Full

  602. The main reason I began this challenge was social anxiety.

    I owe this group a huge thank you. Nofap is the best thing to happen to me in years. Currently trying to navigate through “soft” or “easy” mode and I’d love to hear from some peeps who are farther along in their fapstinence.

    So yeah, you guys rock. For a while, five or six months to be exact, I was on this site quite a bit, reading everyone’s stories, writing about my own struggles, trying to find a way to really beat this addiction, and I really felt like I would never start to see the greener grass on the other side. I had a few decent streaks of a week or so, but I would always end up plummeting back into constant PMO, requiring a week or two of binging again before mustering up the will power to try the whole thing again. Well, I think I’ve made a big step forward, (Not saying I’m totally in the clear now) and I’d like to share with you guys. Hopefully it will give some fellow fapstronauts some good ideas, and hopefully those of you who are farther along will be able to weigh in as I move to this next stage of my journey with Nofap.

    First I’ll state my main reason for doing Nofap in the first place. The main reason I began this challenge was social anxiety. I never experienced anxiety in my younger years. High school went really well for me. I made a lot of friends and I was pretty active sexually, even though I still did PMO daily since I was like 12. I get to college and things start to take a turn for the worse. I started experiencing all the symptoms of social anxiety, it was so difficult for me to make friends, I would look genuinely nervous in most interactions, and going to parties was totally out of the question. I read about porn addiction and a possible correlation to social anxiety, and I eventually found this Nofap community. I immediately felt compelled to try it to see if it would help with my anxiety. For the first 6 months I could rarely go longer than 7 days, and it was a mental nightmare for me. So much guilt, back and forth talking in my head about how to approach my sexuality, so much anxiousness about life. It sucked. Literally I would just fall into a deep state of despair after breaking a 7 day streak. I lived alone so it was easy for me to escape interaction alltogether. Those first 6 months were really hell.

    Recently I moved to a new apartment with two friends of mine. I decided to treat this move as a new challenge for my Nofap experience. I thought to myself, I CAN’T KEEP FAPPING IF IT’S GOING TO DESTROY MY SELF CONFIDENCE AND MAKE IT IMPOSSIBLE FOR ME TO INTERACT WITH OTHERS. I installed the porn blocker application on my phone and my laptop, and really stuck to it. I had a feeling that living with other people would help inspire me toget out of the rut that I was in, and I was totally right. The results that I’ve experienced recently have given me so much optimism for my life from here on out, and I just want to briefly share it with you, and then ask the more experienced members on here what they think of the hard vs. soft mode debate.


    Physical symptoms of social anxiety are almost completely gone. The rapid heart beat, the sweating, that stuff is much less severe than it was before.

    Nervousness has also diminished considerably. I can have conversations in groups of people and not look like I’m dying inside. I can even do a presentation in front of my class at school without a shaky voice. Everything about my way of acting around others has become more natural.

    Inner confidence: It’s one thing to not display signs of anxiety on the outside, but what about in the mind? Well, for me, that’s changed a lot too. The fact that there are no signs of my anxiety at this point has really helped me stay positive about my situation. I’m not constantly thinking about other people judging me. In a sense, I have my balls back. I am not intimidated by people. And I actually seek out social interaction because it feels rewarding to share my personality with people. The inner confidence I’ve gained from this has really given my charisma a huge boost.

    Communication skills and women: I am more articulate when I speak. I don’t stumble over my words. I look people in the eye and everything is so natural. I approach women like I never thought I would. I used to be the shy kid in the group. Now I’m the one rolling down the window at the stop light and striking up conversation with the cute girl in the car in the other lane. (It’s going to be interesting to try to control this newfound confidence and social energy so that I don’t just become an obnoxious asshole.)

    So those are the basic things. Guys, taking porn and masturbation out of my life, so far, has been one of THE BEST DECISIONS I’VE EVER MADE. It’s ridiculously hard, especially if you live alone, but you gotta just keep your eyes on the prize. I’m not saying that I’m totally in the clear, but I do think I’ve made a serious step forward, because I have a new way of relating to women now, and I have more confidence to actually start having sex with women again. I have a number of girls that want to have sex with me, which has not been the case for SUCH a long time, and so I’m actually starting soft mode on Wednesday. I’ve heard the chaser effect is extremely strong, so I’m gonnna be really careful when I break the streak on Wednesday with this really attractive girl from work. I’m not going to let all of these positive changes dwindle now that I’ve experienced them firsthand. For those of you who may have struggled with self confidence and anxiety before doing this, was soft mode a valid choice for you? Did it hinder your progress or help you? The way I see it, even if the orgasm itself is what causes the anxiety, as long as you keep it sort of infrequent to begin with and don’t start off having sex every single day, and as long as you don’t go back to porn, soft mode has got to be okay in my book. Yes, maybe I won’t be as sharp and witty the next day after having sex with this girl on Wednesday, because my brain is still recovering from constant orgasm. But then I’ll spend a couple days working on homework for school and other productive things, and then re-evaluate my “soft-mode” approach when the next opportunity arises. This is sort of new territory for me, so I’d love to hear other ideas. Hard mode is very difficult for me, and now that I have more confidence, it’s even harder, because I know that I have the capability to have a pretty active sex life if I just put forth a little bit of effort. So I just want to know how to best approach the soft mode thing.

    That’s all for now, fellas. Hoping to get some feedback on this post. For those of you that are stuck in a low point in your fapstinence, try putting yourself around other people more often, get a porn blocker on your computer, occupy your time with fun and new things, and just keep truckin. The grass is most certainly greender on the other side, and I’ve only gotten a glimpse of it so far. 😉


  603. ‘You sound different’

    I’ve always been a bit skeptical of the claims that your voice changes on Nofap. I can understand an increase in confidence leading to a stronger voice but any sort of actual physical change to the vocal parts itself didn’t seem well supported.

    Well, today I visited my family, I’ve been busy so I haven’t seen them since about 2 weeks ago. While I was talking to my sister, my nephew who is 9 came straight up to me and said ‘You sound different, like your laugh is different’ ‘What do you mean?’ ‘Like before it was like ‘heeheehee’ (in a high pitch voice) but now..’ and then he got interrupted. After that he spent an unusual amount of time just looking at me like he was trying to work out what was different.

    I would have liked to hear what he thought I sounded like now but it was pretty obvious where he was going with it. My nephew is very forward with these sort of observations, he previously has exclaimed ‘wow Uncle CosmicSignificance has got muscles!’ arm grab after I had been working hard at the gym.

    In no way was I even thinking about or consciously changing my voice, it was a very natural conversation with genuine laughter.

    This is 2 weeks since my last relapse by the way.

    ‘You sound different’


  604. but heres a few things that are big huge benifits in my life.

    Well first if all I feel great!! Everything is going great in almost every aspect of my life from my physical and metal well being to my spiritual. Everything is right. 

    – I can talk to people normally without being awkward. Still kinda awkward cause that’s my personality

    – the girl I’m in love with said that she is more confident in our relationship now and she is positive that she wants us to work out in the near future. 🙂 

    – I’ve had less problems with my parents in the past month. My additive towards life is great.

    -spiritually I haven’t let this great in a long time, and I’m confident and proud to say my lord, Jesus Christ, is my savior and father. 

    -I’ve put on muscle due to more motivation.  Life right now is great. 🙂

    im almost to my next milestone 45 days, but heres a few things that are big huge benifits in my life.

  605. NoFap = Sex God Powers

    Ever since I started NoFap. I’ve plenty short weeks and a few good streaks. One thing I notice about when I talk to girls and I’m on a good streak they always show signs of attraction such as playing with their hair, squinting their eyes, I’ve even had a few girls act a bit nervous.. As if I’m projecting some sort of magic sex God powers..I’m not that amazing looking either! I need to get back in it. Ever since my last relapse I seemed to have lost a bit of that magic!

    NoFap = Sex God Powers

  606. Small Victories: First 20 Days Update


    • Did a random act of kindness for a complete stranger (felt amazing)
    • Managed not to PMO when I got back home for the second time in a row (this is a huge step for me, when I’m comfy at home it’s so much harder to resist the urge)
    • Jumping rope and doing 100 push-ups every day (5x sets of 20 throughout the day – getting ready to get back in shape)
    • Talked to a random foreigner girl from college. She complimented my English. (not my native language)
    • Connecting more with family and some old school friends
    • Getting the ‘do-it-now’ attitude back
    • Old passions are coming back; everything feels interesting again
    • Not sweating nearly as much as I used to (cold showers, baby)
    • Waking up early and trying to establish a morning ritual


    • Excessive internet use
    • Other immediate gratification activities, like Duolingo (learning German but I’m there for a lot of times these days) and playing Diablo II
    • Talking a lot! And posting on reddit, obviously
    • Feeling overwhelmed at times; too much to do in so little time
    • Too much ‘feels’ – I used not to give a fuck about most things, not any more
    • Still need to get motivated for school in order to see results
    • Almost had a wet dream but woke up before the release


    • Managing time
    • Prioritizing
    • Getting back into the habit of jogging with my athletic roommate
    • Focusing on self-improvement and not fretting over the fact that everybody around me is getting ahead in life
    • Maybe doing some Zhan Zhuang (a form of standing meditation/chi gong exercise) like I used to do

    Any tips or comments are appreciated. Thanks!

    Small Victories: First 20 Days Update

  607. Why do I KNOW I’ll be pornfree for the rest of my life?

    Just finished my first month of being pornfree, and I think I’m done with porn for life. Here is why:

    • made list of pornfree benefits in my daily journal. When I go through the list, I’m amazed at how much my life has changed. Porn is simply not worth it
    • ‘porn = drug’ equation has been etched in my mind
    • deleted my stash of porn (>150GB). No regrets
    • unsubscribed from all porn subreddits, and even some mild ones like /r/gentlemanboners
    • during the days of heavy porn use, I had reached the lowest point in my life. I was totally fucked up (crying, suicidal thoughts, almost dropped out of college). Now if I have the temptation to view porn, I know where that rabbit hole might lead to.
    • intuitively realized that our brains are simply not evolved to handle today’s porn
    • acquainted myself with the science behind porn addiction – desensitization, delta FOSB, dopamine, reward circuitry, sensitization, hypofrontality
    • I have read more than 300 pages of rebooting accounts @ 10 pages per day. While reading, I highlighted some portions and added my own comments using Mendeley software )
    • realized that my brain has already rewired itself to the real thing: I get raging boners when a girl sits beside me in the bus
    • no longer have flashbacks of porn scenes. Zero desire to view porn
    • i hope to get a girlfriend soon 🙂

    Note: it’s not that all this happened after just 1 month of quitting. Before this milestone, I had several smaller streaks of 1-2 weeks.It does add up.

    Why do I KNOW I’ll be pornfree for the rest of my life?


  608. 30 day report and advice !!, No fap has been the key I have been

    I was at a massive low point when I was about 16, like hardly any friends, nervous couldn’t up for myself and just generally the quit good boy. I then found alcohol, this stuff made me feel alive and I could finally socialise. I became a heavy partier through my late teens but I was angry with something, angry with the world, I was still shit with girls, I could usually get a girl when drunk but nothing more. I had loads of freinds at this point but was still somewhat awkward, I think I appeared okay to everyone else but didn’t feel right like something was wrong. Then the problems kind off started again, I lived in a small town and found this depressing, I wanted to get out. Loads of my friends went to uni, and this made me feel like shit. I got into the wrong crowd, drug users, these people were wild. This was amazing for a few months, I took many drugs including LSD, one trip I was looking at my life and I knew it had to change.This is the point where I really started to hate the place I lived in and everyone around me. I decided I would go to university in a big city, I wanted a new life, new friends and to finally meet a great girl. I went to uni, I chose the most social halls possible, the ones notorious for parties. When I arrived at uni I instantly knew my life was changed, I was surrounded by girls, I’d never really been friends with girls before, just one night flings. They’d kind off been around in my old town but its like I didn’t care or notice them. I instantly befriended them, that was all I could seem to do for now. My image at uni instantly became the “party guy” I like and disliked this, people would love being around me and girls would seem interested but i still couldn’t connect I felt like i was just around because I was fun but never could get intimate. 4/5 months of uni passed and my best mate there got a girlfriend, this had never happened to me before as most my old mates never had girlfriends, I had never been so motivated to change this . I pulled one night but had ED, this has happened before and i started to get worried. I did a bit of research and discovered no-fap.

    I started, felt more alive than ever seriously I was high on life, soooo much energy. I felt so confident, between days 15-25 this confidence dropped a bit, maybe a flatline. After day 25 I knew I had found the key to the mysterious lock that I had chained kept me in chains when around girls. I wanted them, they were beautiful not hot. I finally felt an emotional connection with them, even with guys. I went out really drunk, felt like god, I felt like the unstoppable stud that you see in clubs, to a certain extent I was and managed to get about 5 numbers. That same night I was full on crying my eyes out in my best girl friends arms, she is amazing and I like her but I know shes not attracted so i will never push anything, think I probably opened up about the whole wanting a girl etc but I cant really remember. Anyway the point is i have never felt anywhere near close to the emotion I felt that night, pure happiness and the feeling of power to an emotional wreck, fuck me its mad. I think that night changed my life, I also think one of those 5 girls might be special and i hope they are !

    I would love to help out people as much as possible in there life journey, I love every single person now. I can see my ego growing and i have the potential to become a dickhead but I know i’m better than that. I don’t want to be the guy who uses girls for sex, I do however want to be the perfect guy, the guy girls want.

    Having been a loner i have experienced being both very popular and unpopular, i can honestly say you are pretty much the reason you are in that position. I understand that there may be factors like a bad upbringing but once you realize its down to you and no-one else things will change, the victim mentality is deadly. When i was quite unpopular I used to look at the “popular” kids and hate them for being successful socially, they would at me and obviously i would look quite hostile. That’s the thing they don’t hate you, they think you hate them, seriously I have experienced both sides. I now see the quiet kid look a me with hate, there is probably no reason for this apart from the fact that i’m happy. Ive done the same before, Ive hated people just because they look happy. happy people do not want to hang with angry negative people and therefore won’t speak to you, its as simple as that kind off. That’s where the problem of reputation comes in, once your the loner its hard to shake. I’d say move to a city if you live in a small town but this is unrealistic for many so instead improve every aspect of your life, dress sense, hair and grooming and being in shape are the most important things, seriously guys, just look the part.

    Also never try to impress anyone you don’t like, try and be the guy they try to impress.

    30 day report and advice !!, No fap has been the key I have been looking
    for finally feel in control of my life. LETS DO THIS GUYS !

  609. Nofap Made me Retarded and I don’t give a fucking fuck

    The title is absolutely true guys.

    I just came from a midnight run during a hale storm. I knew it was raining. But only when I got out I realized that there was a strong storm; however, me being a fapstronaut just said: Fuck it. After some point, raindrops turned into hale and it kinda hurt, but then my Fapstronautself took the control, and said one more time: JUST FUCK IT.

    At the end of my “retarded” run, I ran into a girl in my dormitory, and myfapstronautself being soaking wet and out of breath didn’t give a fuck and started a conversation with this girl. We exchanged laughs and most of our laughter during this conversation came from my ability to make fun of my situation.

    This is big for me because before nofap, I would be intimidated not only in that situation (red face, soaking wet, out of breathe, also I am studying abroad so I’m not a daily conversation master), but also in every possible situation to create a social interaction. Before nofap, I, being a super shy guy, would be intimidated even with a fucking tuxedo on me. But after Nofap, the fucks I’ve given has significantly decreased, although I can’t say they are disappeared totally. Today I give less fucks, tomorrow I don’t give a fuck at all, one year later maybe I could make this social judgement fear go away totally.

    But how fucking retarded I am to go for a run during a hale storm, right?

    Have good streaks fapstronauts, try not give fucks, it helps

    Nofap Made me Retarded and I don’t give a fucking fuck

  610. Before, girls weren’t special, they were “just ok”

    I’m known as the “unrealistic-high-standards-on-chicks” guy among my friends, yet I hardly score

    After 40 days, I’m approaching more girls than ever, not -only- for their looks, but the way they are and what they talk about.

    Before, girls weren’t special, they were “just ok”, my brain wanted unrealistic whores, and it’s just now that I’ve realized how many years I wasted chasing fantasy relations instead of being happy with what life was giving me (which, in hindsight, were some of the nicest girls I’ve met, yet I moved on to continue the useless search…)

    Don’t be stupid, stop fapping and get aquaintanced with the real world



    My brothers, its been exactly two month’s since i jacked off or watched porn…and let me tell you it has been a great two months, here are some things i have noticed about myself..

    Things i noticed

        since you don’t have a virtual girlfriend who will do “anything” you type..things start to get a little weird…you actually start to care about your attractiveness and cleanliness…you start to take care of your body just to attract the opposite sex…i have even eaten cleanly since i started no fap just because i want to look good for the girls at school…its great!!.

        you start to notice girls more…(maybe cause your horny as fuck); ever since i stopped watching porn, a girl i would have barely noticed near me now seems like a pretty attractive 8,9, or even 10. instead of the fake porn-stars on the internet, i started to notice other things in women like personality and even how their face looks, rather then tits and ass…..The hardest thing about no fapp for me is the realization of the emotional part of fapping, i mean when you fap, you feel like absolute shit but when you have sex and the girls is hugging you in your arms….believe me that’s a whole lot better.

        the last thing i have noticed is the amount of girls i have caught staring at me… i mean before no fap theese girls wouldn’t even take a second look at me but now when i look at them i can see us locking eyes…. i guess its because of the confidence and cleanliness i now posses.

    Stay strong brothers…fuck porn…fuck masturbation…it will all be worth it in the end.

    and this is the video that started me into no fap, without this i would still be jerking off i HIGHLY recommend you guys to watch this



    Nofap for 2 months + no porn/fantasy for 10 days + clear nostrils + daily meditation for 1.5 years(not missed a single day) == HIGH FROM BREATHING ALONE!!

    Have been smiling all day for no reason. And feeling super intense! Feel like I can study for 24 hrs straight or break a mountain or fly a plane or marry and live happily ever after.

    NOSHIT! Nofap is raw power MAAAAAAAN!

    Ooooooooohhhhh Myyyyyyyyy Freaking Gawd! NOFAP WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO ME? I AM GETTING A HIGH FROM BREATHING ALONE!!!!!


  613. Day 50 – Goodbye depression

    It’s day 50. 7 weeks of NoFap, haven’t smoked weed in 7 weeks and I haven’t smoked a cigarette in 2 weeks (day 15 there).

    And I can say goodbye depression. It’s been a enjoyable time. Why? Because I have learned a lot in the past year or two. I’ve made mistakes in my teenage years which I’ve worked on, a lot. And now I’m slowly coming up on top. I’ve fought my demons and they are mostly gone. I’m a strong and capable man. And I see the interest from women rising with the day.

    Life is good.

    But like a lot of wise men on this subreddit have already said. It’s not just NoFap (or no weed / cigarettes). It’s you working hard for your life to progress and get ahead.

    EDIT Thanks for all the positive responses guys! Amazed by all the reactions.


  614. 62 days recap

    After a painful couple days of struggling not to relapse around day 57, I’ve made it to a relatively calm state. I still have a ton of untapped energy, but I now know my mind can control my bodily urges with focus. Self-denial doesn’t have to be painful, it actually offers deeply satisfying rewards in the long term when you look back. I feel like I see things in a more honest way, especially with women, and not through the distorted lens PMO creates.

    I feel much more at peace. I can look in the mirror without embarrassment or resentment. I actually believe I can become the person I always wanted to be. Not that I’m there yet, not by a long shot, but I am closer.

    My emotions are definitely heightened, which at first scared me and I felt incredibly vulnerable. Now it’s like hearing the background instruments to a song I’ve always loved, and exploring this new depth has been interesting to say the least.

    Energy levels are ridiculous. I’ve probably lost about 15lbs, and have a solid layer of muscle to replace it. Eating better, play pick up basketball, and even my skin seems to be doing better(to be fair though I have started washing my sheets once and week and end every shower pretty cold).

    Every day there is temptation beyond standard porn. A sexy instagram post, a tv trigger out of left field, or even reading(which along with writing are my new focuses to replace PMO). They are all there, and this is not likely to change, but I can change.

    I was worried that this whole thing would be like holding my breath, and once I hit 90 days I would dive right back in. An interesting experiment, but nothing that could change a core component of who I am and what I do. Although I am still not there, I doubt this will happen. I can’t, and won’t, go back to that kind of personal enslavement. This side is just so much better and brighter.

    62 days recap


  615. 1/3 of the way to my sixty day goal, couldn’t feel more alive

    When I started noFap I’ll admit I was skeptical of what the results would be. I began this challenge with my only real motivation being real relations with girls, whether it be social or intimate. Turns out the testosterone really built up inside me resulting in me finally losing that dreaded V card. I’m 19 so I’m sure you can realize how annoying it was thinking everyone else gets laid but me (best part was she was an 8/10 so I can’t complain). I’ve had little desire to fap after the first ten or twelve days which leads me to believe porn didn’t have that much of a grip on me in the first place and I’ve been lifting weights more which is great because I’ve lost a lot of weight in the last year and I’m considered a soft gainer so hopefully I can bulk up. The summer is coming too which I can definitely keep myself occupied and can hopefully surpass my 60 day challenge goal of no PMO, sex being the only exception. This really is the only way to help better yourself in a way that seems like a natural rite into adulthood. If I had advice for anybody who was just starting out It’d have to be absolutely no porn and to get out of the house more because you will turn into a tense motor mouth and might actually say something funny in a social situation. The only negative effect I’ve had from this is since I’m on a college campus, I find myself making a lot of awkward eye contact with girls but I just smile and shake it off.

    Thread: 1/3 of the way to my sixty day goal, couldn’t feel more alive

  616. 3 weeks and a changed life!

    Hey fellow fapstronauts..i really wish to thank you for now i have completed a sucessful Week 3

    1St 4 days of this week were pretty normal and I felt some progress on the inside..but in outside was pretty much the same..

    18 th day,I noticed
    I have more power over me,emotionally content..i get less bothered with what others say…

    19Th day
    I love studying …being a medical student you have loads of that…my exams are approaching and I desire to score good marks… I have through out my life,even as a child taken loads of challenges and pushed through them…now,I had somehow lost that faith that I can push through and win…on the 19th day I was talking to myself that,scoring that much marks is a big will I push through..??! There was this loud,clear and profound voice JUST LIKE YOU ARE DOING FOR NOFAP….!! I got up the next moment and started studying ! I think I found my faith in me..!!

    19 th day later…. I saw a girl and I said,it will be good to have a relationship with her…that’s it!!now that was a great surprise to me…because till now iused to think of sex…that too just insertion..but now I just wanted a relation..a good relationship…beautiful isn’t it!

    20Th day
    There was an announcement made for seminar we have to perform in our class…I felt some social anxiety for a very short while…it used to be previously fr a very long time..this just vanished in approx 5 to 10 seconds…I felt real good..and I said to myself SO WHAT?..I WILL DO THE SEMINAR..
    I woke up after a nap …I had this inner talk that in my distant future,I am least interested in ‘insertion’ into my girl or licking her genitals…for real…what really does matter to me is to be around her,have fun with her,spend time and hang around with her,have romance,hold her hands ,have a ‘OUR SONG’…..etc,as we get closer to each other i will kiss her,cuddle her and all of it from the feelings of love…what I’m trying to convey is my relationship will be the union of two souls rather than two bodies….I felt soo good that time..

    For all of the people moving towards your goals..Guys fr real nofap has given me a new life and it’s just 21 days….try it if u can’t believe me.I desire to someday read a similar post from you guys…all the very best.

    Thread: 3 weeks and a changed life!

  617. Deeper Voice. Women noticing you? Other Superpowers


    NoFap is the best decision of my life. I feel good.

    The biggest superpower? Im being myself, I express my opinion without giving a fuck to what others will think.

    I’ve gotten a deeper manlier voice, today I said hello to my aunt on the phone and she said my voice is exactly like my older brother’s, and he’s 6 years older than me.

    I’ve noticed girls giving me the stare but I haven’t been out much recently (busy with family), is this true? Women might have sudden interests.

    I’ve been in a better relationship with my family, I feel bonded.

    SUPER DUPER motivated to hit the gym, I just joined a week ago!

    These are all my experiences so far, hopefully this motivates you to keep going, stay strong!

    Deeper Voice. Women noticing you? Other Superpowers

  618. What I’ve gained from NoFap

    I can’t even begin to describe how much NoFap has improved my life. I talk to women now with more confidence. My relationship with my family are better than they’ve been in months. My grades are higher and I’m always on AB honor roll now. Thank all of y’all for the support and inspiration to continue on!

    What I’ve gained from NoFap

  619. Day 18- aced my history class! I’ve discovered I can pick up on

    Day 18- Last day of classes today! I was a little nervous during the presentation, but I did well and my whole group did a great job on the presentation as well. I also got at perfect 65/65 on my history final, so I aced the class. Despite classes ending, I don’t have much time to celebrate, as my summer class starts next week, then after that I’m taking a biology with a lab course in July for the second summer term. So I’m booked this summer. I was very friendly with my group members today, I looked at them as actual people, rather than just people I’m working with. I’ve also noticed that in one-on-one interactions with girls, I’m getting even better, more better than I’ve ever been. I keep eye contact and smile, and it feels great when they return the eye contact and smile back. I talked to this one girl in my group who was cute, so we just talked about school and the presentation, keeping the conversation light. I did very well, smiling and keeping eye contact, she would also smile back and respond. I did take notice whenever I was making eye contact, she’d give me that seemingly subtle “look” girls give when they’re talking to a guy who they think is attractive. However I noticed it almost instantly, something I would’ve never picked up on when I was beating my dick everyday. Although we were talking about a light everyday topic, the “eye contact games” as I’ll call them, were in progress. I’d “deepen” (not stare) my gaze into her eyes and she’d do the same back to me and smile (all this was happening during conversation) until she’d break eye contact for a second. I also noticed there were times when I wasn’t looking at her, she’d have her head turned looking at me, then quickly look away whenever I looked up. But she had to have known that I saw her looking out of the corner of my eye. I even made eye contact with her once right out of the corner of my eye and she just blushed and looked away. She was sitting right in front of me to my left, so she’d have to turn her head around and make it obvious. It felt amazing that I can make a girl respond like that. I’ll consider that as practice for future conversations with girls that I’ll have conversations with. There was another cute girl who was presenting with another group, I’d figure I’ll practice this skill on her to see if this maybe is just all in my head, so I did just that. Turns out what I was experiencing is very real. When I raised my hand to comment on the group’s presentation, even though I was speaking to another group member in her group I’d move my eyes (the member I was talking to was conveniently standing right next to her) and look at her every now and then during the discussion and smile at her, and she would smile back at me. I also practiced “eye contact games”, when it was her turn to speak I’d make eye contact whenever she looked in my general direction and I noticed she’d do that “deepened” gaze with her eyes that I was talking about earlier and she’d smile at me. I’d do the same back to her. I’m really starting to pick up on the little cues and body language girls give out when they’re talking, or even just looking in your direction and they happen to make eye contact with you. When I was fapping regularly, I’d never take notice. If they were the ones to start “the eye contact games” with me, they’d get a flat response from me. I’m starting to believe that girls can definitely sense when a guy is sexually available, especially if he’s acting more alpha. It’s like some primitive trait that has ignored years of evolution. So today not only was successful academically, but I took a huge step up socially as well.

    Day 18- aced my history class! I’ve discovered I can pick up on the cues and body language girls give off! Anyone else have this happen to them?

  620. How I became someone who initially criticized this community, to

    For the impatient bunch:

    Days I’ve gone so far without fapping: 2 weeks
    Was it hard: Yes
    Benefits?: Yes
    Negatives?: Yes
    Is it worth it? Yes
    Any improvements with speaking to/approaching girls yet?: no :’c
    How many times did I use to fap a day?: 1, sometimes 2 if really horny

    Right, here goes.

    You know those guys you see on Reddit who constantly criticize this community and think they’re original when they say ‘there are two types of guys, those who masturbate…and liars’, yeah well I was one of them. Masturbation feels great, its free and it makes you feel good, no wonder we get addicted to it right? Surely something that is natural can’t be bad for us, you would be stupid to say so, its even encouraged so why the hell put yourself through all this shit just because of some petty online ‘fad’.

    ……yeahhhhh that’s what old faggot me use to think, but not anymore!

    NoFap I initially thought was just for people who had serious addictions, people who masturbate at least 3 times a day and are addicted to porn (then its completely understandable), but I noticed that majority of people who are on here aren’t actually like that, a lot of us (myself included) use to masturbate roughly once a day, maybe once every two days if we were busy and not really think anything of it once the deed was done but for some reason we still get sucked in to it.

    I was so naive.

    I’m in my 20’s, I have very little motivation for anything, nothing particularly excites me at all, and I’m mildly depressed (from what I’ve read it at least looks like it considering I can closely relate to almost every symptom they listed). I’m naturally introverted so I don’t really go out much, only really for exercise or if I’m meeting a close friend now and again and of course when I see my family but apart from that, I’m indoors most of the time, even in great weather. Just sitting all day behind a computer screen. I’m quite content with this lifestyle (or at least that’s what I tell myself).

    ….sound a bit like you? I bet it does, or at least did when you first started…

    So, I haven’t been fapping for 2 weeks straight. It has been incredibly hard, I’m so horny its unreal (but in a weird way it feels great haha!). I have been a little bit ‘touchy’ with people, I get frustrated a little easier but I’m hoping that is just withdrawal symptoms and will slowly fade with time. The first 4 days were the hardest, I’ve been coping through distracting myself with hobbies and interests. Whenever I get that ‘urge’, rather than opening up my favorite porn site, I now search for a random unrelated documentary/video just to take my mind of it which works great…and you learn in the process which can never be a bad thing =].

    But enough of this crap, lets cut to the real deep stuff. What have I actually gained from this experience?


    Holy fucking shit.

    I sussed out the reason why I have had little motivation for anything. I realized that whenever I fapped, I felt like I had accomplished something that day, and as a result I then felt like I had the ‘right’ to rest and chill afterwards and just slop about even though I hadn’t really done anything that day. I imagine its a hormone/instinct thing – we are animals, we have a penis which ejaculates sperm for a reason. One of the main reasons for our existence is to reproduce, so no wonder why I felt like this after I had fapped. My body basically thought I had sex, so it probably assumed I had done what was needed of me for that day.

    How did I notice this?

    Well around the 5th-6th day, I felt as if each day was ‘incomplete’, its almost as if there was something I really should have done that day which just wasn’t done.

    It was the masturbation.

    I masturbated every day for so many years it obviously became a habit, and now that I’ve stopped I’m starting to feel like every day is incomplete.

    How has this helped?

    Its because now I don’t have that ‘accomplished’ feeling from when I finish fapping as I mentioned earlier.

    Through me not having that accomplished feeling, I now (naturally) spend more time doing productive things such as job searching, applying for jobs, exercise. I really mean it. Whenever I fapped, soon after I wouldn’t feel up for anything and I would feel as if my day is pretty much finished. It sounds so stupid I know but woooooooooooow, what a difference! 😀

    I now actually get this feeling of ‘guilt’ when I don’t make anything of the day which I rarely got when I use to fap. Of course being unemployed and lazy never makes you feel good about yourself but that still wasn’t enough to fully motivate me, it was something I really hated about myself (hence the mild depression I mentioned earlier). I sat there every day knowing what I should be doing, but not actually DOING anything about it.

    NoFap to the rescue!!

    Nothing major has actually happened to me yet, its just little things which eventually add up. I’m still shy around girls (although a good tip I once heard is to think of them as a guy but just with tits and a vagina instead, and not as if they’re a complete different species to us guys :P). It does help. But yeah, I think it will be quite a while before anything in that area ever happens. I haven’t landed a job yet, but I at least am putting myself out there and looking (as simple as it sounds its a MASSIVE deal to me). I have a lot of energy and am going for more walks which yet again is great for my health considering I sit in front of the computer a lot.

    Seriously, anyone who’s considering trying NoFap…

    Try it, its free. You have nothing to lose. Even if its just a test of your will power – test yourself, its weirdly kinda fun and if you do ‘fail’, my god that fap will feel 10x better than your every day fap(s) anyway.

    I’m aware there are MANY serious reasons to why people choose to do this, and I fucking take my hat off to you guys. This post was simply just to relate (hopefully) to the masses, and the people that think this is a load of placebo bullshit.

    However, you must use common sense by being aware that every single one of us is different. We are all different ages, have had different experiences, live in different cultures/environments, hang around with different people etc, so the way in which we will all react to NoFap will not be consistent. Just because someone got these ‘superpowers’ doesn’t mean you will, but alternatively that doesn’t mean they’re lying, some people really do see great results.

    At the end of the day its free, and getting away from those porn sites can only be a good thing for all of us, especially if your someone who gets off at the rough/discriminating/degrading stuff towards women. Not to dig, because I’m aware you probably treat girls with respect and don’t treat them like shit as a result of you watching these kind of fetishes, but its still not great funding it (in my opinion anyway). Its not a pleasant industry (but I am aware it has its good sides such as charity work, and its attitudes towards women is definitely improving. ‘Female friendly’ being a great example of this).

    Just. Try. It.


    I hope this has helped out in some way or another. I’ve been completely honest as there’s no reason for me to lie considering I’m anonymous. Its something I really wanted to talk about and thank this community for. Wish all of you the best of luck. Oh and please don’t take everything I say to heart, I’m sorry if I’ve offended anyone, its just my opinion, doesn’t mean its right at all and I’ll be happy for anyone to correct me.

    How I became someone who initially criticized this community, to someone who now embraces it.


  621. 1month. boundless energy and clarity. first month of many. here

    Hey all, so it has been a month for me. Here are some changes in my life:

    week 1 was the hardest. I was so sexually aroused all the time. All i wanted was a woman. After week 2 it became much easier. I don’t think i have experienced a flatline yet however. Now i no longer see using nofap just to get laid. Its more about me. Improving myself into the best version possible. Utilising the most i can.

    • able to go out alone, for the last few weeks by myself without relying on my friend. In the past i would always need a friend to go out with, so i can be a shadow lurking behind a confident person, occasionally here and there smiling an awkward smile and muttering a few words. Now i am out most of the time by myself, confidence and carefree. My social anxiety has lessened extraordinarily, it has not disappeared but it is getting progressively better day by day. I have began volunteering at a restaurant. This challenges me socially and personally as i need to have the confidence to both talk to the other workers around me and talk to the patrons.
    • My mind is super clear. It takes around 5 minutes in the early morning for my mind and eyes to adjust, but after that i am ecstatic to begin the day with so much clean energy. And this energy lasts alllllll day. Though i do eat properly. But still, it wasn’t like this before.
    • I stopped video games on the same day as i began nofap. I have used my time much more wisely, by reading, writing, exercising and being socially active.
    • Though one thing i have to caution myself is being cocky, or over-confident. Sometimes i forget how i was a month ago and my new found confidence and healthy glow of appearance causes me to think less of others, as if i am better. But i am catching myself more and more whenever i do this, and i am trying to not let those thoughts arise.
      • i have never felt better in my 22 years. I have never looked more healthy in my 22 years. I have never been this confident, happy, calm, awake, clear-minded, positive and passionate in my 22 years. For those of you who are thinking of doing it, i implore in you to start and try it out. For those who are on the edge of relapsing, i say do not, keep going, don’t trade 24hours of bliss for 10seconds of something a little better.

    1month. boundless energy and clarity. first month of many. here are some of the changes in my life

    TL;DR do it. don’t give up.


  622. I finally feel these ‘superpowers’ coming into effect.

    Ever since I stopped masturbating, I have admittedly been having these mood swings from the lack of masturbation, getting more emotional in both good and bad ways. Maybe it’s a placebo I been putting on myself, or maybe it is something else but I have been doing more for myself. Here is the things I done:

    1. A week after not masturbating, I have got back into exercising
    2. After not masturbating, I have been focused more on helping a friend in need who has brain cancer
    3. I have fixed up my resume and been motivated to get another job to support me and my family.
    4. I have gotten my scholarship letter in to hopefully get my scholarship.
    5. I have gone to more social events like this birthday party yesterday for a friend of mine.
    6. Developed closer connections to friends through these 10 days.
    7. I have been in more in thought about my social life and am more determined than ever to improve it.

    From these steps, I think I finally understand what it means to be a fapstronaut. At first, I thought i would just get rein in sexual urges and garner more willpower but it has done a bit more to improve my life as well, and for that I thank the nofap community for giving me more power over my life as I wouldn’t imagine how far I come. How much more ‘super’ I feel with the power I have.

    I finally feel these ‘superpowers’ coming into effect.

  623. My 30 day report. Noticeable improvements to the body.

    First, my story: I started masturbating since the age of 12-13, and discovered porn soon after that. It came to the point where I was fapping almost every day, sometimes multiple times per day. Near the end of high school, I started noticing some ill-effects (low energy, minor prostatitis, small ejaculation volume), and I did some research on sexual exhaustion and knew I had to stop things. Unfortunately, my willpower was absolutely shoddy, and I couldn’t stay off of PMO for more than a week, and often just returned to my old ways and fapped frequently.

    Completing my junior year in college at 21 years old, I now have pretty much full blown PIED. A huge turning point for me was when I was kissing and cuddling with a girl I found extremely attractive, and I couldn’t even sustain a full erection – at this point I finally realized how I’d been screwing myself over and was pretty far gone, and I knew SOMETHING had to change. I was utterly devastated, I hope y’all never have to go through something like that…

    The primary reason for me doing nofap is to restore my health; I welcome and appreciate all the other benefits (decreased social anxiety, confidence boost, etc., which I definitely needed help with), but the focus has been on restoring my physical well-being – so my report will primarily concern changes of this nature (a case study, if you will). For those of you struggling with similar issues, maybe this post will help; and let’s fight together.

    Changes after 30 days

    • During my PMO days, I used to start sweating extremely easily (like, it was actually ridiculous -_-), even when it was just moderately warm. I can now comfortably go out in the summer with a long sleeve dress shirt and feel ok (with the minor perspiration you would expect).
    • For the past 30 days of no PMO, I’ve also only been taking cold showers. I feel less lethargic, and have more endurance (my heart rate used to beat very quickly for even the slightest of exercise. the problem hasn’t completely dissapeared, but it’s gotten much better)
    • My facial hair grows a little faster now – I find myself having to the shave stubble once a day, whereas i could comfortably not shave the fuzz for 2 days.
    • For the past couple years I used to have a “firm flaccid” condition, where when my penis was flaccid (i.e. I wasn’t excited), but it was kind of shrunk and a little hard to the touch. This state has been significantly improved, and I get the nice hang in the flaccid condition as I used to, probably 70% of the time now.
    • When I was in my adolescence, I got morning wood ALL the time. In the past year, I rarely ever had MW at all. Now, I’ve had MW almost every day, but only at around 70-75% erection strength. I still can’t get an erection just by thought, but the return of MW, even not at full gas, is reassuring.
    • I felt like I had some minor enlargement/inflammation of the prostate – urination was not as forceful, sometimes a little painful, and it took a little while (6+ seconds) to start. I’ve seen great improvements here, with urination starting within 2-3 seconds, and less prostate pressure.

    I’m no doctor, but these are the changes in myself I’ve observed. I’m still a long way from being healed, but I wanted to post here to say that things have gotten better, in the hope that this may serve as some reassurance for those of you struggling with similar problems. I will be posting back here at 60 and 90 days with any further updates.


  624. 30 days report, no-fap, trying to be as honest as possible

    26 years old, Logician, inventor and thinker, first time I reached this milestone of 30 days since started fapping. my observations, sorted by notice-ability, I will not go into the philosophical reasonings in this post, I’ll just report the facts: My challenge is Nofap, however I tried no-porn too, and I ended up edging to porn 2 times, obviously without fapping.

    • Deep voice mixed with being sure about whatever I say, voice started to get deeper after around day 4, reached its peak few days later, and kept staying at its peak (maybe even a bit deeper). It’s really a good feeling to speak and hear the vibrations of your own deep voice, as opposed to the high-pitched one I always have. And I noticed my new voice doesn’t need any approval, so when I speak I’m not waiting for a positive feedback, this causes people to take you more seriously. (to get the idea, go on youtube and type “”Get out of my box!” Experiment. Ape man, the power of voice”, it may be made-up, I don’t know, but the concept and the feeling is as much rewarding)
    • Eyes wide open, when you look, you look! I’ve always been an introvert, a severe case even if I can wear a mask of the party-animal when I want to switch to the social side of the world, but eye-contact has always been painful for me. after about a week, I noticed how rewarding is to look at a girl/lady in the eyes until she disconnects eye-contact first, and when I talked to guys, suddenly I was the one observing them and they were the ones who had to defend their image, I feel powerful!
    • Energy increased about 10%
    • Vivid dreams, Easier to remember my dreams when I wake up, and with way more particulars (before I used to remember about 2 out of 10 dreams, now about 7/10)
    • Easier to connect emotionally to people, which for me is not normal, because I am cold and can come up with really cold-hearted sentences
    • Positivity increased by about 20-30%
    • More eager to be involved in creative thinking
    • (Haven’t tried cold-showers or meditation yet so I can’t comment, maybe I’m being a pussy, but I normally have a shower with boiling water and colder water is un-thinkable for me at the moment, about meditation, I’ve tried single sessions in separate occasions, so I can’t comment)
    • Started working on a research/business project as the original creator of the idea/brand few days after the last fap, I had this idea for a long time but never took it seriously, I gave the Idea a name and I wrote a program of 900 lines of code, at the moment is worth nothing because I haven’t published anything yet, but the motivation/energy/creativity I gained during this past month made me want to compete against the world! I just feel worth competing!
    • I feel my muscles, I always do exercises and weights at home, but now I actually feel my muscles, I don’t know exactly how to explain that, It makes you more manly


    • Horny, it gets easier after 2 weeks, but it stays there and it’s an enemy I had to battle almost every day, It’s your daily battle between your logic and your instinct (your instinct for the moment is twisted thanks to porn)
    • Sexual frustration sometimes became quite strong and made me consider few times if it’s actually worth continuing, but, using logic, I realized how a waste would it be to consume that energy into watching other people having sex. I don’t wanna be the person who watches any-more, I don’t watch any-more, IF I HAVE TO DO I DO

    CONCLUSION: I have enough reason to keep going and trust the process, I want to reach day 90 and re-evaulate my conclusion

    30 days report, no-fap, trying to be as honest as possible

  625. NoFap = Agoraphobia Cure?

    I’ve always been the type of guy who would be uncomfortable in the real world, there has been many times where I would not leave the house for weeks at a time because it was easier to stay in my room where I couldn’t potentially find myself in a bad situation, judged or laughed at. I have been that way for the majority of my life. I could and would go out only if truly necessary but I would try and justify staying in and cancelling or making pitiful excuses to my friends as to why I can’t see them as planned.

    I am only on day 8 of nofap, today I walked out of my house got on a bus, went to a crowded mall for no reason whatsoever and loved every damn second of it. There was no hesitation in doing all that, it just happened and I went with it, it usually took me hours, even days to mentally prepare for something like that, I blamed it on being an introvert but now I’m not so sure. So far, every day of nofap seems to provide yet another gift, whether it’s physiological or simply placebo I don’t care, I like this.

    I held my head high, talked to people, smiled at strangers and walked tall in a sea of people in a busy shopping mall 🙂

    NoFap = Agoraphobia Cure?

  626. My fellow No-Fappers, this is for anyone that tells you NoFap is

    Although I haven’t told anyone that I’m doing NoFap, I’ve read some posts about people being told that fapping frequently is normal and healthy, that NoFap is nothing more than a “placebo effect” or a load of bullshit. First of all, if these people are close to you (which I would assume), they should be supportive of you and help you reach your goal. Secondly, it annoys me that people are so ignorant that they would say that. It’s no different than saying drug addiction is a load of bullshit or a “placebo effect.”

    We have come to terms that fapping has consumed too much of our life and that it is holding us back from achieving certain things in life. Whether those certain things are having a productive social life, being able to approach women, doing the best we can do in school/work, or having a healthy sex life/more stable relationship for those that are married or already dating. Plenty of people can fap once in awhile and do well in life, much like most people can drink alcohol and be able to control themselves with it. However, we have admitted that we have become addicted to the chemical rush fapping gives us and use it as an escape from our problems and stress. Much like how drug addicts become addicted to the rush their drugs of choice give them. It has become a vice and we are willing to do something about it. We want to get out of this vicious cycle and get control over this horrible vice that has taken control of us, clouded our judgment, and prevented us from living life fully.

    I personally have been 37 days PMO-free. I would never trade the confidence, the clarity of mind, the ability to approach the ladies and feel more confident around them; the feeling of being able to take the lead, get things done, and not take shit from anyone; being a true alpha male; and finally, the feeling of actually living life, rather than just existing, for a mere 8 seconds of pleasure. Trading all of that over an image of a woman I don’t know and will never meet isn’t worth it, and will never be. Don’t ever let anyone shoot you down not only while you’re doing the NoFap experience, but with achieving your goals in general. If they continue to doubt you, prove them wrong, who are they to say what you can and can’t do, and what your limitations are, it is YOU who can determine how far you’ll get in life. Live your life to your own standards, and not to someone else’s.

    My fellow No-Fappers, this is for anyone that tells you NoFap is a load of bullshit or a “placebo effect.”


    It’s definitely not a placebo, but a complex interaction between “fapping”, watching pornography, and lusting (ie. mental activity).

    I am almost 40 years old. Past few months I somehow got into my head that I could use a “fap” to fall asleep more easily. I was trying to fix a life long problem with shifting my waking hours into the night. Hence every 2-3 days I figured I would “fap” in order to fall asleep at a more regular time.

    I have also been watching porn online for many years. I never thought I was addicted, nor that it was on my mind, but there is no denying that I was “lusting” throughout the days. In fact I started noticing sometimes I could feel like something in the back of my mind, even when I didn’t have any images or sounds or any precise thoughts my body would tell me as I would feel a strong tingling in my nuts. Usually when that happens I would have a hard time falling alseep the same day.

    Anyway.. past few months of fapping every 2-3 days, often when I didn’t really feel like it, but to help me fall asleep.. I started having lots of tension and some kind of buzzing in my lower belly. I fould weel fine during the day. As I go to bed and undress I would feel tension in the penis, it wasn’t limp and relaxed as it should be, the tip would be a little swollen as in an erection. I thought it was a prostate problem or something like that because I didn’t consciously recall of lusting throughout the day. Then as I lie down my belly would start aching and I get lots of tension down there that would keep me awake longer than usual. And the worse is that eventually I would feel some kind of elecetrical rush that comes from the belly and rushes up to the solar plexus, I would feel like my heart is racing and sometimes would sit up because it would shake me up.

    It was getting really troublesome to fall asleep. I thought I may have prostate problems.

    Anyway I fapped only twice in the past 12 days, and most of the symptoms above are gone. Those are real, physical symptoms that kept me awake, gave me less hours of sleep, and made my cranky and tired during the day. Worse, it was a spiralling problem as I thought I needed to fap more regualrly to help “release” this energy.

    I’m not religious about no fapping though. I think pornography, no matter how little is consumed, no matter if it is not apparently on the back of the mind on the “off days” (I would only watch to fap).. affects the thought processes; and much of it can be unconscious. The mind lusts (which is not a moral statement), and doing so the body is affected. If you’re young you may not feel it yet. But the simplest way to get to sleep more easily in my recent experiences is to make a strong decision. In my case I simply decided to cut out the streaming/tube sites and that’s good enough for me right now. Based on the “yourbrainonporn” site, it seems to be the most damaging form of pronography (instant, on demand variety of hardcore pornography videos).


  627. Passed day 60 this week! So many positive effects lately!

    I’ve been gaining confidence exponentially it seems. I’m 27 and never have dated, had gf, etc.. Well this week, a friend (who’s a girl) from college asked if I wanted to get coffee and meet up. A dream job responded to my application. I met a girl doing online dating and we met the very next day. It wasn’t a date, but we hung out and had a fun time. I have also started a youtube channel and posting music! Been trying Tinder for months, and suddenly got 4 matches in short time. Today I got a girls number on Tinder.

    I was slightly depressed last week as well. It was the lowest point on this this current quest. It’s funny how it went from low to high as the sky in a matter of days.

    So cliche, but I’ve never felt so alive and hopeful of future.

    Passed day 60 this week! So many positive effects lately!

  628. Natural self assurance and confidence – Like a boss

    So, I’ve been holding off posting a proper report until 90 days. Well i’m still not going into detail, but my story will be epic.

    Until then, i’ll give you a teaser. So group meeting today, all the directors, regional directors, managers and me, graduate…

    The top director asked someone to assist him in a presentation, basically writing on a drawing board brainstorming comments…

    Nobody, nobody volunteered…. 44 days ago, I would not have got up, just wouldn’t of happened. And if I did, I would have been shaking, nervous, poor eye contact, blushing, counting the seconds till I could sit down.

    Nope, bold as hell. I’m like sure, my handwritings is great, i’ll help you out… Stand up, like a boss, saunter over in front of the 25 people, start scribing, have a bit of banter with everyone, enjoyed it thoroughly, no fear, no anxiety, no self consciousness.

    Sit down afterwards like a boss. If I continue like this, i’m running for Mayor or at least getting a pay-rise and promotion at my appraisal next month.

    The only problem is, I feel like i’m on drugs, like some form of upper. Basically, I feel like Charlie sheen on Coke, shouting about tiger blood


    Keep going brothers

    Edit: By the way, got the job when interviewing on a 30 day NoFap streak. They called me back half an hour later and hired me. Stopped nofap for my first month in my job, BIG mistake, They were probably, where’s the awesome guy we hired gone… this guys’ just awkward/nervous.

    I always felt awesome as a kid, fapping changed all that, i’m reclaiming back my true self. You can too

    Natural self assurance and confidence – Like a boss

  629. I’m experiencing alot of benefits from being a Month In But….

    Okay, let me state the good things that have happened first

    1. Increased Stamia

    2. Acne went away

    3. Longer Focus

    4. Deeper voice

    5. Taking My future more serious now

    6. Started reading ALOT MORE

    7.Getting alot more attention from girls

    It seems pretty good right ? But the problem is that I’m still afraid to talk to these girls. I believe Im still going through a flatline and it is fucking killing me. The thing that pushed my anger at my shyness is that this girl just kept staring at me and I felt as if I couldn’t even go talk to her. ARGHHHH !!!!

    I’m experiencing alot of benefits from being a Month In But…. ( In need of advice)


  630. Better Relationship To Parents

    I just realized that i’m getting along alot better with my Parents than before NoFap, especially with my father. Since 4 years we somehow grew apart. He had alot of arguments with my mother and i always stood on her side… I didn’t spend much time with him, barely talked to him. Since i started NoFap i worked on the relationship. He’s still my father and proud of me. Well i would be if i had a child. I know feel kind of ashamed that i’m behaving like that. Just trying to ignore him and push him away… I’m sure it makes him very sad.

    Well i guess it’s not only because of NoFap… It just made me aware of this problem. So my advise for you: Go and say something nice to your parents. Or have dinner with them. I mean they have raised you for at least 18 years now love you whatever the fuck you do… Have some respect. Don’t wait till it’s to late!


    Better Relationship To Parents

  631. Quick Thoughts on Porn

    Having recently found this subreddit and subsequently decided to become porn free, I want to express a few thoughts on the process so far (for myself and for the apparently significant number of others questioning their love of porn):

    1.) Personally, I am going porn free, not entirely pmo free. One key difference between pmo and mo to me is that porn is exploitative. It exploits the participants and it exploits my biology and my desires. There are a handful of people out there cashing big checks at the expense of harming countless others. I do not want to participate in such an industry.

    2.) Without porn, I find my mo habits have quickly altered. For starters, the amount has decreased by ~40%. The masturbation experience is very different in that the sensation is way less visual (as to be suspected) and far more centered on my genital area.

    3.) I literally feel myself becoming more extroverted. I am overcome with the desire to interact with people, and not just women. There is a hole in my being that was left by the porn. I feel energized to fill it with social interaction.

    4.) A favorite analogy–which I read somewhere here in a post–is that of porn to candy. Like candy, porn is delicious, easy, widely available and cheap. It dutifully satisfies a momentary craving. I don’t eat much candy though because it serves no long-term benefit to me; in fact, it can be very harmful without restrained use. I want to quit porn for the exact same reason. Porn is nothing but an easy, superficial experience that serves no positive long-term purpose.

    The most valuable things in life take hard work, commitment and perseverance. These are the types of activities I want to be devoted to because they will bring me profound satisfaction. PMO is a quick fix that any sucker can engage in. PMO is candy. I am a grown man who wants to be strong, healthy and proud.

    5.) I am glad that I watched the Your Brain on Porn video series because it gave me an acute understanding of biological mechanics of excessive porn use. I now feel confident that I can repair the damage that I did to myself. I am sad that I did what I did, but I am invigorated with the feeling that I can improve and move forward to become a better person.

    **Note: These are all just thoughts and I am open to altering or completely changing my views on anything mentioned.

    Quick Thoughts on Porn

  632. It’s getting ridiculous guys. Female attention everywhere I go n

    I can’t actually pinpoint the day it took place or any one thing which has attributed to this sudden boost in attention but I went from seeing one or two girls a semester liking what they see to 3-5 a freaking day. Girls before who probably wrote me off now maintain that eye contact fully which says “if it were another circumstance I’d be all over you” mixed with the smile, the hair brushing, they physically touch me, and the lip biting…. Oh shit that lip biting.

    Guys it’s been a long time coming. Countless resets over the passed 2 years. Days and days of wondering why nothing good happens for me. Staring into the mirror disgusted with my body.

    To put into perspective, I’ve battled my personal demons (depression from real life problems much worse), I stand confidently now, and have taken up lifting as one of my true passions. 850lb deadlift is my goal by the time I get my M.D 8 years out or so.

    I’ll leave you with this quote from Cal Ripken when asked about playing games and not wanting to go through tough times.

    “There were a lot of those moments that you thought wouldn’t it be nice that I wouldn’t have to play today then there was sort of a guilt feeling that would come and you’d say let’s see what happens and normally when you say let’s see what happens something good happens. So I always associated it with good things being on the horizons”.

    Show the fuck up! Good things are on the horizons!

    It’s getting ridiculous guys. Female attention everywhere I go now.


  633. 4 months!! Even in my dreams I’m a BADASS

    I wouldn’t have been able to make it so far without this forum. I’ve made it to a little over 2 months on my own but I remember it seeming much more difficult.

    GW Bush would consider me a terrorist because my morning wood is a WMD.

    I had this dream last night that I was being chased by a mechano-TRex. It was chasing me around the outside of my old house. As I’m sprinting around this house, I’m telling myself, “I need a door.” The next 2 doors I find are locked. “I need and UNLOCKED door!” As if I’m talking to the dream creator. The next door is unlocked. The TRex is tearing the house appart. I run for the basement. I get to the woodshop in the basement. I can hear it destroying the house. “I need some guns to kill that thing.” 2 rifles in soft leather cases appear on the floor. I pull the first one out. It looks like a toy and has no ammunition. I put it back. Just then a fully suited Space Marine walks down the stairs. He gets to the bottom of the stair case and asks “You called for back up?” He then proceeds to undon his armored suit and as he steps out he says “This is your fight. I’ll help zip you up.” At that point, 2 girls appeared and the dream became a naughty dream. No TRexs anywhere. Maybe tonight I’ll get to finish off the mechano-TRex.

    4 months!! Even in my dreams I’m a BADASS

  634. I have finally made it to 30 days.

    This is my second attempt at NoFap. On my last attempt I made it to 27 days and then relapsed. This time, I am committed to doing at least 90. I want to start this post by explaining why I started NoFap, and then go on to explain the benefits it has brought me.

    Why I needed to do this- First of all, I was doing PMO way too much. Sometimes it was just once a day, but at least once a week I would do a four to seven hour session. Secondly, Fapping was my go-to method for dealing with anxiety. If something made me anxious or upset, I would literally run to my room and touch myself as I turned on my Laptop. This was terrible because it encouraged me to avoid finding an effective way of dealing with my anxiety. Lastly, I did not have the desire to have sex with my girlfriend that I should have, and when we did have sex my performance was not great. This made her unhappy, and her being unhappy made me unhappy.

    After 30 days of NoFap- It’s only been thirty days, but I am already seeing a lot of benefits that I honestly did not expect to achieve nearly this quickly:

    1. I have a lot more confidence, not just with women, but in everything I do. I have more conviction and am more self assure. I really like how this feels. It’s not like I am arrogant, I just have a lot less internal doubt, and my self opinion is not based as much on what other people think of me.
    2. Women like me more. My girlfriend wants to fuck me all of the time. I did two weeks of hard mode to try to give myself a bit of a reset, and by the end of that she was literally lusting after me like I was the sexiest thing ever. It’s also not just her. A girl whom I see at parties sometimes (friend of a friend), and whom I have always thought was beautiful, cornered me the other night and did nothing but compliment me and talk about how much she admires me and how attractive she thinks I am. I mean, she was drunk, and all she really did was say some nice stuff, but it still felt amazing.
    3. Using extra time to turn my life around: I started taking some computer programming courses at the local university, and it is hard as shit, but the extra time I have from not fapping means that I can devote hours a day to studying, and still have free time to distress and relax. I am doing ok so far, and I love how proud I feel whenever I understand a difficult concept.
    4. Effects on anxiety: I have always been a very anxious person, and NoFap has not made that go away, but not using PMO as a method to hide from my anxiety has forced me to find healthier methods of dealing with it (seeing a therapist, exercising, deep breathing exercises, eating regular meals, getting enough sleep) and those things have been very helpful to me. I am dealing with my issues in a productive way.
    5. Other benefits: Sleeping better, more energy, clearer mind, and yes my sexual performance is much better than it every has been.

    So yeah, committing to NoFap was a great decision. I love the way it makes me feel. I love everything associated with it. It is very hard, but the rewards are worth the effort. Here’s to 90 days!

    I have finally made it to 30 days.



  635. NoFap is the real deal – social anxiety

    Let me start by telling you something about myself and the reasons why I started NoFap.

    I’m a 23yo guy who stumbled across nofap by accident. A couple of years ago I realized that I have symptoms of social anxiety. As a kid I was extremely extroverted and I had a DGAF type of attitude, but as I was becoming older I became more introverted and I just thought that it’s normal, all though I never liked my new self. It just didn’t feel right.

    I started feeling anxious in social situations and especially with women that I’m attracted to. I could never figure out what the deal was. At the end of 2012 I started dealing with it. I read a lot of self help books, watched a lot of videos, I made lifestyle changes etc. I basically tried everything. A lot of it was helpful, but I could never get rid of the tight feeling in my chest, I could never say what’s on my mind and I was scared of social interactions. Basically, I could never let go and chill. Even when I was around people that I knew for some time.

    Two weeks ago I stumbled across NoFap and I though, hey why not try it? So I did and this is what I learned…

    I could feel the difference a couple of days into nofap, which was very odd because I never thought that you could feel the benefits of it so early on. After 7 days I felt new. I realized that my anxiety was gone, not totally but it reduced greatly. For example, I would get into a situation which would make me feel anxious in the past, but this time nothing happened. I remember standing there, waiting for my anxiety to overtake, but instead of that nothing happened. I couldn’t believe it. So I decided to stick with nofap.

    15 days in, I started being more outgoing, speaking my mind, being assertive and generally happy with myself which is a feeling that I didn’t have for a long time. In these 15 days I met more girls than I have in a year when I used to fap. (true story)

    Now comes the tricky part. On day 15 I was going out with some of my friends and we met these 4 cute girls and we ended up spending the night with them. I was fooling around with one of the girls, we were making out, dancing, dry humping but nothing more happened. I was so horny that night, I must have had like 5-6 erections. The problem was, nothing more happened, I didn’t bust a nut and the next thing you know… Blue balls.

    I woke up the next morning with a huge pain in my balls. It was like getting kicked in the nuts, that kind of dull pain. I know what I had to do but I was already 15 days in and I didn’t want to restart my counter. On the other hand I wanted to know if it makes any difference. Is nofap placebo? Things like that started crossing my mind so I was like fuck it, let’s see… I fapped, I didn’t feel any different and I immediately thought that it was all in my head, but as soon as I had my first social interaction I could feel the difference.

    I was avoiding eye contact, keeping things short, I was unmotivated to hold a conversation, I was in my head too much, I couldn’t say whats on my mind, I was doubting myself, brain fog… I had all the symptoms again, all the symptoms I had two weeks ago. I felt weak again.

    I’m on day 1 again and this time I’m planning to stick around with it for a little longer. I can definitely say that nofap is the thing that will help me turn my life around. I could never believe that something like PMO could be so damaging. I was fapping for the past 8 years on a daily basis, at least once a day and it turned into a habit. I never looked it as something bad, I never thought that PMO is contributing to my social anxiety because it just doesn’t make sense to me. It still doesn’t but it’s definitely working and that is a reason enough for me to continue with nofap.

    Now, I’m new to reddit, so dear fapstronauts… Where can I get that counter thing for no fap?

    Thanks for reading and stick to nofap! 🙂

    NoFap is the real deal (Long Post, social anxiety, relapse, placebo, starting again)


  636. Everything has changed, colors are brighter, the air is cleaner

    Everything has changed, colors are brighter, the air is cleaner and everything just seems to be running a lot “smoother”. I finally asked that girl out that I’ve been crushing on all semester, she said yes and I told her there wasn’t a rush to get physical “I’m after a meaningful relationship” she blushed.

    Keep going brothers, when you reclaim your life by denying your urges you’ll feel more alive than ever before. It’s like I’ve been reborn. I feel better than when I graduated high school or when my mum beat cancer.

    Life sure is great and I owe it all so shutting off porn and switching on my heart.

    The power is within you and don’t listen to any one, no one can tell you what to do, not your peers, the police or even your grandparents. No one understands the struggle like we do and we must fight and strive!!! Keep going.

    Just hit day 69, feeling like this.

  637. 30 day report. Mum I did it!!!

    As I sit down with a bowl of cereal smirking to myself as Viva La Vida comes on my iTunes and realising the title of the post really isn’t accurate as my mum hasn’t a clue what NoFap is… I keep smirking as I have made 30 days.

    What an achievement! I feel I have a duty to give people hope for what they can expect along the way and how important it has been in my life.

    So here, I’ll start with pros and some “cons” if you can even call them that then i’ll go on to writing a little time scale diary sort of thing.


    1. Better sex life… via oral and actual sex I’m so sensitive and I fricking love it! It’s now a case of jizzing too early than not jizzing at all, I’ll train myself to last longer but atm I’m just so happy I can at all!
    2. My mind is now at ease realising I can have kids. When I had DE (delayed ejaculation) I genuinely would nearly cry at the fact I might not be able to have sex the most natural way, would I have to freeze my sperm or some other non natural way (not that I have a problem with people who do but I was thinking I can m and jizz but not through sex what the heck!).
    3. My skin for some reason has become so clear and I’ve always has problems with acne, is it NoFap or because of number 4…
    4. Healthy eating, I don’t feel like eating junk food for some reason I think NoFap has given my will power a high boost, I think to myself how was I so easy when it came into giving in to stuff in the past..
    5. Exercising alot, on average 4 days a w on and off intense sprints and alot of basketball. I’m nowhere near fat anyway but my bloatedness has gone if that’s the correct term lol.

    There are more however they are the main ones to motivate you.

    “Cons” I feel these are not cons but more the myths you hear on here.

    1. I personally don’t believe NoFap is as big as people make it out to be in terms of curing social anxiety. I think that’s a choice, its NoFap that builds your will power but you have to make a choice yourself and think fuck it i’m speaking to her or him and I don’t care! Don’t think sitting at home doing NoFap will cure your social anxiety you have to go outside and speak to someone new. I watched a video where the guy said you start like NoFap taking a day at a time, day 1 just say HELLO to a stranger. Day 2 say HELLO to two strangers… Day 3 Say HELLO to three strangers and then ask how there day is going…this may be a hello to a sales assistant at a shop or the milkman or a passer by.
    2. People who think because A or B isn’t working for them on there NoFap journey but its helping someone else and then decide NoFap is a load of crap. You may not get loads of looks from girls on the bus to work, but you might in two months! Some people especially the more recluse users of reddit who havn’t seen daylight for two days from gaming obviously make up a load of shit just to make themselves better. i.e something like this “I was a virgin before NoFap seven days in I just had a threesome” by doing so these fake idiots (in most cases) make someone else think wtf why hasn’t this happened to me yet. Don’t worry stay on your own journey and learn how to spot a fake post from the REAL!

    I hope to not have to fap again in my life, and continue to have a healthy sex life and good life in general.

    P.S I’m 19 years old and from London.

    30 day report. Mum I did it!!!

  638. 26 Days: I’ve Never Felt Better

    Greetings, NoFap!

    I’ve been a lurker on here for a while now, I suppose. Nearing 2 months or so since I started my first attempt.

    NoFap History:

    • First attempt starting May 4th- 8 days. Couldn’t handle the testosterone spike, whacked it furiously after edging a couple times. (Don’t edge. Worst case; you succumb and O. Best case; you blue-ball yourself.)
    • Second attempt starting May 12th- 17 days. Did well up until a party happened. Had a girl in bed, we were both considerably inebriated and things began to escalate. Aaaaand then she got sick and vomited profusely for 45 minutes; neither one of us was really in the mood afterwards. The day following, PMO’ed. Fuck.
    • Third (current) attempt starting May 29th- First time I’ve been honestly determined to beat this. Started cold showers, started working out, started to change my life for the better and I’ll go into detail on that below.

    So following my last PMO, I felt like hell. I passed 2 weeks for the first time in what had to have been 5 years and was feeling better than I had ever felt. I was outgoing, friendly, my voice had dropped what felt like an octave, I had started running, and mainly I was CONFIDENT. I would walk into a party and have fun, and not just stand awkwardly eyeing the pretty girl alone in the kitchen.

    And then, I jerked it. “Oh, it’s just this one time. It’s all in my mind, these effects I’ve been feeling. I just need to keep the mindset and one little orgasm won’t destroy me.” WRONG.

    It was after the sweat on my palms had dried that I realized what a mistake I made. Kenjataimu. Japanese for the post-fap clarity we’ve all experienced. The depression, the guilt, and the anger.

    Never Again.

    Never have I had an orgasm (And believe me, I’ve had my fair share) that overshadowed the guilt that I felt at that moment. I zipped up my shorts, threw on my running shoes, and just ran. I ran my usual trail of 2 miles, but no. “I can keep going.” 4 miles, 6 miles.. By the end of the run I was drenched in sweat and had covered 12 miles.

    A new beginning.

    And so it began. Usually a night owl, I would routinely find myself awake at 2 AM browsing the internet aimlessly. Starting the 30th of May, I’ve woken up at daybreak every single day, grabbed a glass of water and gone for a run. I have not since run myself to exhaustion as I did the first day, but I modified my running trail to ~2.5 miles and I’ve been pushing myself to lower my time each day. Along with running, I’ve started doing 200 push ups, pull ups, squats, and crunches daily. While I’ve always been in decent shape, I’ve never felt as healthy as I do now. I wake up refreshed, with a smile on my face, ready to tackle the day.

    My voice has once again dropped to the point where my coworkers ask what I’ve done and why I sound so different. A cutie that I’ve had my eye on for a while asked ME out to dinner after closing, and it’s one of the most fun dates I’ve been on thus far.

    My skin has cleared, feels softer, and my skin tone has evened. I’ve begun shaving with a razor again after years with an electric because my face was always so irritated.

    I’ve started taking cold showers recently. Though the first few times I managed a whole of 2 minutes, the last few days I’ve been taking 10, 15, 20 minute showers on the absolute coldest setting. It’s extremely refreshing and my hair and skin have benefited greatly from it.

    And perhaps most importantly, I am happy again. I struggled since the passing of my best friend in February to feel anything. I grew numb to my emotions, and consequently I allowed my only source of relief to be mastubating. Haphazardly jerking it in pitch black to a computer screen displaying a woman who likely didn’t even want to be there. Ever since NoFap, I genuinely smile again. I go into work excited to talk to every customer and recently there has been talk of a promotion with a 50% raise.

    Thank you, NoFap, for this. For making me into the person I always wanted to be. Though I’m new to the community, I hope you all will accept me.

    Best Regards, Paul

    26 Days: I’ve Never Felt Better


  639. I was skeptical but took the challange and I’m glad I did

    I’m 31 years old and I decided to try abstaining from fapping to see how long I can go without it. The other reason apart from curiousity was being a disturbed by the fact that I started moving to more hardcore porn to get excited and it resembled addiction a lot. That was good moment to do something about it before it gets out of control.

    So far I reached 25 days. First few days were hard but the urge got weaker after one week. After about two weeks I noticed something that I wouldn’t expect to happen. I got slightly more positive energy and confidence during the day. I’m looking forward to see how things will change in the next weeks. Meanwhile I decided to go further and start doing exercises more regularly to generate even more energy for myself. There are some major changes in my life ahead of me. I’m glad I started this now beacause such small thing as NoFap generated big avalanche of self-improvement and looking for new good habits to cultivate.

    Stay strong, everyone.

    I was skeptical but took the challange and I’m glad I did

  640. A Blunt, honest overview of 30 days hard-mode.

    ABOUT: 24 years young, PIED, Short term memory problems, constant feelings of falling short of expectations (Career, sex-life, love life, the list goes on), feelings of social anxiety.

    Benefits: I don’t believe there are ‘Benefits’ or as individuals have termed ‘Super Powers’. This isn’t an elixir that magically turns you into some casual Disney Hero/Heroine. I instead see this as your body returning to its ‘default’ state which despite its unceremonious title, is a powerful thing, Fuck everyone else, be your own hero. (I’m aware of the contradiction in me saying that… fuck me right?)

    Increased confidence (No guilt, No shame, No secrets, no impending feeling of Judgement)

    As a side effect of the increased confidence, Better eye contact, and more assertive behaviour towards other people. (I’ve physically had people look away because they seem intimidated).

    Much less social anxiety, zero fucks are given. (still room for development however).

    A lot less of the horrible brain full o’ static feeling, so my thought processes are quicker and more intricate than 31 days ago.

    Less tired, more energy, did a 12 hour shift on practically 2 hours sleep on night, felt and looked completely normal throughout. The previous me would have looked like battered shit, no exaggeration.

    Can’t comment on the girls checkin me out, gettin me some more tail business, I’m deployed at the moment, but I’ve spotted one or two lasses eye me, its no big deal though, this could be all tied in benefits from everything else. Though i have a feeling in the pit of my stomach that craves me some female interaction.

    I feel and look better, dark patches under eyes are starting to disappear, starting to look less and less like a dawn of the dead extra. ‘BRAAAAAAAINS’! (or British Reality Television star, this is interchangeable.)

    I’m more productive, i have more time and patience to read and do stuff that I’ve wanted to do. who’d have thought that googling [‘Massive set of Chebs’],(/nsfw) wastes so much time right?

    Far easier to sleep at night, head isn’t pre-occupied with images and stuff that is of nil importance, this of course could lead to some of the effects mentioned above.


    Mood swings are off the the charts, I’ll be like I’m high as a kite, (people have started to worry about me, I suspect I’ll be in the next compulsory drugs test) and on some days crushing depression. Its an interesting landscape inside my head of recent.

    Being too assertive, I have developed a terrible habit of being too blunt, my tact i have become so reliant on to protect myself from impeding doom has evaporated into nothing. This has resulted in myself putting my foot down and telling people where they can rectically place such ideas that i oppose.

    Seeing your flaws in other people, before I did this I never noticed how much other men objectified women, it feels pretty terrible to watch and listen too. its always things such as ‘Check out the ass on that’, I’m not going to ascend to the moral highplane, but personally I feel it’s wrong and damaging to view women like this, objectification make you weak because you place someone so highly, as though they’re on some immaculate pedestal, subconsciously you’ll feel she’s out of reach, and you’d never behave with the same with the same respect she should feel from you. Objectification leads to anxiety. Don’t worship, interact.

    PIED not cured as of yet (Not really a con, but I suspect this is an ongoing process).

    Thanks for reading, and also thank you to those who contribute.

    A Blunt, honest overview of 30 days hard-mode.


  641. Just enjoying life for the first time in 12 years

    I ask this because I woke up this morning and just looked at my hands. I moved them around and observed them for 10 minutes. It was the weirdest thing ever. It seemed sharper than before. I mean my vision and the way I perceive the world. I’ve been sitting in my bed for about 30 minutes. I’m just content with being in the moment and appreciating what’s happening right now. Strange, I cant remember the last time I just woke up and did nothing. I’m not bored, sad, happy. I’m just content with who I am. Its a feeling that’s hard to explain but haven’t felt since a child. You know… waking up on a saturday morning to catch the cartoons. Getting a bowl of cereal without a care in the world.

    Right now, Just enjoying life for the first time in 12 years. I’m 23 yrs old. I’m a recovering porn addict. I’m a work in progress. God bless.

    Do people & things start to seem more real to you?


  642. severe social anxiety for the best part of 8 years.

    I am somebody who has suffered from pretty severe social anxiety for the best part of 8 years.

    It all started in puberty when I started watching porn, then fantasizing about girls in my class, and eventually wacking it on a daily basis. Prior to puberty I was the most out going kid there was. I would chat to strangers freely, make friends with any and everyone, help the new kids fit in at school, and was, just all round (if I don’t say so myself!) a great kid (I literally won awards for being so polite, open and friendly towards everyone). Then puberty happened and feelings of guilt and embarrassment took me over causing some pretty severe social anxiety, which is only now beginning to go away thanks to no-fap!

    For the past week I’ve been on no-fap, doing what i like to call, super hard mode, which is essentially where you don’t even allow yourself to fantasize about girls. If I so much as saw a girl on tv in a bikini I’d switch the channel or just stare at her face (consciously avoiding the more curvaceous regions of her anatomy). If sexual thoughts came about in my head I’d focus on my breath or quickly switch the subject. It’s this line of no-fap which has led to some of the most amazing confidence and anti-anxiety related results that I have come across, and so I felt like I should drop a post for those of ya’ll who want to extract as much benefit from this challenge as possible.

    A lot of people go on about how there’s no such things as super-powers and the only benefits you gain come as a result of your new-found self control, but, in comparison to my fapping self, I do feel like I have superpowers! I feel like the true me is being given the chance to come forward and shine, and i must say, it’s bloody amazing. Right now it’s not even so much that I feel confident, but rather that I just feel completely open and free from anxiety…

    One example of my new-found openness and lack therefore of anxiety occurred yesterday on the train. I struck up conversations with four random strangers, one of whom turned out to be reading my favourite book series which led to an hour of scintillating conversation! I feel like I’m actually becoming a people person again and it’s bloody well awesome! Another example was at the office I was working at for the past 2 weeks. In the first week I was fapping, doing the usual thing, and made next to no friends (had a little bit of small talk here and there but that was it). Then in the second week, going from strength to strength on this no-fap thing, I started making more and more friends, until eventually I became familiar with the majority of the office, made tons of friends (there were literally hundreds of people working there) and by the end of the two weeks I was actually kind of sad to go…

    For any of you who think I’m chatting spiel, try this for a few weeks and see how you feel (note: i was also meditating for about 1 hr 30 mins a day (I was doing that prior to this week as well so most of the benefits, i hypothesise, must be derived from nofap rather than meditation although i’m sure it helps))


  643. severe social anxiety for the best part of 8 years.

    I am somebody who has suffered from pretty severe social anxiety for the best part of 8 years.

    It all started in puberty when I started watching porn, then fantasizing about girls in my class, and eventually wacking it on a daily basis. Prior to puberty I was the most out going kid there was. I would chat to strangers freely, make friends with any and everyone, help the new kids fit in at school, and was, just all round (if I don’t say so myself!) a great kid (I literally won awards for being so polite, open and friendly towards everyone). Then puberty happened and feelings of guilt and embarrassment took me over causing some pretty severe social anxiety, which is only now beginning to go away thanks to no-fap!

    For the past week I’ve been on no-fap, doing what i like to call, super hard mode, which is essentially where you don’t even allow yourself to fantasize about girls. If I so much as saw a girl on tv in a bikini I’d switch the channel or just stare at her face (consciously avoiding the more curvaceous regions of her anatomy). If sexual thoughts came about in my head I’d focus on my breath or quickly switch the subject. It’s this line of no-fap which has led to some of the most amazing confidence and anti-anxiety related results that I have come across, and so I felt like I should drop a post for those of ya’ll who want to extract as much benefit from this challenge as possible.

    A lot of people go on about how there’s no such things as super-powers and the only benefits you gain come as a result of your new-found self control, but, in comparison to my fapping self, I do feel like I have superpowers! I feel like the true me is being given the chance to come forward and shine, and i must say, it’s bloody amazing. Right now it’s not even so much that I feel confident, but rather that I just feel completely open and free from anxiety…

    One example of my new-found openness and lack therefore of anxiety occurred yesterday on the train. I struck up conversations with four random strangers, one of whom turned out to be reading my favourite book series which led to an hour of scintillating conversation! I feel like I’m actually becoming a people person again and it’s bloody well awesome! Another example was at the office I was working at for the past 2 weeks. In the first week I was fapping, doing the usual thing, and made next to no friends (had a little bit of small talk here and there but that was it). Then in the second week, going from strength to strength on this no-fap thing, I started making more and more friends, until eventually I became familiar with the majority of the office, made tons of friends (there were literally hundreds of people working there) and by the end of the two weeks I was actually kind of sad to go…

    For any of you who think I’m chatting spiel, try this for a few weeks and see how you feel (note: i was also meditating for about 1 hr 30 mins a day (I was doing that prior to this week as well so most of the benefits, i hypothesise, must be derived from nofap rather than meditation although i’m sure it helps))

    Anti-anxiety/confidence/openness and super hard mode!

  644. Are colours are supposed to be vivid?

    So, past two months I’ve been pretty much in the moment and abstaining from even thinking of sex. totally.

    My question is, have you guys seen a change in how you experience colours? Two days now i have actually enjoyed my work since everything just looks so bright and candy- like. almost like being under Influence. and i haven’t even smoke a cigarette for a while.

    Colours are supposed to be vivid?

  645. I still cant believe that nightmare is over.

    They said that your state improve but its not yet proven that you can fully recover. Ive been PornFree for 7 months now and I can confirm you its true, I recovered a LOT and never been happier than right now. But I suppose that after a steady porn consumption from 12 to 22 years old, my brain will never be as if I would have never began that. But I dont care anymore, im happy with myself.

    I rarely comment on NoFap anymore, but seriously people, continue your fight. After some time it just go away, and while some people talk about the hard way (no fap at all) I think the best way to be successful in that quest is to stop Porn (completely!) first, the fapping frequency drops very rapidely after that. Stopping altogether is just torture. After some months you are totally in control and you dont feel the need to fap (except for some rare urges).

    I still cant believe that nightmare is over. Enjoying everything so much more and not having that shit on your mind.


  646. The phrase was: “you’ve grown so much”

    Last night I picked up a good friend of mine from the airport, and as neither of us had had dinner, we stopped at a place near her house and sat and talked for hours, as only good friends should, right? This in itself was not a novel experience, I do this with her all time. However, what she said to me is what struck me.

    The phrase was: “you’ve grown so much”

    Now, the context this was said in had to do with relationships, and how basically I have come to the conclusion that the only safe time for any person to enter a relationship is when they have developed a strong self-concept. (I think that could probably use a little bit of airtime on this sub, but that’s beside the point). Me making this assertion to her prompted her to ask me my own feelings toward myself… To which I honestly replied that I have never had a stronger sense of self and worth than I do at this time of my life. And I told her that NoFap was the reason.

    At which point she uttered the above statement.

    And I honestly have to agree with her. Not in a self-righteous, “look at me I’m great” sort of way, but in the way that a man should when he knows who he is. I have grown. I am different. I have not changed who I am, I have simply become who I am. I’ve learned to follow my passions instead of my lusts, and life is so much richer and full of adventure now. I no longer fear my loneliness. Life is beautiful, even when it sucks.

    If you get anything from this, I hope that you see NoFap as growth. It is not a cure. It is not the end. But it will help you reach both of those things.

    “You’ve Grown”

  647. 38 Day Report. I’m Amazed…

    Today is #38 for me. Looking back to how I was just over a month ago I am amazed at how different of a person I am. In the past I would come home from work and stay home all night until I had to leave for work again the next day. I would either play video games, surf reddit aimlessly, or fap. I was anti-social and shied away from anything that could be considered risky. I had been single for 11 years and hadn’t kissed a girl in almost as long. Here are some highlights of things that have happened in the past 38 days.

    *Multiple people in relationships have approached me trying to hook me up with their friends. This started about 2 weeks in to nofap. It hasn’t happened in the past but now it seems everyone wants me to date someone they know.

    *I left my old band of 7 years and started a new fresh one that’s represents me better.

    *I matched a pretty girl on tinder one night and on a whim asked her to come over. She was ringing my doorbell 15 minutes later. I was sure that there was no sex involved. The fact that I had the nerve to ask a stranger to come over was exhilarating enough.

    *I experienced rejection from a female I liked and it made me really sad at the time. This also was a great thing because it had been SO long since I have felt that emotion. It made me feel alive again and made me want to better myself.

    *My eating habits have changed for the better and I am getting to the gym. I want to be my best self. If I can overcome the PMO cycle, I can overcome the world.

    *I met an amazing female who I want to make my girlfriend. WANT not need. I am pursuing her which in itself feels great. I can’t remember the last time I experienced the “thrill of the chase”. Normally if I saw an awesome girl I would go home and fap until I forgot about her. Now I chase her.

    *I worked up the nerve to confront my best friend about not fulfilling his promise to the girl he loves by marrying her. He was so thankful for that kick in the pants. Their wedding is next May.

    *I have been waking up earlier with lots of energy. Even on my sleep-in days I am up by 9am.

    *I have no idea how my car works and am by no means a handy-man. But by learning from youtube videos I have changed my blinker bulb, installed new wiper blades, and installed a new battery. My motivation was that I EXPECT girls to be riding in my car and I want it to be in tip-top shape when they do. Also getting my car washed and detailed tomorrow.


    I have been trying the nofap challenge for over 2 years and my longest streak was 14 days. There are 2 things I did that have helped me overcome and last this long.

    1) Wear a rubber band around your wrist. Whenever you start looking at a female as an object of pleasure for you to consume and not as a human being, SNAP your wrist. It will hurt and in about a month your brain isn’t going to be so quick to tell you to lust.

    2) This one is really hard but it’s the MOST important. Find a close male friend who wants the best for you and give him your word that whenever you PMO or fap you will confess it to him. Whenever my strongest temptations came, I was able to resist by knowing that if I went through with PMO I would have to have an awkward conversation with someone I care about.

    I hope this helps. Remember this isn’t just breaking a bad habit. This is a war within ourselves. So make choices like someone at war would make. The fight is hard, but it takes a great battle to earn a great victory.

    38 Day Report. I’m Amazed…

  648. Tried NoFap for 26 days: immediate and abundant results

    I tried NoFap as a challenge in June in order to explore the possibilities that it could provide. My expectations were far exceeded. Although I broke my streak the day after accomplishing my ultimate goal, I am glad to say that I will start using NoFap again later this summer.

    First off, there was the confidence. I turned from your average, bad-with-girls guy to a group leader and fearless flirter. Partially due to my permanent horniness, increased energy, and increased testosterone, I found that talking to not only girls, but talking to anyone, took no social anxiety. It’s almost as if I were at an ever-present alcoholic buzz.

    Then, there came the physical confidence. I was no longer self-conscious about by face or body when talking, swimming, dancing, or playing sports. Although I’m still very mediocre at basketball and most other sports, I had the confidence to play with more athletic guys my age and match them daily. It truly is 90% mental.

    I had more energy, and less procrastination and no more procrasterbation. I didn’t lay down or go into a lethargic time almost for the duration of my streak, but rather stayed actively social and pursuing my interests (which often involved girls).

    Now for the icing on the cake. For my entire life I had done nothing more than first base (make out) with any girl. Although I’m only 16, I was still self-conscious about not having gone further or having lost my v-card to this point. During my NoFap period, I achieved my ultimate goal I set when starting the challenge: to have the confidence to go farther with a female. This happened on day 17 (the hunger is real I guess). I met an amazing and beautiful girl, who I convinced myself to talk to, date shortly, working my way through the “bases” with her, until on day 22, my virginity was nowhere to be found. I’m still with her, even after having broken my streak, and am happier than I have ever been in my life. Thank you NoFap, for these incredible days, and when I am ready, I shall start the challenge once more.

    Tried NoFap for 26 days: immediate and abundant results

  649. Jealousy has gone….. now for the next insecurity!

    well over 100 days into my reboot. I do not get jealous of other people anymore, which would suggest my self confidence has got better… I now need to learn how to deal with people who don’t appreciate me. I still have this insecurity/need to feel like people see me in a good light. Does anyone else have this? I wonder if you could share anything which has helped. Thanks very much!

    Jealousy has gone….. now for the next insecurity!
  650. Slowly getting my balls back

    I feel alot more assertive, I’m not in the mood to take any more shit. I have a friend who is abit cheeky at times, basically an arsehole but up until now everyday has just put up with him. He goes gym and is one of these “Uh so alpha, much gainz” tossers. He has demeaned me many times before but now…

    I’m starting to stand up for myself now and I’m giving him as good as I get back. I’m not taking it anymore, I don’t have a fear of looking stupid anymore and I won’t let anyone give me shit. I actually almost feel like fighting him for all the shit he’s done to me but I’m just gonna puff out my chest and let him know it’s over. To be honest, one of my circle of friends often join in with him and rip the piss out of me and for years I took it but now…I’m taking my seat at the table of respect. I honestly can’t believe the difference just five days has made for me, I’m making my voice heard in that group and it feels great.

    Slowly getting my balls back

  651. This shit actually worked

    This shit actually worked

    Me before 22 days:

    Felt extremely shy to talk to random strangers leave alone starting a conversation,especially with bone hardening hot women.SA no SA I dunno

    Used to convince myself saying Oh no Im not shy:Ive just got a big ego or im better than them etc etc

    After twenty2 days: I start a conversation with anybody and everybody irrespective of how explodingly hot they look.

    Result—-They become so docile and shy to talk to me literally to the point they bend their heads down and wont look me in the eye but I have gotten a few smiles and advances so im guessing its not outa reluctance but instead they are sorta surprised by the confidence. For instance the other day I started a random convo with this married but really hot lady in the parking lot moments later her husband just passed by,I didnt even say Hi to him and kept talking to this women for a good 10 mins.

    Nutshell ,before nofap I used to run away scared from chicks…But now they are shying away from me, Guess too much horniness converted to confidence is the best experience till now

    22 Days…Before and after

  652. 30 Day Report – ED

    Thanks so much for all the support from this subreddit. I discovered this subreddit after watching Gary Wilson’s Ted Talk on The Great Porn Experiment last june. I had a streak for about 24 days, but eventually slipped up and spend the next year trying and falling to get PMO out of my life.

    Well, I’m currently on my longest streak, and it started when I was away from my wife for about 15 days, and I’ve been able to maintain it until now.

    I started on hardmode, but when my wife returned, I couldn’t keep that going, but I’ve been able to maintain soft mode. The benefits have been amazing. When I was looking at porn regulary, I began to develop PIED, and had several situations where I wasn’t able to ejaculate and had to stop. It was extremely embarrassing and demasculating, and she also felt like she was ugly. During times when I did have orgasm, I was basically thinking of other pixels of women while I was doing the deed. I also began to have more and more extreme sexual tastes as I watched porn, and began looking at shemale porn and having fantasies of cheating.

    While I am still tempted at times to do these things, sex with my wife has been much better. I’m relearning to enjoy her for who she is sexually, and understanding that even though she can’t compete with airbrushed actors begging to fulfill my desire, she is a woman who actually loves me and receives real pleasure from my desire. I’ve been able to keep it up and able to orgasm with ease and have been enjoying it more and more.

    It’s a still a struggle sometimes, especially with the chaser effect after sex and when I have alone time. However, by exercising, taking cold showers, reading this subredit, and trying to be productive, I’m trying to get my dopamine from healthier sources. Thanks so much for helping me stay on the straight and narrow fapstronauts and stay strong!

    30 Day Report


  653. I have experienced all the superpowers that people talk about.

    I feel so good after seeing a star on my badge. Thank you guys for you support. Last year I was at my lowest. In Aug 2013, my love dumped me and I was fired from my job in the same month. I was devastated. Because of my regular fapping (twice a day), I lost even the will to speak. I used to be silent and sad most of the time. People did not use to respect me even though I have degree from one of the best institutes.

    Anyhow, in these 30 days, I have experienced all the superpowers that people talk about. More confidence, IDontGiveAFuck attitude, Superb Elocution, Ability to look people in the eye, Girls noticing me and giving a smile, coworkers and boss respecting me, random people drawn towards me, Job offers pouring in and overall a sense of deep satisfaction.

    When I look back I realize how many times I have wasted myself over something unreal. I would say this is totally worth it.

    30 Day Report

  654. 47 Days Report – What has changed since I started no fap?

    hi there,

    45 days ago i started no fap because chronic masturbation to porn affected my life very badly. At the same time i stopped my gambling addiction, quit smoking 25 Days Ago.

    And is AMAZING how this thing can change you.

    By the way i always take cold showers since i started, which help me to strength my willpower.

    My Benefits:

    • Better Mood in general
    • Eyes more Alive (Limbal ring?)
    • clearer an less oily skin
    • better hair
    • acting like a man not like a pussy

    and to much more to tell it TEST IT!

    47 Days Report – What has changed since i started no fap?



  655. 60-Day report

    Greetings NoFappers!

    Today marks my 60th day without PMO. I have set milestones to achieve: 90 days, 180 days, and finally, 1 year. I just feel inclined to share my 60-day progress. Here’s a breakdown of how i’ve been feeling over the past 60 days:

    Day 1 to 7

    -Clarity of mind (less foggy)

    -Strong sexual urges to PMO

    -More drive

    -More motivation

    -Higher energy

    -Mostly happy, with a few mood swings here and there

    -No anxiety

    -More sociable (especially with girls!)

    Overall, the first week was a rollercoaster of emotion, but felt really good that week.

    Day 8-14

    -Slightly Lethargic

    -Less energy

    -Less drive

    -“neutral mood” to everything

    -Some mental fog

    -Less need to socialize

    -Occasional feeling of isolation and depression

    -Some anxiety

    Day 15-60 Flatline (will break it down, cause symptoms improved over time)

    Day 15-40

    -Extremely low libido

    -Almost no random erections

    -No urges to PMO



    -No energy

    -Feeling of loneliness/isolation


    -Racing thoughts

    -Sleepiness during the day

    -Heavy mental fog (Can’t think straight/creatively, forgetfulness, memory problems)

    -Social anxiety

    Day 41-60

    -Low libido

    -Some anxiety

    -Heavy mental fog

    -Sleepy during the day

    -No energy

    -No need to socialize (feel anti-social, but social anxiety is better)

    -Some fear

    -Some racing thoughts

    -Feel “wiser”: I look at things more rationally and objectively. But i feel like i’m capable of so much more. Just have to wait this out and see.

    That’s my 60 day report! Thanks for reading. Hopefully this flatline ends soon. I’m optimistic about this.

    Questions? Ask away

    Stay strong fapstronauts :).

    60-Day report

  656. Honestly, life is just better with Nofap, and it’s only the begi

    Honestly, I have such a hunger for life. I’ve started my own company and i’m getting frequent clients. After a while, I lost the urge to fap, my will power has taken control. 🙂 When I get turned on, it’s harder than it’s ever been as well! My confidence is as high as its ever been. Honestly, life is just better with Nofap, and it’s only the beginning. thanks, broNofappers.

    50 Days.

  657. The Catalyst to a Tidal Wave of Self Improvement (30 day report)

    I can’t even begin to explain how much different life has been the past few months. I started this challenge nearly 3 months ago and little by little have finally made it to 30 days.

    Here is the thing about NoFap… It doesn’t MAKE you into the person you’ve always wanted to be. It clears your mind of all the garbage you have been feeding it (like an endless supply of dopamine hits) and gives you an opportunity to grow as a person. I don’t think I’ve had as drastic of a change in my life in such a short window as of late. In just a few months, my mindset on just about everything has shifted. Here are the most notables:

    1. The superpowers eventually lose their magic and become part of you. I don’t feel the superchargedness of them like I did when I first started, but I am overall a more confident and bolder person.
    2. Fear becomes your friend. You learn to challenge yourself at every opportunity. Afraid of heights? Go climb something or fly in something. Afraid of confrontation? Go start some arguments. Afraid of strangers? Start a conversation with ANYONE nearby when given the chance. I always make it a point to have conversations with cashiers and other people who mundanely deal with the most basic of human interactions with NO words. It shocks me that someone can check out at a grocery store and not even say “thank you”, much less a word to another human being. Treat others with respect and make someone’s day. This also helps you improve your conversational skills and it makes you feel GOOD. Who doesn’t like to feel good while making someone else happy?
    3. (For men) Women will not be drawn to you like a tractor beam. This at least hasn’t been the case for me. But my dealings with women has changed a lot and I have never dated so many in such a short amount of time. This is completely attributable to my increased confidence and mindset shift:
      • I am bolder to approach, although I still let approach anxiety hold me back at times. It is a constant work in progress.
      • I always hold eye contact longer than she does. It makes you feel insanely powerful when you are able to strike a longer gaze. This is also very important for just about any interaction with any human being you have. Learn to embrace it.
      • I am more upfront about what I’m looking for. Took a girl on a date who is too flakey or immature for a future meetup? Drop it and move on to the next. Frustrated in not knowing where you stand and considering moving on? Ask her straight up, “if you’re honestly not interested, it won’t hurt my feelings. Be honest with me about our situation.” Who gives a shit what one uninterested girl thinks about you? Think ABUNDANCE.
      • Slow down EVERY SINGLE MOVEMENT and ACTION you make. Besides the fact that this slow, calm confidence is attractive, it slows you down and makes you a more relaxed person. Walk slower with longer strides. Move your eyes slowly. Embrace silence and hold it. Speak with a slow, baritone voice. Grab her hand slowly. Kiss her slowly. Catch my drift?
      • I honestly am able to let go of women that I can tell are not for me. I used to have a death grip on a woman who had lost interest in me. Why? Because I didn’t believe I had the ability to attract another in the future (underlying lack of self esteem).
      • Take your time and be patient. Enjoy the ride in finding what you are looking for, be it casual hook-ups or a suitable mate. If the right one comes along, move slowly and go with the flow. You are worth it and if it’s meant to be, she will take note and act as such.
    4. Read No More Mr. Nice Guy by Robert Glover. I have always been a submissive pushover who is always looking to please the next person – until recently. This validation-seeking behavior is very detrimental to you growing as a person. I am still really working on some things the book outlines. You have to live for yourself and not for others. Of course your close family and friends get a pass some of the time though. Most of all do NOT EVER let someone treat you badly… EVER. I can honestly say this book has almost been as powerful for me as NoFap. But then again, I wouldn’t have learned of the book if it weren’t for a comments section of another thread.

    Here is the biggest one in detail:

    1. You finally start to feel good about yourself!!!!!

    ALL of my problems can be attributable to my underlying lack of self esteem. No matter how much in my head I told myself, “you’re good enough,” it was never enough to make me FEEL better. Of course the saying “fake it til’ you make it” holds some merit, but it is quite difficult to believe your own positive thoughts if you think you are lying to yourself.

    After starting, I was able to lose some of the subconscious shame from PMO that I didn’t even realize I had. This also in turn has slowly taken women off the pedestal. Granted, a beautiful girl can still stop me cold and make me nervous, but the effects are much less than before. And since starting this journey, I love approaching new people whenever in the right mindset. I am working on speeding up my ability to enter this mindset and shift my moods.

    I have learned to only seek validation from myself. Sure, it feels good to get good feedback on your accomplishments. Sure, it is nice to feel appreciated and hear that your work was worthy and helpful. But, ultimately, the only person who truly gives a shit is yourself. You have to learn to put yourself first. I still have a hard time doing it and it really feels weird still. I am making progress though.

    You will become an absolute ANIMAL in the gym. I still have a tough time believing how impressive my stamina is. Before starting this, I may have fapped before a gym session and completely killed my motivation and energy. Why the hell did I ever do that? With all this energy flowing through my veins, it is much easier to tap into my primal strength. My lifts have increased dramatically, my stamina is outstanding, I can pretty much sweat on command, and most of all I FEEL and LOOK better. This is monumental for your success in feeling better about yourself. Get off the damn couch and go do something active.

    You will feel the power of having a clear mind and all the extra energy that comes with it. This will aid you in fundamentally changing your core beliefs and values. Of course, the good ones will stick around, as they should. But you can finally rid yourself of perversion, objectifying (to a healthy degree), lack of confidence, lack of motivation, lack of boldness, lack of energy, and an overall lack of a desire to improve. You will FEEL these ideas dissolve and fade away as you fill your mind with positive and motivational energy. I can’t even begin to describe how good it feels to clear my history and delete my cookies from my own personal hard drive. It really frees up a lot of space for the new positive thoughts that I am not very used to.

    If this was long winded, I don’t give a shit. You should’ve read the whole thing if you didn’t.

    NoFap has truly changed me for the better. I will post back later on when I get up to the 60 and 90 day marks.

    The Catalyst to a Tidal Wave of Self Improvement (30 day report)

  658. My experience with “no-fap superpowers”

    So, as most of you guys I was very skeptical of what this community refers to as “superpowers”. I have been addicted to porn since I was in sixth grade (I’m 20 now) and figured out masturbation a little bit before that. So, truth be told, I didn’t remember how it felt to not fap for an extended period of time. That, paired with the fact that I want to kick my porn addiction led me to start my journey with no-fap.

    I stopped fapping/looking at porn and was doing pretty well, but no noticeable changes. During this time was when I met my now girlfriend of 6 months. After going on a few dates, we made everything official and I was ecstatic.

    Now, a little bit over a month into our relationship, I fell and ended up giving into the temptation of porn because I was up super late on the internet alone with nothing to do. I didn’t feel shitty afterwards, nor the next day. But, when my girlfriend saw me that day, I was rocked. She comes up to me and the first thing she says is “Are you alright?” I’m confused at why she’s asking me that because I felt fine, but she kept asking throughout our date if I was fine and if everything was okay – which is completely out of character for her to ask. So eventually, I ask her why she keeps asking me and she responds, “I don’t know. There’s just something about you that’s..different today. Your demeanor and the way you hold yourself just seems much less confident and I was worried something was wrong.” My stomach sank into a bottomless pit when I realized what happened and that this stuff has effects on you and affects simple things about you like your demeanor and how confident you are.

    Ever since that moment, I’ve been in a struggle to kick this habit once and for all. My girlfriend knows about my addiction and can clearly tell whenever I’ve fapped, even though she doesn’t realize that’s what she’s noticing. I don’t think no-fap gives you superpowers by any means. I do believe, however, that just like any addiction, porn/fapping have effects on you that you may not even realize. For me, it was my confidence and the impressions I leave on people when they see me. For you, it might be something else. Essentially, try it out for yourself and see if there are benefits for you before you rag on these guys who are just happy to have some sort of confidence. Although, I did just have to reset my badge, so I’m not looking forward to my girlfriend seeing me today.

    TL;DR: There are no superpower, but fapping has subconscious effects on how you present yourself, even if you don’t realize them immediately or at all. Try it out for yourself.

    My experience with “no-fap superpowers”

  659. I wasn’t shy no more, talking to girls became so easy for me.

    I am 21 years old and I am a porn addict. I used to fapped 4 times a day. Porn was the primary thing in my life since I turn 11 years old. I remember the first naked woman I saw on the internet. It wanted me to look at more and more porn. Not knowing, This addiction effect me in high school. I was overly shy, had a hard time approaching people (including girls) and communicating people ( girls too). I couldn’t even look at people straight in the eye. Then after high school, I didn’t go to college for the first semester. All I wanted to do was to jerk off to porn. All of a sudden, straight porn wasn’t working for me. I begin to look at lesbian video , Hardcore porn , old man and young girl video and then Raped Video. I couldn’t believe I was getting turn on to rape. Watching all of these porn begin to effect me. I remember I couldn’t get a normal erection. I soon did research and found out it was porn induced ED. Doing NoFap and not watching porn was the cure to solving this. It was hard to quit porn. I took so many attempt but keep failing.

    No Fap experience: Going back to college, I did nofap or look at porn for 21 days. This was the longest I never fapped. It was a great experience. I wasn’t shy no more. I could talk to the teacher out loud in class, talking to girls became so easy for me, and my goals in life became important to me. I am telling you that nofap work because I relapse after the 21 days and I realize talking to girls became hard for me again. I didn’t want to go back to the old person I was. I decide porn is bad and I WANT IT OUT OF MY LIFE!!! I am on day 3 and I will keep going forward. I feel my life is going to get better along this journey. If you relapse learn from your mistake and fix it. My mistake is that I have a USB with my favorite porn pictures. So I threw it in the trash and I never regret it. I will give you guys an update every week.

    21 years old, Porn Induced ED and no girlfriend.

  660. In the past 6 months I have gone from no muscle mass,

    Hello, my name is Komin, as you can see, I am at 65 days, but My streak has felt like a straight up year, even though I have only been doing nofap for 6+ months. (4-5 relapses before this streak) I can tell you that this lifestyle has driven me to do things unimaginable to my former self.

    In the past 6 months I have gone from no muscle mass, to gaining 25 pounds of lean muscle, I know this because I kept a statistical journal, and knew my BF% before I started weightlifting. (I digress.)

    My main reason for coming here is to explain all the stuff I have accomplished during my streak, and explain to you how worth it, it really is. So during my streak, I have been weightlifting, I have gone from very weak and chubby, to actually almost looking like a hollister model. There’s only one thing, my years of PMO made my test and estro levels out of balance, and I developed a mild case of gynecomastia. If you don’t know what it is, google it, but know that my case is very mild, and not noticeable (keep reading). Before this challenge I would have never thought of taking my shirt off to even play basketball or be around friends, but since this lifestyle change, I have made the high school swim team and now am comfortable even in….. a speedo. This I would have never thought was imaginable, along with the fact that I met a wonderful girl that also swims on my team, and we instantly hit it off, noporn is the best thing that has ever happened to me, in my eyes.

    I need to vent, people. I need to be heard.

  661. You might think I’m making shit up, overexaggerating or whatever

    Alright. You might think I’m making shit up, overexaggerating or whatever. I don’t care.

    I decided to take a walk in the city center (which usually doesn’t happen, unless I am meeting someone) just so I could do something else than sitting alone at home.

    As soon as I went outside I saw two girls from the neighbourhood. One of them started gazing at me so I did the same. As we passed each other she continued staring at my eyes and instinctively my head (not me, my head) turned so we could hold the eye contact for a second longer.

    Ok, nothing out of the ordinary so far. Here is where the weird stuff begins. I felt a slight tingling sensation on my fingertips as I was walking down the streets. Like electric impulses. It has happened once or twice before but not for a long time. I was holding eye contact with girls and women with ease but I already knew I can do that. The more I walked, the more relaxed I felt.

    As I entered the main street (we have a big one here that is just for pedestrians, filled with cafes and whatnot) it hit me. I could see everything. My eyesight became the clearest it’s ever been, my peripheral vision increased. All of my senses were razor sharp – the ammount of sensory information was overwhelming. I’m not used to this because I live in my head a lot and am asbentminded. Usually I don’t pay a lot of attention to the details when I’m outside but this time I let it all flow. It was surreal.

    Usually when I walk on this street I go on one of the sides because there are so many people, you always almost bump into eachother. No, not this time. I walked right in the fucking center. I felt amazingly confident and relaxed. Just let my feet do their job and admire the surroundings. It’s like there was this giant aura of energy around me and people noticed. I was getting looks from girls…and guys too. They would actually make way for me most of the time when it’s usually the opposite. Besides, I think for the first time in my life I actually felt people. I felt their mood, energy, vibe. Holy shit.

    Stress gone. Autopilot.

    Now I’m back home and still feel high. Except when I smoke pot I tend to become paranoid and anxious. Time is warped and you jump inbetween moments. Now everything is transitioning smoothly, like a nice cruise in the ocean.

    I’ve been out a lot in past couple of weeks but this is the first time anything like this has happened. And it is just so out of the blue. Now, some people on NoFap may never experience this, for some it may be completely normal.

    However, I’m completely serious when I say This. Shit. Is. Real.

    Had nothing to do, went outside for a walk. Is this what normal people feel like? Is this even supposed to happen? [superpowers related]


  662. I have noticed is an increase in mental toughness.

    Well today’s starts day 60! Up to this point I honestly haven’t experienced many benefits from no pmo. But I have noticed a greater appreciation for nature, and I seem to recover faster after workouts. The most profound benefit I have noticed is an increase in mental toughness. So far still no wet dream, however and I am a 16 year old, so this is mildly concerning. I will go to at least 90 and probably make it a lifestyle

    60 Day report

  663. 42 days – small report

    Change: I’m still not where I want to be, but I notice small changes in energy, confidence, sociability, etc…

    • less fidgeting
    • less nervousness
    • more energy
    • less tired after socializing or a busy day
    • more resistance to cold (also because of taking cold showers)

    Negative effects during the first weeks of my streak:

    • depression (if someone had shouted BOO at me, I would have cried, seriously)
    • acne
    • flatline (no urges, no sexual attraction to women, no morning wood, nada)

    The steps I took to come this far:

    • deleted all porn from my computer
    • installed pornblocker (K9)
    • got out of bed as soon as I’m awake
    • took cold showers (they help with nofap, but nofap will also help you to endure taking a cold shower)
    • I catch myself when I’m fantasizing (it helps to remind yourself that you can control your thoughts, and that a fantasy is just that, it’s just a thought – this always helps me to snap out of it)
    • I gave money to charity every time I looked at P or MO’d.

    About sleeping: the last weeks, I noticed that a lot of my energy problems were the result of not sleeping well. I had trouble falling asleep, I didn’t woke up at night but I never felt completely rested in the morning, so I fapped compulsively every morning to feel relaxed. Taking sleeping pills with Valerian definitely helped with sleeping better (and not needing to fap anymore).

    Comments and questions welcome!

    42 days – small report


  664. Day 20 of no PMO and my humble successtory


    My first post on this forum, so I thought I’d tell abit how my life is now after 20 days of not doing PMO.

    32 year old male
    PMO since 14
    4 relationships, all left due to PMO ruining it for me

    Mood Not quite sure how to explain it, I just feel comfortable in my own skin. Gone are the broodings over past failures or misconceptions about me and others. I just walk down the street and I’m not concious about how I walk, how I look to others etc. I just walk and take it all in. Sometimes it feels like I have a sun or a warm blanket over me. It feels natural.

    Libido Today I came up from a flatline valley. Took a 2 roseroot pills for breakfast since I needed to wake up a bit. Tried using em before as a aphrodisia, didnt work then. But today….. look below.

    Girls/Women They can be summed up in one word, beauty. When I did PMO, I didnt glance on girls cause most of em were well.. average in my eyes. But now, holy… Every girl has something that brings my attention so I look and enjoy feminine beauty (no creepy)  without fantasizing about anything P related. Didn’t get a hardon though, but felt that kinda primal attraction that one had when one was 15 years old and propped up with hormones. So at least my brain have started to react on the real deal and not pixels, which is a good sign IMO. The plumbing downstairs might need some more time to heal, but that’s fine with me though. Got plenty of time.

    Health I started working out again and eating healtier + taking those cold showers. With these combined, I feel like a monstertruck that walks like a man. Cold showers are just awesome.

    Study Since my hands are no longer tied up in *other* matters, I’ve taken the time to improve myself. I did my drivers license theoretical exam today, aced it after 4 days of study. Which I would never had done if i had PMO’ed. My brain is thirsting.

    Urges At first they were very unpleasant, cold showers did their part to keep them off me. But lying in bed just before sleep, and get flashbacks to porn since I did PMO before sleep for so many years, was tiring. So at day 15, I tried something new: Every time a porn flash happened, I immediately took control. Either by “grabbing” hold of my brain and flooding my mind with old engineering formulaes (area of a sphere etc) and or envisioning a broom that just swept the flashback straight away like dust on the floor. It was a bit weird, but it worked out in the end.

    Journey I understamd that I’ve only taken babysteps out of the PMO cave, and life is never as rosy as I have it now. There have been hard times for me in the past and will be hard times for me in the future. But I have faith that with perserverance and focus, I can manage it. If those fails, there’s always the muleheaded stubborness to fall back on.

    I’ve seen a glimpse of life without porn, and I’ve made up my mind to part with it forever to experience the real pleasures that life can offer me.

    In closing, I want to share with you all a picture that I have on my wall and I look to whenever I feel doubt.

    Day 20 of no PMO and my humble successtory
  665. This shit actually works!

    So today was my 41st day of consecutive nofap. And also my first day of junior year. Although most of my classes have a few friends in them, I have met a lot of new people, and made new friends. I feel so confident while on nofap that I don’t care who people are, I talk to them because I see them as people. I make eye contact with everyone; girls, guys, and my teachers. I’ve been far more confident with girls this year, even on day one of the school year! There’s no way in hell I’m gonna fap now, there’s just so much beauty in life now that makes fapping seem ridiculous. Keep with it, nofappers, it’ll change your life.

    This shit actually works!


  666. I was a 24 year old, depressed, socially anxious, jobless (kinda

    It’s amazing how much things have changed since nofap. I can’t say it’s all from nofap, but I can’t say it’s not either.

    I was a 24 year old, depressed, socially anxious, jobless (kinda), kissless, virgin, that compulsively picked my scalp. I had no motivation, no confidence, no self-esteem and never did much of anything except game and PMO.

    After 30 days: Depression is gone. Anxiety is mostly gone. I stopped my compulsive skin picking. I started working on getting a job. I went on a fucking date (first ever) and I think she wants to see me again. I finally have confidence and motivation. I started working out (almost daily). Energy levels are of the chart, I ran 2 5k’s and bike more than 10 miles (this week and I want more, but I have blisters on my feet) I could probably keep going but…

    TLDR: So much has changed and I feel so much better about the direction my life is headed.

    30 day report: can’t believe how far I’ve come already.


  667. 50 Days!!!


    Some benefits i’ve noticed…

    .Mental clarity. .Self love (and no not like that.) .More energy. .Improved physical condition. + many more!

    Confidence? Yeah at first I felt super confident, and I guess I still do, but the real confidence i have gained is just the confidence to be myself, and be honest about who I am.

    I know there’s still alot to learn and i’m still early on this journey, but today i am happy with how far i’ve come, this is my longest streak and i am proud!

    Good luck Brothers and may the road go ever on!!!

    50 Days!!!

  668. Day 60 F**ck Yeah!!!

    Possible Trigger Alert Since I started fapping as a pre-teen there were literally 3 times in my life when I got this far without PMO. I have been having sex so I don’t know if you would call it hard mode but I have been holding back orgasm so IMO it’s kind of harder than hard mode. I like the feeling of testorone, adrenaline and dopamine coursing though my veins, I feel really alive. I take such good care of my wife, she passes out when we’re done and sleeps soundly. We are so much more intimate and there is so much more romance, it’s like the time when we first met. I have two counters. The one on reddit for PMO and the other for ejaculation which is an app on my phone. My wife is asking me when I will finally release and I don’t think it should be long from now. I think I may be able to hold it for another 30 days but when I do, it will be soooo awesome I can hardly wait. I will blast it all over her beautiful breasts then we’ll have a nice long shower together. I am over positive, happy, focused and have more energy x10. I’ve been getting more muscle tone. Women have been a lot more friendly to me as well as people in general. I’m looking forward to my 90 day report and hopeful at that time my hormones will be more stabilized. much love!, cheers!

    LINK – Day 60 F**ck Yeah!!!

    by bl4ckSabbath

  669. Porn may be my kryptonite, but NoFap makes me Superman.

    When I really lean hard into a streak, I feel like Superman.

    Confidence is off the charts, charm is effortless, attraction is a breeze, anxiety evaporates, sex flows to me like iron to a magnet. My energy is so high that it almost seems to crackle as I push myself harder than I ever thought possible while working out. I soar like Superman.

    Only one thing risks taking me down: relapse. One porn image flows into a video, a video into a playlist, a playlist into multiple tabs, and multiple tabs into a mess of kleenexes, shame, regret, and confusion.

    How did this happen? Of course, I know the answer. The same way it always does. Up comes the anxiety. Down goes the energy. Back is the awkwardness. Down goes the charm.

    Confidence floods out of me like water down the drain. And energy and motivation plummet like once soaring planes stricken from the sky. Down from the heights I once tasted, I tumble. And here I am left, feeling like a fallen Superman. Relapse is never worth it.

    Porn is my kryptonite.

    But NoFap is my strength. So I fall and get back up. Superman soars again.

    And that IS worth it. Every time.

    Porn may be my kryptonite, but NoFap makes me Superman.



  670. 33 days – From skeptic to believer. NoFap opened my eyes!!!!!

    I started this journey 33 days ago because, well, I had noticed my erections were not what they once were. So after getting frustrated and experiencing some serious anxiety with having erections that were just kind of “meh”, I started searching for some answers and stumbled upon NoFap. After a little bit of reading I thought that maybe PMO was kind of a problem and decided to try NoFap because I didn’t have anything to lose. Deciding to give NoFap a shot ended up being the best decision I have made in a long time.

    If any of you guys are out there reading this and debating whether or not to do NoFap, let me tell you that it is completely worth it!! It was only after I started NoFap that I have come to realize what an impact PMO had on my life. I don’t know for sure, but it is probably what an alcoholic or drug addict feels like when they are sober and realize just how fucked up they were. I was a fiend for that dopamine dump from PMO. Sneaking away to look at porn on my phone and Fap was a serious problem that stole my time and energy. The strength of the urges and drive to PMO only became noticeable to me once I started to resist them. The sad part was that I never felt “satisfied” from PMO. If anything I felt more anxiety and just bad about myself.

    Since I have started to NoFap, my erections are incredible. I believe I was near PIED. Now, it is not a problem. The other day I actually stopped the wife in the middle of sex to show off just how hard it was. Before I would have never stopped for a second because I was just worried and constantly thinking “stay hard, stay hard” while rocking a kinda hard, kinda soft flopper.

    Among the other things I have noticed is reduced social anxiety, more confidence, a better relationship with just about everyone in my life, a renewed sex drive, and just a greater appreciation for beauty and life in general. I know it sounds ridiculous, and I never would have thought I would by typing this, but it is totally true. My personal opinion so far is that the positive changes stem from knowing that I have the confidence and self control to break this habit, as well as my brain just waking up and being re-wired to appreciate that there is pleasure/dopamine release from other aspects of life rather than just falling back on the easy and plentiful release from PMO.

    TL/DR; NoFap saved my boner and made my life better in so many ways more than that! If I didn’t try NoFap, I am not sure I would have realized the depth of my problem with PMO, but I did and it has been awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    33 days – From skeptic to believer. NoFap opened my eyes!!!!!

  671. Clearest skin of all time. Clearest mind of all time. Most energ

    I’m about to hit day 18 of monk mode. The longest streak I have had in the last year of attempts is 21 days, those always had some sort of edging. I’ve PMO’d daily since age 12.

    I haven’t even been aroused or thought of anything sexual in the past 18 days. I forgot this place even existed I’ve been so busy working 75 hours per week.

    Then it dawned on me….I work 75 hours per week. Last summer working 4 hours per day was almost enough to kill me. I used to get high and PMO. I had severe brain fog and yawned constantly. I couldn’t talk to people. I didn’t want to.

    Now I work 8am to 8pm everyday, come home, do freelancing work, exercise, read, meditate, write, talk to my dad, walk my dog, and STILL have ‘enough time’ not to have clothes piled everywhere like a smelly troll……and sleep 8 hours a night.

    I have had pretty severe acne since age 13. My face is currently clearer than it has EVER been in my entire life. I’m almost 23 now. My dark under eye circles I have had for many years are virtually gone. I have also been eating VERY well and exercising. But. I know that those alone are not enough to make a difference to my skin, as I have been very disciplined in those aspects of my life for nearly a year. The PMO has been the only thing I have had so much trouble mastering. The difference in 18 days is incredible.

    Folks, this is an amazing thing I tell you. I don’t know if there’s any science or folklore or voodoo or whatever bullshit to back me up, but my God/Allah/Spaghetti Monster/Zeus…..this shit makes ALL the difference in everything in life. At least for me it has. I’m sure it has for you too.

    Fuck you porn.

    Clearest skin of all time. Clearest mind of all time. Most energy of all time.

  672. Definite confidence boost, yes more attention from women

    I realized last week as I had wrapped up my 15-day PMO streak that it had to be the longest streak of no PMO I’ve had since I was an early teen…that’s 20 years. Yeah, I’ve gone weeks without porn but not masturbation. So last week was the first in a long time. I can’t say I went much longer without (relapsed the next day) but I’m really, really proud of that. Had ups and downs, close calls, but some things written on note cards nearby in situations I knew they’d be handy and just stayed the course for 15 days at least. Really utilized listening and/or playing music as well as lots of exercise (6 miles running has become pretty common). Saw so many of the good things people talk about when on the streak. Definite confidence boost, yes more attention from women (and men)- not necessarily in a sexual but they’re just happy to see me it seems, just flat out better socially, more funny, other things too but maybe the best is feeling so genuine like closer to my real self. So, while I need to go longer, I’m happy with some success in this thing I’ve been trying to deal with over the past 4-5 months or so.

    Note: I think one of the reasons I did relapse was poor diet one day…had too much pizza and junk food on Labor Day. I tempted myself big time the next day and didn’t do it but then the next day (around the same time I was tempted before) relapsed. The pizza and junk food made me tired and frustrated the next day – energy was way down. Then, I think I was so close the one day, I just gave in the next.

    Longest streak in about 20 years…

  673. NoFap = happiness

    Hello, guys! I just reached 21 days of NoFap today, and I feel obligated to post a report, since these last 3 weeks have been just amazing!
    I think the best way to organize this report is by listing all the things that have been bothering me for a few years (the very things that led me to the NoFap movement), and then summarize, for each of those things, the benefits I’ve achieved so far. So let’s do it!
    Those things i just talked about are: social anxiety, depression, girls, insomnia, acne, seborrheic dermatitis, irritable bowel syndrome.

    Before: this social anxiety problem started a few years ago, and it was growing a lot lately. It reached a point that i would avoid any social interaction at all! I would just wake up late, go to work, pray that nobody would talk to me, cause if someone did, i would just get really nervous and flush really bad (the bad thing about flushing is that everyone notice it; as soon as people talked to me, I would get really red, and then they would say I had turned red, so that made me even more anxious, and so on…). Because of this, I tried to stay the whole day sitting at my desk alone. I would even avoid having lunch, because, to do that, I would have to sit around other people, which would make me anxious and flushed. In meetings, I would be quiet the whole time and pray for nobody to ask my opinion about anything, just to avoid the same anxiety. So, basically, I was just giving up living, hoping not to get embarrassed.
    Now: the social anxiety is progressively disappearing! Talking to people just feels normal, now. Sometimes i still get anxious and flush a little bit, but i have been able to have long conversations with people and it just feels good. I am making new friends, and I am talking more with my few old friends. Yesterday I just sat with two co-workers to have lunch, and I was able to have a chat with them for the whole time, without getting too anxious and flushed! I know that for regular people this might sound awkward, but for me this is a BIG progress. Those with social anxiety will probably understand what I’m talking about.

    Before: the depression had been going hand to hand with the social anxiety for me. It led me to quit college, lose my friends, and be alone all the time at home. I tried antidepressants before (more than a few), but they didn’t help much. I just lost interest in basically everything. I didn’t have the motivation to do nothing.
    Now: I am a lot more motivated to do things. I got back to college, got more productive at work, and I am genuinely happy! Little things have a profound impact (for the good side) on my happiness now. I noticed that people are starting more conversations with me now (maybe because of body language?). I am telling jokes and laughing a lot.

    3) GIRLS
    Before: I was afraid of them! Because of my social anxiety (it was even more intense with girls) I avoided talking to them like the plague. Also, something important was happening: in my thoughts, no girl was good enough for me. This was getting really strange, cause I was always finding flaws in their characters or bodies. And I remember, as a child, that I had A LOT of crushes (i used to fall in love at least three times per day!).
    Now: I think the best way to describe what is happening to me concerning this topic is that it feels like my primitive brain is gaining its power back. When I see a girl, it feels like a lion seeing a prey. I get really excited and desperate to approach her, talk to her, kiss her, and so on… Every little thing about them makes me feel like that. Every little thing makes it feel like they are worth it. The way they talk, laugh, play with their hair, and so on. I just can’t stop making strong, solid eye contact.

    Before: I was getting a lot of pimples and flaky, inflamed skin (seborrheic dermatitis). This was getting progressively worse (I am 25 now), no matter how well my diet was (I’ve experimented with basically every diet on the planet – and, in that aspect, I am always VERY disciplined).
    Now: I guess it’s still too early to talk about this topic (don’t want to create false hopes), but I think it’s getting a little bit better. I think it my have something to do with zinc loss trough ejaculation. I know that the average loss of zinc trough semen is very little (about 0.561 mg), but, when watching porn, I used to do the “edging” technique (which means getting really close to orgasm and holding back, then repeating it several times). The thing is that, when “edging”, I notice that my semen volume is A LOT bigger compared to the “non edging” ejaculation. So I think I might lose a lot more than 0.561 mg of zinc with which orgasm. I think I will have stronger evidence for this topic as my NoFap adventure goes on… And I will sure tell you about it!

    Before: this was probably the first symptom that I felt. It started quite a few years ago, and it had been getting very annoying. I was basically doing a calorie restriction diet, cause I couldn’t eat more than 1 or 2 small meals a day. If I ate too much, I would have extreme painful gas for the whole day! Sometimes, I would have to get out of my office, go to my car, lay down, and wait about 20, 30 minutes too pass all that gas trapped inside of me. It was painful!
    Now: I am gaining weight, eating 3 solid meals a day. I have almost zero flatulence now. But, to keep on the safe side, like the skin problem, I feel it’s too early to draw any conclusion about it. But I will post more information as my NoFap streak goes on.

    I didn’t talk about my insomnia, but it’s too late and I am almost sleeping here at my desk (no pun intended). As soon as I have some free time, I will talk about it.
    I really hope this might be able to help someone. The biggest benefit I am feeling now is my happiness, and I would really like that this post might inspire someone to do no fap and become happier and more alive! Depression sucks big time!!! I will never fap or watch porn again!!! Welcome new life

    NoFap = happiness


  674. My experience with nofap as a student.

    I know I’m only 10 days in so this is not much of a milestone but I felt the need to write this before I forget what it was like.

    I’m 24 and I’ve been fapping for at least 5 years and trying to quit on my own for 2 years without much success until I found you guys. You have been of great support and the reason I’ve been so active here lately is that every time I’m feeling the need to fap, I come back here and read a few posts until I’m reminded why I’m doing this.

    I’ve always felt though that people that are talking about their superpowers are treating them like they are some abilities that were external to them before nofap, not realizing that those were apart of them all those years they’ve wasted their energy on PMO.

    The superpower I’ve gotten back was being more adaptable to the challenges I face and I’m gonna give the whole context here. I’m an engineering student and up until the beginning of september, I was always tired and anxious about exams, about assignments, practically everything uni life threw at me.

    Since I’ve started nofap, though, I simply have a different take on things. I’m more resourceful, I improvise more. I no longer panic when I don’t know something. I’ve never been an optimist, I always get into a point in an exam when I think I’m going to fail this because I don’t remember that course. The difference not fapping has made for me was that it changed my thinking to “Since I’m going to fail this, I might as well experiment a bit. I’ve got nothing to lose.” Guess what? Since then, I’m no longer flunking things, because it seems that my experiments and deductions are good. I finally think like an engineer. Another thing is I have much more energy. In fact I feel more rested after pulling in an all-nighter for an exam than I felt when I was fully rested but fapping.

    Getting here was especially hard for me because about two nights ago I had the most intense urges ever right before an exam the next morning. I’ve barely managed to study anything because I’d have these porn flashbacks every 15 minutes and had to go to nofap again. It actually felt so bad, that on my way to the exam, I said to myself that I’m gonna fap when I get home to get it over with because at least the urges will go away. That changed when, despite of feeling psychologically drained from fighting myself the entire night, I passed it, due again to adaptability and had the nicest celebration so far with this girl that used to like me, but I wasn’t interested because I was insecure and thought that she was way out of my league and she can’t possibly be serious about it.

    Related to that, since resisting the big urges that night I feel a very strong need for touches and hugs. That’s a big thing for someone with my level of social anxiety and it fit quite nicely with celebrating our success. I might’ve overdone it a bit but she didn’t seem to mind.

    Concluding, I feel confident that I’m gonna make it to 90 days, especially if I’m gonna get little social gifts like these from time to time. I’m finally returning to the brainiac I was before I started fapping.

    No matter how bad it gets, guys, never give in! Because you’ll be surprised at the focus you get from staying clean. These aren’t superpowers, this is the real you that’s emerging from the shadow you’ve become because of PMO. The urges will still be there, but they’ll no longer be screaming at you. Each time you exercise your willpower, they get quieter and quieter. Retake control of your mind, make them shut up!

    My experience with nofap as a student.

  675. 30 day report — Nobody believes me

    I haven’t had a girlfriend since 2006. Ever since I’ve started my 90 day no PMO challenge, I’ve met a few women. I’ve hooked up with one, but there’s one I talk to lots. I confessed to this gal that although I’ve had the random hook up and date lots, I haven’t had a girlfriend since 2006. She didn’t believe me.

    Before, I’d tell gals about not having hooked up in ages, and they’d totally believe me.

    It’s kinda awesome, that I tell this truth about myself having no girlfriend, but my outward appearance has changed so much it seems unbelievable.

    Thank you NoFap, and all the focus I’ve been doing in changing not only my body but how I think about myself.

    30 day report — Nobody believes me

  676. I’M EXCITED TO CONTINUE WITH NOFAP. Here are a ton of reasons wh

    As I reach day 10 today for the first time in a long time, I felt inspired to reflect on some of the many awesome effects I’ve personally experienced while into my longer streaks.

    I hope that reading this will make you feel a little more pumped to continue this awesome journey called NoFap that we’re walking together.

    There are levels of sensitivity to pleasure from all other sources in life that open up to you the farther you go into not masturbating and not watching porn.

    The further I go in the opposite direction, the more desensitized and blind I get,

    And the less I feel,

    The more superficially I feel…

    The longer you go without masturbating, the more women tend to pick up on it.

    It’s really unconscious and primal.

    You’re setting yourself apart from the hoards of men who are addicted to porn and fapping.

    You keep your masculine potency and vitality within you rather than expel it into a kleenex every day.

    Your voice has a little more of a snarl to it.

    Your eyes have a more tiger-like look.

    Your flirting and charm take on a natural power. Women are drawn to it, in my experience.

    When I’m into a long streak, I walk differently, with more swagger.

    My body language is different.

    My anxiety is almost nonexistent.

    My confidence is high.

    I feel thoroughly good, an overall sense of well-being and interest in others that is amazing.

    There was a time when being a porn-user was countercultural in a nonpornographic culture.

    Now, the opposite is true.

    Being a non-porn user is radical and rebellious in this pornographic culture.

    A certain sense of strength comes from walking your own way and refusing to conform to social pressures.

    You come to experience this internal power the longer you walk a path like this.

    The longer you go, the more sensitive you become to the beauty of all of the people around you …

    And you take pleasure just in seeing them, without requiring to possess them..

    You cease to see them as numbers on a 10 point scale…

    And see the natural beauty of the real human being instead.

    The longer I abstain from porn, the more heart-poundingly exciting the feeling of being nude with another person in a safe, accepting, desireful space begins to feel.

    That is amazing to me.

    Just that feeling alone is infinitely better than the feeling of watching my favourite most extreme porn video of all time.

    There are times, really deep into a NoFap streak,

    When I’ll walk outside and I’ll be so utterly filled with awe at the beauty of the natural world around me

    That I get stopped in my tracks.

    Far into a streak, there were times when I would wake up with morning wood so hard I felt like if I fucked the floor, it would rip the rock apart like a jackhammer.

    Around Day 30, I start to inhabit a feeling state that I NEVER feel when I’m fapping.

    The best way I can describe it is as a state of excited calm.

    You feel so energetically alive, excited, infused and enthused.

    And yet, simultaneously, so calm and so grounded.

    It’s AMAZING. And you abide in that state all day long with minimal variations.

    The longer I go into a streak, the more absolutely fascinating talking to anyone and everyone seems to me.

    I get more and more sincerely excited and interested I just to speak with them and hear what they have to say.

    I listen better, I inquire more sincerely.

    I pay closer attention, and I remember more of what they have said. It’s incredible.

    In my daily masturbating days, I never had wet dreams. Ever.

    When I start getting deep into a streak, they come back, and they come back in force.

    They are so lifelike and intense that I wake up and they almost feel like real memories.

    I’m temporarily unsure as to whether or not they actually happened.

    Finally, I feel nearly boundless physical energy when I’m far into a streak as well.

    I remember one particular day around day 45 when in a single day,

    I went biking 4 times, did 2 hours of weight training, did 2 hours of martial arts, and had sex to finish the day.

    And I YEARN to exercise.

    When I was in my fapping days, I felt so lethargic and physically blah that the idea of exercise seemed abhorrent to me.

    Remembering all of these things that I have experienced firsthand makes me so excited to continue.

    I can’t wait for another fap free day.

    If you are considering relapsing, these are some of the things that may await you if you don’t give in to that impulse.

    When you experience these things, you’ll see why I’m so excited.

    You’ll know it for yourself.

    And once you know it, you’ll be stoked to keep going.

    I’M EXCITED TO CONTINUE WITH NOFAP. Here are a ton of reasons why.

  677. 50 day report

    Hey Guys! Feels great to say it has now been 50 days since I have last fapped and there are most definitely some effects:

    Lots of Mood swings

    Much more focused, easier to get work done More Confident

    Don’t talk as much (a good thing in my case because I used to talk a lot and it would get somewhat annoying, not something that I think applies to everyone though)

    Girls introduce themselves to ME, seemed like it used to always be me being the more desperate one trying to ask their name and number and everything but that is completely the other way around now.

    MUCH more energy, I can run on around 6 hours of sleep perfectly fine now (not that I prefer to do that) but I used to be dead unless I got 9

    Simply put I can’t explain in words how excited I am for the next 40 days and for the rest of my life, I can feel myself going through the transformation that I always read about and dreamed of having myself. Honestly the worst part of nofap is the wait, the wait of getting back to a good day count after you fuck up and give in. I was tired of that. I would get so pissed at myself for the next week and simply put, it’s just not worth it; especially knowing that if you can survive those 10 minutes of urges, they’ll go away and you’ll laugh at yourself for even considering it. Stay strong friends, just remember the final result is 10000x better than those 5 minutes of bullshit.

    50 day report

  678. Lessons Learned: 30 Days of Success (It’s not what you might exp

    I started my NoFap journey August 17th. I’m proud to say I made it to 30 days on hardmode- no PMO. I will be rewarding myself with a massage tomorrow.

    Over the past 30 days I learned a lot about myself and did a lot of research on PMO, neuroscience, habits and addictions. Here’s what I learned:

    1. Superpowers are great, but aren’t sustainable and thus shouldn’t be the focus.

    If you’re only quitting for gaining superpowers I’m sorry to say they only last for so long. I felt fucking on FIRE 2 weeks into NoFap but after a week, it died down. If gaining superpowers is your main goal, you may be setting yourself up for short-term success but long-term failure.

    1. NoFap is a catalyst, not the end all be all.

    NoFap has helped tremendously in my life, but I’d be lying if I said it was the single thing that helped over the last 30 days. It was however a catalyst for making small, positive & productive changes in my life. I started to meditate, do cardio, and read more. These in combination have helped me gain a stronger sense of self & wellbeing.

    1. Porn is a time-waster and a life-stealer. It stunted my emotional maturity but I’m working on it now.

    I understand now that porn has been a coping technique I’ve been using to deal with my anxiety, depression, and any stressful feelings. Paradoxically, by watching porn and fapping, I was becoming even anxious, depressed, and stressed and porn started it in the first place. The science behind this helped me understand what was happening (Your Brain on Porn, the book and website for more info). By using porn as a coping technique, I never learned how to deal with my emotions properly and fully develop emotional maturity. I’m learning now how to do this and it’s hard since it feels like I’m 14-15 emotionally, when I’m 24. But I know it’s worth it.

    1. 30 days isn’t enough.

    After 30 days I thought I’d be better. I know I am consciously but it doesn’t feel all that great. I’m currently flatlining. I’m feeling like meh, not particularly motivated or inspired. I don’t really want to talk with anyone. But I understand this is what it takes to succeed. My emotions aren’t facts, and I know I will get through this plateau.

    1. It’s about long-term success.

    30 days is good, but I’m in it for the long run. I want long term success which means I need to be committed to my long-term goal. I recently learned about the science of commitment.

    Level of Commitment can be broken down into: (Treasures – Troubles) + Contributions – Choices

    Treasures–the rewards you get from pursuing your goal Troubles–the difficulties you experience along the way Contributions–the time, energy, and tangible resources you’ve devoted to your goal Choices–the options you perceive you do or don’t have

    Learning about commitment has helped me redefine my commitment and set myself up for long-term success. My ultimate goal is to be porn-free for life.

    I hope this has been beneficial for you. I know it’s not all rainbows but life isn’t either. There’s going be some rough patches along way. But I promise you, you’ll feel better, more expressive and stronger self-worth if you stick with it & replace this complusive bad habit & addiction with positive, productive habits instead. We’re in this together! See you on the other side!

    Lessons Learned: 30 Days of Success (It’s not what you might expect)

  679. 15 days of no masturbation opened my eyes to new possibilities

    I would never have believed that it would change so much – because I had never gone without masturbation, even for one day. I managed to not masturbate for 15 days – may be short according to many others here – but it did show fabulous results. I am beginning again to reboot and for much longer period this time. I’ll list the changes I observed and none of this is an exaggeration:

    – My performance increased professionally
    – Helped with my obsessive thought patterns (I suffer from OCD & Bipolar)
    – Things which bothered me a lot didn’t bother me much, I became more carefree
    – Very noticeable reduction in anxiety levels
    – Felt a lot more confident in social interaction
    – Felt a lot more strength in my body
    – Was able to exercise more and experienced better results
    – Urge to eat unhealthy foods reduced
    – Gained more self control in general life
    – Within 10 days, no need of kink to keep myself turned on, average female body enough
    – No gay thoughts, no cuckold thoughts
    – No need of incest porn
    – Noticed love of my wife towards me – otherwise it was just a big blur
    – Insomnia got cured – don’t stay awake all night, very sleepy by the night
    – Had a lot more time at my hands (very important)
    – Realized how I was living from one masturbation session to another earlier, there’s so much life to live.
    – This one is the best, was able to hold a much stronger erection when finally made out with wife, didn’t lose it while inserting

    – for the first time I can believe that I’ll be just fine, has increased my confidence a lot.
    – I have realised I’m one of those people who get addicted easily – and either I can fap or fuck, not both.

    Learnt: Edging doesn’t give great results – hard mode is most efficient

    Have been fighting the chaser effect from past few days. But getting back on reboot and much stronger.

    Very thankful to this community.


    Thread: 15 days of no masturbation opened my eyes to new possibilities

  680. I’ve done 40 days abstaining from PMO

    So far, I’ve done 40 days abstaining from PMO. Over the course of the last 40 days, most of it has been bad. I had a two week long flatline at the beginning of my reboot and wet dreams which have made me feel like crap, well, apart from the last one. Overall, the last 40 days have been shit: worse anxiety and worse social anxiety not to forget the crippling depression I’ve suffered from since beginning my reboot.

    Last Friday night, I had a wet dream. ‘Oh fuck’ I thought when I had it. The day after, I felt like a zombie but amazingly, on Sunday, I felt like a new guy. I felt happy, worry and care free. The same yesterday too. Anxiety and social anxiety seem to have disappeared, almost overnight. I’m only on day 40, not even half way through my reboot and I feel like a changed man. My message to those that are struggling is to just keep on going. The first part of the reboot is always the hardest and may even be worse than when you were PMOing. But stick with it, things will get better!

    Thread: Wow!

  681. The things I’ve learned, experienced and Gained from a month of

    I came across pornography in middle school, and it was all my fault. I was at a friends house, a place i was not supposed to be. My parents told me to come home straight after, but i did not listen. He opens up his laptop, and shows me something that blows my immature little mind. I was never the same. it was not only my first day viewing porn, but also my first time masturbating, cus you better beleive right afterwards i ran home, locked the doors and went to work on my anaconda.( there was no way i was doing it at his house).

    If you are in your pre teen or teen years, listen to your parents. I can only imaging how much better my life would be if i had never come across porn. Im confident i never would of either, because im growing up in an extremely faith based house. i am soon to be 16 years of age, and although i am aware of how luky i am to be able to learn the consequences of pmo so early, i would go back in time and do it all over again. You would no beleive how negatively this habit has impacted my life, and i had no idea either. I was a loser, and had nothing to look forward to but internet food and pmo. Not until i stopped that is.

    Came across this subreddit when surfing buzzfeed(lol, told you i was a loser). giggling, i thought to myself “how the heck does one stop masturbating, its normal! This doctor says it and this physician reccomended it “and blah blah blah. But one day, a thought if pure wisdom hit me. Deep down, i knew this was doing nothing for me. i never felt fulfilled after busting a nut. I felt as though eventually i had to put an end to it, so it might as well be now. And I knew it was the root to most of my physical and mental problems. So i made an account on Reddit soley for NoFap.

    I was a true pushover in my freshman year and sophmore year of high school. I was the guy that said yes and submitted to everything you wanted, we all know him. And I was friend zoned by just about every girl i knew in my school. They didnt have to tell me, i knew, because in reality, girls like an edgy bad boy. I was the polar opposite. my stamina in sports was awful. I was always fatigued and my eyes where always bloodshot. I was weak bodied totally unaware that that the years of wear and tear on my testicles was depleting me of my seed, Of my life,Of my testosterone and of my hairline. Yep, my hairline was receding pretty bad, and after doing some digging, i found my pmo habit was the culprit. My now full edges are proof.

    Fast forward a month and here i am today. Let me tell you somehing, Eveytime i read a post of a man claiming to get lots of female attention because of no fap, i rolled my eyes like a girl. I was a pure skeptic. “How can not touching yourself get women to start doing it for you?” I wondered. But a single event changed that. There’s a girl in my high school i dont have a love interest in, but is very attractive. Last year as a sophmore, When one of my friends tries to get her for me, seeing i obviously dont get lots of female artention, she rejects me by saying”Eeww. Im sorry[my name here] but your not that attractive to me” again, she was not a love interest, and i did not approve of him asking her about me but that Hurt in every sense of the word. Especially because i had not initiated such an insult. And I went home and fapped, because if one girl wont like me, a pixelated woman in my computer screen would me more than happy to please me. And that is what made me so unattratrctive, and i beleive it with every part of me. Y’see, what human sexual attraction is in a nutshell is fertility. thats all it is. (Wide hips, boobs and a narrow waist on a girl is universally attractive, and all those are are surefire indictions to a man That she is able to bear and pass on healthy genes to children). Listen Guys, When you are constantly blowing our load into a napkin, you are losing your fertility. Your body thinks its achieving its ultimate goal of reproduction, so then it lets itself go. You have no idea how much nutritional content is in a single ejaculation. Simply put, you are depleting yourself of your indications to women that you are fertile.

    Lets fast forward to my current junior year of high school. i have never gotten so much female attention in my entire life. I understand if you are rolling our eyes and thinking “here we go again with the bs” because i was one of those guys. But the only way to confirm this is experience. And I’ve experienced it. The said girl i spoke of earlier is how all over me. Every chance she gets, she approaches me with a close hug, and even asked me a few days ago,”hows my ass, do you want a shot at this?” Lol, idk about you, but girls don’t ask that to a guy in the friend zone. In fact i feel like I’m out of every girls friend zone because my good guy attitude is completely gone.

    I am more aggressive, and probably the best part of all, is that i finally get respect from other males. Every time i speak, people listen, and i am heard out the most because I’m pretty sure those other dudes are under the influence of pmo. I can finally keep up in a game of basketball. I couldn’t play for more than 5 minutes last year. My eyes are no longer bloodshot. I have lots more time in my day to brush up on my hobbies. I feel healthier. My grades are way better than before. I am confident. I no longer have anxiety, i couldn’t even read in front of the class before it was so bad. I no longer care of what others think of me. I feel, to put in the simplest way possible, happy. The only thing that got worse believe it or not is i actually started to develop acne, but thats only because my testosterone levels are finally rising.

    This stuff works. Don’t believe me? Try it out.

    The things I’ve learned, experienced and Gained from a month of abstinence is nothing short of Amazing


  682. Halfway to 90 days for the first time in my life. This is the ha

    Here’s what has improved in my life and what I still struggle with. If you wanna know more about my experience just ask. I’m an open book and I think the more information we share about our experiences the more successful we will all be.

    • General Improvements:

    More social and confident. More motivation to be productive/less procrastination. More happy moments in nature. Deeper connections with people. More interest in normal activities – reading, exercise, meditation, guitar. A sense of optimism and hope/better self-esteem. Deeper emotions (both good and bad).

    • Ongoing challenges

      Porn flashbacks. Really vivid porn wet dreams. Simply visiting the google homepage. Facebook. Seeing the backside of the City Pages Newspaper with strip club advertisements. Being alone in the car. Stress from lots of homework or something going wrong with my day. My dog pissing in the backseat of my car. General complacency, days when my motivation is gone.

    Thinking about how easy it would be to sabotage all of my progress by loading up some porn. Constantly being bombarded by thoughts of porn and how fucked up my life would be if I returned to the habit. Knowing that I am essentially walking a tight rope and this is the most important decision of my life, and if I fall, I’ll be wasting more and more of my own time starting the whole thing over.

    Periodic “flatlines” or depressive episodes, usually not lasting more than a day or two at a time. They are starting to happen less often and are less intense, but they still require an unbelievable amount of willpower and determination to get through them.

    Social anxiety still lingering, and feelings of frustration that I am not where I want to be with my confidence and social skills, this is also a trigger.

    General advice: Try to eat healthy and take cold showers. Exercise as much as possible. Discover the runner’s high. Find a GOOD therapist, preferably someone who is an addiction specialist. Also know that even at 46 days, these benefits I just listed are not going to show up every single day. Progress, as many have already stated here on Nofap, is NOT LINEAR. You will have shitty ass days a lot. But you’ll also have great days. My hope is that this nonlinear, sporadic process, which is a very slow upward climb to normal living, will get easier as time goes by. This is what I hope. I have never had to put forth so much effort in my life. I quit cigarettes, alcohol and cocaine. Nothing compares to conquering your sexual addiction. But I am pleased at where I am at age 20. I have so many years ahead of me to reap the benefits of a healthy sexuality. I can make it another 45 days, and probably a good few months following that, completely abstinent. Building more of a foundation in my life that has nothing to do with sex. That’s the goal, gents. Good luck to you all, don’t spend too much time here once you get the tools you need. There are too many fucking posts of these guys who go a few months porn free and then slip up and pity themselves and can’t seem to get past a week again. That shit makes me sick. Take this seriously and always remain focused. Sexual addictions take a long time to escape from. Recognize what helps and what doesn’t. Take control of your life and move on.

    Halfway to 90 days for the first time in my life. This is the hardest thing I’ve ever done. AMA


  683. 54 days, I feel like a fucking tank!

    Confidence is radically boosted, mood was never better and finally it is stable. This challenge really changes your life, and I’m not going back to porn thats for sure! Of course I started to run everyday at 6 A.M , meditate and cold shower after it. Now I’m whole new person and improving everyday. Those who think about relapsing, think twice, because it is REALLY not worth it 😉

    54 days, I feel like a fucking tank!

  684. The deeper voice is so nice man…

    On my highest streak of 40+ days, my voice was noticeably, NOTICEABLY deeper and stronger.

    Only 8 days in now, I’m starting to see the effects again – the resonating vibration in the center of my neck, etc. I can’t believe this is something I’ve been missing out on for years, always speaking with what I thought was my ‘normal’ voice.

    The deeper voice is so nice man…

  685. My list of benefits. Don’t let me forget these, dammit!

    In response to _StaggerLee’s (badass username) suggestion that we all create and post a list of the benefits we’ve experienced along the nofap road, I’d like to offer my own:

    • increased energy with which to do things that improve my existence and the existence of others (schoolwork, meditation, workout, music, writing, etc.)
    • more positivity
    • less reliance on the approval of others
    • ability to view others with much more compassion, especially women (related to no. 3)
    • better ability to relate to people and sustain interesting conversation (related to no. 3 and 4)
    • better eye contact, body language, and general presence *more strength in the face of uncomfortable situations <br><br>

    …and like 900 more…stay strong gentlemen…don’t spill your life force into a tissue or–gulp–let it crust up your pants. Life awaits, lets fucking live it!

    My list of benefits. Don’t let me forget these, dammit!


  686. A list of benefits! Let’s all create one.

    I would like to offer you guys to create a list of benefits of NoFap.

    Then, write it all down somewhere, so next time you’ll have an urge to do what we all don’t really need to do, go through the list and decide is it worth giving up?

    • Boost of self-confidence
    • Better sleep
    • Energy increase
    • Sharp-sparkling clear mind
    • Great mood
    • Increased sense of humour
    • Increased conversational skills
    • Deeper voice
    • More control over your life
    • Better skin

    Let’s keep it simple, so share your bullet points and we’ll create one massive list! I’ll add all your responses to the list!

    A list of benefits! Let’s all create one.


  687. 60 day’s sucess Link to my last post. ( I posted on there before I realized I couldn’t change the title)

    EDIT:10/7/14 Okay guys I’m back. I meant to do this when I reached 60 days (its 65 days now) but my net nanny account didn’t expire till today so before I set it back up I’m going to post this. It’s been 65 whole days since the last time I PMO’d. I have to say that 30 day’s ago I was still grappling with the idea of letting it go forever. I thought that if I mastered P and MO then I could continue in moderation. I was wrong. I had one slip up during this whole 65 day period. It was around day 45 I think and my net nanny account expired. Before I set it back up I decided (My penis really decided) to go and look at some old sites I used to go too just to see what is new. I was telling myself the whole time that I wouldn’t be affected by it but I wouldn’t let myself question why I was doing it in the first place. I watched porn for 4 hours. It was devastating. I was horrified that I let myself go that far and the worst part is that my body wanted more. I stopped did the sixth tibetan 3-4 times then went to bed. The next day I had too MO (first time in 46 days) I was assulted by P thoughts like I never had before. After that I realized I had stopped treating P like the life-sucking parasite it really is. I never really educated myself on the science behind the addiction but now I started reading up on it like crazy. I even bought the new YBOP e-book that came out. It’s pretty much a condensed version of what they have on the site so don’t stress it if you can’t get it, definitely support them if you can get it though. I finally educated myself on P and what I found was shocking. I had no idea how powerful a drug it was. ONE look is damaging. It literally shrinks part of your brain when your watching it. It’s pretty much akin to heroin but instead of injecting it your visually getting your hits. During the days after the 4 hours session, I noticed I was a bit more nervous around people, my vision felt like it was going back to tunnel vision, and my hair stopped growing (that one bald spot I had). A couple day’s later I was back to normal and more determined than ever to live the rest of my life without P. I think just a couple day’s ago I finally really made the decision to let go of P. I was doing my meditation at the time and I decided to simply let it go. I visualized P as it really was. Before when I tried too it would be too much for me but since I had been starving it I saw how it really was, just a parasite. I let it go. It was crying and begging the whole time but I did it, I simply turned my back and started to walk away. The next day I could feel it. That parasite was no longer in my consciousness. I truly can live my life without P because now I see what life truly has to offer, and It is amazing. Now onto the benefits of these last 60 days: (On top of benefits of 30 day’s)

    • My hair spot has pretty much grown back to the point where I don’t have to hide it anymore, it still has room to grow but this is a huge improvement
    • I now have visible limbal rings in both eyes. My eyes look more full of life (like someone took the saturation bar up on my eyes) they just seem to have more color and pop. I just like to stare at myself in the mirror sometimes now.
    • Skin is way healthier looking and clearer.
    • People give me more respect (this is more subtle but it is definitely noticeable when I look back)
    • I’m more happy just doing my own thing. Before I would put emphasis on what other people wanted before me, now I can just do what I want and be happy with it instead of worrying about what every one else is thinking
    • My qigong practice has gotten much better. The qi is way stronger than before and I can hold the standing postures for much longer.
    • I’m killing it at the gym. I have gains but I’m not really looking at those. Just going to the gym is fun. I go everyday now and I am never sore the day after, just insane recovery time.
    • Mind is much clearer, even though I was meditating a year before this and assumed I was at the peak of my mental ability, this is much more profound. I can remember things just by looking the first time. Learning is fun (especially math) I can work for way longer than usual. I used to be able to put in a good 20 minutes before I started to get burned out. I can now go for 45 minutes strong, learning the whole time.
    • I am in touch with my God (hermetics)
    • Better harmony in the mind. For anyone that has taken Shrooms a bad trip is usually a combining factor of environment, self (thoughts), and other people. My mind is the safest place for me to be at all times. I’ve taken shrooms gone deep into the forest and have been perfectly happy just being. Before I would have been too paranoid, been having bad thoughts, and eventually would have had it spiral into a bad trip. Now there is only good trips and amazing trips. This stems from the fact that back when I was pmo’ing part of me knew that it was bad while the other part of me was purposefully ignorant about it. That causes disharmony since there is a rift between your thinking. A good example is when your body just takes over while looking at P while your brain is just yelling at you to stop. Now all of my mind is on the same page and working towards the same goals.
    • I’ve been called handsome more than a few times now. I always had the same face (duh) but I would never get compliments like this before and my feelings about myself were either really egotistical (I’m clearly the best) or very inferior (No girl will like me). Now I understand that I’m an above average guy in the looks department and my world is starting to reflect that (or reflect how I feel about myself).
    • Wake up motivated for the day. There is a difference between motivation and will-power. Motivation being that you want to do a certain thing because it’s good for you or accomplishes something. Will-power being that do it even if you don’t want to. I have both but to be honest motivation is what carries me through the day. When your dead-set on perfecting yourself there is nothing you won’t try
    • I’ve always had trouble gaining weight but now I’m eating more than usual (isn’t the gym because even when I worked out previously I didn’t gain weight) which is leading to weight gain.
    • All day energy, I am not truly tired once throughout the day. Not after I eat a big meal, not after I work out, and not even after studying a whole bunch.
    • I’m looking towards the future now. I don’t really think I cared about what I will be doing in 10 years. Now I do.
    • Generally happier all the time
    • Understanding on how to control self and habits. I truly understand now that you have to have balance in your life.

    Well guys I think that’s all the benefits for right now. The whole time doing this I was doing meditation 3x a day for 15 minutes each. Qigong I’ve been doing and that has definetly helped a lot. I can’t stress how important The Sixth Tibetan was in this whole process. That’s what saved me numerous times. I used to take NAC to help with the urges but now I don’t need to. I don’t even need to do the sixth tibetan anymore but I woudn’t have gotten here if it wasn’t for that. I’m not just doing no fap I’m also laying the foundation. This is a taoism reference please look into it if you have time. This incorporates no-fap into it but as well is cultivating samadhi (very hard). I’ll report back on day 90 I hope this has given you guys hope and keep going strong. I was at this for 2 years before I got this far and I started when I was 8 (not joking). I was masturbating 3x a day till I became 16. Even then it lessened to one time a day. If I can do it, you guys can do it too.



  688. Wow… 60days report!
    Now I understand you guys,what you meant by saying that you feel invincible.. Feeling strong,energetic,confident all the time everywhere. Also I learned how to keep those superpowers for longer period. It is always reminding yourself that you are whole new person now,NO old you anymore..I was extremely shy and socially awkward.

    But now.. I never felt more real and confident. Walking I in the street looking to chicks eyes and flirting so easy ,not giving a fuck what other people think of me. Now I can go and sing in the street with no problem of course I’m doing that very rarely,lol ,but that became no problem to me. I enjoy every single day of my life ,thanks to NoFap and other self improvement things like meditation ,forcing myself to talk to strangers, and intensive workout.

    Wow… 60days report!



  689. 19, almost been a month since i started with NoFap,
    Hello, I am 19, almost been a month since i started with NoFap, and all can I say, i never been better..

    • I feel soo interested about wonderful things in life while before I had no will to do anything..
    • I only regret that i didn’t found NoFap before, but Hey, I’m still 19, i am happy that i found it finally!
    • I will never quit NoFap, because it gave me ONLY benefits, and nothing else
    • I haven’t been a hardcore guy that goes to church and those things, but I though believe in god, and I’m really sure that he did not made us wit porn in our hands, and he didn’t made us to masturbate, so I am hundred percent SURE that masturbating and internet porn will definitely ruin our erections and slowly ruin our lives Now the benefits:
    • i can get erection easily now with Nofap (but i can also stop it)
    • my face does Not have acne anymore
    • I Enjoyyy relaxing and exploring things and i am definitely more concentrated and less tired
    • I feel better
    • I feel more beautiful and younger
    • there are SOO maaany benefits from this that i cant remember all at the moment, but I am pretty sure you can found them at this website, and.. they are all, True 😉

    *My Nofap benefits*

  690. 60 day HARD MODE REBOOT – Story so far!

    Backstory: 1) 20 year old virgin
    2) Been MO’ing since 15 and PMO’ing since 16.
    3) 1-3 times a day with the odd day without O’ing. I’d say O’s were 80% PMO 20% MO.
    4) Only watched soft core/standard/lesbian porn, never escalated tastes. Grip did however escalate, death grip PMO for about 6 months before started reboot.
    5) All medical tests came back with no problems, also urologist physical inspection all clear.

    PIED situation 1) Noticed problem (PIED) when couldnt lose virginity with first partner at University. I could get a 70% erection kissing/foreplay but would always lose it before sex, wouldn’t have been hard enough anyway. Girlfriend been very supportive throughout process.
    2) Sometimes was even struggling to get a proper erection for porn, could masturbate with a 75%. However, upon some research I’ve realised that was probably because I wasn’t escalating my tastes, sometimes my erections would respond if I was watching more hardcore stuff but for some reason (THANK GOD LOL) I never let myself get to that point and stuch to the less hard stuff throughout. Interesting point, don’t know if my PIED is the most severe because the little guy does respond to my girl its just not quite hard enough and I can’t maintain it.
    3) No response to sexual thoughts or touch without porn, needed some visual stimulation to orgasm. Girlfriend could occasionally get me off with a death grip handy (awful… lol, so embarassing and not even pleasurable)
    4) She is studying abroad until December 23rd (which will work out at day 150 of my reboot!)
    5) Also noticed last few years brain fog increasing, concentration harder.
    6) Confidence took a serious smack since i’d say… 16 (related to one prick bullying me in sixth-form college, if i had him now I swear i’d rip his throat out)

    How i’ve tackled my Reboot so far (62 days in…) 1) Hard mode reboot, have barely even touched my penis, ruled out all forms of SEXUAL stimulation, I don’t watch r-rated movies, bikini vids, facebook pictures even music videos. My brain has literally been starved of sexual imagery. Everytime I feel myself getting even the tiniest bit aroused I just smash the thought out of my head instantly change my attention.(That said I do skype my girlfriend daily but its purely conversational, she is aware of the situation and is just supporting me until she is back, I don’t get aroused because we are just talking, obv. she is always fully clothed.)
    2) I’ve always been fit and healthy but have upped daily excercise, bought myself a pull up bar and probably do 1-2 hours aerobic cardio with football every 1-2 days.
    3) Eating lots of protein, cut out sugar.
    4) Drinking with uni mates cut right down, maybe 1 night every couple of weeks.
    5) Started the 30 days cold shower challenge (10 days in).
    6) Still lots of internet usage but is mostly research for my university degree and to watch football videos (ABSOLUTELY NOTHING sexual, lol.) Also cut video games out a lot, don’t find them so fun anymore.
    7) I intend to take some supplements at some point, L-Arginine seems like the main one.
    8 ) This is a contraversial one but since being back at university I’ve been taking more naps. Some people might see this as a bad sign and being lethargic BUT the naps are always after 1-2 hours cardio excercise or a long study session. Personally I believe they aid recovery because your brain has a chance to recover and be void of any stimulation while you nap.

    Changes so far…
    1) Kicked the addiction! After about 10 days of extreme urges they progressively got weaker and weaker. Some days were very difficult to get through, the way I looked at it was fighting my brain which was trying to trick me into soothing myself with PMO. About 30 days in I have no impulse to touch my dick at all not even for Porn (deep in flatline at this point)
    2) DEEP flatline lasted about 50 days, no desire at all, little guy shrivelled up, NO erections at all, was very worried something worse was up, depression some days, moodswings, very volatile, brain fog regularly.
    3) Still flatlining but much less severe now. (still no erections, explained in next point).
    4) After day 60 my flatline seemed to get less strong, I had a day where my libido came ROARING back. I was so sexually charged I just wanted to have sex so badly, not PMO! Proper sex, I wanted my girlfriend’s touch, her smell, everything. As bad as this sounds every girl in my classes was suddenly very attractive to me, it was a crazy day, it levelled off in the evening when I got home. That evening I decided to fantasize about my girlfriend, completely hands free and focus on my girlfriend what she smelt like, how it felt when we were foreplay(ing.) Got a 90% boner in about 30 seconds, only lasted about 2-3 minutes but this is big step up for me! WOW! Libido seems to have stabilized in last few days, still want sex but still flatlining a little and not walking around like a sexually charged superhuman thank god.
    5) Had 4 wet dreams in the 62 days, 3 were sexual and one was after a night of drinking so I didn’t wake up lol. The first 3 were extremely strong, the orgasm woke me up and felt amazing, so much better than if I had been masturbating, it was intense. 2 of them were dreaming of dry humping/kissing a hot girl and the 3rd I think I was watching a girl strip, which was a bit dissapointing but didn’t beat myself up over it for too long.
    6) Morning wood still not back, night wood definitely there, have woken up with hard ons quite a lot.

    Other effects
    1) Concentration increased slightly, still I’d say its part of my personality I’ve always had concentration problems since I was a kid.
    2) Confidence roaring back after about a month. I look back on parts of my life like being bullied in sixth form and think what an idiot I was to let it happen, i’m so much more confident in myself now that will never happen again.
    3) Disgusted by porn, fuck that shit.
    4) Think testosterone increasing? When I shave my hair grows back quicker lol?, could be due to increased weight lifting, protein intake and excercise though.
    5) Generally feel more manly.

    Any support/tips/questions would be welcomed. Thanks for reading lads.

    60 day HARD MODE REBOOT – Story so far!
  691. i knew it’ll boost my productivity, but this was just insane

    Hi folks,

    i started nofap because of my gf and the relationship with her. I didn’t expect any extreme sideeffects.

    But woa.. i knew it’ll boosts my productivity, but this was just insane. I was a lazy fuck and had about 6 months to finish my degree work. My final deadline is on the 7 of November, but didn’t realy work on it until one month ago.

    The last few Weeks i worked my ass off, to get my program running (i study informatics and need to program something and write a “paper”-thesis about the performance/program). And yesterday i finally got it finished. I managed to keep my productivity on a full time high for exactly one month… now i have to write my thesis and get the rest done. Before i started nofap i couldn’t think about working more than 7 hours straight a day, but after i realized what i’m capable of, i can easily work 12 hours a day and go straight to bed to wake up fully freshed on next morning. But beware, your body can work 4 weeks straight without any pause, but after this time you are fucked as hell. I took 2 days off to reset/relaxe my body for the coming month. My eyes burned, and i felt ill. Now on day 2 i feel well rested and fit again.

    One thing i noticed about this productivity thing with nofap: nofap isn’t just about stopping masturbation. It is about trying to get your dopamine resistence to a normal level. And for this you have to stop watching pictures or websites of gentlemenPorn/arrousingStuff… for example i like dnb mixes on youtube, but most of them use pictures of nearly naked women to get more views. You have to cut this also… because if you don’t you start to feel relapsed even if you didn’t PMO. For me it triggers the whole dopamine machine, and resets it a bit (not fully, but you feel the difference).

    Thank you guys for your motivational posts and your endless support. I’ll be always thankfull that i found this subreddit/movement.

    PictureRelated: me working without a break 😉

    NoFap saved my bachelor-thesis

  692. My superpowers are starting to present themselves

    Today was honestly one of the greatest days I had in my life. I was able to start conversations with random strangers. Although I’m an introvert, I tend to be friendly with people, and all bets are thrown out of the window about me being introverted when I’m on stage, I’m a completely different person. Just today though, I didn’t let my shyness take over me and I talked to a girl I just met today for over 20 minutes. Then I picked up conversation with another girl at a coffee shop. Honestly, I have never been so happy in all my life. I need some high fives ya’ll.

    My superpowers are starting to present themselves

  693. Improved focus

    … While fantasizing about this girl I have a little crush on I am simultaneously doing studies and

    It’s. going. fucking. great! It’s like your brainfog is completely gone so you have the ability to focus on two things at the same time with similar results as focusing on one thing.

    And as a side note: The superpowers ARE REAL! I’m tired of fapstronauts saying like there is no superpowers because you are only becoming the “natural you”. However, and this is my opinion, becase 99% of people fap and watch porn one can say that fapstronauts have superpowers because everything in life is relative. The majority of people masturbate almost daily. So when you are on your 30+ streak of nofap it will not look “natural” to the people around you. They will feel like “What’s up with him, he seems so full of life, energetic and abnormal”.

    I think it’s a bit negative to not think of it as superpowers since you are achieving qualities the majority of people don’t have. And in my mind it the whole nofap thing isn’t “natural”. It’s natural however to have weaknesses and addictions. It’s natural because your body is designed to give in to urges and addictions. Going against your body is empowering but not natural imo.

    If the norm on the other hand would be to NOT watch porn and masturbate THEN superpowers would be a wrong term to use since you aren’t becoming better than the majority of people around you. However, as the situation is now we, the fapstronauts, have powers the majority don’t and probably never going to have.

    Improved focus

  694. I’m 30 days in and I feel more like a man than ever before

    I’ve been waiting to feel like this for a long time…

    I’m 30 days in and I feel more like a man than ever before. For the first time ever, I feel sexy as a man. I looked at myself in the mirror and couldn’t stop smiling. My confidence is through the roof right now!


    • Better skin
    • Deeper, throaty voice.
    • Eye contact with everyone
    • Better posture
    • Abs, chest muscles coming in due to working out
    • Eyes are deeper shade of hazel


    • Blissful feeling of calmness
    • Very confident, speaking in assurances..”I will, I can”
    • Happiness
    • Smiling more
    • Love. Love. Love. Not just for women, but for everyone. I care about people again. I respect women again.

    I’m so goddamn happy right now. I’m even feeling music…I was listening to slow R&B while working out. I finished my workout and just sat there with a big smile on my face. I’ve never felt so great and empowered….I’m walking on air. Sticking with this for as long as possible. I cant thank this subreddit enough for showing me the way…..thank you guys, stick with this. Little by little you’ll reclaim what should have been yours all along.

    30 days……the joy I feel is incredible.

  695. 30 days but feels like a lifetime

    Here it is, 30 days in, but feels more like 10 years. I never could have imagined how much my life would change in 30 days. I am trying to roll through my mind to explain everything that has happened to me but there are just so many benefits that I am going to have to start regurgetating them one by one, so bare with me!

    • Massive strength and aesthetic gains. I took anabolic steroids at 19 years old (I am 23 now, and do not condone them whatsoever) but my gains in the past month have been more significant than my gains on actual steroids. I contribute this to the willpower boost that I have been given to be able to push through not only my last rep, but one more on top because I AM A BEAST NOW.
    • Social awkwardness – nonexistant. I am a decent looking guy and am certainly an extrovert. I have never had issues in social settings, or so I thought. Most of my socially outgoing encounters would, however, have to include some form of alcohol to not reach an “awkward” stage. I would say something stupid, or think that I said something stupid, and somewhat “shut off”. No longer.. I have not had an awkward social experience in the past 10-12 days. Every conversation that I have is now meaningful, and I actually remember the conversations that I’ve had. I WANT to be with people just to be with them, because they are awesome and so am I.
    • Cognition – enhanced. My thought processes are wildly different today than they were 30 days ago. I have absolutely 0 brain fog (I used to have to search for words, sometimes never grasping them). My memory has increased 1000 fold, which has in turn helped me exponentially in school. I am making a 4.0 currently, bouncing back from a 2.6 last semester. I see the world for what it is, rather than a series of highs and lows (which is when I would PMO).
    • Relationship – I can’t even explain. I actually started nofap around three months ago. I was on and off, and during my longest prior streak (around 16 days) I started dating the head cheerleader at my university. She is drop dead gorgeous, super sweet, her family is wealthy (which doesn’t have much bearing but she is not “needy”), and had only had sex with two guys prior to me (I know that this isn’t a big deal to most of you, but where I’m from that’s almost an impossibility to find). I contributed my landing of this beautiful girl pretty much solely to NoFap, and I’m almost certain that I was right. I relapsed about two weeks into the relationship, and low and behold right at that exact same time t he relationship got rocky and we “broke up” for a weekend. Over that weekend I recollected myself, reminded myself that I can overcome this, and started back on my NoFap journey. Here I am 30 days later with this gorgeous sweet girl at my side and I could NOT be happier! As a side note, I also have been meeting girls on a daily basis that I can tell are interested (that never would have given me a second thought prior) and it feels amazing, even though I am with the one that I want to be with.
    • Perception: it seems that my whole perception of the world has changed. I see everything, rather than just my own little bubble. I enjoy life more, things are more beautiful (women, cars, the sky, colors, you name it). I hear the birds chirping, and I feel the warmth of the sun in a different manner. Life is more “real” than it ever has been before. It’s worth living.
    • Random tidbits: I have stopped biting my fingernails, which I have done since childhood. I figured, if I can stop watching porn I can stop biting my nails – right? I was right. I have contributed more to my fraternity (yes, I am a fraternity guy, but our school is so small that it’s not like most fraternitys). I want to help people more than I ever have before. I have more self confidence than anytime prior in my life. I used to have an extreme fear of public speaking, yet spoke in front of my whole class yesterday as if I were born for it.

    The list of benefits goes on and on, and I would not have posted them if I didn’t feel that they were DIRECTLY related to NoFap. Whether that be related in the since that from releasing my brainfog, my grades went up.. Or by increasing my willpower I stopped biting my nails etc. I am not saying these things to brag about myself, or make myself feel high and mighty whatsoever. I am saying these things because they are REAL, and I want EVERYONE to experience the benefits that I am experiencing.

    Get off of your stupid computer, get out there and LIVE!!!

    30 days but feels like a lifetime


  696. A Letter To The Skeptics

    I always felt like there was one great riddle underlying every aspect of my reality that if answered could solve every problem I ever had. I’ve spent years of my life contemplating different possibilities for my misery, but no matter how hard I tried I could not even identify what it was that was wrong. I desperately needed an answer to an unknown question. All I knew for sure was that something was wrong.

    Two weeks ago I stumbled on NoFap and instantly decided that I needed to try it. Not because I had ED or believed I had a problem with porn, even though I watched it incessantly. It was because next month I’ll be going to bootcamp and I wanted to get used to not fapping.

    I saw so many people in this sub talking about having increased mental clarity and energy; claiming that their lives were changing by refraining from PMO. I didn’t believe a word of it. I’ve come across and tried so many self-help solutions to my problems, and I figured the effects people reporting were all some sort of placebo. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

    after just two weeks, I am becoming a different person. Not someone new, but someone I was before the constant PMO. For years I’ve struggled with an increasing lack of willpower and mental focus, as well as anxiety and isolation. I wasn’t as funny or friendly as I once was, and my relationships with everyone suffered. I wrote it off as getting older, and became more and more miserable even though I had no idea why. Now I know the truth.

    To anyone just starting out NoFap or considering to, take it from someone who wasn’t expecting anything to come from it. This WILL change your life. You’ll feel like yourself again. You’ll be confident, focused, and you’ll have the drive to get what it is you truly want out of life. This isn’t some silly game with small positive side effects. This is the answer you’ve been looking for and the beginning of your path to success, if you choose it to be.

    A Letter To The Skeptics


  697. Why aren’t there much studies done on abstaining from orgasming?

    I have no hope or trust in society. I believe this world is a corrupted and rotten place filled with crime, wars, murder, rape, torture, pain, broken dreams, no trust etc

    So I tried forgetting this shit by PMOing and fantasizing everyday, because it made me forget reality. However this made me much worse.

    My best streak once on NoFap was 60 days and I felt much better than when I was PMOing 4/5 times a day.

    Now i’m on day 14 and I feel pretty good again.

    • More energy.
    • More power when I punch the punching bag.
    • More strength when lifting weights
    • Increase in willpower.

    etc etc etc

    Alright I have seen many people claiming that abstinence will only increase T on the 7th day and after that it will go back to normal.

    However I have also seen an study saying that after 3 WEEKS OF ABSTINENCE T WOULD BE RAISED AS WELL.

    The more I abstain from ejaculating, the better the benefits for ME!

    Why don’t they make more studies regarding this? Why? I bet they have done more studies proving that abstaining has great benefits especially for the male, but they probably hide it.

    But why would they hide it? Does society want men to be weak, depressed etc?

    Is it so they could sell porn, dirty/sexual movies, anti depressants, test boosters, viagra etc better?

    What do you guys think?

    P.S: If you are a stupid troll, fuck off and don’t waste my time. I only want serious answers.

    Why aren’t there much studies done on abstaining from orgasming? Are they hiding something from us?

  698. I’ve been rebooting for a similar time but…

    I’ve  been rebooting for a similar time but…  And ik you said positive but thats not the case

    Social Anxiety is decreasing yes – still get it in crowds etc…
    Confidence is going up n’ down- feel empty, depressed and bored all the time. a little confidence here and there. 
    Libido/ED/flatline – still fucked
    Erections here and there nothing that stayed though! think i came out of flatline directly back in again lol.
    Morning wood non existent -returned for along while then went again.
    Sleeping Better – only major bonus xD

    Yeah basically not much has really happened for me and  I feel totally asexual but some positives are starting to show but its early days for me; Think I’m in for a long ass journey xD. Hope to make more progress as more time passes.

  699. Progress is slow, but I was thinking back..

    I just thought I’d start an active forum about positive changes anyone’s been experiencing since starting reboot.

    Progress is slow, but I was thinking back..  I’ve made a lot of progress in 3 months.  

    • Social Anxiety has massively decreased.
    • Confidence is getting better.
    • I walk with purpose and authority.
    • I naturally hold eye contact with girls.

    It’s good chemistry to share your benefits so we can all see the improvements as they happen.  

    So tell me about benefits since you started reboot?

    How’s Everyone Doing? Tell Me about your Progress! Differences since Reboot?
  700. Sexual attraction is changing…

    It’s paradoxical what’s happening to me. I feel more attracted to real women’s bodies. The imperfections don’t matter as much anymore. I find so much more beauty in women than before. But I also have the increased balls and self control to act with women as people. No more shirking away in quiet inferiority. I’m more attracted, but I also have more self-control. It’s a beautiful paradox. I love it.

    Sexual attraction is changing…

  701. Has anyone felt they were very Feminine before NoFap especially
    Has anyone felt they were very Feminine before NoFap especially with friends or women?

    I just started noFap a week ago and I’m noticing a lot of changes, but I am also thinking about my life more often. I noticed I’ve always been that “Shy Guy” who only speaks when spoken to or when I have some witty joke to say. I’ve never spoken to anyone like a leader would, who demands things and is authoritative in my tone of voice. I have never made the first move on a girl unless I was intoxicated also. Girls always had to approach me first because I never went after what I wanted. I feel like my personality before NoFap is more like a shy teenage girl who giggles a lot and is afraid to state her opinion. Instead of being a 20 y/o man who can hold a decent conversation and take what they want in life. I just wish I found this subreddit years ago and I would’ve taken more control of my life. I hate being the quiet guy that doesn’t have the balls to talk to women or even carry decent conversations with other guys. It is almost as if I was subservient to people without even thinking. Has anyone else felt like this?


    Absolutely, it’s primarily why I do nofap. Such beautiful masculinity. I can sit in a room full of bigger, stronger men and feel like the most alpha. It’s a wonderful thing.


    I know exactly how you feel. ” I was subservient to people without even thinking “, hits it right on the head. You can’t go to the past and change that, but the future starts right now. Whatever you want in life boy, GO GET IT!


    You know,i always feel like this when i relapse,and as the streak goes up feel manlier everyday..It’s amazing!


    In some areas, social interaction made me girly. Even my voice got high pitched when I got excited. I played it cool like a joke, but I was never comfortable. I laughed at everything, nervously. I was golden in 1 on 1 conversation (usually) but put 2 people other than me and i became introverted. Fuck that noise. On my last streak, 18 days, I was alpha as fuck, but not an asshole. I was in control. People stopped scaring me. I got respect. My gait was smooth and my posture more upright. So yeah, you aren’t alone.


    Absolutely. My previous record used to be 13. When I moved to another coutry I only had a laptop. Installed K9 blocker before leaving and had a friend keep the password. New record… 24. No porn and no jerking. It changed my life. It was simply both terrifying and enchanting.

    I don’t know if you know what I mean with this but… From then on? It was a decisive victory and I knew that I will win. I’m in charge of my own life and I run the show now. I release to sex on my terms and don’t surrender by giving in to an addiction. Party starts when I show up. Party stops when I leave. I don’t spill my man gravy for women who don’t even know or scream my name.


    I would always feel like my voice was higher pitched (feminine), and that I would never really go for things I wanted. Nowadays I just man up and do what needs to be done, and feel like a badass doing it!


    op, did nofap help with this situation? cause thats exactly what im going through and feel


    I enjoy it for the same reason. When I’m at peak testosterone at ~7-9 days, it’s like I absorb as well as put out a very masculine vibe to the women I’m around. And they respond well to it. The girl that I have been texting recently said, when I was at 8… You are really sassy tonight ;). That is why I like doing this challenge. It makes me more stand up for myself when I talk to my dick of a boss too.


    Yeah man, totally. I hate this feeling of being like a little girl because underneath it I’m always like “I shouldn’t be acting like this. I could be more manlier.” I intimidate people (not scare, but have a striking presence). But when I start talking it’s a timid voice that speaks. I SHOULD be more manlier. I think something about fapping takes away the manly or standoffish sides of guys like you and me.



  702. My good benefits from no pm

    I am on 12 day without pm although my counter is 8 days. Let me tell you this it feels great and lots of energy througout the day. I am still able to do things without feeling too tired even when I am sick(still for 3 days now).

    My anxiety getting less and social interactions improving.

    My head seems to have better clarity and my brain process quick thinking than before. I am now less to get irritated easily and less anger.

    All this improvements from 12 days no fap and I imagine what wonders I get if never again to fapping and p. I am 32 yrs and married for almost a year now. Everytime I look at her I feel loved and blessed to have her by my side (she doesn’t know about my addiction). Those who start this no fap campaign at a young age well lucky for you all.

    There is more to life than fapping to porn.I just realised this and a quarter of my life wasted to this porn shit. It is still early days and hopefully I will conquer this darkness. That’s all for now.Sorry for my English ( will learn to write and speak better)

    My good benefits from no pm

  703. NOFAP is the best thing that has happend to me

    Hey there brothers!! 38 days since I gave up PMO. I still have some urges but then I convince myself not to fap because I dont do it anymore!! Just dont look at any porn images. One image and boom your mind will find ways to tell you that just one fap will do no harm.. As far as progress is concerned!! It seems like I have alot of energy to do my tasks. I practiced eye contact will people through out last week and trust me I had no problems at all. Yesterday my self esteem had a boost. I approached a girl and talked to her for like 1 hour. When I was a PMO loser I always used to think that you need to have a lot of topics while talking to a girl but the reality is you just need to connect with the girl and then everything will flow out naturally. I just never stopped talking. I talked about her and she told me her stories!! I learned about eye contact skills and yesterday I used all my knowledge in making the perfect eye contact with a girl. I felt so great and happy after our conversation.. I repeat NOFAP is the best thing that has happened to me..

    Progress Progress Progress( NOFAP is the best thing that has happend to me)

  704. the superpowers you’ve been asking for

    This day has been amazing. I woke up very early and started working long before other people wake up. Just for one half hour I was having a little siesta where I layed in my bed. When I layed down in my bed and was thinking of the one I love then the erection came and lasted until I fell asleep. And also when I woke up the 100% erection was there. Then I went back to work. Today I was working happy and with entousiasm for 14 hours. Then I went to the gym and did som exercise for two hours and went back home and had som food. This day, compared to the fact that I’m among the oldest guys in this forum is amazing. Today I have never been thinking about pmo or mo. I feel quite happy and I think I have done much today.

    the superpowers you’ve been asking for

  705. So many changes in my life…

    Ever since starting nofap my life has changed so much… It may also be a factor of me being in university and becoming older (21/M) but I have never seen such evolution in my social and psychological self.

    I think it is important to add that I have not yet reached a 90 day streak in nofap.. but the fact that I have massively reduced my PMO from about 2x a day to (on average after a year of attempting to reach this goal) 1x a week I have seen huuge changes. I am currently aiming for 90 days and am still in a struggle to reach this goal but this long-term battle has helped me develop self-control.

    Before starting nofap, I was a virgin and it was only about a few months ago that this changed. Of course I did not only start nofap in order to have sex, but it was a huge motivator for me. Living with 2 other roommates with girlfriends and I was always hanging out alone in my room doing homework/procrasturbating… I wanted a change.

    A recent event that motivated me to write this post is the fact that I started hooking up with a girl living in my apartment complex and am now having intimate relations with her on a weekly, if not daily basis. It all started with me approaching her and inviting her out and then bam… now we are “friends”.

    What surprised me, and her the most about this is how one time we were lying in bed together, fully dressed and I made her have an orgasm by simply paying attention to her body and touching the right places. I was present, in the moment and not focusing on short-term pleasure that PMO gets you so accustomed to. I did not even have the goal to have sex with her that time (as it was out first time together) and did not want to rush things unless she was fully prepared to. Now, she was basically begging me to have sex with her.. something my old fapping self would never have imagined.

    I know I’m rambling on but to summarize this post; it is basically to encourage those that have had trouble reaching more than 20 day streaks. YOU ARE making progress and nofap only changes you as much as you are ready to make the changes necessary to become a better version of yourself.

    So many changes in my life…


  706. Hard-to-explain yet awesome benefit of NoFap

    When I get onto a decent streak I have these moments throughout the day where I might be talking to someone or just observing other people and I feel this great swell of satisfaction and joy about the moment and existence itself. If I could summarise the feeling in one sentence it would be “I love being a part of all of this”. It’s like you feel joyful about even the seemingly negative aspects of life. Physically, my chest becomes full and my eyes start to water. I’m on day 17 and these moments are becoming more frequent. To any newcomers, please understand that these feelings/moments fill your days more and more as your streak progresses. Life is so much better this way.

    Hard-to-explain yet awesome benefit of NoFap


  707. I can confidently say that NoFap is NOT placebo.

    The primal attraction. The masculine essence. The confidence/swagger. The focus. The clearer thinking and lack of anxiety. And probably the most instantly gratifying of the benefits – the attention and respect you get whilst out and about in the world.

    Although I’ve been improving as a whole, and don’t feel as bizarre after a binge as I would have 2 years ago.. I still definitely notice a lack of confidence, and a lack of that special energy/aura.

    There is no placebo involved. Those who don’t receive the benefits and who instead get depressed/angry/etc, most likely just have deeper seated emotional baggage that they need to work through before they see their own set of benefits. I can’t say for sure. All I can say, is nofap = win.


    Have been doing no fap on and off for 2 years now.. Currently on about day 13.. From 2 years of experience, I can confidently say that NoFap is NOT placebo.

  708. My anxiety and depression have gone down significantly

    Hey, you guys. I did it. :))

    I can say with complete joy and happiness, that I have gone an entire month without looking at porn. And God DAMN do I feel great. Of course my whole life isn’t resolved; there’s plenty of things I still need to address, but I feel amazing right now.

    My anxiety and depression have gone down significantly. In this past month I’ve started meditating more and using guided meditations on YouTube and they’ve helped a lot to make my mind more sharp.

    Especially within these past couple of days, my conversations with friends and family have been amazing. Words just kinda flow out of my mouth, and even typing this right now it’s like it feels so easy. I’ve changed guys. 30 days of being away from porn has made me feel so much better about myself. I’m not going back, and I’m only gonna get better. 🙂 stay strong guys, and don’t give up!

    EDIT: Link to guided meditation


  709. I now remember how it feels to have no brain fog at all

    I have done NoFap before last summer. Then during summer until one week prior to now’s have been PMOING. A week after NoFap, I now remember how it feels to have no brain fog at all, to have clear ideas and a sexy voice.

    the fog

  710. I always knew watching porn distorted my view of women, but now

    Porn distorting my view of women was never something I disagreed with, but I never really had tangible proof of it, or some hard, quantifiable examples of it until now.

    There’s this girl at school who I suspect has had a crush on my for the past year or two, but I never really liked her back. For some reason, I’ve recently been sort of feeling the same way toward her.

    She’s not a supermodel. She’s a bit chubby, but I think she’s cute. Of course I would prefer someone with a supermodel physique, but I wasn’t going to let that stop me from asking her out, it wasn’t a deal breaker, essentially.

    Last night I relapsed, a couple times actually. After I relapsed one of the first things that came to my mind was why would I ever want to date her? She’s doesn’t have a god-tier body, so why should I even bother? I deserve a woman who looks like the women in the pictures I just fapped to.

    Today, I’m thankfully coming back to my senses and realize how fucked up a view that is, and I’m back to being really excited about asking her out.

    I’m gonna ask her out after Thanksgiving break.

    I always knew watching porn distorted my view of women, but now I have a concrete example of it

  711. Gave a Presentation in class, and was not nervous at all, for th

    I always used to be really nervous during presentations, and never really gave it very well. I used to feel very unnatural while standing there talking in front of people and just the thought of that would make me anxious. I would also speak quietly and wish to just get it over with and get the heck out.

    But this time it was great, I spoke really well, and loud enough so that the person at the back could hear me clearly, like how we are suppose to, and I actually wanted to keep talking. I just felt so confident as I’ve never felt before.

    This was a great experience and I’m just gonna go ahead and think it was because of NoFap, even though it has not been so that long that I’ve taken the challenge, but still much longer than ever.

    Just wanted to share this you all, and thank you for reading.

    Gave a Presentation in class, and was not nervous at all, for the first time in my life!


  712. 45 Days no PMO – GAINS GAINS GAINS

    Over the past 45 days the most significant things have changed for me.

    -More attent and focused on what I need to do

    -Getting MORE energy with LESS sleep

    –waking up at 7AM with full energy

    -Insane workouts, HUGE mass gains and LARGER appetite.

    -getting called a showoff for no reason. most likely the confidence gains

    -girls have been checking me out in the gym and at random occasions.

    -I am naturally a shy-reserved guy, I never approach a girl unless I am really into her, I am currently in a position where girls are more likely to approach me when they notice my confidence and the fact that I simply dont care about approaching girls anymore.

    I am still not used to all the confidence I have gained, its like I become a different person when I get too confident but sometimes it drives people further away, so I have to keep it under control but the main thing is my emotions have been resonating TOO much with people. For example, I was laughing at something I was reading online and this girl sitting a few seats away also started laughing for some reason. Also, I will All I know is, nofap placebo or not, WORKS and maybe I am just feeling confident from all the weights I have been lifting, but I wouldnt have gotten the motivation and confidence to lift without nofap. Us who have reached the halfway mark probably forgot how we used to be before we started nofap, but if you really try to remember how you were, you can clearly see a change.

    Anyway – Next stage: 90 DAYS… START!

    Halfway there – 45 Days no PMO – GAINS GAINS GAINS



  713. Porn Masturbation Hangovers. My experience

    I used to wake up with a sort of hangover after a hardcore session of PMO. Mostly on weekends. I don’t do any drugs nor alcohol, it was just the porn watching and constant masturbation. My mind went fucking OVERDRIVE. I know that now. Never thought it was related to the porn watching before.

    The quest for porn was neverending. I would go to sleep right after jerking my dick off countless of times, thinking that it would relax me. But no. I had trouble sleeping. It could take me more than an hour to finally fall asleep. Like, I’d feel still connected and still searching for porn in my mind. Yearning and longing for some super hot perfect pornstar.

    I would wake up feeling bad, like shit, with an annoying headache, brain fog, and anxiety. Mornings were BAD.

    Worst thing was to go to work and feeling like shit around my co-workers. Not talking and avoiding any kind of contact.

    After more than two weeks free of P, M and O, mornings are better than ever. I sleep great and I rest my mind. I just can’t describe how awesome it feels to go to sleep feeling just tired, but calm, and to feel clarity of mind waking up each morning. God I feel grateful each morning.

    Mind Overdrive / Porn Masturbation Hangovers. My experience
  714. Effects of No Fap and how I interact with Girls

    I went on a date the other night and I felt like everything I was saying was the right thing to say and the girl and I was vibing so well together. I seriously blame no fap for things going so smoothly cause I’ve developed a unexplainable charisma that illuminates an enticing energy. Ive never had a girl get so nervous and overwhelmed by me she gets red and covers her face. Keep in mind this girl has never been kissed and I was still so interested in her I feel I am drawn more towards the emotional being within a human now as I am repulsed by beautiful girls with an ugly attitude or a dull non existent one. No fap has made my standards go up cause I feel more self value.

    Effects of No Fap and how I interact with Girls

  715. I can’t believe the things that are falling into place in my lif

    Hey everybody, I’ve known that I have a PMO problem longer than I’ve known about this community. I am 28 but I feel like I am 16.

    Giving up fapping has been the best decision I have ever made. I can’t believe the things that are falling into place in my life. I am amazed at what I am capable of and what a black cloud this addiction has been over my life.

    If you are skeptical at all of this challenge, try it anyway. You don’t need scientific proof to see how much time you get back. That’s the most obvious benefit. I’ve been learning guitar, practicing my Spanish, making art, making money. In a world filled with cowardly malicious internet comments

    I cannot tell you how grateful I am that such community exists with this quality of support.

    The panic button is gold too. Keeping trucking dudes. Thanks for helping me get my time back. Love.

    Thanks to this brilliant community. My life is so much better.

  716. My first girlfriend after 43 days NoFAP

    Hey guys, so after around 43 days nofap, I met this beautiful girl on the bus, we hit it of right away. I still plan on having sex without cumming, I really believe ejaculation ejaculates your mojo.

    So Anyway, I want to say that ever since I started Nofap , the way women responded to me changed DRAMATICALLY than what it used to be when I fapped. I am a good looking , good built guy, but when I fapped all the time and watched porn, the girls didnt respond well to me.

    I believe its because over evolution girls have developed some way to tell if the man is ejaculating a lot because that would mean he is with another woman, I dont know if they read your eyes and body language, or if they can sense it energetically, or through phermones, I have no idea for sure. But I actually believe its all 3 of those. The first 3 weeks of Nofap I got better and better reactions from girls each week, but my emotions those 3 weeks were all over the place, so I was messed up in the head.

    Those are the hardest moments, once you pass the first 3 weeks you have gone through the worse, that has also been the case with a few of my friends going through this as well.

    I was impressed how each week the women would stare more and more at me, until around week 6 that I am right now, I couldnt even believe how much they stared at me.

    And when I met my girlfriend at the bus 5 days ago, she told me “I haven’t had a boyfriend in 3 years, but I don’t know why I am insanely in love with you, I don’t understand.” Maybe its because my phermones are through the roof, and my energy and mental clarity is centered and clean.

    Anyway, since I started NOFAP I have grown so much as a person, that even though I am a month and a bit into this , I feel like I have grown SO MUCH , I literally can’t believe 1 month and a half ago I was a porn adict masturbating and insecure , I feel like a much better version of my self, its insane.

    tldr; Each week girls will get more and more attracted to you.

    the first three weeks are the hardest, survive those and your golden.

    My first girlfriend after 43 days NoFAP and How Nofap makes girls react differently to you by week

  717. I feel like Bradley Cooper in Limitless!

    TL;DR summary: Wow wow wow wow wow wow let’s do this.

    Woooooooooooooow. I am on day 16 now and feeling epic. Don’t get me wrong, I still have the urges and cravings, the anxiety and shame but rather than feeling that 24/7 it’s now for around 5-10% of my day. Still a long way to go I know, and I know that the 5-10% will decrease and decrease until 0.000001% eventually but I am not here to talk about that!

    So I am feeling epic. I feel like one of Gary Wilson’s examples! My general productivity has blown through the roof, there is never a minute in the day now that goes to waste. My work productivity has exploded and I am absolutely storming through this project that I have to do. I probably did more work today than I did in the whole of last week. Outside work I have sorted everything out, even stuff like not having a never-ending pile of dirty dishes in the kitchen.

    I’ve started becoming immensely interested in various topics and have been reading about those in my spare time (Higher dimensions / the universe/multiverse, post scarcity economies, loads of random stuff like that). I literally feel like I am learning something new everyday and that my whole perception of life is changing. I literally feel like Bradley Cooper in Limitless.

    Why am I saying all this? Guys we are all here to achieve one thing and I want you to know that having glimpsed at the rewards I can say that it is worth it 106 times over! Keep going and together we will conquer this! My motivation to get to at least 150 days (aiming for life) is just getting stronger and stronger and I hope this post motivates some of you as well.


    I feel like Bradley Cooper in Limitless!

  718. hese some of my observations/benefits :

    As the title says i relapsed after 21 days no porn and 9 days no MO… I’ve being trying nofap for a year now and my biggest streak is 21 days (most of the 7-12 days) ! I’m proud but im also angry with myself!! Tomorrow (and 3-5 days after) is a big day for me because i have to avoid relapse/binge again! These some of my observations/benefits :

    • The big thing is that for the first time in the last 5-6 years i feel hope again and my mood is better than before!! I was diagnosed with depression and general anxiety 2 years before,and i went to 2-3 phycologists for my issues but it didn’t help much! I just feel that the last 2-3 months (i’m trying to abstain for 1 year) that im seriously trying to abstain from porn and masturbation my mood is better than before.I mean not perfect (still need time of abstaining) but i think that im not so depressed than i was the last 2-3 years! I had some very good days but also some bad days but i feel optimistic for the first time in my life!
    • After so many years im finally sure that i wasn’t severe depressed or severely anxious…i was just in a constant withdrawal phase from my every day porn binges!!! I mean all this depression,restlessness,anxiety,insomnia issues,panic attacks started 2-3 years ago when my porn binges escalated in time and genre!!!
    • I’ve started to go out with friends after a period of isolation (2-3 years) and i think i enjoy company of people much more now!! Yesterday i was out all day with friends,family etc!!
    • My panic attacks reduced from 2-3 times per week to 1-2 per month and i think now they are not as severe as before (much better)!
    • This last month i had some of the best days in the last 3 years and that says a lot!
    • I think i appreciate/enjoy people more (family,friends) than before and 3 days ago i went to the cinema with my dad after 15 years and for coffee with my brother after many years!!
    • Also im looking for a real relashionship after so many one night stands! (but my lust is still there most of the time 🙁 ….i need time…)
    • Finally the withdrawals are not as severe as they were months ago (but i still have some down days, some sleep issues every couple of days and some restlessness)

    My addiction is still there,i need time away from porn and my porn fantasies….i cant wait to cut the lust from my soul !! This addiction destroyed my soul,my life,my ambitions,my love for people,my confidence,my mood,myself !!!! I need to feel free from the lust demons…this isn’nt the true me! I’m hoping for clarity of mind , freedom, love , a good job, a loving girlfriend ! I will strive for these things even more now.

    The fight is stronger than ever now because i know why i’m fighting now! The whole journey will make me a stronger man! (sorry for my english…)

    21 days no porn (but relapsed) and here are my observations and GREAT BENEFITS


  719. Standing Up Straight, Great Eye Contact, Flirting Comes Naturall

    First off, I had a big problem with oneitis liking a girl the start of this streak and before this streak and some days felt depressed as shit. All of that is becoming better and better though. I still have this “thing” for this one girl, but I feel like its coming from a healthy stand point and I’m not creating fantasy scenarios in my head. It just clicked one night where I realized that I should just let it go, work on myself and just try meeting other women. And after all, that’s a more desirable man than being a chode anyway.

    But onto the topic of the title, since breaking through that emotional wreck version of me, my libido is now climbing back and masculine traits are increasing. I work at a store and there’s a lot of girls there, some cute too. Well I’ve noticed a lot of women making more eye contact with me recently. There’s even this cute colleague that did some physical escalation to get my attention the other day too. I was facing away from her and she slowly grabbed my arm but wrapped each finger around after the other. Like you’re playing 4 keys on a piano straight after each other. It was more affectionate than just a way of making me face her. She also has a boyfriend I believe, if he saw that, he would’ve been pissssed.

    Also making eye contact with cute customers and them doing it back for a long period of time, bit of friendly flirting one or two females that work there and walking around with my head held high. Working in this environment sure does make me crave meeting girls properly even more. A good thing im sure, but im so scared of approaching. Im also a soon-to-be 21 year old virgin so it kind of makes me more outcome dependant and needy because i’d just love an intimate relationship right now.

    Standing Up Straight, Great Eye Contact, Flirting Comes Naturally

  720. Superpowers are REAL

    Approaching the 30 day mark for the first time since I began PMO’ing (7 years.) I have never been so horny in MY LIFE. But fapstronauts, I assure you these seemingly unattainable superpowers are very, VERY real, and make it so worth it.

    Context: I’m 21. Gloating facts: In the past 24 hours I’ve given my number to a fellow 21 year old I met at waffle house (who’da guessed?), a 26 year old accountant, and a 28 year old real estate analyst. Each of these women are easily at least a 7 (I think I’m about a 7 myself.) My confidence is through the roof, and I’m probably breaking a 6 month dry spell tonight. Music has never sounded so good and I wake up every day with the mentality of “I’m not taking on the world, the world is taking on me.”

    Enjoy your day, you animal, you. I know I am.

    Superpowers are REAL


  721. So about me – what changed after 25 days?

    First of all i would like to tell you all – you’re the most supportive community ever. Seriously. When i came to nofap i’ve read stories about how people raise their quality of life and become happier. That really inspired me. To this day I come here to read your inspiring stories about how you overcame yourselves. It always makes me happy.

    I’m 17 years old. Been PMO’ing for 6-7 years daily. But only 25 days ago i realized what i have been doing to myself and how it’s hurting me, people around me etc.

    So about me – what changed after 25 days?

    To be honest, i haven’t really changed the way I live everyday. I’ve been going to the gym for 3 months prior to nofap, been studying with good grades. But what really did change is :

    • Less awkward around people – I’ve been an introvert for the majority of my life. I never liked being in groups of people, i preferred eye to eye conversations or none at all. Yesterday i’ve been in my first party and i have to say i really had a great time. I don’t think past me would’ve been so confident, happy, energetic as i were yesterday.
    • Less akward around females – I’m not afraid to talk to girls anymore. This is really nice, because before this experience, i was really shy around them, would be silent and afraid to say something wrong. Now i’m just being myself.
    • Making contact with people – This came out naturally. I wasn’t thinking about it. It just happened. Since i’m less awkward i contact more with people i guess.
    • Less pessimism, sharing my feelings – I sound like a broken record, but i used to kept my emotions to myself, happy emotions to be exact. I didn’t want to stand out from the crowd, but now i want to share my happiness and make people happy.

    TLDR :

    • Became more positive.
    • Not suppressing my emotions anymore.
    • Going out more.
    • Talking with people more.
    • Being myself.
    • Being confident.
    • Taking these experiences in stride.

    This is what i gathered from my little journey, which won’t stop any time soon. Even if this is all in my head, i think it’s still helped me to see the world in different colours. I want to socialize, interact, it’s fun for me now.

    I hope this wasn’t boring to read. See you in 65 days 🙂

    25 days – what changed


  722. “You look different!”

    My nieces and nephews came to visit for Christmas. When they first came in, one said “Your voice is deeper” and another said “You look taller”. They are all under 8 years old and I’m in my late twenties. I feel like I’m going through a second puberty.

    My life has been so blessed since I’ve persevered through my current streak. I’ve never made it this far before and I’m seeing benefits that i’ve never seen before.

    I love NOFAP!!!

    “You look different!”

  723. I have battled on and off ED since I first began being sexually

    PIED update: SO: “I think you were finally able to relax, and it was really …nice :)”

    Background: I have battled on and off ED since I first began being sexually active like 10 yrs ago. I always attributed it to condoms, nerves, performance anxiety or whatever, but continued daily PMO. it has put strains on various relationships and generally sucked for both myself and my SO.

    Anyway, I have noticed some good results physically since starting NoFap but last night after a solid 80 day streak I got some real good feedback with her saying those words. Since giving up PMO I am able to be present and in the moment more, and not worry about whats going right or wrong but just feel and experience the touch, warmth and feeling of another human being. No more searching my memory for various “moves” and sequences I’ve seen on pornhub and wondering if its now time to go from one position to the next. Instead of some performance where I play the role of some character in a porno, I can just be myself and enjoy the person next to me.

    Keep it up fellow fapstronauts. I started this to get physical changes with ED, but I am realizing a change in my mentality, which has been even more rewarding. Whatever it is you are battling, change will happen if you keep working at it.


  724. My journey: 60 days porn free. What seemed impossible is possibl

    I can’t believe that I’ve gone 60 days without masturbating to porn. Two months! I’m in my early thirties and haven’t gone 60 days PMO-free in my entire sexual life. Amazing.


    Here’s the journey thus far:

    Week 1: Want to fap so badly. Staying busy. Going to the gym. Working hard at my employment. Hanging out with friends. Anything to keep my mind off it. I have a girl in my life, so I’m able to relieve the pressure a bit.

    Week 2: Still quite turned on. Staying busy. Sex with girlfriend helps the transition.

    Week 3: Flatline begins

    Week 4: Incredible flatline. Hit me like a truck. No libido. Can slowly get it up with the girlfriend (and she’s cute and young). Zero struggles with porn. Not really any chance to relapse if I wanted. Very scary. Felt quite afraid.

    Week 5: Most intense flatline. Broke things off with the girlfriend to focus on myself for a while. Haven’t had an erection in three weeks aside from sex and sort of worried. One night in my bed I intentionally got hard (by touching) just to see if I could do it (no fantasy, didn’t come). I did get hard, which was nice to see my plumbing still worked. I let the hard-on die and went to bed.

    Week 6: Flatline.

    Week 7: Flatline. But feeling small sparks of spontaneous sexual desire.

    Week 8: Sexual desire slowly growing. Still quite flatlined.

    Week 9: Today December 26, I am still quite flatlined. However, the sexual drive is starting back up. Last night in bed I found myself fantasizing about fucking a girl I’m dating and I got very hard, which was great to feel.


    NoFap Pros:

    • Feel more full of love and joy (and emotion in general). If there is a super power, this is it. Without the daily dopamine bath, my brain feels like it is more sensitive. It is noticing nuanced emotions swirling around me in the world. Food tastes better. Girls are more wonderful. Overall, life seems sweeter (and also darker).
    • More stable brain
    • More pride in myself (feeling more agency)
    • Less hidden shame (feels good to no longer be a “wanker”)
    • Sex is more tied to reality (harder quicker erections around real women)
    • Sex is less associated with my computer

    NoFap Cons:

    • Scary/intimidating. Wasn’t aware the flatline would kick my ass like this. I assumed I would be pouring ice on my balls for months trying to slow my libido. Instead I feel no sex drive at all, and I get worried something is wrong. A voice in my head wants the old me back, but I’m convinced that voice is full of shit 🙂
    • I don’t think the superpowers exist (aside from greater emotional connection in general)


    VERY HAPPY with staying PMO free! I don’t have any major super powers, as people here seem to say. My eyes aren’t shining or whatever. I’m not taller. But I can say that my biology feels dramatically more balanced. I have come to believe that our sexuality is a central part of our biology, and by jerking it to porn all these years (bathing my brain in dopamine while in isolation) I have become somewhat unbalanced as an individual. But NoFap is changing this!

    My primary goal is at least a 90 day PMO-free reboot. Soft goal is 1-year. I do believe masturbation is healthy, so I’ll probably return to that eventually in a year or so as long as it happens without visual images. But 15 years of PMO addiction at least means a full year without PMO is a great idea.

    Link: 30-day report

    Link: Flatline report

    Link: Biggest motivator

    Stay strong gents! WE CAN DO THIS!

    My journey: 60 days porn free. What seemed impossible is possible!


  725. around day 6 I started to feel totally great

    Background: Anxiety sufferer who has always tried to break out of the negative holding pattern that is part and parcel of that damn illness, making progress over time but always looking for new answers.

    Recently stumbled across the no fap concept during the summer and made a couple of goes of giving up P but a few weeks ago I took the plunge and went the whole hog, giving up PMO completely.

    Effects: Now honestly, around day 6 I started to feel totally great, my voice had definitely changed (deeper) and I felt stronger and more in control than I had for a long time…some kind of power inside instead of weakness.

    Anyway I was out with some friends in a bar and honestly it was the first time in a long time that I had actually looked forward to going out and socialising, I noticed I was more composed and actually connecting with my buddy’s more than normal, there seemed to be a synched in proper controlled connection going on.

    The real benefit though was with the girls, I could literally pick out girls around the bar looking at me, maybe this is what they have always been doing, glancing at guys in this way, but this time I could really connect with their looks, I noticed the movements and I noticed attraction. I locked eye contact with one girl and effortless started talking with her in a calm way, just seemed so natural but with an undercurrent of sexual attraction which had been missing for so long. Almost like i was having to work harder before with jokes or over the top movements to compensate for the natural chemistry which lies beneath everything! Anyway I got her number and invited to a gig I was going to, all so effortlessly it was almost like on autopilot.

    People new to this may think this is all BS but I can only say what I experienced and it was something so much more natural and effortless than I have had for years…I look forward to how this all progresses.

    Stay strong people!

    Results after 8 days!


  726. Unexpected effects, 4 weeks

    My choice to join NoFap the 1st of december was my first try. I had tried and relapsed for years with porn though, but not heavily user. However, every two weeks porn was my ultimate high. I wanted to stop becsause porn felt unhealthy for my marriage and sex ljfe. Fapping however was at least everyday. I viewed upon it as simply impossible to stop with both, when i could not even quit porn.

    I stuck it out. First two weeks was tough. Third week a bit. This week; nada. And when the urge strikes I still know I dont need it.

    My only goal was to be free of it. To ‘stick ot out’ for the sake of it.

    Experiences: more joy by conversation with people. Heightened emotion peaks. Better intimacy with wife. And you know what? Im Happy! 🙂 Alot more stable.

    And it is thanks to this sub. You da real mvp

    Unexpected effects, 4 weeks

  727. The “brief” story of a 10+ year addicts history

    You crawl into bed, embarrassed and ashamed. You have a caring family and a comfortable house. You have no “real” reason to feel this way but you do. Sometimes you feel like a spoiled child, feeling like you have it so rough yet there other people out there who don’t even have a bed to sleep on or don’t know when their next meal will be…you have nothing to complain about… But deep inside you have an emptiness and an underlying deep sadness that you can never seem to fill.

    Perhaps you’re in high school or even a college student. If you’ve never had a girlfriend you spend nights longing for someone to be by your side, not just for sex but just someone to lie next to you and hold during those particularly awful nights. But hold on, you’re a man, you shouldn’t feel like this…you should be strong and not care about anything, especially emotional drivel like you do…I’m ashamed now to feel like this…never have you met so small, so unattractive, so alone. Some say boredom is the ultimate punishment to bear. You’ve immersed yourself in online games and chats because your addiction has crippled your social life, you have little to no friends and your family life consists of silently eating dinner together, then each member goes their own way. Time for your fix, alone in your room you need that rush from pornography, those brief moments of time where you actually feel some sort of excitement and purpose in life…some days you spend hours and hours looking at different websites, downloading hundreds of videos and torrents that fits your desires and fetishes. You browse online porn sites looking for the movies you want to download, all the while you’re continually masturbating slowly, you can keep this edging going for hours and perhaps even days…you have a special folder where all the clips and pictures go, maybe in your “prime” there were hundreds of hours of content on there…yet you only watch about a couple minutes of a few before…well…your release. During those minutes you’re not actually watching the whole thing, you’re skipping around on the video, looking for a specific scene or moment that excites you the most, sometimes you’ll wait to ejaculate until you find the right moment to do so, and then…it happens in an instant…

    Being an addict myself I will not lie – it feels wonderful and during the process you feel an overwhelming excitement and rush of adrenaline that nothing in your life (so far) can compare to. Finding new clips that you’ve only been able to fantasize about, then finding out those clips are available for free online somewhere…newer and more exciting images come up every day and you crave those, you keep downloading and downloading…your hunger will never be filled. Yet some of those clips you may watch only once or twice, if it’s a particularly good one you may keep coming back to it (you all have a clip in mind when I say this)…but even so you need that rush of new and novelty content…it’s addiction. Sometimes you find something so depraved and disgusting that you feel ashamed of yourself for even looking at it, yet in the heat of the moment you are unimaginably aroused by it…That is of course, just the process of finding and discovering new poison. I don’t even need the mention the release…especially for those that tried to quit and after a couple of weeks of no porn you relapse and ejaculate for the first time. I think you all know how intense that feeling is and the bliss you feel during…

    …but afterwards you delete your browser history, maybe some of you delete all those videos you spent hours collecting because you feel so ashamed and guilty with yourself. Days of content and work gone in a second. You promise yourself this is the absolute last time you’re going to masturbate to porn, maybe some of you have even started becoming religious to help and you make promises to God that you won’t watch porn ever again. You mark calendars, you clean up a little of your room, you check your finances or start looking for a job online. You know what this is, this is that moment where after you’ve came you ned to do something “productive” to feel better about yourself, but deep inside you know it’s all meaningless…And maybe for some of you that moment was the last straw and you’re here now, on your journey to quit an addiction that is comparable to cocaine. And for those who know what I’m talking about there are times where you try so hard to quit but after a day, or a week or a month you find yourself back into your old habits…perhaps you’ve went online and searched “Benefits of masturbation” or maybe “is masturbation good for you?” you purposely search with a specific wording that will only yield results that say masturbating is good for you and normal. And then maybe you start to tease yourself with more and more explicit sites…it could start with a girls fail compilation, or perhaps browsing 4chan or the NSFW section of Reddit. You know what you’re doing. If you’re like me you sometimes told yourself that you’re just going to take a quick “look” at a favorite site to see what’s new, and if you’re also like me you know what that leads to.

    Another day alone…another night alone…

    You’ve done it, you’ve relapsed and never have you felt a more intense disappointment in your life, never have you felt so powerless and so unmotivated with yourself. For those of you reading most of you can probably remember this moment during your journey where you felt the most worthless, where you felt like you were never going to escape your addiction and you flooded yourself with reasons to keep going…here comes the binge… oh the binge was beautifully devastating…during the binge you remember why you got addicted in the first place, you love internet porn and you can’t stop. You go for tens of new clips, you reopen accounts you closed and re-download all your favorite past clips. You convince yourself its normal and to keep going, and you go all the way…for days. Prepare now for the most intense sadness you will experience. And for some of you, you needed that pain to change yourself, and maybe it happened after it was 3 in the morning and your eyes were tired from staring at the screen all day, so you quit out of everything and dragged yourself in bed and you hate what you’ve become….

    This was a brief experience with my intense addiction to internet porn, I started when I was 11 and am 21 now. From ages 11-18 I would masturbate every single day, sometimes even twice or more a day. I’m currently on day 58 and for those that have a similar addiction to mine you know how difficult it is. I still feel alone sometimes and so decided to write this in hopes someone out there knows what I’m talking about. I know it was long but hope at least one person out there was able to read the whole thing and relate to me. If you want to know how the last 58 days have been I will not sugar – coat it. Some days I wish I was the only one in the world so I could back to my habits until I die but you have to keep strong. I’ve had a couple of girlfriends in the past but when I decided to quit porn I broke up with my recent one, so it’s just me now. I won’t tell you that you’ll feel amazing every day or that every girl will flocking to you after you quit, it doesn’t happen like that. But I will tell you that if you were as deep as an addict as I was or just starting you NEED to stop, while some days you may feel this is all pointless and I’m not making progress you cannot give in to those days. No, my life is not amazing now and I still feel some emptiness…but I’m only half way there and I have no plans to start again even after 90 days, because now instead of a deep sadness I have a deep hopefulness inside of me now, I have hope that things will get better and with each day I can mark off there is an increase of pride. For once in my life I feel proud of myself and what I was able to do. Anyways, for those out there who feel like no one has experienced what they do I hope I was able to help and for those nights where you feel like it’s pointless and you’re all alone just keep fighting, it will get easier and know there are others who feel the same way.

    The “brief” story of a 10+ year addicts history with internet porn. Can you relate?

  728. My confidence is surging

    2 months in and I’ve come out of the flatline and my libido is back and raging. I haven’t had to actively suppress any impulse to view porn, though I have built up a nice database of hotties on Instagram. It’s a kind of low-intensity edging.

    My confidence is surging and interactions with women have been natural, light and positive.

    60 days!


  729. Nofap Has Changed My View of Life

    Before participating in NoFap earlier this month I suffered from very severe porn induced depression/anxiety; racing thoughts, panic attacks (several times a week), social avoidance – basically the whole nine yards. I was constantly wallowing in self-pity and had close to zero confidence/self esteem. I even developed a dependance on recreational drugs (the one that is legal in colorado) to replace the feeling of numbness that I had grown so accustom to. In the weeks leading up to my decision to begin the 90 day challenge I was within arms length of taking my own life.

    In the three weeks since I’ve made huge personal gains in my own spiritual and self growth. I’ve quit drugs, started therapy and began taking anti-depressants on my psychiatrists recommendation. With the help of my therapists I’m finally getting the help I need and understanding the real reasons behind why I was addicted to PMO in the first place. For the first time in my life I’m finally able to understand and identify my own emotions, the most significant change of all however is that I am finally feeling happy.

    I’ve read two books that have been really transformational in helping me understand my anxiety and ways to deal with them; the first book is called The Curse of the Self by Mark R. Leary and the other is Waking Up by Sam Harris. In addition to these two books I also highly recommend The How of Happiness by Sonja Lyubomirsky, which provides a scientific approach to quantifying, tracking and growing your happiness.

    The lessons in these books have taught me how to understand my thoughts as well as how to think about the urges I have to PMO through mindfulness meditation and other tactics. This train of thought has helped me to live from in the present moment, instead of living under a veil of anxiety and fear like I was before.

    Every day is a new challenge and there isn’t a moment that I’m not tempted to PMO but the support network I have in place is a huge deterrent to following through with these urges. At the start of this month I wouldn’t have imagined that I could’ve made it this far on my first try. I think that the biggest advice I could give to others is to take this challenge day by day instead of focusing on the end goal.

    Whether or not I am able to complete my 90 day challenge without relapsing is yet to be seen but even in the event that I do I now understand to not let self-condemnation overrun my thoughts. I’ll simply pick myself up and start again.

    Huge shoutout to NoFap and the YBOP websites for the knowledge and support. Good luck everyone!

    Below is a list of the tools and techniques I use:
    Accountability/filtering software – CovenantEyes and BlockSite
    Behavioral techniques – Elevate (Android/iOS), Journaling and Mindfulness Meditation

    Thread: Nofap Has Changed My View of Life

    BY HelioHelix

  730. Wake Up and Smell the Change (30 days clean)


    First I’d like to thank all the non-fappers for their posts and support through my first couple weeks. That was the most trying time for me. When I felt weak you guys lifted me up. It was my first go at it. I was hardmode until day 23 or something, I had sex with my ex. In short, 23 days hardmode. 30 days total no porn, no masturbation.

    I’ll begin with how I was as a former fapper: I’m 23, fapped 1-2 times daily. I was a salesman and was making pretty decent money. I drank on the weekends with my friends. I’ve always been fairly successful with women and I’m pretty confident in my abilities to succeed with my endeavors. The only problem was I had no goals to pursue. I was working a job that consumed my time, sapped my willpower, stressed me out and above all gave me no fulfillment. Fapping made my life a fog, a fog I couldn’t see past and my goals and passions we’re waiting patiently for me on the other side of that fog.

    Fast forward to now.. 30 days fap-free: Here I am. I quit my sales job. Signed up full-time for college to pursue something I’m passionate about, something I know I can do well in and feel fulfilled in. I’ve began boxing again(after a year off) I’ve taken up yoga. I’ve been taking cold showers for the past month. I’ve been meditating everyday(this was already a habit of mine) I’ve been reading, more on this later. I’ve rekindle the fire that is my love of fashion. It’s amazing.

    Sidebar: It’s funny, I didn’t notice how much my life has taken a complete 180 until I came here, and began writing this to you.

    But it’s not all peaches & cream. I don’t feel as connected to about 75% of the friends I have. They’re content with drinking on weekends and going back to work on Monday. Over and over and over. I want people who challenge me. It’s tough because I love these guys, they are my friends since I was very young. I’m on a path to growth while they remain stagnant.

    Some direct changes: Music sounds better, Women outside of porn actually exist, I’m able to hold eye contact with at them.. and watch them smile back without a moment of nervousness. My voice is deeper, I feel all around better.

    No-fap doesn’t change your life, YOU CHANGE YOUR LIFE. Harness the sex drive as energy to motivate YOU to make the life of your dreams. It’s not easy, you have to rip yourself from your old habits and create a new you, and shed that shit-skin that was your former self.

    I suggest reading “Models” by Mark Manson, it’s amazing amazing amazing for helping you understand exactly what you want out of life for yourself. I will end with an excerpt from his book about not fapping, it is a study that he brings to light:

    • Napoleon Hill wrote a famous section in his classic work “Think and Grow Rich” called “Sexual Transfiguration.” Hill noticed and theorized, that extremely successful men also had extremely high sex drives. But not only did they have very high sex drives, but they CHANNELED THIS SEXUAL ENERGY into their work and their accomplishments. Often they would abstain from sex or masturbation for long periods of time and would therefore feel more energized.

    Begin your new life! Good luck on your adventure

    Thank you

    Wake Up and Smell the Change(30 days clean)


  731. I think I experience the SUPERPOWERS!

    This my story. I have social anxiety, im inexperience and extremely handsome. My reason to quit PMO is to become better in life that involves: women, social life, career etc. Anyway I been spending nearly 4 year battling to cure SA. I feel like I have the cure but it will take a while to cure it. Anyway until then I will to use every resource possible to better my life. And NoFapping is it.

    (Even tho it states im 5 days no fap actually im 5 days HARD mode and I did 35 days on eazy mode. That make 40 days totally.) Yea this whole week I experience the superpower-ness. Tues I have gotten smiles from a certain hot customer. Yesterday, A girl stared into my eyes giving me the I wanna fuck you look. Today, I stared at a girl for about 2 seconds, she turned and look behind her and said “are you looking at me?” I said yea and we continued talking. I didn’t get the digits but I knew she was into me. I still got time. Also, a female friend at work invited me to her sister B-day party. I’m shocked. She probably likes me I don’t know.

    In the past, I had girls liking me badly like this in the past but that was before I choked the chicken or in better terms strangled the chicken with visual stimulation.

    It is REAL!… I wish you all the same luck. This will continue to push me and I hope it motivate you guys too..

    I think I experience the SUPERPOWERS!


  732. 30-Day Report

    Well, I think I’m past the point of no return. Why do I say this? Well because the other day I started getting dopamine rushes from listening to certain emotional songs on the radio. And quite frankly, I like it a lot. Prior to that happening, I was concerned that I had some kind of deficiency that prevented me from feeling happy. Now I know what was causing it.

    But it’s not all rainbows and gum drops, bros. I still have no energy or motivation to do stuff. Or at least, no more than I had before. Nor do I feel any particular increase in my testosterone levels. The dopa rush is the only change I’ve noticed, but it’s an important one, because without it I don’t think I would feel like this effort was worth continuing. But I’m going to keep at it, because now I know that there is change happening, I just have to be patient enough to wait for the rest of it to come along.

    Here’s to another month.

    30-Day Report

  733. Just got complimented on my voice. Twice.

    I never thought I had a great voice. In fact I thought I sounded like shit.

    A month ago, I was talking to this girl on the phone and she told me she likes my voice. That was weird because no one has ever told me that. So I ignored her opinion, thinking it was only because she liked me overall.

    Then few days ago, I sent a video recording of myself to this another girl. Once she heard my voice she wrote “What is that Heavenly Voice”? She told me I should do Phone Sex for living. She said it was so manly, and sexy that, my semi-baby face wasn’t suit for it. So I started listening to my own voice, and noticed that it resonates deeper with clarity. It sounded quite soothing and flowed effortlessly. It was calming, steady, and strong.

    All these happened since I started NoFap. I am not sure if NoFap is responsible for this, but surely this is a new experience.

    Just got complimented on my voice. Twice.

  734. Nofap makes the girls annoying as hell

    I’m a senior in High School. Over the past few months, I’ve experienced more rumors regarding girls and pertaining to myself than ever before in my life. It’s ridiculous.

    Every single week I’m hearing new rumors about girls I supposedly hooked up with or “have a thing with”. Just talking to a girl makes them think I am trying to get with them. I’m not even a very flirtatious guy.

    I’ve been told I’m attractive maybe a thousand times and am probably one of the most good looking guys in my grade, but I’ve been more quiet and introverted throughout high school, generally due to lack of confidence, so I never got many girls.

    Well now I feel great and confident but anyways, the amount of girls who are latching on to me is ridiculous. This is especially irritating because I recently got into a relationship with a girl who I really like and all these lies and rumors are starting to strain the relationship.

    I don’t understand why girls feel the need to lie so casually and why this is happening to me, someone who isn’t even very flirtatious. I’m mostly just venting my irritations and frustrations. Thanks for reading.

    Nofap makes the girls annoying as hell

  735. Will we ever have solid proof?

    I mean not for the porn addiction= less libido. I know that’s true but how about all the other bullshit, no brain fog, clear, more energy and chick magnets.

    I’m 9 days in and this is my COMPLETELY unbiased opinion. I feel great like the screen I’m looking at feels so clear and I just feel like every breath I take is great idk why. Also chicks have been looking at me which never happened before, and I don’t feel so bad all the time about myself. I’m reading books working out and making plans with my friends for once.

    I came in here thinking you guys were (no offense) delusional placebo cult like followers. All I’m saying is if this is placebo, it’s one hell of a placebo. So where’s the study’s and stuff, if you could link it to me that would be great.

    Will we ever have solid proof?

  736. NoFap from 15 year olds perspective

    I have spent now 24 days fantasy/porn-free, with some once in a week or less-fapping. This has been completely amazing after the tenth day. I’m feeling really good, my friend asked me what has happened for you to be so confident. I had some flatline at days 13-18 but I got over it pretty easily. Here in /r/NoFap has been a little controversy about fapping during /r/NoFap. For me, fapping didn’t swing my mood in any way. That’s why I believe that porn and fantasizing is the biggest problem here.

    But to the benefits, I have to say that I feel confident, really confident. Girls have been noticing me much more lately, and one girl even offered to have sex with me, which was kinda weird for me. I responded very rudely, and I feel really bad for that, as I didn’t even mean it. That’s my only complaint in this, I get overconfident. I have to work on that, as I don’t want to become a douchebag.

    Ultimately, I’m looking forward to my future, and life is bright.

    Sorry for any mistakes in text, english isn’t my primary language

    NoFap from 15 year olds perspective


  737. A 15 year old’s story so far. My epiphany

    I hope you are all having a happy new year.

    I’m now on day 54 of nofap and after a case of urges and edging early on, I’m now on the path to 90 days. I didn’t come here to post about my streak, but to share with you my newfound mental clarity.

    When I began fapping in 2012, my grades went down over time. This was when I was in year 9 (Grade 8). I was a bright kid who became lazy, demotivated and had a bad work ethic. When I reached year 10, my grades didn’t improve further. I went from an A/B student to a C/B (and the occasional A) student. I discovered nofap in 2013 whilst I was in year 10 and I soon began to try and stop fapping. My longest streak prior to this was 32 days in August 2014.

    Anyway, I had severe brain fog, and sleeping late (a problem I still have), added to the problem. I was soon slipping in my top classes and whenever the teacher asked me a question, I would start to get nervous, and my social anxiety would set in and I would look utterly stupid in front of my peers as I struggled to answer questions. I was embarrassed and sad, What had happened to me? Why was I forgetting things? Why was I slipping?

    When I began to start NoFap again in November 2014, I had GCSE Mock exams in two weeks and I had repeatedly relapsed days prior. I knew that if I continued, I would be utterly f*cked and would fail my mock exams which I needed for sixth form. I am a religious boy, so I prayed for help to fight those urges that we come across ever so often.

    I began my journey again two weeks before my exam, and so I entered with two weeks to my name when the first exam came on the 24th of Nov. It was English Language and I thought I did rather well. My newfound confidence took a horrific hit once I got home.

    When I got home I was playing some Dota 2, when we got a call from the Police. My Grandma had her legs trampled by a bus and the whole family was in shock. I didn’t cry (yet), but I did not know how I was going to continue 2 weeks of exams with this on my mind.

    I didn’t go to bed till 2am that night and I waited in the Hospital till 10pm before we left. I didn’t see my grandma till a few days later.

    And so I prayed again and the next few days I did exam after exam till the week after when I did my final exam which was R.E.

    I was really doubting myself at this point, but miraculously, I hadn’t relapsed throughout all this emotional turmoil. My Grandma had a below the knee amputation and is still recovering at this moment in time.

    So 2 weeks after we began to get our results. Boy was I surprised.

    I posted a post here when I got them, but I didn’t give a thorough explantation: My grade changes compared to the previous year

    And here I am, 12 weeks before the real exams. My mental clarity is almost back to its best, and my work ethic is improving. My social anxiety is also improving steadily. I no longer stutter frequently when talking. I still need to work on my speaking skills (especially with attractive girls).

    I want to thank everyone on NoFap for keeping myself and countless others motivated and inspired through difficult times. If it wasn’t for you guys, I don’t know how my school and family life would be right now. I turn 16 on the 15th of Feb, and I will be on 92 days (I think…) I will come back with a report and another thank you to the great community that is NoFap. I know that my rekindled knowledge and success is largely due to NoFap and all of you great people.

    Some say it’s a placebo, I think both you and I can say it’s much more than that.

    Have a happy new year everyone!

    A 15 year old’s story so far. My epiphany

  738. Hottest girl at my school noticed and complemented on how differ

    i can actually still not believe it, one of the most beautiful girls at my school actually complemented me. so let me tell you the story.

    I had just finished my gym session and was feeling great. i decided instead of getting picked up, i would run home to do some cardio (never would of done this without no fap). As i was running along i was actually thinking about this girl because i was coming up to where she was living. As i ran right past her house, i didnt catch a glimpse of her and that blew my hopes right out the window of her seeing the new me. To my surprise as i went up the hill and down to the next street, there she was, walking home from the shops. She was looking so good, she is the most tanned Russian so that probably explains it.

    As i was nearing her, i told my self fuck it ill go and talk to her. I slowed down , took out my earphones and said hello. i Asked her how her holidays have been going and blahh blah. She then said to me how different i look and that ive changed in a good way. I was so shocked and suprised my whole face probably went red. We said our goodbyes and i went on running home, probably the fastest ive ran because of how good i was feeling.

    I had been on the biggest flatline, besides the first week of no fap ive been on one and i think ive finally got over it. All i have to say is i feel great from no fap and i believe you can do it aswell! there are so many benefits its unbelievable, i would have never ran home before nofap and i would of certainly never approached the hottest girl at my school before this. I hope this serves as some inspiration to you guys out there, cause never in a million years i would of thought this could of happen. Stay strong brothers, day 41 and going strong.

    Hottest girl at my school noticed and complemented on how different i look


  739. amazing things are happening

    my fitness is improving, my ability to be open with new people is insanely good – I did 100+ days, then 37 days and now im on 5 days – i want this one to be the longest streak this time – no excuses! I feel my brain is being trained. I have experienced many great things.

    It’s so worth it. God bless you all.

    amazing things are happening

  740. Personal Proof that NoFap is NOT a Placebo.

    Over the summer, did a really long nofap streak without reading about any of the benefits. I only started nofap because I didn’t want computer viruses and felt guilty about M’ing.

    After a 50 day streak, I experienced all the benefits without knowing that it came from NoFap. I just thought that I was getting my life on track.

    Eventually, I pmo’d and felt all these “superpowers” go away. I still didn’t think that it had anything to do with nofap.

    So there you have it. I didn’t expect any benefits from nofap. I didn’t read any of the posts regarding superpowers either.but after getting through a few long streaks, I eventually came to my own conclusion that nofap does in fact give superpowers.

    TLDR: I did nofap without knowing about superpowers. After several streaks, I realized nofap was making a big difference in my life. The results…. were super.

    Personal Proof that NoFap is NOT a Placebo.

  741. I don’t see women as mindless fuck machine anymore.

    30 days ago, I watched my last porn video. I hadn’t masturbated in quite a few days, but I decided to start my counter at that point. I still remember the video, and I think back on it from time to time. Why? Because a month later I wondered why it gave me such pleasure. When I see women now, I still recognize and appreciate their beauty. The concept of female curves and their faces are something I still appreciate.

    So what has changed?

    I don’t see women as mindless fuck machine anymore. When I’m with my wife, I’m not thinking about porn; I’m thinking about our intimate relationship with one another.

    She has been supportive of the entire venture, because I suffered from PIED. I blamed everything EXCEPT porn and/or masturbation, but a month ago I realized that I was just making excuses because I was truly addicted and didn’t want to admit it to myself.

    Admitting you have a problem is the first step in recovery, just like you hear in AA or NA.

    I have decided to drop the O section for the remainder of my 60 day PMO-free decision. I’ll probably never go back to porn, and if I do I would make sure it is used as a kinky visual aid for both me and my wife. Will I masturbate again? Perhaps. I suppose it really depends on our sexual scenarios and what kind of mood she’s in.

    I plan on including my wife in every aspect of my sex life now. It’s sad that it took me since 8/9/08, when we first got together, to make all of my intimate feelings surround her. It’s embarrassing, looking back, on all of the excuses I made and how I needlessly destroyed her self-esteem. It is time, however, to rebuild our intimate relationship so that she becomes the center of my sexual life.

    Sometimes I would see pictures of porn stars, always dressed, and wonder if I was cheating on my PMO-free choice. But I don’t think I did, as I wouldn’t have considered it had I still been living in the cloud of denial that I had been.

    I go to IAMA subreddits and read the threads from porn stars, and it really reminds you that porn stars are REAL people. It really helps out the PMO-free decision when you read those threads as it can help humanize adult performers and, I feel, makes it easier to free yourself from porn.

    Good luck guys. Message me or comment on this post if you have any questions/comments/concerns and I will do my absolute best to help you get through this. I’ve never really felt this good about my sex-life until this point.

    My next step after finishing my 60 day PM-free streak? Work on having a baby. =)

    Good luck guys!

    Today is 30 days. Here’s what I learned.

  742. •I speak more clearly and loudly, in a sense. I used to mumble

    The main reason I visit this sub is to read about all the “superpowers”. Now as a beginner, I’m a skeptic. I really didn’t think this was all that good. Some people say stupid shit like, “Jacking off stunted my growth,” and, “Fapping is why I have no friends.” It is really annoying to see people exaggerate their results from NoFap and it really makes you wonder if it’s all a placebo. Well, being a skeptic before, after just one week, I have noticed some significant changes. I’ve been attempting NoFap for about a month and had a decent streak up until winter break, all the time at home made it incredibly difficult. I personally love reading lists of what people have noticed, so here’s mine.

    • I had a hopeless crush on a girl for several months. I felt so out of her league. Well just 2 days ago, she gave me her number. I didn’t even ask for it, she made up an excuse to give it to me. This was mind boggling. The idea of getting her number was so far fetched.

    • I’ve made more friends. I am able to go up to people and just talk to them. It’s the best feeling. Just carefreely socializing. I had some amount of social anxiety, nothing crippling, but now I’m able to just strike up conversations. Even the little things, like saying, “Hey,” to someone in the hallway is easy and makes the day that much better.

    •Deeper voice

    •I speak more clearly and loudly, in a sense. I used to mumble a lot and fumble through my words. You know those people that when they’re at party or gathering, and they talk, everyone stops and listens? They have that booming voice and they speak with such confidence? I’m on my way to that. I no longer stutter and I speak slower and more clearly.

    •I have so much energy now. I’ve started working out every day. In just a few weeks I have lost 5 pounds. Probably lost more, but have been putting on muscle as well.

    •Motivation. This one is huge for me. I used to get bouts of motivation here and there. I’d decide to get fit, work out for a week, and make excuses to stop. Now I’ve been working out regularly for a few weeks.

    •Commitment. Talking about cold showers here, and exercising. I can’t remember the last time I took a hot shower. Cold showers really are great. It’s tough, but put on some music and get revved up. You WILL feel like an animal. I have been able to stay committed to cold showers, exercising, and of course, NoFap.

    •Lucid dreaming. My dreams have been really boring for the last 6+ years. Just very ordinary things and going about my day. I had my first nightmare the other day. I haven’t had a nightmare since I was in elementary school (16 now). This may not seem good, but I’m almost positive it’s because of NoFap. My regular dreams are also weird as fuck now. I had a dream where I was in the Call of Duty map terminal talking to a teacher from years ago. Shit like that.

    •Eye contact is so easy. It’s amazing how good eye contact makes you more attractive/respectable. When you look a girl in her eyes while she’s talking to you, it’s like there’s some sort of crazy metaphysical, spiritual shit going on. You may be having one conversation, but with your eyes you can be saying something completely different.

    •I’ve been making conscious decisions about what I eat. I drink only water now and eat healthier than I ever have. Whenever I used to get fast food, I thought, “I don’t get this much, better make the most of it,” and I order a shit ton of food. I decline fast food now and make my own sandwich or something. In fact, I feel guilty after eating something I know is unhealthy. These little life choices I’ve been making make a huge impact.

    •I catch people looking at me more. I think I give off an aura of confidence.

    •CONFIDENCE. Like I said about this girl I like, I was just waiting for something to happen. I wanted to just sit back and hope something happened. I actually have the balls to talk to her and compliment her now. I don’t need to go into specifics, but I am definitely way more confident.

    •I think I’m more approachable now as well. Before I think I was just lurking through the hallways and looked miserable. Now, people come up to me and say, “What’s up,” way more often. It seems irrelevant, but it really can make your day.

    Here’s some tips

    •Take cold showers. After a few days, you’ll be fine. There’s plenty of benefits, don’t make excuses. I live in Chicago and it was -20 a few days ago. Took a cold shower.

    •I had porn all around me. I only got around to deleting it a while ago. I would tell myself, “What if I want it later?” This is stupid. YOU DON’T WANT IT LATER. Unsubscribed from gonewild, deleted all pictures on my computer, and deleted chrome from my phone. Just do it.

    •Make it to 3 days. After 3 days, it gets easier. You will also start to see these benefits after 5 days or so. At least for me, could be different for you.

    •Take NSFW posts seriously. Almost relapsed to someone from OldSchoolCool. It’s stupid, but be careful.

    Remember, I was a beginner to NoFap just a month ago. I was skeptical and thought a lot of these posts were full of shit. After actually doing it, I have witnessed progress. Stick with it.

    The main thing that keeps me committed to NoFap is the posts about all the benefits. So here is what I noticed after a week.

  743. Real sex with my wife has never been better

    For context, my last streak was nearly 6-months. I then spiraled out of control after my father’s death in March of last year, PMOing several times a week from March until last month when I recommitted myself to living porn free.

    Benefits I’ve experienced:

    • I’ve lost my nagging sense of shame / disappointment with myself
    • I have more energy
    • I get shit done. I’m cooking more meals, working out regularly, reading books, learning new things, making new friends, organizing my house and garage, etc… It’s amazing how many useful things I find time to do now
    • My work product at my job has improved. I’m on pace to have my best month (I’m in sales) in a long time
    • Real sex with my wife has never been better. She’s initiating a lot more because I now have far more energy and enthusiasm and am interested in pleasing her more than being pleased

    Challenges I’ve Faced:

    • Feeling emotional pain with far more intensity than while my brain was medicated by dopamine. The grief from my father’s death is stronger now than when he passed. I feel everything, good and bad, with a strength I’m not used to. This makes me feel more vulnerable. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but when you start tearing up out in public, it can be embarrassing
    • Along those same lines, I’ve had bouts of anger and rage that have resurfaced. I now have to deal with the reasons I’m feeling those things and address them at their source.
    • Temptations is a constant. It would be so easy for me to screw up. This community helps. Talking to my friends and wife helps. Paying attention to what I’m feeling and learning the underlying reasons helps.

    On Cold Showers:

    I had no idea what to think of these at first, but decided I’d give them a shot because I didn’t see them having a negative effect. I’ve been doing a cold shower every morning for about three weeks. They do seem to help with motivation; I find that I can use that early morning freeze-fest later in the day as a reminder that if I can do one hard thing I can do another. That might be psychological (placebo effect) but that doesn’t mean it isn’t helping. Our brains are strange things indeed.


    I will never go back to PMOing as a lifestyle. It’s so not worth it. I’m proud of the person I am becoming and the sense of satisfaction I get from living according to my principles. I like being able to look my wife in the eye and have no lies between us. I’m in this for the very long haul. I plan to live the remainder of my life with discipline and willful control over my sexuality.

    30-Day Report


  744. 25 year old gay dude: I’ve never felt better.

    Hey no fap I’m a 25 year old gay dude who in the last 8 months developed quite the porn watching habit.

    Just hit 30 days today, and I’ve never felt better. I realized I spent so much time just looking at porn or cruising hook up apps. When I actually did get lucky, sometimes I ran in to some problems down there. After I lost a few hours over several consecutive weekends online, I decided enough is enough. I stumbled upon this sub and decided to give this a try. This is my first time ever attempting and it’s actually been pretty easy. There have been a couple of times I’ve found myself looking up pictures of hot dudes or what have you but I quickly closed out the window. The closest I’ve ever been to relapse is a buzzfeed post that had a lot of porn gifs however none of the good stuff was shown and I quickly exited out. I have had sex since I started and although I’m not back to 100% its significantly improved. I’m more confident and willing to socialize. My time in the gym has substantially improved and I’m loving the progress I’ve made. I’m more assertive at work and have been seeing a lot of positive changes there as well. I’ve even unintentionally cut back on weed and booze which has been great for my wallet and my stomach. I don’t believe in cold showers though, fuck that noise 🙂 I don’t care if this gets a single up vote or no one reads it, I just wanted to write out how I feel so I know that it’s all worth it.

    It’s fantastic to finally feel like myself, I can’t wait to see what the next 30 days bring me.

    Good luck to all of you out there doing this, I’m pretty thankful it’s been painless. Don’t give up, we have your back and you’re not alone. You are in control!

    Have the best weekend

    30 days feeling great

  745. How I doubted, How I feel now. NoFap is a thing!

    Hello everybody! I just want to share something with you. Please note, English is not my native language 😉

    Just like, I believe most of you, I used to masturbate daily, however I was not really addicted to it. In my opinion, stroking your dick was pretty normal, a part of your life, just like: I don’t know, drinking water?

    So I did not really worry about anything.

    A couple of months ago, I came across NoFap, and I started to read everything about it. At first, I could not believe my eyes. There’s an Internet Community who spends its time with no fapping? I just could not believe it. How could you endure this? I mean: I don’t have a girlfriend, maybe you guys have one (or boyfriend, that’s also very possible)

    And I just could not see the benefits of this. I like fapping, so why should I stop doing this? So I closed this sub and thought: “You guys are crazy.”

    BUT… I could not stop myself from checking out personal stories about the NoFap benefits. It seemed to me that you guys were very happy about your choice and some of you were only busy doing the things you really like to do. And most of you were really proud of yourself and truly happy.

    I started to believe I was missing something.

    I also enjoyed reading the Relapse Stories. You gave in to your urges, but were very unhappy about masturbating again. I started to think: Maybe, this NoFap thing is not too bad at all. Perhaps, it is for real!

    That’s right guys, I tried it out!

    I started my first Challenge in August 2014. I was really curious and I was wondering what benefits I would get from it. Wow…

    1. My mood was changing. I became happier with my life. I see myself as a very positive person; it is not easy to get me down and depressed, but the happiness just would not leave my body. I experienced this feeling around 7 days of NoFap. It was awesome!
    2. I got a new job and I’m still working with that company today!
    3. Small things in life just had a meaning again. I was able to fully enjoy a sunny day, although the urges were merciless, but I also managed myself to turn my urge into power; so I started running. Now, I can go for a run for 16 kilometres without pause! Now, I have to admit, I’ve got a friend who coaches me, haha, but I believe NoFap certainly did the trick as well!

    And a couple of more things of course. I believed I finally understood you guys.

    On Day 34, I relapsed, and I felt really sorry for myself. It was such a waste. Although the orgasm felt really great for a few seconds (no mean to trigger) it was such a waste. I had to start all over again, but I did not really feel like it.

    So I quit NoFap.

    BUT… I continued to read your stories and they really inspired me. And I could not stop thinking about my own attempt. How happy I was (I was still happy, but not NoFap happy)

    SO… On January 1st, 2015 (Happy New Year!) I started my SECOND attempt! It’s January 17th today, and I’m still going for it. And now, I’ve got the good old NoFap feeling back.

    There are urges of course, but now, I can finally tell that it is NOT WORTH IT TO RELAPSE!

    And amazing things are happening right now, I just can’t believe the magic that you call NoFap. My girl-neightbour wants to work out with me, and there’s this girl I met months ago, who wants to get in touch with me again!

    So, as from today, I just want to let you guys know, that I want to join you. I want to be a part of this and share success stories, but also relapse stories (I hope I don’t have to write those) and experience the real joy of sex again.

    I’m not a virgin, but I did not really enjoy sex to the fullest, as nature meant for me to do. Thanks to NoFap, I believe I can. I hope to get myself a girlfriend very soon. Not just for sex, but for love as well.

    I believe my life is going to change and I’m ready for all the cool stuff I want to do from now on! Really enjoying the people around me, that’s what I’m going to do. And try stuff (not drugs) I never tried before!

    SO… final message 🙂 If there’s anyone else out there who has the same doubts about NoFap just as I used to have, please… you! Yes, YOU!

    Give NoFap a chance! It’s really a thing, and I know that you want to be a part of it. I hope to see and read your story pretty soon. Join the rocket. Join NoFap!

    (Please, forgive me about being sceptical in the beginning. I know better now. I hope I could inspire some of you with my story, or otherwise, I just hope you really liked to read this.)


    You just got a new Fapstronaut! How I doubted, How I feel now. NoFap is a thing!


  746. 1 month FREE !!!

    So, this is my 30th relapse free day. I’m writing this post solely for the purpose of discussing with you the changes that have taken place and some that did not.
    I almost feel urge-free now. Reason- I know that I dont need to FAP in order to live the life I always imagined for myself. Virtual world i.e the world of porn does not attract me anymore as I know that it only leads to self-devastation and that it is NO REAL.
    I am more social. Not much high-rise but still a great start! When I was addicted to PMO I could not even talk to girls and had a lot of social anxiety. Now I feel like I have the real freedom of speech (lol). Talking to new people and sparking up a conversation with a girl is my new aim (hehe).
    Increased focus and concentration. I had a very poor sense of decision making when I used to watch porn. It had almost wiped out my sense between what was real and what was virtual. Decision making power has increased. I can go on studying continuously for more than about an hour now and I’m improving at that one.
    Great Health. I eat junk food like only once every 3 weeks and this has saved me some money too!
    I eat some fruits and all meals I have during the day are filled with vegetables.
    But still there is one great problem in my character:- I realized this a few days ago that often while travelling or in public I have this bad habit of staring at women and their body. This is very wrong as it signifies the fact that I still look at women as an object for sex.
    But I’m getting around that too as I try to focus myself more on what is important to me and whats not, what I should be thinking vs what not.
    Thank you for reading this and best of luck for your journey.
    Be sure to smile and remember always “Happiness has no bounds”.


  747. Nofap is changing my life as we speak!!!

    Hey guys.first post here:-). I really wanted to share my story with you guys.No fap is changing my life step by step as we speak.My journey started on 10th December. At first I didn’t fap cause I was busy and not cause I wanted to embrace noFap bUT as the days went by I was starting to feel like I had never felt before.I was always the guy that was afraid to risk and I was too shy to state my opinion or flirt with random girls.I had no motivation and no dreams. I always preferred not to get out of my comfort zone. I was also addicted with video games especially with league of legends.Basically I was a loser with no ambition.The only part that I was proud of myself is my physique and how dedicated I was and I continue to be with my workouts.(by the way I’m 21 years old).

    Right now Im 46 days without pmo and it is of the best things that happened to me.For.the first time in my life, I have this burning desire inside my chest that makes me want to succeed and chase my dreams.I’m feeling confident and everything that I thought was impossible for me now feels so easy to be achieved.Day after day I become I don’t feel awkward talking with girls and Im getting more satisfaction from interacting with girls after I stopped porn.I also stopped playing video games.

    My only.focus is how I can be succefull in life and how I can differ from the normal people.NoFap has made me achieve the mentality that everything is possible and also helped me get out of my more.(I’m already planning to travel to rome:) ) I want to thank you guys for the motivation.Keep trying guys.We are all gonna someday brahs;-) P.S. Today I found some.old porn videos and I peeked one of them for 15 sec max and I close it immediately without masturbating.does this count as relapse? Cause.I m having some.doubts and I don’t wanna.ruin my streak cause of this:-S?

    Nofap is changing my life as we speak!!!

  748. I want to share my 60 days journey with all of you!

    Hello friends, i just reached the FIRST 60 days of my journey, this is my first attempt of NoFap and im really proud of myself for getting this far immediatly. Things have changed in my life drastically. But let me explain this in detail.

        I got a boost of self confidence in any way of life. I focus on holding eye contact while talking to others and i pay way more attention to my posture. I dont feel afraid talking to strangers.

        I also pay way more attention to my style, my hygiene (ofc i was hygienic before as well, but i try to get rid of the last pimples i got), i started tanning myself and i wear more fitting clothes

        Im thinking of getting back together with my Ex GF, we broke up 6 weeks ago and things have changed, since i noticed how porn focussed i was during the 2years relationship. I didnt enjoy sex as much as porn because my GF couldnt match with the pornstars, which is – after 60 days of NoFap – a great thing for me now, since i really dont want a pornstar as my GF. We still have contact and see each other with friends and tomorrow we will spend the evening together. So NoFap changed my whole sight on relationships, because i see things differently now. I have to mention that she knows im doing NoFap and she approves it.

        But the most important change in my life is probably the self discipline i got from doing NoFap. Im doing cold showers since 6 weeks (Although i cant stand it longer than 30seconds since some days, but the time doesnt matter for me, its just the willpower that counts), i stopped eating candys completely since 1 month and i became a vegan. I often get problems with my stomach when i eat too unhealthy and/or too much meat or lactose, thats why i switched my diet to vegan and it went surprisingly well for me. I used to eat 400grams of cheap medicine infested meat everyday and fast food was a daily thing to eat for me as well. I cut both out of my life and im doing well, so i got that going for me, which is nice :p After 6 months of gym abstinence i recently started hitting the gym as well again.

        I ll get my first tattoo in the next weeks, it will look almost like this: Thats a great reward for me, because this demonstrates my current changes in life. Its like i went from dead to alive, just like a two face tattoo.

    I ll hit the 90 days mark soon and after that im going to hit the next 90 days. All of you motivated me so many times during my journey and i want to thank all of you. Escpecially the WhatsApp group im into, we motivate each other again and again.

    Feel free to ask any question, i will answer them.

    I want to share my 60 days journey with all of you!

  749. ONE MONTH! Here’s my story


    I’ve been a visitor of this site for over a year and would always look around and see what everyone else was saying. I tried the NoFap but could only past a few days without PMO. The longest streak PMO free was 14 days. Now I’m on my 31st day and it feels strange. Here’s my story.

    I discovered porn when I was 11 years old. I used to find Playboy magazines in my cousin’s rooms and I thought naked women were so beautiful. I instantly got hooked. Back then, I had access to porn on a cellphone but it was a nokia phone (i think it was the first nokia phone with a color screen). There used to be some porn sites on here, they were really slow and it took about 30 seconds to show a very pixelated image of a naked woman. That’s when I got really hooked. I had these naked girls in my hand. Then came my first computer with internet and now I had unlimited porn videos through Limewire, WINMX and Bearshare. I was in heaven. I fell in love with these women and until last year, I would sometimes still watch the videos that I watched when I was 11. I’m 23 now. It almost feels like I grew up with these porn stars because they were always with me. Sometimes I used to even print their photos and carry them around with me. Weird, I know.

    Then I became a teenager and had a few girls, nothing serious. I had sex with a real real girl when I was 15, it was nice but I didn’t feel any emotional connection with the girl. After we broke up, I had other girls but never anything special. I was a lil bit of a jerk and there was trust issues blah blah blah. I blame myself, I just didn’t know how to treat women.

    Over the past 10 years, I’ve watched almost daily, sometimes multiple times a day. I thought it was the normal thing to do, other friends did, I heard people talk about it, etc… Then as I got older, I realized that the women that I really wanted to attract were not attracted to me. I became really insecure and confused and just thought something was wrong with me. Everytime I was around a girl who truly gave me butterflies, I didn’t know what to do. Sometimes, I would have to add them on Facebook and talk to them that way. I felt totally pathetic.

    Around the time I turned 21 years old, I thought to myself that I should quit this habit that I’ve been doing. I’m in college and I’m wasting so much time on porn and there’s no benefits. I don’t talk to real girls, I am a jerk, I am not who I want to be, I’m insecure. For the past 2 years I’ve been trying to quit, always telling myself “one more time, next week, this is the last time, never again, it won’t hurt if i do it one last time”.

    Somehow I couldn’t stop and that’s when I realized it was an addiction. A strange addiction because porn is free and you don’t see side effects like cocaine or alcohol. But it is a horrible addiction.

    Now I’m on my 31st day and I have a little star next to name, I’m proud of myself BUT here’s the surprise.

    NoFap will not change your life but it will open your eyes. It puts you in reality and makes you realize your flaws. I’m still learning how to be a better person and it’s not easy but PMO really gets in your way, it’s a distraction that clouds your mind. It’s really unnecessary. If you want to quit, just do it. QUITTING is only the beginning so with that said, it should be easy. There’s still going to be so many more obstacles in your life that you’ll have to go through. PMO is something childlike. Change your life now.

    Tell yourself that quitting is not that big of a deal, and it’ll be easier. I know it sounds harsh but be a man and quit being a pussy. If you want to change your life, here’s your chance. Just do it.

    If you have any questions, comment below and I’ll do my best to help.

    ONE MONTH! Here’s my story

  750. My views on Bisexuality + Porn, Social anxiety and depression.

    No fap has already helped me. Recently I went through a rough patch. I was sleeping my days away and staying awake all night untill the early hours of the morning. I wasn’t eating properly and I wasn’t getting out into the world and socializing. Alongside this I was viewing porn. Porn acted as a way to temporarily make me feel better although in the long run it just made me feel worst. So after a night of not sleeping I went to doctors and I got medication. I’m on a very low dose of anti-depressants.

    One of the first side effects was inability to orgasim. You can still do it just takes extra effort. I was actually happy about that. My libido is still there! very there but that was a little bit of me starting not to fap. Adding to this I didn’t fap over chirstmas for a week and it was GREAT. I was so much more connected to my family. Along with nop fapping I forced myself outdoors and have been going to sleep at a decent time. Not fapping has significantly had an impact on my progress. It’s just something I don’t want to worry about anymore. I feel so much better doing all these positive things along with no fapping.

    I am bisexual which means I’m actually attracted to men and women. I always have been. I find lately i’ve been checking out women alot more when I havn’t fapped. I’ve been with both male and female parteners. Some more serious than others. Being bisexual is OKAY. Being gay is OKAY. Being straight is OKAY. Masturbating to porn is NOT OKAY. Not for me anyway, and probably not for anyone else who interacts with that type of content. We all know about the nueroplasticity of the brain and how out brain makes new connections. I found myself searching and searching for the next hit with porn as my tastes became more and more tainted with the availability and range of porn. And I was ashamed of myself and angry with myself. I don’t know what the future holds for me and my sexuality but what I do know it’s going to be better without porn.

    My goals are no PMO. In the meantime I don’t have to worry about being “gay” “bi” “straight” I can just do my thing and not have to worry about any of that and focus on other parts of my life. And when the time comes with a man or a women, I will be ready and I will be the best version of myself. I look forward to being there, and fully being there. I look forward to slowly getting to know them and gradually easing into things taking it slow. I think that’s healthy.

    My views on Bisexuality + Porn, Social anxiety and depression.

  751. “There’s Something Different About Him”

    This is my longest streak ever, 12 days, I feel great it feels like I can do anything! My confidence is a little higher, I’m able to hold eye contact, I can express my thoughts clearer, and my voice has gotten deeper. But something that I have noticed here lately is my friends facial expression when she sees me. I’ve noticed that when I see her the first time during the day she is already staring at me, but I pretend not to notice. Then I have noticed a kind of puzzled look on her face while looking at me, a ” there is something different about him, but I can’t quite put my finger on it”. That actually makes me feel awesome, knowing that she sees a change in me and that she likes it. We haven’t been this close since I met her, when we first met I was overweight and I fapped all the time so my confidence was shit and I felt worthless. Well I was moved to another department so I didn’t get to see her for a year and a half, but when I came back I had lost some weight but I still fapped so things weren’t much different. We started to become friends when she helped me through my broken heart. But now things are completely different since starting NoFap. I’ll see you at day infinity!!!

    “There’s Something Different About Him”


  752. I always thought this whole NoFap thing was BS…

    I am a junior in high school and I have been masturbating everyday, 2-3 times a day, for the past 4 years. Near the end of January, I found this subreddit and started to browse around for a little bit. The only thing that came to mind was “what a bunch of BS” or “this thing will never work on me”. So, I decided to try it out and see if this whole NoFap thing actually works, and after 16 days without maturbating or looking at porn, I can honestly say It does work. I’ve noticed I’ve become more social than I usually am, I am now starting the conversations instead of just coming into them, and people actually pay attention to what I have to say. Some friends even invited me out to go to the movies with them. And for the first time since the 4th grade, a girl actually asked me to be her Valentine! I even got the balls to give this one girl I have a crush on a gift for Valentine’s Day! I was planning on stopping this NoFap streak after February, but not anymore. I am going to stay dedicated to this and see how far I can and will go!

    I always thought this whole NoFap thing was BS…

  753. Relapse led me to a greater understanding of how PMO negatively

    To make it quick, I have Major Depressive Disorder and have lived with it since my early teens. PMO was a way out of my own head for a few minutes that seemed completely harmless compared to what others around me were doing with drugs, alcohol, and dysfunctional love lives. I was wrong. Completely wrong.

    I relapsed a few days ago after about a month of nofap and pornfree. Before, I felt great and the symptoms of my depression that have made my marriage difficult were diminishing quickly. I craved physical affection from my wife when I usually dodged it (sexual and physical abuse as a child makes react poorly to being touched). I kissed her more meaningfully. I found her more attractive. We got along better as I was less irritable and prone to black moods.

    Then I relapsed and I found myself right back to being an irritable and unaffectionate prick. I’ve been staving off one of the balckest moods I’ve experienced in years and had a series of flashbacks last night while lying in bed about my abusive childhood. I know realize how much porn is a detriment to mental health and marriage. It is poison and I am done drinking it.

    Fuck you, porn. Get the fuck out of my life.

    My recent relapse has led me to a greater understanding of how PMO negatively impacts my life.

  754. Never had true ED but noticing stronger and longer erections.

    45 days into hard mode. Report!

    I previously fapped to porn 2-3x/week. Sometimes more when bored/stressed. Tried to cut back/eliminate a few times previously with mixed results. I always rationalized a return to porn. What was different this time? Nofap reddit & especially Your Brain on Porn. A combo of hard science & personal stories convinced me at last that porn was adding nothing to my life and could be holding me back in important ways. So thanks!

    I have a long-term girlfriend and we decided to additionally mutually try removing orgasm from sex. I did some reading on karezza (Cupids Poisoned Arrow

    Ok – results: 1.) Was pleasantly surprised with how easy removing porn and masturbation was for me. I think a combo of not being super-addicted & having regular sex was likely behind this. 2.) Finding myself up for sex much more often. I was cheating our sex life of a full and natural libido. Worth it right there! 3.) Never had true ED but noticing stronger and longer erections. 4.) No other superpowers. I think this is also due to me never having really been super-addicted. 5.) Sex without orgasm is different. Longer, calmer, more connecting. Generally better – but will absolutely be experimenting with adding orgasm back in. My guess is that we will land on occasional sex with orgasm and more regular sex without – but too soon to tell. 6.) Have had moderate to strong discomfort due to blue balls (swelling/pain in the testicles). Experimenting with whether this is related to edging during sex – and trying to stay calmer and further from orgasm to reduce. 7.) Finding I generally have less intrusive & overwhelming sexual thoughts during daily life. Generally good news. 8.) Was interested to see if my sexual fantasies/interests changed. So far no change!

    Net-net – Will aim to stay off the porn bandwagon long-term. No orgasm during sex also interesting – but will require much more experimentation.

    ~45 day report – good results (but no superpowers)

  755. Day 30 Notes/Benefits

    • Increased confidence
    • Increased drive to back to school (Took a couple courses for nursing pre-reqs)
    • Increased drive to talk to girls (I know this is mean but I’m kind of picking up the not so good looking girls right now for practice.3/3 in terms of getting numbers)
    • More time for other things
    • No more napping
    • More energy in the gym
    • Making more eye contact and smiling at people
    • Motivated to be social
    • I can actually see the muscle I’m gaining in the gym.
    • Girls stare at me wayyyy more (This started happening in the last 5 days) Examples: Monday: I was basically getting eye fked by every Indian girl in the mall (I’m brown). Felt kind of uncomfortable tbh). Yesterday: I walk into my university main building and a girl sees me through the window and says something. Suddenly all the girls turn their heads right at me. I saw all this so they all started laughing and blushing. I walk in. They keep saying Hi,hi,hi,hi,etc.. I just walk by because I’m not used to the attention haha. I sit down on a desk and look back at them and they all were staring at me but suddenly turned their heads and started giggling. One even hid her head under a paper lol. 8 Girls stared at me yesterday. The average for this week is about 5 girls staring at me.
    • Can feel more emotions. Get more excited while watching sports.
    • Motivation to go to the doctor to get lingering problems looked at.


    • My voice is still kind of quiet
    • Still haven’t applied to any jobs. Working as volunteer atm.
    • Haven’t tried making any friends (Guys)
    • Kind of feel creepy talking to girls and making eye contact with them.
    • Increased aggression (especially at day 15-25). Not really angry anymore.
    • Restless leg syndrome
    • Kind of hard to sleep because of so much energy

    Day 30 Notes/Benefits

  756. 1 Month Report: How my Life has changed

    I’m a 20 years old business student, I have been addicted to porn for 4 years, and for the first time of my life, I feel like I’m really alive. After one month without fapping, my life has radically changed:

    1) Confidence: I’m quite introverted, I’ve always had friends in my life, but over the last past month, I’ve met a lot of new people: my neighbors who became my friends, guys in my school, in my class. I say hello to everyone with a smile for girls (I’ve never done that before, it just became natural) and a confident handshake for guys.

    2 ) Motivation: that point really amazed me. For 3 weeks I have never felt tired. Even after a party, I was able to wake up early and go to class. Maybe that was too much because I got ill this week and I had to rest at home for a few days.

    3) Girls: I’m sorry to disappoint you, but Nofap did not give me super powers to get women 🙂 However, I look at them so differently. I don’t see them as object for sex anymore. I see them as potential friends or girlfriend I would like to spend time with. A lot of girls are beautiful to me now, even if they don’t have big boobs. I definitely feel that my brain is rebooting after years of disgusting porn. And next week I’ll have my first date of my life with a girl of Tinder who seems very cool and funny, that’s amazing 😉

    4) Physical appearance: I do not think my body changed so much but I take more care of it and I like doing it. I spend more time in the bathroom every morning. I changed my haircut, bought some new clothes and I put contact lens when I go out 🙂

    That’s really amazing to see I did all of that in only one month. I feel like I’m becoming the man I will be for the rest of my life. During this month, I never had any urge, it was a peaceful month. But I had 4 wet dreams. They are quite annoying but now I realized they were part of the game and I can not do anything about it.

    That’s it, thanks to Nofap and all the Fapstronauts, you have changed my life forever and I’m sure the best is yet to come.

    1 Month Report: How my Life has changed

  757. Progress story

    Although I have relapsed, I see this like success story for me, and to those who think digitally.

    Yes, I have relapsed, but the need for whole night marathon M and watching P is out. Gradually I`m getting more and more motivated to start conversation with real girls all around me, and I don`t have the urge to MO every day. I notice that I have more time and I`m not giving up.

    Everyone is different- some of us can just stop and not practice it anymore, but others have to do it gradually. Key thing is PROGRESS and persistence.

    P is energy draining and time wasting. Social life gets better automatically without it. Libido goes down with it.
    When I watch P now, although I`m less stressed, I notice life energy goes down, and libido, girls look like boys and motivation is down. It is NOT worth it P is like selling your soul to the devil- you get something right away, but it is heavily priced later.

    Rebooting really works for me, so don`t despair if you relapse, from my experience- just pick yourself up and carry on.

    Progress story
  758. A sudden burst of confidence!!

    Well….it’s been just under 2 weeks and I can already see the difference it has made. I’m less drowsy, I’m happier, I’m more active, I’m more talkative. I have been dying to ask a girl out at work for months now but I kept making excuses not to. Suddenly today, out of nowhere my confidence got a massive boost. My fear of rejection and worries about porn induced ED just disappeared. I grabbed my phone and sent her a text asking her out for dinner. She said yes. After I got her message, I kept asking myself: Why didn’t I do this months ago?? Why has it taken me this long to do something so simple??

    I have not been this happy in a long time. I feel free. As well as this, my perception of her has changed completely. Up until now, all I was thinking about was whether I would be able to impress her in bed (if I got that far) and I kept trying to imagine what she would look like naked. These thoughts are no more. All I have been thinking about is her smile, her eyes, and her fun personality.

    All I had to do was quit porn. Porn is as bad as drugs, and I believe more men – especially young, curious teenagers – should be aware of its damaging affect on the human brain. We should be telling them to avoid it at all costs before it does the damage.

    A sudden burst of confidence!!

  759. 30 day report. Benefits tips and tricks.

    Feeling good! Finally made it to 30 days! To get to 30 days has been a challenge. A fun challenge. Ive literally relapsed over 1000 times easily never getting passed a 7 day steak max. I had the occasional 13 day streak but that was with all of my effort and will power I had. So how did I get to 30 days? Simple I did it first time using monk mode. So what is monk mode you ask.. Let me explain the logic behind it. this goes for any addiction your trying to quit. Let’s go with smoking.. If your trying to give up smoking but you allow your self to fantasise about smoking every minute of each day, then your obviously eventually going to relapse. It’s basically torturing yourself. Fantasising about something but then repeatedly reminding yourself that you can’t do it. Your eventually going to give in. And that’s basically what hard mode is. that’s what I had been doing and that’s why I’d failed so many times.

    Monk mode.. No sexual thoughts or fantasies, no looking at women below head height, no touching your Johnson unless pee or wash and no watching porn what so ever. Stick to these rules (monk mode) and it’s impossible to relapse. And that’s how I have just achieved 30 days.

    The Benefits. A better feeling all round. Noticing the little things about life that I’ve never noticed before. Happier. Social anxieties disappearing. Enjoying everything around me a lot more for example.. Eating nice food, listening too music, really enjoying working out. Socialising. More energy. Less sleep needed. A lot more ambition. And a few more.

    One last tip of you fail to plan your plan to fail. I’ve wrote a plan on my note pad. Here’s and example.

    State of mind. Disciplened. Focused. Clear head.

    What to do when an urge appears. 6 slow deep breathes. Block out sexual thoughts. Focus an another activity.

    Rules. No touching your Johnson unless pee or wash. No porn. No sexual thoughts or fantasies at all.

    Focus on creating a better life around you. Focus on your goals.

    ‘A man is the product of his thoughts’

    Make short goals and do whatever it takes to get there.

    Don’t do 90 days once, do 1 day 90 times. One day at a time.

    Just carry on with life as normal, stick to those rules and focus on yours goals! Do this and the days fly by.

    Peace out!

    30 day report. Benefits tips and tricks.

  760. Not sexualizing women has made me feel alot better about myself

    Watching way too much porn for years made it natural to instantly sexualize women when I saw them. I started to wonder if this was related to the problem with negative emotions I felt on a regular basis so I stopped doing it. Now I feel alot better about myself and alot of the social anxiety I experienced earlier is gone.

    Dont misunderstand me, I am still attracted to women, but now I watch them as people first and doesnt make such a big deal about that I could possibly have sex with every woman I meet. I invite you to try it and see if it works for you 🙂

    Not sexualizing women has made me feel alot better about myself and removed a great deal of my social anxiety.


  761. My Girlfriend noticed

    Throughout the period I’ve been doing /r/nofap my girlfriend has noticed new little and big things about me, she doesn’t know I’m doing /r/nofap by the way.

    • More social with her and everyone else
    • Less depressed and I’m complaining less
    • Been helping her and doing things for her
    • She keeps saying how romantic I’ve been and how my voice has depth to it now
    • She actually thinks I’ve been taking supplements….

    Guys, In a TV series called “According to Jim” They hit this right on the nail in their season 1 episode 2 (look it up, there are free streams) Where the guy abstains and goes hard mode, then suddenly his wife becomes so fond of him and his romanticism. They were not joking, this is the case here.

    My Girlfriend noticed


  762. 30 days, 23yo, wanted to post and say thanks.

    Hey so 30 days is huge for me. Never gone this long since I started masturbating, probably around age 13. This is my first attempt since I decided to quit PMO and joined NoFap. I still think about sex and fapping constantly but it has gotten easier and I’ve been hilariously busy lately so it’s been easy to get distracted with things and not even have time to fap. I have a sexual partner I started seeing after 26days, so I’m curious how my mindset will change, not fapping but still having a way to orgasm… I’m curious to think about what everyone thinks about not orgasming at all(hardmode) and just having sex but not masturbating.

    Benefits I’ve encountered:

    -More energy

    -Easier to concentrate(Although I’m often distracted by strong thoughts of masturbating or having sex)

    -I used to get angry very easily, that seems to have been reduced lately. I feel calmer in general.

    -I’m not sexualizing girls constantly. I still catch myself doing it, but I try to stop and it’s easier to get a real conversation going rather than just “I’m talking with you because I want to get laid”.

    -My general self-esteem has surged. I never watched too much porn or masturbated too much but I always thought it was kinda cool to not do it, now I can honestly say I don’t… or at least haven’t for 30days.

    Anyways just want to thank the NoFap community, I love you guys n’ gals. I never would’ve gotten to 30 days without mashing the PANIC BUTTON and just reading all the motivational posts on here. Thank you I’m so grateful.

    Just one final thought. I’ve been masturbating since I was 13, which probably isn’t an odd time to start and I assume most guys my age jerk off. So 10 years might be below the average of Time spent Masturbating by the average Male. Now I’ve made it 30 days which I consider a difficult disciplinary goal that’s about 3600 days Ive been masturbating versus 30 I haven’t. Under 1%. Holy shit, I still have so much time I need to reboot my brain. 30 days may be a great start but this is small beans compared to how long Ive been doing this, gotta be patient and not expect too much early on.

    Thanks again, much love goes out to you all

    30 days, 23yo, wanted to post and say thanks.


  763. I’m feeling crazy good,

    im feeling crazy good, never had a single day feeling depressed since i started. im more confident to get my study stuff done, i ask for help, i can better put my thoughts in words, i smile, i am enjoy a single second, my daily routine and sleep reoutine is constant since 5-6 weeks, before i could only hold it for 2-3 weeks (i had a hard time keep, since im a student). my memory improved and i got old memory parts back, the past brightened up in terms of positive feelings, people around told me, that i am full of power and motivate everybody around me.

    everywhere i go women in my ages turn around, looking at me. (sheeezzzzuusss and odin, this feels great, always wanted that part and the only thing left is a girlfriend!) when im in the library i do flirt, i really enjoy it. (last week i flirted with a girl, gave here that im interested sign, she moved backwards, what i interpreted that she has a boyfriend, and i was so right with that, as the boyfriend came around, i smiled over my whole face 😀 ) life really got a new perspective, so glad i found this sub and started!

    still having blue balls, everywhere i am, hope this goes away at some point.

    from time to time a few wet dreams, but i get used to it and they are part of the progress. before i fall asleep i always visualize how it would be to have a girlfriend next … (it feels great)

    last time i i learned with friends, i felt like being part of the learn group, we laughed a lot and i felt so close and happy, cant wait for the next meeting!

    yoga class is so intensive, yes im right now the only man in the group 😀 slightly turned(tingling in my balls 😉 ) on sometimes, when we practice some poses, when the women around me … you name it 😀 (but it proves that im not in flatline)

    you always notice what you dont have, when you found/have it!

    see you at the 90+ days!

    “short” 50+ days report! 😉


  764. [Update] Last night I lost my virginity!

    About a month ago, I made this post:

    Since then, I’ve stuck to pornfree (except for one relapse 13 days ago). I met this amazing, really hot girl about 3 weeks ago. Right from the beginning, I was totally honest about my lack of sexual experience and erection problems. She is far more sexually experienced than me, and has been extremely understanding.

    We’ve tried to have sex a few times, without any luck (I’ve been unable to get hard, then felt bad about it, and become anxious about my performance, making things even worse). Last night I was able to relax, and I was so attracted to her. Honestly, I can barely even picture porn now. It felt like such a real, primal attraction to a real, beautiful woman. I wasn’t able to keep a consistent erection, nor was I able to cum, but we had sex for a good few minutes plus she gave me a blowjob which I was hard for. I’m so excited! It’s working! I don’t want to watch porn again. I really really enjoyed the sex though. And the fact that I was able to get it up has helped a lot with my confidence I feel. Instead of dreading sexual situations, I’m super excited for the next one now 🙂

    tl;dr: had sex (something impossible a month ago), and feel super good about it. Can’t wait to do it again

    edit: just wanna say that, I really appreciated all the comments on the first post. They were very encouraging and helpful

    [Update] Last night I lost my virginity!

  765. I thought this day would be boring, ordinary and not so good

    So I´m 19 days in and ever since I started this streak I had an eye on that woman in my Company. She´s not working for our Company but does the Service for all the coffeemachines in the house and is 3 hours here everyday.

    So I started to Chat with her a Little and Eyecontact with her is amazing because she has the most gorgeous eyes I have ever seen.

    Nothing special so far. So today I got up and felt not so amazing. Confidence was better last week and I´m a little tired as well.

    I´ve seen her, she smiled and everything but no talking today. I was wondering how i could pull it off to ask for her number.

    And here come the freaking superpowers: My colleage came to me and told me SHE likes me and wanted my number.


    That NEVER happened before in 27 years.

    Guys, this is real. Fuck Fapping.

    Even if this is going nowhere with her…. I don´t care. But I know for sure now that NoFap is worth everything.

    All the struggles, the hard times, the lows – are nothing compared to that moment today.

    EDIT: What makes me really happy are you guys who say it motivates you. I know exactly how you feel because I also get really motivated by stories like these. I never expected something like this to happen so no matter where you are right now, how you feel or what problems you might have – stuff like this comes out of nowhere when you would never guess.

    PS: We´re texting right now. Still can´t believe it.

    I thought this day would be boring, ordinary and not so good – Superpowers… holy shit are they real.

  766. Oh my stars! 30 day report

    I would just like to start by saying thank you to everyone on here. It’s you guys that have given me the motivation/courage to uphold my decision not to fap anymore.

    As for the update, I would say these nofap superpowers are real.

    1) My ability/desire to talk to girls has skyrocketed. I have been flirting with so many girls, and have gone on dates with a few just playing the field. Nofap is helping me to realize that girls are not just outlets to help you get off, but instead real people who have personalities far more attractive than just their lady parts.

    2) I said it in an earlier post, but the glow is real. I can’t tell you guys how many people have said they have noticed something different about me but can’t place their fingers on it. Apparently, my skin has been much more radiant and my eyes “have a new sparkle in them that you never used to have”

    3) My productivity has been through the roof. Instead of setting assign time to fap, I have been scheduling things to keep me busy to keep my mind off of it.

    4) Improved short term memory. I have been so crisp and clear on remembering things that had happened within the past 24 hours. This was especially useful while studying for finals, because there was not a single exam that I got less than an 89 on, which will help keep up my eligibility for med school when I finally finish undergrad.

    Keep at it guys, and I can almost promise you it will be worth it. Remember, nofap is a journey about transforming yourself as a person, not just abstaining from fapping. If you set your mind to it, anything is possible!

    Oh my stars! 30 day report


  767. 60 day report, one day late.

    Hi all.

    I won’t go into details about why I started no fap I have done that in a past post.

    Just wanted to let you all know how the no fap experience is going 60 days in.

    It’s not all sunshine and roses there are difficult days. I have had a lot of stress at work, but with my new found will power has helped me stay on track.

    I go through mood swings from time to time, not sure I’ve read that this is normal but it can be a huuuuuuuuge downer.

    The biggest thing for me is that I am able to feel and relate to other humans again. I’m not as afraid of sharing my feelings. I ask people how their weekend was, how their family is, how things are going in life, and genuinely care about what they say.

    My porn induced erectile dysfunction has greatly improved, but that’s not the important thing, what is important, is that all my relationships, sexual and non sexual, are more intimate because I can see people aren’t just pieces of meat.

    Stay strong fapstronauts, I will see you at day 100!!!

    60 day report, one day late.


  768. One Month – Progress and Motivation

    It’s been a month. 30 reasons for me to be proud.

    I’m 17yo, male, from Portugal. I’ve noticed in the last years that something was wrong with me: my grades went from A’s to C’s, social skills from “popular guy” to “random antisocial zombie”, and i mean it. Everything around me was numbed and i kept going deeper and deeper into the shadows. But somehow a part of my brain remained pure so to speak, the same part that made me find NoFap 30 days ago. Yup, i’m still on streak numero uno. Not trying to show off, instead i’ll try to explain how i achieved this and how i can help you brave people out. I will break down this overview in two main paragraphs: the first explaining what i have been using to keep moving forward and the second describing the benefits i’ve experienced so far through this challenge.

    One of the most motivational things for me was realizing that the constant depression and numbness i was stuck in was not the “normal mode” of how life is supposed to feel. For a long time i felt this way, so i was SO THRILLED to realize there was a solution, a way out of this hellhole that could make my main problems go away, even though the road was said to be long and hard (no pun intended). Regardless, i took the chance to improve myself and never looked back. I decided i was going all in to overcome my problems, no matter at what costs. And so i did, and here i am, with my streak alive. Besides that thought, to avoid failure i come to this sub to read people’s stories and to help others. It’s really nice to communicate and feel that you are not alone in this, even if you think your too messed up for someone to be in your position. We sometimes go through some intense dark periods, but all can be forgiven as long as you are able to recognize you did wrong and start correcting your mistakes. I find that for you to succeed in NoFap, first you have to forgive yourself. to keep my head up, i also look at motivational images/quotes and try to live a bit by them, and look each day at my image in the mirror and think to myself: i am a better man today than i was yesterday, and can even be better tomorrow. Be proud of yourself and take it easy, one day at a time. Also remember the positive episodes that have happened in your life due to NoFap, and how they were unthinkable to happen if you did not decide to take on this journey. you will not want for a second to be back to… you know… that guy, you know the one? no? no one else knows or remembers anyway.

    Now, the benefits i’ve felt in these incredible 30 days: For 6 years i PMO’d once a day at least without any significant break. on the first week i was invincible. i was filled with energy, after school i would be itching for some football everyday, and when i came back home i would still want to do things. The brain fog was getting thinner and i was getting better sleep. My social anxiety was also vanishing, and many unique things happened in those first days that would not have happened without NoFap. The urges were strong, but i was able to surpass them, fortunately. For the first time in ages i felt like studying. Then the second week came, and with it the flatline. Since them i have been in that state, but i cannot complain much. The urges are almost nonexistent in this phase which makes abstaining a lot easier, but i feel a bit under the weather. I’m still much happier than before and i know that this will go away with time, but it is sometimes hard to find that energy and willpower while flatlining. Even though i’m not feeling so good right now, i know my brain is healing, and once more the real world has been extra kind with me, people simply react better to my presence and it feels so good. I now act and feel how i was meant to. From this point, only more greatness can come, and who knows, i just might get my first girlfriend in a few months. Because of my previous anxiety and lack of confidence, i would not talk much nor with many people. But now i’ve been communicating with lots of colleges and it just feels nice and natural. I’ve been sharing my thoughts and feelings like never before and discovered that some of the people around me are incredible and super supportive, i only wish i talked to them sooner. But the past is behind, time to focus on the present to create a better future am i right?!

    To conclude, take it one day at a time, visualize the long term benefits, know why you are doing this, be proud of your accomplishments, don’t be afraid to step up for yourself, and even if you fail, just be sure to get back on track, because one is not judged by how many times he fell, but how many times he got up and continued.

    A champion is just a contender who refused to give up: every NoFap veteran was once a NoFap beginner, we come from different roads, we have different stories and opinions, but we share the same goal and we have to get through the same in NoFap. Let’s stay together in this! I wish you the best of luck in your journey, may you achieve what you’ve been fighting for. I love you all and am very proud that this community exists, never did i expect to find such a nice place in the internet. Thank you all!

    Also, since i come to this sub daily, i would like to have an accountability partner if anyone is interested. Everyone stay cool!

    One Month – Progress and Motivation

  769. Super powers do exist!

    Dear friends.

    I don’t know you, but thank you.

    I shall tell you my personal, sad story.

    10 years ago, as a child I discovered porn. I was not the shy kid, I always had friends and we all had a lot of fun. I was good, I didn’t swear, I had good marks, and friends. Life was good as a 12 year old boy.

    One day, a very good friend of mine brought a “Playboy” and we were all amazed by how good the women looked there. He even had a DVD with some quality porn. We shared that DVD, and were swapping it around. Every week another boy had it. It ended in my hands and I was curious to see what is it about. I didn’t know what fapping was. I came to my home, put the DVD into the DVD player and started watching. The porn was good, very good for a 12 year old boy. Older people always told how pornoghrapy is bad and how nobody should watch porn. This was my little secret.

    I had that DVD for a week and every day I fapped to it, because it felt good. I was home alone, so I could do it with loud speakers, and nobody would disturb me in my “job”.

    I copied the DVD and I next few months I was fapping to it. As time passed I wanted more. I wanted more ladies and new stuff. Faster internet came and I started downloading pictures of naked girls, naked pornstars. I remember when my desktop was full of small clips of porn, that I downloaded from random sites. Enough for a 14 year old boy.

    As years passed, I grew older and I had the habbit of fapping at least once per day. At least once, when I had time, the number grew to four-five times a day. I talked to my friends, and they told me that 90% people fap, and 10% people are lie about not fapping. So I was normal. At least that’s what my friends told me.

    I got into my teens, and at 16 years I had my first girlfriend. We never have sex, she cheated me two times during our three months long relationship. I found it out on Facebook, she never told me. I was devastated.

    I came back to porn. During these three months I still fapped, but now at least two times a day.

    I was very anxious, and all my friends “grew up”. They told me that I’m not grown up to spend time with them.

    I didn’t go out. I was social in school, but I didn’t really have any friends. I was that one friend that was following other friends during breaks and listen to what the “leader” of the group was talking. I was the quiet one.

    Most of my Saturdays were spent home. Playing video games. listening to Smiths and fapping. I often got called by my “friends”. Calls were drunk dials and they made fun of me for being home alone.

    Everyone made fun of me on P.E., because I was very skinny and I couldn’t play good sports. I was the sloppy and the dumb one. At least that is what everyone told me.

    My life was really hard. I didn’t want to talk to my parents about aything because I didn’t want to bore them with my childish problems.

    High school ended, my marks were ok, not good, but enough to get into good college. I said farwell to all people being happy for a first time in a long time.

    New start, new girls, new friends.

    You know, some people opened to me, they wanted to be my friends. But women?

    They never really looked on me as a potential sexual partner. More as a friend.

    I fell in love with my friend, and I never told her that I like her, because she had a boyfriend when I fell in love. Then I fell in love with another girl.

    I was so desperate to make her like me, that I helped her talk with the boy she had a crush on.

    They had sex that evening and I was alone again. She didn’t talk with me anymore. I didn’t have any friends to talk about this. Only casual friends to go to lunch together, have classes together and that’s it.

    Saturdays and Sundays were also filled with fapping. But at that time, fapping was something I did on autopilot. It was high school all around.

    Years passed, 2013. passed and 2014. came.

    I spent all these New Years alone. Reading comics, playing games, watching movies, tv series, and of course fapping, whenever I had time.

    15th of February 2014. was the day I discovered NoFap.

    “Of course I’m not an addict! I just do it because I feel good and I do it to fall asleep. Sometimes for fun, but never because I need it.”

    Those are the few words that I wrote in my diary on that same day.

    I wanted to show myself that I’m not an addict. And I did it. For 2 days. It was really hard and in the end I relapsed. I somehow got to 7 days, struggling like hell, but I did it. Then something very strange happened to me. I told myself that I don’t want to get rid of those women that I see on porn. Lexi Belle was much better than any girls I saw around me.

    So I continued.

    Days passed, still, shy as f*** anxious, couldn’t look anyone in eyes. I was desperate. I wanted to kill myself. Of course it’s not fapping. It’s my damn self, I have such an ugly body, such an ugly face, I’m skinny and small, whatever. I will never have a girlfriend or a decent friend.

    New 2015. year came, and I spent it in good company. Company of myself.

    I woke up went fapping.

    I didn’t breakfast, I didn’t brush my teeth, clean my face, I just got out of bed fapping, searching for some porn from 8 a. m. till 11 a. m.

    *I fapped on some bukkake stuff, and some BDSM, punish stuff that I never liked and found repulsive. I remember that there were some slaves include in the video. *

    It’s quite scary when I look at it now.

    My soul was shattered, my heart was broken, my mind was foggy.??

    I tried, and I got to 5 days then relapsed. 14 days, then relapsed again. I really started fapping a lot less. April came, and I told myself, till May, you’re done. This is no april fools joke! Of course I didn’t do it. I fapped on 7th of April. Then I got up and started again. Lasting few more days and relapsed again. Then something interesting happened. 17th April. Friday. Oh boy, I fapped to cam girl (I know, how pathetic!). I said, you know. It’s enough. You need to control yourself, your marks, you need to have self control.

    Everyday felt like a challenge. I was sleeping during the whole Saturday. Sunday the first devil started comming. My hands were donw there all the time, but I survived. We’ll it’s already three days! The whole next week was hard, but as time passed the more I stopped thinking about fapping. I had a new “obsession”.

    I wanted to become alpha.

    All these days I was a gamma, sometimes beta and I didn’t like it.

    I want to be a leader.

    To tell you the thruth, in the week without fapping, skin on my face became so nice. I had problems with acne and hard skin before, but this time, I didn’t need to use any creams, I just went out feeling good!

    I started thinking how I present myself. I had some casual clothes, but I went shopping for some more. I bought a few new good looking shirts, pants and shoes.

    Dress to impress. That was my motto.

    Another week passed, and I didn’t think about fapping at all! I already had a nice skin, nice hair nad nice face. Now I started thinking how people see me. I’m walking slower, I’m having eye contact as much as possible and I stand straight while walking (and I walk a lot more than before!).

    I see girls looking at me, some people on college just asked me how they didn’t see me before on campus. Last week I was even flirting with a girl! For a first time in 22 years! Nothing happened, because I left her wanting more. Just because I can!

    Beard. Man, I never had beard, but for the first time I see hair on my face, and it’s growing! Of course, it’s far from something really serious, but it makes me happy.

    I removed a lot of people from my life. I talked to some, told them how they need me only when I can help them. I’m still a virgin, but I don’t look like one! 🙂

    Two girls asked me out. I knew them from before, but we never shared more than few words. They just came and asked me when I’m free for coffee.

    People start following me and listening to me. They want to be my friends.

    I’m really confused now. How and when did this happen? Where is the fog that I had every morning while waking up? Oh, apropos waking up, I wake up every morning without any problems, befor the alarm rings! Before, I had problems with insomnia.

    In two days, I read three books! I couldn’t do that before because I had concentration problems.

    I’m looking for new things to do. I started drawing. I started practicing guitar. I cleaned my room, and it looks amazing. Just like my soul.

    23 days passed. I’m quite scared what will be of me in 46 days, and later!

    Could this all be a placebo? I don’t know. Maybe, maybe not. I don’t really care. For the first time in 10 years I like myself.

    I feel like I have super powers. Every day is like a new challenge, a positive challenge! And I look forward to it every morning.

    I still have a lot to better myself and still some stuff left for repairing, but I’m free.

    Thanks to you, my good and brave friends!

    Super powers do exist!

  770. 30 Day Report, 20 yr. old male

    The 30, 60, and 90 day reports really motivate me and help me set goals for myself to finally get to a full 90 day reboot. They also give me things to look for and look forward to as I progress through my reboot. I’ll try to keep it as organized and streamlined as possible, so here it goes:

    Things I’ve noticed (within the first 30 days):

    -Increased confidence, overall energy, overall happiness

    -Random and intense blasts of horniness/sexual drive (high libido) that can last for 15 minutes to 3 hours or more

    -Decreased social anxiety, nervousness, shyness

    -Mood swings that can go from good to bad very quickly and visa versa

    -Women notice me more and feel more comfortable talking to me (I know everyone posts about this, but it is true and there’s only one way to find out)

    -Clearer skin, better hair, faster facial and body hair regrowth

    Things that have helped:

    -Committing to cold showers, for me this has meant slowly lowering the temperature of the water that I shower with to a temp that is best described as “lukecold” not “lukecool”

    -Going to the gym, I try to get there six days a week, not sure about the science behind it but I think that it has helped me stay balanced with my endorphin levels

    -Limiting drug, weed, and alcohol use, this goes back to the point I made above, it also makes it easier to work out as much as I want to, also helps me to feel “in control”

    -Visiting NoFap daily, posting in NoFap as well

    I plan on sticking with what has helped me get to 30 days for now, if it’s not broken don’t fix it! I’ll post again after 60 days and hopefully again at 90!!!

    30 Day Report, 20 yr. old male

  771. Super power do exist! (part 2 – 30 days)

    (If you haven’t read my first post on NoFap, I encourage you to check it out

    Today I became a star. I’m now 30 days into NoFap so I decided to share something with you today. I have (much more) time and I want to help, encourage and motivate you.

    Today is the first time after four weeks that I have “Sunday night blues”. Before NoFap, every Sunday had blues in it. I felt bad and often went to bed crying, feeling very sad, anxious and depressed. I didn’t know what the problem is and really wanted to change that feeling and do something about it, because it was putting me so much down.

    The “blues” often continued on Monday mornings and went away on the evening the same day. But the whole week I was, unconciously expecting that Sunday, knowing that I’ll feel sad.

    When I started NoFap, I still expected the “Sunday blues”, but somehow it didn’t appear. Maybe the optimism did it’s thing and the feeling of fighting for bettering yourself was the trick.

    From that day on, every Sunday was filled with planning the next week, watching some good movies, reading books, playing games (strategy games (Crusader Kings 2 (I finally found time to learn history!))). I felt alive.

    Thank you once again my friends…

    So what happened that I feel that “Sunday blues” again?

    Yesterday I went out. With friends.

    Can you believe that? I don’t know when I went out on Saturday night. I even had friends with me, I wasn’t alone! We went in a small club (nothing too big or disco-like, just to sit and talk).

    So, we are sitting on the bar, looking for women, talking with some and even flirting with some. It felt good, but I still missed something. Some of them were really good looking, but it just didn’t felt right.

    And then, I saw her.

    I saw her face.

    It is the most beautiful face I have ever seen.

    She doesn’t have big boobs or nice ass or anything.

    For the first time I didn’t look for a girl that felt out from porn I used to watch.

    I was fighting the whole evening, telling myself to talk to her.

    Here is where I found out that I got a new super power! No, I didn’t get drunk, but I noticed that I can drink more, much more. I tried to get a bit drunk just to be able to talk more freely to her, but I couldn’t get drunk! It’s funny now that I think about it. But let’s not use our super powers for drinking!

    Here I also learnt that I still have kryptonite.

    I’m not alpha male yet. But I’m in a phase of becoming one. That’s more important.

    She went and as her beautiful long, brown hair was jumping on her back, my head was going crazy. At one moment I didn’t hear anything around me, I just had this song in my head (

    When I came back to reallity I felt sad.

    Her beautiful face was in front of my eyes, her deep, ocean blue eyes were sealed in my head, and I knew I won’t be able to kick it out of my head for a while.


    The rest of the evening was fine, thanks to my self control (another super power I developed to a really high level), nobody noticed my sadness.

    I came home, took a cold shower (courage and cold ressistance – two more super powers I got) and went to my bed.

    I started thinking and thinking. About her face, about how I didn’t do anything about it and how I am a chicken. I turned my laptop, opened my browser…

    In my head, there was this voice that just kept telling me: “Go on, take a peek, go to Pornhub, you will feel much better…”

    I forgot about NoFap, and I started imagining how good I’ll feel fapping and getting to orgasm, and such stuff. It was over, I knew nothing can save me…

    Then, alpha in me started to fight.

    I told myself: “Imagine if that girl knew you are going to fap, imagine how would she feel if she know what kind of coward you are.”

    Then I started to think what kind of me she’ll like more, one that’s fighthing or one thats fapping?

    Is she going to like this man that’s using 100% of his day on learning, bettering himself and being happy, funny and charming, or a “man” that’s looking at his computer holding one hand on his crotch and one dopamine filled hand that’s searching for the best possible porn to fap on pixels?

    I turned my laptop off, got out of bed and looked myself at the mirror. I smiled how my face looks clean, how I have so much more life in my eyes, beard that’s growing all over the place (I got a lot of compliments on my “beard”, because I forgot to shave in the morning (month ago, if I didn’t shave 3 days, nobody would have noticed anything)) and that “stupid” grin that I can’t get rid of.

    There is no way, I’ll go back and throw away everything I got with HARD work!

    I told myself that I’m so much better than that person a month ago that couldn’t fall in love and that couldn’t feel what I’m feeling now. It may sound funny or strange or even dumb how I feel right now, but believe me, I never felt like this. Even if it’s sad, I like it and I need it.

    Before, when I saw a girl, I didn’t care about her face. The only thing I cared for was her body, something I cared in the porn I watched. I don’t need to say you how I imagined doing her, and by being so low, I often went home to fap.

    Now it’s different. It’s so much different.

    It’s Sunday evening. I found out her name and I found out she has a boyfriend.

    Today, I didn’t even think about porn.

    My day was filled with love songs. I felt blue, but with a happy thought. This is real, this are real emotions, nothing artificial. Thinking about this girl, thinking about how I’m still vulnerable, but strong gives me strenght to fight on.

    I started writing a lot more (something I never had courage to do, but wanted it). There are so many books I bought last week (and read). Although finals are comming, I don’t feel stressed or bad, everything is going according to plan (even better).

    And about this girl.

    I don’t know what she’s like, what books/music/movies she likes. Is she bad tempered or calm, funny or boring. I’m clueless! Maybe I won’t like her. We’ll see.

    But I got another motivation. I want to be in love, and I will better myself every day to end in a good and healthy realtionship one day.

    Maybe tomorrow I’ll fall in love again. Who knows…?

    However, there is one thing I do know!

    If you told me a year ago that I’ll be on a month spree of NoFap, I’d call you crazy and go fap. Not anymore.

    Stay strong my friends, love yourself, believe and fight!

    Super power do exist! (part 2 – 30 days)

  772. Fascinating Feeling and Experience

    I’m gonna share with you about my recent personality changes since I’ve stopped PMO for about almost 10 days now. FYI, this is the longest I have gone with no PMO for about more than a decade.

    I work at home a lot, so basically I spend almost all day/night in a single room. To a lot of people this may seem like a madness, however, for me I enjoy spending more time by myself. Every since I have quit PMO I’ve been having urges to go outside to socialize, or at least find someone to date. My social anxiety has been reduced, I have gained more confidence, higher self-esteem, and more focused.

    Quite fascinating that I can see these changes on myself. I’m not gonna lie but I’ve thinking about sex a lot, but I think it might be normal, but I still don’t think about PMO. Ever since I noticed these changes I’ve decided to sign up joining some parties and head out more to learn socializing. I know for a fact I will suck for a while, but I will do it till I succeed.

    Fascinating Feeling and Experience

  773. Here is my 30 Day Report – concise form

    My life envisaged major life changing events.

    1. I have started reading non academic books also
    2. My mind is now clear
    3. I can concentrate better
    4. I sleep at 10-11 PM and wake up at 6 AM
    5. I am active after waking up
    6. I can decide what I want to do
    7. I deleted facebook (11 months ago tho)
    8. I don’t have any interest in using internet
    9. I work all the day with same activeness
    10. I hit the gym and grow balls
    11. My balls are too good to touch, heavy and manly. Balls are love, balls are life
    12. I can think, think very clearly

    Overall, life has drastically changed. I am planning to continue for 1 more year. 🙂

    Here is my 30 Day Report – concise form


  774. 30 Days Report: Outcome Quite Positive

    Wow, I made it to thirty days after a lifetime of hardcore consistent masturbation and a very long journey down the ugly rabbit hole. What can I say, I’m thankful for this brave, courageous, and supporting community. I have definitely improved as a person and have time to exhibit goal-oriented behavior. Quitting PMO to me is akin to taking my head out of the sand and seeing the world for what it is. I am thinking much more clearly now about the problems that I need to tackle and with my newly discovered clarity I’m thinking of solutions. I am physically and mentally stronger and my relationship with my wife has improved. I pick up on the subtleties of love and appreciate women much more. The greatest feeling comes from liberating myself from the shackles of addiction and temptation. I don’t need that hormonal roller coaster associated with PMO cycles. I enjoy sex a great deal more and feel everyday emotions much more strongly now. I have a much more time free to develop myself socially, physically, and intellectually. I am growing and I feel alive, after stopping the process of numbing myself and feeling stagnant for all those hours, days, and years.

    It’s a daily struggle to overcome embedded habits: some days you feel indomitable and on others you get dealt an unexpectedly hard blow that may send you hurling right to the precipice. Each day my willpower is bolstered and I feel myself getting stronger.

    My journey is just beginning and I am determined to stay on this course. I am reassured by the fact that I belong to such an honorable community of people who are seeking self-betterment. Thank you.

    30 Days Report: Outcome Quite Positive


  775. Was a bit skeptical when I started but the results are amazing

    When I started nofap, I did it because my sex life was seriously hurting. I have had several girlfriends but sex was never that enjoyable for me. As time went on it continued to get worse and worse until recently where I could not have an orgasm at all without porn.

    I have “tried” nofap before but it was a failed attempt. I wasn’t looking at porn but I was saving links to look at them later. Instead of looking at porn I would look at all of the pictures of girls on the chive. I got discouraged because I did not see much change in my life. I realise now I was only avoiding my problems and not facing them.

    That’s when I decided to change my life for the better, to face my problem head on and defeat it, no more porn, no more fapping, no more chiving… After 8 days of true nofap, sex has never been better and the rest of my life is changing too, the mental fog is starting to lift and I feel like taking care of myself and cleaning up my life.

    The benefits are real and I’m excited to see what else I’ve been missing out on because of porn and fapping. Stay strong brothers

    Edit: 8 days not 9

    Was a bit skeptical when I started but the results are amazing


  776. My name is Mikgezo, and this is my story.

    Hello No Fap, long time commenter, first time poster. Actually had someone suggest that I post my story so here it goes. Just in time for my 30 day celebration!

    I started to fap to porn at 17 (bit of a late bloomer but whatever). Once I found this “amazing” place on internet porn, that’s where my sexual interests stayed. For 5 years I had no desire to peruse a a girlfriend. For 5 years I wanked to internet porn at least once a day to get my release (sometimes more). For 5 years, I preferred to stay home in my room, with my computer and penis in hand, rather than go out with mates and live my life. Interestingly, Fapping had no impact on my school or University grades, as I was basically an honour student, being awarded scholarships for my academic excellence.

    Late last year I developed some serious lower back pain. I had no idea what caused it to appear randomly, but I knew it was painful. After using google I found that it might be link to my excessive masturbation habbits. So I thought, what the heck maybe I’ll stop masturbating. That is when I found No Fap. After reading the post from others, I began to notice some similarities. Comparatively weak erections, not wanting to socialise, overeating and eating too many sweats, and just thinking of every day when I could get home to Fap to porn!

    It has not been an easy journey, full of failure and relapses over many months, but that is not why I am posting today. Today marks the first day I have reached 30 days on No Fap. I cannot say it has completely changed my life, but I feel so much better about myself and there have been some great changes. With the state of engineering work where I live, I thought I would have no chance at getting a job. To my surprise I have already scored 2 interviews out of the 4 applications I have heard back from. Compared to last year when I heard back from about 15 and only got a single phone interview. I have also hit the gym harder than before, not caring if it’s cold, wet, or if I’m tired or hungry. No excuses, I go to the gym and lift the weight. Oh, and that back pain I had is significantly less, guess fapping was having more of an effect on my physically than what I thought.

    And recently, my attitude towards women is changing. Normally I would get extremely hung up on any girl I liked but now it is different. I do not mind as much whether this girl likes me, or whether I have a girlfriend or not as it does not define me as a person. I am making changes in my life and pushing myself to the next level as a result. If eventually I find a women that likes me for who I am and can compliment me in my life goals that would be nice, but I feel less dependent on needing a girlfriend to attain a social status.

    No Fap cannot be a placebo effect with the mindset it helps deliver. I still feel the urges come every now and then, but I understand that they do not mean anything.

    Apologies for the wall of text, but I had a lot to say 🙂

    See you all when I get to 60 days!

    TLDR: Read the whole thing it’s awesome!

    TLDR(real): First time reaching 30 days No Fap. Feel better, more control, less back pain, less care for what others think of me, no longer thinking of women as objects.

    My name is Mikgezo, and this is my story.


  777. My First 30 Day Report

    Hello everyone I hope you have a nice day and you read my story for both inspiration and advice.

    My story begins in around 7th grade. After watching some relatively steam scenes in a movie and I got aroused. This left with a hunger for more. One thing led to and I ended up on P sites. I couldn’t stop watching. I became addicted. After watching P for around a year I began to MO. Usually every other day but I just found myself addicted. Eventually I just got tired of it and tried to stop several times myself. But it was so hard, all of my friends openly admitted they PMO and then I started to justify my actions and accepted this as perfectly normal behavior. But I could never keep a streak of a week.

    Then I discovered this subreddit. It changed my life. I found people that had similar problems and that I was not the only one struggling. So I vowed to never PMO and started Hard Mode exactly one month ago and wow the results have been great! The positive effects described frequently in the subreddit are true. For example I have seen improvements in the following.

        Skin; I’ve noticed that it looks more vibrant and full.
        Energy: I generally feel more engergetic and passion to do other things.
        Sleep: When I wake up I feel much more well rested and this translate to me engery through out the day
        Attitude: Since I started NoFap I feel more outgoing and positive. There is still lots of stress in my lifem but instead of shrinking away. I rise to the challenge no matter how many times I fail.
        Fitness: I was always in good shape and a good athlete, playing both track and soccer. But after starting NoFap I found a new energy to win and this translated into better results. I have started going to the gym more often and lifting wieghts. The fitness has made me feel much more self confident and I’m comfortable in my own skin. Although I didn’t run/play well enough to do well in high level competitions. I feel confident that next year I will come back and prove myself in front of everyone.
        Social Skills: I have made many more friends and I find it much easier to talk to people when you have nothing to hide. I always felt awkard because if people learned about the things I used to do in private then they would reject me. But now I speak more confidently.
        Confidence: Since starting NoFap I have been more confident in myself. If I know I can keep up a 30 day streak (my longest so far) then I know I can be successful in the other aspects of my life.

    Story Time!: There was this girl I met earlier this year in a class, lets call her J. We became friends and not too close. J knew of me, since I dated one of her longtime friends, while I had never met her before. I was very worrired that she had thought ill of me because there was lots of breakup drama with my ex. But then I stopped worrying about this, as we grew closer and became good friends. I had then started to become romantically interested but I never really said anything about it. Fast forward to late April. I had just started NoFap and just completed my first week. I felt great and had new confidence. Prom was around the corner and I found myself looking for a date. Many options came into my mind, but then one in particular, and that was J. I weighed the options and then decided to ask her. Wow, that was really stressful and she ended up saying yes. So now I find myself here making this post hours before prom, going with a gorgeous girl and excited for tonight. I don’t know how today will end, but you never know.

    Without NoFap I would never have all these wonderful new aspects in my life. Yes I know that keeping up a streak is hard but if you manage to do it. You will see a dramatic improvement in your life and your outlook on life.


    My First 30 Day Report

  778. What nofap does and doesn’t do [advice for beginners]

    background info: I did nofap for a month solid with no relapses. I didn’t touch my dick basically. Here goes.

    I noticed nofap did:

    • give me improved confidence
    • helped me improve my life a little (did more homework, started taking cold showers)
    • helped with digestive issues (possibly) My food allergies weren’t as strong
    • made me more bold (seriously was down to do anything. M friends thought it was hilarious)
    • returned personality traits that make me kinda goofy and wacky
    • had serious bouts of depression (“I’ll never have a girlfriend”, “Girls just ignore me, etc”
    • got to sleep easier

    What nofap doesn’t do:

    • draw girls to you (no girls magically came over and started talking to me)
    • get you laid(not even close)
    • make you a girl magnet
    • make you super strong in the gym (I’ve worked out for a while, and nothing seemed to change)

    Why nofap works:

    It’s just beating an addiction. Overcoming something. Similar to the marine corps when marines get done with basic training. They’ve been tested, hard! They ‘pass’ and are like “Wow! I really did that! I can do anything now!” It’s the discipline of saying, “I’m going to deny myself pleasure right now so I can maybe have it later. Don’t like it body? Tough.”

    What nofap does and doesn’t do [advice for beginners]

  779. 34 days now. Actually 36. Beneifts.

    34 days now. Actually 36. Beneifts.

    • I feel less anxious…more secure. Like….before hand I was always jumpy as shit….moody. I feel more serene and calm.
    • My mood is calmer like a said. Specifically, I always had these paranoid thoughts….like fuck this shit…fuck every body…whatever. Now I’m just chill.
    • Anxiety…..I used to be really jumpy and ancy in alot of social situations. And scared of them generally, now I feel fine. It was like before hand…new situations threw me a curve ball, now I am ready for them.
    • In terms of happiness, I guess the previous statements will say that I am a happier person. I’m more social. More spontaneous.
    • Attention from females…right now I’m living in South East Asia for another year. Big culture and language barrier. Maybe when I get back to America women will be throwing their panties to me when I land. Female situation is the same they don’t like talking with foreign men. Scared of them.

    In sum, I guess overall my mood is better. More stable. Less cloudy. I feel like I can make more reasonsed decisions and deal with the ambiguity that life throws at me. Before this, I was one moody angry always with a slighty depressed mood muh fucka. Also, it was like…the world always a cup that wasn’t just half empty, it was a 1/10th empty, and what was in it was dog shit with some rat piss that has been sitting there for weeks. Fuck that, years. Not years but you get the point.

    One strange thing, I used to be a leech you know. Like really dependent on one person. Like not accepting if the person did anything other than talk to me. Now I don’t feel that. I’m just like whatever.

    I still have urges, and when I have them I have been making a concerted effort to get out of my house when they become to strong. The biggest motivator to me is the sucess stories people have posted, and the fact that I have already tasted the bad fruit of porn. I was masturbating 3/4 times a day before this-it was getting to the point where I have to look at porn for hours to O….and sex with real girls was becoming impossible.

  780. No FAP Works – Here is proof – MULTIPLE TIMES


    Hey guys,

    Please don’t congratulate me on this. I am actually a very humble guy.
    But take what I am about to say as proof that NoFap works, so it removes any doubt in your mind that NoFap is fake/doesn’t work.

    I had recently started a journal (again), and I had been devoting almost all of my efforts to improving my career.

    In addition, I was doing NoFap. In the last 2 months, I have had multiple streaks of 2-3 week periods, where I did not view any porn, no masturbation, and also no sex.

    The only time I relapsed was to masturbation without porn, when it was getting really hard.

    The result: 3 x 6-figure job offers. Yes, 3 (three).

    Again, this might seem like showing off, but the fact is even I was a bit baffled. The only thing I changed from last year to this year was NoFap for a longer period of time.

    I myself have doubted the efficacy of NoFap in the past, but now I am proof and a firm believer.

    In fact, if you read my intro (link in my signature below), you will find that I have had periods of NoFap, intentional or unintentional, and they have produced great results.

    Now, the next step for me is to continue NoFap, and push my social/dating boundaries.

    I will report on the miracles I encounter there, as soon as they happen.

    Keep on Marching boys. This shit WORKS.
    Quit porn. Quit fapping.


  781. Doing Nofap is definitely worth it

    Hey everyone, this is my first time posting anything on reddit/nofap(always used to lurk and read posts). I am 19 years old(currently on day 67 of my streak, even though I got no sticker to prove it, I know where I stand). I want to post about everything I went through with nofap. I’ll start off talking about my first experience with nofap, which was last year.

    I was intoduced to nofap last year around the first week of March and made a bet with my friend to see who could have the longest streak(mind that I really didn’t understand what nofap was about back then). During this streak, my life improved a fair amount. I was in high school at the time and taking high level classes(AP). While on this streak, I was able to turn in all of my assignments in on time, and sometimes even finish them early. My teachers gave us multiple essays ranging from 3-10+ pages, and I found that I was able to finish them quickly and easily with no problem. Classes that I was not very good in(Spanish and Math), I wound up improving in them slightly, which for me, was a great accomplishment. Another thing that I noticed in class was that when class presentations took place, I was very good at speaking to the class and people actually enjoyed watching my presentations! People would want to be in class at the times which I was presenting which was amazing! Now for the thing everyone wants to know: How did you do with the ladies? Well, there was a girl in my class for whom I had really strong feelings for. She was also, in my opinion, one of the hottest girls in my school. During this nofap streak, I was getting VERY VERY VERY OBVIOUS SIGNAL FROM HER!!!! She was touching my arms, hugging me, and even holding my hand! This was the first time any girl had ever done this to me. She even asked me how big I was down there. Crazy huh? Also note that I was not aware if any other girls were checking me out, as I was only thinking about this one girl. I ended up asking her out and she said yes. Unfortunately for me, it did not work out(don’t ask me why, maybe because I didn’t make any moves on her, only she knows why she ended it). This was the first girl I ever asked out in my life and she said yes, and thats all that mattered to me, even though I didn’t get laid(damn). I didn’t really notice the other benefits of nofap during this streak(maybe they were there and I was just oblivious to them, idk). I ended up relapsing after she broke up with me and got back to fapping/porn. A few months later on March,21 2015, i stumbled up nofap once again and started reading posts. I thought I might as well give nofap another try, and so I did. This leads into the streak I am currently in. I have noticed MANY IMPROVEMENTS during this streak. There is no doubt that there are women checking me out. I have been checked out and had looks given at me by countless women since I started this streak. I am much more confident and my voice is much deeper since I started nofap. Nobody gives me shit anymore and I stand up for myself. For the first time in my life, I feel happy and confident in my own skin. I did end up reaching my goal of 6-pack abs, but have recently lost them due to a break in the gym and my macro counting(I will attempt to get my abs back within the next few weeks though). In addition to this, I am much more energetic and happy. When people ask me to hang out, instead of staying at home to watch porn/fap, I go out and have fun.

    Even though I am 19(good looking/muscular according to many people I know), I am still a virgin. That used to bother me, but I don’t care anymore, I know that I will lose it when the time comes, but until then, i’ll continue to improve on myself. Not everything is about sex, and I just came to realize that.

    Quit looking at porn and stop fapping. Yes, it will be hard, but it will be worth the struggle. Take it from someone who used to think of himself as a failure/loser, but now sees himself as an awesome/amazing person and a winner in life.

    Doing Nofap is definitely worth it

  782. Day 40 checking in – short term superpowers already activated!

    I’m not doing hard mode (fuck that, I need sex) and I still see the benefits. Here they are, so far:

    • Deeper Voice: Three women have commented on how sexy my voice is – all of them were random women who I don’t know. One literally turned around in the supermarket while I was ordering sliced deli meat, looked at me, and said “Damn, that voice.”
    • Sexual Attraction: I’m incredibly horny (go figure!), so now my conversations with women are so full of innuendo and push the limits. At first I was afraid but quickly found that the women I talk to EAT. IT. UP.
    • Interest from Ladies: Two girls admitted they have an enormous crush on me; one flat out offered sex and practically begging to come over.
    • Workout Gains: It’s now easier to push myself through harder and harder workouts, and stick to my very strict diet.
    • Willpower Gains: Easier to focus on work tasks, especially things I don’t want to be doing.
    • General Happiness: Overall, I feel more content and able to hold my frame more easily. Little things don’t bother me AT ALL, anymore – rejection, loss, depression, etc. are all just thoughts that pass over me like water flowing over a rock.

    I’ve never had trouble getting laid, I’m in great shape and I’m moderately successful in my career, but this is a whole new level. I feel like every area of my life has been enhanced at least 10-fold. I’m so pumped for the next 40 days, it’s insane.

    TL;dr: Guys, this shit is no joke.

    Day 40 checking in – short term superpowers already activated!

  783. My 30 Days report.

    So, it’s been 30 days, and staying away from fapping has become more automated at least after a week. Some things worth noting in these days:

    (1) My mind is clear as fuck, it’s no longer the lost confused self. Just damn clear. It’s easier to talk to women without being as awkward. I walk confidently compared to before. I’m being noticed more than ever. I’ve been hitting the gym for at least two weeks going at least twice a week. I’ve already beaten a plateau that I once always encountered at the gym just like that.

    (2) My productivity is off the charts. I now game for an hour or two in the day time and maybe an hour or two at night. But I still get things done around the house now. Slowly building up here, but next week I’m going to start planting vegetables in my backyard. They’re fucking amazing, and I’ll be planting more than last year.

    (3) I had this one day where I just couldn’t stop looking at people like some lady’s legs etc I just couldn’t stop noticing from the corner of my eye. Psychologically, it was probably the toughest day in my NoFap journey. Being in class and commuting on a crowded bus. Not a fun day.

    (4) Did view some porn around day 28, came very close to relapsing, but I thought well I’ve come this far. Why stop now!? So, I need to avoid looking at gifs and escalating from there.

    My message to everyone is: Get past the first week, and everything else that follows is just win-win. I have nothing but gains if I keep up with my current path. I wish the best of luck to you guys in this journey, and I look forward to seeing you on the other end.

    Good Luck Comrades!

    My 30 Days report.



  784. My very own 30 day report.. (This is unreal.)

    Never thought I would make it, never plan on going back though. The benefits are there, but not as prominent as some other people like to advertise.

    -I notice I sleep better, I am better rested.

    -overall I feel better

    -started reading

    -went on a job interview (didn’t get the job)

    -making plans to get a masters degree

    -more attention from women (most of them I’ve known for years and are in relationships, but it’s a good start, I think)

    -better able to maintain eye contact -better concentration

    Oh well, this reads like an advertisement. If I can do it you can too.

    My very own 30 day report.. (This is unreal.)


  785. 30 Day Report!

    I meant to post this a couple days ago but I’ve been sick so all I wanted to do was rest, so forgive me!

    Anyways, I can’t believe I’ve actually made it 30 days without PMO’ing. My longest streak before this was 17 days and I honestly thought that was as far as I was ever going to make it, but I doubted myself and ended up beating the odds!

    To anyone who’s struggling with relapse, you CAN do it. If you’re tired of restarting then stop giving up! Don’t forget you’ve got an entire community to talk to if you’re having a tough time, we’re all here to help YOU.

    As /u/WolfofAnarchy pointed out I never actually talked about the improvements that I’ve seen. So here’s a short list!

    • Huge overall boost in confidence
    • Acne has almost completely cleared up
    • Women have started taking notice to me more and complimenting me
    • I feel much more energetic and willing to perform mundane tasks (just helped a friend move the other day)
    • I haven’t had an urge to PMO since around week 3
    • Not afraid to engage in random conversation with strangers
    • Sleeping habits have completely changed, I actually feel rested when I wake up 🙂

    30 Day Report!


  786. I think my super powers are kicking in

    Lately I didn’t know what it was but it seems like everywhere I go i’m just throwing out vibes and women can hardly resist me. Whenever I go out to bars I am constantly talking to new women and it’s not even difficult for me. My friends have even noticed a difference in me and how i act around women.

    I don’t even consider fapping any more like it’s not even an option at this point. I have finally learned to control my urges.

    I just wanted to share my experience with everyone so far, 50+ days in and i feel great. I don’t look back on my decision to stop fapping one bit and it was one of the best decisions I made. Thanks for reading everyone stay strong!

    I think my super powers are kicking in


  787. Finally! One-month fapfree!

    Finally! One-month fapfree! Let me lay out how I have gotten here, the results, and how I feel about this:

    How I have gotten one month: 0-4 Days: This period, I made real conscious effort not to fap. I lurked here, YBOP and watching the youtube videos from Sacred Sexuality Project regularly. Then I stop abruptly. Like forget everything I’m doing and go for a run. This is the period that the urge to fap for me was the most tangible. I could actually feel the chaser effect. I knew when the urges would come, what the triggers are and why its important not to relapse. Since the urges are most material at this stage, i simply focused on fighting it. Its easy to resist the urges if you know where it lies. Of course, this generated a ton of sexual frustration. Vented by working out, running, push ups etc.

    04-10 Days: At this point, I became more clear mentally, more confident and horny. I naturally became open to talking to people (I am always super shy and self conscious after relapses) and could make eye contact to some extend. However, at this stage the urges become much less tangible and much more subtle. The one week timing has always been my weak spot. You will have no idea when the urges are coming and how they will strike. The key is to completely remove any triggers here. Triggers meaning being alone in your room with you computer or phone and nothing to do for the rest of the fay. I refused to switch on my laptop at home. I stayed at home only to sleep and eat, and went for a run or read whenever I had free time. I also took advantage of my renewed interest in people and hung around them more instead of being alone. I stayed in school until late at night, and read books on my computer.

    11-25ish Days: This was when I became super busy with organising my event. I slept little, ate at odd timings, and worked my ass off. I couldn’t get enough sleep for 2 weeks, and was constantly too tired to think about fapping or anything. I just needed to get things done. I don’t recommend organising an event just for NoFap. But I do recommend finding a passion or a project or ANYTHING to do here. Seriously. The days were tough. But once you found your groove or your objective, you will be so focused on it that you cannot even be bothered by triggers. And then the days just fly by, until…

    25-31 Days (now): Flatline. Am going through it by living away from home (for work), eating a ton of green veggies, accepting wet dreams and drinking a lot of water. But I am surviving. Not striving.

    The results: 1) EYE CONTACT: OMG feels amazballs to look at people in the eye. I don’t feel shit-shy when im with people anymore like a fucken wanker. I can actually look people in the eye and hold a conversation. I’m finally normal.

    2) Wet dreams: Worst side effect of NoFap, and its not so bad. Just throw your underwear with other laundry and act as if nothing happened.

    3) Wit and confidence: accumulated since a year ago when I started NoFap, not at the 31 day mark. My confidence increased with progress on NoFap. I just stopped getting my life handed to me and took charge of it myself, and this made me more confident.

    4) Clarity: Gain mental clarity to some extent, but not drastically. I have a TON of structural and coherence issues in my thought process. I’m not very articulate, and not very clear about many things. People don’t always understand what I say, cos I keep jumping back and forth in my points. Nonetheless, I actually found a voice from the confidence with NoFap. I just need to learn to use it properly.

    5) no more guilt: feels good to have a guilt free life. I did NoFap a little before I quit smoking, and I could finally face my friends and family. I don’t feel the need to watch my words anymore. I don’t feel like avoiding people cos I have something to hide. I can be a lot more open now.

    How I feel now: NoFap is awesome. There are tons of anecdotes and facts on its benefits.that you can find online that represents my opinions on it.

    But the flatline: It sucks. I don’t feel like doing anything. I don’t know why I wake up in the morning. I just want to be alone. I want to take a 100km walk around the perimeter of Singapore for 40 hours all by myself. Feels like I’m in a huge existential crisis. Why am I born with decent wealth, a healthy body and a sound mind? Why don’t others have the same things? Is it really luck? Am I here for some greater? Throughout my entire life, was there something that I missed out? This is what I’m going through at day 31

    Stay strong!

    Day 31 report


  788. Celebrating the first month of my new life, the happiest day in

    Exactly one months ago (31 days, but who is counting 🙂 I discovered about porn addiction and I realized I was an addict. It was May 12th.

    My jaw dropped and I was in shock for an hour when I watched Gary Wilson’s TED TALK Glasgow video, followed by Ran Gavrielli’s TED TALK Jaffa one.

    I watched them and I said to myself:”They are talking to YOU, this is what you are”.

    I took a test I found online to see if you are a porn addict (I cannot even remember how I found it in the Internet) and already half way through I knew the result will look bad. And it did, I got the almost highest score possible.

    So many things I was feeling got a reply that day: my constant sense of being sad deep in my heart, what I always wanted to be alone, why I was rejecting my wife, why I was having problems to concentrate, etc.

    • I started immediately to delete all the porn saved in my computer (years of saving “my favorite” videos.
    • I threw to the trash the old porn DVD’s.
    • I blocked from my phone some contacts that could be tempting during my reboot (mainly escort services).
    • I installed K-9 and became a member of NoFap three days later.
    • And I promised to myself to fight this addiction which was destroying me and my family.

    The first two weeks I felt like s..t

    I felt anxious and depressed, I started crying a couple of times with no reason, I started screaming like crazy in a business meeting, and my balls hurt a lot .

    On my Day 9 I had my first business travel and I was scared to hell. Usually being alone in a hotel room was the perfect time to watch a lot of porn and hire some escort.

    I cannot emphasize enough how much helped the support and advise of many Fap members (I even posted a forum asking if I should allow me to hire an escort in my trip, but still not watch porn, lol).

    The next breakthrough was telling to my wife, and I also had great advise from this site.

    I finally “came out” to her two weeks ago, and our lives changed forever.

    We recover a relation that was lost and broken many years ago.

    She understood and supported me with the most generous heart I can ever find.

    I could speak out and start telling her so many things I could never done before.

    We even watched Ron Gavrielli’s video and could discuss it together, it was great to have “somebody else” explaining how miserable the life of an addict is.

    I feel today so happy and excited like I have not felt in decades.

    The sense of joy and accomplishment is incredible.

    I know there is still a big battle to fight, and that every day I will be tempted to go back to my old habits.
    But now I am confident I can defeat this shit.

    I do not miss one single day to enter NoFap and read some posts, comment on others, and some times post my own ones.

    I just want to thank everybody that helps this site to be such a great tool for recovery


  789. 30 day report – Lots of changes

    30 days in (longest streak by far) and my attitude and day to day mindset has changed drastically. Some benefits I’ve been getting include:

    • Increased eye contact with everyone
    • Holding conversation easier
    • Smarter
    • Skin cleared up a bit (partly due to my diet though too I think)
    • More energy for things that matter (working out/being social/getting work done)
    • More consistently positive (still have good and bad days but overall I am more in touch with my emotions and definitely have a brighter outlook on life then before)

    I used to watch porn almost every day. I’ve determined it is pointless and just a man made thing that fucks our brains up, and am dedicated to go to 90 days and beyond. Before I was kind of depressed and not very social or confident in my social abilities at all. A month ago I got a new job where I get to be more social and made other changes in my life like daily work outs along with nofap and a better living environment and it has been completely worth it. It’s not even only about the girls although I believe just doing NoFap naturally gives you ton of benefits that help get your game on. Honestly the days don’t matter much either because in the first week I felt great and then there are a bunch of ups and downs so my advice is to just focus on improving yourself as much as you can, because if you can cut out PMO with your own solid willpower and dedication imagine what else you know you are capable of to change in your life to get to where you actually want to be, right now? I’m not claiming it’s easy because it is not at all, but I can only speak from my experience and so far it’s worth it, you just have to commit to riding the roller coaster for a bit and find techniques that work for you.

    30 day report – Lots of changes


  790. 45 day report

    Initially, I wasn’t going to do a 45 day report. Yet so many weird things have occurred recently, I decided otherwise. First off, this is longest that I have ever gone without porn or fapping since I discovered both in my teen years. I’m still having hard time wrapping my mind around that.

    I feel great! I feel a lot cleaner both mentally and physically. I feel incredibly strong, and I can’t remember any other time in my life when I’ve felt more in control of myself. That’s a superpower in and of itself right there.

    Since starting this latest challenge, I’ve discovered that I’m not objectifying women as much anymore. Don’t get me wrong, I’ll always be an unshakable admirer of the female form. It’s just that now I’m noticing a whole lot more than just tits and asses. Now I see smiles, their eyes, and I actually hear their words. Just yesterday I saw a somewhat beautiful girl in a rather small bikini top walk into a restaurant I was having lunch at. In the past my eyes would have latched onto that and never looked away. Usually resulting in an epic PMO session later on when I got home. This time however, I just casually looked away. Choosing to look elsewhere rather than focus my gaze on her. In the not so distant past, I wouldn’t made such a choice. The addiction would have taken over immediately and there would have been no choice.

    I can’t lay claim to having any wet dreams as of yet, but my dreams have definitely taken a weird turn. Just last night, I dreamt that I accidently walked into an erotic porn gallery of still photos (very graphic and hardcore stuff) and being very turn off by what I’d seen, bordering on repulsed. I just merely turned around and walked out, simple as that. I’ve had many dreams similar to that in the last 45 days.

    In recent days, I’ve found that I’m walking taller, walking with more confidence and assurance. Conversing with strangers much easier, and feeling a whole lot more calm and comfortable when talking to women.

    Just like everyone else, it was tough in the beginning. Yet I’d have to say that the primary secret to my success so far has been prayer. I truly believe it is God’s desire that I no longer live like this, and so far he has not let me down. He has been my rock and my strength through this whole process!

    Though I’m involved in a 90 day challenge, I’ve got to keep reminding myself that 90 days is not the end of the challenge, it’s just the beginning of a whole new life. The way I feel now, I’m never ever going back to that old life. Yet I’ve got to remain constantly vigilant because I realize addictions don’t completely go away.

    In closing I’d like to thank each and everyone here for your posts and support, this reddit has been a valuable tool in my recovery and I think you all. Onward Brothers!!!

    45 day report

  791. 34 Days of NoFap and some amazing experiences, benefits, etc.

    Whatsup stallions, just wanted to say I achieved a humongous boost in confidence just 5 days in. I’m also less insecure about what others’ perceptions of myself were. My sense of humor is better, which is from the improved self-confidence and a new desire for life, which is a desire to accomplish realistic long-term goals.

    This is the most profound change I have seen in myself. Some benefits I witnessed within a few days to just 2 weeks into NoFap:

    (1) better focus

    (2) more energy

    (3) more confidence

    (4) long term goal clarity

    (5) improvement in social interactions with coworkers. …after 2 weeks: (

    6) erections explosively powerful (I also do yoga, weightlifting and cardio which helps significantly)

    (7) significant awareness of place in life, where I’m at with friends, family, coworkers, etc.

    (8) Much better listener in social situations, better speaker

    (9) More enthusiastic in day to day life

    (10) Not giving a shit (less stressed out, more alpha, sturdy, not getting pushed around)

    Now, number 10 is worded vaguely, so let me elaborate. I am less likely to listen to my inner voice of insecurities and self doubt, an example being “Wait, should I do or say that?” “What if it comes off the wrong way or offends someone?” That’s an example of the inner bitch that gets you shoved around by others like a pinball. Fapping to porn feeds that inner bitch well.

    Anyway, 2 girls asked me out just 2 weeks into NoFap, one from school and one from work. (I’m 22 and work in retail). I went on a date that the girl from work ASKED ME out on, only to realiz that the girl and I were different because of our values. This was the 33rd day. The day after at work expectations didn’t meet reality and I blamed myself a bit for our differences. I relapsed the night of.

    This illuminated some things about myself. I had an inferiority complex of sorts, mainly from the shame of porn watching. I also thought that this NoFap would be more of a straight shot to glory. I am back on day 12 and the girl from work has the hots for me again. However, that is not how I weigh the value of NoFap. I weigh it by changes within myself that allow me to make positive changes to my life, and to seize control. So, the best advice I can give is the following:

    (1) your expectations and reality may not coincide, but improvements in your life will be made. you will probaby not notice all of them… try to.

    (2) Don’t beat yourself up if things don’t SEEM to go your way. treat your perception of the situations you are in with reasonable skepticism.

    (3) This whole thing gives you more opportunities with people and relationships. Take advantage of the newly owned alpha-malehood.

    4) the first girl may or may not work out. That doesn’t mean YOU fucked up. It just means you may not be ready, or you have different morals and values.

    (5) Believe in the long-term value of NoFap, which holds a priceless value.

    That’s about it for now, unless you want me to brag about my gainz. Stay stalwart, men!

    34 Days of NoFap and some amazing experiences, benefits, etc.

  792. A Month in and Feeling Great

    You guys… I’ve finally hit a month! Its been full of ups and downs but i’m so damn happy to say I’ve been able to make it this far, and I definitely got a long ways to go. So here we go:



    1.     My optimism and attitude are sooo much better, i don’t get upset or offended over things that would usually ruin my day. I’m motivated, more driven and just overall in a happier mindstate (aside from the occasional urge).

    2.     Mind fog is essentially gone. I can focus on things significantly better as well as having more definite and creative thoughts. My standup comedy writing has been easier and making video ideas is almost seamless now.

    3.     Physically, I’m stonger than i was before. I have more energy that i use at the gym and am getting muscular growth at a much higher level than before. The PIED I’ve been dealing with for a little over a year now is still present, but is way less severe. Where there wouldn’t even be movement with my gf before, i got to about 70% chub just kissing her goodbye when she was driving home.

    This system works, you guys. I’m nowhere near done, and give all the more respect and pride to those who have recovered and beaten the addiction, and am looking forward to improving every day in order to look back with disbelief at how i used to live. Thank you to the Nation for the vital support, i couldn’t be doing this without y’all. Stay strong and FIGHT ON


    (This is also posted on my journal in the Teen section)

    A Month in and Feeling Great
  793. Day 30- More Energy, Emotions, Deeper Voice, More Social and Sex

    So its day 30 of nofap, and I feel pretty good. So here is what I noticed:

    1) The first 2 weeks were an absolute bitch.I felt super irritated, was thinking about sex, and was basically getting angry about the stupidest shit. Getting in arguments with my mom over nothing, crying and just generally projecting a negative vibe. It wasnt all bad though because I feel like I was dealing with some emotional issues which I put in the backseat of my mind and was using the dopamine high to cover up. Like before I thought it was okay not to express anger and it was better to act chill and deal with that anger on your own. But thats not the case, it is healthy to let it out. Of course you shouldnt be a winy little bitch like I was the first 2 weeks, but at that time I needed to release some emotional energy. Now ive come to realize that the best option is to deal with it in a healthy manner.

    2) More energy. Its still comes in waves where some days I feel unstoppable and get so much productive work done, but some days I get an average amount of stuff done. Still way better than when I was fapping.

    3) Voice is significantly deeper. I recorded a voice memo a month ago regarding some homework assignment, then I recorded another memo and it was fucking crazy. The difference was stark my voice is MUCH deeper, damn I wish I could share the recordings.

    4) More sexual. I had my first wet dream ever (thats crazy in 19 years of life I never had a wet dream before), and also wake up rock hard. I always feel a little inflation in my penis, like its never empty, and I often have a boner for no reason.

    5) Social benefits, without drinking. I realized that drinking actually hurt me with my interactions with women and my social acuity in general. Drinking makes me inhibited and social, but very sloppy. Further, as I get more drunk as the night goes on I just end up feeling depressed. SO I went to a party and was sober for the first 2 hours, then had a few beers after 12. I felt awesome, I was amazingly social, and was just spitballing, talking, life of the party. Just super on point and feeling like I am enough.

    Ill report back when I hit day 60

    Day 30- More Energy, Emotions, Deeper Voice, More Social and Sexual


  794. Day 21, NoFap works.

    Today I hung out with an amazing girl for about 12 hours. We originally were going see a movie but we decided we’d rather just be together. We got food and drank coffee and went to the park to draw things and it was honestly the single best day of my life. I am a more emotional person, I can feel to an extent that I haven’t felt in the past 8 years. When it came time to leave she told me she didn’t want to go home, she just wanted to stay with me.

    So, how has NoFap helped?

    My confidence, I would never have been able to hold a conversation for even 10 minutes but we spent the entire day together and I’ve never had that with a girl. I care about somebody other than myself or my dick.

    Hang in there, Fapstronauts. We’re all on the same journey.

    Day 21, NoFap works.


  795. 30 Day little Report, & Benefits!

    So I made it to 30 days, a big milestone for me personally, but I caved in to porn last night. Ironically I laughed, I realized how absurd porn is. The women are so fake. It’s just such a tedious act and not productive at all at the end of the day. I don’t think I’ll be going back to it in a rush.

    If you’re struggling; you must be patient with yourself, take each day as it comes, when you feel like giving up and if you do… It’s never too late to start again, try and stay positive, don’t make it into a problem. In case you’re wondering I’ll be here for you if you need support. Believe in yourself no matter what you pursue, that’s all that counts bro’s.

    Benefits I Noticed And What You Can Expect. Placebo or Not…

     Increased Confidence: Pure energy, I can feel it. You can feel it. My sense of self and my manhood had become extra sensitive. I felt connected with the world around me more often. I walk with a bit more swag. I think generally that’s from staying clean as well, no guilt whatsoever.

    Decreased Social Anxiety: It’s a given, living without porn…and if you can masturbation will enhance your social skills, trust me, when you go without any compulsive behaviour for a while you will definitely notice subtle shifts in mood and you will gain more courage. At least I did. I passed my driving test, with little anxiety. That’s a big deal for me.

    Attraction: Women will notice you more, you will notice them noticing you. Eye contact feels beautiful and intense….just passing strangers. The amount of people who have smiled at me is ridiculous but feels great.

    Vivid, Sexual, Wet Dreams and Awesome Dreams: This has got to be my favorite I love having wonderful vivid sexual dreams, they happen when I have abstained for a while. It’s just so exhilarating. You wake up feeling refreshing, morning wood, erections are stronger. I had 2 wet dreams in the past month.

    but yeah keep at it it’s definitely worth it. Stay strong bro’s.

    30 Day little Report, & Benefits!


  796. I feel much better, more confident than at start.

    Today I’m passing my 40 day of No Fap, I’m completely free of watching porn and masturbation. I’m in relationship with a beautiful girl from 3 weeks now, and I can tell you that she is a huge motivation for me to don’t think about addiction.

    What has changed?

    I feel much better, more confident than at start. I’m starting to feel like a healthy guy, but further waiting for erection improve. Between days 10-30 there was a lot of morning erections (3-4 days a week).

    Read more on my blog:




  797. Day 40 talking points

    Decieded to just make some lists so as not to forget anything in a long narrative

    What I gave up:

    • PMO (since 13, got very bad 18-20, upwards of 4 times a day)
    • Facebook
    • Cigarettes
    • Alcohol
    • Caffeine
    • Gallons of diet soda
    • Other drugs
    • Staying up late
    • Junk food/cut carbs & salt
    • TV & fewer movies
    • Warcraft III
    • Audiobooks
    • Less time streaming music

    What I took up:

    • Early bed time
    • Shower, brush, floss, mouthwash regularly and on a schedule
    • Walk/jog first thing in the morning
    • Various bodyweight workouts (pushup, squat, pull up/chin up, plank, etc)
    • Staying hydrated throughout day
    • Walking to town
    • High fiber breakfast
    • Grilling
    • Learning a song a day, practicing older ones
    • Reading instead of audiobooks
    • Bought some nice clothes

    What I’ve noticed:

    • Confidence, obviously. Manifests in several ways. Perhaps the most significant change is willingness to play guitar with other people around. Used to be scared to mess up, not so anymore. Pull strings much harder, better rhythm and time. Confident enough to run shirtless, which is a big deal for me. Nipples used to be very puffy, which has lessened. Don’t look like a fitness model yet, but body image has taken a good turn. It’s hot as hell outside anyway, that’s my excuse :p
    • Increased reps, mental toughness. Noticed this almost immediately after stopping bad habbits
    • Lost 5 pounds, seems to have been majority fat
    • Vascular arms
    • Friendly disposition, smile and say ‘hi’ much more. Weight loss has made face look more muscular with slightly hollowed cheeks, dimples when I smile, no puffyness.
    • Girl I’ve liked for years starting to come around, small touches and leaning into me when we sit together
    • Finished two books, which held my interest for hours on end.

    What they’ve noticed:

    Most of what I’ve noticed, but some people have made a point to tell me themselves. For instance, someone I see every year told me I must have grown since last time, I informed her I’ve been the same height for years. She said, “Well, maybe you just look manly now.” Contributing factors might include my lifestyle change, might also be due to age and natural development, nearly 21 now. I was a late bloomer. Never could gain muscle in high school, now it seems easier.

    I really only have one unique insight for those struggling to get past the first hard days. I decided to try nofap again a few days before going on vacation and I left my laptop at home. This allowed me to stay very active on the hard days and separated from the internet, since I was on airplanes and in long car rides with my family.

    I’d also like to echo something someone else said on a previous post. The user said to kill your problems while they’re small. Whatever your triggers are, be it overeating, accidentally seeing a sexy picture, or whatever, remember that cutting your losses is the best way forward. Just because you ate a few extra calories, or saw something you wish you hadn’t doesn’t mean you need to regress to old behaviors. Accept the small step back, forgive yourself and carry on. That’s all I can say for now.

    Day 40 talking points

  798. I feel like a beast thanks to nofap! (Story)

    I have just finished one month of nofap. The support that is on this site is amazing. I feel really great now. Here are some outcomes that I feel came from nofap.

    • Girls are getting more attracted to me

    • I have put on more muscle

    • I have strengthened bonds with my friends

    • My voice has gotten a lot deeper 🙂

    Anyways here is the story:

    During school before I started nofap, I was that semi-rich-kid that always got picked on for being so. I was used to it but there were these three guys that always would try to hurt me in any ways possible that I absolutely hated. They would put mud on my shoes, Try to humiliate me by spreading rumors, etc. I got sick of it so I started nofap because I thought it was a good thing to do for myself but I didnt know how right I was. (You guys read the stuff above) Anyways just this afternoon I ran into those three shitbags at the beach. They started doing their usual shit.. Alright then. But during this moment. I realized how much I changed. I didnt feel like the small kid that got bullied anymore. I felt like a fucking beast. They took swings at me, I took swings at them. It was one on three. Anyways their trip to the beach ended with serious injuries and my trip ended with a less injuries, confidence boost, and a realization of knowing how well I could fight.

    Edit: Im fourteen right now. And my friend actually caught everything on tape. But sorry for the weird writing, Im really excited! Thanks.

    I feel like a beast thanks to nofap! (Story) Not sure if I should post to /r/Prorevenge


  799. As I reach the halfway point I’ve noticed some changes

    I’m trying to make a positive post here, I know it has only been 45 days and I am humble in them. But I also want to make a positive post to help those who are struggling as well as a post that makes me feel good about myself.

    Positive changes

    • deeper voice, when talking on the phone I’m not referred to as “ma’am”
    • more assertive attitude at work (closing sales when normally customers would walk away)
    • less to no headaches
    • back hasn’t hurt as much, nor have my knees
    • I have been driving and cooking better. When I drive I have been more empathetic to others on the road allowing me to deal with road rage
    • I feel like I have more restraint on my actions. When I eat I don’t overdo it. I’ve gone days without coffee, and a week at a time at times. I used to drink half a pot a day.

    As I reach the halfway point of my 90 day reboot (and of course the first 45 days of never using p ever again) I’ve noticed some changes

  800. Thirty-two days. Already noticing some positive changes.

    It has been over a month since I’ve decided to quit porn or masturbation. So far, I have yet to relapse. When I think about that fact, it’s impressive for me. Since I started porn and masturbation, I have only gone one or two times where I abstained from porn or masturbation for over ten days. Now I’ve gone a month without porn and it looks like the hardest part regarding abstinence is over. I still get a lot of porn flashbacks, but I luckily can block them rather easily, especially since I get reminders of “what would that person say if he/she caught you masturbating to him/her” and that masturbating feels like a waste of time for a few minutes of short term pleasure. Plus the pornographic fantasies I once had are well… disturbing and something I am not proud of in the slightest. So how has relinquishing my use of porn and masturbation changed me? Quite a bit I would say.

    • I now know what it is like to be totally dedicated towards accomplishing a goal. It is to put everything into something and to not falter until the end.
    • I am getting myself into reading books more often. I used to love reading as a child. Then when I get older, that love for reading disappeared. Now that I’ve gotten myself back into reading, I fee as I can read for enjoyment again.
    • I am less afraid of putting myself in uncomfortable situations. I would have never done this prior to taking a permanent leave from porn and masturbation. Thankfully, engaging in a habit of cold shower have changed that.
    • I have no desire to watch porn ever again. Think of it like this, would you really want to be seen having sex in front of an audience? Sex is something that I would want to keep private between me and the woman I love.
    • I am a more social person. I still fall in the introvert category, but I do feel as I can carry on a conversation with other people, including my family. So that is a plus.
    • I’ve practically removed swearing from my vocabulary. I used to unconsciously swear a lot but now I don’t feel the need to use offensive words anymore. I don’t really see the point of them.
    • I feel as if I have a purpose now. Before rebooting, I felt as if I was worthless and at times, as if I was only in here to be laughed at by others “superior” humans. Now I feel more optimistic; sometimes I feel as I could change the world if I wanted to.
    • I’ve converted back to Christianity. This is something that I could write a story about by itself. I look forward to seeing how my walk with God will continue to change me in the months and years to come.

    There are likely more I’m not aware of. Of course I still have a lot of improvements that I need to make but I am confident the time will come when I overcome these hurdles. I have a few goals in mind I wish to pursue but I do not intend to announce them now. My plan is to wait until I hit 90-120 days before I declare myself a success story. Hopefully by the time I am around the 60 days mark I will have continued to make great strides.

    Thirty-two days since I have last masturbated. Already noticing some positive changes.

  801. 28 days hard mode – some enormous improvements

    Well, it’s been four weeks since I joined this sub and started NoFap, and I am extremely pleased with my progress. I know these posts are very common, but now that I feel the same sort of excitement I can understand why.

    My goal at the beginning was to lessen my depression primarily, as well as overall self-improvement. I have seen considerable progress, most notably that I have not had a single depressive episode in the past four weeks (a seriously big deal for me). I have been more energetic, more confident, and am sleeping very soundly almost every night. Unexpected side effect: I dream very frequently and easily while sleeping, whereas before I dreamed rarely and uneasily.

    Also, I used to think that the morning wood/etc posts were kind of silly, but now I understand the excitement and happiness that those posters go through. What difficulty I used to have with erections is completely gone, and on the morning of day 26 I woke up with – and I am not joking or exaggerating at all – the most insane erection of my entire life. Not painful or anything, just… absolutely awesome. The processes my body is going through feel like a second puberty, almost – it’s that exciting.

    Thankfully, doing NoFap has actually been pretty easy – I have only had a couple serious urges to relapse, but my stubbornness and resolve is really paying off. Now that I am seeing such wonderful improvements, I have even more reason to never relapse. Ever. I just don’t need it.

    The decision to nofap has been one of the best I have ever made. I know the fight never stops, just as self-improvement is a journey and not a destination. I am just so excited to finally be making serious progress, and the only new change I had to make was to stop masturbating. It sounds ridiculous, like one of those easy-solution-to-everything shams, but in my case it seems to be the real secret to success!

    I am so glad I came across Gary Wilson’s TED talk, and this supportive sub, especially at age 22 when I am in a great space to make improvements. I keep telling myself that this is the perfect time to improve my habits. Since I typically get caught up in regret and feeling like I should have done things long ago, this has become my new inspirational mantra, and it is very powerful for me. This is the perfect time for nofap, the perfect time for self-improvement, etc.

    Keep up the fight, everybody. Stay with it for at least as long as I have. If you are seeing ANY improvements (which I bet you will), then why the hell would you stop? I certainly won’t. The benefits are just too damn awesome.

    28 days hard mode – some enormous improvements

  802. Oldself vs. Newself

    Oldself: No way I am getting up at 5.00 am to go running

    Newself: No way I am staying in bed until 11:00 am without running and seeing sun rise

    Oldself: Fuck it. Gonna fap 3 hours on porn games, anime and fantasy pictures and then watch youtube, browse 9gag all day

    Newself: Fuck it. Gonna study for 3 hours. Then compose some music on PC, write my new story, read a lot, workout, take a walk in nature, take a cold shower and buy some healthy shit.

    Oldself: Fuck the whole world. I hate people. I am going to be forever alone. Nobody likes me. I don’t deserve happiness and joy. I hate myself. I wish I could just die.

    Newself: God I need to imporve my social skill. I feel a lot more confident and my self-esteem raised up. My bad acne is gone. My hair looks good. My muscles started to showing up. The girls are sometimes checking me out. I can talk to everybody without feeling awkward or stressed.

    Oldself: Fuck my dreams. I am not good enought to have them. Gonna play video games all day. Drink Coke and eat some fastfood. Then jerk off and watch some show.

    Newself: Studied? Checked. Read self-improvement article/ book? Checked. Working on my dreams? Checked. Feeling goddamn good? Checked.

    Oldself: Listening to dark, not mood improving, angry, flustrated, pesimistic garbage music

    Newself: Listening to uplifting, mood improving, beast releasing, optimistic, hard work, self-esteemed music

    Oldself vs. Newself

  803. Finally, My 30 Day report!

    Hey guys,I’ve been doing NoFap for a MONTH Now. That’s crazy.I never thought i could make it.But here we are.I’m going to write what I’ve noticed to motivate others,and what has happened to me during this journey.

    -I have gotten myself a girlfriend,and i lost my virginity,wich was btw amazing [Thanks to not fapping 2x a day to porn]

    -My mind is so much clearer,and I just feel a lot more energized.

    -I’m alot more motivated to go to the gym,and to look better in daily life.

    -I’ve SERIOUSLY noticed females looking at me alot recently.This has never happened before,It’s like they know i’m not a creep.

    -I feel a lot more masculine for some reason

    -My confidence has gotten so much better. I’ve always been a bit anti-social but i’ve been pretty good lately.Obviously i’m still a bit shy and everything but not as nearly as much as i was!

    So yeah,People,This shit really works.I’m so glad i did this.

    Next goal,90 days!

    Finally,My 30 Day report!

  804. I’ve found that I’ve gotten more touchy but, not creepy and not

    So, the last night after work me and a co-worker had dinner at this restaurant down from my house. After we were done eating we tipped and were going to the register to pay but, I passed the waitress working another table and just patted her on the upper arm and said thanks. Then I realized, I haven’t touched anyone or rather have been sacred to touch anyone to get their attention in even an innocent way like that. Then I further remembered that I’ve been doing it for about a week and I didn’t even notice. I was at a birthday party about a week ago and I patted a guy (that I barely knew) on the back after he told an extremely funny joke and we were crying laughing and, more examples like that.

    Now, a part ov my brain when remembering this still feels creepered out because, for years now (and, I didn’t realize this until I recently) I was scared that anything other than a Handshake would be taken as sexual. This new mode in my brain seems to be winning because, even though that old fear is there, the “New” me is like, “It wasn’t sexual, it was normal stop worrying”

    What the fuck is going on? What’s your guy’s take on this? 

    I’ve found that I’ve gotten more touchy but, not creepy and not sexual.

  805. Brain fog is 85-90% gone – other benefits


    I am 21 male from a climatically hot country. I have been masturbating
    for most of my life. I don’t remember when did I learn & how did I
    learn to pleasure myself, but I have been pleasuring myself as long as I
    can remember. I came to know about fapping at 11. Anyways, fapping
    ruined me in ways I can’t even comprehend even now.

    In school, I was the topper in every grade. In college it became very
    hard for me to achieve things that I could do easily before. This is
    when the side effects of masturbating started to appear. At times I got
    the feeling that my over masturbation (to fantasies and/or to porn) were
    the root cause of my hardships in daily tasks. However whenever I
    searched for the answers, 95% of the posts used to say “Masturbation is
    health & there is no such thing as over masturbation”. Such posts
    encouraged me to keep going on this path. Long story short, the effects
    became worst with time. I started losing concentration, forgetting
    words, forgetting names, couldn’t differentiate between faces etc. Some
    of these symptoms still exist in me & still make my brain to
    question “is NoFap really working? or is it just a placebo?”. However I
    am trying to persist on noFap path longer to see what lies ahead.

    Life Style:
    I don’t workout much. I do go out for long walks for 5 or 6 times a
    week. I don’t eat junk food but I do eat home made greasy food (I know I
    need to change this habit.). I used to drink soda alot & by alot I
    mean 1.5 liter soda bottle at one time! Now I don’t drink it much. I
    have a sweet tooth but I am trying to control my sugary desires 🙂 &
    I have been very successful in this area!

    NoFap Experience:
    I started noFap on 1 Sept this year. It was a bumpy journey. At times I
    got really scared & had panic attacks as a reaction to what my body
    was undergoing for the very first time in my life. At those times, I
    thought to quit noFap but something made me keep going & after 31
    days I am here to share my experiences.

    • Brain fog is 85-90% gone
    • Memory has gotten 25-30% better then before. (NEED MORE!!! I
      want it to improve by at least 80% as soon as possible & I am
      looking for ways to do it. Feel free to share your methods 🙂 )
    • Fatigue & exhaustion has reduced by 50%.
    • Mood swings are mostly gone
    • Social anxiety has reduced alot!
    • Confidence increased by 20% (NEED MORE!!!)
    • Concentration improved by 50%
    • It’s easier to control myself from sexual stuff.
    • May be there are other things running in the background that I haven’t noticed yet.

    If you have given yourself, your body, your mind, your LIFE to
    masturbation for this long. Try to give a fraction (a month or 2) of
    your LIFE to no fap. IF it doesn’t work for you, you are free to go back
    to the way you were before.

    If my experience works out for anyone here, the objective of this post will be achieved!

    31 days report – Patience is the key!

  806. 30 Days Makes a Difference.

     30 plus day ago I was In total denial of ANY type of addiction… since
    being here I’ve educated myself, know more about my body and mind.

    30 Days of abstaining from PMO has been life changing for me… I have
    no plans to revert back to a life wallowing in my own sweat in a dark
    room cracking off to a glowing screen. I’m worth more than that.

    The benefits I’ve personally experienced are:

    More energy and focus.
    I seem to be presenting myself in public better, I feel clean around women. I’m more talkative in social situations.
    I take a lot more pride in keeping my home cleaner.
    Being online on social media I care less about now. In fact I’ve removed Messenger and FB from my Cell.
    I feel my will power and inner strength is good at the moment.

    Reading and contributing and helping others “see the light” here has
    been the most rewarding thing I’ve done all year. I plan for it to
    continue for as long as I feel I need to be here to better my life.

    I’m currently not in a Sexual relationship and have no plans to be while
    my brain is still re-wiring, so continued abstinence will be a real
    challenge for me.

    30 Days Makes a Difference.



  807. Did I become an extrovert?

    There was an ice cream social for a fraternity I was planning to join and the moment I got there until I left, I went around asking for people’s names, what they’re studying and how they’re involved.

    I don’t know what happened but I felt absolutely no fear when I was there, I approached groups of people talking and I introduced myself and asked for all of their names, I was able to maintain eye contact and keep conversation flowing the whole time. There was never a moment of awkward silence in the two hours that I was there.

    Just to compare, a year ago, I couldn’t even maintain eye contact with the person I was talking to, I would start to blush and scratch my nose and look to the side and wish that they would stop talking. No…a year ago, I wouldn’t have went, I would’ve made an excuse to myself like “I need to study” or something stupid.

    Did I become an extrovert?

  808. 6 weeks nofap, how my life changed so far

    I’ve been trying nofap for years and never managed more than 1 week until a few months ago where I did for the first time almost 1 month. After that it changed to fap once a day maximum.

    Beginning of September i decided to just go for it for sure because the semester would begin and i would meet a lot of people and i would need help from nofap.

    Boy was i right, in a matter of weeks i met dozens of people, mostly girls, and every week it gets better. My social life has never been like this, every semester i would meet the same amount of people that i’m meeting every week.

    I can go out alone and i find friends. People actually come to greet me and invite me to stuff. Girls act totally different towards me too.

    I’m going through a huge flatline and having wet dreams every week but i’m loving every moment of it. Can’t wait for the flatline to end and to end the other half of the challenge!

    6 weeks nofap, how my life changed so far

  809. 30 days complete!

    This is by far the longest streak I have been on. I don’t normally post but I figured this was a special occasion. Some things I have noticed are:

    • -Little to no brain fog
    • -Much increased confidence
    • -Make more connections with females
    • -No longer do things just to get people to like me, I act more myself and care less if certain people don’t like me
    • -I worked out a lot before this streak so that hasn’t changed (More motivated recently though)
    • -I smoke weed less often (I feel out of touch and feel like I don’t hold good conversations while high)
    • -More social, I start conversations with other people instead of waiting for people to talk to me.

    These are just some small changes I have noticed.

    30 days complete!

  810. NoFap, made me realize what true beauty is.

    Call me a faggot if you will, but I think that NoFap gave me a different perspective on what beauty is. I no longer think about a beautiful woman by thinking about her ass or her boobs. I look at her personality and face(yeah, sorry I’m still superficial), when I look at a girl I find attractive, I look at her not for lust or what she looks like when she’s naked but I imagine a scenario filled with happiness and love like walking in a beach with our hands embraced to one another, I’d trade an hour of temporary feelings in bed with her for a thousand days of happiness with her. Just one of the small things, that makes you realize when you start NoFap, it’s a great feeling. I’d tell you when you start NoFap, you wouldn’t think about girls the same way ever again.

    NoFap, made me realize what true beauty is.

  811. 30 Days! Benefits and Tips for Everybody

    First, I want to thank everybody here for their support. You guys kept me going, and I wish all of you will keep going as well. While I’m proud of how far I’ve come, I know this is only the beginning, not the end. I guess I’ll start with tips that helped me.

    •Make your addiction real: It took me 2 years (I’m 16 btw) to finally admit I had a problem. Once I found NoFap, I knew that I had to change something. In addition to the day counter, I have a piece of paper with tally marks for the number of days I’ve done. It’s right next to my bed, so I’m always reminded of how far I’ve come, and the work left to do.

    •Find support: No, you don’t have to tell your mom, but somebody should know. For me, all of you guys were my support and I thank you all again for that. Also, there’s a NoFap kik group chat I’m in, where people from everywhere (Holland, U.S., Canada, Mexico) talk about what we’re going through, and help each other. If you wanna join, send me a pm.

    •One day at a time: This I think is the most important thing. There’s a reason why people over 100, 200, even 500+ days relapse. While it’s great to have a long term goal, your mindset has to be “I won’t fap today.” The days add up quickly with this mindset. Finding a hobby that’s keep you busy and improves you is important too. Now on to the benefits!

    •Increased Confidence: The best trait by far! I feel as if I can do anything, and my motivation is at an all time high. I’m a lot less anxious about stuff, because I feel as if anything is possible. There’s so many things out there in the world; don’t waste your life fapping to pixels.

    • Better with girls: I know a lot of guys are here of this reason! It’s hard to explain, but I think it has to do with increased pheromones and high confidence. If you don’t know what pheromones are, there’s a lot of great articles on them, just google it. I definitely notice girls taking looks at me, even those I thought were out of my league. This doesn’t occur overnight, but girls definitely notice you’re different than the 95% of guys who do fap.

    Thanks for having the patience to read this! Keep going fellow fapstronauts!

    30 Days! Benefits and Tips for Everybody

  812. My 30 day report!

    o I made it to 30 days yesterday (1st try!) and I thought I’d write a report for you guys, this will probably help me think about and realise what’s changed in the last 30 days too! I am using a throwaway because some friends know me on here and I just want to be 100% personal and open.

    One of my friends introduced me to reddit a couple of months ago and I’ve been hooked ever since. I stumbled across NoFap a month ago and the topic immediately got my attention – I sort of always knew I PMO’d too much but I had never seriously thought about and considered the effects it could have had on my life. I am really glad I found this subreddit and all the information scattered around here.

    I have to admit, at first a lot of it did seem almost a little religious to me, the insanely positive success stories, the motivational posts, all the people that seemingly totally turned their life around with NoFap. But at the same time it got me really really curious, so I immediately decided to give it a try.

    30 days later there’s something I keep thinking to myself: God, I was a perv! 😀 Yeah I fapped a lot, at least once a day, on weekends usually more. Once I started earning proper money I started spending money on PMO, so yeah, you can see what I’m getting at, binge binge binge.

    I should mention that I have some really close friends I can talk to this about regularly, some of them have decided to give it a try too, obviously this makes it a lot easier and more motivating.

    The first week was really easy and exciting. One thing that I noticed immediately was that I seemed to have much more time to do stuff in the evening. Now this sounds a bit like I used to fap the whole evening, but I actually only really fapped just before going to bed – so it’s not like NoFap really gave me a lot more time, but my mind just seemed freer. I actually got a little bored sometimes, it was weird, but good. I was able to occupy my mind with different stuff. I started going to the gym more regularly. I started jogging.

    The second and third week had more noticeable psychological effects. I did start feeling a little more confident, less worried about what other people might think, more focused. I might mention that I was never really socially awkward, I reckon I’ve always been OK with social interactions and would even call myself outgoing, but I definitely felt a difference nonetheless. The thing I noticed the most was how horny I got sometimes – not like the sitting at home wanting to PMO horny, but more like “damn I really want to get with that girl” kind of horny when I saw attractive women. These were pretty strong urges sometimes, I began developing more courage to look girls in the eyes and was starting to think about how to approach them. I have only approached a random girl once since NoFap, she blew me off in a friendly way, and I really didn’t care. Actually I was thrilled and excited about it!

    The hornyness has cooled down. I still feel like approaching women, but it’s not such a high priority for me anymore. The other positive effects have pretty much persisted and are still improving. Here’s a couple more things that have changed for me looking back at the 30 days:

    • I find much more pleasure in tidiness. Cleaning stuff. Anyone who knows me would tell you I’m a pretty messy guy, so this is a change.
    • I’ve actually started making my bed in the morning, lol. I never gave 0 fucks about this, now for some reason it gives me some kind of satisfaction.
    • I feel like I have a much better posture, when I walk or when I sit. I generally feel more aware of my body. This probably also has a lot to do with the fact that I now go to the gym a lot more regularly than I used to.
    • I spend more time looking after myself, like shaving more regularly, brushing my teeth better, keeping my room clean, etc.
    • Generally I feel a lot more like going out and doing stuff instead of sitting at home in front of my computer gaming.
    • I just feel good about myself, man. I’m happy. Things don’t get to me as much.

    So, concluding. I’m not sure if a lot of this is just placebo, but honestly I don’t care. NoFap has definitely changed a lot for me in the last 30 days and the changes are 100% for the better. Nothing religious, nothing cult-like, no magic, it just feels really good. Plain simple.

    Not sure where I’m heading, I’m just going to keep going! Because I honestly do not feel like fapping at. all.


    My 30 day report!


  813. A full month, my experience so far.

    Hello NoFap. As you can see, I recently began this little NoFap journey for the first time and thought I’d share what it’s been like for me, in the interest of both aspiring fapstronauts and those already undertaking this ‘journey’. A few points:

    1. Assertiveness/Confidence. I’ve found out that my PMO’ing every day in the past brought on a vicious cycle. The artificial, fleeting sense of pleasure PMO gives, for me always leading to a feeling of inferiority. Not being a real man. Just a wanker. It was never something I was consciously aware of. It took NoFap to really diagnose how bad things have gotten. Since I’ve abstained, social contact with both genders has become a lot more natural/fluent. I can look anyone in the eye now without blinking, be more persuasive, funny. You name it.
    2. Success with women. This probably stems from point 1 for a large part, but there’s been a certain ‘x-factor’ at play here as well. The stares, the smiles. It’s actually fantastic. Last party I attended I had 2 different girls vying for my attention…one of which I ended up going out with. A couple of weeks ago I’d have thought she was way out of my league. Now it seemed only natural.
    3. REAL emotions. I don’t feel like I’m watching my own life through a monitor anymore, like a silent observant to a film that’s already predetermined. I’m the actor now, -I- make the big decisions..and I suffer the consequences- positive or negative- of my actions. No more emotional ‘flatline’, but real highs and real lows.
    4. Willpower. At the start of NoFap I needed this Subreddit to keep me motivated. In fact I needed to look at it numerous times a day to resist that creeping urge . But believe me, the rewards of NoFap, even just a month in, are far greater than the hollow instant gratification of PMO. Don’t become that guy again. I promise you, I won’t.

    A full month, my experience so far.

  814. 30 Day Post- Great Results

    Well guys, I made it. 30 Days. I have to say a few things, first of all how I got to where I am, and also the benefits.

    I tried so many times to get to my highest streak, never reaching past 3-4 days, but then I tried harder. I eventually got to 10 days, but then fucked up and went on a binge being a novice. I tried again and made it to 8 days, which felt awesome, but then I edged and messed up. At that point I was really determined, so instead of just abstaining from fapping, I made other changes too. First I started walking early in the morning for a long time, then I would run in the afternoon. Then I changed my diet and got rid of all processed foods, and then I started getting to bed on time. I started to take really good care of my teeth and bought a good pair of running shoes and got really serious about excising. It was pretty hard at first because I constantly felt drained from wanking but it didn’t take long until I could run 3-4 miles a day without a problem. And this is coming from a guy who never played sports in high school. After that I got rid of all forms of social media like Facebook, Instagram, Snap Chat, etc. so I would stop looking at women that I WISHED I could spend time with but when it came down to it I would just get nervous and bailout.

    My first two weeks (14 days) were the hardest. I suffer from depression, anxiety, and OCD (More specifically HOCD). These were my driving forces to get me into No Fap and start adopting a new lifestyle. I don’t think that it would’ve been possible for me to get through this period without running everyday and eating healthy (Just me personally. I feel like this is very important for everyone though.) My stress levels were constantly off the charts and I was afraid of practically everything and everyone which made literally no sense to me. I am a good man but I found myself afraid and hateful towards everyone in my mind. After I made it to 20 days I felt like I had a lot more confidence. The first two weeks felt very long and difficult but after that time just started to fly and I wasn’t thinking about it too much. I enjoys photography as a hobby and it kept me very occupied during this time.

    On to benefits; First of all, what I’ve noticed is that I have practically no problem being around women anymore. I look forward to it everyday. I’m a good looking guy, but it just goes to show no matter how you look, if you aren’t confident and healthy on the inside, you won’t go anywhere.

    I’m a really lonely guy and it’s my first year of college. All of my friends are gone in different schools and it has been a difficult adjustment not knowing anyone. I’m a shy person but actually quite personable. With No Fap, I found myself out and about again among people and didn’t really think about anything going on anymore. What I mean is that previously my mind used to be EXTREMELY cautious and nervous around other people and in practically any situation I was in. I was always trying to read people’s minds and predict to see if a catastrophe would happen at any given moment (OCD.) Now it is not nearly as bad, even manageable.

    I think the most important thing for people to realize is that doing No Fap is merely one tool in your arsenal to gaining better health. I feel personally that it is really the most important tool though, more like a necessity. The other things like eating a good diet, exercising, and getting good sleep are all a huge part of the puzzle. My advice for people is really just to TAKE YOUR TIME and be willing to MAKE MISTAKES. This doesn’t mean that you purposefully fuck up, and you have to try your hardest, but don’t try so hard that it stresses you out. I think that I was waaaay too specific with my diet and I was trying desperately to find the perfect thing that would make me feel good. But in reality I didn’t realize how simple it was to follow these guidelines, just not easy. Once you get the hang of it it really just feels natural and you don’t have to worry. But please just go easy at first. Don’t stress yourself with having to do all this at once because it can be really overwhelming. It is a PROCESS and you will survive, but just realize that earning success means you are willing to go the road less traveled. And it makes all the difference..

    30 Day Post- Great Results

  815. No fap is the best thing that’s happened to me

    I know I don’t have a badge counter but I know I’m currently on day 39. Anyway, everyone has a different reason for nap-some similar- but different in their own minds and own ways. Myself, there was many reasons.

    1. I realized no fap turned me into a huge a hole to my ex-gf and honestly I probably let one of the greatest trustworthy girls go which still haunts me today
    2. I always felt so shitty- mentally and physically. I felt so tired and sluggish. I felt depressed for so long and like the world sucked.
    3. I couldn’t even talk to people, women or men, without feeling so self conscious. This stopped me from doing so many things
    4. It stopped me from doing things that I love- in the gym I had no drive or focus. And with running I had no stamina
    5. My grades, which are really important to me cause I like school and learning, we’re suffering because I couldn’t concentrate.
    6. Lastly I wanted to stop feeling like a creep, always feeling so guilty. I’m not saying you’re a creep if you do fap, that’s just how it made me feel.

    So even though I’m not where I want to be yet, I have to say I’m feeling more amazing than ever. I swear I feel like I’ve been given a second chance at life. All of those problems have almost completely subsided. I feel so free and empowered. I didn’t write this just to tell about myself, I really really hope this motivates those who might relapse and tell you that you will get where you want to be. It took time, and a lot of depressed days and what not, but I’m making it. I’m so fuckin happy everyone should feel like this again. No more wasting time we were given. All I can is the only way to know the feeling is to get there for yourself

    No fap is the best thing that’s happened to me

  816. Superpowers or not, I’m smiling more…

    I’m about to hit four weeks and I’ve noticed the best change yet: I’m smiling more. I’ve been doing ultra hard mode, cutting out all sexual activity, and all unhealthy forms of dopamine release including alcohol, sugar, etc etc. I’m in a deep flatline, but I’m finding that I am genuinely much happier than usual. I appreciate the small things so much more. I’m in a better mood when I wake up, while I’m at work, and throughout the day. I’m eager to do things I never had a taste for before, like going for a stroll in the park with friends. I’ve become more social and I joke around much more with the people around me (I used to be really serious). In summary, I’m enjoying life.

    Whether superpowers exist or not is entirely irrelevant. If not fapping makes me smile more hours in the day, that’s enough to make it worth it.

    Superpowers or not, I’m smiling more…

  817. I no longer see every good looking girl as a possible fuck.

    a porn conditioned heart doesn’t feel, it does not love, it only desires…

    It seeks flesh when we are made to seek a corresponding soul.

    One of the biggest things I’ve learned over the last 8 or so months doing nofap is that I no longer see every good looking girl as a possible fuck. I was obsessed with getting laid. A night out sucked if I didn’t get my dick sucked. Nofap has helped me enjoy the little things. Family being a big part of it. Also I see that many people I considered my “friends” turned out to just be drinking buddies and such.

    I want so badly to be how I sed to be. A hopeless romantic looking for that one person to make me feel something no-one else has been able to do so far. It requires patience. A porn conditioned heart lacks patience, to a destructive level.

    It’s different for everyone, this change. But i think i am reversing to my natural self. Slowly but surely. And I have this sub and you guys to thank for that.

    Stay strong

    a porn conditioned heart…

  818. Unexpected benefit

    My 6 year old daughter actually listens to me and does what she’s told the first time. This is in clear contrast to before nofap. Definitely making me a better father. It was a a benefit I was not expecting but was quite apparent.

    Unexpected benefit

  819. 1 month report

    So it’s been 1 month since I started this. It’s been a good 30 days.

    I’ve had social anxiety in the past and I realized that after PMO, it would just make it infinitely worse. I’ve definitely noticed quite a decrease in my social anxiety since starting nofap. I’m more relaxed around others and actually contribute more in conversations. It’s really nice to feel normal again. I feel like I’m my old self when I was a kid which I haven’t felt like in many years. With my social anxiety, in the past, I’ve tried doing things like smiling at others while going for walks/runs and it has definitely helped. Over these past 30 days, I’ve noticed that my smile just comes even more naturally now. I feel more connected to others. I don’t feel as creepy as I used to when I look at someone so my eye contact has gotten a lot better.

    I would just feel really irritable after PMO. I never used to grow a beard because of how irritable it used to make me and now I realize there is some type of connection between pmo and irritableness/sensitivity (at least for me this is one of the ways that it would manifest). Recently, I let my beard grow for a few days and it didn’t bother me at all. After pmo’ing, I would always feel like absolute garbage the next morning. I would sleep more after pmo, but I’d just feel like crap for a few days after. I was always a morning person when I grew up and recently I have been reverting back to this. I’ve been going for runs for the past year, but in the last few weeks with the seasons changing, it has been pretty dark when I go for my early runs. It was so dark outside and I could see the stars and it just felt like I was in another world. It was really cool. Sorry, I’ve always really liked looking up at the stars. haha.

    What else has changed? I’m much more productive, but part of that has to do with just not wasting hours with pmo. However, I can feel the change inside of me. I am just so much more focused. I have that fire inside of me that pushes me to get work done instead of putting things off. I actually used google calendar and even synced it with my phone. It has helped keep me on track because I had a pretty busy november with school.

    There has been one other benefit that I contribute to nofap. My typing speed is so fast right now. I practice typing at (free) and I can’t believe how fast I type now. My fingers never moved this fast before nofap. I feel like my spatial awareness is better from nofap. I’m not sure if that makes sense, but my muscle memory just seems to be a lot better.

    How this website has helped me: I just wanted to thank all of you that contribute your posts to this website. It really does help being able to read and talk about pmo with others, both successes and relapses.

    There are a few things on this website that has really helped me. One of them is really funny. It has to do with this post:

    ‘who the fuck you think I is? ill fuckin go brazilian Jiu jitsu on ur ass if u ask again. i dont touch my dick bitch’ – yes, this post has helped me. Sometimes when I think about pmo, this post pops up in my head and i just want to laugh. It is so ridiculous and it actually works for me.

    More seriously, this has to be one of the best posts I have ever read. I highly recommend reading it if you haven’t yet. ‘The Top 3 Fatal Mistakes Rebooters Make’:

    There was one other post that I read from yourbrainonporn: ”Guess what else dopamine desensitivity does? According to YourBrainOnPorn, dopamine desensitivity fucks you up in the following ways: Fucked libido More anxiety Less risk-taking Inability to concentrate Lack of motivation Apathy, procrastination Depression”

    I’m not obsessed with all of this dopamine talk, but when I read that it described me perfectly and it just provided further motivation for me to stop.

    PMO has made me a shell of my old self for years, but I’m fighting back now and taking it one day at a time.

    For those just starting, fight to get your life back. It is worth it. I never want to look back.

    edit: A few other things that have helped me:

    Eckhart Tolle’s the Power of Now is a very good book to read. a few eckhart tolle videos:

    -on enlightenment:

    -how to break the habit of excessive thinking:

    -how to inhabit your body in a stressful environment:

    Eckhart tolle quote: “The mind is a superb instrument if used rightly. Used wrongly, however, it becomes very destructive. To put it more accurately, it is not so much that you use your mind wrongly — you usually don’t use it at all. It uses you. This is the disease. You believe that you are your mind. This is the delusion. The instrument has taken you over.” <— This is how I feel about PMO.

    Sri Bhagavan: On accepting yourself

    1 month report

  820. Only hardcore porn aroused me only. And delayed ejaculation

    I’m on day 30 and I am experiencing some interesting changes.

    You guys all talk about gaining “superpowers” such as social confidence, surroundings awareness, increased attention from people towards you etc. So far, I have experienced none of these. The reason I began NoFap was because of a high libido (P on the more hardcore side aroused me only, and I hated this) and delayed ejaculation for when I lost my virginity. I’ve never been a social recluse like many of ye seem to describe yourselves as, which may be why I experience no “superpowers”. I’ve always had a large circle of friends and some (not much, but some) attention from girls.

    My interesting change is my libido. 30 days in and it has changed massively. Simply looking at the thumbnails for posts on a subreddit, which I won’t post the name to for relapse reasons, is getting me aroused intensely and it’s fantastic to be experiencing this. I hope the next 60 days fully completes my reboot, I may need longer, but I’ll see.

    Other changes: no flatline (yet), tall and proud morning wood (been years since I’ve experienced this), complete lack of interest in the more hardcore P (disgusts me to think about it now).

    If any of ye are coming from a similar background as me, it’s working for me so I advise you begin as soon as you can.

    An interesting update from somebody who came here for different reasons (Day 30)

  821. Just a regular Holy Shit post about the effect of NoFap

    I’ve never heard of no fap until a month ago, I consciously knew most of the effects masturbating and porn had over me and I got sick and tired of it and quit it, a few days later I started really researching and #1 result was nofap and a truly detailed research where I found alot of my symptoms. It’s been a month now and I just feel more alive, I don’t feel down and shitty, I don’t get any anixiety at ALL, I’ve never been a person to get anxious or depressed or anything, but I just started truly transitioning from a teenager into a true adult and taking care of my own stuff and basically living on my own, and the whole transition kind of got me in a shock because of the sudden change. Back to nofap, I just truly feel alive again, I don’t get mood swings, no shitty days, I got so much energy and focus, I put it into my guitar, and reading, and studying and going out, it’s a life changer. Deleted anything that is fappable on my PC except for some nudes from chicks but those are just trophies I guess (douchebag :D). I’m spreading the word and wanna thank you guys, every now and then I get the urge to masturbate like it’s a magic batch to cure an illness inside of me haha but the amount of stuff I get outbalances the fap itself but alot. I’m also posting this as a means of a written promise to people I don’t know on the internet so whenever I feel like slipping up and the pros of no fap don’t quite work for me I’ll have this. 😀 No Fap all the way gents. The dicks is supposed to be stuck inside a pussy not in your hand. Peace.

    Just a regular Holy Shit post about the effect of NoFap

  822. 30 Day Report _ Undoubtedly the best month of my life.

    I have survived over a month without fapping. This is the first time I have done so since I started. It was (i must not lie), really fucking difficult at times. But it was worth it.

    In the first week, I edged several times. This was, in retrospect, the result of me trying to rationalize and feed my urges. During the second week, the edging stopped, and by day 14 I had the first wet dream of my life. The following week, I succumbed slightly at various moments and may have been tempted by an occasional picture online. Nevertheless, I stayed true to my cause, and the urges went away. Three days ago I had another wet dream, the second of my life.

    Now I’m experiencing a chaser effect…. and it’s a real motherfucker. But i don’t want to lose my streak. Not now, not ever. Part of my reasons for writing this report is to get my head back in the game.

    It has been, undoubtedly, the best month of my life. Above all other conceivable benefits, the most obvious and the most wonderful has been my increased ability to love people more. Whether it be my friends, family, or complete strangers, I have increasingly discovered how amazing and beautiful people are.

    By abstaining from masturbation and pornography, I have discovered an ability to look at people as creatures of value and beauty. The less I objectify, the less I think about boobs, butts, and vaginas, the more I think about honest relationships, virtue, character, and all that jazz.

    At this point, I want to thank the NoFap community with particular gratitude. At some moments along the way, it was this website that saved me from PMO. I’ve been fighting this addiction for nearly 10 years now, and this was the first time I feel like a human worthy of respect and love.

    I hope to give another report in 60 days. It’s not going to be an easy fight, but I know it’s going to be worth it.

    Good luck my friends!

    30 Day Report _ Undoubtedly the best month of my life.


  823. 27 days in, I never knew how much porn had shaped my brain

    I started watching porn when I was 14 (now 22). Since then I have masturbated to it nearly every single day, with the exceptions of two breaks. One a couple years ago lasting for three months because I was part of a religious group and felt obligated to. The second time was last October when I went ten days without it and didn’t even notice because I was just so busy with school and work, and upon realizing this I thought, “Well, I may as well see how long I can make this last” just trying to preserve a streak.

    It lasted 34 days, relapsed, and went right back to my daily routine. Until January 25th. That day I realized something. I realized that I couldn’t look at a female without wondering what it would be like to have sex with her. It was automatic, every first glance at a girl as I walked across campus. I finally realized realized that this objectification was due to years of porn addiction. And that bothered me. I felt that it was tough for me to form even friendships with girls, because I would feel guilty about the way I view them.

    So that day I decided to stop the cycle. I wanted to view women as people, not means to my own ends, but ends themselves. I tried for a while to make this journey on my own, but then I discovered NoFap. I’m excited to be a part of this community, and have already impacted by it. One post suggested starting other habits to occupy time at home alone that usually serves as a trigger, so I have started learning to play the keyboard since my roommate has one, and it has helped tremendously. I have also seen my self-confidence improve somewhat just in a short time.

    The ups and downs have definitely been coming, and last night and this morning I felt really down, so I decided to make this post hoping to lift my spirits, and it has. This has turned into more of a story than anything, but thanks for letting me share, and good luck to everyone else on this journey of rebooting!

    27 days in, I never knew how much porn had shaped my brain

  824. What 7 days of NoFap did to me

    I do love to get straight into the talk. I am a 24 yo male with a well paid/sensitive job. I have achieved so many goad academically, professionally and socially too. I never felt that achievement nor being confident about the way things are going. I have suffered from an excessive hair loss. With an extreme sensitive personality and I end up being alone in my cave relieving the stress, and have a guess how’s that !! Too oily skin and hair. Red patches on the face if am not using that regular face wash (in fact I had a severe acne during my teenage years. Always worried, always attached to the girl I like in a way that made me look so needy and out of that, terrible relationship. I always struggled having a decent talk to strangers, ending up saying unnecessary or stupid comments due to my lack of confidence.

    7 days of NoFap and I can tell how important is this therapy. Yes I call it a therapy to reset your both physiological and psychological system.

    the same improvement to do with socialising and having a clear mind that happened with other fellows, random smart and funny comments are normal to me. Quick answers and the more important change is, I became too flexible and I can tell when I see the surprised faces.

    Hair shedding stopped, straight hair and I never had it, clear skin, whiter eyes and generally drier and fresher body.

    After all, it might be a bit exaggerated to some people who started to have these changes in much longer time than me. I am being honest with you and myself. Thanks to whoever gave me the hope to have a new start in my life here. I wish all of u a successful journey with this nasty addiction.

    *major changes in my sexual life, my apologies to keep them personal. All I can say, TOTALLY WORTH IT

    What 7 days of NoFap did to me

  825. I had the fear of becoming transgender.

    I have OCD and after years of watching trans/sissy stuff, reading it, chatrooms etc I had the fear of becoming transgender. I always wanted to quit it but now finally this was the time. I’m 28 days out and have rarely had a genderbender thought go through my brain I’m more fantasizing about being with girls again which is fantastic! I’m also growing more facial hair than I used too. I just wanted to say thanks everyone so much for the support of your posts and being on here. I’m 28 days strong and looking to be strong and continue to abstain and hopefully find a lady soon.

    Not SuperPowers Yet but definite improvements after 28 days.

  826. Coming Out of my Porn Coma (60 day report)

    So today I’m 60 days PMO free. It should be a happy day, but I’ve been feeling anything but happy lately. I wish this could be an encouraging post but lately all I’ve been feeling is uncomfortable. I didn’t know there was a phase between your detox period and being ‘recovered’. I know everyone’s recovery takes different forms, but I was unprepared for this EMPTY phase.

    I’ve been keeping a paper journal that I write in while I’m a work. One day last week I was feeling pretty crappy so I poured out all my raw feelings onto paper. Here’s a sample: “I still feel hollow and empty. I feel like I’ve been dumped into a crucible and more and more of me is being burned away. And what will be left? Will anything be left? Taking away the porn is like taking away 99% of who I was. Is what is left a seed or just ashes.”

    Later that day I saw a guy post on Reddit about this Empty Phase. He sent me a link that explained how long time addicts are so used to the highs and lows in emotions that when the porn is taken away they feel a hole of emotion inside themselves. This calm, neutral feeling can feel extremely uncomfortable because it is so foreign to them. Addicts shift their emotions when they feel uncomfortable using porn. Without porn, people with addictive personalities feel like this blandness is like removing their soul.

    So again, this NoFap community helped me feel that I’m not alone when I feel like this. I feel like a person in the middle of a wasteland and someone said Happiness is in that direction, good luck finding it. I can’t see the starting point but I can’t see the finish line either. I have to trust that Happiness lies in the direction I’m going. And it felt good to have a fellow traveler say that it’s ok to feel a little empty in this part of your journey.

    This phase that I’m in is characterized by getting used to having a quiet mind. It wants excitement. It wants to act out. It wants something that’s missing. My quiet mind still craves the excitement PMO brought me. I explained to my wife that this uncomfortable feeling is like wearing someone else’s clothes. I’m learning to think differently. I’m learning to feel things… or to avoid indulging in feeling negative things. I’m learning to cope with stress in different ways. I’m trying to distract myself when I feel the urges/desires/impulses calling to me in my times of boredom. All these changes are monumental and fundamental to my personality. All this change is uncomfortable and I feel fake because it doesn’t feel natural yet. In many ways I feel more fake now than I did 30 days ago.

    But even though I don’t FEEL like I’m making progress, mentally I know that I am. I feel my willpower getting stronger. I fight off the whispers in my brain much easier. I trust myself more. I’m not as afraid of a relapse. I did have a moment a few weeks ago at the grocery story when I went by the magazine aisle. I came across the Women’s Health magazines and I noticed some of women on the covers. My wife said that I froze while looking at it. I could have sworn I kept moving. It showed me that those images still have a hold on me, but it also showed just how much I’m starving this addiction.

    The biggest area of improvement has been in my marriage. I am learning to be a good husband. My wife once said I was a good father to our children, but I was a lousy husband. It was true. So now I’m learning to be less selfish and more interactive. I’m learning to use words in addition to my actions so that she understands the new motives I have for doing something instead of reminding her of the OLD ME who used to do those things just to keep her off my back. I’m learning to see her for who she is and to use my words to compliment her instead of merely thinking it or not noticing her at all.

    The weather is starting to warm up over here and I have plans to do more things outside this spring. I hope to improve my self esteem. I hope to learn new ways to cope with anxiety and to burn off my negative emotions in other activities. I have faith that the coarse I’m taking is the right one. This wasteland cannot go on forever. 60 days porn free and forever to go!

    LINK – Coming Out of my Porn Coma (60 day report)

    BY – I_Wanna_Get_Better1



  827. Here’s my proof of superpowers and how my life changed.

    Okay so I made a post about a week ago about the changes I was starting to notice. Even on a relatively low streak (by some standards) of 21.

    Now I’m on 27 and last night I spent the night with the most attractive girl I’ve ever been with. Hands down a stunner. My friends and housemates were shocked when she came back with me. I’m a decent looking guy but I’ve never been into pulling at clubs. However despite her being the most attractive girl I’ve been with, description of her appearance follows and it’s hidden incase of triggers. (slim, redhead and F cup bra size if anyone’s curious – a real Jessica Rabbit), and she was a stunner by anyone’s standards, she was also into me far more than any other girl I’ve been with. She kept saying how attractive I was and was just all over me all night and the morning after I dropped her home, she texted me shortly after I left. She pushed me for a second date and a third and a fourth. It’s mental.

    This sounds like boasting, and maybe it is. But it’s to show you that this shit works. I was a social anxious, degenerate loser and after just 27 days. I have beautiful women throwing themselves at me. I had more doubts than the average guy about this whole super power malarkey. But this is all the proof I need.

    She is the third girl to show a big interest in me since my streak started, something which never happened to me before. I’m not even having to do much, just be there and they just jump me.

    You can have this life, you can be the guy all the girls want to be with. Get a haircut, or grow it long, whatever you feel comfortable with, buy some clothes that YOU want to wear, participate in life and just ENJOY YOUR LIFE because if a girl sees this then that’s half the work done my friends.

    The funny thing is, before I went out last night, I was so close to relapsing. Literally so damn close but I held off and by some miracle this is how I was rewarded, evidence for what this change in lifestyle and habits can achieve.

    TLDR: superpowers are real, girls will come after you, you can do this. Just reach out and take it.

    Here’s my proof of superpowers and how my life changed. This can be you too. It’s never too late and you’re never too weak.

  828. Nofap makes people love you


    When I give up fapping for a couple of months, my energy shines through in conversations… New people I meet stay and talk with me.. They laugh, enjoy my presence.. I also find it easy to be witty.. And cool at The same time.. No “neurotic breakthroughs” in body language or behavior that might put people off..

    When I fap though, my goodness.. No one stays, The conversations get neurotic and a sense of almost repressed aggression lies in the air.. I have no chance in getting friends, does not matter what i say..

    What’s up with this …?

    Nofap makes people love you

  829. I was addicted to internet, porn, gaming and unhealthy dieting.


    After dropping out of college at 19 I built perhaps the biggest wall of excuses of why I couldn’t do anything. I was addicted to internet, porn, gaming and unhealthy dieting. Depression and anxiety made my life head towards a downward spiral. Wasn’t til my 22 birthday that I kicked out all these nasty habits and adopted going to the gym more frequently.

    Starting this has allowed me to get back into hobbies such as art, vocals and guitar. Meditating is also something I picked up on, it feels like a brain stretch for the day. I am in better control of my body and my mind.

    My posture is a lot better, and I stand a lot taller. I started NoFap after knocking down these smaller walls as I feared this was the worst addiction.

    I’m at 33 days in and I have this big boost of confidence and energy now, I’m glad I started when I did. And as of today, I’m in a relationship with a great girl! Thanks community for helping me with tips, and the personal stories.

    I hope mine helps anyone looking to start and encourages someone to stay on track!

    22 years old. Went from 204➡️160 in one year! Down to a size 30 from 36. Mind and Body back together

  830. “I never seen this side of you” – My Aunt

    Yesterday was my sister’s 11th birthday, she was born on first day of Spring. I also brought my friend along as well. We had dinner followed by arcade/laser tag. I was so social in the dinner gathering, all thanks to my friend. She is an amazing person. She really pushed me to stay clean, as well bringing my spirits up. It was my first time bringing a girl to a party, which is just a friend.

    For the first time at a family get together, I was laughing, smiling, talkative at a party. My family really liked her. Including my mom, she actually hugged her and said to her, Ashley, thank you for keeping me happy, and hanging out with him, since I had no friends in my life.

    Laser tag was a blast with my cousins, siblings, and Ashley. Ashley had never had that fun for a long time. I have never had that much fun either. Before I was miserable, quiet, and sad.

    My aunt even said to me I never seen this side of you before. You changed. I answered I matured.

    The secret is staying clean. Almost back to 3 months at the end of this month. Lost my 100 day streak last September. Working really hard changing my life around. Reading, mediating, going back to working out, going out in general, making more money, focusing on my long term goals.

    I’m a better person than before, all thanks to Ashley

    “I never seen this side of you” – My Aunt

  831. I am feeling a deep need to interact with other humans

    I have never in years or maybe in a decade never felt like this. Not that I don’t have friends or am the quite guy in the office. I do have my old friends whom I talk on the phone. I do interact well in office and Crack jokes. But I never felt like sharing or discussing about my life as much as I am feeling now. Not just serious life topics but I also want to chill out with others once in a while for fun even more. I guess I ll start going out more often. Take some time out once a week and socialize I guess.

    FYI I am consciously trying to kick out my pmo habit for the last 6 months and have seen real positive impact on my life. Just wanted to share. Did anyone else experience this need?

    Not sure if it’s pornfree or nofap but I am feeling a deep need to interact with other humans

  832. 45 DAYS IN: What has changed

    I have this app called ”Day Since” that counts days as you might imagine and I have to be honest, I am quite surprised that it’s been 45 days. It’s seems such a long time when you think about it. Mainly, only positive things have happened to me. I’ll start of with the good and post some examples:

    • Very confident (For instance, I sat at the same table at a party with people I didn’t know and started conversating without feeling anxious)
    • I feel manlier and started developing interests that are considered manly too. (gym, reading, survivalism etc.)
    • Motivated and constantly seek self-improvement.
    • Getting attention from women. (A girl I sort of knew, invited me to her birthday and first thing she said was that I’ve changed and later on in the evening was very turned on by me and almost it escalated into sex, but the place wasn’t appropriate for it. Also, girls have started talking to me and complimented me)
    • My head feels clear and I rarely feel depressed. I mostly feel kind of numb.
    • More energy to do things.

    To sum everything up, I am an improved version of myself.

    Now, maybe it’s just personal, but here are the negatives:

    • I have absolutely no sex drive.
    • This could be related to the above, but I think my penis could be smaller. Maybe it’s because I am not having an erection due to no sex drive. If anyone knows, please make a post.
    • This is a personal issue, but I am still addicted to gaming.

    So, there you have it. I would love to hear your thoughts and your improvements below. Good luck!

    45 DAYS IN: What has changed

  833. Tolerance gone up since starting NoFap?

    Has anyone experienced a lot more tolerance to things since starting NoFap? As in you don’t get as angry as quickly, like your threshold has increased (by a lot).

    I used to get angry over stupid shit. Just simply disagreeing with my gf, or getting asked to do something I really don’t want to do etc. Sometimes these things won’t annoy me, but sometimes they will. But I’ve noticed since quitting PMO, that my tolerance to these things are a lot higher, and I don’t feel as aggrivated/mad/annoyed about them. Before I used to feel really emotional inside, as if someone really did wrong by me (stupid, right? Yeah, I didn’t understand why I had to react that way either). Sometimes I would flip.

    Has anyone else noticed this? I read people get more angry, but I feel the opposite.

    Tolerance gone up since starting NoFap?

  834. 1 Month Report

    I reached a month today and I feel great for it. But what you have to realise is that 1 month is nothing. It’s not nearly enough time for your brain to free itself from this addiction and to reboot to “normal”.

    At 1 month though, I would say this. I have taken a drastic step towards becoming a man instead of the immature pussy that porn was making me out to be. And this is the topic I want to briefly have my say on.

    Stop being a cringeworthy, immature fucking pussy man! When I’m out with my friends now, it’s really insulting to me when they behave like beta males and act like juvenile little pussies. Just knuckle the fuck down and get on a long streak, or do something that will change you from this revoltingly feminine man you are into a mature, respectable male.

    Stop fapping away your masculinity.

    1 Month Report

  835. My Porn Experience and my first Month Into /PornFree

    First Off, a little background –

    Like a lot of guys, I started watching porn at a young age, probably around 11-12ish. I was fascinated by it, I was engulfed, and I soon lost control. Part of the problem, I’ve observed, is that growing up as a teenager porn is considered normal. It’s the most normal thing for teenage guys.

    So I went my whole life getting farther and farther into my addiction without actually realizing it existed at all. It got to the point where I’d watch all day long if I had the opportunity.

    By the time I was 18 I knew I probably had a problem with porn, but I wasn’t willing to admit it. I had never been caught by anybody, not parents, girlfriends, sisters, anybody, so I was never held accountable, and I was practicing abstinence from sex back then, so I convinced myself that my actions were healthy. As I got further into adulthood, college, and work, I was often too preoccupied to pmo, but I would still look, just without fapping. This practice stayed with me until a month ago when I quit.

    A year and a half ago, I started dating the most amazing woman I’ve ever met. She means the world to me. At the beginning of our relationship I gave up porn for approximately 2 months out of respect for her because I knew she was against it, but after those 2 months I couldnt help myself anymore and I gave in and my practice started right where it left off. I limited my pmo, but continued watching and looking whenever I could, even if I had better things to do.

    In September on 2015 I was caught for the first time ever by the amazing woman mentioned earlier. This was by far the worst fight we ever had, and almost led to the worst heartbreak I’ve ever felt. Luckily enough, our love was stronger than porn, and we made things work, and I promised to never do it again….

    That didn’t last very long. I can’t say I didn’t try, because I did. I tried. I went a few weeks maybe, and then one day I thought to myself, “well, one time wouldn’t hurt.”

    Just like an alcoholic can’t have one drink – a porn addict can’t watch one video.

    Before too long, I was stuck in the same pit I was a month ago, with no hope of coming out. My girlfriend and I stayed content with one another, but we didn’t have that same love we had at the beginning. I lied to her. I lied to her over and over again, because I was terrified that she would find out, and break things off.

    Then she did find out…again.

    On the edge of another breakup, we talked it out. We looked into porn addiction together, and discovered /PornFree and /NoFap and I immediately joined both.

    I cannot put into words the drastic change our relationship has had. Of course we still get into arguments occasionally, but the Love is there. The want and need for each other is beyond belief. Personally – I’ve struggled. I’ve had times where I thought about looking, but instead played videogames, or went for a drive, or went to her work to visit. I’ve become more and more engaged in life. I’m obsessed with politics and data, so I’ve started projects with those things. I’m eating right to stay healthy, cutting back on cigarettes and redbull, and making sure the house is clean. I feel more driven in general. I feel like I’m at my best.

    One last thing tho – I’ve found what works best for me is the “one day at a time” method. Don’t set goals like “I’ll never watch porn again” or “I’m going to make it 6 months.” Just make it through today, that’s all it takes. One day at a time, multiple times.

    I believe in you guys! Thank you for all the Support and Words of encouragement!

    My Porn Experience and my first Month Into /PornFree


  836. 1 Month in… Everything Looks So Surreal

    Everything, especially people, are soo in your face.

    It seems like with your body’s natural juices intact, your mind functions better and wants to be more social.

    People look more intimate and close-up and you’re more In-Sync with them.

    It’s kinda scary at first, but worth it.

    Don’t Fap.. It really does turn you into a Zombie.

    1 Month in… Everything Looks So Surreal

  837. 30 days report !

    Well I’m on day 29 but it’s gonna be 30 and I’ll probably forget. Little bit about why I decided to give this 100 percent….. Way back in January I went to my basic Navy training despite feeling like shit in myself with pmo’ing, no confidence,no drive,high anxiety etc etc. My attitude was I’ll just go and wing it . I was in way over my head and couldn’t focus on tasks due to my high anxiety and low drive to do anything. I lasted about 5 days before I ended up getting sent home with the option of coming back once I get my head sorted out.

    I came to the realization that porn was effecting my confidence, anxiety and drive because late last year I did a warship visit and the pre training course while not on porn and absolutely smashed them. I was feeling confident and ready to take on the world. Sometime in between I fell back into pmo’ing and everything slowly went to shit in my head. Then the real training incident happened .

    Anyways what I’ve noticed since being off it is … 1.I give less fucks. I honestly don’t care for the most part what people think. 2.My drive to do things is huge. I can’t wait to get back down there again and smash that training course. I also work out like a beast now. I was already a really fit guy but now I’m pushing it further than i thought I could do when I work out. 3. People seem to respect and listen to you more. 4. I enjoy shit like ironing when before it was horrible. ( good if your joining the forces) 5.Able to focus more. 6. Females noticing me more when at the gym etc. 7. Increased confidence and happyness. 8. Able to stick to things more such as going to bed early and healthy eating.

    Not really had any cons except with the odd urge to pmo but I got this boys ! It’s time to be a real man and achieve my dreams and not wank them all away.

    Remember feed the good wolf in your head with positive actions in your life and let that bad wolf starve. Be warned though because while he may be starving if he gets one piece of meet he will be gnawing on your leg for more before you know it.

    Cheers 🙂 and good luck troops !

    30 days report !

  838. 60 DAYS without PORN report – Important thoughts

    Guys it does feel great to reach this milestone and I do feel lots of those talked about benefits (less brain fog, anxiety improvements, ect) But I mainly want to talk about some of the prevailing thoughts on this forum.

    StreaksThey are an endless cycle. You get to 10 days, wanna try jerking off again, do it, say why not once more, than a week later try for another short streak. The best way to conquer this in my opinion is grab a piece of paper and start marking days. Draw 90 circles and each day you go without fapping colour in with blue, each day you fap colour in with red. At the end of each day it is such a nice feeling drawing that blue.

    Porn-blockers I use k-9 web protection. The thought around here is why get one you can easily go around it. I truly think people say this because they arent actually ready to quit porn. Deep down they are not ready to never watch porn again. Well I did what a guy on here said and got k-9 made my password something like “lonely” and it stops me from just quickly checking out the internet, makes it more of a conscious decision to quit.

    Interesting thought I’m pretty sure I completely rebooted without knowing it. Back when I worked at camp I must’ve went around 4 months barely jerking off and never watching porn. I think this shows we are sometimes too aware of every feeling we have during a reboot. I probably had my ups and downs but in the end I was ok with it because life has ups and downs, its not all caused by the reboot.

    Planning Plan weekly things to get excited for. Sometimes the days will just fly by on a reboot, and others will feel like you are just waiting for the day to end. I think the intimidation of going 60 or 90 straight days makes it seem too long. But if you plan an exciting thing for each week you just got to think, make it to Saturday and I got that great camping weekend coming up so Ill be good after that.

    Get excited Reboots are fun. Think fuck it I am ready to go 90 days, I’m ready to do something difficult because I like the challenge. If you are afraid of the challenge you probably arent committed enough and haven’t fully realized how much porn is ruinning your life.

    Time and ED I found this because of my ED. I can already tell its miles better and I am pretty sure ill be fixed by day 90. Think about it for yourselves gentlemen, in 60 days it will be about July 10, the beginnng of true summer. Don’t we all want to be at our best for an amazing summer.

    To clarify, I think that setting day goals is important, for example 90 days. BUT i think saying you are at square one if you relapse is a bad way of going about it. I think if you do 90 days and fap a couple times you are still ahead. This has been said before but I really think you aren’t gonna make it if you arent doing pretty much all of these. Waking up early, eating well, gym a couple times a week, hanging out with as many friends as you can or atleast going out and doing social things, reading and then going to sleep early.

    This is a real addictionWe don’t treat it like one but it is. That means waking up one morning and deciding like so many here do “I’m gonna fucking quit today forevor cause I hate this” and then lying in bed gaming all day isnt going to work. Get porn blocker, put the paper on the wall next to your bed, plan events, read, cook better meals, socialize and most of all get excited. These can be the best 90 days of your life coming up right now! I don’t miss porn at all. Like 0. So start your real reboot today.

    60 DAYS without PORN report – Important thoughts


  839. An INCREDIBLE realization

    It’s said that, when it comes to careers, the stuff you were really interested in as a little kid often becomes a good indicator of your passions for work later in life. When I was little, I was obsessed with the stock market. I thought it was the coolest thing.

    I’ve all of a sudden been hit with a SURGE of genuine interest and passion for financial literacy. It has certainly come from nofap. I think at first my “changes” were more biological (more energy, passion to workout, more interest in girls) but now I am connecting to the same interests that little old me had back in the day. And its awesome

    Go nofap!!!!!

    An INCREDIBLE realization


  840. Nofap 70 days, superpowers, still hate my voice

    I did NoFap for 70 days and got great benefits like more energy, better mood, more relaxed and more confident/assertive.

    The only thing is I hoped for a deeper voice. I have a slightly higher voice than most males (I kind of sound like a 15 year old teen instead of a grown adult). There were days at Nofap where I woke up and my voice was a lot deeper but it always got less during the day until I had the same voice as before (maybe slightly lower but not as much).

    Do you guys notice the same or is it possible that I have to do my streak longer untill the deeper voice happens to me?

    Nofap 70 days, superpowers, still hate my voice

  841. 30 days of hard mode, the changes.

    Hello friends, fellow fapstronauts. Today I mark the day 30 of my hard reboot, I miss 60 more to reach my Salvation. So here is a little summary of what has changed and what has been hard to achieve.

    What has changed in my life this last month:

    First of all I want to say that I had aready joined a gym and started a diet before this, so I was already on right path to reach a new balance in my life.

    Brain fog: Before joining NoFap I could not even relate that to PMO, that is almost completely gone. My study sessions are much better than before, I can analyze what happens to me, I can focus on my problems and find logical solutions instead of being depressed, fap, and let the cycle continue.

    Voice: I was sceptical about the voice changes, but that is real, I have a deeper voice. That could sound “oh ok deep voice, noted”, NO GUYS. Deep voice boosts your confidence ina way that I did not even imagined, You do not dare anymore when you want to speak.

    Self-esteem: Oh my god that was boosted over the roof. I am not feeling a loser anymore, and I do not feel a creep anymore, I think a lot less about sex and my fetishes are leaving my mind slowly, but I hope that those will be gone for good with time.

    More energy: I noticed it because I feel that I can do more things during the day. The best thing is that I can improve my workouts, I feel stronger than ever, and losing weight is helping alongside with NoFap to improve my energy. I remember that when I used to eat junk food I was kinda beated down.

    Social anxiety: Boom, almost gone, I met and spoke to so many people in the last month. I do not avoid to say hi, I do not feel uncomfortable around people I do not know, I feel the need to connect more rather than isolating myself.

    Overall: My life is getting better, I have no more shame of myself, and I have no more stupid fantasies. I have started to address problems that have been following me for years now. Stupid fears or demotivational thoughts are gone. Now, when I look a girl my first though is not “oh my god I would like to get some of that”, it is just “what a nice girl, maybe I can get to know her”. I still have to work on the approach thing, but there is still time before my hard reboot ends!

    I think you should really give this a try, it is almost impossible to get no benefits from it. If you want to live the real life, stop beating your meat, easy as that.

    I want to thank all the people that have helped me during this journey and that will continue to be here, whenever you feel like you need someone send me a message and I will be there for ya.

    30 days of hard mode, the changes.

  842. fapstronaught exchronos’ log: NoFap date 30.117

    I came here about a month ago, down and defeated. I had spent the past two years trying to repeat the success I once had of being PMO free, but it seems I was only able to work my way deeper into the problem. Relapse after relapse after relapse… sometimes I couldn’t make it past a few hours.

    I forgot how I came to be here, but this is where things started to turn around for me. I met kind people who made me feel welcome and accepted. @mintjelly, @FPDoc, @HopeFaith, @wake_up, @Matthew81, @BushidoWarrior, @jfromcr, @Jerry the Fapstronaut are just to name a few. I came to respect them and valued their input and encouragement. I think the greatest strength I gained from them was just having a few good souls to walk through this journey with.

    Now I’m at 30 days PMO free, and to be honest, it wasn’t even difficult getting here. Somehow, the support and camaraderie here made it much easier. I’ve still got tons of problems to work out, so, it’s hard to definitively say at this point just how much of a difference being PMO-free has made on the other aspects of my life. But I can report this much:

    • I’m having dreams again
    • I’m sleeping a little better
    • I’m more confident and less anxious
    • I don’t feel guilty or dirty when I am in contact with women
    • I’m generally happier and more positive

    Though my goal is impossibly huge, I am more and more eager to live to meet it. No mo’ PMO until this body of mine shuts off. I’d rather die first than ever give in again. I’ll make another report at 90 days,



  843. NoFap teaches you to love yourself.

    Think about it. Whenever we binge, we feel absolutely horrible about ourselves and that is noticeable by others due to the way we carry ourselves and the look in our eyes. Whenever we PMO, we feel drained of energy and can appear like mindless zombies to other people who are devoid of any sign of life. Who would you find more attractive? A person who radiates energy or a person who feels like shit about themselves, in turn giving off a negative vibe?

    NoFap teaches you to love yourself. This is what people find attractive.

  844. Great sex with my gf!

    I’ve been in a relationship for a few years with a wonderful woman. And, I’ve been sabotaging it with excessive masturbation. Between the frequency and death grip, our sex had really dwindled to almost nothing. I just couldn’t come with her and it made her feel like shit.

    So, 2 weeks ago I stopped jerking off, and a week later I had a talk with my gf about it. She was elated and so incredibly supportive!

    She was on her period the last several days (she doesn’t like period sex) but this morning we had great sex for the first time in a long time! Since the death grip has greatly reduced my sensitivity she even wore a butt plug to help add a little more sensation for me.

    We’re closer than ever and really much happier. I’ll be out of town for work next week and for the first time in a long time I won’t be jerking off. It’s not easy, but knowing how awesome my gf is will really make it so much easier!

    The recovery is far from over, but I’m on the right path.

    Anyway, if you’re in a relationship and having problems due to jerking off, talk to your partner. You might be surprised at the outcome!

    Great sex with my gf!

  845. Can confirm! PEOOPLE DO FUCKING NOTICE.

    So I relapsed and binged this weekend. 3x on Saturday and 2x on Sunday. I felt extremely tired when I woke p today and I proceeded to drag my lifeless corpse to school. When I arrived I had to inform my teacher that I wouldn’t be there tomorrow, and he basically neglected me. He said “sure” with the most aloof voice. Later I went to the library to turn in a book and one of my classmates asked me if I had been smoking weed this weekend. No I said and we laughed it off, but I understood the message :”You look shabby AF, bro!”. And don’t even get me started on the brainfog I’m experiencing. Because holy shit do I feel blue today. I don’t really know how I should end this message, but yeah; people DO notice. Let the dibelievers be disbelievers because THIS SHIT IS REAL.


  846. 30 days done

    Hi everyone,

    I managed to achieve the 30 day PMO mark. Then relapsed 5 min after I woke up, because I’m a freaking idiot.

    I did some “dry” wanking and suddenly couldn’t hold it in. But the ejaculation was different that morning than what it would have been 30 days ago. It felt like a sudden release of tension built up in the lower body, rather than a habitual chore just to get a dopamine release.

    Since abstaining from PMO I never realized the effect it originally had; on my sleep habits, fitness, memory, cognitive function, mood and personality. I don’t have trouble sleeping anymore and I manage to get regular REM sleep for the first time since puberty, I wake up refreshed and alert.

    If you’ve ever seen Bradley Cooper in Limitless, that will give you an idea of how much my overall intelligence has improved. I was always intelligent as a child but after I hit puberty, my intelligence became dulled (coincidence?) and my grades fell. I was then referred to as the weird kid instead of the smart-weird kid.

    I feel like I’m regressing back to my original personality too.

    I would recommend 30 days hard mode to anyone. You will be glad you did it!
    Don’t get me wrong, it will be one of the hardest things you ever do. You will be tested on your strength and willpower like never before.

    But if you are not content with your lot in life, what do you have to lose other than a half-lifetime of perverted, vile and disgusting habits!?

    30 days done


  847. Feeling like a BOSS!! 1 month without porn.

    I stopped watching porn at the beginning of this month (June 2016) and stopped masturbating like 2 weeks ago. Previous week i had this bad feeling in my head, like continuous pressure, like my brains were filled with clouds.

    But this week I suddenly start feeling AMAZING! I can communicate with women on a whole other level, feel confident, don’t feel anxiety or sexually out of control.

    Besides that I have a enormous amount of energy! Like i took an overdose of RedBull…
    The last 3 days I could not fall asleep and had like 3-4 hours sleep in a night, it’s so much energy that i don’t know how to handle. I feel like a Boss. Not affraid to take the lead.

    Another strange thing is that suddenly people seem to feel this energy. I get messages from people i didn’t speak with for a long time, like we all have an antenna connected to each other.

    Than there’s another thing that might sound unbelievable, but i used to have some grey hair that seems to be disappeared. Not that i had a bad feeling about that, but it really seems that it really does something with our body.

    I do notice that I “need” cigarettes more and I really want to quit that too, but i got the feeling it’s not the right time.

    Till so far I’m amazed by the effects. My mother went on vacation 2 weeks ago, she will be back next week. I think she will be surprised by my mood, like she’s having a new son. The last 10 years i acted quite apathetic to them and people around me. They always asked me if i was feeling ok and noticing I was restless and didn’t enjoy anything.

    That was true, the only thing i liked was PMO so the rest was stressful.

    Anyway, I can keep on talking about this positive effects, just wanted to say that this is probably what i needed: rediscovering the world without PMO!

    Feeling like a BOSS!! 1 month without porn.

  848. 1 month, I made it!

    Hello, dear community.

    It’s only 28 days passed but I’m feeling happy. First of all I’ve beaten my NoFap record ever. For someone here it’s a short term but I should say it’s a hardest pat of a NoFap journey!

    I fapping since I remember myself as a human)) I’ve found first P. VHS when I was 7 years old, I think. It is sick, I know)) Now I’m 27. I had numerous tries of PMO since I discovered this community (more than 15) but they all crushed on 12-16 day. There is a rule, how to develop a habit – you should be stick to it for no less than 21 day. So I think It works in opposite direction too.

    What I’m trying to say is that PMO became a very powerful dopamine and, most important, sexual activity trigger in your brain. You should tear this connection off as quickly as possible. It’s really affects your social life by affecting your sexual life. It takes away your natural need to have some girls in your phonebook (you know what I mean))) You just become a weirdo among your ‘normal’ friends (as for me I have a lot of such weirdo guys and they all think that nobody knows)). So you have to understand it and next time when you feel this urges – take a break and think that this “intercourse with a monitor” ruining your life. It helps a lot! The far you depart from PMO the less intense and important it becomes.

    I wanna share some changes I noticed. Became more sober, audacious and energetic. My overall mood increased. And somehow, I become noticing those fappers around me – among my friends company(maybe It’s like a placebo affect) Now I can become hard only of a thought of a real sexual intercourse, which was unreal a month ago. But still can’t have an orgasm from the touch only. PMO became uninterested to me, I don’t have this urges any more. And it’s only 1 month after!

    But I think I have PEID, though. I was with a woman a week ago(after 20 days of PMO) and It wasn’t a true sex but erotic massage. It took me a l-o-o-o-t more time to become hard, as I would do it myself in front of the monitor. But still I succeeded and had an orgasm. Girl knew how to do it right And Still there is a long way ahead.

    UPdt.By the way, next day I had a strong “chaser effect”. I wanted more, especially when I started to Google some new massage saloons. Cravings was so f***ing strong, I thought it would blow my brain of my skull. I was boiling. I tried to fap without any visual stimulus, but felt almost nothing. So I stopped. And now I feel some kind of flatline.

    We should abstain from porn! It’s killings as, killing a Man in us. It’s a most dangerous drug (harder than the nicotine) I wish me and YOU – all the luck and to have enough strength to hold on and change your life once and forever!!!

    p.s. sorry for my English And thanks you all for this crucial knowledge that you transferring to the world!

    1 month, I made it!

  849. Nearly a month gone already

    To be honest, I haven’t been struggling with this as badly as I thought I might. But I guess I’ve been more distracted with trying to quite cigarettes.

    A moment ago, I just crushed a whole pack and through it in the bin, which is a step, but lord knows I’ll face severe temptation later on.

    The effects of a month without porn haven’t been massive, but little by little, I am feeling stronger and more capable of taking my life back. I’m starting to admit to and confront my issues a lot more, and resolving those will take a lot of work. Giving up porn and trying to give up fapping isn’t a silver bullet. But it’s a step in the right direction to resolving much broader personal problems.

    I’ve been giving a lot more serious reflection on my thoughts, feelings, and attitudes towards women, particularly feminism. It’s been confronting to say the least, but important. Tired of feeling so alienated and disconnected from other human beings. Also just tired of being angry about shit I have no control off.

    So here’s to another month porn free, and personal progress.

    Keep it up and stay strong folks.

    Nearly a month gone already

  850. Day 47! Yay!

    I feel so amazing right now! I am so excited about life and my goals, and my friendships right now! I feel alive!!!!

    The only cravings I get is when I get hungry. I actually feel hungry earlier than I use to! How much had porn changed my brain, that I could go hours without food at all, and now, every couple of hours, I feel the need to eat!

    Desensitization is real people! If you can go hours without eating, but spend hours watching porn, you’re addicted!!!

    I’m just chilling, on a Sunday afternoon, with my fiancé! Playing some video games, reading Reddit, and the Bible, and reflecting on how awesome our lives are because I changed one thing!!!

    I love NoFap and Rebooting. This is awesome!

    Day 47! Yay!


  851. 60 Days without PMO

    It’s amazing journey and I’m starting to love myself and the universe and I’m sure the benefits are real. I am having wonderful life everyday,even wet dream felt so real and amazing. Today I had a sexual dream and it felt so much real and ecstatic. I fell in love with the girl who was in my dream and I know that dreams come true. The benefits of semen retention is the best part of it however even after wet dreams and ejaculations I still feel the benefits but my energy level drops a little bit. I have experienced wonderful time just being myself. I’m feeling like a living son of God now. Energy level overall is stable and is growing just like my confidence within every day. Dreams really come true if you believe in it.

    60 Days without PMO

  852. My life is dramatically changing

    Going to make this a quick post.

    Long story short, I must be a week into no fap after failing multiple times counting days up to a week. I have stopped counting the days entirely and I’m just living as if this is my new lifestyle.

    I have so much energy, I’m optimistic, I smile more, I think quicker, I joke around more, and I’m able to confidently flirt without even thinking about it. I’m being more conscience of the foods I eat and unhealthy habits are being cut out.

    Motivated, energetic & overall happy. So these are the superpowers.. 🙂

    My life is dramatically changing

  853. I am social now!

    A am so much more social now. Hanging out with friends almost every day, playing music, talking about fun stuff, learning about new people. People are asking me to hang out, before it was the other way around. I have to turn people down now because there’s too much going on.

    It’s a little overwhelming, but nice too. I feel popular. I feel positive exchanges flying around all over. What a nice thing.

    I am social now!

  854. Benefits

    The benefits to not masturbating feel much better than the short lived sensations of masturbation. Girls have started noticing me more, I’ve been more self confident, I’ve had more energy, I’ve been happier, and there are many more. When I get urges, I do as many push-ups as I can even when it hurts really bad. After that I can barely lift my arms and I am not thinking about PMO anymore.

    Stay strong and remember the benefits


  855. It’s helping with my depression, my anxiety, shit, everything

    I’m so glad I found this sub man. I needed this so much.

    Going on 9 days strong. It’s been hard, but oh boy is it worth it. I’m just really fucking glad I found you guys. Seriously. The effects that NoFap is having on my body, mind and soul are fucking amazing. I’m starting to feel motivated again, even driven. It’s helping with my depression, my anxiety, shit, with everything really.

    Be it placebo or whatever. I don’t care. I’m better, my life is better and everything just feels better.

    Thanks to all the dudes posting inspiring shit on a daily basis, you help each and every one of us, including yourselves. Whenever I get the urges I know I can always count on you guys to clear my head and stay focused.

    From the bottom of my heart, and once again, Thank you!

    Thank you so fucking much.



  856. WTF it’s really working!!!!

    I started to travel non-stop and I’ve been jerking off so much just to get it out of my system, I suffer from sever social anxiety and I would normally avoid any kind of social interaction especially with girls. I started my nofap journey 6 days ago and I am already seeing MAJOR progress! Girls are noticing me everywhere, I start conversations now and It’s just the beginning.

    I would normally get depressed after going home alone leaving the club (I am heavy into partying) but I no longer give a fuck! Haha.

    WTF it’s really working!!!!

  857. My confidence, my energy levels, my acne, my EVERYTHING has chan

    Thank you nofap. I’ve relapsed a few times but even then I have noticed some serious changes in my everyday lifestyle. My confidence, my energy levels, my acne, my EVERYTHING has changed. I feel amazing and I just got the chills before because I just realized how amazing I really am. And so are all of you.

    (Shitpost) I LOVE MY LIFE

  858. 30 Days of no porn and some improvements

    I still need to work on avoid images that are erotic, but I do not masturbate to them nor have I watched any porn in the past 30 days. I read the stuff about withdrawals and other issues and I thought “nah, that won’t happen to me that seems exaggerated.” It isn’t, it’s true and it is very difficult.

    The downside I am still working on which is I do masturbate, but I don’t do it to porn. I do it to images and memories plus imagination. The downside is I need to space it out better. Usually it is a few days inbetween and when I slip it is more frequent. I am working on making it more infrequent.

    The upside, I am not completely hard, but definitely not flaccid. I am doing a lot better. I can tell because I am a grower not a shower and although not hard I am definitely far from flaccid and that is better than I normally have been in a long time. So I feel happy about the improvements.

    I know I need to do more and I am working on that, but it gives me hope for light at the end of the tunnel. I first started watching porn when I would house sit for a friend that had a satellite and access to unscrambled porn when I was 13. My parents really didn’t teach me much about sex and so I watched porn at an early age. I realize now that is probably related to me being young and not being able to orgasm with a partner and even as the years passed I have never climaxed vaginally. I feel that once I get a handle on this at my age (46) I should be able to maintain a better erection and will have the ability to climax more readily with my partner.

    Also another positive thing. With porn I would stroke myself for a significant time, sometimes an hour plus before I would climax. My masturbation as of now without porn is about 10 to 15 minutes. That is significant improvement. A small victory, but one I would take.

    Interestingly enough I had seen a therapist years ago and she may not have understood my relationship with porn or I did not explain it well enough. She suggested watching porn with my partner to help with sex. In retrospect that was probably more damaging than helpful. I saw another therapist specifically for this issue and she did not have good training in it and just encouraged me to to watch less and checked in on me. I don’t think the guidance I got was helpful so eventually I left her. I was trying to find a new therapist (find one I want, near me, available is harder than it looks) to help with this when I saw the episode on Chelsea, and I found this site after watching it.

    It is good to hear other people’s stories. I hope this partial success will help encourage others.

    30 Days of no porn and some improvements

  859. Real-life Superpowers

    Hey guys, I’m on day 21, and before this, the longest i went was 8 days. I’ve been PMO for 8 years now, almost half my life, but the benefits I felt were crazy, and crazy good.

    1. Incredible self confidence. I wake up in the morning with meaning, and drive guys. I feel like going to school and learning, and meeting and talking to people. I can’t explain it. It’s like u want to do it all on your own. Same thing with girls. I just chat em up. I used to be really shy. Ridiculously shy. Watching all that porn didn’t help at all either. I had a warped, twisted image of women that caused me to adopt a pussy mentality. I couldn’t even force myself to look at them. Today I have little fear, but i look right at em in the eye and smile and ask ‘yo, how’s it going?’ and voila, instant conversation. No need for fancy pick up lines.
    2. Focus level: 9000. Im not kidding. Your head defogs so much and your memory improves tremendously. I’m able to recall whatever the hell I’ve studied for the past few days with ease ( when u have enough rest/sleep of course). Really good and handy power to have when u need to force yourself to do that extra rep as well.
    3. No more ‘social anxiety’. I stopped giving a fuck about what others think about me and minded my own business. I used to spend hours and days caring about how i looked and ppl judging me. I just automatically stopped caring. U feel so much calmer, clearer, and u grow to love and treasure yourself and people that u truly care about (like your parents) so much more.

    Time heals all wounds guys. Really. I never believed i could have overcome this horror of the 21st century until I pushed myself to resist the temptation. But if it was one thing that helped was to believe that it was possible for me. And I pray it is possible for u guys to keep it up too. Peace.

    Real-life Superpowers

  860. My Smile Muscles have changed – Day 7

    I’m smiling without effort. I’m on day 7 today and effects are being noticed. I’m normally a grumpy, moody, lazy guy.

    Yesterday I stunned my wife by tidying the kitchen, fixing a cupboard, sorting out my cabinet of stuff (wires, gadgets and other manly stuff) and did it all with a smile.

    Today I woke up on a Sunday, with a smile on my face, got up, showered, shaved and made myself a coffee. Did a quick tidy up while the kettle was boiling and now I’m writing this.

    All this was done with a smile. It’s like the muscles that make a smile have changed their default position. I’m walking around with a smile, I can feel it and it isn’t requiring any effort.

    7 days in and I’m so happy, urges are incredibly high but I don’t want to loose what I’ve gained already and this is blocking my urges effectively.

    Happy Happy Happy

    My Smile Muscles have changed – Day 7


  861. NoFap Has Fucking Changed Everything.

    To put it quite simply, I have become a person who has the ability to get shit done. It’s an amazing feeling when others can rely on your work ethic & ability to deliver results. I can’t even explain it, it’s better than sex. No seriously. It’s better than sex.

    NoFap Has Fucking Changed Everything.

  862. Anniversary Weekend with My Wife: Three Times in 24 Hours

    That would NOT have been possible if I wasn’t 24 days sober and PMO’ing.

    Thankfully we had an awesome weekend. I had my energy. We have been married 9 years and hopefully will for many many more.

    I’ve read that PMO is a factor in 56% of all divorces – that is just ridiculous.

    I would rather have an awesome weekend hiking, eating, canoodling and enjoying my spouse (which I just did) rather than look at a screen and PMO like a clown.

    Thank you all for this awesome support community! Keep it up fapstronauts – you CAN conquer this!

    Anniversary Weekend with My Wife: Three Times in 24 Hours

  863. Day 40-45 and first week back at school

    I hit day 40 on monday and it was my first week of the Fall semester and honestly I am so excited for this school year.

    These 40 days were hard, but I have come out of my flatline(praise God) and it is just in time to start my last year of college. I am doing the 120 day challenge, but I knew once I started that my goal is to never fap again. The benefits have really showed now that the semester is back in full swing.

    I go to a big flag ship University that boasts about 30,000 students and is 65% female. I have always been descent with women, but I am starting to get a lot more looks. I used to have to approach girls, but this week I have noticed a lot more of my female classes coming and talking to me after class. Just walking the campus I see myself getting more looks then ever.

    Since starting nofap I have more energy, pep in my step, doubled my assertiveness, and boosted my confidence.


    Stay strong everyone, once you get out the flatline its almost heaven on earth and it gets better with each day!

    Day 40-45 and first week back at school

  864. 150 Days

    Might as well go on forever

    The mental clarity is very good; I can just say and write things without thinking. There are times when I come across something hilarious that I normally wouldn’t have found funny. I’ve been drinking more water which has given more energy and better skin. I’ve also been going to the gym and made some progress. Anyway, I do think about going back every day but decide not to, for the longer my steak gets, the more I don’t want to break it. I’ve relapsed enough times to remember how it feels after.

    150 Days

  865. 29 days no PMO. Some benefits I have noticed.

    The majority of this post is copied from one of my journal entries (which you can read here: but I figured I’d copy it over here as well.

    While I haven’t discovered said, “superpowers”, I still have definitely noticed some benefits. For one, I feel like my views on women and sex have totally shifted. While my libido is super low at the moment, I don’t really have this desire to just “fuck” women. I seriously just long for a passionate and emotional experience via sex. I want to share my body with someone and have a joint experience, rather than just use a girl as a masturbation toy. Also, my dreams have been fucking INTENSE. I’ve always said that I don’t really dream or at least remember my dreams but lately I have like 3 vivid dreams a night.

    Throughout this whole process I’ve basically been abstaining from women in general when it comes to one on one hangs outs. Not necessarily by choice I just lead a busy life and don’t have much time yadayadayada. ANYWAYS, the other day I hung out with a friend who I do happen to find sexually attractive and I’m comfortable around her and I was telling her about no PMO. So, when I gave her a hug it was like the first time in awhile I’ve touched someone who I felt sexually attracted to and my loins felt like they were on fire and I instantly started getting hard. We discussed PIED further and she was wondering if I could still have sex if I didn’t cum. So one thing led to another and we started having sex. I had to take it real slow cause if I started pumping away I would have nutted in like two seconds. But here’s the awesome thing… I was rockin like a 90% boner? Maybe more? And even better than that, when I pulled out, I was still hard! Usually when I have sex I have to pull out get myself hard with my hand and then go back in but not this time. Anyways, I didn’t wanna cum so I pulled out and that was that!

    Do I think I’m cured??? Abso-fuckin-lutely not.
    Do I have hope? Yes.

    I don’t plan on doing this again but it seriously boosted my confidence so much (even if I was gonna nut hella fast) and will hopefully boost my libido as well. I can’t remember the last time I fucking felt a woman like I did this time. Just the feeling of of her skin against mine felt incredible, no fantasy required. I Honestly can’t remember the last time I pulled out and still had a boner beyond 70%. I know I’m not cured, but there I also know that I’m making progress and this makes me hopeful for the future.

    Something to note: I’m currently dealing with depression from a break up and I know for a fact that that is also affecting my sex drive and libido so I’m curious to see where I’ll be at when I’m eventually over this break up.

    29 days no PMO. Some benefits I have noticed.

  866. PIED is slowly disappearing, feeling human again for the first t

    This weekend was one of the first times in my entire life that PIED did not ruin sex for me. I’ve been dealing with it for nearly every sexual encounter for the past 18 years, and this weekend I finally felt “normal” when I engaged in nature’s dance.

    As soon as my girlfriend touched me and we started foreplay, I had a rock hard erection that did not disappear when it came time to actually have sex! It was such an incredible experience and I felt such a deeper connection.

    I’m by no means fully cured, but this was such a huge milestone for me. I was also able to last way longer since I didn’t have to constantly be trying to maintain an erection.

    NoFap is the real deal. I only wish I could have found this sooner. Thanks for all of your support and tips!

    PIED is slowly disappearing, feeling human again for the first time in a long time

  867. Once you experience…

    …that you can look people straight in the eye and smile, when they smile back at you;

    …that you can get involved into various activities and not be lonely;

    …that you have the ability to give a lot and don’t demand much back —

    you will never want to return beyond the initial point of the journey this thread leads you through.

    Once you experience…

  868. 15 years old, 40 days clean

    Hi everyone!

    I’m a Moroccan guy, 15 years old and I’m heading to 40 days sobriety (I may have lied a little bit in the title, I’m not 40 days sober today, but tomorrow).

    When I began NoFap 3 months ago, I was desperate, it was eid-ul-fitr (fest after the Ramadan), my whole family was partying while I stayed home to fap. That night I did realize that it was a problem and it needed to stop, I was feeling the guilt every day, because of my faith and just normally, it must stop.

    I got lucky after that, when I signed up I posted some desperate posts that I was looking for an AP group and got added in 2 fantastic AP groups the next morning, they have been helping me a lot. I was struggling at first, but also got high streaks, got 2x a streak of 8 days anf once a streak of 21 days, and now, my streak of 39 days.

    I’m feeling more energetic, I’m more productive, I’m also more social (I was the most asocial guy ever, but I don’t know what happend, got more confident of myself and more social), and a lot of other benefits, like I’m trying to impress this new (Syrian) girl in my class, it is working quite well (probably because I became gained self-confidence due to NF).

    Brothers and sisters, don’t waste your time fapping, it isnt worth it, hang in there, it is worth it.

    I’ll post another success story when I reach 60 days.

    15 years old, 40 days clean


  869. Felt like a damn man!

    After another successful 30 days and only giving into m twice. And p once, I seriously consider that a success story. Considering I once couldn’t even go a full day without multiple times. Anyways about last Thursday for the first time since I was about 18… I’m 25 now, I felt like a damn man. Over a long period of time I have felt unmasculine and couldn’t control situations like a man would.

    But after abstaining and working out and taking better care of myself I got that vigor back. I got that inner desire and passion. In was absolutely fan freaking tastic. I felt alive! I felt in control to any situation at hand and others could tell. My thoughts were positive and I didn’t mind sharing them and conversation with others. It was the most satisfying day of my life in a really long time.

    I really wish I had known how badly on was effecting me long ago. But now that I do my whole world is opening up. It’s hard to understand until you have been addicted to p before and have come out of it. I

    am finally seeing my old self again, that mans man version of myself…. I love that guy!

    Missed being me but I’m reconnecting again

    Felt like a damn man!


  870. 50+ day report.

    So, for a while I wanted to write this. Im alone inside my mom’s car waiting for my friends to go out.

    So, about 50 days ago (I just dont count anymore) I stopped fapping and watching porno. I dont really remember why but I felt that I was in my deepest. I had no friends, I just cared about me and my grades, i was a pussy, I was a shitty ass person.

    Someday, I was going to FAP and I started thinking how stupid it was to fuck with my hand, and how that was destroying my life everyday.

    So I stopped and after 7 days I was feeling really good. Not because I had superpowers, but because I felt that I accomplished something.

    Everyday it was getting better (and still is) and after some days I finally did something that even my old me (before Fapping) couldnt do. Talk. I went to a party and I just talked with everyone, even with girls, and, you know what? Everyone loved to talk with me that some of the people that I talked on the party say hello to me. On that night a cute girl started to like me too!

    NoFap helped me to stop beign shy!

    Now, evertime Im playing computer or something like that I feel the need to talk with people, to go outside, to do something different, and that is a awesome feeling.

    And now I can awnser some questions to the old me:

    Yes, it is worth the “pain”.

    Yes, I dont need to masturbate.

    Yes, after a while everything gets better, so never FAP because it’s always harder to get back on Nofap.

    And finally, yes, you finally are a better person and love yourself.

    Even though that other people like me more, NoFap isnt about getting a girlfriend, beign more popular or something, its about loving yourself.

    50+ day report.

  871. NoFap effect: people were SOCIALLY ATTRACTED to me today

    So it’s Day 9, and it could have been the pleasant weather, or the fact that it was a holiday today, but for some reason most people were socially attracted to me throughout the day. It sounds similar to some of the stories I’ve read about when people begin to notice slight but positive differences in their day after doing NoFap for an extended period of time.

    I’ll list some of the occurrences from the day.

    1) At school some girl who I talk to every now and then felt like coming to the desk I was sitting at just to ‘catch up.’ At first she was just standing there while I sat, and then she pulled up the chair in the next desk and sat. This girl is cute and nice, so I didn’t have a problem with her interrupting whatever I was working on. There was no social awkwardness at all and it was an enjoyable conversation.

    2) School ended and as I was leaving the same girl plus 2 others just so happened to leave at the same time as me. I was talking to the girl from before as we walked out, and then other 2 just naturally followed us. I said I was going to get coffee and if they wanted to join they could. 2 of them accepted while the other one went her own way. Then we went to a cafe and the 3 of us were drinking coffee and eating cake. This was a very natural turn of events.

    3) On my way home through the train station there were these 3 guys who each had skateboards messing around in the station. I had never seen anybody skateboarding in the station in before (maybe it’s because it was late). Anyway, I watched them do a few tricks and skate around, and I was just grinning the whole time thinking “wow, those guys seem like they’d be fun to hang around.” I didn’t engage them at all, and in fact we ended up walking in different directions. But when I took one look back at them there was one fellow who was looking back at me, and he was raising his arm with a thumb’s up. I returned the gesture and gave him a big thumb’s up back. It was a funny and special interaction.

    Can’t wait to see what other positive social effects will take place.

    NoFap effect: people were SOCIALLY ATTRACTED to me today

  872. **22 Days Nofap And I Feel Amazing, Changing My Timeline**

    First off I would like to thank this group for just being here, and giving people hope, guidance and a few laughs along the way.

    • Quick Background I am 39 and have been PMO, MO etc since the internet came out…and I got good at it really good. Wasting hours a day, then repeating the cycle..over and over. But lets get to the good stuff.


    • ENERGY Mine is through the roof, it’s amazing.
    • I used to drink coffee and energy drinks quite a bit. Not anymore Energy right up until bed, and I wake up ready to go and take on the world.
    • I have kick ass dreams too which is a nice bonus.
    • FOCUS I have heard some people make comparisons to Neil discovering the matrix after NOFAP, and honestly it is a good comparison.
    • I feel sharper, my mind is clear and I have more empathy for people in general.
    • I feel more positive and I just don’t have the jealousy that I used to have.
    • Trees look nicer, music sounds better, heightened senses
    • GIRLS I used to objectify girls, try and encourage threesomes, mess up friendships etc. I was an asshole
      I look at girls differently now, you just appreciate them. It’s not all about trying to have sex with them anymore.. which ironically makes them want to have sex with you.
    • You appreciate the beauty, the feminine traits on every level. You genuinely care about what they have to say.
    • You’ve read just like I have that girls will be magically attracted to you and they kind of are… I got back from the gym an hour ago and there were a couple attractive volleyball players in there, and one of the girls took off her shirt and started working out in her sports bra in front of me. Coincidence, sure but things like this have been happening allot, and happened on my last streak.
    • My theory is you just have more confidence to talk to girls, you take better care of yourself, and I swear they can sense something but maybe I’m just more aware, either way It’s pretty fun.
    • You start to pick up girls without even realizing it, and your not deterred if it doesn’t work out and why would you, you are the shit…
    • ANXIETY It’s almost gone, to the point where I have had people ask me if I’m Bi Polar since iv’e been overly happy.
    • Your member gets bigger…enough said
    • TIME MANAGEMENT This is a big one, you just have more time as a result of not wasting time. I’ve also noticed time seems to move slower for me, in the sense whatever I’m doing I’m always surprised how fast I did the task.

    I could keep on going, but the benefits really are just like everyone has mentioned, and I’m going to share some advice that has helped me so far and maybe it can help you.

    • The first 7 days are hard… real hard but it gets easier after that You are doing this for you, you really owe it to yourself to at least give it an honest try. Your trying to become a better person
    • Avoid booze, weed, lack of sleep, facebook profiles, anything that might take you off your game and cause a trigger.
    • Edging That’s like giving an alcoholic a beer, letting them hold it and smell it and telling them not to drink it. Sounds fun hey
    • Go to an SAA meeting if possible…I did and plan to continue, you get to meet people where porn has DESTROYED their lives, also it’s nice to meet real people fighting the same battle (not that you guys aren’t real).
    • Grab an ice pack This does wonders when your feeling the urge, throw it down there.
    • Careful who you tell After the streak is rolling along you get pumped, want to tell people and just be careful who you tell. Porn and MB are so common that people will think your nuts, there are no high fives when you tell people.
    • Be prepared to face your problems head on
    • if your like me I would use porn/MB as a stress reliever, a coping mechanism as it was my escape and I had no idea that I was forming a habit.
    • I was content being mediocre, running to MB like a bitch. Solidifying an addiction without any idea
    • Your brain is not on your side, it is sneaky and will try to rationalize, beg with you and convince you to do stupid things, but remember your the boss.
    • This is my first post on here ever, so its probably scattered and I apologize. I just wanted to write my experience and maybe give something back to this forum
    • I believe the “superpowers” you may experience and that I am experiencing is really your body feeling like it was meant to. I was so numb to all the little and big things.. but for the first time in along time I feel hope and confidence for the future. I believe the day you decide to NOFAP is the day you change your timeline..

    We all have the power to change our timeline and set a new course, the day a famous musician picks up a guitar for the first time they’ve started a new timeline

    • The day you start NOFAP, you instantly start a new timeline for yourself for the good

    Iv’e spent 20 yrs wasting time, but I don’t regret the past because I am actually really excited for the future. I’m only 22 days in but I plan to keep on going and ride out this new timeline I have created for myself. Good Luck Everyone, honestly if I can get this far you definitely can. Thank You

    **22 Days Nofap And I Feel Amazing, Changing My Timeline**

  873. A Great Benefit of NoFap!

    Remember when you were 16 and kissing a girl was just the most amazing thing ever? Remember that feeling you had deep in your stomach?

    Last night I was hooking up with a beautiful girl (yes, nofap does get you girls. No, don’t do nofap to get girls it’s a byproduct) and even just the kissing was amazing. I’ve kissed a lot of girls, but PMO has kind of numbed me to kissing and I only want to get to the “good stuff”. But last night I really enjoyed making out.

    Everything feels better.

    A Great Benefit of NoFap!

  874. 30 day hardmode update (Semi-long read)

    Hey there beautiful people,

    So after (and I’m not lying when I say) a fuck-ton of relapses, I’ve finally hit the one month milestone. For many of you, this may not seem like that much of a milestone, but having been heavily addicted and engaging with this habit since the age of 13 years old (I’m 25 now) it’s definitely taken a lot of willpower and soul searching. So without further do, let us proceed to the reason why you all clicked on this post.


    • Confidence – This is by far the most noticeable benefits I’ve experienced. Throughout my whole life (probably due to growing up in a broken family) I’ve always been the diplomat, the referee, the mediator in any form of confrontation. In some ways this has been beneficial, but there are hundreds of times that I wish I stood up for myself. Since starting this journey, and on this particular streak, I can safely say that this “Nice Guy” syndrome is well and truly on it’s way down the toilet. This doesn’t mean that I’ve turned into a massive, arrogant prick; but more so, when I know someone is trying to mess me around, whether it’s a friend, associate, girl, or even a stranger, I will stand up for myself. In the gym there have been times when a particular member will be screaming out in almost orgasmic tongues as he does his lifts. Whereas before I would have ignored it and bit my tongue, the other day I approached the person in question and asked them if they could please keep it down as it’s distracting me, he agreed. There have been other social interactions I’ve noted where I have disagreed with someones viewpoint when previously I would go along with what they said in fear of any form of confrontation. In many years of my life I have had to feign confidence to get through certain situations, but now it comes to me naturally, I don’t even have to think about it.
    • Happiness- This is something I never thought I could change. After being bullied for a large portion of my teen years, mixed with a difficult upbringing, I confidently say that I am happier than I’ve ever been in the entirety of my existence. Things that I used to dread such as visiting my grandmother, seeing my nieces and nephews make me smile. I smile so much I can feel my jaw ache. From the beauty of nature, the food I taste, the stories I hear from friends and the company of my family. Everything has been magnified with kaleidoscope lenses. This is actually one of the main things that has stopped me from relapsing, as I have grown to hate the feeling of the colossal amounts of dopamine Pornagraphy gives me. Particularly when reaching climax during relapse and, in the end, feeling dead, robotic and lifeless. My happiness is worth too much to me these days to bother with such primal, carnal novelty and pleasure.
    • Physical- Physically I am in the best shape I’ve ever been in my life. With the extra energy I have conserved from semen retention I been attended boxing classes several times a week alongside deadlifting, squatting and a whole heap of other resistance exercises which have served as an excellent avenue for me to transmute my sexual energy. Sparring in the ring has also been a crazy experience as I am not as scared of getting hit (which can actually be disadvantageous in some occasions.) To anyone thinking of taking up this journey, I would highly suggest that you find a sport of your own or physical activity to transmute the ox-like energy you’ll gain from withholding your seed. An idle body leads to an idle mind, and before you know it the urges will come knocking on your cortex…or rather battering the door down with a ram.
    • My voice has also deepened quite a bit, and in general, during conversation I take a lot longer to speak; focusing instead on listening to the other persons perspectives and opinion instead of coming from a place of insecurity and trying to dominate conversations (aka masturbating to the sound of my own voice.) I’ve found that usually the more you listen to people, the more interest they will take in your own opinions and views.

    I should also mention that I haven’t had a single cold, flu, sore-throat or illness throughout the entirety of this month. For someone who has suffered from all of these nearly every time Autumn (fall) and Winter comes about, this has been an amazing change. I live in London, UK and for the most part it’s fucking freezing and miserable weather; but the strength of my immune system this past month has shown me that there are truly amazing components inside your semen. Anti-oxidants and chemicals that are much more beneficial being stored inside of you than out on a tissue… or a crusty sock…

    • Dating- In my eyes and in hindsight, one of the most damaging things Pornography can do to you is make you believe women are on some form of pedestal. Out of your league. That they are such beautiful, sexy, deviant beings that you would have to be a Brad Pitt or Bill Gates to even think of having sex or being with them. On the contrary, what I’ve found is that all you need to be is present. When I used to date before taking up this lifestyle, I would be so wrapped up in the looks of the girl, so nervous about when we were going to kiss, if she liked me or not and so into my own mind that I would come across as weird, distant, nervous and so far into my feminine energy that it’s of no surprise that 2nd dates would be hard to come by. This has changed drastically, this weekend I’m actually going on 3 third dates, with 3 awesome girls I’ve met in the past month. The Nofap mentality has allowed me to be fully in the moment, and enjoy the conversation, enjoy the company of the girl (if it is good) and being in contact with my instincts enough to know whether it’s time to kiss or not, to get physical or not. Testosterone really does help in these situations. The fact that I’ve been working, dating and living on such depleted stores of this wonderful hormone for so long is crazy. A few weeks ago I went in for the kiss and the girl in question turned her cheek and said “She didn’t feel like kissing me.” I smiled, told her it was fine, paid for the bill and, in the end, decided there was no point pursuing someone who clearly doesn’t have that much of an attraction for me. Before Nofap I would have been completely crushed by her comment and would have probably chased after her to the point of me looking either like a stalker or a complete chode. Not anymore folks. Life is too short and there are too many other interesting women in the world to get caught up on one who isn’t on the same wavelength as you.

    It should also be mentioned that I do find women looking at me more often, but I believe this is because instead of walking around with my head hunched over, looking at the sidewalk, I make eye contact with people a lot more; thus I notice if girls are looking at me now.

    • Career- Through Nofap, I quit my day job, got qualified as a personal trainer and have put a vast amount of my energy into my love for music and music production. After getting a Masters degree in audio technology several years ago, and with some talent in music production; I gave it up in the end due to my own insecurities of entering a creative industry where success and security is difficult to come by, and instead went for a job that payed alright but made me literally want to die on my daily commute to and fro.

    Now (after quitting my job and getting qualified) I am a freelance personal trainer with a good client base. I wake up in the morning with a smile on my face, knowing that I am helping people meet there own fitness/psychological goals in life. I don’t make as much money as I did with my old job, but the happiness I get from personal training people is worth 10 fold the old salary I had.

    My evenings are spent making music I love, and transmuting more of my sexual energy into building and creating, what I hope is a portfolio of music that a career out of in the future. I actually released my first EP today, if you’re interested in hearing it (even if the genre isn’t to your taste) check it out here.

    Overall I have learnt more about myself in this month than I have in my previous 25 years alive. This really is powerful stuff, I’m excited to see the challenges I will face and the rewards I will reap if I continue on to 90 days or longer. Sorry if this got a bit long, hopefully you found something interesting/inspiring from this post that will help you with your own journey in taking back control over your sexual energy and, ultimately, your existence.

    Peace and love to all of you,

    Memo/3rd Feast

    30 day hardmode update (Semi-long read)


  875. New here, what’s up fellas. (30 day report)

    Recently completed a 30 day nofap hard mode streak before relapsing yesterday. The benefits were amazing and its hard to realize just how powerful they are until you do relapse. Fuck. But today I’m starting a new streak to 90 days and will make it, as I did to 30. I’ll list the benefits I noticed to motivate you guys reading, most of these occurred during the end of the 3rd week into the 4th. Still can’t believe how much changed in that short time, even though I did relapse.

    Energy – through the god damn roof. Workouts I used to do became a joke, so I was able to up the intensity severely.

    Posture – no longer walked in a slumped manner. I think this is related to the excess amounts of energy I had.

    Deeper voice – didn’t think this would actually happen to me but fuck me it did. Voice felt like it was coming from a deep cavern inside my body.

    Attention from females and guys: had girls from work texting me very intimate shit, stuff they have never talked about before. Shit, they barely would text me back before and here they were initiating long ass convos about sexual stuff. Was invited to breakfast with two of them, they kept commenting how the waitresses were checking me out and girls on the street as we left. Girls I know from work and friends were much more physical, always finding a reason to touch my arm, leg whatever. As for guys, they seemed to linger around me forcing convos to continue. Not in a gay way but in a “I respect this dude” way.

    Social anxiety: towards the end of the streak, I was having better conversations than I ever thought possible. I was leading them instead of mumbling some dumb shit in agreement in a awkward convo ending way. People genuinely wanted to talk with me about anything. Was one of the best benefits of this.

    Vivid af dreams: started at week 2, some crazy ass dreams. Dont know if this is a benefit or not.

    Skin, appearance: I took before and after pics (dont want to post them here sorry). Difference was a shock to me. Before, saggy eyes with a “dead” look and dry skin with breakouts. After, face was noticeably leaner (always ate healthy even before nofap so this was a big wtf moment) and there was a subtle glow and lively, fire look in my eyes. Looking at this after pic now and seeing my relapsed face in the mirror makes me want to cry like a bitch.

    Sleep: could go with 4 hours sleep and be fine. Was awesome. I also noticed my insomnia was lessened a shit load, go figure.

    Brain fog: I could think much much more clearly, especially in social situations. You guys with anxiety know the pain of doing stupid embarrassing shit when other people are watching. This pretty much stopped. Helped a lot with focusing on my work too.

    Confidence: after noticing all these effects I had a huge boost in confidence, so much so that I was seeking out social situations especially groups just to talk with everyone. The reaction from people only increased my confidence even more as they were very receptive and gave me lots of attention.

    Hope this motivates some of you dudes, keep going. Find it in yourself to make this change, and most of all dont become complacent with the success of benefits or superpowers because the second you relapse you will be back in that depressed anxiety ridden world youre trying to crawl out of. Cheers boys, heres to day 1.

    New here, whats up fellas. (30 day report)


  876. What nofap does to me.

    As a kid I didn’t give a fuck. I openly expressed how I felt and no one could tell me anything. I loved art, music everything. And I believed in myself. When puberty came I changed. I became shy, and I started to care what people thought of me. And I even stopped my hobbies such as art and music. I was also watching a lot of porn at that time. But now whenever I get a streak something weird happens. I become the kid I used to be. I become extremely expressive, free, and I have an obnoxious confidence I’m not ever afraid to hide. Some people love it and others hate it. I can tell. It’s like I turn from Michaels cera into Kanye west. I become who I truly am in my mind.

    How does nofap do to you?

    What nofap does to me.

  877. I can laugh all the time.

    I am on day 45 now and for most part of my life I have not been able to laugh in front of anyone, not even family. Even when something really funny happened I just couldn’t get a laugh out, just an uncontrollable smile.

    For the past month I have literally been able to laugh at nothing at any time, it’s almost insane. I just laugh for no reason when i want and it feels great. Been stuck in a flatline for at least 2 weeks now but that hasn’t stopped it.

    I have started to laugh in front of people now, a quiet laugh but I am at least opening my mouth.

    I can laugh all the time.

  878. The biggest change though is 0 social anxiety. Seriously

    I’ve done more than a month of NoFap but the issue was that for the first month I’d pretty much peek everyday and edge once every few days. I felt better than before when I PMO’d 5-6 times a day but never had the superpower stuff.

    In the last week I haven’t peeked or edged. I decided to increase the amount of time my meditation sessions last too, instead of 10 minute sessions I’ll meditate in one spot anywhere from 20 upwards to 30 minutes.

    The difference is clear, NoFap hardmode + meditation has given me superpowers. I am much calmer and much more believing in myself.

    The biggest change though is 0 social anxiety. Seriously

    Before I’d get nervous when walking to class or to meet people, I’d breathe calmly but those nerves would always be there in my chest, even if subtely. Now on hardmode if I take deep breathes I have no nerves whatsoever, not even a subtle hint of that anxious feeling in my chest

    A few acquaintances I know are also coming up to me and telling me that they respect me, that I seem more of a man, it’s strange, but hardmode (no edging/peeking) is the way to go.

    Superpowers are definitely real. Hardmode is the way forward

  879. NoFap is the best thing I’ve decided to do

    I’ve finally hit the 30 day marker in my reboot. I started my personal reboot due to PIED with a few of the women I have tried intercourse with and to get rid of brain fog from PMO. Before the reboot, i would PMO about 3 times a week, causing me to have trouble “getting it up” when with a girl and a feeling of severe fogginess in my head.

    Nov. 1st I started on hard mode NoFap, and I have come a long way in just 30 days. My brain fog is little to none, my workouts are much more intense, and my ability to pull the ladies has increased. I’ve grown in confidence as well, as I have hooked up with two separate girls in this one month period with little to no trouble getting it up.

    NoFap is the best thing I’ve decided to do, I plan to do the total 90 day reboot and hopefully never PMO again. The benefits of no PMO are totally worth it. I have pushed passed many urges, and it’s true when they say resisting every urge makes you stronger. I have very few urges to PMO, if any at all, and it’s a great feeling.

    Thanks for the support on this forum, it is truly a life changer.

    Reached Day 30: A Brief Report



  880. My honest opinion and experiences with NoFap (PROS/CONS)

    Hello Reddit and whoever may be reading this whether you are participating in nofap or you are lurking here to see if it actually works I’d like to share my experiences and pros/cons you can call it if you wish. I have been doing nofap for almost 3 weeks now and have had a couple relapses but am on week 1 now. I would consider myself a happy individual and came here for the opportunity to seek improvement in my life and in my love life. I would like to point out I see a lot of people posting about how they have a very low self-esteem, low self-worth, low self-talk, and anxiety and are wondering if not masturbating will fix all of that. I would like to tell you it won’t fix it. It may give you the motivation to go out and build the confidence, self worth, high self talk, the real deal breaker is you taking action to improve. I was once that person who was ashamed of myself.. I fapped anywhere from 1-6 times a day, I wouldn’t socialize at all, I lived in fear everybody hated my presences, and I had trouble even looking at someone. But after a solid year of building/improving myself I am proud to say I have turned all of that around. And if you are reading this now is the time to start improving. Stop fucking waiting for life to happen to you. It’s time to make it happen.. not tomorrow or the next day, NOW! YOU ARE THE BOSS OF YOUR LIFE! It’s time to take control and get what you want out of life and I am going to tell you what it’s like not masturbating and how it can actually help your day to day life if you are in my position or you are struggling to gain control of your life.


    Increased energy

    • I feel very motivated to consistently workout almost everyday, have made exponential progress in my business in the past few days, I cannot sit and simply do nothing or I get urges which drives me to do something I enjoy; ultimately making my days filled with activities I like snowballing into a better day.

    Increased sexual appetite

    • When it comes to sex I have never been so dominant in the bedroom, the women love that and it makes sex a lot more pleasurable for both parties.

    More connected socially

    • I am an introvert so I don’t really enjoy a lot of social talk. The only time when I really like talking is when there’s a objective/purpose for example seducing a girl, presenting something, and the etc. I feel more connected, like I have the energy to be able to pick up on others moods/feelings rather than focus on mine, then act in ways from their moods/feelings to progress in what I want.


    • I believe the positivity is directly linked with the increased energy I have but it’s important I included it since positivity is such an important aspect to have. It’s the vibes of positivity that draws people to you.


    Increased sexual appetite

    • Yes, I did just include that again because it’s also a con. It’s not easy fighting urges when your horny. I often get caught up and express few needy behaviors to women. I counter this by taking a step back and observing my behaviors (if you have this problem check out coach corey wayne on youtube, big help)

    These are MY results from not fapping. You may experience this differently but chances are you probably won’t. I would like to thank the people of this section for being so supportive and promoting such a positive cause, PORN IS BAD!

    My honest opinion and experiences with NoFap (PROS/CONS)

  881. 30 days of no PMO & changes

    I did it. 30 days. NO FKN PMO. And it is a huge deal to me.
    I’ve been able to reach here only because I was inspired by how people are changing themselves to be better versions of themselves and I congratulate everyone else; who has started NoFap, beaten the previous streak they had and have completed their goal.

    What is my goal? My goal is to go 90 days without any PMO, I know I’m going to get questions about what after I’ve completed my goal and in simple words – I’m resisting all sexual experiences till 90 days so that I can reboot my brain and then will slowly start introducing real life sexual events rather than going back to fapping. Why 90? How am I so sure I’ll be rebooted in 90 days? I’m not sure. I have no idea to be honest why 90 days. I have read people reboot in 90 days hence I’m going with it. I get why people would question me on this, how do I even know I’ve rebooted? Well that’s what I hope to find during this journey.

    I don’t think no PMO is the magic cure, you have to do other things along with it and the most important in that is believing, because choosing to believe in something or someone is letting yourself be vulnerable, you’re allowing yourself to remain optimistic during stressful times and how else do we find love or anything of value in life without remaining optimistic? Similarly this.

    I will be adding both the positive and negative changes to give a real life picture rather than a dreamy everything is happy and disney.


    #1 – Energy is so much more than before.
    #2 – Change of perception, I look at life with a lot more optimistic perspective.
    #3 – Noticing every little detail in the environment and people.
    #4 – Repetition of #2, remained positive during a breakup of a 3 year relationship.
    #5 – Facial hair growth is much faster, previously it took me 2 months to grow a beard but now I’ve grown one in a month.
    #6 – Much more confident in life, I’m being assertive and doing things for myself now.
    #7 – Increased interest in pursuing my passion.
    #8 – The superpowers are working, I’m getting a lot more attention from girls (could be because I’m single and/or grew a beard) but a girl who is the most alpha man seeking person, is pursuing me.
    #9 – Girls in general look better and I guess it’s because I’m seeing them as individuals rather than objects of sexual gratification (which I probably did subconsciously).
    #10 – Feeling emotions much more deeply than before and this includes happiness and sadness which is good. We’ve been numbing ourselves to emotions by PMO for far too long.
    #11 – Feeling a lot more creative
    #12 – Kind of aggressive but it’s good aggressive


    #1 – No morning woods whatsoever, I got 3-4 max during the 20-25th days I think but other than that, they’ve not been there. (its not flatline)
    #2 – Leakage, now whenever I urinate, I feel a little semen is being released.
    #3 – I think now whenever I’ll ejaculate, it’ll be premature ejaculation. Before NoFap, I could last 30-40 minutes (basically fap under whatever time I wanted) I never felt I have to hurry fapping so I lasted long but now I feel I won’t even last a minute. I didn’t have a death grip either so it’s probably the semen build up? I don’t know.
    #4 – I seemed a little awkward in my behaviour when I first started but now I’m normal
    #5 – A bit more sensitive but it’s mostly in a good way

    So as you can see, the positives clearly outweigh the negative so NoFap is definitely worth it. It really does bring out the good in you and makes you a better person mentally which carries on to you making effort to become better physically.

    My journey is far from over, this is just the start. So wish me luck as I wish you in your journey and your goals. Together, you and I can do this.



    About Me and Reasons for Doing NoFap…fapstronaught-introduction.78659/#post-622052


    Height Increasing Journey

    Previous Journal


    My Current Journal

    30 days of no PMO & changes

  882. I thought the superpowers were a fucking meme

    Even if it is placebo, I feel much more confident, I’m initiating conversations SO much more, I’m not holding back my opinions, I don’t get anxiety when talking to people, I’m not scared in asking people questions, I have a date on Thursday.

    I think I’m gonna make it lads

    I thought the superpowers were a fucking meme

  883. Absolutely the best benefit of NoFap for me..!

    When I’m in a stressfull situation or in a place crowded by many people I feel tense or full of anxiety to speak or act out, however, when I’m on a decent streak full of focus and dedication it’s completely different. The feeling of anxiety or stress is literally chucked down instantly when it comes up!! I don’t know how this is possible, but I’m certain that it has to do with all the energy I have because of NoFap. I can feel the anxiety coming up, but the confidence and/ or energy just devours the tense feeling. I experienced it a lot. I’m so calm and collected in a group or social setting right now.. Confident of myself and my talents. I’m also very observing and look people straight up in the eyes! This energy really makes me feel so fantastic!

    Absolutely the best benefit of NoFap for me..!

  884. Much better Sex with gf

    If you have a girlfriend i suggest you to completely stop your habit. I’ve noticed, that my commitment towards her concerning not just sex is so much greater. I was afraid, that I suddenly couldn’t last long enough, as soon as I stop masturbating, but somehow it is the whole #opposite

    I don’t know if I’m exaggerating here, but I feel that stopping fapping really enhances our relationship by at least 25% and we already were the happiest couple on earth since day one! This really makes me so happy, I had to share with you. If you have a person in your life, which deserves your whole attention, do it for her/him!

    Much better Sex with gf


  885. Day 92 / Schizophrenia vs Nofap.

    It will be short. I am schizophrenic and because of the loads of meds that I take, I feel that somehow I am not able to experiment the full benefits of nofap and no PMOing.

    Anyways, I am at my 92 days, and something amazing started to happen… CONVERSATIONAL SKILLS really improved. I don’t f*** believe!! People laugh of my silly jokes. I lead a conversation most of The times I choose the topic. I don’t feel anymore the feeling of having to ”fitting in” conversations. I have never felt this before mainly because of my long-term schizophrenia.

    That’s why I am IMPRESSED.

    Day 92 / Schizophrenia vs Nofap.

  886. 40 Days [Theres More just lost count]


    My name is D. I joined NoFap a few months ago but like many before me i jumped on it without the proper knowledge of how to resist and keep going. My first streak was a week failed that, Next was 4 days failed, Next was 2 weeks Failed, I was not sure what the problem was i thought it was the porn which is was to be honest but the real problem was me my motive did not want me to quit and that’s why i would relapse.

    But here I am 40+ days in I decided to not count just to not masturbate and it has worked for me as when I set a goal i feel when i hit that goal I feel I can fap one time it won’t mess this streak up I just won’t do it again, Nope when I climax with my hand i feel like complete shit.

    I would like to share what the good and bad are.


    • Urge to fap is out the roof. Just have to know how to say no
    • Time is Key and I’m impatient


    • Social Anxiety is slowly but surely going away [This was one of the big reasons i started
    • Girls Look at me more [Thought this was a Lie but no its true]
    • Got a girlfriend
    • ED is slowly going away [Not there yet but my erections are getting stronger but i still have some ways to go]
    • MUCH MORE EYE CONTACT [BIG ONE because i could not look my mother in the eye half the time
    • Weight Loss [I work Out Now]
    • My Appearance is better
    • Hygiene is at a all time high
    • Im starting to be able to hold conversations

    MUCH More but you get it.

    If you want to start NoFap I suggest you do get past the 2 week hump and it gets much easier

    40 Days [Theres More just lost count]

  887. 30 Days – A Few Thoughts

    Hello guys.

    It’s finally here. The first milestone I’ve set for myself. The first month.
    After I don’t even know how many years, I finally made a pretty good run this time. Today marks the first 30 days!

    I have to be honest though: it’s been 30 days just for the last time I watched porn. During this 30 days I have reached orgasm twice: once through a BJ, and once because I got a major case of blue balls. However, both those happened over two weeks now, so I guess I’m still at the right path.

    Even though I reached 30 days of only no P, I had a few pros during this time:

    *I’m much more aware of the world. It’s easier to acknowledge my issues and problems and find a good way to solve them. This doesn’t seem like much, but it’s actually a foundation for this fight and all the struggles that comes with it.

    *Self-Steem: Just for the fact that I could keep myself away from my addiction is a huge confidence boost.

    *I have much more “drive” to live my life. To go after what I want. I often thought that I was a hopeless lazy person. That’s not true. Every day I feel kind of an “obligation” to do something good or new. That’s awesome!

    *Objectifying: I started to lose that old habit too. When I see a girl walking by or meet someone new I don’t think about every single nasty porn-based act I could do with them. I’m much more curious to know them. I feel like I can only be attracted to a girl once I get to know her. And that is also one of the biggest advantages. Even more, I’m currently attracted to a girl I met a few days ago, and I don’t even have that sex feeling. Of course I want it, but I actually feel a need to have a connection and have a meaningful relationship instead of just fuck someone because of any urges.

    I know it’s only 30 days and that I have a lot of things to get better.
    One thing I realized is: everyone has a different history. And a different path. You may not identify with mine or any other post here directly. But in the big picture we are all in the same boat here.

    If you somehow was never able to reach 30 days, don’t be discouraged.
    Read what other people has to say. Set milestones. Keep you mind focused on winning this.

    Sure hope I can be back with my 60 days report next month.

    30 Days – A Few Thoughts

  888. 32 days – Got a boner looking at a picture of a naked woman.

    This is crazy as fuck guys. Today I was flipping through a biology reference book at the library because I was bored, and I flipped to the page where it has a picture of a naked woman. And I couldn’t believe at first but, my heart started beating really fast and I got a full fucking boner.

    It’s insane, 2 months ago I had to watch like hentai gang-rape and tentacle bullshit just to get some painful, halfway boner. And here I was with a hard ass boner looking at an anatomy picture. I’m so so happy guys.

    Looking back, the hardest part was at night when I get supremely horny as before it was when I masturbated the most. The most important thing I did was move my cellphone, tablet and laptop into the living room and use those devices there and there only. The 2nd and 3rd week were absolutely brutal, I even had to sleep on the floor for a few days as it seemed that my bed was a big trigger.

    In terms of other benefits, I’d say the #1 thing is that I have way more energy and almost feel like a kid that wants to constantly run around. Outside of that, I really haven’t noticed much, but maybe those will come with time.

    But honestly, today’s discovery in itself has been life changing. I’m so thankful for this subreddit, you don’t know how grateful I am for you guys.

    Thank you so so much.

    32 days – Got a boner looking at a picture of a naked woman.

  889. NoFap helped me go beastmode and finally satisfy my gf

    So I decided to say fuck porn. And I quit that shit for the last month. Prior to this I use to fiend out on some dank porno at least once a day for 2-3 hours per day, blasting my serotonin and fucking with my natural mechanisms.

    Decided I’m tired of being an unconfident antisocial fuck tard and quit wasting time staring at pixel tits.

    FLash forward to this week when my testo has been the highest it’s been in the last year. Holy shit. Watching my gf walk around the kitchen was getting my dick hard. I couldn’t contain myself. I grabbed her and took her to our room. Proceed to 2 hours of me maintaining the hardest erection I’ve ever had (so fucking hard I thought my dick was going to fall off – was uncomfortable at some stages tbh). But nonetheless, I was like a levl 99 torpedo bomb. I proceeded to rail my gf harder than I’ve ever railed her before. She was screaming how big my dick is and that she can’t contain herself (obv cause I’m always wanking so I’m never 100% attention), but now I was full force destroyer mode, and she couldn’t handle herself. Made her cum 3 times in a row, and when I smashed nut she proceeded to be in ecstasy.

    I now understand why wanking sucks.

    If you want to actually be a man, and fuck like a king, then stop staring at pixels and go full jedi.

    Excuse me while I go for round 2/


    NoFap helped me go beastmode and finally satisfy my gf

  890. NoFap 30 day report !!!

    I have finally completed 30 days of NF! this was a pretty crazy experience that I will entirely sum up throughout this post. For starters it took me about 4 attempts to complete the 30 days. I relapsed at day 4, then day 6, then day 11, and I finally just finished the 30 days. I would say that day 11 was extremely difficult because I woke up with terrible urges as well as around day 20.

    also important to note that I’m 20 years old and have been using PMO for about 3 to 4 years about 2 or 3 times a day

    Lets start off with what I noticed:

    The first few days I didn’t really feel much I mean it was pretty regular for me I just wanted to watch porn and beat off since I was so used to it.

    around day 6 or 7 I started to feel more energetic the key to not relapsing here or at any point is to stay active!! I cannot stress this enough because lounging around with so much pent up energy you will more than likely relapse. Throughout this I started working out everyday and reading books and doing a lot of mental clearing. The first two times I attempted the challenge although I didn’t get very far I was smoking a lot of weed which was zapping all of my energy and drive. I found that I needed to stop and see how it effected the nofap experience. Of course it proved that I had more energy and drive. With that being said I quit smoking weed! I realized after 5 years of smoking that it just wasn’t for me anymore.

    lets get into the benefits:

    of course you get more energy but it really is a lot. I mean you will have the desire to wake up early and kickstart your day! All of this won’t happen though if you don’t get out and experience life.

    My mental clarity has improved so much, I was remembering basic things that I wouldn’t often remember it just kind of stuck in my mind!

    Positivist attitude is another big one that I felt along the way. The thing is you will most likely experience a flatline at some point which I did around day 20-26. This was awful because the benefits I gained were suddenly zapped from me and I felt no drive or any desire to do anything; awfully negative.

    Female attraction started to happen towards the very end. Just two days ago I was out getting lunch and I ended up talking to some random girl there and when I was sitting back at my table in the restaurant I noticed her friend was starring at me and smiling and they were talking about me. Crazy!

    I make a lot more eye contact with people and generally feel more confident walking taller and feeling stronger than ever.

    NoFap really gives you the keys to the city and lets you feel a sense of inner satisfaction that you haven’t felt in a while. It can be really difficult but I loved the journey and seriously plan to continue until I complete the 90 days!! I stumbled upon this community of people and saw all the wonderful things people were saying and loved how supportive everyone was and knew I had to take my part in it as well. For everyone who has completed the challenge thank you for giving me inspiration along the way and leading the way. For everyone struggling with this, hang in there and gain control of your life! Its worth it and trust me this shit works lol

    I plan to make a 60 day and 90 day report in the future!

    NoFap 30 day report !!!

  891. 1 Month on Nofap: My family told me i look different

    It’s been 1 month in Nofap, but also, 6 months since i decided to make a huge change in my life, meaning; become more positive, believe more in myself, know myself, getting out of my comfort zone, etc.

    The problem, i was addicted to porn, so even if i tried to change my life, just the fact of watching porn everyday, made it 10 times harder. So, i decided to quit porn.

    On new year’s resolution, a lot of my family members told me i have change a lot. They told me i look more confident, more attractive ( is funny, but they told me i looked like i could work on the TV), and i looked like a strong man, with strong mentality (because i dont have a strong body…. YET!).

    i know family always tell their relatives that they have changed, but this time was incredible different, they really looked me like “WOOW”, i even had the personality to dress more atractive than usual, just because i like to dress like that, and do it everyday now (back then i didn’t have the personality to do that, not even close)

    It’s been 9 days since new year’s resolution but i never thought about that until now. And now that i think about it, i have notice that not just the people on my family look at me different, but girls do, and the other people around me does it too.

    The best thing of this, is that you can become addictive to change, you want to push yourself even more, you search for more knowledge and you seek to improve youself in every aspect of yourlife, and you do it for yourself (even if is really fucking good to see people looking at you diferently, specially girls).

    So yeah, keep it up guys, don’t give up, push yourself everyday, is pay off!!!

    1 Month on Nofap: My family told me i look different and gave me congratulations at the New Year’s resolution.

  892. 30 days of Nofap. Feel like a beast. Some benefits

    Whatsup brothers,

    Today I hit 30 days of nofap. It was kind of hard at the start, but right now it gets easier and benefits start to really come man.

    Things I notice: – More confidence – Look people in the eye – Starting to feel really relaxed in my body – Sometimes I litterally fucking shout and jump, because I have so much energy man. Gotta express that sometimes. Feels so good. – My dick starts to get really reactive and sensitive, but that little thing is definitely not competely healed yet. But I keep going man and it will. – I do cold calling sometimes for my own biz. i get compliments from biz owners, because they love my approach, and people who were disinterested are getting interested in my shit, because I’m really calm, but persistent

    So these were just a few benefits. These benefits are not all just from Nofap, because I work out 6 times a week, take cold showers after working out around 4 times a week, read good shit, immerse myself in positivity. But for me it all started with nofap.

    This shit is so fucking real. Right now I don’t allow myself to have sex either. After 90 days and I feel I am completely healed from this shitty addiction I will allow myself to again. But I will never waste my semen anymore for just random girls. I used to want to fuck every girl that walked and showed interest. Not anymore man, they are not worth the power of my semen.

    Guys, please keep going man. It is the start of a better life. Read awaken the giant within from Tony Robbins. His book helped me transform my health, this habit and my work ethic. The tools and technology in his book will help you, I’m sure it will.

    See you on the other side.

    30 days of Nofap. Feel like a beast. Some benefits

  893. After 1 month of NoFap, some benefits…

    Most important benefit for me is the great energy for exercise. Before nofap, I always try to motivate myself to exercise and keep waiting for the rest days. Now I can’t wait to exercise it is hard to sit on a chair or lie down in the bed.

    I have fewer urges now. I feel like I can control my sexual urges. Before nofap, sometimes it was really hard to not think about sex or attractive women. I was dealing this issue with fapping. Now I exercise.

    I was really depressed and suicidal before nofap. I was trying to cure it with alcohol. Alcohol was a temporary solution. After that night, I was again in a depressed mood. But nofap can cure depression in the long run. It is a real thing. Now I can remember the times after fapping, lying in the bed with a depressed mood. I had no energy to do anything. Now, I have also depressed moods but I am trying to deal with it. I am fighting with the problems of my life not escaping it with fapping.

    My advice for beginners of this journey is KEEP YOUR EXPECTATIONS LOW. There are great posts in this subreddit and when I started 1 month ago, I kept my expectations too high and during 3rd week my energy was a little bit low. But I got better on 4th week. This is a long journey, I am also a beginner of this journey. So there can be ups and downs. You can survive these problems. Nofap gives you the energy. Just be patient.

    After 1 month of NoFap, some benefits…

  894. 30+ days

    So a small bit about me, I’m a 21 year old guy who’d probably been PMOing consistently for about 5-6 years. Never particularly popular at school (it was an all boys school so no girls to speak of anyway), had friends at uni but again not really a hit with the ladies bar the odd encounter. Graduated in the summer and started a paid internship at a local company a month later then after that was up they kept me there in a different role until Xmas, but well before that was coming to an end (in like mid November) they offered me a permanent role.

    So anyway, in mid December I realised I wasn’t having satisfying orgasms and couldn’t fap properly to anything that wasn’t porn. So I found yourbrainonporn as well as this place and decided it was time to stop. So I did, and haven’t tapped since. Only time I can really say I felt a ‘random’ urge was some time between day 5 and 10 when I was lying in bed and started getting this weird feeling around my bellend. I wasn’t even hard or anything, it was just this sort of pleasant buzzing feeling or something. Anyway I just laid there and let it pass. That, and the odd raging boner but again it’s not like I’ve struggled to ignore them.

    As for the benefits, well I’m getting morning wood again and the occasional random boner I guess. I started this to try and rule out any possible PIED so on that front it’s going great. Can’t say I’ve got any of these ‘superpowers’ people speak of and women aren’t throwing themselves at me, but I never expected that to be the case to begin with. I’m probably a bit less confident overall than I was a month ago but again, that’s down to the fact I’ve been given more responsibility at work and it’s kicking my ass rather than having anything to do with my dick.

    I’m connecting with women easier as well I guess. I didn’t have a problem getting on with the women I work with before but I seem to get on better with them now. The hottest girl in the office playfully gave me a little shove as she walked past my desk the other day and giggled as she said how funny I was, whilst there’s another one who I keep seeming to be making eye contact with a lot of the time. Again as I said I’m not reading into these as meaning I’ve suddenly become an Adonis to them because that’s nonsense, and the fact is to my knowledge they were both taken (the one who I seem to make regular eye contact with is now available however but that’s beside the point). Plus I managed to get some girl off tinder to give me her number, then we went out and clearly I did a good job since she decided to kiss me at the end of the date – in the end after kissing her I didn’t really feel that connection on a deeper level but clearly something seems to have changed in me since in the past I doubt I’d have been able to make a girl interested in me that way, but now I can.

    So I suppose overall this has been a positive step so far, perhaps I’ll see some other benefits over a longer period but whilst I’m not feeling this insane surge of energy (I’m still waking up for work tired despite getting 6/7 hours sleep) or these so-called superpowers that others get, I’m at least satisfied with what I’ve gotten out of this.

    Also, I figured if I can cut this out, I can also start reducing the amount of food I eat too. So whilst I did treat myself on Wednesday, I’ve lost around 7-8lbs since last Sunday.

    30+ days


  895. Nofap made me a much more SPIRITUAL person (For those Skeptical

    Before Nofap i was VERY skeptical of all of this. I thought to myself “SO YOU MEAN TO TELL ME…ALL THESE BENEFITS AND CHANGES COME FROM HOLDING IN YOUR SEMEN!?!? NONSENSE!!!”

    But i knew just because i was skeptical didnt necessarily mean that nofap wasn’t true.

    After discovering the first benefits after 30+ days of MUCH MORE ENERGY, less sleep required and music sounding better, i thought “Why not continue!”.

    The benefits, the experience with others, how other people that know me can tell a difference in me but JUST CANT PUT THEIR FINGER ON IT, but most importantly this path pushing me forward on Personal/Internal connection with myself, getting to learn and understand myself.

    Of course my LOGICAL THINKING will always exist, but this journey has developed so much internal changes in myself that im still trying to understand. Things i’ve never felt about myself, thoughts i’ve never had until i started this journey.

    And this is MY EXPERIENCES/GROWTH, maybe you had this similar experience this far in doing Nofap/No PMO, or maybe not!

    But this Journey has been amazing, and the best part is that the “benefits” doesn’t just stop, you’re always improving, in my opinion just at a more accelerated pace! All these benefits im telling you came NATURALLY, and mind you, this is coming from someone who used to be a skeptic and had no expectations at all!

    I’m starting to have a better understanding of who i am, what i want to do with my life, my self worth worth, my goals, etc.

    Whether you are a spiritual person, a logical person, or inbetween, there is a benefit for EVERYONE in some kind of way! Even if it’s as simple as saving time for yourself!

    Lets say you are as skeptical as i used to be right!? I’ll ask you this question since i had that mentality before, WHAT DO YOU HAVE TO LOSE!? All you are doing is keeping your sperm inside your body and not fapping or watching porn, THAT’S IT. No one is making money from this, or benefiting from YOUR PROGRESS/SUCCESS on this journey BUT YOU! (And i might sound mean for this) Personally i really don’t care what decision you decide to make because i already know how much this lifestyle has benefited me! ITS UP TO YOU!

    So if you are one of the people thinking about doing Nofap, i encourage you to try one day!

    Nofap made me a much more SPIRITUAL person (For those Skeptical of Nofap)


  896. Nofap after 20 days Results!

    Hey guys! Just wanna give some feedback. I’m new around here since I’ve started my nofap journey! I plan on never return to it!! So ever since 20 days. I feel like i have so much energy. And for some reason I feel so much more energetic and i look so much happier! I talk with more energy and joke around waaaay more before I started squeezin. I asked myself ”Why should you squeeze one off when you can find yourself a REAL woman to lay down you know??”. So thats what got me this far. Ive been beatin off for around 2 years. Its judgment time for me to test if i can overcome this so called PMO or whatever. But so far I feel so good. Like the reward I get from nofap is just indescribable. I talk to people so much more, i can talk with the flow of the conversation, and be beyond more active.

    How do you guys feel after 20 days? Any thoughts? I’m planning on continuing until i met a real girl and lay down :). Looking forward to that day! But till then!! Power to NoFap! Like idk how to explain it. I used to be quiet because you know….that relaxation after you squeeze one off? But hell I talk so much now! Flirting so much now and god I just feel like its a new beginning!!

    Nofap after 20 days Results!

  897. Something’s different about you….

    I have battled with porn since I was about 16. I’m 27 now and I’m 23 days porn free. I honestly can see benefits from abstaining from it. Better sleep, higher libido, more interest in my gf.

    So yesterday I walk into l work (my gf and I work together) and she says “you look different.” I’m thinking it’s my hair. I had washed it before work so it was curlier than usual. So I just say IDK and see if she can figure it out. Fast forward to the end of the shift and she says “I know what it is, you don’t look tired like you always do.” So I really do always look tired/disgruntled even when I’m well rested. Like I have the male version of resting b*tchface. It bothers me because ppl at work always ask if I’m okay. So I’m always trying to be cognizant of my face around coworkers and hope ppl don’t catch me off guard. It’s such a pain…

    But apparently I had this glow today and she’s said she wasn’t the only one that noticed. It really made me happy when I realized this might be a result of freeing myself from the prison known as porn. I honestly can say I feel more alive than I have felt in a long time and don’t ever want to go back to that dark place. Just wanna encourage everyone who is battling along with me. Stay strong brothers

    Something’s different about you….


  898. 33 days report

    -feel happy (Appreciate my family, my friends, and everything what I have)

    -feel motivated (gym, eat, read, sleep, repeat)

    -feel drive to go out and have sex with real girls (Can’t wait to find beautiful girl and have great sex with her)

    -feel energized (I work out even after a long and hard day at work, no skip days)

    -feel concentrated (Perform my tasks at work easily, My productivity level is increased)

    -feel that I can achieve everything in this life (I will achieve every single goal which I wrote down on my goal journal)

    -feel that 2017 is the year when I killed my porn addiction

    -feel that my brain is rewiring

    -feel that my dopamine receptors are going back to normal level again

    -feel that I appreciate nature, books, deep conversations with people, good music more than ever in my life

    -feel that I will have even more positive results in near future

    -feel that REAL me is finally coming back after long years of absence

    P.s. First 2 weeks were the hardest weeks I ever had, actually I almost relapsed on day 14th, thanks to my friend that helped me, I called him when I had crazy urges. After week two everything is going smooth and much much easier

    Good luck brothers. We will do it!

    33 days report


  899. 50 days later.


    just a short post as a heads up.

    1. Been doing pornfree according to my badge.
    2. Nofap since around 3 weeks.
    3. Regular sex with orgasm and ejaculation, 1-2 times a week.

    I’m not really interested in porn or fapping any more. When I come across erotic imagery then it’s like “yeah, looks pretty boring like all the others.” and I dismiss it. Sometimes I remember how it was to PMO or MO, but then I also remember the side effects and then it’s instantly clear to me that it is no longer a part of my life, and in all likelihood will never be again.

    Thank you for all the help and motivation. I’ll stick around.

    EDIT: forgot to mention the obvious. Life is a lot more awesome in many ways, more time and energy, more willpower, discipline and motivation. Better mood.

    50 days later.

  900. Month without PMO, pros and cons

    Hello, warriors!

    I was putting off this posting this, but finally I decided to share my experiences of having no PMO for a month.
    It’s probably gonna be a little too long to read. Also I’m gonna be honest about both pros and cons of being sober. And I think it will involve some psychology points that I’ve noticed. I also hope to keep my story as a bit of a structure for more clear understanding of the whole picture.
    So, scoop up your patience and let’s go.

    First of all, all the cases are different, so I would like to point out my

    Initial Conditions:
    I usually have time to myself only on weekends. Sometimes I was like desperate. Sotimes it wasn’t too intense in terms of amount of times I was doing it.

    Type of addiction:
    It is more dangerous because it also involves interpersonal non-sexual engagement and gives you extended sense of reality.

    Now let’s go through the standard list of benefits of being PMO free life and see how it worked for me:

    Benefits & what exactly worked for me

    1. Having a great sex again:
    – Yes, it doesn’t come back too fast and all in once, but that’s a yes.

    2. Increased energy and drive.
    – No. I didn’t feel it. I think it relates only to those who’s involved into PMO 24/7. I may be corrected here.

    3. You have more time to do awesome things in life.
    – Heck, yes!!! (you just have to know those things that you’re gonna do, futher about it)

    4. Decrease in social anxiety, increased confidence and self-esteem.
    – Yes, there’s that there. But don’t rely on it as if it was like wonder-making remedy for all of your anxieties.

    5. You’ll be more social.
    – Probably. But nothing changed for me much. I didn’t seek to be more social.

    6. Increased focus and concentration.
    – It’s a yes. My mind got more clear. Brain fog went away. I got my will back. But again, no miracles. Just feeling sober. No super-powers.

    7. You’ll connect with real women.
    – This is a good topic.. I didn’t notice that women started to chase me or so as many say. Maybe appreciation of woman for what she is – got better. So I guess that’s true, more connection to women.

    8. Increased will-power.
    – Heck yes!

    I didn’t research for lists of benefits much, so I can’t tell about other things.
    Overall life got a little empty. Grey. But you kind of like this grey. You like that nothing owes your will and you like being sober. Yes, that’s good to have your will back!

    Now some notes that I made for myself based on my experiences (after the month).
    There are some remedies and some points to understand how it is.

    My notes:

    1. It’s better to have sex with real woman.
    Yes, it’s too low to PMO. Guys, some encouragement. You are males. You are strong and should love yourself and respect yourself. It’s too easy to just yank your junk. Don’t you wanna play some more difficult games? Don’t you wanna challenge yourself to stay sober and live your life as it is with real woman?
    So.. after a month I feel disgust to PMO. And understand that real sex is better. It takes time to get used to it though.

    2. Benefit that I noticed. I stopped observing real woman and fantasizing.

    3. Remedy: Switch your thoughts. I doesn’t take much energy. It’s not even a fight. Just when you catch yourself fantisizing about something, just switch it. Wanna watch porn, switch to something else. Also if you distract yourself from your problems in life with sexual thoughts, switch from it to something else. Eventually it doesn’t help to your problems anyways.

    So, basically run away from thoughts every time they pop up. Every time.
    Don’t think like “I shouldn’t think of PMO, I shouldn’t think of PMO”. Don’t torture yourself. Just switch and forget. It’s difficult at first, but easy later on.

    P.S. No any stuff that comes your way, even some AD outside with girls in lingeries. Nothing. Switch your thoughts.

    4. Remedy 2: Never touch yourself. Under no circumstances!

    5. Remember: you have much more time for doing whatever you want. That’s brilliant!

    6. I think PMO makes us give up on real things. When you have anxiety and can’t approach a girl, you better get home, think that you’re some kind of loser and do your nasty thing. Rather than playing some real-man game and approaching this girl. Think about it. Think how many girls you already have blown? Think about it twice.
    That could be relationship. That could be love. With a girl that has meaning of your life. That dream girl.
    And you’re here with dick in your hand. Think about it guys.

    P.S. Same with other dreams and moving in life. How many things could you have done in the meantime to bring yourself up to your dream job, dream place to live, anything! Dreams don’t happen overnight. It takes time to go to them. Years. But you waste your time.

    7. That’s a personal note. Might relate to some of you. I think when you do PMO you have weak will. You give up every time. It disgusts you but you give in. After that you think about changing your life and think “I can’t even quit PMO, how can I change my life, I’m looser, I have weak will”. Another reason to prove yourself you’re strong – to quite PMO. And then get to changing your life.

    8. Brain fog. Less of it. Not a magic cure, but yes. Less of it.

    Now part where I’m gonna share my thoughts about quitting PMO.

    My thougths:

    Okay, guys. This part is going to be contradictory.
    It’s not gonna be encouraging only. That’s just my thoughts.

    Many of you speak of internet filters. About other boundaries. About subsitution…
    It’s all about how to cut off PMO without putting a handle on your will.

    And they say best remedy is to find substitution and find things to do in your life.
    They also say, if you PMO, you are numb to feelings and other things in life seem to be not interesting. And finding substitution is the harderst part.

    I disagree with all that. At all.

    I think many of you came here first with thoughts I should stop, something goes wrong and I should change my life. Most ask “What’s the remedy, what’s the remedy???”.

    Main question to ask is: Have you decided that you are WILLING to quit PMO yourself once and for all?

    Don’t f*cken ask how to put an internet filter untill you don’t know if you wanna quit or not. If you don’t want – no filters will help you.

    Be honest with yourself.

    So, you got the point, right? Wilingness! And right CONFIDENT answer YES for the major question.

    I think your start shouldn’t be like “1. I wanna quit. 2. I look for substitution”. This way you simply may not find substitution. Maybe it works for you though. It does, but I think it’s counter-productive.

    Substitution and wish to change your life comes first.

    You see, our life is boring at most times. It comes down to many things in life. I was away from home when it gave me strenth to start my sober month. And then I got back home and realized things clearly. You know, I got back into rutine.. Work every day, home.. Nothing exciting in life. I’m an alive man! I need emotions to live. I need changes. PMO gives your excitement. Others go for beer every day and whatever else.
    You are trying to sweeten up your life.
    Trying to quit your habit that replaces your emotions in stuck life is a sick way of trying to quit it. I would even say, in “stuck life” that filler-habit is inevitable.

    So, first I would recommend you to review your life. As Mark Manson says (read that guy, he has lots of good articles! It helped me a lot): most peple think that passion comes first. And then comes the action. But that’s not true. Action comes first. Always. And then comes the passion. So, don’t wait for motivation to make big things. Start trying what you like, break out of your comfort zone. Try things. If you fail do something, cry, don’t be scared to have emotions being real you. And try and try again.

    So that’s the point.

    Now, I feel like I said just about any point that I had in my head about PMO free thing.
    It’s like … bla bla bla, you can ask me how to find that way in life, I would say – I’m looking for it myself and not there yet.. also you’d ask how to find strenth to quit your job, find job which you’d like, or do something exiting in life.. That’s up to you. It’s like about having confidence, will to change your life… Will to do things every day and not be lazy….

    P.S. On unrelated topic. Lately I made a very great achievement in one of my hobbies. It took me years to get there. It wasn’t like over-night click and I’m there. It were like years and now I turn around and see like “wow, look who I was and who I became!”. It’s like I didn’t know I could get at that level! Honestly that’s what they call happiness. Achievement. Sense of life.

    So, I don’t wanna go into details about it, but this is the true alive example for you guys that life can be better and dreams are possible. It’s only important to chose your way properly. Get your will back. And f*cking keep the wheel of your life in your hands while you are going THE DIRECTION YOU WANT!

    Good luck to all of you guys!

    Month without PMO, pros and cons


  901. 90 days

    I did it. And superpowers are real. People come to talk with me. And it is so easy to talk with other people if I am interested. Looks like I am more attractive than before.

    90 days

  902. Obvious changes while on NoFap

    People can claim there are no superpowers all they want, but I know for a fact certain things change with me while on NoFap. One of my favorites is needing less sleep and actually feeling refreshed when I wake up. One of my favorite things to do before I slept was wank one out. Usually I slept for about 9-10 hours afterward and felt groggy upon wake up. Now I only need 7-8 hours per night and I wake up feeling refreshed! Of course I can function with less, but to be at my best I like to get 7-8.

    When I don’t fap I also want to go out and do things and talk to people! After PMO I am usually completely content staying inside all day playing video games and watching Netflix/browsing the web. There is even a huge difference when I work out. When I haven’t fapped for 3+ days my energy in the gym is unmatched! It’s pretty ridiculous. I just get motivated as fuck for no reason and feel like I have all this energy to burn. When I am PMOing daily, I am pumped when I first get to the gym(preworkout). After about 15-20 mins though my mind and energy is done and ready to go home. Finally I have no more mid day slump/tiredness. As long as I get my 7 hours I am high energy all day. Amazing.

    For me the differences are night and day. I didn’t really have a huge problem either I would masturbate to porn once a day sometimes twice. I realize everyone is different, but I’ve been on and off the horse enough to really notice these differences. Hoping to stick with it this time around.

    Obvious changes while on NoFap

  903. Hardmode Stage 1: Complete

    Today I’m on day 30 ladies and gentlemen. 30 fucking days free of porn, masturbation and guilt! I feel great, there is still a lot of work to do to complete the whole year, although it’s not like I’m planning to relapse after those 365 days but, it’s just a goal to make me stronger. After that I will be completely free I guess. I just want to tell you guys that it is completely possible, if you really want this, simply do it. No excuses of any sort.

    I might not feel the benefits in all its potential so far, but it indeed feels much better than before, my memory is improving, concentration, energy, emotional status, I’m starting to see the bright in my eyes. I wonder what will happen later on, also I feel good today because I donated blood, I bet that blood has more vitamins haha, that’s all for now and see you on stage 2.

    Hardmode Stage 1: Complete

  904. NoFap helped me quitting cocaine.

    Hello guys, since 5 months ago I started doing cocaine. i never really seen myself doing it but i thought I’d give it ago since my life was quite crap at the time. I actually never tried any hard drug. My only experience was weed which i hated. Anyway, luckily i never became addicted but i knew if i continued doing it, it would become an addiction real quick. why? Well, I’m a very shy person and i never had balls to walk up to a girl in the club and start chatting with her. When i first did cocaine my confidence was HUGE. Seriously even my fuckboy friends were jealous. I only did it like 2 times a month but I knew how dangerous it was because it helped me so much with my social anxiety.

    One month ago i started doing nofap. WONDERS, i never actually believed it would work. i have the balls to go up to a girl and just talk to her. and it’s not like i want to pick her up, I’m genuinely interested in having a conversation with a different gender (lol) Not sure why i wrote this, but i think it was worth a share if any people are in a similar situation.

    Keep strong and stay off that shit!

    NoFap helped me quitting cocaine.

  905. 50 Day Report!

    Woohoo! I made it to my second update!

    The main benefits are still the big five that most people report.



    -Need less sleep

    -More testosterone

    -More mental clarity

    These are all real and I’ve noticed increases from my 30 Day Report. The main difference is that my mood has gone from super high testosterone and mood swings to now more stable and positive all the time.

    After a month, I felt like a tiger had been unleashed out of the cage running out of control all over the place but after 50 days, the tiger is being harnessed towards more productive measures if that makes sense. I feel more and more determined to accomplish my life goals which NoFap is one of them. My goal is to break my record of 125 days, go an entire year, and then go from there.

    I’ll always continue to post here from time to time but there will be a point soon where I just stop counting and make this a lifestyle. Even if I go 300 days and relapse, I will just pick myself up and continue without worrying about the days. I’ll probably shift from posting personal updates into helping the newer members who are just getting started which is another reason I’m motivated to get my badge to the rocket stage. NoFap has done a lot for me and since I’ve been at it for a little awhile, I’d like to be one of the members who sticks around to help instead of disappearing. But I still have work to do. 50 days feels awesome but that’s still nothing compared to some of these guys here so I’ve still got a ways to go which I’m looking forward to.

    I’ll post my next one after 75 days. See you then!

    50 Day Report!


  906. My Pros and Cons to Flatline / Pornfree so far

    Hey guys,

    I endeavored to conquer my porn addiction a little over a month ago before the holidays. This was something I tried and failed multiple times over the past two years. My longest streak was 3 weeks, I am going on 6 weeks now.

    After the first month I experienced what is referred to as flatline. Essentially, it feels like a state of anhedonia. I wanted to list what I found to be the pros and cons to this state.


    1. Better focus. I have always maintained a high GPA, but I had a tendency to do things last minute. I find that I am now having my work done weeks in advance.
    2. More discipline. My mentality is simply “if I can stop watching porn, why can’t I make my bed every morning? Or do the dishes every night?” This has lead to me endeavoring to replace my porn habit with things that I deem to be more constructive.
    3. I read more. A lot more. I would spend roughly 1-2 hours a day looking at porn. 7 -14 hours a week or the amount to satisfy a part-time job. My biggest realization was that I needed something to fill that time. I do not have cable (on purpose) and have watched a fair amount of movies and shows, but never really found a love for reading. Now I spend that 1-2 hours, often times more, reading. Since Jan 1, I have completed 8 books.


    1. Decreased sex. I live with my girlfriend. We were usually intimate every other day when I was actively watching porn. For the past 3 weeks, since the start of my flatline, my desire for sex has dropped to nothing. Since Jan 1, we were intimate about 4 times, each time I felt like I was in a surreal world where I was reacting physiologically, but my mental state was somewhere adrift. This is causing much turbulence at home, even after I explained what was causing this.
    2. I stopped working out. During the holidays, I did not workout. Prior, I was working out 3x/week consistently for 2-3 months (another thing I have been struggling with). After the holidays, and subsequently the flatline, I had no desire to workout. When I would force myself, I felt I could stop at any point and couldn’t ‘get into it’ like I used to. Though, I still try.

    How are your current struggles? Did you experience the same thing? I’d love to hear other experiences.

    Thanks for reading.

    My Pros and Cons to Flatline / Pornfree so far

  907. Nofap will restore your true self

    This is from a personal experience and what i’ve been reading here over and over again. At 27 days, I’m much more calmer, collected and don’t give a damn about what other people think of me. I’m more assertive, i get things done without procrastination – I’m just being myself. These are my true qualities, but they were suppressed by PMO.

    I started to pray to God more and my spirituality is evolving. It’s like my whole psyche is getting out of a coma.

    It’s truly insightful to experience such changes personally which only solidifies my commitment to Nofap.

    Just wanted to share this with you guys. Wish you all a great day.

    Nofap will restore your true self

  908. Day 38 is here! Wow!

    Look this journey has been painful and I’ve had up and down days…BUT let me just say once i got to DAY 35 oh my god i see now the changes many fapstronauts were talking about. I felt my generalized anxiety suddenly lower it’s intensity. I’m getting consistently better each day with my eye contact. And women are staring a tad bit more…guess it means I’m looking better.

    One weird thing i noticed and wondered if anyone else experienced this was constant reminisce of old days …the fun times though. Like childhood or my teens wayyy before i began pmo. It was magically pop up in my memory and makes me feel so good.

    Anyway day 37 i felt incredibly optimistic about my life and career path again. Can’t wait for the confidence to really kick in!

    I’m coming 4 you 90 days!

    Day 38 is here! Wow!

  909. A month of NoFap!

    hello fapstronauts, today i hit 30 days without PMO! It’s been a hard couple of weeks. The urges were strong, but i let them pass through and i didn’t cave in. Some days i could touch the sky, and other days i felt like shit really. Now, after 4 weeks, i achieved a little bit of emotional stability, something i haven’t enjoyed in a long time. I used to PMO twice a day almost religiously, even jerking off in the bathroom if i wasn’t home.

    The benefits i’ve felt are:

    More energy

    More motivated to get out of my house and fucking live life

    More confidence (a LOT less social awkwardness, i used to be anxious about going to the market or talking to strangers, now i can keep a conversation and be cool about it, i feel normal, it’s a big difference)

    The downsides:

    The third week i was really sensitive, i would get mad about stupid little things, it was really easy to piss me off. That is already fading away.

    Expect some emotional ups and downs, i had them and they pass really quickly so keep cool.


    Today something happened that made me feel like i was a different person. I was waiting outside Pizza Hut with my family (my mother and 2 sisters, my dad was inside waiting for the order) and some shady looking, kinda drunk 40 year old man comes and gets right in my face. He asked for money, i said no. He then just stood there, looking me straight in the eye and didn’t move. He had his hand inside his pocket. I didn’t even flinch and looked back at him, and got my hands out of my pockets, ready to fight. I didn’t feel scared, i felt like i could actually stand up to this guy. He does this for like 10 seconds, quiet, and then turns back and leaves without saying anything.

    The thing is that a year before, i had a similar experience but i was scared shitless. This time, with the confidence i had been feeling for the past week, i kept my cool and actually had confidence in myself and wasn’t scared at all, and i had the power to make this guy turn around and leave (i don’t look intimidating in my opinion). Maybe for some of you this isn’t a big deal but it definitely is for me.

    Thank you, and sorry for bad English.

    A month of NoFap!

  910. Fatigue is gone. Waking up like 5am

    I’ve always tried to solve my energy level with sorts of stuff like diet and exercise. Honestly the best result I’ve gotten ever has been now with nofap.

    For the first week of nofap I would just go to bed when I was tired. Some days I would sleep from 8pm to 8am. Crazy.

    I felt like a bum but had hope that nofap and a good diet and some exercise would pay for itself.

    1 week in and I can’t stay awake past 6am sometimes 5am. I go to bed around 9-10pm.

    Let’s keep going everyone!

    Fatigue is gone. Waking up like 5am

  911. I never considered myself addicted to porn or masturbation.

    I never considered myself addicted to porn or masturbation. Really I would only fap to porn on average 2-3 times a week sometimes less. And when I did watch porn, its not like I was watching it for a long time, only about less than 10 minutes at a time.

    My flatline lasted about a week. During this time I had crying spells, no erections, flu like symptons, sneezing, insomnia etc.

    So the benefits I experienced were

    • clearer skin
    • deeper voice
    • vibrant eyes
    • less baggy/sunken in eyes
    • my vision feels slightly sharper
    • my body just wakes up earlier
    • vivid dreams
    • As for the females..still getting rejected but I feel that recently I am able to “stay in set” and converse longer. My dad notices me and tells me that I “look sharper”.
    • Around the 7th day with the expected increase in testosterone levels I was at home and my dog just would not stop staring and smiling lol, so even animals can tell you are on nofap.
    • Also for anyone trying to achieve full splits, I believe that nofap made me more flexible. I have seen tremendous flexibility gains on all my splits(now only a hand length away from my front splits!).

    If you are reading this and you think you are fine because you only fap to porn once a week I would challenge you to try at least a month. I plan to go the 90 days and see what happens.

    One month benefits

  912. my comprehensive 30 day report

    well, I’m on day 29 but, who cares? so I’m gonna try to break this up so you can read the parts you are actually interested in.

    INTRODUCTION: I am a 16 year old guy. i started masturbating when i was 11. then i gradually started finding porn, but my addiction didn’t really escalate until I was about 14. It was a difficult time for me, my fathered passed away in 2013 and i was getting bullied constantly. so i fell into the “loving” arms of porn. i remember days when i would come home, close the door to my room and watch porn for hours on end. at the time I couldn’t handle the powerful emotions that suddenly came crashing down on me and escalated the addiction. i would do it 5,6 sometimes even 7 times a day. the next day i would feel sore and miserable, but i didn’t care as long as i could keep the state of comfortable numbness. as a result i was a half dead shell of a person with no social life and depression. but it all changed when i found this subreddit. a year ago after finding it, i was skeptical, but still gave it a chance. after a measly streak of 5 days i relapsed, but how i felt during those 5 days was fucking amazing, even taking a break that brief helped me feel better. i knew i had to fight. so during that year i started trying, harder and harder each time. i had a few good attempts but it never continued longer than 21 days. and here i am hitting this amazing milestone. i feel a sense of accomplishment and want to continue my journey for as long as possible.

    THE BENEFITS: the benefits are there, they were in all my streaks. of course since i’m a chronic fapper, these will be more pronounced for me. but i think any guy that will give up pmo will get at least some positive effects. the benefits i have experienced are:

    • better ability to focus
    • random erections are slowly returning
    • i get morning wood pretty often now (i used to get none at all)
    • my social capabilities are beyond any of my expectations
    • more interest in real girls
    • heaps of energy, i feel like i can lift a mountain, not all the time but most of the time
    • minor acne reduction
    • beard grows faster, the hairs are more pronounced and i kinda started looking like a homeless person :))
    • i feel happy, not all the time. i have an occasional mood crash, but mostly i feel great
    • i have more courage than i could ever imagine (more on that later)
    • i actually like working out now
    • i have a group of friends who i love hanging out with
    • the attention from girls has increased, i get an occasional stare or smile from my female classmates, which is nice
    • my eyes look alive, i don’t know how to explain this, but they are not the eyes of a zombie anymore
    • a lot of free time
    • music sounds so much better now, i feel like i can listen to music for hours on end
    • and last but not least, i can finally piss straight

    SOME NEGATIVES: so there are not many negatives to this. the things i list are highly individual and will probably differ from person to person. more risky behavior, i started smoking, not all the time but when i’m with friends, and sometimes it feels like i’m doing this for nothing and just suppressing my natural desires.

    HOW MY LIFE CHANGED IN THIS YEAR since i started actively fighting pmo, i finally realized what it’s like to be truly alive, i started going out with friends, i got a crush on a girl from my class. i was in the friendzone, and then i confessed my feelings to her. she said that she kinda likes me but shes not ready for a relationship, which we all know is the polite way of saying fuck off. but i don’t mind, there are tons of other girls out there who will actually like me back. my only regret is that i didn’t tell her earlier. and overall despite being broke, and a bit lonely, i feel happy. i feel like i deprived myself of true happiness all these years, and i hope that you guys can stop your addiction too.

    THE FINAL VERDICT: i think nofap is essential in our day and age. when everyone is a pornified zombie, you can be someone who actually appreciates the world for what it is. if you have an addiction stopping is the best decision you will ever make. this subreddit changed my life and i hope it will yours as well. thank you nofap for making me feel alive again.

    my comprehensive 30 day report

  913. 10 Years Of Masturbation, Abstaining For 30 Days, What I Felt!

    I’m addicted to masturbation since i was 13 years old or so , and i could barely go a week without it. but in many years now I’ve succeeded to go 30 days without it and sharing my result with you guys.

    • More energy and less procrastination.
    • You start to live in the moment and enjoy it.
    • You feel like you have power and motivation to do the things you want.
    • My skin got much better and healthy, less visible pores and no more face oil (sebum). (before it, my face was oily all the time and I was really worried about my pores.)
    • I started doing exercise and reading books, (which I have never done before!).
    • Believe me, it really improves your memory (I Don’t struggle with remembering words or names anymore, you just think it and its there for you!).
    • Much better focus and attention, as I’ve told earlier you live in the moment , you try to process every information that your eyes see, (That’s what I meant by living in the moment) rather than staring at a thing like a zombie.

    You guys may think that I am Exaggerating it, but you feel like you walk up straight and with more confidence. This is what I felt so far, Don’t have any girl yet (STILL SINGLE)…….. 😉 It really improves your way to life guys, so let’s keep motivating each other and QUIT THIS SHIT FOR LIFE!

    10 Years Of Masturbation, Abstaining For 30 Days, What I Felt!

  914. Feel more masculine than ever.

    I’ve reached 32 days free from P and M! Had sex with wife twice in those 30 days, which is about average.

    The main benefit I feel is an increase in confidence and positive thinking. Feel more masculine than ever. Gives me a good, strong feeling knowing that the only way I’ll have O is through sex with another human being.

    As I have written in another post, it’s not been too difficult for me, as I am 49 and my sex drive seems to be lower than those of you still in your primes. Also, a few external circumstances have happened. We are renting one of our bedrooms out, and I’d just feel pretty weird if I were to PMO with boarders in the very next room. So I guess these factors have played a role in my ‘recovery’.

    Of course, I don’t want to get too ‘cocky’ (no pun intended). I know urges might get stronger as time goes by without PM. I do feel a some loss when I think of all the P actresses that I won’t be watching anymore. Still have not had the discipline to delete all P on computer or erase all ‘favorite’ videos on certain sites, as all that took so much time to build up/collect.

    Anyway, wish me luck.

    Stay strong.

    32 Days!

  915. Change from liking bodies to liking people?

    I noticed I get smitten with gals more now, I yes like seeing hot girls around, I try to stop looking and objectifying. But the difference I noticed is I like the personality more, get a bit smitten by the lady cause she lovely. Before I got this less, would date people cause I wanted a gf to keep me sane in some weird way. Someone to share problems with etc, now I have a better social support network so I need that less don’t feel I’ll go insane again.

    Change from liking bodies to liking people?

  916. First Reboot, Day 30 (Hard Mode), Here is my story

    So I finally did it! 30 days into my first reboot ever!

    A 21 yo male here. I was introduced to masturbation at the age of 16. Back then, every fucking forum/doctor/website on internet claimed that it is normal, some even claimed that its ‘healthy’. So I started indulging in PMO, having no fucking clue about the harms it had been causing to my body. I was the class topper back then. But as the result of PMO my grades deteriorated and I missed many opportunities both academic and socially. I started showing the symptoms of Social Anxiety & OCD and the brain fog hampered my ability to concentrate while studying. I sometimes wondered why the fuck I ended up being a wasted potential.

    I am highly thankful to a friend who was discussing with me if MO reduces the gains in gym. This prompted me to search the web and I stumbled upon NOFAP. This happened a month ago and I started a 90 day hard reboot right then. And thus I have completed first 30 days without PMO. I have used past one month educating myself more and more about this issue. Mainly through Nofap website, subreddit, reboot nation, YBOP and youtube Tedx talks. I also read the book Your Brain On Porn by Gary Wilson. Thus PMO is out of my life forever and for good.

    My experience of past 30 days is as follows-

    • Massive Energy Surges – I used to run at 2 kms max a month ago and now can run 5 kms+. I don’t need to take as many rest days as before and can exercise 5-6 days a week easily.
    • Increase In Confidence – Although there is no significant increment but I definitely feel more confident than I was before. I can maintain eye contact for longer duration and feel no guilt or shame anymore. My Social Anxiety is also improved.
    • Self Help – I am also using this reboot to build new skills and improve areas of my life which need improvement. I have started reading self help books and have started devoting more time exercising and in other hobbies.
    • Flatline – During most of the reboot period I have had a flatline which panicked me initially but I am trusting the process and hope that everything goes well.

    We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence is therefore not an act, but a habit. – Aristotle.

    Thanks for reading. I will post another updates after 60 & 90 days. Stay Strong Brothers!

    First Reboot, Day 30 (Hard Mode), Here is my story



  917. The more I become Pornfree, the more I am discovering myself!

    First of all thanks a lot guys for being with me, cheering me up and inspiring by sharing your own stories… I am completely a different person now. As I said, I started rediscovering myself after I started my journey towards Pornfree.

    I am a lot more persistent, patient and confident in doing things now. My mind started to be more sharp, logical and creative as before. It’s been months I interacted with people. But now I myself went to some people and had some chat..

    Now I am able to concentrate more on my abilities. So I started my preparation for a national level maths competitive exam. Above all, I am now able to see the women in a much respective way unlike before. Just to say in a sentence, I feel like I am regaining all the lost beauty that was inside me. Great!! I am really impressed by this change..

    Love you guys for your support…

    The more I become Pornfree, the more I am discovering myself!

  918. nofap cured prostatitis, IBS, bladder problems, sleep apnea

    After 22 days i can say that there are no symptoms left. For years i had prostatitis with ED and bladder problems. I would go to the bathroom to pee 20-30 times per day and i would wake up during the night 3-4 times. Also i had sleep apnea.

    Doctors can say whatever they want and give you drugs but masturbation ,at least in my case, caused prostatitis. After masturbation my anus felt full and i could feel my enlarged prostate ready to explode.

    P.S i also do cold showers before i go to sleep. That with nofap helped me treat sleep apnea

    nofap cured prostatitis,IBS ,bladder problems, sleep apnea

  919. Mini Success!! 30 DAYS!

    Okay guys 30 day Account!

    For the month of March I have had 2 wet dreams and around 2 orgasms. Yesterday night after reaching day 30 i deliberately PMO’d I know I shouldn’t have but hey all is not lost. my success is not in the counting of days but rather how I perceive life that’s extremely important for me, most people abstain for 1 month 2 months 3 months good on you BUT really most people are aimless with what do they do with ‘that particular PMO time’. I took up gym in the month of March and I can tell you I put on 6 kg of pure lean muscle mass! I was eating like a zombie. Before this it was so hard for me to put weight on. This is a small success!

    Another success for me was we were driving through tunnels and i have anxiety due to excessive PMO but today we stopped in the tunnel I was alright normally I can travel in the underground but i was fine. I was talking on the counter and the lady was like I like your confidence than few days back girls were hitting on me in the gym!! All of these have been down to me changing my mentality to how I perceive life now counting day and waiting for the benefits to happen! I don’t wait for the benefits I rather make the benefits happen. It’s all a mental game! i am in flatline. Now my aim is to go entire Month of April on HARDMORE.

    Mini Success!! 30 DAYS!

  920. This is why I do NoFap

    Just after my grandma and I finished talking about random things, she said to me that she really liked talking to me, and that I was really good to talk to, because I am able to understand the other’s point of view and also to remain calm during any debate.

    I felt great. I now understand the progress I made, I went from being an anxious person to being very much present in the situation, and then being capable of talking, discussing, studying, concentrating in certain tasks, etc. with a lot more energy and focus. As I see it, this is the great benefit of NoFap: mental clarity, inner peace, tranquility; to be like a little stream of water, but at the same time to push through everything with the power of a waterfall and the persistence of a river flow.

    Do NoFap.

    This is why I do NoFap

  921. 30 Challange – #success#

    male , 20
    I set myself the goal to go 30 days without PMO to feel the effects of NoFap.
    And I succeeded the 30 days on first try – mastubated (some of you would call that “relapse”) without porn on day 31 because I was in the mood

    Time course
    First 4 days: nothing special – didn’t notice I was doing anything differently
    Day 5 to day 7: slowly becomming aware that I am not doing PMO anymore (mini urges)
    Day 8 to 11: huuuuge sex drive, mega urges and blue balls (the physical “pain” reminded me at my NoFap challange almost all the time)
    After that: cooldown back to not feeling sth special

    What it did to me:
    – More motivation in the gym
    – Started leaning spanish
    – I got quite good at holding eyecontact with women
    – Looking at sex not only from the skin, titts, ass perspective – It shiftet in the more healthy direction of sexual energy that lies at a deeper level.. not only seeking for “ton of makeup” women anymore
    – Getting aware of how hormones like testosterone affect our personality. They regulate a lot of how we behave (e.g. holding eyecontact or body language)
    – Beeing more in controll of my feelings in general

    How I succeeded without relapsing:
    – using common sense.. NO edging / NO giving sexual thoughts too much attention / avoid triggers / etc…
    – when urge comes up: go to the gym, learn spanish, .. Just do sth else !

    Tipp: Don’t consume cannabis while NoFap. It made me get really horny. Wasn’t really woth it

    30 Challange – #success#

  922. Socialising becomes effortless !

    Honestly NoFap makes socializing a piece of fcking cake. Honestly before NoFap talking to people and what not wasn’t bad don’t get me wrong, but with NoFap it is like you are in another dimension lool. Your brain is sharp af and I found that I always had something to say. All that brain fog is gone. Like I used to worry what to say next when talking to people but now it just flows out effortlessly. There has been times when talking to people i say to myself ‘how the fck I say that?’ after saying something funny or witty. Flirting as well don’t even. Easy. You know exactly what to say and how to say it, making them laugh and being entertaining.

    If any you bros experiencing something similar then let me know

    Socialising becomes effortless !

  923. Nofap is increasing my female friend circle…I feared women

    Okay back in High school I bust all kinds of nuts and had only a single female friend….fast forward to me finding Nofap. Something amazing then happened…I got much more female friends! (Like 10 or so) but the process of not tapping is making me more social and I have made another 2 female friends…this comes from a guy whom was too scared to even talk to woman….cheers

    Nofap is increasing my female friend circle…My story (I feared woman and never ever spoke to them before)

  924. 30 Days Done – Feeling The Benefits

    I recently completed 30 days of no P and no M, for the first time, and I thought I’d document the impact it’s had on my life. To note, I reset my counter afterwards, after I felt a handjob I received from my girlfriend veered too close to breaking my rules. But anyway

    Quick background:

    – Am 30, been M-ing since early teens. Probably not significantly less than daily
    – Always been pretty socially awkward. I think I used M as a way to control urges around girls, and thus feel like it was my decision not to try (and fail) with them
    – Intended to do it less when I got a girlfriend (now fiancé). Never really did. Have had DE issues for our entire relationship. Which made it harder to give up porn, as I basically preferred it.
    – It escalated to fetish and shemale quite a while ago. This caused me deep shame, and some confusion about sexuality, which I think is what led me to confess to my gf, and eventually to end up here,
    – Have been on meds for anxiety since the beginning of Feb.

    So, what was my strategy to get to 30 days? Well, most importantly, complete and utter commitment. Admitting my shame and the problems that PMO were causing me made me know how much I’d hate myself if I relapsed. This forum, and books such as YBOP were a huge help. After that, I don’t know really, i just had things like exercise, or reading, or a game of chess, that could distract me. I’ve been keeping away from sexually explicit TV shows, but gradually allowing me back in.

    I will say though, I appreciate my streak has been much easier to achieve than for many of you. I can have sex fairly frequently, which usually makes it easier (sometimes there’s a BIG chaser effect).

    Anyway, what have the impacts on my life been? Well…

    1. A lot of progress with DE. I’m definitely getting sensitivity back, slowly. The DE is certainly very psychological too, so allowing myself to be fine if I don’t O during sex has taken the pressure off while I heal. Sex is much more intimate now, I’m allowing myself to the in the moment with her, and I’m enjoying it so much. I wonder if there’s any sex on the cards today… FOCUS!

    2. Gradual improvements in self-image. I’ve been realising in therapy how unwilling I am to give myself credit as a good person. It’s not always, but as I feel less of a pull towards porn, and more like the person I want to be, I’m certainly feeling a lot happier with who I am. One kind of self-love replacing another, I suppose…

    3. Reduced irritability. One of my worst characteristics is how irritable and impatient I can be, especially with my girlfriend. I never really connected this to porn, but as porn was in part a way to avoid reliance on another person, I think it led me to be distant and irritable. We have become so much closer as a result of this.

    4. Improved sleeping patterns. I would stay up too late, in part because that’s my ‘alone time’ when I can do things like masturbate. As I now don’t do that, I’m going to bed earlier. I’m not completely used to going to sleep without O-ing, but I’m getting better in that regard.

    5. Getting more comfortable in my sexuality. As I become more attuned to ‘real people’, I’m noticing women more. And I literally can’t be physically close to my girlfriend without getting an erection. HOCD still makes me deeply uncomfortable at times, but I’m trying to learn to deal with uncertainty, as long as I’m confident in my attraction to women (after all, it doesn’t really matter).

    So I see the first 30 days as a success story, definitely. Now want to do an even longer streak. My next goal is seeing if my fetishistic side will gradually go away over time, as this would make me far less tempted to relapse. It’s hard to know if that’s just me or not. I’m definitely attracted to novelty, in a general way. And long before I knew what porn was, my masturbation fantasies had escalated to me trying anything I could think of really. It’s funny how much in the porn world was beyond my ability to imagine, which speaks volumes about the dangers of porn. But that’s another issue.

    30 Days Done – Feeling The Benefits

  925. I started this streak like every one of us do hopeless..

    I started this streak like every one of us do hopeless, full of guilt, ashamed and all those suicidal thoughts, but I am proud and happy to say I no longer feel that way.

    Nofap has given my life purpose. I was in flatline from day 1.absolutely no libido or erections just fucking thoughts to watch porn. Every second every day my brain was telling me “go to pornhub pleaseeeeee gooo touch yourself pleaseeeee”. I was lethargic, I mean I felt lethargic but if I engaged in a physical activity then I could clearly see my performance improving every day. Flat line is annoying I tell you. Your head aches constantly, seriously you can’t sleep, and you can’t feel anything down there. You have those suicidal thoughts (if you are/were depressed like me). You feel worthless but let me tell you that “the darkest nights produce the brightest stars”. On day 34 I woke up with the best feeling ever, my morning wood was back, I have never been so happy about anything lol. I felt all pumped up, confident and happy. I could see the difference in my eyes, in my way of speaking and especially in my way of thinking about girls. So long story short-“don’t get annoyed by flat line, embrace it. It is the hardest and probably the most annoying part of recovery from this addiction, but if you fight it, you can have your crown back.” [I am not a good writer] sorry xd..

    I also made a really informative and completely realistic post about what you can expect in first 30 days of nofap, which will give you motivation for sure, so be sure to check it out.


    Peace Out Warriors, Hope You All Win Your Battles.


  926. I feel totally relaxed locking eyecontact with everyone!

    WOW. Thats all I can say. I feel totally relaxed locking eyecontact with everyone! Thats 1 to 1 or being in a cafe/restaurant or passing people in the street/shops or whatever

    I smile to myself afterwards! HOLY SHIT! Great feeling!

    The eyecontact is real


  927. women flock to us more while on nofap

    I’m seeing it for myself and it’s crazy how true it is that women flock to us more while on nofap. Now let me just say for the record that NO women have just thrown themselves at me. But they love talking to me, some random girls walk by my job and smile at me….some stare and others make unbreakable eye contact almost forcing me to look at them. It’s pretty hilarious, because I’ve never experienced this kind of attention even before my fap days. If I could break out of my Anxiety shell fully I’d be a male gigolo by now haha. Keep going bros! Women are waiting 4 us to reboot.

    Ok Women attraction is real guys..

  928. Noporn a while=loving music again

    I just notice when I’m away from porn a while, I’m a binge man, regular use hs been left behind a long time ago. But still binges every month or 2 still has a big affect on me there and then and ongoing. I know I’m doing well when I am loving my music, enjoying chats more, relaxed more around people and just well more content and happy. I’m listen to music now and so loving it, I want to jump into it I love it so much! Keep up the good work letting porn slip out of your lives people.

    Noporn a while=loving music again

  929. new appreciation for life

    would just like to share a new burst of positive energy has come into my life, 36 days into nofap
    a renewed sense of happiness and self worth.
    general allround positive growth in all areas of life from work to family to creative expression. i couldnt have comprehended how cool this is.
    choosing no porn in your life really is the gift that keeps on giving the more you say yes to recovery and win the battles the easier it gets and the more the unhealthy dream fades away the sharper and more empowered u become, the way ahead to an amazing life.

    new appreciation for life

  930. Woah, the benifits are real.

    So basic summary of the last week. Around day 4 I felt a little happier. Then day 5 came and I had an awesome day and caught a game winning catch in my football league. And today I asked out my crush to formal (it’s like prom). And then today I relapsed on day 7 and don’t feel bad but I’m gonna see how long I can go again. So if you haven’t tried nofap you should and see the awesome changes for yourself. They include but aren’t limited to, increased confidence, happiness, athletic ability and there is like this fog in your brain that goes away when you stop jerking off.

    Woah, the benifits are real.

  931. My first pornless orgasm!

    So the reason I’m doing this is that I recently realized I couldn’t get off without porn, and I really want to cum for my girlfriend. I’d tried masturbating several times without visual stimulus and never got close to the edge. But 30 minutes ago, just two and a half days into a streak, I was able to get off without any visual stimulation of any kind! The road towards curing my porn-induced anorgasmia is looking a lot shorter than expected.

    I’m so pumped, my dudes!

    My first pornless orgasm!

  932. What improvements have you seen giving up on porn?
    What improvements have you seen giving up on porn? (Motivation needed)


    The clarity of mind was the absolute best benefit. My brain wasn’t playing a tug of war between being normal and sexualizing every woman I saw. I also had more mental and physical energy to devote to hobbies, relationships, schools, etc. I was amazed how much porn sapped from me after I quit.


    I think it’s allowed me to focus more on making decisions in my life that I used to just avoid and turn to porn. I started having issues with death grip and that’s motivated me to stop using porn. I’m able to stay on task with other things in my life. I literally have a to do list that has shit on it from 3 years ago that I’m finally addressing.


    Hands down for me… Real sex is really satisfying now. Before I used to avoid it, or worse went through the motions and couldn’t wait for it to be over so I could then go jerk off to what I thought I really wanted.


    Good morning brother. I too was destroyed by porn in every aspect (tired, not making love to my beautiful wife, angry, pissed, bitter, proscrastination, low self esteem, not focused enough, short temper after my kids and so on). I smile a lot since i eased down on porn and everybody is happy around me. My wife still wonders what happened to me but I will never tell her my addiction to porn. Thats not a news to share with someone you love, altough I am sharing my recovered sense of enthousiasm and joy and happiness. In a way I am addicted now to ”not being addicted to porn”. And when i feel down and tempted like now, I come home here at ”no fap group” to ease my temptations. Its a long hard battle but I am hopeful. Keep it up brother. Whats easy these days?


    Reduced anxiety, boosted self-confidence, getting alot more done, sexuality gets actually rewarding. Erection problems are gone, when youre pornfree.


    For me the simplest, and biggest, improvement was that I sleep more. I don’t spend time at night surfing for that perfect video so I can bust a must before I go to sleep. To me it’s absolutely revolutionary how much time at night I get back simply by not watching porn.

  933. My benefits so far:

    Hi NoFap,

    Background: I’m 28 and have been using porn since before my teens (I don’t know specifically) I had lots of free time after school while my divorced parents were at work and I filled this loneliness often with porn and masturbation. As I grew older, the Internet became my source for newer and more exciting porn on demand. Around 16 – 20 I played online games and masturbated for nearly all of my free time.

    I went away to college and finally lived alone. Here I masturbated daily to P if not multiple times a day. I wasted so much time smoking Weed and PMOing for much of my free time. I met the love of my life and continued using porn when she was away.

    I finished school and moved in with her and the issues with porn remained. PMO wasn’t enough and I would often search craigslist for other people to have sexually charged conversations with. My girlfriend caught me from time to time by finding email chains and pictures of me posing nude for others. This destroyed her and traumatized her. It took many years for her to convince me that I had a problem. It was only when she thought of leaving me that I finally realized. I tried using NoFap at this point and had a decent little streak. With time that faded and I was back to PMO. My girlfriend began distancing herself again and we were close to breaking. This drove me to get real help and I joined a men’s group and saw a therapist in conjuction. This group was great sort of at first (I’m still a part of it). I learned why I was using P and how my childhood affected that. I did Okay for a while but ended up PMOING during the day and going to my group meeting and lying about having been clean. This went on for a few months.

    Finally my girlfriend told me she was leaving after 7 years together. This was the love of my life walking out and this time it was for real. I was ready for marriage and she was looking for a new apartment. She followed through and moved out one month ago. This motivated me to the end of the earth to finally beat this addiction. I didn’t want the love of my life looking back and defining me as a porn addict who couldn’t ever figure it out. I also really want to get her back and know that the first step will be to finish my addiction with PMO.

    Now My Success:

    I’ve now gone 30 days with no P M O and it feels great to say that. The first days were hard but then the urges just diminished to manageable levels. I’ve been volunteering in the kitchen at my church, working extra on the weekends, engaging socially with new friends with every opportunity I get, and have been exercising as much as possible. Above all, I have been exploring my relationship with Jesus and have been praying daily.

    Tips for success: set guardrails for yourself. I cut Internet to my house, have an app called covenant eyes on my phone and my accountability partner is my therapist, I’ve seen counciling, am a part of a support group, have told other friends about this problem (they admitted they struggled too and joined me in this quest), and have kept myself busy as much as possible.

    My benefits so far:

    My mind is clearer, I’m able to be more sociable, I don’t care what others think as much, I’m more assertive, have more energy, have way more time, am in better shape (lost weight and built some muscle) and I feel much better about myself.

    The pains: I have some mood swings (still very heartbroken), some urges to M, sometimes I’m lazy, being bored sucks (this is when I check nofap to keep me focussed), sometimes I feel depressed.

    I hope this helps some of you out there who think you can’t do this. Obviously I had a serious problem and here I am at 30 days clean. Yes, I had a serious crisis that jump started my motivation, but I hope you can see how much of your life may be at stake in the future if you don’t do something about it now. Today CAN be that day for you. Make it that day and make tomorrow that day and then the next. Do this knowing that getting over this addiction can actually take 3 to 5 years (according to my therapist). Do you really want to waste another day, week, month or year masturbating to P which will only put your recovery that much farther out? Where do you want to be in 3 years? Who do you want to be? Do what is necessary now and radically change your life TODAY!

    Thanks to everyone else who wrote a success story. They have been my inspiration and distraction over the last 30 days. Keep it up!

    The First Of Many



  934. NoFap 1 Month update:

    23 May 2017, marks my first full month of complete abstinence from all sexual activity. No porn, masturbation or sex. This is my first attempt. I wanted to wait a full month before posting on here. Lurking around over the past month has made light of the fact that many guys start posting a day or two into their self-experiment. I do not need anyone to keep me motivated, but I have come to notice quite a few benefits that correlate with others. Therefore to track this progress and to perhaps help others who are venturing towards this route, I have made this account. After watching the TEDtalk about the detrimental effects that come with excessive porn and masturbation, I made an agreement that day to stop. -I found masturbation at age 4. -Sears catalogs were my entrance -gang rape porn videos have been what I need to feel excited; That’s a decent gap in my opinion. -by age 24 (29 now) the novelty in my sex life has become so pronounced, I can no longer have sex with the same girl each week. Needing a new woman every other day to keep my interest at an even mediocre level. This is very detrimental in terms of how I objectify women and choose relationships that enable me to be as shallow as possible, along with my integrity as a man towards other human beings. That is why I am here today, with full intent on keeping this current sexual abstinence going.

    What I have noticed so far:

    Day 1-6: -Mildly frustrating, but more excited at the ‘prospective benefits’ -skin became broken out more so than I have experienced in the past few years

    Day 7-21 -incredible clarity, confidence, and calmness around people of both genders -marked improvement in energy + production -a sincere view on women, with almost no objectification towards them -skin improved around the two-week mark and has been clearer now than it has been in my entire life

    Day 22-30: -still calm -skin clear -Noticeable pressure in my head, pretty painful if I shake it back-n-forth -less energy/drive, almost a lethargic feeling.

    So, here I sit at my one month mark, still haven’t gained back that incredible boost I experienced during my second and third week. But I have read up on flatlining, regardless of how many subjective opinions there are as to what this stage is, I have made the agreement that I will push through as the benefits I felt before could not be ignored. Two weeks of feeling pure life run through me, with an air of conscious awareness that I have not felt before. I will take that back over anything sexual at this time in my life. To have the driving force that propels you into your life purpose is truly a blessing. If indeed this ‘flatline’ must last for a long time, I can only say that I have seen the light and I WILL see the light again. Respect to everyone here, the instantaneous gratification, objectification, novelty and blatant need for extreme stimuli on a sexual angle is enough for us all to take a look at the bigger picture here. I compare porn to alcohol and cigarettes. They’re all legal and they all have a detrimental effect on the person we are, but most importantly, the person we WANT to be.

    I will update again on June 23rd. Peace to you.

    NoFap 1 Month update:

  935. Day 30. Girls are starting to look interesting.

    So its day 30 for me without PMO. During this time something changed in me, I became stronger, I became tougher, I became man.

    Not only I felt more energy during this celibate time but also every aspect of me improved. My DNA became better overall.

    I could list long list of improvements but
    + more energy
    + higher confidence
    + better looks
    + faster clearer thinking
    + better shape – helps muscles to be bigger and more toned
    + more strength
    + better memory
    + easier relationships
    + more attention from guys and girls
    I could go on but you got the point.

    Anyway these 30 days have been relatively easy for me because I did it from first try. I been doing 90 and 100+ days on my own before knew about nofap. Even A year without PMO(was like 11 years old back then).

    But what’s really about these 30 days that I did it summer – the time when its hardest not to fap cause temperatures are higher and hormone levels too. Also what made it harder that Imp not in relationship and basically single – before I usually slipped and did PMO when I wasn’t dating any girls. I wanted to learn not to fap while single and this site helped a lot. I have even bookmarked most useful information I found on here. –

    This is about scientific explanation how brain works and what in it leads to M.

    Also topic “in case you didn’t know” been very useful –

    Day 30. Girls are starting to look interesting.

  936. 60 days – a report

    So today is the day I hit 60 days and the amount of progress I’ve seen is astounding like my confidence has skyrocketed I don’t worry so much what people think of me my depression is clearing up/manageable and anxiety is lowered as well I feel like I’m

    Becoming how I was when I was a kid like this ambition and drive and motivation is rising this wonderful feeling has finally got me to chase a dream

    In this time I had taken up learning Swedish and now plan on moving to Sweden at some point in the future I can honestly say that this journey is one I will do for the rest of my life the improvements are just so drastic the only thing now is for the libido to come back and I will be happy as can be see you all in another 30 days for a more extensive report

    60 days a report

  937. 60 days – a report

    So today is the day I hit 60 days and the amount of progress I’ve seen is astounding like my confidence has skyrocketed I don’t worry so much what people think of me my depression is clearing up/manageable and anxiety is lowered as well I feel like I’m

    Becoming how I was when I was a kid like this ambition and drive and motivation is rising this wonderful feeling has finally got me to chase a dream

    In this time I had taken up learning Swedish and now plan on moving to Sweden at some point in the future I can honestly say that this journey is one I will do for the rest of my life the improvements are just so drastic the only thing now is for the libido to come back and I will be happy as can be see you all in another 30 days for a more extensive report

    60 days a report

  938. Another boring success story

    Nothing in this post of that original but I can’t believe the impact nofap has had on my life.

    After three weeks:

    • people that scared me at work, no longer intimidate me.
    • I behave like a normal person around women. No longer have the gross, self-satisfied smile and nervous attempts at jokes.
    • there’s less of a filter between what I’m thinking and what I say. People look at me surprised at first and reflect on what I say. I think those things are called ‘confidence’ and ‘respect.’

    Thanks for sharing your stories

    Another boring success story

  939. after 1 month of nofap i had some bomb ass sex

    Idk about you all but after 1 month of nofap i had some bomb ass sex. I thought I wasn’t going to last but I did. I lasted for about 30 minutes and i even had round 2. Also, my dick gets way harder than it used to.

    So thank you nofap or whatever the hell helped me lol

    Sex after 1 month nofap

  940. My Progression towards 90 days, and some things I noticed.


    I am 19.

    I have been a masturbatory machine for as long as I can remember, I am a late bloomer (sort of), had my first orgasm with the help porn at around age 13 in the summer. Ever since then non stop masturbation almost every day for at least 1-2 times. In 2016 late Autumn I was getting progressively worse anxiety out of nowhere, and in the night when I go to sleep, panic attacks or edging on a panic attack states, luckily I only had 3 panic attacks one of which was self inflicted to see if I can bear through it, and well enough I did, from that moment anxiety and panic attacks subsided, but I did not know the root cause of my problem. Then it got to my mind that only when I masturbated to porn, is when my anxiety worsened + overall mood. Then I started doing research between the link of masturbation, pornography and mental health, and that is when I found NoFap and this lovely subreddit. Since then I’ve been a lurker from around New years 2017. I had little streaks here and there of 3-6 days too dip the toes in because I still could not destroy the idea of me losing connection with porn. But My first real try of the nofap streak was around 14 days, which was nice, but then I thought that all my problems went away and I relapsed, causing to feel me like shit. Around that time of little streaks my anxiety went away slowly and it vanished in around mid march. But I still had relapse streaks of 3,7,10 days and couldn’t find my ground. Then the school ending exams started to come and I really freaked out because I was relapsing left and right, my brain fog was very much present, I could not focus in school properly. Then summer came and I thought to my self that I could achieve a goal of 90 days starting the first day of summer till the end of summer, since then the road was rocky, I had slipped but not fell meaning that I glanced at porn for a few minutes, but never had a trance of binge watching and eventually relapsing. Currently 38 days in, feeling amazing and already like a new man, my mood is shot through the roof, since day 20 or so, didn’t have a bad day since, daily workout, started to pick up singing a little bit, started to train my voice cause apparently my friends told me I have a good voice when I sang a little song at a school graduation party (I was about 1-2 weeks in then) so I decided to give it a shot. Recently started to take cold showers, God damn they we’re bad the first two times but now I actually enjoy them, they give a jolt of energy and really kick start the day. I really want to take up the guitar again, I was learning it back in winter of 2015 but I dropped it cause it bored me to bits. But not anymore.

    Can’t wait to see what comes next!!!

    Things Noticed

    1. Mood boosted, don’t have low moments or they are very shallow and extremely short. Basically don’t mind them.
    2. Not bored as much as I used to be, my curiosity about things increased like a little child.
    3. The huge energy wasn’t there for me for the first 3 weeks, some of it was, but it came fast and came strong recently. Workouts are much easier.
    4. I am more confident in things I do, For example. Singing.
    5. Not emotionally drained anymore, feel more genuine emotion towards everything.
    6. Started to have this motivation toward things, Not that it is thought based, some part of it is, but mainly it has started to get very instinctual and primal, like wanting to workout and get stuff done.
    7. I feel that my muscles are a little tighter and bigger, maybe because of working out + that load of testosterone and other hormones raging through right now.
    8. My voice got a tiny bit deeper, and has a little bit more tone to it.
    9. My perspective on things has changed dramatically recently as well in a very positive way, now I even have a bigger positive outlook on life in general. Mind you I never was a really negative person.
    10. Finally I feel like I found myself back on the road again. Because I was living life on a sort of autopilot mode zoned out completely.

    Thanks for reading fellas!

    My Progression towards 90 days, and some things I noticed.

  941. NF Benefits After 30 Days

    After a month of NF here are some benefits I personally have noticed so far:

    1) Compassion towards others – I feel more empathy towards people than before and am more understanding of their personal struggles

    2) ‘Cringe’ less – before NF I would feel revulsion or disgust towards someone if they did something ‘cringy’ but in reality it was likely a reflection of my own underlying insecurities. Now I am more accepting of others and have realised that people are just simply trying to express themselves. In my own personal experience I would ‘cringe’ at someone in a situation in order to mentally bring them down in order to make myself feel better but in reality it is pointless and a waste of energy. Of course I still get these thoughts but I am now aware of them and am able to question why I am getting them.

    3) More rational – I no longer react to situations with anger or anxiety but instead take a step back and find more logical solutions

    4) More sharp in social situations – spontaneously throwing out disses and maintaining eye contact like a boss

    5) Beginning to heal my fried attention span – before NF I would have rather bashed my head against a brick wall than have been alone with my own thoughts. NF has helped allow me to be more mindful and meditate for prolonged periods of time (up to 30 mins) which I never thought I would be able to achieve before

    6) Hypersensitivity – when i listen to music now I can unpick the different layers and insruments used in the music that I had previously never noticed before. Food also tastes better imo maybe thats just me lol

    NF Benefits After 30 Days

  942. NOFAP is really a blessing to my life….

    I started no PMO 36 days ago and so much has changed since then. These are the changes that I’ve noticed.

    1) More energy.
    2) Clarity in decisions.
    3) No brain fog.
    4) Increase in patience level.
    5) Better understanding of relationship.
    6) Control on lust for sex.
    7) Positive thoughts.

    In order to take my mind off of PMO i started writing poems and turned out that I’m actually quite good at poems. I would have never figured out my talent if it wasn’t for NOFAP. The benefits I’m experiencing are so amazing that I’ve lost my desire for PMO i’m very happy with my life. It was a long and difficult path to get here but it’s really really worth it. I’m grateful that I joined NOFAP. If I can do it then so can you. If you guys need any tips or help don’t hesitate to message me. I’ll surely try to help as much as I can

    NOFAP is really a blessing to my life….

  943. A 40-days report

    I have completed 40 days without PMO. This is a list of the benefits I have experienced during this period.

    1. The skin of my penis is soft again.
    2. My testicles look bigger and stronger.
    3. I have gained 1.8cm in length and 1cm in girth. Now my size is like how it was some years ago.
    4. Along with nofap, I started a diet and I have lost 6-7 kgs.
    5. I have joined a gym and I work out 3 times a week. I intend to increase it to 4 after I finish my university paper.
    6. 7 hours of sleep are enough for me to rest. Previously, 8 hours could not be enough at all.
    7. I’m feeling more masculine. The mere fact that I don’t spend my fluids for a picture or video makes me feel more of a man. I look much more at girls than I did, because no sexual release makes you look for real girls. I still need to work better on getting to know a girl and flirting (It’s been 7 months without a gf).
    8. People comment on how more attractive I look.
    9. My skin is more “shiny”, especially on my face. Previously, I used to have some spots – even though I’m 26 – but they have disappeared and my skin looks much healthier.
    10. My voice is more steady and a little bit deeper than it was.
    11. I take care of my body, my hair, my beard and I don’t look like a Neanderthal any more.
    12. I clean and take care of my house.
    13. Feelings of loneliness have disappeared.
    14. In March I started experiencing some pain on my penis. My doctor examined me and found nothing. He told me it’s perhaps due to stress. I believe it was also due to excessive masturbation. Now I almost don’t feel any pain at all.
    15. I’m never dirty, I take a shower almost every day. And I love cold showers now in summer.
    16. My everyday routine is much more structured. Back when I was PMOing I almost did nothing during my day.
    17. I feel happier and more active.
    18. I mostly have fantasies about real girls I meet everyday.
    19. I enjoy music once again (I’m a musician, as well). In the deep state of the addiction, I had lost my appetite for music. Now it has emerged out again.
    20. I have claimed my life back again

    But I’ve still got some problems.
    1. My porn-induced fantasies have not disappeared. And if I think of them, I become super-horny and out of my mind. The panic button has helped me a lot in this. Thank you, panic button!
    2. I still cannot focus completely on my homework (I’m a graduate student). This seems to be a bigger problem and PMO cannot be the only factor to affect it. During the first days of my streak, I had this constant feeling to put my hand on my penis when I studied. Now this is no more, but focusing is difficult sometimes.

    Overall, a life without PMO is a good life. I’m so proud I have quitted this bad habit. And till now I haven’t relapsed at all. I hope I will not till my 100th day, which will be the final day of my streak. And I hope my porn-induced fantasies will have disappeared by that day.

    A 40-days report

  944. 30 days (Miracles)

    Hello Fellas !! I am new here . 29 years old . Started fapping when i was at 15 years old . Never had a girl friend never did a eye contact with woman low confidence social anxiety and other weird things you cant imagine LOL…. aaaaaand after this Nofap (30 days) thing everything changed exetremly I was like “it cant be real” DUDE IT CANT BE REAL SERIOSLY HOW ITS POSSIBLE ???? !!! After 2 weeks of nofap woman in public places started to stare me I was like wtf ??)) there were bunch of other dudes around me but they stare only me . From the distance they start to look at me and eyefucking me . They initiate conversations and complimenting me . When I walk in the street they start to walk directly to me and purposly touching my body . I swear to God it didnt happen to me before . I guess woman can sense it but I ignore them now cause i dont put sex in 1st place in my life I have not any adictions any desires about woman now . I cleaned up my brain from dirty things . They always smile at me bro … always …. everywhere …. is this MATRIX ?? Also I make anyone feel insecure around me everybody start weirdly blush around me WTF ???? They ask my opinion they respect me !!! about 2 month ago i decided to go to psychiatrist but accidentally i encountered YT video about nofap and decided to try this THANK YOU ALL . and I also notice spiritual changes . Sorry for my bad english . If you have any specific questions feel free to ask me . I LOVE YOU ALL !

    30 days (Miracles)

  945. Almost hit 30 days. The Benefits

    Everything you do will be difficult at the start. It all comes down to how much juice you got to keep moving forward. You’re basically just filling a void that doesn’t need to be filled when you relapse.

    Some of the benefits:

    • I don’t hold grudges on people anymore
    • My past doesn’t creep on me
    • More energy
    • Eye contact
    • No negative inner voice
    • Appreciation for the smaller things
    • Better posture
    • Eating healthier
    • Don’t care about being rejected
    • Deeper breathing
    • Awareness
    • Reading more etc etc…


    self love -> fulfilment -> power to influence others -> attraction…

    Almost hit 30 days. The Benefits

  946. NoFap makes Life so F*#%ing Beautiful!!!

    I was a little down last night, but this morning I woke up feeling great, and the feeling only got greater. I haven’t gotten an erection all day today, so I may be in a flatline, but regardless I feel so alive!

    My sister moved into her college dorm today, and I was there to help her move in. It was for sorority rush, so there were a lot of young women eager to try and hopefully get into a sorority. I was vibing incredibly high all morning. The colors were brighter, the music was better, and I felt very confident. These are all amazing benefits of NoFap by the way. Since I’m used to a very small highschool, the enormity of the campus and the new vibes it gave off only made me more excited and amazed.

    Right when I walked on campus, I felt like a little kid going to Disney World for the first time. Some girls were looking at me. In fact, most of the girls I saw smiled at me and looked very open to my presence. I could look even the most beautiful of them in the eyes and with a friendly smile. Some of them would shyly look down and grin. As I was carrying a box up the stairs, a gorgeous girl smiled and said “That’s really heavy isn’t it?” while giggling. Several other girls approached me and asked me if I needed help with finding anything. I wanted to connect with everyone there. Not just girls but guys too. Back while I was fapping, there wasn’t any way in Hell I would even look at those girls, and I definitely wouldn’t want to connect with them. I don’t believe many of them would have paid much attention to me either.

    But possibly the greatest thing about today was that I felt so alive. I had so much energy even after carrying loads of heavy objects up the stairs. My arms cramped at one point while carrying a heavy box but that only gave me further willpower to get it to where I needed to take it. Even after getting hot, sweaty, and sore I still wanted to socialize and make people smile.

    Even if I am in a flatline with no sex drive at the moment, this day has been great!

    On a side note: My eyes have changed color and my skin glows. My eyes used to be a dark green blue, but now they are a bright sparkly light blue color.

    NoFap makes Life so F*#%ing Beautiful!!!

  947. Why does music sound so much better?

    Like I swear it sounds 30 percent better and I instantly zone in on it. It feels like I’m high and I get goosebumps all over my body. And my energy is pulsing through me like I’m about to start soaring off the ground like an eagle. This is after just 2-3 weeks of full semen retention. WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS!?

    Why does music sound so much better?

  948. My NoFap Recovery Miracle from a shit*y 25 year old virgin life

    I have just hit 30 days of NoFap a few hours ago, and elated to say the least! But first, a brief backstory. So, I have been a struggling virgin with porn and masturbation addiction for the last 12 or so years, (yeah it has been that bad). I am now 25 years old. I started watching porn at around 13-14 years and it locked me from the real world and real people.

    Being addicted to porn and masturbation has fu*cked up my life real bad. My whole high school life and campus days passed like a hazy dream all this while I was still stuck in my retrogressive past. I can’t count the number of opportunities to date beautiful and good girls passed me. But you see the funny thing with addiction, you never usually wanna admit you are that messed up until some hard shit really hits you. One day, I woke up miserable, no girlfriend, very few friends, lethargic lifestyle and a very miserable demeanor. A girl turns me down, I would go for porn and fap, my grades/GPA come in low, PM, some meeting, event or incident goes bad for me, PM, bored, broke or feeling lonely, PM was the solution.

    This went on for a year until, I hit my 25th birthday, and found myself still in the same sad shitty loop. By this time, depression and increasing use of alcohol had set in. Suicide had once or twice flashed in my head as an option at this point, the other alternative was just giving up and living the shitty fuck*ed up life drug addicts live. Those with past experience with PM addiction know how shitty one feels when it comes to a point where the addiction is interfering with your life, even making a meal or finishing a task becomes a problem. Deep within however, my conscience and God’s voice seemed to tell me I had so much potential and needed to keep trying. I remember listening to Drake’s song ‘Hold on We are going Home’ and feeling I needed to try just once more. To make it short, August this year I recalled the NoFap community I had visited here when at 24 and came back to look it up, this time, more determined and serious.

    On Wednesday 1st August, I started my 90 day NoFap challenge and today 31st August marks my 30 days without masturbation or pornography, 100% clean!! Also, I broke my virginity on the 25th day which up to now seems like a dream! (I told you it was that bad). I know this might sound like it is too surreal or fabricated somehow but yes there are guys out there so deep in PM and shit, that having a normal sexual relation has been impossible all their life, I have been one of those. Having been a PM addict since age 13 made me a recluse, stripped me of all my esteem, and gradually over the years made me one of the most socially awkward person ever.

    But I have committed for a mere 25 days and mustered enough courage and physical stimulation to approach a girl and have actual sex. Another confession to make, she was the unsavory types that you will find in Charlie Sheen’s phone book, in other words a hooker. Yes, it is pathetic and am not proud of myself but hey, I did it and you can judge me all you want but it happened. At least am no longer a virgin at 25 who was about to give up in life. I do not however, in any way endorse or promote using a hooker for desperate virgins try and get a real girl, I did it since I was extremely pressed to relapse into the deep, black hole of shame I have been living after experiencing really strong urges one night.

    My purpose for sharing this is to encourage those people out there who have sunk very low in their PM addiction. If you are a teenager or in early teens, you have the BEST opportunity to quit now and have a better life that I missed. If 25 and above like me, the best time to plant a tree was 10 years ago, the next best time is NOW and TODAY.

    Here is a list of the changes that I have noted after starting the 30 day NoFap challenge:

    • had sex with a girl (not with my hand as before) for the first time in my life, and it felt goooooooooooooood.
    • I became more focused, positive, and productive – I went back to some gig I held before and within a week and half had made some good $$$
    • I felt less shame and my voice somehow sounded more confident when talking to people
    • I have started exercising at least 3x a week, partly to fill in the boredom/relapsing risk and also to re-build up my body and brain neuro-system
    • Focusing on my 90 day target has made me start planning my finances, relationships, and daily schedules better, I feel that being outside the PM ring, I am a better manager of my life.
    • I have contacted a girl I used to admire back in college and held an awkward free conversation and we will be meeting (not dating) later next week to discuss a certain project she needs help with *who knows where this could lead :)*

    I thank God and all the Nofap community members for this far.

    PS: Just though I should add and say that my 30 days have not been a smooth sailing in case my post implied that. Actually, there have been more dark days, self doubt, desperation and hanging on to threads of will so thin that I have almost given up. Like the 25th day when I sought out a hooker. Having over 10 years of porn images in your mind does not just go away. But by painfully distracting myself and taking out my calendar target book has kept me going

  949. Suggestions on How to Reach 30 Days

    Well, today marks Day 30 of my NoFap journey. I cannot even remember the last time I’ve gone this long without PMO (or just MO), so this is pretty incredible for me.

    Some improvements I’ve noticed:

    • I’ve begun to exercise regularly
    • Clearer head
    • Less laziness
    • More optimistic about a future relationship with a woman (e.g. I’m less down on myself and no longer have the “forever alone” attitude)
    • Increased willpower in general
    • Greater ability to live with discomfort
    • Overall more optimistic outlook

    I figured I would share some suggestions I have for people who are struggling with reaching the 30 day mark because, goodness knows, just a few months ago, I never thought I would be able to last 30 days without masturbation.

    The first tip may not be possible for many of you, but I think it was one of the key factors in my success thus far. First identify your biggest trigger and then try to live for a substantial amount of time without that trigger – or at least keep it to a minimum.

    For me, this happened by accident. My greatest trigger is stress, and one of the most taxing things for me as an introvert is to be forced to interact with people for an extended period of time. When I started NoFap, it just so happened that I had nothing going on in my life – in particular no work or school – so my days mostly consisted of me doing whatever I wanted.

    I know this won’t be realistic for everyone depending on what your trigger is, but living without that trigger, allowed me to coast through the first several days without any real difficulty and, by the time I went back to work at a new job, I already had a sizable number on my counter (25 days) and when you have a number like that you really don’t want to start back at zero. You will also have already felt some of the positive effects that NoFap can give and you won’t want to give them up either. Those desires will work as a powerful buffer against your desire to do PMO once the triggers start ramping up again.

    So, if it’s possible, try to take it easy for the first several days of NoFap or schedule the start of your NoFap journey for a period of time that you know will be relatively light on whatever triggers you.

    And the second tip is a warning for when you’re further down the road. Don’t get cocky. Once you’ve gone down the NoFap road for a while, you begin to feel like a conqueror. It’s okay to feel good about yourself when you achieve success, but don’t let it go to your head because it will make you get complacent. When you are able to say “no” when you encounter sexy images, don’t think you can look up arousing videos or pictures “just to look”.

    In my experience, new arousing images are relatively easy to resist, but the old favourites – the ones that used to comfort you during the bad times – are a lot more difficult. If you look them up, you will regret it. It will make things a lot harder for you (no pun intended).

    Also, remember that p-subs are a gateway drug. Yes, the lingerie section of a catalogue probably won’t tempt you enough to relapse (or maybe it will), but it will get you wanting more and before you know it, you will be looking up images of harder and harder stuff. The escalation happens almost without thinking, so try to ask yourself why you are looking up things and if it is to get mild sensual pleasure, turn back. Nip it in the bud.

    I wish you all the best of luck in your journey. :)

    Suggestions on How to Reach 30 Days

  950. Nofap eliminated my gambling addiction

    27 male. I started gambling 3 years ago, heavy. Gambling always made me feel good when i won but when i lost it just added to my problems. I would PMO, wasn’t that interested in my gf (lost her earlier this year), and spend weekends at the casino. I loved a cigar and gambling and it was my only social interaction. The wins would make me feel victorious and accepted. But then I kept losing. I got a therapist through the Admit-it program and she would always give me sessions and I would talk about my problems but she could never help me get to the CORE of the problem..

    Fast forward to my almost day 90 mark, I have no desire to gamble at all! I have good social interactions and I went out with 2 girls with my friend this past weekend and one of them that we had no chemistry, we still made out and felt each other up, and I found out LATER that she had a bf. Spend $80 at the bar but its a FRACTION of what i would lose weekly at the casinos. I think from PMO exhaustion and brain fog and the depression, the gambling gave me even more dopamine rush. PMO exhausted, money losses, credit card companies calling me and I had to constantly lie to them, I was a mess. Now I am cured from it! Didn’t even go through any rehab! Haven’t gambled in a while.

    Thank you noFap!

    Nofap eliminated my gambling addiction

  951. 36 days in – Enjoying things again


    I have been struggling with anhedonia (Can’t feel joy for anything) for the last two years. I have almost tried everything, for example: omega 3, choline, magnesium, exercise. Nothing have worked against the anhedonia.

    I’m just 36 days in but I’m seeing a lot of progress already. Yesterday I watched a clip of my favorite comedian and for the first time in two years+ I laughed so hard from watching him on youtube, before nofap I did not find his jokes funny (over the two years of anhedonia). For me, this is a hugh progress and I’m optimistic about seeing more benefits.

    The first 20-25 days were really hard and I experienced a lot of flatline symptoms, like depression, very low motivation etc. With the benefits I have experienced, I’m going to go through the flatline phases.

    If anyone experience anhedonia, I can really recommend to try NoFap for atleast 90 days and see if you see any progress.

    36 days in – Enjoying things again


  952. LOL, I didn’t believe in the “superpowers”

    I’m on the longest streak ever, 36 days… and I can’t help but notice the difference everywhere I go! I was thinking to myself that it might be something I’m telling myself, but the funny thing is, I started to feel my own presence in a sense, I remember walking in crowded places feeling invisible literally, now I get some sort of energy everywhere I go, a lot of people keep looking, and most women don’t even look away when I keep looking for 3-4 seconds it releases some sort of vibe, a calm vibrant control over myself and the situation at all times, and it doesn’t stop with that 1 look, it amazed me how many times they would look back and seem so connected to the vibrant-energy. Since I feel my own presence as being this aura around myself, I’m also a lot more in control of my emotions and the way I listen/talk to people, not just woman, but also to men. I feel like I’m less defensive and more tolerant/open in comparison to who I was before, I really like this new me, since I started to feel my own presence a lot has changed, I’m addicted to the control I have over myself, by restricting short-term pleasure I’m more free than ever.

    LOL, I didn’t believe in the “superpowers”

  953. Going pornfree was the best decision of my life.

    And yeah, that might sound like an exaggeration, but it has led to so so many changes in my life.

    I have done NoFap for a while, but decided pornfree was the better way to go. Currently on 40ish days pornfree.

    Because of this journey, i have started:

    • Meditating
    • Exercising more
    • Actually having standards when it comes to women (as in knowing from the start if she’s right for me, not purely just because she’s female)
    • Sleeping a fuckton better (falling to sleep quicker too)
    • Confidence has improved significantly
    • Interactions between people have improved a lot too
    • I’m actually enjoying running. Fucking running. Never thought I would ever say that
    • I’m feeling more energetic

    I apologise if I should be posting this in r/NoFap, I can understand if it has a nofap vibe about it, but I just thought I’d share my journey.

    Don’t do watch porn kids 🙂

    Going pornfree was the best decision of my life.

  954. Nofap makes me overcome doubt

    In my life I have always doubted myself. Although I have been very blessed with so many positive traits good looks, humor, decent body, etc. I have always been held back by my personal doubts. I believe these doubts have been programed in my head by my addiction to porn. I have never been able to get a girlfriend with my old mentality. That old mentality is finally beginning to dissipate. This mentality consists of feelings of shame, desperation, and jealousy which I know see the addiction reinforces. I appeared to have a lot going but I always somehow felt inadequate.

    Nofap has giving me the motivation to observe my doubts for what they are. They are just thoughts which can be seen through and released. 37 days strong now and although I have my bad days I believe thoroughly I will overcome my old self and find who I was born to be. This has been a struggle at times considering many of my friends think this program is stupid and a waste of time, but they also respect me for it. That respect is something which I never had given me in my life. This respect means there is truth in what we are doing. This truth gives me faith that what we are doing is necessary so Do NOT give up. When we release doubt we are able to the imaginable what others say is impossible. That being said I believe nofap will set me free of myself so I can appreciate women fully and in turn I will be a quality boyfriend/husband some day.

    Nofap makes me overcome doubt

  955. After One Month of Gradual Quit

    I Struggled with severe brainfog , low energy and depression in the last 8 years . I tried every single supplement , nothing worked. I tried nofap 9 months ago , it was great at beginning but then flatline hit me hard and forced me to quit and back to watch more porn than before. Im not saying nofap is bad but it didn’t work for me .

    I started pornfree month age , i don’t count days exactly because my strategy is to quit porn gradually . I masturbate or have sex every three days and , watch short sessions of porn once a week . One thing i can tell you for sure , Im much happier and sharper person than before . I feel energetic, vivid dreams , morning wood , Sex feels amazing , and brainfog is cleared by more than 50%.

    I wish I discovered this before . and I hope This feeling continues and doesn’t wear off overtime Thank you for this wonderful community. You saved my life.

    After One Month of Gradual Quit

  956. A 30 day start and an absence of Shame

    My decision to do a 90 challenge was out of desperation. I was was essentially dying as a man. My fixation with porn had gripped my life for many many years and now in retirement the days were filled with how do I get my next hit of porn. In the morning, when alone on the web or at night when my wife had gone to bed. The cycle continued over and over again. Then something clicked. It was an instance at a church function where I suddenly felt the “absence of shame” and strong sense of goodness. It was brief but I wanted it again. I then became aware of NoFAP and started my 90 day challenge. My determination to do this was a big 10+. I had been on a Weight Watcher program for six months and had lost 40 lbs. Now close to 50. I have followed through on getting into a regular exercise program. I went to my priest and confessed my addiction to porn and told him everything. I cried uncontrollably and felt the healing that comes with forgiveness. My penance was to say a Rosary for next 3 days. I have never said the rosary by myself and for myself. I have been doing it everyday for the last 3 weeks and plan on continuing.

    My confidence level is very strong but also realistic. I have fleeting fantasies about porn or M. They come unexpectedly and kinda jolt you. Recently, had one where I awoke and it was so real I thought I had climaxed. I have had some mood swings but nothing too dramatic.

    The good stuff is that I have seen a big boost in energy, especially in the last week or so. I am doing stuff around the house that had been put off for way too long. My mobility has improved. I have arthritis in my joints with one total knee replacement. There is a definite “giddy up” in my step. I am much more affectionate and attentive to my wife. Social anxiety has always been an issue for me. I recently went to a public hearing and had told my wife I am not going to speak. Well I could not help it. I had something to say and I got up and said it loud and clear without stumbling or a crook in my voice. And yesterday I was involved in a heated discussion which would have normally lead to me retreating and being quiet. But on this occasion, I reacted appropriately and made my position known and did not get red in face or overly agitated.

    I genuinely like who I am becoming. The absence of shame is the most amazing thing. I am also confident in my own ability to handle any relapse and reboot. No matter how many times it takes. This too important for me and my family. I come to this site often for support and discovering new tools to keep on fighting. I wish you all success and thank you for all that you have done for me. There are a lot of younger fellows and gals on here I wish you the wisdom and the strength to win your own battle and remove this addiction from your life. Your future will be so much brighter without Porn.

    A 30 day start and an absence of Shame

  957. 60 DAY UPDATE – No bullshit

    TL;DR This is not the story of that guy that got 3 girlfriends, a noble peace prize and shook hands with Obama on the 7th day of nofap.

    BUT in 60 days:- (in gaming terms)

    • -50% depression

    • +40% confidence

    • +35% discipline

    • +40% energy

    • +40% posivity

    • +30% self improvement

    • +20% focus

    The nofap part is easy for me, but to improve myself everyday is very hard. My focus, commitment and will power is still pretty weak. By 90 days I do wish to increase my stats to at least +50%.

    Stay strong and godspeed friends. <3

    60 DAY UPDATE – No bullshit

  958. This is what I gain after 40 days no PMO.

    1. Start to believe that all habits can be changed it only needs time.
    2. Start to have more free time hence I can invest in other things and this also add to my self-value.
    3. Start to enroll in different courses because I start to believe all things I can learn & improve.
    4. I think my brain now functioning better , start to remember things which previously I can simply forget , easy to study live never before
    5. Start to love myself and appreciate my life in a different way
    6. Start to appreciate and love my family like never before
    7. Not afraid to be alone, previously being lonely terrifying me because it only leads to wrong things.
    8. More self-esteem
    9. Stop blaming myself everyday and night
    10. More confident, eye contact is totally different
    11. More socialize
    12. More God contacting

    This is what I gain after 40 days no PMO.

  959. 30 days – benefits and other

    So, I have done, 30 days… I started in December 2016 and try a lot of time, always fail but every run has been better than before. I reach sometimes more then two weeks of No PMO. At July I reached 24 days.
    Now I have reached 30 days with one condition: I can watch porn but I cannot masturbate, and I have watched during this journey (but very few times).

    The benefits that I’m trying are:

    – focus is so high, I can follow hours of lecture at university always focus

    – anxiety is very low, I feel very less social anxiety in interaction with stranger or not

    – people seems to appreciate me more, I think because I’m more natural and expresive (body language) when I talk to them. Also some friends (which I don’t go out usually) ask me to go out with him/her.

    – I have a little bit of depression sometimes, but now it is gone. When something don’t goes like I want I don’t feel depression anymore.

    – I feel better my body, it’s like healing itself. So, I feel good physically.

    – Lost interest in watching porn. I can watch if I want but I am not interested so much.

    – I feel that time flows smoothly and therefore I appreciate the things I do during the day

    30 days – benefits and other

  960. 33 Days. First amazing rewards!!

    Yes! 33 days.
    Here’s what I’ve noticed. These are consistent with other fapstronauts:
    1. Brighter eyes. Just in the last few days.
    2. Skin tone much improved, again, just last few days.
    3. Fog cleared at about 20 days.
    4. A couple of short flatlines. One with some night anxiety and panic attacks resulting from stuff that my former fappy self had procrastinated on before nofap. My former fappy self had avoided doing things he didn’t want to do by using PM to feel better. Started taking 2 melatonin half hour before bed. Much better sleep and feel more like tackling jobs now, even unpleasant ones.
    5. No insane energy but definitely more energy and definitely starting to handle stress better, mainly because I’m taking care of business instead of freeing Willy.
    6. Women are definitely starting to notice me. I’m so unused to it that I actually have to consciously tell myself not to be paranoid. They’re not chasing me (good because I’m happily married) but they’re not avoiding me. Starting about a week ago they’ve started smiling. I am so not used to that. Naturally, I wondered if they were being sarcastic and really making fun of me. But then I started thinking, hey, what if they’re just not creeped out now? It’s hard to get used to and a struggle to not get automatically defensive. Many of you will know just what I mean. This is real. I was extraordinarily skeptical of the reports from others but now I know what it’s like. To top it off, men aren’t looking at me like I’m less than a man but like they take me seriously. Imagination? Placebo effect? What difference does it make? It’s a whole new thing for me.
    7. Starting to feel my old ambition from 30 years ago re-sparking. Getting excited about future projects.
    8. In the last week I’ve started to not give a fuck about what others think. I have no idea why I ever did before.
    9. Cravings yes but when they happen I think, “Dude, you don’t want to go back. You don’t want to relapse for the millionth time. Be a man and stop being a 14 year old.
    10. Like some other guys here, I am definitely seeing a sudden emergence of new hair popping up on my chest and legs. This is not my imagination as I am over 40 and was the only male in my family with a bare chest. I had also lost most of my leg hair and the legs are already starting to fill in again, nice bonus. If that’s placebo, I want me some more placebo.
    11. Not so happily, I can now see it on guys’ faces when they have a PM problem. Hard to put into words but it’s a kind of dull, soiled sort of look with creepy eyes. I shudder to think I probably looked like that to others. I never want that again. I also am more noticing when guys have bright eyes and glowing appearance. Yeah, that’s way better. Thank God I found out about the nofap community. It’s already changing my life.

    To those struggling. Get through the next hour. Get through today. Don’t take any chances with triggers. You will regret it. If you fail, don’t stop trying. Ever.

    33 Days. First amazing rewards!!

  961. Completed 30 days of nofap. Longest of duration in my 30 years o

    Hi guys

    Completed 30 days of nofap .Longest of duration in my 30 years of life.

    1. feeling more energetic.

    2. More Clarity in thoughts.

    3. Increase in confidence.

    4. Skin quality improved.

    5. Increase in self awareness.

    I also started working out. Focusing on myself. This is state I missed till date in my life. Feeling powerful.

    30 days of nofap

  962. Never thought I’d say this but my anxiety has disappeared

    I’m a 28 year old male who has struggled with anxiety for as long as I can remember. Not fapping has changed my life completely. I was reading the benefits on here about nofap and was just tired of the way my life was going. I’m only on day 30 and a few days ago I woke up and realized my anxiety has completely gone away. I used to wake up every morning and I’d feel anxiety as soon as I woke up. I got into it mostly for the confidence booster, I’ve always been a quiet and shy person but now I just feel more social and outgoing but if I would have known that it could cure my anxiety then that would be the number one reason to get into it.

    Never thought I’d say this but my anxiety has disappeared thanks to nofap!!!!!

  963. My timeline of benefits (30+ days)

    day 1-3 days-energy increases

    day 8 – female attraction begins to build d

    ay 9-10 – flatline (lazy, no motivation)

    day 14-21 – insane increase in focus and some inconsistency in female attraction

    day 22-23 -another flatline (slight depression, frustration, no brain power)

    day 25-37 – girls starting to stare/smile at me (never happened before) and female attraction stays consistent, increase in confidence, very calm (even in social situations), still lots of focus, slight increase in need for social interaction

    This is just my experience so far, just wanted to share. Please comment your timeline as well

    My timeline of benefits (30+ days)


  964. I had sex with my wife (a success story)

    My wife and I have been together for almost 10 years, married for 3 and we are both in agreement that our sex life has been way below average for a while now.

    Since discovering that porn addiction is a thing and also thing I have I’ve realised that my addiction has been a large factor in our problems.

    We very rarely have sex, up until the other night it had been over a year since our last attempt, I call it an attempt because it really wasn’t a success, we were both left unsatisfied and this wasn’t the first time. Each time we try (with varying degrees of success) we both shy away from sex to avoid another awkward situation, to the point we’ll both be laid in bed feeling horney but too afraid to do anything about it.

    However a couple of nights ago the planets aligned for us and we were both ready to try again, this time I am happy to report it was a success.

    (trigger warning I’m going to go into a bit of detail now that)

    This time was so different. It was like things were when we first met, I felt connected and relaxed, I felt like all I wanted was to be intimate with her, we felt together.

    I wasn’t just thrusting away hoping I’d cum before we got tired or bored or it got awkward (I’ve always been slow to fire due to PMOing daily) this time it was just me and her and it felt amazing.

    The best part is after we were finished things were still Okay, the next day we got home from work and had a great talk and felt so much more connected.

    Sorry for rambling on so much but I’m very happy with this and I just wanted to spread some good news amongst this community.

    I’ve been addicted to porn for 15 years and I’m now over a month clean and it feels great.

    TLDR I had sex with my wife and it was good

    I had sex with my wife (a success story)

  965. Clean November: mission accomplished

    Last week I made a pact with myself: if I managed to stay PM for the whole November, I would have written this topic.
    I wanted to motivate myself to make it, as it was a tough time.
    So I am here. I am in Italy, so it is afternoon of the 1st of December. As I made it, I will write now.

    I started this journey in October. On the 2nd of October, I “forgot” to have my daily ration of P and M, as I was busy for the first day of the new academic year. I am a student of mechanical enginereeing, I am 22 years old. On the 4th of October, I was slightly willing to have my ration, but my body decided to play against me. I just did not want to jerk me off, even less willing to do it with a porn video.
    So I decided by myself “ok, let’s try to see how much I can resist without it!”

    It began like this. I’ve been without porn since 2nd of October. Tomorrow, it will be two months.

    In the meantime, I had masturbation twice, 14th and 15th of October. And countless wet dreams.

    What can I say? What did it bring me?

    It tempered me, I learnt the virtue of temperance and moderation.
    I got de-intoxycated by porn. My fantasies are far more normal.
    I am able to sustain a girl looking to me.
    I don’t have anymore fear of being discovered. I don’t feel anymore that there is a part of me that must be hidden.
    I quitted with chats, I started to focus on real people. I am starting to be looked by girls, to be appreciated, I am able to flirt a bit, to be funny, ironic, lighthearted.
    Inside me, I am far closer to the man I always wanted to be.

    I go out more often, I am far more witty in my answers.
    I forgot what was having plenties of free time.

    The journey is not over, I must arrive to day 105, as I am also on a challenge made by a member which I joined while already on the track.

    A lot of changes have to be made: I am in a therapy, to overcome emotional blocks with girls that came out in a great group. But I have to fight just some more, she says that “we are at last metres of a marathon”.

    And well, I am single…

    Feel free to ask everything. There are so many things that I can’t write them down on a single post!

    Clean November: mission accomplished

  966. 36 days

    Hey out there. Actually I dont have much time now, and maybe I’ll write an more detailed essay when I’ll reach an higher amount of days. Just short summary until now: tried for maybe 10 years, rarely got this far like this time. But this time it was so easy, and I dont exactly know why. I never edged and stopped myself immediately every time there came some bad thoughts. I feel much more innocent, and this helps a lot for conversations and interactions with people. You can behave much more like yourself. I think some friendships got deeper due to that, too. Nevertheless, not everything is repaired yet. There are still some depressing moments from time to time, too. But they don’t last very long and I feel more like being able to cope with them. It still needs more time, but I see progress.

    But the most crazy thing: I met a extremely beautiful and hot girl recently, and I’m thinking about her all the time (wtf?!). There have always been a lot of beautiful women in my life, but with her its somehow different. Curious. I will see how things will go on with her.
    All my best, keep fighting and may God bless you.

    36 days

  967. I’m in my mid-40s. This site is just what I needed

    YEAH – 30 Days completed in hard mode.

    I’m in my mid-40s. This site is just what I needed – the explanations of the reboot process have been compelling and motivating – esp as it relates to how to restore the brain to “factory settings”.

    Summary of my PMO usage historically:

    Between 2003-04: Probably 4-5X/week.

    Between 2005-2008: This was where I started realizing I have a problem and discovered about porn addiction. But sites like this were not prevalent and lacked the detailed info on dopamine, etc. I did Reduce usage by starting recovery and doing some healthy things (see below).

    2008: 115X
    2009: 78X
    2010: 92X
    2011: 74X
    2012: 69.75X
    2013: 96X
    2014: 89X
    2015: 73X
    2016: 95X
    2017: 102X until hard mode reboot started 0n Oct 30, 2017.

    The above shows I was using PMO on average between 1-2 times per week for the last decade plus. Big improvement over 2004 where it was 4-5X per week but did not fully stop obviously. For the last 5 quarters, usage has gone up by over 15 percent+ — this has been my alarm to look for a different way to address this addiction better – found YBOP and this site.

    The benefits of recovery efforts since 2005:
    Fighting actively against this addiction over the last 12 years has resulted in some very positive outcomes like regularly going to the gym for over a decade (I’m fit and trim, and weight less than my target), meditating daily, cooking 3-4 times a week for the family, expanding friendships, and being a strong parent. Since PMO recovery requires us to get out of isolation and consistently do other things, these lifestyle developments DEFINITELY helped reduce PMO usage significantly. The issue in my case has been that I let it still stick around in my life albeit reduced – as a result I have not enjoyed the full benefits that are possible and the places I’m using PMO are where more development is needed – my sensitivity with wife is one of those problem areas that I have not dealt with adequately. And those, as described by folks who fully rebooted, are huge.

    My longest abstinence since I started logging was 8 years ago – about 35 days. At the time, did not realize 90 is what is really needed in a case like mine. With my new education here, this time has been a much stronger committed reboot and I’m very clear on what needs to happen on my part and why (brain reset timeline).

    Tips I learned from this reboot, which is going strong so far:

    1. I have started this reboot with the expectation that this process will NOT be easy and will require very strong discipline. Obviously with the many starts and stops in recovery, I know too well that urges can flare up at inopportune moments. This expectation has been greatly helpful in NOT fearing the urges, esp when they get intense. As a result, I’m operating with so much more confidence and a mental approach that allows me to tolerate the urge while working on the deeper things to address certain emotional areas in my life that need more work. It helps a bunch to have others who understand at this site.

    2. Equally important: I’ve been very sincere about wanting to give up P in my life – that was not the case before.

    This reboot:
    Things were actually easier than expected for the first few weeks of this reboot due to the above. There were some intense urge windows here and there but they didn’t persist too long….until about day 25. That’s when really intense urges started to emerge and stick around — I had to knuckle hard at times and it was difficult to concentrate on other things when isolated, like at work. I used cold showers, slept on my back and really worked on changing thoughts when I caught myself mentally fantasizing. The thought control is a biggie that I want to get better at. Finding that wandering sexual thoughts are a potential urge starter. My prior recovery efforts probably didn’t develop the capability of changing thoughts fast enough.

    I did a ton of reading of this site and YBOP to stay motivated, which immunized me to urges somewhat on a short term basis. I spent more time reading than I did on engaging in P prior — but, since my initial goal was just get to 30 days hard mode, anyway possible, this is ok short term. Now, I plan to reduce time on recovery materials, so I don’t become too dependent on time consuming reading to manage urges.

    Reboot Outcomes after 30 days:
    – Pride is sky high and that is probably improving confidence
    – When urges are not popping up, feeling deeper peace
    – Way less irritable and on edge with wife than prior
    – Able to be more in the moment with toddler and tolerate his mood swings easily. Very happy about this since it means better connection.
    – I think concentration is increasing – not totally sure yet
    – Patience increasing
    – Happiness that I’m doing the right thing and know that it isn’t easy.
    – Physical: Fat reduced in belly area since reboot. I’m fit, but that area hit a plateau and just got better!

    The one thing that has not drastically improved and that I hope will: reduction in marital stress from my reactions and sensitivity to wife when she is frustrated or upset.

    For those of you that are younger reading this (if this helps even one person, great!) – please know, based on my long recovery experience highlights and lowlights, this site has the right info to motivate COMPLETELY stopping PMO. You are doing the best thing for your life by a total elimination of watching P as soon as possible. My recommendation is just commit hard to getting this artificial stimulant out of your choices. I definitely regret I let this persist so long – my approach of incrementally trying to reduce gradually was not effective for this specific addiction. In the end, all you need to get is that PMO impacts the brain and the kind of effects lead to not meeting your potential in just about everything in life. In my case, this includes big career opportunities missed or fell short, serious problems in my marriage communication (PMO can be a killer here), not being able to fully network professionally with the confidence needed, too much irritation and impatience with loved ones (because PMO promotes immediate gratification and selfishness rather than patience), and focus hits. Worst of all, it manipulates the reward system in multiple ways – I definitely can see that now. It’s also an insidious addiction in that it compels one to subtly make bad life choices that support keeping the addiction alive in non obvious ways. Unfortunately, the info available and studies even a decade ago were not nearly as detailed about brain impact as is now being reported. I’m sold that its not worth what happens to your brain and want to reverse as much as possible urgently — looking forward to meeting my 90 day goal and giving up P for good.

    Completed 30 Days!


  968. No nut November 2017 : Done

    I started on October 31st and now it’s November 30th

    This is my 2nd longest streak (first is 39 days last year)

    And so far to be honest, i didn’t have the benefits like my last long streak ranging from confidence to better sleep quality
    But that doesn’t stop me from going to 60 days since I’m not doing this for just the benefits, but also living a better lifestyle

    The most noticeable benefit so far is confidence and the ability to not give a single shit about what others think of me (this is huge since i was always insecure about myself and what I was going to say might hurt others because i had the mentality to put others first and not myself)

    Fuck what others think of me
    I do whatever i feel like doing without having anyone’s approval to feel content with myself

    My next biggest goal during nofap is to be blunt about my feelings and telling others what i truly think and feel rather than sugar coat some bullshit with apologizes and excuses

    Like for example : if someone told me to do something that I really, really don’t feel like doing, I would just accept since i don’t want to hurt their feelings but now i slowly realize that non of this shit that’s making me uncomfortable is worth a single second of my time and I’ve wasted months doing this just to satisfy someone else, and to that I say, fuck you, no more. Now, I’m slowly started to build up courage to stand for myself and be open about how I feel and rejecting someone is slowly becoming better since I don’t give a fuck anymore about these toxic people

    Thank you Nofap for giving me an opportunity to make myself better than what I was before a month ago.

    No nut November 2017 : Done

  969. Benefits you feel 4 weeks in….!

    Benefits I’ve Experienced:

    1. Lots of Energy

    2. Urges are way less than the first two-three weeks

    3. Discipline to a whole new level

    4. Low Social Anxiety

    5. Overall you just feel great and feel mentally clearer and more focused

    EDIT: For all my brosephs, yes I’ve experienced a lot more female attraction I’d say 400% more than before but I care way less about girls liking me now then when I started nofap. I’m more concerned about reaching my goals and full potential. Granted, I still hang with the girls I’m dating/talking to right now but it just feels natural now. That the best way to describe it, talking and hanging with girls has started to feel natural and is fun. It no longer feels awkward and forced.

    Benefits you feel 4 weeks in….!

  970. It definitely has benefits

    I ended a 26 day streak last night.

    I’ll make it quick and easy.

    Pros. Better sleep Less anxiety More confidence Clearer head
    More energy More friendly But the big one for me was optimism I truly felt anything could happen good things.

    Cons. Horny all the time Kinda aggressive towards the opposite sex Just that ongoing feeling of wanting to bust my nut lol

    Overall I feel bad now because out of everything since relapsing the anxiety is back 100 times worse.

    Let’s go again.

    It definitely has benefits

  971. Day 45 – half way to 90

    Day 45 and I’m feeling good. Urges quite strong over the last week or so but I’ve learnt from other streaks that relapses tend to come when I’m idle and not focussed on important things I should be doing.

    What have I learnt in those 45 days? Well this is what I’ve found:

    – Performing heaps better at the gym
    – weight loss
    – better mood
    – better morale
    – no approval seeking from others
    – faster growth of hair
    – looking after myself better
    – wanting to be more social with others and scoring dates with a few girls
    – attention from the opposite sex
    – glowing skin
    – friends noticing I have a higher vibrational energy in my voice and presence
    – much more confidence, as I’ve noticed I walk like I own myself, I walk with my chest open
    – feeling like I can take on anything
    – clearing away old programs and energies from childhood that hampered my progress

    And this is only what I can think of from the top of my head. NoFap has without a doubt changed my life.

    Day 45 – half way to 90

  972. I am on day 43 and wow. What a change.

    Well, we are all in this together. The biggest addiction in the good old USA is PMO. I am on day 43 and wow. What a change. I have so much mental and physical energy.

    My mood is always up beat. And, the ladies are attracted to me. And, I love being around them, and interacting and talking to them. I am very confident and handling all areas of my life. Why would anyone want to go back to the depressing life of PMO? Would you take a snort of coke to feel good everyday? You might feel good temporarily, but the coke will end up destroying you in the long run. Come on guys and gals. Want to be happy?; want to have a great marriage?; then stop the PMO.

    If I can do it, so can you. Your destiny is in your hands. You can choose life and no PMO. Or, you can choose death and PMO. 7777Juan

    Stop the PMO once and forever

  973. Today marks 60 days of no PMO.

    Greetings, fellow Fapstronauts!

    Today marks 60 days of no PMO. I had posted a thread on the 50 day mark which you can read here to give you some background. The past ten days has been quite a roller coaster. I’ll briefly discuss some benefits and observations over the past 60 days and some plans for the future. I’ll try not to keep it too long.

    The Benefits

    Over the past 60 days, here are some of the benefits I have experienced:

    • Slight boost in energy and concentration;
    • Better skin – appears to be glowing and acne is clearing to some extent;
    • Decrease in anxiety with boost in confidence and assertiveness;
    • Women attraction.


    I have been experiencing a flatline of sorts over the past several weeks. By flatline, I am referring to my energy levels and moods. I realize that others interpret flatlines as also having low libido but this has not been the case for me.

    My energy has been very low and my mood has been dismal. However, I’ve been doing great in not relapsing in any way. I have had urges and fantasies like crazy but immediately get busy with something when they appear.

    I mentioned in my last post that I blew a tire on my truck and had to fork out a bit of cash to pay for a new one. I also mentioned that I had handled that stress quite well as a result of being on NoFap. Interestingly enough, I hit a deer while driving home one night. The deer died after impact, and now my truck is sitting in a lot at a collision center waiting for assessments from my auto insurance provider. I’m not sure if it will be a write off – the grille was destroyed, head lights damaged, radiator bent and line severed, and somehow the transmission failed making the vehicle inoperable. I mentioned in my last post that normally I would be very anxious, stressed and agitated at such a situation but lately I haven’t been letting things like that bother me. All I care about is that no one else was hurt and I survived – it could have been a lot worse.

    Ever since December my energy has been very low. During the holidays I worked at my security job and racked up a ton of hours. I worked out a few times at a local gym but decided to stop after I developed intolerable lower back pain. I wasn’t sleeping well at all as I was staying in an apartment building and the neighbors above me were constantly arguing, being loud, and their 7 month old son cried incessantly. I mean a lot. Ear plugs wouldn’t even help and several complaints have been made to the landlord and police as sometimes their arguments were alcohol fueled and violent. For three whole weeks a slept very little and worked a lot. Funnily enough the neighbors were always home when I was and seemed to be gone when I was too. My schedule was quite sporadic since I do shift work. What are the chances, right? I was a little miserable but kept on truckin’. My family was away for the holidays in another city where my sister and her family live so I was very lonely. My coworkers were concerned at how tired and lifeless I looked – it was as though I was back on PMO. I was drinking a massive amount of coffee daily and eating shit food because I was too exhausted to cook. As a result I started breaking out again and my ‘beer gut’ is starting to make a reappearance. To top it all off I had the aforementioned vehicle troubles. PLUS, I got rejected in the form of a letter from the Canadian Armed Forces on account of my chronic Asthma. I’ve definitely hit some difficult times which certainly doesn’t help with the flatline. I feel like the world is testing me. But I know I will prevail; this is just character building and everything happens for a reason. NoFap is definitely helping me become a bad ass warrior – a warrior who doesn’t let things like that affect him.

    Strategies to Combat the Flatline

    Yesterday I visited a chiropractor in hopes of undergoing my first Network Spinal Analysis treatment. I was shown an x-ray of my spine compared to a normal spine and was shocked at how misaligned my spine is – my neck posture is poor, there are slight twists in the upper and lower portion of my spine, and have a pinched disk at the bottom of my spine as a result of an anterior pelvic tilt. No wonder my back has been killing me! My chiropractor informed me that I may have no energy as a result of the pelvic tilt. He suggested a manual adjustment but I was apprehensive – I had never had one before. I declined and opted for a level 1 NSA treatment. It was a series of light touches up and down my spine and some probing with a device I believe is called an “Arthrometer”. Physically, I felt no major difference after the treatment. However, ever since then I have felt a strange feeling of bliss and relaxation. The pain is still there but not as bad. Last night I actually slept quite decently. I’ve been having nightmares for the past few weeks and still haven’t been able to get a full sleep even though I’m not at the noisy apartment anymore. I feel the NSA treatment had something to do with the pleasant sleepy. I will have a manual adjustment next week as I have resolved my apprehensions and want to try it. I have started working out again, am eating healthier and will continue with meditation and cold showers. At the suggestion of a fellow Fapstronaut on my previous thread I will start Yoga. I feel it could help with my back problems and muscle imbalances. I will continue to receive NSA treatments as I have read so many great things and am willing to try it. If any of you are interested, you can read about NSA here. I will write about it more as my treatments progress.

    I also wanted to mention that I intend to overcome my caffeine addiction. I had quit for two weeks a few months ago and the headaches were terrible. I went back to drinking coffee and now want to stop again so I don’t have to rely on a stimulant for daily energy. I started supplementing coffee for green tea yesterday and will gradually wean myself off. I’ll update you come day 90.

    Onto 90 Days and Beyond

    I feel that being on NoFap has pushed me further along in my commitments to being healthy. Years ago, I would have never entertained the thought of working out, resolving my addictions, or even reading and learning about something like NSA. Even though I have been experiencing the flatline and all these minor misfortunes, I am more determined than ever to overcome all obstacles. I feel NoFap plays a huge role in that. I feel like it is my duty as a man, a human being, to give my greatest gifts to the world even though they may not be accepted. It is my duty to become the greatest version of myself. I am a child of the Creator of the Universe and it is my birth rite to accomplish such things. I refuse to go back to the skinny, weak, emotionally unstable, suicidal, smelly, pizza-faced, alcohol abusing, cigarette smoking, miserable, ignorant, do-nothing, PMO’ing beta male I once was. I wasn’t able to give my best self to others or to the world back then. I was miserable, wanted to end my life, and couldn’t figure out for the life of me why relationships and other things in general didn’t work out. I have been into the whole self-improvement thing for the last couple years but nothing has helped me more than NoFap. I know that NoFap alone won’t solve or help everything in my life, but it has been an excellent tool. This journey has been amazing so far and I will keep going. I refuse to give up. The women attraction has been great but I still have to work on approaching. My anxiety has been bad the last week but am determined to push through it by more cold showers, meditation, prayer, yoga, and generally approaching more and more people with a ‘freedom from outcome’ mindset. I’ve said before that my anxiety comes and goes and hope that these strategies will keep it at bay in the long run. It’s much better than what it was years ago.

    Sorry if this was a little long, but I hope this helps some of you along in your journey. I hope that you are able to understand what I am trying to get across in this post as my mind has not been entirely clear as of late and it tends to show in my writing. I continue to read success stories during my free time and I must say – there are some pretty inspiring individuals in this community. I’m glad to take part in it. I hope to discuss more come day 90 on my progress with ED, PE, anxiety, fitness, women attraction and more. I have not had any nocturnal emissions yet but we shall see.

    More to come on day 90 and beyond. Stay hungry for your goals and dreams, my friends. I believe in you!

    Update on 60 Days

  974. Month one update: Return of the Mojo

    Hey guys,

    Just thought I’d pop by and give a quick update on how things have been going. This is my second serious attempt, the first time some time I got overconfident and slipped back into bad habits. This time the cravings and mood swings have been less severe, I’m much less uncontrollably horny during the day but far more interested in sex with my gf, like last time.

    We’ve been having sex pretty much every other day, which is comfortable for us, I get to a full charge between those times and because I am multi orgasmic I tend to spend everything I have when we’re intimate. The sex is really good, very close, sensual and with lots of really great physical sensations. Last night we both woke up in the middle of the night and started randomly making out, which lead to some somewhat strange but thoroughly enjoyable semi conscious fucking.

    I can tell she’s feeling happier and more secure, she’s extremely responsive and hasn’t rejected me when I initiate, though she’s been initiating sneakily too. I think she’s really pleased to be the centre of attention again, and the further I get into it, the less I miss jerking off and the more I look forward to sex with her.

    So all in all great progress, thanks for everyone who’s lent their support, I think this is definitely the right way for me to be in a relationship, and I finally feel like the last pieces in a really great puzzle are falling into place.

    Stay strong!

    Month one update: Return of the Mojo


    Holy. Shit. Before the streak I’m currently on right now, I was, well by my definition a loser. I couldn’t talk to girls without stuttering and getting nervous. I acted awkward as fuck. I walked around the halls with my head down and headphones in. I had friends and I did talk to people and I wasn’t a weirdo, but I just had very low self self-esteem and and no confidence in myself. Then NoFap. 10-11 days later… suddenly I feel something inside of me just burst. My insecurities and anxiety banished in thin air. I found myself having an amazing connection with girls. I held a conversation for over an hour and did it again the next day. Girls finally started to “notice” me. It’s like I was invisible before. They would randomly smile at me, laugh and hold a conversation with me when talking. Heck, girls I didn’t even know would say hey to me in the halls. I stopped listening to music in the halls, I started to hold my head up high and walk with confidence. I could talk to any girl at this point without getting nervous or stuttering. And I also found that guys started respecting me more. It just like everyone knew something had changed in me. It’s crazy! The depressing thoughts in my head disappeared. My motivation to talk to people, be chill, and just have fun in life increased tenfold. And the more I notice myself doing it, the more confident I get. I love that feeling. I’ve been riding a wave for the past 4 days.


    If NoFap has completely changed me in just 13 fucking days, then I know it can do the same with you.


  976. 30 days achieved – my reflections
    This will be an honest reflection of the effects that I had seen, with measured results and my conclusions as to what I will do going forward.

    – More creative/funny in social situations. Less social anxiety.
    – More energy/purpose to achieve my goals
    – More sensitivity in my penis
    -More attention from women/smiles

    There were other effects but I have to put them down as placebo.


    Nofap is definitely something I will continue to do. I have regained a lot of sensitivity in my mind/penis. For the first time in a long time, I was recieving dopamine rushes from looking at hot girls (which were not porn) also, began popping boners over hot girls that were on films, actually some films were difficult to watch because of this. This is something that never happened before.

    I decided that I will eliminate full video streaming P and any unclothed images. I will still masturbate to girls in their bras/selfies. I think if I was to do this every 2-3 weeks, this would be so much better than viewing full blown P every day and masturbating. The masturbation session that i had on this, after 30 days, was too intense to remove from my life at this time.

    I think the issue is how much we consume porn and death grip. I have also decided to eliminate ‘death grip’ from my life. I only use a tiny/subtle friction now and will actively preserve this. I will also consume ‘hot pics’ (not porn) every 2-3 weeks and not every day.

    All in all I learnt a lot from Nofap and it had cured the problem that I had which I can now move on from. You can say I will be living in a state of nofap for 14-21 days then releasing.

    I have resetted my counter and will go another 30 days nofap until september, where i’ll be having a lot of sex.

    30 days achieved – my reflections

  977. Thank you r/pornfree

    Sorry for my somewhat crappy English, I’m Argentinian, doing the best I can.

    I want to tell how I discovered this sub, I was actually looking for a porn-subreddit, I didn’t really knew what I would find and I was curious, I came across this sub and I actually ended up reading a lot of the posts in the sub, and after thinking it a few days and watching some videos about the topic, I decided to stop watching porn, that was one month ago.

    Mine it’s not the typical story we are all used to reading in the sub, I realised that even tho I wasn’t addict, porn could actually be very harmful to me and the effort is worth it. I’am at my month of not fapping and I think I already hit the turning point where I feel i have the control of the situation(as we all know, not fapping can be extremely difficult specially the first months) , It was very hard but doable, I can only imagine how painful this very same thing that I managed to do can be to seriously addicts.

    Already I feel more relaxed, more focused in the present and in my goals, I just realize how truly energy-consuming this bad habit was, My gf is very proud of me and I don’t even know how I would have go through this without her.

    I really want to thank all of this wonderful community for raising awareness in this topic, I feel really lucky because this bad habit didn’t turned into an addiction, and all of this is because of you guys.

    Thank you again and I hope everyone in the sub can achieve their objectives regarding this topic.

  978. Getting less paranoid the longer my streak goes. Is that normal?

    Hey friends!

    It may sound a bit weird but when I used to fap once or twice a day, I’ve been extremely paranoid. I often felt like people were looking at me when I was outside. Also, when trying to fall asleep, I very often felt like that I’ve forgotten to close the fridge or let the light on in some rooms which made me stand up and look for it.

    The longer my streak goes the less I have those feelings. The first that I’ve described even turned into a positive one since I now feel like girls look at me because I’m (perhaps) handsome in a way. When I feel like I’m getting watches I just smile and almost 100% of the time I get a friendly smile back.

    Nevertheless, have any of you guys had such feelings?

    Stay strong brothers, don’t fu** yourself!

  979. Is this ancient knowledge?

    I started nofap back on 2nd December, and while my journey has been short it’s certainly not been uneventful. In the short space of time I’ve noticed a lot of changes within me.

    More confident More attention from females Better sleep More energy Some weight loss (considering we’ve just had Christmas) Less anxious I use to have some grey hairs and noticeable grey stubble but this has now reversed itself Better relationship with my wife and kids

    My ‘luck’ appears to have changed for the better. I run my own company and have noticed a sharp increase in demand, thus meaning more turnover and better finances. I also seem to get better deals on holidays/clothing/items than before.

    Is this some ancient knowledge that was stolen from us? Porn is seen as ‘cool’ and the norm these day but is the old saying of ‘masturbating will make you blind’ actually true? I think it does make us blind to the true meaning and our existence.

  980. I’ve been performing SO much better at work

    I’ve always been pretty lazy at my job. I would always do the minimal amount of work because I just couldn’t get myself to expend enough energy to do better.

    Ever since I started this streak, I’ve been going hard at work. I’ve been getting more done than all my coworkers. My manager took notice and was shocked by how much better I was performing. He even asked me to come in on my days off (which is seen as a privlege around here).

    This stuff really works yo.

  981. After quitting porn I’m beginning to look for deeper connection with women

    I’m becoming more interested in real relationships with good friendship and bonding, with someone I can talk to for hours. Sex is taking a backseat in how I feel about women around me. idk if I’m making sense. Physical attractiveness is also becoming less and less important, which was by far the most important thing some time ago. I hate to even recall a phase in my life when I let go of a wonderful girl because my friends called her “below my league” in looks. I was so insecure. She was the best friend I ever had and obviously the best girl I dated. This will be the biggest regret of my life forever.

    It’s like I’m going back in my mid teens, I was like that back then, not exposed to the world of porn.

  982. 30 days y’all!! ( Benefits included)

    Yup! From 14-20 times a week to 0 for 30 days ! This is my first shot at nofap and fuck yes I’m proud of it!! Although I get I horny now and then, there’s nothing much I can go about it. I currently am single so , the option of channeling my sexual energy is not there. That’s the only thing I have a problem with. Sometimes I wish I never got horny lol

    Anyways, I feel happier and yes more confident. My heart used to beat like a million times a minute when a hot girl or a presentable girl is within a 5-6 ft radius lol , but now it’s all chill. I feel better and confident around them.

    My skin seems to have brightened ,idk if this is placebo. I’m following the same diet though.( I don’t eat out a lot , I make sure I eat atleast one fruit a day or one vegetable salad )

    And I have been unsure about the idea of female attraction. Because that kind of “magic” hasn’t worked well yet. Meh

    I don’t gym, cos work! So I’m not qualified to comment on the gains yet.

    My hair seems fine , no significant development. I feel my beard has grown a bit more than expedition. But again maybe a placebo y’all XD

    I have been planning to nofap indefinitely , so wish me luck brothers!!

  983. One full semester without any porn. FOUR MONTHS PORN FREE

    Honestly if you had told me even in June that I would be doing this, I would’ve called you crazy. In July I decided to try but had a few relapses before getting my shit together in August. I’ve had a lot of healthy changes because of this.

    I objectify women less, I have just generally healthier thoughts about women, and I don’t waste time looking at stupid porn videos. When I initially quit, I remember masturbation was not as enjoyable. But about a month ago I started reaching enjoyment levels the same as when I used to watch porn but now without it! It feels much better. Thanks to everyone who has encouraged me on here. It was difficult at times especially being in college where watching porn amongst guys is super normal, but I did it.

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